
Disorder for no reason. Causes of frequent bowel disorders and methods of treatment

Mental disorders are, in a broad sense, diseases of the soul, meaning a state of mental activity different from healthy. Their opposite is mental health. Individuals who have the ability to adapt to daily changing life conditions and resolve everyday problems are generally considered mentally healthy individuals. When this ability is limited, the subject does not master the current tasks of professional activity or the intimate-personal sphere, and is also unable to achieve the designated tasks, ideas, goals. In a situation of this kind, one can suspect the presence of a mental anomaly. Thus, neuropsychiatric disorders refers to a group of disorders that affect the nervous system and behavioral response of the individual. The described pathologies may appear as a result of deviations occurring in the brain of metabolic processes.

Causes of mental disorders

Due to the numerous factors that provoke them, neuropsychiatric diseases and disorders are incredibly diverse. Disorders of mental activity, whatever their etiology, are always predetermined by deviations in the functioning of the brain. All causes are divided into two subgroups: exogenous factors and endogenous. The first ones are external influence, for example, the use of toxic substances, viral diseases, injuries, the second - immanent causes, including chromosomal mutations, hereditary and gene ailments, disorder mental development.

Resistance to mental disorders depends on specific physical characteristics and general development their psyches. Different subjects have different reactions to mental anguish and problems.

There are typical causes of deviations in mental functioning: neurosis, depressive states, exposure to chemical or toxic substances, head injuries, heredity.

Anxiety is considered the first step leading to exhaustion. nervous system. People often tend to draw in their fantasy various negative developments of events that never materialize in reality, but provoke excessive unnecessary anxiety. Such anxiety gradually escalates and as it grows critical situation can transform into more serious disorder, which leads to a deviation of the mental perception of the individual and to violations of the functioning of various structures of internal organs.

Neurasthenia is a response to prolonged exposure to traumatic situations. It is accompanied by increased fatigue and exhaustion of the psyche against the background of hyperexcitability and constant over trifles. At the same time, excitability and grumpiness are protective means against the final failure of the nervous system. Individuals are more prone to neurasthenic states, characterized by an increased sense of responsibility, high anxiety, people who do not get enough sleep, and are also burdened with many problems.

As a result of a serious traumatic event, which the subject does not try to resist, comes hysterical neurosis. The individual simply “runs away” into such a state, forcing himself to feel all the “charm” of experiences. This condition can last from two to three minutes to several years. At the same time, the more a long period life it affects, the stronger the mental disorder of the personality will be expressed. Only by changing the attitude of the individual to his own illness and attacks, it is possible to achieve a cure for this condition.

In addition, people with mental disorders are prone to a weakening of memory or its complete absence, paramnesia, and a violation of the thought process.

Delirium is also a frequent companion of mental disorders. It is primary (intellectual), sensual (figurative) and affective. Primary delirium initially appears as the only sign of impaired mental activity. Sensual delirium is manifested in the violation of not only rational cognition, but also sensual. Affective delirium always occurs along with emotional deviations and is characterized by imagery. Also, overvalued ideas are distinguished, which mainly appear as a result of real-life circumstances, but subsequently take on a meaning that does not correspond to their place in the mind.

Signs of a mental disorder

Knowing the signs and characteristics of mental disorders, it is easier to prevent their development or to identify deviations at an early stage than to treat an advanced form.

To clear signs mental disorders include:

- the appearance of hallucinations (auditory or visual), expressed in conversations with oneself, in response to interrogative statements of a non-existent person;

- unreasonable laughter;

- difficulty concentrating when performing a task or a thematic discussion;

- changes in the behavioral response of the individual in relation to relatives, often there is a sharp hostility;

- in speech there may be phrases with delusional content (for example, "I myself am to blame for everything"), in addition, it becomes slow or fast, uneven, intermittent, confused and very difficult to perceive.

People with mental disorders often seek to protect themselves, in connection with which they lock all the doors in the house, curtain the windows, carefully check every piece of food, or completely refuse meals.

You can also highlight the signs of mental deviation observed in the female:

- overeating leading to obesity or refusal to eat;

- alcohol abuse;

- violation of sexual functions;

- depression of the state;

- fast fatiguability.

In the male part of the population, signs and characteristics of mental disorders can also be distinguished. Statistics show that the stronger sex is much more likely to suffer from mental disorders than women. In addition, male patients are characterized by more aggressive behavior. So, common signs include:

- carelessness appearance;

- there is inaccuracy in appearance;

- can be avoided for a long time hygiene procedures(do not wash or shave);

- quick mood swings;

- mental retardation;

- emotional and behavioral abnormalities in childhood age period;

- personality disorders.

