
Why does a woman have an imbalance. Hormonal imbalance in women: symptoms and treatment

How often do we attribute our ailments to “hormones”, meaning “it will go away on its own!”, not suspecting that hormonal imbalance is a serious violation of the body’s vital functions, which cannot be treated casually, and which can lead to serious chronic diseases.

What is a hormonal imbalance?

Hormones are a kind of biologically active mediators of our body. Produced by the endocrine glands, they circulate in the blood and give commands to organs and tissues for one or another action. Hormones control many basic processes in the body, including metabolism, appetite, fat storage, and reproductive function.
When some hormones are produced too little or too much, a hormonal imbalance is created. Moreover, even the most insignificant fluctuations in hormones can have serious consequences. Hormonal imbalance can be both the result of natural processes, such as aging, and result from a malfunction of the endocrine glands.

Signs of a hormonal imbalance

Hormones play a key role in the health of the whole body, so the range of symptoms that signal a hormonal failure can be quite wide. In general, the symptoms will depend on which endocrine gland is not functioning properly.
The main hormonal disorders common to men and women can be expressed by the following symptoms:

  • Weight gain
  • Unexplained weight loss, sometimes sudden
  • chronic fatigue syndrome
  • Hypersensitivity to cold or heat
  • Constipation or vice versa frequent emptying intestines
  • Dry skin
  • Puffiness of the face
  • Rounding the face
  • Fast or slow heart rate
  • muscle weakness
  • Muscle pain or muscle tension
  • increased thirst
  • Frequent urination
  • Joint pain, swelling or stiffness of the joints
  • Hair loss or change in hair texture
  • Constant feeling hunger
  • Decreased mood, anxiety, irritability
  • Decreased libido
  • blurry vision
  • Excessive sweating
  • Infertility
  • Fat deposits at the top of the shoulder blades (nape)
  • Purple or pink striae

Hormonal imbalance in women

In women, a large number of cases of hormonal imbalances are caused by polycystic ovary syndrome. Hormones also fluctuate during puberty, pregnancy, breastfeeding, and menopause.

Symptoms of hormonal imbalance, typical for women:

  • Heavy or irregular periods, including skipping, stopping, or increasing periods
  • Hirsutism, or increased body hair on the face, chin, chest, or other parts of the body
  • Acne on the face, chest, back
  • Hair loss
  • Weight gain or inability to lose weight
  • Darkening skin, especially in the folds of the neck, groin, or under the breasts
  • Papillomas
  • Vaginal atrophy
  • Pain during intercourse
  • night tides ( increased sweating at night)

Hormonal imbalance in men

In male development, testosterone plays a decisive role. Lack of testosterone production can be accompanied by a variety of symptoms. For an adult male, this is:

  • Tissue augmentation mammary glands
  • Painful tenderness of the chest
  • Erectile dysfunction (impotence)
  • Decreased libido
  • Loss muscle mass
  • Osteoporosis (bone loss)
  • Infertility
  • Reducing and slowing down the growth of hair on the face and body
  • Inattention and difficulty concentrating
  • Hot flashes (feeling hot)

Hormonal imbalance in children

Puberty is the period during which sex hormones begin to be produced in boys and girls. Many adolescents with late puberty eventually reach normal hormonal levels, but some develop a syndrome called hypogonadism. Its symptoms vary depending on the sex of the child.

Symptoms in boys:

  • Insufficient development of muscle mass
  • No roughening of the voice
  • Rare body hair growth
  • Decreased growth of the genitals
  • Disproportionate elongation of the limbs relative to the entire body
  • Gynecomastia (breast growth)

Symptoms in girls:

  • Deceleration of breast growth
  • Slowdown in growth

Hormonal imbalance can cause various diseases and disturbances depending on which hormone or gland is affected by the disease. Most common causes hormonal imbalances are:

  • Diabetes
  • Hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid gland)
  • Hyperthyroidism (overactive thyroid gland)
  • Thyroiditis ( inflammatory processes thyroid gland)
  • Adenoma (tumor) of the thyroid gland
  • pituitary tumor
  • Other tumors (both malignant and benign)
  • congenital hypogonadism
  • Cushing's syndrome
  • hormone therapy
  • Congenital adrenal hyperplasia
  • Addison's disease (adrenal cortex insufficiency)
  • Nutritional disorders(anorexia or bulimia)
  • Taking certain medications
  • Stress
  • Injuries
  • Chemo- and radiotherapy

