
Orvi - description, symptoms, causes, treatment and prevention of orvi. How to properly treat ARVI: research data The beginning of ARVI what to do

ARVI, which popular rumor firmly dubbed the common cold, does not apply to rare or endangered infections. On the contrary, it rightfully occupies a leading position among the most common diseases in the world. And perhaps that is why questions about the common cold so often excite both old and young.

What can you do with a cold, and what should you absolutely not do? What to drink with ARVI, from ARVI and after it? Is it possible to lead a normal life with a cold or do I need to lie down in bed for a week? Yes, and, of course, what can be done with acute respiratory infections for pregnant and lactating women, who traditionally cannot do almost anything except healthy foods?

There are really many questions, but not so many answers. Therefore, we will devote a separate article to them, and try not to hide anything from the inquisitive reader's gaze.

What can be taken for a cold?

Let's start with the main thing - with treatment. What medicines can be taken for a cold? Of course, we are talking about the most banal SARS, not complicated by a bacterial infection. Let's take a list of medicines that can (and should) be used for colds:

  • antiviral drugs (Arbidol, Kagocel, Isoprinosine, Anaferon);
  • symptomatic drugs (vasoconstrictive nasal drops - Naphthyzin, Sanorin, Galazolin, Nazivin, Nazol; cough medicines - Ambrobene, ACC, Mukaltin; remedies for sore throat - Ingalipt, Tantum Verde, Geksoral, Falimint, Strepsils);
  • multivitamins.

In addition, a cold is not a reason to cancel any other drugs that you use constantly. Even if you get ARVI during the treatment of any infection with antibiotics - and this situation is quite real - the drugs are by no means canceled, and antiviral and symptomatic agents are added to the therapy regimen.

Are there medicines that should not be taken for a cold? Yes, it's all the same antibiotics.

Uncomplicated SARS (that is, of a truly viral nature) and antibacterial drugs are a tandem that is unlikely to give positive results. Antibiotic therapy, at best, will be simply useless, and at worst, it will cause the growth of resistant strains of bacteria that complicate the future life of the experimenter. Therefore, antibiotics for colds are contraindicated and are used only when secondary infections have joined, read more about this in the corresponding article on the site.

>>Recommended: if you are interested in effective methods of getting rid of chronic rhinitis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, bronchitis and constant colds, then be sure to check out this website page after reading this article. The information is based on the personal experience of the author and has helped many people, we hope it will help you too. Now back to the article.<<

Colds and pregnancy

Any disease during pregnancy is fraught with a special danger, and even the most common cold can become a source of anxiety and worry. Let's see if you should be afraid of SARS during pregnancy, and how to treat it.

So, a priori, the most vulnerable period in the life of a pregnant woman is the first trimester of pregnancy, when the organs and systems of the fetus are formed. The viral infection itself does not pose any danger: the growing child is protected by the placental barrier, which reliably protects it from toxins. The situation can get out of control in one case - with a significant increase in temperature. If the thermometer exceeds 38°C, it's time to shout SOS and take all measures to normalize the temperature.

Severe and prolonged hyperthermia in the first trimester of pregnancy can lead to irreversible anomalies in the development of the fetus, and although the likelihood of such an outcome is small, it still exists. Therefore, during pregnancy, you should not rely on chance, but take early measures to reduce the temperature.

Fighting a cold during pregnancy: what can I take?

As soon as the thermometer exceeds 37.5, you should immediately take the only antipyretic drug allowed for pregnant women - Paracetamol. The standard adult dosage of 1000mg will effectively bring down the fever and also reduce muscle pain and aches if present.

In addition, to alleviate the course of a cold, homeopathic remedies (Engistol, Gripp-Hel, Anaferon, Influcid, Oscillococcinum), as well as interferon preparations in the form of nasal drops (Grippferon) or rectal suppositories (Viferon) can be added to the treatment regimen for pregnant women. But what about symptomatic remedies? What can be used to reduce the severity of the clinical manifestations of a cold in pregnant women?

All nose drops, except for herbal remedies such as Pinosol, are contraindicated during pregnancy. From a sore throat, only a few drugs remain from all the wealth of choice: Pharyngosept, Lisobakt and some others. For cough, as a rule, vegetable syrups such as Prospan and Plantain syrup are allowed. Nevertheless, it is much safer to limit yourself to homeopathy and interferon, not forgetting to control the temperature. And it is better to fight the symptoms with folk methods - teas, honey, kalinkas and raspberries.

By the way, do not rely on the safety of medicinal herbs. Many herbs that are traditionally considered to be completely innocent and very beneficial, are able to increase uterine contractions. Therefore, herbal medicine during pregnancy should be balanced and careful, and when choosing herbal medicines, one must not only include common sense, but also add doctor's recommendations.

A cold in a nursing mother: what to do?

Colds are less dangerous for successful mothers who are breastfeeding. Even more than that, for a child, ARVI of the mother is good.

Antibodies to respiratory viruses produced in the mother's blood penetrate into breast milk, so its properties during this period can be compared with the qualities of a natural and safe vaccine.

An infant who receives such therapeutic and preventive food for lunch, breakfast and dinner has every chance not to catch a cold. And even if the infection does take root in the child's body, it usually goes away easily and without complications. Therefore, when asked whether it is possible to breastfeed with a cold, it is definitely positive - yes, not only possible, but necessary!

And another problem arises in such cases. What can a nursing mother take with a cold, and what is better to put aside for the time being? The list of drugs allowed during this period is approximately the same as for the treatment of pregnant women:

  • Paracetamol;
  • homeopathic antiviral agents;
  • Pinosol, if the mother is not allergic to medicinal herbs;
  • Lisobakt and Faringosept;
  • vegetable syrups or cough tablets.

There is no placental barrier that would prevent drugs from penetrating into breast milk. Almost everything that a nursing mother eats and drinks also passes to the child. Therefore, you need to carefully study the instructions for the drugs, and only after making sure that they are completely safe, proceed to treatment.

We select a diet for SARS

Another frequently asked question: what can you eat and drink with a cold? In fact, with respiratory infections, there are some dietary adjustments. Let's list them.

