
Psychological state in hypothyroidism. How to identify and treat depression in hypothyroidism

Psychosomatics thyroid gland are several topics:

1) The theme of protection.

The name of the thyroid gland comes from the word "shield" for a reason. The gland seems to protect the larynx, acting as a shield.

If lives, in the family tree, there are stories associated with hanging, being stabbed in the throat, etc., and there are fears associated with this event, then the tissues of the thyroid gland can respond to these fears by growing, increasing protection.

2) The main theme of the psychosomatics of the thyroid gland is the theme of time and speed.

The thyroid gland produces hormones that regulate metabolism. What does it mean? The amount of hormones in it determines the speed at which the processes in the body will proceed. Fast or slow.

It is quite logical that the body chooses the thyroid gland to help when a person has suffering associated with the theme of time and speed.

3) The theme of injustice.

Psychosomatics of hyperthyroidism

1) You need to do everything quickly, quickly, quickly, but you do not have time. What is left for the body? Enlarge the thyroid parenchyma to produce more hormones responsible for metabolism in the body.

The woman developed hyperthyroidism after the death of her mother. It turned out that she still can not accept what happened. It seems to her that if they had then managed to carry out all the necessary medical procedures the mother would still be alive. Despite the fact that everything has already ended, part of the woman is still in a hurry to do everything. The body helps through hyperthyroidism.

3) The feeling of being in constant danger.

The thyroid gland (along with the adrenal glands) is a gland that responds to constant danger, as its hormones increase the metabolic rate - which helps to speed up and deal with danger.

4) A person sets a goal - the desired "piece". New job, a wedding with a young man, the purchase of a passionately desired thing. You need to hurry up, strain hard to get it. The thyroid gland may react.

5) If a child is diagnosed with hyperthyroidism, it is necessary to check whether his parents are in a hurry to catch everything, and whether the parents of the child contribute to his constant haste.

Psychosomatics of hypothyroidism

1) A person suffering from hypothyroidism once unconsciously decided to slow down.

Perhaps he had been in constant activity for too long. And this activity is still suffering for him.

Perhaps the decrease in activity is a solution to the constant poking of the mother, which is still sitting in him: “Come on faster. You must be the best. Why are you doing everything wrong?" The person internally resists this. Activity, speed are forbidden for him, because if he starts to move quickly, then this means his loss to his mother.

2) The desire to slow down the departure of another person.

If someone is seriously ill The best way stay longer with loved ones - slow down time. And even after the death of a loved one, as we have already understood, the desire to slow down time can remain if a person himself has not coped with grief, has not built the departure of a loved one in his picture of the world.

3) If the stress lasts too long, the person may get tired and unconsciously give the command to stop so that they no longer feel anything. The body will help hypothyroidism.

4) If hypothyroidism in children, then, as usual, we start with the experiences of the parents, if the child is small.

Also, do not forget that if the child is too nimble, and the parents show severe dissatisfaction with his behavior, then the child may unconsciously decide that it is better to be calm and quiet for parents to accept. The result is hypothyroidism.

I can say that our body reacts very quickly with the help of hormones to all changes in mental well-being. Also in the case of the psychosomatics of the thyroid gland. All hormonal disorders come back to normal if you change your negative states once and for all.

Good luck and see you)

30.04.2007, 22:29

The onset of the disease was like this: pronounced weakness, fatigue appeared, mood decreased, loss of interest, decrease in intellectual capabilities. diagnosed with depression and prescribed antidepressants. After 2 months. taking antidepressants, mood improved, became more active, but fatigue, drowsiness did not go away. bad memory I had to leave the university. poor performance increased. I tried to work, but I could not stay at work for a long time; psychiatric hospital due to the repetition of crises with delirium. After more than 10 years, there was a persistent partial loss of working capacity, they offered disability. I refused, because. had a job at that time and did not want to lose touch with society. Psychiatrists admitted that the disease is not very typical, after so many years with such difficult symptoms, there is no personality defect, thinking disorders. Someone advised me to take tests for thyroid hormones , it turned out that I have hypothyroidism and, according to the endocrinologist, a long one. 8 months. I take L-thyroxine, and I feel much better, chronic fatigue has passed, working capacity is better, no depression. But psychiatrists insist that I continue to take stabilizers (Depakin, Konvulekh), because it is possible that mental disorders are not from advanced hypothyroidism , and together i.e. and hypothyroidism and schizophrenia, and not schizophrenia caused by untreated hypothyroidism. I don’t know what to do, on the background of hormone therapy I really got better for the first time, and all the symptoms go away, and not some, selectively, as was the case with the treatment of psychotropic drugs. Were there such cases, do psychiatrists act rightly, or do they not want to admit that they have been mistaken for so many years in differentiating the diagnosis and continue to insist on treatment. Or is it not important what causes mental disorders, it is important to treat the consequences?

