
What sciences does the methodology of teaching biology interact with. Modern methods of teaching biology

The manual discusses the goals and content of biological education, methods, means and forms of teaching biology in a secondary school. The ideas of developmental education, issues of ecologization and humanization, systematic and integrated approaches to the implementation of biological education, the development of a personality-oriented orientation of education, a materialistic worldview and an emotional and value attitude to the world, nature, society and personality are revealed.
For students of pedagogical universities. It can be used by practicing teachers and methodologists of advanced training institutes.

The methodology of teaching biology explores the content of the educational process in this subject and the patterns of assimilation of biological material by schoolchildren. The methodology is built according to the goals and objectives general education and education, is based on the fundamentals of pedagogical science common to all school subjects, taking into account the specifics of the study of biology, considers the problems of theories of training and education related to the teaching of the subject "Biology".

Methods of teaching biology - the science of the system of the process of education and upbringing, due to the characteristics of the school subject.

Science is a sphere research activities aimed at obtaining new knowledge about objects and phenomena. Science includes knowledge about the subject of study, its main task is to know it more fully and deeply. The main function of science is research. The subject of the study of biology teaching methodology is the theory and practice of teaching, educating and developing students in this subject.

Chapter 1
1.1. Biology teaching methodology as a science
1.2. The connection of the methodology of teaching biology with other sciences
1.3. Methods of teaching biology as a subject
Chapter 2 Short story formation and development of methods of teaching biology
2.1. The origin of biology teaching methodology in Russia
2.2. The beginning of school science in Russia and methods of teaching it
2.3. School natural science and methods of its teaching in the first half of the 19th century
2.4. School natural science and methods of its teaching in the second half of the 19th century
2.5. Methods of teaching natural science in the first half of the 20th century
2.6. Methods of teaching biology in the second half of the 20th century
Chapter 3 Contemporary Issues biology teaching methods
3.1. Goals and objectives of the methodology of teaching biology in teacher education
3.2. Patterns and principles of biology teaching methodology
3.3. Types of teaching biology
3.4. Technology and learning theory
Chapter 4
4.1. Basics of the content of biological education in high school
4.2. The content and structure of the subject "Biology" in modern secondary school
4.3. Components of the content of biological education
4.4. Goals and objectives of biological education
4.5 Mandatory minimum content of biology education
4.6. A new (competence-based) approach to the biological education of schoolchildren
Chapter 5
5.1. The concept as the main didactic unit of knowledge in the school subject "Biology"
5.2. The role of the content of concepts in the school subject
5.3. The theory of concept development and its significance
5.4. The system and development of environmental concepts in the school subject "Biology"
5.5. Methodology for the development of concepts in the process of teaching biology
Chapter 6. Activities in the content of biological education
6.1. Activity as a component of the content of biological education
6.2. Managing the mental development of students
6.3. Ways of activity in the content of teaching biology
6.4. Methodology for the formation of skills and abilities in the process of teaching biology
Chapter 7
7.1. The system of nurturing education
7.2. Education of the worldview
7.3. environmental education
7.4. Labor, aesthetic, ethical, patriotic and civic education
Chapter 8
8.1. Biology Teaching Methods System
8.2. Characteristics of individual methods of teaching biology
8.3. Choice of methods and their development
8.4. Methods of multimedia teaching of biology
Chapter 9
9.1. Learning Tools System
9.2. Visual aids in biology, their types and classification
Chapter 10
10.1. general characteristics and the system of forms of teaching biology
10.2. biology lesson
10.3. Excursion as an important form of biology education
10.4. Extracurricular work and its place in the system of teaching biology
10.5. Homework students
10.6. Extracurricular classes in biology
Chapter 11
11.1. Control and its importance in teaching biology
11.2. Types and methods of knowledge control in biology
Chapter 12 Material base biology teaching
12.1. Biology class
12.2 Wildlife corner
12.3. Training and experimental site

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Science is a field of research activity aimed at obtaining new knowledge about objects and phenomena. Science includes knowledge about the subject of study, its main task is to know it more fully and deeply. The main function of science is research. The subject of the study of biology teaching methodology is the theory and practice of teaching, educating and developing students in this subject.

Methods as a science are faced with the task of identifying the patterns of the process of teaching biology in order to further improve it, increase the effectiveness of preparing students as highly conscious, comprehensively developed and biologically literate members of society.

Based on the basics of didactics, the methodology solves the most important tasks of developmental education.

Unlike didactics, the methodology of teaching biology has its own specifics, determined by the content and structure of biological science and the subject. The methodology develops rational methods, means and forms of education for students to acquire knowledge of biology and the ability to apply them to

practice, to form a scientific outlook and understanding the value of life.

The methodology of teaching biology, like any science, cognizes the objective laws of the processes and phenomena that it studies. Identification of their common patterns allows her to explain and predict the course of events and act purposefully.

The main features of science, as a rule, are goals, the subject of its study, methods of cognition and forms of expression of knowledge (in the form of fundamental scientific provisions, principles, laws, laws, theories and facts, terms). The history of the formation and development of science, the names of scientists who enriched it with their discoveries are also important.

The goals facing the methodology of teaching biology lie in line with general pedagogical goals and objectives. Therefore, this technique is a special area of ​​pedagogy, due to the specifics of the subject of research.

