
Fibroids and cysts that threaten. Myoma and cystic formations on the ovary

ovarian fibroids implies benign neoplasm uterus, which develops together with an ovarian cyst. In fact, a fibroid is a benign tumor of the muscle layer, and since this tissue is absent in the uterine appendages, the occurrence of ovarian fibroids is impossible.

The female genital organs are a fairly common phenomenon, which is characterized by the growth of muscle elements that go beyond the organ. For fibroids, a slow growth of the tumor with the absence of metastases is considered typical.

Ovarian cysts are most often left-sided, which is often mistakenly perceived by patients as myoma of the left ovary. Cystic lesions of the uterine appendages is a hollow formation that can have a functional appearance (form before the start of the menstrual cycle and disappear at its end) and non-functional (the development of these cysts is not associated with the frequency of menstruation).

Ovarian fibroids: causes of education

The reason for the formation of ovarian fibroids today remains not fully understood. It is believed that the key factor in the occurrence of pathology are hormonal changes in the body of a woman, the peak of which occurs at the time of puberty and menopause. Also, some patients have genetic predisposition when several family members have benign neoplasms of the female genital organs at once.

According to statistics, it is mainly accompanied by the formation of cystic lesions of the ovaries.

Signs of the formation of fibroids

Ovarian fibroids, symptoms such a disease should be taken as signs of a benign lesion of the uterus with the development of an ovarian cyst. Clinical picture such pathological condition very sparse and appears only on late stages neoplasm growth. The manifestations of pathology are as follows:

  • minor pain in the lower third of the abdomen;
  • violations of the periodicity of the menstrual cycle with the phenomena of spontaneous bleeding;
  • an increase in the tumor causes nonspecific changes in the work of neighboring organs. For example, uterine fibroids can cause frequent urination.

Diagnosis of ovarian fibroids

Determination of the presence of a benign neoplasm of the female reproductive system is carried out at a gynecologist's appointment based on palpation of the compaction of muscle tissues and additional diagnostic procedures.

  1. Ultrasound diagnostics. The technique consists in measuring the penetrating power of ultrasonic waves. As a result, the doctor monitors the growth of pathological muscle fibers and the formation of a cystic lesion on the monitor screen. Ultrasound diagnostics makes it possible to establish the shape and size of fibroids and cysts.
  2. Computed and magnetic resonance imaging. The essence of the study is based on layer-by-layer X-ray scanning of the affected part of the body. The survey results are digitally processed to obtain a series of highly accurate x-rays. This diagnosis is necessary to determine benign neoplasms or if you suspect.

Methods of treatment of ovarian fibroids

According to world standards of rendering medical care, the presence of a benign neoplasm of the female genital organs in patients over 40 years of age provides for surgical intervention for the complete removal of pathological tissues.

Conservative treatment of fibroids and non-functional ovarian cysts, as a rule, does not lead to a cure for the patient and is of a preoperative nature. Application pharmaceuticals, in most cases can cause a slight decrease in the neoplasm or growth stabilization.

Traditional surgery for removal includes resection of the pathological formation along with the uterine appendage.

In modern gynecological practice, laparoscopic surgical intervention. This technique involves the formation of three point incisions in the anterior wall of the abdomen, through which abdominal cavity special surgical instruments are introduced and optical instrument. Laparoscopic surgery allows the doctor to control the excision of the cyst on the monitor screen in an enlarged view. Such equipment allows for high-precision manipulations, saves the ovary and significantly reduces the trauma of surgical intervention.

advantage endoscopic surgery it is considered the possibility of maintaining the viability of the female genital organs and, accordingly, the reproductive function of a woman.

Ovarian fibroids: prevention of development

To prevent the occurrence of fibroids and cysts of the ovaries and uterus, women need to regularly undergo preventive gynecological examinations. Only during the examination and ultrasound examination, the oncologist can diagnose early manifestations diseases and prescribe an adequate course of therapy.

