
The value of physical activity and physical education for health. Motor activity as a biological need of the body

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Again, physical activity is the best remedy. Actively contracting muscles dramatically increase the oxygen "request", sometimes more than 100 times. The cardiovascular system is not able to immediately ensure the delivery of such a large amount of it to the tissues. There is an oxygen debt (a state of hypoxia), which disappears in different dates after a decrease in load, depending on the amount of oxygen debt. The systematic impact of physical activity of a certain power creates hypoxia in the tissues, which the body eliminates by constantly turning on defense mechanisms, training them more and more. The result is a state of high resistance to lack of oxygen.
Thus, physical activity has, as it were, a double training effect: they increase resistance to oxygen deficiency and, by increasing the power of respiratory and of cardio-vascular system, contribute to its better assimilation.

Musculoskeletal system

The musculoskeletal system consists of bone skeleton muscles. Human muscles are divided into three types: smooth muscles of internal organs and blood vessels, characterized by slow contractions and great endurance; striated muscles of the heart, the work of which does not depend on the will of man, and, finally, the main muscle mass- striated skeletal muscles, which are under volitional control and provide us with the function of movement.

Skeletal muscles are the main apparatus by which physical exercises are performed. She is very trainable and improves quickly. Healing effect physical education For some reason, they are mainly associated with improving the activity of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, forgetting about its role in the development of muscles and muscle strength. Of course, the skeletal muscles, being part of the musculoskeletal system, allow us to move in space, fully supporting human life. This alone would be enough to pay more attention to muscle development. Well and harmoniously developed muscles, the ability of muscles to strain, relax and stretch in a wide range provide a person with an excellent appearance. But beauty is worth the effort! In addition, a good physique, as a rule, corresponds to better health, provides better function of the internal organs.

So, with pathological curvature of the spine, deformities of the chest (and the reason for this is the weakness of the muscles of the back and shoulder girdle) is difficult; the work of the lungs and heart, the blood supply to the brain is deteriorating, etc. Well-developed muscles are a reliable support for the skeleton. Trained back muscles, for example, strengthen spinal column, unload it, taking part of the load on themselves, prevent the “falling out” of the intervertebral discs, slipping of the vertebrae (a fairly widespread pathology that causes persistent pain in lumbar spine).

Weakly developed respiratory muscles are not able to provide good ventilation of the lungs, and vice versa, it is the activity of the respiratory muscles that improves the respiratory system in the process of growth and development of the body. In a word, strengthening the muscular system not only forms a beautiful appearance, but also brings health. The muscles of our body are good wizards. Performing their work, they simultaneously improve the functions of almost all internal organs. Indeed, if metabolic processes in muscles increase tenfold during high physical activity, then this increase should be ensured by an increase in the activity of other organs and systems, primarily cardiovascular and respiratory. The central and autonomic nervous systems are necessarily involved in the process, the work of the liver, the main biochemical laboratory of the body, is stimulated, since many processes that carry out the activity of the muscles occur there.

The nervous mechanism of the relationship between skeletal muscles and internal organs is of particular interest. The interrelation of muscles and internal organs, which was called motor-visceral reflexes, was established. Working muscles are sent along nerve fibers information about their own needs, condition and activity to internal organs through the autonomic nerve centers and thus affect their work, regulating and activating it. Perhaps it is this mechanism that underlies the therapeutic effect of rhythmic muscle contraction during walking and running. A person usually does not notice the work of his heart if his contractions occur at regular intervals, but any change in this rhythm (loss of contraction or extraordinary contraction) is felt painfully. As we have already said, many patients get rid of this unpleasant ailment through physical activity. It is possible that rhythmic muscle contractions (with uniform walking and running) transmit their information along the motor-visceral pathways to the heart muscle and, as it were, dictate to it a physiologically correct rhythm. And if we take into account that a violation of the rhythm of heart contractions is often associated with a violation of nervous regulation, the effect of the normalizing effect of rhythmic muscle contractions on the activity of the heart becomes clear.

In addition, a direct functional relationship between the working skeletal muscles and the heart is known through humoral (ie, through the blood) regulation. It has been established that for every 100 ml of increased oxygen consumption by muscles during exercise, there is an increase in cardiac output by 800 ml, therefore, it can be said that, to a certain extent, muscle work "tunes" the work of the heart.

Muscles are a powerful biochemical laboratory. They contain a special respiratory substance - myoglobin (similar to blood hemoglobin), the combination of which with oxygen (oxymyoglobin) provides tissue respiration during extraordinary work of the body, for example, during a sudden load, when the cardiovascular system has not yet been rebuilt and does not provide the delivery of the necessary oxygen. The importance of myoglobin lies in the fact that, being the primary oxygen reserve, it contributes to the normal course of oxidative processes during short-term circulatory disturbances and static work. The amount of myoglobin is quite large and reaches 25% of the total hemoglobin content.

Various biochemical processes occurring in the muscles ultimately affect the function of all organs and systems. So, in the muscles there is an active accumulation of adenosine triphosphoric acid (ATP), which serves as an energy accumulator in the body, and the process of its accumulation is directly dependent on the activity of the muscles and can be trained. Muscles play the role of an auxiliary factor in blood circulation. It is widely known that dosed walking is useful for stimulating venous blood flow in patients with varicose veins (a disease associated with congenital weakness of the venous wall). It reduces swelling, as the contracting muscles of the legs, as it were, adjust, squeeze and pump venous blood to the heart. Scientists have found that each muscle fiber is constantly vibrating even in a state of apparent rest. This vibration, usually not felt, does not stop even for a minute and promotes better blood flow. Thus, each skeletal muscle, and there are about 600 of them in the body, is, as it were, a kind of micropump that pumps blood. Of course, the additional participation of so many peripheral "hearts", as they are figuratively called, significantly stimulates blood circulation. The great thing about this is that this circulatory assist system is superbly trainable with exercise and, being actively involved in the work, it greatly enhances physical and sports performance. The absence of regular physical activity for at least 2-3 days quickly "trains" the system of micropumps.