01.05.2007, 00:03

I will concretize my question - is it possible for untreated hypothyroidism to cause a mental disorder similar to schizophrenia?

01.05.2007, 10:14

Dear Polina, in patients with uncompensated hypothyroidism depressive disorders are much more common than in people with normal function glands. The treatment of such depressions primarily requires compensation for hypothyroidism. As for disorders resembling schizophrenia, with delusions, I can’t say, I’ll try to clarify.

What now level TTG?

01.05.2007, 10:55

The TSH level in February was 1.7 (the norm is 0.4-4.0), the next check in June, depressive states have passed, the general state of the psyche is also normalized against the background of taking L-thyroxine, for the first time real effect for many years. Can I hope that delusional states will not recur? Psychiatrists insist on continuing therapy with stabilizers, because. they are not sure that schizophrenia developed due to untreated hypotreosis. But these drugs have many side effects, should they be taken "just in case", especially since before taking L-thyroxine their action was selective, they did not remove most of the symptoms. Only against the background of hormone therapy, the symptoms began to disappear in a complex manner, both from the side of the psyche and from the side of the physical state. I don’t understand why psychiatrists are reinsured, it was their fault that hypothyroidism remained untreated for so many years. Complaints such as muscle weakness, fatigue, drowsiness, weight gain , poor memory, lethargy, slowness they associated with side effects psychotropic drugs, and with an increase in negative symptoms, which occurs with schizophrenia.
I am not against psychotropic drugs, if their purpose is justified and has an effect.
In my case, this therapy had little effect for many years.
Is hormone replacement therapy sufficient in the future? Or is the psyche irreversibly disturbed in hypothyroidism?

01.05.2007, 11:18

Moreover, several years ago, during the treatment of another crisis with delirium in a psychiatric hospital, the pressure dropped sharply, cardiac arrest and clinical death occurred, the doctors performed a successful resuscitation, but they did not find the cause, it was not a stroke, not a heart attack, and not anaphylactic shock. Could it be a coma associated with hypothyroidism?

The symptoms of hypothyroidism are a combination of symptoms and clinical manifestations that occur in the body when the level of thyroid hormones decreases due to a lack in the body, the influence of radioactive iodine-131, the absence of the thyroid gland due to organ surgery, or congenital pathology, autoimmune diseases thyroid gland. If you do not pay attention to the symptoms of hypothyroidism and do not treat given state, may occur severe consequences, including myxedema coma, which is fatal. The thyroid gland is responsible for the full functioning of the whole organism, therefore, when there is a shortage of hormones synthesized by it, a very diverse symptomatology occurs.

First manifestations

Each person needs to periodically examine the area of ​​​​the thyroid gland. Normally, it can be felt on the lower front of the neck under the Adam's apple. In relation to the internal organs, it is located below the larynx, in front of the thyroid cartilage, thanks to which it got its name. At normal condition his body is not visible from the outside. If a person notices a minimal change in the size of the gland, or another deformation in this area, then this should be the reason for contacting specialists. First clinical signs hypothyroidism can be - general weakness, increased fatigue, the appearance of dense swelling of soft tissues on the skin, low blood pressure, after which it forms arterial hypotension, bradycardia, impaired cognitive function, as well as disorders in the genital area.

All these symptoms are a reason for consulting a specialist, taking tests and identifying a problem, especially when they occur in a complex manner.

Main features

The thyroid gland is an organ that is rightfully called the "conductor" of the whole organism. Although this element cannot boast large size, he is responsible for the full functioning of the whole organism. It is designed to carry out the orders of the brain and manage the work internal organs. Under the influence of the main glands, such as the pituitary gland, hypothalamus, thyroid provides the synthesis of hormones responsible for a number of processes in the body.

External signs

Hypothyroidism is one of the few diseases in the diagnosis of which clinical symptoms are not of decisive importance and are secondary. Errors in the diagnosis of hypothyroidism are usually associated with the polymorphism of the manifestations of the syndrome, its numerous "clinical masks" often serve as the basis for misdiagnosis and sometimes inadequate treatment. Hypothyroidism syndrome can occur, mimicking diseases of almost all body systems.

