
Daily dose of piracetam tablets. The drug "Piracetam": indications for use, description and instructions

Treatment with injections for any disease is more effective than taking pills. This also applies to osteochondrosis.

The high efficiency of injectable drugs is explained by the fact that the active substance from such drugs penetrates into the blood much faster, respectively, and it begins to act much faster than from drugs in tablets.

In the treatment of osteochondrosis, injections provide a deeper effect on tissues damaged by osteochondrosis. Often, neuropathologists (mainly with cervical osteochondrosis) include Piracetam injections in the complex of drugs. Let us examine in more detail the properties of this drug.

  • Contribute to the improvement of integrative brain activity, mental performance;
  • Improve learning;
  • Stimulate the strengthening of memory, normalizes cerebral processes such as speech, consciousness, attention, memorization, etc .;
  • Accelerates the breakdown of glucose and the processing of sugars in the brain;
  • Enhances the production of RNA (ribonucleic acid);
  • Improves cerebral microcirculation without leading to vasodilation, improves blood flow and oxygen supply to the brain;
  • Inhibits the process of gluing (aggregation) of platelets - First stage thrombus formation;
  • In case of brain damage caused by oxygen deficiency, electric shock, intoxication, Piracetam performs protective functions;
  • Reduces the severity of involuntary eye fluctuations due to irritating effects on the vestibular system (vestibular nystagmus);
  • Strengthens the connections between the left and right hemispheres;
  • With osteochondrosis cervical, accompanied by symptoms such as dizziness and pain in the head, coordination disorders, weakness and lethargy, Piracetam injections will help restore metabolic processes in brain tissues and normalize blood supply.

The effect of Piracetam injections is not felt immediately, but comes with time. The action of the drug is in no way associated with psychostimulating and sedative effects.

Release form and composition

Piracetam injections are available as an injection solution placed in ampoules.

Each ampoule contains 5 ml of the drug, and the package contains 10 ampoules.

The composition of the solution, which is a slightly colored or colorless liquid, contains:

  1. The main active ingredient is piracetam;
  2. Auxiliary components like acetic acid, injection water and sodium acetate.

Indications for use

Piracetam is widely used in the treatment of pathologies of psychiatric, neurological and drug etiology:

  • As part of complex treatment depressive conditions that are resistant to antidepressant drugs;
  • With epilepsy;
  • In the complex treatment of cervical osteochondrosis to improve the blood supply to the brain;
  • For the treatment of cerebral vascular pathologies such as parkinsonism, hypertension or atherosclerosis, which are accompanied by such manifestations of insufficiency of the cerebrovascular system as headaches, speech disorders, dizziness, impaired attention or memory ability;
  • To increase mental and motor activity in the treatment of post-traumatic, coma, intoxication states of the brain;
  • For the treatment of dementia and Alzheimer's disease;
  • With violations of the blood supply to the brain;
  • In the treatment of nervous system pathologies characterized by emotional-volitional disorders and deterioration of intellectual activity;
  • In the treatment of depressive conditions of various etiologies, characterized by muscle weakness and a sharp decline in strength, impotence, the presence of senesto-hypochondriac syndrome, slowing down, monotony and impoverishment of speech and mental reactions;
  • For the treatment of sickle cell anemia;
  • To eliminate apathy, atrophic or senile processes, various kinds of psycho-organic conditions;
  • As a replacement in the presence of poor tolerance of psychotropic drugs in the treatment of mental, neurological, somatovegetative disorders.

In narcology, Piracetam injections are used to treat chronic alcoholism, in clinical picture which are observed persistent mental disorders. Piracetam is used to eliminate the state of "withdrawal" in alcohol and drug addiction, in case of poisoning with barbiturates, alcoholic products, phenamine or morphine.

In pediatric practice, the drug is often prescribed for cerebral palsy, developmental delay mental nature, oligophrenia, to eliminate the consequences of brain damage of perinatal origin, to accelerate and increase learning.


There are some conditions in which Piracetam is contraindicated:

  1. Pregnancy;
  2. Acute form of hemorrhagic stroke;
  3. Lactation;
  4. Insufficiency of renal activity;
  5. Huntington's chorea is a hereditary chronic nervous system neurodegenerative pathology, manifested by involuntary sharp movements of the neck and limbs, emotional and intellectual disorders;
  6. Intolerance or hypersensitivity to the drug or its components;
  7. Children's age up to a year;
  8. Depressive states, accompanied by manifestations of anxiety.

In addition, when used in patients with deficiency renal function or hepatic pathologies, it is necessary to monitor the condition of the kidneys or liver. If sleep disorders such as insomnia occur, then it is necessary to give an evening injection earlier, long before bedtime.

Since Piracetam inhibits platelet aggregation, it is prescribed with caution to patients with a tendency to bleeding and taking antiplatelet and anticoagulant drugs.

Side effects and overdose

If the dosage of the drug exceeds the therapeutic norm, then patients develop adverse reactions such as:

  • Anxiety;
  • Irritability;
  • sleep disorders;
  • Anorexic symptoms;
  • Increased excitability and nervousness;
  • Nausea-vomiting syndrome;
  • gastrointestinal disorders;
  • calf cramps;
  • Excessive fussiness and anxiety;
  • Drowsiness and weakness;
  • Tendency to conflict, unbalanced state;
  • Disinhibition of a motor nature, excessive activity of a physical and sexual nature, restlessness;
  • Difficulty in trying to concentrate on anything.

The manufacturer warns that when treating with Piracetam injections, it is extremely important to be careful when driving vehicles or when working with mechanisms that require fast psychomotor skills and increased concentration.

Instructions for use and dosage

Piracetam injections are injected intramuscularly or intravenously, sometimes the drug is administered through a dropper.

The course of therapy begins with 3-4 g, while the daily dosage is quickly adjusted to 5-6 g. When the patient's condition improves, the daily dose is lowered again, and then the patient is completely transferred to taking Piracetam tablets.

In individual cases, therapy with Piracetam injections begins with high doses up to 10-12 g per day.

Usually treatment lasts 10 days, then the patient is transferred to oral administration of the drug (piracetam capsules) for a month.

During pregnancy

According to the instructions, Piracetam is not used in the treatment of pregnant women, although some manufacturers allow the drug to be prescribed to women in position.

In fact, in obstetric practice, these injections are often prescribed, but only in particularly difficult cases, when the threat women's health exceeds possible harm fetus.

For the sake of reassurance, it should be noted that the ongoing tests have shown the absence of a negative effect of the drug on the fetus, in other words, Piracetam does not cause intrauterine abnormalities pathological. But still, such injections are necessary only with the appointment of an obstetrician-gynecologist.


The instruction warns that Piracetam injections should be used with caution simultaneously with neuroleptic, psychostimulant, anticoagulant drugs, since injections greatly enhance their therapeutic effect.

In addition, observations have shown that Piracetam improves the effectiveness of thyroid hormones, and when administered simultaneously with drugs containing iodine, effects such as irritability or confusion, insomnia may occur.

Which is better, Piracetam or Nootropil

Even experts find it difficult to explain what is the difference between Piracetam and Nootropil. Piracetam is a domestic analogue of Nootropil, therefore, the active substances and the mechanism of action for these drugs are absolutely identical. Simply put, the effect of both drugs is aimed at improving brain activity and blood supply.

Judging by the cases medical practice, then different people have a different reaction to these drugs - one helps Piracetam better, for others the effect is higher from Nootropil. Therefore, the final conclusion can be drawn only after the individual use of both drugs.


In pharmacies in Moscow and other Russian cities, Piracetam in the form of an injection solution (10 ampoules) can be purchased for 27-51 rubles.

Drug analogues

The drug has a lot of analogues:

  • Nootropil;
  • Lucetam;
  • Pyratropil;
  • Memotropil;
  • Piracetam-Richter;
  • Noocetam;
  • Nootropil;
  • Pyramem;
  • Escotropil;
  • Piracetam-Vial;
  • Cerebril;
  • Piracetam-Eskom;
  • Stamin etc.


Nina Viktorovna:

I was injected with Piracetam injections intramuscularly for cervical osteochondrosis. Everywhere they write that the effect is not immediately felt, but for some reason after the first injection it became easier for me, my head stopped hurting, motor coordination was restored, dizziness practically disappeared. In general, it helps me a lot and is cheap.


Somehow, a neuropathologist prescribed such injections into a vein from impaired blood supply to the brain due to atherosclerosis. Strange affair, but after a course of injections, in addition to the fact that headaches and paralysis disappeared, the condition of the liver improved.


I was also prescribed for osteochondrosis, but I did not dare to do it, because Piracetam is addictive. Replaced with analog.

Piracetam- a medicine that has been known for many years. This medication has proven itself well, and therefore doctors prescribe it very often. Moreover, Piracetam is shown not only to the elderly, as it is commonly believed, very often it is advised to take it to young people, and even children. The product is produced in different forms. And capsules, and tablets, and ampoules produce the desired effect. And yet, Piracetam injections are considered the most effective when the result needs to be obtained as soon as possible. Next, we will consider how, in what cases, to whom and in what dosages injections of the drug are prescribed.

Indications for the use of Piracetam injections

Piracetam is a classy remedy from the group of nootropic drugs. It is very often prescribed for the treatment of neurological diseases. The drug is characterized by high efficiency and a rather mild effect. Piracetam has a beneficial effect on the brain, improving its cognitive function and enhancing mindfulness.

Piracetam injections have the following effect on the nervous system:

  • the agent normalizes the metabolic process taking place in neutrons;
  • after taking Piracetam, nerve impulses are conducted through the system unhindered;
  • the drug is able to quickly activate the microcirculation in the brain.

Piracetam allows you to improve blood circulation in the brain, which, in turn, will provide a bright mind, good memory and attentiveness.

Intravenous Piracetam injections are prescribed for the following problems:

  • dyscirculatory disorders;
  • brain damage by infection;
  • encephalopathy;
  • concussion or any other traumatic injury;
  • vertebral artery syndrome.

In addition, Piracetam helps the body recover faster after a stroke.

A controversial issue is the use of Piracetam injections during pregnancy. The fact is that the instructions of different manufacturers provide different information. Some categorically do not recommend using the medication during pregnancy and lactation, while others, on the contrary, advise injecting Piracetam, since it has a positive effect on the nervous tissue of the unborn child. Most physicians seek the help of a remedy only in extreme cases, when the benefits of using Piracetam will significantly exceed the harm that the drug can cause.