More often, mental illnesses and disorders occur in the childhood and adolescence age period. Approximately 16 percent of children and adolescents have psychical deviations. The main difficulties children face can be divided into three categories:

- a disorder of mental development - children, in comparison with their peers, lag behind in the formation of various skills, and therefore experience difficulties of an emotional and behavioral nature;

- emotional defects associated with severely damaged feelings and affects;

- expansive pathologies of behavior, which are expressed in the deviation of the baby's behavioral reactions from social norms or manifestations of hyperactivity.

Neuropsychiatric disorders

The modern high-speed life rhythm makes people adapt to various environmental conditions, sacrifice sleep, time, and energy in order to do everything. A person cannot do everything. The price of constant haste is health. The functioning of the systems and the coordinated work of all organs is directly dependent on the normal activity of the nervous system. The impact of external environmental conditions of a negative orientation can cause mental disorders.
Neurasthenia is a neurosis that arises against the background psychological trauma or overwork of the body, for example, due to lack of sleep, lack of rest, prolonged hard work. The neurasthenic state develops in stages. At the first stage, aggressiveness and increased excitability, sleep disturbance, inability to concentrate on activities are observed. At the second stage, irritability is noted, which is accompanied by fatigue and indifference, decreased appetite, discomfort in the epigastric region. Headaches, slowing or increased heart rate, and a tearful state may also be observed. The subject at this stage often takes "to heart" any situation. At the third stage, the neurasthenic state passes into an inert form: the patient is dominated by apathy, depression and lethargy.

Obsessive states are one of the forms of neurosis. They are accompanied by anxiety, fears and phobias, a sense of danger. For example, an individual may be overly worried about the hypothetical loss of some thing or be afraid of contracting one or another ailment.

Obsessive-compulsive disorder is accompanied by repeated repetition of the same thoughts that are not significant for the individual, a series of mandatory manipulations before any business, the appearance of absurd desires of an obsessive nature. At the heart of the symptoms is a feeling of fear to act contrary to inner voice even if his claims are absurd.

Conscientious, fearful individuals who are unsure of their own decisions and subordinate to the opinion of the environment are usually subject to such a violation. Obsessive fears are divided into groups, for example, there is a fear of darkness, heights, etc. They are seen in healthy individuals. The reason for their origin is associated with a traumatic situation and the simultaneous impact of a specific factor.

It is possible to prevent the appearance of the described mental disorder by increasing confidence in one's own significance, developing independence from others and independence.

Hysterical neurosis or is found in increased emotionality and the desire of the individual to draw attention to himself. Often such a desire is expressed by rather eccentric behavior (deliberately loud laughter, affectation in behavior, tearful tantrums). With hysteria, there may be a decrease in appetite, fever, weight changes, nausea. Since hysteria is considered one of the most difficult forms nervous pathologies, treat it with the help of psychotherapeutic means. It occurs as a result of a serious injury. At the same time, the individual does not resist traumatic factors, but “runs away” from them, forcing him to feel painful experiences again.

The result of this is the development of pathological perception. The patient likes being in a hysterical state. Therefore, such patients are quite difficult to get out of this state. The range of manifestations is characterized by scale: from stamping feet to rolling in convulsions on the floor. By his behavior, the patient tries to benefit and manipulates the environment.

The female sex is more prone to hysterical neuroses. Temporary isolation of people suffering from mental disorders is useful in preventing the onset of hysterical attacks. After all, as a rule, for individuals with hysteria, the presence of the public is important.

There are also severe mental disorders that occur chronically and can lead to disability. These include: clinical depression, schizophrenia, bipolar affective disorder, identities, epilepsy.

With clinical depression, patients feel depressed, unable to enjoy, work and conduct their usual social activities. Persons with mental disorders caused by clinical depression, are characterized by a bad mood, lethargy, loss of habitual interests, lack of energy. Patients are not able to "pick up" themselves. They have insecurity, low self-esteem, increased guilt, pessimistic ideas about the future, appetite and sleep disorders, and weight loss. In addition, somatic manifestations can also be noted: dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract, pain in the heart, head and muscles.

The exact causes of schizophrenia are not known for certain. This disease is characterized by deviations in mental activity, logic of judgments and perception. Patients are characterized by detachment of thoughts: it seems to the individual that his worldviews were created by someone else and a stranger. In addition, withdrawal into oneself and into personal experiences, isolation from the social environment is characteristic. Often people with mental disorders provoked by schizophrenia experience ambivalent feelings. Some forms of the disease are accompanied by catatonic psychosis. The patient may remain immobile for hours, or express motor activity. With schizophrenia, emotional dryness can also be noted, even in relation to the closest.

