
After vomiting, the ear is stuffed up what to do. The ear does not hurt, but it is pawned - what to do? Other causes of congestion and discomfort in the ear

If the ear is blocked, it is extremely unpleasant and sometimes interferes with a normal life. But if the ears often lay down, and at the same time other alarming symptoms are observed, then this can indicate serious problems. And what to do in such a case? It is important to start acting as early as possible.

What happens when the ears are blocked?

The structure of the ear is quite complex. So, the Eustachian (auditory) tube is a channel that is connected to the nasopharynx and the middle ear and is designed to equalize pressure in the middle ear. But if for some reason the Eustachian tube closes, then the pressure in the middle ear has no way to adapt to changes in environmental pressure. Because of this, the eardrum, as it were, bends inward, which leads to what lays the ears.

Why is this happening?

The reasons for laying the ears can be very diverse. We list some of them:

These are the causes of the symptom in question.


If the ear is blocked, what should I do? First of all, you should contact a specialist, namely an otolaryngologist. In some cases, a simple examination is enough, but some diagnostic procedures may be prescribed to determine the causes of congestion. For example, radiography will reveal inflammation in the nasopharynx or Eustachian tube. In addition, tympanometry and an audiogram are sometimes effective.

How to fix the problem?

So, if your ear is blocked, what should you do? Measures will depend on the specific cause of congestion. The following actions are possible:

And remember that if you do nothing with congestion and do not consult a doctor, unwanted and sometimes extremely serious complications may occur.

Every person knows what it is. This condition appears during takeoffs and landings on an airplane, with a runny nose. It can also occur with pathology in the organ of hearing.


This condition most often occurs for two main reasons:

  • In the absence of proper hygiene. Large ones lead to this effect.
  • At . Such an ailment leads to swelling.

There are other reasons: water getting into the ear, deviated septum,. Sometimes congestion is a consequence of taking certain drugs.

Ear congestion as a symptom

Sometimes diseases provoke such a condition. For example, . This is one of the most common pathologies that leads to inflammation of the epithelium. As a result of bacterial activity, it appears, leading to congestion. This symptom is also manifested in other diseases:

  • . It often develops in children against the background of a decrease in immunity. The described phenomenon may be accompanied. The inflammation spreads to the middle ear.
  • . In this disease, the ear is affected by a fungus that affects the middle and outer ear. Usually the lesion is unilateral. Congestion and tinnitus with this problem are the very first bells.
  • . This can happen due to a mechanical or chemical disorder, appears under the influence of pus. This condition is accompanied by seizures, appetite, fever.
  • Rhinosinusitis. It all starts with nasal congestion. It is more common in adults aged 45 to 70 years. Edema affects not only the nasal mucosa, but also the ears.
  • Sialadenitis. Inflammation of the salivary gland. It can be acute or chronic. The parotid gland is most commonly affected. This leads to a feeling of congestion.
  • . Disease affecting the Eustachian tube. In the course of the disease, there is a violation of the ventilation of the middle ear.

What to do at home

The treatment or method of exposure is selected depending on the reason that led to such a phenomenon. The easiest way is to contact an otolaryngologist, who will not only identify the prerequisites, but also prescribe the correct treatment.

What to do if your ear is suddenly blocked:

When sick

Treatment is always carried out approximately according to the same scheme:

  • middle ear drainage,
  • removal of obstacles of an organic nature,
  • ear treatment with antiseptics,
  • usage ,
  • application and .

Other options

If foreign bodies enter, congestion may be accompanied by a reflex cough. Removing the cause is carried out by. You can use hydrogen peroxide for this.

Special hooks can also be used, but the work with the help of the latter must be done very carefully, since the risk of injury to the skin is very high.

They can also lead to. Especially in the first stages, the patient is not worried about anything, only congestion. You cannot deal with such a problem on your own.

The easiest way to deal with the problem if it occurs:

  • Due to head contact with water. To eliminate it, it is enough to open your mouth wide or jump on one leg.
  • During the formation of ear cerumen. It is easy to remove it using special drops, hydrogen peroxide or ear candles.
  • such a symptom does not indicate a pathology. Most often this is due to hormonal changes in the body. Therefore, in such a situation, no treatment is required.

What is the dangerous condition

How to clean a blocked ear for a child:


Congestion itself is not a serious problem. In order to prevent its occurrence, it is necessary to carry out hygiene procedures in a timely manner, to prevent the development of a runny nose. If the latter could not be kept, then for prevention, you can drink and drip vasoconstrictor drops. This will help prevent congestion.

Before traveling in an elevator, plane or car, take hard candies or chewing gum with you on the road. They will help you avoid such an unpleasant symptom on the road.

Ear congestion is an unpleasant symptom that occurs suddenly when traveling by plane, swimming in the pool and other situations. Usually, congestion in the ears goes away on its own after a while, but sometimes the symptoms are persistent and require additional intervention from doctors. What this phenomenon may be connected with and how you can restore hearing on your own, we will analyze in this article.