The methodology for teaching biology is based on pedagogical provisions common to all school subjects in relation to the study of biological material. At the same time, it integrates special (natural-science and biological), psychological-pedagogical, ideological, cultural and other professional-pedagogical knowledge, skills and attitudes.

The methodology of teaching biology determines the goals of education, the content of the subject "Biology" and the principles of its selection.

The biology teaching methodology also notes that one of the most important goals of biological education is the formation of a scientific worldview among schoolchildren based on the integrity and unity of nature, its systemic and level construction, diversity, and the unity of man and nature. In addition, school biology is focused on the formation of knowledge about the structure and functioning of biological systems, about the sustainable development of nature and society in their interaction.

The subjects of scientific knowledge are various aspects, properties and relations of an object fixed in experience and included in the process of practical activity. The object of study of the methodology of teaching biology is the educational (educational) process associated with this subject. The subject of the study of the methodology is the goals and content of the educational process, methods, means and forms of training, education and development of students.

In the development of science, its practical application and evaluation of achievements, a fairly significant role belongs to the methods of scientific research. They are a means of cognition of the subject under study and a way to achieve the goal. The leading methods of teaching biology are as follows: observation, pedagogical experiment, modeling, forecasting, testing, qualitative and quantitative analysis of pedagogical achievements. These methods are based on experience, sensory knowledge. However, empirical knowledge is not the only source of reliable knowledge. Such methods of theoretical knowledge as systematization, integration, differentiation, abstraction, idealization, system analysis, comparison, generalization help to reveal the essence of an object and phenomenon, their internal connections.

Building a theory of teaching biology at school requires a combination of empirical and theoretical knowledge. On the one hand, it is necessary to rely on the facts of direct observation of the pedagogical phenomena of the educational process, the study and understanding of the experience (advanced and negative) of teaching practice. On the other hand, generalization, scientific abstraction of signs, facts and relationships, forecasting and constructing the positive aspects of learning, putting forward ideas for updating and optimizing the educational process are required. But the ideas put forward must again be tested by observing and comprehending experience, new facts, actions and phenomena. Without such a combination, the construction of a methodological theory of teaching biology at school either remains empirical and subjective, or leads to pointless theorizing. Only with the help of evidence-based means of experiment can hypothetical ideas and constructions be realized in theory and practice.

In the methodology of teaching biology, almost all theories are formulated based on a natural pedagogical experiment, approbation of ideas in the mass practice of teaching, in a close combination of empirical and theoretical knowledge.

The general methodology for teaching biology considers the main issues of all biological courses at school: the concepts of biological education, goals, objectives, principles, methods, means, forms, implementation models, content and structures, stages, continuity, the history of the formation and development of biological education in the country and the world ; ideological, moral and eco-cultural education in the learning process; unity of content and teaching methods; the relationship between the forms of educational work; integrity and development of all elements of the biological education system, which ensures the strength and awareness of knowledge, skills and abilities.

The general methodology for teaching biology is closely related to all particular biological methods. Her theoretical conclusions are based on particular methodological studies. And they, in turn, are guided by the general methodological provisions for each training course. Thus, the methodology as a science is one, it inextricably combines the general and special parts.



The methodology of teaching biology, being a pedagogical science, is inextricably linked with didactics. This is a section of pedagogy that studies the patterns of assimilation of knowledge, skills and abilities and the formation of students' beliefs. Didactics develops the theory of education and teaching principles common to all school subjects. The methodology of teaching biology, which has long been established as an independent area of ​​pedagogy, develops theoretical and practical problems of the content, forms, methods and means of teaching and education, due to the specifics of school biology.

The methodology of teaching biology is closely related to psychology, since it is based on the age characteristics of children. The methodology emphasizes that nurturing education can be effective only if it corresponds to the age development of students.

The methodology of teaching biology is closely related to biological science. The subject "Biology" at school has a synthetic character. It reflects almost all the main areas of biology: botany, zoology, physiology of plants, animals and humans, cytology, genetics, ecology, evolutionary doctrine, the origin of life, anthropogenesis, etc. For the correct scientific explanation natural phenomena, recognition of plants, fungi, animals in nature, their definition, preparation and experimentation, the teacher needs good theoretical and practical training.

The methodology of teaching biology is closely related to philosophy. It contributes to the development of human self-knowledge, understanding of the place and role of scientific discoveries in the system of the overall development of human culture, allows you to connect disparate fragments of knowledge into a single scientific picture of the world. Philosophy is theoretical basis methodology, equips it with a scientific approach to the diverse aspects of teaching, educating and developing schoolchildren.



The methodology of teaching biology as an academic subject is of paramount importance for the preparation of a secondary school biology teacher. In the process of learning, professional knowledge and skills of students are formed, they master the ability to teach.

The academic subject does not contain all the knowledge accumulated by science in the course of research, but only their foundations. They are specially selected taking into account the learning objectives, age and preparation of students. Unlike science, the main function of a subject is educational. The academic subject is not an exact copy of science. In the design of an educational subject, the desire to transfer to students a system of knowledge and experience accumulated by science dominates. This is not only a simple reproduction of scientific data, but also a generalization, clarification of concepts, systematization scientific facts and judgments.