Bipolar affective disorder is called an endogenous ailment, expressed in phase changes of depression and mania. Patients have either a rise in mood and a general improvement in their condition, or a decline, immersion in spleen and apathy.

A dissociative identity disorder is a mental pathology in which the patient has a "separation" of the personality into one or more components that act as separate subjects.

Epilepsy is characterized by the occurrence of seizures, which are provoked by the synchronous activity of neurons in a certain area of ​​the brain. The causes of the disease can be hereditary or other factors: viral disease, traumatic brain injury, etc.

Treatment of mental disorders

The picture of the treatment of deviations in mental functioning is formed based on the anamnesis, knowledge of the patient's condition, and the etiology of a particular disease.

For treatment neurotic states sedatives are used due to their calming effect.

Tranquilizers are mainly prescribed for neurasthenia. Drugs in this group can reduce anxiety and relieve emotional tension. Most of them also reduce muscle tone. Tranquilizers are predominantly hypnotic rather than causing perceptual changes. Side effects are expressed, as a rule, in a feeling of constant fatigue, increased sleepiness, disorders in memorization of information. To negative manifestations nausea, low blood pressure and decreased libido can also be attributed. Chlordiazepoxide, Hydroxyzine, Buspirone are more commonly used.

Antipsychotics are the most popular in the treatment of mental pathologies. Their action is to reduce the excitation of the psyche, reduce psychomotor activity, reduce aggressiveness and suppress emotional tension.

The main side effects of neuroleptics include a negative effect on skeletal muscles and the appearance of deviations in dopamine metabolism. The most commonly used antipsychotics include: Propazine, Pimozide, Flupentixol.

Antidepressants are used in a state of complete depression of thoughts and feelings, a decrease in mood. These drugs increase pain threshold, thereby reducing the pain of migraines provoked by mental disorders, improve mood, relieve apathy, lethargy and emotional tension, normalize sleep and appetite, increase mental activity. To negative impacts These drugs include dizziness, tremor of the limbs, confusion. The most commonly used as antidepressants Pyritinol, Befol.

Normotimics regulate inadequate expression of emotions. They are used to prevent disorders that include several syndromes that manifest themselves in stages, for example, with bipolar affective disorder. In addition, the described drugs have an anticonvulsant effect. Side effects are manifested in trembling of the limbs, weight gain, disruption of the digestive tract, unquenchable thirst, which subsequently entails polyuria. It is also possible the appearance of various rashes on the skin surface. The most commonly used salts of lithium, Carbamazepine, Valpromide.

Nootropics are the most harmless among medicines contributing to the cure of mental pathologies. They have a positive effect on cognitive processes, enhance memory, increase the resistance of the nervous system to the effects of various stressful situations. Sometimes side effects are expressed in the form of insomnia, headaches and digestive disorders. The most commonly used Aminalon, Pantogam, Mexidol.

In addition, hypnotechniques, suggestion are widely used, less commonly used. In addition, the support of relatives is important. Therefore, if a loved one suffers mental disorder, then you need to understand that he needs understanding, not condemnation.

Indigestion is a condition in which a person experiences pain in the abdomen and languishes from irregularities in the nature of the stool. Moreover, patients can suffer from both debilitating diarrhea and excruciating constipation.


Very often, problems with the excretion of feces are a symptom of the so-called irritable bowel syndrome. In fact, it is a functional disorder of the intestine, in which there are no deviations from the norm in the structure of tissues. This pathology is characterized by the regular occurrence of digestive problems or their long-term persistence (more than 1 month), and sometimes patients first complain of the appearance of diarrhea attacks, and after a while - of constipation and vice versa.

Long-term intestinal upset can be caused by taking medications such as:

  • antibiotics;
  • anticancer drugs;
  • antiarrhythmic drugs;
  • tranquilizers;
  • antidepressants;
  • anticonvulsants;
  • hormonal drugs;
  • antihypertensive drugs.
But still, intestinal upset most often develops after antibiotics, because active substances These drugs kill most of the intestinal microflora, sparing neither beneficial nor pathogenic bacteria. And as you know, without normal microflora the process of digestion cannot proceed fully. Therefore, the most frequent consequence taking antibiotics is the development of diarrhea.

But sometimes the causes of indigestion are more serious. Diarrhea can be caused by:

  • intestinal tuberculosis;
  • Crohn's disease;
  • the formation of polyps;
  • nonspecific ulcerative colitis.

But in addition to diarrhea, many people suffer from constipation, that is, the inability to empty the intestines more than 3 times a week. The reasons for this lie in:

  • irrational nutrition;
  • the presence of diabetes;
  • obesity
  • taking antacids, NSAIDs, narcotics, diuretics and other medicines;
  • diseases of the upper digestive tract.

