
National Medical Research Center for Rehabilitation and Balneology. National Medical Research Center for Rehabilitation and Balneology

In 1958, the institutes of balneology and physiotherapy were merged into the State Research Institute of balneology and physiotherapy of the Ministry of Health of the RSFSR (Decree of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR No. 1020 / r of 08.03.1958 and order of the Ministry of Health of the RSFSR No. 396 of 17.04.1958). After 2 years, the united institute was again transferred to the USSR Ministry of Health (Order of the USSR Ministry of Health No. 240 of 05/07/1960), and the name was changed to the Central Research Institute of Balneology and Physiotherapy (Order of the USSR Ministry of Health No. 337 of 08/03/1960), as a result of which his head functions were again confirmed. The benefits previously granted to the GIF were extended to TsNIIKiF. Even earlier (March 10, 1960), the Council of Ministers of the USSR transferred all self-supporting sanatoriums (except for children's and tuberculosis), as well as rest houses, to the jurisdiction of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions.

The merger in 1958 of two Moscow research institutes, quite similar in a number of ways, was, as it were, predetermined by objective circumstances. From the Institute of Balneology, by this time, most of those who were associated with expeditions, geological exploration and balneotechnics began to stand out in autonomous production structures. Such enterprises were created both in Moscow and in the regions. Separate the problem of medical nutrition. In connection with the subordination of a significant part of the resort network to trade unions and departments in the Ministry of Health, the problem of sanatorium care turned out to be secondary. The Institute of Physiotherapy, in turn, was "unloaded" by the CITO, the Research Institute of X-ray Radiology, the Research Institute of Prosthetics, the All-Russian Research Institute of Medical Instrumentation and other institutions. The years when the institutes merged, however, were not, however, a period of decline in the field of research on physical factors - on the contrary, there was a consolidation of specialists, peripheral research institutes, supported by the activities of a single scientific society, general congresses, a general problem commission of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences, as well as a general scientific journal “Questions balneology, physiotherapy and exercise therapy, etc. As for the scientific society, negotiations on the merger of the societies of balneologists and physiotherapists began as early as 1950.

The Central Research Institute of Balneology and Physiotherapy became the leader among single-profile scientific institutions in different regions of the USSR (the total number of research institutes, branches and independent laboratories reached 24), and many of them also included both main specialties in their title.

Geographically, physiotherapists with their property were transferred to balneologists. G.N. remained the director. Pospelova, and the director of the GIFA, corresponding member, was appointed her deputy for science. USSR Academy of Medical Sciences prof. A. N. Obrosov. The merger process was difficult for both teams. Each of them had their own priorities, plans and values. The tension was aggravated by the protracted stay within the walls of the institute of the apparatus of the Ministry of Health of the RSFSR with all the inconveniences arising from this neighborhood. Despite the acute shortage of premises, A. N. Obrosov managed to retain his technical staff in the medical-technical and biophysical laboratories; the latter initially worked at the department of physiotherapy, and later was included in the experimental department.

In 1966, TsNIIKiF was headed by prof. Yuri Efimovich Danilov, who raised the authority of the head institute even higher and rallied the specialized research institutes into a friendly family of institutes of balneology and physiotherapy, in which everyone was in sight, received help and support, but felt responsible for his own and common cause. Every year, on the basis of any regular institute, a representative Meeting of Directors gathered with the participation of deputies for science, heads of departments, representatives of the Central and Republican councils for the management of resorts of trade unions, sanatorium and resort departments of various departments, etc. Meetings were carefully and well prepared in advance: TsNIIKiF received reports from all research institutes, the program was discussed (topics of reports, objects for acquaintance, etc.). An exhaustive report by the director of the head institute allowed all participants in the meeting to get a complete picture of the work done, which, however, did not prevent them from providing additional information, discussion, or criticism; two or three leading specialists of TsNIIKiF made scientific reports summarizing the latest fresh data on any section of the specialty. Familiarization with the host institution was also useful for everyone: work experience was taken into account, consultations were given, dissertation topics were discussed, etc. The participants' trips to local resorts were interesting. The final speech by Yu. E. Danilov sounded like a revelation for the majority: the well-informed and, as it were, all-seeing director of TsNIIKiF had the ability to guess the future, determine the situation, give specific recommendations and, to be fair, rarely made mistakes. The most weighty proposals were the content of the Decision of the meeting; the latter were not a formality. So, for example, on the basis of the Solutions, two branches of TsNIIKiF were created (in Evpatoria and Sadgorod near Vladivostok), which eventually became and still operate as independent institutions.

