
Allergy in a child in the spring symptoms. Seasonal allergies: treatment

For a long time, part of humanity (according to statistics - 20%) has been suffering from the pollen of various plants, which causes an allergic reaction in the form of rashes, a runny nose, tearing and difficulty breathing. This happens during the flowering (pollination) season of sources of a dangerous irritant. Seasonal allergies in medicine are called hay fever. This name was not chosen by chance, because this word has a root that contains the cause and source of an allergic reaction - pollen.

What Causes Seasonal Allergies: Possible Allergens

Since hay fever causes pollen, which is carried by wind and insects during the flowering of plants, the allergy season can be both spring and autumn, less often summer. The most common allergens seasonal allergies are considered:

  • wormwood (late summer, early autumn)
  • ambrosia (late summer, early autumn)
  • quinoa (end of summer, beginning of autumn)
  • maple (spring)
  • acacia (spring)
  • willow (spring)
  • needles (summer)
  • alder (spring)
  • hazel (spring)
  • hazel (spring)
  • birch (spring)
  • poplar (end of spring - month of May)
  • oak (spring)
  • sorrel (summer)
  • cereal plants - fescue, rye (summer)
  • wildflowers (spring, but more often summer)

Seasonal allergies in spring in adults and children: causes

The manifestation of seasonal allergies in the spring is considered the most frequent (about 60%). This is due to the flowering of many trees and, in some cases, flowers. But the true cause of the manifestation of hay fever is the state of the body, because not all of humanity and even not all allergy sufferers suffer from seasonal allergies.


  1. Weakened immunity is the main reason. The lack of strength in the body to fight the irritant can be associated with both a recent serious illness and bad habits, chronic diseases, malnutrition (when a person does not fully receive the necessary trace elements), disorder nervous system, violation of the normal ecological situation.
  2. genetic inheritance that can be passed down from generation to generation. Human immunity in this case affects only the degree of manifestation of allergies.

Signs and symptoms of seasonal allergies

The first signs of hay fever are:

  1. sneezing - especially if the person is near the source of the irritant.
  2. Runny nose. This is not about the classic runny nose, but about the constant release of transparent mucus, while the nose constantly itches, and its wings turn red.
  3. Ear congestion. Perhaps the appearance of such a symptom, mainly manifests itself with a severe runny nose, since the nasal and ear passages are closely connected with each other.
  4. Tearing eyes , their redness and constant itching.
  5. Redness of skin areas who came into contact with the source of the irritant, or arbitrary uncontrolled rashes.
  6. General weakness , dizziness and malaise.

temperature for seasonal allergies

The temperature during the manifestation of seasonal allergies may increase and is considered normal within 37.5 ° C. Such an indicator on the thermometer indicates the ongoing struggle in the body between the immune system and the irritant. It is not necessary to bring down the temperature, which does not exceed 37.5 ° C, it is enough to start taking drugs in a timely manner that will weaken the effect of the irritant.

A temperature above 37.5 ° C indicates that the body needs immediate help. Such an indicator can occur when a large amount of one irritant enters the body or when several are simultaneously exposed.

How to treat seasonal allergies?

Before you start taking an incredible amount of pills and fill your nose or eyes with drops, you need to go to the hospital and with the help of special tests identify the allergen.

When you know exactly what you are allergic to, you need to see a doctor who can prescribe the most appropriate treatment for you.

Do not dismiss the problem, even if it manifests itself almost imperceptibly, because mild degree an allergic reaction can very quickly develop into a severe one, the consequence of which is often asthma!

Effective allergy pills: groups of drugs

The main groups of drugs used to treat seasonal allergies:

  • Antihistamine group - their main action is to block the action of histamine (irritant), which provokes the symptoms of an allergic reaction.
  • Stabilizers - the action of these drugs is aimed at strengthening cell membranes, blocking the production of histamine, since it is produced using destroyed membranes. In other words, this is a huge help to the immune system, which ultimately leads to blocking the allergic reaction.
  • Corticosteroids are used only in severe cases and are considered a drastic measure. They ideally cope with allergies, but at a high price, because such drugs contain a hormone, the intake of which is undesirable for any organism. They are contraindicated in children, pregnant and lactating mothers.

Top most effective allergy pills

  1. Loratadine is a third generation antihistamine. These pills have earned popularity due to their effectiveness, availability and lack of contraindications (not counting individual intolerance).
  2. Zodak is a third generation antihistamine. The drug begins to act within a couple of hours after ingestion, it perfectly blocks the symptoms, thereby facilitating the course of seasonal allergies.
  3. Feksadin is a third generation antihistamine. Absolutely safe drug, which perfectly removes all allergy symptoms and at the same time does not affect the psychomotor reaction of the body, and also does not cause drowsiness.
  4. Ifiral - a stabilizer that prevents the production of histamine. Has a number of contraindications and side effects
  5. Cromohexal - a stabilizer that strengthens the membranes by blocking the entry of calcium into them, which ultimately eliminates the production of histamine. It is most effective in the role of allergy prevention, although it is sometimes prescribed for the treatment of seasonal manifestations.

There are still drugs of the first generation, but they are used much less frequently, as they cause increased drowsiness. Outstanding Representatives: Suprastin, Diazolin and Tavegil.

TOP of the most effective remedies for allergies

  1. Claritin - a first-generation drug, effective, affordable, but causes drowsiness.
  2. Fenistil - the drug of the second generation, in terms of its speed of action is inferior to Claritin, but at the same time it is no less effective.
  3. Tsetrin - the third generation drug is considered the most effective, while it is quite affordable and does not adversely affect the liver.
  4. Suprastin is a first generation drug. Although this drug can cause drowsiness, it is a must-have drug that should be in the first aid kit. emergency care. It is most effective when a person needs first aid (as an injection).
  5. Ketotifen - a stabilizer, prescribed for a long course of administration, does not differ in the speed of action, which cannot be said about efficiency.

Next generation seasonal allergy medicine

Third-generation antihistamines are considered new generation drugs. The main advantages of such drugs are:

  • fast and long lasting
  • lack of drowsiness after taking them,
  • safety in relation to the central nervous system, heart and liver.

In addition to the above new generation drugs, this class also includes:

  • Allegra
  • Zyrtec
  • Xizal
  • Telfast
  • caesera

How to deal with allergies without medication?

There are two ways to get rid of an allergic reaction without the use of drugs:

  1. Avoid contact with the pathogen. It is very difficult to do this, since all people have their own responsibilities in the form of work, grocery shopping, children, and in general - you can’t close your house for two weeks, and even more so for a month.
  2. With the help of a piece development of resistance (immunity) to the pathogen in the body. To do this, three months before the start of the flowering season of a plant whose pollen a person is allergic to, phased vaccinations are carried out. This is similar to the flu vaccination, when a person is injected with a virus in small quantities in order to develop immunity against it. This method not only makes life easier for a person at the peak of seasonal allergies, but after 4-5 years of annual vaccinations, it can completely cure the weakness to the manifestation of hay fever.

Nose drops for allergies: a list of drugs

The treatment of seasonal allergies should be comprehensive, one tablet will not be enough if you constantly sneeze and your eyes water.

Effective nose drops for allergies:

  1. Allergodil (available in the form of both spray and drops, but drops are mainly used for the eyes);
  2. Tizin (Allergy);
  3. Vibrocil - a drug of double action;
  4. Sanorin (analergin);
  5. Nasonex;
  6. Kromoheksal.

Eye drops for seasonal allergies

  • Allergodil
  • Vizin (Alergi)
  • Okumetil
  • Octilia
  • Opatanol
  • Zaditor

Folk remedies for seasonal allergies

  • Kropiva

Nettle tea or with the addition of its decoction can alleviate the course of seasonal allergies, and in some cases completely remove the symptoms. To do this, you need to take a sprig of nettle and pour it with a glass of water, let it brew for an hour or two and add it either to classic tea (1: 1) or drink it in its pure form.

