
How to have strong immunity from all diseases. Strong immunity

Immunity is the outpost of health. Immunity or the immune system is the system of the body that protects it from all foreign factors from the outside and controls the destruction of obsolete and failed own cells.

Therefore, immunity should be strengthened, maintained and constant prevention of diseases should be carried out, especially during the off-season. After all, the immune system performs a special function that is not characteristic of any other system - protection and preservation healthy body. And, although the safety margin of immunity is quite large, it is not worth postponing the solution of problems, since the consequences can be the most unforeseen.

What leads to a decrease in immunity

Health problems usually do not occur on empty place. They are provoked by some factors depending and independent of the person. First of all, bad habits, an unhealthy lifestyle, and the state of the environment negatively affect immunity:

  • Bad ecology. Water, air, insecticides, herbicides, radionuclides. Our grandparents lived in the best environmental conditions, so they did not catch a cold from an open window and did not “catch” a sore throat from a sip of cold water.
  • Nutrition. Low-quality, artificial, pickled food containing more than 1000 types of preservatives, stabilizers, dyes, baking powder, etc. Products with high content sugars weaken the immune system. Drinks that break constancy internal environment: sour, sweet, effervescent, with sugar substitutes. They poison aquatic environment cellular and intercellular spaces, destroying immunity.
  • In women, a crushing blow to the immune system deals starvation and perpetual diets. Immunity is adversely affected by both overweight and underweight. So don't starve or overeat.
  • Antibiotics. Latest Research German doctors showed that any antibiotic, even if it is used for its intended purpose, lowers the body's immunity by 50-75 percent. Therefore, advice: in no case do not self-medicate and do not buy antibiotics “to your taste” in pharmacies, even if they are sold without a prescription!
  • stress, they cannot be avoided - they must be able to resist.
  • Physical and mental overload.
  • Viral infections, microbes, bacteria. AT recent times there is increased aggression parallel world, even bacteria that were previously considered opportunistic pathogens began to show aggressiveness. Microbiologists have calculated that an ordinary kitchen sponge contains about 320 million pathogenic bacteria, of which approximately 3,000 bacteria end up on the hands and then into the mouth. This number of microorganisms may be enough for the development of the disease.
  • Chronic sleep deprivation. If you are not getting enough sleep, be sure to correct it, because a healthy, healing sleep is so important for the body.

If you began to notice that you constantly feel bad, catch a cold and get sick only from the fact that someone nearby sneezed or coughed, it means that in your immune system There has been a breakdown. Decreased immunity can be determined by several signs:

  • frequent colds, SARS and acute respiratory infections;
  • constant feeling of fatigue and weakness;
  • sleep problems (insomnia or chronic lack of sleep);
  • apathy, unwillingness to do even what you love;
  • headaches, aching joints and muscles;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • allergic reactions, which in normal condition are not characteristic;
  • problems with the gastrointestinal tract;
  • a sharp deterioration in the condition of the skin, hair and nails.

Low immunity does not contribute to an active and fulfilling lifestyle. Every system in the body is affected...

How to boost and strengthen immunity

Strengthening immunity is a simple task, therefore, a systematic approach is needed.

  • First of all, you need to give up bad habits or reduce them to a minimum;
  • The next step is to review the diet. Nutrition should be complete, with a high content of vegetables and fruits.
  • The body's defenses and immunity depend on human activity. This does not mean that you have to study all day long. gym or without stopping to do any exercises. It is important to include in your daily schedule morning exercises- 10-15 minutes is enough for the body to get a boost of energy for the whole day. In addition, you need to try to find time for hiking and outdoor recreation. For those who live above the 3rd floor, it will be useful to refuse the elevator, if health permits. You can also leave on your way to work. public transport one stop earlier (of course, if distance and weather permit). So the body will receive the load it needs, which will positively affect the immune system and physical form generally.

Healing properties have various herbs, it is most convenient to use them in the form of phytocapsules that do not require additional measures in preparation medicinal herbs, always at hand and having a balanced effective composition.

Capsules will help with increased psycho-emotional stress, during preparation and during the period of nursing after intensive medication or surgical treatment, to increase non-specific (including antitumor) protection during a period of reduced immunity (autumn, spring) and during epidemics of acute respiratory viral infections, often and for a long time ill with colds.