Approximately according to the same scheme, Meetings of directors of profile institutes of socialist countries (within the framework of the CMEA) were held once every 2 years, thanks to which international scientific ties were noticeably strengthened (exchange of delegations, joint symposiums, joint scientific developments, publications, personal contacts, etc.) . The closest and most fruitful contacts were maintained with scientists from Bulgaria, Yugoslavia, Czechoslovakia, the German Democratic Republic, and Poland. The practice of international contacts of TsNIIKiF convincingly showed that science has no boundaries, and if people are sincerely engaged in their useful work, then many common scientific problems can immediately be found that are easier to solve together.

Director of the Institute Yu. E. Danilov
and Minister of Health of the USSR
Academician B. V. Petrovsky at the opening of the hydropathic clinic

Under Yu. E. Danilov, the territory adjacent to the institute was cleared of log huts and the construction of a suburban clinic in the village was started. Yudino, Odintsovo district, Moscow region. Initially, it was planned (according to the conjuncture of that time) to use this clinic for sanatorium aftercare, but the long-term construction survived and outgrew this idea, although it is possible that they will return to it. During the same period, through the efforts of Prof. VT. Olefirenko, the balneological clinic was overhauled and two wells were drilled to supply natural mineral water for external and internal use. The drinking gallery for general use, designed in the form of a greenhouse (lots of light, greenery and flowers), in terms of interior, of course, was inferior to the luxurious resort hall of the Italian resort of Montecatini, but was very popular with patients and employees.

Yu. E. Danilov, as an experienced organizer of public health, raised and encouraged organizational scientific topics. So, for example, issues of medical and economic efficiency (within the framework of balneology and physiotherapy), the effectiveness of aftercare for some categories of patients in a number of institute clinics in trade union sanatoriums were developed, sanatorium care for disabled veterans of the Great Patriotic War was studied and streamlined. The scientific and organizational department of TsNIIKiF regularly consulted employees of similar departments of other Moscow research institutes, provided methodological assistance to the Ministries of Health of the USSR and the RSFSR, as well as the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences.

In 1973 he was awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor for his services in the development of his branch of science and in the training of personnel.

A memorial plaque with the names of employees of the State Central Executive Committee and the GIFP who died on the fronts of the Great Patriotic War (S. B. Iorish, S. B. Kaminer, I. P. Kuzmin, G. M. Labensky, I. E. Malyshev) was installed in the hall of the institute , V. N. Ponomarev, A. E. Puzanov, S. F. Talokontsev, L. D. Khaskin, I. D. Yakhnin).

Since 1976, prof. Vasily Mikhailovich Bogolyubov, who improved the equipment of the institute with modern diagnostic, research and medical equipment and opened a wide way for the study of new factors and methods (magnetotherapy, laser therapy, electrosleep, transcerebral electrotherapy, dry-air carbonic and radon baths, etc.). The Institute received a small building in Borisoglebsky lane and completed the construction of a country clinic for 300 beds in the village. Yudino. Meetings of directors were replaced by plenums of the Scientific Council of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences and were held annually according to the same scheme, but their level and significance for those invited gradually decreased, and in the 1990s (with the collapse of the USSR) the plenums were completely abolished, which significantly affected inter-institutional relations.

