
How to donate blood for progesterone in women. Progesterone - general concepts about biochemistry, function, norm indicators and the effect of hormonal imbalance on the body

(from Latin "hormone for pregnancy") - a female sex hormone that prepares a woman for pregnancy. In the female body, progesterone is produced in the ovaries, placenta, and adrenal glands. Its main function is to ensure pregnancy and regulate menstruation.

The male body produces much less progesterone. It is synthesized by the tissues of the testicles and adrenal glands. In men, testosterone and a number of other important hormones are produced on the basis of progesterone, but its role is less significant than in women.

To test for progesterone, blood is taken from a vein. In the laboratory, blood serum is purified from blood cells and examined by the immunochemical method. Modern analyzers allow you to get the result of the analysis in a few hours. On average, the waiting time is 1 day.

The role of progesterone in the body of a woman

Progesterone is a steroid hormone. In the female body, this biologically active substance is responsible for the processes of reproduction and affects the processes occurring in many organs.

Progesterone deficiency in women can lead to serious consequences:

  • before pregnancy - infertilitydue to the fact that the endometrium of the uterus is not ready for the attachment of a fertilized egg;
  • during pregnancy - spontaneous abortion - miscarriage.
High progesterone in women also accompanied by unpleasant symptoms:
  • visual impairment;
  • acne;

Features of progesterone production

1. Progesterone in non-pregnant women produced by the corpus luteum and, to a lesser extent, by the adrenal glands. corpus luteum is a temporary endocrine gland located in the ovary. Its name is explained by the color, which is due to the large amount of yellow pigment - lutein.
The activity of the corpus luteum, and therefore the synthesis of the hormone, is regulated by the immune system, ovarian and pituitary hormones.
The developmental cycle of the corpus luteum consists of 4 stages:
  1. Proliferation. Every month, a follicle with an egg matures in one of the ovaries. At ovulation, the follicle bursts and the egg is released into the abdominal cavity. After that, the walls of the follicle gather into folds, it “closes”. A hemorrhage occurs in the cavity, which provokes an active division of granulosa cells lining the walls of the follicle.
  2. Vascularization. A large number of blood capillaries form in the walls of the follicle. Due to their intense work, the corpus luteum of the ovary has the most intense blood flow of all the organs of the female body.
  3. heyday. The corpus luteum increases significantly in size up to 2.3 cm and protrudes above the surface of the ovary. It increases the synthesis of progesterone by 30 times, compared with the initial stage of the menstrual cycle. This phase should last about 12 days. If it decreases, then one speaks of corpus luteum insufficiency and the woman cannot get pregnant.
  4. fading away. If pregnancy does not occur, the cells decrease, dystrophic changes occur in the corpus luteum. It is gradually replaced by scar tissue, turning into a white body. This is accompanied by a decrease in the concentration of progesterone in the blood.
2. progesterone during pregnancy. When pregnancy occurs, the corpus luteum continues to synthesize the hormone for another 12 weeks, almost the entire first trimester. Its work is stimulated by the membranes of the embryo (chorion) through chorionic gonadotropin. In the second trimester, the placenta takes over the production of progesterone.

The level of the hormone steadily increases from the 9th to the 32nd week of pregnancy. During this time, the concentration of progesterone in the blood increases 15 times compared to the body of a non-pregnant woman. This hormone controls not only the state of the uterus, but also the entire metabolism of a pregnant woman. Thanks to progesterone, a woman absorbs the maximum amount of nutrients from foods, which is accompanied by the deposition of adipose tissue.

