
Dysbacteriosis symptoms in a child 2. Change in normal microflora - intestinal dysbacteriosis: symptoms and treatment in children, recommendations of specialists

What causes this condition, how dangerous is it, and does it always require treatment?

One of the many factors that characterize the state digestive system, is the balance of the intestinal microflora.

The gastrointestinal tract along its entire length - from the oral cavity to the rectum - in varying degrees inhabited by microorganisms. Normally, “good” bacteria live there, helping the body to digest food, produce vitamins, etc. These include bifidobacteria, E. coli, lactobacilli. Under certain circumstances, there are few such bacteria and “bad” microorganisms are activated in the intestines - staphylococcus aureus, fungi, etc., capable of causing a number of diseases.

A condition characterized by a violation of the mobile balance of the intestinal microflora, which normally inhabits non-sterile cavities and skin, as well as the occurrence of qualitative and quantitative changes in the intestinal microflora, is called dysbacteriosis. For given state most often characterized by a decrease in the total number of microbes, sometimes until the complete disappearance of individual species normal microflora, with a simultaneous predominance of those species that are not normally present or their number is very small. Dysbacteriosis can be manifested by constipation, diarrhea, the presence of undigested food and mucus in the feces, intolerance to any products, pain and bloating, profuse regurgitation or vomiting, loss of appetite, allergic reactions, including eczema, atopic dermatitis, food allergies, and developmental delays.

Causes of dysbacteriosis

The causes of dysbacteriosis are often adverse external influences that weaken the body's defenses: extreme climatic and geographical conditions, pollution of the biosphere, ionizing radiation, X-ray therapy and X-ray examinations, treatment with antibiotics, hormones. Not least among the risk factors are malnutrition, infectious and chronic diseases. Teething and common SARS can also lead to a violation of the composition of the microflora. Often, dysbacteriosis develops after all kinds of poisoning. Children are especially sensitive to such an unfavorable condition.

Often the development of dysbacteriosis is associated with the pathology of pregnancy, early transition to artificial feeding, malnutrition of children in the first years of life. The reasons for this condition can also be the irrational appointment of the expectant mother during pregnancy, and the child - from the first days of life of various medications most commonly antibiotics.

Intestinal dysbacteriosis that occurs in the first year of a child's life can lead to the formation of serious diseases at an older age, including:

  • dyskinesia - a disorder of movements of the muscular layer of the biliary tract and intestines;
  • chronic gastroduodenitis - inflammation of the mucous membrane of the stomach and duodenum;
  • atopic dermatitis and neurodermatitis - inflammatory diseases skin of allergic and neuro-allergic nature;
  • bronchial asthma.

Due to the weakening of the immune system, a child with intestinal dysbacteriosis can get sick often and for a long time.

Diagnosis of dysbacteriosis

Dysbacteriosis is diagnosed by the results bacteriological research kala - sowing. This analysis in order to detect dysbacteriosis must be taken in the following cases:

  • with unexplained abdominal pain, stool disorders, poor appetite and sleep;
  • with skin rashes;
  • when changing the nature of nutrition;
  • after food poisoning;
  • after the use of antibiotics, sulfonamides and hormonal drugs;
  • after intestinal infections.

By doing a microbiological study, you can get a clear picture of the state of all groups of microorganisms, including bacteria, fungi, and protozoa.

With intestinal dysbacteriosis, correction of the state of the microflora is necessary. This is a long process, each stage of which requires an appointment. special preparations, restoring normal condition microorganisms in the intestine.

When is treatment not required?

The state of the intestinal microflora in children is very variable. There are situations when disturbances in the composition of the normal intestinal flora do not require microbiological correction, since deviations may be temporary and do not contribute to dysfunction internal organs. In the last decade, the frequency of forms of dysbacteriosis accompanied by functional disorders digestive system and false allergic reactions to food. External manifestations of this condition are the same as in true allergy, such as skin rashes and upset stools. But if at the same time the child does not have hypersensitivity gastrointestinal tract, i.e. constipation, diarrhea, undigested food and mucus in the feces, intolerance to any products, pain and bloating, profuse regurgitation or vomiting, loss of appetite, as well as allergic reactions: eczema, atopic dermatitis, food allergies- and developmental delays, then you can choose expectant tactics and not carry out any treatment. However, it is necessary to carry out control studies of feces for the state of microflora in order to know the dynamics of changes and see if the body has enough own forces to balance the intestinal microflora.

In some children, there are compensated forms of dysbacteriosis, when the body's capabilities are sufficient so that intestinal dysfunction does not develop. Typically, these patients long time one of the three types of normal intestinal flora is absent or sharply reduced - bifidobacteria, lactobacilli, E. coli. But at the same time, the number of other normal bacteria can be increased, and then they take on the functions of the missing microflora elements. If there are no above reasons for concern, microbiological correction is not necessary.

There are cases when opportunistic flora resistant to therapy is present in the intestine, but again there are no complaints. This may be due to the low pathogenicity of this flora, i.e. its inability to cause disease. In such cases, treatment of dysbacteriosis can also be omitted.

Thus, when deciding whether to correct dysbacteriosis, the doctor first of all focuses on the general condition of the patient.

If the doctor clearly sees dysbacteriosis by analysis, but there are no complaints, i.e. there is no correspondence between the results of the analysis and the clinical picture, then it is necessary to remember whether the rules for taking the analysis were observed: the use of sterile dishes and spoons for taking the material, the delivery time to the laboratory. If in doubt, it is advisable to repeat the analysis.

Restoration of microflora

To normalize the composition of the microbial flora, there are many drugs. Let us dwell on the most popular among pediatricians and parents. To achieve a positive effect, it is recommended to take the drugs in a course of about 2 weeks.

Biologically active additive PRIMADOPHILUS contains two types of lactobacilli that are part of the natural microflora of the small and large intestines. They are able to suppress the reproduction of putrefactive and pyogenic bacteria, produce lysozyme, antibiotic-like substances, and also break down proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Bifidobacteria inhibit the growth and development of pathogenic microorganisms; synthesize amino acids and proteins, vitamins B1, B2, K, folic, nicotinic, pantothenic acids, etc.

PRIMADOPHILUS is a hypoallergenic product because it does not contain milk, whey, corn, wheat or chemical preservatives. For children from birth to 5 years, the drug PRIMADOFILUS FOR CHILDREN is produced, which is taken 1 capsule 2 times a day. Side effects at reception are not noted.

Contraindications include only individual intolerance to the drug.