It is possible that muscle micropumps, along with other factors, play an important role in the therapeutic effect that exercise provides in some forms of heart failure. Imagine: the heart muscle is weakened, exercises seem to increase the load on it, and as a result, paradoxically, the signs of the disease disappear or decrease. Muscle fiber is characterized by the following basic physiological properties: excitability, contractility and extensibility. These properties in various combinations provide the neuromuscular characteristics of the body and endow a person with physical qualities, which in everyday life and sports are called strength, speed, endurance, etc. They develop well under the influence of physical exercises.

Well-established, regulated interaction of working muscles determines the correct coordinated movements. Highly coordinated movements in sports help to perform the most difficult exercises, and in ordinary life they allow the muscles to work economically, when only a minimum of the necessary muscle fibers are involved in the movement, while others rest. This quality is very important for human production activities. Muscles that work with a high efficiency get tired less and therefore retain a large reserve for increasing labor productivity.

Training and improvement of coordination of movements are possible because there is a so-called muscular feeling. Its physiological basis is the presence in the muscles and connective tissue around the joints of special endings of sensory nerves - proprioceptors. When the muscles are stretched and contracted, they are irritated and send impulses-information to the brain. Return impulses from the central nervous system have a regulating and coordinating effect on the actions of muscle fibers, allowing you to perform jewelry-precise movements that underlie any skill. When muscular sense is developed in the highest degree, the human hand becomes an organ of creativity. The muscular system does not function in isolation. All muscle groups are attached to the bone apparatus of the skeleton through tendons and ligaments. Developing, the muscles strengthen these formations. Bones become stronger and more massive, tendons and ligaments are strong and elastic. The thickness of the tubular bones increases due to new layers of bone tissue produced by the periosteum, the production of which increases with increasing physical activity. More calcium, phosphorus, and nutrients accumulate in the bones. The stronger the skeleton, the more reliably protected the internal organs from external damage. The increased ability of muscles to stretch and the increased elasticity of the ligaments improve movements, increase their amplitude, and expand the possibilities of human adaptation to various physical work.

The influence of health-improving physical culture on the body

The health-improving and preventive effect of mass physical culture is inextricably linked with increased physical activity, strengthening of the functions of the musculoskeletal system, and activation of metabolism. The teachings of R. Mogendovich about motor-visceral reflexes showed the relationship between the activity of the motor apparatus, skeletal muscles and autonomic organs. As a result of insufficient motor activity in the human body, the neuroreflex connections laid down by nature and fixed in the process of hard physical labor are disrupted, which leads to a disorder in the regulation of the activity of the cardiovascular and other systems, metabolic disorders and the development of degenerative diseases (atherosclerosis, etc.) . For normal operation human body and maintaining health, a certain “dose” of physical activity is necessary. In this regard, the question arises about the so-called habitual motor activity, i.e., the activity performed in the process of everyday professional labor and in everyday life. The most adequate expression of the amount of muscular work produced is the amount of energy consumption. The minimum amount of daily energy consumption required for the normal functioning of the body is 12-16 MJ (depending on age, sex and body weight), which corresponds to 2880-3840 kcal. Of these, at least 5.0-9.0 MJ (1200-1900 kcal) should be spent on muscle activity; the rest of the energy consumption ensures the maintenance of the body's vital functions at rest, the normal activity of the respiratory and circulatory systems, metabolic processes, etc. (energy of the main metabolism). In economically developed countries over the past 100 years, the proportion of muscle work as a generator of energy used by humans has decreased by almost 200 times, which has led to a decrease in energy consumption for muscle activity (work exchange) to an average of 3.5 MJ. The deficit of energy consumption necessary for the normal functioning of the body, thus, amounted to about 2.0-3.0 MJ (500-750 kcal) per day. The intensity of labor in the conditions of modern production does not exceed 2-3 kcal / world, which is 3 times lower than the threshold value (7.5 kcal / min) that provides a health-improving and preventive effect. In this regard, to compensate for the lack of energy consumption in the process of labor activity modern man it is necessary to perform physical exercises with an energy expenditure of at least 350-500 kcal per day (or 2000-3000 kcal per week). According to Becker, at present, only 20% of the population of economically developed countries are engaged in sufficiently intense physical training that provides the necessary minimum energy consumption, while the remaining 80% of the daily energy consumption is significantly below the level required to maintain stable health. A sharp restriction of motor activity in recent decades has led to a decrease in the functional capabilities of middle-aged people. So, for example, the value of the IPC healthy men decreased from about 45.0 to 36.0 ml/kg. Thus, most of the modern population of economically developed countries has developed real danger development of hypokinesia. The pathogenesis of this condition is based on violations of energy and plastic metabolism (primarily in muscular system). Human muscles are a powerful generator of energy. They send a strong stream of nerve impulses to maintain the optimal tone of the central nervous system, facilitate movement venous blood through the vessels to the heart (“muscle pump”), create the necessary voltage for the normal functioning of the motor apparatus.


Protecting one's own health is the direct responsibility of everyone, he has no right to shift it to others. After all, it often happens that a person with a wrong lifestyle, bad habits, physical inactivity, overeating brings himself to a catastrophic state by the age of 20-30 and only then remembers medicine.

No matter how perfect medicine is, it cannot rid everyone of all diseases. A person is the creator of his own health, for which he must fight. With early age it is necessary to lead an active lifestyle, harden, engage in physical education and sports, observe the rules of personal hygiene - in a word, achieve genuine harmony of health in reasonable ways. Integrity human personality It manifests itself, first of all, in the interconnection and interaction of the mental and physical forces of the body. The harmony of the psychophysical forces of the body increases the reserves of health, creates conditions for creative self-expression in various areas of our life. Active and healthy man retains youth for a long time, continuing creative activity. A healthy lifestyle includes the following main elements: fruitful work, a rational regime of work and rest, the eradication of bad habits, optimal motor mode, personal hygiene, hardening, rational nutrition, etc. Health is the first and most important human need, which determines his ability to work and ensures the harmonious development of the individual. Therefore, the importance of motor activity in the life of people plays a significant role.