The effect of progesterone on the body of a woman

  • on the lining of the uterus. First 14 days of the menstrual cycle proliferation phase) the uterus is affected by estrogens produced by the growing follicle. They stimulate the active division of endometrial cells. After ovulation, the follicle turns into a corpus luteum and produces progesterone. Begins secretion phase, the duration of which is also about 14 days (increase or decrease by more than 2 days - pathology). In this phase, progesterone has a direct effect on the endometrium, causing changes that create a favorable environment for the attachment of a fertilized egg and the development of the embryo. Secretion of the uterine glands, their secretion of mucous secretion containing glycogen and polysaccharides. The ducts of the glands twist and expand, which allows you to increase their area.
  • Spiral twisting of blood vessels. The hormone makes them tortuous and full-blooded, which is important for the blood circulation of the future fetus.
  • The stroma (loose connective tissue that fills the gaps between the glands of the endometrium) becomes edematous and accumulates fluid and nutrients.
A decrease in the concentration of progesterone at the end of the cycle causes: spasm of the arteries, poor cell nutrition and melting of the connective fibers of the endometrium. These changes facilitate the shedding of the mucous membrane during menstruation.
  • For the course of the pregnancy. Progesterone prepares the body for childbirth and stimulates the development of the fetus.

  • Stops the menstrual cycle;
  • Provides growth of the uterus;
  • Relaxes the muscles of the uterus, reducing its tone;
  • Reduces the sensitivity of the uterus to substances that cause it to contract;
  • Promotes the accumulation of fat, to provide the fetus and mother with nutrients;
  • Relaxes the ligaments, which facilitates the passage of the fetus through the birth canal at the time of childbirth;
  • Promotes the growth of the mammary glands (alveoli and lobules), which is necessary for the secretion of milk.
  • For metabolism.
  • Stimulates appetite. This explains the fact that women in the second half of the cycle have increased cravings for carbohydrate foods.
  • Increases the ability to store fat - increases the chances of the body to survive in conditions of food shortage. Due to the presence of progesterone, fat is deposited in the waist area.
  • Relaxes the smooth muscles of the gastrointestinal tract. This slows down the movement of food and allows the body to absorb all the nutrients as much as possible. Side effects can be fermentation of food in the intestines and increased formation of gases.
  • Increases insulin production after meals. At the same time, progesterone reduces the susceptibility of tissues to insulin, increasing blood sugar levels. With this property of the hormone, increased cravings for sweets before menstruation and during pregnancy are associated.
  • Raises basal body temperature. Thanks to this property, it is possible to determine ovulation.
  • on the musculoskeletal system.
  • Breakdown of muscle tissue. Increases protein catabolism, which causes the breakdown of muscle cells. This fact is proved by an increase in urea in the urine during periods of high progesterone in the blood of a woman.
  • Relaxation of ligaments and tendons. Connective tissue becomes more elastic. This facilitates the process of childbirth, but increases the risk of injury in the second half of the menstrual cycle and during pregnancy.
  • Improves bone formation.
  • On the nervous system and on sleep. The breakdown products of progesterone have a sedative effect similar to that of barbiturates. It has both positive and negative effects. Positive effects:

  • Improves blood circulation in the brain;
  • Stimulates the growth of nerve cells;
  • Prevents damage to the cell walls of neurons;
  • Stimulates memory;
  • Reduces the frequency of epileptic strokes and convulsions;
  • It has a calming and analgesic effect.
With a decrease in the concentration of progesterone before the menstrual phase, irritability and tearfulness increase, and sudden mood swings occur.
  • On the immune system. Progesterone suppresses the activity of the immune system, which avoids conflict between the mother's body and the fetus, which contains a foreign protein (father's DNA). However, immunosuppression is accompanied by a number of unpleasant reactions: the appearance of acne, exacerbation of herpes and allergies, the appearance of genital warts, during periods of high progesterone.
  • On the skin. The hormone stimulates sweating and active production of sebum. For this reason, in the second half of the cycle, the skin becomes oily, inflammation occurs more often.

Why is a progesterone test prescribed?

Indications for the appointment of a blood test for progesterone

  • Suspicion of an ectopic pregnancy. In this case, the hormone level will be lower than during normal pregnancy (in the early stages, about 30 ng / ml);
  • The threat of termination of pregnancy;
  • The need to determine ovulation when planning pregnancy.
  • Assessment of luteal phase insufficiency in the diagnosis of infertility;
  • Amenorrhea - the absence of menstruation in non-pregnant women of reproductive age;
  • Violation of the activity of the corpus luteum;
  • The need to monitor the condition of the placenta during pregnancy;
  • Cyst or tumor of the ovary found on ultrasound;
  • Tumors of the adrenal glands;
  • Evaluation of the effectiveness of treatment with progesterone drugs;
  • Children with congenital pathologies of the adrenal glands;
  • Children with impaired production of steroid hormones, impaired puberty.

