
Why the headache. Is a constant headache dangerous? traditional medicines

If your head hurts often is the result of stress, chronic fatigue, traumatic brain injury, a symptom of metabolic and hormonal disorders, viral and infectious pathologies. Medicines, a set of simple exercises, and adherence to the daily routine help to cope with discomfort.

Frequent headaches can be the result of many diseases.

Causes of frequent headaches

Periodic attacks of headache (cephalalgia) occur after intense physical exertion, against the background of stress, weather changes. But if discomfort bothers you every day, this may indicate the presence of severe pathologies of the brain, blood vessels, nasopharynx, discomfort develops with intoxication, infectious diseases.

Headache types:

  1. Vascular cephalgia- accompanied by pulsation in the temples, dizziness, severe aching pain in the forehead or occiput, sometimes visual functions are disturbed. With this form of the disease, it is difficult for a person to be in a supine position, discomfort increases with any movement. Causes - pathologies of the cervical spine, atherosclerosis, blood clots, edema, brain tumor.
  2. Liquorodynamic cephalgia- occurs when there is a change in intracranial pressure against the background of an increase in the secretion of cerebrospinal fluid, compression of the brain by a hematoma, a tumor. Strong and frequent attacks of headache are accompanied by dizziness, nausea, strong pressure in the frontal region. With an increase in the values, the discomfort is undulating in nature, with a decrease, the person experiences weakness, it is difficult for him to stand.
  3. Neuralgic cephalgia- an attack occurs suddenly, the pain is cutting, sharp all the time, often radiates to the neck, jaw, superciliary arches, painkillers do not help, the discomfort is constant, it can last 4 or more weeks. The problem is accompanied by redness, increased sensitivity and swelling of the skin. Causes - hypothermia, excessive exercise, intoxication, neuralgia, all these factors lead to the appearance of microtraumas, nerve roots become inflamed.
  4. Pain of tension- a consequence of prolonged work at the computer, a sedentary lifestyle, inhalation of strongly sweet smells, listening to loud heavy music, fear, stress. Cephalgia is accompanied by aching, aching in the temples, the back of the head, and sometimes severe itching bothers.
  5. cluster headache- occurs predominantly in men, localized in the eye area, characterized by very strong, frequent, but short attacks for several days. Causes - expansion of the carotid artery, irritation of the optic nerves, changes in testosterone levels.
  6. Psychogenic headache- a consequence of stress, depression, chronic fatigue, Parkinson's disease.

The brain does not directly feel cephalalgia, nerve endings react to irritating factors.

Why does my head hurt

The main causes of cephalgia- exposure to external stimuli, malnutrition, lack of rest, sedentary lifestyle, diseases of internal organs.

- the discomfort is intense, but affects only the left or right side. The disease occurs due to vasodilation, accompanied by nausea, vomiting, discomfort can last for several days. The exact causes of the development of the disease are not fully understood, but stress, depression, overwork, noise, heat, chronic lack of sleep can provoke an attack.

Any stress can be a provocation to the onset of a migraine.

What diseases often cause headaches:

  1. Vascular diseases- intense pain syndrome lasts for several hours, worries in the morning or at night, discomfort is localized in the eye area. With hypertension, it hurts in the back of the head, blood often flows from the nose.
  2. Neuralgia of the facial, trigeminal nerve- the pain is one-sided, radiates to the head from the inflamed areas.
  3. Traumatic brain injury, spinal injury- pain occurs due to squeezing of blood vessels, lack of oxygen, discomfort manifests itself some time after the incident, analgesics do not bring relief.
  4. Diseases of the cervical and thoracic spine- due to compression of the vessels by the vertebrae, an insufficient amount of oxygen and nutrients enters the brain, pain covers the back of the head and the temples.
  5. Vascular pathologies of the brain- cephalgia indicates hypoxia, vascular sclerosis, the pain is dull, covers the entire head, is accompanied by dizziness, limbs go numb, arterial indicators increase or decrease, sleep is disturbed, memory deteriorates.
  6. Malignant and benign neoplasms of the brain- the tumor presses on the vessels, the constant pain in one part of the head worries.
  7. Meningitis - intense and prolonged discomfort in the head occurs against the background of inflammation, severe intoxication.
  8. Hemolytic anemia- an autoimmune disease in which erythrocytes are intensively destroyed, hypoxia develops, the heart works in an enhanced mode. Symptoms are fatigue, trouble breathing, headache, always cold extremities, pale or yellow skin, heart failure.

The flu, exacerbation of sinusitis, sinusitis can provoke a headache in a child - dull discomfort occurs in the frontal, temporal part, covers the eyes and bridge of the nose, indicates intoxication, is accompanied by high fever, aching joints and muscles, disappears after the illness. Unpleasant sensations in the back of the head or in the forehead, lacrimation, rhinitis, itching are symptoms of an allergy.

In women during pregnancy, menopause, before menstruation, in adolescents, a headache occurs against the background of hormonal imbalance.

What factors can trigger a headache

Cephalgia does not always indicate the presence of serious diseases, an attack often develops under the influence of provoking factors.

The first step is to consult a general practitioner, and he will already direct you further, if necessary.

Determining the causes of cephalgia, treating the disease is engaged in,. Additionally, an infectious disease specialist is required.