In women, in a large number of cases, hormonal imbalance is associated in one way or another with reproductive organs. Causes of hormonal disruptions specific to women:

  • Menopause and premature menopause
  • Pregnancy
  • Lactation
  • polycystic ovary syndrome
  • Taking hormonal drugs, including contraceptives
  • Ovarian Wasting Syndrome

Analyzes and diagnostics

Unfortunately, there is no single analysis for hormonal imbalance, due to the large number of potential causes for it and the large number of hormones that can cause it. The first step to diagnosis should be a visit to the doctor for a physical examination. In advance, make a list of the symptoms that bother you and the approximate time when they began, as well as a list of all the medications you take, both on a regular basis and from time to time.

Be prepared to answer the following possible questions from your doctor:

  • How long have you had symptoms?
  • Does anything help relieve these symptoms?
  • Have you lost or gained weight in recent times?
  • Have you experienced a lot of stress lately?
  • Date of your last period?
  • Are you planning a pregnancy?
  • Do you have problems in your sexual life?
  • Do you experience increased dryness or pain during intercourse?

Depending on your symptoms, your doctor may suggest that you undergo further diagnostics. It could be:

Blood test. The level of most hormones can be determined by a blood test. Your doctor may use a blood test to check your levels of estrogen, prolactin and other reproductive hormones, testosterone, cortisol, and thyroid hormones.
Gynecological examination and pap smears in women for the presence of any tumors, cysts, nodes.
Urological examination in men for abnormalities, nodules, or tumors.
Ultrasound examination. Ultrasound can examine the uterus, ovaries, testicles, thyroid, pituitary
Additional analyses. Sometimes additional tests are required to determine the hormonal imbalance. These can be: biopsy, MRI, X-ray, thyroid screening, sperm count.

Treatment for hormonal imbalance depends on the disorders or diseases that cause it. It could be:

estrogen therapy.
If you are experiencing menopausal symptoms such as hot flashes, irritability, or insomnia, your doctor may recommend low-dose estrogen hormone replacement therapy. At the same time, possible side risks should not exceed the feasibility of such therapy.

Vaginal estrogen therapy.
If you are concerned about vaginal dryness or pain during intercourse, your doctor may prescribe estrogen therapy based on creams, gels, or vaginal rings. External estrogen therapy carries with it much less side effects than taking oral hormones.

Therapy with hormonal contraceptives.
Hormonal contraceptives help in regulating the menstrual cycle, as well as in the treatment of acne and excessive facial or body hair. These can be tablets, patches, injections, vaginal rings, hormonal intrauterine devices.

Antiandrogen therapy.
Androgens are male sex hormones that are present in both men and women. Women with increased level androgens may be recommended drugs that block the action of androgens that cause thinning of hair on the head, excess facial hair growth, acne.

Therapy with metformin.
Metformin is a medicine originally intended for the treatment of type 2 diabetes. It also helps with PCOS as it can lower androgen levels and stimulate ovulation.

testosterone therapy.
Medications with testosterone are designed to reduce the symptoms of low testosterone in men. In adolescents with delayed sexual development, they stimulate the onset of puberty. May be in the form of injections, patches or gel.

Therapy with thyroid hormones.
People with hypothyroidism are given the synthetic thyroid hormone levothyroxine to restore normal hormonal balance.

Natural (bioidentical) therapy.
The pharmaceutical market is in abundance nutritional supplements with a natural formulation for the supposed treatment of menopausal symptoms and other hormonal imbalances. Unfortunately, they do not pass the same test studies as drugs, and the effect of only a few of them is confirmed by scientific facts. Many of these supplements contain phytohormones extracted from plants. They are sometimes referred to as bioidentical hormones because they are similar to naturally occurring human hormones. However, there is no scientific evidence of their advantage over traditional hormone replacement therapy, and there is no research on their potential side effects.

You can also restore hormonal balance with healthy lifestyle life. For this:

Lose excess weight. Even a 10% weight loss in women makes the menstrual cycle more regular, stimulates ovulation and significantly increases the chances of conception. In men, getting rid of excess weight It has a positive effect on potency and can relieve erectile dysfunction without any medication.