Fibroids and cysts of the ovary, cervix are common diseases of the female genital area, very often discovered by chance during a routine examination, often causing infertility in a woman.

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Ovarian cyst and uterine fibroids are gynecological diseases requiring constant medical supervision. The annual gynecologist will help to timely identify the first signs of a disease of the genital area.

Myoma and cysts of the cervix

Fibroids and ovarian cysts are often diagnosed in women over 30 years old, very often in women of premenopausal age, there are cases of detection of fibroids in young girls. It is not uncommon for fibroids to shrink significantly after menopause.

The real causes of the development of the disease are still unknown. The factors provoking the disease are:

  • Failure of the hormonal system, hormonal imbalance.
  • hereditary predisposition to the disease.
  • Chronic gynecological diseases.
  • Abortions, severe traumatic childbirth and many other factors.

The reproductive organ of a woman consists of the following layers - mucous, muscular and serous. Each layer has its own functions, due to which the ovum is attached to the walls of the organ, the size of the organ increases along with the growth of the fetus, the support of the normal blood supply to the fetus, delivery. normal operation endocrine system, the absence of chronic diseases of the genital area, healthy lifestyle lives have big influence on the childbearing function.

Myoma is formed in the muscular (middle) layer of the reproductive organ. It develops in muscle tissue organ. First, a small nodule appears, which may not manifest itself in any way, then, under the influence of various factors, the formation begins to increase in size. The tissues of the formation penetrate into nearby structures. Myoma can form both in the body of the uterus and in the cervix. It is believed that one of the factors that provoke the development of uterine fibroids, ovarian cysts, is the imbalance of hormones in a woman's body.

Uterine fibroids and cervical cysts are fairly common pathologies of the female genital area, which can lead to severe complications if the disease is not treated in a timely manner. Cervical cyst found in 15% of women childbearing age, can be single or multiple. The second name of the cyst of the cervix is ​​Nabotova, or retention cyst. The disorder develops when the epithelium lining the surface is modified cervical canal. The modified epithelium ceases to play a protective role, cannot withstand the acidic environment of the vagina - inflammation begins and the outflow of the secretion of the natural glands is disturbed. The glands become clogged and nabothian cysts form.

Naboth formations of the cervix are prone to growth. If they reach a large size, they can deform the neck of the organ, cause a violation of the structure of the epithelium. This type is not prone to self-absorption and requires removal. Naboth's formation of the cervix does not degenerate into malignancy. If they are small in size, then in most cases they do not cause inconvenience, do not affect menstrual cycle. Associated cervical myoma cysts over time manifest symptoms of discomfort associated with an increase in the size of the formation.

Ovarian cyst and uterine fibroid

Uterine fibroids and ovarian cysts are various gynecological pathologies, which may have one cause of development. Often, the impetus for the development of fibroids and ovarian cysts is an abortion, hormonal imbalances, diseases of the genital area and other factors also have an impact.

Uterine fibroids and an accompanying ovarian cyst appear abundant and painful menstruation, the menstrual cycle goes astray, sexual intercourse becomes painful, the woman experiences discomfort during physical activity, there may be problems with defecation and urination, appear bloody issues between periods.

A follicular ovarian cyst forms if the follicle does not rupture after maturation. It fills with fluid and stays in the ovary. Sometimes an unruptured follicle can block the entrance to fallopian tube cause discomfort. Such a follicular cyst most often disappears after the next menstruation. functional cyst ovary is due to enlargement corpus luteum, may occur due to rupture of blood vessels inside the follicle, in violation of the development of the ovaries during puberty, as a tumor - subsequently develops malignant neoplasm ovaries.

Do myoma of the right ovary and myoma of the left ovary occur

Fibroids cannot develop in the ovaries. The formation consists of randomly intertwining smooth muscle fibers that affects the muscular layer of the uterus. The ovaries are covered with a thin albuginea, under the albuginea is the cortical substance of the ovary, glandular tissue. The central part of the organ is the medulla, which contains loose connective tissue, many vessels. AT cortex The ovaries contain follicles in which eggs develop. Cysts form in the ovaries, which are fluid-filled cavities located on the surface of the ovary. They look like thin-walled liquid sacs.

