
How many times Prevenar is given 13. What reaction can infants have to Prevenar vaccination? How to protect yourself from unwanted consequences

Prevention of life-threatening infectious diseases is the main task of modern vaccination. It involves the artificial creation of an immune response to the ingestion of pathogenic infectious agents that have sufficient virulence to form a serious disease. Most vaccines today are administered to patients according to a schedule. But there are vaccinations that are used only at the request of a person or according to epidemiological indications. Vaccination against pneumococcal infection is recommended. It is carried out by several vaccines, but Prevenar 13 is considered the most common. This vaccine is well researched. She received the highest expert ratings, and this gives everyone confidence in her absolute safety in relation to the children's body.

Features of the composition of the vaccine

The vaccine Prevenar 13 contains thirteen pneumococcal conjugates (bacterial serotypes) in each dose. These organic compounds are artificial molecules and are polysaccharides in chemical structure. The vaccine is not related to the number of live vaccines. It is not capable of provoking the formation of a post-vaccination disease. The composition of the liquid solution includes polysaccharide serotypes 1-7, 9, 14, 19, 23, as well as oligosaccharide serotype 18 and diphtheria carrier protein.

As part of the preventive vaccine, there are a few additional components that ensure its stability and long-term safety:

  • aluminum salt of phosphate acid;
  • dibasic carboxylic acid;
  • sodium chloride;
  • emulsifier polysorbate;
  • water for injections.

The drug is manufactured in the United States of America by a well-known pharmaceutical company with a worldwide reputation Pfeiffer, and manufacturing enterprises are also located in other countries (Russia, Ireland). In appearance, Prevenar 13 is a white suspension placed in a 1.0 ml disposable glass syringe. Each syringe contains one dose of solution in the amount of 0.5 ml of suspension. It comes with a single-use needle and instructions for using the drug.

The vaccine liquid has a homogeneous consistency. Sometimes a white precipitate may appear inside it. Such changes are considered normal. The vaccine package contains one syringe with a solution and a needle intended for one injection. More rarely, five separate doses of the suspension are placed in the package.

What is the vaccine for?

Many parents mistakenly believe that the Prevenar 13 vaccine only protects the child from pneumonia. But the prevention of infectious inflammation of the lung tissue is not the only symptom for prescribing a vaccine. First, the Prevenar 13 vaccine activates the immune response against pneumococcal infection. This variety of pathogenic bacterial agents is the causative agent of a huge number of diseases:

  • pneumonia with involvement in the inflammatory process of alveolar structures caused by Streptococcus pneumoniae;
  • infection of the pleural sheet covering the lungs, with the formation of exudative pleurisy;
  • meningitis;
  • acute purulent otitis media;
  • inflammation of the joints (single and multiple arthritis of small as well as large bone joints of various localization);
  • inflammation of the endocardium (the inner layer of the heart muscle) with damage to the heart valves.

In infants, infection associated with Streptococcus pneumoniae usually occurs as a complication of primary diseases. It is diagnosed in babies who have recently recovered from viral diseases of the respiratory tract. Pneumococci often join exacerbations of chronic bronchitis. Bacteria can be isolated in the mucus of patients suffering from bronchial asthma or other types of bronchial tree obstruction. Otolaryngologists were able to prove that the most common cause of otitis media is infection of the organ with pneumococcal infection after rhinitis.

Infections of pneumococcal origin are very aggressive in children under the age of five or six. At this point, it is necessary to vaccinate with Prevenar and develop an adequate immune response to pneumococci in the child. Primary vaccination is recommended for infants. Such a preventive measure makes it possible to protect the child's immunity from dangerous bacterial influences that can potentiate the development of deadly pathologies.

Indications for vaccination

The introduction of the Prevenar 13 vaccine is a preventive measure, the purpose of which is to generate a stable immune response to a number of pneumococcal serotypes with the highest degree of virulence. It is customary to immunize children aged 0 to 5 full years with the vaccine. In older children and adults, the vaccine is not used due to its low effectiveness.

First of all, from 13 pneumococcal serotypes, it is recommended to vaccinate babies from a high-risk group:

  • premature babies;
  • babies, early transferred to an artificial type of nutrition;
  • newborns after a birth injury;
  • infants in the first months of life and children after one year with signs of developmental delay;
  • children suffering from immunodeficiency;
  • kids who often get ARVI and flu;
  • infants diagnosed with seizures.

Pediatricians advise vaccinating a child with Prevenar if he often suffers from acute respiratory infections, otitis or pneumonia. The fact of such diseases does not confirm the presence of pneumococcal flora in the body. Therefore, immunization should not be immediate. Primary vaccination with this scenario can be carried out in a planned manner after examining the child and under the supervision of a doctor.

Pre-vaccination examination plays an important role in the formation of a sufficient immune response. The pediatrician necessarily studies the anamnestic data of the baby and determines how high the risk of complications after immunization is. For example, in patients with acquired or congenital immunodeficiency, the post-vaccination response will be weak and insufficient to develop full immunity against pneumococcal infection.

Prevenar 13 vaccine is not recommended for adult patients due to its low efficacy. But there are options for clinical cases when vaccination should not be abandoned. The high-risk group includes some categories of the population:

  • elderly people over 65;
  • HIV-infected persons of all age categories;
  • patients with decompensated liver pathologies, complex variants of the course of endocrine pathologies, severe forms of renal failure and disorders of cardiac activity;
  • persons suffering from blood diseases;
  • people who are constantly in points with a large congestion of other people;
  • medical workers.

In any case, before the introduction of the solution, it is recommended that a person undergo an examination and visit an immunologist to determine the indications and contraindications for vaccination with Prevenar.

When is it better to refuse Prevenar?

The Prevenar vaccine is famous for a small number of contraindications. Immunization should be abandoned in patients with certain constitutional features:

  • individual intolerance to one or more components of the Prevenar vaccine;
  • the presence in the anamnesis of data on the development of allergies after the previous injection of Prevenar 13 solution;
  • childhood infections such as chickenpox, measles or scarlet fever until the symptoms of the disease are completely eliminated;
  • an increase in the general body temperature in a child against the background of ARVI or influenza infection;
  • fever of unknown etiology;
  • intrauterine infection of the fetus;
  • human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection;
  • exacerbation of any chronic disease.

Before the introduction of the vaccine, it will be correct to show the child to an infectious disease specialist. You should not rush to vaccinate the parents of a baby who is teething, has dysbacteriosis or a stressful condition. All these factors affect the immune system and reduce the production of immune complexes for the introduction of Previnar suspension. Additional influence in the form of an injection of weakened pathogens can aggravate the clinical picture and provoke complications.

The instructions indicate that the Prevenar vaccine must be administered only in a clinic or private treatment room that has permission to perform a similar kind of medical manipulation. Vaccination of children from high-risk groups is carried out with the vaccine solution Prevenar 13, which is sold in pharmacies in sealed packaging.

Shake the vial of pneumococcal medicine well before inserting it to get rid of possible sediment. It is forbidden to inject expired Prevenar 13, as well as a heterogeneous non-white solution. In the process of administering the vaccine, it is important to adhere to the basic rules of vaccination with Prevenar, as well as to observe age dosages.