Instructions for use Piracetam in injections

This medicine is considered harmless and has a minimum number of contraindications. And yet, they are not recommended to be treated on their own. Piracetam injections can be administered intravenously and intramuscularly. So:

  1. The daily dose of the drug should not exceed three grams per day (at the rate of 30-160 mg / kg).
  2. If we are talking about the treatment of chronic psychoorganic syndrome, then daily dose in the first week of treatment should be 4.8 g, after that 2.4 g will be enough.
  3. In some cases, treatment begins with a dosage of Piracetam injections in excess of seven grams. Once every three to four days, it is additionally increased to 24 g.

Like any other medicine, Piracetam injections have side effects:

  1. Some patients experience convulsions after the injection.
  2. Sometimes, after a treatment course using Piracetam, patients may experience weight gain.
  3. Nervous irritability and drowsiness may appear.
  4. Do not be surprised to suddenly appear during the treatment of a depressive mood - this is another side effect.

Fortunately, the treatment is often painless. Side effects are quite rare.



Solution for intravenous and intramuscular injection 200 mg/ml

  • Registration number LS-001599
  • Clinical and pharmacological group Neurology
  • Pharmacotherapeutic group Nootropic
  • Tradename Piracetam.
  • International generic name Piracetam.
  • Dosage form Solution for intravenous and intramuscular administration.
  • Compound per 1 ml: Active substance: piracetam - 200 mg. Excipients: sodium acetate trihydrate (sodium acetate 3-water) - 1 mg, acetic acid diluted 30% - up to pH 5.8, water for injection - up to 1 ml.
  • ATX Code
  • Pharmacological properties Pharmacodynamics

    The active ingredient is piracetam, a cyclic derivative of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA). Piracetam is a nootropic that directly affects the brain, improving cognitive (cognitive) such as learning ability, memory, attention, as well as mental performance. Piracetam affects the central nervous system in various ways: it changes the rate of propagation of excitation in the brain, improves metabolic processes in nerve cells, improves microcirculation, affects the rheological characteristics of the blood, without exerting a vasodilating effect. Improves communication between the hemispheres of the brain and synaptic conduction in neocortical structures, improves cerebral blood flow. Piracetam inhibits platelet aggregation and restores the configuration properties of the outer membrane of rigid erythrocytes, as well as the ability of the latter to pass through the vessels of the microvasculature. At a dose of 9.6 g, it reduces the concentration of fibrinogen and von Willebrand factor by 30-40% and prolongs bleeding time. Piracetam has a protective and restorative effect in case of impaired brain function due to hypoxia and intoxication. Piracetam reduces the severity and duration of vestibular nystagmus.


    The half-life of piracetam from blood plasma is 4-5 hours and 8.5 hours from cerebrospinal fluid, lengthens with chronic kidney failure(with terminal chronic renal failure - up to 59 hours). Liver failure does not affect the pharmacokinetics of piracetam. Penetrates through the blood-brain and placental barriers, removed by hemodialysis. In experiments on animals selectively accumulates in the tissues of the cerebral cortex, mainly in the frontal, parietal and occipital lobes, in the cerebellum and basal nuclei. Does not bind to plasma proteins, is not metabolized in the body and is excreted by the kidneys unchanged by glomerular filtration. The total clearance of piracetam is 80-90 ml / min.

  • Indications for use In adults: symptomatic treatment of a psychoorganic syndrome, accompanied by a decrease in memory, a decrease in concentration and activity, mood changes, behavioral disorders, gait disturbance;
    - treatment of vertigo (vertigo) and related balance disorders (with the exception of vasomotor and psychogenic origin;
    - cortical myoclonus (monotherapy or as part of complex therapy);
    In children: treatment of dyslexia from the age of 8 in combination with other methods, including speech therapy;
    - relief of sickle cell vaso-occlusive crisis.
  • Contraindications- hypersensitivity;
    - Huntington's chorea;
    - hemorrhagic stroke;
    - severe chronic renal failure (creatinine clearance less than 20 ml/min);
    - psychomotor agitation at the time of prescribing the drug;
    - pregnancy, breastfeeding period.
  • Application during pregnancy Piracetam crosses the placental barrier and breast milk. The concentration of the drug in newborns reaches 70-90% of its concentration in the blood of the mother. During pregnancy, the drug is contraindicated.
    During the period of treatment should be canceled breast-feeding.
  • Dosage and administration Intravenously or intramuscularly. Parenteral administration of piracetam is prescribed when it is impossible to use oral forms of the drug (tablets, capsules, oral solution), for example, when swallowing is difficult or when the patient is unconscious, while intravenous administration is preferred. Intravenous infusion of the daily dose is given through a catheter at a constant rate for 24 hours a day (for example, in coma or in initial stage treatment of severe myoclonus). Previously, the drug is diluted in one of the compatible infusion solutions: dextrose 5%, 10% or 20%, fructose 5%, 10% or 20%, sodium chloride 0.9%, hydroxyethyl starch 6% or 10%, Ringer, mannitol 20%. The total volume of the solution intended for administration is determined taking into account the clinical indications and the patient's condition. Intravenous administration (for example, emergency treatment sickle-cell vaso-occlusive crisis) is performed for at least 2 minutes, while the daily dose is distributed over several injections at even intervals. Intramuscularly, the drug is administered if the introduction through the vein is difficult or the patient is overexcited. However, the amount of the drug that can be administered intramuscularly is limited, especially in children and patients with reduced body weight. In addition, the introduction of the drug intramuscularly can be painful due to the large volume of fluid. The volume of the solution administered intramuscularly cannot exceed 5 ml. The frequency of administration of the drug is similar to that of its intravenous or oral administration. When possible, they switch to oral administration of the drug (see the instructions for medical use of the corresponding forms of the drug). The duration of treatment is determined by the doctor depending on the disease and taking into account the dynamics of symptoms. Symptomatic treatment of psychoorganic syndrome - 4.8 g / day during the first week, then they switch to a maintenance dose - 1.2-2.4 g / day. Treatment of dizziness and related balance disorders - 2.4-4.8 g / day. Treatment of cortical myoclonus - start with a dose of 7.2 g / day, every 3-4 days the dose is increased by 4.8 g / day until maximum dose 24 g/day Treatment is continued throughout the entire period of the disease. Every 6 months, you should try to reduce the dose or stop the drug, gradually reducing the dose by 1.2 g / day every 2 days. With a slight therapeutic effect or its absence, treatment is stopped. Sickle cell vaso-occlusive crisis (in adults and children). The daily prophylactic dose is 160 mg/kg of body weight, divided into 4 equal doses. During the crisis - 300 mg / kg / day intravenously, divided into 4 equal doses. Treatment of dyslexia in children older than 8 years (in combination with other treatment methods). The recommended daily dose is 3.2 g divided into 2 equal doses. Dosage in patients with impaired renal function. Since piracetam is excreted from the body by the kidneys, care should be taken in the treatment of patients with renal insufficiency and dose selection in accordance with this dosing regimen:
  • Side effect From the side of the central nervous system: motor disinhibition, irritability, drowsiness, depression, asthenia, headache, insomnia, mental agitation, imbalance, ataxia, exacerbation of the course of epilepsy, anxiety, hallucinations, confusion.
    From the side digestive system: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain.
    On the part of metabolism: weight gain.
    From the senses: vertigo.
    From the skin: dermatitis, itching, urticaria.
    Allergic reactions: hypersensitivity, angioedema, anaphylactic reactions.
    Local reactions: pain at the injection site, thrombophlebitis.
    Other: fever, decrease blood pressure.
    If any of the side effects indicated in the instructions are aggravated, or you notice any other side effects not listed in the instructions, tell your doctor.
  • Overdose Symptoms: abdominal pain, diarrhea mixed with blood.
    Treatment: symptomatic therapy, which may include hemodialysis (effectiveness 50-60%). There is no specific antidote.
  • Use with other drugs When used simultaneously with iodine-containing hormones thyroid gland confusion, irritability, and sleep disturbance may occur.
    Piracetam in high doses (9.6 g / day) increases the anticoagulant effect of indirect anticoagulants in patients with venous thrombosis (a more pronounced decrease in platelet aggregation, fibrinogen content, von Willebrand factor, blood and plasma viscosity).
    The possibility of changing the pharmacodynamics of piracetam under the influence of other drugs is low, because 90% of piracetam is excreted unchanged by the kidneys.
    Piracetam does not inhibit cytochrome P450 isoenzymes. Metabolic interaction with other drugs is unlikely.
    Taking piracetam at a dose of 20 g / day did not change the maximum concentration and area under the concentration-time curve of antiepileptic drugs (carbamazepine, phenytoin, phenobarbital, valproic acid) in the blood serum of patients with epilepsy receiving the drug at a constant dose.
    Co-administration with alcohol does not affect the serum concentration of piracetam; the concentration of ethanol in the blood serum did not change when taking 1.6 g of piracetam.
    With simultaneous use with drugs that stimulate the central nervous system, excessive stimulation of the central nervous system is possible.
    When used simultaneously with neuroleptics, it reduces the risk of extrapyramidal disorders.
  • special instructions Piracetam should be used with caution in patients with impaired hemostasis, during extensive surgical operations or patients with symptoms of heavy bleeding.
    In the treatment of cortical myoclonus, abrupt interruption of treatment should be avoided, as this may cause the resumption of attacks.
    When stopping a veno-occlusive crisis in sickle cell anemia, a dose of less than 160 mg / kg or an irregular intake of the drug can cause a relapse of the crisis.
    With long-term therapy in elderly patients, regular monitoring of renal function indicators is recommended, if necessary, dose adjustment is carried out depending on creatinine clearance.
    Penetrates through the filtering membranes of hemodialysis machines.
    During the period of treatment, care must be taken when driving vehicles and engaging in other potentially hazardous activities that require increased concentration of attention and speed of psychomotor reactions.
  • Release form Solution for intravenous and intramuscular administration 200 mg/ml.
    5 ml in neutral glass ampoules.
    10 ampoules are placed in a cardboard box.
    5 ampoules are placed in a blister pack made of PVC film and printed aluminum foil varnished or without foil.
    1 or 2 blisters are placed in a cardboard box.
    Each box, pack contains instructions for medical use and an ampoule scarifier. In the case of using ampoules with a break ring or with a notch and a dot, the ampoule scarifier is not inserted.
  • Storage conditions In a place protected from light at a temperature of 10 to 25 ° C. Freezing is not allowed. Keep out of the reach of children.
  • Shelf life 5 years. Do not use after the expiry date stated on the packaging.
  • Terms of dispensing from pharmacies on prescription

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Piracetam is the most important representative of the group of synthetic nootropic drugs. According to its chemical composition, it is a pyrrolidone derivative and belongs to the "racetams" family. In Russia, the drug is widely used in psychiatric, narcological and neurological practice. Piracetam has a positive effect on cerebral circulation, improves metabolic processes in the brain.