What is dangerous ovarian cyst

Very often, the cause of the development of a cyst in the left ovary is colitis - inflammation of the sigmoid and ascending section. small intestine. Pathology in the right ovary may develop due to colitis, after surgery to remove appendicitis, other surgical interventions in this area of ​​the abdominal cavity. Nabotovo, or functional education ovary, is dangerous because it can burst, the fluid contained in it will enter the abdominal cavity. This condition leads to the development of peritonitis, poses a threat to the health and life of a woman.

Education gap is accompanied acute pain in a stomach, high temperature body, nausea, vomiting, uterine bleeding, decrease blood pressure, dizziness, headache and loss of consciousness. If these symptoms appear, you should immediately seek medical help. Cysts, uterine fibroids require medical supervision, timely treatment. If a cyst and fibroids are diagnosed, the doctor will be able to tell you whether surgical intervention is required, whether it is possible not to be afraid of rupture of the cavity of the follicular formation and wait until regression begins, how to treat this type of fibroids, which treatment method is considered preferable in your individual case.

Treatment of uterine fibroids, cervical cysts, ovarian cysts

Treatment of diseases of the cervix is ​​carried out using a laser, radio wave method. By influencing the formation with a non-contact method, the doctor achieves the evaporation of the cyst, at the same time, a coagulating effect is exerted. Fibroids are treated various methods, depending on the size of the formation, the state of health of the woman. As a treatment, hormonal therapy, uterine artery embolization, laparoscopic, hysteroscopic removal of formations are used, in severe cases, radical treatment of uterine nodes is performed - removal of the uterus. To receive qualified assistance in the treatment of diseases of the female genital area, you should be responsible for choosing a doctor. An experienced doctor will be able to prescribe adequate treatment, maintain reproductive function, women Health female patients.

Treatment with hormone therapy or surgery do not lead to full recovery, they affect already existing fibroids, but cannot eliminate the cause of the development of the disease. During surgical removal fibroids, it is not always possible for a doctor to determine whether all fibroids have been removed. In some cases, small inconspicuous nodules remain, which subsequently begin to develop. Embolization of the uterine arteries allows you to remove even subtle formations. After the introduction of emboli through the inguinal artery into vascular system uterus, they enter the vessels of the fibroids, which are terminal, clog the vessels, and lead to the death of the formations. The disintegration of nodes after the procedure takes a long time, sometimes the healing period takes about two years. The procedure is carried out very quickly, bloodless, under the control of X-ray equipment, performed by an experienced surgeon. Here you can. At the consultation, the doctor will tell you about all positive aspects embolization of uterine arteries, contraindications, terms of rehabilitation after the procedure.


  • Savitsky G. A., Ivanova R. D., Svechnikova F. A. The role of local hyperhormonemia in the pathogenesis of the growth rate of the mass of tumor nodes in uterine myoma // Obstetrics and gynecology. - 1983. - T. 4. - S. 13-16.
  • Sidorova I.S. Uterine fibroids (modern aspects of etiology, pathogenesis, classification and prevention). In: Uterine fibroids. Ed. I.S. Sidorova. M: MIA 2003; 5-66.
  • Meriakri A.V. Epidemiology and pathogenesis of uterine fibroids. Sib honey journal 1998; 2:8-13.

What are the symptoms of uterine fibroids and ovarian cysts? Myoma is a benign disease that often appears along with an ovarian cyst. Benign tumors inside the uterus are very common in gynecology. Fibroids inherently develop slowly, while the tumor does not have metastases, while the ovarian cyst develops most rapidly and most often affects right side, which sometimes confuses doctors, as they think that this is a fibroid from the side of the right ovary. How to figure out which of these problems bothers you, whether fibroids and cysts are different, we will tell you all this in this article.