Identification of the causes of cephalalgia begins with an examination and anamnesis, the patient needs to be told in detail where, how often and how much the head hurts.

Examination program:

  • clinical analysis of blood, urine;
  • blood chemistry;
  • puncture of cerebrospinal fluid;
  • x-ray, MRI, CT of the head and spine;
  • vascular angiography;
  • myography;
  • ECG, measurement of arterial parameters;
  • measurement of intracranial pressure;
  • Ultrasound of the carotid arteries.

If the headache caused fainting, the victim should be laid on his back, put something under his feet, wipe his face with cold water, and call an ambulance at the same time.

What to do if you often have a headache?

Cervical gymnastics will help to cope with a headache

For the treatment of cephalalgia, various drugs are used, massage and gymnastics help well.


Treatment of cephalalgia is aimed at eliminating unpleasant symptoms, the causes that provoked an attack of pain, and reducing the risk of complications.

Severe headache - how to treat:

  • analgesics - Milistan, Efferalgan;
  • anti-inflammatory drugs- Nimid, Nimesulide;
  • sedatives– Novo-passit, tincture of peony, valerian;
  • drugs to improve cerebral circulation- Vasobral;
  • antihypertensive drugs- Enap;
  • migraine medicines– Sumamigren;
  • drugs for dizziness- Vestibo, Betaserk;
  • antiemetics- Domperidone.

If your head hurts wildly, you need to grease the whiskey with a slice of lemon, cucumber, Asterisk, mint oil.


To cope with a headache, a strong tension will help neck massage, it should be done by a professional. Simple exercises will help to get rid of unpleasant sensations, it is easy to perform them at home.

Simple exercises for headaches for every day:

  1. Sit up straight, close your eyes, slowly tilt your head forward, backward, to the sides. Do 10 repetitions in each direction, repeat 5-6 times a day.
  2. Lie down, slowly, in a circular motion, massage all parts of the head with your fingertips. Start from the forehead, then move to the parietal and temporal zones, ending with the back of the head. Session duration - 5 minutes, repeat three times a day.
  3. In a standing position, clasp your hands behind your head, bring your elbows in front, lean forward a little. Slowly straighten up, spread your elbows, raise your chin, repeat 6-8 times.
  4. Clasp your hands in a lock on the back of your head, slowly lean forward, do not bend your knees.

Diaphragmatic breathing for 5 minutes will help to cope with a sharp attack of cephalalgia.

Possible consequences and complications

Headache very often occurs against the background of cerebrovascular accident, without proper treatment, a stroke, paralysis develops.

The main consequences of frequent attacks of cephalalgia are impaired hearing, vision, coordination, memory impairment, decreased concentration, emotional deviations, depressive states.

Hearing loss can develop without proper headache treatment

Compliance with the regime of the day, good sleep, walks in the fresh air, a warm shower, the rejection of addictions and junk food - all this will help prevent the occurrence of cephalalgia. If your head hurts very often, sedatives, painkillers, drugs to normalize blood circulation, and eliminate the manifestations of migraine help get rid of unpleasant symptoms.

Different pains in the head can become a serious problem on the way to a fulfilling life. Anxiety symptoms manifest differently for each person, and the “beacons” that the body diligently gives are different and signal third-party problems in the body.

Often, after work, workers begin to have a headache, but it is not recommended to ignore the discomfort, because this indicates an “oversight” of the state of health.

Doctors classify the disease according to the physiological causes of the pathology and the places of the headache.

  • Vascular.

Arteries and veins narrow, blood flow slows down.

  • due to muscle tension.

According to research by doctors, tension is the most popular type of cephalalgia among the population. The signs include:

  • Localized in one place, usually on the top of the head.
  • It looks like the head is being squeezed.
  • "Buzzing" eyes.

The occurrence can be influenced by:

  • exhaustion;
  • psychoses;
  • stress;
  • lack of sleep;
  • physical or nervous tension;
  • increase in body temperature;
  • reception of energy drinks;
  • menstrual cycle.

Analgesic substances, medications that calm the psychological state help to stop the syndrome.

  • Liquorodynamic.

Caused by altered intracranial pressure.

  • Neuralgia.

The defeat of the peripheral nerve leads to a violation of motor ability and sensitivity. Occurs due to:

  • Barrel compression.
  • Herpes zoster.
  • Osteochondrosis.
  • Trauma
  • Hypothermia.

You can treat both folk remedies and pharmacy ones: ibuprofen, ichthyol ointment, paracetamol, etc.

  • Abuzusnaya.

Periodic, occur every day, from weak and dull develops into acute when the patient stops drinking a course of tablets. It occurs due to a violation in the cervical spine or its injuries. Abuse of painkillers also affects the deterioration of the condition.

  • Migraine.

Strong discomfort, the effect of pressure on the skull. Sometimes because of migraines people stay in bed for two days, because it is accompanied by:

  • vomiting;
  • dizziness;
  • "fog" before the eyes;
  • a mirage of flashes of light;
  • auditory hallucinations;
  • aversion to food and smells;
  • pain on movement
  • distraction;
  • drowsiness.

To get rid of this discomfort, anti-inflammatory drugs, antidepressants, plant infusions, acupuncture are prescribed, it is recommended to adhere to proper nutrition with a high protein content, and avoid stress.