The academic subject, taking into account its main educational function, is built according to a certain system. He integrates everything that is most productive, revises individual problems.

Methods of teaching biology - the science of the system of the process of education and upbringing, due to the characteristics of the school subject.
The methodology for teaching biology is based on pedagogical provisions common to all school subjects in relation to the study of biological material. At the same time, it integrates special, psychological-pedagogical, ideological, cultural and other professional-pedagogical knowledge, skills and attitudes.
Among the main tasks of teaching biology as a science are the following:

Determining the role of the subject of biology in common system training and education of schoolchildren;

Development of proposals for the preparation and improvement of school programs and textbooks and testing these proposals in practice at school;

Determination of the content of the subject, the sequence of its study in accordance with the age of the students and the program for different classes;

Development of methods and techniques, as well as organizational forms of teaching schoolchildren, taking into account the specific features of the biological sciences;

Development and verification in practice of the equipment of the educational process: organization of an office, a corner of wildlife, a school educational and experimental site, the presence of wildlife objects, educational visual aids, working equipment, etc.

The object of study of the methodology of teaching biology is the educational process associated with the subject "Biology". Science includes knowledge about the subject of study. The subject of the study of the methodology is the goals and content of the educational process, methods, means and forms of training, education and development of students.

The methods of teaching biology are as follows: 1) empirical - observation, pedagogical experiment, modeling, forecasting, testing, qualitative and quantitative analysis pedagogical achievements; 2) theoretical knowledge - systematization, integration, differentiation, abstraction, idealization, system analysis, comparison, generalization. Building a theory of teaching biology at school requires a combination of empirical and theoretical knowledge.
Methods of teaching biology in the system of pedagogical sciences.

The methodology of teaching biology, being a pedagogical science, is inextricably linked with didactics. The methodology of teaching biology develops theoretical and practical problems of the content, forms, methods and means of training and education, due to the specifics of school biology.
The methodology of teaching biology is closely related to psychology, since it is based on the age characteristics of children. Content educational material in biology becomes more difficult from class to class as the student's personality develops.
The methodology of teaching biology is closely related to philosophy. It contributes to the development of human self-knowledge, understanding of the place and role of scientific discoveries in the system general development human culture, allows you to connect disparate fragments of knowledge into a single scientific picture of the world.

Biology teaching methodology is related to biological science. The subject "Biology" at school is synthetic in nature. There is a big difference between the school subject and biological science. The goal of biological science is to gain new knowledge about nature through research. The purpose of the school subject "Biology" is to give students knowledge (facts, patterns) obtained by biological science.

1.The ideas of F. Junge and O. Schmeil, their influence on the Russian methodology of biology

Already in the early 60s, immediately after the appearance of Darwin's Origin of Species, a voluminous Zoology and Zoological Reader by Prof. A. P. Bogdanov - a student of K. F. Roulier and his successor in the university department.

In this book, animals were considered in ascending order of the zoological system - from lower groups up to and including insects (the author had to confine himself to the first volume, devoted to invertebrates); in the text of the book there were special articles summarizing the theories of Lamarck and Darwin, and on page 462, for the first time in literature (before Haeckel!) the author tried to give a graphical diagram of the family tree of the animal world.

On a biological basis and also in ascending order, the textbooks of the classic of our domestic methodology, A. Ya.

The so-called "biological method" of foreign authors. The first years of the 20th century were marked by major shifts in the field of school science. During this period, preceding the revolution of 1905, textbooks built on a biological, or ecological, basis already occupied a dominant position in the practice of teaching botany and zoology. However, this biological direction was not a single methodological trend, but came from two sources, different in their methodological basis, and was expressed in the form of the so-called “biological method”, which came to us from Germany, and in the form of a biological direction, which independently developed in Russian soil and which has just been discussed above.

The "biological method" is associated with the names of the German teacher F. Junge and prof. O. Shmeil. Junge tried to replace the courses of botany and zoology with the study of life communities, or biocenoses, borrowing this concept from prof. Möbius and developing it" by example school study ordinary village pond. The enthusiasm for this idea would be short-lived, since its implementation met with great difficulties, primarily in climatic conditions. Much more viable was the "biological method" in the form in which it was developed by Schmeil for courses in botany and zoology. Without breaking the established

curricula and programs. Schmeil unloaded his textbooks from unnecessary and boring morphological details, used taxonomy only as a way of arranging the material and put forward the autecology of organisms in the first place, and when selecting material for study, he gave preference to those forms that have more pronounced adaptive features (mole, seal, woodpecker, duck, ostrich, etc.).