An ovarian cyst is considered a disease with signs of a benign lesion. The clinic of this condition is very small and manifests itself on final stages illness.


Symptoms of this pathology include the following:

  1. Pain in the lower abdomen.
  2. The cycle breaks from time to time.
  3. Unexpected bleeding may occur.
  4. Tumor large size can put pressure on nearby organs.


The reasons for the appearance of such an ailment are not fully understood today, but we will try to talk about the most basic ones:

  1. Some doctors believe that it is hormonal changes that cause this disease.
  2. genetic predisposition. Heredity can lead to a tendency to this pathology.
  3. Strong stress.
  4. Incorrect levels of progesterone and estrogen.
  5. Hard physical work.
  6. Chronic infectious diseases.
  7. Excess weight.

The causes of this pathology to this day have not been fully unraveled, although scientists have conducted a huge amount of research. Many argue that such a disease manifests itself against the background of hypergonadotropism. It has been established for certain that there is more progesterone in the tumor than in other places. critical role plays in this case the immune system body, it is especially important for chronic problems, as well as for congestion in the pelvis.

A cyst on the genitals is a neoplasm located inside the uterus, it occurs most often with some hormonal failure. A cyst can both appear quickly and disappear instantly.

Sometimes it is not even required to carry out treatment, since the disease and its symptoms go away forever, but most often it is able to rebuild into a malignant tumor. This pathology can be torn and twisted, thus it poisons a person from the inside and can cause other more serious illnesses such as infertility.

Due to the fact that the disease is constantly formed, the symptoms of fibroids are primary or secondary. The first stage of the disease at first may not manifest itself in any way. During this period of time, small deviations can be diagnosed by a doctor with experience in a gynecological examination. Due to the fact that the cyst is small in the first stage, it is quite difficult to recognize. She is able to leave after a cycle or after a month of hormone use. One and only clear sign of this ailment are abdominal pains.

The malaise manifests itself:

  • Huge blood loss during menstruation;
  • anemia;
  • Squeezing of organs;
  • Frequent urination;
  • Constipation.

In some cases, pain in the groin area is observed.

The second symptoms are characterized by hemorrhages of various frequencies, intestinal obstruction. Acute pulling pain can lead to rupture of the cyst itself, heavy bleeding and even infection.

Ladies usually complain during this period of time of pain in the abdomen, varicose veins and stomach problems.

Sometimes patients may vomit and increase body temperature. AT similar cases the girl will just need surgical intervention. The tumor usually leads to failure in critical days. As a result, such days can proceed with complications and become unstable, or vice versa, there will be too many of them. If the formation appeared against the background of male hormones, then, as a rule, the girl becomes very rough vocal cords, the growth and amount of hair increases in those places where there were not many of them, and the clitoris may even change in external parameters. If the tumor has become huge, then the stomach will increase.

Diagnostics of education

The detection of a benign neoplasm often occurs at the gynecologist's chair. An experienced doctor is able, with the help of palpation, to determine whether a problem develops on the side of the right or left ovary and detect uterine myoma.
In addition, there are other ways to detect this pathology:

  • ultrasound. This technique uses ultrasonic waves to track the progress of the disease. In addition, this type of diagnosis allows you to accurately determine the size of uterine fibroids and its shape.
  • Computed tomography is also very popular for uterine diseases. The essence of this examination is the X-ray scanning of the affected areas. All results are then subjected to good digital processing to obtain high-quality images. Such diagnostics is used when it is necessary to determine the nature of the tumor and its location.

Research in the field of medicine has shown that in women who have given birth to at least one child, the risk of fibroids of the right ovary is reduced several times. However, it has not been established whether childbearing protects girls from fibroids.

In order for the disease to develop, it is necessary for the patient to have various adverse factors in the body, such as: abortion, improper use of contraception, chronic diseases appendages, stress and conflict situations, excessive exposure to sunbeams and much more.


