
Urologist consultations. Urologist's consultations Urgent urologist's consultation

In the "Medical-Surgical Center" on Presnya, experienced urologists who are engaged in diagnostic, therapeutic and preventive measures in diseases urinary tract. They consult a doctor when they are concerned about the kidneys, ureters, prostate, bladder, external genitalia. A urologist's consultation may be required for both women and men. Admission price - 1700 rubles.

Why consult a urologist?

Every person encounters a urologist at least once in a lifetime. However, if you conduct a preventive appointment with a paid urologist at least once a year, you can avoid almost everything. serious illness urinary tract.

At the appointment, the urologist will carefully listen to the description of the existing symptoms, ask clarifying questions to compile a complete picture of the current condition.

After that, he will palpate (“manual” examination) and, if necessary, prescribe additional diagnostics (cystoscopy, ureteroscopy, biopsy and other studies).

At the consultation, you will receive answers to all your questions and recommendations on your future lifestyle, as well as preventive advice.

Consultation is necessary for the following symptoms:

  • pain and difficulty urinating;
  • bloody, mucous or purulent discharge from the vagina;
  • discomfort, itching and burning during urination;
  • redness and swelling of the external genitalia;
  • pain in the lower abdomen and lumbar region;
  • pain during intercourse;
  • problems with intimacy;
  • infectious diseases;
  • male infertility;
  • violation of potency;
  • urinary incontinence in women.

Consultation for men

Problems with the prostate gland and external genital organs, kidneys and adrenal glands, infertility, diseases urethra and Bladder- here's what's included medical field male urologist.

Reception of a paid urologist begins with the collection of a complete history, the doctor gets acquainted with the medical history of the patient, conducts a detailed survey to collect the missing information.

After a visual examination, the urologist may prescribe additional diagnostic tests: laboratory diagnostics(blood and urine tests, checking the secret of the prostate gland), ultrasound and endoscopic methods.

Consultation for women

Urologist consultation for women is necessary for diseases genitourinary system including pathologies of the kidneys and bladder.

The main symptoms that require an immediate visit to the doctor: lack of control of urination, pain in the lumbar region and lower abdomen. Inflammatory processes that develop in the internal and external genital organs are well stopped in the early stages.

In our clinic you will receive a professional medical care from the best experts. Modern equipment, comfortable conditions and experienced doctors will help you cope with any problems and make your life truly healthy.

I am 48 years old. and in recent times I have impotence. that for my age it worries me

Hello. On your question it is necessary to address to the urologist. Come to our center for scheduled examinations. OnClinic has all the conditions and its own laboratory, general doctors. You can make an appointment by calling tel. 8 495 223 22 22 from 08.00 to 23.00 daily. Thank you for your feedback.

Pulls the lower abdomen urine as if with blood when I urinate there are certain sensations similar to cramps. What do you need to pass to go to the doctor for a consultation, what tests do you recommend?

Hello! This symptomatology may occur when different states. In absentia, without diagnostic measures, it is difficult to determine what this is connected with. You need a face-to-face consultation with a urologist, at which, after collecting an anamnesis and complaints, a comprehensive examination will be determined for you. We invite you to our center. We are working the best doctors, all studies are performed on the basis of our clinic in the shortest possible time, the most effective and time-tested methods of treatment are used, the approach to each patient is individual. Learn more detailed information, as well as make an appointment, you can call 8-495-223-22-22 daily from 08.00 to 23.00 hours. Sincerely, He Clinic!

Today, after sex, the member turned red and swollen when I pee, there is pain. Do not tell me what to treat, there is no way to go to the doctor. I will be grateful to you

Hello! These symptoms may indicate the presence of an infectious-inflammatory process. We recommend that you consult with a urologist. To understand your condition, you need a face-to-face consultation and a series of examinations, only after that treatment is prescribed. You can contact our multidisciplinary center. Get advice from an experienced specialist. Complete diagnostics on the most modern equipment in a short time. We invite you to our clinic. You can get more detailed information, as well as make an appointment by calling 8-495-223-22-22 from 08.00 to 23.00 daily. We are waiting for your call!