Teaching from Schmeil's textbooks revived school biology, but the "biological method" pursued by him was fundamentally flawed, as it distorted the actual relationship between the organism and the environment. In his methodological manual, Schmeil did not hide his negative attitude towards Darwinism, and in his textbooks he diligently passed over in silence the relativity and historicity of the fitness of organisms. Deliberately picking up striking examples of adaptation, and in other cases resorting to obvious exaggerations, Schmeil steadily led students to a teleological idea of ​​perfect and pre-established expediency in the structure of organisms. And although, taking into account the trends of the times, he does not refer to the wisdom and goodness of the "creator", in ideological terms, his textbooks remain at the level of the "Spectator of God-their deeds in the universe." This provided the “biological method” of German authors with a favorable attitude from the tsarist ministry of education.

biological principle in the textbooks of Russian authors-Darwinists. On a different methodological basis, completely independently of Junge and Schmeil and, as we have seen, long before them, the biological direction developed in the leading Russian textbooks of the 19th century. This biological, or ecological, principle found a more vivid expression already at the beginning of our century in the textbooks of Moscow zoologists - prof. M. A. M e n-zbira and priv.-assoc. V. N. Lvov; A little later, a textbook written in the same spirit by Prof. S. I. Fire-in a. The publication of M.A. Menzbier's textbook almost coincided with the appearance of Schmeil's textbook, and therefore the author, a major zoologist and propagandist of Darwinism, had to dissociate himself from Schmeil's "biological method", which, in his words, "fell into a huge mistake, developing the doctrine of the connection between organization and way of life in the spirit of teleology. ... Therefore, - continues M. A. Menzbier, - if at first glance my textbook may seem similar to the textbook of a German author, this similarity should disappear upon closer acquaintance.

Thus, it is necessary to strictly distinguish between the "biological method" of Junge and Schmeil and the biological direction, which originates from K. F. Rul'e and developed in the works of Russian Darwinist authors. To use an expression familiar to biologists, one could say that in these two directions we meet an example of a kind of "methodological convergence", where behind a similar appearance there is a deep difference in essence, like the difference between a shark and a dolphin.

Zoology in the Soviet school. The biological (ecological) principle was also creatively perceived in the development of biological courses for the Soviet school.

2. What is the essence of nurturing education developed by V.V. Polovtsev. What method did the scientist develop and what is its essence

teaching learning biology

The content of educational material in biology becomes more complex from class to class as the student's personality develops. Excluding age features teaching biology will be either overwhelming or too elementary, not corresponding to the mental and psychic capabilities of the student. Children study biology from 11-12 to 17-18 years old. Therefore, in grades 6-7, the teacher uses several various methods, providing a change in the types of activities of students necessary for children of this age. In high school, a lesson is often conducted using 1-2 methods for the stability of perception.

The methodology of teaching biology is closely related to biological science. The subject "Biology" at school has a synthetic character. It reflects almost all the main areas of biology: botany, zoology, physiology of plants, animals and humans, cytology, genetics, ecology, evolutionary doctrine, the origin of life, anthropogenesis, etc. For a correct scientific explanation of natural phenomena, recognition of plants, fungi, animals in nature, their definition, preparation and experimentation, the teacher needs a good theoretical and practical training.

There is a big difference between the school subject and biological science. The goal of biological science is to gain new knowledge about nature through research. The purpose of the school subject "Biology" is to give students knowledge (facts, patterns) obtained by biological science. At the lesson, schoolchildren are introduced only to the fundamental foundations of science, the most important scientific problems, so as not to overload them with unnecessary information.

The methodology of teaching biology is closely related to philosophy. It contributes to the development of human self-knowledge, understanding of the place and role of scientific discoveries in the system of the overall development of human culture, allows you to connect disparate fragments of knowledge into a single scientific picture of the world. Philosophy is the theoretical basis of the methodology, equipping it with a scientific approach to the diverse aspects of teaching, educating and developing schoolchildren. The connection of methodology with philosophy is all the more important, since the study of the foundations of the science of biology about all kinds of manifestations of living matter on different levels its organization aims at the formation and development of a materialistic worldview among students.

The initial ideas about nature in Russia were obtained from the Bible and handwritten literature of predominantly spiritual content. In Russia in the Middle Ages, schools were created, as a rule, at a church or a monastery. The subject called "Physics" dealt with questions of natural philosophy. The lessons discussed the provisions of the naturalistic order - the structure of the earth and sky, various meteorological phenomena, the properties of inanimate objects, such as minerals, the properties of plants, animals and humans.

One of the first books of the 15th century, according to which children were taught in Russia, is a collection of stories "Physiologist" about real and fantastic animals. This work was created in the II - III centuries. n. e. based on ancient and oriental sources. In the Middle Ages in Russia and other countries, "Shestodnev" was popular as a textbook. In it, the author outlined the biblical story about the creation of the world, gave separate explanations of a naturalistic plan and provided geographical, zoological and botanical information about the diversity of animals, plants, and their properties.

In the 17th century in Russia, the work of an unknown Latin author of the early 16th century was very popular. "Problem". In this multi-volume treatise, the ideas of Aristotle and Hippocrates were expounded with great distortion. Another monument of this period, containing only zoological information, was the treatise "Bestiary". It is characteristic that when presenting the factual material about animals in the "Bestiary", in contrast to the "Physiologist", "Explanatory Paley", there are no moralizing comparisons and teachings. However, as in all the above-mentioned works intended for naturalistic enlightenment, in the "Bestiary" truth is very densely mixed with fiction without analysis and verification of facts, without correlating them with scientific data.

Significant interest for Russia in the XVIII century. presented the work "Mirror natural". The essay was a natural philosophy course for high school students. It included information about the structure of the Universe, inorganic substances, plants, animals and humans. The course was presented from the standpoint of Aristotle's philosophy, but knowledge about nature was very superficial and mixed with fiction, superstition and fantasy. Such a mystical and symbolic explanation of natural phenomena testified to the medieval level of thinking.