Most often, congestion in the ears occurs not only with diseases of the ENT organs, but also when exposed to various external factors.

This symptom may be caused by the following reasons:

  • water entering the ear canal - this is often observed in people visiting pools, they may complain that their ear is blocked after swimming;
  • a sharp change in atmospheric pressure - it can block your ears when flying on an airplane, when it takes off or lands, as well as when moving along winding mountain roads (in some cases, congestion may occur even when using elevators or escalators);
  • the presence of a sulfuric plug in the ear canal - a mechanical obstacle to the passage of sound can seriously impair a person’s quality of life, moreover, in this case, the symptom does not go away on its own and requires medical intervention in the form of washing;
  • a foreign body in the external auditory canal - like the previous reason, this leads to a persistent hearing loss that requires the help of doctors and medical personnel;
  • if a person cleaned his ear, and it was blocked, then this may indicate damage to the eardrum;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system, in which sharp fluctuations in blood pressure are noted - an increase in pressure in the vascular bed leads to spasm of the arteries, which can be manifested by a sensation of tinnitus, congestion, as well as headache and impaired consciousness;
  • undesirable effects of drugs - this is usually associated with damage to the auditory nerve;
  • swelling of the nasopharynx - anatomically, the nasal cavity and the auditory tube are interconnected, therefore, with a runny nose, when the nasal mucosa swells, the patency of not only the nasal passages, but also the auditory tubes is disturbed (this condition is usually accompanied by congestion in the ears, which can disappear after blowing your nose and using vasoconstrictors nasal drops);
  • in the presence of a curved nasal septum, a similar situation can be observed, as with a runny nose and a cold, however, it does not disappear on its own - in this case, a curved septum is an obstacle to the passage of air;
  • in some cases, congestion is noted by pregnant women - the reason for this phenomenon is a change in metabolism, which leads to the appearance of swelling of the auditory canal.

Hearing loss is one of the contributing factors

If congestion in the ear is accompanied by painful sensations, then it can be assumed that the infectious process became the cause of such symptoms. Pathogenic microorganisms can enter the auditory tube with acute respiratory infections when a person blows his nose.

Inflammatory processes in this case are called eutachitis, tubootitis or otitis, depending on which departments were affected.


Symptoms and concomitant manifestations of congestion in the ear depend on the cause that caused this condition. If the hearing impairment has arisen due to the presence of a foreign body in the ear canal, exposure to external factors, pathologies of other organs, then the patient may complain of tinnitus, a sensation of a foreign object. Along with hearing loss, dizziness, headaches, and other neurological symptoms may occur.

If the ears are blocked due to infectious inflammatory diseases, for example, after the flu or SARS, then along with hearing loss, there may be pain when swallowing, discomfort, and sharp pains in the form of lumbago. There may also be a discharge of pus from the ear canal, a dry cough, and other signs of a respiratory and ear infection.

Treatment at home

The procedures necessary to restore hearing are determined depending on the cause of ear congestion. For example, in mild cases, when swelling of the nasopharyngeal mucosa is noted, you can try to get rid of this symptom yourself by using vasoconstrictors and decongestants. These can be drops or sprays applied topically.

If for a long period of time there is a violation of the patency of the Eustachian tube, the development of inflammatory processes in it is possible, which will require the appointment of antibacterial agents. You may even have to be treated in a hospital.

If the alleged cause of congestion in the ear is associated with the presence of a foreign body or water ingress into the ear canal, then you can try to free the ear cavity yourself. To do this, lie on the side of the affected ear and shake your head slightly. If this does not help, then after two minutes the procedure can be repeated.

If after several attempts there is no improvement in the condition and if other symptoms appear that may indicate the presence of inflammation, then you should consult a doctor as soon as possible.

If your right or left ear is stuffed up while flying on an airplane due to a pressure drop, on the street, then you can try to take a few deep breaths with your mouth. Having taken air into the lungs, you need to swallow several times. You can also try to force yourself to yawn.

Sulfur plug is another cause of pathology

Usually such simple actions are enough to completely get rid of congestion in the ears. In order to further prevent the occurrence of this situation, with elevation changes, you need to slightly open your mouth. This will equalize the pressure in the cavity of the auditory tube and the oral cavity, and thereby avoid the appearance of congestion.

If the ear is stuffed up due to the presence of a sulfur plug in it, then it will not be possible to get rid of the obstacle on your own. You need to see a doctor to clean the ear canal and wash the plug. A distinctive feature of congestion associated with such a cause is that the patient will never complain that he has stuffed up both ears.

Sulfur plug is a mixture of sulfur, small particles of the epithelium, as well as the secretion of the sebaceous glands. Regular ear cleaning is usually sufficient to prevent this condition from occurring. But in some cases, sulfur plug can significantly increase in size under the influence of certain external factors. This leads to blockage of the external auditory canal and hearing loss.