To detect hypothyroidism in a timely manner, it is important to know it. external signs. Dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract in hypothyroidism is accompanied by the appearance of constipation or diarrhea, nausea and, pain syndrome in the abdomen. From the side of cardio-vascular system disturbance of a rhythm and conductivity, lability is noted blood pressure the occurrence of pericarditis. General immunity is reduced, a person is susceptible to infectious and viral diseases more frequently than in the general population. However, the most obvious behavior in hypothyroidism is the skin and ENT organs. The skin often becomes cold, pale, dry, areas of the skin on the elbows and knee joints hair loss is noted. There may be a decrease in hearing and vision, the timbre of the voice changes slightly. The latter is due to edema vocal cords in the throat. All these signs are very obvious and if they are present, it is absolutely not worth postponing a visit to the doctor.

Neurological signs

Neurological symptoms primary hypothyroidism usually proceeds quite mildly, without leading to social disadaptation of the patient or disability. However, the quality of life when it occurs worsens so much that this is the reason for a separate therapy when contacting a doctor. When subclinical hypothyroidism occurs, all departments nervous system involved in the process of dysfunction. It is often possible to observe a combination of damage to the peripheral and central nervous system with a pronounced clinical picture. A mild deficiency of thyroid hormones leads to a syndrome complex, the manifestations of which are:

  1. Neurosis-like syndrome, asthenia and other disorders of the psycho-emotional sphere. Patients experience an increase in fatigue, irritability, drowsiness (or interruptions in sleep at night), anxiety, periodically occurs to everything and. The inconstancy of apathy is caused by the activation of metabolism or disruption of hormonal compensation, which is typical for hypothyroidism.
  2. Headache. This is a very common syndrome in this pathology, which is explained by sheath-hypertensive, venous, vertebrogenic and mixed mechanisms of occurrence. Insufficiency of thyroid hormones leads to myxedematous edema in connective tissue, weak cardiac function in conditions of increasing peripheral vascular resistance, reduced blood flow velocity. As a result, patients complain of heaviness in the head area, an internal feeling of pressure, and discomfort. Often this is accompanied by severe periorbital edema with complaints of pressure in the eye area in the morning or in the evening in an inclined position. Rarely there are nocturnal bursting headaches with vomiting.
  3. Cognitive impairment, which manifests itself in the inability to concentrate, delve into something, show attention. Sometimes there is such a symptom as forgetfulness, but this is noted much less frequently.
  4. Autonomic disorders in the form of paroxysmal conditions similar to panic attacks. Also common symptom is a vegetative-vascular-trophic syndrome, manifested by hyperhidrosis, progression of autonomic failure. Patients complain of weakness, dizziness, when changing from a lying position to a standing position.
  5. Focal neurological symptoms. It can be determined by a doctor during examination, when he sees paresis of convergence, underexposure of the eyeball, increased periosteal and tendon reflexes, staggering in the Romberg position, a slight intention during the knee-calcaneal and finger-nose tests. Some patients also suffer from mild polyneuropathy. upper limbs consistent with the clinical picture tunnel syndromes. When questioning the patient, the doctor often finds out that there are complaints of "crawling all over the body", a feeling of numbness in the hands at night or in the morning.
  6. Myopathic syndrome and myotonic phenomenon in very rare cases. These are mild manifestations of weakness of the proximal leg muscles, which can be verified by means of a needle. Also likely in the foot or lower leg, less often in the area of ​​​​the hands.

Psychological condition

In hypothyroidism, the metabolism of brain cells suffers greatly, which is manifested by a decrease in the patient's intelligence, his ability to perform mental work, attentiveness and creativity.

Intellectual decline is very pronounced, however, with the help of psychological methods it is possible to determine the degree of decline of such abilities in relation to the average indicators. Patients themselves notice their inability to concentrate, find a way out, solve a problem. It also fails the human memory, especially short-term. A person ceases to remember faces, dates, what is happening here and now. Long-term memory is not affected by hypothyroidism.

A decrease in the level of thyroid hormones in the body leads to apathy and lack of will in a person, which is important to take into account for all his relatives, since such psychological condition will lead to the fact that the patient will not even have the strength to apply for medical care. The emotional side of life also suffers, a person acquires pessimistic views on the future, his mood is always depressed, he is dejected. Interest in family, friends, all the people around is also lost. They often give referrals to their patients for consultations to or in order to identify the scope of depression in which a person is due to hypothyroidism. Severe depressive states with hypothyroidism can be observed in 5-12% of all patients.

