
What are the reasons for calling an ambulance? How to call an ambulance so that it arrives as quickly as possible? Which team will go to the challenge

Do you think any attack requires emergency care? Or, on the contrary, do you hope for a chance that everything will go away by itself without the participation of doctors? These two opposite positions are erroneous and dangerous.

  • In the first case, when arriving at the call site, doctors Ambulance often no longer needed. After an epileptic attack, the patient either sleeps deeply or goes about his daily business. And at this time there are more patients in need of urgent care.
  • In the second case, late diagnosis can lead to an unfavorable outcome of epilepsy (Read the article:), aggravate the course of the disease, and lead to irreparable consequences.

Most often, an epileptic seizure does not last long, only 2-5 minutes, and stops spontaneously without any special treatment.

If the attack happened for the first time, then it follows urgently need to see a neurologist or preferably to epileptologist in a specialized

At the first attack of epilepsy, call an ambulance.

On the spot, having examined the patient with the first attack, the doctor Ambulance provide emergency medical assistance if necessary. Next, the doctor will suggest hospitalization in a neurological hospital. Depending on the accompanying symptoms, it can be a neurological, infectious, neurosurgical, cardiological or pediatric hospital.

You can refuse hospitalization, but at the same time you take responsibility for the life and health of the patient.

Often, parents do not want to be in the hospital, despite the fact that they are placed there together with the child, creating favorable conditions and reducing their stress. Because of their emotions, they deprive the child of quick, accurate and necessary medical care.

In case of a mild case in the hospital, you will remain under the supervision of specialists until the morning next day or spend 2-7 diagnostic days there.

Experienced doctors will short period necessary diagnostic measures, will monitor further development diseases, specify correct diagnosis, pick up necessary treatment and will give further recommendations within the framework of mandatory medical care.

Help for the patient depends on the type of attack and its duration. The most common generalized tonic-clonic seizure often requires our attention. And patients with small seizures (absences) do not require any intervention.

Cases when qualified medical assistance is required:

  • epileptic seizure for the first time in life (see article:);
  • you have doubts that this seizure is epileptic;
  • the duration of the attack is more than 5 minutes;
  • respiratory disorders;
  • too slow recovery of the patient's consciousness (more than 5 minutes);
  • a series of attacks, when the next attack comes immediately after the previous one;
  • the attack happened in the water;
  • an attack in a pregnant woman;
  • getting injured during an attack;
  • registration of an attack and objective confirmation of the frequency of attacks by ambulance doctors when registering disability at MSEC.

Conditions in which it is not necessary to call an ambulance:

  • duration epileptic seizure less than 5 minutes;
  • if the patient regains consciousness and the next attack does not begin;
  • if the patient did not injure himself during the attack.

What is the ambulance phone number from a landline and from a mobile (cellular) phone:

Ambulance service is provided by the Ambulance Station around the clock and free of charge.
You can call an ambulance at the following numbers:

  • « 03 » from a landline phone;
  • « 103 " or " 030 " with cell phones MTS, Beeline, Megafon and other operators (free of charge).

Now you know for sure when to call an ambulance for seizures.

And remember, epilepsy is curable, you just need to choose the right tactics. Your health depends on your correct decisions.

Watch a video from YuoTube on the topic

Epileptic seizure: what can and cannot be done if the child has convulsions.

Most people are embarrassed to call an ambulance and drag it to the last. As a result, either they themselves come (such people pass here as “self-converted”), or they are brought in completely decompensated, well, you yourself understand the third way ...

Undoubtedly, every challenge, even the most delusional, is checked, the car leaves. And it cannot be otherwise, because sometimes a person, being in a critical condition, cannot really tell what worries him. And sometimes a person is still alive with euphoria (for example, euphoria caused by a lack of oxygen in the brain during hypothermia), and then the victim does not understand the danger of his condition.

Until now, in Russia, no responsibility is provided for an unreasonable call for an ambulance. But we live at a time when the state begins to count every penny, and the times are not far off when it will be impossible to call doctors to your home with impunity just because it is boring and sad. I hope that bills for such calls will be issued to everyone who is "bored". And they will have to pay for medicines, gasoline, time and depreciation out of their own pocket.

It's amazing how our people manage to find fault with their native medicine, not suspecting what a false call costs in any of the Western countries, and especially in the USA, where they certainly know how to count money. In the States, a person with a broken lower limb will prefer to call a taxi, it will cost him much, much cheaper than the arrival of a medical car. And a call for nonsense can cost years reimbursement. You will say that there, they say, everyone has insurance that fully covers the costs. This is not true: most insurances only partially cover the treatment, and, as a rule, an ambulance call due to a cold is not provided.

