
How to start giving bread to a child. When and how can you give bread to a baby for complementary foods, what products and what is not desirable for a child

Everyone knows that a child's body is somewhat different from an adult. And this difference lies not only in the different sizes of body parts, but in the features of the work. internal organs child. It's no secret that the basis of a baby's health is in his tummy, in the intestinal microflora, which is the key to strong immunity crumbs. That is why mothers try to carefully introduce new foods into the baby’s diet so as not to disturb the delicate balance in his tummy in any way. But if everyone is more or less familiar with the sequence of introducing complementary foods, then the question “when can I give my child bread?” can confuse many new mothers.

So, here are the basic rules of "bread eating":

  1. Children under one year of age should begin to get acquainted with bread at the age of seven months. To begin with, you can offer the baby special crackers and baby cookies.
  2. Starting from eight months, you can slowly expand your acquaintance and offer your baby bread made from white varieties of wheat. For the first time, the amount of bread offered should not exceed 3 grams, and by the year it can be increased to 20 grams per day. Often parents worry that their child is eating too much or too little bread. You should not worry, because the child is simply guided by internal needs and eats as much as he needs.
  3. You should not experiment and give a baby under two years old or bread with various dietary supplements, for example, bran. For the stomach of the crumbs, these experiments will become an unbearable burden, because it does not yet have the necessary digestive enzymes.
  4. Although freshly baked bread can cause appetite even in the most persistent little baby, it is still not worth giving it to babies under three years old. The baby's enzyme system is simply not yet able to digest the huge amount of gluten and oligosaccharides contained in the bread straight from the oven.

What is the benefit of bread for children?

Many mothers, especially those who struggle for a slender waist, are perplexed: why is bread so useful for children? For growing child's body bread is an indispensable source of carbohydrates and vitamins. Thanks to the aroma of bread, there is an active release of digestive juices, which means that the whole process of digestion improves.

Child allergic to bread

Do not forget that bread is a gluten-containing product, often containing harmful additives, therefore, children may be allergic to it in the form of a rash. The way out in this case is to exclude or limit the use of bread, or bake bread yourself.

Bread contains a large number of necessary for the body valuable nutrients, Its taste is never boring, thanks to which bread is an indispensable food for people of all ages, with the possible exception of only babies. Traditional Russian cuisine is rich bread and bread bakery products. According to statistics in our country, adults consume from 250 to 350 g of bread in a day.

What is bread made of

For many centuries bread prepared according to the same recipe, from time to time receiving minor additions. It traditionally includes: flour, water, table salt, yeast or sourdough. (Yeasts are microscopic single-celled plant organisms from the class of fungi, sourdough is a culture of lactic acid bacteria). In more complex recipes, it can include whole grains, sugar, molasses, fats, milk, whey, eggs and spices, making the dough rich and bakery products from this test are quite high-calorie products. In any case, the leading component in the cooking process of bread is a flour that is obtained from grain. The grain is covered with several shells that contain many essential nutrients - B vitamins, iron and other mineral components. In the process of obtaining flour, the grain is ground, most of the shells and the germ are separated from it, which form the bran fraction. In production of bread, as a rule, there is a need to separate bran, since they contain fats that are oxidized when long-term storage contributing to flour spoilage. The nutritional value flour depends on the type of grain and the degree of its processing. The less bran is separated from the flour during technological processing, the coarser the grinding of grain, the darker the color of the flour. Such flour is called the flour of the lower grades (wallpaper and flour of the second grade). Flour of the first and highest grade practically does not contain bran, so it white color. Therefore, the coarser the grinding of flour, the more valuable nutrients it contains. So, for example, in bread flour coarse grinding 4 times more iron than bread from flour of the highest grade. Useful ballast substances - cellulose (fiber) and hemicellulose - are also concentrated in the shells of grains and are largely lost during the production of flour. Therefore, the fiber content bread from rye and whole wheat flour reaches 1.1 - 1.2%, and in wheat bread premium grades is not more than 0.2-0.1%. The bread is complex chemical composition: protein level in rye bread is approximately 5%, and in wheat from 7 to 8.5%, but, like any other proteins plant origin, they are not complete enough - they have few essential amino acids - lysine and threonine, however, in rye bread there are more of them than in wheat. Amino acids are the building blocks of proteins. Recall that essential amino acids are found mainly in meat. Fat in bread little - from 0.6 to 1.3%. Main component of bread- carbohydrates - from 40 to 55%, which are represented mainly by starch.