  1. Anishchenko V.S. Physical culture: Methodical and practical classes of students: Tutorial. - M .: Publishing House of RUDN University, 1999;
  2. Bogatyrev V.S. Methods of development of physical qualities of young men: Textbook. - Kirov, 1995
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  4. Kuznetsov V.S., Kholodov Zh.K. Theory and methodology of physical education and sports. M.: Academy. 2000.
  5. Kutsenko G. I., Novikov Yu. V. A book about a healthy lifestyle. SPb., 1997.
  6. Leshchinsky L.A. Take care of your health. M., "Physical culture and sport", 1995.
  7. Matveev L.P. Theory and methods of physical culture.-M.: FiS, 1991;
  8. Handbook of a teacher of physical culture. Ed. L. B. Kofman. M., "Physical culture and sport", 1998.
  9. Physical education of students and pupils / Edited by Petrov N.Ya., Sokolov V.A. - Minsk: Polymya, 1988.
  10. Tsarik A.V. On the culture of physical and spiritual. - M.: Knowledge, 1989.
  11. Tsarfis P.G. Physical methods of disease prevention. - M.: Knowledge, 1982. - 96 p.
  12. Chernousov O.G. Physical culture: Textbook. - Tomsk: TMTsDO, 1999.

Description of work

Genetically, a person is programmed with a large supply of reserves. This is a special biological expediency, formed in the process of natural selection. These reserves are the truly life-giving source that ensured the survival of man in the fight against the elemental forces of nature, his formation as a species and now helps to successfully fight diseases and other extreme factors. Thanks to these reserves, a person maintains health during hypothermia, excessive physical stress, overheating, etc., and under favorable conditions acquires optimal performance and active longevity.

The biological necessity of physical activity in the process 4 of human life
1.1 Cardiovascular system 5
1.2 Respiratory system 7
1.3 Musculoskeletal system 11
1.4 The influence of health-improving physical culture on the body 16
Conclusion 18
List of sources used 19
Glossary 20

One of the conditions for the harmonious development of a young organism is motor activity. Movements are a biological need of the body, they are genetically and socially determined. The level of motor activity largely depends on living conditions, upbringing, traditions, age, gender, and individual characteristics.

In the process of growth and development, a teenager masters various motor skills, which subsequently serve as the basis for the formation of a variety of labor professional skills. Optimal physical activity contributes to the development of strength, endurance, speed and agility, and increases physical performance.

Motor activity is a biological stimulus that contributes to the morphofunctional development of the body, its improvement. The greater the degree of skeletal muscle activity, the more efficiently the anabolic processes that determine the reservation of energy resources are carried out at rest.

In experiments on animals, I.A. Arshavsky showed that in the process of growth and development, the active activity of skeletal muscles is one of the main factors causing the transformation of the activity of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems in the process of ontogenesis, increasing the working and adaptive capabilities of the developing organism. An increase in the number of locomotions within the optimum improves the functional state of the cardiorespiratory system. Optimal physical activity contributes to the body's adaptation to environmental changes, improves health and increases labor activity.

Studies have shown that there are wide areas of overlap of the motor analyzer with other analyzers - visual, auditory, speech. The motor centers of the brain are closely connected with many other nerve centers that regulate various functions. High physical activity has a positive effect on both initial mental performance and its maintenance during the day.

With a high level of motor activity, good resistance was noted (from lat. resistentia - resistance) to the effects of adverse environmental factors, low incidence, compliance with indicators physical performance age and gender standards. At the same time, the adequacy of the body's response to physical activity, moderate energy costs with dosed muscle activity, and the harmony in the development of basic motor qualities were revealed.

Physical activity helps lower blood cholesterol. In people leading a sedentary lifestyle, coronary circulation is less developed than in those leading an active lifestyle. The desire to spare the heart, avoid physical exertion negatively affects the body and leads to hypodynamia.

Hypodynamia(from Greek . hypo- under, below; dynamis- strength) - a violation of the functions of the body with a restriction of motor activity, a decrease in the contractile strength of the muscles due to metabolic disorders directly in the skeletal muscles, a decrease in excitatory tone in the nerve centers and a weakening of their activating effects on all physiological systems of the body.

Forced restriction of physical activity reduces physical and mental performance, as there is a reduction in the flow of impulses from the muscles to the motor centers of the cerebral cortex. In addition, it must be remembered that in sedentary people, the lumen of the vessels of the heart is significantly narrowed. The risk of thrombosis and, as a result, myocardial ischemia is much higher in them than in those involved in physical culture.

One of the American researchers, Dr. A. Raab came to the conclusion that the avoidance of physical activity leads to the development of atherosclerosis. After examining the state of the cardiovascular system in athletes, soldiers, workers (physically active contingent) and in students, employees (leading a sedentary lifestyle), he found that the latter at the age of 17–35 show signs of weakening of the heart muscle. A. Raab proposed the term "the heart of an active idler", applicable to those who lead a sedentary lifestyle in the conditions of modern civilization. A deviation from the norm should be considered, in his opinion, not the heart of an athlete, but the degenerating defective “heart of a slacker”.

It has been proven that during muscular exertion, the feeling of anxiety and emotional tension is significantly weakened or disappears completely. Consequently, the work of the muscles contributes to "discharge" and prevents emotional overstrain. Statistics show that people who exercise regularly are less likely to seek medical help, get sick half as often as those who exercise occasionally, and three times less likely than those who do not exercise at all.

Thus, adequate motor activity is a necessary condition for the normal functioning of all organs and tissues, the neuroendocrine regulation of physiological systems and the maintenance of homeostasis. This is a biological need that must be satisfied, because otherwise the resistance of the human body and its ability to adapt to the action of adverse factors are reduced, health deteriorates, labor activity, mental and physical performance decrease.

Today, hypodynamia is widespread among young people, so an appropriate correction of the motor regimen and nutrition is necessary. It should be taken into account that any expenditure of energy resources in the body must be compensated by substances supplied with food in accordance with physiological norms, taking into account the age and nature of physical activity, as well as individual daily energy consumption.