Most importantly, I want you to understand that each such false call can cost the life of a really difficult patient, whose minutes count. That the work of an emergency physician should be primarily directed to those patients who themselves cannot get to the hospital.

And separately for drivers: if you, while driving, see that an ambulance is rushing with a flashing light, it means that someone is really bad, and no matter how right you are on the road, give in, be people.

When an ambulance is needed

Now I still want to clarify the question: how to find out that it’s really time to call ambulance? Where is the line when they will look at the patient as a patient, and not a freeloader asking to be taken to the hospital? Simply put, what conditions require a doctor's house call?

So, an ambulance call is carried out only in emergency, life-threatening conditions. This means that do not distract physicians for the removal of ticks, acne, for the treatment of withdrawal symptoms and increased (not crisis) pressure. You can safely solve all these problems by contacting a clinic or a hospital on your own.

Calling an ambulance is always justified if you have a serious accident or disaster. Even if you do not personally see the victims, still call an ambulance, in this case it is clear that the risk of serious injury to the participants in the incident is very high.

In other cases:

  • If you saw a person unconscious, while it is impossible to wake him up, this is most likely a coma that requires a call from doctors (especially true in the cold season).
  • If a person is pale, disoriented, breathing rapidly - lay him down and call an ambulance.
  • If you are breathing heavily, breathing, mucous membranes have become bluish, call an ambulance.
  • If the patient has severe pain behind the sternum, call an ambulance.
  • If the patient has severe pain in any part of the body that cannot be stopped by simple analgesics, call an ambulance.
  • If the patient has a low or prohibitively high blood pressure(each has its own numbers, here even 160/90 mm Hg can be a crisis), symptoms of damage to the central nervous system(dizziness, severe headaches, flies before the eyes, nausea), of cardio-vascular system(palpitations, chest pain) - call an ambulance.
  • If you are unable to cope with some kind of condition that you seem to know, call an ambulance. For example, convulsions in an epileptic who did not go away on their own. And, by the way, if convulsions occur for the first time, also call an ambulance.
  • Bleeding. If venous - apply a tourniquet below the wound, treat the wound, call an ambulance. If scarlet, pulsating arterial bleeding, apply a tourniquet above the wound, call an ambulance, name the time of applying the tourniquet.
  • Hemoptysis, bleeding from the intestines, vomiting blood - call an ambulance.
  • Injuries ( open fractures, pelvic fractures, spinal injuries, lower extremities, chest with a violation of the depth, rhythm of breathing, pronounced pain syndrome, cyanosis of mucous membranes, impaired consciousness ...) - call 03.
  • Burns, especially burns from flames, boiling water, steam, chemical burns(in adults - damage to 10% of the body surface, in children - 3–5%, it is easy to calculate: the palm of the victim is about 1%), burns of the respiratory tract - call an ambulance.
  • Drowning, electric shock and lightning, being hit foreign bodies in Airways- all this is also evidence to call an ambulance.
  • Suicidal attempts (not "demonstrations") - call an ambulance. It is better to overdo it here, because at first the suicidal person can feel quite well. When trying to hang, a common situation: they seem to have been taken out of the noose in time, everything seems to be fine, and an hour later pulmonary edema and death. And swallowed tablets can continue to be absorbed and negatively affect the central nervous system, which threatens to aggravate the condition.
  • Childbirth and an unusual course of pregnancy - bleeding, high blood pressure on the background of preeclampsia (a woman may complain of flies before her eyes, double objects) - call the ambulance station.
  • Children of the first year of life. Anything can happen to them, it is better to be careful, call and at least consult. By the way, on calls for babies and pregnant women, doctors are especially reinsured and come much faster.

You can continue here, but I think, in general, you understand - in which case you need to call "zero three".

When you call, you will be asked to give the name of the victim, age, reason for the call, place where the ambulance will come, phone number. It will be good if you prepare a passport, policy, previous medical reports, records of previous diseases. If you call for suicide, then it is important to say what the person was poisoned with (tablets, solutions, etc.).

If it is possible to take the patient in your car, then sometimes it is really better not to wait. Many people do just that, by the way. For example, in the event of an opiate overdose (if you are unable to maintain artificial respiration) or bleeding from a wound on a limb (if you were unable to apply a tourniquet effectively).

In general, if you can quickly deliver the victim to the hospital, then it is better not to hesitate. At the same time, you can simultaneously call an ambulance so that the car can pick up the patient halfway. And if all the teams are busy, then at least you yourself will deliver the patient without wasting precious time.