How to prepare for a progesterone test

  • For 1-2 weeks, stop taking medications that affect the release of progesterone (the list is given below). If this is not possible, then a list of drugs with doses must be provided to the laboratory.
  • 12 hours before the test, exclude:
  • food intake;
  • alcohol;
  • physical exercise;
  • Testing in the morning until 11. On an empty stomach.

It is undesirable to take the analysis immediately after:

  • endoscopic examination;
  • radiography;
  • fluorography.

On what day of the menstrual cycle is blood taken for analysis?

The results obtained on different days of the cycle can differ tenfold. Therefore, for a correct assessment, it is necessary to strictly observe the timing of the analysis indicated by the doctor. He makes a decision based on the length of the menstrual cycle.
In non-pregnant women, blood for progesterone is usually taken on days 21-23 of the cycle. (The first day of the cycle is considered the first day of menstrual bleeding). With oligomenorrhea (scanty menstruation) - starting from the 15th day of the cycle with an interval of 3 days. During pregnancy on any working day.

Normal progesterone values

When evaluating the analysis, it must be taken into account that the normal (reference) values ​​in different laboratories may differ significantly. Therefore, a gynecologist or endocrinologist should deal with the decoding of the analysis.
Period Progesterone level ng/ml
Women Men
Under 13 years old 0,2 – 1,5 0,2 – 1,4
Over 13 years old 0,2 – 0,9
Follicular phase 0,2 – 1,5
Ovulation 0,8 – 3,0
luteal phase 1,7 – 27,0
I trimester of pregnancy 11,2 – 90,0
II trimester of pregnancy 25,6 – 89,4
III trimester of pregnancy 48,4 – 422,5
Postmenopause 0,1 – 0,8

Some labs report progesterone levels in nanogram per milliliter(ng/ml) as presented in the table, and others in nanomoles per liter(nmol/l). In order to convert ng / ml to nmol / l, it is necessary to multiply by a factor of 3.18.

In what pathologies are progesterone levels increased?

  • progesterone and its synthetic analogues;
  • antifungal - Ketoconazole;
  • hormonal - Mifepristone, Clomiphene, Corticotropin;
  • antiepileptic - valproic acid, Depakine.

In what pathologies are progesterone levels reduced?

  • antibiotics - Ampicillin;
  • oral contraceptives;
  • antiepileptic drugs - carbamazepine, phenytoin;
  • hormonal drugs - Danazol, Goserelin, Cyproterone, Leuprolide, Estriol, Prostaglandin E2.

A blood test for progesterone is one of the necessary tests for women of childbearing age.

Progesterone not only plays a significant role during pregnancy, but also affects other functions - it prevents cystic fibrosis, participates in blood clotting and regulates sugar.

To take an analysis for progesterone means to identify and prevent many functional disorders of the body.

Taking hormonal contraception, the period of gestation and menopause affect the production of progesterone.

The concentration of progesterone in the blood varies depending on the phase of the ovulatory cycle - in each of them, the reference indicator will be different.

The blood test should meet the following values ​​in a woman who is not taking oral contraceptives and is in an acceptable state of health:

  1. Follicular phase: 0.32 - 2.25 nmol / l.
  2. Ovulatory phase: 0.49 - 9.41 nmol / l.
  3. Luteal phase: 6.95 - 56.53 nmol / l.

During the period of gestation, progesterone has a dependence on the timing:

  1. Trimester I: 8.9 - 468.5 nmol / l.
  2. Trimester II: 71.5 - 303.2 nmol / l.
  3. Trimester III: 88.7 - 771.5 nmol / l.