To maintain maximum effectiveness, it is recommended to store the drug in the refrigerator in a tightly closed container.

The drug LINEX consists of a complex of all three most important beneficial bacteria- bifido-, lactobacilli and enterococcus, which are normally present in the intestinal microflora of every healthy person. Once in the "disordered" intestine, these bacteria help to restore the microflora and eliminate not only the symptoms of intestinal disorders, but also their cause.

Due to the natural composition, LINEX is approved for use in all age groups, including newborns from the first day of life. This is a natural drug, the risk of developing side effects extremely small when used. Infants and children under 2 years of age take LINEX 3 times a day, 1 capsule; from 2 to 3 years - 1-2 capsules 3 times a day with a small amount of liquid. If the child cannot swallow the capsule, it must be opened and the contents mixed with a small amount of liquid - tea, juice, sweetened water. Do not take the drug with hot drinks, as this may affect the viability of the bacteria contained in it. Contraindications to the use of the drug are allergic reactions on its components or dairy products.

HILAC normalizes the balance between normal and pathogenic microflora, promotes the growth of beneficial intestinal microflora and inhibits the growth of pathogens. It contains biosynthetic lactic acid, which normalizes secretory function stomach, and waste products of lactobacilli, Escherichia coli and streptococcus, which have a beneficial effect on the mucous membrane of the small and large intestines. The drug does not provide general action on the body, since it is not absorbed into the blood, acting only in the intestinal lumen.

HILAK drops are prescribed three times a day - for children from birth to 2 years - 15-30 drops, from 2 to 3 years - 20-40 drops in a large amount of liquid, except for milk.

Of the side effects, a possible allergy to the components of the drug is noted, and individual intolerance belongs to contraindications, as with almost all drugs in this group.

Enterol 250 promotes the restoration of normal intestinal microflora and has a pronounced antidiarrheal (antidiarrheal) effect; when passing through the digestive tract, it has a biological protective effect on normal intestinal microflora.

Newborns and children under 1 year old are given ½ sachet of the drug 2 times a day; children from 1 to 3 years - 1 sachet 2 times a day. For young children, it is better to purchase the drug not in the form of capsules, but in the form of a powder: the contents of the sachet can be mixed with milk or water. Do not take ENTEROL 250 with too hot or cold food or drinks.

Side effects include allergic reactions, discomfort in the stomach area, which do not require discontinuation of the drug. Contraindications for the use of the drug in recommended doses have not been established.

When injected into the stomach, BIFI-FORM capsules retain the ability to protect their contents - lactobacilli - from the influence of gastric juice. AT duodenum the capsule dissolves, and lactobacilli begin to multiply due to the presence of a special nutrient medium in the capsule. Two types of lactic acid bacteria, which are part of the drug, have the ability to inhibit the growth of pathogenic bacteria and restore the normal balance of intestinal microflora.

BIFI-FORM is prescribed for children aged 2 months to 3 years, 1 capsule 2 times a day, inside, regardless of food intake. For young children who cannot swallow the capsule, the capsule can be opened beforehand and the contents mixed with food.

Side effects of the drug have not been identified, contraindications include increased individual sensitivity to the drug.

SIMBITER is a stable complex of 14 strains of the most physiological bacteria for humans, which are the basis of a healthy intestine, and contributes to the effective restoration of the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract. This drug is characterized by high antagonistic activity against pathogenic microbes, the ability to synthesize vitamins, antioxidants, digestive enzymes, deactivation of toxins and allergens, stimulation of the immune system. SYMBITER is a living form; unlike the dried modern preparations of this group, it does not require a long time for the activation of microbial bodies, therefore, immediately after administration, it shows its activity.

SIMBITER is recommended to be taken once a day, one dose (1 bottle) in the morning on an empty stomach or at night, 1.5–2 hours after the last meal and other medications. The contents of the vial are diluted in 20–40 ml (1–2 tablespoons) of boiled milk or water at room temperature. It is unacceptable to dilute the drug with hot water or milk and store it in a diluted form. The course of treatment is at least 10 days. Then you can continue the course with the use of the therapeutic and prophylactic product SIMBIVIT, which is prepared at home using the preparation SIMBITER as a starter.

The medicine does not cause side effects there are no contraindications to its use.

The composition of the drug LAKTOVIT FORTE includes lactobacilli, which are antagonists of pathogenic microorganisms, folic acid necessary for normal hematopoiesis, the synthesis of amino and nucleic acids, and vitamin B12, which activates the metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins and fats, stimulates the formation of red blood cells, and normalizes the function of the liver and nervous system.

Daily doses are for children from birth to 2 years - 1 capsule, over 2 years - 2 capsules. The contents of the opened capsule are dissolved in warm milk.

Side effects have not been identified. The drug is contraindicated only in case of individual intolerance. Small children LAKTOVIT FORTE can be given immediately before meals by mixing the contents of the opened capsule with milk.

Prevention of dysbacteriosis

Prevention of dysbacteriosis should begin even before the birth of the child. It consists in the correct organization of the daily routine and nutrition of the pregnant woman.

The expectant mother must be protected from harmful effects at work and at home, from infectious diseases. During pregnancy, it is necessary to treat all existing foci chronic infection especially in the oral cavity and urinary tract. It does not hurt to check the state of the microflora of the genital organs and, if necessary, its correction under the supervision of a gynecologist.

After the birth of a child, early attachment to the breast is of great importance - within half an hour after childbirth. It is necessary to maintain natural feeding as long as possible with the timely introduction of complementary foods. With a lack or absence of breast milk, its substitutes with immunogenic properties should be used, and for children with a tendency to allergic reactions - hypoallergenic mixtures. When the time comes for the introduction of complementary foods, it is necessary to give the baby fermented milk products enriched with bifidobacteria.

It is very important that parents understand that antibiotics should be used strictly according to indications and only when they are prescribed by a doctor. In cases where treatment is needed antibacterial drugs after a course of antibiotics, it is necessary to use one of the mentioned drugs in the indicated doses and terms, conduct general strengthening therapy and prescribe a full-fledged diet adequate for the age of the child. a significant role plays timely treatment diseases of the digestive tract, because they almost always occur with a violation of the composition of the microbial flora.

Such prevention of dysbacteriosis is closely related to common preventive problems: improving the environment, rational nutrition, improving well-being and numerous other environmental factors.

