
Folic acid how to take during pregnancy dosage. Dosage of folic acid during pregnancy

Many expectant mothers have a question: should I drink folic acid during pregnancy and, if necessary, from which week of the period? The answer is unequivocal - to drink, especially if pregnancy is only in your plans. And this applies not only to women, but also to men. According to most obstetricians and gynecologists, folic acid when planning pregnancy much helps prevent infertility and reduce the risk of miscarriage.

Folic acid belongs to the B vitamins (vitamin Bs, B9, M, folate, folacin, pteroylglutamic acid) and its importance during pregnancy cannot be overestimated. This acid does not tend to accumulate and persist in the body for a long time, and as a result, the supply of vitamin B9 should be replenished daily. Nowadays, folic acid is sold in many pharmacies and the instructions for use, which you can find below in Russian, contain information on the dosage and method of administration both before and during the pregnancy period.

Women planning a pregnancy , should be given Special attention the use of folic acid, tk. she minimizes the risk of developing any disease in the fetus . During pregnancy planning and throughout pregnancy, you need to consume 0.8 mg of folic acid per day. If a woman has previously given birth to a baby who had birth defects, then the amount of folic acid should be increased to 4 mg per day (but only after consulting a doctor!).
This acid is necessary in preparation for conception, not only the body of a woman. Insufficient amount of vitamin B9 can significantly reduce the percentage of healthy sperm. Therefore, future dads also need to consume folic acid at least 100-150 mcg.

Dosage of folic acid during pregnancy: During pregnancy expectant mothers need to consume 400-600 mcg of vitamin B9 per day.
A huge amount of folic acid is found in fresh vegetables and fruits. In particular, it is rich in dark green leafy vegetables, as well as the kidneys and liver of animals. For medical purposes, a synthetic acid is obtained.
Even if you became aware of pregnancy much later than you would like, you should still consume folic acid in the right amount. The neural tube of a developing fetus undergoes a variety of changes during the first trimester of pregnancy.

Folacin is of particular importance in early stages development of a new life. Lack of vitamin B9 can lead to the development of quite severe defects in the baby. Folic acid is involved in the formation of the nervous system of the developing fetus , and is also needed for the regeneration of trillions of cells in the mother's body, which are constantly in need of renewal. Folic acid, together with vitamin B12, is essential for cell division. The acid takes part in hematopoiesis and is needed for the formation of DNA and RNA involved in the transmission of hereditary traits.

Folic acid deficiency in the body of a pregnant woman can lead to such undesirable consequences as:
1) mental retardation in a baby;
2) complete or partial detachment of the placenta;
3) spontaneous abortion in a woman;
4) miscarriage;
5) the birth of a dead child;
6) congenital deformities and defects in a child, including anencephaly (neural tube defects affecting the spinal cord and brain);
7) development of defects of cardio-vascular system;
8) the baby's cleft palate or cleft lip.

It can be unequivocally argued that folic acid during pregnancy plays a significant role in the full development of the fetus from the first weeks of the gestation period and affects the well-being of a pregnant woman. especially in the 3rd trimester. Next you will find detailed information about how it affects the development and functioning of the body as a whole folic acid, a instructions for use of the drug answer questions about dosage, method of administration, contraindications for use before and during pregnancy.

It is important to remember that folic acid plays important role and when planning a pregnancy. As we noted above, a sufficient intake of vitamin B9 (for both men and women) contributes to a favorable conception. During the use of the drug it is important to adhere to the method and dosage indicated in the instructions. Above you can find information on how many micrograms of folic acid to take during and before pregnancy.


For women who are expecting a baby, the most important thing is to take care of their health. This includes a lot. Nutrition is the foundation. What, in addition to high-quality products, you also need, you will learn from this article.

Useful for everyone

Many of you have probably heard of folic acid. It is extremely important for our body. It was obtained relatively recently (in 1941) from spinach leaves. And it was synthesized for the first time in 1946.