Eat healthy healthy food. Regular eating, with a reduction in canned and processed foods, limiting sugar and simple carbohydrates helps improve overall health and balance hormone levels in particular.

Be physically active. Sport regulates the production of a large number of hormones such as cortisol and adrenaline. With the help of sports, you can balance the production of insulin, get rid of bad cholesterol, improve blood supply to organs and glands.

The primary cause of acne, or acne breakouts, is excess sebum secretion, which leads to clogged pores. Therefore, acne occurs primarily where there are many sebaceous ducts: on the face, chest, shoulders and upper back. Acne is usually associated with puberty, but in reality, it can accompany hormonal imbalances throughout life. Menstrual cycle- one of the main "triggers" of the appearance of acne. For many women, single or multiple acne appears about a week before the onset of menstruation and then gradually disappears. And this is, in general, normal. It is worth worrying and suspecting a hormonal imbalance, as well as taking appropriate tests if acne occurs against the background of other symptoms, such as an irregular cycle or excessive hair on the face or other parts of the body.

Androgens, male hormones present in both men and women, may also be responsible for acne. They provoke the appearance of acne by hyperstimulation of the sebaceous ducts. In adolescents of both sexes, the level of androgens during puberty is high, which is why during this period acne is more or less characteristic of the vast majority of adolescents. The level of androgens, as a rule, decreases by the age of 20-25.

Hormonal imbalance and obesity

Hormones play a major role in metabolism and the body's ability to convert energy. Many types of hormonal imbalances, such as hypothyroidism or Cushing's syndrome, can lead to weight gain or obesity.
People suffering from hypothyroidism are deficient in thyroid hormones. This means that their metabolism is not functioning as it should. Therefore, even when on a diet, people with hypothyroidism can gain weight.
Patients with Cushing's syndrome have high levels of cortisol in their blood. This leads to increased appetite and excess accumulation of fat mass.
The metabolic rate also slows down during menopause, and many women begin to gain weight at this time even with the same level of diet and exercise as before the onset of menopause.
The only way to avoid weight gain in a hormonal imbalance is to correct the underlying disorders and diseases.

Hormonal imbalance and reproductive functions

During a normal, ongoing pregnancy, the body goes through various stages of hormonal changes. This is normal and is not considered a hormonal imbalance.
True hormonal imbalances, such as polycystic ovary syndrome, often lead to infertility. In the case of PCOS, hormonal imbalance prevents ovulation, and without ovulation, it is simply impossible to conceive naturally. Although pregnancy is still possible in women with polycystic ovaries. One of the main conditions for this is weight loss. There are also medications that stimulate ovulation and increase the chances of pregnancy in women with PCOS. In vitro fertilization or ovarian surgery, after which ovulation is restored, will also allow a woman to become a mother if drugs do not help.
However, polycystic ovaries can disrupt the course of the pregnancy itself. The most common risks due to polycystic ovaries during pregnancy are:

  • miscarriage
  • Gestational diabetes
  • Preeclampsia
  • caesarean section
  • Birth of a large fetus

Hypothyroidism also carries risks for pregnancy. Babies born to mothers with untreated hypothyroidism are at high risk of fetal defects, which can lead to severe mental and physical disabilities in the infant.

Hormonal imbalance and hair loss

Hormonal fluctuations and hormonal imbalances often result in thinning hair, fortunately only temporarily. In women, this often occurs during pregnancy, childbirth, menopause. An overactive or underactive thyroid can also lead to increased hair loss.
In the vast majority of cases, baldness, including male pattern baldness, is hereditary and is not associated with fluctuations in hormones.

Summing up, it should be warned that any cases of hormonal imbalance should be taken quite seriously and not let them take their course. Without proper treatment, they often lead to irreversible chronic consequences for good health. Therefore, if you find several symptoms of hormonal imbalance, you should immediately consult a doctor.

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Many important processes in our body are controlled by hormones. Therefore, when their production is disrupted for some reason, it affects our mood, behavior, well-being and appearance. But how to understand that the problem is in hormones and which ones?

website talk about the main signs of hormonal imbalance, which are more common than usual.

1. Outbreaks of blackheads and acne

Pimples and blackheads can appear due to normal clogged pores. However, doctors warn that sudden outbreaks acne very often associated with hormonal changes in the body. For example, too low androgen levels lead to acne all over the body. This can be observed in adolescence, when it is very difficult to get rid of acne.