Its use has a beneficial effect on learning ability by improving concentration and memory. In addition, the drug protects and restores brain functions affected by hypoxia (oxygen starvation) and intoxication.

Piracetam is an effective and practically harmless drug. For ease of use, it is produced in various dosage forms and is used to treat patients of different age groups. Let us consider in more detail what Piracetam helps from, in what cases it is prescribed and how to use it correctly.

Piracetam - the effect of the drug

Piracetam is a nootropic agent that has a positive effect on metabolism and cerebral circulation. The active substance - piracetam, acting directly on the brain, accelerates the course of metabolic processes, improves blood microcirculation in ischemic areas, and promotes glucose utilization. Protects the brain from damaging factors (hypoxia, electric shock, toxins) and significantly improves its activity, helping to increase concentration, which facilitates the learning process.

The drug does not have a vasodilating effect, does not cause a sedative or psychostimulant effect. By improving the connections between the hemispheres of the brain, Piracetam restores and normalizes consciousness, speech, memory, improves cerebral blood flow and increases mental performance.

When taken orally, it is completely absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract, rapidly distributed in all tissues and organs, selectively accumulating in the cerebral cortex. The maximum concentration of the active substance in plasma is observed 30 minutes after taking the drug, in the brain tissue - within 1-4 hours. It is excreted from the body by the kidneys unchanged.

Release form of the drug, composition

Photo: Release form of the drug Piracetam

Piracetam is available in several forms:

  1. Capsules Piracetam(400 mg)
  2. Piracetam tablets(200 mg and 400 mg)
  3. Piracetam in ampoules(solution for injection 20%)

One capsule contains 400 mg Piracetam + Excipients. 10 capsules are placed in blisters and packed in carton packs, each of which contains 6 blisters.

Piracetam film-coated tablets consist of 200 mg or 400 mg active component+ excipients. Carton packs with the drug contain 60 tablets.

Piracetam solution is produced in ampoules of 5 ml. 1 ml of solution contains 200 mg of the active substance. In a cardboard pack with the drug there is a blister pack containing 10 ampoules with a solution.


Piracetam has quite a few structural analogues containing the same active ingredient. We list the most popular of them:

  • Nootropil
  • Piracetam Richter
  • Memotropil
  • Lucetam
  • stamin
  • Cerebril

AT pharmacy network this inexpensive drug released by prescription. The average prices for Piracetam are:

  • Capsules (400 mg) - from 26 rubles
  • Tablets (200 mg) - from 38 rubles
  • Solution 20% (10 ampoules of 5 ml) - from 45 rubles

Indications for use

Piracetam has a wide range of applications, this medication is prescribed for the treatment of disorders in neurology, pediatrics, psychiatry and narcology. Let us consider in more detail why Piracetam is prescribed for various pathologies.

In neurological practice, Piracetam is used in the following conditions:

  • Cerebral diseases of a vascular nature (hypertension, atherosclerotic changes), which are complicated by chronic vascular insufficiency(memory impairment, scattered attention, speech difficulties, dizziness, impaired coordination of movements, migraines)
  • Acute and chronic circulatory disorders in the brain
  • Coma states resulting from intoxication or brain injury
  • Disorders in the work of the nervous system, accompanied by a disorder emotional sphere and decrease in intellectual abilities
  • Treatment of patients with Alzheimer's disease

In psychiatry, the drug is used for various pathological conditions psyche:

  • Depression of various origins with a predominance of hypochondriacal and asthenic disorders, accompanied by phenomena of lethargy
  • Epilepsy
  • Prevention of mental, autonomic and neurological complications associated with poor tolerance psychotropic drugs and neuroleptics
  • Apathetic states in schizophrenia
  • Complex therapy of mental disorders and depressive conditions

In narcology, Piracetam is prescribed as part of complex treatment:

  • In chronic alcoholism, which is accompanied by persistent mental disorders
  • When stopping alcohol withdrawal and alcohol delirium
  • In acute poisoning with alcohol, narcotic drugs

In pediatrics, the drug is used in the following conditions:

  • mental retardation
  • cerebral palsy (infantile cerebral palsy)
  • Oligophrenia
  • Difficulties in the learning process
  • Dyslexia (impaired ability to read and write) in combination with other methods
  • Perinatal brain damage
  • As part of combination therapy for sickle cell anemia

Piracetam is used as part of complex treatment for Parkinson's disease, severe depression, schizophrenia, neurosis and other mental disorders. The drug has proven its effectiveness in the treatment of alcohol and drug poisoning, it is used to stop attacks of delirium tremens and to restore brain activity in people suffering from chronic alcoholism.

Piracetam should be prescribed by a specialist. The doctor will individually select the necessary dose and treatment regimen, taking into account the severity of the symptoms, general condition patient and possible contraindications. To avoid complications, do not self-medicate and take the drug without medical advice.

Instructions for use

It is recommended to take the drug in the form of capsules or tablets before meals. In this case, the daily dose must be divided into 2-4 doses, this will help to avoid sleep disturbances. The final dose of the medicine should be carried out no later than 17 hours.

In acute conditions, the initial single dose is 800 mg, it must be taken three times a day. With a positive effect, the dose can be reduced to 400 mg. The maximum daily dose is calculated based on body weight: for children - 30-50 mg / kg; for adults - 30 -160 mg / kg. The received doses are taken from 2 to 3 times a day. The duration of treatment depends on the specific situation and can be from 2 to 8 weeks. If there is a need, then after a break, the course of treatment is continued.

Piracetam for injections intramuscularly or intravenously is prescribed at an initial dose of 10 grams per day. In severely ill patients, this dose may be increased to 12 grams. As soon as improvements in the condition begin to appear, the dose is reduced and switched to tablet forms.

In elderly patients with long-term therapy for psychoorganic disorders, the daily dose of Piracetam can vary between 1.2 and 2.4 grams, at the beginning of therapy this dose can be doubled. In this case, the drug can be prescribed as part of complex treatment simultaneously with other medications (psychotropic and cardiovascular drugs).

In the treatment of coma and post-traumatic conditions, the initial dose taken per day is from 9 to 12 g, the maintenance dose with continued treatment is 2.4 g per day. The duration of therapy is 3 weeks.

In the treatment of alcoholism, 12 g of Piracetam is taken per day in order to stop the withdrawal syndrome. As for the maintenance daily dose, it is 2.4 grams.

With sickle-shaped anemia, the daily dose is calculated in the ratio of 160 mg / kg of body weight and taken in 4 divided doses. In the treatment of cortical myoclonus, the daily initial dose is 7.2 grams, then it is increased every three days by 4.8 grams until the volume of the maximum daily dose reaches 24 grams. Thereafter, the dose is gradually reduced every two days by 1.2 g.

In the treatment of dizziness and related imbalances, a daily dose of 4.8 g is divided into 2-3 doses.

Intravenous injections are carried out by drip or jet. With jet administration, the drug must be infused very slowly over 4-6 minutes. With sickle-cell vaso-occlusive crisis in adults and children, the daily dose is determined at the rate of 300 mg / kg of body weight and is administered intravenously in 4 divided doses. In the complex therapy of dyslexia in children older than eight years, the daily dose of 3.2 g is divided into two doses.

Piracetam for children

In pediatric practice, Piracetam is used to treat children with various mental disabilities and to eliminate disorders associated with brain damage in the perinatal period. Brain damage in a child can develop as a result of birth trauma, hereditary abnormalities, trauma in the neonatal period, or as a result of infectious diseases suffered in early childhood.

Such disorders of brain activity are manifested in the inability to learn, prolonged concentration of attention and assimilation of information. Little patients are mentally retarded, they speak and express their thoughts poorly, they have difficulty reading and writing. The use of Piracetam allows you to make these children more active and helps to achieve better assimilation and memorization of information.

But doctors note that in the treatment of children with mental retardation, the drug is not effective enough, while in children with normal intelligence, but reduced brain functions, Piracetam shows excellent results. After the course of treatment, it was noted that the kids began to perceive and assimilate information better, could concentrate faster and complete the task, and became less tired.

In the same time long-term use Piracetam can provoke the development of side effects in children, manifested in increased nervousness and hyperactivity. Therefore, an individual approach to each small patient, an accurate calculation of the required dose and duration of treatment is very important. Only a specialist can do this, and throughout the course of therapy, the child must be under the supervision of a doctor.

Piracetam during pregnancy

Piracetam should not be prescribed during pregnancy and breastfeeding, since the active substance of the drug easily penetrates the placental barrier and can adversely affect the development of the fetus.

During lactation, the active substance is excreted with mother's milk, therefore, if treatment with Piracetam is necessary, breastfeeding is stopped for a while, the child is transferred to artificial mixtures.


Piracetam should not be prescribed under the following conditions:

  • Hypersensitivity and intolerance to the components of the drug
  • Pregnancy and lactation
  • Children's age (up to 12 months)
  • Acute hemorrhagic stroke
  • severe kidney failure
  • Huntington's chorea
  • Depression accompanied by psychomotor agitation

With extreme caution, the drug should be prescribed for severe bleeding, extensive surgical interventions Oh, severe violations hemostasis.

Side effects

Photo: Adverse reactions to the use of Piracetam

Adverse reactions to the use of Piracetam are most often observed in cases where the dose of the drug exceeds 5 g per day.

  • On the part of the gastrointestinal tract, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea or constipation are noted.
  • From the side of the central nervous system, such disorders as headache, dizziness, impaired coordination of movements, drowsiness or insomnia are observed. Taking the drug can exacerbate the course of epilepsy, provoke symptoms of asthenia, depression, cause mental disorders, irritability, aggression, confusion, hallucinations.
  • In some cases, the use of the drug causes allergic reactions (skin itching, rashes, swelling, symptoms of urticaria or dermatitis). In severe cases, angioedema and anaphylactic reactions are possible.

In addition to the above symptoms, the body may respond to taking Piracetam with feverish conditions, weight gain, and a decrease in blood pressure. If adverse reactions occur, treatment with the drug should be discontinued and a doctor should be consulted to adjust the course of treatment.

drug interaction

Piracetam at simultaneous reception with antipsychotics enhances their effect, which can cause tremors and unjustified anxiety in the patient.