A sealed, unopened vaccine is usable for three years after it has been manufactured. It is correct to store the drug in the refrigerator at a temperature of 2 to 8 0 C. It is better to apply for the purchase of Prevenar in the places suggested by the pediatrician.

The Prevenar vaccine is administered intramuscularly. Depending on the symptoms and age of the child, the solution is injected into different places. Children under the age of 24 months are recommended to administer the vaccine in places with the least accumulation of nerve endings and adipose tissue. This prevents rapid absorption of the inoculation fluid. The ideal injection site at this age is the anterolateral thigh. For children older than 2 years, the solution is injected into the deltoid muscle located in the shoulder area.

The pneumococcal vaccine is sometimes combined with the whooping cough vaccine. If it is necessary to develop an immune response from several diseases at once, then antipyretic drugs should be given to the child for prophylactic purposes before vaccination. This will make it possible to prevent an increase in temperature in the baby and prevent the development of a hyperthermic reaction.

Prevenar vaccine should not be injected into the buttocks. Especially, it rocks the youngest children. Infants are at high risk for the development of the consequences of vaccination associated with damage during the injection of the sciatic nerve. The vaccine must not be administered intravenously.

Immunization schedule

Immunization with the Prevenar vaccine is carried out in several stages. The duration and number of intervals depends on the age characteristics of the patients. According to generally accepted rules, infants over the age of 60 days are vaccinated following the following scheme:

  • for children aged 2-6 months, the first three injections are given monthly (the interval between doses is at least 30 days), and revaccination is prescribed at about 15 months;
  • infants after six months and up to a year are recommended to administer the vaccine three times according to the following scheme: the interval between the first and second injection should be no more than a month, and the third vaccine is performed at 24 months;
  • for babies from one to two years old, two doses of the vaccine are sufficient for primary vaccination. Revaccination is done no earlier than 8 weeks later;
  • It is customary for a child of the younger preschool age group (from 2 to 5) to receive the Prevenar vaccine once in a standard dose.

Doctors do not increase the frequency of taking the vaccine if the interval between rounds of vaccination has been extended due to the illness of the baby. The vaccine is given intramuscularly. Children under two years of age receive Prevenar 13 in the thigh area. Children from two to five years old are given an injection in the shoulder muscle. If the child's blood coagulation function is impaired, then the injection is not refused, and it is placed subcutaneously.

If the vaccination course was started with Prevenar vaccine, then revaccination is done only with the drug under discussion. Otherwise, antibodies to pneumococcal infection will not develop in sufficient quantities. In case of primary vaccination with Prevenar or Prevenar 7, in case of emergency, the vaccine can be replaced with the proven Prevenar-13. This will not affect the formation of active antibodies in the patient's serum.

The dose of the drug is 0.5 milliliters of the solution. For children with age, this amount of the drug does not change, since it is a stable constant. Each dose of prophylactic solution is enclosed in a syringe designed for single use. It is not necessary to pour the liquid dose into other containers before use. It is injected into the body directly from the syringe.

Immediately after the procedure, the child is supposed to remain under the supervision of medical staff for another 30 minutes. This is necessary during primary vaccination for the timely diagnosis of immediate type reactions (anaphylaxis, angioedema) and, in this case, providing medical assistance to save lives. Premature babies should be observed for three days because of the risk of apnea (breathing stops). There are no children in whom the primary vaccination has passed without complications.

Preparation for the procedure

The vaccine does not require special preparation before administration. It is done at the time the parents treat the baby, if the latter has no contraindications to the injection. Before the manipulation, the specialist conducts a detailed examination of the patient. He measures his temperature, excluding the presence of catarrhal phenomena. After that, the baby is sent to the manipulation room, where the vaccination takes place.

Sometimes it is advisable to take a general blood test before vaccination to determine markers of latent (asymptomatic) inflammation. A vaccine called Prevenar 13 is one of the allergenic drugs. Before using it for three days, the child is given an antihistamine as directed by the doctor.

Consequences of vaccination

Vaccination is well tolerated by patients. But there are always exceptions to the rule. In some cases, immunization can cause atypical reactions, the correction of which requires special treatment. Parents should be aware of which post-vaccination manifestations are normal reactions and which should be of concern.

How to recognize adverse reactions?

Vaccine Prevenar is a modern complex of serotypes of microorganisms of the Streptococcus pneumoniae series. With its help, the body manages to develop antibodies to any type of pneumococcal infection. This process is very stressful for the immune system. Therefore, the introduction of a vaccine preparation is almost always accompanied by reactions, both pathological and acceptable.

Acceptable conditions in the post-vaccination period include:

  • the appearance of small redness at the injection site;
  • compaction of soft tissues at the injection site;
  • increase in temperature values ​​​​not more than 37.6 0 С;
  • lethargy and apathy for one day;
  • short-term decrease in appetite after administration;
  • moderate chills associated with hyperthermia;
  • restlessness and tearfulness.

All these symptoms go away on their own after a couple of hours. They do not require medical intervention and are not a cause for special concern on the part of adults. At this time, you need to be attentive to the baby. Provide him with peace and comfortable conditions for his stay. It is advisable to limit contact with other children, spend some time in a calm environment in the fresh air, and control body temperature.

Most often, the circulatory, nervous system, as well as the baby's digestive tract suffer from vaccination. Abnormal reactions to the Prevenar 13 vaccine may include the following pathological conditions:

  • an increase in temperature to 39 0 C, when the child needs to be given an antipyretic (Paracetamol, Ibuprofen);
  • irritability and tearfulness can be eliminated with the help of natural sedatives suggested by the doctor;
  • when a sharp pain appears with limited mobility at the injection site, it is advisable to lubricate the area with an ointment with an anti-inflammatory effect such as Traumeel, Troksivazin;
  • with moderate nausea with occasional vomiting, the child should be given adsorbents;
  • infiltrative compaction of more than 7 cm at the injection site, doctors advise treating with absorbable drugs.

More often, side effects develop with primary vaccination. When they appear, you should not hesitate over time and immediately call a doctor. The lack of response in adults with the appearance of pathological symptoms turns into a real tragedy and ends with complications of the post-vaccination period.


The effects of vaccination with Prevenar occur predominantly in high-risk patients who are prone to allergic symptoms. Complications most often develop due to the introduction of a spoiled vaccine, the quality of which did not correspond to that stated in the instructions. Also, other negative consequences are diagnosed in children with latent manifestations of inflammation, immunodeficiency, chronic pathologies during the period of exacerbation.

The process of formation of antibodies to streptococcus pneumoniae in the blood can lead to the following consequences:

  • in children under the age of 5 years, convulsive readiness or even seizures are sometimes observed;
  • often vaccination is complicated by fever with an intoxication syndrome similar to the first signs of a common cold or flu;
  • immediate hyperreaction in the form of anaphylactic shock, Quincke's edema, as well as local allergies with itching and rash in different parts of the body;
  • the formation of an abscess at the injection site with swelling of adjacent tissues, soreness and severe edema.

How to protect yourself from unwanted consequences

After vaccination with Prevenar, it is recommended to stay within the walls of the clinic for another half an hour, so as not to miss the moment of the possible development of pathological manifestations of the procedure. Further, doctors insist on home control over the well-being of the crumbs. If any changes appear, it is important to visit a specialist for a consultation visit. If the condition of the baby deteriorates sharply, you should immediately call a team of doctors at home.

