
When the mammary glands hurt before menstruation. Why did the chest stop hurting before menstruation? How to relieve pain

The site provides background information for informational purposes only. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases should be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. Expert advice is required!

Tumors of the mammary glands

The health of the nation as a whole depends on the health of women in particular, because they are the successors of the human race. Today, in the structure of the morbidity of the female population, malignant diseases of the breast take the first place. The insidiousness of this pathology lies in the absence pain in the breast.

It is a well-known fact that the absence of complaints will not force a woman to undergo a breast examination with preventive purpose. So the tumor long time may not cause any symptoms, and is often a godsend for the woman herself. That is why it is so important to pay enough attention to teaching the technique of self-examination of the mammary glands. At the slightest doubt, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Predisposing factors for the development of breast cancer include:

  • hereditary predisposition;
  • radiation;
  • uncontrolled intake of oral contraceptives;
  • the presence of concomitant diseases;
  • fibrocystic mastopathy.

Anatomical and physiological features of the mammary glands

The mammary glands are a paired glandular organ main function which is the production of milk after childbirth. The size, shape, position of the mammary glands are individual for each woman, and have their own characteristics, depending on age, the degree of development of the genital organs, menstrual cycle and pregnancy.

In the structure of the mammary glands, 15-20 lobules are isolated, each of which has its own excretory duct. In the region of the nipple, the ducts form an extension - the lactiferous sinus, in which milk accumulates during lactation. The excretory ducts open at the top of the nipple, which becomes clearly visible during breastfeeding, when the mammary gland performs its function in full. Conical or cylindrical, flat or inverted nipples- this idiosyncrasy every woman. Women face the problem of inverted nipples after the birth of a child, when difficulties arise in the process of feeding the baby. Do not forget that the nipple and areola are an erogenous zone, which in turn is due to the presence of muscle fibers located close to the skin and a large number of nerve endings. The mammary gland is represented by glandular tissue, connective and fatty, the ratio of which may be different. The mammary glands have a rich blood supply.

The formation of the mammary glands begins in girls at the age of 8-9 years, and completely ends by the age of 15. Like any glandular organ, the mammary glands are subject to the influence of specific hormones (estrogens, progesterone, prolactin) that affect changes in the excretory ducts and lobules. The amount and ratio of these hormones varies in different periods woman's life, during pregnancy and lactation.

Why does chest pain occur before menstruation?

At the root of the causes chest pain before period there is a violation of the correct production of sex hormones. The severity of these changes, in combination with factors external environment, causes the development of a particular pathology of the mammary glands. Chest pain before menstruation may occur in the following cases.

The response of the body during a normal menstrual cycle. Under the influence of progesterone and prolactin in the second phase of the cycle, the breast slightly increases due to edema of the stroma and stagnation venous blood, and women may experience chest pain before menstruation, but no more than four days when good health. This condition is called mastodynia. When the phases of the menstrual cycle change, when the ratio of hormones changes again, the pain disappears. In this case, no specific treatment not required.

Mastodynia associated with premenstrual syndrome. In women, in addition to chest pains before menstruation, other complaints appear (headaches, increased blood pressure, swelling of the legs and arms, psycho-emotional disorders, etc.). In this situation, the severity of premenstrual syndrome is assessed, and complex treatment for all complaints. Therapy given state includes the following activities:

  • a diet with restriction of fluid and salt, the exclusion from the diet of foods that stimulate nervous system(coffee, strong tea, spices, alcohol, chocolate and others);
  • sleep and rest regimen;
  • walks in the open air;
  • dosed physical exercises;
  • medical treatment.
Side effects of combined oral contraceptives. On average, pain can be disturbing in the first three months from the start of taking the drug. If the pain does not go away, and sometimes even increases, you should consult a doctor to replace the drug, or even stop taking oral contraceptives.
Prolactinomabenign tumor pituitary gland (brain structure) that produces in large numbers hormone prolactin. At the same time, a woman is constantly worried about chest pain, and before menstruation, there may be an increase in pain. In this case, the only treatment is surgical, which consists in removing the tumor.

