
When should menses go? What is menstruation in girls

Critical days are a regular, monthly and common occurrence for women. But once the regulations come for the first time - in youth. Girls' periods begin at relatively early age 11-15 years and mean the beginning of puberty. The start of a new "adult" life can come earlier or later than the prescribed age, and this can be explained by many factors. The precursors of menstruation will always be other changes in the body and appearance of the girl, which will mark the imminent onset of menstruation. How to prepare a child for a new stage of life, and what concomitant symptoms can be expected - we will analyze the points.

How to prepare a girl

Every attentive and caring mother will always notice changes in her child's life. Menstruation comes for the first time in the period from 10 to 16 years, and in rare cases, these periods can stretch from 8 to 19 years. Early or late start critical days can influence a large number of reasons, but, in any case, the upcoming menstruation will have previous changes in the girl's appearance and her inner well-being. The duty of every mother of a daughter will be to mentally prepare the child for the onset of menstruation. It is necessary to explain what menstruation is, why they begin and for what purpose they exist.

The onset of menstruation is the main sign of the onset of puberty in adolescents. This is a kind of renewal of the female genital organs, which occurs every month in order to prepare the female body for a future pregnancy. With the onset of puberty, there is an intensive production of female hormones, which alternately change their concentration depending on the onset of the cycle. You should convince the child not to be afraid of these changes, and explain that this means a special growing up and “transformation” from a girl to a girl.

AT given period the figure changes, the breast grows, hair appears in places where it was not there before, and problems of excessive work of the glands (sweating, dandruff and rapid pollution of the head, acne and blackheads) are possible. The arrival of menstruation is often accompanied by malaise and abdominal pain, this should also be anticipated and stocked with safe painkillers. All this the mother should clearly explain to her daughter, but before the conversation, be sure to familiarize yourself in detail with all the processes of the female body itself.

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What determines the duration of the appearance of menstruation

When a girl's period starts is influenced by many factors. The main ones are physical and physiological features organism. The normal age for the onset of menstruation is considered to be 11-16 years, but deviations up or down are possible.

Factors that can contribute to the shift of the first menstruation:

  • hereditary features;
  • previous illnesses;
  • race;
  • physical exercise;
  • nutrition;
  • emotional condition;
  • mode of life;
  • pathology or disease in the body.

If a girl in early childhood suffered serious illnesses and long time hosted medical preparations, then menstruation may come later. Also, the reason for the delay in menstruation can be a small body weight and thinness of the child. The arrival of critical days too early, as well as the late one, is always affected by the hormonal background or disturbances in the functioning of the reproductive system.

What should be the first menstruation

When the production of follicle-stimulating and luteinizing hormones begins in the pituitary and hypothalamus, the ovaries begin to function and the first menstruation comes. During this period, there is an intensive development of the reproductive organs, the maturation of eggs and the growth of the endometrial layer in the uterus. The first menstruation is the beginning of the menstrual cycles, which will occur regularly until menopause (45-50 years).

Menstrual bleeding is the shedding of the upper layer of the uterine lining, which occurs under the action of hormones if fertilization has not occurred. During this period, dark red blood of a mucous consistency comes out of the genital organs, in volume it is about 50-100 ml. On the first day of bleeding, the discharge is not too abundant, and their peak occurs more often on the second day, after which the amount of discharge blood is coming on the decline. Critical days last individually, but must fit into a period of 3 to 8 days.

The very first periods may be shorter in duration and not too plentiful. The first months after the onset of menstruation, the cycle may be irregular, but later it is established, and the regularity of critical days appears. Usually the cycle is from 28 to 35 days, but there are deviations depending on individual features and hormonal background.

Signs of the approach of the first menstruation

So that the onset of menstruation does not come as a surprise and does not mislead the girl, you should prepare her in advance and inform about the upcoming changes. The first menstruation does not begin suddenly, it will always have preceding symptoms, which will manifest themselves in the form of changes in the appearance, condition or behavior of the girl. An attentive parent will always notice these changes.

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Signs of approaching menstruation in girls:

  • breasts begin to grow
  • weight gain occurs;
  • hair growth begins on the pubis, under the arms, on the legs and arms;
  • whitish vaginal discharge;
  • mood changes;
  • intense secretion of glands (sweat, sebaceous);
  • PMS in all its manifestations.