This acid is a capricious, unstable thing. About half of it disappears if you keep the product in the light for a long time. And if you boil or fry vegetables and herbs that contain folic acid, then it can be destroyed by 90%!

However, (the second name of folic acid) is very necessary for a person, especially since inside the body it is almost not produced by itself. In any case, it is synthesized in such a small amount that it is impossible to cover the daily need with this.

What is the role of folic acid? It is easier to say in which organs it does not participate than to list where this substance is involved.

So, its role in the activity is important hematopoietic organs and intestines, as well as in the work of the liver. Acid perfectly supports the immune system, and also promotes transformations in redox processes and helps the functioning of blood cells (white and red). Be sure to participate in protein biosynthesis, it has a great effect on the brain, its work, and so on.

What if there is a shortage?

Do not be surprised, because our organisms are rather complex physical and chemical apparatuses! And when B9 is not enough in them (and this is almost for everyone!), Then fatigue and insomnia, anxiety and loss of appetite, problems with breathing and memory begin. Add apathy with anemia, different pains in the abdomen and unpleasant nausea, sores in the mouth and general depression. There is even a graying of hair, as well as their loss. Not to mention dementia and birth defects in newborns.

These are the troubles (and sometimes grief) that small flat yellow pills can free us from, which we should drink regularly, but do not do this, either out of ignorance, or out of carelessness.

But the largest is observed in women who take hormonal medications and addicted to alcohol.

By the way, the drug is sold without a prescription, and it will not ruin you at all. Any pharmacy has folic acid. The price will surprise you: from 27 to 35 rubles (for a package of 1 mg, 50 pieces, from different manufacturers).

Important for everyone

More recently, B9 was considered for some reason to be a ladies' vitamin. But recent scientific evidence suggests that it will not harm the stronger sex, especially when they want to become fathers. And in general, for any of the adults, such pills are a good and simply indispensable tool for strengthening the body.

In what other cases will these tablets be indispensable? is extremely necessary. What is its use? It ensures the correct growth and development of the expected baby. This substance is indispensable cell division cells, including blood cells. But the most valuable thing is that folic acid is very necessary in early pregnancy. Moreover, many experts advise taking it already when you are just planning to have a baby. So to speak, it is better to start strengthening your body in advance, because with a lack of vitamin B9 there will be a much higher risk of a variety of congenital malformations in the fetus.

Many experiments of scientists have proven that folic acid is a strong barrier that protects against abnormalities in the development of the neural tube in the fetus, which threaten many pathologies, such as prematurity and malnutrition. And the latter is nothing more than a disorder (moreover, chronic) of nutrition and digestion in general in young children. They begin to develop exhaustion, their immunity drops strongly, and many vital functions of the young organism are violated.

Therefore, you need to take your pregnancy very seriously! And then the baby will be born strong and healthy.

Grows in the garden

Of course, vitamin B9 can be consumed without going to the pharmacy, because it often grows in our garden. The same spinach is rich in them. Don't forget seeds, soybeans, beans, asparagus, cabbage, and even peanuts.

Most of all, they are saturated with yeast, liver, both animals and birds. Herbs are good in this regard: basil, rosemary, parsley and other spices. Include all this in your diet, if not daily, but at least once a week.

True, in order to provide yourself with the necessary norm of a vitamin per day, you will have to absorb literally kilograms of vegetables. Yes, and it can cost a pretty penny today. In pharmacies, there is always folic acid. Its price is low, as mentioned above.

In some countries, by the way, a law has been adopted on the mandatory enrichment of flour products and bread with folic acid.

From the very first days

But, you say, if the products themselves contain natural B9, then why and how much to drink folic acid during pregnancy pharmacy? This must be done because at the time of cooking dinners, part of the vitamin is destroyed. In addition, the set of foods rich in folic acid in our diet is not so great. And even if you have super-full food, it still won’t cover the body’s normal needs for B9. And the availability of this substance of natural origin is low when compared with those tablets that are sold in pharmacies.