Hello, I'm 28. After the first quick (2-3 minutes) ejaculation, the erection is not "100 percent", for example, stimulation with oral caresses or some long time for its recovery is required. And I want to do more and more. Although during the day again good potency and longer sex. I began to be interested in dietary supplements (Verdo Forte, etc.) and medicines, such as Tadalamil 5mg. What would you advise for prevention and is it necessary to take anything at all?

Hello. For specification on your question internal consultation of the doctor of the urologist is necessary. We invite you to our clinic. OnClinic has all the conditions for examination, its own laboratory, general practitioners. You can make an appointment by calling tel. 8 495 223 22 22 from 08-00 to 23-00. Thank you for contacting us.

Good afternoon! My husband was scheduled for the operation "Circumcisio". All tests are ready. I would like to know the exact cost of the operation.

Hello! You can see the cost of services in the price list, which is presented on our website or check with the operator by phone 8-495-223-22-22 daily from 08.00 to 23.00 hours. Sincerely, He Clinic!

Good afternoon, I urgently need a consultation with a Urologist
08/09/2019 I did an ultrasound of the SMALL PELVIS (TA + TRUS) I inform you Full description Ultrasound of the small pelvis (TA+TRUS)
PROSTATE: Dimensions: transverse x anterior-posterior x upper-lower 50x41x40mm. Volume 42.6 cm3 The contours are even. The shape is rounded, asymmetrical. Echogenicity is mixed. The echostructure is heterogeneous. Transitional zones are hyperplastic, hyperechoic inclusions of 2-4 mm with shadows are located on both sides, more on the left, located in a heap with a transition to the surgical capsule. Similar inclusions are also located periurethral. In both transient zones, single anechoic inclusions up to 4 mm are located, more on the left. The thickness of the peripheral zone is up to 8 mm without focal inclusions.
URINARY BLADDER: Volume 160 ml. The contours are even and clear. The form is correct. Wall 3mm. Urine anechoic. The mouths of the ureters are not changed. Residual urine 7 ml.
SEED VISILLES: thickness on both sides up to 14mm. The echostructure is changed with tortuous anechoic inclusions up to 4 mm wide.
PARAPROSTATIC VEINS: Dilated to 3.2mm (normal up to 2.5mm).
CONCLUSION: Echoscopically hyperplasia, multiple calcifications and single cysts of the prostate. Indirect echo signs of stagnation of seminal vesicles
I have a question for a doctor Urologist, please give a competent consultation on my above-mentioned pelvic ultrasound (TA + TRUS)
because I’m very worried about what kind of treatment I need, what kind of tests I need to take and is there anything terrible and after what time do I need to do a second pelvic ultrasound (TA + TRUS) or is it better to do an MRI of the SMALL PELVIC to control, I’m really looking forward to your answer because I’m worried and for the discovery of single prostate cysts. I am waiting for an answer from the doctors Urologists

Hello! Ultrasound is not a sufficient method for making an accurate diagnosis and prescribing treatment, since it is an imaging method and cannot fully assess the function of a particular organ. The "gold standard" for assessing prostate health is laboratory tests blood for PSA (prostate-specific antigen). These tests are recommended for all men over the age of 50. In some cases, an accurate diagnosis requires a prostate biopsy with histological analysis. You should contact a urologist-andrologist in person for a consultation, examination and additional examination, which the doctor will prescribe individually. If you wish, you can contact our multidisciplinary medical center to a highly qualified andrologist and undergo a comprehensive examination as soon as possible. Reception by doctors the highest category, candidates of medical sciences. We have our own laboratory, modern medical equipment (ultrasound, MRI, etc.). You can make an appointment by calling 8-495-223-22-22. We will be glad to help you!

I have a congenital curvature. On ultrasound, they didn’t find any pathologies in me, the sexual organ is in the correct shape, but the curvature during erection torments me, which I can’t have sexual life. What should I do, the doctor says they do not advise to operate?

Hello! If you are confused by the opinion of the attending physician, you can and should consult with another specialist and this should happen during an in-person visit. We recommend that you seek independent advice. In our clinic you can get competent advice on any issue. We invite you to our center. You can make an appointment with our specialists by calling 8-495-223-22-22 daily from 08.00 to 23.00. Sincerely, He Clinic!