Plentiful drink

The more a cold sufferer drinks, the better. The only restriction is that the drink must be warm. Note: not hot, burning and so inflamed throat, but well warm. These can be warm teas (diaphoretic teas with raspberries, linden, currants are perfect), herbal infusions (thyme, oregano, chamomile, breast fees and many others), black and green tea. Drinking warm water helps flush out toxins and thins out phlegm, so drink plenty and often.


Of course, a couple of fragrant fruits will not save you from the flu and will not compensate for the lack of ascorbic acid. 100 g of lemons contain only 40 mg of vitamin C, and the minimum single dose for colds is as much as 500 mg. This means that every day it is good for a patient with ARVI to eat at least 20–30 lemons (the average weight of one handsome yellow man is 100 grams), and, therefore, you cannot compensate for the need for vitamin C with fruit alone. However, additional ascorbic acid does not hurt, so tea with lemon can and should be drunk with a cold.


In small quantities, alcohol fits well into the diet for ARVI. Preference should be given to warm drinks based on wine, flavored with cinnamon, coriander and other aromatic spices. But lovers of beer, as well as strong alcoholic beverages, it is better to refrain from libations until recovery.

In order not to irritate the inflamed mucous membranes, spicy, fried, spicy, salty foods, as well as hot foods, should be avoided. The ideal diet for a cold is food that is as close to healthy as possible.

Fruits, vegetables, dairy products do not burden the stomach, but saturate the body with “useful” kilocalories, vitamins and microelements.

Note that with colds there is an unspoken rule: if you don’t want to eat, don’t eat. The main thing is to drink warm drinks. It would be good for parents and grandmothers to learn this nuance, who are trying their best to “shove” high-calorie food into a sick child so that the baby does not suddenly lose weight. Remember: weight is a matter of gain, you can catch up with it in a week. But a plentiful meal through force during the flu period leads to digestive problems, and recovery does not bring closer, if not delays. The body, which should spend all its energy on immune defense, instead overworks, digesting food. Therefore, put high-calorie foods in the refrigerator and wait a few days - the stomach will definitely give a sign that it is time for it to eat.

Cool autumn, frosty winter months or precariously warm spring? With the symptoms of a cold, few people seek medical help, most often they manage with their own knowledge and skills. How exactly does everyone know how to properly treat SARS?

What to do at the first sign of SARS?

First you need to figure out what medications will be needed to treat an acute respiratory viral infection. And doctors say that the only medicines that need to be taken for an acute respiratory viral infection are ibuprofen or. can not be taken with the disease in question!

To avoid mistakes when, follow the recommendations of experts:

Everything! The listed measures are the treatment of acute respiratory viral infection. After 1-2 days, when the acute period of the disease passes and the temperature drops to acceptable readings (this does not have to be the classic 36 and 6), you can safely go for a walk. The only caveat is to avoid crowded places: shopping centers, public transport should be replaced with squares and alleys.

It is not worth calling the ambulance team when the temperature rises, but it is necessary to use the experience and knowledge of the local doctor when:

  • temperature 39, which is not reduced by ibuprofen and paracetamol for half an hour;
  • there is a feeling of lack of air, shortness of breath is noted;
  • there is intense pain anywhere;
  • concerned about swelling;
  • rash appeared on the skin.

Many will doubt the veracity and adequacy of the above recommendations for the treatment of SARS, especially since the advertising of various drugs that can almost instantly relieve the symptoms of a cold is too aggressive. Does it mean that everyone is lying? Let's try to figure this out...

Useless treatment for SARS


Advertised, popular drug. And few people think that it should be taken only if it is severe, or the patient has a history of,. A severe course of SARS should be determined by a doctor, only he can reasonably prescribe Tamiflu.

If a person with SARS begins an independent and uncontrolled intake of this drug, then the following will happen:

Traditional medicine for SARS

When the first signs of the development of an acute respiratory viral infection appear, many begin treatment with alternative methods. But there is absolutely no point in using:

  • jars, mustard plasters and pepper plasters;
  • rubbing with oil, vodka, fat and vinegar;
  • boiling water for steaming legs;
  • balm "Asterisk".

More information about the effectiveness of traditional medicine methods in the treatment of acute respiratory viral infections - in the video review:

Wrong treatment of SARS

When treating a cold, antibiotics are not needed - they are absolutely useless as a therapeutic and prophylactic agent, but they can negatively affect the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys and liver. The same applies to - they are intended for people with allergies.

It is advisable to take any expectorants (Bromhexine, Ambroxol and others) only with and, and these diseases are treated exclusively under the supervision of a specialist. For SARS are characteristic, and, and they do not require the use of expectorants or antitussives. The only time when taking antitussives (Sinekod or Codelac) is justified is that recovery almost happened, but dry cough is still bothering.

Phytotherapy simply “does not work” for acute respiratory viral infections - Pertussin, Gedelix, Tussamag, Anaferon, Aflubin and other similar remedies are not worth attention. Very often, with SARS, people begin to take antiviral drugs - this makes sense, but only if Oseltamivir and / or Zanamivir were chosen. The fact is that only they have a real antiviral effect, and all the rest (Arbidol, Ingavirin, Kagocel, Flavozid and others) are an ordinary pacifier.

Honey and garlic, vodka, onions, eleuthorococcus, echinacea, and in general anything that can be taken orally or applied to the skin will not help in the treatment of an acute respiratory viral infection, even if they are used as a primary strike. In the same way, they will not help, and, moreover, absolutely any - nasal or oral, and interferon inducers (Cycloferon, Amizon, Tilaxin and others) should not be used - it is useless.

It simply does not exist, most likely, the disease will overtake every person. If this did not happen, then either the person ended up in a group of people who were in a timely manner, or the disease was, but in an extremely mild form.