  • Honey and honeycombs

Oddly enough, but honey, which can also be a strong allergen, is able to rein in seasonal allergies. Honey is recommended to eat on an empty stomach in the amount of a teaspoon and drink a glass of clean water. Honeycomb - Chew one to two times a day. But the most important thing is to first check the reaction of your body to this product, starting with small portions.

  • Celery

A close relative of the well-known parsley strengthens the immune system and can protect a person from attacks of seasonal allergies if taken three times a day, 1/2 a small spoon before meals. To improve efficiency this tool recommend mixing celery juice with nettle juice.

The easiest way to get juice from greens is by grinding in a meat grinder, followed by squeezing.

Seasonal allergies in children: how to treat?

Seasonal allergies in children are treated exclusively under medical supervision. Many pediatricians do not recommend treating a child with prescriptions. traditional medicine because the body is in the process of growth and formation. It is quite possible that using, for example, the same honey against an allergy to wormwood, you will provoke a new allergic reaction to honey products.

Treatment of seasonal allergies in children according to Komarovsky

Seasonal allergies during pregnancy: treatment methods

Seasonal allergies during pregnancy are very dangerous for the bearing and development of the child as a whole. If a pregnant woman is allergic and knows the sources of her problem, then she needs to protect herself as much as possible from their effects. For example, if a pregnant woman is allergic to pollen, then during the peak season she is recommended:

  • wash your nose twice a day
  • monitor the mucous membrane of the eyes,
  • exclude visiting places with a large amount of allergen - parks, gardens, fields, cottages,
  • clean the house every day - wipe the dust, wash the floors if possible,
  • protect your home from pollen - hang wet gauze on all the windows, do not leave the door open.

If a pregnant woman needs treatment, then only the attending physician can prescribe it, since the period of bearing a child excludes the use of many drugs.

You can use traditional medicine recipes, but without fanaticism.

While healthy children enjoy the warm sun and collect bouquets of spring flowers, allergic children suffer from painful symptoms of hay fever.

Pollinosis is a seasonal (spring) allergic reaction of the body to flowering plants.

The cause of allergies in the spring is the penetration of allergens into the body of a child.

Pollen from plants gets on the skin, on the mucous membrane of the eyes and respiratory tract(nose, throat). Penetrating into the body, allergens irritate the immune system, contribute to the production of antibodies, the release of histamine and other biologically active substances into the blood. active substances. As a result, symptoms of pollinosis appear.

What is the source of spring allergies?

Over 100 types of plant allergens can cause an allergic reaction! Most often there is an allergy to the spring flowering of trees, shrubs, flowers. For example, walnut, oak, alder, birch bloom in April, poplar, linden, apple tree, dandelions, coltsfoot in May. Quinoa, ragweed, and wormwood bloom from spring to autumn.

Symptoms of spring allergies in a child

The most common symptoms of spring allergies in a child:

  • Swelling and nasal congestion;
  • Frequent sneezing;
  • Itching and burning in the nose;
  • Clear and liquid discharge from the nose;
  • Itching, irritation, redness of the eyes;
  • lacrimation;
  • Puffiness of the eyelids;
  • Photophobia, frequent blinking;
  • Difficulty breathing and shortness of breath;
  • Cough;
  • Rashes, redness, swelling, itching of the skin;
  • Dryness, peeling of the skin;
  • Capriciousness and irritability;
  • Drowsiness or insomnia;
  • Lack of appetite.

How to distinguish an allergy from an acute respiratory disease?

  1. Allergies are almost never accompanied by fever;
  2. Symptoms of spring allergies appear annually, at about the same time;
  3. An allergic child feels much better at home. His health worsens on the street, especially when surrounded by flowering plants - in the park, in the forest. For a patient with acute respiratory infections, the location does not matter;
  4. The well-being of a child with allergies worsens on a dry and warm day, improves on rainy weather;
  5. Discharge from the nose is copious and thin, unlike the thick, cloudy discharge characteristic of a viral or bacterial infection;
  6. With allergies, cough is not accompanied by sputum;
  7. ARI lasts no more than a week. Symptoms of hay fever may appear over several spring and summer months;
  8. If you notice that your child has an allergy in the spring, contact your doctor immediately. Timely prevention and treatment of pollinosis will help to alleviate the state of health and prevent the progression of the disease.

Treatment of allergies to spring flowering

The choice of treatment for pollinosis depends on the stage of the disease and the flowering season of plants that cause an allergic reaction.

A month before the start of the flowering season, specific immunotherapy is carried out - antibodies are removed from the child's body, causing symptoms hay fever;

During the flowering period, drugs are used that protect the body from the action of allergens and relieve allergy symptoms: Antihistamines;

  1. Antihistamines;
  2. Hormonal agents of local influence (ointments and creams);
  3. Non-hormonal antiallergic drugs.

Important! Preparations for the prevention and treatment of allergies in a child should be prescribed only by a doctor!

  • Close windows and doors to prevent pollen from flowering plants from entering the premises. Instead of airing - use an air purifier;
  • Often do wet cleaning of the premises;
  • Minimize walks in dry windy weather;
  • Often wash the mucous membranes of the nose and eyes, take a shower - to eliminate the pollen of flowering plants from the body;
  • Dry bedding and clothes indoors to avoid getting pollen on things.

What are allergies in spring - an overview of allergens and treatments

Allergies in spring are more pronounced than in any other season of the year. According to statistics, 85% of all allergy sufferers suffer from its exacerbation during this period. About why this happens, what threatens and how to deal with the manifestations of this disease, we will talk in this article.

Seasonal allergies are serious problem. Each season has its own list of the most aggressive allergens that cause the most problems. The peculiarity of this time of year is that the body, being weakened after the winter cold, lack sun rays and vitamins, easily responds to the effects of any irritants.

The immune system is in a rather deplorable state, with a "half a turn" colds come, exacerbations of any chronic diseases.

In addition, the concentration of allergens during this season is the highest. So, plants do not bloom in winter, there is no cold weather in summer, but in such a “transitional” season, absolutely all irritants can “work”. The air temperature outside is still unstable, there are frosts, snow can fall even in May in some regions. And people, feeling the approach of heat, neglect warm clothes. Hence the allergy to cold.

And so, what can you be allergic to in the spring?

spring allergens

Flowering plants cause a lot of trouble for allergy sufferers

As already mentioned, any known allergen can exert its negative impact on susceptible people. Distributing them in order of decreasing influence in this season, you can get the following list:

  • plant pollen (flowers, herbs, trees);
  • Pets;
  • food allergens;
  • medicines;
  • contact allergy (both to clothing and household chemicals);
  • mold fungus(activated by mid-May);
  • insects (also appear towards the end of spring).

Looking at this list, you can understand that allergies in early spring before the flowering of plants, it is quite the place to be, since allergy sufferers suffer not only from hay fever. It is difficult to judge when the allergy ends in the spring, because the flowering time does not end on May 31, but continues until the end of September.

hay fever

First of all, people are worried about reactions to plant pollen in spring. Pollinoses bring maximum inconvenience: spring allergy to flowering is rightfully considered by the WHO as a pathology that disrupts the usual way of life to a greater extent. To find out what blooms in the spring during this period, you need to refer to the allergy calendar.

It should be remembered that for each region Russian Federation this document is compiled separately. After all, the periods of activation of the plant world in Norilsk and Rostov-on-Don are significantly different.

However, by averaging the indicators, it is possible to identify the most generalized flowering schedule:

Spring-autumn plant flowering calendar (can be enlarged)
  • hazel;
  • alder;
  • cypress.
  • Birch;
  • ash;
  • maple;
  • dandelion;
  • cherry;
  • poplar;
  • lilac.
  • Birch;
  • maple;
  • alder;
  • lilac;
  • beet;
  • pine;
  • Linden;
  • chestnut;
  • dandelion.
Despite the fact that there are quite a lot of allergens, there is a gratifying fact: weeds, which are the most powerful irritants, begin to bloom only in the middle of summer.