In addition to the nutrients listed above, bread contains flavoring substances represented by hydrocarbons, alcohols, phenols, ethers and sulfur-containing substances formed during the fermentation of dough and baking of bread. peculiar bread has a pleasant aroma physiological significance- it stimulates the production of digestive juices and thus improves the digestion and absorption of the nutrients contained in the product.

enriched bread

In addition to the usual of bread, the food industry produces dietary and additionally enriched bread products. They are enriched with special additives - milk, soy, wheat bran, minerals, B vitamins, lecithin, seaweed, as well as cereals, seeds, poppy seeds, molasses, etc. These components increase the nutritional and taste value of the product, improve metabolic processes and digestive processes and to a certain extent are sources of some vitamins and minerals. Sometimes bread they do not enrich it with additives, but, on the contrary, prepare its special varieties with the restriction of some components. For example, salt-free bread(sodium chloride in it is 52 mg instead of 400 mg per 100 g); protein-free, the amount of protein in it is reduced to 0.7; protein-free and salt-free. These products are intended mainly for people suffering from kidney disease and of cardio-vascular system. Other dietary varieties are being developed of bread– with reduced starch content – ​​for patients diabetes and bread with low acidity - for patients with gastritis and peptic ulcer.

Bakery products

Bakery products are a wide range of pastry products made from flour, fat, eggs and sugar. With a lot of sugar and fat bakery products are transformed into confectionery - cakes and pastries. Confectionery is much more nutritious than bakery, contain a lot of easily digestible carbohydrates, fats, so cakes and pastries are much less healthy than bread.

Children's menu

In order to diversify and enrich the diet with nutrients child, with Seven months can be given baby croutons and vitamin-enriched baby biscuits, if he already knows how to gnaw and chew, and if not, then the biscuits can be softened or dissolved in milk or a fermented milk product Bread is recommended to be introduced into the diet with 8 months old age, starting from 3 g in, increasing its volume by the year to 15 g (1/3 of a piece of white of bread). Up to 3 years old age children are not recommended to give rye and freshly baked white bread, since the enzyme system child at this age, it is not sufficiently formed and is not able to break down incoming oligosaccharides, gluten, and their entry into the body will inevitably lead to health problems, primarily to work problems gastrointestinal tract. Also not recommended medical advice widely used in baby food bread with bran. Only a doctor can give advice on its use, taking into account the age and pathology of the patient. So, bread with bran is recommended to improve intestinal motility in case of constipation, as well as overweight children over 3-5 years old, but each option should be considered individually by specialists. children first-second year life, specialized products are recommended, balanced in nutrients, according to age, as well as enriched with minerals and vitamins. "Adult" crackers and unleavened cookies, dryers, bagels, etc. can be offered to children over 1.5 years old, for example, for an afternoon snack in an amount of up to 50-60 g. But be careful, many of these products may contain additives that can cause allergic reactions , such as peanuts, hazelnuts, etc. You should also not offer dry and crumbly foods to kid, which does not yet chew well enough, there is a possibility that he may choke on small pieces. Cookies, buns, gingerbread occupy an intermediate position between bread bakery and confectionery products. If in bread starch provides most of the calories, bakery and confectionery - fats and simple sugars. It is these products with regular and excessive use in the diet that can cause obesity. Confectionery products are products of a sufficiently high calorie content with a relatively low biological value, therefore it is recommended to use them in baby food in limited quantities so as not to overload the diet. child carbohydrates and fats. Therefore, it is better to postpone acquaintance with sweet confectionery for more late deadline, For example after 2.5-3 years, and give them in small quantities as treats. If, against the background of the beginning of the introduction of bread and bakery products in the diet your baby has: anxiety, flatulence or colic, stool disorders - contact your doctor immediately, as all this may be due to various reasons. Solve the issue of the causes of problems and further use of bread Your doctor will help you feed your baby. From one to three years amount of wheat of bread and bakery items in the diet child increases to 60-80 g, with good tolerance closer to 3 years, it is possible to introduce rye of bread in the amount of 15-20 g per day. Children 3 to 6 years old can get wheat bread in the amount of 100-120 gv, including pastries, and rye - 50 g. Quantity confectionery these two age groups should not exceed 10-20 g. Perhaps love and habit of bread already programmed into us genetically. It's so hard to refuse a piece of fragrant freshly baked of bread, buns, crackers, not only for children, but even for adults. Between meals, children can "intercept" bakery products and sweets from the table, thereby disrupting the diet, interrupting appetite and not getting enough more valuable nutrients from less tasty foods. Make it so that high-calorie, satisfying foods are not available for child without your help.

