
Mastopathy: symptoms and treatment of breast pathology. What you need to know about the manifestations of mastopathy? Mastopathy 2 mammary glands nipples retracted

Mastopathy. Began to disturb the nipple

Asked by: Jeanne

Female gender

Age: 42

Chronic diseases: not specified

Hello, I have been living with a diagnosis of mastopathy for 14 years. I am 42. I did not give birth and did not feed, respectively. I had a mammogram almost 2 months ago. Before that, the chest was examined by 3 doctors: a gynecologist, a surgeon and a mammologist. Everyone said that nothing dangerous was found on palpation. The transcript of the mammogram says that there were no changes in the nipples and areola, the conclusion: residual effects diffuse fibroadenomatosis. They prescribed treatment (mastodynon and aevit) and told me to come for an appointment in 3 months. But about 2 weeks ago I noticed that the lower part of the halo on the right breast turned a little pale and, as it were, slightly turned to the left. This is especially noticeable when the nipple contracts (as from cold, irritation, etc.), because this area shrinks much less. This part of the halo and the nipple itself also began to itch a little. On the nipple (namely on the nipple itself, and not on the halo) I found white spots, similar to Fordyce granules, which are on the lips. Especially noticeable again, when the nipple is compressed. There are also on the left nipple, but they are less noticeable and there are fewer of them. There are also sensations of fullness of the nipple, not the entire breast, but the nipple itself. There is no pain, discharge, peeling, redness, swelling. Does this happen with mastopathy? I didn't have before. My nipples used to hurt a little, but never itched. Could the mammographer have missed something? Or could there have been some changes in 1.5 months? Do I need to run to the doctor now or can I wait until 3 months are up? Thanks for the answer.

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Hello! It would be more clear if you attached a photo. It may be the dried remnants of secretions that remain in the ducts. Most likely there was a slight hormonal failure and the discharge began, they dried up and remained in the ducts of the nipples. Now you don’t need to run to the doctor, go through the treatment to the end, and later, before the doctor’s visit, go through an ultrasound of the mammary glands on the 8-10th day from the start of menstruation. For 1.5 months, small cysts could form in the place of redness, and in this case, ultrasound will see them. It is better to do a mammogram after 45 years, since at your age he may not see anything.

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Mastopathy is a disease in which there is a pathological proliferation of altered breast tissue. Pathology occurs due to hormonal imbalance in the body. Mastopathy adversely affects a woman's health. In some cases, it can lead to breast cancer. Let us consider in more detail the main signs of this disease.

Development of the disease

Mastopathy mol. gland is a very common female disease. Mostly occurs in childbearing age. Often, women diagnosed with mastopathy suffer from other gynecological diseases:

Despite the fact that many women face such a problem, the proliferation of altered tissue, they say. gland is by no means the norm. If the disease is left unattended, it can turn into cancer. Often this happens with the nodular form of the disease.

Women should know that breast cancer ranks first among all malignant female diseases. It is effectively treated only in the first stage. At the second and even more so at the third stage, treatment is impossible without radiation and chemotherapy, surgical intervention. The fourth stage of cancer is terminal, the last. That is why women need to pay attention to the condition of their breasts and visit a doctor regularly.

In its development, the disease they say. The gland goes through several stages. At the initial stage, pronounced pain. Pain in mastopathy intensifies shortly before the start of the next menstruation, which is associated with violations hormonal background women. They may have different intensity and duration and disappear after the end of menstruation.

They are due to the fact that an increase in the size of the organ leads to compression of the nerve endings responsible for pain.

Sometimes pain in the area of ​​the pier. glands can be very intense and spread to the shoulders, underarm area, shoulder blades. It can be difficult to take it off. Even a slight touch to the chest causes increased soreness. Women lose their calm, sleep poorly, they have obsessive thoughts about developing cancer. This form of mastopathy occurs most often in women under 35 years of age.

The most dangerous thing is that women ignore these first symptoms of the disease and do not rush to see a doctor. Thus, they make a gross mistake. The disease inevitably progresses. At subsequent stages in the mol. gland nodes of seals grow. Such signs indicate the development of nodular mastopathy. Discharge from the nipples with mastopathy can often be with pressure. They may have different kind and increase with the onset of menstruation.

The appearance of bloody discharge is especially dangerous for a woman, since this sign indicates a malignant degeneration of mastopathy.

Clinic of the disease

In practice, doctors use the following classification of breast disease, depending on the structure of the nodes:

With a fibrous form of the disease, they say. glands in the connective tissue of the organ may be fibrotic changes, as well as tissue hypertrophy inside the ducts. Often this duct becomes completely blocked. Symptoms are painful, hardening of the organ. It is possible to detect areas of strand. It is observed in the premenopausal period. On the x-ray, dense areas of the pier are visible. matte glands.

Many of our readers actively use the well-known method based on natural ingredients, discovered by Elena Malysheva, to treat mastopathy and breast formations. We definitely recommend checking it out.

In the cystic form of this disease, numerous cystic objects with an elastic consistency are formed in the mammary gland. They are well demarcated from other tissue of this organ. The affected area begins to hurt. Soreness, as a rule, increases before the onset of menstruation. This form of the disease occurs in older women.

On X-ray, cystic nodules are seen as a scalloped pattern. It shows numerous bright areas. The color of the contents of the cysts is different. Approximately a quarter of patients have signs of calcification of cysts or the appearance of bloody discharge from the nipples. Such symptoms speak about development of malignant process in a mol. gland.

Mastopathy with a predominance of the glandular component (or adenosis) has characteristic symptoms: soreness, roughness and diffuse compaction of the chest. Foci of seals gradually pass into other tissues surrounding the organ. These symptoms often increase in women before menstruation. The coarsening of the mol. glands can also be observed in girls at the end of puberty. On the radiograph, shadows of various shapes and intensities are visible, with fuzzy boundaries. A sign of an extensive process is the spread of shadows over the entire organ.

how functional state in women, adenosis can be observed in the initial period of pregnancy.

The mixed form is characterized by the presence of signs of fibrous thickening and cystic changes in the chest.

Approximately ten percent of women have a form of the disease in which there are no pain symptoms. This is very dangerous, since patients do not suspect that they have already begun to experience changes in their breasts and go to the doctor only when they notice signs of thickening or an increase in lymph nodes.

It is possible that the development of this form of the disease is associated with a decrease in sensitivity.

An increase in the lymph nodes under the arm in this disease is quite rare. In this case, the lymph nodes swell and become painful. Most often, an increase in axillary lymph nodes occurs when cysts are located in the upper and lateral lobes of the mammary gland. In this case, the outflow of lymph is disturbed, which leads to inflammation of the lymph nodes. Its signs are:

In severe cases of inflammation of the axillary lymph nodes, the clinical picture of the disease changes. When purulent foci appear in them, the temperature quickly rises (sometimes up to 40 - 41 degrees), symptoms such as fever, nausea develop, quickly worsen general state. A sharp, throbbing pain is felt in the organ.

Detection of mastopathy

Diagnosis of the disease occurs on the basis of breast examination, as well as ultrasound data, punctures, etc. All examinations should be carried out on the second or third day after the end of menstruation. In the second phase of the cycle, the examination is not carried out.

When examining the gland, the doctor evaluates the appearance of the breast, as well as any manifestations of its asymmetry. Such inspection is done only with raised hands. Be sure to palpate the cervical, subclavian and supraclavicular lymph nodes, as well as under the arm. If such an examination showed the slightest changes in the mammary gland or lymph nodes, ultrasound or mammography is prescribed.

Mammography is an x-ray examination of the mammary glands. It is not done during pregnancy and lactation, as well as women under the age of 35. In the presence of a dense formation in the chest, ultrasound is recommended.

Mammography is usually performed on the eighth to tenth day of the cycle. Special training this study does not require

The most accurate ways to diagnose the disease are computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging.

Unfortunately, mastopathy does not always pass without a trace for women. In some cases, the disease can develop into cancer. The nodular type of carcinoma is the most common. The development of a mastitis-like process is not excluded. Both forms of the disease are quite aggressive, and the process can develop very quickly.

With a mastitis-like and erysipelas process, symptoms come to the fore inflammatory response. There is a sharp soreness of the chest and the red color of her skin appears. It is possible to increase body temperature to 38 degrees and even more.

Feedback from our reader - Victoria Tarasova

I was not used to trusting any information, but I decided to check and ordered a package. I noticed the changes within a week: the constant pain and burning sensation in my chest that had tormented me before receded, and after 2 weeks they disappeared completely. The chest became softer, disappeared purulent discharge. Try it and you, and if anyone is interested, then below is a link to the article.

With the shell process, wrinkling of the mammary gland is observed due to the fact that it is covered with a crust. Much more dangerous hidden form malignant degeneration mastopathy. In this case, the patient notices that her lymph nodes are enlarged. There is a regional lesion of the lymph nodes without a clear localization of the pathological focus. Often the size of such a focus is small, and the woman does not make any complaints.

With mastopathy, the following symptoms should certainly alert and force you to see a doctor as soon as possible:

In favor of the malignant course is also the presence of the so-called "lemon peel" directly above the tumor, the excessive density of the lymph nodes. Possible swelling of the arm on the side of the lesion.

So, the symptoms of mastopathy are quite diverse. Every woman needs to pay attention to their appearance. It is important not to miss the appearance of signs of a malignant course of mastopathy. In such cases, treatment should be started as early as possible in order to prevent the disease from developing into a neglected form. After all, then the likelihood of recovery is reduced.

That is why the timely detected mastopathy and the treatment started is a guarantee of recovery and a high quality of life.

Do you still think that it is impossible to CURE MASTOPATHY forever?

From 60% of women suffer from mastopathy. The worst thing is that most women are sure that mastopathy is the norm and do not rush to the doctor ... but the risk of developing BREAST CANCER in its place is very high ... If you notice:

  • aching or drawing pains in the chest area before menstruation ...
  • sensations of swelling and swelling of the mammary glands. It's like your breasts are getting bigger...
  • tension, seals and nodules. Feel the lymph nodes under the arm...
  • nipple discharge...
  • change in the shape of the breast, the skin on the nipples retracted and cracks appeared ...
  • weight change...