In the postmenopausal period, a blood test should not show the amount of progesterone more than 0.64 nmol / l.

The menstrual cycle and progesterone

The duration of the ovulatory cycle depends on the interaction of various hormones and their ratios.

Hormonal fluctuations occur throughout the entire childbearing period on a monthly basis. The standard cycle is 28 days.

However, its duration may vary and depends on age and health status. Conventionally, the day of the beginning of a new cycle is the day of the beginning of menstrual flow.

According to this reference point, progesterone in the body will behave as follows, according to the days of the cycle:

  1. Days 1 - 5. The progesterone level gradually rises, provoking rejection and removal of an unfertilized egg and excess tissues from the uterine cavity.
  2. Usually, with a 28-day cycle, the discharge of their uterus lasts no more than 5 days. Day 5 - 14- progesterone gradually reaches peak values.
  3. Days 15 - 23. After ovulation has passed and if pregnancy does not occur, estrogen and progesterone levels gradually begin to fall. The follicle that has transformed into the corpus luteum continues to produce progesterone.
  4. Days 24-28. There is a degradation of the corpus luteum and the volume of progesterone produced is reduced.

When to take progesterone, on which day of the cycle the attending gynecologist decides. Under the standard state of affairs, such an analysis is required on such days during the second phase:

  1. Hand over on the 22nd day of a cycle.
  2. Donating blood for progesterone is allowed on the 20th day of the cycle (with a slightly shortened cycle).
  3. It is considered ideal to pass the test on the 21st day of the cycle with its standard duration.

The norm of progesterone on the 21st day of the cycle cannot be lower than 3 nmol / l, however, it cannot exceed 66 nmol / l.

Such an interval is determined by individual characteristics.

progesterone and irregular menstruation

With an irregular cycle, in order to determine the day when to take progesterone, a woman needs to contact a gynecologist.

The gynecologist, on the basis of the menstruation calendar, determines the most suitable day - the date of delivery can fall on both the 22nd day and the 17th.

For reference!

The calendar (diary) of menstruation is a measure of self-control of the duration of the ovulatory cycle, as well as the ability to timely detect deviations from the normal duration for a woman.

When the menstrual cycle is completely unstable, it is possible to determine the exact date of ovulation only in a medical institution. In this case, a woman needs to take an ovulation test.

For greater accuracy, the test is performed a week after the end of menstrual flow. You may need to go through it several times (standard tactics are 7, 14 and 20 days).

Based on the dynamics of changes in the hormonal ratio, a specialist can set the most suitable day for progesterone analysis.

Regardless of the length of the cycle, progesterone is given only after ovulation, since then the indicators are the greatest and this gives great opportunities for determining possible violations of the hormonal ratio in the body.

Testing for progesterone and its outcome

After determining the appropriate day for the analysis, the doctor consults the patient and explains what kind of preparation is required before the progesterone blood test.

Priority highlights standard rules necessary to obtain a reliable result:

  1. 7 days before the analysis, it is required to start gradually reduce physical activity intensity. 2 days before the test, they need to be minimized.
  2. Refuse from the consumption of alcoholic beverages 3 days before the exact date of taking a blood sample for hormones.
  3. Sexual contact should be terminated 2 days before the exact date of the hormone test.
  4. 1 day before blood sampling, you should try minimize all possible stress factors and influences that can lead to emotional imbalance.
  5. 7 days before the exact date of the analysis should be stop taking all hormonal and other drugs. If it is impossible to cancel them, reduce the dosage and warn the specialist by providing him with a list of medications taken.
  6. 2 - 3 hours before the sampling of material for research, it is required refuse from smoking. The minimum refusal period before blood sampling is 1 hour.
  7. Last meal available 8 hours before analysis. However, the period of fasting should not be longer than 14 hours. Some foods and dishes should be removed from the daily diet 2 or more days before the analysis.

Foods, nutritional supplements, meals and drinks that need to be removed from the diet for a while before taking a progesterone blood test:

  • spices and spices;
  • taurine-containing drinks;
  • coffee-containing drinks;
  • fatty and fried foods;
  • smoked meats;
  • overly salty foods;
  • confectionery and bakery products.