A lot of people drink the drug "Folic acid" during pregnancy. Reviews about him are only positive. It is advisable to take B9 to any expectant mother for prevention purposes (up to 12 weeks inclusive). And some people, according to the results of the tests, are prescribed "shock" doses. The main thing is that all your actions should be directed precisely by doctors, specialists, and not by an acquaintance, girlfriend or even relatives.

What is the dose?

The question of how much to drink folic acid during pregnancy is decided by the gynecologist. Now installed daily rate for those women who are expecting a baby, and this is 0.4 mg. But there are cases - and there are many of them - when the dose can become much larger. For example, this applies to patients whose children have some defects in their development. Also, for those who are already taking other medications, it is recommended to increase the dosage to 4-5 mg (with daily intake). Further, the drug is prescribed based on the results of studying how the baby is formed.

But at the same time, as scientists have found out, in any case, an overdose of B9 can in no way harm the embryo in its development.

Features of use

So when is the best time to start taking folic acid during pregnancy? How many tablets per day? Women who are serious about the health of their unborn child should take them even before conception, exactly from the moment they want to give birth. Dose per day - 0.4 mg. And then, when pregnancy occurs, you do not need to stop taking it.

Why is it necessary to immediately go to the pharmacy at the first hint of pregnancy? Because you can miss the most active phase of development in the neural tube embryo. And it ends in the sixth week.

Whether or not to use all the sets of vitamins that the doctor strongly recommends, each woman decides for herself. It is, after all, her own business. But, as we know, not all ladies are obedient, and many are simply frivolous and neglect advice. Others believe that the opinion of experienced pregnant women is more important. And the doctors, they say, just need to prescribe more pills.

But to deny the real facts means deliberately harming not only yourself personally, but also the unborn baby. And then you will sob that you did not listen to what the gynecologist said.

After all, it is not at all difficult at the first thought that you are a lady in interesting position hurry to the clinic. And there they will already tell you how to take folic acid during pregnancy.


If a woman finds out that she will have a child, she becomes registered with the doctor. And he immediately prescribes another drug for her. For folic acid and vitamin E during pregnancy are the two most necessary things.

And again, some ladies do not want to follow the recommendations of a specialist. What for? Like, they feel great. And it's really bad to do that.

In general, tocopherol is the second. In the translation of the Greek language, this means the following: "tokos" - birth, and "ferro" - I wear, wear. In other words, the drug contributes to the conception itself, and the bearing of the fetus, and even the birth of a baby. This is his triple invaluable mission.

Please note: it is equally useful for both mothers and their children. It is not enough to know how to take folic acid during pregnancy. Still need this one useful supplement. Which we will now prove.

Visible advantages

We present to the doubters a whole list of the positive properties of tocopherol. It prevents the danger of miscarriage, and this is the first. Then, he takes a considerable part in the creation of the baby's respiratory system. It helps the placenta to mature in time, preserves the flexibility of blood vessels, prevents blood clots from forming, supports the work of hormones, and also promotes the production of prolactin (it is he who “supplies” the mother with milk after the birth of the child). As you can see, the question is not only how much to drink folic acid during pregnancy.

Even without tocopherol, there would be a threat of leg cramps in a woman who is in position. Also, vitamin E affects how her skin, hair and nails look, both during the period of bearing a baby and after childbirth. Finally, the drug begins to treat the same dysfunction of the female ovaries and more.

One minus

And that's why this important vitamin always recommend in It's interesting. As it turned out, despite the great advantages, you can’t drink tocopherol for a long time. It has such a property as accumulation in tissues (fatty). Over time, an excess of this substance occurs, which leads to a very undesirable phenomenon. The muscles of a woman before childbirth become overly elastic, and this is not at all necessary at such a crucial moment.

It was not proven yesterday that a person should take only 20 mg of tocopherol per day. But pregnancy is a special case! And here the dosage of the vitamin depends on many things: the condition of the ward of the gynecologist, the results of fresh tests. Even the height and weight of the pregnant woman matter. So they usually prescribe this vitamin at 200-400 mg per day.