Mastodynia as a symptom of mastopathy. This pathology deserves close attention, since if not detected and not treated in time, it can lead to the development of breast cancer.

Mastopathy as a cause of chest pain before menstruation

general information

Mastopathy is a disease of the mammary gland of a benign nature, in which there are pathological growths in the tissues of the gland. Most often women aged 30-45 years suffer.

There are 2 forms of mastopathy:
1. Nodular, with the formation of a node (fibroadenoma or cyst).
2. Diffuse, with a large number of nodes, which, in turn, is divided into mastopathy:

  • with a predominance of the fibrous component;
  • with a predominance of the cystic component;
  • with a predominance of the glandular component;
  • mixed.

The main complaint in mastopathy is breast engorgement and chest pain before menstruation, from dull and aching to sharp and unbearable (more often with diffuse form). Women may be bothered by discharge from the nipples - transparent, white or with green tint. During self-examination of the mammary glands, women themselves can detect a node or

Treatment of mastopathy

Treatment of mastopathy depends on the form of the identified pathology. It can be surgical and conservative (medical).

All nodular forms (usually fibroadenomas) are subject to removal - that is, something that has a high tendency to degenerate into cancer is removed. There are two options for removal: removal of only the tumor (husking), or removal of a part (sector) of the mammary gland along with a tumor-like formation.

Drug treatment, in turn, includes hormonal and non-hormonal, or a combination of both. Hormonal drugs are prescribed to correct the amount and ratio of hormones, but only after a hormonal blood test.

Non-hormonal treatment includes wide range drugs:

  • trace elements;
  • diuretics;
  • sedatives;
  • homeopathic remedies;
  • enzyme preparations.
Thus, the appearance of chest pain before menstruation should alert a woman. It must be remembered that timely detection of changes helps to avoid complications and improve the quality of life.

Soreness of the chest is one of the usual for many harbingers of the imminent onset of menstruation. In some cases, this symptom can signal problems in the body of a woman, so it is important to be attentive to its appearance and accompanying signs.

Physiological causes

Pain in mammary glands ah before menstruation - in most cases, the phenomenon is physiological, on discomfort and bust enlargement complain about 60% of women. This symptom is directly related to the processes of hormonal adjustment that occur monthly, and is considered the norm.

Mastodynia and premenstrual syndrome

Expressed chest pains that occur on the eve of menstruation, repeating each cycle, are the norm. Experts gave them the name mastodynia.

It is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • the chest is noticeably poured, increases in size;
  • nipples are a little rough;
  • there are moderate pains in the mammary glands, aggravated by touch.

Normally, such manifestations occur strictly in the second half of the cycle, after ovulation. The duration of painful sensations, as a rule, does not exceed a week, and they end shortly before the onset of menstruation. This symptomatology is directly related to changes in the hormonal balance during the cycle: after ovulation, the egg enters the uterine cavity, and the endocrine system starts the mechanism of preparation for pregnancy, increasing the percentage of prolactin and progesterone in the blood.

These hormones affect the mammary glands, increasing their volume. After the body "understands" that conception has not occurred, it stops producing secrets. The breast returns to its normal state, and in women the lower abdomen begins to hurt - the uterus is preparing to remove the egg and the endometrial layer.

Moderate pain that begins after ovulation and stops at the beginning of menstruation is the norm. A slight deviation, experts consider severe malaise in women during this period - premenstrual syndrome. It occurs in the context of violations metabolic processes, endocrine and vascular systems.

Premenstrual syndrome also begins to appear after ovulation, but the picture of its symptoms is much brighter and deeper than that of mastodynia:

  • the breast greatly increases in size;
  • mammary glands become heavy and in great pain;
  • women have headaches, nausea and loss of appetite;
  • there is a tendency to swelling of the extremities;
  • acne appears;
  • increased urination.

One more salient feature PMS - emotional instability. Women become capricious, whiny, irritable and overreact to any little things.

