
Where is the dog's liver located? Liver Disease in Dogs: Symptoms, Signs, Causes, Treatment

Hepatitis is not an independent disease. These are signs of the presence of an underlying pathology. the main role gland consists in the inactivation of toxins brought by the blood. Every situation accompanied by intensive work of hera ends in inflammation. A scar is formed at the site of the lesion, in which functional cells (cells) are replaced by a ballast connective tissue texture. This condition is called cirrhosis.

There comes a time when the ratio of parenchymal and useless formations is in favor of the latter, in which case the body becomes defenseless against the effects of toxins.


Distinguish between hepatitis infectious and toxic etiology.

Among inflammations of the liver of toxic etiology, the following are distinguished:

  • Internal non-infectious:
  1. Heart disease.
  • Drug poisoning. They occur with prolonged use of certain drugs or as a result of their improper use.
  • Consumption of spoiled food.
  • Poisoning by poisonous plants, household chemicals.


Liver diseases can proceed in the initial phases asymptomatically or with signs characteristic of other pathologies. According to the speed of development of painful changes, a manifest and permanent process is distinguished. Both options are characterized the following manifestations:

  • Weight loss.
  • Anorexia.
  • Vomit.
  • Diarrhea followed by constipation.
  • A pendulous belly may drag along the ground.
  • Change in consistency and color of feces. Observe for pale gray or orange excrement.
  • Jaundice of mucous membranes. The liver loses the ability to utilize bile acids, they are carried into the tissues.
  • Thirst.
  • Dark color of urine.
  • Ketonuria, glycosuria.
  • Polyuria.
  • Pain when probing the liver.
  • Blindness, convulsions, whirling.
  • Allergic dermatitis.
  • Ascites.
  • Depression.

In the fulminant form of viral hepatitis, convulsions occur, leading to death in 2–24 hours. The acute course is characterized by symptoms of enteritis - vomiting. diarrhea, hyperthermia. A specific symptom is keratitis - "blue eye". The phenomenon disappears in a few days, but with the transition of the disease to chronic form remains and can lead to blindness.


Establishing the cause of the disease is carried out on the basis of anamnesis, clinic, laboratory, as well as instrumental research. A conscientious dog handler records in writing all the events that occur with pets. They can help a veterinarian make an accurate diagnosis and save a dog's life.

Biochemical analyzes exposed to urine, blood, and excrement. Observe an increase in the level of urobilin and bilirubin, ketonuria, glucosuria. The determination of the activity of serum transferases is indicative. X-ray or ultrasound allows you to find out if the liver is hypertrophied. Pay attention to age. In older dogs, toxic diseases are more often observed, in puppies - infectious diseases.


Acute inflammation liver require elimination of the underlying disease. Permanent pathologies are not treated. Task veterinarian consists in alleviating the suffering of the dog, as well as prolonging her life. Without transferring the dog to a lifelong diet of ready-made feeds, the rest of the healing techniques lose their meaning.

A dog with hepatic pathology is released from duty and set to moderate physical activity. Medical treatment carried out in the following areas:

  • If the cause of liver disease is an infectious disease, immunomodulators are used - Ribotan, Cycloferon, Camedon, Phosphprenil. To suppress the secondary microflora appoint antimicrobials.
  • On the first day of the development of viral hepatitis, plague or enteritis, the polyvalent immunoglobulin Globkan-5, which contains antibodies to pathogens, helps.
  • Elimination of vomiting. Cerucal (Metaclopromide) is administered parenterally. Spasms are relieved with Drotaverine.
  • Fight against dehydration. Rehydration solutions and glucose are administered parenterally.
  • The use of hepatoprotectors. Karsil, Essentiale Forte, Sirepar are in demand.
  • The veterinarian may prescribe analgesic cholagogues, diuretics, multivitamins.