Thus, in Russia up to the XVIII century. naturalistic enlightenment was based on outdated medieval and ancient sources.

And at the same time already in the XVII century. changes in social and economic development begin to appear. The transformations did not arise by chance, they were prepared by the entire course of Russia's historical development. Peter's reforms were predetermined. Peter I moved these transformations consistently and vigorously. The state experienced an acute need for competent specialists. At the end of the XVII - beginning of the XVIII century. the first secular schools were created, which provided the initial practical knowledge necessary in an environment of reforms. In addition to teaching literacy and numeracy, schoolchildren received information on natural science, which provided vocational training necessary for geological surveys, exploration of the subsoil, organization of various industrial productions.

According to the school reform plan, public schools of two types were created in the cities: main - 5-year and small - 2-year. The subject "Natural Science" was introduced during the last two years of study at 5-year schools. Vasily Fedorovich Zuev was invited to work on a textbook on natural science.

In 1786, without indicating the name of the author, the first domestic textbook of natural science was published under the title "Inscription of natural history, published for public schools Russian Empire by the highest command of the reigning Empress Catherine II. "It can be considered that this year the history of the national methodology of teaching biology began. V.F. Zuev had to solve all the main methodological tasks of teaching a subject introduced for the first time (selection of educational content, its structure, style of presentation), to realize the goals of learning in accordance with the needs of society, to determine the methods and means of learning.

The named textbook consists of two parts (books) and is divided into three sections: "Fossil Kingdom" (inanimate nature), "Vegetable Kingdom" (botany) and "Animal Kingdom" (zoology). At the time of Zuev, plants were called "vegetation", it was believed that they "freeze through" in the winter, hence the name - "vegetable kingdom".

In the first part, a description is given of lands, stones, salts, combustible substances, semi-metals and fossils. The botanical part begins with a brief outline of the life and structure of plants, and their "cellular" structure is mentioned here, followed by a scientific description of individual representatives of the plant kingdom. Interestingly, the division of plants into groups was based not on the then dominant system of K. Linnaeus, but on the grouping of plants according to their practical significance for humans. The zoological part is also presented in a scientific way, with a very lively story about individual animals with elements of describing their lifestyle and habits. The book provides information about the structure of the human body. About the person V.F. Zuev writes: "According to the structure of the body, a person is an animal similar to other animals."

The textbook clearly expresses a primary interest in local material, although there is information about some representatives that are common in other regions of the Earth. This text is easy to read as it is written plain language with the involvement of interesting biological and practical (applied) material.

It should also be emphasized that Zuev managed to include in the school textbook, along with morphology and taxonomy, a large amount of factual material on the ecology of plants and animals, the environment and respect for plants and animals, i.e. information from the field of environmental science, which at that time was only at the forefront initial stage of its development.

Of course, this was due to the direction of V.F. Zuev. It should be noted that in 1783 he planned to create a work for the Academy of Sciences entitled "On the temperature of the body of animals depending on environment However, in connection with the survey of Russian schools and the work on the textbook, the envisaged environmental work was not written, but its content can be judged from the program preserved in the archives of the academy.

Fulfilling the order of society, Zuev includes materials of practical importance in monographic descriptions of plants and animals. For example, describing birch, he tells how to make good tar, using the example of linden, how to make bast from it, gives advice that it is best to make spoons for eating from linden and that it is good for planting in alleys. Such highly expressed practical material, useful for a person, was then very important, as it showed the great role of natural science literacy for a person in his daily and working life.

VF Zuev's textbook "The Inscription of Natural History..." has become the main and only manual for students and teachers in the study of nature. The content of the textbook, the style of its presentation rightly earned the high appraisal of scientists (the author's contemporaries) and methodologists of our day.

This textbook was both the first science program in school and the first methodological guide. It contains a number of instructions on how to carry out the teaching process (the author recommends building lessons in the form of a conversation), what visual aids to use, and how to organize a subject room. The scientist published a zoological atlas, compiled from 57 separate tables on thick paper with a format of 1/2 printed sheet. These tables have been widely used in the national school for over 40 years.

Zuev's textbook was reprinted several times, but it was not used for long. However, his role in education was very great, for he contributed to the development of a scientific worldview, contributed to the application of knowledge in practical life (i.e., prepared

students to life), developed an interest in biological knowledge, introduced them to the ecological characteristics of organisms living in different conditions, with the habits of animals, convinced of the need for careful attitude to natural objects of the environment. With these ideas, V.F. Zuev was guided in the preparation of teachers for public schools in the teacher's gymnasium.

Solving the practical issues of teaching natural history, V.F. Zuev identified a number of the most important problems of methodology: the relationship between science and the subject, the scientific nature of the content, the structure of the subject (from simple to complex, from inanimate nature to plants, and then to the consideration of animals and humans) , a monographic description of the objects under study, the role of natural and graphic visualization in teaching, the development of interest in the material being studied, the practical significance of natural science knowledge (the connection between learning and life), and finally, the relationship between teaching methods in secondary and higher schools.

