
In what cases you need to call an ambulance. In what cases they call an ambulance: symptoms of diseases, high fever, heart disease and other causes, rules for calling and standards for the arrival of an ambulance

Many people simply do not know what cases they should seek emergency medical care for, and therefore call the ambulance for any trifles. Sometimes they even quarrel and demand that they come to them and have a planned injection or dressing - that is, a procedure that is done in a polyclinic at the place of residence. Therefore, first we will name the circle of situations in which you should not disturb the ambulance.

So, the ambulance does not leave:

● to fulfill the planned appointments of the local doctor (injections, droppers, dressings, etc.) or to issue certificates and bulletins;

● in exacerbation chronic diseases(if the patient's condition does not require emergency medical care);

● to provide dental care;

● for intrahospital transportation;

● to transport the dead to the morgue.

The sooner, the better

But if the patient's condition threatens his health and life itself, as is written in the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development on the procedure for providing ambulance, then you should immediately dial the phone "03". But here the question arises: what to count threatening state, and what is not?

Well, with accidents, let's say everything is clear. If a person has a serious injury, a burn or electric shock, or, say, poisoning with some kind of poison and the like, then, of course, there is a threat to life and you should not hesitate to call an ambulance. But what if there is none apparent reason, which entailed a deterioration in health, was not: the person did not fall, did not get burned and did not take toxic substances, but nevertheless felt unwell?

Relying on feelings in this case is not worth it. For example, some people, even being in a pre-infarction or pre-stroke state, do not notice the danger that threatens them, while others - overly suspicious citizens - from a pimple that popped up on their nose, are able to inflate a catastrophe of a universal scale. Therefore, let's understand in detail.

Difficulty breathing

It could be an attack bronchial asthma, Quincke's edema, a manifestation of acute heart failure, or something else. There is no need to guess - you need to urgently dial "03", since this condition is life threatening.

Before the arrival of the doctor

If the patient is asthmatic, you need to take the appropriate drug. Open the windows in the room.


With any bleeding, the count can go on for minutes, so you need to call a doctor urgently.

If this is the only complaint of the patient (besides, the call was made during the opening hours of the polyclinics), then it is useless to disturb the ambulance. The exception is children under the age of 1 year - doctors visit them at any time. However, an ambulance is also obliged to come to an adult patient with a fever if, in addition to a high temperature, he has:

● others have arisen dangerous symptoms, each of which we will discuss below;

● Antipyretic drugs do not help.

● have flu symptoms. As the analysis of previous seasons showed, the majority of deaths were due to late hospitalization of patients with a viral infection.

Before the arrival of the doctor

It is not always necessary to take an antipyretic. After all heat often helps the body resist disease. Much better in the heat plentiful drink and access fresh air. You can wipe the body with water and vinegar or alcohol before the doctor arrives. In addition, a high temperature is also a hint for the doctor (the type of fever helps to quickly navigate the diagnosis).


Many are sure that this is a reason to take a pill, but not a reason to see a doctor. But often a person with this symptom needs not just medical, but an ambulance. One of the causes of a sharp and severe headache (especially when tilting the head forward) is meningitis. If, in addition to a headache, nausea or vomiting, photophobia, drowsiness, confusion, you need to urgently call an ambulance. The same symptoms can indicate a pre-stroke condition. In this case, there are: numbness of half of the face or limbs (often on one side); slurred speech or even complete loss of the ability to speak. If any of these symptoms appear, call 03 immediately! Early treatment will improve the chances of surviving and maintaining the ability to speak and move.

Before the arrival of the doctor

● Lay the patient on high pillows;

● Open a vent or window. Remove tight clothing, unbutton a shirt collar, tight belt or belt;

● Measure blood pressure. If it is elevated, give the patient the medicine he usually takes.

If there is no medicine at hand, lower the patient's legs into moderately hot water.

Loss of consciousness, convulsions

You can lose your senses due to shock (for example, cardiac, with myocardial infarction, or anaphylactic, with allergies to various substances and drugs). And also - at internal bleeding and many others dangerous states. Seizures may indicate tetanus, a brain tumor, a hypertensive crisis, etc. With these symptoms, an ambulance is indispensable.