If ascites has developed, the effusion is removed with a long needle as needed. Unauthorized use medical preparations unacceptable. Metabolism in humans or dogs is not the same, so the medicine may not work or harm.

The prevention of liver diseases consists in rational nutrition and compliance with hygienic parameters of the content. regular pest control and deworming reduces the intake of toxins and reduces the load on the max. Timely immunization helps to avoid infectious diseases, causing inflammation liver.

The liver performs several vital important functions. It produces and purifies the blood, rids the body of waste products, stores fats and carbohydrates, and produces substances for digesting food.

In connection with such a load, the liver is subject to a number of acute and chronic diseases. Acute and rather rare in dogs are leptospirosis and infectious hepatitis. Most dogs suffer from chronic liver disease. Senior dogs are the most at risk.

The Bedlington Terrier breed often develops a liver disease such as copper toxicosis.

Causes of Liver Disease in Dogs

Chronic liver disease is often caused by prolonged inflammation that weakens the entire body, disorders of the bile ducts, in which bile enters the intestines from the liver. The incidence is strongly influenced by disorders of the immune system.

The second group of hepatitis can be caused by:

  • toxins of pathogenic microbes, viruses and fungi,
  • spoiled food
  • poisonous plants and chemicals(nitrites, nitrates, phosphates, arsenic, zoocoumarin, hexachloroethane, mercury).

Symptoms of Liver Disease in Dogs

Each disease has its own specific symptoms, but there are also common features the fact that not everything is in order with the pet's liver. This is:

  1. weight loss due to refusal of food,
  2. vomit,
  3. excessive thirst
  4. drowsiness,
  5. yellowness is noticeable on the mucous membranes, the whites of the eyes turn yellow especially strongly,
  6. the dog may develop diarrhea, while the feces look too pale,
  7. the animal becomes lethargic.

The symptoms of hepatitis consist of signs of the underlying infectious disease. More often this is a depressed state of the animal, an increase in body temperature, an increase and soreness of the liver on palpation. The level of bilirubin in the blood rises. The body does not absorb fat well, digestion is upset, and the spleen also enlarges.

Puppies often develop conjunctivitis, keratitis, paralysis is not uncommon. With cirrhosis of the liver, hemorrhages appear on the conjunctiva, as well as the mucous membrane of the nose and mouth. The liver is enlarged and can be felt behind the last rib.

Often there is a pear-shaped abdomen due to accumulation in the abdominal cavity transudate. The most dangerous thing is that at the moment when the symptoms become noticeable, about 80% of the liver may already fail. Therefore, even if some of the symptoms appear, it is urgent to consult a doctor and examine the animal.

Treatment and proper nutrition for the disease

chronic diseases Liver disease in dogs is almost impossible to cure. Therefore, the doctor sets the main task - to weaken the effect of symptoms and stop further development illness. First of all, this requires a lifetime proper diet. Thanks to it, you can drastically reduce the impact of harmful toxins that remain from the breakdown of proteins.

Diet food includes such easily digestible carbohydrates as rice. Eggs are also needed. The daily diet is divided into 4-6 small portions. Suitable for dry food dogs. The dog should lead a calm lifestyle, not overexerted.

Medications are selected depending on the symptoms and concomitant diseases. Hepatitis treatment begins with elimination primary cause illness and daily hunger. Later, fatty foods are excluded from the diet, in addition to water, it is useful to give fish and meat broths in the first days of treatment. To relieve intoxication of the body, intravenous injections of isotonic sodium chloride solution are useful.

And at pain syndrome prescribed sedatives and painkillers:

  • bellalgin,
  • besalol,
  • becarbon,
  • bellastezin and others.

They also give gastrofarm, almagel, salicylates. Metabolism is improved by hepatoprotectors:

  • legalon,
  • silibor
  • essentiale forte,
  • sireparom.