In children under one year of age, intestinal dysbacteriosis often develops. The microflora of the baby is formed thanks to the mother. Orphans who are bottle-fed are at risk. The process ends at 2 years, when the composition of the biocenosis strongly resembles the biota of adults. Therefore, the treatment of a child aged 6 years is approached similarly to that of an adult. The only difference is that a small patient often cannot clearly describe the symptoms.

For these reasons, it is logical to divide the reported cases into two global categories: before 1 year of age and after one year of age. There is an additional nuance mentioned in the review on infants. Differences in the microflora are observed depending on the method of feeding (artificial or natural). A one-year-old child who was fed with milk mixtures has an opportunistic flora that is not observed in breast-fed infants. The reason is the content of harmful strains in external food (except for women's milk).

Conduct a simple experiment, try to gently push the stomach along the colon (a form of the Greek Omega). The presence of pain is already recognized as a symptom of dysbacteriosis. Doctors say that 90% of the population suffers from the disease. Only one in ten in the family gets a chance to be healthy.

Intestinal dysbacteriosis is accompanied by a decrease protective functions microflora when a pathogenic strain is added. Due to what happened, the obligate part of the microflora ceases to perform the following functions:

  1. Vitamin production.
  2. They act as a catalyst for the absorption of calcium, iron, vitamin D.
  3. Participants in the water-salt exchange.
  4. Absorption of toxins.
  5. Production of immunoglobulins.
  6. Deactivation of food enzymes.
  7. Finish the breakdown of proteins, carbohydrates, RNA, DNA, fats.

Obligate microflora ceases to perform these actions. The most prominent is function number 3. Disturbance of electrolyte metabolism causes diarrhea. Against the background of diarrhea, a lack of vitamins appears, causing a bunch of new symptoms. Signs that are easy to see:

  1. Anemia (especially fingers, lips).
  2. Peeling of the skin on the face.
  3. Bad mood, with differences.
  4. Fatigue, weakness due to lack of calcium.

Violation of the mechanism of production of immunoglobulins undermines the body's defenses. No wonder it was noted that taking bifidobacteria accelerates recovery after colds. Finally, the body begins to become infected with toxins. In addition to the deterioration of absorption in the colon, peristalsis is weakly expressed. Fecal masses stagnate, poisoning the body. Malakhov gives startling figures: some stones from excrement rot for years, and the time spent in the large intestine is measured in decades.

It is easy to imagine how many problems appear against the background of such adverse conditions. Today it is believed that dysbacteriosis provokes cancer. The above symptoms are not the only ones. Let us describe in addition three isolated states, which, due to their peculiarities, have received their own names.


In the literature, dyspepsia is described as a complex of unpleasant symptoms from the gastrointestinal tract. Obvious signs:

  1. Heartburn.
  2. Nausea, vomiting.
  3. Belching.
  4. Unpleasant taste in the mouth.
  5. Constipation or diarrhea.
  6. Flatulence.

Feces of unusual consistency, liquid, reminiscent of sheep's droppings. Often has an unpleasant or sour smell. The color is different, there may be impurities of blood, mucus. The appearance of feces depends on the causative agent of the disease. In the case of associated dysbacteriosis, stools are frequent (up to 12 times per day), watery, often accompanied by vomiting.

When infected with Proteus, the stool is relatively rare (up to 8 times), it foams, the color is shifted to green. Present bad smell. The growth of staphylococcus aureus causes blood impurities. The stool is foamy, mucus is present. The difference between the symptoms caused by Pseudomonas aeruginosa is in the presence of a similar shade of pus (bluish).

anorectal syndrome

Most commonly provoked by antibiotics. It is characterized by burning and itching around the anus, in the rectum, discharge of blood and mucus, false urge to defecate, dull pain. Signs resemble hemorrhoids. The temperature often rises.

Intestinal malabsorption

Typical signs of beriberi develop (B, PP, K, D) and calcium deficiency. Numb lips, fingers, toes. Flaw nicotinic acid causes depression, apathy, mood swings, increased flow of saliva, red and inflamed tongue. The presence of fatty masses in the stool. Calcium deficiency caused by low intake of phylloquinone leads to general weakness.

Lack of thiamine disrupts sleep, causing neuritis. Riboflavin deficiency worsens the condition of the skin, stomatitis develops. Along with malabsorption, vitamin deficiency can develop independently, since bifidobacteria are involved in the production of PP, K and group B. The symptoms, at first glance, are similar, but the reasons that gave rise to them are different.

Bacteriological background

The causes of the disease lie in the composition of the intestinal microflora. First of all, the pathology is caused by a number of external and internal factors. Dysbacteriosis of children is usually divided into 3 degrees of severity:

  1. A slight decrease or constancy of the anaerobic flora, a change in the size of the Escherichia population. Conditionally pathogenic strains in the amount of 2 species show a maximum population density in the region of 1 million units. This form is called light, corresponds to the first degree.
  2. The number of anaerobes can be sharply reduced, compared with total number aerobic bacteria. Atypical forms of Escherichia coli appear, and the number of conditionally pathogenic strains continues to grow. The form is called moderate, doctors consider it clinical (you need to see a doctor).
  3. In a severe form, the population of lactobacilli and bifidobacteria suffers damage, disappearing completely. Among Escherichia coli, atypical forms predominate, the density of opportunistic flora is increased to 10 million units.

Before the manifestation of symptoms of dysbacteriosis in children in a pronounced form, the attending physician is able to see the bacteriological picture based on the results of the tests, voicing some of the recommendations. The first step is to find out which antibiotics the pathogenic flora is sensitive to, identifying an effective method of control. If there are two or more pathogens (associated form), one antibiotic may not be able to cope. Then the treatment regimen is complicated.

Antibiotic a wide range actions are not suitable for treatment. It will kill the already weakened beneficial flora along with the pathogen. It is easier to cure dysbacteriosis in a child with the help of a point, directed effect. This method is considered to be gentle. Especially if the trouble happened to a child at the age of one.

Doctors testify that the signs of dysbacteriosis in children do not correspond to the severity, depend on individual characteristics. Therefore, it is not worth focusing on external signs. You can not link the symptoms and treatment, often not the same.


Causes by nature are divided into endogenous (internal) and exogenous (external). The group of external criteria includes:

  • Ecology.
  • Climate.
  • The quality of products in stores and gardens.
  • Hygiene.

External causes are as follows:

  • Pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract of the child, including those of a viral and bacterial nature (dysentery, cholera).
  • Reasons for taking medications. Predominantly bactericidal, hormones and antibiotics. Preparations based on salicylic acid favor the reproduction of atypical types of Escherichia coli.
  • Hereditary pathologies that violate intestinal absorption.
  • Wrong daily routine, stress, imbalance in the composition of nutrition in proteins, fats and carbohydrates.
  • Weakened immunity.