Irrational medication is the main reason for the development of digestive disorders

Attention! Since the causes of intestinal upset can be different in terms of the level of danger to the health and life of patients, you should not self-medicate. If problems with the stool persist for a long time, you should definitely consult a doctor and undergo all the necessary examinations.


Signs of a bowel disorder usually include:

  • the appearance of a feeling of fullness in the abdomen;
  • pain in the abdomen at different times of the day, associated and unrelated to food intake;
  • bloating;
  • diarrhea, constipation or their alternation;
  • flatulence;
  • maintaining a feeling of fullness of the intestines even after defecation;
  • frequent rumbling in the stomach;
  • tenesmus, that is, the appearance of painful false urges to visit the toilet;
  • secretion of mucus along with the stool;
  • the need to strain to empty the bowels;
  • pain in the anal area;
  • excretion of blood with feces;
  • general weakness.

Important: when various pathologies The symptoms of a bowel disorder can vary. Practically never at patients all signs are present at the same time. That is why the assessment of the intensity of the manifestations of the disease and their combination with each other make it possible to judge the presence of a particular pathology.

Special cases

It is one thing when an intestinal disorder is observed in an ordinary adult. But such a condition can also occur in such special categories of the population as pregnant women and children. What does this indicate?

Pregnant women need to be very careful about their diet.

Some women are accustomed to suffering from bowel disorders during menstruation, which is due to a change hormonal background. This is a variant of the norm and does not require special interventions. But no less often, intestinal upset is observed during pregnancy. Because well-being future mother should not be ignored, such a situation requires special attention.

In most cases, the cause of digestive problems in pregnant women is malnutrition, but sometimes a change in the nature of the stool indicates all the same reasons as above, including the presence of infections. Therefore, expectant mothers, while maintaining indigestion for more than a few days, should consult a doctor and accurately determine the cause of this condition.

Attention! Intestinal infections can pose a risk to both the health of the woman and the fetus. Therefore, they should never be left unattended.

Children are most sensitive to nutritional errors and an unhealthy psycho-emotional environment, and indigestion is especially dangerous for them, moreover younger child, the more dangerous for him an upset bowel. The parents of infants who have developed diarrhea are the most worried, as this can lead to severe dehydration of the body, and, therefore, to disturbances in the functioning of the heart and other organs. The reasons for the development of diarrhea, however, as well as constipation, in children can be different, and quite often they lie in the fear of defecation (with constipation) or the instability of the psychological atmosphere.


To determine the causes of persistent bowel disorder, the following are used:

  • physical examination;
  • gynecological and urological examination;
  • rectal digital examination;
  • stool analysis;
  • colonoscopy;
  • sigmoidoscopy;
  • biopsy;

As a result of these examinations, it is usually possible to find the root of the problem, determine its severity and, accordingly, select an adequate treatment. But in about 18% of cases, it is not possible to detect any organic changes in the intestine, although patients suffer from chronic disorder intestines. It means that specific reasons there is no such state for the development, with the exception of psychosomatic ones. In such cases, patients are usually diagnosed with irritable bowel syndrome and prescribed lifestyle changes, as well as psychotherapy.

Delusional disorder is a type of mental illness, otherwise called paranoid disorder or psychosis, which is characterized by the presence of well-organized delusions.

The difference between delusional disorder and schizophrenia lies in the patient's firm belief in something false, but devoid of bizarreness and imagination. With this disorder, delusions of persecution, delusions of jealousy or unrequited love, dysmorphophobia, etc. can manifest themselves. Moreover, in reality, the situations experienced by the patient can be either untruthful or exaggerated.

At the same time, people with delusional disorders are often socially active and adequate in areas other than the subject of delusion. However, in some cases, patients are so engrossed in their obsessions that their lives are ruined.

Delusional Disorder Diagnosis

This mental illness is diagnosed based on the following features:

  • The absence of a psychotic disorder caused by the use of psychotropic drugs;
  • Absence of persistent hallucinations;
  • The presence of a non-eccentric delusional system, not characteristic of schizophrenia;
  • Pursuing a crazy idea for three or more months.

With delusional disorder, symptoms of depression may appear, but after affective manifestations disease, the nature of delusional ideas remains unchanged.

Pronounced delirium is the most striking and the only clinical characteristic diseases and is, as a rule, personal, and not subcultural in nature.