In cases of toxic hepatitis and intoxication, the stomach is washed, enemas with decoctions are given. medicinal herbs or disinfectants. With an infectious etiology of hepatitis, sulfonamides and antibiotics are prescribed. For the treatment of cirrhosis of the liver, the causes that contribute to its appearance are first eliminated. However, in the later stages of the disease drug therapy ineffective.

Liver disease in dogs, what is important to know? Consider the main points, symptoms and treatment. The liver is an important component of the dog's body, which affects its full-fledged work. The liver belongs to the organs of the abdominal cavity and is located next to the intestines, pancreas and kidneys.

The function of the liver for the body plays a very important role. The main purpose of her work is to remove toxic substances from the blood that passes through the liver. Liver is a very strong organ, and has the ability to regenerate. This gives her a very strong reserve for the load. Despite the fact that this organ is very laborious in nature, the pathologies associated with it are not so rare. This can be caused by various factors. Which ones we will consider in the next paragraph. We will also look at liver disease in dogs. symptoms and treatment.

Liver disease in dogs. Brief

Speaking of liver diseases, it is necessary to mention their diversity and the nature of their appearance, of which there are a lot. Statistics show that visits to veterinary centers with liver diseases account for about 5% of all visits. It doesn't seem like a very large percentage. But these are only recorded cases. In addition, there are a lot of animals that are not being helped for any reason. Some owners may not pay attention to the malaise of the animal which could cause it to be damaged. let's consider brief description the most common diseases of this organ.

1 infectious hepatitis- a disease caused by the action of a virus on the body. common cause infectious hepatitis becomes food. After diagnosing the disease, treatment is prescribed, which includes taking antibiotics. Apart from medicines The animal must follow a specific diet that will help reduce the burden on the liver. 2 Leptospirosis- This disease is infectious. In the case of leptospirosis, not only the liver is affected, but also the vessels with the kidneys. The cause of the appearance is food and water that had contact with an infected individual. The main symptom in diagnosing leptospirosis is the color of urine, which takes on a brown tint. Treatment includes antibiotics and other medicines. 3 Mycosis- This is a very nasty disease that is caused by fungi. Mushrooms are very damaging to the liver. An animal can become infected with mycosis by interacting with household items that are infected with fungi. The symptoms of mycosis are very similar to dermatitis, which makes the initial diagnosis difficult. The symptoms are similar, but the causes are completely different. Spots may be observed. Treatment involves the use of various ointments aimed at the destruction of the pathogen. Sometimes doctors prescribe nystatin in the form of injections. 4 Pancreatitis- diseases of the abdominal organs can affect several organs at the same time. An example is a disease such as pancreatitis. In pancreatitis, the main affected organ is the pancreas, but the liver suffers no less. Pancreatitis is dangerous by developing into hepatitis. The reason is a dysfunction of the pancreas. Characteristic features- bloating, shortness of breath, dehydration, loss of appetite. Pancreatitis, if not properly treated, can lead to complications that can lead to death. This disease cannot be left to chance. 5 Heart failure- this liver disease does not apply to its local lesions. But heart failure can cause disruption of its work. As we know, very a large number of blood, if the heart does not have time to pump enough of these bodies, all organs begin oxygen starvation, which causes tissue destruction. The liver, like everything else, can be at risk of destruction if the heart fails. Treatment of the liver with heart failure does not make sense, you need to treat the heart. 6 Cushing's disease/Cushing's syndrome Cortisol is a hormone that is released when stressful situations both emotional and physical. The peculiarity of cortisol is that its activity can destroy tissues. The detrimental effect of cortisol in Cushing's syndrome occurs against the background of the uncontrolled use of hormonal and pain medications. It is possible to develop diseases such as hepatitis and hepatosis. Cushing's disease is good example dangers of self-treatment and neglect of contacting veterinary centers for help. 7 Cirrhosis of the liver- appears in the background chronic hepatitis. In principle, the danger of hepatitis lies in the appearance of cirrhosis. In violation of the liver and the impact of certain factors, it begins to break down and deform. Cirrhosis is a very dangerous disease, the outcome of which is death. It is important to prevent its occurrence or fix it on early stages and do everything possible to save the pet 8 Ascites- ascites can be attributed to the state of the body, in which the functions of the liver are violated due to certain circumstances. In the case of ascites, the factor is the accumulation of excess fluid in the abdominal cavity. The symptom is a bloated stomach and digestive problems.