All these symptoms may indicate the development of MASTOPATHY. But perhaps it is more correct to treat not the consequence, but the CAUSE? That is why we recommend reading new methodology Elena Malysheva, who found an effective remedy for the treatment of MASTOPATHY and breast restoration in general.

Of all breast diseases, fibrocystic disease, or fibrocystic mastopathy, is the most common. It occurs in almost 30% of all women, and in women under 30 years old - in every fourth case of contacting a antenatal clinic. Among women suffering from chronic gynecological diseases, mastopathy was found in 30-70%.

What is mastopathy

The term "mastopathy" combines about 30 synonymous terms - breast dysplasia, dyshormonal breast hyperplasia, Schimmelbusch disease, chronic cystic mastitis, mazoplasia, cystic mastopathy, mastodynia, etc.

All these and many other terms are used to refer to those numerous changes of a morphological nature (proliferative, cystic, fibrotic), which are often, but not necessarily, present simultaneously and are united by one common name.

In practical medicine, the term "mastopathy" is used in relation to many benign diseases of the mammary glands, which differ in variety. clinical manifestations and, most importantly, the histomorphological structure, and united by the main cause of their occurrence - hormonal imbalance in the body.

Thus, mastopathy is a group of benign diseases, morphologically characterized a wide range both regressive and proliferative processes, in which there is a pathological ratio of the connective tissue and epithelial components of the mammary glands with the appearance of cystic, fibrous and proliferative changes.

Why is mastopathy dangerous? Despite the fact that this disease is benign and is not considered directly a precancer, at the same time, breast cancer develops on average 4 times more often against the background of diffuse diseases of the latter and 40 times more often against the background of cystic forms with signs of growth (proliferation) of epithelial cells. The risk of malignancy in non-proliferative forms of mastopathy is no more than 1%, with moderately pronounced proliferation of the epithelium - about 2.5%, and in the case of significant proliferation, the risks of breast cancer increase to 31.5%.

From this point of view, the prevention and treatment of mastopathy are at the same time the real prevention of malignant neoplasms. Unfortunately, 90% of pathological formations are detected by women on their own and only in other cases they are detected. medical workers accidentally as a result of a preventive examination.

The combination of dyshormonal hyperplasia with malignant neoplasms, revealed in most studies, is explained by the common causes and risk factors, the identity of certain variants of mastopathy and malignant tumors, similar hormonal and metabolic disorders in the body.

Types of mastopathy

Due to the wide variety of morphological forms of the disease, there are various classifications. In practice, depending on the predominance of certain changes detected by palpation (palpation) and / or mammography, as well as taking into account the results of histological examination, three main forms of the disease are distinguished, which some authors consider to be different stages of development of the same pathological process :

  1. Diffuse large or small focal, which is an early stage in the development of the disease. The histological picture is determined by areas of the organ with a normal structure, hyperplastic (enlarged) and atrophic lobules, dilated ducts and small cysts, coarsening and growth of connective tissue structures and collagen fibers.
  2. Nodular, characterized by the predominance of cystic elements and fibrous tissues, the growth of gland lobules and epithelial cells that line the inner surface of cysts and milk ducts. The detection of individual atypical cells is the reason for characterizing this form as a precancerous condition.
  3. Mixed, or diffuse-nodular - nodular formations more or less pronounced in size are determined against the background diffuse changes mammary glands.

In turn, diffuse and nodular forms are classified into types. The diffuse form is divided into:

  • adenosis, in which the glandular component predominates;
  • fibroadenosis - fibrous component;
  • fibrocystic - cystic component;
  • sclerosing adenosis - a compact growth of the lobules of the gland with the preservation of the inner and outer epithelial layers and the configuration of the lobules, despite the compression of the latter by fibrous tissues;
  • mixed form.

In the nodal form, the following types are distinguished:

  • adenomatous, which is overgrown glandular passages with the formation of small adenomas, consisting of enlarged elements of the glandular structure located close to each other;
  • fibroadenomatous, including leaf-shaped - a fast-growing connective tissue formation of a layered structure containing cellular elements, cysts and glandular passages, which are lined with proliferating epithelial cells;
  • cystic;
  • intraductal papilloma, Mintz's disease, or bleeding mammary gland; is an easily injured overgrown epithelium in the dilated excretory duct behind the areola or close to the nipple;
  • lipogranuloma, or;
  • hemangioma (vascular tumor);
  • hamartoma, consisting of glandular, adipose and fibrous tissues.

Despite the fact that malignant tumors of the mammary glands are not necessarily the consequences of fibrocystic changes. However, their presence greatly increases the risk of developing cancer, which largely depends on the severity of epithelial proliferation within the ducts and glandular lobules. In accordance with histological studies of the material obtained during operations, in 46% malignant tumors are combined with diffuse. This fact further supports the assumption that the prevention of mastopathy is also the prevention of breast cancer.

Causes of the disease and risk factors

The etiology and mechanisms of development of mastopathy have not been fully elucidated, but a direct connection has been established mainly between the development of this pathology and the state of the balance of hormones in the body. Therefore, the hormonal theory of the formation of diffuse fibrocystic disease was the basis for the name of the disease dishormonal hyperplasia of the mammary glands.

The latter are an organ that is highly sensitive to any changes in the level of hormones, especially sexual ones, and at any time in a woman's life. The mammary glands are never in states characterized by functional rest. Their development and condition, physiological changes during menstrual cycles after puberty, activation of function during pregnancy and lactation are carried out and regulated by a whole hormonal complex.

These hormones include GnRH (gonadotropin releasing hormone) of the hypothalamic region of the brain, prolactin, luteinizing and follicle-stimulating hormones of the pituitary gland, thyroid-stimulating and chorionic hormones, glucocorticosteroids and insulin, and, most importantly, sex hormones (androgens, estrogens, progesterone).

Therefore, any hormonal imbalance, especially between progesterone and estrogens, among which estradiol has the maximum effect on the mammary gland, is accompanied by changes in the structure of its tissues and, as a result, the development of mastopathy. The differentiation (specialization) of cells, their division, development and proliferation of epithelial cells of the organ ducts depend on estradiol. This hormone also induces the development of the structural and functional unit of the gland (lobules), the development of the vasculature and the fluidity of the connective tissue.

Progesterone also prevents the division and growth of the epithelium of the milk ducts, reduces the permeability of small vessels due to the action of estrogens. By reducing swelling of the connective tissue, progesterone provides lobular-alveolar separation, promotes the development of glandular tissues, lobules and alveoli.

Of greatest importance is the relative (in relation to estrogens) or absolute deficiency of progesterone. Its deficiency is the cause of not only edema, but also an increase in the mass and volume of connective tissues inside the lobules, as well as the growth of the duct epithelium, leading to a decrease in their diameter, blockage and the formation of cysts. The hormone is able to reduce the degree of activity of estrogen receptors, reduce the local concentration of active estrogens, which helps to limit the stimulation of the growth of gland tissues.

An increased concentration of the hormone prolactin in the blood also plays a certain role in the development of mastopathy, which leads to an increase in the number of receptors that perceive estradiol in the tissues of the glands. This helps to increase the sensitivity of the gland cells to the latter and accelerate the growth of the epithelium in it. In addition, an increase in the level of prolactin is one of the reasons for the violation of the ratio of estrogens and progesterone, which is accompanied by corresponding symptoms in the second phase of the menstrual cycle - swelling, engorgement and soreness of the mammary glands.

There are many causal risk factors, but the main ones are:

  1. Late (after 16 years) or premature, age-inappropriate, onset of menstrual cycles (up to 12 years), as a result of which the girl’s body does not have time to adapt to changes in the hormonal state, to which the breast tissue reacts accordingly.
  2. Later (after 30 years) the onset of sexual activity.
  3. Early (before 45 years) or late (after 55 years) menopause, which is associated with an early imbalance of sex hormones or a longer exposure to estrogens.
  4. , the absence of pregnancies that ended in childbirth or late (after 30 years) first pregnancy.
  5. Frequent abortions in adolescence or after 35 years. Three artificial interruptions after 6 weeks of pregnancy, when the glandular tissue grows significantly, are the starting factor for the transformation of physiological proliferation into pathological. Abortions at these terms increase the risk of developing mastopathy by 7 times due to the interruption of hormonal changes that occur during pregnancy.
  6. Absence, excessively short (less than 5 months) or too long breastfeeding.
  7. Hereditary predisposition and age after 45 years.
  8. Chronic inflammatory diseases of the female genital area (about 40-70%), which are not so much a provoking factor as a contributing or concomitant endocrine disorder;
  9. Genital endometriosis (80%), (85%), the hormones of which affect the mammary glands directly or through influence on receptors that perceive other hormones.
  10. Ovarian tumors and menstrual irregularities (54%).
  11. Hormonal disorders of the hypothalamic-pituitary system, thyroid disease (found in 40-80% of women with mastopathy), dysfunction of the adrenal cortex, hormonal imbalance in metabolic syndrome.
  12. Violation of the utilization of steroid hormones, in particular estrogens, and their excretion as a result of pathological changes or dysfunctions of the liver, biliary tract and intestines.
  13. Prolonged psychological stress and chronic stress conditions, prolonged depression and sleep disorders leading to a feedback disorder between the cerebral cortex, hypothalamus and the rest of the endocrine and vegetative systems. Such disorders are present in almost 80% of women with mastopathy.
  14. Irrational nutrition - excessive consumption of foods rich in fats, carbohydrates, animal proteins, and insufficient consumption of fruits and vegetables, as well as foods with dietary fiber.
  15. Nicotine intoxication and abuse of alcoholic and caffeinated drinks and products - strong coffee and tea, cola, energy drinks, chocolate.
  16. The negative influence of the external environment (chemical carcinogens and ionizing radiation) is often the impetus for the occurrence of mastopathy.