When deciding on a surgical intervention, the age of the lady, the presence of other diseases, the type and stage are taken into account. The doctor can decide whether to remove part of the uterus or the entire uterus. During the treatment of small neoplasms, it is recommended to use phototherapy only in combination with homeopathy. The progressive development of pathology can really be stopped by blocking biogenic elements. Not every drug used in this case has a similar effect. At the moment, pharmacists have developed various methods for restoring immunity, a completely new direction has been opened in removing formations - this is immunotherapy, which is able to form strong immunity.

Defects in the uterine area are also due to various hormonal changes. This problem is often diagnosed in girls over 30 years old.

It is with such diseases of the uterus as fibroma that the likelihood of a cyst increases. Therefore, these two ailments are so often considered in combination.
In order to avoid such a hormonal failure, you just need to follow some simple rules:

  1. Whatever treatment you are prescribed, follow the doctor's recommendations;
  2. Use in your diet only food rich in vitamins, iodine, iron and silicon;
  3. Don't get upset over the little things nervous system very fragile, and it is impossible to restore it;
  4. Start to slowly engage in some kind of sports and lead a proper lifestyle;
  5. Move more on foot, as they say - movement is life, and in your case, movement improves blood circulation.

In case of danger to health and directly to life, the sick doctor prescribes treatment operating method. Whatever treatment you are prescribed, the main thing is that you yourself are tuned in to a good result. It has long been known that a person is able to heal himself, you just need to set yourself up and go towards the intended goal, and then everything will turn out as it should!

A woman at any age wants to preserve her femininity, so the doctor's recommendation - to remove the uterus or do a hysterectomy for many of the fairer sex introduces into a stupor. “How will I live in the future, how will I look my man in the eye, what will others think of me ?!” Although this part of the body is not visible to others, this is a very serious moral burden. However, if there is no other option, as soon as in this way to solve health problems or even save the life of a woman, you should not hesitate and take this step, because you can live, and fully and without this organ.

Benign formations in the female genital area - frequent occurrence. Such tumors occur without any warning, so every woman should understand how important it is to diagnose and treat such a problem in time. Let's consider in more detail.

In modern gynecology, an ovarian cyst is a formation in the form of a bubble. Such a body consists of a liquid or semi-liquid inside. A tumor occurs in the body of the ovary, which contributes to a significant increase in the organ. As for uterine fibroids, such a tumor appears in muscle layer uterus, is a ball of woven fibers of the smooth muscle type. Externally, the formation has a round shape.

Ovarian cyst and uterine fibroids how to avoid?

Find formations in female body most often by accident. The nature of tumors is insidious and early stages such troubles do not signal themselves at all. It is possible to identify an ailment only at a scheduled appointment, which most often happens.

The critical age when an ovarian cyst, uterine fibroids and other formations affect the female genital area, different. The statistics point to age period after 25 years. For cysts 25-40 years, for uterine fibroids 35-55 years.

Most often, an ovarian cyst appears on the background of hormonal failure. Such formations often appear and disappear without any treatment. There are also cases when a cyst develops into oncology, twists, breaks, provokes the appearance of new ailments, infertility, and much more. Ovarian cyst and uterine fibroids are similar. Education in the uterus also appears, as a rule, against the background of hormonal imbalance in female body. Often, specialists diagnose uterine fibroids along with a cyst, then both problems are considered in combination.

To avoid the appearance of the aforementioned tumors of the genital organs, you should try to minimize hormonal disruptions:

  • Try not to take hormonal medications;
  • For prevention neoplastic diseases, in particular, so that fibroids and uterine cysts do not overtake you, do not forget to take vitamins from the B, A, E series, iodine and iron;
  • So that uterine fibroids, cysts and other tumors do not appear, it is important not to be nervous over trifles, to avoid stress;
  • Do not forget about sports, develop yourself physically. You can do belly dancing. Such exercises improve blood circulation in the pelvis and have a positive effect on all systems of the genital organs. Statistics show positive dynamics and the minimum rate of cases when uterine fibroids, cysts and other tumor-like diseases affected lovers of oriental dances.