Syrup- a sugary product obtained by saccharification (hydrolysis) of starch (mainly potato and maize) with dilute acids or enzymes, followed by filtration and boiling of the syrup.

Many people cannot imagine their life without bread and other pastries. It is perhaps one of the most versatile foods. But what about adding it to the diet of bread and how much?

What is bread made from?

This product is made from different types flour with the addition of water and other ingredients (salt, baking powder, yeast, various seeds, nuts, and so on). It is received different ways: baking, frying or steaming. For the manufacture of the product, rye, wheat, corn, buckwheat or barley flour is most often used. So, at what age can you give your child bread?

Experts do not recommend doing this up to a year. The reason is that it must be thoroughly chewed, which babies cannot do. They swallow large pieces and may choke. In addition, baking is not a mandatory product in the diet. Eating bread is an acquired habit, a person can do without it.

Bread can be given to small children, but not any. You should consider the composition of the product and what benefit or harm it can do to the health of the baby.

Right Steps

So, from how many months do children give bread? Acquaintance small child you can start with this culinary product after 7 months. In complementary foods, its varieties should be gradually introduced:

  1. Drying.
  2. Biscuit.
  3. Crackers.

All these products must certainly be designed for babies, as manufacturers indicate on the product packaging.

In the process of introducing a new product, not only the age of the child is important, but also in what form it will be done. For example, you can give children's cookies, which dissolve in the mouth under the influence of saliva. Allergy to these products is excluded, because they do not contain gluten and are made from environmentally friendly products. In addition, when using such cookies, the baby will definitely not choke on the crumbs, which cannot be guaranteed when eating bread. But this does not mean that it is not necessary to control the process, that it cannot be allowed to completely push the product into its mouth.

When can a baby eat bread?

Are you wondering when you can give your child bread? With the advent of the first teeth, wheat crackers can be introduced into the diet, but not earlier than he is seven months old. From such complementary foods, the baby will only benefit, he will learn to bite food and scratch his gums.

Cookies, dryers, crackers, bagels are given to children only after preliminary softening in a mixture, juice, milk or kefir. Over time, these products can act as an independent dish.

Fresh bread can be given to a one-year-old baby with main dishes:

  1. Meat.
  2. Vegetable puree.
  3. Soup.

Do not know what time children can be given bread, and in what quantity? Many children love soup with the addition of small crackers or scrambled eggs with croutons. At the age of 1 year, the norm of bread consumption is 80-100 grams. In this case, the amount of white should not exceed 60 g, and black - 10-15 g.

Interesting! Our grandmothers and great-grandmothers had a tradition of offering bread to a child by cutting off the crust or wrapping the crumb in a cloth napkin. So they replaced the pacifier. AT modern life there is no such need, but some families still honor traditions and try to observe them.

Product benefits

When using this product, plant fiber enters the body, which allows you to normalize activity. digestive tract and metabolism. But this does not mean that bread should be given to children under one year old; at this age, excess fiber can interfere with the absorption of iron and cause anemia.

Harm baking

Dietary fiber provokes colitis and intestinal inflammation. Rye black bread contains 7% fiber, and white - 3%. It is for this reason that experts advise starting acquaintance with the product only at the age of one, and not earlier. Moreover, the introduction of complementary foods does not affect this in any way.

Many manufacturers add thermo yeast and baking powder when mixing the composition. This helps to reduce the time for the “ripening” of the dough, and the second ingredient is responsible for the splendor of the finished product. Thermo yeast after entering the child's body begin to take away from it useful vitamins and trace elements, using them for their own growth. Therefore, it is recommended to purchase bakery products from trusted manufacturers, but it is better to bake them yourself.