2. Frequent headaches

Insomnia - warning sign, since it may be associated with a lack of the hormone progesterone. Sleep specialist Dr. Traci Johnson says progesterone is a natural relaxant. It calms, pacifies and improves sleep. A change in its level most often causes insomnia.

Sweating and fever is one of the most obvious signs that something is wrong with the hormonal balance. Hormones control our body temperature, so hot flashes can occur when imbalanced.

We all get tired from time to time, but if you feel constantly tired, exhausted and exhausted even during rest, this may be a sign of a hormonal imbalance.

With a hormonal failure, the body can gain weight regardless of what food you eat and whether you eat at all. Too little or too much of certain hormones causes our body to rapidly accumulate fat and lose muscle mass.

Excessive hair loss can be affected by thyroid hormones, insulin, or testosterone. For example, the hormone testosterone makes men big and hairy.

In women, an excess of testosterone is more likely to lead to baldness. The testosterone derivative hormone DHT, under certain conditions, tries to destroy hair follicles which leads to hair loss in women.

8. Digestive problems

Surely many are familiar with the situation when, due to strong excitement, the stomach begins to “twist”. This effect occurs due to a hormonal surge during stress.

A University of Texas study found that the gut microflora is strongly affected by high levels of estrogen. Other researchers have found that high levels ovarian hormones can cause cramps and abdominal pain.

9. Uncontrollable bouts of hunger

Hormonal failure in women is actually a very important topic for many. Hormones are the determining substances in the normal functioning of the body, as they affect metabolic processes Therefore, an imbalance of hormones in women or a hormonal failure in women can lead to a variety of problems.

Hormonal imbalance in women is felt individually. Even the most common signs can signal this violation. Therefore, if there are symptoms and signs of hormonal imbalance, you should immediately visit a doctor for further consultation with a possible subsequent course of treatment.

Causes of hormonal failure in women

AT female body Two main hormones are produced: progesterone and estrogen. Hormonal failure in women, most often occurs against the background of a decrease in progesterone levels. The balance of hormones is considered to be the production of progesterone and estrogen in equal amounts. However, in the female body, one of the hormones can be produced in larger quantities. Thus, there is a hormonal imbalance in women.

The causes of hormonal disorders can be the following:

  • Lack of ovulation in the body. If the ovaries cannot stabilize the process of producing progesterone, then its concentration is significantly reduced. At the same time, there is a lot of estrogen, because the ovaries did not produce eggs, which are necessary to participate in the fertilization process. All this negatively affects the balance of hormones.
  • Violations in the diet or adherence to strict diets. The female body needs fiber, which is not found in all products. If you comply strict diet, then the result may be symptoms of hormonal failure.
  • hereditary factor. A birth defect can cause permanent hormonal disorders. If you inherited problems in the hormonal system at the genetic level, then failures can become a constant companion. It is quite difficult to treat them.
  • Obesity or extra pounds. Hormonal failure in women can be observed with an excess of subcutaneous tissue.
  • Infectious diseases. Systematic acute respiratory infections, as well as tonsillitis, gonorrhea, chlamydia and other diseases of an infectious nature, can cause hormonal failure.
  • Intense physical activity. Hormonal imbalance in women can be triggered if food restriction is combined with intense physical activity.
  • Problems at work endocrine system. Primarily, we are talking about diseases of the thyroid gland, pancreas, adrenal glands, which have a direct effect on the hormonal background.
  • neurosis and stress. Constant tension, stress can cause hormonal imbalance.
  • Surgical intervention to eliminate pathological conditions in organs abdominal cavity or genitals. Hormonal failure in women often occurs against the background of a caesarean section.
  • Important periods in the life of every woman. Hormonal imbalance in women manifests itself during such periods as: puberty, pregnancy, childbirth or menopause. In some cases, measures are required to adjust or prescribe medications.
  • Women's diseases. These diseases include: uterine fibroids, breast cysts, polycystic ovaries. Hormonal imbalance in women can also occur due to bronchial asthma, atherosclerosis, migraine.

Signs and symptoms of hormonal imbalance

It is necessary to take into account the fact that hormonal failure in women associated with dysfunctions and pathological conditions very difficult to treat. If you know what causes hormonal failure in women, then it will be much easier and faster to treat it.