  • Post-traumatic.

It starts in the back of the head, passes into the frontal and frontal, grows and torments a person. Complemented by weakness, vomiting and a desire to sleep constantly.

You can treat the disease with the help of vitamins, means to maintain the function of blood vessels and the heart, sedatives, acupuncture, rest in a sanatorium, electrophoresis, manual therapy and other analgesics.

  • Temporal.

Standard and most common pain. It appears due to:

  • pressure surges;
  • menopause;
  • exhaustion;
  • slagging;
  • lack of sleep;
  • menses;
  • initial stages of detox.

Adolescents are susceptible due to puberty and vigorous activity.

  • Morning.

Sleep apnea or even tumors can trigger "bumps" immediately after waking up. It is urgent to do an examination of the cranium in order to prevent a negative development of the situation.

  • Cluster.

Men are exposed to this species more often than women. Every day it occurs at the same time. Lachrymation accompanies the combination of neuralgia and migraine as well as swelling.

Burning and sometimes shooting are characteristic.

  • Occipital.

Osteochondrosis is the main reason. Discomfort is aggravated by small turns of the neck. It also occurs after hypothermia, influenza or SARS, with neuralgia and high blood pressure. The appearance may be due to diseases of the vertebrae and inflammation, tearing of muscles and ligaments.

  • Secondary.

Usually, pain occurs due to hemorrhage in the meninges. In such a situation, there is a feeling of nausea and loss of consciousness. If a passer-by becomes a witness, it is urgent to resort to the help of doctors, otherwise a fatal outcome is possible.

The victim experiences acute local pain on only one side (right or left). When pressure is applied to the cervical muscles, the cephalalgia increases, with the center located on the chin, and discomfort is felt in the area of ​​​​the eyebrows.

Meningitis and sinusitis are accompanied by irritation and regular temperature rises, which can make you feel nauseous.

Other causes of cephalgia for the second time:

  • Temporal arteritis.
  • Hypertension, Cushing's reflex and high blood pressure accompany cephalalgia. Difficulty in chewing food, turning the neck is added to the headache, it is difficult to speak, the skin can burn and tingle.
  • Abscess.
  • Stroke.
  • Traumatic brain injury.
  • Tumors.

Intracranial pressure rises in the head, and neoplasms put pressure on the main organ of thinking. Severe seizures can sometimes be stopped only by narcotic drugs or antibiotics.

  • Poisoning with toxic substances.

Areas of pain in the head - forehead and temples. Weakness, vomiting, and blurred vision confirm the symptom.

  • Glaucoma (accompanied by excessive dilation of the pupil).

wandering pain

Every time floating pains in the head appear, people stop the syndrome with pills. The second time, discomfort may be stronger, the third - acute and painful. Gradually, a person feels "pressure" on the brain. This can only mean one thing - cephalalgia has become chronic.

Places of wandering pain in the head can not always be determined. It occurs in different areas: the back of the head, the top of the head, both hemispheres at once, etc.


The patient does not always determine the meaning of the fact that the head often hurts in different places. Timely treatment is extremely important, otherwise the likelihood of developing various ailments is high. There are three options for the course of point cephalgia:

  • Appears in the back of the head, floats and flows to the temporal lobes.
  • The cervical zone is involved, after which it captures the entire back.
  • The attack makes a sharp "throw" and the whole head is girded with it. Smells a little like whisky.

Pain in the head in different places is accompanied by such signs as:

  • fainting;
  • darkens in the eyes;
  • weakness;
  • heat;
  • numbness;
  • ear noise;
  • flashes of light


Almost anyone can get sick with wandering cephalgia. This is usually due to dissonance in internal systems, which must be diligently monitored. There are pains in the head in different places due to:

  1. Syndrome of the vertebral artery.

As a result of improper blood circulation in the vessels of the spine, unpleasant sensations appear that are similar to migraines. The occurrence is influenced by:

  • The plaques are atherosclerotic.
  • Osteochondrosis.
  • Deformed appearance of blood vessels.
  • Spasms.

To determine the migraine of the neck, it is necessary to distinguish the nature of the “spill” of pain by pain symptoms. It is localized in attacks, debilitating, throbbing and burning. Places where it tingles - neck, eyes, cerebellar zone, bridge of the nose. Sometimes there is a ringing in the auricle that increases with turns. In what places the head hurts, it is also not always possible to understand.

  1. Neoplasms.

Tumors in the cranium are intractable. Early and regular diagnosis is vital, do not wait for "beacons" from the body.

At best, the growth will be benign, the appearance of any formation is evidenced by:

  • morning pain;
  • bursting character;
  • breathe heavily;
  • frequent fainting and dizziness;
  • comes on in fits;
  • slurred speech or difficulty speaking;
  • difficult to walk;
  • sharp vomiting;
  • twists the belly.
  1. Consequences of trauma.

Areas of headache - the back of the head and the front, frontal zone. The following symptoms matter:

  • Temperature.
  • Nausea or vomiting.
  • Drowsiness.


Precisely the places of pain in the head and the causes of the appearance can be determined solely with the help of a complete picture of the state of the skull and neck. To do this, you need to pass the following studies:

  • Tomography of cerebral vessels.
  • Craniography.
  • echoencephalography.
  • Electroencephalography.
  • Magnetic resonance scanning.
  • Blood test.