Mastopathy and pregnancy are to some extent related. If late or interrupted pregnancy, as well as infertility, are risk factors for the development of mastopathy, as mentioned above, then, accordingly, its presence, and even more so repeated pregnancies and childbirth, can be considered disease prevention. In addition, some authors believe that during pregnancy there may be a delay in the development of mastopathy and a decrease in the degree of its manifestations. This is due to the high content of progesterone in the body of a woman during pregnancy and lactation.

Symptoms of mastopathy

Diagnosis of any pathology is based on finding out the history of the disease during a conversation with the patient, his subjective sensations and external visual and palpation examinations. All this enables the clinician to choose further methods of instrumental and laboratory diagnostics in order to establish a diagnosis, provoking factors and concomitant diseases influencing the development of a particular pathology.

The main and most characteristic initial signs of mastopathy:

  1. Mastalgia, or pain in the mammary glands (in 85%) of varying intensity, forcing women to seek medical attention. They arise as a result of an increased content of estrogens and compression of the nerve endings by edematous connective tissue or cystic formations. Another reason is the involvement of nerve endings in tissues that have undergone sclerosis.

    The pains are local aching or dull, but sometimes they intensify with movements and radiate (radiate) to the scapular and axillary regions, the shoulder girdle, and the arm. They occur in the second half of the menstrual cycle - usually a week, and sometimes more before the onset of menstruation. After the onset of menstruation or after a few days, the pain disappears or their intensity decreases significantly. Severe pain leads to cancerophobia (a feeling of fear about a malignant tumor), to an anxious or depressive state, and emotional imbalance.

  2. More often they are disturbed by sensations of discomfort, fullness, heaviness, engorgement (mastodynia) of the mammary glands and an increase in their sensitivity. Sometimes these phenomena are accompanied by anxiety, irritability, headache, nausea and vomiting, discomfort and cramping pain in the abdomen (). They, as in cases of mastalgia, are associated with the menstrual cycle and arise as a result of increased blood supply and swelling of the connective tissue structure of the glands that form the stroma.
  3. Discharge when pressing on the nipples - transparent, whitish, brownish, greenish in color, or even mixed with blood. If there are a lot of them, they can appear on their own (without pressure). Bloody discharge, which also occurs in malignant neoplasms, should be especially alarming.
  4. The presence of one or more nodular formations of various sizes, detected by palpation, and sometimes visually. More often they are determined in the upper outer quadrants of the glands, which are functionally the most active. External examination and palpation examination in horizontal and vertical (with arms lowered and raised up) are the main objective and easily accessible research methods, which at the same time require sufficient practical skills. They allow you to determine the severity of the skin venous network, the consistency and boundaries of seals, fibrous bands and heaviness of the lobules, their soreness.

It should be noted that an increase in regional lymph nodes, their soreness and temperature with mastopathy are not signs of the latter. An increase in local and / or general body temperature, an increase in supraclavicular, axillary lymph nodes usually occur in the presence of inflammatory processes in the mammary gland (). In addition, the doctor, examining the mammary glands, always carefully checks the regional lymph nodes, which are the first place for metastasis of a malignant tumor.

Diagnosis of the disease

The easy accessibility of the mammary glands for visual examination and manual examination, the great similarity in different periods of their functioning of physiological changes with many forms of pathology often lead to an erroneous interpretation of the results of the examination and are the cause of both hyper- and underdiagnosis.

Therefore, clinical examination data should be supplemented by such basic research methods as X-ray mammography and ultrasound diagnostics, which allow confirming, clarifying or rejecting a preliminary diagnosis.

X-ray method is the most informative, allowing timely detection of pathology of the glands in 85 - 95% of cases. The World Health Organization recommends every 2 years for any healthy woman after 40 years, and after 50 years - annually. The study is carried out from the 5th to the 10th day of the menstrual cycle in two projections (direct and lateral). If necessary, an aiming (of a certain limited area) radiography is carried out.

For women 35-40 years of age, pregnant, lactating mothers, it is recommended to carry out an echographic examination every six months. Its advantages are safety and high resolution. On ultrasound, it is possible to accurately distinguish cavity formations from solid ones, to examine glands with a high density (in young women, with tissue edema as a result of trauma or acute inflammation), to conduct a targeted puncture biopsy. In addition, ultrasound makes it possible to visualize X-ray negative tumor-like formations located close to the chest wall and regional lymph nodes, to dynamically monitor the results of treatment.

Women with breast pathology often need to study the hormonal background. These laboratory tests, in some cases, allow you to establish the cause of the disease, risk factors, adjust the treatment in terms of the use of certain hormonal agents.

How to treat mastopathy

There are no generally accepted standard principles of therapy, despite the prevalence of the disease and the importance of its early detection and treatment in order to prevent cancer.

Treatment of women with nodular forms begins with a puncture (using a thin needle) aspiration biopsy. If signs of dysplasia are detected in the node (improper development of connective tissue structures), surgical treatment is recommended - sectoral resection or complete removal organ (mastectomy) with a mandatory emergency histological examination of the removed tissues.


The diet for mastopathy has a preventive and therapeutic value, since nutrition largely affects the metabolic processes of sex hormones, especially estrogen. A limited intake of carbohydrates and fats, meat products is recommended, which helps to reduce the estrogen content in the blood and normalize the ratio of androgens and estrogens. In addition, the anti-cancer properties of coarse fiber types found in vegetables and fruits, especially in some grain products, have also been proven.

It is also important to eat food that contains a large amount of vitamins and trace elements, especially iodine, zinc, selenium, magnesium, titanium, silicon. To replenish them, an additional intake of special food additives and vitamin-mineral complexes in dragee. One of these drugs is Triovit in peas, enclosed in capsules.

Taking hormonal drugs

Insofar as main reason mastopathies are hormonal disorders, the main goal of therapy is their correction. For this, gestagenic hormonal preparations are most often used, the mechanism of the effect of which is based on suppressing the activity of the pituitary-ovarian system, reducing the degree of stimulating effect of estrogens on breast tissue.

For these purposes, Utrozhestan, Dufaston and especially Progestogel Gel are used. The latter contains micronized plant progesterone, identical to endogenous progesterone and acting at the cellular level. At the same time, it does not increase the content of the hormone in the blood serum. It is applied to the skin for 3 months from the 16th to the 25th day of the menstrual cycle or daily.


In recent years, homeopathy has taken a certain place in the prevention and treatment of diffuse forms of mastopathy, based on the use of small doses of active ingredients contained in plants, minerals, substances of animal origin, etc. They do not cause negative side effects. Their action is aimed at stimulating and maintaining the protective abilities of the body itself. Homeopathic remedies include pills for mastopathy, such as:

  • Mastopol, prescribed for 2 months, 1 tablet three times a day half an hour before meals or 1 hour after meals; it contains alkaloids of hemlock spotted, thuja, Canadian goldenseal and has a sedative effect, significantly reduces the severity of mastalgia;
  • Mastodinon, produced in tablets and drops, is prescribed for admission for three months twice a day, 1 tablet or 30 drops; it is a complex of products, the main ingredient of which is an extract from the common prutnyak (Abraham tree, Sacred Vitex).

    Active substances help to reduce the synthesis of prolactin by acting on the pituitary gland, thereby improving function corpus luteum ovaries and the ratio of estrogens to progesterone is normalized; this medicine leads to the elimination of signs of premenstrual syndrome, the reduction or elimination of discharge from the nipples, the normalization of the menstrual cycle, helps to reduce the intensity of proliferation processes in the mammary glands and the regression of pathological processes in mastopathy;

  • Cyclodinone, containing only an extract of the same plant, also in a higher concentration;
  • Klimadinon, the main component of which is an extract from the rhizome of black cohosh, or cimicifuga; treatment of mastopathy with menopause is often highly effective, since cimicifuga well eliminates vascular-vegetative disorders, slightly inferior only to hormonal agents; its mechanism of action is based on the modulation of the function of estrogen receptors in the central nervous system, the suppression of excessive secretion of luteinizing hormone involved in the mechanism of menopausal disorders and the worsening of the course of mastopathy among women 45-50 years of age.
  • Gelarium in dragee containing St. John's wort extract; it helps to eliminate mild depression that accompanies premenstrual syndrome, normalizes sleep and appetite, increases psycho-emotional stability;
  • Femiglandin, which is derived from evening primrose oil, contains vitamin “E” and polyunsaturated fatty acids;
  • Femivell - consists of soy isoflavonoids, mahogany extract and vitamin "E"

After agreement with the doctor, the treatment of mastopathy at home can be carried out using infusions prepared independently from the above or other individual medicinal plants or herbal collections, which are offered by the pharmacy chain.

Often, patients ask the question, is it possible to do massage with mastopathy? Physiotherapy, ointments, massage, compresses not only in the area of ​​the mammary glands, but also soft tissues in the area of ​​the thoracic spine lead to the expansion of small and medium-sized vessels, an increase in the volume of blood flowing to the tissues of the organ. This helps to increase tissue nutrition, accelerate metabolic processes, which stimulates the growth of existing tumor formations. Therefore, mastopathy is a contraindication for the use of such treatments for these areas and areas.

With engorgement and swelling of the mammary glands, accompanied by pain, Dimexide can be used from external agents, but not compresses or ointment, but in the form of a 25 or 50% gel produced in tubes. The drug has anti-inflammatory and moderate analgesic effects when applied to the skin of the mammary glands.

Conducted studies of women of reproductive age and suffering from various gynecological pathologies revealed a diffuse form of mastopathy in an average of 30%, mixed (diffuse-nodular) - in the same number of patients, nodular forms of mastopathy were usually combined with uterine myomatosis, endometrial hyperplasia and genital endometriosis. Thus, the choice of treatment methods depends on the form of pathology, the presence of hormonal imbalance and concomitant diseases.

Mastopathy- not always, but in many cases - a benign breast tumor. Perhaps mastopathy would not have become a world problem if it had not been proven that it is a precancerous condition: breast cancer begins and develops from it.

In Russia, the incidence correlates with the environmental situation in the city or region. If it is relatively clean, every tenth woman is sick, but if the region is very industrial, every seventh, and in some places — with especially strong environmental trouble — even every second.