Everyone can name well-known bad habits. It is extremely rare to find children's dysbacteriosis caused by alcoholism, otherwise the causes of the disease are similar to those of the adult population. Try to reduce the use of food containing preservatives - homemade pickles do not count.


Treatment of dysbacteriosis in children is complex.

  1. First of all, the patient's menu is checked. The diet is adjusted towards the content of useful components for the cultivation of normal microflora.
  2. Bacteriophages or antibiotics are prescribed to suppress the causative agent of the disease. The reason is a representative of conditionally pathogenic flora, overgrown. How to treat (name of the drug), the doctor decides based on the results of the analysis for the sensitivity of the strain.
  3. intestines in children is impossible without the use of prebiotics (a nutrient medium for bacteria) and probiotics (strains of live beneficial microflora). It is allowed to use general recommendations or be guided by analysis (composition of microflora). Usually, the emphasis is on the cultivation of bifidobacteria and lactobacilli, Escherichia coli (Esherichia) grows without outside help.
  4. Detoxification is required periodically. Feces poison the body, it would be useful to take sorbents, offer the child activated charcoal.
  5. Reception of immunoglobulins increases immunity. This is an indispensable step, the body “knows” which bacteria are superfluous, but cannot overcome it. Help Wanted.
  6. Enzymes help to break down undigested substances (proteins, fats, carbohydrates).
  7. Vitamins are used against the background of shortage. Emphasis is placed on groups A and B, vitamins PP.


Consideration of 6 drugs is enough to create an idea about the prescription of drugs.


In powder form, it is used to restore the population of bifidobacteria. Sold in ampoules, vials, appointed in a similar way:

  1. 1 year and younger - 2 doses daily during the working week (5 days).
  2. Up to 3 years - it is allowed to give already three times.
  3. At an older age, the treatment period, if necessary, doubles.

Bifidobacteria are part of the obligate flora, the functions of which are described in detail above. The mentioned type of bacteria forms the required level of pH factor, which prevents the reproduction of pathogenic strains, providing an acceptable level of health. Participate in the formation of vitamins, eliminating characteristic symptoms deficit.

The task is to deliver the strain to the intestines. The lion's share of bacteria is destroyed in the stomach by digestive juice. Too high acidity of the environment kills most of the microorganisms. The survivors will be able to reproduce.


The same can be said about the preparation as about the previous one. With the exception of information about the attempt to restore the population of lactobacilli. Sold in ampoules, vials. To treat dysbacteriosis in a child, dilute with water, drink half an hour before meals. Reception scheme:

  1. Children under 1 year - twice a day, for three days.
  2. At an older age - the treatment course increases to 5 days.


It is a mixture of Escherichia coli and bifidocultures. The name comes from the Latin name Escherichia Coli and Bifidobacterium. The purpose is quite clear. Ampoules restore populations of bifidobacteria and E. coli.


One of the purposes of a prebiotic is the prevention of dysbacteriosis. It consists of many metabolites of normal flora (lactobacilli, streptococcus, E. coli), without changes reaching the intestines. It is intended to create an environment conducive to the reproduction of normal microflora, suppressing the growth of pathogenic and putrefactive strains. Suitable for infants.


In nature, this disaccharide (fructose + galactose) does not occur, the gastrointestinal tract is not digested. But bacteria are happy to use the substance as food. In medicine, it is used as a laxative, improves intestinal motility (antispasmodic).


Local antiseptic that inhibits the vital activity of gram-negative and gram-positive microbes. The doctor chooses an antibiotic depending on the manifestations of dysbacteriosis in children. It is quite possible to prescribe nifuroxazide, if pathogens enter the spectrum of the drug.

We emphasize that the choice of antiseptic is made according to the results of the tests. It is not uncommon for mothers to give children Nifuroxazide as a panacea, being surprised that the child's dysbacteriosis does not go away, the symptoms intensify. Remember the main task complex treatment is to eliminate the imbalance. The ill-conceived use of medicines exacerbates the situation.

The analysis reveals a pathogenic strain, laboratory assistants determine the degree of sensitivity of the population to many known antibiotics, which allows the doctor to prescribe treatment.

Intestinal dysbacteriosis in children is a disease characterized by a failure of the healthy composition of the intestinal flora. With dysbiosis, there is a low number of healthy and a high percentage of conditionally pathogenic flora. Stomach and intestines healthy child filled with millions of microbes. 90% - elements of the obligate flora (lacto-, bifidobacteria, E. coli, anaerobic propionobacteria) involved in the process of digestion of food, metabolism. The obligate flora plays a protective function, preventing the development of allergies, infectious diseases of the stomach and intestines, regulates intestinal motility, and normalizes the natural cleansing of the body. 5-10% are represented by facultative flora (conditionally pathogenic).

Staphylococci, streptococci, bacilli, fungi, fusobacteria do not cause diseases if the child's immunity is strong. Intestinal dysbacteriosis in children develops due to the weakening of the protective functions of the body, after suffering a viral, bacterial infection, malnutrition, antibiotic therapy, poor ecology. Dysbacteriosis in children under 2 years of age may occur due to late breastfeeding, abrupt transfer to artificial feeding, or its complete absence. Women's breast milk contains mass beneficial vitamins, trace elements that create favorable conditions for the propagation of obligate bacteria. Breastfed children are much less susceptible to disruption of the intestinal microflora compared to artificial ones. Dibacteriosis in young children (3 years and younger), its features and treatment is the topic of our article.

How to recognize the disease?

Intestinal dysbacteriosis in children aged 3 years develops against the background of malnutrition, lack of regimen, congenital or acquired pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, diseases of the liver, gallbladder, pancreas, colon and small intestine. Children prone to allergic reactions, living in ecologically unsuitable areas, exposed to radioactive radiation, who have had intestinal infections, suffer from the disease much more often. With dysbacteriosis in children of 3 years old, symptoms of gastritis, pancreatitis, intestinal infection, colitis. To exclude the above diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, a comprehensive examination of the child is carried out, including ultrasound of the abdominal organs, microbiological examination of feces, urine, and a clinical blood test. In advanced cases, a bacterial examination of scrapings from the colon is indicated. Scraping is taken during colonoscopy (endoscopic diagnosis of the inner surface of the colon), gastroscopy. The final diagnosis is made by a pediatric gastroenterologist.