That, perhaps, is all that can be done as a prevention of SARS. And a few more points:

  • A healthy person does not need to wear a mask - it is intended only for sick people so that they do not spread the infection;
  • concept like "

Diseases that affect the respiratory system and are transmitted by airborne droplets from person to person are combined into a common group of acute respiratory viral infections, the symptoms of which may vary, but proceed in several stages. The state is preceded by a short incubation period. Clinical manifestations are similar, although they have different degrees of severity and are tolerated differently by each person.

What is SARS?

The group of diseases caused by DNA and RNA-containing viruses includes more than 200 pathologies. They are united by a common name: acute respiratory viral infection (as the generally accepted term stands for). These are the most common diseases in people of all ages. It is easy to get infected, outbreaks are observed year-round, but the most dangerous period is autumn-winter.

Causative agents of acute respiratory viral infections

Respiratory diseases are caused by unicellular living organisms of prokaryotes: bacteria, chlamydia, mycoplasmas. Having penetrated into the cells of the epithelium, they begin to destroy them. Most pathogens contain ribonucleic acid, no DNA, and all genetic information is encoded in RNA. Different genera and families of viruses provoke ARVI, the disease can be caused by such types of viruses as:

  • rhinoviruses and reoviruses (more than 110);
  • influenza of three types (A-C);
  • (4 types);
  • adenoviruses (more than 40);
  • RSV (2 serotypes);
  • enteroviruses of type , ECHO and others

Spread of acute respiratory viral infections

If quarantine and prevention are not followed, the incidence of SARS can reach 30% or more. In frequency, they surpass all other diseases on the planet and are highly contagious. The infection is transmitted through the air: when coughing, sneezing, talking, secreting small particles of saliva and mucus (for example, when screaming). Also, the virus can enter the body through dirty hands, food, household items. The stronger the immune system, the less susceptibility: if an infection occurs, the person will get sick in a mild form.

Acute respiratory viral infection - symptoms

For adults and children, SARS symptoms are the same. Colds begin with a slight malaise, perspiration, dryness and fever. Other common signs of SARS in the first stage:

  • runny nose;
  • pain in the eyes, tearing;
  • bouts of coughing, sneezing;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • swollen lymph nodes;
  • exacerbation of chronic herpes;
  • voice changes.

Subsequently, such characteristic signs as aching joints, headache, chills, increased pain in the throat, etc. are added. Depending on the person's susceptibility to the virus and the type of infection, the signs may vary. These are such characteristics as the onset of the disease, further development, concomitant catarrhal phenomena (edema, runny nose, cough, etc.). Diagnosis of a pathological condition is carried out by a doctor and prescribes appropriate drug therapy to relieve the main symptoms.

Adenovirus infection - symptoms

Sometimes viral infections are accompanied by a high temperature (from 37.5-38 degrees), which jumps sharply, reporting an infection, and lasts for several days - from 4 to 10. This is how adenovirus manifests itself, the symptoms of which, in addition to fever:

  • vomiting or diarrhea, as the virus affects the gastrointestinal tract;
  • swelling of the eyelids and lacrimation;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • cough - first dry, then wet, with sputum discharge;
  • nasal congestion;
  • swelling of the tonsils;
  • pain when swallowing.

Respiratory syncytial infection - symptoms

An acute disease of a viral nature, respiratory syncytial infection, always affects the lower respiratory tract. The virus replicates in the respiratory tract, hence its name. The main feature of MS infection is that if proper treatment is not received, bronchitis or pneumonia may develop. In the course of the development of the disease, they manifest themselves more and more. Symptoms of this type of ARVI indicate:

  • subfebrile condition - a persistent increase in temperature by several degrees, not more than 37.5-38;
  • persistent dry cough;
  • hoarseness, voice change;
  • mucous discharge from the nose;
  • moderate headache.

Rhinovirus infection - symptoms

The causative agent of this pathology is a small, non-enveloped virus. It is weakly resistant to external factors, but easily reproduces in a humid, cold environment, so the peak incidence occurs in autumn, winter, and early spring. affects the nasal mucosa. The mucous liquid begins to stand out, then thickens. Symptoms are as follows:

  • chills;
  • a slight increase in temperature;
  • sneezing
  • nasal congestion and difficulty breathing;
  • lacrimation;
  • ache in the joints.

How long does the temperature stay with SARS?

As soon as the virus has entered the body, a protective reaction is activated. The general temperature during ARVI rises, resisting infection, usually by a couple of degrees - it stays within 37 ° C. But the fever can intensify, the indicators jump up to 39-40 ° C. It all depends on the strength of the immune system, the age of the sick person (in children, the temperature is higher), the type of virus. Some strains of fever do not cause. When the course of the disease is normal, with ARVI, the temperature lasts 2-3 days. In some cases longer:

  1. On average 5 days for influenza.
  2. 7 days for adenovirus.
  3. Up to 14 days with parainfluenza.

Pain in SARS

Viral infections affect the respiratory tract, but the symptoms may manifest differently, causing discomfort and pain, aching joints. Often dizzy and headache with ARVI, this is due to increased pressure and general intoxication of the body. The pain intensifies after active blowing the nose, tilting the head. If the disease passes quietly, bed rest is sufficient to relieve unpleasant symptoms. With fever and severe intoxication, more serious measures are needed: washing the nose, cold lotion, massage of the temples.

Acute respiratory viral infection is a common phenomenon, but it is important to start therapy in a timely manner, eliminating its symptoms and consequences, so as not to cause complications. The common belief that every cold goes away by itself in a week is not true, the infection can affect other organs. Therefore, the virus must be under control. By acting on the cause of the infection, a person helps the body cope with it. How to treat SARS? With the help of antiviral agents and drugs that stimulate the production of the immune protein interferon, relieve symptoms.

What to do at the first sign of SARS?

It is difficult not to notice the first signs of SARS. Nasal congestion, sore throat, weakness, fever - these are all signs that the body is fighting an infection that has got into it. A few hours after contact with the infected, an acute respiratory viral infection manifests itself, treatment should be started immediately. The following methods will help to cope with it in the first stages:

  1. Observe bed rest. The body needs rest and a comfortable temperature.
  2. The air in the room should be fresh and humidified. Outdoor walks are allowed if there is no fever.
  3. Consume a large amount of liquid - tea, warm juices, compotes, fruit drinks, milk.
  4. Provide a healthy diet that limits fatty, spicy foods.
  5. Try not to exceed 38-38.5 degrees.
  6. Gargle and rinse the nasal cavity with a solution of furacilin, chamomile or salt.
  7. Take antiviral drugs - Ergoferon, Kagocel and others.