The undoubted successes of domestic medicine of the post-war period in its various fields, an extensive network of medical institutions, a significant number of medical, secondary and scientific medical personnel, as well as free and relative accessibility of treatment in the existing system of Soviet health care, did not, however, give the expected total effect due to a number of reasons. Among them, first of all, it is necessary to highlight the insufficient docking and weak interaction of representatives of different specialties and different institutions at the bedside of a particular patient and, as a result, the inability to bring this patient to the maximum possible recovery, and in case of inevitable disability - to the maximum possible integration into society. Undertaken in the USSR from about the 60s. efforts to widely introduce the principles of post-treatment, staged and restorative treatment also did not lead to the creation of a rehabilitation system, moreover, medical rehabilitation in general (and not in the corners of individual specialties). All this made it necessary to look for theoretical and methodological approaches to a difficult problem. It is quite obvious that it had to be solved on the basis of predominantly non-drug methods of treatment (natural and artificial physical factors, spa treatment, etc.). In the USSR, as well as throughout the world, they again started talking about rehabilitation.

THE CENTER HEADS:Doctor of Medical Sciences, ProfessorGerasimenko Marina Yurievna

Federal State Budgetary Institution "RSC MRiK" of the Ministry of Health of Russia has a century of experience in the field of rehabilitation and balneology and is popularly referred to as "RESORT ON ARBAT".

Our center uses a unique, unique in the Russian Federation, combination of various classical and innovative rehabilitation methods based on the clinical experience of applying modern world methods of scientific research.

In the center, it is possible to rehabilitate patients with diseases and injuries of the musculoskeletal system and the nervous system, pathology of the organs of the cardiovascular, respiratory, digestive, genitourinary systems of the body, after surgical interventions on large joints and the spine, operations of oncological, cardiological profile.

The restoration of the motor function of the limbs is carried out using highly modern robotic complexes with a virtual reality playback system.

Treatment of pain syndromes of the musculoskeletal system and limitation of joint mobility is carried out using mechanotherapeutic equipment and an anti-gravity system that reproduces the state of weightlessness.

Rehabilitation treatment is carried out using classical and the latest methods of physiotherapy procedures present only in our center: high-intensity extracorporeal shock wave therapy (HILT), optimized low-intensity laser therapy (LILT), pulsed low-frequency electrostatic therapy (Hivamat system), general magnet therapy and other.

In the complex of measures for the rehabilitation of patients with various diseases, mineral water is used in the drinking gallery of the center from its own underground source - "Moscow Mineral Water", as well as methods: hydrocolonotherapy, gynecological and intestinal irrigation with mineral water.

A unique method for improving the microcirculation of the lower extremities in case of obliterating diseases by a non-drug method using the Kneipp path is presented - these are alternating reservoirs with cold (12 degrees) and warm (28-30 degrees) water.

It is possible to get an influx of vital energy, solve problems with chronic overwork, nervous strain, insomnia, stress with the use of the unique (only in Moscow) stationary cryo sauna CRYO Air - 110, where the cryo effect on the entire body is carried out.

Feel the state of weightlessness, perhaps in a specially equipped float chamber. During the session, a person lies in a saturated solution of water from the ancient underground ocean (its own source), which keeps the body afloat, as in the "Dead Sea". In the state of weightlessness, where the force of gravity is compensated, and the temperature of the water is equal to the temperature of the body with an accuracy of 0.1 degrees, relaxation automatically occurs, the level of which is not available under other conditions. If you are not an astronaut, then floating this is your only chance to experience weightlessness.

The combination of Turkish and Russian saunas with a "snow room", a swimming pool, is not only a pleasure, but also an improvement. In the sauna, the body relaxes, and in the snow room, blood vessels and muscles tone up. Due to a sharp change in temperature, there is an expansion and narrowing of blood vessels, as a result, blood supply improves, metabolic processes intensify and the body gets rid of toxins.

Without leaving the city, you have the opportunity to receive medical procedures in the pool with mineral water "Rapa" (water of the ancient underground ocean), which is superior in chemical composition and healing properties to the sea water of the "Dead Sea".