When taken together with iodine-containing thyroid hormones, the patient may experience sleep disturbance, confusion and irritability.

special instructions
  1. During treatment acute disorders blood circulation, the drug is prescribed as part of a complex restorative and detoxification therapy, in the treatment of mental disorders, Piracetam is used in conjunction with psychotropic drugs.
  2. In the treatment of cortical myoclonus, abrupt discontinuation of the drug should be avoided, otherwise the risk of recurrence of seizures increases significantly.
  3. If you experience sleep disorders (insomnia), you should stop taking the drug in the evening and combine this dose with daytime intake.
  4. In the treatment of patients with impaired liver and kidney function, it is necessary to monitor the condition of patients.
  5. During therapy with Piracetam, caution should be exercised when driving. Vehicle and implementation hazardous work associated with increased concentration of attention and speed of reactions.

Many people suffer from memory problems. Such situations occur among the representatives of the older generation and among young people. People let the problem take its course, but there are many who seek to resolve the current situation for their own benefit. Treatment comes down to taking nootropic drugs, the main task of which is to eliminate memory problems. One of the representatives of the group of medicines is Piracetam, the annotation to it contains clear instructions for using the drug.

The tool has wide range applications. It is included in the complex in the treatment of violations of many brain functions. It is also prescribed for prevention. Piracetam has serious contraindications.




Composition of Piracetam, release form

The tool has a variety of types in different concentrations of the active ingredient, which simplifies use. The most common are tablets and capsules. The former come in two dosages - 200 and 400 mg, the latter are released at a concentration of 400 mg. The solution in ampoules is used intravenously and intramuscularly. Piracetam in ampoules comes in a content of 200 mg of the working substance per ml. Given that the containers come in a volume of 5 ml, they include 1000 mg of the active substance each.

The main ingredient in Piracetam is the component of the same name. It is a nootropic that has a positive effect on metabolic processes, thanks to which the concentration of ATP in the tissue increases, the reproduction of ribonucleic acids and phospholipids improves.

The drug increases blood flow to the cerebral cortex, thought processes receive positive dynamics. The agent does not dilate blood vessels, does not slow down the association of activated platelets. Piracetam creates a protective barrier in case of brain damage during hypoxia, intoxication, electric shock, increases beta and alpha activity, and there is a decrease in unintentional eye movement (vestibular nystagmus). The drug is able to stimulate glycolytic processes, against the background there is an acceleration of glucose processing.

The connection between the right and left hemispheres is being established, synoptic conduction in neocortical structures also has a positive trend. Restoration in progress and stabilization of cerebral function. With all this, Piracetam does not cause such side effect like sleepiness. This is important for people whose activities require quick response. It has no psychoactive effect.

Piracetam mechanism of action

After ingestion, the agent penetrates into most organs. The active substance passes through the placenta, in the brain there is a process of accumulation of the main component; concentration takes place in frontal lobes, in the parietal and occipital, in the cerebellum and basal ganglia.

Piracetam accumulates in plasma within half an hour after ingestion, in the cerebrospinal fluid the required volume is noted after 2–8 hours, depending on the characteristics of the patient.

The substance is excreted from the body after 4-5 hours, it is extracted from the cerebrospinal fluid more slowly. The drug is excreted from the body through the kidneys, with ailments of the genitourinary system, it is excreted longer. Most of the active ingredient - 2/3 - unchanged.


  • A weighty argument for refusing to take Piracetam is individual intolerance to the components - basic and additional.
  • You can not give the drug to babies under one year old.
  • Not prescribed for hemorrhagic stroke.
  • Piracetam is contraindicated in case of insufficiency, if creatinine clearance does not exceed 20 ml / min.

Piracetam: indications for use

The drug has a wide range of purposes. It is used in narcological and psychiatric practice, introduced into a therapeutic course for the treatment of neurological diseases.


  • Taking the drug allows you to remove such a syndrome as withdrawal during the period of stopping the use of narcotic substances.
  • Used in acute poisoning with alcohol, barbiturates, phenamine and morphine.
  • Applied with the appearance of persistent mental disorders in alcoholic patients.


  • The drug is used for intolerance to neuroleptics and other psychotropic drugs to relieve the somatovegetative, neurological and mental side effects caused by them.
  • It is used for depression, not amenable to the effects of antidepressants.
  • The drug is included in the therapy for mental illnesses that develop on "organically defective soil."
  • It is added to the course depressive states if the clinical picture is dominated by signs of adynamia, asthenic and senesto-hypochondriac disorders, and there is also a phenomenon of ideational retardation.
  • In schizophrenia, it is prescribed during a sluggish-apathetic defective state; psychoorganic syndromes of various etiologies, senile and atrophic processes are also a reason to introduce Piracetam into the therapeutic course.


  • The drug helps with epilepsy.
  • Used as needed in patients with Alzheimer's disease.
  • It treats coma from injuries and intoxications of the brain. Increases motor, but also mental activity of the patient.
  • The reason for taking Piracetam is a disease of the nervous system with a decrease in intellectual and mnestic functions, as well as in the formation of failures in the emotional-volitional sphere.
  • In diseases of the brain: atherosclerosis, hypertension, memory impairment, frequent headaches, unstable attention.


The course of Piracetam allows you to facilitate learning processes and eliminate brain damage that occurred in the last trimester of pregnancy. It is used for oligophrenia, the presence of mental retardation and cerebral palsy.

The drug is administered therapy for sickle cell anemia.

Piracetam: side reactions

The drug can cause unwanted effects. Aged people and children are subject to the influence of "side effects".

  • More often than others, mental arousal is noted.
  • Sleep disturbance, for this reason, Piracetam should not be taken 5 hours before bedtime.
  • It negatively affects appetite, causes pain in the abdomen, provokes nausea, vomiting and diarrhea.
  • Deterioration is noted in patients with angina pectoris.
  • Allergic reactions to the drug, they are expressed in skin itching.
  • Note the patient's weight gain.
  • Decreased concentration.

Most often, the symptoms disappear on their own, with a decrease in the daily volume, a complete abolition of the drug is not required.

Instructions for use Piracetam

Tablets and capsules

At the beginning of the therapeutic course, 800 mg of the active ingredient per day is prescribed, it is divided into three servings. Piracetam is taken before meals with plenty of water. When the patient's condition improves and the symptoms subside, the dosage is reduced. The patient's condition requires careful monitoring. The therapeutic course lasts from two weeks to 3-4 months. In case of urgent need, the drug lasts up to six months, after which a break of 2 months is required.

The last dose of Piracetam is carried out five hours before bedtime.

The daily dose is 30–160 mg/kg. The resulting volume is divided into two servings, taken strictly before meals. If necessary, this amount is divided by 3-4 times. The duration of the course depends on the stability of the symptoms - from 2 weeks to six months. After a break, Piracetam-based therapy is resumed.

Elderly patients in the treatment of psychoorganic syndrome are prescribed 120-240 mg. In the first weeks of treatment, the dosage is 480 mg per day.

If this is necessary, Piracetam is easily combined with psychotropic, cardiovascular and other drugs.

The treatment course after an injury or due to coma should begin with 900-1200 mg per day. This volume is divided by 3-4 times. After stabilization of the patient's condition, the dosage is gradually reduced to 240 mg. The course is not delayed for more than three weeks.

Piracetam is indicated for children. It is better not to prescribe it from the age of five. The daily volume of the active ingredient is 180 mg. The duration of the course is from 2 weeks to six months.

In the treatment of alcoholism, the daily volume is 1200 mg, an adult patient receives 400 mg of Piracetam per dose. After the removal of acute symptoms, the daily rate is reduced to 240 mg.

Sickle cell anemia requires an individual calculation of the portion of the drug. 160 mg in 4 doses.


Piracetam solution is used intravenously and intramuscularly. The drug is not administered in one procedure, the daily rate is divided into 2-4 approaches.

In the symptomatic treatment of chronic psychoorganic syndrome, 200-400 mg per day are prescribed - the primary dosage directly depends on the severity of the course of the disease. The concentration is gradually increased to 400-600 mg per day. The duration of the therapeutic course is not longer than 15 days.

To get rid of alcohol withdrawal of the body, the daily volume is 1200 mg. After the dosage is gradually reduced to 240 mg. If the drug is prescribed to eliminate dizziness, the "ceiling" is 240-480 mg per day. The therapeutic course is 10-15 days.

To eliminate the consequences of a stroke, 480 mg per day are prescribed. The duration of the course is 10-15 days.

To combat coma in patients with brain injuries, the initial amount of the drug is 900-1200 mg per day. Then take 200 mg to maintain a stable state. Reception lead 3 weeks.

With sickle cell anemia, 160 mg / kg Piracetam per day is taken for prevention. The volume is divided by 4 times. In a crisis, the daily norm is 300 mg / kg at intravenous administration. If necessary, the dosage is applicable to children from 1 year.

To eliminate cortical myoclonus, treatment begins with 720 mg per day, after 3-4 days an adjustment is made, and the initial dosage is increased by 480 mg to a volume of 2400 mg. The treatment is long-term, and after six months the daily volume is reduced until the drug is completely discontinued. The reduction is carried out by 120 mg every other day. With increased symptoms of the disease, the dosage is returned. If no improvement is observed from taking the drug, it is excluded from the therapeutic course.

To eliminate the symptoms of dyslexia in children over 8 years of age, 320 mg are prescribed, this volume is divided into two servings.

In patients with kidney disease, the daily allowance is adjusted depending on creatinine clearance. At rates above 80 ml / min, the dosage remains normal. At mild form renal insufficiency, the dose is not 2/3 of the usual norm. Piracetam is taken 2-3 times. With an average form of kidney disease, the dosage should not exceed 1/3 of the usual concentration, the drug is administered in 2 procedures. In severe renal failure and clearance below 30 ml / min, 1/6 of the daily dose is prescribed. Taken once a day.

Prescribing Piracetam to the elderly

Additional adjustments in the dosage and methods of taking Piracetam are not required in older patients. Changes in the concentration of the drug are made if the patient has kidney disease, there is renal failure.

Interaction with other drugs

The drug enhances the therapeutic effect of taking Acenocoumarol in patients with venous platelet. A rapid decrease in the level of aggregation is observed, the amount of fibrinogens, von Willebrand factors decreases, and a decrease in blood and plasma viscosity is noted. For this reason, Acenocoumarol should either be abandoned or the concentration should be carefully monitored to prevent unwanted side reactions.