Acute respiratory viral infections - prevention

It is easier to prevent the disease than to eliminate its consequences later. The topic is especially relevant during outbreaks in the cold months. SARS prevention begins with the right behavior. To avoid infection, especially during dangerous periods, it is necessary to take precautions, avoid contact with patients and increase one's own immunity and resistance to infection. Since children are more susceptible to viruses, the following recommendations exist for them (especially during outbreaks):

  1. Minimize communication with a large number of people.
  2. Refuse to go to the pool and the clinic unnecessarily.
  3. If contact with the patient is expected, wear a gauze bandage, mask.

Virus particles die in a hostile environment and remain active in a dry, hot room with a lot of dust. Therefore, it is useful to regularly ventilate the room, filling it with fresh air, control the level of humidity, clean and remember to wash your hands. These methods of prevention are more effective than gauze masks. Help to cope with viruses and special essential oils that disinfect the air, ultraviolet rays.

In the cold season, airborne infections, SARS become especially active, the symptoms of which everyone has found at least once. The pathological condition is manifested in weakness, damage to the respiratory system, fever. Not everyone has an easy disease, complications are possible, especially if the first manifestations of a cold are not taken seriously and the development of the disease is left to chance. Timely and correct treatment guarantees a quick result.

The most characteristic and common diagnosis in the cold season are acute respiratory infections (ARI) and SARS (acute respiratory viral infections).

This is due to the selective effect of the cold factor on the respiratory system. That is why for people working in conditions of hypothermia, the incidence of SARS and other respiratory diseases occupies a leading position.

This is a group of infectious diseases that affect various parts of the respiratory (respiratory) tract.

This is characterized by the development of a series SARS symptoms, the main ones being:

  • catarrhal-respiratory syndrome - inflammation of the mucous membrane with increased production of mucus (exudate). In various forms of acute respiratory viral infections, manifestations in the nasal cavity can be in the form of congestion, slight or heavy discharge from the nose. The defeat of the respiratory tract is accompanied by a sore throat and a cough of a different nature - from dry, "barking" to productive with light sputum. In addition, patients note pain in the eyes, lacrimation. The illness lasts how many days are kept these manifestations;
  • intoxication - weakness, chills, headache, dizziness, nausea;
  • temperature in SARS holding on a few days if it is influenza and parainfluenza, and about 2 weeks if it is an adenovirus infection. An increase in temperature can be from subfebrile (about 37.5º C) to very high (more than 39-40º C). From that how long does the temperature last with SARS, depends on the severity of the course and the degree of intoxication of the body;
  • suppression of the immune system;
  • inflammation of the lymph nodes - cervical, mandibular, parotid, occipital. It is not typical for all forms of ARVI, but sometimes it is the only symptom (with RS-virus and reovirus infection);
  • activation of secondary microflora;
  • action colds(hypothermia).

This group of diseases occurs in both children and adults. Especially frequent SARS characteristic of children who attend preschool institutions.

The reasons are not so much cold, as the effect of viruses on an organism weakened due to hypothermia. Main pathogens diseases, belonging to the group are various serotypes of influenza viruses, parainfluenza, adenoviruses, respiratory syncytial (RS-virus), reoviruses and rhinoviruses. Therefore, each species has its own specifics. symptoms and tactics treatment. Children are most susceptible to parainfluenza and RS virus infection, while adults are more likely to be affected by rhinoviruses.

Comparative characteristics of clinical forms ARVI diseases


ARVI disease


adenovirus infection

Rhinovirus infection

Reovirus infection

MS infection

Incubation period

Several hours - 1-2 days


10-15 days, sometimes up to 3-4 weeks

ARVI is contagious

The onset of the disease

Very spicy


Syndrome predominates






Respiratory failure



Body temperature

(up to 5 days)

37-38 ° C, in children up to 39 ° C

(up to 2 weeks)

Normal or subfebrile

subfebrile or normal

Subfebrile, sometimes up to 39 ° C


Pain in muscles and joints


Not typical


Not typical

Not typical

Not typical

Nasal congestion, difficulty in breathing

Mild nasal congestion, moderate serous discharge

Nasal breathing is sharply difficult, abundant muco-serous discharge

Nasal breathing is difficult or absent, profuse serous discharge

Moderate serous discharge

Mild serous discharge

Throat with SARS

Severe widespread redness

Moderate redness of the oropharynx

Redness of the pharynx and tonsils, raids are possible

Changes are not typical

Moderate redness of the pharynx

Changes are not typical

Painful dry, chest pain

Rude "barking"


Rarely coughing


Respiratory tract injury


Nasopharyngitis, possible addition of tonsillitis, conjunctivitis



Features of the course of SARS in different population groups

  1. SARS in children differs in severity of intoxication, the severity of the course and the height of the temperature. Complications such as obstructive bronchitis, respiratory failure are characteristic, especially when SARS in the chest. Young children are more susceptible to RS infection and reoviruses.
  2. SARS in pregnant women can lead to intrauterine damage, in connection with which congenital acute respiratory viral infections are isolated. The most common are congenital influenza and adenovirus infection, much less often - parainfluenza, RS-viral and reovirus infections. Besides SARS during pregnancy leads to a violation in the blood supply system "mother-placenta-fetus", which is dangerous for hypoxia (insufficient oxygen supply) in a child.
  3. SARS in the elderly and the elderly occurs due to the weakness of the immune system. More often there are complications such as sinusitis, sinusitis, frontal sinusitis with a sluggish course, which makes it difficult to detect them in a timely manner.