These symptoms may appear singly or in combination. Almost all changes are associated with the beginning of the production of female sex hormones, which begin their intensive work in the body of a teenage girl. Immediately 1-2 days before the onset of bleeding, the girl may be disturbed by discomfort in the lower abdomen and in the chest.

How is the first menstruation and how to prepare the child

The duration and abundance of the first menstruation is most often individual and manifests itself differently in everyone. Menstruation can last from 3 to 8 days, with the most abundant discharge in the first 2-3 days. The first and second days of menstruation are often accompanied by pulling pains in the lower abdomen, which are considered normal. After the signs of approaching menstruation have been noticed, the girl should always carry personal hygiene products and pads with her.

After the appearance of menstruation, the process starts with the maturation of eggs, ovulation occurs, which means that it becomes possible to become pregnant. You should explain to the child that the onset of menstruation means puberty, and talk about sexual relations and safe sex. It is important to familiarize the daughter with the rules of necessary hygiene during menstruation, since blood is a favorable environment for the development of pathogenic bacteria.

early menstruation

Early menstruation is considered menstrual bleeding that began before the age of 11 years. These periods can be considered normal if the girl in the family has such genetic feature. In cases where premature menstruation is not associated with hereditary characteristics, you should contact a gynecologist to find out the cause of this anomaly.

late menstruation

Late menstruation is considered to be menstruation, which began after 15 years. A delay in menstruation can occur for many reasons, including: lifestyle, diseases, the physical state and psycho-emotional background. Late menstruation is possible in girls who are actively involved in sports or have a small body weight. In any case, the arrival of menstruation too late should be a concern and a reason to visit a doctor.

Menarche or the first menstruation in girls is an indicator of reproductive health and should go at the time set by nature. Adolescence is considered the age norm for the onset of the first menstruation. The harbingers of menstruation are aching, pulling pain in the lower abdomen and lower back, increased appetite, drowsiness, irritability.

Girl's first period

At what age does the first period start?

menarche or first menstrual bleeding is the central event in puberty. It's a sign of readiness reproductive system girls to reproduction.

The first menstruation is one of the key events in girls during adolescence

Normally, menarche begins at the age of 12-14 years. The formation of the menstrual cycle is influenced by heredity, climatic factors, the weight of the girl, the quality of nutrition, the presence or absence of diseases of the endocrine glands, and other health problems.

In rare cases, menstruation begins at the age of 9 years. In this case, they talk about early puberty, but this is not a sign of pathology.

If menstruation is absent at the age of 15 years and older, then the girl is diagnosed with “primary amenorrhea”. In this case, the teenager needs to be comprehensively examined.

The first signs of menstruation in girls

It is possible to assume about the imminent beginning of the first critical days a year before menstrual bleeding.

What you should pay attention to:

  1. The figure changes according to the female type. The mother has to buy the child's first bra.
  2. Are increasing reproductive organs, appears pubic hair, in the armpits.
  3. The sebaceous glands begin to work actively. Acne appears on the face, body, becomes greasy hair may develop seborrhea.
  4. Beli - vaginal discharge white color without causing discomfort. As they mature, they become more viscous and plentiful.
  5. pain aching character no signs inflammatory processes in the lower abdomen. These symptoms can be observed a few months before menarche, and immediately before the first menstruation.
  6. Changes in behavior in adolescents, tearfulness, frequent mood swings, aggression. This is the same PMS as an adult woman.

What are the first periods for girls?

No strict criteria for color, consistency, appearance the first menstrual flow does not exist. Everything is individual and depends on heredity, the state of the hormonal background, and even on the girl's awareness of this event in life.

How many days go?

The normal duration of menstruation is 3 to 7 days. And menarche is no exception. If menstruation lasts more than 10 days, then the girl needs.

During the first year, the girl should determine the phases of the menstrual cycle.

Duration menstrual cycle normally is 21–35 days. In girls, in 30% of cases, the second menstruation will come at the time set by nature. For the rest, the cycle should form within a year.

What does the first menstruation look like?

It can be thick brown discharge, scanty daub, full-fledged bleeding similar to adult women - you can see in the photo.