  • partially limit water procedures (only a short shower is allowed);
  • Refuse to introduce new foods into the child's diet a week before vaccination and a week after Prevenar 13;
  • use antipyretics for fever;
  • the development of hypersensitivity reactions is an indication for the appointment of antihistamine dosage forms;
  • three days after the injection, you can not visit crowded rooms and spaces where contact with potential spreaders of the infection can occur;
  • it is necessary to spend time on the street, but not to succumb to a weakened body with intense physical exertion.

The vaccination site should not be covered or lubricated with antiseptic solutions. It is forbidden to carry out the following manipulations with it:

  • process with alcohol solutions, potassium permanganate, brilliant green and the like;
  • apply lotions, herbal compresses, warming dressings to the affected area Prevenar 13;
  • cover the wound with a plaster or gauze bandage.

The body is able to independently create the desired immune response without unnecessary interventions. Therefore, any actions to stimulate the process can disrupt the normal course of this event or lead to irreparable consequences. It is better if parents listen to all the advice of immunologists and observe the intervals between procedures. Then they will be confident in the formation of really high-quality immunity.

Substitutes for Prevenar

If necessary, doctors can replace the Prevenar 13 vaccine with one of the analogues. These drugs are not inferior to her in terms of effectiveness and stimulate a similar immune response. Among the most popular solution substitutes are:

  1. Pneumo-23 is a high-quality French vaccine that can protect against a number of diseases of pneumococcal etiology. The drug is available in syringes. The vaccine can be combined with DTP and the polio vaccine. Pneumo-23 is a protection option for children suffering from hyperglycemia. Its disadvantage is the high cost and the possibility of use by children under the age of three.
  2. Synflorix is ​​a domestic drug that includes 10 serotypes. The vaccine is allowed to be given from 1.5 months. It is produced in a disposable vial with a dose for one procedure. The period between injections from pneumococcal infection should be a month.
  3. Pneumovax 23 is indicated for use in children over 2 months of age. Includes 23 serotypes of the infectious agent. The main disadvantage is the high rate of complications.

  • Instructions for use Prevenar 13
  • Composition of Prevenar 13
  • Prevenar 13 indications
  • Storage conditions of the drug Prevenar 13
  • Prevenar 13 shelf life

ATC code: Systemic antimicrobials (J) > Vaccines (J07) > Vaccines to prevent bacterial infections (J07A) > Vaccine to prevent pneumococcal disease (J07AL) > Pneumococcus, eliminated polysaccharides antigen conjugated (J07AL02)

Release form, composition and packaging

susp. d / i / m injections 0.5 ml / dose: syringes 0.5 ml 1, 10 or 50 pcs. in set with needles
Reg. No: 9928/12 dated 03/27/2012 - Expired

Suspension for intramuscular injection white, homogeneous; when settling, a precipitate is formed, which is easily broken when shaken.

0.5 ml
pneumococcal conjugates (polysaccharide - CRM 197):
serotype 1 polysaccharide 2.2 mcg
serotype 3 polysaccharide 2.2 mcg
serotype 4 polysaccharide 2.2 mcg
serotype 5 polysaccharide 2.2 mcg
serotype 6A polysaccharide 2.2 mcg
serotype 6B polysaccharide 4.4 mcg
serotype 7F polysaccharide 2.2 mcg
serotype 9V polysaccharide 2.2 mcg
serotype 14 polysaccharide 2.2 mcg
oligosaccharide serotype 18C 2.2 mcg
serotype 19A polysaccharide 2.2 mcg
polysaccharide serotype 19F 2.2 mcg
serotype 23F polysaccharide 2.2 mcg
carrier protein CRM 197 ~32 mcg

Excipients: aluminum phosphate (in terms of aluminum) - 0.125 mg, sodium chloride - 4.25 mg, succinic acid - 0.295 mg, polysorbate 80 - 0.1 mg, water for injection - up to 0.5 ml.

0.5 ml - transparent colorless glass syringes (type I) with a capacity of 1 ml (1) - plastic packaging (1) complete with sterile needles (1 pc.) - cardboard packs.
0.5 ml - transparent colorless glass syringes (type I) with a capacity of 1 ml (5) - plastic packaging (2) complete with sterile needles (10 pcs.) - cardboard packs.
0.5 ml - transparent colorless glass syringes (type I) with a capacity of 1 ml (5) - plastic packaging (10) complete with sterile needles (50 pcs.) - cardboard packs.

Prevenar 13 is manufactured in accordance with WHO guidelines for the production and quality control of pneumococcal conjugate vaccines.

Description of the medicinal product PREVENAR 13 based on the officially approved instructions for use of the drug and made in 2013. Date of update: 02/27/2013

pharmachologic effect

Vaccine to prevent pneumococcal infections.

Mechanism of action

Prevenar 13 contains 13 antigens - capsular polysaccharides of 13 serotypes of Streptococcus pneumoniae (4, 6B, 9V, 14, 18C, 19F, 23F, 1, 3, 5, 6A, 7F, 19A), individually conjugated with CRM 197 carrier protein. In response to antigenic stimulation, antibodies are produced by B cells in a T-dependent and T-independent way. The immune response to most antigens is T-dependent and involves the concerted action of CD4+ T-cells and B-cells in the process of antigen recognition. CD4+ T-cells (T-helpers) transmit signals to B-cells in a direct way (through the interaction of proteins on the cell surface) and in an indirect way (through the release of cytokines). These signals lead to the proliferation and differentiation of B cells and the synthesis of high affinity antibodies. CD4+ T cell signaling is required for B cell differentiation into long-lived plasma cells that continuously synthesize multiple isotype antibodies (with an IgG component) and memory B cells that rapidly mobilize and secrete antibodies upon repeated exposure to the same antigen.

Bacterial capsular polysaccharides (PS), different in chemical structure, have common immunological properties, representing mainly T-independent antigens. In the absence of T cell assistance, PS-stimulated B cells synthesize mainly IgM antibodies; antibody affinity maturation usually does not occur and memory B cells are not produced. In vaccines, the use of PS is associated with poor or no immunogenicity in infants under 24 months of age and failure to induce immunological memory at any age.

Conjugation of PS with a carrier protein overcomes the T cell-independent nature of PS antigens. T cells with a carrier protein provide the signaling necessary for the maturation of the immune response mediated by B cells and the formation of memory B cells. The transformation of the PS of Streptococcus pneumoniae into a T-cell-dependent antigen (by covalent attachment to the immunogenic carrier protein CRM 197) enhances the formation of antibodies and induces immune memory. It has been demonstrated that repeated exposure to pneumococcal polysaccharides in children induced a booster response.

Immunological properties

The introduction of the Prevenar 13 vaccine causes the production of antibodies to the capsular polysaccharides of Streptococcus pneumoniae, thereby providing specific protection against infections caused by vaccine-included 1, 3, 4, 5, 6A, 6B, 7F, 9V, 14, 18C, 19A, 19F and 23F serotypes of pneumococcus.

According to the WHO recommendations for new pneumococcal conjugate vaccines, an assessment of the equivalence of the immune response when using the vaccines Prevenar 13 and Prevenar was carried out according to a combination of three independent criteria:

  • the percentage of patients who have reached the concentration of specific antibodies IgG≥0.35 µg/ml;
  • geometric mean concentrations of immunoglobulins (IgG GMC) and opsonophagocytic activity of bactericidal antibodies (OFA titer ≥1:8). The introduction of Prevenar 13 causes the development of an immune response to all 13 vaccine serotypes, equivalent according to the above criteria to the Prevenar vaccine.