The main complications of SARS are:

  1. The defeat of the respiratory system (stenosing laryngotracheitis, obstructive bronchitis, pneumonia, sinusitis, sinusitis).
  2. Brain diseases (encephalitis, encephalomeningitis, meningitis)
  3. Accession of a bacterial infection (pneumonia, sinusitis, otitis media, cystitis, pyelitis, etc.) - in this case, antibiotic therapy is indicated.
  4. Exacerbation of chronic diseases (bronchial asthma, chronic pyelonephritis, polyarthritis, etc.).

SARS prevention

The system of prevention depends on the type of pathogen, age and stage of implementation (seasonal, emergency). In addition, there are nonspecific and specific prophylaxis.

Nonspecific prevention the same for all forms SARS: and for the flu, and for parainfluenza, and adenovirus infection, etc. It includes:

  • isolation of the sick;
  • regular ventilation;
  • wet cleaning with soap-alkaline solutions;
  • quartzing;
  • multivitamins, which must contain ascorbic acid and B vitamins;
  • food consumption and
  • the use of herbal remedies that increase adaptation and immunity (tincture of ginseng, eleutherococcus, echinacea preparations, "Immunal") - ON THE APPOINTMENT OF A DOCTOR;
  • hardening procedures;
  • wearing four-layer gauze masks.

Symptoms of the disease

Type of acute respiratory infections (ARVI)



MS infection

adenovirus infection

The onset of the disease

Acute, sudden, severe

acute, gradual


High up to 39-40 ?С

low or normal

Not higher than 38?С

Temperature duration

5-10 days, wavy

General intoxication of the body

Severe, possible neurotoxicosis

Unexpressed or absent

Weakly expressed

Moderate, increasing gradually


Dry, chest pain

Dry, barking, hoarse

Dry, marked difficulty in breathing

Increasing wet cough

Respiratory damage

Runny nose (unexpressed), laryngitis, tracheitis

severe runny nose, croup(difficulty breathing)

Bronchitis, bronchiolitis, obstruction of the bronchi

Conjunctivitis, severe runny nose, pharyngitis, angina, pneumonia

Enlarged lymph nodes

Only if there are complications



Obvious, cervical lymph nodes are sharply enlarged, possible enlargement of the liver and spleen

The course and risk of the disease

Perhaps clouding of consciousness, the development of hemorrhagic pneumonia, hemorrhages in the internal organs, bleeding from the nose, myocarditis, damage to peripheral nerves, etc.

Possible development of croup (severe narrowing of the larynx), especially dangerous in children (may lead to suffocation)

The development of blockage of the bronchi, often may develop bronchopneumonia, or exacerbation bronchial asthma

The development of angina, pain when swallowing, a strong increase in lymph nodes

Nonspecific prevention of SARS in children provides for constant monitoring of body temperature and examination of the mucous membranes of the mouth and nose. First of all, this applies to all children who attend preschool and school institutions during the SARS epidemic.

emergency SARS and influenza prevention in the focus of the disease is carried out for 2-3 weeks using certain drugs. These include human leukocyte interferon, nazoferon, laferobion and other drugs that can be dripped into the nose or used as suppositories. The choice of drug and dosage is carried out by the doctor, since it depends on the type of infection. In addition, you can use rimantadine, dibazol, and also lubricate the nasal mucosa with oxolin ointment twice a day.

Active immunization is carried out with the help of influenza vaccines (Vaxigripp, Fluarix, etc.).

How to cure SARS

Tactics ARVI treatment depends on the form of the disease (type of pathogen), the signs of the disease and the severity of its course.

  1. Mode.
  2. Decrease in toxicity.
  3. Impact on the pathogen - use antiviral drugs for SARS.
  4. Elimination of the main manifestations - runny nose, sore throat, cough.

SARS treatment may be carried out at home. The patient is prescribed bed rest in a well-ventilated separate room. In the case of severe and complicated forms, hospitalization in a medical facility is indicated.

To reduce intoxication as a result of the vital activity of viruses, the sick person is shown a plentiful warm drink. The volume of liquid drunk should be at least 2 liters for adults, and about 1-1.5 liters for children, depending on the age and weight of the child. It is better to use tea with lemon, infusions of herbs and rose hips, cranberry and lingonberry fruit drinks, compotes (not juices!), still mineral water.

Eating and drinking should be fractional, small volumes. Food should be warm, chopped, easily digestible - in the form of mashed potatoes, liquid soups, broths, mainly dairy and vegetable, rich in vitamins. Salt is limited.

Main drugs for SARS are:

  1. Anti-inflammatory non-steroidal drugs - reduce the temperature, relieve headache and muscle pain, have an anti-inflammatory effect. This group of drugs includes Paracetamol, Ibuprofen, Diclofenac, which can be used separately as tablets for SARS, and as part of complex soluble powders such as Fervexa, Coldrexa, Teraflu and others. However, you should not use them at temperatures up to 38º C, since you can "prevent" the body from fighting the viral infection on its own.
  2. Antiviral drugs for SARS- the main component of treatment aimed at neutralizing the causative agent of the disease.
  3. Mandatory is drug treatment for SARS interferon or contributing to its production (cycloferon, kagocel, amixin). They reduce the sensitivity of body cells to viruses.
  4. As remedies for SARS antihistamines are also used, which reduce inflammation, reduce swelling, nasal congestion, and also have an anti-allergic effect. These are Claritin (Loratadin), Fenkarol, Fenistil.
  5. The so-called symptomatic remedies treatment of influenza and SARS from a runny nose. The selection of the drug depends on the severity of the catarrhal-respiratory syndrome - there may be nasal congestion, or there may be a strong separation of mucus. The use of vasoconstrictor drugs (naphthyzinum, galazolin, rinnazolin), washing the nose and moisturizing its mucosa (Humer, Aquamaris) is shown.
  6. Medicines for SARS when coughing. It can be dry - then tusuprex, paxeladin are used, and maybe with sputum - ambroxol, bromhexine, acetylcysteine. In each case, the drugs are fundamentally different in their action. They also use expectorant mixtures with marshmallow root, medicinal preparations in the form of infusions and decoctions of herbs (tricolor violet, coltsfoot, etc.).
  7. Home treatments are also used (if the body temperature does not exceed 37.5 ° C) - mustard plasters, hot foot baths, warm chest wraps.
  8. In the treatment of SARS in children special attention is paid to the method of lowering the temperature. So, if the temperature is above 38.5 ° C, the body is cooled in a physical way: you need to undress and cover the child easily, apply cold (ice pack) to the head, armpit and groin area, wipe the skin with a water-alcohol solution or vodka.
  9. Antibiotics for SARS prescribed only for complications of bacterial infections, as well as for patients with chronic infectious diseases and children with severe forms of influenza.
  10. In the fight against SARS vitamins are needed - ascorbic acid, rutin (ascorutin), B vitamins (thiamine, riboflavin). They increase immunity, reduce the body's sensitivity to the effects of a viral infection, strengthen the walls of blood vessels.