The above should be gradually eliminated over the course of a week, since this list of products can excite the nervous system, and also lead to some shift in the hormonal ratio under the influence of macro- and microelements.

Depending on the laboratory, the result of the analysis may vary. Usually, the reference values ​​are indicated in a specific column of the form. When there is no such mark, it is required to clarify them with a laboratory specialist.

When the response received from the laboratory exceeds normal values, this may indicate the following pathological and other processes of the body:

  • cystic corpus luteum;
  • renal pathologies;
  • dysfunction of the adrenal cortex;
  • amenorrhea;
  • pregnancy;
  • placental pathology.

Underestimated concentrations of progesterone in the blood may indicate that ovulation does not occur, or about an incorrectly determined day of the cycle to determine the hormone index.

progesterone during pregnancy

During gestation, increased concentrations of progesterone in the blood are accepted as a physiological norm.

However, when such values ​​​​are determined in the blood without an established fact of conception or in 1 part of the cycle, then negative changes in the process of hormonal synthesis of the adrenal cortex or kidney failure are suspected.

For reference!

Sometimes it is required to pass progesterone several times, in each of the phases of the cycle, in order for the specialist to obtain the most complete information.

When a disturbed process of hormonal synthesis is detected, a certain drug therapy is developed, based on certain features of the patient's physiology, as well as the current state - pregnancy, menopause.

With progesterone deficiency in pregnant women in the early stages of gestation, there is no physiological "burst" of progesterone and, which is a direct threat of interruption.

For prevention development of the state of abortion, drugs are used:

  • Utrozhestan;
  • Injesta.

They stabilize the hormonal background, being sources of "borrowed" progesterone.

However, to decide on the degree of need for an artificial increase in the concentration of the hormone in the body of a pregnant woman can take exclusively the attending gynecologist who leads the pregnancy.

In addition to a gynecologist, a woman should consult an endocrinologist and get a “second opinion”.

With any deviations in the content of a biologically active compound in the blood, no matter the period of pregnancy or outside of conception, the independent use of medications that raise the hormone rate is unacceptable.

However, it is possible to control and correct its content in the blood due to the following actions:

  1. Refusal of alcoholic beverages.
  2. Cessation of the use of coffee-containing products.
  3. Refusal of salon procedures for perm and coloring of nails, hair, eyebrows.
  4. Increase sleep duration up to 8-10 hours.
  5. Refusal of smoking.
  6. Start doing physical exercises (cardio loads) and breathing exercises.
  7. Menu corrections.

To correct and stabilize progesterone levels in the blood, it is required to add foods high in vit. E and S.

Vegetables and fruits should be seasonal - only seasonal products contain the necessary useful components in the required quantities.

The pregnancy hormone or progesterone affects the reproductive function of a woman like no other. Due to the sufficient content of this hormone in the blood, women ovulate. As a consequence, the egg can be fertilized by the sperm and attached to the wall of the uterus. If the analysis for progesterone is negative, then the body will reject the fetal egg over and over again. An outwardly healthy woman will not be able to experience the joy of pregnancy and motherhood just because there is not enough progesterone in her blood.

A blood test for progesterone is a mandatory event for women of reproductive age. Progesterone excludes spontaneous abortion (miscarriage) and in the truest sense of the word - helps the girl become a mother. This hormone is produced by the ovaries in women. Its largest amount falls on the 14th day of menstruation - the ovulatory phase of the cycle.

The hormone begins to grow rapidly until the follicle on the ovary bursts and an egg is released from it. The follicle itself turns into the so-called corpus luteum. It is at this stage that active synthesis of the pregnancy hormone begins. The rate of progesterone is exceeded, and the body prepares for the onset of pregnancy.

If the pregnancy test showed two strips, then this means that there was a release of progesterone in the blood. But, it is at this moment that you need to be extremely attentive to your health. After all, a jump in the hormone in the negative direction will entail a miscarriage.