Symptoms of hormonal failure in women can be varied:

  1. Irregular menstruation. Hormonal imbalance in women is most often manifested by irregular periods or their absence at all. What does menstrual instability mean? First, it is necessary to take into account the duration: periods that last one or two days or, conversely, go for a long time, speak of violations hormonal background. Secondly, the nature of menstrual flow may indicate an imbalance of hormones: too scarce or copious discharge are not the norm. Thirdly, there are cases when there are no periods for several months.
  2. Disorders in the work of the central nervous system. Sudden mood swings, melancholy, depression, worries for no reason speak of problems in the central nervous system. Attacks of aggression also occur: a woman takes everything to heart and reacts to something that previously did not cause her any emotions. Signs of premenstrual syndrome are felt more than usual, the woman is in constant nervous tension.
  3. A sharp set of extra pounds. Another sign of hormonal imbalance in women can be weight gain. It should be noted that in this case, the increase in body weight is due to hormonal imbalance, which is difficult to correct with diets or exercise. Therefore, the factors that affect weight gain have nothing to do with malnutrition or inactivity. To regain her former shape, a woman needs to undergo a course of treatment to bring hormones back to normal, and then begin a set of measures to reduce weight.
  4. Decreased sexual desire. A woman loses interest in sex: libido is reduced or absent, indifference to a partner may be observed, the desire to enter into sex disappears. intimacy. Everything that used to bring pleasure is annoying. Sensations from sexual intercourse are unpleasant, since the secretion of mucous secretion is poor.
  5. Nails and hair get worse. Women may experience deterioration in the condition of their nails and hair. Curls lose their natural luster, split ends, brittleness is observed. Nails also lose their beauty: the nail plate acquires a yellow or gray tint, it can exfoliate.
  6. The appearance of rashes on the skin. Acne or pimples are a sign of hormonal imbalance. This kind skin rashes nothing is cured until the cause of their appearance is eliminated. Acne appears not only on the face, but also on the back, chest. Black hairs may appear on the body. This worries the woman, as it looks ugly.
  7. Sleep disturbances and rapid fatigue. Hormonal failure in women can be accompanied not only by prolonged insomnia, but also by disturbing, sensitive sleep. Fatigue is noted even in the absence of intensive loads.
  8. Problems with reproductive function. The most difficult moment can be called a violation of the ability to conceive and bear. Hormonal imbalance in women can lead to miscarriage, freezing of the child in the womb and the inability to conceive a child for a long time.

Hormonal imbalance in teenagers

Adolescence can be the period in which a girl first encounters hormonal changes in the body, because there is an active transformation of a girl into a woman. This is expressed in an increase in the mammary glands, menstruation begins, the figure acquires a more feminine shape. Right now, the hormonal system can fail, which as a result can lead either to premature maturation or to its delay.

However, it is worth noting that puberty in adolescents may be absent.

With an insufficient amount of sex hormones in the body, late maturation may begin. The menstrual cycle may begin by age 16 or later. This can happen due to stress, illness or poor nutrition.

Acne is the first sign of hormonal problems. Skin rashes are accompanied by headache, irritability, lack of sleep, irregular periods. If you have noticed similar symptoms in your daughter, you should consult a doctor.

In most cases, you will have to resort to adjusting the daily routine, and all the symptoms of hormonal failure in girls will go away by themselves. In severe situations, it is possible to prescribe hormonal agents. They must be taken strictly according to the instructions.

Puberty, which occurs ahead of time and when the girl feels normal, does not require special treatment.

Hormonal imbalance after medical abortion

Hormonal failure in women can manifest itself against the background of medical abortion.

Symptoms in this case are easy to recognize:

  • Weight gain;
  • The appearance of stretch marks on the body;
  • Instability of pulse and blood pressure, excessive sweating;
  • Increased irritability, depression, anxiety and headaches.

Abortion, which is early dates, will bring fewer complications for the woman's body. At the same time, the hormonal background still suffers from the changes that have occurred. A month later, the menstrual cycle should return. If you observe a different picture, then immediately consult a doctor. If abnormalities are detected, hormonal therapy will be required.

Hormonal failure after childbirth and the recovery period

Hormonal failure in women can occur not only during the bearing of the baby. Hormone imbalances are not uncommon in postpartum period, which is a real stress for the body. It is time to return to your usual state, because the changes affect all systems and organs. But the most cardinal metamorphoses occur in the endocrine system.