It is possible to take a course of effective treatment for diseases of the bronchopulmonary system in the "Salt Cave" (speleo- and halochambers), where the natural microclimate of natural karst salt caves and mine faces is recreated. According to its properties, the salt aerosol located in the salt cave has an effective natural hypobacterial, hypoallergenic and ionizing property, and also has a unique positive psychotherapeutic effect on the human body.

The center conducts a comprehensive program on active longevity «Anti-age therapy».

This program includes: consultations with a nutritionist, an endocrinologist and an assessment of the body composition on a computerized BOD POD camera. Application of hardware cosmetology techniques on state-of-the-art equipment: “SmartXcideDOT”, “SYNCHRO FT” laser device, “EXILIS ELITE” radiofrequency lifting and lipolysis device, classical reflexotherapy and hardware reflexotherapy methods, hydrotherapy (contrast shower, air hydromassage, Aqua therapy in the pool, Charcot shower , underwater shower-massage, various types of body wraps and baths).

Evaluation of the effectiveness of the ongoing rehabilitation is carried out with the help of ultrasound, functional, X-ray, endoscopic diagnostics on the equipment of the expert class of the latest generation.

Without leaving the city, and not looking up from everyday affairs and work, visiting our Center, you have the opportunity in the very heart of Moscow to undergo a full-fledged course of sanatorium treatment and a recovery cycle.

1. Organization of the provision of medical care according to the profile of medical rehabilitation, including in the conditions of sanatorium treatment:
  • Formation of a database of medical organizations (including sanatorium organizations) and the creation of passports for the medical service of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation;
  • Organization of a telemedicine consultation service;
  • Monitoring the quality of medical care.

Training of medical personnel in relevant profiles:

  • Formation of professional standards;
  • Development and implementation of specialized educational programs for residency, postgraduate studies, advanced training and professional retraining.
2. Scientific and practical activities in the field of research and development:
  • Participation in scientific alliances with leading national scientific and practical centers in order to develop and validate the latest methods and comprehensive medical rehabilitation programs
  • Development of conceptual approaches to solving the problems of improving the health of the working population, the choice and justification of the main directions of preventive measures in the conditions of sanatorium-resort organizations
  • Determining the needs of practical healthcare in innovative products and technologies
  • Development of international cooperation for the purpose of exchange of experience, introduction of the best world practices in the field of rehabilitation and balneology

The current organizational structure of the Federal State Budgetary Institution "NMIC RK" of the Ministry of Health of Russia

Head institution "Medical Center on Novy Arbat", Moscow 100 beds

The Center uses a combination of various classical and innovative rehabilitation methods, unique on the territory of the Russian Federation, based on clinical experience in the application of modern scientific achievements.

The Center includes structural divisions:

  • Department of Medical Rehabilitation of Patients with CNS Function Dysfunction;
  • Department of medical rehabilitation of patients with impaired function of the peripheral nervous system and musculoskeletal system;
  • Department of rehabilitation of patients with somatic diseases;
  • Scientific Advisory Clinical Diagnostic Department;
  • Department of Physiotherapy;
  • Department of Balneology;
  • Department of Reflexology and Medical Psychology;
  • Department of Physiotherapy and Clinical Biomechanics;
  • Department of Functional and Ultrasound Diagnostics;
  • Department of Radiation Diagnostics;
  • Clinical diagnostic laboratory.

The Center provides rehabilitation for patients with diseases and injuries of the musculoskeletal system and nervous system, pathology of the organs of the cardiovascular, endocrine, digestive, urogenital systems of the body, after surgical interventions on large joints and the spine, operations of oncological, cardiological profile.

In particular, the restoration of the motor function of the limbs is carried out not only with the help of classical methods of physical therapy (therapeutic exercises, hydrocolonotherapy, manual therapy, etc.), but also with the use of highly modern robotic complexes with a virtual reality playback system. Treatment of pain syndromes of the musculoskeletal system and functional disorders of the joints is carried out using mechanotherapeutic equipment and an anti-gravity system that reproduces the state of weightlessness.