If there is an insufficient amount of progesterone in the woman’s body or its excess is observed, then this means that:

  1. Pregnancy has come;
  2. Severe bleeding from the vagina of women is possible;
  3. The menstrual cycle is disturbed;
  4. The placenta does not develop during pregnancy;
  5. There are deviations in the work of the kidneys and adrenal glands;
  6. The functionality of the corpus luteum is reduced;
  7. There is a threat of abortion due to hormonal imbalance;
  8. There is an inflammatory process occurring in the organs of the reproductive system.

If you notice any of these symptoms in yourself, then you definitely need to undergo an examination of the body and take a blood test.

In men, progesterone also performs a number of important functions. It is produced in the testicular tissue and is the main catalyst for the production of the hormone testosterone and cortisol. The norm of progesterone in men is in the range of 0.5 - 6.0 nmol / l. Elevated progesterone can be a signal of infertility, testicular dysfunction, decreased libido and metabolic disorders in the body.

Preparation for the delivery of the analysis

An analysis for progesterone requires special preparation of the body of women. But, before you go to the clinic, you should know how much this procedure costs. A pregnancy hormone test will cost you about 5-10 dollars, depending on the level of the clinic and the qualifications of the specialists. In public institutions, you are likely to pay less. But, remember that saving on health now can then respond with even greater costs.

You can take an analysis for progesterone only with proper preparation. For women, a visit to the clinic is recommended on the 22nd-23rd day of the menstrual cycle. But, if you have it irregular, then it is necessary to consult a gynecologist before a laboratory blood test. Blood for progesterone is usually donated after the onset of ovulation in women. To determine at home when the egg is released from the ovary, you can do an ovulation test.

Blood for pregnancy hormone is given only on an empty stomach after an 8-hour fasting period. This also applies to women who are in position. Only plain water is allowed.

Preparation for analysis consists in the complete abolition of drugs. 2 weeks before the analysis, it is forbidden to take hormonal contraceptives. If, for health reasons, the patient cannot stop taking medications, then it is necessary to indicate in the exact order what kind of medicine you are taking, the daily rate, how much you drank the medication before donating blood. It is advisable to take the drug with you and show it to the doctor. Thus, you can get the most reliable result.

A day or two before the delivery of the pregnancy hormone, the patient needs to completely exclude sexual contacts, physical activity and emotional stress. It is not recommended to eat fatty, spicy or salty foods a few days before visiting a medical facility. A woman is advised to do a control pregnancy test.

Blood for research cannot be donated after procedures such as radiography, ultrasound, MRI, fluorography, and rectal examinations. You should not smoke, drink alcoholic beverages and drink coffee and strong tea on the eve of the analysis.

Analysis of results

The decoding of the analysis is carried out by a gynecologist immediately after receiving the results. You should know that the rate of progesterone in women differs depending on the phase of the menstrual cycle and, of course, the state of pregnancy.

In the follicular phase, the progesterone norm is 0.32 - 2.23 nmol / liter. In the ovulatory - the norm of the hormone will be in the range from 0.48 to 9.41 nmol / liter. And the peak of the hormone falls on the luteal phase - from 7.02 to 57 nmol / liter.

If the decoding of the result came to you not in nmol / l, but in ng / ml, then you need to divide the resulting value by 3.18. Now you can compare the result with the values ​​above.

During pregnancy, the rate of the hormone progesterone increases by several tens or even hundreds of times. Therefore, if you are waiting for the long-awaited news, then the test results should be within:

  • In the first trimester - from 9 nmol / l to 470 nmol / l.
  • In the second trimester - from 72.0 nmol / l to 300 nmol / l.
  • In the third trimester - from 9 nmol / l to 780 nmol / l.

As you may have noticed, the hormone progesterone is rapidly increasing. If during the second or third trimester, this rate falls, then there is a risk of miscarriage. If you take any medications during pregnancy, you must indicate this to the laboratory assistant. The correct interpretation of the analysis depends on this.