First menstrual flow

The standard situation in adolescence - menarche begins with minor brown discharge. Bleeding occurs on the 2-3rd day, then the amount of blood decreases. On the 5-6th day, a daub or transparent sanious discharge may be present.

What to do when menstruation starts?

The mother should prepare the girl for this event a few months in advance, and ideally a few years before the start of the menarche. But even a theoretically trained child, seeing linen stained with blood, can be frightened.

What to do for all family members:

  1. Mom. Should reassure the girl, congratulate, give hygiene products. Remind your daughter to change her pad after 3-4 hours, regardless of how full it is.
  2. girl. It is necessary to inform the mother about the upcoming event. Observe hygiene requirements and do not perform labor or sports feats.
  3. dad, other family members. Congratulate the child, buy a cake. Do not lecture about the need to be modest and do not communicate with boys, do not scare a possible pregnancy.

Hygiene products

The first hygiene products should be prepared by the mother of a teenage girl at the first sign of the end of puberty. That is, if the daughter is 11-12 years old, then the package of gaskets should be in the teenager's closet.

Gaskets - optimal choice the first means of hygiene for menstruation

Tampons should not be used at this age. The girl has no experience of behavior during menstruation, the skills of inserting a tampon. Due to inexperience, she can forget about this hygiene product in the vagina, which is fraught with the development of an inflammatory process.

When choosing gaskets, consider:

  1. Age. You should not buy hygiene products designed for copious discharge. For the first cycle, pads marked "Normal" or 2 drops are enough. Additionally, purchase a kit for use at night. These pads are longer than regular pads and the risk of staining bedding is minimal.
  2. Quality. The girl should be comfortable. This should be a manufacturer verified by my mother. It is best to use ultra-thin products. They do not restrict movement and are invisible under clothing.

Before menstruation, the mother should clarify the availability of hygiene products for her daughter. Despite external adulthood or swagger, a teenager will be embarrassed to buy pads for a long time.

Hygiene rules

There are no specialized recommendations for self-care during this period. The girl should already be able to wash herself and do it 2 times a day - in the morning and in the evening. Do not use antibacterial soap or gel unless absolutely necessary. Enough clean running water.

Change pads promptly required condition hygiene during menstruation

If the daughter is uncomfortable, then water procedures during menstruation, she can spend at a convenient time for her. Mom should be reminded to wash her hands before and after changing pads. Hygiene products should be changed after 3-4 hours, regardless of the degree of fullness.

Entry into adult life- this is a joyful and disturbing moment for any girl. Late or early menarche is a reason to see a doctor. It is important that everything corresponds to physiological norms.

For adult women, menstruation is a common occurrence, but for a girl for the first time, it can be a shock. Therefore, the mother should explain everything about this to her daughter in advance.

In the life of every girl there comes a moment when she changes dramatically, acquires new status. This is the moment when she begins her first period. This event can be joyful and long-awaited or frightening and unpleasant. It all depends on how she will be prepared for it.

Getting ready in advance

In ancient times, menstruation was surrounded by an incredible amount of myths and superstitions. Somewhere girls were forbidden to leave the house, hidden from the eyes of people, in other nations this day was celebrated as an important and joyful event.

Now doctors have a good idea of ​​the mechanisms of this process. But if you go through the forums and communities, you can find no less superstitions and conjectures. There is only one reason for them - the lack of truthful and reliable information.

The girl must be ready for changes in the body

Primitive societies, for all their shortcomings, prepared girls for this event. Mothers and sisters told their younger relatives what awaited them. Today, many women hope for funds mass media and the Internet, because of which the girl may not be mentally prepared for this event.

So important role mothers - calmly tell your teenage daughter everything that might interest her, answer all the questions that have arisen. This is very important for future frank and trusting relationships.

When should the first menstruation start?

According to statistics, girls of the current generation begin their periods a little earlier than their distant great-grandmothers 100-200 years ago. Now the age is considered to be from 11 to 14 years. In most cases, they start at 12-13, although deviations are possible.

  1. Menses started before 11 years of age.
  2. The girl has already turned 14, but they are not there yet.
  3. Puberty (appearance of hair, breast enlargement) began earlier than 9 years or there are no signs of it after 12-13.