Vaccine Prevenar 13 includes up to 90% of all serotypes that cause invasive pneumococcal infections (IPI), incl. resistant to antibiotic treatment. Observations in the United States since the introduction of the 7-valent conjugate vaccine Prevenar suggest that the most severe cases of invasive pneumonia are associated with the action of serotypes included in Prevenar 13 (1, 3, 7F and 19A), in particular, serotype 3 is directly associated with necrotizing pneumonia.

Immune response when using three or two doses in a series of primary vaccinations

After the introduction three doses Prevenar 13 during the primary vaccination of children under the age of 6 months, a significant increase in the level of antibodies to all vaccine serotypes was noted.

After the introduction two doses during the primary vaccination with Prevenar 13 as part of the mass immunization of children of the same age group, there is also a significant increase in antibody titers to all components of the vaccine, but the level of IgG≥0.35 μg / ml for serotypes 6B and 23F was determined in a smaller percentage of children. At the same time, the concentration of antibodies after the administration of the booster dose of Prevenar 13, compared with the concentration of antibodies before the administration of the booster dose, increased for all 13 serotypes. The formation of immunological memory is shown for both of the above vaccination schemes. The secondary immune response to a booster dose in children of the second year of life when using three or two doses in a series of primary vaccinations is comparable for all 13 serotypes.

Booster responses to two-dose and three-dose immunization schedules

Post-booster antibody concentrations were higher for 12 serotypes than those achieved after the primary immunization series, indicating adequate priming (formation of immunological memory). For serotype 3, antibody concentrations after the primary immunization series and booster doses were similar. Booster antibody responses after the two-dose and three-dose priming series were comparable across all 13 vaccine serotypes.

In adults aged 50 years and older, the level of serotype-specific polysaccharide-binding IgG antibodies is not used to predict protection against invasive pneumococcal infections or non-bacteremic pneumonia. It is believed that a reflection of the mechanisms of anti-pneumococcal protection in adults is the functional activity of antibodies produced - opsonophagocytic activity (OPA) - the ability of blood serum antibodies to eliminate pneumococci by activating complement-mediated phagocytosis in vitro. Preclinical and clinical data from a study of the immunogenicity of Prevenar 13 vaccine in adults aged 50 years and older confirm the functional opsonophagocytic activity of post-vaccination serotype-specific OFA antibodies.

Indications for use

  • prevention of invasive disease, pneumonia and acute otitis media caused by Streptococcus pneumoniae in children aged 6 weeks to 5 years inclusive;
  • prevention of invasive disease caused by Streptococcus pneumoniae in adults aged 50 years and older.

Prevenar 13 should be formally justified, taking into account the severity of invasive disease in different age groups and depending on the variability in the epidemiology of serotypes in different geographical areas.

Dosing regimen

Method of administration

The vaccine is administered intramuscularly - into the anterolateral surface of the thigh ( children under 2 years old) or into the deltoid muscle of the shoulder ( children over 2 years old and adults), in a single dose of 0.5 ml. Before use, the Prevenar 13 vaccine syringe must be shaken well until a homogeneous suspension is obtained. Do not use if foreign particles are detected during inspection of the contents of the syringe, or the contents look different than described in the "Composition and form of release" section.

Do not administer Prevenar 13 intravenously!

Do not inject Prevenar 13 into the gluteal muscle!

Vaccination scheme

Age 6 weeks to 6 months

A series of triple primary vaccination (scheme 3 + 1): 3 doses of Prevenar 13 are administered with intervals between injections of at least 1 month. The first dose can be administered to children from the age of 6 weeks. Revaccination is carried out once every 12-15 months. The scheme is used in the implementation of individual immunization of children against pneumococcal infection.

Series of two primary vaccinations (scheme 2 + 1): 2 doses of Prevenar 13 are administered with an interval between injections of at least 2 months. The first dose can be administered to children from the age of 2 months. Revaccination is carried out once every 11-15 months. The scheme is used in the implementation of mass immunization of children against pneumococcal infection.

With a forced increase in the interval between injections of any of the above vaccination courses, the introduction of additional doses of Prevenar 13 is not required.

Children previously vaccinated with Prevenar

Pneumococcal vaccination started with Prevenar 7-valent vaccine can be continued with Prevenar 13 at any stage of the immunization schedule.

Prevenar 13 should be given as a single dose to adults 50 years of age and older, including those previously vaccinated with pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine.

The need for revaccination with Prevenar 13 has not been established. For specific recommendations, please refer to local recommendations.

Side effects

The frequency of adverse reactions was determined as follows:

  • very common (≥1/10), frequent (≥1/100, but<1/10), нечастые (≥1/1000, но <1/100), редкие (≥1/10 000, но <1/1000) и очень редкие (≤1/10 000).

The adverse reactions listed below are classified by organs and systems, as well as in accordance with the frequency of their manifestation in all age groups.

Adverse reactions identified in clinical studies Prevenar 13

Children aged 6 weeks to 5 years inclusive

General and local reactions: very frequent - hyperthermia up to 39 ° C, irritability, skin flushing, pain, induration or swelling of 2.5-7 cm in size at the injection site, drowsiness, worsening sleep;

  • frequent - hyperthermia above 39 ° C, pain at the injection site, leading to a short-term limitation of the range of motion of the limb;
  • infrequent - skin flushing, induration or swelling larger than 7 cm at the injection site, tearfulness;
  • rare - cases of hypotonic collapse, hypersensitivity reactions at the injection site (urticaria, dermatitis, itching) *, flushing of the face.
  • From the hematopoietic system: very rare - regional lymphadenopathy *.

    From the immune system: rare - hypersensitivity reaction, including shortness of breath, bronchospasm, Quincke's edema of different localization;

  • anaphylactic/anaphylactoid reaction, including shock*.
  • From the nervous system: very common - irritability, sleep disorders;

  • infrequent - convulsions (including febrile), crying.
  • From the gastrointestinal tract: very common - loss of appetite;

  • frequent - vomiting, diarrhea.
  • rare - rash, urticaria;

  • very rare - erythema multiforme*.
  • *noted during post-marketing observations of the vaccine Prevenar; can be considered as possible for Prevenar 13.

    Adults aged 50 and over

    General and local reactions: very common - chills, fatigue, flushing of the skin at the injection site, induration / swelling at the injection site, pain / tenderness at the injection site, limited range of motion of the limb;

  • frequent - hyperthermia;
  • infrequent - regional lymphadenopathy.
  • From the nervous system: very common - headache.

    From the gastrointestinal tract: very common - diarrhea, loss of appetite;

  • frequent - vomiting;
  • infrequent - nausea.
  • From the immune system: infrequent - hypersensitivity reaction, including swelling of the face, dyspnea, bronchospasm.

    From the skin and subcutaneous tissue: very common - rash.