It is best to define how to treat SARS a doctor can. Therefore, in the event of the appearance of the first SARS symptoms you need to call a local therapist or pediatrician.

Main manifestations:

  • Temperature
  • Runny nose
  • Cough
  • Sore throat
  • Headache

SARS prevention

First of all, it is important to prevent pathogenic viruses from entering the mucous membranes of the nose, eyes or mouth. To do this, it is necessary to limit contact with sick people, especially in the first 3 days of the disease. In addition, it must be remembered that viruses can linger for some time on the personal hygiene items of a sick person, as well as on various surfaces in the room where he is. Therefore, it is important to wash your hands after contact with objects that may harbor viruses. You should also not touch your nose, eyes, mouth with dirty hands.

It should be noted that soap certainly does not kill disease-causing viruses. Washing hands with soap and water causes the mechanical removal of microorganisms from the hands, which is quite enough. As for the various disinfectant hand lotions, there is no convincing evidence that the substances they contain have a detrimental effect on viruses. Therefore, the use of such lotions for the prevention of colds is completely unjustified.

In addition, the risk of catching is directly dependent on immunity, i.e. the body's resistance to infections. To maintain normal immunity, it is necessary:

  • Eat right and fully: food should contain a sufficient amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, as well as vitamins. In the autumn-spring period, when the amount of vegetables and fruits in the diet decreases, an additional intake of a vitamin complex is possible.
  • Exercise regularly, preferably outdoors, including brisk walking.
  • Be sure to follow the rest regimen. Adequate rest and proper sleep are extremely important aspects for maintaining normal immunity.
  • Avoid stress.

Smoking is a powerful factor that reduces immunity, which has a negative impact on both the overall resistance to infectious diseases and the local protective barrier - in the nasal mucosa, trachea, and bronchi.

SARS treatment

Orvi treatment consists not so much in taking medications, but in observing bed rest, drinking plenty of fluids, regularly gargling and rinsing the nose. If you are trying to treat SARS by bringing down the temperature with steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, dripping vasoconstrictors into your nose, you only remove the symptoms that show that your body is sick. Treat the disease in accordance with the recommendations below.


The regime should be observed calm, semi-bed. The room must be regularly ventilated.

A plentiful warm drink is recommended (at least 2 liters per day), better - rich in vitamin C: tea with lemon, rosehip infusion, fruit drink. Drinking a large amount of liquid every day, a sick person conducts detoxification, i.e. accelerated elimination of toxins from the body, which are formed as a result of the vital activity of viruses.

Drugs against SARS

  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs: Paracetamol, Ibuprofen, Diclofenac. These drugs have an anti-inflammatory effect, reduce body temperature, and reduce pain. It is possible to take these drugs as part of medicinal powders such as Coldrex, Theraflu, etc. It should be remembered that it is not worth lowering the temperature below 38º C, since it is at this body temperature that defense mechanisms against infection are activated in the body. Exceptions are patients prone to convulsions and small children.
  • Antihistamines are medicines that are used to treat allergies. They have a powerful anti-inflammatory effect, so they reduce all signs of inflammation: nasal congestion, swelling of the mucous membranes. The drugs of the first generation of this group - Dimedrol, Suprastin, Tavegil - have a side effect: they cause drowsiness. Second-generation drugs - Loratadin (Claritin), Fenistil, Semprex, Zyrtec do not have this effect.
  • Nasal drops. Vasoconstrictor drops for the nose reduce swelling, relieve congestion. However, this is not as safe a drug as it might seem. On the one hand, during illness, it is necessary to apply drops to reduce swelling and improve the outflow of fluid from the sinuses to prevent the development of sinusitis. However, frequent and prolonged use of vasoconstrictor drops is dangerous with the risk of developing chronic rhinitis. Uncontrolled intake of drugs causes a significant thickening of the nasal mucosa, which leads to dependence on drops, and then to permanent nasal congestion. Treatment of this complication is only surgical. Therefore, it is necessary to strictly observe the regimen for the use of drops: no longer than 5-7 days, no more than 2-3 times a day.
  • Sore throat treatment. The most effective remedy (it is also the most unloved by many) is gargling with disinfectant solutions. You can use infusions of sage, chamomile, as well as ready-made solutions, such as Furacilin. Rinsing should be frequent - once every 2 hours. In addition, disinfectant sprays can be used: Hexoral, Bioparox, etc.
  • Cough preparations. The goal of cough treatment is to reduce the viscosity of sputum, making it thin and easy to cough up. The drinking regimen is also important for this - a warm drink dilutes sputum. If you have difficulty coughing, you can take expectorant drugs, such as ACC, Mukaltin, Bronholitin, etc. You should not take drugs that suppress the cough reflex without consulting a doctor - this can be dangerous.

Antibiotics are completely powerless against viruses, they are used only when bacterial complications occur. Therefore, you should not use antibiotics without a doctor's prescription, no matter how much you would like to. These are drugs that are not safe for the body. In addition, uncontrolled use of antibiotics leads to the formation of resistant forms of bacteria.