The occurrence of premenstrual syndrome is a reason to turn to a gynecologist-endocrinologist for help.

Severe pain and emotional instability speak of hormonal imbalances that cannot be ignored, especially with the approaching menopause.

A specialist will help you choose drugs that can even out the background and make your life more comfortable.

Pathological causes

If pain in the mammary glands occurs not only after ovulation, but manifests itself at any stage of the menstrual cycle, a woman should visit a gynecologist and mammologist to find out the reasons for her ailment. This discomfort can be caused by serious diseases that require qualified treatment.

Ovarian dysfunction

Functional disorders of the ovaries - dangerous state requiring correction by long-term hormonal therapy.

This paired organ regulates cyclic changes in the female body, indirectly starting the work endocrine system. If the ovarian function fails, the order of hormone production is also disrupted, which leads to the following specific signs and phenomena:

Even with successful fertilization, hormonal imbalance will lead to habitual miscarriage. The fetus "freezes" and stops developing, in other cases, there is a tone of the uterus, causing a miscarriage. To avoid such tragic situations, women should prepare for pregnancy and check the levels of hormones important for reproduction.

Premenstrual syndrome against the background of ovarian dysfunction is very pronounced and pronounced.

Ovarian dysfunction can lead to infertility and cause a number of "female" diseases, so at the first sign of it, you should consult a gynecologist.

One of the pathologies that cause hormonal disruptions is mastopathy. This disease is characterized by the formation of dense nodules and cysts in the structure of the mammary gland, painful to the touch.

Mastopathy goes through two stages of development, in the first of them, the breast, under the influence of hormonal changes, begins to hurt a lot before menstruation, but when they occur, unpleasant symptoms end.

At the final, nodal stage of mastopathy, breast soreness does not stop throughout the entire cycle. Women note that the breasts are very swollen, and a clear or white liquid is released from the nipples when pressed. The pain radiates to the armpit or to the shoulder, often there are peculiar bouts of its amplification.

Despite the fact that mastopathy is characterized benign formations in breast tissues, ignore this pathology it is forbidden.

You should contact a mammologist not only to eliminate the discomfort that accompanies mastopathy. A benign tumor can degenerate into cancer, so it is important to take all measures to eliminate it in a timely manner.

Malignant formations

Running mastopathy often degenerates into cancerous tumors. When the formation cells change, the symptomatic picture also changes:

  • pain in the mammary gland increases, becomes unbearable;
  • there is a retraction of the nipple or a certain area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin on the affected breast;
  • a "lemon peel" appears over the area affected by cancer;
  • the area of ​​skin over the neoplasm may turn red or swell significantly;
  • discharge from the nipple becomes cloudy, often marked by the presence of pus or blood in them.

As the pathological process deformity of the mammary gland affected cancerous tumor, the asymmetry of the breasts becomes apparent. When palpated, the neoplasm does not move, but seems to be soldered to the skin. An oncologist should deal with the treatment of such a pathology.


Every woman has breast enlargement before menstruation. However, for some beautiful ladies, breasts swell quite a bit before menstruation, for others, there is an increase in the size of the bust by almost a whole size. And for others, chest pain before menstruation is simply unbearable.

Young girls who have recently started menstruating are the most frightened, because they still do not know the characteristics of their body. Therefore, questions about pain, swelling and discomfort in the mammary gland during the approaching menstruation are quite reasonable and correct questions that concern a woman.

The condition when the chest hurts during menstruation is called mastodynia or mastalgia in medicine. Living in the 21st century, a woman must know the characteristics of her body and understand a number of symptoms. So, swelling of the breasts in the pre menstrual period each woman can come individually: some have chest pain 2 weeks before menstruation, others - 2 days before the start spotting. And this does not mean the development of pathology. On average, the entire menstrual cycle for one woman is 26-31 days.

After the cessation of menstruation, the body begins to actively produce the hormones progesterone and prolactin. This process occurs in 11-15 days monthly cycle. The more active ovulation occurs, the higher the level of hormones. This is a natural preparation process. female body to the conception of a baby, which occurs monthly.