At a daily dosage of 1422 μg / ml, CYP2A6 (21%) and ZA4 / 5 (11%) are inhibited, the Ki volume of both CYP isomers is sufficient.

special instructions

Due to the ability of the active ingredient to influence platelet pooling, it is recommended to prescribe with caution nootropic drug patients with hemostasis disorders. To prevent unwanted side reactions, do not prescribe to patients during large-scale surgical operations or with symptoms of heavy bleeding. During the procedures, the drug is canceled, after that, the course is started from the very beginning.

In the process of taking the drug for the treatment of cortical myoclonus, you can not abruptly interrupt the course.

In elderly patients, in the absence kidney disease constant monitoring of the normal functioning of the urinary system. If necessary, adjust the concentration immediately.

Given the likely adverse reactions, the drug should be used with caution in patients who work with increased concentration and concentration.

One of the most common nootropics both in our country and abroad. There are a lot of positive reviews about the use of piracetam from both neurologists and patients.

Before use, a specialist consultation is required!

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The use and purpose of piracetam

Nootropic agent. It has a positive effect on the metabolic processes of the brain: it increases the concentration of ATP in the brain tissue, enhances the synthesis of RNA and phospholipids, stimulates glycolytic processes, and enhances the utilization of glucose. It improves the integrative activity of the brain, promotes the consolidation of memory, facilitates the learning process. It changes the rate of propagation of excitation in the brain, improves microcirculation without having a vasodilating effect, and inhibits the aggregation of activated platelets. It has a protective effect in case of brain damage caused by hypoxia, intoxication, electric shock; enhances alpha and beta activity, reduces delta activity on the EEG, reduces the severity of vestibular nystagmus. Improves connections between the hemispheres of the brain and synaptic conduction in neocortical structures, increases mental performance, improves cerebral blood flow. The effect develops gradually. It practically does not have a sedative and psychostimulating effect.


Neurology: vascular diseases brain, chronic cerebrovascular insufficiency (impaired memory, attention, speech, dizziness, headache); residual effects disorders of cerebral circulation (according to the ischemic type); comatose and subcomatose states (including after injuries and intoxications of the brain); convalescence (to increase motor and mental activity); diseases of the nervous system, accompanied by a decrease in intellectual-mnestic functions and disorders of the emotional-volitional sphere (including Alzheimer's disease). Psychiatry: neurotic syndrome, astheno-depressive syndrome (of various genesis, with a predominance of adynamia in the clinical picture, asthenic and senesto-hypochondriac disorders, ideational retardation); sluggish defective states (schizophrenia, psychoorganic syndrome); complex therapy: mental illness occurring on “organically defective soil”; depressive states resistant to antidepressants; poor tolerance of antipsychotic drugs (neuroleptics), to eliminate or prevent the somatovegetative, neurological and mental complications caused by them; cortical myoclonus. Narcology: alcohol withdrawal syndrome, pre- and delirious states, morphine withdrawal syndrome, acute poisoning with ethanol, morphine, barbiturates, phenamine; chronic alcoholism (with symptoms of persistent disorders mental activity, asthenia, intellectual-mnestic disorders). sickle cell anemia (composed of combination therapy). In pediatric practice: if necessary, accelerate the learning process and eliminate the consequences of perinatal brain damage caused by intrauterine infections, hypoxia, birth trauma, oligophrenia, mental retardation, cerebral palsy.


Hypersensitivity; severe renal failure (CC less than 20 ml / min), hemorrhagic stroke. With caution. Violation of hemostasis, extensive surgical interventions, severe bleeding, pregnancy and lactation.

Side effects of piracetam:

Mental agitation, motor disinhibition, irritability, imbalance, decreased ability to concentrate, anxiety, sleep disturbances, gastralgia, nausea, vomiting, constipation or diarrhea, loss of appetite, dizziness, headache, extrapyramidal disorders, convulsions, tremor, increased sexual activity, worsening of angina pectoris. Side effects are most often observed at doses above 5 g / day.

Method of application and dosage:

Inside, intravenously. Parenterally - in / in, at an initial dose of 10 g; in severe conditions - in / in the drip, for 20-30 minutes - up to 12 g / day; after improvement, the dose is gradually reduced and switched to oral administration. Inside, at the beginning of treatment - 800 mg in 3 divided doses, before meals, when the condition improves, the single dose is gradually reduced to 400 mg; duration of treatment - 6-8 weeks. Daily dose - 30-160 mg / kg, frequency of administration - 2 times a day, if necessary - 3-4 times a day. The duration of treatment ranges from 2-3 weeks to 2-6 months. If necessary, it can be repeated after 6-8 weeks. With long-term therapy of psychoorganic syndrome in the elderly - 1.2-2.4 g / day; loading dose during the first weeks of therapy - up to 4.8 g / day. In the treatment of cerebrovascular disorders in the acute phase, it should be prescribed as early as possible, at a dose of 12 g / day for 2 weeks, and then 4.8-6 g / day. With cortical myoclonus, treatment begins with a dose of 7.2 g / day, every 3-4 days the dose is increased by 4.8 g / day until a maximum dose of 24 g / day is reached 2-3 times a day, orally or parenterally. Every 6 months, the dose should be reduced by 1.2 g every 2 days. In the treatment of dizziness, the dose is 2.4-4.8 g / day in 2-3 doses. With sickle cell anemia, the daily dose is 160 mg / kg, divided into 4 equal portions. During the crisis - up to 300 mg / kg. With alcoholism - 12 g / day during the manifestation of the syndrome of "cancellation" of ethanol; maintenance dose - 2.4 g. In the treatment of coma, in the post-traumatic period, the initial dose is 9-12 g / day, the maintenance dose is 2.4 g, the course of treatment is 3 weeks. Children are prescribed at a dose of 30-50 mg / day. Treatment must be long-term. Oral solution: daily dose - 3.3 g (8 ml of a 20% solution or 5 ml of a 33% solution) 2 times a day (before breakfast and dinner). Can be added to fruit juice or other drinks. With chronic renal failure with CC 50-79 ml / min, 2/3 of the usual dose is prescribed in 2-3 doses, with CC 30-49 ml / min - 1/3 dose in 2 doses, less than 30 ml / min - 1/6 of the usual dose , once.
It is recommended to constantly monitor the indicators of kidney function (especially in patients with chronic renal failure) - residual nitrogen and creatinine, and in patients with liver diseases - the functional state of the liver. Treatment with piracetam, if necessary, can be combined with the use of psychoactive, cardiovascular, and other drugs. In the treatment of acute brain lesions, it is prescribed in combination with other methods of detoxification and rehabilitation therapy, and in the treatment of psychiatric diseases - with the corresponding psychoactive drugs. In the treatment of patients with cortical myoclonus, abrupt discontinuation of the drug should be avoided (risk of recurrence of seizures). In case of sleep disturbances, it is recommended to cancel the evening intake by adding this dose to the daytime intake. Penetrates through the filtering membranes of hemodialysis machines. During the period of treatment, care must be taken when driving vehicles and engaging in other potentially hazardous activities that require an increased concentration of attention and speed of psychomotor reactions.

We will be grateful if you briefly describe your experience with piracetam treatment in the form of a review in the comments.

Piracetam is the active ingredient of another very well-known drug known as Nootropil. Nootropil - instructions and reviews

Piracetam is a well-known and common drug used to treat various diseases known under various commercial names. The nosological list of its use is very wide, although it has not been studied enough for some diseases in which it is recommended to use it.

What Piracetam Looks Like

Due to the characteristics of its derivatives, it is limited for use and is not included in the group of drugs and supplements recommended for this. Piracetam belongs to the group of nootropics - drugs used to provide a certain specific effect on the higher mental functions of the brain. Nootropics are also called neurometabolic stimulants. In the ranking of the 7 best nootropics for 1916, piracetam received the highest rating under the commercial name Nootropil.

Indications for use

The second name of nootropics is “vitamins for the brain”, since they have a beneficial effect on the nervous system and stimulate any manifestations of mental activity, from the ability to remember, and ending with the acceleration of thinking skills and analysis of the process of perceiving reality.

Most often, piracetam is prescribed for asthenia, strokes, cranio- brain injury ah and encephalopathies. Sometimes it is prescribed to healthy people with a critical or excessive load of mental activity.

The most common cases of using piracetam for the following diseases:

  • dementia;
  • sickle cell amnesia;
  • dyslexia and dizziness;
  • with problems of blood clotting and vasospastic disorders;
  • with depression and anxiety;
  • with traumatic brain injury.

With an even longer list of indications, piracetam, whose side effects are not well understood, has also gained practice.

A bit of history and commercial names

The Belgian company USB, whose scientists first synthesized this cyclic derivative of gamma-aminobutyric acid, were surprised both by the ability of the resulting compound to stimulate human mental activity and by the apparent absence of side effects in piracetam.

Subsequent tests yielded negative feedback, which were then withdrawn by a group of scientists, citing insufficient research for conclusions. The question of whether piracetam has side effects is still open in the field of application in the treatment of certain diseases.

The international patent name is piracetam, but after the expiration of the patent period, it received the name Maxitam in India, Cerepar in Germany, Lucetam in Hungary, as well as Breynox, Ceretran, Dinagen, Merapiran and other commercial synonyms. In the top 7 entered under the name Nootropil.

Release form

Lucetam (Piracetam) tablets

Available in the form of capsules, tablets, granules for children, ampoules and even an injection.
It is prescribed by doctors in case of indications for use. In most countries, nootropics are not recognized as medicines because they have not undergone sufficient testing. It is believed, according to some anecdotal evidence, that piracetam has side effects in the form of addiction to the drug, so it is not included in the category of useful supplements.

Among the contraindications are hemorrhagic stroke, increased renal failure and increased allergic susceptibility directly to the drug.

Some information about side effects

There is not enough research on the fact that piracetam, the side effects of which are understudied, has negative impact on the course of pregnancy and the condition of the fetus. They try to limit the use of the drug, prescribe it only if the benefit to the mother's body is higher than the potential harm to the fetus. The same applies to the period of breastfeeding.

Piracetam gives side effects in the following manifestations:

  • violation of neurological conditions, manifested in irritability, imbalance, aggressive arousal;
  • indigestion in the form of diarrhea, vomiting, nausea and diarrhea
  • sexual hyperactivity;
  • headache;
  • convulsions and tremors;
  • individual allergic reaction for the drug.

There is a separate opinion that Piracetam can give side effects in the form of acute coronary insufficiency.

What you should know in addition: there have been no systematic studies on whether Piracetam gives side effects.