The restoration of hormonal balance should occur two to three months after the birth of the child, but if the hormones do not return to normal, then the woman feels pressure surges, dizziness, irritability and sleep disturbances. This should not go unnoticed. Among the additional signs of failure are sweating, decreased sexual desire, chronic fatigue. To establish hormonal disorders, you need to consult an endocrinologist. The doctor will prescribe special tests, according to the results of which the specialist will determine what treatment you need to stabilize your health.

At the same time, you should not start the situation so that the consequences of the failure do not worsen: depression may appear, as well as problems with lactation.

The doctor will prescribe drugs that contain hormones of artificial and natural origin. Mastodinone and nutritional supplements are often prescribed.

Diagnosis of hormonal failure in women

A comprehensive examination usually includes:

  1. tests to determine the concentration of hormones, as well as biochemical and general analysis blood.
  2. surveys internal organs to identify possible damage associated with hormonal failure;
  3. determination of organic pathologies, for example, cirrhosis of the liver and tumors;
  4. differential research.

Treatment of hormonal failure in women

If a hormonal imbalance in women occurs against the background of a tumor, then measures should be taken to eliminate it.

If the provoking factor cannot be eliminated (for example, a woman has menopause), then an appointment will be needed hormonal drugs. If hormonal failure in women has light form, then it will be possible to avoid violations with the use of hormonal drugs.

Since the treatment of hormonal imbalance in women involves the use of hormonal drugs, they can not only eliminate the symptoms of hormonal imbalance, but also eliminate relapse. It also happens that hormonal drugs alone are not enough, in which case we are talking about surgical intervention.

The doctor prescribes hormonal drugs individually based on tests and diagnosis. Self-medication is contraindicated. Prevention of complications will be regular visits to the gynecologist (twice a year).

The specialist can prescribe the following means:

  • Preparations with artificial and natural hormones (Mastodinon, Cyclodinon, Klimaktoplan);
  • Antipsychotics;
  • Homeopathic remedies;
  • Calcium supplements.

Hormonal imbalance in women overweight can be eliminated only after the normalization of mass indicators. Considerable attention is paid not only physical activity but also the daily routine. Infusions, decoctions of herbs, vegetables and fruits will benefit. The intake of food and vitamin supplements is shown.

Hormonal imbalance in women during pregnancy cannot be treated, since in most cases the normalization of hormonal levels occurs after childbirth.

Prevention of hormonal failure in women

To work ahead of the curve, hormonal problems timely examinations, examinations are very important, it is also necessary correct mode, sleep at least 8 hours, balanced diet and minimum stress. And when the first signs of a hormonal failure appear, you should immediately consult a doctor so that the situation does not move into a more serious direction.

Hormonal failure in women should not be ignored, otherwise the consequences may become irreversible: there will be complications in the work of internal organs, which as a result can lead to sad events.

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Find out if your symptoms are due to a hormonal imbalance.

Here are 4 groups of symptoms that correspond to the imbalance of a particular hormone.

  1. Read carefully the list of symptoms in each group, and check the box next to the symptom you have. (Note: the same symptom may occur in more than one group, this is normal).
  2. Those groups where two or more symptoms are present correspond to the signs of a hormonal imbalance in this group.
  3. How more symptoms is present in a group, the more likely you are to have a hormonal imbalance represented by that group. (Some people may have more than one type of hormonal imbalance.)
  4. If you have selected two or more symptoms in any group, refer to the Answers section (below) to find out what type of hormonal imbalance you have.

Test for signs of hormonal imbalance in women.