Depending on how long the ear plug has been there, it can change its color from yellowish to black. At the same time, newly formed corks usually have a rather soft texture, while old ones can be dense, like a stone.

The problem associated with this disease is that the patient may not present any complaints for a long time, since for a significant hearing loss it is necessary that the lumen of the auditory canal be completely blocked.

Removing an old cork is carried out in several ways. The first is to wash it out with a syringe and a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution. This substance helps to soften the foreign body. To “pierce” it in this way, you need to place a syringe without a needle shallowly into the ear canal, pull the ear up. The patient's head should be tilted slightly to the affected side. If the right ear is blocked, then you need to tilt to the right, and if the left ear is blocked, then, accordingly, to the left.

The wax plug that was taken out of the ear looks like this

After that, you can gradually feed the contents of the syringe into the ear canal. Hydrogen peroxide, upon contact with the substance of the cork, begins to foam and hiss, and due to the tilt of the head, it, together with particles of a foreign body, will flow out of the ear. The sulfur remaining inside is removed with a cotton swab.

To dry the ear, it must be warmed up under a lamp for several minutes. If necessary, the procedure is repeated after 1-2 days, twice a week, until the cork is completely removed.

Also, to remove the sulfur plug, you can instill water with baking soda diluted in it into your ear. After that, a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution is also used and parts of the foreign body are washed out with a syringe. For disinfection at the end of the procedure, boric alcohol is instilled into the ear. The duration of such manipulation is usually 3 days.

The third method is based on the use of various oils, such as olive, sunflower. Glycerin also has a similar effect. They are instilled in the amount of 2-3 drops into the ear canal and after five minutes the plug is removed with a cotton swab. However, with this method, there is a risk of moving the wax plug deep into the ear, which will make it impossible to remove it at home.

If the contents of the ear canal are characterized by increased density, onion juice mixed with alcohol can be used. The resulting solution should be dripped 2 times a day, two drops. You can also use regular cabbage juice for this purpose.

Other treatments

If the patient complains not only about congestion in the ears, but also about the fact that he has a buzzing in his head, his chest is blocked, you can use almond oil. This remedy should be instilled in the amount of 3-5 drops. After that, the ears must be plugged with cotton.

What to do if the ear is stuffed up with an increase in blood pressure? First of all, it is necessary to restore the normal working capacity of the cardiovascular system. The patient should take the drugs recommended by his doctor, aimed at reducing pressure. You should also contact a medical institution for further examination in order to exclude severe pathology and acute illness.

If hearing is reduced due to a foreign body, then a foreign object is removed from the ear canal with tweezers, the end of which is blunt. The doctor must be careful when doing this, as he can push it deeper. At the same time, it is better to illuminate the ear canal with a flashlight in order to better determine the localization of the object.

If it was possible to do this procedure, you need to re-examine the ear so as not to miss the possible presence of another foreign body and damage to the epithelium.

If an insect gets into the ear, you can try to remove them by washing the ear canal with warm water. It is desirable that an antiseptic, such as soap, be dissolved in it. This will help to quickly kill the insect and prevent its further entry into the ear.

Often ear congestion is accompanied by nasal congestion

If the ears are blocked due to the undesirable effect of drugs, first of all, it is necessary to stop their administration. You should also inform the doctor about this situation so that he can give advice on which drug is better to replace the one that caused the complication.

In acute respiratory diseases, the common cold, sinusitis, treatment is primarily aimed at combating the underlying disease. Eliminate signs of inflammation as early as possible to prevent further spread of the infection. First of all, the paranasal sinuses should be cleaned, for which it is necessary that the patient blow his nose well.

The main thing is not to make too much effort for this in order to avoid getting mucus into the Eustachian tubes and developing their inflammation.

To clean the auditory tubes, you can use a special exercise. It is best to carry it out after cleansing the nasal passages from mucus. It consists in making circular movements with the lower jaw, pushing it forward. Care must be taken not to cause dislocation of the joint.

The sensation that appeared in the ears as if something was gurgling in them will indicate the discharge of mucus accumulated in the Eustachian tubes - the immediate cause. After that, to further clear the airways, you should blow your nose.

If the patient often complains that his ears are suddenly blocked for no apparent reason, it may be a deviated nasal septum. In such cases, neither coughing nor blowing your nose usually helps. A positive effect can be achieved by carrying out the exercise described above.

Ear congestion along with pain is a sign of an inflammatory process

If the patient complains that her ears are stuffed up during pregnancy, you should not engage in self-treatment, it is better to consult a specialist.

You should not try to solve the problem yourself if there is a suspicion of an infectious process in the ear. In this case, it is better to consult a doctor. This is due to the fact that the disease can be caused by a wide variety of bacteria or even fungi. This also determines the choice of drug therapy.