Despite the above tips, no one can absolutely guarantee you that you will never have ovarian cysts or uterine fibroids. Control your health, regularly visit the gynecologist's office, and you can avoid chronic conditions and complications.

Myoma and uterine cyst, how to treat tumors?

Modern medicine, before starting any treatment, conducts a full diagnosis of problematic organs of the body. So with uterine fibroids and cysts, an examination is carried out. AT medical manipulations this type includes: ultrasound procedure small pelvis, CT scan, blood tests, urine tests, etc.

Further medications are prescribed hormonal preparations and vitamins) and physiotherapeutic procedures. Sometimes women with gynecological problems, especially with uterine fibroids and cysts, are advised to relax in specialized boarding houses and sanatoriums.

Ovarian cyst and uterine fibroids, when is surgery needed?

If it is not possible to cure an ovarian cyst or uterine myoma with medication, and also if the tumor threatens the life of a woman, the operation is performed unconditionally. For those women who want to get pregnant in the next few years, doctors advise not to postpone surgery. Removal of fibroids and uterine cysts is carried out with the help of myomectomy. This is the most benign solution to the problem. Only nodes (formations) are removed in this way, the uterus is not damaged. After such a manipulation, pregnancy is quite possible, because the main muscular organ of the female genital area is not damaged.

Myomectomy is performed endoscopically, through punctures in the abdominal wall. This procedure significantly reduces the time allotted for the postoperative period, and also allows you to survive the regeneration of damaged tissues less painfully.

In the case when the ovarian cyst and uterine fibroids are of impressive size, it is recommended to remove the affected organ completely. Prepare for such an operation thoroughly. Only a council of medical specialists decides the need for such a manipulation.

Uterine artery embolization for uterine fibroids and cysts

A real alternative to modern surgical manipulations on the female genital organs is UAE (uterine artery embolization). This method of treating fibroids and uterine cysts is characterized by speed, safety and rapid restoration of the patient's normal life.

Average recovery time postoperative period is about 6-8 weeks, after UAE - less than one week.

Facts about uterine fibroids and ovarian cysts

Today, ovarian cysts and uterine fibroids are common diseases of the 21st century. There are many facts about such ailments that it would not hurt to know every woman. Let's highlight a few of them:

1. In half of the cases, the removal of fibroids, or rather its nodes, does not completely solve the problem. After a certain period of time, formations appear again;
2. Biological additives in no way affect fibroids and uterine cysts;
3. The hormone progesterone controls the growth of pelvic tumors;
4. Ovarian cyst, uterine fibroids can become huge and reach dimensions comparable to full-term pregnancy.

There are many more proven facts about women's issues. Exclude mortal danger can only care and control over their health. Planned systematic visits to the gynecologist's office can give hope.

Fibroids and ovarian cysts are diseases reproductive system, which can cause menstrual irregularities, infertility in women. Untimely access to a doctor, lack of knowledge in the field of functioning of the organs of the reproductive system, diseases of the uterus and ovaries, disease prevention leads to the development of complications. Often, patients ask questions to a gynecologist: “What is ovarian fibroids? What are the symptoms of ovarian fibroids? What is the treatment for ovarian myoma?

Please note that this text was prepared without the support of our.

The disease "ovarian fibroids" does not exist. Myoma is a disease of the uterus, a cyst forms in the ovary, as well as different kinds benign and malignant tumors. Learn more about your disease, get answers to questions will help.


An ovarian cyst is a cavity that is filled with blood or liquid contents and forms in the tissues of the organ. It can be of several types: functional (yellow cyst and follicular), dermoid, true (cystadenoma), endometrioid. The cause of the development of this type of cyst in most cases is various violations in the functioning of the endocrine system. The dermoid cyst contains elements of the development of the rudimentary tissues of the body inside the cavity. It has a thick capsule, inside which all the elements are in a viscous liquid.