    From the musculoskeletal system: very common - generalized pain in the muscles and joints (previously not disturbing / strengthening of previously disturbing pain).

    special instructions

    Given the rare cases of anaphylactic reactions, the child after vaccination should be under medical supervision for at least 30 minutes. Immunization sites should be provided with anti-shock therapy. When deciding to vaccinate a child with severe prematurity (pregnancy ≤28 weeks), especially those with a history of respiratory immaturity, it should be taken into account that the benefits of immunization against pneumococcal infection in this group of patients are especially high and vaccination should not be withheld or tolerated. terms. However, due to the potential risk of apnea (available with the use of any other vaccines), the first vaccination with Prevenar 13 should be carried out in a hospital under medical supervision (at least 48 hours).

    As with other IM injections, in children with thrombocytopenia and/or other coagulation disorders and/or in the case of treatment with anticoagulants, vaccination with Prevenar 13 should be carried out with caution, provided that the child's condition is stabilized and hemostasis control is achieved.

    Prevenar 13 provides protection only against those serotypes of Streptococcus pneumoniae that are included in its composition, and does not protect against other microorganisms that cause invasive diseases, pneumonia or otitis media. In children with impaired immunoreactivity, vaccination may be accompanied by a reduced level of antibody formation.

    There is limited evidence that Prevenar's precursor 13, the seven-valent vaccine Prevenar, elicits an adequate immune response in children under 6 months of age with sickle cell anemia, with a safety profile similar to Prevenar's in non-high-risk vaccinees. . Currently, there are no data on the safety and immunogenicity of the vaccine in children of other high-risk groups for invasive pneumococcal infections (eg, children with congenital or acquired spleen dysfunction, HIV infection, malignant tumors, nephrotic syndrome). The decision to vaccinate high-risk children should be made on an individual basis. Relevant data for Prevenar 13 are currently not available.

    High-risk children under 2 years of age should be primed with Prevenar 13 according to age. In cases where children aged 2 years and older who are at high risk (for example, with sickle cell anemia, asplenia, HIV infection, chronic disease, or immunological dysfunction) and who previously received courses of Prevenar 13 vaccination, are prescribed 23- valence pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine, the interval between vaccines should be at least 8 weeks.

    Due to the fact that the cause of the development of otitis media can be a variety of pathogens (viruses, bacteria, fungi, mixed infections), and not just pneumococci included in Prevenar 13 serotypes, the estimated preventive efficacy of Prevenar 13 against otitis media may be less pronounced according to compared with efficacy for invasive diseases.

    Due to the higher risk of developing febrile reactions in children with convulsive disorders, incl. with a history of febrile convulsions, as well as receiving Prevenar 13 simultaneously with whole cell pertussis vaccines, prophylactic administration of antipyretics is recommended.

    If the drug is administered simultaneously with another vaccine to the same patient, the patient should be informed about the possibility of prescribing these vaccines separately. The health status of the patient should be carefully assessed and consideration should also be given to administering vaccines separately in patients with severe underlying diseases.

    Influence on the ability to drive vehicles and control mechanisms

    Information on the effect of the drug on the ability to drive a car and use machinery in the target category of patients aged 50 years and older has not been studied.


    An overdose of Prevenar 13 is unlikely, because The vaccine is released in a syringe containing only one dose. However, there have been reports of overdose of Prevenar 13 vaccine in the form of the introduction of subsequent doses of the vaccine earlier than the recommended time. In general, adverse events reported with overdose are consistent with adverse events reported with Prevenar 13 administered at the recommended times.

    drug interaction

    Interchangeability data between Prevenar and Prevenar 13 for non-CRM 197-based pneumococcal conjugate vaccines are not available.

    Prevenar 13 is combined with any other vaccines included in the immunization calendar for children in the first years of life. Prevenar 13 can be administered to children simultaneously (on the same day) with any of the following antigens, which are part of both monovalent and combined vaccines:

    Representation Hprivate limited companyPfizer Export B.V." in the Republic of Belarus


    Prevenar 13 is a pneumococcal vaccine used to prevent pneumonia.

    Composition and action

    The drug is sold in the form of a suspension intended for intramuscular injection. The substance has a homogeneous consistency and white color. 1 package of the product includes a syringe with the active ingredient and a sterile needle.

    The composition of the vaccine includes polysaccharides of the cell wall of pneumococci of various serotypes. Additionally, the drug contains polysorbate, sodium chloride, aluminum phosphate, succinic acid, water for injection. The composition also includes diphtheria protein.

    Pharmacological properties

    Prevenar contains pneumococcal polysaccharides of the 13 most common and virulent serotypes. These molecular compounds are adsorbed on aluminum phosphate. When foreign compounds enter the human body, they cause the production of antibodies. Similarly, there is a safe sensitization of the body to streptococcus pneumoniae.

    During clinical trials of the vaccine, the formation of a large number of antibodies to all variants of the polysaccharides contained in the preparation was noted. Children vaccinated with 3 doses of the agent showed the best immunization. Double administration of the vaccine resulted in less resistance to pneumococcal serotypes 6B and 23F.

    It is possible to achieve an adequate immune response to the ingress of pathogens into the body by 2 or 3 injections of the vaccine. The number of injections required varies depending on the age of the patient.

    Newborn children for a sufficient immune response should receive 2 to 4 injections. The same number of vaccinations is used when vaccinating premature babies.

    Children aged 10-17 years with 1 injection showed an immune response to all serotypes of pneumococcus, whose polysaccharides are part of this vaccine.

    Should I get vaccinated with Prevenar 13 vaccine and why?

    This remedy is prescribed for the prevention of diseases caused by pneumococci.

    Among them:

    • otitis:
    • pneumonia;
    • meningitis;
    • sepsis, etc.

    Vaccination can be carried out among people with HIV infection and other immunopathologies, cancer patients receiving immunosuppressive medications. The tool can be administered before and after cochlear implant surgery.

    It is advisable to get vaccinated for people suffering from chronic pneumonia, infectious lesions of the heart valves, liver, kidneys and other organs. Preventive vaccination can be done to all people over 50 years of age due to the age-related decrease in the body's immune forces.

    Mandatory or not

    Vaccination of children with Prevenar is carried out according to the national vaccination schedule.

    You can also get immunized at your own request to prevent the development of diseases caused by pneumococci.

    Application and dosage of the drug Prevenar 13

    The vaccine is administered intramuscularly. A single dose of Prevenar is 0.5 ml. The injection is made in the deltoid muscle; for children under 2 years of age, the drug is injected into the muscles of the thigh.

    Before taking the vaccine into the syringe, shake the ampoule with the substance thoroughly to obtain a homogeneous liquid. Do not administer the drug if there are any inclusions in the syringe, and if the vaccine has a form that differs from that described in the instructions for use.

    How many times is Prevenar 13 vaccinated

    The vaccination schedule with Prevenar depends on the age of the patient.

    When immunizing children under 6 months of age, 3 shots with the Prevenar vaccine are given, the intervals between which are at least a month. The first injection is given at the age of 2 months.

    Children 7-11 months of age should receive a minimum of 2 doses, 1 month apart. It is necessary to carry out a one-time revaccination in the period from 12 to 15 months.

    Children 12-24 months old receive 2 injections with the drug, the interval between which should be at least 2 months.

    Children after 2 years are vaccinated 1 time. The same rule applies to adults.

    Contraindications for use

    • individual hypersensitivity to the components of the drug;
    • increased individual sensitivity to diphtheria toxoid;
    • acute period of the disease of any origin;
    • chronic diseases in the acute stage.