Ovulation is manifested by a number of symptoms, one of which is swollen breasts before menstruation.

The female mammary gland inside has a lobular structure. The composition of such lobules, in addition to various tissues, also includes milk ducts. As estrogen levels rise, a woman notices breast enlargement. The volume increases due to the increase in adipose tissue. Swelling of the mammary glands before menstruation changes the structure of the mammary gland itself, since the work of the endocrine system is now aimed at preparing for production breast milk. Therefore, it is absolutely normal that during this process a woman develops pain, sensitivity increases, the bust increases in size, etc.

Now it’s clear why the chest hurts before menstruation. But how severe the pain can be in this case, what can be the nature of the pain, how does the bust increase, and when can engorgement of the mammary glands before menstruation be a signal of illness? Let's figure it out, because when one left breast hurts, or vice versa - the right one, it may no longer be " side effect» the next few days before menstruation, but a symptom of the disease.

When severe chest pain before menstruation is not the norm

It is also important for a woman to pay attention to how her chest hurts before menstruation. Deviations from the norm are considered to be strong pain syndrome when touched. In addition to pain, they also talk about the pathological condition of spasms, with a message to the back or pelvis, seals, swollen lymph nodes, bloody or purulent discharge from the nipples. Such symptoms are a reason for an urgent appeal to a gynecologist and may be signs of:

  • mastopathy;
  • cancer;
  • ovarian dysfunction;
  • hormonal failure;
  • gynecological disease.

However, pain sensations appearance and breast shapes can be healthy woman. In some representatives of the weaker sex, breast engorgement and soreness disappear immediately after the onset of menstrual flow. And in others, soreness and swelling of the bust continues during menstruation. Fertilization of the egg does not occur, menstruation begins, the structure of the breast tissue is restored. Swelling, soreness disappears, the volume of glands decreases. But this is after menstruation.

How can the condition of the breast change before menstruation

Where is the border between the norm and pathology, why is it important to pay attention to the condition of the bust before menstruation? Because the chest before menstruation hurts in a completely healthy woman. Pathological conditions we examined, therefore, in order not to panic at each menstruation, remember how the chest hurts during menstruation in a healthy girl or woman. Normally, you may experience:

  • engorgement and enlargement of the mammary glands;
  • increased blood flow and increased sensitivity of the nipples;
  • a slight tingling or burning inside the nipple, a feeling of squeezing;
  • slight discharge from the nipple, very clear or like milk, without blood or bad smell. That is why nipples hurt before menstruation in many of the fair sex.

When to Go to the Doctor

To avoid diseases, a woman should visit a gynecologist, and after 40 years - an oncogynecologist and a mammologist at least once a year. Regardless of whether the chest before menstruation hurts a lot, or there is practically no pain.

You should not postpone a visit to the doctor if:

  • pain appears not only before or after menstruation, but also in the middle of the cycle;
  • you have found a seal, a nodule in the mammary gland;
  • the nipples have changed color and discharge appears from them in the middle of the cycle or after menstruation;
  • there were changes on the skin in the chest area.

Every woman should do her own breast examination. It is better to do this a week after the end of menstruation, standing in front of a mirror or lying down, in a relaxed state. With circular, not too squeezing movements, you need to feel the entire mammary gland. It is also mandatory to visit a gynecologist twice a year for those young ladies who are at risk for the development of diseases of the mammary glands.

You are in a risk group if:

  • frequent abortions, spontaneous miscarriages, tendency to miscarriage;
  • irregular menstrual cycle, menopause;
  • Availability gynecological diseases and oncology in relatives along the female line;
  • uncontrolled medication, self-medication, the use of birth control pills;
  • bad habits - smoking and alcohol;
  • past trauma to the chest.