Thus, Academician V.F. Zuev laid the foundation for the national methodology of teaching biology and is rightfully considered its founder.

A new word, spoken by A. Luben in the field of methods of teaching natural science, found a response among Russian natural science teachers. An active translation of Lyuben's educational books began, domestic authors in their publications used his methodology for organizing the educational process at school. However, soon the mass practice of teaching according to the Lubenov type revealed serious contradictions. They expressed themselves in the inconsistency of the content with the teaching methods at school. Valuable guidelines on the use of visualization encountered complete absence her at school. And training according to the Luben method without the object itself did not make it possible to properly organize educational process. In addition, in Luben's textbooks, as before, the main attention was paid to morphology and systematics (based on the books of K. Linnaeus), which also did not satisfy the pedagogical community.

These circumstances have identified new methodological problems - the correspondence of the content of the school course in natural science to the modern level of development of biological science and the correspondence of teaching methods to the content of the school subject.

The activities of the remarkable naturalist Alexander Yakovlevich Gerd (1841-1888) were aimed at solving these problems.

One of Gerd's main reproaches against Luben's direction in natural science is the unsatisfactory content of the natural science course.

At the time, all attention was focused on external signs living organisms, as a result, teaching turned out to be so dry that all interest in it was lost not only among children, but also among teachers.

AND I. Gerd is the greatest natural science methodologist of the end of the 19th century. His great merit is connected with the development of the scientific foundations of the teaching methods of this subject and the creation of textbooks based on the ecological and biological ideas of VF Zuev and Darwinism. He considered the main goal of studying natural science at school to be the development of students, the formation of a materialistic worldview and independence in cognition.

In the books created by Gerd, methodological works published in the journal "Teacher", as well as in his teaching activities, the advanced pedagogical ideas of developmental education for that time are clearly traced. Let's name the main ones:

the presentation by students of educational material about nature on an evolutionary basis, the formation of their "correct worldview";

the introduction of "ascending order" in the study of living organisms;

active development of independence and initiative of students in the process of teaching natural science;

use of explanatory and research approaches in teaching schoolchildren;

teaching children based on previously acquired knowledge;

direct communication with wildlife in the form of excursions, practical work and through demonstration experiments in the classroom;

mastering in elementary school knowledge "about land, air and water" (Gerd's triad);

implementation integrated approach to the study of nature at the initial stage of schooling (a natural-historical complex of knowledge about animate and inanimate nature);

substantiation of continuity in the study of nature from initial course about inanimate nature to the courses of botany, zoology

and other natural science courses in high school (physics, chemistry);

introduction of an ecological orientation into the content of the educational process;

changing the name of the course "Human Anatomy and Physiology" to a more general one - "Human" and its content, respectively;

The scientist believed that the implementation of the ideas of developmental education would contribute to the improvement of general education in the national school: "The ultimate goal of the Natural Science course in general education institutions is to lead the student to the correct worldview, in accordance with state of the art natural sciences". For Gerd, "a certain worldview" is Darwin's doctrine of evolution, which he actively promoted in Russia. Speaking about the formation of a worldview, the scientist emphasized that an understanding of the unity of nature "should not be imposed on the student," but can be achieved by a special system studying the entire course of natural science, which contributes to the development of consciousness in students.Gerd believes that demonstration experiments in the classroom, excursions and practical exercises are of great developmental importance.The scientist calls for giving students correct and, if possible, complete ideas about the world around them and the phenomena of adaptation.In fact, he substantiated the need to study environmental material in the course of natural science and showed the ways and means of teaching it at school.This is the conduct of excursions, practical work, observations on plants and animals, setting up experiments, using natural objects in the lessons.

Being influenced by the ideas of Darwinism and promoting the unity of the content and teaching methods, A.Ya. Gerd proposed a new structure for the school course in natural science:

and 3 classes - "Inorganic world";

class - "Plant world";

class - "Animal world";

class - "Man";

class - "History of the Earth".

The last course was supposed to present the history of the development of the inorganic world (the origin of the solar system, the formation of the planet Earth) and the history of the development of the organic world. The course ended with the teachings of Charles Darwin.

This plan is an attempt to build a science course on an evolutionary basis. It was embodied in the textbook of zoology excellently written by A.Ya. Gerd and " short course natural sciences" for schools where the study of natural sciences was limited to three years.

Gerd attached great developmental importance to teaching the elementary course of natural science at school. At the same time, he emphasized the need for knowledge about inanimate nature for the subsequent study of living organisms. Gerd believed that at the initial stage, the study of nature should be comprehensive (in the form of a natural-historical complex of knowledge about animate and inanimate nature). He translated his ideas into a textbook on inanimate nature. Initially, the textbook was called "The First Lessons of Mineralogy", and then was published under the title "Earth, Air, Water, or God's World". For this course, Gerd wrote a methodological guide for teachers "Subject Lessons", which was the first special methodological work in the course of private methods of teaching natural science.

Name A.Ya. Gerda and his methodology (except for "Subject Lessons"), as well as the name of V.F. Zuev, were forgotten soon after their death. Only in 1914, Boris Evgenievich Raikov published an article in the journal Natural History at School, in which he spoke about the naturalist Alexander Yakovlevich Gerd, the largest methodologist in Russia.