Pay attention to the symptoms and signs of the disease in a child 3 years of age and younger:

  • bloating, accumulation of gases;
  • pain in the intestinal area;
  • stool disorders (diarrhea, constipation);
  • nausea, lack of appetite;
  • vomiting, frequent regurgitation in infants under one year old;
  • undigested pieces of food in feces;
  • bad breath;
  • putrid smell of feces in a child;
  • children at 2 years old do not gain weight, they can lose weight a little;
  • the baby becomes lethargic, weak, sleepy;
  • babies cry for no reason, press their arms, legs, sleep poorly. Intestinal colic interferes with eating, which leads to a sharp decrease in appetite.

The above symptoms are a reason to seek medical help. The lack of therapy for dysbacteriosis leads to a deterioration in the condition of the baby, the development of complications of the disease: iron deficiency anemia, beriberi, inflammation of the rectum (colitis), acute intestinal infection, chronic enterocolitis, sepsis. Timely therapy will protect against dangerous consequences dysbacteriosis in children different ages. For advice, they turn to a pediatrician, a gastroenterologist, a pediatric nutritionist.

Features of treatment in childhood

Treatment of dysbacteriosis in children involves a set of procedures aimed at:

  • elimination of symptoms, relief of the condition of a small patient;
  • normalization of intestinal motility;
  • improving digestion;
  • improved food digestion, absorption useful substances from the gastrointestinal tract;
  • elimination of pain in the intestines;
  • stool improvement, fight against constipation, diarrhea;
  • improvement of appetite, elimination of vomiting.

How to treat intestinal dysbacteriosis in children of different ages? Dysbacteriosis in children is treated with medications, folk remedies, dieting. drug therapy the doctor prescribes on an individual basis after examining the patient, determining the stage of the disease, the characteristics of its course, the intensity of symptoms, the presence of complications, additional pathologies. The diagnosis is made after evaluating the results of a microbiological study of feces, urine, and a general blood test. The number of drugs, dosage, duration of treatment is determined by the doctor in a particular case, taking into account the risks and benefits for the baby's body.

Treatment for children includes:

  • taking prebiotics, probiotics, synbiotics. Prebiotics - medicines, creating suitable conditions for the rapid reproduction of bacteria of the obligate flora. Babies are prescribed Dufalac, Inulin, Lactulose syrup, Eubicor. Probiotics contain living organisms. Once in the intestines, they artificially increase their numbers, displacing representatives of the pathogenic flora. Effective Atsilakt, Bifidumbacterin, Narine, Bifiform. There are monocomponent, polycomponent, antagonists, combined, symbiotics. Synbiotics (not to be confused with symbiotics) are complex preparations that include pre- and probiotics (Normoflorin, Calsis, Bifilar). Such drugs normalize the composition of the intestinal microflora, alleviate the condition of the baby;
  • for the operational normalization of digestion, better absorption of nutrients, enzymes are prescribed (Creon, Festal). It is advisable to take choleretic drugs, hepatoprotectors. For a better outflow of bile, take Hofitol, protect the liver - Ursofalk. The need for the use of drugs is determined by the doctor. Light degree dysbacteriosis does not require taking the above drugs.
  • complicated course of the disease in a child involves the use of bacteriophages, intestinal antiseptics, systemic antibiotics that act directly on pathogenic organisms, instantly destroying them. Babies are prescribed Nifuroxazide, Intetrix in a dosage corresponding to the age category. The intake of antibiotics is supplemented by the use of sorbents (Enterosgel, activated carbon, Smecta). Sorbents accelerate the process of evacuation of dead particles pathogenic organisms from the gastrointestinal tract;
  • diet is an important component of the complex treatment of dysbiosis in children. The diet should be balanced, include foods containing necessary for the body vitamins, microelements. Exclude food that causes fermentation, gas formation, irritating the gastrointestinal tract. They eat a lot of fermented milk products (kefir, yogurt, acidophilus milk), lean meat, boiled vegetables, cereals. The use of bran, vegetable fiber will restore intestinal motility, resume full cleansing of the body from stool. Don't force him to eat if the baby doesn't want to. More benefits will bring food eaten with appetite, albeit in small quantities;
  • if, as a result of microbiological examination of feces, fungi of the genus Candida are detected, antifungal drugs are prescribed;
  • at severe vomiting- glucose-salt solutions that prevent the development of dehydration (Regidron, Citroglucosolan);
  • infants under 1 year of age are advised to cancel complementary foods for the duration of treatment, with an emphasis on breast-feeding. Mom's milk will replenish the missing vitamins, nutrients, restore a healthy composition of the intestinal microflora.

In addition to the above drugs, a course is prescribed complex vitamins, immunomodulators, prokinetics (motor stimulants), drugs that fight constipation, diarrhea. If dysbacteriosis is accompanied by an allergic reaction, antihistamines are prescribed (Fenistil, Zirtek, Claritin).

Now you know how intestinal dysbacteriosis is treated in young children. Self-medication is contraindicated. Before taking the drug, consult a pediatrician, pediatric gastroenterologist. The dietitian will proper diet corresponding to the requirements of the body of a particular baby.

Prevention of dysbacteriosis in children

How to prevent the development of intestinal dysbacteriosis in children? correct balanced diet, outdoor walks, physical activity, persistent emotional condition, control of existing diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, long-term breastfeeding is the key to health and full functioning of the intestine. Don't take antibiotics systemic action without consulting a doctor. Frequent treatment with antibacterial drugs inevitably causes dysbiosis, because medicinal substances kill not only pathogenic, but also beneficial bacteria. Compliance with preventive measures will save the baby from the development of this unpleasant disease, which causes a lot of physical and psychological discomfort.

Education: Graduated from the Russian National Research medical University them. N.I. Pirogov, Faculty of Medicine. Took advanced training courses. Primary specialization - in coloproctology at the State Scientific Center of Coloproctology. Worked at the City Scientific and Practical Center of Coloproctology of St. Petersburg.

Experience: Proctologist. Experience in medical practice - 25 years. Author of more than 40 medical articles. A regular participant of conferences and symposia, which highlights the problems of modern medicine.

Provides highly qualified diagnostics and treatment of many diseases: hemorrhoids, anal fissures, various diseases colon, successfully diagnoses early stages neoplasms of the perianal region and rectum. He also conducts examinations of children.