Complications of SARS

  1. Acute sinusitis. During illness, the body is weakened and more susceptible to other types of infection, including bacterial ones. A common complication is bacterial sinusitis - inflammation of the sinuses, namely sinusitis, frontal sinusitis, sphenoiditis. suspect that the current the disease was complicated by the development of sinusitis, it is possible if the symptoms of the disease do not go away within 7-10 days: nasal congestion, heaviness in the head, headache, fever. If left untreated, acute sinusitis easily turns into a chronic form of the disease, which is much more difficult to treat. It must be understood that only a doctor can diagnose acute sinusitis, and even prescribe treatment.
  2. Acute otitis. Such an unpleasant complication of colds as inflammation of the middle ear is familiar to many. It's hard to miss and miss it. However, it is extremely important not to start acute otitis media and consult a doctor in time to prescribe adequate treatment. Infectious process in the middle ear is fraught with serious complications.
  3. Acute bronchitis . A bacterial infection can also affect the bronchi. Acute bronchitis is manifested by a cough, often with yellow or green sputum. It should be noted that people suffering from chronic diseases of the upper respiratory tract (chronic bronchitis, sinusitis) are prone to developing exacerbations of these diseases during and after orv and.
  4. Pneumonia (or pneumonia). Perhaps one of the most formidable complications. The diagnosis is made on the basis of a comprehensive examination, however, if the common cold does not improve within 7-10 days, the fever persists, the cough should immediately consult a doctor.

Causes of SARS

Respiratory viruses live and multiply in the cells of the nasal mucosa and are excreted in large quantities along with the nasal secretion of a sick person. The highest concentration of viruses in the nasal discharge occurs during the first three days of the disease. In addition, viruses are released into the environment when coughing and sneezing. After that, the viruses settle on various surfaces, remain on the hands of a sick person, and also remain on towels, handkerchiefs and other hygiene items. A healthy person can become infected by inhaling air containing a large amount of viruses, as well as by using the patient's hygiene items - while the viruses get through the hands to the nasal mucosa or eyes.

Risk factors

Everyone knows about the clear seasonality of this group of diseases. This high prevalence in the autumn-spring, as well as winter months, is associated with hypothermia, which contributes to the development of these diseases as much as possible. The most susceptible people with reduced immunity are children, the elderly, and people suffering from any congenital or acquired immunodeficiency.

Causes of SARS in children

The newborn receives temporary immunity to respiratory viruses from the mother. However, by the age of 6 months, this immunity weakens, while the child's own immunity has not yet been fully formed. At this time, the child is most susceptible to colds.

It must be remembered that young children lack personal hygiene skills, such as washing hands, covering their mouths when sneezing and coughing. In addition, children often touch their nose, eyes and mouth with their hands.

The drainage system for removing secretions from the ears and sinuses in children is underdeveloped, which contributes to the development of bacterial complications of colds (sinusitis, otitis media). In addition, the trachea and bronchi of the child are also much smaller in diameter than in adults, so children have a tendency to obstruct (blockage) of the airways with abundant secretions or edematous mucosa.

The respiratory system (it is also called the external respiration system) has a complex device, it is necessary for gas exchange between the inhaled air and blood circulating in a circle of blood circulation, which begins in the right ventricle of the heart and ends in the middle sections of the left atrium. The main organs of the respiratory system are the nasal cavity (nasolacrimal duct), tracheal tube, lungs, bronchi, bronchioles, and diaphragm. If the mucous membranes or the parenchyma of the respiratory organs become inflamed, the patient develops symptoms of intoxication, the temperature rises and signs characteristic of respiratory diseases appear.

The pathology of the respiratory system with the most favorable prognosis for recovery is ARVI. Acute viral infections can resolve on their own within 5-7 days, but if the patient does not take any measures to combat the pathogen, complications such as bronchitis or pneumonia may begin against the background of the primary infection. Some go to the other extreme: they try to cure SARS in 1 day, starting to take all the drugs in a row, which only leads to a subsidence of the infection, but does not contribute to the development of immunity. Patients should be aware that even the most effective medicines will not help to cope with a viral infection in 1 day Therefore, it is necessary to approach the treatment wisely.

SARS can be caused by various groups of viruses, but parainfluenza viruses, rhinoviruses and adenoviruses are considered the most common. In 90% of cases, infection occurs by airborne droplets during communication, but there are cases when the virus was transmitted to a healthy person through bodily contact, such as a handshake. The main risk group for the occurrence of ARVI includes preschool children of the younger age category - from 2 to 5 years. This is due to the fact that viruses spread very quickly in groups and are able to maintain their viability outside the human body from 16 to 72 hours.

Once in the body, the virus begins to multiply actively. At an early stage, it occurs in the nasopharynx or larynx. This period lasts 1-2 days and is manifested by moderate sneezing, slight sore throat and coughing. Hyperthermia at this stage is usually absent, so it is almost impossible to recognize the onset of the disease and take the necessary measures in time.

From the nasopharynx or larynx, the pathogen enters the systemic circulation and causes acute intoxication and characteristic symptoms, which include:

  • temperature rise to 38-38.5°C;
  • headache;
  • squeezing in the temporal zone (sometimes the pain goes to the back of the head);
  • rhinitis (running from the nose, sneezing, congestion);
  • cough (dry at the initial stage);
  • chills.

Muscle pain and aches in the joints are characteristic of the flu, but if ARVI is caused by parainfluenza viruses, a similar symptom may well be present in the overall clinical picture of the disease.

Important! The formation of the immune response occurs on the 4th-5th day of the disease, therefore it will not be possible to cure ARVI in 1 day, but it is possible to significantly improve the patient's condition and maintain working capacity if there is an urgent need for this.


Medicines of this group are active against most strains of viruses and help to cope with pathogens by destroying the protein membrane and stopping their vital activity. A significant disadvantage can be considered the weak activity of one's own immune cells and insufficient production of immunoglobulins, which form immunity and prevent re-infection. For this reason, many countries have abandoned the use of these drugs and consider their appointment inappropriate, but if necessary, quickly improve the patient's condition, they should form the basis of treatment. The most popular antiviral drugs are listed below, as well as how they are used for SARS.