As a rule, such situations are associated with malnutrition and lifestyle, pathologies or, most often, disorders of the hormonal system. In this case, you should undergo an examination, and, if possible, correct deviations.

What influences?

It's no secret that girls have their first period at different ages. There are many reasons for this:

  1. hormonal status.
  2. Features of physical development.
  3. Nutrition quality.
  4. Body type.
  5. Place of residence (city-village, hot-cool countries).
  6. Psycho-emotional state.
  7. Past illnesses.
  8. Heredity.

It is noted that in large girls, who are ahead of their peers in physical development, menstruation begins earlier than in fragile and slender ones. In the same time, malnutrition, past illnesses and stress can delay puberty.

Interestingly, in our country, girls begin menstruation more often in the cold season than in summer. It's hard to say what it says. Apparently, the light regime and nutrition have a certain influence.

A significant role is played by heredity. With great certainty, it is possible to predict the time of the onset of menstruation by analyzing the age of its appearance in the mother and older sisters.

But all these calculations will have only a rough estimate. You can more accurately determine the period by the harbingers of menstruation.

Harbingers of the first menstruation

The first menstruation (in medicine it is called menahre) is important sign, which indicates that the body is going through the natural processes of puberty.

Their first signs could be seen even 2-3 years before the onset of menstruation. In girls, the mammary glands begin to grow, hair growth in the pubic area, armpits increases, the pelvis expands, and the amount of adipose tissue increases.

The first menstruation marks the onset of puberty.

Approximately six months before the first menstruation, leucorrhoea begins - normal physiological secretions from the vagina. They can be transparent, white or slightly yellowish in color, have a slight sour smell.

At the same time, other signs of approaching menstruation may appear:

  1. Pain in the lower abdomen.
  2. Mood swings.
  3. Apathy, weakness, fatigue, drowsiness.
  4. Pain in the back and waist.
  5. Appetite changes, nausea.

All this should not cause much concern, since it is a variation of the norm. But there are a number of factors that should cause concern.

Physiology of menstruation

Many girls get very frightened when they start having bloody menstrual flow. After all, before that, for them, blood was an indicator of injury, a violation of the integrity of the skin. Therefore, it needs to be explained in advance that in this case the mechanisms of its appearance are completely different.

Under the influence of hormones, starting from the age of 10-11, the girl's reproductive system begins to change dramatically. First of all, the size of the uterus and ovaries increases. Then a layer grows, lining it from the inside - the endometrium.

It is necessary to ensure the attachment, nutrition and development of a fertilized egg. If fertilization did not occur in a certain cycle, then the unclaimed endometrium is torn away from the walls of the uterus and washed out of the body with blood. That is what menstruation is. Immediately after the end, the endometrium grows again, a new cycle begins.

Menstrual cycle

All reproductive processes in a woman's body are rigidly subordinated to a certain schedule - the ovular-menstrual cycle. In an ideal situation, it is 28 days, but certain deviations in any direction are possible: from 21 to 35 days. Its duration and intensity is determined by the combination of the hormones estrogen and progesterone.

But in teenage girls, such a cycle is established after 1-2 years. Until then, cycle disturbances are the norm. The main thing is that the duration of the delay should not be longer than three months, and the duration of one menstruation should not be more than 10 days.

In order to track the cyclical nature of menstruation, a calendar should be kept from the very beginning, marking in it not only the beginning and end of menstruation, but also the intensity and soreness characteristic of each day. Such a calendar will allow you to track changes and identify the very beginning of problems.

Deviations from the norm

Sometimes menstruation can be irregular

We have already said that too early or late onset of menstruation should be a serious concern. But there are other situations where you need urgent consultation doctor:

  1. Irregular menstruation. In the first two years, the cycle can be very inconsistent, but if more than three months have passed since the last menstruation, you should consult a doctor.
  2. Prolonged menses. During the stabilization of the cycle, the duration of menstruation can be very diverse, but if more than 9-10 days have passed from the beginning, and they do not end, you should immediately contact a gynecologist.
  3. Abundant menses. Normally, 50-150 milliliters of blood is released per cycle. More abundant menstruation may indicate abnormalities. You can determine this by the number of pads. If a medium or large pad fills up faster than 3-4 hours, this is already a deviation.
  4. Painful menstruation. A few days before menstruation and in the first days, the girl may feel cramping pain in the lower abdomen, drawing pains in the lower back, dizziness, lack of appetite or nausea. But all these symptoms should not interfere with a normal life. If the pain is difficult to bear, then you should consult a doctor.