What kind of bread can be given to children?

First of all, it is bread baked from first-class wheat flour. Ideally, you should bake it yourself at home. Only in this case, you can be completely sure of the quality of the product and that it does not contain harmful impurities.

If this is not possible, and you have to buy bread in a supermarket, then you need to pay attention to its freshness and integrity. In addition, it is important that the product does not have dents or burnt spots. Not recommended to buy for a child young age loaves, it is better to give preference to the usual "brick".

At what age can you give bread to a child? For babies who are not yet a year old, pick up only wheat products High Quality, then you can gradually introduce a rye product. Bread with bran can be tasted no earlier than two or three years, since cereals in the body of young children are poorly digested and can disrupt digestion.

Important! Babies should never be given freshly baked products! They contain a lot of gluten, which can disrupt the digestive system.

It is equally important to know how to give bread to a child. For the first feeding, the product should be softened by soaking in mother's milk or a mixture. This moment must be observed, since small children still do not have a chewing reflex, and they can choke.

How to introduce bread into your baby's diet

Many newly-made parents ask themselves the question: “At what age can you give your child bread?” You can start complementary foods after 7 months with special cookies or unsweetened crackers for babies. As for bread specifically, experts do not recommend giving it earlier than a year old, the only exception is a home-made product or bought in a trusted bakery. But the age of the child must be more than 8 months.

It is important not only at what age children are given bread, but also how they do it. The first portion is recommended to be given at the beginning of the day, so that it is possible to track the body's reaction to a new product. A piece should not be more than three grams. If the baby reacted to new food well, then after two days the portion can be gradually increased. A child is allowed to eat 20 grams of bread per year. This product should be given for lunch in addition to soup or vegetable puree. In the process of increasing the portion, it can be added to breakfast and afternoon tea.

The child does not want to eat bread

Sometimes it happens that parents are tormented by the question of how much bread can be given to a child, and after a test, he refuses it. Or, for example, a baby happily starts eating pastries as a separate product, but does not want to combine it with the main dish. Adults in this situation begin to insist, swear, although there is nothing wrong with that.

If the child has sufficient body weight and eats up with the first and second courses, then you should not force him, let him eat as he likes. Food is supplemented with bread for a feeling of satiety. And from those 2-3 pieces that he is supposed to eat, you can make croutons for soup (again, if the baby does not mind) or put on sandwiches.

Many adults are wondering how many months you can give your child bread, but you should understand that not all children love it. There is nothing wrong with the fact that he completely refuses a bakery product. He can get the necessary dose of “floury” carbohydrates from pancakes, pies and other baked goods.

First of all, parents need to understand what caused such a dislike for this product. The reason may be an allergic reaction to the gluten protein found in wheat grains.

If the reason is not health, but whims, then you need to try to draw the child's attention to food. It is very easy to make - show your imagination when serving. For example, all the little ones are enthusiastic about small sandwiches in the form of canapes. They can be built from bread crumb toasted in a toaster and cut into a shape. different figures(stars, rhombuses, squares, triangles, etc.). From above, you can add melted cheese, spread liver pate, put crushed yolk with a spoonful of sour cream and herbs.

Child allergy to bread

Quite often, babies have baked goods. As noted above, this is due to the high content of gluten and other additives in the product. In addition, such a reaction can occur to yeast, not only in children, but also in adults.

If a child has an allergy to a product bought in a store, it should be replaced with bread baked at home. In this case, you can choose absolutely any flour from the huge assortment presented on the shelves of supermarkets.

Allergy to bread can manifest itself in different ways:

  1. Constipation or diarrhea.
  2. Eruptions on the skin.
  3. Flatulence.
  4. Whims, sleep deprivation.
  5. Puffiness.
  6. Nausea and vomiting.

The rate of occurrence of reactions is individual - from several hours to several days. Often the body reacts to grains such as wheat, rye, barley and oats. Porridges from these grains also cause allergies.