Doctors will check the results: a neurologist, endocrinologist, otolaryngologist, psychologist or psychiatrist, homeopaths. Even a hairdresser can help figure out the etymology of the problem. Pain is also affected by the use of coloring agents. After applying the chemical components, the skull will bake, often this phenomenon is confused with headaches.


Analgesic drugs are often prescribed:

  • Paracetamol.
  • Ibuprofen.
  • Glycine.
  • Pentalgin.
  • Imet.
  • Neurontin.
  • Myocaine.
  • Sibazon.
  • Venarus.
  • Veroshpiron.
  • Vitamin complexes (usually group B).
  • Valproic acid.
  • Means for vessels.
  • individual preparations.

It is worth noting the need not to self-medicate. To stop the headache site, therapy is used for a month or several weeks:

  • electrophoresis;
  • acupuncture;
  • rest in a sanatorium;
  • current impulses;
  • water therapy.

Express to the doctor the desire not to use chemistry and pharmaceutical preparations, you can use homemade ones. There are many prescriptions for dealing with irregular headaches that are not due to serious chronic diseases.

  1. Herbal infusions.

The first option is St. John's wort tea. Pour boiling water over and take 1/3 cup before meals.

A decoction is also made from chamomile flowers. You can drink tea in the evenings.

Alcohol tincture of peony rhizomes (in a ratio of 10: 1 - vodka / flowers) in a dessert spoon before meals.

A dry mixture of 40 grams of clover, 20 g of white lilac is poured with boiling water and infused for more than 1 hour.

Cornflower and thyme are drunk in the morning.

  1. Honey mixes.

2-3 tablespoons of the combination with viburnum, taken as a course, will help get rid of the problem after 4 weeks.

For a good mood, you can mix 2 parts of dry red wine with 1 honey and aloe juice. This remedy is taken three times a day.

If the pain is very acute, you can stop the symptoms with ¼ cup elderberry decoction with honey.

Restraining migraines seems to be doable with a well-known bee product and apple cider vinegar. Add 1 teaspoon per day to meals as a dressing for rice or salad to relieve headaches.

  1. Inhalations.

Non-aggressive diluted essential oils will have a positive effect on the immune system. You can use aromatic liquids with sage, cypress, rose, oregano.

Diluted lavender and mint can be used as a compress or rubbed neat into the temporal lobes.

Baths with basil and wormwood will help calm the nerves and make you feel better.

  1. Wraps.

Among the fair sex, clay is known as a cosmetic, but its mixture with water to the state of sour cream relieve soreness. Compresses should be done regularly for a month.

Peppermint powder or ether can be added to the gruel.

Unusual remedies for getting rid of cephalalgia:

  • Copper plate or coin. It is important to have pure metal. It must be applied to the skin at the place where the disease exists.
  • Alcoholic infusion of propolis. 20 g of powdered pollen pour 100 ml of vodka and drink 30 drops.
  • The peel of a lemon is applied to the temples.
  • Potato or currant juice.
  • Mint teas.
  • Ayurvedic ointments. They are rubbed in the hands and applied to the buzzing place.

People realize the symptoms only when they begin to manifest themselves clearly, delivering strong resonant discomfort. Therefore, it is necessary to take care of the well-being of your health in advance. As a preventive measure, it is not recommended:

  • Drink drinks that are high in caffeine and sugar.
  • smoke.
  • To overexert, to load oneself with heavy physical labor.
  • Unnatural products with a lot of chemical additives.
  • Alcohol is prohibited.

Much more useful for anyone, not only suffering from cephalalgia, will be:

  • Deep, restful sleep.
  • Walking at least 10,000 steps.
  • Balanced diet.
  • Regular rest.
  • Load control.
  • Compliance with the daily routine.

The noise of a big city often does not give discomfort anywhere. Unpleasant sensations can be called differently, but it remains a pain that needs to be treated. It is important to consult a specialist with regular cephalalgia, and only after finding out why headaches appear, it is allowed to proceed to a full-fledged, comprehensive treatment. Simply soaking a towel in cold water and applying it to your forehead may not be enough.

A thorough and competent approach to the state of the body will help get rid of the disease in a few weeks.


Everyone experiences headaches of varying intensity from time to time. Some suffer from chronic headaches almost daily. Most often, such pains are a kind of signal that some system is disrupted in the body, and it needs a thorough examination. The sooner you determine why your head hurts, the sooner the focus of the spread of pain will be extinguished.

Pain occurs under the influence of a variety of reasons: from the banal “got up on the wrong foot” to the development of serious diseases that require immediate treatment. There are several main types of headaches that have their own symptoms and causes.

Overvoltage is to blame

Tension headache is of a pressing nature and occupies the whole head, especially in the neck and occipital part of the head. Such pain can occur at any time of the day, accompanied by irritability, general weakness, unwillingness to do what you love, anxiety and other symptoms.
There is a feeling of constriction in the head, as if under the influence of a vise. The cause of this type of pain is a change in the muscle tone of the neck and scalp, caused by both physical fatigue and emotional overstrain.

It is noteworthy that tension headaches are predominantly characteristic of people with an unbalanced temperament, as well as people prone to constant worries and self-flagellation. Negative emotions and anxiety suppressed by a person cause severe headaches.