To combat a bacterial infection, antibiotics are prescribed, which, with a fungal disease, only increase the severity of inflammatory processes. In addition, the doctor will be able to correctly determine why the patient has developed this or that pathology, and what additional drugs he should prescribe so that he recovers faster.

With purulent inflammation, you can only do washing with antiseptic solutions on your own. This will prevent further spread of the infection deep into the ear canal. However, it is still worth doing only in cases where it is not possible to consult a doctor.

Another reason to stop self-treatment is the ineffectiveness of home therapies for 2-3 days. In this case, it is better to consult a doctor to undergo all the required diagnostic procedures. It is worth remembering that the ears are a complex organ, inflammation in which can lead to the development of severe complications, including those associated with brain damage. Therefore, it is better to entrust the treatment to specialists, rather than trying to solve the problem on your own.

Many people in their lives have experienced unpleasant sensations of congestion in the ears. The causes of this discomfort can be various diseases, but what to do at home if the ear is blocked.

To eliminate the symptoms of congestion at home, there are many different ways: instillation, lotions, exercises and massage.

Instillations in the ear

Everyone knows about the healing properties of propolis. Even our grandmothers used it to treat various ailments. Since propolis has a strongly pronounced anti-inflammatory, analgesic, wound-healing properties, it is widely used in otolaryngology.

Based on propolis and alcohol

With congestion in the ear, it is necessary to take a tincture of propolis for alcohol and drip into the ear 3 times a day, 2 drops. To prepare a tincture of propolis, you need propolis (20 grams), medical 70% alcohol (80 ml).

Propolis should be put in the freezer for several hours to make it hard, then grind it well, pour it into a glass container and pour it with alcohol. Thoroughly mix the contents of the container and put in a dark place to infuse for one to two weeks.

Since this tincture is used not only for the treatment of ear diseases, it is better to prepare this remedy in advance and store it in a cool, dark place. If properly stored, the tincture can be stored for three years.

Interesting fact! Bees use propolis to maintain sterility in the hive, and with the help of propolis they embalm small animals that have fallen into the hive.

Based on onion and garlic juice

It helps very effectively with ear congestion to dig in the juice of onion and garlic.

To prepare drops from onions, you need to take half an onion, squeeze the juice into a clean bowl and add vodka in a 1: 1 ratio.

The resulting drops should be instilled several times a day, 4 drops. To prepare garlic drops, you need to prepare 1 clove of garlic and 1 tbsp. a spoonful of sesame oil.

Finely chop the garlic and heat well in oil. Strain the resulting mixture and instill drops in the blocked ear no more than three times a day.

Based on a decoction of hawthorn and periwinkle

Also very well relieves congestion in the ears decoction of hawthorn and periwinkle. To prepare a decoction, pour 2 tablespoons of hawthorn fruit and 1 tablespoon of periwinkle into 500 ml. boiling water and heat in a water bath for 5 minutes.

Let the decoction brew for 25 minutes, take 50 milliliters before meals several times a day.

Be careful! When using hawthorn decoction with ear congestion at home, heart rhythm disturbances may occur. It is also contraindicated in pregnant women (it can provoke an early termination of pregnancy), and you can not drink decoctions with hawthorn for nursing mothers, as this plant inhibits lactation.

Based on almond oil

Congestion in the ears will help to remove almond oil very quickly. The oil contains many useful trace elements, so it is widely used not only in cosmetology, but also in medicine.

What to do if the ear is blocked at home, and almond oil is at hand. You need to take a little oil, heat it to body temperature and instill a blocked ear 4 times a day, two drops. With this treatment, congestion will pass very quickly.

Instillation with a decoction of elecampane root

Also, to relieve congestion in the ears, you can additionally take a decoction of the roots of elecampane. This plant has strong anti-inflammatory properties, so taking a decoction will quickly relieve the discomfort caused by congestion in the ears.

To prepare a healing decoction, you need to take 1 teaspoon of finely chopped roots, pour 0.2 liters. insist hot water in a water bath for 15 minutes, strain through a strainer, you need to drink such a decoction for 2 tbsp. spoons, four times a day.

Note! A decoction of the roots of elecampane is contraindicated in people with diseases of the cardiovascular system, with kidney diseases, as well as pregnant women and nursing mothers.

Based on tea tree oil

What to do at home if the child's ear is blocked. When treating children, it is very important that the drugs used are safe.

Tea tree oil can be used to treat ear congestion in children.

To prepare the drops, you need olive oil (10 drops) and tea tree oil (2 drops). The oils should be mixed and dripped into the sore ear 3 times a day, 1 drop.

Tea tree oil has properties such as anti-inflammatory, antifungal, antibacterial. Therefore, it is widely used in medicine.