Dysbacteriosis can appear at any age, but most often it affects young children. This disease begins its manifestation when the body ceases to cope with disorders in the digestive system. At the first stages of the development of dysbacteriosis, when the number of pathogenic microorganisms does not have such a negative impact on the microflora, and their number is slightly increased, the symptoms will be weak or absent, which sometimes makes it difficult to diagnose and prescribe timely treatment.

The manifestation of dysbacteriosis in both adults and children is not specific. Symptoms of dysbacteriosis may indicate other diseases of the digestive system, which have various causes.

Symptoms of 2 years are the same as the symptoms of any disease associated with disruption of the digestive tract. From birth to 2 years of age and older, babies can suffer from abdominal pain, colic, constipation, diarrhea, and increased gas. Not always such manifestations indicate a violation of the intestinal microflora. However, if the child has dry skin, there is irritation on the skin, the general condition of the skin and nails is worsened, the appetite has become weak, then in this case it is necessary to consult a doctor.

Nails and hair can be subjected to peeling and dryness, since an imbalance of harmful and beneficial bacteria has occurred in the intestines, which disrupts the proper and complete absorption of nutrients and vitamins. In addition to useful trace elements, water absorption may be impaired, which leads to drying of the skin. Also, the child becomes lethargic and capricious, despite the lack of energy, he does not sleep well. Dyspeptic disorders may be observed.

Video: Dysbacteriosis and treatment in children

Another distinguishing characteristic of dysbacteriosis in children is an increase in the frequency of stools, even in the absence of diarrhea and constipation. Often parents observe that the child asks for a potty immediately after eating. In the feces, particles of undigested food, mucus and other liquids can be found. A sour or putrid smell of feces may indicate the predominance of pathogenic microorganisms in the intestines. With the progression of the disease in the baby, the temperature may rise to subfebrile limits. Violation of the intestinal microflora may be associated with the presence of infections that require immediate treatment.

How does dysbacteriosis develop?

Dysbacteriosis can occur as a result of a previous disease or proceed in conjunction with the disease. Usually, a violation of the intestinal microflora can worsen the course of the underlying disease, so the root cause must first be eradicated. The causes of the disease can be conditionally divided into several groups depending on the age of the child.

Dysbacteriosis in newborns

Violation of the microflora in newborns may occur due to provocations of the following factors:

  • if during pregnancy future mom endured infectious diseases organs of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • trauma during childbirth;
  • if for some reason the child was not immediately attached to the breast;
  • stress experienced by the baby, including due to birth trauma.

Dysbacteriosis in children under 2-3 years old

This group includes babies who have had a disturbed intestinal microflora due to feeding. dysbacteriosis may develop in the presence of the following factors:

  • artificial feeding;
  • improperly selected mixtures;
  • with frequent changes of mixtures;
  • improper attachment of the baby to the chest, swallowing air;
  • intolerance by the child's body of mixtures or milk;
  • early introduction of complementary foods that do not correspond to age: meat, fruit and vegetable purees, cereals, sweet compotes, etc.;
  • taking antibiotics during breastfeeding or direct treatment of the baby with them;
  • frequent occurrence of infectious and viral diseases;
  • reduced immunity.

Corrective treatment should be started as soon as possible, because at an older age the child may develop serious illness that are difficult to treat.

How to suspect dysbacteriosis?

As already mentioned, dysbacteriosis may be mild or not show itself at all, so parents should pay attention to any manifestations that may be associated with dysbacteriosis or any other gastrointestinal disease:

  • stomach ache;
  • the child presses the legs to the stomach;
  • frequent liquid stool with a green tint;
  • frothy stools containing mucus or parts of undigested food;
  • putrid or sour smell of feces;
  • the occurrence of pain and severe pain in the abdomen a few hours after eating;
  • strong gas formation;
  • rumbling;
  • belching;
  • lack of appetite;
  • urge to defecate;
  • nausea, sometimes vomiting;
  • constipation;
  • flatulence;
  • rumbling;
  • lag in weight gain;
  • the occurrence of allergic rashes.

With more severe course diseases, the child may experience the development of thrush, tonsillitis, pneumonia and lesions of the digestive tract. These diseases are often accompanied by the highest stage of dysbacteriosis, when pathogenic microorganisms are rapidly spreading throughout the body. Often, doctors observe a picture of the course of all diseases at the same time.

The main symptoms of dysbacteriosis in children 2 years old

All of these symptoms may apply to other diseases of the digestive tract. Doctors have identified several main symptoms that indicate that the child has dysbacteriosis:

  1. Dyspeptic manifestations. The child has frequent bowel movements, since the stool is liquid, irritation in the form of burning and itching may begin in the anus area due to the cracks that have appeared. Putrid smell, and the foamy consistency of feces is one indicator of the presence of a large number of pathogenic microorganisms in the intestine. From time to time, diarrhea can be replaced by constipation, bloating and lack of weight gain.
  2. Stomach ache. The nature of the pain may be different, the intensity and localization of it may decrease or even disappear after defecation or gas discharge. Usually the pain occurs in attacks a few hours after eating.
  3. Allergy. In connection with the violation of the intestinal microflora, more than 90% of children develop allergic reactions, which manifest themselves in intolerance to certain foods, skin rashes, bronchial asthma, itching and swelling may appear.
  4. Violation of the absorption of nutrients. Due to development harmful bacteria in the intestine there is a violation of the absorption of vitamins and fluids, which leads to the development of anemia and hypovitaminosis. Parents may notice pale skin and bleeding gums.
  5. Intoxication. The waste products of microorganisms can have an intoxicating effect on the body, which is manifested by nausea, vomiting, decreased appetite, insomnia and headaches - this can cause a lag in the physical development of the baby.
  6. Reduced the immune system. Dysbacteriosis can cause frequent viral diseases, as well as fungal infections.

If you have one or more symptoms, you should consult a doctor, do not self-medicate.

Diagnosis and treatment

Symptoms of dysbacteriosis can greatly disturb the child, therefore, first of all, treatment should be aimed at eliminating the symptoms, while at the same time it is necessary to treat the root cause. To properly prescribe treatment, the doctor prescribes diagnostic examination, which includes:

After the examinations, the doctor prescribes an individual treatment, which should include:

  • dietary adjustments, the exclusion of foods that can provoke an allergic reaction, diarrhea or constipation;
  • prescribing drugs to normalize the intestinal microflora (probiotics): Hilak Forte, Laktofiltrum, Acipol, etc .;
  • appointment of bacteriophages;
  • prebiotics;
  • in some cases, the doctor may prescribe symbiotics.