From one publication to another, the same excerpt from a public speech by Professor E. G. Pinkhosevich, a leading mammologist, Russia (mammology is a branch of medicine that studies the pathology of the mammary glands) roams: “According to statistics, 30-40 women out of 100 suffer from some or diseases of the mammary glands. Approximately 10% of the female population dies from breast cancer in the US and Russia. Breast cancer is the leading cause of death for young women in the United States and in our country ... No device shows breast cancer smaller than 0.5 cm - neither the best mammogram, nor ultrasound.

By modern classification(1997) mastopathy refers to benign dyshormonal proliferative-dysplastic processes in the ductal and glandular epithelium of the mammary glands. Translated into human language, this means the following: mastopathy nodes in the chest do not germinate into the surrounding tissues and do not give rise to metastases (good quality), so in this sense they are safer than cancerous ones. But all other phenomena characteristic of cancer are evident: at certain points of the excretory ducts and / or the gland itself, where milk is produced, the cells qualitatively degenerate (dysplasia) and divide rather quickly (proliferation) - instead of working for their intended purpose.

True, there may not be pronounced proliferation - sometimes the process of abnormal tissue growth is limited to hyperplasia, that is, an increase in the number of cells so that the gland can work in emergency mode, although it does not need it at the moment. That is why mastopathy is often referred to as "breast disease outside of pregnancy" - after all, an emergency mode of operation is necessary only during breastfeeding.

And the word "dyshormonal" means that hormonal disruptions affect the function of the mammary gland. Specifically, the ovaries, for one reason or another, produce too much estrogen and relatively little progesterone. And an excess of estrogens somehow (which is still not clear) causes the cells of the mammary glands to regenerate and divide. That is, mastopathy develops due to violations in the system that regulates the sexual cycle.

In fact, the term “mastopathy” itself is a prefabricated one - several diseases are hidden behind it, in many respects different from each other and, most importantly, not necessarily turning into cancer. There are many classifications of forms of mastopathy (in medicine it does not happen that there is one point of view on one issue - there are always many of them, and everyone claims to be correct).

How is the mammary gland arranged? Its “elementary particle” is called the alveolus (not to be confused with the lung!) and is a vesicle lined with a single layer of glandular cells, with an excretory duct. 150 - 200 alveoli are combined into a lobule, and their ducts merge into an intralobular duct; 30 - 80 lobules form a share with a lobar duct opening on the nipple. Between the lobes and lobules is the framework of the mammary gland, consisting of connective tissue.


1. Diffuse fibrocystic mastopathy: the pathological process goes on without the formation of nodes. In turn, it is divided into the following forms:

a) With a predominance of the glandular component (adenosis): the lobules grow due to the division of the glandular cells lining the alveoli. The growths are not enclosed in a bag and are indistinctly delimited from the surrounding tissues.

Symptoms- soreness of the gland, its engorgement, aggravated before the onset of menstruation, compaction of the entire gland or its area. Adenosis occurs in young girls at the end of puberty. Sometimes it happens in women at the beginning of pregnancy as a transient condition.

On the radiograph of the mammary gland affected by adenosis, multiple “shadows” of irregular shape with fuzzy boundaries are visible - these are the overgrown lobules and lobes. If the process is extensive, shadows can capture the entire gland.

b) With a predominance of fibrosis: the skeleton of the gland grows due to abnormal division of connective tissue cells in the space between the lobules; at the same time, the cells lining the ducts divide vigorously, so vigorously that the lumen of the latter narrows and even closes completely. In the gland are formed - and clearly palpable, if the process has gone far - seals in the form of strands. They are also visible on the radiograph - the latter has the appearance, as the radiologists say, "frosted glass".

c) With a predominance of cystosis: cysts are formed in the mammary gland - blisters with dense walls and a cavity filled with liquid or slurry. A characteristic clinical symptom, as for other forms of mastopathy, is pain that worsens before menstruation.

Statistics show that the formation of cysts is most typical for women over 54 years old: before menopause (cessation of menstruation), they are found in a quarter of patients with mastopathy, after - in 60%. Cysts form from atrophied (devoid of nutrition) lobules and dilated ducts. In parallel, the so-called interstitial tissue also grows - that into which the thin shells surrounding the alveoli pass. Sometimes the cells of the inner lining of cysts begin to divide, and they acquire the features of benign tumors.

The radiograph shows a large-looped pattern with many clearly defined enlightenments with a diameter of 3 mm to 6 cm.

The contents of the cysts are different - from colostrum, which has a whitish color, to a bloody slurry. In about a quarter of patients, the cysts become calcified; their walls are calcified. Calcification of cysts and their bloody contents are considered the first signs of the onset of malignant degeneration of the gland.

d) Mixed form - in fact, we should start with it, since the previous three in their pure form are rare. And the most common option is when there is a set: adenosis, fibrosis, and cystosis.

2. Nodular fibrocystic mastopathy: pathological changes are fundamentally the same as in the diffuse form, but local, so single or multiple nodes are formed in the gland - typical benign tumors. When probing, they, as a rule, do not have clear boundaries and are not soldered to the skin. Nodules usually increase on the eve of menstruation and decrease after it.

The nodular form is especially painful, pain is given to the shoulder and shoulder blade, and even to the arm. Sometimes increase axillary lymph nodes.

3. Mastodynia, also known as mastalgia, is a disease that is not directly related to mastopathy, so to speak, adjoining it. Another name is premenstrual edema of the mammary gland: it increases in volume by 15% or more. Causes - stagnation venous blood and swelling of the connective tissue that divides the gland into lobes and lobules.

The main contingent of patients with all forms of mastopathy are women in their prime (or, as experts say, of reproductive age), suffering from various gynecological disorders: premenstrual syndrome, uterine bleeding, infertility, uterine fibroids, endometriosis (when the uterine mucosa is introduced into other tissues ). There is evidence that in women who have long-term use hormonal contraceptives, mastopathy is rare.

The symptoms of mastopathy are varied, but the main one is pain in the mammary glands, which, as a rule, increases before menstruation. Knots and seals are sometimes painful all the time, sometimes only with pressure. The cause of pain is elementary: where tissues grow pathologically, the nerve endings are compressed.

True, 10 - 15% of patients do not feel any pain at all, although during the examination they find the same pathologies. Perhaps endorphins are “guilty” here, which lower the threshold of pain sensitivity.

Approximately 10% of patients have enlarged axillary lymph nodes; sometimes retracted nipple. What has been said means that if it is not involved, it cannot be argued that there is no mastopathy, but if it is involved, it can be argued that it is.

And then in words: THE RISK OF MASTOPATHY GROWING INTO CANCER IS VERY HIGH. For example, it has been proven that in women over 45 it is 2.6 times higher than the risk of developing breast cancer in the absence of mastopathy, and in the presence of atypical changes - 6 times.

Not to say that in the arsenal scientific medicine there were no means of influencing benign tumors in the breast at all. After all, we are talking about a global disaster, and if not the results, then at least the very process of research to identify and save its victims is evident.

First, about the treatment. Since ancient times, scientific medicine has had three approaches to mastopathy, based on some facts related to it: first, its nodular form is a tumor; secondly, its cause seems to be in excessive production of estrogens; thirdly, estrogens are produced in the ovaries. Hence the suggestions. Once the tumor - it can be cut out. Since estrogens are to blame, they can be “overwhelmed” by antagonist hormones. Once the ovaries are involved, they can be chemically influenced and "called them to order."

Thus, different methods of treating mastopathy arose: conservative - with non-hormonal and hormonal drugs - and surgical.

Among non-hormonal drugs, potassium iodide is especially popular - not so long ago, all mammologists relied on it. However, it is still prescribed to patients to this day - in a 0.25% solution, a teaspoon per day. It is prescribed to be taken for 8 to 10 months or longer - until ... breast cancer develops or the patient's stomach is completely ruined, whichever happens first.

The meaning of the use of potassium iodide is this: as already mentioned, an excess of estrogen relative to progesterone has a proliferating effect on breast tissue (i.e., causes its cells to divide, instead of fulfilling their direct duties). This means that the ovaries produce too much estrogen. And potassium iodide inhibits the estrogen-forming function of the ovaries. Unfortunately, at the same time, it depresses the stomach to the point of complete unfitness for daily service. In addition, the maximum that one could count on here is to protect the mammary glands from new portions of estrogens so that the tumor does not grow further or at least grows more slowly, but it is even theoretically impossible to dissolve it with potassium iodide.

They also tried to use camphor, supposedly capable of indirectly influencing the production of hormones in the ovaries. Camphor turned out to be completely harmless to the body, but also completely useless for the treatment of mastopathy.

They also tried to cling to the fact that in 30% of patients the liver function is disrupted - namely, excess estrogen is bound and neutralized there. The idea arose to use hepatotropic drugs (drugs "from the liver"). Synthetic - cholenzim and allochol - did not help at all, vegetable - holosas - almost did not help; choleretic teas (collections of medicinal herbs) acted somewhat better, but a radical effect was not achieved.

In 1971, a sensation was born in Yekaterinburg (then Sverdlovsk) - a new synthetic drug for mastopathy named dimexide. It fundamentally differed from the rest in that it did not affect the ovaries, but directly on the breast tissue. He was credited with a wide variety of effects: anti-inflammatory, analgesic, etc., and most importantly, the ability to specifically dissolve excess fibrous tissue. Until 1980 lasted clinical trials dimexide. They showed... But first, one explanation. Since mastopathy is a precancerous condition, drugs for it are evaluated according to the same criteria as cancer drugs: they are tested for the presence of a symptomatic effect (here - the ability to relieve pain and improve the patient's well-being) and oncological (the ability to stop tumor growth and "melt" it , i.e. eliminate the disease itself). So, tests of dimexide showed that 90% of patients have a symptomatic effect, and unstable - you need to be treated for the rest of your life; cancer was not observed in any of the patients. Hopes were dashed.

Hormonal preparations always cause alertness among doctors and patients - which is not surprising, since hormones directly act on many organs, and the slightest overdose is enough for complications to arise and everything went awry. But the risk associated with the use of hormonal drugs is considered justified if they offer hope of success in the treatment of deadly diseases or in their prevention. Therefore, hormones for mastopathy are prescribed without hesitation.