Tampons and lotions

What else can you do if your ear is blocked at home. To eliminate the symptoms, you can use tampons and lotions with healing oils and tinctures.

Geranium Oil Blend

Very often, geranium oil is used to treat ears. This well-known plant has a wide range of medicinal properties. Therefore, it is very often used to treat diseases of the ears and throat.

To prepare tampons with geranium oil, you need to take sterile cotton wool, geranium oil (you can buy at any pharmacy) and base oil (preferably olive oil). Heat the oil (base) and add geranium oil, in a ratio of 2:1. Pour the resulting mixture of oils into a sterile vial.

Take a small sterile piece of cotton wool, roll it up with a flagellum, soak it with the resulting oil, and put it in your ear. After 20 minutes, the pain and congestion will begin to pass, every hour the tampon should be replaced.

Cotton swab in tincture of calendula, chamomile or eucalyptus

Also, with congestion in the ears, you can make tampons with tinctures of chamomile, eucalyptus and calendula. This is perhaps the easiest way: you need to dip a cotton flagellum in tincture, wring it out a little and lay it on the sore ear. This compress will not only relieve inflammation, but also remove pain and congestion.

Swab of warm melted butter in the ear

Since ancient times, a method of treatment with ghee has been known. It is believed that melted butter is healthier than regular butter.

Our ancestors used it to treat joints, treat colds, coughs, headaches and the digestive system.

What can be done with ghee at home if the ear is blocked. You can lubricate the auricle with warm melted butter or make a cotton swab, that is, soak a tourniquet of cotton wool with melted butter and put it in your ear overnight, replace the swab in the morning.

Congestion in the ears due to the formation of sulfuric plug

Very often, congestion in the ears occurs if a sulfur plug forms. You can, of course, go to the doctor and carry out the washing procedure, but you can try to dissolve the sulfur yourself at home. There are ways to get rid of sulfuric plugs.

Hydrogen peroxide on a cotton swab

The simplest and most effective way is to soak a cotton swab in 3% hydrogen peroxide and hold it in the blocked ear for a couple of minutes, after such a procedure the sulfur will become softer and can be cleaned out of the ear.

To remove not too large sulfur plugs, doctors recommend instilling a solution of hydrogen peroxide into the ear, 15 drops 3 times a day, for 2-5 days. After this time, the wax will soften and exfoliate from the tissue in the ears and it can be easily removed from the ears.

Weak soda solution

Also, a solution of soda is used to remove excess sulfur. This solution is very easy to prepare for 50 ml of warm water (boiled), you should add 1 teaspoon of soda, mix well and instill the stuffy ear 3-4 times a day, 5-6 drops.

Under the influence of this solution, sulfur will begin to crumble, and it will be possible to take it.

Instillation with sunflower oil

Warm sunflower oil softens sulfur well. To do this, you need to take two tablespoons of oil, boil it, pour it into a sterile jar and instill 3 drops in the ear 3 times a day, three, four days.

Under the influence of oil, the sulfur softens and can be washed out of the ear. Washing the ears is better and safer in the doctor's office, you can, of course, wash the ear at home, but then there will be a high probability that damage to the eardrum will occur.

Heated olive oil or glycerin

In addition to sunflower oil, you can use olive oil or glycerin. Olive oil or glycerin should also be instilled in a warm form (the temperature should be around 36-37 ° C).

With these funds, the ear should be instilled 5 drops 3 times a day, 5-6 days. After such procedures, the sulfur plug will soon come out of the ear itself.

Onion juice and alcohol

If the sulfur is very hardened, 2 drops of camphor alcohol should be instilled into the ear, or a solution of onion juice.

You need to take 4 tsp of juice and 1 tsp of vodka, mix everything, pour it into a clean bowl and bury the blocked ear.

Sulfur under the influence of these drugs will begin to dissolve and flow out.

What can be taken orally, with congestion in the ears

To make home remedies for stuffy ears work faster, you should prepare a tincture of raspberry roots.

Raspberry root tincture

Raspberry roots have antipyretic, analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties. Therefore, ingestion of the tincture will remove the inflammation in the ear and contribute to a speedy recovery.

To prepare the tincture, you need to take 250 grams of crushed raspberry roots, 500 grams of young larch or fir branches and 500 grams of honey. Place all components in a jar and pour 200 ml of boiling water.

Insist the tincture in a dark place for 24 hours, then insist in a water bath for 5 hours, and once again put it in a dark place for 24 hours. After the time has elapsed, strain the contents well and drink 1 tbsp. spoon three times a day for half an hour before meals. For 10 days.

This tincture can be taken not only for congestion in the ears, but also for respiratory diseases and flu.