Also, in the treatment of dysbacteriosis in children 2 years old, doctors recommend giving the child sour-milk drinks enriched with bifido- and lactobacilli at the same time as treatment, these include: Bifidok, Bifilin, Aktimel, Activia. These products will not be able to replace the treatment, but they will become helpers for a faster recovery.

Also, do not forget about preventive measures It is better to prevent a disease than to treat it long and hard. If possible, even in infancy, breastfeeding is necessary - this is one of the first conditions that will later help the child grow and develop healthy.

The clarity and coherence of the digestive tract is determined by the presence of beneficial microflora. On the background external changes and pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, shifts occur, leading to the predominance of pathogenic microorganisms, and dysbacteriosis develops in children. Symptoms and treatment will directly depend on the type of pathogenic flora. Children's body is an extremely fragile system, and it is important not to miss the early signs of the disease.

Normally, beneficial and pathogenic forms of microorganisms peacefully coexist in the intestine. Each of them performs its specific functions:

  • for the normal functioning of the intestine, lactobacilli, bifidobacteria are necessary;
  • pathogenic forms (cocci, fungi, yeast, clostridia, protozoa) are normally present, but not more than 1% of the total. If their content increases, then there are symptoms from the gastrointestinal tract.

Functions of intestinal microorganisms:


Bacteria coat the intestinal wall, produce enzymes, active substances. Designed for the final digestion of food, ensure the absorption of nutrients, water.


The intestine contains a large number of cells that are responsible for protective mechanisms through the production of immunoglobulins. In addition, bacteria have the ability to synthesize internal antibiotics, which are important in activating the body's local defenses.

Body detoxification

Neutralization and elimination of toxins occurs with the participation of representatives of healthy microflora. Microorganisms have a direct effect on intestinal motility, indirectly - on the structure of the skin, hair, blood vessels, bones, joints.

Risk factors

When the composition is violated, an imbalance occurs, which leads to the development of the disease. Provoking factors can be:

  • frequently recurring SARS;
  • nutrition with insufficient intake of vitamin complexes;
  • infectious, endocrine diseases;
  • depletion of the protective functions of the body against the background of tumor processes;
  • systemic connective tissue diseases;
  • the use of antibiotics, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, biliary system.

Against the backdrop of external and internal causes conditions are created for the development, reproduction of conditionally pathogenic microorganisms. As a result, dysbacteriosis develops.


The probability of the primary development of dysbacteriosis is very small (the exception is in infants), most often the factors are pathological changes against the backdrop of taking medications. Such drugs are antibiotics, cytostatic substances that are designed to suppress the activity of pathogenic microorganisms. In addition to direct therapeutic effect medicines affect the beneficial representatives of the intestinal microflora.

Another reason for the development of dysbacteriosis is malnutrition with micronutrient deficiencies, the predominance of additives in the diet (flavor enhancers, stabilizers). An important aspect of the proper functioning of the intestines is uniform nutrition throughout the day, in violation of which the development of the disease is possible.

Clinical manifestations of the disease in different age groups

Children up to a year

Symptoms of dysbacteriosis in 1-year-old children and dyspeptic changes against the background of gastrointestinal pathology have quite similar clinical manifestations:

  • mother notices that one year old baby very ;
  • there may be diarrhea, or, as an opposite, difficult defecation;
  • dysbacteriosis in children under one year old is accompanied by symptoms of increased gas formation. In a baby, it is manifested by bloating, periodic pain. Of course, a child of this age is unlikely to be able to tell what worries him, but the mother will pay attention to the excited state, deterioration in sleep, increased tearfulness;

  • one of the manifestations of the disease is the symptom of “slippage of food”. In this case, the time between food and the defecation process is significantly reduced. Due to insufficient digestion, food fragments are determined in the feces;
  • often intestinal diseases accompanied by skin allergic reactions, like urticaria. The rash (pictured) with dysbiosis is variable in color intensity, prevalence.

If you notice similar manifestations in your baby, then you should contact your pediatrician.

Important! Dysbacteriosis in childhood with a long course has a number of consequences, manifested by malabsorption in the intestine, which can lead to insufficient intake of vitamins, important trace elements.

After a year

As they grow older, most of the clinical manifestations remain unchanged, but new symptoms may be added. A child older than 12 months can already indicate what worries him, where it hurts, which, of course, facilitates diagnostic issues:

  • problems with defecation persist (increased or delayed), accompanied by an unpleasant odor;
  • increased intestinal motility (rumbling);
  • increased gas formation;
  • soreness in the stomach or intestinal loops that occurs after eating.

There are groups of consequences due to long-term disruption of the digestive tract:

  • the child is very often sick with ARVI, acute respiratory infections,. In the period after a year, mothers begin to send children to kindergarten. Of course, all children who find themselves in a new society begin to get sick. But in the presence of dysbacteriosis, the frequency viral infections rises;
  • parents pay attention that the baby does not tolerate dairy products well. The disease can affect the function of digestion of lactose;
  • skin allergic reactions.

Since most foods, and therefore vitamins, microelements, are not absorbed through the gastrointestinal tract, the child may lose weight or gain insufficient weight.

Important! The psycho-emotional background of the baby with pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract becomes unstable. An adult will be nervous if the stomach constantly hurts, suffers from increased gas formation, too loud peristalsis. The kid against the background of the disease becomes nervous, tearful.

2 years and older

Dysbacteriosis in a child older than 2 years, if left untreated, retains all the symptoms of digestive disorders. With a long course of the disease, manifestations of intoxication (subfebrile temperature, weakness, loss of appetite) join, general protective mechanisms decrease.

Types of dysbacteriosis

Classify the disease according to several criteria.
- By the look pathogenic microflora:

  • candidal;
  • staphylococcal;
  • protein;
  • mixed form (a combination of two or more pathogens).
  • According to the type of clinical course:
  • latent - hidden development;
  • local - local changes prevail;
  • generalized - changes affect all systems.

Compensation level:

  • compensated - no obvious clinical manifestations are determined, changes are reflected only in laboratory tests;
  • subcompensated - symptoms are moderate, reflect local inflammatory changes;
  • decompensated - a complex of clinical manifestations in the form of intoxication, diarrhea, constant pain in a stomach.

Stages of the disease

Clinically, dysbacteriosis goes through 4 successive stages, with each subsequent stage an increase in symptoms.

1 stage

Diagnose the first stage on the basis of fecal analysis. In this case, clearly expressed manifestations may not be observed.