Eggs constantly hurt or in this area, but only inside, what is the reason for this?

Hello! This symptomatology can be in various conditions. This is not considered the norm. We recommend that you consult with a urologist. Internal consultation and a number of inspections is required for understanding of your status. You can contact our multidisciplinary center. Get advice from an experienced specialist. Complete diagnostics on the most modern equipment in a short time. We invite you to our clinic. You can get more detailed information, as well as make an appointment by calling 8-495-223-22-22 from 08.00 to 23.00 daily. We are waiting for your call!

What is this formation on the penis
I don’t feel any pain or discomfort, but I would like to remove this growth.

Hello. We do not practice correspondence consultations via the Internet, especially since it is impossible to make a diagnosis in absentia. The consultation should be full-time, so that the doctor has the opportunity to get an objective assessment of your condition, for an expert opinion. Make an appointment with the urologist of our center and get more full information on your question, you can call: 8-495-223-22-79.

Hello! My name is Denis and I am 16 years old. About a week ago I found some bumps in the area of ​​the left testicle, probing them, I came across the fact that they go up and form a small tubercle above the testicle. Now I am abroad and the day before yesterday I turned to a local surgeon (having read on the Internet, I thought it was a varicocele), she examined me in a supine state and said that there was nothing and that if there were any pains, then I would need to come back examination for them. I have no pain. There is only a little discomfort when I think about it. I will come to Moscow only in the middle of August. Tell me, can I postpone the examination of the doctor until my arrival?

Hello! In absentia, without examination, we cannot determine whether there is cause for concern. If you were examined by a qualified doctor and found nothing, follow his recommendations: contact again if pain bothers you. If you still have doubts, visit another doctor and undergo an ultrasound of the scrotum. Sincerely, He Clinic.

Good afternoon. Diagnosis of chronic prostatitis, the doctor prescribed a course of treatment. Can I play sports running simulator and can I have sex without a condom. If ejaculation hits a partner, this cannot cause her any viral disease. Thank you.

Hello. We recommend that you contact a urologist with the results of tests for an outpatient appointment at our center, so that the doctor has the opportunity to obtain an objective assessment of your health status. Expression of signs infectious diseases, sexually transmitted, differ from the type of pathogen, the state of immunity and other factors. In our clinic, doctors of the highest category with extensive experience, who are always ready to provide you with qualified assistance, are receiving patients. You can make an appointment by phone 223-22-22 from 8.00 to 23.00 daily. Thank you for your feedback.

In the morning, the head in a white thick coating is being treated and which doctor to contact

Hello! In order for you to receive a correct assessment of your condition, we recommend that you contact a qualified urologist at On Clinic in person. Based on the results of the examination and the results of the necessary additional studies, the doctor will be able to answer your question and give appropriate recommendations. On the basis of On Clinic there are all conditions for examination and treatment, the reception is the best specialists Moscow, who are the authors a large number scientific articles, as well as appear on central television as experts. You can make an appointment with a urologist by calling 8-495-223-22-22 daily from 07.00 to 23.00. We will be glad to help you!

Hello! We are planning a pregnancy with my husband, we passed a spermogram, all indicators are normal, but leukocytes are 3 million per 3.5 ml of ejaculate. Do I need to adjust this indicator for conception and is conception possible naturally?

Hello! This is not normal and indicates the presence of an inflammatory process. We recommend that you contact an experienced urologist-andrologist at On Clinic to find out the causes of this condition and interpret other spermogram parameters. To questions of planning and conception healthy child it is advisable to take it seriously: pass necessary examinations both future parents to rule out STIs and treat existing chronic diseases. In our center, especially for couples planning a pregnancy, the "Desired Child" program has been developed, which includes a comprehensive examination of future parents, which you can also use. Turning to ON CLINIC, you will receive an attentive and serious attitude, competent consultations of experienced reproductive specialists with an individual approach to each couple. We are waiting for you in our clinic! You can get more detailed information, as well as make an appointment by calling 8-495-223-22-22 from 07.00 to 23.00 daily. We will be glad to help you!