Human motor activity is one of necessary conditions maintaining the normal functional state of a person, the natural biological need of a person. Normal life activity of almost all human systems and functions is possible only at a certain level of physical activity. Lack of muscle activity, like oxygen starvation or vitamin deficiency, adversely affects the child's developing organism.

Social and medical measures do not give the expected effect in maintaining people's health. In the improvement of society, medicine went mainly along the path "from illness to health", turning more and more into a purely medical, hospital. Social events are aimed primarily at improving the environment and consumer goods, but not at educating a person.
How to maintain your health, achieve high performance, professional longevity?
The most justified way to increase the adaptive capacity of the body, maintain health, prepare the individual for fruitful labor, socially important activities - physical education and sports. Today we are unlikely to find an educated person who would deny the great role of physical culture and sports in modern society. In sports clubs, regardless of age, millions of people go in for physical culture. Sports achievements for the vast majority of them have ceased to be an end in itself. Physical training "becomes a catalyst for vital activity, a tool for a breakthrough in the field of intellectual potential and longevity." The technical process, freeing workers from the exhausting costs of manual labor, did not free them from the need for physical training and professional activity, but changed the tasks of this training.
Today, more and more types of work, instead of brute physical effort, require precisely calculated and precisely coordinated muscular efforts. Some professions place increased demands on the psychological capabilities of a person, sensory capabilities and some other physical qualities. Particularly high demands are placed on representatives of technical professions, whose activities require advanced level general physical fitness. One of the main conditions is high level general working capacity, harmonious development of professional, physical qualities. The concepts of physical qualities used in theory and methods of physical culture are very convenient for classifying the variety of training means and, in essence, are a criterion for a qualitative assessment of a person's motor function. There are four main motor qualities: strength, speed, endurance, flexibility. Each of these human qualities has its own structures and features, which generally characterize its physical features.

Some researchers argue that in our time, physical activity has decreased by 100 times - compared to previous centuries. If you look at it properly, you can come to the conclusion that there is little or no exaggeration in this statement. Imagine a peasant of the past centuries. He usually had a small allotment of land. There are almost no inventory and fertilizers. However, often, he had to feed a "brood" of a dozen children. Many also worked out corvée. All this huge load people carried on themselves day after day and all their lives. Human ancestors experienced no less stress. Constant pursuit of prey, flight from the enemy, etc. Of course, physical overstrain cannot add health, but lack of physical activity is harmful to the body. The truth, as always, lies somewhere in the middle. It is difficult even to list all the positive phenomena that occur in the body during reasonably organized physical exercises. Indeed, movement is life. Let's pay attention only to the main points.
First of all, let's talk about the heart. At ordinary person the heart beats at a rate of 60-70 beats per minute. At the same time, it consumes a certain amount of nutrients and wears out at a certain rate (like the body as a whole). In a completely untrained person, the heart makes more contractions per minute, also consumes more nutrients and, of course, ages faster. It's different for well-trained people. The number of beats per minute can be 50, 40 or less. The economy of the heart muscle is significantly higher than usual. Consequently, such a heart wears out much more slowly. Physical exercise leads to a very interesting and useful effect in the body. During exercise, the metabolism accelerates significantly, but after it, it begins to slow down and finally decreases to a level below normal. In general, in a training person, the metabolism is slower than usual, the body works more economically, and life expectancy increases. Everyday stress on a trained body has a noticeably less destructive effect, which also prolongs life. The system of enzymes is improved, metabolism is normalized, a person sleeps better and recovers after sleep, which is very important. In a trained body, the number of energy-rich compounds, such as ATP, increases, and due to this, almost all possibilities and abilities increase. Including mental, physical, sexual.
When hypodynamia occurs (lack of movement), as well as with age, negative changes appear in the respiratory organs. Amplitude decreases respiratory movements. The ability to deeply exhale is especially reduced. In this regard, the volume of residual air increases, which adversely affects gas exchange in the lungs. The vital capacity of the lungs also decreases. All this leads to oxygen starvation. In a trained organism, on the contrary, the amount of oxygen is higher (despite the fact that the need is reduced), and this is very important, since oxygen deficiency gives rise to a huge number of metabolic disorders. Significantly strengthens the immune system. In special studies conducted on humans, it has been shown that physical exercises increase the immunobiological properties of blood and skin, as well as resistance to certain infectious diseases. In addition to the above, there is an improvement in a number of indicators: the speed of movements can increase by 1.5 - 2 times, endurance - by several times, strength by 1.5 - 3 times, minute blood volume during work by 2 - 3 times, oxygen absorption in 1 minute during operation - 1.5 - 2 times, etc.
The great importance of physical exercises lies in the fact that they increase the body's resistance to the action of a number of different adverse factors. For example, such as reduced Atmosphere pressure, overheating, some poisons, radiation, etc. In special experiments on animals, it was shown that rats, which were trained daily for 1-2 hours by swimming, running or hanging on a thin pole, survived after irradiation with x-rays in a larger percentage of cases. With repeated exposure to small doses, 15% of untrained rats died already after a total dose of 600 roentgens, and the same percentage of trained rats died after a dose of 2400 roentgens. Physical exercise increases the resistance of the organism of mice after transplantation. cancerous tumors.
Stress has a powerful destructive effect on the body. Positive emotions, on the contrary, contribute to the normalization of many functions. Physical exercise helps to maintain vigor and cheerfulness. Physical activity has a strong anti-stress effect. From an incorrect lifestyle or simply over time, harmful substances, the so-called toxins, can accumulate in the body. The acidic environment that forms in the body during significant physical activity oxidizes toxins to harmless compounds, and then they are easily excreted.
As you can see, the beneficial effect of physical activity on the human body is truly limitless! This is understandable. After all, man was originally designed by nature for increased physical activity. Reduced activity leads to many disorders and premature fading of the body!
It would seem that well-organized physical exercises should bring us particularly impressive results. However, for some reason, we do not notice that athletes live much longer. ordinary people. Swedish scientists note that their country's skiers live 4 years (on average) longer ordinary people. You can also often hear advice like: rest more often, strain less, sleep more, etc. Churchill, who lived for more than 90 years, to the question:
- How did you do it? - answered:
- I never stood if it was possible to sit and never sat if it was possible to lie - (although we do not know how long he would have lived if he had trained - maybe more than 100 years).