Getting rid of allergies

When confirming the diagnosis, bread should be completely excluded from children's diet. To relieve symptoms, doctors prescribe medical preparations:

  1. Antihistamines("Zodak", "Fenistil", "Zirtek", "Suprastin").
  2. Bronchodilator.
  3. Anti-inflammatory.
  4. Immunostimulants.
  5. Plentiful drink.


It is generally accepted that bread is the head of everything, but, as you can see, this is not always the case. We decided to study in detail the information about how many months you can give your child bread? They did the right thing, because there is no need to rush in this matter. New flour products should be introduced into the baby's diet gradually and with caution. And do not worry if the baby completely refuses bread, listen to him. If the baby is provided good nutrition, then he will get all the necessary elements anyway.

Bread is the most famous and widespread food product; a meal in adults is rarely complete without it. Is it necessary to give bread to a child, if so, what kind of bread and when to start? Let's try to find answers to these questions.

The composition of different types of bread in 100 g

white wheat Wheat with bran black rye Baton


kcal 235 248 174 262 275
Proteins, g 7,6 8,8 6,6 7,5 9,1
Fats, g 0,8 3,4 1,2 2,9 1,2
Carbohydrates, g 49 47,8 33,4 51,4 55,7
Water, g 37,8 37,7 47 34 32,1
Fiber, g 2,7 4 8,3 2,5 2,2
Potassium, mg 93 227 245 92 120
Sodium, mg 491 486 610 427 536
Calcium, mg 20 74 35 19 86
Phosphorus, mg 65 185 158 65 97
Magnesium, mg 14 82 47 13 26
Vitamin PP, mg 3,1 4,4 2,7 3.0 4,6
Lutein, mcg 54
Choline, mg 37,8 18,7 60 53 14,6
Vitamin B1, mg 0,11 0,4 0,18 0,1 0,6
Vitamin B2, mg 0,03 0,3 0,08 0,03 0,3
Pantothenic acid, mg 0,19 0,54 0,6 0,3 0,4
Vitamin B6, mg 0,087 0,18 0,17 0,15 0,03
Folic acid, mcg 22,5 161 30 28 165
Biotin, mcg 1,24 1,8 1,7 1,84
Vitamin E, mg 1,1 0,32 1,4 1,7 0,3
Vitamin K, mcg 1,3 0,2
Vitamin A, mcg 1
Beta-carotene, mg 0,006 0,01
Iron, mg 1,1 3,1 3,9 1,2 2,6
Zinc, mg 0,526 1,4 1,2 0,74 0,84
Iodine, mcg 3,2 5,6
Copper, mcg 80 221 220 135 169
Manganese, mg 0,45 1,7 1,6 0,837 0,5
Fluorine, mcg 14,5 35
Chromium, mcg 1,6 2,7 2,2
Molybdenum, mcg 10,6 8 13,6
Selenium, mcg 6 31 5 27,1

The healthiest bread

The bread is different high content proteins, carbohydrates and B vitamins. Bread - high-calorie product. The higher the grade of flour from which the bread is made, the less vitamins and fiber it contains, and the more calories and carbohydrates it contains.

More useful for adults Rye bread, and bread made from wheat or rye with bran. Excess in the diet of bread from premium flour leads to excess weight and caries. White wheat bread made from premium flour is not considered a healthy product.

For young children, these statements are also true. But bread with bran is difficult for them to digest and assimilate. Therefore, bread with bran should not be introduced into the diet of a child under three years old.

Real bread is not given to a child under one year old, because babies do not know how to chew it and it is difficult to digest.

baby biscuits

But the manufacturers took care of the kids baby food. There are special baby cookies for children. Children's cookies are distinguished by a delicate and soft texture, they dissolve in the mouth under the action of saliva, they do not need to be chewed.

There are baby cookies for kids different ages. For children under 1 year old, it should not contain eggs. The composition of cookies for babies under 1 year old may include flour, sugar, vegetable oil, milk or milk formula, fruit additives. Manufacturers additionally enrich children's cookies with vitamins.

Acquaintance with the composition of biscuits immediately makes it clear that children's biscuits are not a healthy product. Easily digestible carbohydrates clearly predominate in the composition. Abuse of them leads to overweight, caries, metabolic disorders.

Baby cookies are not a product that you cannot do without. This is a delicacy. It can be included in the baby's diet 2-3 times a week, or you can not include it at all. You can mix it with cottage cheese and fruit puree.