2 stage

The second stage begins with impaired defecation, diarrhea or constipation appears. Parents may notice a change in color (greenish tints predominate) and odor of the stool.

3 stage

At the third stage, more pronounced symptoms are noted - pallor of the skin, the child becomes lethargic, appetite worsens, weight decreases.

Infants in the third stage may develop skin reactions- atopic dermatitis (diathesis).

4 stage

The life-threatening baby is the fourth stage, which requires hospitalization with the appointment of emergency therapeutic measures.

The severity of dysbacteriosis

Depending on the predominance of beneficial or pathogenic microflora, doctors distinguish 4 degrees of severity of dysbacteriosis.

I degree

Occurs when the amount of beneficial microflora decreases by 1-2 orders of magnitude relative to the norm.

II degree

A combined process in the form of a continued decrease in the number of bifido-, lactic acid bacteria with a gradual colonization of the intestine by pathogenic microorganisms.

III degree

Pronounced aggressiveness of pathogens due to an increase in their ratio in the intestine.

IV degree

Beneficial microflora almost completely disappears, being replaced by pathogenic ones. Accompanied by the accumulation of toxic substances of the vital activity of bacteria with damage to the mucous membranes. Clinically, the process of digestion is sharply disturbed in combination with a decrease in immunity.

The primary form of dysbacteriosis in children

According to Dr. Komarovsky E.O. is a physiological process in a newborn. Since after birth, there is practically no microflora in the intestines of the baby. As you interact with the outside world, settlement occurs. Only a mother can help the baby's intestines through contact with the skin, breastfeeding.

But there are situations when pathogenic microorganisms begin to predominate. Occurs in the following situations (based on feedback from pediatricians):

  • lack or insufficient duration of breastfeeding (HB);
  • incorrect diet of the mother;
  • mother taking antibiotics. It is desirable to limit GV for the period of therapy;
  • psychological problems in the family, accompanied by prolonged stress mother.

Important! It is during breastfeeding that pediatricians recommend that a woman exclude any foods that can lead to the development of an allergy in a child - sweets, colored fruits, carbonated drinks, spicy, fatty foods, citrus fruits. The diet should be as hypoallergenic as possible.

To exclude the development of the disease, a woman should pay attention to herself, any errors in the diet, nervousness can lead to undesirable consequences.


As it has already become clear, dysbacteriosis is secondary changes in the gastrointestinal tract against the background of external or internal processes. Therefore, the main task of the doctor is to find out the initial cause of intestinal dysbacteriosis in children based on the identified symptoms, followed by treatment. To do this, it is necessary to pass a series of laboratory tests (general and biochemical analysis blood, urine, microbiological analysis of feces, examination of feces for dysbacteriosis), instrumental methods examinations (ultrasound of the abdominal organs).

Which doctor deals with gastrointestinal pathologies?

If you experience dyspeptic symptoms, it is recommended to first contact a pediatrician. Based on clinical, laboratory studies, the doctor will give recommendations. If necessary, he will refer you for a consultation with a gastroenterologist. It is the doctor of this specialty who deals with pathologies of the stomach and intestines.

Before visiting the clinician, it is not advisable to give the child any medications. As clinical picture against the background of medications becomes smoothed. The quality of the diagnosis may be reduced.

What tests should be taken for dysbacteriosis?

Indirect studies (general blood count, feces, biochemical analysis of feces) provide information on general condition gastrointestinal tract, the presence of inflammation.

The “gold standard” is bacteriological culture of feces, which makes it possible to assess the content of beneficial and pathogenic microorganisms in a quantitative, qualitative composition. This method has both advantages and disadvantages. Positive aspects - high sensitivity, simple implementation. Negative points are added to the duration of the study (up to 7 days), different results during control manipulations.

It is important to understand that the results of studies may be within the normal range. For this purpose, pediatricians and gastroenterologists prescribe repeated tests.

Treatment of dysbacteriosis in children

According to the results of laboratory research methods, complex therapy aimed at eliminating the main process that led to the development of dysbacteriosis.


If dysbacteriosis occurs against the background of an intestinal infection, then broad-spectrum antibiotics are prescribed.


To restore normal microflora, drugs are prescribed, consisting of microbial elements, live bacteria. Probiotics are harmless, admission is allowed from 3 months of age, but only a doctor should choose the type.

There are mono-, polycomponent forms:

Restoration if needed a certain kind microorganisms ( mild form diseases) choose a monocomponent drug - Bifidumbacterin, Colibacterin, Lactobacterin;

Polycomponent microorganisms include several types - Acipol, Atsilakt, Linex, Bifolong, Bifiliz.


It is important not only to populate the intestines with beneficial microflora, but also to provide an environment. For this purpose, prebiotics are prescribed, consisting of oligosaccharides - Dufalac, Lactusan, Goodluck, Normaze, Prelax, Portalak.

To get results, you must follow the rules:

  • an integrated approach - drug therapy, diet;
  • the appointment of therapy should be handled by a doctor;
  • strict implementation of all recommendations of the pediatrician;
  • proper nutrition of the mother;
  • adding the first complementary foods at the time established by pediatricians.

The execution of all points will cure, reduce the risk of consequences. Upon agreement with the attending physician, recipes from traditional medicine can be added to the complex.

Possible Complications

The long course of dysbiosis in older children can be the cause of reduced protective functions of the body. Manifested by frequent respiratory diseases, allergies.

The lack of beneficial bacteria leads to the fact that all the food that enters the intestines is not digested, but rejected. Accordingly, a growing organism does not receive the necessary amount of nutrients and microelements.

Pathogenic microflora has the ability to spread beyond the gastrointestinal tract, affect the biliary, urinary systems.


The basis of the diet of children from 1.5 years old should be various cereals, soups, vegetable dishes, fresh fruits, lean meats, and dairy products.

If diarrhea occurs, turn on:

  • rice or oatmeal broths, jelly (have an enveloping property);
  • thermally processed vegetables, fruits;
  • fish or chicken, steamed or boiled.

If the main symptom is constipation, then the basis of nutrition should be fermented milk products, as they normalize the composition of the microflora due to lactobacilli.

Bacterial imbalance in children is quite difficult to correct, so it is much easier to follow the rules of nutrition.

Preventive actions

Prevention of dysbacteriosis in a child is in the hands of an adult. It is he who can create harmonious living conditions - provide nutrition according to age, provide physical activity, emotional stability, treat infectious diseases in time.

As a result, the baby will be healthy and will not know about the existence of problems with the intestines.