AT similar cases Do not put off a visit to the doctor, hoping that everything will work out by itself. The sooner the examination is carried out and the cause of these deviations is found, the higher the likelihood of complications. So, for example, prolonged heavy menstruation can lead to severe blood loss and even require cleaning of the uterus to stop it. And such an operation can leave behind not only painful memories, but also health problems.

Painful menstruation

Often teenage girls complain that their menstruation is very painful. Severe cramps in the lower abdomen, lower back pain, mood swings - all this can significantly worsen your well-being and force you to change your lifestyle in the first days of menstruation, refusing to walk, play sports, and sometimes even go to school.

The first period can be very painful.

But doctors believe that this is an abnormal condition that may require examination and correction. Possible reasons there may be structural features of the organs of the reproductive system, for example, a curved cervix.

In mild cases, you can limit yourself to taking antispasmodics or mild painkillers, but if they cannot remove discomfort or you have to take them for more than one day, then you should consult a doctor and undergo an examination.

Diagnostic methods

In some cases, an examination may be required:

  1. ultrasound. With the help of ultrasound, the doctor can study the structure of the organs of the reproductive system, their size and location. For virgins, the examination is carried out transabdominally, through the abdominal wall.
  2. Flora research. It is also mandatory to study a smear for flora, but a sample of the vaginal discharge for this is taken from the vestibule of the vagina.
  3. Determination of the hormonal profile. Disruption of the hormonal cycle, painful, heavy or prolonged periods can be triggered by an imbalance of estrogen and progesterone.

Having received the necessary data, the gynecologist can help get rid of existing problems or prescribe an additional, more thorough examination. So often, along with an examination by a gynecologist, you may need to consult an endocrinologist.

Hygiene rules during menstruation

The most important thing that a mother should explain to her daughter is how she needs to take care of herself now. Menstruation suggests that her composition of the vaginal flora is changing dramatically. Neglect of hygiene measures can provoke the appearance of various complications, for example, inflammatory diseases organs of the genitourinary system.

Therefore, the following rules are mandatory:

  1. During menstruation, you can not swim in the bathroom, it is better to take a shower or limit yourself to washing.
  2. Change sanitary pads at least 4-5 times a day, as they fill up, but at least every 4-5 hours.
  3. You need to wash at least 2-3 times a day, and better - with each change of pads.
  4. Should be washed warm water. You can add a little decoction of herbs (chamomile, calendula) or a little potassium permanganate (to a light pink color) in it. It is very important to wash correctly: in the direction from the pubis to the anus, but not in the opposite direction, because, in this case, there is a risk of introducing foreign flora into the vagina or urethra.
  5. For sleep, it is better to use special night pads. They are longer and wider and better protect against leakage.
  6. Girls can use vaginal tampons, but it is better to do this as little as possible, for example, if you have to play sports or dance, if you have a trip or a trip to the beach. But it is better to use sanitary pads.
  7. If you still had to use tampons, then you should change it every 3-4 hours.
  8. Tampons should not be used at night.
  9. During menstruation, you can swim in open water and a pool (with a tampon), play sports, dance, and engage in outdoor activities.
  10. It is undesirable during menstruation to visit a sauna, a bath, to supercool.
  11. Food these days should be predominantly vegetable, without heavy foods, fatty, fried, smoked dishes. Alcohol is prohibited even in small doses.

It is worth remembering that menstrual flow is an excellent environment for the development of pathogenic bacteria, and non-compliance with hygiene rules can lead to the development of inflammatory diseases.

Hygiene items

Now even children know about the existence of pads and tampons, but many girls are embarrassed to buy them on their own. Therefore, at first, the mother will have to take over the function of supplying them.

Hygiene items in the early stages are better to buy for mom

It is very important not to save on this hygiene item, the pads should be comfortable, thin and inconspicuous so that the girl does not hesitate to wear them and not feel discomfort. They must be reliable, since the displacement can result in a noticeable stain on the clothes and cause serious worries and stress.