Causes of Delusional Disorder

The exact reasons for the appearance delusional disorders like many other diseases mental nature, are unknown. However, experts identify three characteristic factors affecting a person:

  • genetic factor. It is due to the fact that delusional disorder is most common in people whose relatives suffered from mental disorders. It is believed that predisposition to the appearance of a delusional disorder can be inherited from parents to children;
  • biological factor. Doctors often attribute the formation of delusional symptoms to an imbalance of neurotransmitters in the brain - substances that help nerve cells exchange impulses;
  • Factor environment. There is evidence that the “trigger” of delusional disorder can be frequent stress, alcohol and drug abuse, loneliness.

organic delusional disorder

The main feature of an organic delusional disorder is the specificity of psychosis, due either to hereditary burden or damage to the corresponding brain structures (transient or persistent). Organic delusional disorders can be divided into two groups: acute and chronic. Chronic conditions are characterized by a slow and, most often, irreversible course of the pathological process.

In the case of acute delusional disorders, psychopathological symptoms occur suddenly: as a rule, they are caused by a sharp violation of brain functions (traumatic brain injury, acute infectious disease etc.). As a result of treatment, this disorder can either become reversible or take a progressive course.

Chronic delusional disorder

Chronic delusional disorders include a number of mental disorders, which cannot be classified as schizophrenic, organic and affective. Basic clinical symptom chronic delusional disorder - persistent delirium lasting more than 3 months.

The forms of the course of chronic delusional disorders are different, and they are divided into 3 main types:

  • paranoid syndrome;
  • paranoid syndrome;
  • paraphrenic syndrome.

Paranoid syndrome or paranoia is characterized by a strong delusional system without hallucinations. The delusions of paranoids, as a rule, are well systematized and develop without internal contradictions. The development of delirium, of course, entails structural changes in the personality, but they do not carry signs of dementia, and therefore these people seem quite sane to others. Pathological "jealous", "prophets", "inventors", "people of high birth" and others suffer from paranoid syndrome.

In paranoid syndrome, the patient's delirium also fits into a certain system, but it is less logical and more contradictory. In the development of this type of delusional disorder, unstable hallucinations - “voices” that comment on the paranoid behavior play an important role. At further development delirium disease can leave an imprint on a person's professional and personal life.

Paraphrenic syndrome or paraphrenia is characterized by the presence of a fantastic, clearly invented delirium. A certain place in a flow this disease have pseudohallucinations and false memories (confabulations) if they are not typically schizophrenic and make up a small part of the total clinical picture sick.

Treatment of delusional disorders

Treatment of delusional disorders consists in the use of two complex methods: medication and psychotherapy.

The main goal of psychotherapy is to transfer the patient's attention from the subject of his disorder to more constructive things. It is divided into individual, family and cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy, which helps the patient to recognize and change the train of thoughts that cause him anxiety.

Drug treatment of delusional disorders is associated with the use of neuroleptics - drugs used to treat mental disorders since the mid-1950s. The essence of their action is to block dopamine receptors in the brain. A new generation of drugs used to treat delusional disorders are atypical antipsychotics that act on dopamine and serotonin receptors. If patients experience depression, depression, anxiety, psychotherapists may prescribe tranquilizers and antidepressants during therapy.

Patients with severe forms of delusional disorders are hospitalized in medical institution until their condition returns to normal.

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The modern pace of life of many people is not consistent with physical capabilities. A person would be happy to work all day, only sometimes he wants to sleep. A person could do various things and devote time to everyone, only he can also get tired. Various reasons in lifestyle lead to the appearance of symptoms and signs of a nervous breakdown, which is considered by many experts to be one of the most common. Treatment is carried out both medically and folk.

The nervous system is under daily stress. This is natural, since a person is constantly faced with various stress factors and problems. Depending on the strength of stress, its duration and significance for a person, a nervous breakdown can develop, in which a person will not only be exhausted in a particular system, but will also begin to experience various psychosomatic symptoms inside the body.

The nervous system envelops the entire human body. It not only helps a person to feel pain and other experiences with various organ dysfunctions, but also regulates their activity. So, if the nervous system starts to fail, it will affect the functioning various bodies. By themselves, the organs will be quite healthy and able to fully function. Their activity will be hindered by the nervous system, which will be exhausted.

If a person works for a long time, experiences strong emotions, does not rest, then he can come to a nervous breakdown, which is also called a nervous breakdown.

What is a nervous breakdown?

Nervous breakdown (or nervous breakdown) is attributed to one of the phases, which is expressed by acute and vivid clinical manifestations in the form of dysfunction. This is accompanied by a depressive state, sleep disturbance, a decrease or increase in appetite, constant fatigue, psychological instability, and increased irritability.

The causes of a nervous breakdown can be various stressful situations. Moreover, a single stress will not lead to such a result as a nervous breakdown. A constant impact of stress on a person is necessary so that he is constantly in a tense state, tired, and has little rest.