Currently, in rehabilitation measures for patients with various diseases, physiotherapy methods are widely used, which can significantly improve their clinical condition, obtain pronounced analgesic, anti-inflammatory, decongestant, anti-stress effects, while physiotherapy methods are combined with drug therapy, exercise therapy and massage. In addition, health improvement programs have been developed using various methods of physiotherapy to increase immunity, relieve fatigue, increase physical and mental performance. Specialists of the National Medical Research Center of the Republic of Kazakhstan use both classical and the latest methods of physiotherapy: extracorporeal shock wave therapy, high-intensity laser therapy (HILT), pulsed low-frequency electrostatic therapy, general magnetotherapy, local and general cryotherapy, etc.

The Department of Balneology implements almost the entire range of services of modern hydro-balneotherapy, numerous health improvement and prevention programs. The department has the possibility of dispensing baths with various mineral compositions (sodium chloride, iodine-bromine, hydrogen sulfide, siliceous), hydrotherapy procedures (underwater shower-massage, Charcot shower, underwater traction of the spine), heat treatment (mud therapy, parafango, naftalan), thalassotherapy (seaweed wraps and baths) and climatotherapy (speleo- and halochamber, cavitotherapy).

The center conducts comprehensive programs for health diagnostics (check-ups), health improvement, anti-stress, detox and active longevity.

The results of rehabilitation measures are evaluated using ultrasound, functional, X-ray and laboratory diagnostics using the latest generation expert-class equipment.

Thus, without leaving the city, and not looking up from everyday affairs and work, visiting our Center, you have the opportunity in the very heart of Moscow to undergo a full course of recovery and sanatorium treatment.

On the basis of the Educational and Methodological Center (EMC) of the Federal State Budgetary Institution "NMIC RK" training is provided in residency, postgraduate studies, as well as professional retraining and advanced training programs. The UMC has a dissertation council that accepts for the defense of dissertations for the degree of candidate and doctor of medical sciences in the specialty 14.03.11 - restorative medicine, sports medicine, exercise therapy, balneology and physiotherapy in the field of medical, psychological and biological sciences.

As part of the National Medical Research Center of the Republic of Kazakhstan of the Ministry of Health of Russia, the Testing Center for Natural Medical Resources operates, which, together with other structural divisions, takes an active part in the development of the scientific foundations for the study and rational use of natural medicinal resources and scientific and practical recommendations for their use in medical practice.

FSBI "NMIC RK" maintains international scientific and business relations, organizes scientific forums, congresses, conferences and exhibitions in Russia and abroad.

Branches of the Federal State Budgetary Institution "NMIC RK" of the Ministry of Health of Russia:


State Institute of Physiotherapy

On the initiative of the Moscow Physical Therapeutic Society in 1911-1912, a project was developed to create in Moscow Institute physical therapies with clinic and experimental base. It was approved already in Soviet times, on May 20 1920, the decision of the Board of the People's Commissariat of Health RSFSR. The Institute was allocated a building at 25 Petrovka Street. Its organization was led by Professor Samuil Borisovich Vermel.

In the early years, the State Institute of Physiotherapy paid great attention to therapeutic gymnastics and massage, prosthetic work, vocational training of military invalids, sports medicine. One of the main tasks of the institute was the development and implementation of physiotherapy methods in the work of practical institutions. Gradually opened clinical departments ( therapy , neurology , orthopedics). AT 1922 opened a biophysical laboratory. At the same time, the design and manufacture of the first models of domestic physiotherapy equipment began at the small factory "Bureau of Precision Mechanics".

State Central Institute of Balneology

AT 1918 in Moscow at the address: Sadovo-Samotechnaya street, house 10, in the premises of the former gymnasium, the military department, together with the People's Commissariat of Health, deployed a Balneological Selection Hospital for 200 beds, whose functions included sorting the wounded and sick before sending them to resorts. Since 1920 it has been called the Spa Distribution Hospital. In the activities of the hospital, elements of a scientific approach to the problem are also clearly visible, namely: the first instructions were created defining indications and contraindications for referral to resorts, and the immediate and long-term results of balneotherapy for various diseases and injuries were studied.