The first years of the XX century. are characterized by the active struggle of advanced teachers of natural sciences for the introduction of natural science into schools, for high level biological knowledge content and active learning methods. Profound changes in the economic and social life society, created new conditions for the rapid scientific and technological progress of Russia. At the same time, a specific feature of the development of the country at the beginning of the 20th century. there was a deep contradiction between the level of technical thought and the ability to implement it.

The creation of large-scale industries, factories equipped with new technology, the development of railway transport, the emergence of technology in agriculture - all this required the availability of trained, qualified engineering and technical personnel and workers, and contributed to the enlightenment of the masses.

Existing departmental educational establishments, low level public education did not satisfy the needs of society. Therefore, various private gymnasiums, real and commercial schools are beginning to open, which provide children with a broader education.

Under pressure from the public, the Ministry of Public Education was forced to revise the system of gymnasium education. It was compiled not according to the subjects of the natural sciences (botany, zoology, etc.), but according to the "dormitories of nature", i.e. by natural communities: forest, garden, meadow, pond, river. The study of "dormitories" was carried out in the first three grades of the school. It was borrowed from the works of the German teacher F. Junge. It was recommended to study nature during excursions, on walks with schoolchildren.

Friedrich Junge, being school teacher, became disillusioned with the method of A. Luben and began to look for ways to revive the teaching of natural science. The study of nature by "hostels", according to Junge, was a means of concretizing the idea of ​​the unity of nature. He wrote that students should study nature, and not memorize the laws about it, look for and understand these laws on the material that is accessible to children's understanding; in this way, children will learn the laws of living nature and rise to an understanding of its connections and unity. Junge's idea was accepted by natural scientists who took an active part in the development of school science - V.V. Polovtsov and D.N. Kaigorodov, but each of them took from Junge different aspects of his teaching. Polovtsov - the biological direction, Kaigorodov - the grouping of educational material, i.e. hostel idea.

Junge's ideas, positive for their time and oriented towards German schools, were transformed in a distorted form by Kaigorodov for the curriculum of natural history. It should be remembered that the climatic conditions of Germany and Russia have significant differences. In addition, the program was based on anthropomorphic, theological and teleological interpretation of natural phenomena. This was a significant step backwards for Russian schools with an already established natural science and biological orientation in the content of education. Under the pressure of criticism, the Ministry of Public Education was forced to revise the program of D. N. Kaigorodov. With the participation of a number of biology professors and methodologists, the program for grades 1-3 was revised in 1904. It was based on the scheme developed by A.Ya. Gerdom in 1787

It should be noted that Kaigorodov's program was unsuccessful in content, as well as in methodological and methodological terms, so the pedagogical community deservedly criticized it. However, the idea of ​​studying organisms in their natural environment, which Kaigorodov adhered to, turned out to be very fruitful, reviving school natural science. In this regard, botanists, zoologists, and soil scientists issued recommendations for teachers on conducting excursions into nature. Such material methodically enriched the study of biological and environmental issues of the course, marked a new component in the content of school natural science - biocenological. In 1907, the first domestic general method of natural science by Valerian Viktorovich Polovtsov was published - "Fundamentals general methodology science", in which the author outlined a holistic system of knowledge by methodology. The scientist described in detail the educational value of excursions and practical classes, substantiated and developed the "biological method" in teaching natural science. In selecting the content of an academic subject, Polovtsov suggests being guided by three principles (he called it method"):

The lifestyle of an animal or plant must be studied in relation to its environment.

To study at school, one must choose those organisms that give a rich biological material.

In his methodology, V.V. Polovtsov was the first to gather all the experience accumulated by many generations of scientists and teachers in the field of the theory of teaching natural science, substantiate and develop a number of methodological provisions. He first outlined a number of issues that determined the direction of research for natural scientists: the difference between a scientific discipline and an academic subject, the idea of ​​expediency in school teaching, the role of hypothesis in an academic subject, the study of evolutionary theory, sexual education, the system of training teachers, about what a natural science teacher should be, and others. As a botanist, Polovtsov actively defended the materialistic approach in explaining natural phenomena. He's writing: "

Designed by V.V. Polovtsov, the "biological method", in essence, focused on the ecological approach in teaching natural science.

V.V. Polovtsov believed that environmental materials contribute to the understanding of the causal dependence of natural phenomena and, on this basis, to the formation of a materialistic worldview. Polovtsov includes questions of the ecology of organisms and biogeocenology in the school curriculum.

V.V. Polovtsov distinguishes between materials of autecological and synecological content in their pedagogical meaning. He recommends considering the former together with morphological, physiological and other data on organisms, under the indispensable condition of acquaintance with organisms as living beings. To accomplish this task, the scientist advises to carry out practical work with handouts, experiments and observations. Recognizing the educational value of these environmental materials, Polovtsov notes that knowledge about communities presents a certain complexity, and recommends that they be studied at the end of the course or used as a generalization for repetition. That is, he shows a more correct approach to the study of materials about "hostels" in comparison with the recommendations of Kaigorodov and some other natural methodologists of that time.

Thus, at the beginning of the XX century. mainly by the works of V.V. Polovtsov, the environmental element began to develop in the content of school science as a means of educating children in a materialistic worldview.