It is worthwhile to purchase several types of hygiene products in advance:

  1. Large pads for 4-5 drops for the first days when menstruation is most abundant.
  2. Small pads, 2-3 drops for the second part, when the amount of discharge is already decreasing.
  3. Night pads, maximum volume for reliable protection during sleep.
  4. Tampons, for travel or other important occasions when you can't use a pad.
  5. Daily pads. Before the expected start of menstruation, you can use panty liners so that their appearance does not become an unpleasant surprise.

It makes sense to show girls how to use these hygiene products, explain how they work. It is very important to discuss what to do with the used ones. In no case should they be thrown into the toilet, as this can cause a blockage in the sewer. Used hygiene products should be wrapped in paper and thrown into a bucket.

Therefore, it is better to immediately explain that now she, like adult women, can become pregnant. But since this is unacceptable, it is worth knowing and remembering the rules of safe sexual behavior: use a condom, and during regular sexual intercourse - selected by a gynecologist hormonal contraceptives. If it turns out that sexual intercourse will be unprotected, it is necessary to go to the gynecologist as soon as possible and take postcoital contraceptives.

This conversation does not mean permission for the girl to start sexual life and this needs to be emphasized. But it is better if it takes place in advance, and by the time the sexual life begins, she will have the information she needs.

If the mother believes that she cannot cope with this conversation or provide the information necessary for teenage girls, then it is worth visiting a teenage gynecologist for a consultation.

But the most important thing is that thanks to the first visit to the gynecologist initiated by the mother, the girl must remember for the rest of her life how important it is to have regular examinations.

Many mothers are afraid that during a visit to the gynecologist, the girl will be damaged by the hymen, but this is not so. In this case, the examination is not the same as in adult women. For example, examination of the vagina and bimanual examination are not performed, smears are taken from the vestibule of the vagina. If necessary, the examination of the vagina is carried out using a special optical device.

Moms should remember that for them menstruation is a regular and banal phenomenon. For their girl, menahre can be a real shock, for which you need to prepare in advance and properly. And the responsibility for this lies only with them.

The first menstruation or menarche is a natural physiological change in the female reproductive system during puberty. This is always an exciting moment for a girl. It is very important that mother or pediatric gynecologist informed the teenager about the rules of hygiene on critical days.

Physiological changes in a teenager

Significant changes in structure and physiology female body occur between the ages of 10 and 16. The mammary glands increase (10-12 years), hair appears in the armpits and on the pubis. Thanks to sex hormones, adipose tissue in girls is localized in the thigh area. This often causes embarrassment in a teenager, so it is necessary to have delicate conversations on the topic of sexual development.

In the middle of puberty, the girl begins her first period (usually 11-14 years). A deviation from the norm is the early arrival of menstruation (9 years) and late (15-16 years). The absence of menarche and other signs of puberty is a reason to consult an endocrinologist and gynecologist. Factors that affect the onset of menstruation:

  • hereditary predisposition;
  • city ​​ecology;
  • the state of the endocrine glands;
  • sports training;
  • the amount of vitamins and macronutrients that enter the girl's body;
  • previous illnesses.

Start of critical days

Experts say that premenstrual syndrome (PMS) can appear in a girl 3-4 days before the onset of menarche. In connection with hormonal changes, frequent mood changes occur, irritability and apathy appear. Symptoms of PMS disappear with the onset of menstrual flow. In girls, the first period begins as small reddish spots on the underwear. Some teenagers notice pain in the abdomen and chest during critical days.

The operation of the lunar cycle is biologically controlled active substances. The girl begins her first menstruation, when the hypothalamus and pituitary gland begin to secrete gonadotropic hormones into the blood. The main function of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) is to stimulate folliculogenesis in oocytes. A mature follicle stimulates the production of estrogens and androgens. Luteinizing hormone (LH) promotes the activation of ovulation of follicular cells. In place of the ruptured follicle, a corpus luteum is formed, which produces hormones (progesterone and estrogen).