Sore genitals? Dripping secretions. What will heal?

Hello! To receive treatment, an internal consultation with a doctor and a certain examination are required. In absentia treatment is not prescribed. You can contact our multidisciplinary center. Get advice from an experienced specialist. Complete diagnostics on the most modern equipment in a short time. We invite you to our clinic. You can get more detailed information, as well as make an appointment by calling 8-495-223-22-22 from 07.00 to 23.00 daily. We are waiting for your call!

Have a question

You can make an appointment and ask a question by phone 8-495-223-22-22 from 08.00 to 23.00 daily. Thank you for your feedback.

question about impotence

Hello! On your question we recommend to address to the doctor to the sexologist. We invite you to our center. Doctors of the sexology department of ON CLINIC will help to solve any sexual problems. The consultation must be face-to-face. You can make an appointment with our specialists by calling 8-495-223-22-22 daily from 07.00 to 23.00. Sincerely, He Clinic!

Does your clinic do correction after circumcision? The area of ​​skin has grown back. Thank you.

Hello! If a we are talking about an adult, it's possible. You should contact a urologist-surgeon in our clinic. You can make an appointment with a specialist by calling 8-495-223-22-22. We will be glad to help you!

Good evening. What tests are better to take for STIs and flora? Is a smear required or is urine allowed?

Hello! For the diagnosis of STIs, it is recommended to take a urological scraping. The He Clinic laboratory performs all types of analyzes, it is possible to perform studies in the CITO mode, as well as receive test results by e-mail. We invite you to our medical center! Each of our clinics has a consultant doctor who can help you choose the tests you need. You can sign up by phone: 8-495-223-22-22 daily from 07-00 to 23-00. We will be glad to help you!


Urology question.
Is it possible on Sunday 28/04 to do an express urinalysis and scraping for bakposev?

Hello! 28/04 clinical analysis urine in express mode (accelerated version) is possible. Sowing in express mode is not carried out. Our clinic has the latest technical facilities and a modern laboratory, which allows us to conduct a comprehensive examination in a short time. You can get more detailed information, as well as make an appointment by calling 8-495-223-22-22 from 07.00 to 23.00 daily. We are waiting for your call!

Hello. I have more than two months It's a dull pain in the right testicle. The pain is given in the right side, somewhere deep inside. I can’t even say what hurts more, my side or my testicle. The pain did not start immediately, but gradually. But even now it sometimes disappears, then appears again. The testicles appear to be normal. No swelling or redness. No knots were found. I don't have sex. So it's unlikely to be an infection. There were no injuries. The erection became a little weaker. The excitement is not the same as before. For some reason I don't want to have sex.

Could this be related to a kidney cold?

Hello! In absentia, without examination and additional examination, unfortunately, it is impossible to make an accurate diagnosis. You should contact a urologist and undergo a series of studies. We invite you to our clinic to a highly qualified specialist. We have our own laboratory, modern medical equipment. Diagnosis can be done on the day of treatment. You can sign up for a convenient time and day by calling 8-495-223-22-22. We work seven days a week. We will be glad to help you!

you can help with the disease "asthenoteratozoospermia"

Hello. To get a competent consultation on your issue and the selection of treatment, we recommend that you contact the urologist-andrologist of our center in person. To make an appointment and get more detailed information on your question, you can call the operator: 8-495-223-22-79.

We have no children. I have been examined by a gynecologist. Nothing has been determined. They recommended taking my husband to a urologist. Do your urologists deal with infertility? Need an examination?

Hello! Yes, it is possible in our center. For diagnostics male infertility semen analysis is ordered. This laboratory method research allows you to determine the quantitative, qualitative and morphological indicators of the ejaculate and the spermatozoa contained in it. The analysis is performed in our laboratory at the clinic on Tsvetnoy Boulevard. In addition, ultrasound diagnostics and additional tests may be required as prescribed by the doctor. Engaged in the diagnosis and treatment of male infertility urologist-andrologist. We invite you to He Clinic! We host the best specialists in Moscow, who constantly undergo advanced training, are the authors of a large number of scientific articles, and also appear on central television as experts. We can also offer an examination program for couples, which includes a comprehensive examination for two. You can get more detailed information, as well as make an appointment by calling 8-495-223-22-22 from 08.00 to 23.00 daily. We are waiting for your call! We will be glad to help you!