Rosehip and bran

Even women in position should take into account the following: how the doctor prescribed them tocopherol - alone or together with other microelements.

And the most unexpected thing is that vitamin E is not necessary to drink at all! In some, of course, individual situations and in contrast to the same folic acid. It is quite possible to get it just at the dinner table. Eat more eggs, do not forget the seeds. Do not refuse decoctions of wild rose. Cook yourself buckwheat and oatmeal. Also, a lot of tocopherol is found in bran and wheat sprouts.

Be prudent. Be sure to find out how much folic acid to drink during pregnancy and exactly how much tocopherol you need. Don't stop taking care of yourself and your unborn child. This will allow you to give birth to wonderful babies and experience the true happiness of motherhood.

Folic acid (or vitamin B9) is involved in the synthesis of proteins, amino acids necessary for the formation of DNA. The lack of folic acid during pregnancy negatively affects the formation of the fetus, increases the risk of miscarriages in the early stages, the birth of premature babies.

Lack of vitamin B9 can be assumed by the deterioration of health, decreased performance, lack of appetite, increased irritability.

If these symptoms appear in adult woman enough to consume per day in addition to normal diet 400 micrograms of vitamin. During pregnancy, the dosage of folic acid should be increased to 600 micrograms, but not more than 1000 micrograms (1 mg) per day.

Folate deficiency occurs when:

  • deficiency needed for the absorption of folate;
  • violations of the absorption of vitamins from incoming food;
  • a genetic defect in the folate cycle - the absence of the MTHFR enzyme, due to which folic acid is not converted into an active form;
  • taking antiepileptic drugs;
  • treatment with hormonal drugs;
  • alcohol abuse.

The maximum need for pregnant women in an increased dosage of folic acid is noted in the first trimester when laying the fetal organ systems.

If a woman does not suffer from megaloblastic anemia, and there is no folate deficiency in the body, then during pregnancy it is enough to take 400 micrograms of folic acid in tablets.

How to take folic acid tablets correctly, how much to drink during pregnancy, so as not to cause an overdose, is described in detail in separate articles:

Benefits for a woman

In the first 4 weeks, folic acid is especially needed for a pregnant woman. During this period, new cells are actively formed and the consumption of vitamin for DNA synthesis increases. But the main thing for which folic acid is needed for pregnant women at this time is the formation nervous system at 3-4 weeks of the first trimester.

In addition to the formation of the nervous system, fetal organ systems develop in this period, the kidneys and heart are laid. Increased consumption of folic acid and the formation of placental tissue.

If in the first three months a woman’s body lacks vitamin B9, then the consequences of this can be birth defects fetal nervous system miscarriage on the early term.

In the second half of pregnancy, folate deficiency can provoke preeclampsia, a condition characterized by increased blood pressure with edema of the extremities.

With preeclampsia, blood flow through the placenta is disturbed, which worsens the conditions for the development of the fetus, and the child may be born with a lag in physical development. Preeclampsia is one of the causes of premature birth, the development of eclampsia, a condition that is dangerous for both the pregnant woman and the fetus.

On the late term pregnancy, folic acid is needed to prevent early rupture of the amniotic membrane, premature birth.

Fetal benefits of folate

In the early stages, the need for folates is especially high for the formation of the neural tube - the rudiment of the baby's nervous system. As a result of the non-closure of the anterior part of the neural tube at the 4th week of pregnancy, a defect such as anencephaly is formed - a malformation in which there are partially or completely absent large hemispheres brain.

In the second half of pregnancy, the lack of folate adversely affects the condition circulatory system, and through it indirectly negatively affects all organs of the fetus. This is due to the fact that vitamin B9 deficiency causes an increase in the concentration of homocysteine ​​in the child's blood, which damages the endothelium of blood vessels and provokes the formation of blood clots in small vessels.