Symptoms of the disease in women

It is no secret that women are more susceptible to hypothyroidism, because their hormonal background under the influence of natural processes, it changes much more often than men's. Understand the signs and symptoms of female hypothyroidism in special conditions- during menopause and pregnancy.

Features of symptoms in menopause

The problem in identifying the symptoms of hypothyroidism during menopause is the high similarity of these symptoms with the manifestations of menopause itself, since both conditions are closely related to the functioning of the thyroid gland. Menopause is characterized by a decrease in the production of sex hormones in a woman's body.

Hormone deficiency in hypothyroidism can lead to fatigue, apathy, alopecia - the same signs that are characteristic of early menopause.

In order to independently distinguish the onset of menopause from problems with a lack of thyroid hormones in the body, you need to pay attention to the conditions that arise in the body due to metabolic inhibition as a result of hypothyroidism, for example, a decrease in mental activity, slowing down of speech, pastosity of the face, cold intolerance.

During pregnancy

During pregnancy, under the influence of a complex of specific factors, a significant stimulation of the thyroid gland occurs, mainly this occurs in the first half of pregnancy, i.e. during the period when the fetus does not yet have its own thyroid gland, and all embryogenesis is provided by the mother's thyroid hormones.

Symptoms of hypothyroidism explicit form is identical to manifestations in the general population, simulating diseases of almost all body systems. On the other side subclinical hypothyroidism has practically no clinical symptoms and is diagnosed most often with an accidental measurement of TSH, including during pregnancy.

Thus, hypothyroidism developed for the first time or insufficiently compensated during pregnancy can be associated with serious and irreversible complications for both the fetus and the pregnant woman herself.

Factors provoking complications during pregnancy can be banal hypothermia, stress.

Features of symptoms in infants

In infants, hypothyroidism may be present at birth. This indicates a congenital form of the disease.

According to statistics, each of 5 thousand newborns suffers from it, and there are 2 times more girls with pathology than boys.

During intrauterine development of the fetus, the maternal thyroid gland or replacement therapy should fully cover the need for appropriate hormones. But when a child is born, his thyroid becomes unable to synthesize the required amount biologically. active substances, which is expressed in specific symptoms.

Infants with congenital hypothyroidism may experience:

  • persistent jaundice;
  • profuse swelling of the feet and hands, lips, face;
  • dry skin;
  • lethargy, weak and rare crying, weakened sucking reflex;
  • the tone of the skeletal muscles decreases;
  • the child has a large tongue, umbilical hernia,;
  • rendered;
  • delay in closing the fontanel on the head;
  • difficult and noisy nasal breathing;
  • poor weight gain.

If hypothyroidism is not detected in time in infants by the age of six months, the child will be very pronouncedly behind in physical and mental development, the work of internal organs will begin to be disrupted.

Even if congenital hypothyroidism has a transient form, was detected in a timely manner and disappeared by the age of two, a child may have noticeable disproportions in the development of the body for life - wide hands, a wide bridge of the nose, lengthening of the forehead, hypertelorism (increased gaps between paired organs on the body ).

It is not difficult for an experienced specialist to diagnose congenital hypothyroidism, usually such babies are large, weighing more than 4 kilograms, have swelling, and sometimes hydrocephalus (a disproportionately large head). It is also important to pay attention to the fact that in some cases the symptoms may be hidden, leading to late diagnosis and delayed treatment.

Signs of hypothyroidism can manifest themselves in a slow metabolic process in the baby's body, which is why he is too calm and lethargic.

Because of the severe consequences of hypothyroidism in neonates, modern conditions screening is carried out in maternity hospitals, which makes it possible to immediately identify a number of hereditary pathologies, including problems with thyroid function. Blood is taken by percutaneous puncture (usually from the heel) 4-5 days after birth in full-term and 7-14 days in premature babies. The interpretation takes into account the level of TSH. If its value is less than 20 mIU / l, the child is considered healthy, at a level of 20-50 mIU / l, a second examination is carried out, and at a level of more than 50 mIU / l, hypothyroidism is suspected.

Sometimes hypothyroidism in children can also be acquired, and the disease can start at any age. It manifests itself primarily as a delay intellectual development which parents need to pay close attention to.