A fairly effective drug for the treatment of viral diseases of various etiologies, which includes umifenovir. The tool is available in the form of tablets, capsules and powder, suitable for the treatment of children from the age of three. It is also effective in the treatment of rotavirus infection, herpes, chronic bronchitis and pneumonia.

You need to take the remedy before meals, drinking boiled water. The dosage depends on the age of the patient and can be from 1 to 4 tablets to be taken 4 times a day. The recommended duration of treatment is 5 days, but in some cases, longer treatment may be required - up to 10 days. For pregnant women, treatment with "Arbidol" can be prescribed from the 16th week of gestation. The average cost is 135-170 rubles.

A fairly expensive drug (the cost of a package can reach up to 1490 rubles) from the group of homeopathic remedies. It has a targeted effect against influenza viruses and other respiratory infections. It can be used to treat children (including infants of the first year of life), as well as pregnant and lactating women without adjusting the dosing regimen.

The standard dosage is 1 dose 1 time per day sublingually. The drug must be placed under the tongue and wait for the complete dissolution of the tube. This should be done 15 minutes before meals. For children, the contents of the tube are diluted with water or milk mixture.

On a note! To quickly achieve a therapeutic effect in the first three days, it is allowed to increase the dosage to 2 doses per day (morning and evening).

These drugs are considered the most benign. They contribute to the development of their own immunity and help to cope with the symptoms of SARS in 2-3 days. With an early start of treatment, positive dynamics will be noticeable after the first day of treatment.

The drugs in this group include:

  • "Genferon";
  • "Viferon";
  • "Gerpferon";

These drugs are available in the form of rectal suppositories, tablets and ointments for topical and nasal use.

Table. The cost of antiviral drugs.

Drinking regimen: what to drink to recover quickly?

Drinking with SARS should be plentiful- this will help restore a sufficient level of moisture in the mucous membranes, accelerate the elimination of toxins from their systemic blood flow and reduce the manifestations of intoxication. For sore throats, it is better to give the patient a warm drink. It is strictly forbidden to give hot drinks, as they can lead to injury to the inflamed mucosa and increase pain.

Drinks that will help you quickly cope with the signs of SARS and improve the patient's well-being are listed below.

  1. . Soothes and disinfects mucous membranes, reduces inflammation, relieves sore throat.
  2. Tea with lemon. Enriches the body with ascorbic acid, necessary for the activity of immune cells.
  3. . Contains the maximum amount of vitamin C and other useful substances that help a weakened body fight viruses.
  4. Warm mineral water. Reduces cough, soothes the throat and facilitates the elimination of phlegm.
  5. Morse from cranberries or lingonberries. One of the best folk remedies for the treatment of colds. You need to drink it every 1.5-2 hours (at least 8 cups a day). The next day the patient's condition improves significantly.
  6. . Contains natural anesthetic and antibiotic. Reduces temperature and eliminates inflammation even at an advanced stage. Contraindicated in pregnant women due to possible stimulation of labor.

With early symptoms of SARS, it is also useful to drink warm milk with the addition of a small amount of butter and a spoonful of honey. Such a drink helps to relieve inflammation, relieve pain and improve sputum discharge. If the patient does not have diseases of the digestive tract and a history of internal bleeding, treatment can be supplemented with ginger tea, as it is rightfully considered the best folk remedy for viral diseases of the respiratory system.

Cure in 1 day: a scheme for the rapid treatment of SARS

Below is a sample treatment regimen that will help to significantly improve well-being and reduce the severity of cold symptoms in just one day, allowing the patient to go to work or continue important business.

Antiviral therapy

From the very beginning of the disease, it is necessary to start taking drugs with antiviral and immunomodulatory effects, for example, Anaferon or Ergoferon. On the first day of illness, they must be taken according to the following scheme:

  • 4 tablets with an interval of 30 minutes;
  • 3 tablets with an interval of 2 hours.

The tablets should be kept in the mouth until they are completely dissolved. In total, 7 tablets should be taken on the first day of treatment. Lubricate the nasal passages three times a day with nasal ointment "Oxolinic ointment" or instill drops of "Grippferon".

Bed rest

In order to feel good on the second day of illness and be able to do the necessary things, it is necessary to observe strict bed rest. The patient needs to be in bed, sleep more, limit TV viewing. This will help restore strength to fight the disease.

Plentiful drink

You need to drink a lot and often. Abundant fluid intake has a positive effect on the dynamics of recovery and the general well-being of the patient. It is best to combine berry fruit drinks and herbal teas. The total volume of fortified drinks per day should be at least 2-2.5 liters. Additionally, it is recommended to take ascorbic acid - 1 tablet 3 times a day after meals.


Ventilation is necessary to purify the air and destroy the viruses that the patient releases into the surrounding space. You need to ventilate the room often - about every 2 hours. If the air humidity does not correspond to the norm (the level of 45-60% is considered the norm), measures should be taken for additional humidification: turn off the heating devices, turn on the humidifier or spray the air with a spray gun. Wet cleaning with disinfectants should be carried out twice a day - this will help to destroy most of the pathogens in the room and speed up recovery.

Nasal lavage

Washing the nasal passages is the most important procedure for a quick recovery, especially if the infection is at an early stage. If the patient will wash the nose at least 6-10 times a day, there is a chance that the viruses will not have time to get into the bloodstream and the patient will recover in 1-3 days. You can rinse your nose with saline (sodium chloride 9%), as well as ready-made saline solutions that can be bought at a pharmacy. It can be:

  • "Aquamaris";
  • "Afrin";
  • Aqualor.

It is recommended to lay nasal ointment or instill drops into the nasal passages only after preliminary washing.

Important! If the patient wants to recover as quickly as possible, it is not recommended to bring down the high temperature (up to 38.6 ° C). Most viruses die at such indicators, so the first day must be endured - this will speed up recovery and help develop strong immunity.

The listed methods are quite effective in the complex treatment of acute respiratory viral infections, but you should not hope for recovery in 1 day. If you follow all the recommendations, you can achieve a significant improvement in well-being during this period, but you need to continue treatment for another 5-7 days to prevent relapses and complications.

Video - Cure acute respiratory infections and colds without pills