The death of the fetus when the endothelium of the blood vessels is damaged does not occur, but the child develops malformations:

  • neural tube defects - anencephaly, brain herniation;
  • heart defects;
  • impaired maturation of erythrocytes;
  • violation of the formation of the kidneys;
  • cleft palate - cleft of the upper palate;
  • limb deformity.

Supplementation in the second trimester of folate prevents developmental defects, reduces the likelihood of umbilical hernia, Down syndrome, contributes to the normal weight gain and development of the baby.

The level of homocysteine ​​in the blood is one way to determine the folate status of a pregnant woman. It can be determined by direct measurements of the folate content in the blood, as well as by the analysis of existing mutations in the MTHFR genes responsible for the folate cycle in a woman.

When such mutations are detected for a pregnant woman, they individually select how to take it, determine how much folic acid she needs to drink every day in the first, second, third trimesters.

Possible harm

Active use of folates for the prevention of a neural tube defect in the fetus during pregnancy began in the 70s of the last century, and over the past years a lot of data has accumulated that indicate not only the benefits, but also possible negative consequences taking synthetic vitamin B9 tablets.

This is due to the fact that at high dosages of folic acid, the need for ascorbic acid and vitamin B12. In the event of a shortage of these nutrients, part of the folic acid will not be absorbed and will be excreted from the body in the urine.

And to improve the absorption of folates, it is necessary not only to increase the dosage of vitamin B9, but to combine the drug with the required amount of vitamins C and B12.

Large doses of the free form in the bloodstream can adversely affect health. So, at a high concentration of folic acid, a decrease in the number of T-lymphocytes is noted, which reduces the activity specific immunity, reduces the body's ability to resist infection.

Uncontrolled intake of folic acid in large doses during pregnancy is also dangerous for the fetus:

  • at high doses, the risk (by 25%) of asthma in children increases;
  • increased risk of infections respiratory tract in young years.

An excess of folate over a long period of time can cause:

  • allergic reactions - angioedema, urticaria;
  • a decrease in the concentration of vitamin B12 in the body and the development of pernicious anemia;
  • changes in the epithelium of the renal tubules;
  • side effects from digestive tract- diarrhea, nausea, flatulence;
  • neurological disorders - insomnia, convulsions, irritability.

An excess of the vitamin may be associated with genetic features women. If a woman during pregnancy has high content folic acid caused by a genetic mutation, then whether it is possible to drink tablets additionally, in what dosage and how much, the doctor decides, based on her state of health.

Additional vitamin intake in this case is dangerous for the fetus and can cause retinoblastoma in an infant - a tumor of the retina.

Any woman planning a pregnancy is obliged to take care of the health of her own and future baby in advance. For example, drink folic acid during pregnancy, as a vitamin preparation that helps reduce the possibility of developing pathologies in the fetus.

The benefits of the drug

Vitamin B9 or folate is found in many foods, such as yeast, liver, cottage cheese, green vegetables, cereals, and some fruits. But, in order to get the daily norm, it is necessary to use all of them in very large quantities and raw or undercooked, since during heat treatment the vitamin is practically destroyed.

Why take folic acid during pregnancy? At the very beginning of pregnancy, in the first twelve weeks, folates are prescribed. Starting from the second week, the neural tube is formed in the embryo, and acid is needed for its normal formation. Vitamin is required for the formation of red blood cells, and reduce the risk of developing pathologies in the fetus.

Vitamin B9 is needed by the expectant mother to prevent the occurrence of anemia, pain in the legs, and toxicosis. Its intake in the first trimester minimizes the risk of developing anomalies of the nervous system by almost 70%.

At the time of cell division, with the help of folates, the structure of DNA and RNA molecules is formed and develops without mutations and damage. Acid is involved in the development of organs and tissues of the fetus, reduces the possibility of a delay in mental development child, physical defects.

When telling women at a consultation what folic acid is prescribed for, doctors advise starting drinking it, even at the planning stage, at least 90 days before pregnancy.