How to Treat or Relieve Breast Pain

If your chest hurts before menstruation, and there is a suspicion of an ailment, then only a specialist can prescribe adequate treatment. It could be like herbal preparations that reduce pain, and medications. With severe pain, which is accompanied by nausea and even vomiting, the doctor will prescribe special homeopathic or hormonal remedies. reduce pain threshold simple pain relievers will help:

  • ibuprofen;

  • sedalgin;

  • aspirin.

Aspirin doctors do not recommend the use of young people - this drug negatively affects the walls of blood vessels. It is better to choose medicines based on paracetamol.

If your breasts hurt a lot before your period, then giving up a traditional bra will help reduce the pain. Such a bra puts pressure on already swollen breasts, restricts blood circulation, and increases discomfort. You can replace it with special corrective underwear or a sports top.

Watch your diet in the period before the onset of menstruation:

  • drink less fluids and eat less salty, fatty foods to avoid swelling;
  • reduce the use of strong tea and coffee, it is better to drink mineral water without gas;
  • eat more vegetables and fruits.

Try to be less nervous, get enough rest and sleep, and avoid excess weight. Extra pounds often cause hormonal disorders and women's diseases.

Every third woman complains that changes in the mammary glands appear before the start of the monthly cycle. Breast size increases, which pleases the hostess, but every fourth woman also notes pain in this part of the body. This fact is worrisome.

Especially worried are young girls who do not complain about the soreness of the bust, but suddenly feel unpleasant symptoms. Should breasts hurt before menstruation? Or is it a consequence of the disease?

The appearance of painful sensations of the mammary glands before the start of the menstrual cycle is scientifically called "mastodynia" or "mastolgia". Modern ladies are required to know the nuances of their body, especially the "tricks" of the mammary glands.

Causes of discomfort of the mammary glands before the cycle

Why do breasts hurt before menstruation? In a healthy woman, the menstrual period is 28-30 days. On the 11-15th day of the cycle in the female body, the amount of estrogen increases sharply (the level of progesterone and prolactin increases). Their number increases due to the onset of ovulation, when the egg waiting for fertilization leaves the follicle (this occurs in the second half of the menstrual cycle). The body of a woman waits every month and prepares for conception.

The mammary glands have a lobular structure. The lobule is formed by connective, glandular and adipose tissues. They contain milk ducts. Estrogens are located in adipose tissue. When the level of these hormones rises sharply, the volume of the fatty component of the breast increases (this phenomenon is called “proliferation”). The structure of the glandular areas also changes - they begin to prepare for the production of milk.

The mammary glands under the action of hormones in the middle of the cycle become engorged, there is an increase in their size. Sensitivity increases by 3-4 times. This process causes pain.

The very nature of pain is individual. Chest pain before menstruation can be mild, and sometimes even accidentally touching the nipples of a shirt or bra causes physical pain, discomfort. Pain in the mammary glands can be present in one breast or both, strongly give to the armpit, back, down the abdomen. Such nuances depend on the body.

Serious chest pain before menstruation is experienced by every 10 women every month. The rest of the discomfort is mild. The period before the monthly cycle is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • Painful sensations of one or two mammary glands.
  • Increase the sensitivity of this area.
  • Small discharge from the nipples.
  • Seals of areas of the skin of the chest.
  • The appearance of roughness.

How many days before menstruation does the chest start to hurt? A woman can notice changes in the mammary glands 10-12 days before the onset of menstruation. As soon as menstruation begins, the body understands that pregnancy has not occurred. Proliferation atrophies, resolves, the pain disappears. If painful sensations are mild, and others signs of PMS don't worry - nothing to worry about. Hormonal disbalance you do not have, the body functions normally.

Severe mastodynia is common in sensitive women who tend to worry over trifles, suffering from nervous strain and depression.

In four out of ten women, two weeks before menstruation, chest pain is accompanied by discharge from the nipples - this is normal for this state of the body before menstruation. But sometimes the usual sensations of discomfort in the mammary glands suddenly change: they increase or disappear. Why?