He was admitted to the hospital with severe renal colic in the lower abdomen on the left. I had surgery to remove the stone. The stone was in the ureter. Size 5 mm. The operation was done on 04/04/2019 endoscopic method through a member. Unfortunately, the stone could not be removed, as the doctor said that there was inflammation that prevented its introduction. I was left with a drain inside, as I understood in the ureter, and they told me to come to reoperation after 3-4 weeks. Until then, he will be there. After the operation, a hose was also removed from the penis to remove urine into a bag. Today, 04/05/2019, this hose was removed and sent home. Question: how long can blood flow with urine while maintaining pain in the penis and can there be any other pain sensations?
Under what circumstances is urgent hospitalization necessary?
Thanks in advance for your reply!

Hello. To get a competent consultation on your issue, we recommend that you contact the urologist of our center in person and undergo an examination. To make an appointment and get more detailed information on your question, you can call the operator: 8-495-223-22-79.

Need a good urologist kmn operating. Who do you recommend?

Hello! To answer your question, we need to understand in connection with what diagnosis the operation is recommended. In the centers on Arbat and Taganka, we perform various urological surgeries: circumcision, varicocele, vasorectomy, etc. Surgical rooms are equipped with the most modern equipment, the clinic has a comfortable hospital. To clarify information on the services of the clinic, as well as get complete information about urologists, you can call 8-495-223-22-22 from 07.00 to 23.00 daily. We will be glad to help you!

My husband has a discharge, often goes to the toilet for a small and debt. What is it? How can you help him?

Hello! This state is not the norm. These symptoms may be present in various diseases urogenital tract. To find out the causes of this symptomatology, a full-time consultation with a urologist is required. We recommend that you contact the urologist of our medical center. Only at a face-to-face consultation after collecting an anamnesis, examination and additional studies, the doctor can clarify the diagnosis and prescribe treatment. On the basis of On Clinic there are all conditions for examination and its own modern laboratory. We host the best specialists in Moscow, who constantly undergo advanced training, are the authors of a large number of scientific articles, and also appear on central television as experts. Making an appointment with specialists by phone: 8-495-223-22-22 from 07.00 to 23.00 daily. We will be glad to help you!

Hello. 3 days ago on the surface of the penis (on top) there were former spots / dots, a lot, a little bit with a reddish tint. They don't bulge, they don't itch, there is no smell, there is no pain either... it is true that there is an itch in the back of the perineum... there was no sex for 1.5 months before, what could be the matter and what should be done? Thank you.

Hello! This condition is not considered normal. We recommend consulting with a dermatovenereologist. To understand your condition and determine the exact diagnosis requires an internal consultation and a series of examinations. You can contact our multidisciplinary center. Get advice from an experienced specialist. Complete diagnostics on the most modern equipment in a short time. We invite you to our clinic. You can get more detailed information, as well as make an appointment by calling 8-495-223-22-22 from 08.00 to 23.00 daily. We are waiting for your call!

Hello. I would like to know the name of the urine test for the content of prostate secretion in it in excess of the norm. The problem is that when a urologist tries to take a prostate secretion, very little of it is released (the preparation for the analysis was in accordance with all the recommendations) and I want to check the version - that the secret is not retained in the prostate, but "leaks" into the urinary canals. I have diagnoses: hron. prostatitis (without exacerbation), detrusor hypotension. 10 years ago there was an acute urinary retention (against the background of severe pneumonia, possibly bird flu, due to severe intoxication of the body, the muscles of the bladder failed), there was a cystostomy operation.

Hello. On your question, you need a face-to-face consultation with a urologist, only during the visit, after studying the medical history, the specialist will be able to prescribe an examination and select a treatment. We are waiting for you in our clinic, you can sign up by phone. 8 495 223 22 22, from 08-00 to 23-00 daily.