Bad habits, sedentary work in front of a computer, improper wearing of earrings or special clips that pinch certain points in the earlobe, as well as many other factors, can provoke headaches.

What to do to calm a sore head? First of all, you can take painkillers, which will help relieve tension. In addition to medicines, it is recommended to brew herbal teas that have a calming effect on the entire body.

An assistant in the fight against tension headache is also a neck and shoulder massage, which you can perform on your own. Special breathing exercises will help drive away bad thoughts and restore balance to the body.

To forget about the problem for a long time, you need to get rid of the cause of its occurrence. If, for example, sedentary work is to blame for everything, it is necessary to do light gymnastics more often right at the workplace, breathe in the air, and it is especially important not to take difficulties to heart.

Watch the pressure

Vascular headaches are characterized, first of all, by the fact that they capture the occipital and frontal parts of the head. Another reason why the head may hurt is a change in the tone of the cerebral vessels, which is expressed in an increase or decrease in blood pressure.

So, even a slightly elevated blood pressure causes discomfort mainly in the morning, responding with a sharp pulsation in the head. An unpleasant symptom is aggravated by turning the head, physical exertion and in a noisy environment.

With reduced pressure, the whole body is shackled by general weakness and dizziness. The feeling of a cast-iron head prevents you from doing business and living at your usual pace. To get rid of dizziness, you need to return blood pressure to normal.

People with vegetovascular dystonia and osteochondrosis are prone to frequent visits of such pain. In addition, a headache of this kind occurs with sudden changes in weather conditions, as well as on the eve of the onset of menstruation. During pregnancy, vascular headaches stop, but begin again after the refusal of breastfeeding.

Medications, whose action is aimed at stabilizing cerebral vessels and maintaining normal blood pressure, will help get rid of such pains. You can also relieve tension with a neck and shoulder massage, herbal tea, and avoiding caffeinated foods.

Trapped in a migraine

Almost everyone has heard about migraine, but not everyone knows what causes it, how to distinguish a migraine from a normal headache, and what to do to ease the attack. So, migraine is manifested by bouts of acute headache, covering only one part of the head.

A sharp pulsation in the head, which unsettles a person, is due to the narrowing and expansion of the vessels of the brain. In addition, some experts believe that the cause of migraine attacks may be a violation of the metabolism of serotonin involved in the transmission of nerve impulses.

Among other things, migraine is one of those ailments that torment some people because of their hereditary predisposition to this pathology. The victims of migraine are most often representatives of the beautiful half of humanity.

Excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages, active smoking, a sedentary and reclusive lifestyle, as well as sudden flashes of light, pungent odors and too loud sounds can provoke an attack.

The attack may be accompanied by symptoms such as dizziness, nausea, profuse sweating, the effect of darkness in the eyes and bifurcation of the observed picture.

For the treatment of migraine at the initial stage, it is necessary to take drugs whose pharmacological action is aimed at dilating blood vessels. At the next stage, preference is given to medicines that narrow blood vessels. If your head starts to hurt, you can soften the attack by relaxing in a dark and quiet room.

Sleep and eating disorders

One of the most common reasons why it seems that the brain hurts is sleep disturbance and improper nutrition. The rhythm of modern life dictates its own rules of life, and many people adapt to it to the detriment of their own health.

Lack of sleep or a shift in periods of sleep and wakefulness inevitably leads to headaches. A healthy sleep of an adult should last 7-8 hours, moreover, it is desirable to fall asleep before midnight and wake up before 10 am. Compliance with sleep and wakefulness will not only prevent discomfort in the head, but also have a beneficial effect on the figure, provided a balanced diet.

Food, in turn, can cause not only the stomach to hurt, but also the head. Certain substances contained in certain products and having a negative effect on blood vessels provoke acute irritation throughout the body. These substances include: tyramine (beer, chocolate, smoked meats and much more); sodium nitrate (sausages, canned food); monosodium glutamate (chips, croutons, instant noodles, etc.).

What to do to protect your body from headaches caused by harmful and junk food? In this case, a balanced diet will help, which includes all the necessary elements and is based on the rejection of headache provoking foods.

The very occurrence of this disease indicates a violation of the balance in the work of the whole organism. If the causes of the headache lie in sleep and nutrition disorders, the patient can independently regain a healthy body and good mood, provided that he switches to a normal sleep and nutrition regimen.

When Pills Don't Help

As a rule, usually the head hurts due to more or less harmless and solvable problems, however, in rare cases, the causes of the disease are so serious that the patient requires hospitalization.

Such reasons include, for example, infectious and inflammatory diseases of the brain (encephalitis, meningitis, abscesses), viral diseases, diseases of the cardiovascular system, dental diseases, otitis media, and much more.

If you can’t get rid of a headache with pills and folk remedies, you need to see a doctor and undergo an examination to determine why your head hurts.