The health-improving and preventive effect of mass physical culture is inextricably linked with increased physical activity, strengthening of the functions of the musculoskeletal system, and activation of metabolism. The teachings of R. Mogendovich about motor-visceral reflexes showed the relationship between the activity of the motor apparatus, skeletal muscles and autonomic organs. As a result of insufficient motor activity in the human body, the neuroreflex connections laid down by nature and fixed in the process of hard physical labor are disrupted, which leads to a disorder in the regulation of the activity of the cardiovascular and other systems, metabolic disorders and the development of degenerative diseases (atherosclerosis, etc.) . For the normal functioning of the human body and the preservation of health, a certain “dose” of physical activity is necessary. In this regard, the question arises about the so-called habitual motor activity, i.e., activities performed in the process of everyday professional work and in everyday life. The most adequate expression of the amount of muscular work produced is the amount of energy consumption. The minimum amount of daily energy consumption required for the normal functioning of the body is 12-16 MJ (depending on age, sex and body weight), which corresponds to 2880-3840 kcal. Of these, at least 5.0-9.0 MJ (1200-1900 kcal) should be spent on muscle activity; the rest of the energy consumption ensures the maintenance of the body's vital functions at rest, the normal activity of the respiratory and circulatory systems, metabolic processes, etc. (energy of the main metabolism). In economically developed countries over the past 100 years, the proportion of muscle work as a generator of energy used by humans has decreased by almost 200 times, which has led to a decrease in energy consumption for muscle activity (work exchange) to an average of 3.5 MJ. The deficit of energy consumption necessary for the normal functioning of the body, thus, amounted to about 2.0-3.0 MJ (500-750 kcal) per day. The intensity of labor in the conditions of modern production does not exceed 2-3 kcal / world, which is 3 times lower than the threshold value (7.5 kcal / min) that provides a health-improving and preventive effect. In this regard, in order to compensate for the lack of energy consumption in the course of work, a modern person needs to perform physical exercises with an energy consumption of at least 350-500 kcal per day (or 2000-3000 kcal per week). According to Becker, at present, only 20% of the population of economically developed countries are engaged in sufficiently intense physical training that provides the necessary minimum energy consumption, while the remaining 80% of the daily energy consumption is significantly below the level required to maintain stable health.
A sharp restriction of motor activity in recent decades has led to a decrease in the functional capabilities of middle-aged people. So, for example, the value of the BMD in healthy men decreased from about 45.0 to 36.0 ml / kg. Thus, most of the modern population of economically developed countries has a real danger of developing hypokinesia. The syndrome, or hypokinetic disease, is a complex of functional and organic changes and painful symptoms, developing as a result of a mismatch between the activities of individual systems and the organism as a whole with the external environment. The pathogenesis of this condition is based on violations of energy and plastic metabolism (primarily in the muscular system). The mechanism of the protective action of intense physical exercise lies in the genetic code of the human body. Skeletal muscles, which on average make up 40% of body weight (in men), are genetically programmed by nature for severe physical work. “Motor activity is one of the main factors that determine the level of metabolic processes of the body and the state of its bone, muscle and cardiovascular systems,” wrote Academician VV Parin (1969). Human muscles are a powerful generator of energy. They send a strong stream of nerve impulses to maintain the optimal tone of the central nervous system, facilitate the movement of venous blood through the vessels to the heart (“muscle pump”), and create the necessary tension for the normal functioning of the motor apparatus. According to the "energy rule of skeletal muscles" by I. A. Arshavsky, the energy potential of the body and the functional state of all organs and systems depend on the nature of the activity of skeletal muscles. The more intense the motor activity within the boundaries of the optimal zone, the more fully the genetic program is implemented, and the energy potential, functional resources of the body and life expectancy increase. Distinguish between the general and special effects of physical exercise, as well as their indirect effect on risk factors. The most common effect of training is the energy consumption, which is directly proportional to the duration and intensity of muscle activity, which makes it possible to compensate for the energy deficit. It is also important to increase the body's resistance to the action of adverse environmental factors: stressful situations, high and low temperatures, radiation, injuries, hypoxia. As a result of the increase nonspecific immunity increased resistance to colds. However, the use of extreme training loads, necessary in professional sports to achieve the "peak" of sports form, often leads to the opposite effect - suppression of immunity and increased susceptibility to infectious diseases. A similar negative effect can also be obtained when doing mass physical culture with an excessive increase in load. The special effect of health training is associated with an increase in the functionality of the cardiovascular system. It consists in economizing the work of the heart at rest and increasing the reserve capacity of the circulatory apparatus during muscle activity. One of the most important effects of physical training is the exercise of the heart rate at rest (bradycardia) as a manifestation of the economization of cardiac activity and a lower myocardial oxygen demand. Increasing the duration of the diastole (relaxation) phase provides more blood flow and a better supply of oxygen to the heart muscle. In persons with bradycardia, cases of coronary artery disease were detected much less frequently than in people with a fast pulse. An increase in resting heart rate of 15 bpm is thought to increase the risk of sudden death from a heart attack by 70% - the same pattern is observed with muscle activity. When performing a standard load on a bicycle ergometer in trained men, the volume of coronary blood flow is almost 2 times less than in untrained men (140 vs. /min per 100 g of tissue). Thus, with an increase in the level of fitness, myocardial oxygen demand decreases both at rest and at submaximal loads, which indicates the economization of cardiac activity.
This circumstance is a physiological justification for the need for adequate physical training for patients with ICS, since as fitness increases and myocardial oxygen demand decreases, the level of threshold load increases, which the subject can perform without the threat of myocardial ischemia and an angina attack. The most pronounced increase in the reserve capacity of the circulatory apparatus during intense muscular activity: an increase in the maximum heart rate, systolic and minute blood volume, arteriovenous oxygen difference, a decrease in total peripheral vascular resistance (TPVR), which facilitates the mechanical work of the heart and increases its productivity. Evaluation of the functional reserves of the circulatory system during extreme physical exertion in persons with different levels physical condition shows: people with average UFS (and below average) have minimal functionality bordering on pathology, their physical performance is below 75% of DMPC. On the contrary, well-trained athletes with a high UVF in all respects meet the criteria of physiological health, their physical performance reaches optimal values ​​or exceeds them (100% DMPC or more, or 3 W/kg or more). Adaptation of the peripheral link of blood circulation is reduced to an increase in muscle blood flow at maximum loads (maximum 100 times), an arteriovenous difference in oxygen, the density of the capillary bed in working muscles, an increase in the concentration of myoglobin and an increase in the activity of oxidative enzymes. A protective role in the prevention of cardiovascular diseases is also played by an increase in blood fibrinolytic activity during health-improving training (by a maximum of 6 times) and a decrease in the tone of the sympathetic nervous system. As a result, the response to neurohormones decreases under conditions of emotional stress, i.e. increases the body's resistance to stress. In addition to a pronounced increase in the reserve capacity of the body under the influence of health training, its preventive effect is also extremely important, associated with an indirect effect on risk factors for cardiovascular diseases. With the growth of fitness (as the level of physical performance increases), there is a clear decrease in all the main risk factors for HES - cholesterol in the blood, blood pressure and body weight. B. A. Pirogova (1985) in her observations showed: as UFS increased, the cholesterol content in the blood decreased from 280 to 210 mg, and triglycerides from 168 to 150 mg%.
At any age, with the help of training, you can increase aerobic capacity and endurance levels - indicators of the biological age of the body and its viability. For example, in well-trained middle-aged runners, the maximum possible heart rate is about 10 bpm more than in untrained ones. Such physical exercises as walking, running (3 hours per week), after 10-12 weeks, lead to an increase in BMD by 10-15%. Thus, the health-improving effect of mass physical culture is associated primarily with an increase in the aerobic capacity of the body, the level of general endurance and physical performance. An increase in physical performance is accompanied by a preventive effect on risk factors for cardiovascular diseases: a decrease in body weight and fat mass, cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood, a decrease in LIP and an increase in HDL, a decrease in blood pressure and heart rate. In addition, regular physical training can significantly slow down the development of age-related involutional changes in physiological functions, as well as degenerative changes. various bodies and systems (including the delay and reverse development of atherosclerosis). In this regard, the musculoskeletal system is no exception. Performing physical exercises has a positive effect on all parts of the motor apparatus, preventing the development of degenerative changes associated with age and physical inactivity. The mineralization of bone tissue and the calcium content in the body increase, which prevents the development of osteoporosis. Increased lymph flow to the articular cartilage and intervertebral discs, which is the best remedy prevention of arthrosis and osteochondrosis. All these data testify to the invaluable positive impact of health-improving physical culture on the human body.