In pregnant women, low progesterone can be a signal of intrauterine growth retardation, as well as a threat of miscarriage. A low level of the hormone most often indicates an inflammatory process in the body and the likely occurrence of uterine bleeding.

Do not panic and worry when you get such results. Remember that progesterone levels can be adjusted with a synthetic hormone. It is prescribed by a gynecologist with a threat of miscarriage, for the formation and full development of the fetus, in case of violation of the menstrual cycle. Progesterone can be 1%, 2% and 2.5%. It is taken in the form of injections or tablets.

The history of the pregnancy hormone began almost 100 years ago, although scientists wrote about the importance of ovarian and corpus luteum hormones at the very beginning of the 20th century. Today, donating blood for progesterone is mandatory for a variety of disorders of female reproductive health, sometimes during pregnancy. In some cases, an analysis for this female hormone is also required for men.

Progesterone is a typical female hormone. The corpus luteum is also involved in its production - a temporary endocrine gland that is formed in the female body every menstrual cycle. During pregnancy, the placenta is also taken for the production of progesterone.

In men, the main role in the synthesis of the hormone of pregnancy belongs to the adrenal glands, part of the progesterone is "issued" by the testicles.

Therefore, there are different norms for the level of progesterone for patients of both sexes and taking into account the different state of the body. In the male body, this value is constant, since the adrenal glands and testicles work with the same force throughout almost the entire life. In women, the test for progesterone shows different results repeatedly throughout each month. And during the bearing of the baby, this figure grows at an incredible rate.

Each laboratory where tests for hormones are done may have its own standards. It depends on reagents, tests, units of measure. Usually, the progesterone level is calculated in nmol / l, pmol / l, ng / ml. How to determine progesterone in nmol / l - is it normal or there are deviations - the following plate will help.


Norm of progesterone, nmol/l

Men 0,32-0,64
Women of reproductive age, non-pregnant
Follicular phase 0,32-2,23
ovulatory phase 0,48-9,41
luteal phase 6,95-56,63
Pregnant women
First trimester 8,9-468,4
Second trimester 71,5-303,1
third trimester 88,7-771,5
Women in menopause over 0.64

Indications for surrender

The results of progesterone for women are needed for a number of very different pathologies - both in preparation for pregnancy and during gestation. A referral for blood donation can be issued not only by a gynecologist, but also by a therapist, endocrinologist and reproductologist.

The main indications for determining the concentration of progesterone in the blood are:

  • regular menstrual irregularities;
  • uterine bleeding;
  • diagnosis of infertility;
  • suspicion of pathology of the ovaries or adrenal glands;
  • possible disorder of the thyroid gland;
  • obesity.

An analysis for progesterone during pregnancy will be needed if before that the expectant mother had miscarriages or previous pregnancies were difficult. It is also necessary to know the progesterone level in the second trimester if there is a suspicion of placental pathology. And also in the third trimester - when overwearing.

Sometimes it is necessary to fix the level of the pregnancy hormone along with other hormones (LH, estradiol) several times a month to confirm ovulation. This analysis is called hormonal monitoring.

It is necessary for men to take progesterone for any signs of feminization (breast enlargement, female-type obesity), as well as for suspected pathology of the testicles or adrenal glands.

What the analysis shows

The level of progesterone in women is in a fairly wide range, but significant deviations from the average values ​​can signal serious problems.

The main reason for elevated progesterone is natural and very pleasant - pregnancy. But various diseases can also provoke a progesterone surge:

  • uterine bleeding;
  • violations of the menstrual cycle (up to the absence of menstruation);
  • corpus luteum cyst;
  • pathology of the placenta;
  • kidney failure;
  • disorders in the work of the adrenal glands;
  • taking certain medications.

If the delivery of progesterone occurs during pregnancy, too high numbers can indicate a multiple pregnancy, as well as the most dangerous early pathology - cystic mole.