There is no sufficient documentary evidence of the interaction of the drug with other drugs prescribed during the period of indicated use. It is possible that side effects arise from interactions with drugs from other groups.

Only the fact is reliable that piracetam gives side effects if the dosage is exceeded, which is quite understandable, since any useful substance in abnormally large doses can turn into poison.

Reasonable and everyday precautions

Like any drug that has not been fully studied, piracetam should be taken strictly according to the doctor's prescription. If the drug is prescribed to a healthy person, it is recommended to refrain from using it to stimulate mental activity, if it is possible to replace the appointment with a diet, the exclusion of bad habits, sleep and rest. Use is indicated only in extreme cases.

Reception should take place with strict control of the state of the liver and kidneys and is recommended for termination in case of exacerbation of their chronic diseases.

Commercial pharmacology has repeatedly produced drugs with excellent annotations for substances, with little history clinical trials. This drug is one of those.

Piracetam has the ability to improve cerebral circulation, eliminate mental and neurological disorders. Pharmacological drug doctors recommend using for the prevention of depressive conditions, strengthening memory before important events in a person's life. But the high efficiency of piracetam can sometimes play a cruel joke. People strive to achieve the maximum therapeutic effect in a short time, so they use an increased number of tablets. As a result, an overdose of piracetam occurs, which is dangerous for its consequences.

Pharmacological properties of the drug

Piracetam is a nootropic drug. Despite the fact that a significant number of more modern drugs have already been synthesized, piracetam is still in demand in the following areas of medicine:

  • narcological;
  • neurological;
  • psychiatric.

The drug is considered the most effective in its subgroup. Piracetam is rapidly absorbed by the walls of the gastrointestinal tract and distributed throughout the body. A distinctive feature of the nootropic is the absence of its metabolism. It is excreted by the urinary system almost unchanged, which greatly facilitates the work of the liver.

An overdose of the drug occurs in young children as a result of improper storage. Toddlers are extremely curious - they are sure to be attracted by neat boxes and bottles with tiny pills. Intoxication with piracetam will provoke an acute allergic reaction in a child.

The nootropic has a positive effect on metabolic processes in brain cells, improves its blood circulation. The effectiveness of piracetam in the treatment of neurological diseases is based on:

  • stimulation of redox processes;
  • increased glucose utilization;
  • improvement of regional blood flow in damaged tissues.

Piracetam is able to replenish the body's energy supply by accelerating the turnover of adenosine triphosphate. By improving energy processes, the drug increases the resistance of brain cells during oxygen starvation or poisoning with exo- and endotoxins. If there was an overdose of the nootropic, then the positive effects disappear, there is an increase in side effects and the development of intoxication of all systems of human life.

Therapeutic effects of piracetam on the body

Nootropic overdose often develops in the elderly and the elderly. Piracetam is very popular among this population due to its ability to improve memory. Here she just brings in this situation. The person forgets that the dose recommended by the doctor was taken by him a few minutes ago and again reaches out to the vial of pills. Relatives should monitor the use of medicines by elderly members of their family.

Depression is not treated with piracetam alone. To eliminate the pathology, only complex therapy is used. Taking a nootropic will lead to an overdose and an increase in anxiety disorders.

Piracetam is intended for long-term course treatment - the use of single high doses is meaningless. Pharmacological drug is used in the treatment of pathologies listed below:

  1. Vascular diseases of the brain in atherosclerosis, arterial hypertension, parkinsonism.
  2. Complications of poisoning and head injuries in order to increase physical and mental activity.
  3. Decreased intelligence, emotional instability.
  4. Dementia, Alzheimer's disease.
  5. Depressive state occurring against the background of hypochondria, apathy, asthenia.
  6. Schizophrenia, psychoorganic syndrome.
  7. Comprehensive treatment of mental disorders.
  8. epileptic seizures.

The drug has a mild effect, so it is used in cases where the use of other nootropics provoked neurological and mental complications.

Piracetam poisoning can develop when taking the drug with ethyl alcohol . The nootropic is used to relieve withdrawal symptoms and delirium in people with alcohol and drug addiction.

How can you get poisoned by piracetam

Overdose medicine often occurs even after taking the recommended number of tablets in the annotation. The fact is that the drug is not used in the treatment of patients with certain pathologies in history. Such diseases reduce the effectiveness of piracetam, increasing the severity of side effects.

The drug is not used in the treatment of people with acute or chronic renal failure. The urinary system is not able to remove piracetam, it accumulates in the body, which causes an overdose.

Pharmacological drug is contraindicated for the treatment of patients with such diseases:

  • acute stage of hemorrhagic stroke;
  • Chorea of ​​Huntington;
  • agitated depression.

Piracetam should not be taken during pregnancy and breastfeeding It is contraindicated in children under 12 months of age. Some people develop hives after taking the medicine, atopic dermatitis, rash and redness on the skin.

Clinical picture of poisoning

Symptoms of intoxication begin to appear if the daily dose of piracetam exceeds 5.0 g.. Their severity depends on the diseases in the person's history, his age, individual predisposition. 2-3 hours after taking the pills, the victim has the following signs of an overdose:

  1. Emotional instability - nervous excitement, drowsiness, lethargy, increased anxiety, irritability.
  2. Disorders of the gastrointestinal tract - nausea, vomiting, flatulence, bloating, heartburn.
  3. Lack of appetite (with chronic intoxication, weight loss).
  4. Headaches, dizziness, incoordination.
  5. Decreased blood pressure, heart rhythm disorder.

An overdose of a nootropic develops when taking pills along with antipsychotics. As a result of joint intake, the effect on the central nervous system increases significantly, the lower and upper limbs, breathing becomes difficult.

Piracetam is used to treat children with mental retardation and cerebral palsy . If such a child takes an increased dose, then he has fussiness, anxiety, imbalance, aggressiveness. When prescribing a nootropic, it should be borne in mind that it enhances the effect of psychostimulants and hormonal pills.

First aid for overdose

Only a specialist can relieve the condition of the victim, remove unabsorbed piracetam from the body, so you need to call the ambulance team. Pharmacological drug does not cause death, but intoxication never remains without consequences. To prevent them, you should help a person:

  • put down, calm down;
  • clear the stomach. To do this, dilute in a liter warm water a few crystals of potassium permanganate and give the victim a drink. Induce vomiting until clear water has passed from the stomach;
  • give a person strong and sweet tea to drink;
  • give the poisoned adsorbent or enterosorbent in accordance with the annotation attached to the preparations.

Arriving doctor, if necessary, hospitalizes the patient for treatment in a hospital. For this, droppers are used. saline solutions and glucose.

In this article, you can read the instructions for using the drug Piracetam. Reviews of site visitors - consumers are presented this medicine, as well as the opinions of doctors of specialists on the use of Piracetam in their practice. A big request to actively add your reviews about the drug: did the medicine help or not help get rid of the disease, what complications and side effects were observed, perhaps not declared by the manufacturer in the annotation. Piracetam analogues in the presence of existing structural analogues. Use for the treatment of vascular disorders, Alzheimer's disease, epilepsy and pressure in adults, children (including newborns), as well as during pregnancy and lactation. The action of the drug.

Piracetam- has a positive effect on the metabolic processes of the brain, increases the concentration of ATP in the brain tissue, enhances the biosynthesis of ribonucleic acid and phospholipids, stimulates glycolytic processes, enhances the utilization of glucose. It improves the integrative activity of the brain, promotes the consolidation of memory, facilitates the learning process. Changes the rate of propagation of excitation in the brain, improves microcirculation without having a vasodilating effect, inhibits the aggregation of activated platelets. It has a protective effect in case of brain damage caused by hypoxia, intoxication, electric shock, enhances alpha and beta activity, reduces delta activity on the EEG, and reduces the severity of vestibular nystagmus.

It does not have a sedative, psychostimulating effect. The drug improves connections between the cerebral hemispheres and synaptic conduction in neocortical structures, restores and stabilizes cerebral functions, especially consciousness, memory and speech, increases mental performance, improves cerebral blood flow.

Pharmacokinetics or drug action

After ingestion, it is well absorbed and penetrates into various organs and tissues. Penetrates through the blood-brain and placental barriers, accumulates in the brain tissue 1-4 hours after ingestion. It is excreted from the cerebrospinal fluid much more slowly than from other tissues. Practically not metabolized. Excreted by the kidneys - 2/3 unchanged for 30 hours.


The drug is used in neurological, psychiatric and narcological practice.


  • cerebrovascular disease (atherosclerosis, hypertonic disease, vascular parkinsonism) with symptoms of chronic cerebrovascular insufficiency (impaired memory, attention, speech, dizziness, headache);
  • disorders of cerebral circulation;
  • coma, consequences of injuries and intoxications of the brain in order to increase motor and mental activity;
  • diseases of the nervous system, accompanied by a decrease in intellectual-mnestic functions and disorders of the emotional-volitional sphere;
  • symptomatic treatment in patients with Alzheimer's disease and senile dementia of the Alzheimer's type.


  • neurotic and asthenic-dynamic depressive states of various origins with a predominance in the clinical picture of signs of adynamia, asthenic and senesto-hypochondriac disorders, phenomena of ideational retardation;
  • sluggish-apathetic defective states in schizophrenia, psychoorganic syndromes of various etiologies, senile and atrophic processes;
  • complex therapy mental illness flowing on "organically defective soil";
  • complex therapy of depressive conditions resistant to antidepressants;
  • poor tolerance of neuroleptics and other psychotropic drugs in order to eliminate or prevent the somatovegetative, neurological and mental complications caused by them;
  • epilepsy.


  • relief of withdrawal, pre- and delirious states in alcoholism, drug addiction, in case of acute poisoning with alcohol, morphine, barbiturates, phenamine;
  • chronic alcoholism with the phenomena of persistent disorders of mental activity (asthenia, intellectual-mnestic disorders).


  • if necessary, accelerate the learning process and eliminate the consequences of perinatal brain damage, with oligophrenia, mental retardation, cerebral palsy.

In the complex therapy of sickle cell anemia.

Release forms

Capsules 400 mg.

Tablets 200 mg and 400 mg.

Solution for intravenous and intramuscular administration 200 mg / ml (injections) (in 5 ml ampoules).

Instructions for use and dosage

Tablets or capsules

Inside, at the beginning of treatment, 800 mg is prescribed in 3 divided doses before meals, with improvement in the condition, the single dose is gradually reduced to 400 mg. The daily dose is 30-160 mg/kg of body weight, the frequency of administration is 2 times a day, if necessary, 3-4 times a day. The course of treatment lasts from 2-3 weeks to 2-6 months. If necessary, the course of treatment is repeated.