An endometrioid cyst develops when endometrial cells of the uterus enter the ovaries with blood, the cyst can become malignant. This type of neoplasm develops with endometriosis, when during menstruation, endometrial cells enter the abdominal cavity. Attached to the ovaries, the endometrium begins to bleed during the onset of the next menstruation, causing the development of a cyst inside the ovarian capsule.

There are two types of true ovarian cyst - mucinous and serous cystadenoma (cystoma). Serous cystadenoma develops from epithelial tissue, may be on the side of the uterus or behind the uterus. Serous formation has elasticity and high tissue density. Most often, this type of cystadenoma occurs in the reproductive age, it can reach large sizes. The causes of development are considered: hormonal imbalance, early puberty, hereditary predisposition, frequent inflammatory processes in the genitals, venereal diseases, operations on the pelvic organs.

Mucinous cystadenoma is a benign neoplasm with a tendency to malignancy. Cystoma can reach large sizes, most often diagnosed in the postmenopausal period. The causes of this type of cystadenoma are still unknown, but the factors provoking development are known: hormonal imbalance, frequent inflammatory processes of the genital organs, bad habits, promiscuity, sexually transmitted diseases.

Uterine fibroids are tumor-like nodular formations in the tissues of the reproductive organ. Myoma nodes can be serous, submucosal, intramural, intermuscular (interstitial). The causes of the development of pathology are considered hormonal disruptions, hereditary predisposition, lack of pregnancy and childbirth, inflammatory processes in the uterus and ovaries, metabolic disorders, abortions and other disorders.

Symptoms of uterine fibroids and ovarian cysts

Violation of the menstrual cycle manifests symptoms of a functional cyst, before and during menstruation, a woman experiences severe pain. Symptoms of a dermoid cyst do not appear immediately, but with the growth of education. The dermoid cyst grows constantly, but very slowly. Over time, it begins to compress neighboring organs, cause discomfort, pain in the abdomen, lower back. An endometrioid cyst is characterized by lengthening of the menstrual cycle, heavy menstruation, pain in the back and abdomen, pain and discomfort during intercourse.

Symptoms of serous cystadenoma do not appear immediately, but as the neoplasm grows. In the cystadenoma, contents accumulate (a serous transparent liquid), the size of the formation grows, it begins to compress nearby organs and tissues - pain appears. May develop inflammatory process, adhesive process on the surface of the cyst. A woman feels discomfort, feels pressure on the rectum, uterus, bladder, different in intensity of pain in the lower back, in the pubic area, groin. A large serous cystoma can affect the position of the organs, cause compression, swelling of the limbs, constipation, frequent urination, a strong increase in the abdomen, and asymmetry.

Like all benign tumors ovarian mucinous cystoma long time develops asymptomatically. The growth of the cyst provokes the development of pain in the abdomen, it can be acute or pulling, occurring periodically. The growth of the neoplasm leads to an increase in the size of the abdomen, the menstrual cycle is disturbed, and infertility may occur. uterine fibroids on early stage development is not symptomatic. With the growth of a tumor-like formation, a woman begins to feel discomfort, the size of the uterus increases, pain may occur during intercourse, before and during menstruation. With the growth of fibroids, the discomfort increases - the organs and tissues located nearby are squeezed, the menstrual cycle is disturbed.


A functional cyst of the follicular type can reach large sizes, which leads to rupture of the cyst, to the outflow of the contents of the cyst into the abdominal cavity. The woman has symptoms acute abdomen she loses consciousness. A functional corpus luteum cyst gradually fills with blood or liquid contents, manifests itself pulling pain, can rupture, leading to bleeding, severe abdominal pain. A dermoid cyst can become malignant, other complication develops in the form of torsion of the cyst stem and the development of tissue necrosis, purulent process. A complication of the development of an endometrioid cyst is a rupture of the wall of the cystoma, an inflammatory process, the development of peritonitis, and infertility.