Can I do an ecg and drink OMNICK - three hours before the PSA test

Hello! All questions related to taking medications should be discussed only with the attending physician who prescribed the treatment. In our medical center it is possible to undergo any examinations, laboratory and instrumental diagnostics. It is recommended to take a blood test for PSA strictly on an empty stomach; no preliminary preparation is required for an ECG. Sign up for surveys and get Additional information You can call 8-495-223-22-22, from 7.00 to 23.00 hours, daily. Sincerely, He Clinic!

When is it necessary to consult a urologist?

Both men and women suffering from diseases of the urinary system can seek help from a urologist.

What symptoms should be looked out for?

The reason for making an appointment with a urologist can be any urination disorders: soreness, too frequent or infrequent urges, a constant feeling of overcrowding of the bladder, a change in the color and transparency of urine, as well as the appearance of foreign impurities in it. In addition, pain in the lower abdomen may indicate urological problems.

If these symptoms are accompanied by fever, general deterioration health or the appearance of thirst, you should immediately consult a urologist.

Request a call back

In some cases, patients try to self-medicate by asking questions on specialized sites. However, an online or telephone consultation with a urologist cannot, under any circumstances, replace a face-to-face appointment and a thorough examination. Even the best urologist will not find it possible to make a diagnosis and prescribe treatment remotely.

What is a consultation with a urologist?

The specialist collects an anamnesis, examines the patient and prescribes the studies necessary in order to identify possible pathologies. Based on the results obtained, the urologist develops effective scheme treatment.

The survey plan usually includes:

general analysis urine;

● urinalysis according to Nechiporenko;

● urine culture for UPM (conditionally pathogenic microflora). Some microbes that are present in the body and environment, under certain conditions, can cause the development of an inflammatory process;

● clinical and biochemical analyzes blood;

● Ultrasound of the kidneys and bladder.

In addition, consultations may be required related specialists: therapist, endocrinologist and gynecologist.

What diseases can be detected by a consultation with a urologist?

A consultation with a urologist and a subsequent examination can reveal such pathologies in men and women as cystitis, pyelonephritis, ureteral and kidney stones, urethral polyps and urinary incontinence. In addition, when contacting a urologist, diseases are often detected for the first time. thyroid gland, hypogonadism, diabetes, metabolic syndrome, ischemic disease heart, cysts of the scrotum, malignant formations organs of the MPS, inflammation of the prostate gland.

Need expert advice?

Request a call back

Thus, it is enough for a patient to make an appointment with a good urologist in order to identify dangerous diseases various bodies and body systems in the early stages.

A consultation with a urologist allows you to correct the identified pathologies and avoid complications.

At Nova Clinic in Moscow, only urologists with many years of successful experience in diagnosis and therapy conduct appointments. urological diseases. The high qualification of urologists and the use of the most modern expert-class equipment allow us to identify and effectively treat any pathology in this area.

The price of an initial paid consultation of a urologist in our center is 3,200 rubles.

You can sign up for a consultation with a urologist in Moscow by calling the phone number listed on the website or using the web form. Also, you can always get a preliminary free consultation urologist online by contacting our specialists.

Urologist is a doctor who specializes in diseases of the urinary tract in women and men. Also, his competence includes the diagnosis and treatment of certain pathologies of male reproductive organs Therefore, the doctor often has the specialty of a urologist-andrologist. Other related specialties: nephrologist, sexologist, dermatovenereologist. Patients can come to the urologist on their own or with a referral from any other doctor. With the development of urology as an independent specialty, a number of narrower branches have been formed: andrology, phthisiourology, urogynecology, oncourology, and endoscopic urology.

When should you see a urologist?