Beer's sign

Behr's symptom in hypothyroidism is manifested by a strong thickening and keratinization of the epidermis on the elbows, knees, feet, inner surfaces of the ankles. The skin in Beer's syndrome becomes a dirty gray color.

All manifestations of hypothyroidism are quite common and may indicate a number of other diseases. However, with recurring symptoms and their complex, it is important to diagnose in a timely manner so as not to start the process of globalization of the disease.

The thyroid gland is one of the most important endocrine glands. Its task is to store iodine and produce iodine-containing hormones that are involved in energy and metabolic processes and are responsible for the normal growth of organs and tissues, bone formation, maturation of the nervous system and sexual development.

This means that the normal mental and physical development of a person depends on the thyroid gland, since it is responsible for normal work immune, endocrine, reproductive systems, as well as for normal carbohydrate, fat, protein and energy metabolism.

The main problems with the thyroid gland:

- hyperthyroidism (excessive activity of the gland with excessive production of hormones and acceleration of metabolic processes) and thyrotoxicosis as a result of hyperthyroidism;

- hypothyroidism (a state of hormone deficiency with energy deficiency and a slowdown in metabolic processes);

- euthyroidism ( pathological changes in the form of goiter, nodes, hyperplasia).

The causes of thyroid disease are:

  • disturbances in the functioning of the immune and endocrine systems,
  • genetic predisposition,
  • infectious and chronic diseases,
  • unbalanced diet,
  • constant psycho-emotional overload,
  • unfavorable environment,
  • taking certain medications, etc.

Common symptoms of thyroid disorders:

  1. increased irritability or apathy,
  2. unexplained weight fluctuations,
  3. hot flashes or cold sensations
  4. digestive disorders,
  5. menstrual cycle failure
  6. increase in blood cholesterol,
  7. cardiac arrhythmias,
  8. hair loss,
  9. trembling limbs,
  10. pronounced swelling,
  11. poor concentration, etc.

There are also individual symptoms inherent in specific disorders of the thyroid gland.

In particular, hyperthyroidism due to an excess of hormones leads to thyrotoxicosis (hormones). An indicator of this disorder is an increase in heart rate, an increase in appetite with an increase in stool (due to acceleration metabolic processes), fast weight loss with the loss of not only the fat layer, but also muscle mass, the appearance of pain in the abdomen, an increase in the size of the liver, irritability and high anxiety, etc.

Sometimes, as a consequence of thyrotoxicosis, there may be dangerous statesthyroid crises . They can be recognized by a sharp increase in temperature, tachycardia, nausea and vomiting, attacks of fear, as a result of which a person may fall into a stupor.

Hypothyroidism , on the contrary, has exactly the opposite symptoms: deterioration of metabolic processes, slow heartbeat, digestive disorders, lack of appetite with weight gain, worsening appearance(conditions of the skin, nails, hair), a decrease in overall energy, a feeling of weakness, apathy, fainting and etc.

Goiter (struma) is an enlargement of the thyroid gland.


  • change in appearance eyeballs(bulging),
  • lacrimation,
  • swelling,
  • hoarse voice,
  • the appearance of pain and cough,
  • shortness of breath
  • difficulty in swallowing
  • weakness,
  • lack of appetite,
  • weight loss, etc.

Psychosomatics of thyroid diseases

The very name of the gland in question - "thyroid gland" (a gland in the form of a shield) clearly indicates its main function: that which protects. From what is this gland designed to protect?

The authors of works on psychosomatics claim that this gland is called protect a person from auto-aggression - aggression directed at oneself. Unfortunately, this happens often: when a person does not accept himself as he is (this is often associated with his body), does not love himself, and even hates himself. There are other forms of conflict with oneself: an inferiority complex, "self-eating." All of them lead to negative conditions, such as: constant stress, nervous breakdowns, depression, hopelessness, etc.

If such conditions are prolonged, the thyroid gland begins to signal internal problems with violations.

But each person reacts differently to internal problems. It seems that, depending on which extreme he chooses - he becomes too active or falls into passivity - he receives one or another violation of the gland.

Hyperthyroidism as an overactive thyroid gland indicates too active lifestyle, when a person lives by the need to prove or seek attention.

As Franz Alexander points out, this violation can also be a consequence of acute emotional conflict or psychic trauma.