First, of course, progesterone. After all, we repeat, tumors in the breast form and grow due to a shift in the “estrogen / progesterone” balance - the former are produced too much. So let there be many second ones: then the balance will be restored and the development of the disease will slow down. As you can see, there is no question of a complete cure at all. And even a slowdown in tumor growth is not always observed.

Then, women suffering from mastopathy are injected with androgens - male sex hormones, since they are estrogen antagonists. Logically, but again best case will only slow down the growth of the tumor. And for young girls who have only recently completed puberty, androgens are categorically contraindicated - for obvious reasons.

Equally ineffective were clomiphene (a hormone that acts on the hypothalamus, where the centers of regulation of the sexual cycle are located), and gonadotropin, which stimulates the maturation of eggs. In the 80s, they really hoped for estrogen-progestin drugs that “inhibit the gonadotropic function of the pituitary gland and create functional rest for the ovaries” (quote from the Ministry of Health instructions for use), but they did not help patients with mastopathy.

It is not difficult to understand the general logic of the conservative treatment of mastopathy: since there is no cancer yet, chemotherapy should be avoided, trying to interrupt cell division in indirect ways. Such attempts do not have a lasting effect, and sooner or later cancer develops - then the jokes end and a real chemical war begins with the use of cytostatics and cytolytics - drugs that kill cancer cells. Rather, cytostatics kill any cells, but if they are injected precisely into a cancerous tumor, the risk of touching surrounding tissues, including blood, can sometimes be reduced to 90 percent.

To give an idea of ​​the prospects of chemotherapy for breast cancer, it is enough to give a list of drugs that were used 30 years ago (and showed their complete impotence) and are used today. So, the 60s - cyclophosphamide, vincristine, methotrexate, 5-fluorouracil, prednisolone. Late 90s: cyclophosphamide, vincristine, methotrexate, ftorafur, 5-fluorouracil, prednisolone, adriamycin. In other words, they don't even pretend to research goes, but they still prescribe obviously useless connections! It is also extremely characteristic that in none of the scientific articles and monographs on the treatment of breast cancer, in the “results” section, the word “recovery” is never found - they only talk about the “average survival of patients” for 1.2 and 5 years. , no longer.

And last healing method in the arsenal of modern medicine - surgical. Two tactics are possible here, depending on which path of treatment the patient chooses. Having diagnosed mastopathy, she can immediately be offered to cut out the nodes. If she agrees, in the future she will have to repeat the operation as new nodes are discovered, since relapses are inevitable even theoretically (is it possible to stop the pathological process by periodically removing its products ?!). If the patient is against, she is prescribed conservative treatment and periodically examined on a mammogram until cancer develops. Then she is again offered a choice: cytostatics or mastectomy - complete removal of the mammary gland.

Both options for surgical intervention, as they say, are fraught. Timely identification and cutting of nodes in the end does nothing. And removing a breast does not guarantee against a tumor in another breast - or in general in any other place in the body. There is no way to discuss in detail the genetics and biochemistry of malignant tumors, so we confine ourselves to one postulate: the mechanism of malignant transformation is fundamentally the same for all tissues and organs.

However, to some extent, the success of the operation depends on the skill of the surgeon. If he removed the entire tumor, leaving literally not a single degenerated cell, there is a chance that a relapse will not come soon.

Surgical intervention with mastopathy is indicated only in certain cases. Indications for removal of nodes: single and multiple fibroadenomas, large cysts of any origin, confirmed by express biopsy. An indication for the removal of the entire breast is a suspicion of cancer.

In short, mastopathy is practically incurable by methods modern science. But, it is quite possible that there would be more success with the use of hormones or the same Dimexin if it was possible to make a diagnosis on time.

Unfortunately, this is the main problem.

Usually mastopathy is diagnosed in five ways - not one of the five, but in combination. First, they collect an anamnesis. Knowing what the patient was ill with before does not give an exact answer what form of mastopathy she has, but still helps the doctor to navigate. Secondly, palpation is the probing of the mammary glands with the hands. It makes sense only when the nodes are already expressed - hardly born, of course, are not palpable. Yes, and large ones too, if they are soft and not encapsulated.

Then, cytological examination: they press on the base of the nipple, take a smear of what flows out on a glass slide (or just make a puncture) - and under a microscope. If clusters of cubic and / or prismatic epithelial cells with rounded or oval nuclei are found larger than expected, then there is mastopathy. And the larger such cells and their nuclei, the further the process went. Fibrocystic mastopathy is determined by the presence of large cells of the flattened epithelium of the cyst lining. Again, all this is good only in the later stages of the disease, and if the pathology is in its infancy, you need to “comb” the entire gland in order to stumble upon its tiny focus. It is clear that this is unrealistic.

Ultrasonic and X-ray methods differ in the highest reliability.

Resolution ultrasound(ultrasound), according to various estimates, is from 50 - 60% to 80 - 93%, and the accuracy of cancer detection reaches 86%. Yes, but this is when there is cancer! And if mastopathy has just begun, ultrasound is powerless - it does not “see” nodes smaller than a centimeter in diameter.

It is believed that a mammograph is more reliable - a special modification of the X-ray machine, equipped with intensifying screens that allow to reduce the radiation dose. The last circumstance especially important, since the survey has to be repeated every 1-2 years. And still, an x-ray is an x-ray: it is ionizing radiation, whatever one may say. Therefore, no matter how much they agitate us for X-ray examinations, repeating that they are completely harmless, this certainly cannot be true. Paradoxically, it is a fact that regular mammography procedures themselves can lead to cancer! Not necessarily breast cancer - perhaps another organ will be “hurt” more strongly.

A mammogram session lasts an average of 15 minutes. The examination is carried out in at least two projections: "frontal" and "oblique", directing the rays at an angle of 45 degrees. If necessary, especially if an operation is indicated, non-standard projections are also made: lateral and at different angles, depending on what the surgeon needs. Then different projections are combined and get something like a three-dimensional image, which shows ... by the way, not so much is visible on it, and not to say that clearly.

The fact is ... however, it is better to quote one of the most prominent Russian practicing radiologists N. I. Rozhkova: “The mammary gland is a soft tissue organ with low natural contrast, and therefore the possibilities of survey radiography are limited in some cases” (from the book "X-ray diagnostics of diseases of the breast", M., Medicine, 1993).

Therefore, radiologists are forced to indulge in all serious, resorting to artificial contrast. His methods are different - by the way, one of the best came up with Rozhkova herself. But they all boil down to the introduction into the mammary gland of a substance that is completely unnatural for it. For example, pneumocystography: they empty the cyst and pump air into it. Or ductography used in fibrocystic mastopathy: they squeeze out the entire secret from the gland by vigorous massage, then they inject iodine contrast agent (urotrast or verografin) into the excretory ducts, and even “shove” it all over the chest with pressure! Rozhkova suggested combining both: first, an iodine contrast agent was introduced, and then, when it properly “painted over” the walls of the ducts and the inner surfaces of the cysts, squeeze it out and pump in air.

More intricate methods of contrasting were also proposed, still, however, consisting in the introduction of some kind of rubbish into the gland, supposedly in a harmless amount. But, despite all the tricks, it was not possible to teach the mammographer to see nodes several millimeters in size - that is, at the stage when their identification is most desirable.

The lack of a good diagnostic method is a sore spot in world mammology. In 1994, the Americans seemed to be ahead of the rest, declaring that they want and can create a fundamentally new equipment for finding nodes in the mammary glands. Doctors called for help intelligence. Back in the 80s, electronics engineers working in the CIA system developed a super-computer system that allows fixing the slightest changes in the tracking object by comparing aerial photographs taken at different times (details refer to know-how and were not disclosed). The CIA's supercomputer has learned to detect underground missile silos and other objects camouflaged in the most sophisticated ways. “Similar technology can be used in mammography,” the CIA director said at the time. It was announced that the “computer mammograph” would go into production in five years and would save the lives of about a third of American women who die of breast cancer every year by detecting breast nodes a year or two before they begin to pose a real danger.

Five years have passed. But nothing is heard from across the ocean.

Meanwhile, mammologists are trying to improve the old diagnostic methods and offer new ones. Thermography has been introduced, based on the temperature difference between the tumor and healthy tissues by about a degree, radioisotope diagnostics - labeling of nodes with radioactive phosphorus-32, lymphography and lymphoscintigraphy - an indirect assessment of the state of the mammary gland by fine examination of the lymph nodes ... But all this is ineffective, and sometimes unsafe for good health.

Summary: from the standpoint of scientific medicine, mastopathy is a disease that is detected late and is extremely difficult to treat. These are the unfortunate facts, and there is absolutely no need to mitigate the tragedy of the situation.


But before treatment, a reliable diagnosis is needed.

We repeat, none of the modern scientific diagnostic methods provides the necessary accuracy, especially in the early stages of mastopathy.

So it would not be an exaggeration to say that dowsing for mastopathy is the only available effective diagnostic method. It has two main differences from ultrasonic device and a mammogram. Those, firstly, do not see nodes smaller than half a centimeter, and secondly, they cause certain harm to patients, especially a mammograph. Dowsing, on the other hand, is known to be safe and helps to identify tiny seals with a diameter of several millimeters. This means that the examination by the sensitive method makes it possible to make a diagnosis when, strictly speaking, there is no mastopathy yet - it has barely been outlined.

Perhaps, many will find such advice very unreliable - to rely on dowsing. Like, what happens - everything is made dependent on the presence of qualified doctors nearby with the necessary sensitivity to biofields?

So, a reliable diagnosis of mastopathy is dowsing (of course, plus ultrasound, mammography, etc. for independent control).

As for treatment, mastopathy lends itself perfectly to a complex method.

Mastopatic nodes (benign) can be large, and there can be a lot of them, but if among them - or at a distance, "on the sidelines" - there is a tiny pocket of 10,000 real cancer cells, it's bad.