Before the arrival of the doctor

Give the patient a sniff of ammonia, ensure peace.

Abdominal pain

This symptom can accompany a huge number of diseases: acute appendicitis, pancreatitis, cholecystitis, cystitis, pyelonephritis, etc. Do not try to figure out the causes of pain yourself. Even an experienced specialist is often visited by doubts about the diagnosis, because, for example, appendicitis skillfully disguises itself as almost any ailment in the abdominal region. Remember: for any sudden severe pain in the stomach, and it doesn’t matter where it hurts: on the right or left, from below or above, call an ambulance immediately. The less time passes since the development of inflammation, the easier the treatment will be and the shorter the rehabilitation period.

Before the arrival of the doctor

All that is required is to provide the patient with complete rest. In no case should you take painkillers - this will blur the picture of the disease and prevent the doctor from making a correct diagnosis. You can not apply a warm heating pad to the sore spot or take a bath. This is the shortest way to intensify inflammation and, for example, with appendicitis, bring the development of purulent peritonitis closer. Do enemas, drink choleretic drugs also not worth it.


Sharp chest pain is one of the symptoms coronary disease heart (CHD). This pain can radiate to the back, neck, lower jaw, shoulder, arm. Edema, shortness of breath, shortness of breath, rapid pulse often accompany the disease. Even unpleasant feeling lasts only a minute, and then lets go, you need to urgently consult a doctor.

Before the arrival of the doctor

Measure blood pressure and, if necessary, take a drug that lowers blood pressure and vasodilator. Habitual heart drugs, for example, validol and nitroglycerin, do not help with IHD.

Lower back pain

It may be an acute attack of sciatica, infringement intervertebral hernia. Or is it a sign urolithiasis. In this case, usually sharp pain occurs in the sacrum, often on one side.

Before the arrival of the doctor

A warm heating pad and antispasmodics help relieve pain. However, since similar symptoms can be observed in some acute diseases of the organs abdominal cavity, in which thermal procedures will be dangerous, it is better to refrain from self-treatment until the ambulance arrives.

Nobody is immune from accidents. Trouble can come suddenly, on the road, at work, at home, in any public place. Each of us must have information on how to properly call ambulance, in what cases it is called, that it is necessary to correctly tell the dispatcher. This information will allow the medical team to quickly and efficiently provide assistance to the victim in the shortest possible time.

Types of medical care

  1. urgent– called when there is no threat to life. In such cases, you can call a doctor from district clinic at home, or you can come to the clinic yourself and get help without an appointment or even out of turn (depending on the severity of the condition).

Emergency care is provided for:

  • Sudden exacerbations of chronic diseases;
  • Sudden dizziness, weakness, headache;
  • Sharp rises in temperature in an adult.
  1. emergency- goes to the patient in an ambulance in the case when there is real threat life or health. Such assistance is provided immediately, every minute counts. The main criterion by which the dispatcher receiving the call sends to the victim emergency brigade, this is the confidence that there is a real threat to life and health.

  • sudden loss of consciousness;
  • Any serious injuries, including road accidents, stab and gunshot wounds;
  • Thermal and chemical burns;
  • Childbirth or the threat of termination of pregnancy;
  • Severe massive blood loss;
  • Sudden severe pain syndrome;
  • Sudden dysfunction of any organ or system;
  • Mental personality disorder that poses a danger to others;
  • Suicide attempt.
  • A sharp rise in temperature in children or the elderly.
  • Clouding of consciousness in diabetes mellitus.
  • Abdominal pain that does not go away after taking medicines within 1.5 hours.
  • The appearance of convulsive conditions, partial or complete paralysis.

Where to call

  • From a landline – 103

From a mobile phone:

  • MTS, MEGAFON, Tele 2, U-tel – 030
  • Beeline – 003;
  • motive – 903

Single number for all subscribers

even when there are no funds on the account, the subscriber is out of the network coverage area, the subscriber's SIM card is blocked – 112.