Conducting a clinical and urological examination is indicated for any symptoms of trouble from the urogenital organs. Sometimes the disease is asymptomatic and is detected incidentally when evaluating urine tests, biochemical blood parameters (urea, creatinine), ultrasound examination, MRI or CT performed for another reason. To determine the nature pathological process You may need to consult a number of specialists, including a urologist. Clinical manifestations, with which they apply for admission, are variable:

  • Pain syndrome. Pain in the lumbar region, in the scrotum, perineum or penis is a reason for consulting a urologist. Pain syndrome in urology is often accompanied by fever with chills, which indicates an infectious inflammatory process. At chronic diseases pain sensations are aching, intermittent, and a classic example of urological acute pain is renal colic.
  • Urination disorders. Cramping, frequent urination, change in the quality of the urine stream: bifurcation, drip urination, retention are symptoms that more probabilities are indicative of urological disease and require careful study. In most observations, the nature of the excreted urine changes: it becomes cloudy, sometimes with an admixture of blood or an unpleasant odor.
  • Change appearance genitals. Enlargement in the size of the scrotum, palpable pampiniform vascular formation in the field of the spermatic cord or a feeling of a solid mass in the testicle, curvature of the penis, etc. anxiety symptoms should not be ignored by the patient. Swelling of the head of the penis, the appearance of purulent discharge from the urethra, redness, weeping are signs of an infection, the genesis of which can only be established by a doctor after receiving the smear results.
  • Sexual dysfunction. Premature ejaculation or difficulty in reaching a climax, weak erection, its disappearance during intercourse, orgasm wear may be an independent pathology or accompany some urological diseases. Absence desired pregnancy in a partner for 12 months of regular sexual activity - an indication for comprehensive examination, which can be started with a visit to the urologist.

Examination by a urologist once a year preventive purpose included in medical standards examinations for men over 45 years of age. This measure is aimed at early diagnosis prostate cancer. Screening examination includes digital rectal examination, palpation of the scrotum, TRUS and a blood test for PSA (prostate cancer tumor marker) as indicated.

What does a urologist treat?

A urologist treats diseases of the urinary system: kidneys, ureters, bladder, urethra, and in men also the prostate, seminal vesicles, testicles with appendages, penis. In private clinics, a urologist can deal with the treatment of sexually transmitted infections; in a municipal clinic, this problem is solved by a dermatovenereologist. The main conditions that a urologist encounters daily at the reception:

  • Inflammatory diseases. Pyelonephritis, prostatitis, cystitis are the most common inflammatory processes organs of the genitourinary tract, the etiology and pathogenesis of which must be determined by the urologist. Urethritis with copious purulent discharge from the urethra is suspicious of the venereal nature of the disease. Frequent recurrences of inflammation, poor response to antibiotic therapy require exclusion of tuberculous etiology from a phthisiourologist.
  • Neoplasms. Tumor (benign and malignant) processes can develop in any part of the urogenital tract. After surgery for cancer of any localization, patients are observed by a number of specialists, including a urologist. Surgery performed in specialized oncology centers or in oncourological departments. Small neoplasms (urethral polyps, warts) can be removed by a urologist on an outpatient basis.
  • Erectile dysfunction and infertility. Some urologic conditions (eg, frenulum breve, dropsy, epididymal cysts) may become complicated pain syndrome and worsen the potency of a man. Surgery leads to the normalization of sexual function. If infertility is suspected, a urologist should examine a man and exclude varicocele, obstruction of the vas deferens, cryptorchidism, hypogonadism, etc.
  • Injuries and developmental anomalies. Some congenital anomalies development (narrowing of the ureteropelvic segment, hypo- and epispadias, hermaphroditism, etc.) are corrected in the early childhood thus maintaining a satisfactory quality of life. Patients with injuries (bruises, tears, etc.) can be operated on urgent order, in this case, the team includes both surgeons and urologists.
  • Other urological pathologies. Urolithiasis, priapism, Peyronie's disease are urological conditions that, if left untreated, can lead to the development of serious complications. overactive bladder, stress urinary incontinence, neurogenic dysfunctions the bladder is also treated by a urologist, conservatively or operatively, including with the help of minimally invasive techniques.

How to prepare for the reception?

To get the most out of your visit, you should prepare for your visit to the urologist in advance. Preparatory measures for women and men are different, it is enough for a woman hygiene procedures, and a man needs to refrain from ejaculation for 2-3 days (if it is planned to take a secret of the prostate), not to get rid of plaque (discharge), not to urinate 3 hours before taking (if it is planned to take material from the urethra for analysis). Also, you should not treat the urethra and penis with any antiseptics, you can not apply iodine, brilliant green on rashes.