It cannot be denied that this type of allergic reaction is relevant at any time. And if a person suffers from an allergy to oranges, then it will manifest itself both in spring, and in summer, and in autumn.

However, it is at this time of the year that cross-allergy becomes most relevant.

So, with a hypersensitivity reaction to birch, symptoms may occur when used:

Photo: Rash on the hands as a symptom food allergies

  • apples
  • cherries;
  • drain;
  • peaches
  • carrots;
  • celery
  • and even potatoes.

Under "usual conditions" severe allergy does not develop for these products. But as soon as birch pollen begins to soar in the air, it becomes simply impossible to consume these vegetables and fruits.

household allergies

Allergies to dust and mold are not as common in spring as in autumn. The fact is that fungi begin to become active only by the end of spring, and the process of sporulation starts even later. Therefore, “mold allergy” is more of a year end problem.

But dust mites have an autumn-spring seasonality. People, "clearing debris" in the corners after winter, inhale a large amount of dust. As a result, many of them become more allergic.

As for pets, they are especially "dangerous" at this time. First, active molting begins. And despite the fact that wool itself is not an allergen, it contains particles of proteins that cause negative reactions. With wool flying all over the apartment, they enter the respiratory tract and mucous membranes.

In addition, spring is a period of searching for a breeding partner. And this means that all the hormonal and enzyme systems of the animal are activated in order to attract a "spouse". The substances excreted by the animal become more active and "aggressive".

contact allergy

The seasonality of this disease, of course, is very arbitrary, but there is a place to be. On the one hand, people begin to clean their houses, wash windows, someone makes repairs - hence a lot of household chemicals, cleaning products and even building materials.

On the other hand, spring is also a time of love for people. And this means that women are starting to use decorative cosmetics and perfume twice as actively. Overdried by winter weather, the skin requires intensive care. All these are “danger factors” for the development of allergic reactions.

In addition, people change clothes from woolen to something that is easier. But it's still too cold to wear cotton blouses. Hence the abundance of synthetics. And it very often causes manifestations of allergies on the skin.

Medicines and insects

Photo: Red rash on the body - a severe allergic reaction to a drug

By the end of spring, mosquitoes and ticks are already starting to become active, but for this time of year this problem not so relevant.

But the drugs used to treat acute respiratory diseases and exacerbations of chronic may well cause unwanted reactions.

For example, pneumonia very often appears in the spring, and it requires antibiotic treatment. People suffering from systemic autoimmune diseases(eg, lupus erythematosus, rheumatoid arthritis), need hormone therapy, which also causes allergies.

Thus, allergies in the spring are multifaceted and varied in their causes. What are its manifestations?

Symptoms of the disease

Allergy symptoms in the spring, as in any other time of the year, are determined by its cause.

Pollinoses are characterized by:

  • cough;
  • nasal congestion;
  • runny nose and sneezing;
  • conjunctivitis (eyes redden, lacrimation begins, there is a feeling of sand in the eyes);
  • possible occurrence or increase in seizures bronchial asthma.

Among the manifestations of contact allergies:

  • pruritus;
  • peeling;
  • redness, inflammation of the skin in contact with the allergen.

Food allergy manifests itself:

  • pain in the abdomen;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • diarrhea
  • flatulence,
  • as well as symptoms from "other groups".

If we talk about how allergies can worsen in the spring, then it is worth noting the high variety of signs. Allergy sufferers often have reactions to several different irritants, so a person who has reddened and itchy skin, sneezing at the same time and with a sore stomach is not such a rarity.

Allergies in children and pregnant women

Children are the most susceptible category of people. Allergy in the spring in children is characterized by the intensity of symptoms, their diversity. After walking down the street during the dusting of the allergen, the child may become worse literally before our eyes:

  • in a few hours a severe runny nose appears,
  • frequent sneezing,
  • sore throat, cough,
  • redness of the eyes and nose.

The main danger of spring allergies for the children's population is that they have pollinosis with incredible ease turn into bronchial asthma, especially if there is a hereditary predisposition for this.

An allergy to spring during pregnancy is especially dangerous in the first trimester, when all the main organs and systems are laid in the fetus.

Spring Allergy Treatment

Getting rid of allergic reactions to the end at home is quite difficult. Often (though not always) this requires the use of special immune methods, such as allergen-specific immunological therapy. This is a kind of “vaccination” against allergens.

However, this treatment is rarely used. In most cases, symptomatic agents are used - those that eliminate the main manifestations of allergic reactions. These include antihistamines.

Preparations from the 2nd and 3rd generations of antihistamines are available in the form of tablets and syrups, are easy to use and have a minimum of side effects. Effective remedies for spring allergies:

  • Fenkarol,
  • Zyrtec,
  • Ksizal.

There are also mast cell stabilizers, but drugs from this group can only be prescribed by a doctor to avoid irreversible consequences.

Enterosorbents are used to eliminate the symptoms of food allergies. For example:

  • Smecta,
  • Polyphepan,
  • Polysorb.

They help to quickly remove the allergen from the body.

To relieve skin itching and inflammation, you can apply local antihistamine and hormonal ointments.

  • The former include Festinistin, Gistan;
  • To the second - Beloderm, Advantan.

However, the uncontrolled use of glucocorticosteroid drugs can lead to a decrease in local immunity and the development of skin pustular infections.

Treatment with folk remedies is also acceptable.

However, it will be effective only with contact forms, general symptoms cannot be removed, it is only possible to support the body.

So, decoctions of chamomile, string, bay leaf. You can use them in the form of compresses, lotions, homemade ointments. Immunity is well raised by mummy, rosehip broth.

But extravagant means like vinegar should not be used. And it is important to remember that if there is an “allergy to spring”, folk remedies are not a panacea. After all, they can just as well cause undesirable. Reaction, like the original allergens, having exactly the same natural plant origin. Do not get carried away with herbs for coughs and intestinal manifestations.

Treatment of children and pregnant women

Majority antihistamines contraindicated in both categories. There is a very narrow group of drugs that can be given to children:

  • Diphenhydramine,
  • Suprastin,
  • Pilpofen,
  • Fenistil.

They are available in the form of syrups and suppositories, so the introduction of the drug will not cause problems.

Women who are expecting a baby can only take antihistamines from the 2nd trimester of pregnancy.

An earlier appointment can be made exclusively by a doctor and for health reasons. To cope with allergies, only local treatment is used - zinc ointment, means for washing the nose, vitamin complexes.

Starting in the 2nd trimester, in severe cases, an antihistamine may be recommended, such as:

  • Zyrtec,
  • Allertec,
  • Pilpofen.

But Zirtek is contraindicated for women who have already given birth, because. it passes into breast milk.

In general, it is difficult to answer the question of what is possible for lactating from allergies. The optimal way out is to stop for the duration of treatment. breast-feeding with a subsequent return to it (if possible), or with the transition to mixed or artificial feeding.


How to prevent allergies in spring? There are many preventive measures:

  1. As often as possible, carry out wet cleaning in the house;
  2. Maintain optimal temperature and humidity in the house;
  3. Wipe shoes with a damp cloth and wash clothes every time after going out;
  4. Wear a medical mask while walking;
  5. Go outside in calm weather;
  6. Walk after the rain;
  7. Ventilate the room only in the evening;
  8. Use air filters;
  9. Combing and washing pets;
  10. Do not wear synthetic clothing;
  11. Minimize the use of cosmetics, household chemicals;
  12. As prescribed by a doctor - for preventive purposes, take antihistamines or membrane-stabilizing drugs;
  13. To prevent the development of respiratory diseases, to be treated in time, not allowing diseases to become chronic;
  14. Follow a diet.