  1. Symptoms of Group 1(two or more) mean:
    Progesterone deficiency:
    It is the most common hormonal imbalance in women of all ages. You may need to change your diet and stop taking synthetic hormones(including birth control pills). You may also need to take progesterone - preferably of natural origin, for example, preparations of wild yam. Confirm this species hormonal imbalance will help analyzes of the level of progesterone and estradiol.
  2. Symptoms Group 2mean:
    Estrogen deficiency:
    This hormonal imbalance is most common in menopausal women; especially if you are small and/or skinny. You may need to make some special changes to your diet, including foods that increase estrogen levels. It is effective and safe to take natural estrogen preparations (phytoestrogens) produced from soy, cimicifuga, red clover. To confirm this type of hormonal imbalance, analyzes of the level of progesterone and estradiol will help.
  3. Symptoms 3 Groups mean:
    Excess estrogen:
    Most often associated with the use of synthetic hormones during menopause, overweight, with an excess of environment and food xenobiotics. To confirm this type of hormonal imbalance, analyzes of the level of progesterone and estradiol will help.
  4. Symptoms 4 Groups mean:
    Estrogen dominance:
    This happens when there is no sufficient level progesterone to balance the effects of estrogen. Thus, you may even have low estrogen levels, but if your progesterone levels are even lower, you may have symptoms of estrogen dominance. Many women in their 40s and 50s suffer from estrogen dominance. To confirm this type of hormonal imbalance, analyzes of the level of progesterone and estradiol will help.
  5. Symptoms Group 5 mean:
    Excess androgens (male hormones):
    If we exclude hereditary diseases, then this disorder is most common in women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), adrenal disease, obesity, low thyroid function, elevated insulin levels in the body, too much sugar and simple carbohydrates in the diet. Tests will help confirm this type of hormonal imbalance levels of progesterone, estradiol, testosterone.
  6. Symptoms Group 6 mean:
    Lack of Cortisol:
    This is caused by tired adrenal syndrome, which is usually caused by chronic stress. To confirm this type of hormonal imbalance, tests of cortisol levels performed in the morning, afternoon and evening to assess adrenal function will help.

The woman's body is a very complex institution, consisting of a huge number of processes occurring in it. Each process has its own purpose, a violation of the functions of one of them leads to a serious imbalance, and as a result, this affects the state of health in general. One of the most important and common problems is hormonal imbalance in women. This problem occurs in more women, but not everyone realizes its magnitude and does not understand the seriousness of the consequences. Any hormonal imbalance primarily affects the appearance - the condition of the skin, hair, nails worsens. Therefore, it is so important to listen to your body and, in case of any deviations from the norm, contact a specialist.

This article is intended to cover all the causes, signs and symptoms of hormonal imbalance in women.

Causes of Hormone Imbalance

In order to start diagnosing hormonal imbalance in women, it is necessary to identify a number of main reasons due to which this imbalance occurred.

Hormonal disorder a woman has wide range reasons ranging from minor stressful situations and ending with serious surgical interventions in the body. It will be easier to restore health if you know what caused the violation. Below we consider the most common causes of hormonal disorders in women.


The natural state of the female body, due to the cessation of egg production in women over 40 years of age. At this time, as a rule, the last menstruation occurs, after which the ability to conceive is reduced to zero.

Transitional age

The natural maturation of a girl, her transformation into a full-fledged woman, may be accompanied by a hormonal disorder. This can be expressed in irregular menstruation, prolonged delays, pronounced premenstrual syndrome. Not only is changing the physical state adolescent, but also mental.


Food is a source of energy necessary for the functioning of all vital processes. Not proper nutrition negatively affects the human body, at this time the woman does not receive all essential substances and vitamins that contribute to the normal functioning of the body. Hormonal imbalance in women is often the result of various diets. most the best diet is proper nutrition, which has stabilizing properties.

Bad habits

As a rule, smoking, drinking alcohol, drugs, etc. are considered bad habits. Many people forget that leading an unhealthy lifestyle is also bad habit, these include: unstable sleep, a small amount of time spent on fresh air, frequent use of a computer and other gadgets, as well as excessive coffee consumption, promiscuity, etc.

Hormonal drugs

Hormonal disorders in women can cause the use of hormonal drugs, most often oral contraceptives, in case of their incorrect selection. The main hormones in the female body are estrogen and progesterone, produced by the gonads. These are hormones that are responsible for the reproductive function of a woman, her source of beauty: the condition of hair, nails, skin, sexual desire. Estrogen and progesterone are closely related, and their imbalance leads to serious problems. Women who have used oral contraceptives and those who have stopped doing this often face hormonal disorders, as the level of production of female hormones by the gonads changes.

Infections, diseases

Any diseases, whether gynecological or infectious, seriously affect the body's immunity and also lead to hormonal failure in women. This also includes diseases such as atherosclerosis, asthma, migraines, polycystic ovaries, uterine fibroids.

Pregnancy and breastfeeding period

Most beautiful time for a woman, it is the expectation and the birth of a child, because this is her main purpose. At this time, the body undergoes tremendous changes - this is reflected in the hormonal balance. But over time, with the right lifestyle, everything returns to normal.