Protecting one's own health is the direct responsibility of everyone, he has no right to shift it to others. After all, it often happens that a person with a wrong lifestyle, bad habits, physical inactivity, overeating brings himself to a catastrophic state by the age of 20-30 and only then remembers medicine.
No matter how perfect medicine is, it cannot rid everyone of all diseases. A person is the creator of his own health, for which he must fight. From an early age, it is necessary to lead an active lifestyle, harden, engage in physical education and sports, observe the rules of personal hygiene - in a word, achieve genuine harmony of health in reasonable ways. The integrity of the human personality is manifested, first of all, in the relationship and interaction of the mental and physical forces of the body. The harmony of the psychophysical forces of the body increases the reserves of health, creates conditions for creative self-expression in various areas of our life. An active and healthy person retains youth for a long time, continuing creative activity.
A healthy lifestyle includes the following main elements: fruitful work, a rational mode of work and rest, the eradication of bad habits, an optimal motor regime, personal hygiene, hardening, rational nutrition, etc.
Health is the first and most important human need, which determines his ability to work and ensures the harmonious development of the individual. Therefore, the importance of motor activity in the life of people plays a significant role.

Motor activity, physical culture and sports - effective means preservation and promotion of health, harmonious development of personality, disease prevention, mandatory conditions for a healthy lifestyle. The concept of "motor activity" includes the sum of all movements performed by a person in the process of life. It has a positive effect on all body systems and is necessary for every person.

Unfortunately, now the big misfortune of most teenagers, boys, girls (and adults) has become underloading of muscles, inactivity (hypokinesia).

Physical exercises have a beneficial effect on the formation and development of all functions of the central nervous system: strength, mobility and balance of nervous processes.

Systematic training makes the muscles stronger, and the body as a whole - more adapted to the conditions of the external environment. Under influence muscle loads the heart rate increases, the heart muscle contracts more strongly, blood pressure rises. This leads to functional improvement of the circulatory system.

During muscular work, the respiratory rate increases, inhalation deepens, exhalation intensifies, and the ventilation capacity of the lungs improves. Intensive full expansion of the lungs eliminates congestion in them and serves as a prevention of possible diseases.

People who exercise regularly have advantages over sedentary ones: they look better, are mentally healthier, are less prone to stress and tension, sleep better, and have fewer health problems.

The state of its main components indicates the physical form of a person:

Cardio-respiratory endurance - the ability to withstand physical activity of moderate intensity for a long time; an indicator of how effectively the heart and lungs provide the body with oxygen during prolonged physical activity;

Muscular strength and endurance required for lifting, moving and pushing objects and performing other actions, including for some time and repeatedly;

Speed ​​qualities necessary for moving at maximum speed, jumping, moving in martial arts and sports games;

Flexibility, which characterizes the limits of movement of individual parts of the body.

The volume of physical activity and physical activity should be controlled. Sufficiently reliable criteria for this are well-being, appetite, sleep.