What to say to the dispatcher:

  • State your contact phone number clearly and correctly;
  • gender of the patient;
  • Approximate age of the patient;
  • Briefly describe what happened to him;
  • Name the most life threatening symptoms;
  • Name which first aid it turns out to him or turned out to be earlier;
  • Clearly state the address where the team will go to you. If possible, orient the driver. If the team leaves for the address, then indicate the house number, the number of the entrance, the floor, if possible, go out to meet the doctors

If you have to wait a long time for an operator to answer, do not hang up. Wait! Otherwise, your next call will be the last in the queue.

The dispatcher himself will assess the condition of the victim and decide which medical team to send to you. To do this, you need to clearly describe the situation, in cases with an accident, it will not be superfluous to indicate the number of victims, their condition, and whether there are children among them.

Remember that a deliberately false call for an ambulance is punishable by a fine or someone's life!

Ambulance came to the house

  • Do not ask doctors to take off their shoes. This will save precious minutes. If you feel sorry for the carpets, then it is better to roll them up and put them away.
  • Do not run around the apartment in a panic, do not make a fuss. Answer questions clearly and calmly. Provide all the things and objects necessary for examining the victim.
  • All animals in the house must be locked in the next room, in order to avoid unforeseen situations.
  • If possible, help transport the victim to the ambulance.
  • Keep your insurance medical policy. Sometimes it may be required (but it is not required).
  • Before the arrival of doctors, it is necessary to collect a bag with the patient's things. This will also save time.

If the victim is an adult, is conscious and is capable, then he himself has the right to decide on his hospitalization in a hospital.

Consent to the provision of medical care and hospitalization of a child is given by parents (guardians, trustees), as well as consent to the treatment and hospitalization of a person suffering mental disorders given by next of kin.

If the ambulance team provided the victim in hospitalization, then you can contact the admission department nearest hospital.

Another most frequently asked question is “How to call the resuscitation team?”.

Resuscitation arrives on call only at critical situations, which are:

  • The state of clinical death;
  • Rupture of an aortic aneurysm;
  • Epileptic or asthmatic status;
  • Anaphylactic shock, angioedema;
  • Severe concomitant injuries, including head injuries;
  • Acute violations cerebral circulation

The ambulance is usually equipped with ventilators; defibrillators, electro-stimulators, as well as the necessary sets of medicines, which may not be in a regular ambulance.

The dispatcher decides whether a regular brigade or an ambulance will come to you. Therefore, the numbers for calling resuscitation remain the same as when calling an ambulance.



20.11.2013 №360

About changes to Russian system and numbering plan, approved by order of the Ministry information technologies and connections Russian Federation dated 11/17/2006 No. 1422

In accordance with part 3 of Article 26 federal law July 7, 2003 No. 126-FZ “On Communications” (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2003, No. 28, Art. 2895; No. 52, Art. 5038; 2004, No. 35, Art. 3607; No. 45, Art. 4377; 2005, No. 19, item 1752; 2006, No. 6, item 636; No. 10, item 1069; No. 31, item 3431, item 3452; 2007, No. 1, item 8; No. 7, 835; 2008, No. 18, 1941; 2009, No. 29, 3625; 2010, No. 7, 705; 15, 1737; 27, 3408; 31, ref. 4190; 2011, No. 7, item 901; No. 9, item 1205; No. 25, item 3535; No. 27, item 3873, item 3880; No. 29, item 4284, item 4291; No. 30, 4590; No. 45, item 6333; No. 49, item 7061; No. 50, item 7351, item 7366; 2012, No. 31, item 4322, item 4328; 2013, No. 19, item 2326 ; No. 27, art. 3450), as well as subparagraph 5.2.10 of the Regulations on the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 2, 2008 No. 418 (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2008, No. 23, art. 2708; No. 42, item 4825; No. 46, item 5337; 2009, No. 3, item 378; No. 6, item 738; No. 33, item 4088; 2010, No. 13, item 1502; No. 26, Article 3350; No. 30, Article 4099; No. 3 1, art. 4251; 2011, no. 2, art. 338; No. 3, Art. 542; No. 6, Art. 888; No. 14, art. 1935; No. 21, art. 2965; No. 44, Art. 6272; No. 49, Art. 7283; 2012, no. 20, art. 2540; No. 37, art. 5001; No. 39, Art. 5270; No. 46, Art. 6347; 2013, No. 13, item 1568; No. 33, art. 4386),