As they say, " nerve cells are not restored." And some experts agree. If a person constantly depletes all the resources of his body, then they simply cannot maintain his active state for a long time. If a person does not eat enough, how can he feel full? It is the same with the nervous system: if it is not given rest, calm and relaxation in the amount that it needs for a full recovery, then after a while a person will feel a strong decline in strength, the inability of his body to do anything, even fight with external stimuli.

Reasons for nervous breakdown can be:

  1. Dismissal from work.
  2. Death of a loved one.
  3. The news of a deadly disease.
  4. Monotonous, uninteresting work that takes a lot of time and effort.

Thus, the risk group for the possible development of a nervous breakdown includes:

  • Workaholics who overwork and work hard.
  • Anxious individuals who tend to worry about things that haven't happened yet, or blame themselves for mistakes.
  • People with super responsibility who have an excellent student complex.
  • Persons with high self-esteem.
  • Children of parents who also had nervous disorders.
  • Persons who have problems with relatives, friends, colleagues.
  • People with severe pathologies, for example, oncology, thyroid or liver dysfunction.
  • Alcoholics and smokers.
  • People who have recently experienced strong emotional experiences. And it doesn't have to be negative. Just strong emotions are enough. A nervous breakdown can occur both with excessive losses and after a long-awaited wedding.

Disorder of the nervous system

With a disorder of the nervous system, the functionality of the entire human body is usually disturbed. This is called neurosis, when a person loses the ability to both physically work and feel good, and emotionally adequately respond to the world and remain harmonious. The development of disorders of the nervous system is influenced by how external factors stressful nature, and disturbances within the body.

There are three types of neuroses that develop with a disorder:

  1. - inhibition of the functions of the nervous system, which manifests itself in irritability, passivity, tachycardia, problems with sleep, aggressiveness, excitability, inability to perform any type of activity for a long time. This form of neurosis occurs in almost 70% of the total population.
  2. - when a person is constantly disturbed and disturbed by certain thoughts. This is often preceded by depression. Obsessive states can be determined by the presence of obsessive thoughts, actions, obsessive fear and doubt, fear, anxiety, arithmetic calculation in the head.
  3. - a special condition of a person who becomes self-centered and quick-tempered. All his actions are aimed at the public. Accompanied by all weight loss, nausea and vomiting, heart problems.

Separate disorders of the nervous system can be:

  1. Vegetative-vascular dystonia, which is diagnosed in almost all people. It manifests itself in a large complex of various dysfunctions and disorders in the body that can occur in any system.
  2. Anxiety disorder - when a person is afraid of something that is quite real, but has not yet happened (this is what distinguishes given state from delirium).
  3. panic disorder - causeless fear, arising suddenly and for certain reasons. The person begins to panic very much, suffocates, feels dizzy, etc.
  4. Depressive disorder - when a person loses interest in everything in life, which lasts for a very long time.

Causes of nervous breakdown

Nervousness is the result of many causes. In the first place is stress, which is experienced by a person for a long time. If there is little rest, poor nutrition, lack of sleep and not experiencing the joy of life, then a person will spend more energy than generate.

Psychologists call other causes of nervous breakdown:

  1. Hypoxia - when a person for one reason or another does not have enough oxygen in the body. Sometimes people have fun in such a way that they do not inhale enough air. People also suffer from hypoxia during illnesses. respiratory system or smokers.
  2. Body temperature fluctuations.
  3. Toxins. The body goes into shock as it fights the toxic effects and removes the toxins.
  4. Aggressive factors such as electromagnetic field, electric shock, etc.
  5. Metabolic disease.
  6. hereditary factor.
  7. Tumors.
  8. Pathologies in the nervous system.

Signs and symptoms of a nervous breakdown

The first symptoms of a nervous breakdown are a bad mood and excessive irritability. A person may begin to react aggressively even to what did not bother him before. He also begins to feel tired. Moreover, even the usual measures to restore strength become unable to eliminate constant drowsiness and give strength.

All signs of a nervous breakdown can be divided into two large subgroups:

  1. Symptoms of neuroses:
  • Headaches.
  • Mood swings.
  • Irritability.
  • Depressive state.
  • Decreased memory.
  • Sleep disturbance.
  • fatigue.
  • Tachycardia.
  • A rapid change in weight either upwards or downwards.
  • Anxiety.
  • Unreasonable anxiety.
  • Obsessive fear.
  • Loss of appetite.
  • Nausea.
  • The appearance of a small temperature.
  • Change in heart rate.
  1. Symptoms of vegetative-vascular dystonia:
  • Dizziness.
  • Fainting.
  • Disorder of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Violation of the heart.
  • Problems with individual bodies, in particular, a person begins to get sick where his “weak spot” is.