Symptoms of liver disease in dogs

Know symptoms and signs of liver disease practically necessary. This knowledge can help the owner to respond quickly and seek help from a veterinary center to prevent complications and be able to start treatment at an early stage of development. We have described some of the signs of the disease by considering a brief description of each disease.

    Let's review everything main symptoms that can be observed in animals:
  • diarrhea;
  • vomit;
  • loss or complete absence appetite
  • constipation;
  • apathy;
  • significant reduction physical activity animal;
  • a significant increase in the size of the abdomen;
  • change in stool color;
  • the color of urine acquires a rich orange hue;
  • jaundice;
  • problems with blood clotting;
  • liver encephalopathy (a very dangerous symptom);
  • pain on palpation of the abdominal cavity;
  • weight loss;
  • polydipsia.

These are the main signs of liver disease that can appear in an animal. If you notice one of the symptoms, you should immediately seek help from a veterinarian. In no case do not self-medicate, this will only aggravate the situation and can lead to serious complications. In our veterinary center "I-VET" there is a service "consultation of a veterinarian by phone". You can call a specialist and get answers to your questions before his arrival.

Diagnosis of Liver Disease in Dogs

Before treating an animal, the physician must a number of diagnostic measures for an accurate diagnosis.

    Let's take a look at the most common surveys:
  • initial examination of the animal - the doctor must evaluate general state visually;
  • passing blood and urine tests - reflects the state of internal organs and the presence of unwanted substances in them;
  • stool analysis;
  • ultrasound procedure;
  • radiography.

These are “basic” studies. If necessary, additional procedures may be prescribed. Our veterinary center "I-VET" works only with high-quality equipment, which is manufactured according to European quality standards. This allows us to carry out any procedures with high quality.

Treatment of liver disease in dogs

Treatment Methods liver directly depend on the type of disease. For each ailment, certain therapeutic measures.

    The following are some of the prescribed treatments for liver disease in dogs:
  • fight against intoxication;
  • exception physical activity, providing rest to the animal;
  • diet. It is necessary to reduce the load on the liver. Special attention given to fats;
  • when dropsy appears, it is necessary to remove fluid from the body;
  • taking antibiotics. The injection form is more commonly used to facilitate entry into the body;
  • diagnosis of diseases that may appear against the background of the current one;
  • surgery - rare, but can be prescribed for certain pathologies.

Any treatment should only be prescribed by a veterinarian.. The intake of drugs should be carried out under his strict control.

Liver Disease in Dogs - Conclusion

In this article, we looked at liver diseases in dogs that can occur when they are kept. Diseases of this organ are very diverse and dangerous.. Dangerous violation of liver function, which affects the functioning of the whole organism, as well as the appearance of complications and development into other types of diseases.

When choosing veterinary center , always pay attention to whether this institution has a license, as well as certificates that specialists must have. By contacting suspicious organizations, you endanger your animal. The specialists of our veterinary center "Ya-VET" have vast experience - more than 150 calls and 800 operations per month. The qualifications of doctors are documented.

We advise you to pay attention to the service "calling a veterinarian at home". This service saves you a lot of time and does not create discomfort for your pet during transportation. If we talk about liver diseases, you need to remember that the dog needs rest. And extra movements can worsen his condition.

Turning to us for help you will be satisfied with the result. Take care of your pets!

Cancer disease - terrible diagnosis not only for people, but also for our pets. And, unfortunately, cancer in dogs is not something exceptional and rare. According to veterinarians, about 30% of males and about 50% of females over the age of 10 suffer from this fatal disease. Can you beat oncology? What should an owner do to help a four-legged family member?