Well, a wish. Please don't ask a doctor who has to go through a dozen more apartments to take off his shoes. I understand that you have clean floors, lush carpets, so buy and keep cheap boot covers at home just in case. In extreme cases, cover the floor with newspaper in advance, it's easy, right? But you will save valuable time.

Vladimir Shpinev


Before dialing phone number ambulance in Moscow, make sure you can give the address and exact location of the patient.

The capital has implemented a multi-channel communication system, and if the other end did not immediately pick up the phone, this means that all dispatchers are busy, and your call is queued. Remain calm, the first employee to be released will definitely answer you. No need to hang up and call back - your call will be put at the end of the queue again.

During a conversation with the dispatcher, you must:

  • indicate the phone number from which the call is made or to which it will be possible to call back later
  • indicate the number of patients
  • describe what happened - what made you call an ambulance
  • name the address: street, house, building, apartment, entrance, floor, intercom
  • inform who and where will meet the team of doctors
  • say who is calling - a relative, an outsider or themselves
  • state the age and sex of the patient, his last name

The main number for calling an ambulance in Moscow is number 103 (call from a landline and mobile phone).

In addition, there is a number 112 - a call from mobile phones; works with a blocked SIM-card, in the absence of a SIM-card, and also in the absence of funds on the phone account. Operators answer both in Russian and in English.

If you only have health problems, call 103 - we will help.

Calling the state ambulance is free.

What to say to the dispatcher

There is basic information that a dispatcher will need when receiving a call. As a rule, the connection with the "103" operator occurs within a few seconds, however, by calling "103" during the hours of mass incoming calls, you can hear the information of the answering machine: "Hello. You called the Unified Dispatch Center for Emergency and Emergency Medical Care of the city Moscow, please do not hang up, we will definitely answer you." If this happens, you must wait for the operator's response.

After the operator has answered you, please provide the following information:

- what's happened(Answer as fully as possible to the questions that the ambulance dispatcher will ask you).

This will help determine which team (ambulance or emergency care) you need at the moment, or is it enough to consult a doctor by phone;

- phone number, from which you are calling;

-the address where the patient is(if the patient is on the street, it is necessary to indicate clear guidelines; in cases of a call to the apartment, indicate: the place of the nearest arrival to the house, entrance number, floor, intercom code);

- surname, name, patronymic(if known);

- date of birth or age of the patient(if known);

- caller's last name

Clear and complete answers to these questions will help the ambulance team to come to the sick or injured person faster. You should indicate the ways to get to your house if they are difficult (road repair, for example). If the incident did not occur in the apartment, then the exact landmarks and the way of the entrance should be indicated! If possible, organize a meeting of the arriving brigade and indicate where and who will meet the brigade.

After the dispatcher checks the address and phone number again (the dispatcher will definitely specify the Moscow district to exclude an error), then he will tell you which team was sent to you (an ambulance or emergency medical team) or switch you to the doctor of the advisory console to clarify the situation.

How fast will the ambulance arrive?

After the call is received by the 103 Service and the request is immediately processed in the Unified City Dispatch Center (UCDC), the call is transferred to the ambulance or emergency medical team closest to the patient.

After you call the number "103", the dispatcher will decide which team to send. In Moscow today, more than 1,000 teams are on duty around the clock, ready for an urgent departure. At the Station, in addition to line crews, there are specialized teams (pediatric, psychiatric, and others).

For an emergency call, the regulated time for the arrival of an ambulance team does not exceed 20 minutes, while an emergency call for an ambulance team is sent if there are no emergency calls in the service area.

For the arrival of emergency medical teams, the standard is 120 minutes, however, it should be noted that this is the maximum waiting time for the team. Today in Moscow, the average arrival time for emergency medical teams, as a rule, is 30-40 minutes.

The problem of accessibility and access of the ambulance team to the patient is one of the most important in our work. Ambulances are equipped with blue flashing lights and a specialized sound signal, which allows you to use priority on the highways of the city.

However, not all participants traffic properly refer to the included beacons and sirens. Not infrequently, they arrange "racing competitions" with ambulances, endangering the lives of the ambulance staff, the patient in the car, and their own lives.

Entering narrow lanes, our crews are faced with the problem of getting to the required address due to closely parked private vehicles. Owners Vehicle you need to think about how to save passage for ambulances or any other emergency services. Please pay close attention to this matter.

Which team will go to the challenge?