Establishing a cycle

Usually menstrual bleeding last 3-7 days and may be accompanied painful sensations lower abdomen. All physiological processes are strictly individual, so it is impossible to say exactly how long the first menstruation lasts for girls. Menstrual cycle without deviations is 20−35 days. This is the time from the onset of the first bleeding from the vagina to the onset of the next. Within one year, the cycle should be established, otherwise the girl needs to be shown to the gynecologist.

To find out how long a teenager's cycle will be, it is necessary to keep calendar records. On the personal calendar, one can note the abundance of spotting, the girl's feelings on critical days. Using the calendar method, women can avoid unwanted pregnancies, but the method does not give a 100% guarantee and is unreliable.

The nature of the discharge

Girls usually start their period for the first time as patches of bright red or Brown. Menstrual bleeding includes blood, remnants of the lining of the uterus, and vaginal discharge. On average, in 3-6 days there is a complete renewal of the endometrium in the uterus.

If your period lasts more than 7 days:

  • produced a large number female hormone(estrogen);
  • the myometrium of the uterus is not rhythmically reduced.

When menstrual disorders, the girl needs a consultation with a gynecologist. It should be remembered that the duration of the discharge may vary depending on the lifestyle of a teenager.

If your period lasts less than 2 days:

  • dysfunction of the female gonads;
  • a small amount of progesterone and estrogen in the circulating blood.

Teen hygiene

Proper care of the female external genitalia is the key to the intimate health of the girl. When girls have their periods, mom should talk about the rules of hygiene. During menstruation, the bacterial flora easily penetrates the cervix. To avoid inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs, it is necessary to observe intimate hygiene.

Hygiene rules:

  • protective equipment (pad, tampon) should be changed every three hours;
  • when changing the pad, it is advisable to wash the external genitalia under running water;
  • if critical days are painful, take an anesthetic;
  • use panty liners on the day you expect your next period;
  • Do not use hot water for bathing.

When menstruation flows, the girl is often disturbed by cramping pains in lower region belly. If the pain is unbearable, then this may indicate infectious processes in the female reproductive system, as well as disorders in the work of the endocrine glands.

The process of "expulsion" of the endometrium is natural, in order to avoid panic at a crucial moment, the girl must be aware of the rules of hygiene. But many teens don't know what to do when they get their period for the first time.

The process of menstruation

Menstruation is a discharge from the vagina of blood and remnants of the uterine mucosa who come every 3-4 weeks. It is important that the girl knows about the structure and functioning of her body in advance. Since with the onset of cyclic bleeding, a girl can become pregnant.

Three phase

The menstrual cycle includes three phases (follicular, ovulation, luteal). AT different periods menstruation, various gonadotropic hormones are released into the blood. For a normal cycle, the hypothalamus and pituitary gland must function, which regulate the activity of the female reproductive system.

periods of menstruation:

  1. There is bleeding (removal of the mucous layer from the uterus). The growth of follicular cells is stimulated with the help of follicle-stimulating hormone. The concentration of estrogen in the circulating blood increases. The period lasts 7-20 days.
  2. The release of the egg from a mature follicle with the help of luteinizing hormone. The period usually begins on the 14th day.
  3. The period of formation at the site of the follicular cell corpus luteum which actively produces progesterone. At the end of the phase, PMS may occur.

Thus, cyclic changes in the female body occur due to gonadotropic hormones, which are produced by the pituitary gland. A girl can get pregnant only during the development period high concentration luteinizing hormone. And bleeding from the vagina occurs if fertilization has not occurred.

Violations in girls

Often in girls, menstruation does not come in a timely manner, which can signal not only pregnancy, but also deviations in the functioning of the endocrine glands. If the cycle is irregular, then you should consult a gynecologist.

Signs of a cycle disorder:

  • absence of cyclic bleeding (amenorrhea). The primary form is diagnosed in adolescents at the age of 16-18. secondary form- the disappearance of menstruation for 6 months in girls with an established cycle;
  • heavy menstrual bleeding (menorrhagia);
  • scanty periods (hypomenorrhea);
  • periods that are accompanied severe pain(dysmenorrhea);
  • menstruation, which occurs every 70-80 days (oligomenorrhea);
  • not established menstrual flow (metrorrhagia).

You shouldn't draw your own conclusions. The length of the cycle can change after stress, diet and a sudden change in climate. If a girl’s cycle is just being established, then you should not panic.