What can not be eaten with allergies in the spring?

There is no definite answer to this question - it depends on what you are allergic to. However, potential use should be avoided. hazardous products:

  • chocolate
  • citrus;
  • fish;
  • nuts;
  • wheat;
  • unripe fruits.

Where to go in the spring from allergies?

Best of all in the northern regions or countries, where the flowering of plants has not yet begun, where nature is still in a frozen state.

Thus, allergies in the spring are a serious problem that can bring many inconveniences to susceptible people. She brings changes to the usual way of life. However, by following some preventive measures, you can minimize the inconvenience.

Insidious spring pollen. Allergies in the spring in children

Spring has come, the sun is shining. Mothers rejoice that children will be less likely to get colds. What if, with the advent of spring and the flowering of plants, the child becomes less active, scratches his eyes, sneezes?

Such symptoms may indicate a seasonal allergy to the insidious pollen of flowering trees and plants.

What is pollinosis and how to live with it?

Today we will talk about spring allergies in children.

  1. What is pollinosis?
  2. Signs of spring allergies
  3. Tips for parents: what to do with spring allergies in children

What is pollinosis?

Pollinosis is an allergic disease that appears at any age. This is the so-called seasonal rhinitis, conjunctivitis, which occurs due to the pollen of flowering plants and trees.

Pollen is weightless and carried by the wind over long distances. In allergy sufferers, it causes inflammation of the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract.

Most often, pollinosis is observed in the month of April, when most trees begin to bloom.

The child begins to sneeze, he has a runny nose. Many parents think that this common cold and begin to heal on their own. And the reason for this condition is seasonal allergies.

What Plants Cause Allergies in Children?

One of the most common allergens is plant pollen. Seasonal allergy or hay fever is the body's reaction to a protein that is part of plant pollen.

Dangerous plants that cause allergies

Trees and shrubs: birch, oak, alder, ash.

Herbs: ambrosia, dandelion, wormwood, chamomile.

Grains: rye, wheat, buckwheat.

Allergies are most often caused by wind-pollinated pollen. It is small and quickly carried by the wind, getting into the respiratory tract. Pollen from fruit trees can also cause allergies. But it is larger and is not carried by the wind, does not enter the respiratory tract.

At what age do allergies start?

In children who are predisposed to allergies, it is usually detected in the first year of life. In less predisposed - on the second and third.

Much depends on the conditions in which the child lives. If there are animals in the house, cleaning is not carried out often, the house is located next to the highway, then the risk of allergies is very high.

Allergy is the body's response to bad ecology, dust and other harmful factors.

Factors affecting the occurrence of allergies

  • Smoking parents
  • genetic predisposition
  • Bad ecology
  • Artificial feeding of a child in childhood
  • Vitamin D deficiency
  • Insufficient humidity in the room
  • Poor ventilation
  • Child obesity

If one of the parents suffers from allergies, then the child can become allergic. By following the recommendations of doctors, you can get rid of allergies.

During pregnancy, a woman should monitor her diet, not abuse foods that cause allergies: chocolate, citrus fruits, honey, halva. Expectant mothers are not allowed to smoke and alcohol. In large cities, the number of people suffering from allergies is increasing.

Biologists have noticed an interesting feature. There are more trees in the villages and there should be more pollen. But there are fewer allergic people in villages than in big cities. Why is that?

Scientists have found that city trees are dusting more intensively and their pollen is "angrier" than village trees.

And the point here is carbon dioxide - ordinary carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide in the air is present in small quantities and is not harmful, but in large quantities it becomes dangerous. There are a lot of cars in cities and exhaust gases increase the concentration of carbon dioxide. And the trees begin to dust a lot, there are a lot of certain proteins in their pollen, which are allergens.

Signs of spring allergies

This is a strong paroxysmal sneezing, discharge from the nose, or vice versa, its congestion. All this is complemented by itching of the eyes, rashes on the skin, sometimes there may be a cough.

Such signs are often not accompanied by fever and appear spontaneously. Therefore, you need to be careful not to confuse seasonal allergies with acute respiratory infections or SARS.

Usually, allergies begin at the same time of the year, more often in spring or summer.

If a child has an allergy to dust, animals or food, then the likelihood of hay fever increases.

How to help a child with a pollen allergy

This is frequent wet cleaning, remove rugs, soft toys from the floor, change and wash bedding more often. Be sure to install humidifiers. Hang screens on windows and wipe them down.

Children attending institutions will have to be given antihistamines.

Avoid contact with flowering plants that cause allergies. In summer, it is better to go to an area where there are no flowering herbs.

First, do not delay contacting a specialist who will conduct research and prescribe treatment.

Many parents expect pollinosis to go away by itself, in a couple of days, they treat their children on their own, on the advice of friends.

Only a doctor, based on the examination and tests, can prescribe proper treatment.

Therefore, the main advice - in case of seasonal allergies, contact an allergist immediately!

What else needs to be done?

In hot windy weather, it is better not to go out for a walk, because the pollen concentration is high at this time.

Rinse your child's nose and eyes.

Today we talked about spring allergies in children, examined its signs.

Be healthy! Write your comments .. Share information with your friends if the article was useful to you.

Best regards, Olga.

Spring allergy - to flowering, pollen, treatment, prevention, on the eyes, in the throat, in the nose, diet

We recognize spring allergies and take measures to prevent exacerbations and prevent formidable diseases.


Allergy is a complex and complex immune reaction of an organism of an individual nature to some aggressive factors of the external and internal environment.

At a cursory assessment, a rather harmless ailment, and is just a trigger that causes much more dangerous diseases: asthma, swelling.

With the active development of the food and chemical industries, the growth of allergic morbidity has gone up sharply.

According to doctors, today more than 20% of people suffer from this disease worldwide. Colossal number.

The causes of occurrence are the subject of discussion, both by practitioners and medical theorists around the world.

Some experts assign a large role to genetic factors, others to the nature of substances that are potential allergens, others will say that the root of the problem lies in endogenous causes.

Everyone will be right, but only partly.

Allergy cannot be considered as a common disease caused by one specific cause. There is a whole range of reasons involved.

The set of reasons is determined by the following factors:

  1. genetics;
  2. frequency of interaction with a particular substance;
  3. psychosomatic factors.

How do allergens affect the human body?

At the cellular level, an allergic reaction looks like this:

Associated factors causing exacerbation

Among the factors initiating the occurrence of an allergic reaction, there are many household and environmental components.

Climate component

Has a situational character.

In a warm climate, the level of ultraviolet radiation is higher, as well as more active and diverse flowering of local flora.

When exposed to the skin and exposed to ultraviolet light, they cause an immune response.

The activity of flowering and the diversity of vegetation in warm climates means a lot of pollen particles, which in itself is a powerful allergen.

Exacerbations can also cause high humidity (in a humid climate).


If the region is characterized by the change of seasons, the problem of exacerbation will be seasonal.

It is especially difficult for allergy sufferers in spring and autumn.

Allergy to spring flowering is the most common, and is almost the first in prevalence, along with allergic reactions to animal dander and food irritants.

Environmental component

Industrial releases of chemically active substances into the air and water are one of the main causes of exacerbations in people with chronic allergies.

The impact of the environmental component on the residents of large industrial cities is especially significant.

Exhaust gases cause no less harm, about 70% of which are fuel particles.

In regions with significant deposits of peat and other fossil fuels, people are exposed to smoke (especially in spring and summer).

It is problematic to exclude these aggressive external factors.

Lifestyle and diet

Even natural product may cause allergies. Honey, nuts, etc.

The issue of consumption is particularly relevant. allergenic products spring.

To increase yields, unscrupulous growers use hazardous chemical fertilizers.

Salts - nitrates (salts with an acidic NO3 residue) are aggressive and cause severe allergic reactions.