Abortions, miscarriages

Any termination of pregnancy is the strongest shock for the body, and no matter what it was - spontaneous or artificial - in any case, the consequences are inevitable.

Surgical interventions

Any surgical intervention in a woman's body is a stress for the body. The result is hormonal imbalance.

stressful situations

The nervous system provides big influence on a woman’s health, so situations that unbalance you are fraught with consequences.

Problems related to weight

Often plump women, who have dramatically and greatly lost weight, complain of problems associated with the balance of hormonal levels.


One of the reasons is frequent flights, climate change and natural living conditions.

It should be remembered that all factors that negatively affect the body cause hormonal disorders in a woman, the symptoms of which we will describe in our article below. How to properly respond to them?

Hormonal disorders in women. Symptoms and treatment

We figured out the causes of the imbalance, now it’s worth understanding how it manifests itself and what treatment exists. modern medicine allows you to quickly and effectively bring hormones back to normal, the main thing is to consult a doctor in a timely manner. Violation of the hormonal background in women has a number of symptoms, so any deviation from the norm can be felt on early stage and prevent, without waiting for serious health problems.

Symptoms of a hormonal imbalance

There are several signs by which hormonal disorders in women can be determined. Symptoms found in yourself should be a reason to visit a doctor.

1. Menstrual cycle. The very first and alarming sign that women encounter is a violation of menstruation. This can be expressed in its absence (with the exception of pregnancy), profusion, scarcity, excessive pain, over-emotional premenstrual syndrome.

2. Fertility - problems associated with conception, gestation and birth.

3. Uterine bleeding- be observant and careful, sometimes bleeding is perceived by women as ordinary menstrual flow, which is not given due attention, which can lead to terrible consequences - surgical interventions and even death.

4. Emotional changes - frequent change in behavior: excessive tearfulness, state of depression, irritability, restlessness, etc.

5. Painful sensations- migraines, frequent headaches, loss of consciousness, excessive fatigue, low performance.

6. Mammary glands - swelling of the mammary glands, feeling of a fossil, discharge from the papillary part of the chest.

7. Hairline - abnormal hair loss on the head, leading to the formation of bald patches, the appearance hairline where it shouldn't be: over upper lip, on the chin, temples.

8. Weight problems - weight change in one direction or another with the same eating behavior.

9. The presence of edema.

10. Pressure - an unusual abrupt change in blood pressure.

11. Sleep disturbance.

12. Increased sweating.

13. Sexual life - problems with intimate issues: decreased sexual desire for a partner, discomfort during intercourse, dryness of the vaginal tract, unpleasant discharge.

Misperception of symptoms jeopardizes women Health and welfare. The above signs are a reason to visit a doctor in short period time.

Hormonal disorder in women, treatment

Feeling any changes in her body, a woman must turn to a specialist for help - to identify the cause of hormonal imbalance and find ways to stabilize the imbalance. A hormonal disorder in women is a reason to immediately contact a specialist. Timely treatment can reduce the risk of developing serious diseases that lead to dysfunction female organs. Treatment of hormonal imbalance will eliminate the problems that have arisen and lead the body to normal functioning. This period will take a fairly long period of time - it will require investment, patience and diligence in the struggle for health.

When a woman contacts the clinic, the endocrinologist-gynecologist will prescribe ultrasound examination and testing for infectious diseases. Based on the results of the tests, treatment will be offered, often including the use of hormonal drugs to stabilize the background. There are also additional methods treatment: adherence to a certain diet, use vitamin complexes. An untimely appeal to a specialist can even lead to surgical intervention.

XXI century - time high technology and new discoveries, including in medicine. Restorative drugs include therapeutic agents, as:

- "Mastodinon";

- "Klimadinon";

- "Cyclodynon", etc.

Hormonal disorders in women, the symptoms and treatment of which are discussed in this article, are a disease in which you do not need to self-medicate folk remedies, herbs and be guided by the advice of acquaintances and girlfriends. This is fraught with consequences and unpredictable complications, some of which cannot be prevented. The body of each person is individual, each has its own set of hormones, which is revealed through complex analyzes. Do not hesitate to visit a specialist. Love, appreciate and take care of your health. After all, it is the most important thing that we have.