It should be noted that in a healthy body, sometimes in one place, sometimes in another place, no, no, yes, and cancer cells are formed. This is a fairly common and widespread type of disruption of the work of genes: those that are responsible for the specialization and “suitability” of a given cell stop working, and those that regulate division suddenly wake up from hibernation (and in fully developed organs and tissues, cells are mostly not supposed to to share, but to work “according to specialty”). And then the cell falls into a kind of infantilism - it loses most of the specific signs that show it belongs to one or another tissue, but acquires the ability to divide, which was lost even in the embryonic period.

There are such reborn cells in every healthy tissue ... well, not that it's full, but there are some.

Grade III- the lowest: there are only slightly more degenerated cells in the organ (tissue) than "should be", and so far they have not clearly accumulated anywhere. II degree - there are so many "reborns" that they are already grouped into conglomerates, but very small, less than 10,000 cells. Finally, I degree - in some part of the organ (tissue) the size of the accumulation of cancer cells exceeded the critical one. From this point on, the development of a cancerous tumor is not just likely, but guaranteed.

What is very important, dowsing allows you to find such clusters, insignificant in size, but fraught with an unambiguous threat. A hand sensitive to biofields distinguishes not only the presence of a mastopathy node from its absence, but also a mastopathy node from a rudimentary cancerous tumor in the chest. That is why the importance of dowsing for early cancer diagnosis cannot be overestimated.

So there are three levels of risk. Amber, as a rule, is appointed at the first - the highest. In other cases, mastopathy is cured by the same method that is diagnosed - sensitive.

The third component of the medical complex is herbs (phytotherapy). With mastopathy, they are only a help, because alone, without bioenergy therapy and amber, they are not able to dissolve the knots. The purpose of phytotherapy is to expel toxins from the patient's body.

And what is good about it is that it allows and even implies some initiative of the patients. You cannot decide for yourself whether you need to wear amber, and which one; and when and how much. In the same way, you will not conduct a session of sensitive influence on yourself. But to prepare a collection of medicinal herbs is a very real thing. Here are a few recipes recommended by Dr. Klyuev.

Mix 1 dessert spoon of yarrow, 1 dessert spoon of horsetail, 1 tablespoon of corn stigmas, 1 dessert spoon of juniper berries. Pour a tablespoon of the resulting mixture with a glass (200 ml) of boiling water, leave for half an hour, then strain. Take a third cup three times a day after meals. . Mix 1 tablespoon of nettle leaf, 1 tablespoon of string, 1 dessert spoon of tricolor violet herb, 1 dessert spoon of horsetail, 1 dessert spoon of valerian root. Pour a tablespoon of the resulting mixture with a glass of boiling water, bring to a boil, remove from heat, cool. Take a third of a glass twice a day. . Mix 1 dessert spoon of eucalyptus and string. Pour a tablespoon of the mixture with a glass of boiling water, add a teaspoon of celandine, leave for 30 minutes. Take two tablespoons daily. . Mix 1 tablespoon of St. John's wort, 1 tablespoon of plantain, 1 dessert spoon of valerian, 2 tablespoons of string. Pour a tablespoon of the resulting mixture with 200 ml of boiling water, leave for 40 minutes, then strain. Take 2 tablespoons 3-4 times a day after meals. . Pour a glass of boiling water over one teaspoon of dried potato flowers (best of all - blue eyes) and insist for 1 hour. Drink a tablespoon (or a third of a glass) three times a day before meals. If mastopathy is accompanied by a liver disorder, use it carefully, carefully monitor compliance with the dosage. The tool also works with uterine myoma. . Pour a glass of boiling water (in a small enamel bowl) with two tablespoons of chopped willow bast. Wrap like a potato, leave for 10-12 hours. To make lotions, put a hot (but not steamed!) bast on the chest for one and a half to two hours, covering the top with a cloth soaked in the infusion. Harvesting bast: in advance - better in April - cut a few willow branches as thick as a finger, immediately remove the bark and remove the bast, dry it for 2 - 3 days and chop. . Peel and grate the pumpkin on a fine grater. To make lotions, put raw gruel at room temperature on the chest for two hours. It relieves pain and softens seals in the mammary glands. . Rinse the fruits of black elderberry, dry them and put them in a three-liter glass jar in layers of 1-2 cm interspersed with sugar. Close the lid and put in an open place (say, on a balcony or garden plot) in the shade for a day, then place in the refrigerator for 8 days. Strain and refrigerate again. Take in the morning and in the evening one hour before meals, one dessert spoonful with water. At the same time, it is recommended to apply pumpkin pulp to the chest. You can also steam chopped wormwood in a warm thermos with a small amount of boiling water and apply this mass to your chest for an hour. The black elderberry remedy is potent, and the elderberry itself is a poisonous plant. Therefore, overdosing is unacceptable. . Pour into a liter saucepan 6 - 8 full tablespoons of dried flowers horse chestnut, pour water to the top, put on fire, bring to a boil, insist overnight (wrapped with a blanket). Take a sip throughout the day, as they say, as much as you like (and you will fit very little and just as much as you need). . An alcoholic decoction of chaga (befungin) is also suitable, but for those who cannot tolerate it, you can prepare water. Pour a piece of dry birch fungus (chaga) with warm boiled water for 4 hours to soften, then grind the chaga on a grater or pass through a meat grinder. Pour one part of the resulting product (by volume) with 5 parts of warm boiled water and leave for two days in a dark, cool place, then strain and squeeze out the sediment. Take half a glass three times a day 15 minutes before meals.

In addition, like many naturopaths, Klyuev approves of the old antitumor remedy - a mixture of vegetable oil with vodka. But, unlike its main propagandist N.V. Shevchenko, he believes that pure alcohol is better instead of vodka. From mastopathy, Klyuev came up with such a modification of the recipe. Mix in a jar 30 ml of raw linseed oil and 15 ml of drinking alcohol, add 30 - 50 drops lemon juice. Shake the jar for 5-10 minutes, and then immediately drink without snacking. All this must be done in such a way as to take the medicine half an hour before meals. If nausea occurs, it is recommended to gargle with some acidic solution, even with the same lemon juice.

A mixture of oil and alcohol should be taken three times a day for two weeks, then take a two-week break, after which the course should be repeated. It is indicated for cancer and precancerous condition of almost any organ. Medical supervision when taking linseed oil with alcohol is required. For gallstones, do not use without medical advice.

Finally, modern immunomodulators from natural raw materials are very useful: T-activin, vilozen, thymalin, thymogen and some others. As you can easily guess from their names, they stimulate the activity of the thymus (thymus gland) - one of the most important organs of the human immune system.

Such complex treatment mastopathy does not need to be combined with traditional scientific means (hormones, potassium iodide, etc.). Firstly, as already mentioned, they are unsafe for the body, and secondly, they are simply unnecessary. Bioenergy therapy plus herbs plus (if necessary) amber is a guarantee of complete recovery for about 95% of patients, and in 100% of cases it is a guarantee of preventing the transition of mastopathy to cancer (“malignant nodes,” as oncologists say).


We have to start with a statement of a disappointing fact: the prevention of mastopathy is impossible. There are no means - neither synthetic nor folk - that maintain the balance between progesterones and estrogens and prevent it from “crawling”. And there is no way to “train” breast tissue to prevent knots from forming.

But this does not mean that a woman cannot help herself. Much is within her power. Firstly, she can assess - however, offhand, very approximately - how big the risk of developing mastopathy is for her personally. And for this you need to know more about yourself and your family.

For example, were there in the genus oncological diseases- not necessarily breast cancer, but any? They are considered a factor in hereditary predisposition to mastopathy. Then, in the anemesis of patients, acute and chronic inflammation of various organs, neurohormonal disorders, mental trauma, ovarian dysfunction, lactational mastitis, chronic diseases of the pelvic organs, and thyroid lesions are often found.

In addition, it has been proven that emotional stress is also a provoking factor. However, modern doctors tend to explain almost any organic disorder by stress, and, worst of all, they are usually right ...

What are the conclusions? First: do not start any inflammatory process, do not let it go from an acute stage to a chronic one, be sure to recover until complete recovery. Second: keep your nervous system in order. modern medicine, who was carried away by psychology, taught us that any diseases of the body are psychosomatic disorders. And really, who knows what mini-stresses that occur several times a day and are imperceptible even for the sickest, knock down the hormonal balance in the body? Until now, no one has intelligibly explained why the ovaries suddenly begin to give out more estrogen than progesterone. But is it not possible to assume that the psyche is also involved here? By the way, this also applies to infertility. This means that you need to monitor the condition of your nervous system so that the body less often responds to external stimuli with inadequate stress reactions.

Finally, since mastopathy is a pre-cancerous condition, the same daily rules that are recommended for cancer prevention should be followed. We borrow these rules from Dr. Bella Yakovlevna Kachugina - and who to believe if not her, since she healed more than a thousand cancer patients in her life. So:

1. Do not sunbathe in the sun to the point of insanity: its rays contain not only soft ultraviolet, but also hard (wavelength of about 260 nm), which belongs to ionizing radiation. 2. Do not abuse yeast products, but rather switch to unleavened bread altogether - it has been proven that yeast stimulates the growth of malignant tumors. 3. Avoid chronic burns - these are permanent foci of tissue necrosis. 4. Experience shows that calls not to smoke and drink are the most futile of all possible, but nevertheless ... 5. Tissues and organs must breathe: if oxygen access to them is sufficient, there will be no cancer. That is why it is useful to spend as much time as possible in the bosom of nature. 6. Eat products containing citric acid - this will help the active breathing of tissues and organs. 7. Indulge in vitamin C - it slightly acidifies the internal environment of the human body, and we really need it, because now and then we suffer from the flu, acute respiratory infections and other minor ailments, in which internal environment leached out. 8. Don't overcool, but don't wrap yourself up either: you don't have to become a walrus (or walrus? is it permissible to say so in Russian? however, it doesn't matter ...), but your body needs moderate hardening. 9. Do not eat foods over-fat, overcooked and fried in the same oil - they are literally teeming with chemical carcinogens. 10. Do not let the immune system weaken, keep it normal by any reasonable means. If your immune cells if they stop identifying and destroying your own cancer cells - it's a disaster. 11. Heal the intestinal microflora after each course drug treatment whatever you are being treated for. Antibiotics, in addition to pathogenic microbes, destroy E. coli, and it produces at least two substances that melt cancer cells. Modern means of improving the intestinal flora - biokefir, colibacterin, bifidumbacterin, bifikol, bactisuptil. Ask your doctor which one is best for you and how much to drink.