Human cancer is practically no different from animal cancer - it is a non-contagious cellular mutation that occurs at the DNA level. In recent years, many researchers have confirmed the "single cell theory". According to this theory, terrible changes suddenly occur in a single cell and it “forgets” its functions. Over time, by dividing, mutated cells become more and more, they form into groups - tumors, and into daughter formations - metastases. For example, breast cancer in dogs often leads to the formation of metastases in bone or lung tissue, in the liver or kidneys.

Gradually, the tumor grows, replacing and displacing healthy cells of the organ. As cancer cells“do not remember” their functions, the body stops working properly. In addition, the tumor physically compresses adjacent tissues, which leads to even greater inhibition of performance. When the neoplasm begins to decompose, bleeding, ulceration and other signs of tissue decay are revealed.

Often, owners are interested in whether dogs have cancer of a particular organ. Unfortunately, animals get sick of all kinds. oncological diseases to which a person is predisposed. Mostly old animals suffer from cancer, but sometimes young individuals aged 1-3 years old, more often females, suffer from cancer. There is no universal remedy, because cancer - common name various types mutations, i.e. several different diseases. Folk remedies can support a dog, but only a veterinarian should treat!

Contrary to popular belief, most cancers can be beaten once and for all. But provided that the disease is detected at an early stage, and the veterinarian is an oncologist, and not an ordinary therapist.

It is impossible to say unequivocally how long dogs with cancer live - it depends on many individual factors. If the cancer cells are not too active, and the disease is detected at an early stage, it is possible complete cure or full life long years. Much depends on the location of the tumor - a diseased kidney can be removed, but an operation on the brain of the story is not always possible. Therefore, the veterinarian will answer this question only after a thorough examination and monitoring of the dynamics of the disease.

Types and symptoms of cancer

Oncological diseases are very insidious and develop imperceptibly, without any signs of malaise in the early stages. At the same time, cancer in 90% of cases is curable precisely at stage I or 0, and if the dog has stage II or III cancer, the chances of recovery drop to 50%. Therefore, prevention and regular annual visits to the clinic - examination, and urine for biochemistry are extremely important.

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Lion's share malignant formations falls on non-sterile bitches due to constant hormonal changes during periods of estrus, childbirth, feeding and pregnancy. Many bitch owners ask veterinarians if dogs get cancer if the girl has never given birth or, on the contrary, gives birth from estrus to estrus. Unfortunately, this is not of particular importance - both those who have not given birth, and those who have given birth once, and those giving birth through estrus or every estrus, are sick. Therefore, veterinarians recommend spaying all non-breeding females: removal of the uterus and ovaries is 100% protection against cancer of these organs and 90% protection against breast cancer. In addition, all females are sterilized at the age of 7-8 years (at the end of breeding work).

1. Breast cancer in dogs can be detected at an early stage by palpation (incomprehensible lumps, seals, bumps in the nipples). The owner should feel the bitch's nipples regularly, gently and without pressure, or visit the clinic regularly for medical check-ups. In the later stages of the tumor, they are clearly visible - the nipples increase, change shape and color, bulging bumps appear (if the tumor opens, a bleeding ulcer will remain in its place).

2. Uterine cancer in dogs is more difficult to detect. Usually the only external manifestations- constant spotting discharge, characteristic of many other diseases (pyometra, endometritis, genital infections). Indirect sign- miscarriages, non-viable offspring, empty matings. The disease is promoted hormonal preparations(everything that shifts in time or stops estrus, any contraception like a sex barrier, etc.). Many of these drugs lead to the formation of a tumor after a single use!

Obvious signs of cancer in dogs appear only in the later stages. In addition to direct symptoms that depend on the location of the tumor, a general deterioration in the condition is noticeable - sudden whining (pain), gastrointestinal disorders, weakness and apathy, unwillingness to make contact or obsession, drowsiness, loss of interest in what used to cause delight (goodies, games).