    Side effects

    During vaccine studies, the following most common side effects were identified:

    1. increase in body temperature;
    2. rash and redness at the injection site;
    3. sleep disturbance;
    4. increased irritability;
    5. lack of appetite.

    Undesirable effects occurred more often in children after the first year of life.

    The frequency of adverse reactions in premature infants was equal to that in full-term infants.

    Patients with HIV experienced the negative effects of the drug as often as patients from the healthy population. The exception was the following symptoms: nausea, vomiting. Their frequency was higher than the average among vaccinated healthy people.

    The entire list of side effects from the Prevenar vaccine is as follows:

    1. The most common: an increase in body temperature to a subfebrile level, redness of the skin, induration and pain at the injection site, vomiting, general weakness, headache, pain in the muscles and joints, drowsiness, chills.
    2. Frequent: an increase in body temperature to a febrile level, pain and swelling at the injection site, causing difficulty in moving the limb, urticaria, dermatitis, nausea.
    3. Infrequent: flushing of the skin, convulsive seizures.
    4. Rare: hypotonic collapse, facial edema, bronchial muscle spasm, shock, anaphylaxis, angioedema, dyspnea.
    5. The most rare: damage to local lymph nodes near the injection site, polymorphic erythema.

    One of the most common side effects is redness of the skin.

    Preparation and actions after vaccination

    Before vaccination, you should make sure that the patient is healthy.

    Any disease in the acute phase is a contraindication for the administration of the drug.

    If injection is possible, care should be taken to ensure that the remaining injections are given without violating the standard interval.

    special instructions

    After the introduction of the vaccine, it is necessary to observe the patient for half an hour. Before vaccination, you should take care of first aid in case of an anaphylactic reaction.

    When vaccinating premature babies, the observation time should be 48 hours. This is due to the possible occurrence of respiratory arrest.

    Immunization of patients with coagulopathy and after bone marrow transplantation is carried out with extreme caution. The introduction of the drug can be carried out only under the condition of stable hemostasis. Patients in this group are allowed to administer the vaccine subcutaneously.

    The tool does not affect the ability to drive vehicles. Driving time should be limited only in the event of adverse reactions.

    The vaccine must be transported at a temperature of +2…+25°C. Transportation should not take more than 5 days. The shelf life of the drug is 3 years from the date of issue.

    Can I take during pregnancy and lactation

    Data on the use of the drug by pregnant and lactating women are not available. It is not known whether bacterial antigens and antibodies formed by the mother's body pass into milk.

    Application in childhood

    Vaccination with Prevenar can be carried out from 2 months.

    For impaired renal function

    Immunization of patients with impaired renal function is possible if there are no acute diseases.

    For impaired liver function

    Chronic liver disease is not a contraindication to the introduction of the vaccine. Immunization is prohibited only in the case of acute processes.

    live vaccine or not

    Prevenar is not a live vaccine because it contains only antigenic particles of bacterial agents. The composition of the vaccine does not include whole microorganisms, which guarantees the safety of its use in people with reduced immunity.


    • Pneumo 23;
    • Synflorix.


    The cost of funds ranges from 1500 to 2000 rubles.

    Lecture: "Community-acquired pneumonia: diagnosis and treatment from the standpoint of evidence-based medicine."

    Pneumonia: treatment and prevention

    Doctors stood up for Pneumo-23.

    Every year the number of children suffering from pneumococcal bacterial diseases only increases. Pneumococcal diseases manifest themselves in the form of pneumonia, bronchitis, sepsis, tonsillitis and similar ailments. The pharmaceutical market annually replenishes pharmacy counters with new drugs, including those aimed at combating pneumococci. Despite this, getting rid of this type of bacterial infection is quite difficult. In addition to the fact that the pneumococcus bacterium is sufficiently resistant to the effects of various antibiotic drugs, it also adapts to their composition. This leads to the need to update the composition of drugs in order to be able to cure the developing disease.

    In order to exclude the occurrence of pneumococcal diseases in children, measures have been taken to conduct annual vaccination. This is one of the best decisions in order to exclude the occurrence of serious ailments, which was made at the beginning of 2017. For vaccination against pneumococcal bacteria, a remedy such as Prevenar 13 is used. We will find out in detail how effective and safe this vaccine is for children.

    Features of the vaccine "Prevenar 13"

    The main purpose of the Prevenar vaccine number 13 is to protect the body from the spread of pneumococcus bacteria. A vaccine is not an antibiotic or a drug that can fight a bacterium. Prevenar is a vaccine that stimulates the body to develop immunity against pneumococcal infections.

    The vaccine called "Prevenar 13" has the form of a suspension, which is based on polysaccharides of various types of pneumococcus. Polysaccharides are particles of pneumococcal microorganisms that are enhanced with diphtheria protein. The vaccine received an additional digital designation "13", since it is under this number that all types of pneumococcal serotypes are located, which contribute to the occurrence of serious pathologies in the body.

    Most often, pneumococcal infection contributes to the development of complications in young children. The advantage of the Prevenar vaccine is that it is prescribed for babies from the first months of life. From the second month of life, all small children are vaccinated against pneumococcal infections.

    The vaccine contains the following components:

    1. Pneumococcal polysaccharides of the following types: 1,3, 4, 5, 6A, 6B, 7F, 9V, 14, 18C and others.
    2. diphtheria protein.
    3. Sodium chloride or saline.
    4. Succinic acid.
    5. Polysorbate.

    The manufacturer of the Prevenar 13 vaccine is the pharmaceutical company Pfizer, which is located in the United States. This is a huge organization that has its branches in various European countries. If the packaging of the vaccine indicates that the medication was manufactured in Ireland or Russia, then you should not think that this is a fake.

    It is important to know! The composition of the vaccine must be known, since if the patient is allergic to any component, its administration is strictly prohibited.

    Who should get vaccinated

    Pneumococcal infections contribute to diseases such as pneumonia. Bronchitis, otitis and many others. Resistance to the composition of the drug in pneumococcal microorganisms only increases every year. Experts do not console with guesses that in a few decades there will be no opportunity to overcome pneumococcal microorganisms. If such drugs are produced (for the destruction of pneumococcus), then they will not be available to all segments of the population.

    It is important to know! Vaccination is one of the most effective and alternative ways to reduce the number of patients with pneumococcal diseases. The danger of this type of bacteria lies in the fact that it contributes to the development of serious complications leading to death.

    From what and for what purpose is vaccination carried out? The main purpose of the Prevenar 13 vaccine is to effectively protect the body from the onset of pneumococcal disease. Moreover, vaccination from the first days of life increases the level of protection against all types of bacterial infections. In the future, vaccination every year will only maintain immunity, while preventing the occurrence of serious bacterial complications.

    In addition to the fact that the above categories of people have a tendency to develop pneumococcus, the course of bacterial infections will proceed in severe forms. If measures are not taken in a timely manner to improve the patient, then eventually a fatal outcome occurs.

    It is important to know! Vaccinations are given for newborns from the second month of life, and may continue annually, as provided by the vaccination schedule.

    What does the vaccination schedule look like?