During the complication of serous cystadenoma, an acute condition develops, caused by torsion of the cystoma leg, rupture of the ovary, and bleeding. The temperature rises, strong pain, nausea, vomiting, discharge of blood from the vagina can be observed, the patient's condition worsens, she loses consciousness. Mucinous cystadenoma often leads to acute condition and requires emergency medical attention. Uterine fibroids often lead to complications if the disease is not treated in a timely manner. Complications are directly related to the size and number of neoplasms, the woman's health status, and age. Anemia, inflammation of the endometrium, pathological pregnancy, dysfunction of internal organs are most often observed.

With the growth of a tumor-like formation, other complications may arise: torsion of the myoma stem, necrosis of nodulation, infertility, pathologies genitourinary system. To avoid the development of complications, it is necessary to undergo a diagnosis and treatment of the disease. If a fibroid, cyst is diagnosed, the symptoms of the disease will be entered in the patient's history, the doctor will collect all the data, ask the patient about previous diseases, hereditary diseases in family. At the appointment, the doctor will tell you how to distinguish subserous fibroids from ovarian cystomas, what to do if uterine fibroids and ovarian cysts develop at the same time. The doctor will prescribe treatment depending on the size of the tumor-like formations, the patient's condition, concomitant diseases and the presence of complications.


Diagnosis of diseases begins at the appointment of a gynecologist who examines the patient bimanually. The doctor prescribes ultrasound of the pelvic organs, MRI, CT, color dopplerography, tests for tumor markers, tests for the level of hormones in the blood are additionally prescribed.

Treatment of uterine fibroids and ovarian cysts

Surgical treatment of ovarian neoplasms. A cystectomy or wedge resection is performed. This type of surgery is performed on women of childbearing age who are planning a pregnancy. One of the conditions for such surgical intervention- a certain size of education. With certain sizes of ovarian formation (diameter more than 3 cm), if uterine fibroids and a cyst of the left ovary are diagnosed, or a cyst that affected the entire ovary on one side, or uterine myoma and a cyst of the right ovary, a unilateral adnexectomy or ovarian oophorectomy, myomectomy is performed. If the cyst affects a woman during menopause and postmenopause, the surgeon removes both ovaries.

Uterine fibroids are treated with organ-preserving techniques and by surgical amputation of the uterus. In the case of a large fibroid, bleeding and the presence of a large ovarian cyst, extirpation of the uterus with appendages can be performed. Organ-preserving techniques include myomectomy using hysteroscopy, laparoscopy, uterine artery embolization. Treatment of uterine fibroids small sizes carried out with the help of a course of hormonal therapy. Embolization of the uterine arteries is considered a safe organ-preserving technique. The procedure is very fast, local anesthesia, does not require surgical intervention, painless. It is possible to remove several nodes in one procedure. With the help of embolization of the uterine arteries, they achieve the cessation of blood circulation of a benign formation.

Cyst, fibroid and pregnancy

The possibility of the onset and bearing of pregnancy depends on many factors: the number and size of fibroids, the place of attachment of the fetal egg, the size of the cyst, complications, concomitant diseases. One of the methods that helps a woman to maintain her reproductive function is UAE. After embolization, blood flow in the uterus is restored very quickly in full. If uterine fibroids are not complicated comorbidities, there were no complications, the chance of pregnancy increases. How younger woman, the higher the chance of having a baby after fibroid treatment. When the first symptoms of fibroid development appear, you should contact your doctor. Experienced doctors will diagnose, give individual recommendations for the treatment of diseases of the reproductive function.


  • Savitsky G. A., Ivanova R. D., Svechnikova F. A. The role of local hyperhormonemia in the pathogenesis of the growth rate of the mass of tumor nodes in uterine myoma // Obstetrics and gynecology. - 1983. - T. 4. - S. 13-16.
  • Sidorova I.S. Uterine fibroids (modern aspects of etiology, pathogenesis, classification and prevention). In: Uterine fibroids. Ed. I.S. Sidorova. M: MIA 2003; 5-66.
  • Meriakri A.V. Epidemiology and pathogenesis of uterine fibroids. Sib honey journal 1998; 2:8-13.