Dosage and rules of admission

folic acid intake for ordinary person per day - at least 50 mcg. But, when carrying a child, the need for it increases repeatedly, and for expectant mothers, the norm is 400 mcg. The vitamin is available in the form of tablets or capsules.

What is the dosage of folic acid for pregnant women? Many women are interested in how much folic acid a pregnant woman should drink per day. The rate is determined by the attending physician. It is taken as an independent drug, or as part of a multivitamin. Doctors recommend drinking one tablet per day, containing from 400 micrograms to 1000 micrograms. This dose of folic acid is recommended for pregnant women without fear of overdose. If a woman drinks any vitamins for pregnant women, and she does not have a lack of vitamin B9, then separate reception folate is not needed.

With a pronounced deficiency of the vitamin in the body, or if there have been cases of the birth of babies with neural tube pathology, the doctor increases daily dose folic acid, sometimes up to 4 mg, and these are four tablets that you need to drink one or more times during the day. Tablets are taken at the same time, before meals or with meals. Except medicines You can also eat foods that contain folate.

How much folic acid should you take during pregnancy? The most important period in which you can not do without vitamin B9 is the first trimester. The whole pregnancy depends on how the fetus develops at this time. Starting from the second trimester, the required amount of acid is supplied in sufficient quantities with the intake of multivitamins.

folate deficiency

Vitamin deficiency during pregnancy can lead to sad consequences not only for the fetus, but also for the mother. With a lack of the drug, the process of formation of the placenta and its nutrition is disrupted, which provokes an early termination of pregnancy or the birth of a premature baby. Causes anomalies in the development of the baby, the occurrence mental disorders in newborns.

Deficiency also affects women's well-being. Especially, the need for vitamin B9 arises when its absorption by the body is impaired, or when there is an increased need for it, for example, during breastfeeding.

Symptoms that indicate a lack of acid are:

  • chronic fatigue;
  • loss of appetite;
  • decreased immunity;
  • irritability;
  • insomnia.

Folate deficiency also occurs when a pregnant woman has severe toxicosis, accompanied by vomiting, which interferes with the absorption of the drug. In order to determine the presence or absence of a vitamin deficiency, a blood test is prescribed to determine its concentration. According to the results obtained, the attending physician will prescribe the optimal dose that should be taken, up to childbirth. The lack of the drug can complicate the onset of pregnancy.

Side effects and overdose

Despite the fact that folates dissolve in water and their excess is excreted from the body, in some cases, with prolonged and uncontrolled intake, an overdose is possible. Its symptoms are manifested by the appearance of bitter or metallic taste in the mouth, gastrointestinal imbalance, sleep disturbance, kidney failure. Rarely, an allergic reaction occurs.

In the presence of a heart vascular diseases overdose can cause heart failure. Caution should also be taken with existing pathologies of the liver or kidneys, with a defect in the gene responsible for folate metabolism.

Sometimes, with an excess of vitamin B9, the birth of children prone to colds is associated, bronchial asthma with impaired immunity. To get rid of side effects- bloating, nausea, insomnia, it is enough to reduce the prescribed rate. serious problems an excess of acid does not cause health problems, but it is recommended to call an ambulance.

Accelerates the process of removing acid from the body drinking strong tea. When taking vitamin B9 as an independent drug, its quantitative content in the complex of multivitamins taken is also taken into account to minimize side effects and overdose.

At healthy woman, fully nourished, the lack of folic acid on well-being, practically, is not reflected. But, it will negatively affect the embryo and placenta, especially in the first trimester of pregnancy. Therefore, taking vitamin B9, the expectant mother takes care of the health of the child from the moment of conception.

Especially during the planning period, almost every doctor prescribes. Interestingly, even ardent opponents of any drugs during pregnancy, folic acid is favorably treated. And not in vain, because the lack of this vitamin (and folic acid is vitamin B9) in the body future mother is fraught with many unpleasant consequences. Folic acid is of great importance during pregnancy, as it takes part in DNA synthesis, participates in the process of cell division and growth, as well as in the process of hematopoiesis, it is essential when laying the fetal nervous system, prevents the appearance of defects in the brain, neural tube, etc. d.