    The instruction for the use of the vaccine provides for several options for the schemes for the use of the drug. The following factors play a major role in these options:

    1. Age category of patients for whom it is indicated to be vaccinated.
    2. The need for vaccination. Scientists have come to the conclusion that children older than 3 years and adults under 60 do not need to be vaccinated. This category of people has already suffered many different bacterial infections, so the immune system does not need additional strengthening in the form of the introduction of an artificial bacterial microorganism.
    3. From the relevant indications, since there are categories of persons for whom the vaccine is indicated for the presence of signs of a predisposition to the occurrence of ailments provoked by bacteria.

    There are some differences for each version of the vaccination schedules. Let's consider these schemes in more detail.

    1. For babies from 2 to 6 months, it is indicated to be vaccinated according to the following scheme: the vaccine is given three times, the interval between vaccinations should be at least 4 weeks. In case of impossibility to come for the next vaccination, you can do it twice, but with an interval of at least 8 months.
    2. If the parents decide to vaccinate the baby at 7-11 months of age, the following scheme is carried out: immunization is performed twice, but with a pause of 4 weeks. You will need to undergo a single revaccination, which is carried out at the age of 2 years.
    3. At the age of 1 year and up to 2 years, immunization is carried out in the amount of 2 times. Re-vaccination is carried out 8 months after the first.
    4. From the age of 2, the vaccine is given only once. There is no need for revaccination. In the future, revaccination can be carried out once a year without age restrictions.

    It is important to know! If the child was first vaccinated with Prevenar, which protects the body only against 7 types of pneumococcal bacteria, then re-immunization can be performed with Prevenar 13.

    How to properly inject "Prevenar 13"

    The drug is produced in the form of a suspension, which is placed in a disposable syringe-tube. Outwardly, such a vaccine should have the form of a transparent liquid, therefore, in the presence of turbidity, its use should be excluded.

    It is important to know! Before giving an injection, the vaccine in the syringe must be shaken. Inside the syringe should be a homogeneous consistency without impurities.

    Previnar belongs to the category of those drugs that are not subject to freezing. If you notice that a medical worker is taking a medication out of the freezer, then such a remedy is unsuitable for use.

    Instructions for use of the drug provides only intramuscular administration of the drug. It is important to read the instructions to find out where it is better to inject the drug.

    • Babies under the age of two are recommended to inject the medication into the thigh. This is done in order to have the ability to apply a tourniquet in case of possible complications.
    • For children over 2 years of age, it is required to administer the vaccine in the shoulder area. Usually this is the deltoid muscle, but each medical institution has its own rules.

    It is important to know! The syringe has a needle, the length of which is insignificant, but it is important to inject all of it into the muscle in order to increase the effectiveness of the medication.

    How the body reacts to the Prevenar 13 vaccine

    The reaction of the body to the administration of the drug occurs in almost all cases. Prevenar is usually well tolerated by children, but the following side effects may develop:

    1. In children and adults, there are such side effects from the nervous system as sleep disturbance, loss of appetite, headaches, fatigue and irritability.
    2. The temperature rises very often. Usually the temperature is kept at 38-38.5 degrees, but in some cases it is possible to reach 39 degrees. Parents should control the temperature to avoid it rising above normal.
    3. There are side effects on vaccination in the form of the occurrence of pain syndromes in the joints.
    4. There are complaints of soreness at the injection site, movement of the arms and legs is limited, injection sites swell, and symptoms such as vomiting and diarrhea occur.
    5. Rarely, after Prevenar, complications occur in the form of seals and swelling at the injection site up to 7 cm in size. Children become whiny and irritable.
    6. There may be signs of enlarged lymph nodes.

    It is important to know! For the speedy disappearance of reactions after the introduction of the vaccine, it is recommended to make an iodine mesh. Usually, the soreness of the injection site disappears by the next day.

    What complications can occur

    If side effects after vaccination do not disappear for more than 1 day, then it is necessary to inform the doctor. The occurrence of adverse reactions and complications does not always depend on the quality of the medication itself. Very often, the rules for storing the drug may be violated, the expiration date is not controlled, and low-quality antiseptic preparations are also used. After vaccination, the following complications may develop:

    1. Allergy. The causes of allergic reactions are signs of intolerance to one of the constituent components of the vaccine.
    2. The occurrence of Quincke's edema, as well as a complication in the form of anaphylactic shock. Rarely, cough and shortness of breath may occur.
    3. Local complications include the occurrence of inflammatory reactions that form at the injection site.
    4. The occurrence of seizures.
    5. The temperature rises, there is weakness, headaches, body aches, joints.

    Sometimes parents may suspect that the baby has an ARVI disease. To avoid the occurrence of side symptoms and complications after vaccination, the patient needs to be under the supervision of health workers for some time. In case of complications, the doctor prescribes symptomatic treatment.

    It is important to know! Usually, 1-2 days before vaccination, health workers notify the need to take antiallergic drugs.

    The presence of contraindications to the vaccination "Prevenar 13"

    Vaccination with Prevenar is carried out as a preventive measure to exclude the development of ailments caused by pneumococcus. The vaccine is well tolerated, especially given the early age of infants. This drug has some contraindications, in the presence of which it is better to exclude the administration of the drug in order to avoid undesirable consequences and complications. These contraindications include:

    • Pregnancy and lactation. Women are not recommended to be vaccinated, as the reaction to the fetus has not been studied, so the consequences can be unpredictable.
    • It is forbidden to vaccinate if the previous vaccine provoked the occurrence of allergic symptoms.
    • Do not administer the drug if there is hypersensitivity to at least one component of the vaccine.
    • During vaccination, the patient must be healthy, therefore, in case of exacerbation of chronic or acute diseases, vaccination will need to be postponed.

    It is recommended to vaccinate babies in the age category from 2 months to 5 years. If a person was not vaccinated in childhood, then he can be vaccinated at any age, especially if he is at risk of developing bacterial diseases.

    It is important to know! Patients themselves must warn health workers who are engaged in immunization of the population about the presence of contraindications.

    When vaccinating, it is important to know some recommendations. These recommendations include:

    1. Prior to the start of immunization, as well as immediately after the introduction of the vaccine, it is recommended to avoid close contact with sick people. After the introduction of the vaccine, a decrease in immunity is observed, therefore, a patient who is known to be infected with viral or infectious diseases may encounter complicated symptoms after vaccination.
    2. After the immunization is carried out, you can try the introduction of new types of complementary foods to the baby no earlier than a few weeks later. Most often, allergies after immunization may occur on supplements and complementary foods introduced into the diet, and not on the drug.
    3. It is recommended to vaccinate on the eve of the weekend, which will avoid unwanted contact with sick people the next day.
    4. After the administration of the drug, it is recommended to stay in the hospital for 0.5-1 hour. This is necessary in order to be able to provide emergency assistance to the patient in the event of side effects or complications.
    5. You can wet the injection site, but it is recommended to do this under the shower, that is, running water, and not in the bathroom, where infection is possible. If possible, it is better not to wet the injection site during the day.
    6. After vaccination, you can walk with the child. At the same time, it is important that such walks are in the fresh air, but not in cafeterias, shops and other establishments with a large crowd of people. The probability of catching a virus or infection in such places is 90%.

    What questions often arise when vaccinating?