Low progesterone in women is a consequence of:

  • the fact that the corpus luteum (and later the placenta) does not cope well with its function;
  • lack of ovulation;
  • menstrual irregularities;
  • developmental delays in the fetus;
  • prolongation of pregnancy;
  • threats of miscarriage;
  • infertility;
  • chronic inflammation of the genital organs.

In men, an increased level of pregnancy hormone may appear primarily with hormonal disorders - tumors of the testicles and adrenal glands, reduced thyroid function, etc., as well as diabetes. The cause of the progesterone surge is also the intake of hormonal and anticancer drugs. A decrease in hormonal levels is caused by the growth of prostate tissue.

How to prepare for the analysis

Various sites and even official pages of clinics and laboratories provide different information about the need to prepare for donating blood for a hormone. The only point on which there is no disagreement is on what day the progesterone should be taken.

Some sources claim that it is not necessary to carefully prepare for the delivery of the pregnancy hormone at all, but this is not so. If in doubt, consultation with your doctor is necessary. The standard requirements for preparing for blood sampling for progesterone look like this.

  1. You need to go to donate blood only on an empty stomach (including during pregnancy). The minimum fasting period is 8 hours, the maximum is 14.
  2. A week before the analysis, you will have to stop taking medication. If this is not possible, be sure to inform the doctor about all drugs and dosages.
  3. A day or two before the procedure, you should avoid any physical activity and sex. It is important to eliminate stress and nervous overload.

Women take progesterone on the 22-23rd day of the cycle. It is better to discuss the date of the test with the doctor in advance - sometimes the attending physician himself appoints a date. With hormonal monitoring, progesterone is measured at least twice - at the beginning and end of the cycle.

How the analysis is done

Regardless of the indications for progesterone analysis, the procedure is always the same - this is blood donation from a vein.

For hormonal analysis, a special method is used - immunochemiluminescent (ICLA). This is a laboratory method of medical diagnosis based on immune reactions of an antigen with an antibody.

The effectiveness of the method is 90%, but if the IHLA shows progesterone deviations from the norm, it is recommended to repeat the blood donation procedure. Both men and women. The optimal time is after 1-2 months.

When to take a progesterone test

"…Hello! I have a question. Last cycle I was 2 weeks late (44 days instead of 30). I consulted a gynecologist regarding this issue. She sent me for a progesterone test. I passed it at 20 DC and the result corresponded to the follicular phase of 0.7 nmol / l, the doctor said that I had a luteal phase deficiency and prescribed Dufast for 10 days with a delay and then with a new cycle from 11 to 25 days. Then I myself decided to retake progesterone at 29 DC and the result turned out to be slightly higher than it should be according to the standards of this laboratory for the luteal phase of 27.63 ng / ml. Question: does it make sense for me to drink Duphaston if I already have it at the time of the delay? And is it possible to talk about the presence of ovulation in this cycle with such progesterone? Or it can start to be developed also for other reasons? Thanks everyone for the comments!…"

Very often, doctors recommend taking a progesterone test on the 21st day of the cycle. But not for all women, such a recommendation may be correct. Not infrequently, doctors and patients do not take into account the duration of the cycle and the timing of ovulation before checking the level of progesterone. The doctor does not always have the time or desire to individually understand the history of each patient. In this case, the doctor may incorrectly set the date of the examination, and an incorrectly performed analysis may lead to a deliberately incorrect result, a “false” diagnosis, and even unnecessary “treatment”.

Progesterone is a corpus luteum hormone, a corpus luteum phase hormone. The ideal time to test for progesterone is in the middle of the luteal phase, i.e. about a week after ovulation.

It is possible to correctly determine on which day of the cycle you need to take an analysis in each individual case, only by tracking ovulation. For example, according to basal temperature charts, home ovulation tests or ultrasound. It is especially important to track ovulation in the presence of "delays" and irregular cycles.

If the results of the analysis are in doubt, it is necessary to repeat the study in several cycles to eliminate the possibility of error. In this case, it is desirable to take a blood test not 1 time per cycle, but 3-4 times with an interval of 3 days - i.e. approximately 3-4, 6-7 and 9-10 days after ovulation.