1. Introduce into the Russian system and the numbering plan, approved by order of the Ministry of Information Technologies and Communications of the Russian Federation No. 142 dated November 17, 2006 "On approval and implementation of the Russian system and numbering plan" (registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on December 8, 2006 , registration No. 8572) as amended by orders of the Ministry of Communications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation No. 118 dated December 29, 2008 "On Amendments to the Order of the Ministry of Information Technologies and Communications of the Russian Federation No. 142 dated November 17, 2006" (registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation February 2, 2009, registration No. 13237), dated July 15, 2011 No. 187 "On Amendments to the Order of the Ministry of Information Technologies and Communications of the Russian Federation dated November 17, 2006 No. 142" (registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on August 17, 2011, registration No. 21646) and dated June 15, 2012 No. 158 “On amendments to the Russian system and numbering plan tions approved by Order of the Ministry of Information Technologies and Communications of the Russian Federation No. 142 dated November 17, 2006 (registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on July 6, 2012, registration No. 24829), the following changes:

a) Paragraph 32 shall be supplemented with the words “, as well as the numbers of the relevant emergency operational services: “101”, “102”, “103”, “104.”;

b) clause 32 1 shall be stated as follows:

“32. 1 For access to subscribers and users of mobile and fixed telephone services:

to the telephone line "Child in danger" single numbers "121", "123" are used;

to a unified citizen support service for consultations when receiving state and municipal services in electronic form is used single number"115.";

c) Paragraph 46 shall be supplemented with the following paragraph:

"Number format for access to the relevant emergency services: "101", "102", "103", "104.";

d) in paragraph 1 of Table No. 3 to the Russian Numbering Plan, in the column "Value of the DEF code", the numbers "970-979" shall be replaced by the numbers "972-979";

e) in paragraph 12 of Table No. 4 to the Russian Numbering Plan, the column "Name of the telecommunication service" shall be stated as follows: "Access to telematic communication services";

f) in paragraph 13 of Table No. 4 to the Russian Numbering Plan, the column "Name of the telecommunication service" shall be stated as follows: "Access to communication services for data transmission";

g) in Table No. 7 to the Russian Numbering Plan, paragraphs 1 and 2 shall be stated as follows:

1. 100-109 Range for 3-digit federal service numbers
100 Time Service
101 Fire and Emergency Response Service
102 Police
103 Ambulance service
104 Gas network emergency service
105-109 Reserve
2. 110-119 Numbers of services introduced in the Russian Federation in order to harmonize with European legislation in the field of communications
110-111 Reserve
112 Single number for calling emergency services
113 Reserve
114 Reserve
115 A unified citizen support service for consultations when receiving state and municipal services in electronic form
116XXBlocking of electronic payment cards
117 Reserve
118XXAccess number to the information and reference systems of the local telephone operator
119 Reserve

h) in paragraph 3 of Table No. 7 to the Russian Numbering Plan, in line "122", the column "Assignment of a range of numbers for access and service numbers" shall be stated as follows: "Reserve".

2. Send this order for state registration to the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation.

Minister N.A. Nikiforov

  • from a landline telephone number 03 and 103;
  • from a mobile phone (for all operators) by numbers 103 and 112.

As a rule, the connection with the operator "103" occurs within a few seconds, however, by calling "103" during the hours of mass incoming calls, you can hear the information of the answering machine: "Hello. You called the Unified Dispatch Center for Emergency and Emergency Medical Care of the city of Moscow, please do not hang up, we will definitely answer you.”

Wait for an answer, do not hang up - otherwise, dialing again, you will again find yourself at the end of the queue of calls to the line.

2. What should I tell the dispatcher when calling an ambulance?

  • in short: what happened, what help is needed;
  • the phone number you are calling from;
  • the address where the patient is located (if a person needs help on the street, indicate clear guidelines; if a call to an apartment, indicate the place of the nearest arrival to the house, the number of the entrance, floor, code lock);
  • surname, name, patronymic (if known);
  • date of birth (if known) or age of the patient;
  • your last name.

3. How to call a doctor at home?

"How to call an ambulance"
The ambulance service combines all the best that has been created to date in the field of ambulance and emergency care. These are sensitivity, care for the patient, availability, combined with the high professionalism of the staff. The EMS service works around the clock and provides assistance to all sick victims who are at home, on the street, at work, in all conditions that threaten the health or life of citizens. Timely medical care can save lives and preserve human health!