Sudden cessation of chest pain before menstruation

A lot of anxiety is caused by situations when the monthly discomfort of the mammary glands, which has already become habitual, suddenly ceases to bother. The reason for this becomes:

  1. Change sexual life . If intimate relationships become regular, chest pain before menstruation disappears.
  2. The arrival of pregnancy. Although conception is vice versa, it is marked by an increase in the sensitivity of the breasts and nipples, but there are also opposite symptoms. The disappearance of breast discomfort in pregnant women before the expected menstruation is due to changes hormonal background. It appears individually.
  3. Medication use affects "care" painful symptoms. This is how certain medications work. hormonal drugs, oral contraceptives. They indirectly affect the level of hormones in the blood of women, which relaxes the muscles of the mammary glands.
  4. The chest stops hurting because of the spent treatment of breast diseases.
  5. The arrival of menopause. In women aged 45-55, menopause occurs. The period when sexual functions gradually fade away. And the chest stops hurting before the cycle 3-5 years before the onset of menopause. This period is called "perimenopause". At this time, the menstrual cycle in women becomes scarce, and breast discomfort falls, soon completely stops.
  6. Hormonal disorders. The reason for the unexpected cessation of pain in the mammary glands before menstruation is a drop in progesterone levels. A decrease in its amount negatively affects the reproductive functions of women, reduces the ability of a woman to become pregnant and bear a child.

Why does the chest hurt, but there is no menstruation?

Anxiety is also caused by another situation, when the painful sensations of the mammary glands come, they habitually swell, and the woman is waiting for the start of the monthly cycle. But there is no menstruation. The reasons are the following situations:

Lactation. After childbirth, the monthly cycle is restored in 6-24 months. This period is individual for each woman. During the lactation period, prolactin does not “allow” the maturation of other eggs, respectively, the woman’s menstruation does not resume. As soon as breastfeeding becomes less than 8-12 times a day, the level of prolactin decreases and the menstrual cycle starts. But chest during lactation period becomes painful.

Puberty. Girls of puberty complain about the absence of menstruation and heaviness in the chest. In this case, the hormonal system of the young female body is just beginning to form, so such situations are normal for young women. During this period, young men also experience discomfort and swelling of the mammary glands.

Pregnancy. A common situation, but far from the only explanation for the lack of menstruation against the background of pain in the mammary glands.

Ectopic pregnancy. A health-threatening condition, especially if other warning signs: nausea, severe dizziness, fever. If the pregnancy test is negative, the cause is hidden under diseases.

Mastopathy. A common ailment that goes away with chest pain is mastopathy. The peak of the disease according to statistics falls on 30-45 years. The cause of mastopathy is gynecological diseases, hormonal disorders. A benign tumor, in addition to painful sensations in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe mammary glands, is accompanied by discharge from the nipples (greenish, whitish, brownish).

Cancer diseases. The cause of pain in the tissues of the mammary glands in the absence of the expected menstruation can hide the appearance of malignant tumors. This kind of event is rare, but it does happen.

Problems of endocrinology. At diabetes, dysfunctions of the adrenal glands and other disorders of the endocrine organs, there is a violation of the hormonal background. Hormone problems are the cause of such situations.

abortion, miscarriage. With such a development of events in women, the absence of menstruation is noted for the first time - this is the norm. The body is rebuilt with the onset of pregnancy, after the interruption of which all the functions of the body “reverse”. Failures of the monthly cycle pass with swelling and painful sensations of the mammary glands.

physical injury. The most favorable of possible explanations chest pains in the absence of a monthly cycle - a banal stretching. Do you remember if you had any physical overload? If the problem is stretching pectoral muscles, the delay of menstruation has nothing to do with it.

There are many reasons why this situation occurs. What happened to you, the doctor will tell you. At initial examination the gynecologist can additionally refer you to an endocrinologist, prescribe some examinations (ultrasound of the pelvic organ and mammary glands). You will have to take tests to understand why the chest hurts when the monthly cycle is delayed. Don't delay your visit to the doctor! Delay is fraught not only with loss of health, but also life.

What to do if there is very severe pain in the chest?