3. In large and giant dogs often diagnosed with bone cancer. Symptoms also appear in the later stages, so breed owners are at risk (all severe large dogs) should contact the veterinarian immediately if they notice slight lameness, change in gait, caution in movements, some fatigue and / or unwillingness to follow commands related to running, jumping.

4. Skin cancer in dogs accounts for about 15% of all cancer diagnoses. Unfortunately, because of the coat, it is difficult to notice the tumor, so you need to carefully examine the pet while bathing and combing. A neoplasm is like a mole, age spot or not passing seal, covered with a crust. The color varies from pink to almost black. In any case, if something incomprehensible appears on the skin of your pet, contact your veterinarian.

Often owners think that squamous cell carcinoma in dogs only occurs on the skin. In fact, this type of cancer affects the cells squamous epithelium and mucous membranes, and they are on internal organs and in the mouth.

5. Cancer of the stomach and intestines is manifested by symptoms from the gastrointestinal tract: alternating constipation and diarrhea, changes in appetite, vomiting, blood in the stool (black - stomach, scarlet - intestines). Noticeable weight loss, some weakness and drowsiness, anemia develops. Often in dogs, even with well-groomed teeth, there is an unpleasant obsessive smell from the mouth.

Read also: diarrhea one month old puppy: causes, first aid

6. Liver cancer in dogs often results in jaundice (yellowing of the mucous membranes) due to bile entering the bloodstream. In the early stages, appetite worsens somewhat and activity decreases, a change in stool (color, smell, consistency) is possible. The dog gradually loses weight, weakens, loses interest in life. Without treatment, cachexia quickly sets in - almost complete refusal of food, rapid exhaustion, complete apathy, persistent diarrhea and vomiting.

7. Lung cancer begins with a dry cough, hysterical, debilitating. The dog suddenly coughs and breathes heavily without experiencing physical exertion. Over time, the cough becomes wet, with pus and/or blood interspersed in the sputum.

8. Spleen cancer in dogs, like in humans, is relatively rare. Some specific symptoms not observed, signs of malaise are common - weakness, poor appetite, exhaustion, cachexia, apathy. Ascites is an accumulation of fluid in the peritoneum.

9. Kidney cancer doesn't show up in any way. late stages. Of the noticeable signs - blood in the urine, colic (strange gait, whining, constrained movements). The dog gradually weakens, moves less, eats poorly, swelling of the limbs may appear.

Diagnostic methods

There is an opinion that dogs smell cancer by a specific smell - many oncological institutes have successfully conducted studies confirming this theory. Unfortunately, even if a dog's nose is able to smell cancer in humans, the pet is unlikely to detect the disease in itself, and it is even more doubtful that it will be able to somehow inform the owner about it. Therefore, it is important to undergo a preventive examination once a year and take urine and blood tests for biochemistry - a certain shift in indicators will allow the veterinarian to suspect something was wrong at the very beginning of the development of the disease. To confirm or refute the diagnosis, it will be necessary to donate blood and urine again to detect "onco-markers", in the presence of which cancer is highly likely to be suspected.

Since it is possible to diagnose cancer in a dog only by conducting a directed study, it is used to confirm the diagnosis. various methods"search". The choice of method depends on what type of cancer and location the veterinarian suspects. In particular, this is X-ray, ultrasound, fluorography, mammography, gastroscopy, MRI or CT, consultation of a highly specialized specialist is required. If a tumor is found, the doctor will take a puncture - a piece of tissue for cell analysis (to determine whether it is cancer or a benign tumor).

Treatment of oncological diseases

Obviously, only a veterinarian prescribes treatment! You can’t trust the advice of acquaintances, “specialists”, correspondence students who treat according to photos or test results, charlatans who promise to defeat the disease folk remedies or magic spells - there are a lot of scammers who want to make money on the misfortune of other people. And even more of those who like to get worn out on thematic sites and forums: each case of cancer is individual!