The psychosomatics of hypothyroidism explains this ailment as a consequence of passivity: a person wants to be active, but cannot, as fear fetters. Insufficient activity of the thyroid gland indicates that the patient afraid to manage his life himself, that he lacks independence.

It was found that for people with hypothyroidism, stress has Negative consequences(but, as it turns out, for people with hyperthyroidism, stress has a healing effect).

Metaphysical Causes of Thyroid Problems

Louise Hay claims that the thyroid gland is the most important gland immune system person. She highlights the following main negative attitudes that lead to problems with the thyroid gland: the feeling that life has attacked you; thought: they want to get to me; Humiliation: “I’ve never been able to do what I love. When will my turn come?".

Liz Burbo writes that the thyroid gland is connected with the throat center, which responsible for willpower, ability to make decisions, firmness of character, development of one's individuality. Hence, the absence of these qualities leads to problems with the gland.

The psychologist also notes that the throat center is considered the gate of abundance, because when a person lives his true desires and in harmony with his Self, he lacks nothing: neither health, nor love, nor happiness, nor material things. blessings.

Liz Burbo claims that this energy center is connected to the center located in the genital area, so a problem in one of them leads to problems in the other center.

According to this author, hyperthyroidism appears when a person leads a too active lifestyle, because he believes that he should arrange the lives of loved ones and only then can he afford a quiet life. Such a person does not think about his true needs, tries to prove something, is too demanding of himself and his loved ones, tries to do everything quickly.

The occurrence of hypothyroidism, according to Liz Burbo, is due to the fact that a person afraid to act, although she says she wants to be active. According to the psychologist, this means that he lost contact with his creativity. Such it seems to a person that he is not fast enough and dexterous enough to succeed, that he does not have the right to do what he wants, that he should not make his demands.

Dr. Luule Viilma believes that fear of being crushed by life, guilt, problems in communication lead to thyroid problems.

V. Sinelnikov claims that the thyroid gland symbolizes creative expression. Hence, problems with this gland speak of problems with creative self-expression in a person.

The psychotherapist sees the psychological causes of goiter unexpressed negative thoughts and emotions, minor grievances and claims that “lump” in the throat.

Based on practice, the doctor writes that children can also develop goiter, if parents exert strong pressure, and the child cannot openly declare his emotions because of fear of them.

According to Sinelnikov, a thyroid tumor indicates that a person feels strong pressure, believes that he is constantly humiliated, feels like a victim, a failed personality. Such a person feels resentment and hatred for things imposed in life, lives with a sense of a distorted life.

A. Astrogor believes that the cause of psychosomatic diseases of the thyroid gland can be a manifestation of complete defenselessness in situations where others impose something on a person, “take it by the throat” and do not allow them to speak out.

Ways of healing psychosomatic diseases of the thyroid gland

Based on the psychological reasons, you can find ways to heal psychosomatic diseases of the thyroid gland.

Common to all ailments way to restore harmony with yourself through:

- acceptance of yourself as you are;

- respect for one's position and the ability to stand one's ground;

- love and care for yourself and your body;

- finding opportunities for their creative realization.

And for each specific ailment there are recommendations. For example, psychologist Liz Burbo suggests the following ways to neutralize the mental blockage that leads to problems with the thyroid gland:

- in the case of hyperthyroidism, it is necessary to lead a more relaxed lifestyle and enjoy life;

- in the case of hypothyroidism, you should forgive people who convinced that a person is not able to succeed on his own;

- awareness of your true needs (and not ignoring them) will allow you to grow spiritually (since the thyroid gland is associated with human growth), live in harmony with yourself and understand your destiny.

May peace and tranquility reign in your soul!

An important direction in the study of the influence psychological factors psychosomatics acts on the occurrence of bodily diseases - the female thyroid gland is more susceptible autoimmune diseases. The fair sex dedicate their lives to those around them, suppressing your desires and needs .

  • Hyperthyroidism and psychology
  • Picture of personality
  • Fighting fear
  • Psychotherapy of patients
  • Main Factors

Metaphysical Causes of SH Problems

The thyroid gland enters into a relationship with the physical characteristics of a person, his throat chakra (energy center). It affects the willpower of people and their ability to self-acceptance solutions that meet the needs of the individual, as well as lifestyles based on their own preferences and individual characteristics.

The thyroid gland is affected in individuals who have resigned themselves to forced inactivity, believing that their life is not going the way we would like. These discontents manifest themselves in different forms.