The herbs that make up the Altai phytocapsules "Strong Immunity" have pronounced immunomodulatory properties, activate the adaptive capabilities of the body, strengthen immune defense contribute to the normalization of metabolic processes.

  • Helps to stay active and healthy during the period of reducing the body's defenses;
  • increase the body's resistance to infectious and viral diseases;
  • accelerate the healing process for colds;
  • normalize metabolic processes.
  • If you suffer from rapid fatigue and chronic fatigue;

    Lidia Sinitsina valeologist, business coach MeiTan

Strong immunity is the dream of every woman. This topic is always relevant, but especially in spring and winter, when we are attacked by all kinds of viruses and microbes, and the body is deficient in vitamins. What is immunity. In fact, this is the ability of our body to resist all sorts of sores, very different. This is the foundation, the basis of our health.

Each of us has immunity, but its capabilities are different. Often we do not even realize how weakened it is, and write off frequent illnesses for stress, ecology, viruses and other reasons.

Your immunity is reduced and needs to be strengthened if:

  • you get tired quickly, experience a lack of energy;
  • you have a headache more than twice a week;
  • there is frequent aching in the muscles or joints;
  • your frequent "night visitor" - insomnia;
  • during the day you suffer from drowsiness;
  • you get colds more than three times a year.

More about immunity

Immunity in each person can be both specific and non-specific. The first type we can get in heredity, with the genes of parents and other relatives. We develop the second type for ourselves on our own, throughout our lives, when our body finds the means to combat certain diseases (viruses). And for this protection to be reliable, our immunity needs help.

When we turn to professionals for advice, many doctors prescribe a variety of immunomodulators, but do we need them?

Ways to strengthen immunity

Fortunately, there are many others in the world alternative ways strengthening immunity. Here we will talk about them!

1. Outdoor activities. Highly an important factor to strengthen immunity is fresh air and active actions while on the street. It's a great idea to walk a few stops on your way to or from work. If you want to strengthen the immune system, your walks should be quick. It is important that the body feels a sufficient load, and the heartbeat accelerates.

2. Walking barefoot (on grass, earth, snow) is also an excellent method of strengthening immunity. They are extremely useful for everyone who is not one of those people who get sick by walking on a cold floor. For example, Hollywood star Diane Keaton, in her fifties, sometimes loves to walk barefoot through the streets of New York, ignoring the dirty sidewalks. After some time of walking active points on the heels are activated, normalize the work of not only the immune system, but the body as a whole.

3. The notorious hardening is indispensable in strengthening the immune system. Anyone who daily hardens their body, pouring cold water, this is clearly beneficial, and they themselves are aware of it. If you want to start hardening, don't start with an extreme hole dive! best time to start is summer. The most important thing here is moderation and gradualness. Start by pouring cool water on your feet first. Make the water colder and higher and higher up the body. But never take sudden steps, this will not lead to strong immunity, but to serious illnesses. Morning dousing with icy water helps women not only get sick less, but also rejuvenate themselves and their bodies. Do not forget that you do not need to warm up after such a procedure, it is better to just rub yourself with a towel and enjoy the effect.

4. Yoga is another remedy for immunity, "slow but sure." If you don't notice special problems requiring emergency treatment, but it still doesn’t hurt to strengthen the immune system, it’s time to do yoga! This is a rather complicated and unusual hobby, however, if you devote at least three hours a week to yoga, you are guaranteed to get rid of many problems. Your posture will improve, your muscles will become stronger, your figure will become more graceful. In addition, mood and well-being will improve, energy will appear, strength for new achievements, and insomnia will disappear. Many stars love yoga, including Sarah Jessica Parker, Cameron Diaz and Gwyneth Paltrow.

5. Good mood and positive thinkingmandatory conditions strong immunity. Without this point, nowhere, no other methods will work. Remember that people who have been ill and once defeated a serious illness did it not only thanks to pills and doctors, but also with the help of faith in themselves, their confidence in success, positive attitude and iron will. All these are the main factors of our life, without which we will quickly break down. And if you are lucky and you have a positive mood to go in for sports, harden and lead a healthy lifestyle, then your immunity will definitely be very strong, invincible!