There are cases when the mammary glands hurt too much before menstruation, causing excruciating spasms that radiate to the back. Severe chest discomfort a week before and after the onset of spotting is also considered a pathology. In this case, it is necessary to consult a doctor, since such sensations can be provoked by health-threatening problems:

  • Violation of the proper functioning of the ovaries.
  • Hormonal failure of the body.
  • Gynecological diseases.
  • The development of mastopathy.

If, during an independent examination of the mammary glands, in addition to severe pain, you notice discharge from the nipples (purulent, bloody), seals in the armpits and the mammary glands themselves, go to a mammologist. In the absence of such symptoms, the gynecologist will consider and solve the problems. With such symptoms, understanding, identifying and eliminating the causes of painful discomfort becomes a priority. To establish a diagnosis, the following tests will be required:

  1. Blood for a hormonal study (the level of prolactin and thyroid hormones is considered).
  2. Analysis of tumor markers (detect the level of risk of malignant tumors reproductive system especially ovaries, mammary glands).

except laboratory research a woman walks a row ultrasound examinations: on the 7th day after the end of menstruation, the condition of the organs of the pelvic area is checked, and during the second phase of the cycle, ultrasound of the mammary glands is performed.

In order to prevent the appearance of threatening symptoms, you need to be sure that such a condition is an individual physiological norm. To do this, be sure to visit a gynecologist for prevention 2 times a year, do not forget to visit a mammologist once a year. Breast self-diagnosis is performed monthly.

Grab Carefully right gland right hand, left - left. With the pads of the index, middle, ring fingers, feel the breasts with delicate movements. Start the examination at the base, moving towards the nipple area.

How to Reduce Breast Soreness

To ease the discomfort of the mammary glands before the onset of menstruation, a detailed approach is needed. One of the components comprehensive measures is a diet (stick to it in the second half of the monthly cycle). During this period, limit the intake of liquids, fats (up to 15%), salt, alcohol, coffee and strong tea. At this time, it is better to abandon the bra - it squeezes the swollen mammary glands, lymph nodes, interferes with normal blood circulation and provokes the appearance of pain.

Doctors can prescribe you in the second half of the menstrual cycle, drugs containing magnesium, herbal prophylactic remedies for the development of mastodynia, hormonal birth control pills. Soothing herbal preparations help reduce the pain threshold (nettle, dandelion root, cinquefoil, peony, celandine, tartar, cuff, St. John's wort, meadowsweet, string).

Severe pain discomfort is relieved by painkillers: aspirin, ibuprofen, acetaminophen or naproxen. But medications should only be taken when the pain becomes unbearable. Aspirin is not recommended for people under 20 years of age - there is a high risk of Raynaud's syndrome (a sharp narrowing of blood vessels, leading to trophic changes in body tissues).

For the treatment of severe pain in the mammary glands, doctors prescribe prescription drugs: danazol and tamoxifen citrate (these drugs are rarely used because they have serious side effects).

Protect yourself from stress during this period! Avoid hypothermia. But the main thing - do not self-medicate and do not let painful conditions on its own, in the hope that everything will pass and resolve. Take care of yourself, and the body will not let you down.

Breast swelling before menstruation raises many questions and concerns. The increase and soreness of the mammary glands are not a pathology and disappear after the onset of menstruation. If the chest does not stop hurting, you need to undergo an examination. It is advisable to do this in the first three weeks after menstruation.

If there is no pain before menstruation, pregnancy should be excluded. If this symptom persists, the woman should seek medical care. It is important to identify the cause in time and eliminate it; after the progression of the disease, serious treatment or even surgical intervention is required.

Why does the bust become painful and swollen

Discomfort in the mammary glands appears due to an imbalance between female hormones - estrogen, prolactin and progesterone.

The syndrome worsens after the ovulation period, 7-10 days before the start of a new cycle. The blood flow to the chest increases, as a result of which it is poured, becomes overly sensitive.