For a digital examination of the prostate gland, the rectum must be free, so men need to come to the urologist after a stool or after making a cleansing enema. Women must come to the appointment with a conclusion from the gynecologist. It is recommended to take with you all discharges from the hospital, the results of previous studies (if any). Patients with edema need to calculate the daily amount of fluid drunk and excreted, which will allow the urologist to assess the adequacy of daily diuresis.

How is the appointment with the urologist?

A urologist's consultation includes a number of interrelated stages, they are standard for a doctor of any specialty. The main tasks of the doctor are to determine how much the patient's complaints indicate urological pathology, to develop management tactics (hospitalization in a hospital or ambulatory treatment), prescribe the necessary diagnostic measures and consultations of other specialists.

  • Collection of anamnesis. At the appointment, the urologist asks a number of questions regarding the onset of the development of the disease, establishes causal relationships, the effectiveness of previous therapy, etc. After talking with the patient in 80% of cases, the preliminary diagnosis is already clear. The doctor may ask you to fill out special tests, you must answer the questions as truthfully as possible. The history taking includes an assessment bad habits, living conditions, nature of work, allergic reactions.
  • Physical examination. The urologist conducts an examination, palpation of the genitals and prostate in men. On the chair, an examination of the external genital organs is carried out in women with impaired control over urination, with a suspicion of a polyp (tumor) of the urethra, urogenital fistulas. On the couch, the abdomen is palpated, to exclude acute surgical pathology (appendicitis, strangulated hernia, etc.), a surgeon is invited.
  • Laboratory diagnostics. For each disease there is a specific algorithm laboratory examination. General analysis of urine and blood, determination of the level of urea and creatinine, culture of urine or urethral discharge for flora and smear microscopy are standard laboratory tests that can be expanded if necessary.
  • Instrumental Research. The initial stage in the diagnosis of urological diseases is sonography: in case of nephrological pathology, ultrasound of the kidneys is performed, in diseases of the lower urinary tract - ultrasound of the bladder or urethra. As part of an outpatient appointment, ureteroscopy, cystoscopy can be performed. According to indications, MRI urography, CT scan of the kidneys, excretory urography and other research methods are prescribed.
  • Therapeutic activities. If the diagnosis is clear, therapy is prescribed according to the etiology and pathogenesis of the disease. There are a number of specific medical manipulations performed by a urologist. These include bougienage for urethral strictures, replacement of epicystostomy drainage (can be performed in a polyclinic), bladder catheterization, and instillations. According to the indications of the patient, they are hospitalized in urological clinic(department) where surgical treatment is carried out.
A urologist is a doctor who deals with the detection, diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the urinary system and the genitourinary system in men. You may need to consult a urologist for the following diseases: cystitis, orchitis, urolithiasis disease, urethritis, neoplasms of the urethra or bladder, prostatitis.
Symptoms of urological diseases include:
  • incontinence;
  • pain when urinating;
  • change in the smell and color of urine;
  • pain in the groin, perineum, or lower back;
  • itching and burning;
  • delays in urination;
  • blood in the urine;
  • change in the appearance of the genital organs, their pathology;
  • atypical discharge from the urethra;
  • renal colic.

What does a urologist consultation include?

At the consultation, the doctor carefully examines the symptoms, clarifies the presence pain and holds initial inspection. Sometimes the problem can be diagnosed during the first consultation. It may be necessary to make a diagnosis additional research: histological, ureteroscopy or cystoscopy, ultrasound examination pelvis, bladder, kidneys.
An x-ray of the relevant organs, magnetic resonance imaging, and a prostate biopsy may be needed. To necessary analyzes include: complete blood count, urinalysis, flora smear, spermogram, prostate secretion examination. Based on the results of all examinations, the doctor draws up a treatment regimen, sends for consultations to other doctors: a gynecologist, an endocrinologist.

Service cost

In Moscow, urologists receive in various medical institutions: hospitals, polyclinics, private centers and clinics. The price for a consultation with a urologist starts from 1000 rubles and depends on the purpose of the visit. For example, an appointment with a urologist for problems of reproduction costs from 3,000, cystoscopy - from 4,000 rubles.