Nervous breakdown is not considered by specialists clinical condition, in which a person can be called sick. However, you can’t call him healthy either. On the early stages a person can still help himself in the treatment. However, the longer the nervous breakdown lasts, the more the patient needs qualified help.

You can recognize a nervous breakdown by the following signs:

  1. The morning begins with a bad mood, tears and hysteria, thoughts about one's own failure and the meaninglessness of life.
  2. Any criticism addressed to oneself is perceived as the unwillingness of people to communicate with a person and their dislike for him.
  3. Gradually, interest in everything that could or previously pleased a person is lost.
  4. A person becomes unable to refuse people, because he believes that in this way he becomes indispensable and in demand.
  5. Upon arrival home, a person disconnects from the outside world and simply lies down in bed.
  6. The mood is almost always depressive and bad.
  7. Such phenomena as a lump in the throat, wet palms, palpitations, tremors in the legs are possible.

Nervous disorder in children

Children are also prone to nervous disorders, not only during the period of schooling, but also earlier. Psychologists usually name the causes of nervous breakdown in children as an unfavorable situation in the family, lack of love from parents, childhood traumas, frequent illnesses of the body, heredity, etc.

The main manifestations of a nervous breakdown in children are:

  1. Nervous tic.
  2. Stuttering.
  3. Enuresis.

Treatment of a nervous breakdown

Treatment of a nervous breakdown can be done both independently and together with specialists. First of all, it is recommended to reconsider your lifestyle. A person usually understands what circumstance in his life causes him strong feelings or exhaustion of the body. This factor should be eliminated either on your own or with a psychologist.

If you can not cope with the problem yourself, then you need to contact the appropriate specialists. Psychological problems can be eliminated together with a psychologist. If the reasons are physiological, then you need to consult a doctor. Only specialists should prescribe drugs to eliminate a nervous breakdown. Self-treatment is not recommended, especially with the use of coffee, alcohol, etc. You can only resort to folk medicine which recommends the use of herbs and berries.


Nervous breakdown does not spare people either by age or sex. Anyone can become its victim. Therefore, you should be attentive to your health, both physical and psychological, in order to identify signs of a nervous breakdown in time and eliminate it.

psychopathological syndrome organic genesis, in which emotional tension and subjectively inexplicable anxiety dominate. Patients complain of a constant feeling of uncertainty, a premonition of trouble, insomnia, tachycardia. Objectively, there is an acceleration of speech, fussiness, tremor, rapid breathing. The main diagnosis is carried out by a psychiatrist and a clinical psychologist, using conversation, observation, psychodiagnostic methods. To establish organic basis disorders are prescribed by examinations of narrow specialists. Treatment is carried out with medication, anxiolytics, antidepressants are used.



General information

Anxiety is a normal emotional reaction. It activates certain systems of the body when a threat is likely, and includes adaptive mechanisms under stress. In the presence of an organic cause, anxiety is not associated with external circumstances, but with internal pathological physiological processes, that is, it is inadequate to the situation. In ICD-10 organic anxiety disorder allocated to F06.4. There are no data on the prevalence of the syndrome, the occurrence among male and female patients is approximately the same. The peak incidence occurs in middle and old age - from 40 to 65 years. Anxiety symptoms increase in line with the seasonal exacerbations of underlying illnesses.

Causes of Organic Anxiety Disorder

The etiological factors of organic anxiety can be somatic diseases, some pathological processes taking certain medications. Symptoms develop as a condition preceding an acute attack, as a result of sudden functional changes or a permanent physiological deviation. Causes that can trigger an anxiety disorder include:

  • Cardiovascular diseases. Persistent symptoms are formed in pathologies that occur with cardiac failures. Panic anxiety accompanies up to 40% of cases of myocardial infarction.
  • Endocrine diseases. Disturbances in the work of the adrenal glands and parathyroid gland, thyrotoxicosis, premenstrual and menopausal syndromes lead to the development of pathological anxiety. With pheochromocytoma, the disorder occurs due to an increase in the production of epinephrine, a CNS stimulant.
  • Organic brain damage. Most common causes are traumatic brain injuries, tumors, encephalitis. In acute disorders of cerebral circulation, anxiety appears before delirium.
  • Other reasons. In some cases, anxiety increases with vitamin B12 deficiency, hypoglycemia. Perhaps the development of a paradoxical reaction to the use of certain drugs, for example, atropine, scopolamine.