Other home remedies for ear congestion

Also, to eliminate congestion, there are mechanical methods:

Tinnitus and Tinnitus ExercisesEar and nose massagePushing air
You need to take the lower jaw with your left hand and carefully, as you exhale, move the jaw to one side, literally by a millimeter, this method will relax the muscles and eliminate tinnitus.Massage should begin with rubbing the ears:
cover your ears with your hands
press your palms tightly to your head
take hands sharply
repeat such movements 15-20 times
Then you need to go to the nose massage, alternately pressing on certain points:
1. edges of the nose
2. outer corners of the eyes
3. point between the eyebrows
4. points above the earsMassage repeat 5 times in a row, several times a day
It is necessary to pinch your nose with your fingers and try to exhale with force through it, the cotton inside the ear will indicate that the pressure has stabilized, and the congestion in the ear will go away.

Heating the sinuses with eggs or heating pads with sand and salt; compresses from beets boiled in honey

It also helps to eliminate congestion in the ears, heating the sinuses. Only such a method of treatment is permissible if congestion is provoked by a runny nose.

For heating, you can use a boiled chicken egg wrapped in cotton cloth, or you can heat salt (sand) and pour it into a cloth bag.

Put a bag on top and warm the nose for no more than 10 minutes several times a day. From such warming up, a runny nose will pass faster, and, accordingly, the ear will not be blocked.

Beet compresses are also used to warm the sinuses. To do this, the beets are grated, mixed with honey and heated.

A warm mixture is applied to a piece of bandage and applied to the sinus area, a film and a warm cloth are placed on top, such a compress should be kept for more than two hours. Beneficial trace elements of beet juice and honey are absorbed into the sinus tissues, thereby reducing inflammation and shortening the period of illness.

Effective step-by-step methods for eliminating ear congestion with normal and elevated body temperature

It often happens that ear congestion is accompanied by a temperature. In this case, it is necessary to take antipyretic drugs, in no case should you warm the ear.

It is necessary to prepare a solution with the addition of salt and iodine (add 0.5 teaspoon of salt and 2 drops of iodine to a glass of warm boiled water).

Rinse your nose with the resulting solution. If the pain and congestion in the ear does not go away. You need to see a doctor or call an ambulance.

If the body temperature is normal, then you need to gently clean the ear, make a flagellum from cotton wool, soak it in a solution with salt (0.5 teaspoon of salt per 100 ml of warm boiled water), and place in the blocked ear.

Lie down on a warm, soft cloth with this ear (you can warm it with dry heat, warm sand or salt is recommended to use). In this state, you need to stay for 2-3 hours and the congestion of the ear will subside.

Drops that are used for ear congestion

Congestion in the ears can naturally be eliminated with the help of medications. But when using funds, it is very important to take into account the nature of the origin of congestion in the ears.

For the treatment of ear congestion, which is caused by microbes, drops such as Tsipromed and Otofa are most often used.

With antimicrobial action: Tsipromed, Otofa


The active substance is the antibiotic ciprofloxacin. A drop is used to treat inflammation of the outer and middle ear, to treat postoperative complications. Drops are prescribed three times a day, 5 drops for 10 days. The cost of drops is 160 rubles.


The active substance is Rifamycin sodium. These drops are also used for otitis media and otitis externa and for the prevention of postoperative complications.

Assign three times a day for 4 drops for 7 days. The cost of drops does not exceed 200 rubles.

With anti-inflammatory mechanism of action: Otipax, Otinum

For the treatment of inflammatory processes, Otipax and Otinum drops are considered the most effective.


Drops contain lidocaine and finazon. They have anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. Drops are used for:

  • nonpurulent otitis media;
  • otitis after the flu;
  • traumatic otitis;
  • chronic mucous otitis media;
  • abscess of the outer ear;
  • otitis externa.

The cost of this drug varies from 190 to 250 rubles.


The active substance is choline salicylate. Drops are intended as an analgesic and anti-inflammatory drug.

Used for acute otitis externa. Assign 3 drops for 5-7 days. The cost of this drug is 250-300 rubles.

With combined action: Sofradex

Most often, specialists prescribe drugs of combined action, such as Sofradex.

It is an antibiotic, with antibacterial, antiviral and analgesic action.

Assign for the treatment of otitis externa. The cost of the drug is slightly more than that of the drops presented above and amounts to 350 rubles.

Drops against earwax: A-cerumen; Remo wax

To dissolve earwax, drops such as A-cerumen, Remo-vax are used.

Remo wax

This drug is used exclusively to soften earwax and wax plugs. To remove plugs in the ear, you need to drip 20 drops and wait about an hour, then gently rinse the ear with boiled, warm water. Drops cost about 450 rubles.


The drug is intended for the hygiene of the ears at home, as well as for the prevention of the formation of sulfur plugs and their dissolution.

To dissolve the plugs that have already formed, the solution must be poured into the ear for minutes, then turned down so that the dissolved sulfur flows out.

For prevention, the drug should not be used more than twice in seven days.