In February 1921, the All-Russian Congress on the resort business was held in Moscow. Based on the provisions of I. A. Bagashev, the congress in its resolutions recommended the creation in Moscow of a central scientific institute for the study of the resorts of the Republic. In July 1921, 3 departments of the Central Resort Clinic for 60 beds were opened in the premises of the Resort Distribution Hospital (director - V. A. Aleksandrov). Among the tasks of the clinic were the diagnosis and study of the clinical course of diseases to be treated at resorts, the study of the therapeutic effect of physical factors, methodological work and training of balneologists.

On July 16, 1926, the clinic was renamed the State Institute of Balneology, and on September 26, 1926 - the State Central Institute of Balneology. New subdivisions, renewal of scientific personnel, installation of new equipment, expansion of the list of balneological procedures and other methods of treatment, publication of scientific papers - all this allowed the institute to take the place of a leading scientific institution.

In 1934 the Institute received a plot of land along Bolshoi Novinsky Lane on the site of the former Novinsky Monastery. A project for the institute complex was created and, despite significant difficulties, the main wing of the complex was built. The Institute, without interrupting its work, moved to a specially equipped new building, which was distinguished by rich finishes made to special orders (from window frames and panels made of precious wood to glass, door handles, lamps, curtains and bed linen).

Central Research Institute of Balneology and Physiotherapy

In 1958, the State Central Institute of Balneology and the State Institute of Physiotherapy were merged into the State Research Institute of Balneology and Physiotherapy of the Ministry of Health of the RSFSR, which 2 years later was transferred to the USSR Ministry of Health with a changed name - the Central Research Institute of Balneology and Physiotherapy. The Institute became the leader among single-profile scientific institutions in different regions of the USSR (the total number of research institutes, branches and independent laboratories reached 24), from that moment on, many of them also indicated both main areas of specialization in their names.

In 1966, the Central Research Institute of Balneology and Physiotherapy was headed by Professor Yuri Efimovich Danilov. Under him, the authority of the head institute increased, and the interaction of specialized research institutes of balneology and physiotherapy became closer. The territory adjacent to the institute was cleared of log huts. The construction of a country clinic in the village of Yudino, Odintsovo district, Moscow region, began.

In the same period, through the efforts of Professor V. T. Olefirenko, the balneological clinic was overhauled and two wells were drilled to supply natural mineral water for external and internal use. The drinking gallery for general use, designed in the form of a greenhouse, was not inferior to the resort halls of the best foreign resorts in terms of the quality of the interior.

For merits in the development of his branch of science and in the training of personnel, the Central Research Institute of Balneology and Physiotherapy was awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor in 1973.

Russian Scientific Center for Restorative Medicine and Balneology

In 1998, the Research Institute was reorganized into the Scientific Center for Restorative Medicine and Balneology of the Ministry of Health of Russia, with Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences (now Academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences), Professor Alexander Nikolayevich Razumov, appointed director. In the future, the name of the Center was specified as "Russian Scientific Center for Restorative Medicine and Balneology of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation", the status of the Center as the country's leading institution in its professional field was confirmed.

The main task in the work of the Federal State Institution "Russian Scientific Center for Restorative Medicine and Balneology of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia" is to combine primary and secondary prevention, health care for a healthy person and medical rehabilitation.

By the end of the 20th century, the main building of the Institute was outdated. In connection with the need to create a new federal-level center based on existing traditions and resources that would meet modern requirements, a project has been developed to create a unique modern multifunctional health-improving and rehabilitation and scientific and educational complex on this site. In October 2010, Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation Viktor Aleksandrovich Linok was appointed director of the Scientific Center for Restorative Medicine and Balneology of the Ministry of Health of Russia.



  • Official website of the Federal State Institution of the Russian Research Center for Restorative Medicine and Balneology of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia;
  • Scientific institutions subordinate to the Ministry of Health and Social Development, on the official website of the Ministry. FGU "RSC VMiK" - No. 10 on the list.

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