And now - a very important recommendation of Dr. Klyuev regarding nutrition. True, no “anti-mastopathy diet” has yet been invented, but the fact has been proven: the risk of mastopathy increases markedly if a woman abuses strong tea and coffee and if dairy products predominate in her diet. From this, of course, it does not follow that kefir, cream, sour cream, etc. must be urgently excluded from the diet - they simply should not serve as its basis.

Farther. A very relevant question is what age is the most dangerous? The answer is unequivocal: teenage and youthful, or rather, girlish. God knows why, but even some doctors believe that serious illnesses, including mastopathy, are unlikely in youth. Klyuev's data show otherwise: among teenage girls, one in five has seals in the mammary glands.

Therefore, from a young age, regular medical examinations are vital.

Finally, every month, 6 to 12 days before the start of your period, examine yourself. This practice should also be started from adolescence, as soon as the chest is outlined. (Non-menstruating women should conduct a self-examination on any day of the month they choose.) Dr. Klyuev recommends the self-examination method proposed by Professor Pinkhosevich. The sequence of actions is as follows:

1. Examine the linen (bra, shirt, etc.), paying attention to the presence of stains. 2. Examine the nipples to see if they are retracted, if their color and/or shape has changed. 3. Examine the skin of the glands: is there any swelling, retraction, discoloration. 4. Then proceed to a detailed examination of the mammary glands in front of a mirror in various positions: a) hands down; b) hands up; c) turning to the right; d) turning to the left. Pay attention to the following points: - is there any asymmetry of the glands (is it possible to see an increase or decrease in the size of one of them); - whether the glands are located at the same level; - whether they move evenly when you raise your hands. 5. Palpation of the mammary glands is performed in the supine position. Place a small pillow under the left shoulder blade, place the palm of the left hand under the head. Fingers of the right hand in a circular motion with light pressure, feel one by one all the departments (especially carefully the upper outer ones) of the left breast - are there any seals - and armpit Is the lymph node enlarged? Then put a pillow under the right shoulder blade, right hand under the head, and do the same with the right breast. 6. Now stand up and while standing feel the mammary glands in the same way.

Keep in mind that discharge from the nipples does not always leave marks on the underwear, so to identify them, you need to call them - by moderately squeezing the nipple at its base with your thumb and forefinger.

  • Prostate Prostates (Greek) - standing in front. Our health is a state of delicate balance, which is provided by many body systems.
  • A person and even a human fetus from the moment of conception interacts with the external environment. Of particular note is solar activity, which is associated
  • Mastopathy is a benign (in the vast majority of cases) disease of the mammary glands that occurs against the background of hormonal imbalance in the female body. Mastopathy, the symptoms of which occur in women of the reproductive age group (within 18-45 years), is characterized by the development of pathological processes in the tissues of the glands in the form of growths.

    general description

    As we have already noted, mastopathy occurs in women who are in the reproductive age range, that is, at the age of 18-45, while the peak incidence is observed in the period of 30-45 years. When considering the physiological characteristics inherent in the female body, the essence of the development of this disease is quite easy to explain, let's try to do it.

    To begin with, let's consider what the mammary gland consists of, and it consists of glandular tissue, which contains a significant number of tubules with cells that promote the release of milk. The specified glandular tissue in each gland is divided into lobes (in the amount of 15-20), they, during lactation (actually breastfeeding), provide milk secretion, which is accompanied by the opening of ducts located at the top of the nipple. In the interlobular areas of the mammary glands, a fairly dense connective tissue, through which the maintenance of the shares is ensured while simultaneously forming with its help a kind of capsule in the mammary gland. Such a capsule looks like a dense shell that fixes the mammary glands in relation to the tissues that surround it. In addition, the lobes of the mammary glands also have adipose tissue, through which the roundness of the shape of the breast is created. When considering healthy women, it can be noted that their ratio of connective tissue (providing maintenance) and glandular tissue (in other words, working) is determined by constant and well-defined limits in the mammary glands, which ensures their normal structure and normal functioning.

    Every month, a woman's body undergoes cyclical changes that occur against the background of hormonal influence from progesterone and estrogen. These hormones not only provide regulation of the two-phase menstrual cycle, but also directly affect the tissues of the mammary glands.

    If we consider the processes of such hormonal influence in the norm, then in this case the effect of estrogens formed during the period of the first phase of the menstrual cycle (before ovulation) leads to the development of proliferative processes in the mammary glands, which implies cell reproduction (proliferation). In turn, progesterone, formed during the period of the second phase of the menstrual cycle (respectively, after ovulation, before the onset of menstruation), leads to a limitation of the action produced by estrogens, thereby ensuring inhibition of cell reproduction processes. Progesterone is a pregnancy hormone, because its effect leads to an increase in the volume of the mammary glands, they are prepared for breastfeeding. Exposure to estrogen causes the breast tissue to swell. The mammary glands increase by the second half of the cycle, the increase is insignificant, but quite clearly noticeable by the vast majority of women, which is described by them in the variant of increased tension and sensitivity of the breast.

    In the absence of pregnancy, the level of estrogen rises, as a result of which the mammary glands undergo changes leading to the opposite state, that is, to reduce them in size and correspond to their previous indicators. If pregnancy occurs, then prolactin in the blood increases in terms, which, accordingly, indicates its subsequent impact on the processes of milk production in the mammary glands.

    With regard to deviations from the norm regarding the processes under consideration, the picture is as follows. Due to the influence of a number of unfavorable factors, a violation of the normal hormonal balance occurs, as a result of which estrogens are formed in excess, but progesterone, which prevents this, is formed in an insufficient amount to normalize the processes. Thus, there is an excessive reproduction of cells in the tissues of the mammary glands, as a result of which mastopathy develops.

    In some cases, the development of this disease is facilitated by excessive production of another hormone - prolactin, which is produced by the pituitary gland. Consideration of the normal situation with the production of this hormone indicates increased volumes of its production during pregnancy and lactation (which is necessary for the appearance and production of milk for feeding a child). In the pathological variant of consideration of its production, the excess is also noted outside the pregnancy factor accompanying this process, respectively, this variant is not just a pathology, but also a condition for the development of mastopathy.

    Causes of mastopathy

    In addition to the main conditions outlined above, based on hormonal disorders, as a result of which mastopathy develops, other causes of this disease are distinguished. These include the following factors:

    • tumor formations in the ovaries, their inflammation (salpingoophoritis, adnexitis), uterine fibroids, endometriosis - these factors contribute to the disruption of the production of sex hormones in a woman's body, which, accordingly, leads to mastopathy;
    • diseases of the adrenal glands;
    • diseases associated with the functions of the thyroid gland (diabetes, hypothyroidism, metabolic syndrome with concomitant obesity and increased blood pressure);
    • irregularity of sexual life;
    • liver disease;
    • availability of up-to-date psychological problems(neurosis, stress, depression, etc.);
    • absence of pregnancy and, accordingly, childbirth before reaching the age of 30 years;
    • actual hereditary predisposition;
    • frequent abortions - in this case, the situation is considered from the side of changing the functioning of the female body as a whole, which occurs from the very first days of pregnancy, this is in preparation for childbirth and for the corresponding changes in the state of the mammary glands, in which abortions lead to hormonal disruptions and mastopathy against their background;
    • trauma to the mammary glands, which is also relevant when wearing tight and uncomfortable bras with metal bones in them (as a result of which it is advisable to single out microtraumas to which the chest is exposed in this case);
    • refusal to breastfeed a child, untimely interruption of such feeding;
    • long-term treatment with hormones;
    • Availability chronic diseases gastrointestinal tract;
    • the presence of bad habits (alcohol and smoking);
    • deficiency in the body of iodine.

    Mastopathy: forms (types)

    A characteristic feature of diffuse forms of mastopathy is the actual series of changes that occur in the tissue of the mammary glands, we will single out their varieties:

    • Diffuse mastopathy, characterized by the predominance of the glandular component in it (adenosis of the mammary glands). For this form of mastopathy, as can be assumed from its initial definition, excessive growth of glandular tissue in the mammary glands is characteristic, due to which there is an increase in the mammary glands that produce milk.
    • Diffuse fibro-osseous mastopathy, characterized by a predominance of the cystic component in the accompanying processes. In particular, this form of mastopathy is manifested by the formation of small cavities containing fluid (that is, vesicles with fluid), which are otherwise defined as cysts.
    • Diffuse cystic-fibrous mastopathy with a predominant fibrous component (fibrous mastopathy). In this case, mastopathy is accompanied by a predominance of connective tissue in the mammary gland.
    • Fibrocystic mastopathy mixed. This form of mastopathy is characterized by the growth of connective tissue with the simultaneous appearance of cysts (cavities) in the mammary gland.

    In nodular forms of the disease, the mammary glands are affected locally (that is, the mammary gland is not completely affected, but only in certain segments of it). Given the peculiarity of the lesion in nodular mastopathy, the areas of seals are limited, and these seals develop after the diffuse form of mastopathy that precedes them. The most common form of nodular mastopathy is fibroadenoma. This formation has a rounded shape, it is quite dense and mobile. Most of the fibroadenoma is formed in women at a young age. This formation is benign, its elimination is carried out mainly through surgical intervention.

    Let us summarize the main points regarding the varieties of mastopathy. Nodular mastopathy - mastopathy, the symptoms of which are manifested against the background of single seals; fibrocystic mastopathy - symptoms appear against the background of the development of cysts, as well as fibroadenomas and papillomas (intraductal); cystic mastopathy - symptoms appear against the background of the formation of cysts; diffuse mastopathy - symptoms appear against the background of the appearance of many seals in the mammary glands. In general, fibrous mastopathy is mastopathy, the symptoms of which indicate the relevance of a benign process in nature, in which cysts, fibroses and dense nodes are formed in the mammary glands. Let us dwell in more detail on the symptoms of mastopathy, in which we highlight some of the features inherent in each of the varieties of its forms.