    Patients who come to the hospital for immunization ask the following questions:

    1. What is included in the vaccine? Is it live pneumococcus bacteria? The vaccine contains artificially grown and weakened strains of pneumococcus, so they are not able to provoke the disease.
    2. What should I do to come to the hospital prepared for immunization? No special preparation is required for the Prevenar vaccination, but the most important thing is to arrive healthy and in a good mood. If the patient knows that he does not tolerate injections or medications, it is better to inform the doctor in advance. If in doubt, the patient is advised to be examined by a therapist and, if necessary, to be tested.
    3. How long can a fever last after vaccination? Usually the temperature is kept at the level of 38-38.5 degrees. The duration of its maintenance does not exceed 2 days, but if it does not subside on the third day, then you should go to the hospital.
    4. When should you not wait for the disappearance of side symptoms? In the event of adverse symptoms in severe form, it is recommended to immediately go to the hospital. Usually the most difficult forms of manifestation for vaccination are the occurrence of allergies. With Quincke's edema and with symptoms of anaphylactic shock, emergency assistance is required.
    5. How often should I vaccinate with Previnar 13? Vaccination is carried out from one to 4 times, but it all depends on the age of the patient.

    Nurses hear such questions every day from patients who came for vaccinations or brought their babies. The main thing that the patient needs to know is the high effectiveness of Prevenar 13, which reduces the possibility of bacterial diseases by 90%.

    There is practically no area of ​​​​medicine in which these bacteria would not have messed up. It becomes clear that a person’s desire is not easy to get rid of existing diseases caused by streptococci, but also to try to prevent them in the future. For this purpose, a special vaccine was created - Prevenar. What is the Prevenar vaccine and how does it work?

    Attention! The Prevenar vaccine has been discontinued. Instead, it is now being issued "".

    Diseases caused by streptococcal infections

    To create the next medicine or preventive drug, ongoing research is carried out, which takes into account how dangerous the microorganism is and how best to get rid of it. The attention of scientists has long been focused on streptococcal infections. This unfriendly bacterium causes:

    • pneumonia, bronchitis;
    • erysipelas of the skin (an acute infectious disease in which the skin becomes intense red, the temperature rises and pain in the affected area);
    • scarlet fever, tonsillitis, pharyngitis;
    • glomerulonephritis - inflammation of the glomerular apparatus of the kidneys;
    • meningitis is an inflammation of the lining of the brain or spinal cord.

    The latter can be obtained as a complication in the absence of a full-fledged treatment of diseases of the upper respiratory tract.

    What is the Prevenar vaccine?

    What does the Prevenar vaccine protect against? It helps the body develop immunity against pneumococcus, the bacteria (a type of streptococcus) that causes pneumonia. Both adults and children are susceptible to this disease of the respiratory system. But for newborns and young children, such a seemingly completely curable disease often ends in death. Many types of microorganism are dangerous, and resistance (immunity) to many modern drugs leads to undesirable complications.

    Prevenar is a polysaccharide adsorbed pneumococcal vaccine. Manufacturer - Pfizer (Pfizer) USA.

    The composition of the vaccine "Prevenar" in 0.5 ml of solution:

    • pneumococcal conjugates;
    • carrier protein;
    • polysaccharides of serotypes: 4, 6B, 9V, 14, 18C 19F, 23F;
    • water for injections;
    • aluminum phosphate;
    • sodium chloride.

    All these incomprehensible letters and words mean variants (strains) of pneumococcus against which the Prevenar vaccine protects. Everything else is fillers and stabilizers. Vaccination leads to the production of antibodies against pathogenic microorganisms.

    "Prevenar" mandatory vaccination or not? In clinics, it is sold on a paid basis. Its use is only advisory. Until recently, there were no data on such vaccines in the national immunization calendar in Russia. But since January 2014, an anti-pneumococcal prophylactic has been included in this list. Free of charge in clinics, they are vaccinated with an analogue of Prevenar - the French vaccine Pneumo 23.

    Who should be vaccinated with Prevenar?

    The drug is not prescribed for every person, and it’s not even about the cost of vaccination. According to the instructions for use of the Prevenar vaccine, the substance must be administered:

    For adults and children over five years old, the drug is not prescribed, which is associated with immunity, the ability to produce antibodies against pneumococcus. They will not have the desired immune response to the Prevenar vaccine. Experiments were also not carried out on pregnant and lactating mothers, so they are not included in the list of those who are vaccinated.

    Instructions for use

    How many times is Prevenar made? It all depends on the specific situation.

    Vaccination is carried out only intramuscularly - either in the deltoid muscle of the shoulder - if the child is older than two years old, or in the anterolateral surface of the thigh - for small children up to 2 years old, starting from two months of life.
    How many times and at what intervals is the vaccine given? The Prevenar vaccination scheme is as follows.

    1. If the first injection of the vaccine was in a child at 2 months, then the next two are prescribed with an interval of one month. Only three vaccinations (at 2, 3 and 4 months). Revaccination is optimally carried out up to two years - from 12 to 15 months.
    2. With a later date for the start of prevention (from 7 to 11 months), the Prevenar vaccination schedule is as follows: two vaccinations of 0.5 ml in a month and revaccination in two years.
    3. From 12 to 23 months, the drug is administered twice in the usual dose with an interval of two months.
    4. After two years, they are vaccinated once at the standard dosage. Revaccination "Prevenar" in this case is not carried out.

    Schemes of administration of "Prevenar" are prescribed individually after consultation with the attending physician.

    Side effects

    Like any other vaccine, this one can lead to reactions from the body. Of the most common, the following side effects may occur.

    According to the vaccination calendar, the drug can be administered simultaneously with other vaccines (DPT), so it is sometimes difficult to determine which of them caused complications. An important condition after using the Prevenar vaccine is to remain under the supervision of health workers for at least 30 minutes. This is necessary in order to respond in time to possible undesirable reactions of the body.

    In the event of any complications that do not go away within a day (with the exception of shock, bronchospasm, Quincke's edema, vomiting and other serious conditions), a doctor should be called.

    Preparation and actions after vaccination

    How is the Prevenar vaccine tolerated? Side effects will be minimal if you follow a few simple rules.

    Contraindications to vaccination "Prevenar"

    Do not forget that the drug "Prevenar" belongs to the group of prescription vaccines and is prescribed only after the recommendations of the attending physician. Do not vaccinate in the following cases.

    1. "Prevenar" is contraindicated during acute infectious diseases.
    2. With exacerbation of chronic processes.
    3. Children up to two months and over 5 years.
    4. The vaccine must be homogeneous, there may be small light inclusions in the syringe - sediment. But after shaking the flakes of a different color should not be. Otherwise, such a vaccine should not be vaccinated.

    Side effects on the Prevenar vaccine, if the rules are followed, will be minimized.


    What are the analogues of "Prevenar"?

    1. "Pneumo 23".
    2. "Prevenar 13" (with a wider spectrum of action against pneumococci).

    Which of these analogues is better? Given the recent timing of the introduction of the vaccine in the vaccination calendar, it is still difficult to determine which one is better. All of these vaccines have been on the market for more than a decade, and each of them has proven itself well.

    Is pneumococcal vaccination required? This is a completely natural question, because until recently this vaccination was not even included in the list of mandatory. New antibacterial drugs are being created less and less. The resistance of microorganisms to them is increasing every day. Perhaps, in a few decades, the pneumococcal vaccine will be the only way to fight streptococcus.