Past illnesses

The immune response may be stronger after a viral illness.

In spring and autumn, a person's immunity is weakened, susceptibility to colds increases.

As a result, there is a risk, even after recovering from acute respiratory infections, to get a severe complication of an allergic reaction.

Symptoms of manifestation

Before our eyes

Allergic damage to the eyes is a frequent phenomenon and is due to the openness of the mucous membrane and a small amount of protective tissue.

In spring, the eye most often reacts precisely to plant pollen, which is deposited on the unprotected membranes of the eye.

Among the symptoms:

  • eyelid inflammation. The severity of inflammation depends on the degree of individual response to irritant;
  • inflammation of the conjunctiva (may cause allergic conjunctivitis);
  • unbearable itching in the eyes;
  • active secretion of the lacrimal gland;
  • fear of light;
  • dryness and burning of the eyes caused by drying of the mucous membrane;
  • with allergic conjunctivitis, rejection of purulent contents is also possible;

In the throat

Symptoms are manifested as a result of swallowing or inhaling the allergen substance.

Example: inhaled pollen is partially deposited on the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract.

Or, when swallowed, particles of food and liquid irritate the mucous membranes.

Among the manifestations:

  • throat discomfort;
  • swelling (including the palate, tongue) and redness;
  • pain when trying to swallow;
  • the appearance on the mucous membrane of dense painful vesicles with liquid (abscesses in the throat occur as a result of the mass death of leukocytes and damaged cells, which, mixed with the cellular fluid, are rejected);
  • voice change (up to complete loss);
  • cough and feeling of itching.

With a strong immune response, inflammation of the larynx or trachea is also possible.

As a result, the gaps narrow, and suffocation increases. Such swellings are dangerous character and require immediate medical attention.

From the side of the nose



In the absence of a serious immune reaction to the allergen, general symptoms are limited to increased fatigue, or none at all.

An individual reaction can occur at the level of the whole organism (with serious allergic diseases and conditions, such as Quincke's edema or anaphylactic shock)

In this case, the following symptoms may occur:

  • significant drop blood pressure. In severe - to critical levels, which can lead to collapse;
  • dizziness and nausea;
  • difficulty breathing;
  • inhibition of the reaction;
  • pallor skin(or redness, as with Quincke's edema);
  • confusion;
  • noise in ears.

Availability common symptoms indicates a fairly serious allergic reaction, which means that immediate medical attention is required.

Diagnostic methods

You can diagnose and determine the allergen both independently and with the help of qualified specialists:

  • The first and easiest way is to stop coming into contact with the allergen. If, presumably, there is an allergic reaction to a particular substance, contact with it should be limited as much as possible, and based on observations, a conclusion should be drawn about the presence and nature. This is the so-called. elimination test;
  • if we are talking about pollen, it is quite difficult to exclude interaction with it in spring. Therefore, conclusions must be drawn on the basis of seasonal observations (if in winter the symptoms disappear under the same other conditions, there is reason to assume a reaction to pollen);
  • performing skin tests. During the tests, damage to the upper layers of the dermis is carried out (by scarification, or hypodermic injection). Then, a solution of preparations of various allergens is applied to the damaged areas (or injected subcutaneously) and the nature of the immune response is observed.
  • as a result, if the individual reaction of the body is present, local symptoms appear: redness and inflammation, and the more intense they are, the higher the degree of the immune response;
  • analysis of antibodies lg E. Allows based on the analysis contained in venous blood specific antibodies to identify types of allergens;
  • provocative tests. Most dangerous method requiring the constant presence of a doctor in a hospital setting. It is carried out by introducing into the body of one or another allergen in a small amount. Then there is observation.

Video: Disease Prevention



Treatment of spring allergies should only be prescribed by a doctor.

Without the necessary knowledge, the patient is more likely to harm himself than help:

  • treatment of an allergic eye reaction;
  • first of all, it is necessary to eliminate contact with the allergen (remove the foreign body, rinse the eyes with running water, and if worn contact lenses- remove them beforehand);

To relieve symptoms, local drugs are used:

  1. preparations stabilizing mast cell membranes (Kromoglin, Ifiral, Lekrolin, etc.) of local action in the form of drops;
  2. antihistamines for oral administration (Tavegil, Eslotin, Claramax, etc.);
  3. treatment of an allergic reaction from the nose.
  4. eliminates contact with the allergen;
  5. then you need to restore nasal breathing. For this, drugs of the following classes are used:
  • to relieve swelling and vasoconstriction: Nazivin and others;
  • immunomodulatory drugs local application: Vilozen, etc.;
  • hormonal drugs (for severe course or chronic form): Flexonase, Avamys;
  • Lekrolin spray shows itself well, Kromhexal drops;
  • to alleviate the general condition, take antihistamines;
  • treatment of an allergic reaction from the throat;
  • due to their danger, they require more serious treatment. To begin with, the allergen that caused the reaction is eliminated;
  • then it is necessary to remove the edema, otherwise the further development of suffocation can threaten a person's life. Glucocorticoid hormones are administered intravenously, as well as MgSo4 (magnesium sulfate);
  • taking antihistamines.

Folk remedies

If the allergic reaction is weak, it causes more discomfort than danger.

Such an attack can be removed independently, knowing a few simple folk remedies:

  • eye manifestations. The most effective infusion of chamomile. When preparing, the following proportion is used: 1 tablespoon per 400 grams of water. Time for infusion - 25 minutes. Rinse 2-3 times a day;
  • to relieve swelling and redness - lotions of grated vegetables (potatoes, apples, etc.);
  • nasal manifestations:

Bran decoction. In the proportion of 1 tablespoon of bran per 400 g hot water a decoction is prepared and infused for an hour and a half. It is taken on an empty stomach.

Another effective recipe:

  • calamus root (25 g);
  • elecampane root (25 g);
  • mother and stepmother (50 g);
  • wild rosemary (50 g);
  • citvar seed (125 g).

The proportion is 1 tablespoon per 400 g of water. It is infused for 12 hours, after which it is taken 2-4 times. You can wash your nose with chamomile decoction that has stood for 8 hours.

  • throat manifestations. Herbal tincture is used to relieve swelling of the throat.
  1. chamomile (25 g);
  2. St. John's wort (25 g);
  3. sage or string - 25 g.

The crushed collection is brewed in the proportion of 1 tablespoon per 500 g of water and infused for 8 hours.

It is used for rinsing 3-5 times a day.

Simple recipes will help relieve mild symptoms.

But you need to be aware that an allergic reaction can be observed on themselves. medicinal plants, and then the effect will be reversed.

Abuse folk methods not worth it.

Diet for spring allergies

In the spring, when the likelihood of an exacerbation is especially high, it is necessary to remove foods that have the properties of allergens from the diet. However, if the exacerbation did occur, you need to establish strict diet.

Of course, the diet must be selected strictly according to individual characteristics organism and its specific reactions to allergens. However, general, universal rules still exist.

Acute period

In the acute period, you can include the following foods in the diet:

  • bakery products: wheat bread (not freshly baked);
  • cereal soups, or soups cooked on decoctions of vegetables;
  • oatmeal and buckwheat porridge on the water;
  • water, weak tea.

As symptoms improve, you can expand your diet to include:

  1. meat dishes: lean beef or poultry. In boiled or baked form;
  2. egg dishes: no more than 1 egg per day;
  3. low-fat dairy products;
  4. fruits: fresh or dry. Not more than 0.5 kg per day;

Fatty meat products, offal, as well as coffee, chocolate, products with bright pigmentation, or flavored with artificial dyes should be completely excluded.


Since there is no single correct and radical treatment for allergies, prevention is more important in the fight against it.