With long-term therapy of psychoorganic syndrome in the elderly, the drug is prescribed at 1.2-2.4 g per day; loading dose during the first weeks of therapy - up to 4.8 g per day. Treatment with piracetam, if necessary, can be combined with the use of psychotropic, cardiovascular and other drugs.

When treating the consequences of coma, in the post-traumatic period, the initial dose is 9-12 g per day, the maintenance dose is 2.4 g, the course of treatment is 3 weeks.

With alcoholism - 12 g per day during the manifestation of alcohol withdrawal syndrome; maintenance dose - 2.4 g.

With sickle cell anemia, the daily dose is 160 mg / kg of body weight, divided into 4 equal portions.

Attention: take the last single dose no later than 17.00 to prevent sleep disturbances.


Intravenous stream or drip, intramuscularly. The daily dose is divided into 2-4 doses.

Symptomatic treatment of psychoorganic syndrome: 4.8 g per day for the first week, then switch to a maintenance dose of 1.2-2.4 g per day.

Treatment of dizziness and related imbalances: 2.4-4.8 g per day.

Treatment of cortical myoclonus: start with a dose of 7.2 g per day, every 3-4 days the dose is increased by 4.8 g per day until a maximum dose of 24 g per day is reached. Treatment is continued throughout the entire period of the disease. Every 6 months you should try to reduce the dose or stop the drug, gradually reducing the dose by 1.2 g per day every 2 days. With a slight therapeutic effect or its absence, treatment is stopped.

With sickle cell vaso-occlusive crisis (in adults and children): intravenously at 300 mg / kg per day, divided into 4 equal doses.

Treatment of dyslexia in children over 8 years of age (in combination with other methods of treatment) - 3.2 g, divided into 2 equal doses.

Side effect

Side effects are most often observed at doses above 5 g per day:

  • nervousness;
  • excitation;
  • irritability;
  • anxiety;
  • sleep disorder;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • diarrhea, constipation;
  • anorexia;
  • dizziness;
  • headache;
  • convulsions;
  • increased sexual activity;
  • weakness;
  • drowsiness;
  • fussiness;
  • anxiety;
  • restlessness;
  • motor disinhibition;
  • decreased ability to concentrate;
  • imbalance;
  • increased conflict.


  • renal failure (CC less than 20 ml / min);
  • hemorrhagic stroke (acute stage);
  • depression with anxiety (azhatirovannye depression);
  • chorea of ​​Huntington;
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation;
  • children's age (up to 1 year);
  • hypersensitivity.

Use during pregnancy and lactation

Adequate and strictly controlled studies of the safety of the use of piracetam during pregnancy have not been conducted. Use is possible only in cases where the intended benefit to the mother outweighs possible risk for the fetus.

Piracetam appears to pass into breast milk. If necessary, use during lactation should decide on the termination of breastfeeding.

In experimental studies on animals, it was not revealed negative impact piracetam on the fetus.

special instructions

In the treatment of acute brain lesions, piracetam is prescribed in combination with other methods of detoxification and rehabilitation therapy, in the treatment of psychotic conditions - with psychotropic drugs.

In the treatment of patients with cortical myoclonus, abrupt discontinuation of the drug should be avoided (risk of recurrence of seizures).

Use with caution in patients with impaired hemostasis, after extensive surgical interventions, severe bleeding.

Influence on the ability to drive vehicles and control mechanisms

During the period of treatment, care must be taken when driving vehicles and engaging in other potentially hazardous activities that require an increased concentration of attention and speed of psychomotor reactions.

drug interaction

Increases the effectiveness of thyroid hormones, indirect anticoagulants (against the background of high doses of piracetam), psychostimulants.

When administered with neuroleptics, it reduces the risk of extrapyramidal disorders.

When taken simultaneously with neuroleptics, their central action(tremor, anxiety, etc.).

Analogues of the drug Piracetam

Structural analogues for the active substance:

  • Lucetam;
  • Memotropil;
  • Nootobril;
  • Nootropil;
  • Noocetam;
  • Pirabene;
  • Pyramem;
  • Pyratropil;
  • Piracetam Bufus;
  • Piracetam MS;
  • Piracetam Obolensky;
  • Piracetam-Vial;
  • Piracetam-ratiopharm;
  • Piracetam-Richter;
  • Piracetam-Eskom;
  • stamin;
  • Cerebril;
  • Escotropil.

In the absence of analogues of the drug for the active substance, you can follow the links below to the diseases from which the corresponding drug helps and see the available analogues for the therapeutic effect.

Piracetam is a synthetic nootropic drug widely used in psychiatric and neurological practice. It is a nootropic agent that improves cognitive functions.

It has an effect on the central nervous system in various ways: it changes the rate of propagation of excitation in the brain, improves metabolic conditions for neuronal plasticity. It improves microcirculation by affecting the rheological characteristics of the blood and does not cause a vasodilating effect.

Inhibits increased aggregation of activated platelets and restores the elasticity of the erythrocyte membrane, as well as the ability of the latter to pass through the microvasculature.

Animal studies have shown that piracetam inhibits vasospasm and counteracts various vasospastic substances.

In studies on healthy volunteers, piracetam reduced the adhesion of erythrocytes to the vascular endothelium and stimulated the production of prostacyclins in the endothelium.

Piracetam has various effects on the central nervous system:

  • Affects the viscosity of the blood, without having a vasodilating effect;
  • Improves the metabolic processes of nerve cells;
  • Improves microcirculation;
  • Changes the speed of propagation of impulses in the brain.

Piracetam is produced in dosage form:

  • Capsules, 400 mg each. 60 pieces per pack;
  • Coated tablets, 200 mg each. 60 pieces per pack;
  • 20% solution for injection, in ampoules of 5 ml.

Treatment of osteochondrosis with injections is more effective than the use of tablets, including piracetam injections. Instructions for use will help to avoid mistakes and independently understand the method of application.

The effectiveness of piracetam solution for injection is due to the rapid penetration active ingredients into the blood. Introduction intravenously or intramuscularly allows you to get the result as soon as possible, unlike similar tablets, although they are no less effective.


When taken orally, it is quickly and almost completely absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. Cmax in plasma is reached after about 30 minutes, in cerebrospinal fluid - after 2-8 hours. The apparent Vd is 0.6 l / kg. Does not bind to plasma proteins.

It is distributed in all organs and tissues, penetrates through the BBB and the placental barrier. Selectively accumulates in the tissues of the cerebral cortex, mainly in the frontal, parietal and occipital lobes, in the cerebellum and basal ganglia.

T1 / 2 from plasma is 4-5 hours, from cerebrospinal fluid - 6-8 hours. It is excreted by the kidneys unchanged. With renal failure, T1 / 2 increases.

Indications for use

What helps? Piracetam is prescribed for adults in the following cases:

  • Treatment of dizziness (vertigo), as well as related balance disorders, except for cases of dizziness of psychogenic and vasomotor origin;
  • Symptomatic treatment of a psychoorganic syndrome with an accompanying decrease in activity, memory and concentration, as well as a change in behavior, mood and gait;
  • Prevention and relief of sickle cell vaso-occlusive crisis;
  • Treatment of cortical myoclonus both in monotherapy and as part of complex therapy.

In psychiatry, Piracetam is used for depressive states of various genesis, during sluggish attacks of schizophrenia, mental disorders of various etiologies, with poor perception of antipsychotics, and epilepsy.

In narcology, Piracetam stops cravings for alcohol and drugs. Used during acute poisoning various barbiturates and phenamine. It is a treatment drug for chronic alcoholism during mental disorders.

Piracetam is prescribed to children in the following cases:

  • Dyslexia, usually in combination with other methods, including speech therapy;
  • Sickle cell vaso-occlusive crisis, for prevention and relief.

In pediatrics, Piracetam is indispensable during the education of children with developmental disabilities, after brain injuries, with cerebral palsy. Used in combination therapy remedy during anemia.

Instructions for use Piracetam and dosage

Adults inside - 30-160 mg / kg / day in 2-4 doses. The duration of treatment is 6-8 weeks.

If necessary, apply in / m or / in the initial dose of 10 g / day. When administered intravenously to patients in serious condition, the daily dose may be 12 g. After clinical improvement, the dose is gradually reduced and switched to oral administration.

In chronic psychoorganic syndromes and cortical myoclonus, treatment begins with a dose of 7.2 g / day, every 3-4 days the dose is increased by 4.8 g / day until a maximum dose of 24 g / day is reached. Treatment is continued throughout the entire period of the disease.

Every 6 months, an attempt should be made to reduce the dose or discontinue the drug, gradually reducing the dose by 1.2 g every 2 days in order to prevent an attack. If there is no effect or a slight therapeutic effect, treatment is stopped.

In the treatment of the consequences of a stroke: piracetam is prescribed at a dose of 4.8 g / day.

In the treatment of dizziness, 2.4-4.8 g / day is prescribed (6-12 capsules / day in 2-3 doses).

For alcoholism: Maintenance dose - 2.4 g / day (6 capsules per day).

With dizziness and related balance disorders - 2.4 - 4.8 g / day.

Children inside - 30-50 mg / kg / day in 2-3 doses. Treatment should be continued for at least 3 weeks.

In elderly patients, the dose is adjusted in the presence of renal insufficiency and control is necessary with long-term therapy. functional state kidneys.

In patients with impaired liver function, correction of the dosing regimen is not required.

Side effects

Undesirable reactions are listed below by systems and organs and frequency of occurrence: very often (> 1/10); often (>1/100,<1/10); нечасто (>1/1000, <1/100); редко (>1/10000, <1/1000); очень редко (<1/10000); частота неизвестна (не может быть оценена из доступных источников).

From the blood and lymphatic system: the frequency is unknown - bleeding.

From the immune system: the frequency is unknown - anaphylactoid reactions, hypersensitivity.

Mental disorders: often - nervousness; infrequently - depression; frequency unknown - agitation, anxiety, hallucinations, confusion.

From the nervous system: often - hyperactivity, irritability; infrequently - asthenia, drowsiness; the frequency is unknown - ataxia, imbalance, exacerbation of the course of epilepsy, headache, insomnia, tremor.

From the digestive system: the frequency is unknown - nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain (including gastralgia).

On the part of the hearing organs: the frequency is unknown - vertigo.

From the skin and subcutaneous tissues: the frequency is unknown - dermatitis, pruritus, urticaria, angioedema.