Responsible for selecting the team that will be assigned to the patient, medical staff the operational department, which receives, sorts calls according to the validity, urgency and profile of the teams. the main task specialists of the operational department - to understand where to send the ambulance team in the first place. Thanks to the answers of callers to questions, dispatchers also draw conclusions about the need to send a specialized team. As a result, the call can be assigned the status of emergency or emergency. If a urgent help the team is not needed, the caller is connected with a senior doctor who makes recommendations for treatment.

According to the law, ambulance is provided free of charge, regardless of whether you have compulsory medical insurance policy, residence or citizenship. The reasons for calling an ambulance are all sudden severe conditions requiring urgent medical intervention.

The exact list of complaints and symptoms for which an ambulance should be provided is not spelled out in the law. Therefore, the assessment of the severity of the condition rests entirely on the shoulders of the victim himself or those around him. Definitely call an ambulance if:

  • a person became ill on the street, at work or in a public building;
  • you anticipate the rapid development of a life-threatening condition that you cannot manage on your own ( heat, pressure, heart attack, stroke, severe pain, indomitable vomiting, trauma, impaired consciousness, etc.);
  • urgent hospitalization to a hospital or maternity hospital is required.

To call an ambulance, call:

  • 03 - from a landline phone;
  • 112, 103 or 03* - from any mobile phone.

Your call is received by the paramedic-dispatcher of the central ambulance station, and then forwarded to the district substations. Every call is logged. Ambulance failures are extremely rare, as this is a very big responsibility.

It is difficult for the dispatcher by phone to determine the severity of your condition for sure; failure to provide assistance can result in serious punishment. Therefore, it is easier to send a brigade than to take risks. The exception is deliberately false calls when it is not about life and death.

It is important to understand that if you can relieve the symptoms yourself, visit medical institution or wait for the local doctor at home, you can’t call an ambulance. Serving such a call, the brigade may not be in time for a person whose life goes on for minutes.

How quickly should the ambulance arrive?

Effective January 2014 new law, according to which an ambulance can be provided on an emergency or emergency basis. For ordinary person the difference between these words is expressed only in the waiting time for the team of doctors:

  • emergency assistance, as before, must be provided within 20 minutes;
  • emergency care is provided according to the residual principle - the waiting time is up to 2 hours.

The decision on the procedure for rendering assistance is made by the dispatcher on duty. When, in his opinion, a person’s condition poses a threat to life, a emergency brigade. If the dispatcher decides that your complaints are classified as dangerous to health, but not to life, a car will be sent to you only after all emergency calls have been serviced.

Keep this rule in mind when calling an ambulance. When talking to the dispatcher, do not get emotional. Try to clearly and concisely state the most dangerous complaints and explain why you think they are life threatening. Be sure to say:

  • when and after that the condition worsened,
  • what did you do to help (what medications did you take, did the doctor come, etc.),
  • were there in the past life threatening conditions (heart attack, stroke, severe allergies, febrile convulsions at a temperature, etc.),
  • whether there is a chronic diseases or conditions that increase the risk severe complications (hypertonic disease, angina pectoris, heart defects and other organs, blood diseases, diabetes, malignant neoplasms, pregnancy, etc.).

The dispatcher's decision will depend on your persuasiveness. In disputable cases, ask the name of the dispatcher and ask to invite the chief ambulance doctor (or give his phone number). If the dispatcher is wrong, chief physician send an ambulance to you. If you're wrong, he'll tell you possible options problem solving.

If you cannot wait for the arrival of the emergency team, you can use the services of a paid ambulance.

Should I go to the hospital in an ambulance or not?

The doctor or paramedic makes a preliminary diagnosis and determines whether you need to go to the hospital or you can stay at home.

If inpatient treatment is required:

  • You can choose a hospital only from among those offered by the emergency doctor. Their list is agreed in advance with the heads of hospitals on the basis of: free places, the availability of specialists on duty (at night), proximity and other factors.
  • You have the right to refuse hospitalization in writing, taking responsibility for possible complications.

If there is no need to go to the hospital, the doctor or paramedic of the ambulance will provide assistance and notify district polyclinic about your case. The next day, if necessary, you should visit the local doctor. Sick leave ambulance doctors do not issue.

Emergency care at the clinic

In order to relieve the ambulance substations, emergency departments have been opened at some polyclinics. If the local doctor can be called to your home only in the first half of the day, in this department your call will be accepted and serviced at any time of the day. In fact, this is the same ambulance, only serving patients in this clinic in urgent cases (when the condition is serious, but not life-threatening).

Thus, when calling an ambulance, your call can be forwarded to the emergency department at the clinic.