In order to prevent the onset of the disease (or exacerbation during remission) in the spring, you need to follow a few simple tips:

  • as little as possible to be on the street. Spring is the peak of flowering. Therefore, in the presence of pollen disease, exacerbation is practically guaranteed. In addition, in the spring, the activity of the sun increases, and the level of air humidity fluctuates sharply (it is already undesirable for allergy sufferers to breathe excessively humidified air, but high humidity also causes the development of mold in the house, the spores of which are the strongest allergen);
  • The most active plants spray pollen particles at 20.00 to 11.00. Late evening and night time. It is not worth going out during these hours;
  • exclude brightly pigmented foods and the first fresh fruits and vegetables from the diet, due to the high content of nitrate salts;
  • best to wear when going out Sunglasses. Then there will be at least some kind of barrier between the eye and the external environment. This will prevent pollen from settling on the mucous membrane of the eye;
  • wash more often. After each visit to the street, wash your face thoroughly, rinsing your eyes and nose. Adhering pollen particles may cause a reaction not immediately, but later.

In addition to specific measures for the prevention of allergies in the spring, it is worth adhering to more general advice:

  • in the spring, it is almost impossible to hide from plant pollen. Windows and doors should not be opened unnecessarily. It is better to ventilate in the pre-dawn hours, having previously hung openings soaked in water with gauze;
  • the house should be provided with a normal level of humidity. It shouldn't be too dry or too wet. Special Appliances;
  • clothes should not be dried on the street;
  • in the spring, you need to increase the amount of water consumed. When the body is dehydrated, histamine is produced more actively;
  • Do not neglect wet cleaning. House dust allergen is no less aggressive;
  • If possible, do not use synthetic substances ( household chemicals). Its fragrances can act as a secondary allergen;
  • limit contact with pets. Epidermal allergens can trigger an immune response;
  • in no case should you independently change the dosage and do not cancel the medication prescribed by your doctor;


The predisposition of the individual is genetically determined.

If the parents are allergic, the probability of the disease in the child will be from 50 to 75% or more. If one of the parents is susceptible to the disease or has a predisposition to it, the probability is up to 50%.

And even when the parents are asymptomatic and completely healthy, the possibility of having a child predisposed to this disease will be 20%.

This is especially pronounced in the presence of specific allergies in parents.

But even if both the father and mother have an allergic mood, this does not mean that the disease will necessarily manifest itself in the child.

The disease itself is not inherited, only a predisposition is possible, which, with proper prevention, will remain unrealized.

Despite all the above, the role of genetic factors in the mechanism of occurrence is not fully understood.

How to distinguish from a cold

An allergy can be distinguished from a cold by the following signs:

  • the speed of symptoms. The incubation period of an infectious disease can last from several tens of hours to several days or more. Allergies develop rapidly. It takes several hours;
  • with allergies, severe itching occurs in the nose, and the amount of secretion secreted increases sharply;
  • cough without sputum (not counting the manifestations of bronchial asthma). Seizures are compulsive. With a cold, the cough is almost always constant in intensity;
  • eye manifestations. With an allergic reaction, the eyelids quickly swell, the mucous membranes take on a reddish tint. Eyes itch and itch;
  • skin manifestations. Allergy is accompanied by rashes;
  • symptoms occur situationally, upon contact with an allergen (for example, seasonally);
  • characteristic of the common cold headache, as well as "hissing" sore throat;
  • heat. With allergies absent;
  • colds are treated for a long time. Symptoms may persist for up to 2 weeks;
  • discharge with a cold has an opaque consistency. Yellow or brown. Nose blocked unevenly;

Consequences of self-medication

Allergy treatment requires special knowledge and a competent integrated approach.

When prescribing treatment for oneself, a person runs the risk of encountering a number of problems:

  • inefficiency. Symptomatic treatment can drown out the main manifestations, while she herself will not go anywhere, and will develop. AT best case allergic symptoms will be repeated periodically (as a result of an acquired chronic disease), at worst, a serious disease may develop: bronchial asthma, Quincke's edema, etc. And then the disease will not become a temporary spring problem, but a constant companion that complicates life;
  • the likelihood of complications. Harmless at first glance, symptoms can cause complications (for example, with allergic eye damage, corneal erosion is possible, etc.);
  • side effects drugs. Hormonal and other drugs used in the treatment of allergic diseases have serious side effects;
  • probability of occurrence emergency conditions. If symptoms appear, seek immediate medical attention medical care, in order to avoid the development of emergency conditions;

Frequently asked Questions

What is the cause of the disease?

As a rule, the immune reaction is the basis, since the immunity switches from solving the problem of fighting the really dangerous external factors(viruses, bacteria) in response to an allergen.

Why is this happening?

Because immunity in a person of the 21st century is not sufficiently loaded with work.

Is the disease related to vaccination?

There is no such connection.

Whether it is possible to recover completely?

To date, no such treatment exists.

Allergy to the pollen of trees and other plants (hay fever) is a disease that comes in the middle of spring and often does not recede until autumn. Allergy to flowering is most often manifested by a runny nose and is often combined with allergies to individual products. How to understand that a child has hay fever? Is it possible to alleviate his condition?

Pollinosis is one of the most common allergic diseases in children, which can manifest itself at almost any age. Pollinosis is a consequence hypersensitivity body to certain allergens. When they enter the mucous membranes of the body, inflammation occurs.

Signs of pollen allergy

If every year in the spring at the same time the child shows symptoms of SARS: nasal congestion, runny nose, redness and itching of the eyes, general malaise, then this may be an allergy. Tree pollen allergy often masquerades as a cross-food allergy. There are a number of foods that allergy sufferers react to in the same way they do to pollen. These are apples, pears, stone fruits (cherries, plums, peaches, etc.). Often, an allergy begins with a reaction to these fruits - there is discomfort when swallowing, itching of the palate. Pay close attention to your child's complaints.

In children, seasonal allergies are also often combined with household allergies - to ticks. house dust. If a child has a frequent runny nose without fever, then an allergic disease can also be suspected here. With a high concentration of dust, allergies can also occur with an increase in temperature up to 37.1 - 37.2 ° C. If this is a reaction to pollen, then this temperature will be maintained throughout the entire flowering period.

The most reliable method for detecting sensitivity to specific allergens is considered by experts to be skin allergy tests. They are made in the fall, when everything is already fading, starting approximately from October. During flowering skin tests are not carried out, but during this period you can donate blood for specific immunoglobulins. If we compare these two methods, then allergy tests are more informative. Ideally, you should give your child both tests and compare the results.

How to help a child during the flowering period

  1. The best option is to take the child to a different climate zone for the flowering period. For example, at sea. Remember that at this time weakened. Even if you are traveling to a visa-free country, do not forget to purchase health insurance. It will protect against possible expenses for doctors.
  2. If you still stay in the city, then you should not walk with your child in dry calm weather, it is also better not to leave the city. At home, keep the windows closed, air out only in the evening or after rain, when the concentration of pollen in the air is reduced. Do wet cleaning at least once a day. After a walk, be sure to remove clothes from the child, it is advisable to wash them immediately. Dry washed items only indoors. Also, immediately after the walk, be sure to wash the child with his head, rinse his nose and throat. An air purifier helps a lot (air conditioning is not recommended).
  3. If you are traveling with a child in a car, then make sure that all windows are tightly closed.
  4. Monitor your diet by eliminating cross-products both during the flowering period and in the weeks before and after it. Even if the child normally tolerates apples, pears, stone fruits, nuts (especially hazelnuts), fresh carrots (including in juices), new potatoes, celery, olives, kiwi, during the spring exacerbation of allergies, these products are recommended to be excluded from the diet.
  5. There are websites that publish reports on measurements of pollen concentrations in the air. They update the data every two days. Review this information periodically. AT bad days It is better not to take children for a walk.

most annoying and dangerous satellite Allergies are the risk of developing bronchial asthma in a child. According to statistics, if a person suffers for 5-6 years and is not treated in any way (taking antihistamines is not considered a treatment), then the likelihood that he will develop bronchial asthma is very high - up to 80%.