First cyclic bloody issues from the vagina can cause fear in a teenager. Mom should acquaint the girl with physiological changes teach how to use protective equipment. Hygiene rules will help the girl avoid diseases of the genitourinary system.

The female body, unlike the male, has its own characteristics. Nature is so arranged that a woman bears and gives birth to a child. In her body, since adolescence, there are complex biological processes associated with puberty and the onset of menstruation. You should know at what age menstruation begins in girls.

In the ovaries, the female sex glands, complex chemical substances hormones called progesterone and estrogen. They affect metabolic processes in the body, causing secondary sexual characteristics, the onset of menstruation.

The eggs mature in the follicles. Regular maturation of fertile eggs is observed from the onset of puberty. If the egg is not fertilized, then menstruation begins. The maturation of the follicle and the release of the egg from it in women corresponds to certain days between two periods, which is called ovulation.

The first menstruation indicates the onset of puberty, which occurs gradually. Menses are outward manifestation important and complex process of turning a girl into a girl. Girls need to know intimacy, regardless of young age, can lead to pregnancy.

Girls first period

According to statistics, earlier menstruation began in girls when they reached the age of 17-18. What age do girls start menstruating now? Now the first menstruation is celebrated in more than early dates than a hundred years ago. For some, critical days come at 12-13 years old, and for eastern representatives even 10-11 years old.

If menstruation appears very early, before 9 years, this indicates precocious puberty.

At what age do they start?

If critical days come at the age of 11-16 years, this is considered normal from the point of view of medicine.

If menstruation begins before the age of 11, then parents need to know that the reason for this may be:

  • unbearable physical activity for this age;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • unbalanced diet.

Late onset of puberty at 16-20 years is associated with:

  • hormonal imbalance;
  • neuropsychiatric disorders;
  • insufficient development of the ovaries;
  • dysfunction of the pituitary gland.


About 2 years before the onset of critical days, girls begin to noticeably change:

  • They become more feminine, their emotional mood changes, body shapes are rounded, breasts noticeably increase.
  • In the armpits and on the pubis, the appearance of dark hairs is noted, the external genitalia slightly increase in size.
  • In the body, hormonal changes take place, from the increased work of the sebaceous and sweat glands on the face, back, girls also have acne.
  • The roots of the hair on the head quickly become oily.
  • 2-3 months before the onset of menstruation, vaginal discharge of a whitish or yellowish nature is observed.

At the next stage, 3-4 months before the start of the first days of menstruation, girls begin to feel causeless apathy or aggression, they are worried about minor headaches, they become whiny and touchy.

All these signs should not be ignored by adults, they should psychologically prepare the girl for the onset of a new stage of development - for puberty.

What should be the menstruation?

It is known that the body loses from 50 to 100 ml, sometimes more blood during menstruation. They cause pulling or cramping pains, general weakness, fatigue, dizziness, headaches, some may experience nausea and vomiting.

Important Points

Do I need to visit a gynecologist?

If there are no obvious reasons, it is not necessary to visit the gynecologist's office regularly after the first menstruation. Moms should enroll their girls to a gynecologist for an examination at the age of 14-15 to make sure there are no health problems, their proper development.

There are reasons to visit a gynecologist after the onset of menstruation:

  • Observed several times in a row too short period monthly in 1-2 days or menstruation lasts more than a week. In the first case, this indicates that hormones are not produced enough, ovarian function is impaired. In the second case, this indicates a weak contractility of the uterus.
  • Bleeding is too abundant, you often have to change tampons and pads.
  • After the first menstruation, menstruation was interrupted, the pause was about 6 months.
  • After establishing a normal menstrual cycle, the cycles began to be disturbed (longer than 5 weeks or shorter than 3 weeks).
  • In the secretions, the presence of large ones is observed.
  • If abundant discharge with blood clots is noted, the girl has a stomach ache and dizziness, her body temperature is elevated, intestinal disorders accompanied by vomiting and nausea.

All these symptoms indicate problems in the girl's health.
From all of the above, it follows that when the onset of the first menstruation approaches, the mother should talk in advance about possible changes in her daughter's body.

On the video about the first menstruation