Children's cookies are produced by: Heinz, Hipp, Baby, Samper, Agusha, Fleur Alpin and others. Biscuits made from flour, sugar and vegetable oil Manufacturers recommend kids from 5 months.

The number of children's cookies should be limited in babies under 1 year of age no more than 50 g per day.

If a child under 1 year old does not try cookies, it will be useful to him, and will not harm him at all.

When can you give bread to a child

Some moms can't wait to give bread to their baby. They try to soak it and add crumbs to the diet.

But bread and ordinary cookies may contain yeast, fillers, baking powder, flavorings. They can cause allergies in children, irritation of the gastrointestinal tract, increased gas formation, stool disorders, both diarrhea and constipation. Therefore, up to 1 year it is better to limit yourself to children's cookies.

Crackers, ordinary cookies, bread crumbs can be given to a child from 1 year old, after soaking them in some liquid. Add bread crumb to soup, soak crackers or biscuits in tea.
If you decide to give your child bread for the first time, it is better to start with wheat, the highest grade, it has a more delicate structure. And only when the child gets used to it, try rye bread.

The amount of bread in the diet should be small: 1 cracker or 1-2 cookies or 1 slice of bread per day.

Bread as a bite to the main course, as an adult, a child can be given when he learns to chew well from one and a half to two years.

How much bread can you give a child?

  • From a year to three years, cookies and bread can be given to a child daily, in a small amount (50-80 g per day).
  • Preschoolers - 80-120 g daily,
  • Junior schoolchildren - 100-140 g daily.
  • From 10 years and older - 140-200 g daily.

Sandwiches and buns at every meal clearly do not fit into these recommendations.

Bread with bran for a child

  • Children under 3 years old should not be given bread with bran, it has a rough texture and can cause digestive disorders in the child.
  • From 3 to 5 years old bread with bran can be given up to 50 g per day.

The child does not eat bread What to do?

Do not worry, his health will not suffer from this. If the child regularly eats porridge, with it he will receive enough B vitamins. If the child does not eat bread, but eats all the other recommended by age food products- His food will be complete.

Although they say Bread is the head of everything. Modern child, and even an adult, can live without bread, without harming their health, if the diet contains: vegetables, fruits, cereals, meat, fish, dairy products.

It's all about bread for a child. Stay healthy!

What kind of bread to choose and when to start introducing the child to bread?

The first acquaintance of the baby with bakery products is recommended to start no earlier than seven-month age.

What does it have to be baby cookies, drying or crackers. regular bread at this age it is too early to give.

Such products marked "for children" do not contain substances that can cause allergies. And drying and crackers will help the baby learn to chew, and also allow the gums to honor during teething.

It is advised to start complementary foods with white bread, while it is not advised to give black bread to a baby up to a year old. It is better to give bread to crumbs along with the main dish.

Until the age of three, the child should not be given freshly baked, as well as rye bread. Such products contain substances that are difficult for the children's gastrointestinal tract to digest.

How much bread should a child eat before and after a year?

The first servings of bread should be about 3 grams.

Already in a year, the norm increases to 20 grams. And after a year - up to 80-100 grams.

Benefit and harm

Bread contains vitamins of groups B and PP, as well as many useful substances such as iron, magnesium, phosphorus, calcium, potassium and others.

In moderation, thanks to the plant fiber it contains, bread helps to improve bowel function.

But at the same time, a large amount of the same fiber can worsen the work of the gastrointestinal tract, cause colic in a child. Also, bread can cause fermentation processes in the stomach, which will lead to flatulence (increased gas formation) and the same colic.

What bread products are not advisable for young children to give?

It is not advisable for children up to a year old to give black bread, since it contains much more vegetable fiber than white bread, so it will be difficult for the baby's body to overdo this product.

It is also forbidden to give whole wheat bread, bread with bran, fresh pastries.

It is also not advised to give rich sweet buns and similar pastries, which, rather, can be classified as confectionery. Such products do not bring any benefit to the child's body, and can provoke the appearance excess weight The child has.

As a first acquaintance with bread, you can not give products with various additives - seeds, nuts, spices. The baby may show allergic reaction for such a product.