If high-quality allergy treatment is not carried out, then, in addition to the risk of bronchial asthma, there is a danger of expanding the spectrum of allergens (household allergens, allergies to field and weed grasses).


The most correct rule is to prevent allergens from entering the child's body. I personally do the following for this: firstly, I use Prevalin Kids. This spray protects the mucous membrane very well from the penetration of pollen into the body. Secondly, I still try not to walk with the child where there is a lot of flowering (fields and summer cottages) and thirdly, after a walk, all clothes up to underpants go to the wash, and the child goes to the shower and washes with his head and puts on clean. Such a simple approach allows me to protect the child from seasonal allergies, which he is prone to from birth.

And I would also like to advise, as a mother, from my own experience not to neglect barrier means. If you spray Prevalin Kids in the nose during the flowering period, then this will greatly facilitate the life of the child, because. the tool well protects the body from the ingress of allergens into it.

Yes, I liked the article and consider it useful for myself. Allergy is actually not just a mild and passing ailment, as many people think, but still a big threat to our health.

Comment on the article "Spring allergy in a child: rules of conduct for hay fever"

More on the topic "Spring allergy in a child: rules of conduct for hay fever":

I am allergic and have had allergies since childhood. It's especially hard for me in the spring. But my cat allergy test was negative. Does this mean that I am free from allergies to my pets? Not! But I live with many cats in the same apartment. It turns out that the Balinese cat breed is hypoallergenic. Also no. How so? Myths about cat allergies: 1) There are hypoallergenic cat breeds. 2) Allergy tests are absolutely reliable. 3) If there is an allergy to wool, then there will be no bald cat. 4)...

For a long time, the children pressed me for an animal that can move freely around the house, I gave up and we got a cat Greta on Garbo's passport :) I chose the breed for three weeks. I needed her to be peaceful, quick-witted, not fluffy, as far as possible non-allergic and not tear up furniture in the house and so on. I have long dreamed of a bald and unearthly Sphynx :) But in the end I read a lot about the Cornish Rex and settled on them. (Sphynxes still lost in terms of allergies - they have more skin ...

Spring allergy in a child: rules of conduct for hay fever. Cross allergy to flowering and products. Pollinosis: when to do allergy tests. Vaccination calendar. News feed.

Spring allergy in a child: rules of conduct for hay fever. In children, seasonal allergies are also often combined with household allergies - to house dust mites. If a child has a frequent runny nose without fever ...

Spring allergy in a child: rules of conduct for hay fever. In children, seasonal allergies are also often combined with household allergies - to house dust mites. If a child has a frequent runny nose without fever ...

Spring allergy in a child: rules of conduct for hay fever. Vaccination calendar. News feed. The most correct rule is to prevent allergens from entering the child's body.

Spring allergy in a child: rules of conduct for hay fever. Pollinosis: when to do allergy tests. There are a number of foods that allergy sufferers react to in the same way they do to pollen.

Spring allergy in a child: rules of conduct for hay fever. Cross allergy to flowering and products. Pollinosis: when to do allergy tests.

Spring allergy in a child: rules of conduct for hay fever. Vaccination calendar. News feed. The most correct rule is to prevent allergens from entering the child's body.

Today, seasonal allergies occur in every fifth person, regardless of age, gender and climatic conditions.

The true number of people suffering from hay fever is much larger.

This is enough serious illness, which significantly impairs the quality of life and can lead to dangerous complications.

Why does

Allergies develop due to the high sensitivity of the immune system to certain substances.

In this case, the immune system does not react to viruses or bacteria, but to certain substances that do not actually do any harm to the body.

Quite often, the development of seasonal allergies is associated with a genetic predisposition.

So, scientists were able to identify specific antigens that parents with allergic diseases pass on to their child at the time of conception.

As a result, the baby may experience an aggressive immune response to the action of plant pollen.

Also, seasonal allergies can develop in such categories of people:

  1. population of regions with unfavorable environmental conditions;
  2. people who have other allergic diseases. In this case, hay fever becomes a secondary pathology;
  3. patients with chronic diseases of the bronchi and lungs;
  4. people with weak immunity;
  5. people who have harmful working conditions.

The mechanism of development of hay fever is associated with the sensitization of the body to plant pollen and fungal spores.

Each of the types of pollen allergens can provoke an atypical immune response.

Also, pollen allergy sometimes leads to cross-sensitization, in which a food allergen will act as a provoking factor.

"harmful" plants

The following plants are usually responsible for the development of allergic reactions:

  • birch and its varieties;
  • alder;
  • hazel;
  • ash;
  • maple;
  • cypress;
  • Linden;
  • sycamore;
  • Walnut;
  • meadow grasses - alfalfa, clover, timothy;
  • cereal crops - oats, wheat, oats, buckwheat;
  • weeds - ragweed, wormwood.

When it appears

Pollinosis most often occurs in spring and autumn.

Much less often, cases of seasonal allergies are recorded in the middle of summer.

Quite rarely, the symptoms of the disease can be diagnosed in the winter season.


Pollinosis has the same symptoms as many other allergic reactions: first, nasal manifestations appear, then the process descends lower into the bronchi and lungs.

At the same time, seasonal allergies have certain characteristics.

In addition to the nose, this disease affects the eyes, as the pollen penetrates the mucous membranes and triggers aggressive processes.

So, seasonal allergy symptoms include the following:

  • itchy nose and sneezing;
  • eye puffiness and lacrimation;
  • itching and redness of the eyes;
  • liquid discharge from the nose;
  • violation of nasal breathing;
  • pain in the ears;
  • atopic dermatitis;
  • hoarseness of voice;
  • headaches;
  • increase in body temperature.

Approximately 30% of allergy sufferers develop bronchospastic symptoms.

by the most dangerous complication bronchospasm is Quincke's edema - this condition develops within a few minutes and requires emergency assistance doctor.

Seasonal Allergy Treatment

The choice of treatment regimen depends on the flowering period, the severity of the pathological process and the characteristics of the human body.

The main goal of therapy is not only to get rid of the symptoms of allergies, but also to protect vulnerable organs from the effects of annoying factors.


Allergy medicines are divided into several groups:

  • antihistamines- such tablets suppress an allergic reaction;
  • cromons- cope with the inflammatory process;
  • glucocorticosteroids- hormonal drugs that are used in severe cases.

Medical treatment must be comprehensive.

All medications and their dosage must be determined by the doctor.

Folk remedies

You can also use folk remedies to treat allergies. In order to prevent recurrence of the pathology, it is worth consulting a doctor before using such recipes.

Most effective means include the following:

  1. infusion of blackcurrant. Four tablespoons of fresh leaves pour 300 ml of boiling water and leave to infuse for an hour. Strain, add warm water to get 0.5 liters. Take an infusion for a week every two hours. Single dose - one tablespoon;
  2. celery root juice. It should be made from fresh fruit and drunk in a teaspoon half an hour before meals. The course of therapy is 14 days. It is very important to carefully monitor the state of your body;
  3. infusion of horsetail. Pour two tablespoons of grass with a glass of boiling water and leave to infuse for half an hour, then strain. Take the composition throughout the day every hour. Then repeat the treatment every other day. There are seven courses in total, i.e. total duration- two weeks.

How to reduce manifestations

There are many ways that help to significantly reduce the manifestations of allergies:

  1. during high activity irritating factors, it is worth refusing to travel outside the city, to the forest and other places with a lot of vegetation;
  2. go outside in the evenings or after rain. The maximum amount of pollen in the air is present at 5-10 am;
  3. to protect your eyes you need to wear glasses that fit well to the face;
  4. when reacting to weeds, it is necessary to exclude honey, sunflower seeds and products from it. Spices, herbs, melons are also contraindicated;
  5. after a walk, you need to wash your face and rinse your eyes thoroughly with plain water. For the nose, it is better to use a saline solution.