Headache testing

The examination is carried out on modern devices and affects several areas of the patient's body at once. So, to diagnose the disease that caused pain, the following procedures are usually performed:

  • Computed tomography allows you to identify defects in cerebral circulation, neoplasms in the skull, pathologies in the development of the brain, as well as injuries that are traumatic in nature, and much more;
  • Magnetic resonance imaging provides more opportunities than computed tomography, affecting not only the brain, but also the spinal cord. With its help, it is possible to diagnose many diseases, including, for example, tumor neoplasms, intervertebral hernia, sinusitis, and so on;
  • magnetic resonance angiography allows you to examine and evaluate the state of the vessels of the brain and neck;
  • blood pressure monitoring helps to identify existing problems that are associated with blood pressure, and build a course of treatment to bring pressure back to normal;
  • laboratory blood tests are performed to detect infectious or inflammatory diseases;
  • an ophthalmological examination is mandatory for headaches, since changes in the fundus of the eye have a strong effect on brain activity;
  • examination by an otolaryngologist;
  • examination by a dentist.

Only after the patient has completed all the necessary procedures, the specialist will be able to determine the exact cause of headaches and, based on the information received, prescribe the correct treatment.

Headache Treatment

The course of treatment chosen by the specialist, first of all, is aimed at repaying the immediate source of headaches. If their cause is a tumor formation, then the course of treatment will be built in the appropriate order.

In cases of a rare but annoying headache, you can save yourself by taking painkillers (ibuprofen, paracetamol, and others) so that you can continue to do your business. With regular attacks, self-medication with analgesics is excluded.

In addition to drug treatment, physiotherapy is also useful, within which massage, swimming pool visits, acupuncture, trips to sanatoriums and spas, as well as other types of physiotherapy are prescribed.

People suffering from headaches should take note of the 5 most important tips that act as preventive measures to prevent attacks.

  1. The right balance between periods of sleep and wakefulness will protect the body from fluctuations in blood pressure, overwork and, therefore, from headaches.
  2. Following the rules of a healthy diet based on a balanced diet will prevent disruption of the gastrointestinal tract.
  3. Regular walks in the fresh air will help to relax and dispel thoughts and worries. In addition, fresh air has a beneficial effect on brain function.
  4. Active physical activity maintains the work of all body systems in good shape, while lovers of a sedentary lifestyle suffer from various ailments. Activity gives the body lightness and good mood.
  5. Breaking bad habits is essential not only for those who suffer from headaches. Smoking, drugs and alcohol abuse have a destructive effect on the entire body.

The head can get sick from almost anything, but even such a frequent and already familiar ailment to many requires special attention. With the help of pain, the body informs a person about violations in a particular system. Such pains are a kind of message from the body “Heal me!”. The sooner a patient suffering from regular headaches is examined, the sooner he will be able to get rid of unpleasant headaches for a long time.

The human body is a complex system that needs careful care. That is why it is important to take any ailment seriously, even if this ailment is a periodic headache.

The crazy pace of life, environmental problems, systematic stress - all this cannot but affect our health. The vast majority of men and women in their thirties and forties experience constant discomfort in the head area caused by pain.

Most often, people do not even think about why their head hurts every day, limiting themselves to taking painkillers. But an absolutely healthy person does not experience such problems. Such carelessness can lead to quite serious consequences, and in some cases cost you your life.

If your head hurts every day, this is a cause for concern and a trip to the doctor. Before prescribing treatment, the root cause of the disease should be identified.

So, aching pain in a certain part of the head can be caused by stress, general fatigue, non-compliance with the daily routine. In this case, to get back to normal, just relax and get a good night's sleep.

In 70% of cases, the head can hurt from muscle strain. The best recipe in this case would be a light massage and a hot shower. Exercises aimed at relaxing the muscles of the neck and head also help well.

Indicates malfunctions in the work of the cardiovascular system. If you find such symptoms, you should, without hesitation, seek help from a doctor.

When suddenly severe pain occurs at night, during sleep, this may be due to an increase in intracranial pressure. The malaise is accompanied by nausea, dizziness, a sharp decrease in visual acuity.

If you have a headache every day, your head bothers you immediately after waking up, then this is the first sign of hypertension. Characterized by pain bursting from the inside in the entire head, mainly in the occipital part. In this case, monitoring of blood pressure indicators is necessary. High blood pressure can be relieved by taking antihypertensive drugs.

There are other causes of regular headaches (cephalalgia) caused by a deterioration in cerebral circulation as a result of vascular failure:

  • various kinds of injuries;
  • pressure problems;
  • disruption of the endocrine system;
  • diabetes;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • tumors;
  • infectious diseases;
  • consequences of taking medicines;
  • migraine;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • stroke;
  • nervous tension.

The onset of seizures in the afternoon often indicates overwork or insufficient oxygen supply to the brain.

Pain during awakening can be caused by an uncomfortable pillow or the wrong position in which you sleep.

The listed reasons are the most common, but their list is far from complete. One way or another, a qualified answer to the question of why the head hurts every day, what to do and how to treat, can only be given by a specialist after a complete examination of the body and passing the necessary tests.

Pain: types

So, what causes daily headaches is now clear. Next, you need to deal with the types of pain.

When contacting a doctor, it is very important to be able to correctly describe the nature and intensity of discomfort.

This will help the doctor establish an accurate diagnosis and prescribe effective therapy.

Discomfort in the head area can be of several types:

  1. Tension headache.
  2. Throbbing pain.
  3. Pain accompanied by nausea and sometimes vomiting.
  4. Sharp pain, predominantly on one side, or affecting the temples and forehead.
  5. Pain during which the patient experiences dizziness.