Vasoconstrictor drops: Otrivin; Galazolin; Rhinorus

Very often, the ears are laid on the background of respiratory diseases and, as a result, a runny nose. In this case, it is useless to treat the ears directly, so the doctor may prescribe vasoconstrictor nose drops, such as Otrivin, Galazolin and Rinorus.


The composition of this spray includes the vasoconstrictor drug xylometazoline. This drug is prescribed to reduce swelling of the mucous membranes of the nose. The cost of this medication is about 200 rubles.


It is also a vasoconstrictor drug, which is used for viral and infectious diseases that are accompanied by rhinitis.

The cost of Halozolin is 50 rubles.


Rhinorus is a vasoconstrictor drug that also contains xylometazoline. The drug is prescribed for sinusitis, rhinitis, as well as for manifestations of allergic reactions. The cost of the drug ranges from 50 to 100 rubles.

What can be done at home if the ear is blocked due to high or low pressure.

What to do if the ear is blocked due to high blood pressure

First of all, it is necessary to measure blood pressure, if the pressure is elevated, you need to take medication to normalize the pressure. Then you need to lie down and lie down calmly.

If the pressure does not decrease, and the noise and congestion in the ears increases, you should immediately call an ambulance. If the pressure is low, you need to take Caffeine or drink a cup of hot sweet black tea. In this case, the pressure will normalize and the congestion will go away.

What to do if the ear is blocked with water

Also, the ear can lay due to water ingress. In this case, the ear should be tilted towards the floor and wait until the water flows out.

Then carefully clean the ear with a cotton flagellum from the remaining water. If the sensation persists, seek medical attention.

When hit by foreign bodies

Sometimes it happens that the cause of congestion in the ears may be a foreign object that has entered the ear canal.

If your ear is stuffed up and you can’t cope at home, you must not delay contacting an otolaryngologist

It is best not to try to get a foreign body on your own, you should immediately seek medical, qualified help.

The doctor will be able to safely remove the object with minimal trauma to the ear.

What to do if the problem occurs after cleaning the ears

In such a situation, it is likely that during the cleaning process, the sulfuric plug that was in the ear was pushed into the depth of the ear, which led to congestion. In this case, you can try the methods to remove excess sulfur (described earlier), or seek help from a doctor.

Occurrence of congestion in the ear as a result of washing the nose

It also sometimes happens that after washing the sinuses during a runny nose, the ear is suddenly blocked.

This suggests that the nose was not rinsed correctly and the solution got into the middle ear, which led to congestion. In this case, you need to try to remove the liquid.

To do this, you need to drip vasoconstrictor drops into the nose and try to direct the fluid from the middle ear into the nasopharynx with quick swallowing movements.

Note! If after the manipulations the congestion has not gone away, you need to consult a doctor. Since the remaining fluid in the ear can lead to the development of otitis media.

How to quickly relieve congestion that arose during a flight on an airplane

Also, a feeling of congestion can occur with fluctuations in atmospheric pressure. For example, when climbing in the mountains or flying on an airplane.

You can remove such congestion by repeating frequent swallowing movements, or often yawning, such a kind of gymnastics will lead to muscle relaxation and relieve congestion in the ears.

How to treat stuffy ears with a cold

During cold weather, the human body is prone to various colds. During a cold, not only rhinitis, sore throat, fever, but also pain and stuffiness in the ears can be observed.

To remove these rather unpleasant sensations, drops such as Anauran, Otipax, Otium, Sofradex can be instilled into the ears, they will relieve inflammation and reduce pain and congestion.

Sometimes herpes rashes may appear in the auricle, ointments (Oxycort, Hydrocortisone) can be used for treatment, they should be applied several times a day with a thin layer on the affected areas.

Phytocandles, such as: Reamed, Tentorium, very effectively cope with various diseases of the ears. They have analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects. The use of phytocandles will help to quickly relieve pain and congestion.

Compresses are also used on the parotid zone, such compresses can be made on the basis of honey, alcohol or on the basis of warming oils.

It is very easy to make such a compress, a warming composition is applied to the bandage, applied to the auricle, you need to put a piece of film on top and wrap the sore ear with a warm cloth. The compress is best put at night.

The ears are a very important organ for a person, so you need to take care of it, and do not forget to take care of it. You should undergo an annual examination by an otolaryngologist, because it is known that any disease is better to prevent than to treat.

What to do at home if the ear is blocked?

Quick and painless help to remove the sulfur plug:

Ear congestion can be expressed by a feeling of pressure in the ears, accompanied by pain, dizziness, noise (ringing) and some hearing impairment. This condition is sometimes the result of a cold, allergy, or sinusitis. Also, the ears sometimes stuff up due to pressure drops during flights, scuba diving, or rapid changes in altitude. Fortunately, ear congestion can usually be relieved by relieving excess pressure in the ears. If this does not help, you will need to treat medical problems or remove sulfur plugs.