What is the inconsistency of V.V. Polovtsev to the ideas of Junge and Schmeil

V. V. Polovtsov experienced a certain influence of the ideas of F. Junge and had a very negative attitude towards the idealistic interpretation of organic expediency by O. Schmeil.

V. V. Polovtsov considers it possible to answer only the question “why?”, leading to the establishment of a causal relationship and the relativity of expediency and harmony. V.V. Polovtsov implemented his theoretical principles of the methodology in a number of carefully designed manuals: “The program of school botany” (1894), “a short textbook of botany” (1914), “Practical lessons in botany” (1910), “Botanical spring walks and the surroundings Petersburg" (1900).

In the first programs, the main attention was paid not so much to the content as to the advanced teaching methods for that time. However, methods alone cannot ensure the communist education of the rising generations. The leader should be the content of the training, and not the methods of presenting it to students. In addition, there was a serious gap between the promoted methods, such as "research", and the means of their implementation. Thus, a survey of schools in Leningrad (1924/25 academic year) showed that only 50% of them had separate natural science classrooms, moreover, fully equipped for laboratory work it was only 3.2% (in 9 schools out of 206). It was considered necessary to conduct observations and research not only empirically in laboratories, but also directly in nature - on excursions. To help schools conduct excursions around the outskirts of Petrograd, 12 excursion biological stations were organized (1919). Later, the number of these stations was reduced for economic reasons. Many excursions have taken place over the years. For example, in the fifth grade, from 5 to 10 excursions per year were conducted, and in some schools - up to 20. Passion for excursions led to their reduction, since a lot of time was spent on transfers and transitions. Excursions were not always connected with the lessons, and the students received less knowledge than in the lessons.

Along with excursion stations, pedagogical biological stations were organized in Moscow by V. F. Natali (1918) and in Leningrad by B. E. Raikov (1924); In 1918, in Sokolniki (Moscow), B.V. Vsesvyatsky founded a biological station for young naturalists named after K.A. Timiryazev, which marked the beginning of the young naturalist movement. However, at the initial stage, the youth movement was not associated with the school teaching of biology and was even opposed to it, since any guidance from the teacher was denied. The Central Bureau of the Young Naturalists called for "giving the Young Naturalist movement into the hands of the Young Naturalists themselves." At this time, the dialectical inconsistency of the pedagogical process with one-sided enthusiasm for individual methods and forms came to light especially clearly.

Other an important factor factors that affect the target component of the methodology course are the extreme variability and objectively existing instability in the field of natural science education at the moment. In this regard, the goals of professional and methodological training include the preparation of students for the implementation of professional comparative analysis various pedagogical concepts of author's curricula, textbooks, effective ways of their implementation in the conditions of diversification of the process of teaching biology.

Finally, the course of methodology (as an interdisciplinary one) in the context of the implementation of new educational standards, existing and actively designed and implemented programs of basic and additional education is forced to take on previously unusual functions:

correction and integration of knowledge and skills of students obtained during the study of various blocks of the professional educational program;

assistance in drawing up an individual educational trajectory of a student in the system continuing education.

These new tasks undoubtedly require attention and separate research in the methodology of teaching biology.

However, speaking of a “new” methodology for teaching biology, one cannot limit oneself to setting updated goals. It is necessary to define a leading approach and group the goals into a certain hierarchy. Such an approach, in our opinion, is a psychological and methodological approach as the most appropriate for modern tasks set for educational systems. comprehensive development personality.

Selected methodological guidelines allow us to consider the theory and methodology of teaching biology as a special educational space and environment for individual professional and personal self-determination of students, a training course of development methodical creativity, and the student's personality itself as an absolute value, focused on freedom of choice and decision-making, self-realization. With this approach, the content loses its alienated character and is brought to the personal level.

Disclosure of subjective experience by means academic discipline"Methods of teaching biology" must certainly be carried out by students in situations of educational dialogue, game and project activities, real immersion in the educational environment of various educational institutions, as well as in solving specific problems that create a value-semantic field of intersubjective communication, a productive dialogue that develops the professional and personal experience of future biology teachers.

The methodology for preparing a biology teacher is aimed at mastering students pedagogical technologies oriented to the positions of kindness, sympathy and trust, the right of schoolchildren to make a mistake, the formation of the teacher's inner personal conviction in the abilities and abilities of students.

The practical implementation of a comprehensive psychological and methodological and personal-active approaches involves a multi-level design and analysis of the educational process in subject education. In relation to the course of methodology for teaching biology, multilevel design is:

the level of modeling and reflection of objects of knowledge, the isolation of which is due to the specifics of the objects of study of biology, its belonging to the macro- and microworlds and huge role abstract visualization in teaching; this level involves the study by students of the methodological patterns of using a biological experiment in teaching, the corresponding graphics and symbols;

the level of intra- and interdisciplinary integration of knowledge, the connection of theory with practice and personal life experience of students;

the level of readiness for the development of the personality of students in subject education, which involves the development by students of targeted methodological programs, the organization of developing training for subjects of the educational process, the creation of an emotionally comfortable environment in learning, the development of internal motivation for learning and adequate self-esteem among students, etc.;


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