More detailed information is presented in the form of a table:

Location of painType of pain and its characteristics
All over the headMost often, this is the so-called tension pain - ordinary, moderate pain. It is characterized by a feeling of constriction of the head over the entire area (“as if putting on a helmet”). The attack can last all day.
One-sidedMigraine. Accompanied by nausea and vomiting. The pain is sharp, throbbing.
Temple and area around the eyeCluster (serial) pain can be observed for only a few days, and sometimes for a whole month. Exhausting, severe pain. The duration of the attack is from fifteen minutes to three hours. Discomfort is felt only on one side.
Occipital regionHypertensive crisis, excess blood pressure. The patient experiences a feeling of heaviness or pressing pain. Unpleasant sensations may not stop for almost a whole day.
Pain can occur anywhereThis is a sign of rebounding mild pain. The main reason is the discontinuation of painkillers.
Temple areaDiscomfort is caused by inflammatory processes occurring in the temporal artery. The pain is aching, very strong.
The whole area of ​​the head, or one part of itSharp, very severe pain. Possibly impaired consciousness. These signs indicate hemorrhage.

With a systematic, pronounced pain syndrome that occurs at the same time, it is by no means possible to self-medicate. To understand why your head hurts, you just need to consult your doctor, as well as conduct diagnostic studies, such as ECG, MRI, ultrasound of the vessels of the head and neck, etc.

How to treat a headache

The first thing anyone does when suffering from a headache attack is to start taking pills. At the same time, without even understanding why the head hurts so much.

Uncontrolled intake of painkillers can lead to intoxication of the whole body, which will only aggravate the situation.

Before taking painkillers, try the following tips:

  • a cool compress with the addition of chamomile or mint aroma oils will help relieve nervous tension;
  • a warm bath helps to eliminate muscle spasm;
  • a light massage of the temples, neck, shoulders will help reduce the intensity of pain;
  • if you drink boiled milk with a little honey, the discomfort will gradually go away;
  • it becomes much easier after warm tea brewed with lemon balm, chamomile or mint;
  • a walk in the fresh air or daytime sleep will help relieve an attack.


Many people ask themselves: “Why did my head hurt so often in recent days?”. As mentioned above, the reasons can be very different.

Not only chronic diseases can cause poor health. The head may also hurt from a curvature of posture, malnutrition, and violations of the daily regimen.

To help avoid the occurrence of everyday headaches, following simple preventive measures can:

  1. Avoid prolonged exposure to the cold, dress according to the weather.
  2. Try to avoid sudden changes in temperature.
  3. Give up alcohol and tobacco. Nicotine leads to spasms in the blood vessels, which can be the root cause of the disease.
  4. Do not take medicines longer than the period indicated in the instructions.
  5. It is also important to observe the daily regimen of sleep and rest.
  6. Try to avoid high stress situations.
  7. Exercise regularly and harden the body. Be sure to consider your age and general health. It is better to consult a doctor.
  8. Use "healthy" foods in your diet.

Proper nutrition should be noted as a separate item.

Limit your intake of the following types of foods:

  • spicy and salty foods;
  • spices;
  • products containing flavor enhancers and dyes;
  • soy products;
  • red wine;
  • nuts;
  • cheeses;
  • sweeteners;
  • smoked herring;
  • chocolate.

Check your posture:

  • try not to press your chin to your chest for a long time;
  • to relieve tension from the shoulder section, you should not lean on the armrests of the chair when sitting for a long time;
  • when you frown, the muscles of your face become tense, which will necessarily negatively affect your overall well-being;
  • prolonged work at the computer with the head tilted is unacceptable, the same applies to reading books;
  • A properly selected pillow is very important so that the head lies flat on it, and the neck does not bend.

This list of simple recommendations will help reduce the frequency of migraine attacks, and timely treatment will make it possible to permanently get rid of regular headaches. The main thing is not to forget that only comprehensive measures can permanently save you from a painful condition. Therefore, if your head hurts every day for a whole month, you should immediately visit specialists and fully examine your body.

In no case should you self-medicate. Remember: behind a seemingly simple headache, a dangerous disease can be hidden, which only an experienced doctor can diagnose.

Sharp pain in the head arises from a variety of reasons. Their characteristic features depend on them. The pain can be chronic, sudden, affecting different areas of the head.

Often, people suffering from cephalalgia are in no hurry to contact doctors, but resort to self-treatment.

Wanting to break out of the circle of suffering, not thinking about what will follow the crisis, they take drugs. If headaches are constantly recurring, then you need to seek help from doctors. A sudden headache can be a manifestation of serious and dangerous disorders in the body.

An acute headache has the appearance of short-term flashes lasting several seconds. But there are times when pain persists for a long time. For cephalalgia, periods of remission and resumption of pain are characteristic, during which a person feels either good or bad.

There are primary and secondary forms of acute headaches. The occurrence of primary cutting cephalgia is associated with neurological diseases, psycho-emotional stress.

Secondary (symptomatic) acute pain in the head often occurs against the background of disorders in the cerebral circulation system, with intoxication and other diseases. Frequent sharp headaches can also be a signal of a pathological tissue change - a tumor.