The bodily reaction to conflict experiences determines pathological disorders in organs (goiter, thyroid dysfunction, tumors).

Patients with impaired thyroid gland - what are they like?

In 99% of situations, the thyroid gland is affected under the influence of cumulative factors. Special attention given to the state of the nervous system. On the basis of psychological research, the main character traits of individuals prone to pathological diseases of the thyroid gland were determined.

  • Kindness.
  • Vulnerability.
  • Self-criticism.
  • Sensitivity.
  • Anxiety.

The natural purpose of the fair sex is to preserve the hearth. female body tuned to care for loved ones, creating comfort and warmth. When she achieves what she wants, she maintains harmony in her soul and healthy state organism.

Modern women are forced to work and show masculine qualities for self-defense. The formation of an imbalance manifests itself in the form of ailments and diseases. They signal the need to direct the body in the right direction.

The influence of the psychological image on the state of the body

If a woman takes on psychological roles (see below), her thyroid gland is more at risk for disease:

  • The role of the prisoner.
  • Victims.
  • Losers.
  • Desperate.
  • Evil.
  • Hunted.

Many patients try on different roles, moving in circles. Each game causes a reaction of the body in the form of an increase in the disease. It is believed that a change in reactions and attitudes of a person allows the disease to recede. Otherwise, the thyroid gland is not subject to treatment.

Hyperthyroidism and psychology

The increased functionality of the thyroid gland manifests itself in the form of a goiter (diffuse or toxic form). He is the result psychological trauma, diseases and conditions (tuberculosis, rheumatism, conception, etc.), less often with past infections. The disease is accompanied by high excitability of n / s, reflex indicators, rapid fatigue, increased heart rate, rattling of the hands, profuse sweating, acceleration of metabolism, weight loss with increased appetite.

Hereditary factors and influence external factors in childhood cause a tendency to hyperthyroidism. Treatment is carried out with drugs that soothe n / s, microdoses of iodine, etc.

Picture of personality

Classical psychosomatics is the manifestation of the disease in the absence of a sense of security and hope. From an early age, they are caused by the death of parents or rejection, negative relationships in the family. Unsatisfied desires of attachment are expressed in identification with the object of aspirations. This causes a physical-psychological overload, which leads to a stable struggle, lack of confidence or phobias.

Typical psychosomatics is inevitable with a pronounced consciousness of responsibility and readiness for action, suppressed by a sense of fear. The conscious image of the anticipated result, to which the activity is directed, is overcome by the exertion of one's own forces. Researchers note the willingness of patients to take care of others. This is displayed in the form of taking on the responsibilities of a mother, regarding younger brothers and sisters, which leads to high level compensating for aggressive impulses and combating them. Safety risks are seen in people of all ages.

Fighting fear

Thyrotoxicosis is indirectly accompanied by fear and need. It manifests itself in taking responsibility along with counterphobic denial.

Striving for social success labor activity and responsibility performs the function of complacency. Most patients inspire themselves with a sense of duty, leading them into a state of exhaustion. Patients constantly strive to overfulfill their tasks. Perhaps they were forced from childhood to a high level of independence.

They appear in society as a mature personality, with difficulty hiding their weakness and fear (before separation or a sense of responsibility). Their imagination is filled with death. Hyperthyroid diseases are characteristic of people who are trying to "survive the struggle with their phobias." There is a restless and excited state, timidity, decreased initiative, capacity and depressive disorder.

Psychotherapy of patients

Psychosomatics (unbalanced state, insomnia) persists even with a healthy thyroid gland. The reason is the high productivity of hormones, which causes an active and lively state, and when the level normalizes, they accept their state as passive-apathetic and lack of initiative. Psychotherapeutic conversations, along with an analysis of potential conflict, contribute to the suppression of a crisis situation.

Psychosomatics is directly related to the experiences of family relationships and organizational activities. When studying crisis situations and the nature of pathologies, it is possible to direct the patient's strength to develop a lifestyle. Recommended techniques include: transactional analysis, art therapy, cognitive and gestalt therapy, psychosynthesis.

Hypothyroidism due to inactivity

Hypothyroidism is a decrease in the performance of the thyroid gland. Characteristic features manifest in the form of fatigue, physical and mental lethargy, slowness, swelling of the eyelids, dryness skin, hair loss and metabolic disorders.

Personality Picture:

Patients are characterized by a lack of interest or initiative in all areas of activity and everyday life. The development of hypothyroidism is observed after the refusal to achieve the desired goals, the loss of hope and submission to unacceptable routines.