Liver problems in dogs can lead to serious consequences. On the early stage it is very difficult to diagnose this kind of disease. On the other hand, if the signs of the problem are not identified in a timely manner and treatment is not started, the pet may die. How to prevent this and draw up a scheme of a drug course, read on.

Before finding out about common liver diseases in adult dogs, you first need to know what functions this organ performs. The dog's liver has a high ability to regenerate. Even if about 70-80% of this organ is affected, it still complex treatment will be able to recover.

This is both an advantage and a disadvantage at the same time. The thing is that the animal will feel fine to the last, in any case, there are certainly no signs of the disease on initial stage. As a rule, a diseased liver makes itself felt when it is almost impossible to achieve a full recovery of the dog.

In general, the dog's liver is an organ that takes an active part in the processes of metabolism, digestion and blood circulation. It is in it that toxic components that enter the body with food are processed. The liver is responsible for normalizing your pet's blood sugar levels. Among the key functions of this body, it is also worth highlighting bile formations.

It is essential to take care of her health. Considering the fact that early manifestations ailments are almost impossible to notice, the owner of the dog is advised to regularly take the pet to the veterinarian. Only a scheduled, timely examination will make it possible to identify foci of liver diseases at a stage when nothing threatens the health of your four-legged friend.

If these symptoms are present, it's time to go to the veterinarian, diagnose the disease, and then promptly treat it.

Possible diseases

Hepatopathy in adult dogs, hepatoencephalopathy, lipidosis, neoplasia - all these ailments are associated with impaired liver function. The variety of these diseases is amazing. They differ from each other in the causes of occurrence, the nature of development, as well as key methods treatment.

Among the most common diseases of this kind in dogs, it is worth highlighting the following:

  • infectious diseases ( viral hepatitis, leptospirosis, etc.);
  • toxic diseases (liver failure);
  • helminthic invasions;
  • tumors;
  • cirrhosis, cholecystitis, fibrosis, etc.

No matter how much you take care of a dog, you must not forget about the possible congenital pathology. This includes liver failure. That is, the liver does not cleanse the blood of toxins that are simply carried throughout the body. However, many animals live with it, because the organ itself is not affected by anything.

Video "Liver failure in dogs"

In this video, you will learn the causes of liver failure, what symptoms characterize liver disease, and how treatment is carried out.

Diagnosis and treatment of a pet

Hepatozoonosis, encephalopathy and other liver diseases are not so easy to identify. If you want to get accurate results, it is best to conduct an ultrasound of this organ, which will help identify various pathologies(calcification, tumors, various spots directly on the liver, as well as seals). Remember that with certain ailments, the liver looks different.

Once the diagnosis is complete and you know what your four-legged friend is sick with, it's time to take a course of antibiotics and drops of anti-oxic solutions. Among the most commonly used drugs, Hepatovet (suspension), Divopride, Thioprotectin are distinguished.

If the situation is critical, it is very important to give the dog painkillers ("Novocain" or "Analgin").

Features of the diet

Dog food at home is a separate issue. First of all, it must be dietary. Instead of ordinary water, pour a decoction of chamomile, sage or St. John's wort into the drinkers. It is recommended to feed the dog with low-fat broths, cereals, cottage cheese and kefir, as well as grated boiled vegetables. One more important condition: give food to the animal in small portions at regular intervals - then the pet can digest food less problematic.

Prevention measures

To prevent the development of liver ailments, it is very important to regularly monitor the health of the animal. Get an ultrasound at least once a year. Do not overfeed your dog, give her only balanced, healthy food. If the animal begins to actively gain weight, organize a small diet. At the slightest change in the behavior of the pet, be sure to show it to the veterinarian. Then your four-legged friend will continue to live carefree.