From the reproductive system: the frequency is unknown - increased sexual desire.

Laboratory and instrumental data: often - an increase in body weight.

Other disorders: rarely - pain in the injection area, thrombophlebitis, hyperthermia, hypotension (after injections).


After oral administration of piracetam at a dose of 75 g, dyspeptic phenomena were noted, such as diarrhea with blood, abdominal pain.

Treatment: Immediately after taking the drug inside, you can wash the stomach or induce artificial vomiting. Symptomatic therapy is recommended, which may include hemodialysis. There is no specific antidote. The efficiency of hemodialysis for piracetam is 50-60%.

Piracetam during pregnancy and lactation

In the instructions from different manufacturers, information on the use of Piracetam by pregnant women is different. In some they write that it is absolutely impossible to accept it, in others - with the exception of certain circumstances.

No doctor can guarantee you the complete safety of the fetal nervous system during the use of the drug during pregnancy. But there are times when the life of the expectant mother is in jeopardy and any doctor will decide in favor of the mother.

When breastfeeding, you should also not take the medicine, as it passes into breast milk. In case of kidney problems in a future mother, Piracetam is contraindicated, as it negatively affects their work.


Taking the drug is contraindicated in the following cases:

  • Hypersensitivity to piracetam or pyrrolidine derivatives, as well as to other components of the drug.
  • Chorea of ​​Huntington.
  • End-stage renal failure (creatinine clearance less than 20 ml/min).
  • Acute cerebrovascular accident (hemorrhagic stroke).
  • Psychomotor agitation at the time of drug administration.
  • Children's age up to 3 years.

Interaction with other drugs

Piracetam enhances the effects of indirect anticoagulants, psychostimulants, the central effects of thyroid hormones (anxiety, tremor, sleep disturbance, irritability, confusion).

The severity of extrapyramidal disorders increases when piracetam is taken together with neuroleptics.

Piracetam analogues, list of drugs

Piracetam analogues are the following drugs, list:

  • Lucetam
  • Nootropil
  • Piracetam Richter
  • Memotropil
  • Nootrobil
  • Noocetam
  • Pirabene
  • Piramem
  • Pyratropil

When choosing analogues, it is important to understand that the instructions for use of Piracetam, the price and reviews of drugs of similar action do not apply. It is important to consult a doctor and not to make an independent replacement of the drug.

In the pharmacy network, the drug is dispensed by prescription. The average prices for Piracetam are: Capsules (400 mg) - from 26 rubles. Tablets (200 mg) - from 38 rubles. Solution 20% (10 ampoules of 5 ml) - from 45 rubles

Shelf life of ampoules with solution and capsules is 3 years, tablets - 24 months.

Piracetam is a synthetic nootropic drug - the first in the history of pharmacology and the main tool so far in this group.

The tool is used in psychiatry and neurology, has a wide range of applications. It began to be widely used only in 1972, although it was invented almost 10 years earlier.

First meeting

Piracetam improves blood circulation in the brain, which improves memory and eliminates neurological disorders.

It is prescribed for the elderly as a prophylactic against, for children to improve memory and behavior correction, for drug addicts and alcoholics to relieve withdrawal symptoms. This is a harmless remedy, well tolerated by the patient's body. It should be taken only as directed by a doctor. The drug belongs to the pharmacological group - psychostimulants.

Piracetam has a beneficial effect on microcirculation and metabolic processes in the brain. Accelerates the utilization of glucose, stimulates metabolic processes in the affected areas, inhibits the activation of activated platelets. It exhibits protective properties in case of brain damage that occurs as a result of oxygen starvation, intoxication and electric shock.

Pharmacokinetics and composition of the drug

Piracetam is produced as:

  • capsules 0.4 g in a package of 60 pieces;
  • tablets coated, 0.2 g in a package of 120 pieces;
  • solution 20% for injection in 5 ml ampoules, 10 ampoules per pack.

The solution contains the active substance - piracetam, and auxiliary (sodium acetate, acetic acid and water). In tablets and capsules, in addition to the active substance piracetam, the following components are also present:

  • stearate;
  • povidone;
  • ethylcellulose;
  • talc and other substances.

In appearance, these are oval white and rather large tablets and capsules with a white powder inside in a gelatin shell.

The agent is well absorbed and penetrates into various tissues of the body. After taking the drug, its maximum plasma concentration occurs after an hour. Penetrates through the BBB, the placenta, tends to accumulate in the tissues of the brain and human organs.

It enters the brain tissue 1-4 hours after ingestion. It is most difficult to remove from the cerebrospinal fluid - this indicates a high tropism for brain tissues. While in the body, piracetam does not undergo biotransformation and is excreted from the body by the kidneys unchanged. Bioavailability is almost 100%, regardless of the form of the drug.

Mechanism of action

The mechanism of action of this drug is not fully understood. It increases the energy potential of the body by accelerating the turnover of ATP, increasing the activity of adenylate cyclase and inhibiting nucleotide phosphatase.

Improvement of energy processes under the action of piracetam leads to an increase in the resistance of brain tissues during hypoxia and infection. Under the influence of the drug, the synthesis of nuclear RNA in the brain is enhanced.

Why do narcologists, neurologists and psychiatrists prescribe Piracetam?

Piracetam is used in neurology, psychiatry and narcology, in neurological therapy it is used for the following indications:

In psychiatric practice, the drug is used to treat the following diseases:

  • depression of a neurotic nature with signs of lethargy;
  • schizophrenia with sluggish-apathetic effect, psycho-organic syndrome, atrophic process;
  • comprehensive treatment of mental illness;
  • complex treatment of depression;
  • epileptic syndrome;
  • in case of poor tolerance to antipsychotics, in order to avoid complications.

Indications for the use of Piracetam in narcology:

  • relief of withdrawal symptoms and with alcoholism, drug addiction and in case of acute poisoning with alcoholic beverages, barbiturates, morphine;
  • chronic alcoholism with permanent mental impairment.

In addition, the drug is used in pediatrics to improve the learning process, to eliminate the effects of brain damage during childbirth, mental retardation, and mental retardation.

Who will be harmed and even dangerous?

Piracetam should not be used to treat a patient if he has:

  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • psychomotor agitation;
  • acute renal failure.

With extreme caution, the drug should be taken if:

  • violation of hemostasis;
  • heavy bleeding;
  • extensive surgery;
  • chronic renal failure.

Piracitym should not be prescribed to children under one year old. The prescription of the medicine is made by the attending physician according to the indications and in accordance with the patient's condition.

Dosages and course of treatment

The medicine is taken orally, in the form of intramuscular and intravenous injections.

The drug is taken orally before meals.

Doses are prescribed by a doctor, but according to the instructions, Piracetam is taken as follows.

Piracetam dosages for adult patients depending on the condition:

  1. Tablets and capsules for chronic diseases- 1200 mg per day, divided into 3 doses, gradually increase the dose to 3200 mg per day, and after improvement, reduce to 400 mg.
  2. Intramuscular injections- first 2-4 g per day, the next day - 4-6 g. The doctor prescribes the dose and course of treatment, based on their individual patient indicators.
  3. Intravenously the drug is administered in the form of a dropper, the daily dose is 4-12 g, the course of treatment is 2-4 weeks.

Children are given only the drug in tablets. For children aged 1 to 5 years - 800 mg per day, from 5 to 16 years - 1200-1600 mg.

Cases of overdose? They are!

An overdose of the drug occurs with different amounts of the administered agent - it is impossible to establish the exact dosage. You can not drink the drug again or give an injection. With an overdose, there is an increase in side effects:

  • insomnia;
  • irritability.

Older patients may experience exacerbation of heart failure. In this case, you need to reduce the dose of the drug. In severe cases, gastric lavage and activated charcoal are taken.

Side effects are also not uncommon.

Side effects in the case of taking Piracetam can be observed from several body systems.

Nervous system:

In addition, there may be manifestations from the gastrointestinal tract and other body systems:

  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • diarrhea;
  • decrease in blood pressure;
  • fever;
  • weight gain;
  • hypersensitivity;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • hives;
  • dermatitis;

special instructions

During treatment, it is necessary to regularly monitor the functioning of the liver and kidneys. Also, taking the drug can lead to insomnia, so evening medication should be taken no later than 17-18 hours.

Treatment of patients with cortical myoclonus does not allow abrupt withdrawal of Piracetam, attacks may resume.

Interaction with alcohol

Alcohol may increase or decrease the effect of Piracatem. You can take the drug after a 12-hour break after taking alcohol.

If it is prescribed to relieve a hangover, then before taking it, it is necessary to restore the water balance in the body, eliminate the headache with Aspirin or Citramon, remove toxins with activated charcoal, and only then remove the hangover with the agent in question.

The dosage is chosen by the doctor, based on the weight and age of the patient.

Violation of the liver and kidneys

If the patient has impaired liver function, then it is not necessary to adjust the dosage of the drug. In case of impaired renal function, dosing is carried out depending on the CC indicator.

In chronic renal failure of the last stage, treatment with piracetam is contraindicated.

Interaction with other drugs

Simultaneous treatment with thyroid hormones leads to anxiety, irritability, tremors, sleep disturbances, confusion.

In the case of use with CNS stimulants, psychostimulant effects may be enhanced. Simultaneous reception with neuroleptics leads to an increase.

Pregnancy, lactation and childhood

Piracetam during pregnancy is prescribed when the threat to the fetus is less than the risk to the mother.

The drug is not prescribed to pregnant women in any of the three trimesters, because it crosses the placenta, accumulates in the baby's brain, which can lead to a nervous breakdown in the baby.

The medicine is present in breast milk and is passed with it to the baby, so it is necessary either to stop breastfeeding the baby or to stop the drug for a while.

For children, the drug is prescribed from one year. It is used to correct the student's progress during the school year at 3.3 grams per day. The use of medicines for children should be carried out only as directed by a doctor.

Theory without practice is blind...

A doctor's review of Piracetam and patient reviews will help to finally clarify the situation with the effectiveness and safety of the drug.

Physician Review

Piracetam is one of the most popular drugs in our country to eliminate problems with the brain. It is distinguished by availability and low cost, harmlessness and non-toxicity, the possibility of taking it for preventive purposes.

The course of treatment should not exceed six months. Piracetam does not help as an independent medicine for some diseases, so it is prescribed in combination with others. If the patient has headaches due to problems with the cervical spine, then the drug is powerless, it is necessary to eliminate the cause of the disease.

Udalova A.S., neurologist