Among pathological causes pains emit:

Before the onset of menstruation, the breast tissue becomes rough, lumpy and dense, the chest becomes heavier, a dull pain is felt.
Soreness is also caused by an increase in the concentration of estrogens, under the influence of which the milk ducts expand.

The occurrence of pain in different phases cycle is considered a pathology.

Pain occurs when:

  • delay caused by hypothermia or a cold (if there are no periods for three to five days);
  • damage to the muscles of the chest, manifested by an inflammatory process or stretching;
  • ectopic pregnancy (hormonal imbalance provoke changes in the mammary glands, and contribute to the appearance of neoplasms);
  • mastopathy (benign tumor, degenerating into oncology);
  • breast cancer (a dangerous disease that needs to be diagnosed on early stage, for this a woman should undergo a preventive examination by a mammologist twice a year);
  • inflammatory and infectious diseases occurring in the mammary glands.

When the chest hurts periodically during the entire menstrual cycle, it is worth checking the state of the hormonal background. If there are no problems with hormones, it is necessary to examine the pelvic organs in the first three days of the menstrual cycle.

What symptoms are considered normal

A slight increase in the breast, and an increase in the sensitivity of the mammary glands 1-2 weeks before the start of the expected menstruation, is considered normal.

If a woman does not have gynecological diseases, then her body quickly copes with hormonal imbalance and restores the level of progesterone, prolactin and estrogen, so after the onset of menstruation, the soreness disappears.

  • Discomfort and heaviness in the chest accompanies pulling and It's a dull pain lower abdomen. This symptom intensifies two to three days before the onset of menstruation.
  • There may be tingling in the chest, this is due to a large rush of blood to the mammary glands.
  • Painful sensations in the nipples are also found in premenstrual syndrome. This is considered normal if the discomfort goes away with the onset of menstruation.

When the pain is severe and does not go away after the onset of menstruation, it is worth visiting a doctor. The most common breast disease is mastopathy. If it is diagnosed and treated in time, dangerous diseases will not arise in the future. Lack of treatment for pathology initial stage provoke the development of tumors or oncology.

  • When self-examining the mammary glands, it is important to pay attention to the presence of uneven seals.
  • If the chest hurts a lot, you need to determine if there is inflammatory processes or infectious diseases. Once the cause is identified, treatment should begin immediately.

Only with a balanced work of the hormonal system, the body easily tolerates minor fluctuations in hormones. In order to avoid strong imbalances, it is necessary to adhere to healthy eating lead an active lifestyle, avoid bad habits and don't run chronic diseases.

Then severe pain will not appear before menstruation, and premenstrual syndrome will not appear three weeks before the onset of menstruation.

How to eliminate discomfort

Pain and engorgement of the mammary glands cause severe discomfort, a woman cannot fully move, lie on her stomach and even sideways, and there are discomfort during intercourse.

You can alleviate the condition with the help of home methods:

  • it is worth eliminating fatty, fried foods and salt from their diet - this will not only improve general state body, but also reduce breast engorgement;
  • you can not use strong tea, coffee and chocolate, their amount should be reduced to a minimum;
  • it is necessary to do light exercises daily, it will increase the tone of the body, and the chest will hurt less in the last weeks of the cycle;
  • it is better to replace an underwire bra with a sports model, it does not squeeze the chest, and does not disrupt normal blood flow;
  • help reduce pain and swelling warm compresses, at first it is better to put a warm towel on the chest and only after warming up the mammary glands can you go directly to therapeutic compresses;
  • diuretics reduce breast swelling, resulting in reduced sensitivity and discomfort;
  • psychological condition has a strong effect, in the absence of stress and the ability to relax, a woman tolerates premenstrual syndrome much easier;
  • at severe pain you can take painkillers that do not contain caffeine (aspirin, ibuprofen).

If necessary, the doctor prescribes oral contraceptives, which reduce the manifestation of unpleasant symptoms before menstruation. Vitamins B6 and E help reduce pain, but you can’t self-medicate. The doctor prescribes any drug only after complete examination.