Preventive measures

To prevent the development of allergic reactions, you should avoid sun exposure in dry, hot weather. It is also advisable to limit your presence in places of chemical pollution.

It is very useful to use air purifiers, which help to trap indoor pollen and avoid opening windows.

Indoors, it is worth turning on air conditioners and closing windows with damp curtains. It is very useful to carry out wet cleaning frequently. When flowering allergenic plants, you should not go out into nature.

Contraindicated and cosmetics containing plant components or propolis.


First of all, the doctor must conduct an examination and question the patient. To diagnose the disease and the causes of its development, it is necessary to analyze the symptoms, the presence of provoking factors, and obtain information about the patient's lifestyle.

If necessary, additional studies may be carried out:

Features of the course of the disease and its treatment in pregnant women

Seasonal allergies occur in all categories of the population, and pregnant women are no exception.

Pollinosis in this case proceeds according to the same pattern as in all the others, and is characterized by the appearance of:

  1. tearing;
  2. runny nose; cough;
  3. and possibly bronchospasm.

Seasonal allergies during pregnancy require a special approach to treatment. First of all, a woman should be under the constant supervision of a doctor and avoid exposure to a provoking factor as much as possible.

Today, there are many gentle means for anti-allergic treatment. Most often, specialists prescribe drugs in the nasal form.

Systemic antihistamines are used as a last resort if serious flare-ups occur.

It is very important to refuse walks in sunny calm weather.

It is desirable to maintain a sufficiently high level of humidity in the room.

Mold spores can also be a provoking factor, and therefore it is necessary to monitor the hygiene of the room.

To prevent allergies or reduce their manifestations, you need to follow a sparing hypoallergenic diet and limit the use of household chemicals.

With the development of seasonal allergies, it is very important to monitor your diet. The fact is that certain categories of products include proteins that resemble the composition of pollen.

Eating such food can lead to a deterioration in a person's well-being.

Therefore, during the period of exacerbation, you need to abandon such products:

  1. when reacting to tree pollen, nuts, raspberries, tomatoes, cucumbers, onions, kiwi, parsley, dill are contraindicated;
  2. if you are allergic to weeds, you can not eat seeds, sunflower oil, melon, watermelon, zucchini, eggplant;
  3. when reacting to pollen of cereal crops, bread, oatmeal, rice, wheat, kvass, strawberries, coffee, cocoa, citrus fruits are prohibited;
  4. if you are allergic to fungi, sugar, wine, beer, liqueurs should be excluded.

With this disease, prohibited foods should be excluded for about two weeks - during an exacerbation. After that, they can gradually be included in the diet.

The right diet will help to significantly reduce the manifestations of allergies.

Are there injections for this form of the disease

One of the most effective ways treatment of this disease is allergen-specific immunotherapy. Thanks to it, it is possible to stimulate the production of antibodies, which in the future will prevent the development of allergies.

Such treatment is usually carried out in a course that includes about forty injections.

Injections are made before the active flowering of plants that provoke pathological reactions.

If necessary, the therapy is repeated after flowering.


To reduce the manifestations of allergies, the doctor may prescribe drugs for topical use.

To reduce the symptoms of a runny nose, vasoconstrictors are used - sanorin, otrivin, galazolin, etc.

Thanks to their use, you can neutralize the runny nose and cope with nasal congestion.

The course of treatment with such means should not be more than a week. If you cannot achieve desired results, the doctor must adjust the prescription.

With the development allergic conjunctivitis the specialist prescribes eye drops - allergodil or spersallerg.

Such remedies help to eliminate the signs of the disease literally within fifteen minutes.

Action similar drugs lasts for six hours, which allows them to be actively used to eliminate the ophthalmic symptoms of hay fever.

Where can you run away

The easiest way to cope with allergy symptoms is to move to an area where they do not grow or have already faded during the flowering period of dangerous plants.

Despite the outward simplicity, this method of solving the problem is not available to all categories of the population.

Seasonal allergies are a rather dangerous disease that adversely affects human health.

Therefore, the appearance of any symptoms of this disease - lacrimation, nasal congestion, cough - should be the reason for a visit to the doctor. Remember that self-medication can lead to the development of very dangerous complications.

Pollinosis is caused by the body's sensitivity to pollen and flowering. It is customary to distinguish seasonal allergy waves that correspond to plant growth periods and weather conditions. In May, the allergens are the flowering of birch, alder and oak. At the beginning of summer comes a period of allergy to poplar, pine, spruce, dandelions, fescue. In the middle of summer, it is linden and meadow grasses (timothy grass, couch grass, etc.). And in August - quinoa, wormwood, ambrosia. September is characterized by allergies to hay, dry leaves and grass.

Causes of seasonal allergies

Main causes of seasonal allergies– exposure to plant pollen and substances found in fruits, berries, vegetables, etc. on the human body. During flowering or when using these products in our menu, the likelihood of an exacerbation of seasonal allergies increases.

In addition, after the snow melts, a large number of molds and fungi enter the air along with dust. chemical substances accumulated in the snow from car emissions and reagents that contribute to the appearance even before flowering: the appearance of red spots on the skin, cutting pain in the eyes, runny nose, discomfort in the throat, sore throat, cough, urticaria. In addition to allergies, people with chronic diseases of the skin and ENT organs are at increased risk. The following causes contribute to a predisposition to allergies:

  • Hereditary factor (if one or two parents had an allergy, then the child with a 70% probability will also have it);
  • Unfavorable ecological situation (production emissions and car exhausts);
  • The tendency of a person to other types of allergies. In this case, seasonal allergy disease is a secondary disease;
  • Strong sensitivity of the body to certain allergens. The immune system begins to produce antibodies in response to the appearance of allergens, such as pollen;
  • Chronic diseases of the bronchi and lungs;
  • Weakened immune system;
  • Harmful work (for example, contact with harmful substances through the skin, mucous membranes of the eyes, breathing).

Symptoms of spring-summer allergies in a child

Seasonal allergies (or pollinosis) can have various manifestations: runny nose, sneezing, skin inflammation (rashes, acne, peeling, redness) or even asthma attacks. But most often the symptoms of pollinosis are expressed in the form of a runny nose in combination with redness of the eyes (up to conjunctivitis).

Often a person confuses allergy symptoms with signs of a cold and may start self-medicating incorrectly. A number of differences between allergies and SARS:

  • fever is rarely observed;
  • sneezing becomes frequent;
  • discharge from the nose is liquid and has a characteristic transparency;
  • headache as a result of intoxication from the effects of pollen on the body;
  • general weakness of the body;
  • insomnia;
  • there is itching in the nose, throat and ears;
  • nasal discharge and itching are aggravated in dry windy weather, and weaken during rain;
  • allergies usually last longer than a cold (cold symptoms usually do not last longer than one week).

Features of allergies in children

In toddlers and children preschool age often seasonal allergies begin with clear snot, sneezing and diathesis-like rashes (dry spots on the skin, redness, small rash pimples, peeling of the skin), then the eyes turn red, swell and watery. On the early stages diseases can be confused with seasonal diseases.

Depending on the intensity of the allergy, there may be purulent discharge eye (conjunctivitis) and asthma attacks. Sometimes asthma goes away as we get older. Some children begin severe congestion ears. A preschooler complains of earache to his mother. And baby younger age will just cry and feel sore when pressed auricles. It is impossible to take the street from the life of an adult, and even more so a child, from where allergens come from in large quantities. The main danger of seasonal allergies is that they can combine with allergic reactions to dust or pets and lead to dermatitis or asthma.

How to treat seasonal allergies in a child?

Allergies should be treated not only at the time of exacerbation, but also to carry out prophylaxis on the eve of the allergy season. Allergies can be effectively managed with complex treatment, experienced allergy sufferers have already managed to make sure of this for years.