Scientific evidence shows that most people, if they follow the rules of hygiene, have the opportunity to live up to 100 years or more.
Unfortunately, many people do not follow the simplest, science-based norms of a healthy lifestyle. Some become victims of inactivity (physical inactivity), which causes premature aging, others overeat with the almost inevitable development of obesity, vascular sclerosis in these cases, and in some - diabetes, others do not know how to relax, be distracted from industrial and domestic worries, are always restless, nervous, suffer from insomnia, which ultimately leads to numerous diseases of internal organs.

The role of physical activity

For knowledge workers, systematic physical education and sports are of exceptional importance. It is known that even a healthy and young person, if he is not trained, leads a sedentary lifestyle and does not engage in physical education, with the slightest physical exertion, breathing quickens, heartbeat appears. On the contrary, a trained person can easily cope with significant physical activity. The strength and performance of the heart muscle, the main engine of blood circulation, is directly dependent on the strength and development of all muscles. Therefore, physical training, while developing the muscles of the body, at the same time strengthens the heart muscle. In people with underdeveloped muscles, the heart muscle is weak, which is revealed during any physical work.
Physical education and sports are also very useful for people of physical labor, since their work is often associated with the load of any particular muscle group, and not the entire musculature as a whole. Physical training strengthens and develops skeletal muscles, heart muscle, blood vessels, respiratory system and many other organs, which greatly facilitates the work of the circulatory apparatus, has a beneficial effect on the nervous system.
As a result of insufficient motor activity in the human body, the neuroreflex connections laid down by nature and fixed in the process of hard physical labor are disrupted, which leads to a disorder in the regulation of the activity of the cardiovascular and other systems, metabolic disorders and the development of degenerative diseases (atherosclerosis, etc.) . For the normal functioning of the human body and the preservation of health, a certain “dose” of physical activity is necessary. In this regard, the question arises about the so-called habitual motor activity, i.e. activities performed in the course of everyday professional work and in everyday life. The most adequate expression of the amount of muscular work produced is the amount of energy consumption. The minimum daily energy consumption required for the normal functioning of the body is 12-16 MJ (depending on age, sex and body weight), which corresponds to 2880-3840 kcal. Of these, at least 5.0-9.0 MJ (1200-1900 kcal) should be spent on muscle activity; the remaining energy costs ensure the maintenance of life at rest, the normal activity of the respiratory and circulatory systems, metabolic processes, etc. (energy of the main exchange). In economically developed countries over the past 100 years, the proportion of muscle work as a generator of energy used by humans has decreased by almost 200 times, which has led to a decrease in energy consumption for muscle activity (work exchange) to an average of 3.5 MJ. A sharp restriction of motor activity in recent decades has led to a decrease in the functional capabilities of middle-aged people. So, for example, the value of the BMD in healthy men decreased from about 45.0 to 36.0 ml / kg. Thus, most of the modern population of economically developed countries has a real danger of developing hypokinesia. The syndrome, or hypokinetic disease, is a complex of functional and organic changes and painful symptoms that develop as a result of a mismatch between the activity of individual systems and the organism as a whole with the external environment. The pathogenesis of this condition is based on violations of energy and plastic metabolism (primarily in the muscular system). The mechanism of the protective action of intense physical exercise lies in the genetic code of the human body. Skeletal muscles, which on average make up 40% of body weight (in men), are genetically programmed by nature for hard physical work. “Motor activity is one of the main factors that determine the level of metabolic processes of the body and the state of its bone, muscle and cardiovascular systems,” wrote Academician VV Parin (1969). The more intense the motor activity within the boundaries of the optimal zone, the more fully the genetic program is implemented and the energy potential, functional resources of the body and life expectancy increase. Distinguish between the general and special effects of physical exercise, as well as their indirect effect on risk factors. The most common effect of training is the energy consumption, which is directly proportional to the duration and intensity of muscle activity, which makes it possible to compensate for the energy deficit. It is also important to increase the body's resistance to the action of adverse environmental factors: stressful situations, high and low temperatures, radiation, trauma, hypoxia. As a result of an increase in nonspecific immunity, resistance to colds also increases. However, the use of extreme training loads required in professional sports to achieve the "peak" of sports form often leads to the opposite effect - immune suppression and increased susceptibility to infectious diseases. A similar negative effect can be obtained in mass physical culture with an excessive increase in load. The special effect of health training is associated with an increase in the functionality of the cardiovascular system. It consists in economizing the work of the heart at rest and increasing the reserve capacity of the circulatory apparatus during muscle activity. One of the most important effects of physical training is a decrease in heart rate at rest (bradycardia) as a manifestation of the economization of cardiac activity and a lower myocardial oxygen demand. Increasing the duration of the diastole (relaxation) phase provides more beds and a better supply of oxygen to the heart muscle. Thus, with an increase in the level of fitness, myocardial oxygen demand decreases both at rest and at submaximal loads, which indicates the economization of cardiac activity. Physical culture is the main means of delaying age-related deterioration of physical qualities and a decrease in the adaptive abilities of the body as a whole and the cardiovascular system in particular, inevitable in the process of involution. Age-related changes are reflected both in the activity of the heart and in the state of peripheral vessels. With age, the ability of the heart to maximum stress decreases significantly, which manifests itself in an age-related decrease in the maximum heart rate. With age, the functionality of the heart decreases even in the absence of clinical signs. Thus, the stroke volume of the heart at rest at the age of 25 by the age of 85 decreases by 30%, myocardial hypertrophy develops. The minute volume of blood at rest for the indicated period decreases by an average of 55-60%. With age, changes also occur in the vascular system: elasticity decreases large arteries, increases the total peripheral vascular resistance, as a result, by the age of 60-70 systolic pressure rises by 10-40 mm Hg. Art. All these changes in the circulatory system, a decrease in the performance of the heart entail a pronounced decrease in the maximum aerobic capacity of the body, a decrease in the level of physical performance and endurance. dietary calcium exacerbates these changes. Adequate physical training, health-improving physical culture can largely stop age-related changes various functions. At any age, with the help of training, you can increase aerobic capacity and endurance levels - indicators of the biological age of the body and its viability. An increase in physical performance is accompanied by a preventive effect on risk factors for cardiovascular diseases: a decrease in body weight and fat mass, cholesterol and triglyceride levels in the blood, a decrease in blood pressure and heart rate. In addition, regular physical training can significantly slow down the development of age-related involutional changes in physiological functions, as well as degenerative changes in various organs and systems (including the delay and reverse development of atherosclerosis). In this regard, the musculoskeletal system is no exception. Performing physical exercises has a positive effect on all parts of the motor apparatus, preventing the development of degenerative changes associated with age and physical inactivity. The mineralization of bone tissue and the calcium content in the body increase, which prevents the development of osteoporosis. Increases lymph flow to the articular cartilage and intervertebral discs, which is the best way to prevent arthrosis and osteochondrosis
Some of the most popular exercises recommended for prevention and recovery are running, walking, swimming. It should also be added that these exercises will not be effective if they are performed from time to time, by chance, because one of the main advantages of such exercises is their systematic, cyclical nature. It is also difficult to expect an effect without “additional” measures: proper nutrition, hardening, healthy lifestyle.