Ways to quickly alleviate the condition

    Swallow to open the auditory tubes. Swallowing uses the same muscles that control the auditory tubes, which can help them open. Most likely, you will hear some kind of click when they open.

    Yawn. Similar to swallowing, yawning engages the muscles that control the auditory tubes. It makes them open up. Yawning is even more effective than swallowing, but some people find it somewhat more difficult to deliberately induce it.

    Chew gum. Chewing gum also engages your muscles and allows you to open the auditory tubes. Chew the gum until you hear the click of the pipes opening.

    Exhale slowly through your nose. Take a deep breath. Close your mouth and close your nostrils almost completely. Then exhale slowly through your nose. Wait for a click in the ears, which will mean a successful result of the procedure.

    Use a nasal washer to clear your sinuses. This device can flush the sinuses and relieve the symptoms of sinusitis, including ear congestion. Fill the device with a special sterile solution or distilled water. Tilt your head 45° and bring the nozzle of the device to your upper nostril. Slowly pour the solution into the upper nostril, allowing it to flow out the lower nostril.

    • Blow your nose and then repeat with the other nostril.
    • Nasal rinsing allows you to dissolve the mucus and wash it out along with irritants that may have entered the nasal passages.
    • Carefully follow the instructions for the nasal irrigation device you are using to avoid inhaling the liquid by accident.
  1. Breathe in the steam to open your nasal passages. Pour boiling water into a large bowl and then drape a towel over your head. Bend your face over the bowl. Begin breathing slowly through your nose so that the steam dissolves the mucus and causes it to come out. If mucus gets into your mouth, spit it out.

    • Try adding tea or herbs to your inhalation water. Decoctions of certain herbs, such as chamomile, have anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties, making them an excellent addition to steam inhalation.
    • Taking hot showers, going to the sauna, or using a humidifier may also help.
    • Do not place a steam source near your ears, as steam can sometimes too much hot.
    • Be careful not to lean too low over the steam or you could burn your face with the steam.

Treatment of ear congestion due to medical reasons

  1. Use nasal decongestants for colds, allergies, and sinusitis. Ear congestion is often the result of sinus congestion, as the auditory tubes run from the back of the nasopharynx to the middle ear. Because nasal decongestants can relieve nasal congestion, they can also help relieve ear congestion.

    • Nasal decongestants are sold without a prescription. If you need a certain brand of product but don't see it on the display at the pharmacy, ask your pharmacist if it's available.
    • Stop using decongestants after three days unless your doctor advises you to continue your course of treatment.
    • It's best to check with your doctor before using decongestants, especially if you're taking other medications or have hypertension, glaucoma, or prostate problems. Similarly, children should not be treated with decongestants without the advice of a doctor.
  2. Use topical nasal steroids. Nasal steroids help relieve swelling of the nasal passages, due to which congestion appears. This will get rid of both nasal and ear congestion.

    Take antihistamines if you have allergies. If the allergy is left untreated, ear congestion may occur, as this causes irritation of the paranasal sinuses, which initially leads to nasal congestion. Daily intake of antihistamines will help to cope with unwanted symptoms. There are a number of such over-the-counter drugs available, including cetirizine (Zyrtec), loratadine (Claritin), and fexofenadine hydrochloride (Allegra).

    Seek medical attention if you experience severe and persistent ear pain. The above self-help methods should give you relief in a few hours. If this does not happen, you should consult a doctor. If left unattended, stuffy ears can lead to hearing loss. In addition, infectious inflammation may develop.

    • Seek immediate medical attention if you develop a fever or any discharge from your ears.
    • Take all medications prescribed by your doctor, especially antibiotics. Otherwise, symptoms may recur.
    • Your doctor may prescribe ear drops for pain relief.
  3. If your ears are often blocked, ask your doctor to ventilate the auditory tubes. Your doctor may insert special tubes into your ears to drain fluid from your ear canals and relieve excess pressure in your ears. This procedure is usually performed with frequent ear congestion.

Removal of sulfur plugs

    Tilt your head to the side. The problem ear should be at the top, and the second - at the bottom. You will be more comfortable if you lie down or put a pillow under your head.

    Put 2-3 drops of water, saline, or hydrogen peroxide into your ear. It is better to use a pipette so as not to accidentally drip more liquid than necessary. It doesn't matter which remedy you choose, as they are all effective. However, saline and peroxide are sterile, so they are less likely to cause an infection if left in the ear.

    • Do not inject any liquid into your ear if you may have an ear infection or a damaged eardrum.
  1. Wait at least a minute for the liquid to flow deep into the ear and dissolve the wax. This will take one minute.

    • Do not wait longer than a few minutes as the liquid may seep too deep into the ear.
  2. Tilt your head to the other side so that the dissolved sulfur can drain off. The dissolved wax will flow out of the ear by gravity. You can put a towel under your ear to catch the drops.