Even the most healthy man may suddenly become ill. And then the ambulance service phone, familiar to all of us from childhood, “03”, pops up in our memory. But nowadays the list of numbers has been supplemented with new ones, which you can also call if you need to call an ambulance.

  1. Call from landline: 03
  2. Calling from a mobile (cellular) phone:

2.1. By number 103;

2.2. If your mobile device does not support two-digit dialing: 03*;

2.3. With mobile phones"MTS": 030;

2.4. From Megafon phones: 030;

2.5. With cell phones Beeline: 003;

2.6. From Sky-Link cell phones: 903;

2.7. From TELE2 mobile phones: 030;

2.8. From U-tel phones: 030;

2.9. From mobile phones "Motive": 903;

2.10. Call via number 112: call "112" and after answer dial 3.

Calling from the emergency number 112 is possible:

If there are no funds in your account,

When the SIM card is locked,

If there is no SIM card in the phone.

The call is free!

3. St. Petersburg GBUZ "Emergency Medical Station" receives calls from the population of the Kolpinsky district, including the city of Kolpino, the village of Metallostroy, the village of Ust-Izhora, the village of Ponton, the village of Saperny, the village of Petro-Slavyanka.

The ambulance service is availability combined with high professionalism of employees, it is multifaceted medical knowledge combined with experience, it is sensitivity and care for the patient.

The ambulance works around the clock and without a break for lunch. It provides assistance to all sick and injured people at home, at work, on the street; under all conditions that threaten the health or life of citizens.

Ambulance is the only free medical service. Even if you do not have a medical insurance policy, the call will not be denied.

When calling an ambulance, try to clearly articulate why you are calling an ambulance. The information you provide depends on which team the dispatcher will send to you.

Without indignation, clearly and clearly try to answer all the questions of the “03” service dispatcher:

It is necessary to name the exact address of the call, clarify the ways of access to the location of the patient;
- name the surname, name, patronymic of the patient, his age (if you know them);
- report the phone number from which the call was made;
- inform the dispatcher as accurately as possible when the person fell ill, whether the doctor (medical worker) has already visited him;
- if the patient has a history of acute myocardial infarction or stroke, report in what year it happened;
- clearly describe the symptoms of the disease and complaints of the patient;
- if the patient took alcohol shortly before calling the ambulance, do not hesitate to report it. The ambulance will not leave the patient without help;
- if an accident occurred (traffic accident, fire, etc.), be sure to indicate the number of victims, whether there are dead, injured, children. Answer clearly, without emotions and backstories. Nervous speech, shouting into the phone will delay the call and may cost the life of the victim. Specify the exact location of the incident and landmarks. If the incident happened outside the city, indicate the direction, the name of the route, the nearest settlement, the distance from the city and be sure someone must meet the brigade.

Having picked up a call card, the doctor already begins to “work” with the patient. The reason for the call, the dispatcher's comments, the age, gender of the patient, the time of day - create several options for the diagnosis in the doctor's head, help him concentrate. And therefore, when the caller deliberately indicates the wrong reason, trying to “speed up” the call (most often it “dies”), the discrepancy between the picture seen and the established algorithms confuse the doctor and delay the service time. Yes, and to the patient, purely human. For a deliberate lie - a different attitude.

Make sure you meet the ambulance.

When you call an ambulance, don't panic. If the patient gets worse, do not hesitate to call 03 again and describe the current situation. You will be given useful advice, speed up the call.

Trying to help the patient, act according to the principle - "Do no harm!". Unskillful help can harm the patient.

Sit with the patient, help him take a more comfortable position, calm him down. If the dispatcher or the senior shift doctor has given you advice, by all means follow it. Before the ambulance arrives, prepare a chair for the doctor, free up space on the table to lay out the necessary medicines.

If you have animals at home - cats, dogs - it is better to close them in another room.

Prepare in advance the medicines that the patient used before the arrival of the ambulance, if any - outpatient card patient, extracts from hospitals where the patient was previously treated, previously made electrocardiograms (for cardiovascular pathology).