Doctors say that a serious deficiency of folic acid is observed in every second pregnant woman. And it is extremely dangerous both for the unborn baby and for the mother herself. Folic acid deficiency causes:

  • the formation of defects in the nervous system (absence of the brain, cerebral hernia, spina bifida, dropsy of the brain);
  • possible defects of the cardiovascular system and splitting of the lips;
  • violation of the processes of formation of the placenta;
  • an increased likelihood of miscarriages, placental abruption, fetal growth retardation and other troubles.

It’s not worth rushing from one extreme to another, and many, unfortunately, do just that: optimists do not believe in the “doctors’ prophecies”, and pessimists after the first paragraph are ready to run to the pharmacy and swallow tons of everything that can eliminate folacin deficiency. But, as they say, in everything you need to observe the "golden mean". In this case, it is better to listen to the doctors and during pregnancy do not refuse to take folic acid. The main thing is to correctly set the dosage of this vitamin, taking into account the needs of your body.

Doctors believe that an adult's need for vitamin B9 is 200 micrograms (0.2 mg). During pregnancy, it naturally increases. Minimum " daily dose»becomes 400 micrograms (0.4 mg), and the maximum is 800 micrograms (0.8 mg) of folic acid. If the pregnant woman is at risk (i.e. vitamin B9 deficiency is proven), then the daily dose increases to 5 mg of folacin.

But how to understand these dosages and pharmaceutical preparations folic acid? Firstly, we carefully study the instructions, and secondly, we listen to the recommendations of the doctor.

The most common are folic acid tablets, which contain 1,000 micrograms (1 mg) of folic acid. Doctors recommend taking one tablet of this drug during pregnancy. Overdose in this case is impossible.

However, with a pronounced deficiency of vitamin B9 in the "pregnant" body, most likely you will be prescribed a more "strong" drug: Folacin or Apo-Folic. One tablet of these drugs contains 5000 mcg (5 mg) of folic acid, and these are already therapeutic doses.

You should also consider the composition of other "pregnant" vitamins that you are taking. Usually all complex vitamin preparations contain the right amount of folic acid. For example, the Folio preparation contains 400 mcg of folic acid and 200 mcg of iodine, in the preparations Materna and Elevit - 1000 mcg each, Vitrum prenatal - 800 mcg, Multi-tabs - 400 mcg, Pregnavit - 750 mcg of vitamin B9. If you are taking any of these or other drugs, you will not need to take folic acid supplements. Unless, of course, there is a deficiency of the necessary vitamin.

And finally, the question of taking folic acid is no less important: is an overdose possible and why is it dangerous for the child and the expectant mother? Folic acid is absolutely non-toxic to humans. Its excess is independently excreted from the body, but still long-term use high doses of folic acid are fraught with a certain threat: the content of vitamin B12 in the blood decreases, and this can lead to anemia, gastrointestinal disorders may occur, functional changes in the kidneys, there is often an increase in nervous excitability. This happens if you take 10-15 mg of folic acid daily for 3 months or more. It is unlikely that an adequate woman will swallow 15 folacin tablets in one day.

And for those who are still firmly on the "drug-free" pregnancy, we offer a set of products that contain a large number of vitamin B9: vegetables with dark green leaves (green peas, beans, lentils, spinach, broccoli, parsley, green onions, cabbage, soybeans, beets, asparagus, carrots, tomatoes), some fruits (watermelon, peaches), bakery products flour coarse grinding, wheat germ, rice, oatmeal and buckwheat, milk powder, kefir, sunflower seeds, cheese, egg yolk, caviar, beef liver. It's no secret that a complete balanced diet replenishes vitamin deficiencies in every body. In any case, even if we are talking about folic acid, and everyone around them says: We must! - Do not make a decision without consulting a doctor.

Health to you and your peanuts in the belly!

Specially for- Tanya Kivezhdiy