Wellness run

Wellness running is the simplest and most accessible (in technical terms) type of cyclic exercises, and therefore the most popular. According to the most conservative estimates, more than 100 million middle-aged and elderly people on our planet use running as a health remedy. According to official data, 5,207 jogging clubs are registered in our country, in which 385,000 joggers are involved; there are 2 million people running on their own
The overall effect of running on the body is associated with changes in the functional state of the central nervous system, compensation for missing energy costs, functional changes in the circulatory system and a decrease in morbidity.
Endurance running training is an indispensable means of discharging and neutralizing negative emotions that cause chronic nervous strain. These same factors significantly increase the risk of myocardial infarction as a result of excessive intake of adrenal hormones - adrenaline and norepinephrine - into the blood.
Health running (at the optimal dosage) in combination with water procedures is the best means of combating neurasthenia and insomnia - diseases of the 20th century caused by nervous tension abundance of incoming information. As a result, removed nervous tension, sleep and well-being improve, efficiency increases, and therefore the tone of the whole organism, which most directly affects life expectancy. Particularly useful in this regard is evening running, which relieves negative emotions accumulated during the day and “burns” excess adrenaline released as a result of stress. Thus, running is the best natural tranquilizer - more effective than drugs.
The special effect of running training is to increase the functionality of the cardiovascular system and the aerobic performance of the body. An increase in functionality is manifested primarily in an increase in the contractile and “pumping” functions of the heart, an increase in physical performance
In addition to the main health effects of running associated with the impact on the circulatory and respiratory systems, it should also be noted its positive effect on carbohydrate metabolism, liver function and gastrointestinal tract, skeletal system
The improvement in liver function is explained by an increase in oxygen consumption by the liver tissue during running by 2-3 times - from 50 to 100-150 ml/min. In addition, at deep breathing while running, the liver is massaged with a diaphragm, which improves the outflow of bile and the function of the bile ducts, normalizing their tone. Regular training in jogging has a positive effect on all parts of the musculoskeletal system, preventing the development of degenerative changes associated with age and physical inactivity.

Class frequency

The optimal frequency of classes for beginners is 3 times a week. More frequent workouts can lead to fatigue and injuries to the musculoskeletal system, as the recovery period after exercise in middle-aged people increases to 48 hours. An increase in the number of classes for trained recreational joggers up to 5 times a week is not sufficiently justified. Reducing the number of sessions to two per week is much less effective and can only be used to maintain the achieved level of endurance (but not its development). At the same time, it is possible to reduce the intensity of the load to the lower limit - with an increase in the duration of the lesson
The deterioration of some indicators of the activity of the cardiovascular system during 5-time workouts is explained by the fact that in this case, classes are partially held against the background of incomplete recovery, while with 3-time workouts the body has great opportunities for good rest and recovery. In this regard, the recommendations of some authors about the need. daily (one-time) training in recreational running are groundless. However, when the intensity of the load decreases below the optimum (for example, when training in recreational walking), the frequency of classes should be at least 5 times a week.

Running technique

The first phase (preparatory) is a short and light warm-up of no more than 10-15 minutes. Includes stretching exercises (for muscles lower extremities and joints) for the prevention of injuries of the musculoskeletal system. Warm-up use strength exercises(push-ups, squats) is undesirable, because at the beginning of a workout, middle-aged and elderly people may experience complications in the activity of the cardiovascular system (a sharp increase in blood pressure, pain in the heart, etc.)
The second phase (main) is aerobic. It consists of a run of optimal duration and intensity, which provides the necessary training effect: increasing aerobic capacity, endurance and performance levels
The third phase (final) is a “hitch”, that is, the main exercise is performed at a reduced intensity, which provides a smoother transition from a state of high motor activity (hyperdynamia) to a state of rest. This means that at the end of the race, you need to slow down, and after the finish line, jog a little more or just walk for a few minutes. Sudden stop after a fast run can lead to a dangerous violation heart rate due to the intense release of adrenaline into the blood. Gravitational shock is also possible - as a result of turning off the “muscle pump”, facilitating blood flow to the heart
The fourth phase (strength - according to Cooper), duration 15-20 minutes. Includes several basic general developmental exercises of a strength nature (to strengthen the muscles of the shoulder girdle, back and abdominals), aimed at increasing strength endurance. After running, it is also necessary to perform stretching exercises at a slow pace, fixing the extreme positions for a few seconds (to restore the functions of loaded muscle groups and the spine)
Despite the simplicity of the health-improving walking and running technique, recommendations should be strictly followed in this matter, since gross errors in technique can cause injuries to the musculoskeletal system.
The main cause of traumatization of the musculoskeletal system in middle-aged and elderly people during recreational jogging is overstrain. Increasing training loads too quickly is excessive for detrained muscles, ligaments and joints. “Many are trying to return the former physical form with the help of physical culture, - writes Dr. Allman, - and begin to exercise with the same intensity as 20 years ago. Additional factors that contribute to damage to the musculoskeletal system include running on hard ground, overweight, shoes that are not suitable for running.