Psychosomatics manifests itself in the form of emotional blocking. People are frustrated with their true preferences and abilities. They are forced to do boring work against their will, where there is a development of their own form of protest and aggressive fantasies.

Main Factors

  • Physical - prisoners restricted in movement due to fences, bad weather affecting the impossibility of harvesting, low income.
  • Biological - diseases, age restrictions and physical disabilities.
  • Psychological - phobias, low level intellect.
  • Sociocultural - the presence of norms, rules and prohibitions that impede the achievement of goals.

Psychic Therapy:

Medical intervention or diets that eliminate iodine deficiency. Many are helped by a change of circumstances that contribute to the realization of their true motives. In more difficult situations systematic psychotherapy will help.

Do you still think that it is difficult to cure the thyroid gland?

Since you are currently reading this publication, the fight for thyroid health is not going in your favor yet ...

Perhaps you have already thought about the operation? Of course, because the thyroid gland plays essential role in the human body, and its performance is necessary condition wellness. Discomfort in the cervical region, endless fatigue, a lump in the throat… You may have already experienced this.

But it may be more correct to treat the original cause of the disease, rather than suppress its symptoms?



          Its 2 main problems: 1) chronic dissatisfaction of needs, 2) the inability to direct his anger outward, restraining him, and with it restraining all warm feelings, every year makes him more and more desperate: no matter what he does, it does not get better, on the contrary, only worse. The reason is that he does a lot, but not that. If nothing is done, then, over time, either the person will “burn out at work”, loading himself more and more - until he is completely exhausted; or his own Self will be emptied and impoverished, unbearable self-hatred will appear, a refusal to take care of oneself, in the long term - even self-hygiene. A person becomes like a house from which the bailiffs took out the furniture. Against the background of hopelessness, despair and exhaustion , energy even for thinking. Complete loss of the ability to love. He wants to live, but begins to die: sleep is disturbed, metabolism is disturbed ... It is difficult to understand what he lacks precisely because we are not talking about the deprivation of possession of someone or something.

          On the contrary, he has the possession of deprivation, and he is not able to understand what he is deprived of. Lost is his own I. It is unbearably painful and empty for him: and he cannot even put it into words. This is neurotic depression.. Everything can be prevented, not brought to such a result.If you recognize yourself in the description and want to change something, you urgently need to learn two things: 1. Learn the following text by heart and repeat it all the time until you can use the results of these new beliefs:

          • I am entitled to needs. I am, and I am me.
          • I have the right to need and satisfy needs.
          • I have the right to ask for satisfaction, the right to get what I need.
          • I have the right to crave love and love others.
          • I have the right to a decent organization of life.
          • I have the right to express dissatisfaction.
          • I have a right to regret and sympathy.
          • ... by birthright.
          • I may get rejected. I can be alone.
          • I'll take care of myself anyway.

          I want to draw the attention of my readers to the fact that the task of "learning the text" is not an end in itself. Autotraining by itself will not give any sustainable results. It is important to live each phrase, to feel it, to find its confirmation in life. It is important that a person wants to believe that the world can be arranged somehow differently, and not just the way he used to imagine it to himself. That it depends on him, on his ideas about the world and about himself in this world, how he will live this life. And these phrases are just an occasion for reflection, reflection and search for one's own, new "truths".

          2. Learn to direct aggression to the one to whom it is actually addressed.

          …then it will be possible to experience and express warm feelings to people. Realize that anger is not destructive and can be presented.






          Psychosomatic diseases (it will be more correct) are those disorders in our body, which are based on psychological causes. psychological causes are our reactions to traumatic (difficult) life events, our thoughts, feelings, emotions that do not find timely, correct expression for a particular person.

          Mental defenses work, we forget about this event after a while, and sometimes instantly, but the body and the unconscious part of the psyche remember everything and send us signals in the form of disorders and diseases

          Sometimes the call may be to respond to some events from the past, to bring “buried” feelings out, or the symptom simply symbolizes what we forbid ourselves.


          The negative impact of stress on human body, and especially distress, is colossal. Stress and the likelihood of developing diseases are closely related. Suffice it to say that stress can reduce immunity by about 70%. Obviously, such a decrease in immunity can result in anything. And it’s also good if it’s just colds, but what if it’s cancer or asthma, the treatment of which is already extremely difficult?