    Mastopathy: symptoms

    The most common signs of mastopathy are the following manifestations of this disease:

    • soreness noted in the mammary glands, which has a constant or periodic manifestation, and the increase in this soreness often occurs at the beginning of menstruation, and subsidence - to its completion;
    • discharge from the nipples (reminiscent of colostrum, etc.);
    • sensation of the appearance of a seal in the mammary gland;
    • the appearance of nodules in the gland.

    Most often, the manifestations of the disease in question are the appearance of seals in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe tissues of the gland, their nature is tumor-like (an actual feature of nodular mastopathy). Another form of the disease, diffuse mastopathy, is characterized by the fact that the breast tissue is painful and somewhat dense to the touch. Fibrocystic mastopathy combines the changes indicated in the previous options. As a rule, changes that occur in the gland are detected from the side of its upper part.

    The peculiarity of fibrocystic mastopathy is that its course, unlike, for example, a disease such as breast cancer, consists in the defeat of both glands at once (with cancer, only one of the glands is predominantly affected). As can be determined directly from the definition of this form of mastopathy (fibrocystic mastopathy), the changes that occur with it are fibrous in nature and cystic in nature, with one of these components predominating.

    Considering these components in particular, the following picture emerges. Thus, the predominant fibrous component is characterized by the appearance of compaction. If the cystic component predominates, then the gland tissues in this case contain many cysts in the region of the milk ducts (that is, microcysts). The onset of the disease in this case is accompanied by such small formations that it is impossible to recognize them either by palpation (palpation) or by ultrasound - the nature of the changes can be traced in this case, except perhaps using a microscope for this purpose.

    Let's move on to more detailed consideration listed symptoms.

    • Soreness of the breast

    The pain that appears with mastopathy can be described as aching in nature, in some cases accompanied by a feeling of heaviness, concentrated, as is clear, in the mammary glands. Increased pain occurs within the premenstrual period (which we noted earlier in one of the two phases of the cycle, against the background of increased estrogen production). With mastopathy, pain is not only local, but often radiates (spreads) to the shoulder blade or to the arm, neck.

    Pain is one of the main symptoms indicating mastopathy, however, despite this, about 10-15% of patients do not experience it. In this case, palpation and examination determines the same changes that accompany the course of the disease in those women who have pain. Such a course of the disease can be explained, for example, by the difference in the threshold of pain sensitivity, individual for each patient individually.

    Pain in mastopathy is due to the fact that the processes relevant to the disease lead to compression of the nerve endings by cystic formations and connective tissue while simultaneously involving these nerve endings in the sclerotic tissue.

    About 10% of patients are faced with an increase in lymph nodes with mastopathy (they are affected in the axillary region), as well as with a certain degree of pain.

    • Enlargement of the mammary glands in volumes

    This manifestation of symptoms consists in periodic engorgement of the glands, which, as we noted earlier, is associated with the same menstrual cycle. Such aggravation occurs due to venous congestion, as well as puffiness, which connective tissue is prone to. On average, an increase in the mammary glands occurs within the limits of 15%, which is also accompanied by increased sensitivity of the mammary glands (it consists in the characteristic discomfort noted during probing), and, again, soreness. In some cases, sensations are accompanied by abdominal discomfort and headaches, anxiety and general nervous irritation. Similar symptoms generally determine premenstrual syndrome.

    • Discharge from the nipples

    By the nature of the discharge from the nipples with mastopathy can be very different. So, they are abundant (which consists in their independent manifestation) or situational (that is, they appear only during pressure on the nipple). Discharge from the chest can be either transparent or whitish, or brown. A particular danger lies in the appearance of spotting - a similar manifestation in mastopathy indicates the transition of the process to a malignant form of the course. It is important to understand that regardless of the color, nature and consistency of discharge from the chest, you must immediately visit the appropriate specialist!

    • The appearance of a node / nodes in the chest

    In the case of nodular mastopathy, a node (or nodes) is detected, which has quite clearly palpable contours. As for the size of such a node, they can reach various limits. It is often quite difficult to determine what exactly is relevant in a particular case, nodular mastopathy or breast cancer. Accordingly, for a detailed clarification of the nature of such a neoplasm, additional diagnostic measures are applied.


    In the diagnosis of the disease, various methods are used, we highlight them below:

    • Palpation (palpation) of the glands. This research method allows primary diagnosis independently, which provides an opportunity for early detection of the disease in question. Palpation by itself means, as noted, palpation, respectively, with its help it is possible to determine the features of the structure of the mammary glands, and also to determine whether there are seals in the chest, whether pain appears. The doctor also performs palpation, which is done to establish a preliminary version of the diagnosis, followed by orientation to additional diagnostic measures.
    • Mammography. It consists in a study in which it is done X-ray glands. Mammography makes it possible to determine even the presence of small seals in the glands, the identification of which during palpation is not possible.
    • ultrasound. With the help of this procedure, it is possible to detect changes that the mammary glands are subject to in a particular case (diffuse, nodular changes). The combination of this method and the previous one, mammography, makes it possible to determine mastopathy with the greatest efficiency according to the diagnostic measures already considered.
    • Puncture. It is used to study nodular neoplasm. Using this method allows with sufficient a high degree accuracy to determine the nature of the structure inherent in the node, as well as to produce simultaneous differential diagnosis(distinguish mastopathy from a number of other diseases relevant to the mammary glands, for example, this may relate to breast cancer, etc.). A syringe is used for puncture, the game is introduced into the mammary gland node, which is done to remove its cells and for subsequent examination already under a microscope.

    If there are certain difficulties in diagnosing, then additional measures are applied, for example, ductography, Doppler sonography, etc.

    Breast examination is especially important for women who have crossed the age threshold of 35 years, because it is from this time that such hormonal changes become relevant, in which quite dangerous diseases subsequently develop. In particular, it is necessary to pay attention Special attention on their own health in this regard to those women who among their closest relatives were previously diagnosed with breast cancer (mother, aunt, sister).

    Primary self-examination for mastopathy is carried out after the end of menstruation - it is during this period that the signs of the development of diseases of the mammary glands appear in the most pronounced form.

    • Self-examination in the supine position:
    • the chest is mentally divided into four parts (lateral, lower, upper part);
    • each of the departments is probed in detail for the detection of seals or nodules in it.
    • Self-examination in front of a mirror.
    • it is necessary to raise your hands up and evaluate the features of the external contours of the breast, nipples: no depressions should appear on the breast itself, the nipples should correspond in shape correct characteristics;
    • each of the nipples is gently pulled back in turn, which makes it possible, thereby, to make sure that there is no/presence of secretions.

    The development of diseases of the mammary glands is evidenced by such signs as:

    • the appearance of folds on the skin of the mammary glands;
    • probing seals;
    • detection of skin retractions;
    • the presence of pain, incl. with their spread to the shoulder blade, arm or neck;
    • changes in the shape of the nipples, their color, discharge from them.

    For a substantive introduction to the independent conduct of the primary survey can be found below.


    The basic principles used in the treatment of the disease we are considering are to normalize the state of the hormonal background (that is, to normalize the ratio of sex hormones in the blood), as well as to eliminate stress while increasing the body's resistance to them. In addition, of course, local treatment of gland tissues is also performed. As noted in the description above, nodular mastopathy (fibroadenoma) is mainly subject to its surgical removal (similar to surgical intervention defined as a sectoral resection).

    Treatment of mastopathy should be complex, and its greatest effectiveness is achieved using a number of endocrine drugs. For example, this homeopathic preparations(on the plant-based), in particular, the following types are used:

    • Mastodinon. This drug is non-hormonal, its intake ensures the normalization of the level of prolactin in the blood, as well as a decrease in the severity of pain, preventing the development of premenstrual syndrome. It is used in the form of drops (twice a day, 30 drops diluted in water) or in the form of tablets (reception: morning and evening, 1 pc.). The course of such treatment is 3 months.
    • Cyclodynon. Non-hormonal drug, which helps to reduce the production of the hormone prolactin while normalizing the menstrual cycle and reducing the associated soreness of the mammary glands. It is used in the form of drops (every morning, 40 drops diluted in water) or tablets (the time of admission is similar to taking drops, 1 tab.). The duration of the course of treatment in any variant is 3 months.
    • Mamocalm - non-hormonal herbal preparation based on kelp (seaweed). The drug is saturated with iodine, due to which there is an appropriate effect, focused on ensuring the normalization of the functions characteristic of the thyroid gland. In addition, the drug is also focused on reducing the manifestation of soreness in the chest and pain associated with menstruation. The drug Mamocalm is used in the form of tablets (1-2 tablets 2-3 times a day). Given that the drug contains iodine, it should be taken with extreme caution by patients with relevant thyroid function disorders. The intake of this drug, as well as the drugs listed earlier, must be agreed with the attending physician.

    Diffuse mastopathy is cured by hormone therapy in case of enough late stage course of the disease, which is especially necessary in the presence of other forms of hormonal disorders of the body. Also used in the treatment of mastopathy are anti-estrogens, drugs that contribute to the absence of ovulation and drugs aimed at lowering the level of prolactin (in addition to the previously noted mastodinone).

    Severe pain requires restrictions on the intake of coffee, tea, cocoa and chocolate. In addition, it is important to follow a certain diet, avoiding smoked and fatty foods, including as many vegetables and fruits as possible in the diet. Vitamin therapy also plays an important role in the treatment of the disease, in which particular attention should be paid to such vitamins that belong to groups A and E. By taking vitamins, the functions inherent in the liver are improved, this organ is extremely important in terms of providing them with metabolic hormonal processes.


    If the disease is detected at an early stage, a cure is possible in 99% of all cases. Treatment of mastopathy requires dispensary observation, which, depending on the specific form of mastopathy and other factors associated with the course of the disease, is about 3-6 months.

    In the presence of symptoms indicating mastopathy, it is necessary to contact a mammologist or the attending gynecologist. In any case, the treatment of mastopathy should not be delayed or ignored as a necessity, and should not be done independently.