An ambulance arrived - do not interfere with the doctor's work, do not advise him, do not interfere in the process of providing assistance, clearly follow the doctor's orders, answer the questions asked.

In what cases is it necessary to urgently call an ambulance team?

An ambulance must be called in case of accidents and conditions of life-threatening patients who need immediate medical attention. In all cases acute diseases arising on the street, in in public places, institutions, etc.. In case of mass disasters and natural disasters, in case of accidents ( different kinds injuries, wounds, burns, electric shock and lightning, loss of consciousness).

Reasons for calling:

  1. Catastrophe, accident, explosion, fire, mass poisoning.
  2. All kinds of injuries, falls from a height, accidents, sudden illnesses at work, in institutions, public places, on the street, childbirth.
  3. Gunshot wounds, regardless of the location of the wound.
  4. Burns.
  5. Frostbite (outside the home).
  6. Electric shock and lightning damage.
  7. Solar and heat stroke.
  8. Drowning.
  9. Hangings.
  10. Foreign bodies of the upper respiratory tract threatening the life of the victim.
  11. Household injuries, with damage to the musculoskeletal system and head.
  12. All types of massive bleeding ( gastrointestinal tract, pulmonary, uterine ...)
  13. All kinds of shock.
  14. Poisoning, including heavy food.
  15. Pathological premature birth, childbirth.
  16. Sudden loss of consciousness, severe dizziness, accompanied by nausea and vomiting.
    Visits to children with convulsive and hyperthermic syndrome, toxic pneumonia.
    Comas of various etiologies.
  17. All cases where the reason for the call is "dies".
  18. Asthmatic status, asthma.
  19. Pulmonary edema.
  20. Pain in the region of the heart, especially in middle-aged and old age,
    accompanied by loss of consciousness, severe shortness of breath, profuse
    sweating, abdominal pain, vomiting.
  21. Acute cardiac arrhythmias.
  22. Acute disorders of cerebral circulation, if the call was not previously served by a doctor.
  23. Sudden pain in the abdomen, such as "stabbed with a dagger" or accompanied by loss
  24. Anaphylactic shock, allergic conditions associated with the introduction or
    overdose medications and foreign proteins.
  25. Attempted murder or suicide.
  26. Turned blue.
  27. Suffocating.
  28. Wheezing.
  29. Lying man

Signs of a possible myocardial infarction.

A heart attack can develop at any time and anywhere, but it is more common during the night or early morning hours, or several hours after physical or emotional stress.

The attack is characterized by the appearance of very severe pain behind the sternum, radiating to the left shoulder blade, left shoulder, left hand sometimes the neck. The pain lasts more than 20 minutes, may be accompanied by severe weakness, cold sticky sweat, palpitations, shortness of breath, fear of death.

Taking nitroglycerin either does not help or relieves pain for a short time. Urgently call an ambulance.

Before the arrival of the brigade, you need to lie down. Don't worry, chew 1 aspirin and place 1 nitroglycerin under your tongue.

Signs of a possible stroke.

A possible stroke is characterized by numbness and weakness of the muscles of the arms, legs, face, especially one half of the body. Sudden severe headache, dizziness, unsteadiness of gait, difficulty in speech, blurred vision. In severe cases, loss of consciousness is possible.

Saving a life is a very serious matter.

If you cannot understand what happened to the person, do not try to help yourself, this can harm the patient. Call an ambulance, do not waste precious time. It is better if the ambulance doctor tells you that there was no need to call an ambulance than the sick or injured person does not receive timely medical assistance.

If the patient does not need emergency medical care, can independently reach the clinic and needs to be prescribed treatment, contact the clinic at the place of residence. You need to know that the ambulance doctor does not have the right to prescribe treatment, he makes a preliminary diagnosis, on the basis of which he provides symptomatic assistance or hospitalizes the patient in the appropriate hospital for examination and treatment. Treatment is prescribed by the doctor who observes the patient. The ambulance doctor does not sick leave does not write a prescription.

You should not contact the emergency medical service in cases where the state of health does not pose a threat to the life and health of the patient. By unreasonably calling an ambulance, you can unwittingly damage the health of another person, to whom the ambulance may not be in time.