In the pathogenesis of an anxiety disorder of organic origin, inadequate activation of the sympathetic nervous system plays a key role. In contrast to the parasympathetic, it releases energy, preparing the body for a fight or flight response. This activation is based on the production of adrenaline and norepinephrine, neurotransmitters that increase the speed of neuronal transmission. In some organic diseases, especially cardiological and endocrine, an excessive amount of these substances is released into the blood, the balance of sympathetic and parasympathetic activation is disturbed. Psychomotor tension is not amenable to voluntary control. Attempts by patients to relax, do not bring calm down positive result or the effect does not last long, until the next release of neurotransmitters.

Symptoms of Organic Anxiety Disorder

The clinical picture includes emotional, behavioral and vegetative manifestations. The main symptom is affective tension. Patients cannot determine its cause, complain of periodic or constant anxiety, a sense of danger, helplessness in the face of an imaginary threat. Often, such symptoms are accompanied by insecurity, low self-esteem, problems concentrating and remembering new material, absent-mindedness. In behavior, there is fussiness, restlessness, some disorientation in space, disorganization of activity. Movements are characterized by stiffness, tightness. When walking, staggering is possible, speech is accelerated.

Vegetative symptoms include palpitations, shortness of breath, and a feeling of suffocation. Often there is pain and a feeling of tightness in the chest and / or abdomen, sweating, increased heart rate, dry mouth, nausea, diarrhea, weakness, dizziness, cold and hot flashes, a feeling of "coma in the throat", spasms in the intestines, discomfort in the area navel, tremor, insomnia. Symptoms may present as panic disorder or generalized anxiety disorder. In the first case, anxiety increases periodically, usually before clouding of consciousness, reaches the level of a panic attack. In the generalized variant, patients experience constant moderate or mild tension.


Prolonged organic anxiety leads to the formation of secondary symptoms - to unstable fixation of the gaze, the development of a shoulder reaction, when the patient's shoulders rise with any unexpected sound or the appearance of a stranger. Attempts to withdraw psycho-emotional stress accompanied by obsessive movements and actions: patients rub their hands, neck, sort out the folds of clothing, bite their nails. Behavior becomes restrictive - patients prefer to stay at home, in a familiar environment, avoid communication with strangers walking through noisy streets.


The diagnosis of organic anxiety disorder is handled by a psychiatrist. As a rule, patients are referred by somatic doctors - neurologist, endocrinologist, cardiologist. Self-treatment occurs less frequently, usually with dysfunctional disorders. Organic anxiety must be differentiated from neurotic and phobic disorders. Their key difference is the presence of psychological causes, stress in the absence of characteristic somatic symptoms. The survey plan includes the following procedures:

  • Conversation. The psychiatrist collects anamnestic data, finds out the presence and catamnesis of the underlying disease, the severity and duration of anxiety, its nature. Assesses the criticality of the patient, his ability to establish contact. The stinginess of statements, the accelerated pace of speech, the desire to complete the conversation are characteristic.
  • observation. During the conversation, the psychologist and psychiatrist note the presence of increased anxiety, restlessness. In behavioral reactions, timidity, uncertainty, stiffness, and sometimes tearfulness are determined.
  • Psychological testing. Modified versions of MMPI (SMIL, MMIL, mini-cartoon), Taylor Explicit Anxiety Scale, Spielberger Anxiety Questionnaire are used. According to the results, the presence of anxiety and its type (personal, situational) are established. For organic disorder characterized by persistent anxiety as a personality trait.
  • Somatic examination. In the absence of a main diagnosis and suspicion of the presence of an organic base of anxiety, the psychiatrist refers the patient to a general practitioner, neurologist, cardiologist or endocrinologist. Doctors carry out complex diagnostics, including clinical, physical, instrumental and laboratory procedures.

Treatment for organic anxiety disorder

The main treatment is etiopathogenetic. It is aimed at eliminating the organic factor of anxiety, is carried out by doctors of the relevant areas, may include taking medications, surgical operations, physiotherapy. The psychiatrist conducts symptomatic treatment. Benzodiazepines and other tranquilizers with anxiolytic action (diazepam, chlordiazepoxide, hydroxyzine) are used. In severe cases of the disorder, minimal doses of neuroleptics (clozapine, haloperidol) are prescribed at night, with severe depressive and obsessive symptoms, antidepressants (fluoxetine, amitriptyline) are indicated.

Forecast and prevention

Outcome of anxiety disorder organic nature depends on the success of the treatment of the underlying pathology. A favorable prognosis is most often observed with functional endocrine disorders(premenopausal, premenstrual syndrome). Worst of all, anxiety with obsessive and depressive manifestations that occurs after encephalitis, meningitis, and other CNS lesions can be treated the worst. Prevention is based on timely diagnosis and therapy somatic disease causing anxiety disorder. No specific preventive measures have been developed.