An important feature of the disease is a very severe pain not in the whole head, but in half of it. She is accompanied by other symptoms: weakness, fear of light and nausea. Among the causes of hemicrania are hereditary factors and various vegetative-vascular disorders. With migraine, headaches are sharp and spasmodic, primarily due to changes in the tone of the brachiocephalic and intracranial vessels.

During the onset of pain, dermographism is often observed: one area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe head may turn red or, conversely, turn very pale. If there is no difference in the color of the skin, you can tightly tie your head with a warm cloth. You need to lie in a darkened room and avoid noise.

In most cases, attacks last for 2-7 days.

Cluster headaches

Pain is manifested by series (clusters) of episodes lasting from 15 minutes to an hour. During each transient outbreak, the pain is so severe that a person may briefly lose his mind. This syndrome is characterized by a specific sequence of pain.

First there is a stuffy ear, then there is a burning pain behind the eyeball, watering and blockage of the nasal passage. Basically, the pain is localized in one part of the face.

Cluster headache is acute and is characterized by a cyclic course. It can last from several days to weeks or months, stop suddenly and do not bother for a long time.

The causes of this disease are still unclear. But when studying the disease, doctors found that they mostly suffer from mature men of a strong physique. It was also found that the disease is more common in people who abuse alcohol.

It mostly happens when an aneurysm ruptures. Distinctive symptoms of the disease are: an instantaneous acute headache, as if hit by something heavy on the head, nausea and repeated vomiting.

In cases of rupture of a small aneurysm, a person may not even be aware of the presence of disorders in the circulatory system of the brain. Pain can be short, it can be in the back of the head and occur only with nervous, mental overwork or physical stress.

Occipital neuralgia syndrome

A characteristic feature of the course of the disease is unpleasant pain, often felt in the back of the head. At the same time, pain can spread to the temporal and ocular region. The reasons are incorrect posture when walking, long stay at the computer, unbalanced diet, in which there are no important minerals, spinal injury or protrusion of the vertebral discs of the cervical region.

Myositis of the neck muscles

A sharp headache in this disease most often manifests itself in the form of point unpleasant tingling, spreading to the neck, forearm and chest. The disease is accompanied by the presence of an inflammatory process in the cervical muscles and their compaction, as well as disturbances in the metabolic processes of the body.

The head hurts mainly when touching it. The complete absence of pain can be observed at rest, in the supine position.

The causes and pathogenesis of myositis are not fully understood. Emotional stress, which is accompanied by severe muscle tension, can become a catalyst. The disease can affect both young and old people.

Frequent acute headaches may indicate the presence of a neoplasm. As the tumor grows, fainting attacks, dizziness, periodic partial loss of vision join severe headaches.

According to morphological features, malignant and benign tumors are distinguished. The main method for diagnosing a tumor is testing for the presence of the CA 15-3 antigen and a number of other tumor markers that detect the disease at an early stage.

Headache as a separate syndrome

Fortunately, severe headaches are not always the result of dangerous diseases. So:

  • heaviness in the head may appear due to tightly tied headscarves or wearing tight-fitting glasses;
  • with a long stay in a closed room, a lack of oxygen provokes headaches;
  • sharp fluctuations in pressure cause pain in the head;
  • the head can hurt when the body is intoxicated as a result of poisoning with alcohol, nicotine, household chemicals, and low-quality food products. In this case, adsorbents that have the ability to absorb toxins help well;
  • headaches often appear with increased nervous excitability. Here, basically, rest, good rest and means that strengthen the body are needed. It is possible to take sedative preparations of plant origin;
  • some people have a particular sensitivity to temperature changes and weather changes.

Methods of diagnosis and treatment

The paramount task of successful treatment of severe headaches is the timely establishment of the correct diagnosis and identification of the root cause.

A visit to a neurologist is a necessary step in determining the diagnosis.

The initial consultation with a doctor consists of:

  • questioning the patient about symptoms, studying complaints;
  • evaluation and definition of reflexes.
  • specific tests aimed at studying possible deviations in the functioning of the nervous system.

After the first examination, the neurologist prescribes a number of standard examinations: measuring pressure and taking an ECG to detect extracardiac pathologies, laboratory analysis of blood and urine, examination of the fundus by an ophthalmologist. The patient comes to the secondary examination with ready-made test results for further consultation.

Significant assistance in identifying the disease is provided by such modern research methods as:

  • positron emission tomography;
  • ultrasound diagnostics;

Treatment primarily involves the elimination of causative factors for the appearance of severe headaches and includes the appointment of drugs, rational psychotherapy, climate therapy, hydrotherapy (radon baths, circular showers), physical therapy and breathing exercises, acupuncture.

Drug treatment is prescribed taking into account the stage of the disease and remission. Drug therapy includes taking anti-inflammatory, painkillers, sedatives. With neuralgia of the occipital nerve, the doctor may prescribe a blockade of the zone of innervation of the nerve with an injection of an anesthetic drug.

Only a doctor should prescribe painkillers and ointments. Many of them have a number of contraindications and side effects, so self-medication can lead to even more serious consequences.

Treat your health with care, do not self-medicate and, if necessary, immediately consult a doctor. When asked why the head suddenly hurts, only an experienced specialist can reliably answer you. A correct diagnosis and effective treatment can permanently save you from excruciating headaches.