6. Communication is a non-standard way to strengthen immunity. Modern doctors are sure that communication is a great way to boost immunity, although some consider this to be stupid. When we communicate with other people, we go out into the outside world, and it is full of viruses and germs. But if we sit at home all the time, in perfectly clean rooms, then our body gets used to it, and reacts extremely negatively to external stimuli. Most scientists argue that people who often ride the subway are less likely to get sick by catching the virus. And those who travel by their own transport, or generally sit at home, do not train their immunity daily, and get sick much more often. The first type of people has already formed strong immunity, while the second one does not.

All these recommendations will really help you achieve a strong immune system. But without proper nutrition you still have less chances to strengthen it. If for some reason it is difficult for you to adhere to a balanced diet, and you do not want to monitor the content of vitamins in the diet, then periodically take modern vitamin-mineral complexes. This will help your body resist viruses.

Folk remedies

Ordinary rosehip, containing a huge amount of vitamin C, has long been recognized as one of better ways strengthening immunity. To make rosehip tea, you must grind (for example, in a mortar) two tablespoons of dried fruits, pour 0.5 liters of ordinary water over them and boil over low heat. Boil the tea for five minutes, leave it overnight. You can add honey to the finished drink, so you make it even more valuable.

There is more easy recipe to strengthen immunity. You will need one tablespoon of raisins (preferably pitted), dried apricots and some walnuts. All this must be crushed and stirred, then add a spoonful of honey and lemon juice. Now, as soon as the signs of a cold approach, you will have this at hand all the time. useful tool. Take it one spoonful (you can take two), three times a day.

Use our advice, and strengthen your immunity, by any available and pleasant means. Health to you!

Pokidina Svetlana
for women's magazine

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The word "immunity" comes from the Latin "immunitas", it means immunity to various diseases and infections. Fortunately, over the millennia human body learned to resist many bacteria, viruses, infections. The forces that protect our body are called immunity.

A strong immune system is very important for a person. It protects it from many attacking viruses that surround us everywhere. So, microorganisms can enter the human body through the esophagus, through breathing, through any wounds or damage to the skin. People who have a weakened immune system often get colds because Airways is the most vulnerable organ. If you are one of those who suffer from a cold more than 4-5 times a year, then you have a weak immune system. With such an immune system, you run the risk of getting sick not only with a cold, but also with more serious diseases. In this case, you need to think not only about how to cure the disease, but also how to strengthen the immune system.

Good immunity important for both children and adults. The main task of each person should be to strengthen the immune system, because with good immunity, no diseases will be terrible. Good immunity and a healthy lifestyle are almost synonymous. So, strengthening the immune system requires some effort. But in consequence, immunity will reward you not only with health, but also with beauty and longevity.

The main components of strong immunity are cleansing the body, proper nutrition, and an active lifestyle.

It is in the first place, because in a "clean" organism there is no expanse and food for pathogens. To cleanse the body of toxins and toxins, you need, first of all,. Most of the problems begin precisely because of the contaminated intestine and the predominance of pathogenic flora in it.

After cleansing procedures, it is important to ensure that harmful substances do not enter the body, for example, pesticides, salts heavy metals, poisons, nitrites, carcinogens, etc. That is why it is important to monitor your diet and the quality of products. This is especially true for children because children's body still growing, it requires more nutrients and special protection from harmful substances. So, the diet should be dominated by fresh vegetables, fruits, berries, herbs, nuts. It is important to ensure that clean fruit gets on the table. If they are covered in wax, it is best to peel the skin completely. You also need to make sure that fruits and vegetables do not have dark spots- they contain a large number of harmful substances that can even poison you.

Water helps to cleanse the body. It is recommended to drink about 2 liters per day, this number is conditional, it depends on the age, body weight, living conditions of a person. Of course, if a person is thirsty, then two liters should not be limited. But, the water must be clean, maybe mineral, for example. Neither coffee, nor tea, nor juices count, you only need to quench your thirst with fresh and clean water.

In addition to proper nutrition and drinking, it is important to lead a healthy and active lifestyle. It is useful for children to play outdoor games on the street, adults can go to the fitness center. In addition, it is useful to engage in seasonal sports, for example, in winter during the New Year holidays, it will be useful to go skiing, sledding, snowboarding, skating, play snowballs, build a snowman, etc.

Strong immunity and cigarettes simply cannot exist together. Cigarettes and alcohol pollute the body, slow down metabolic processes, destroy cells and destroy good microflora. That is why, if you want to have a good strong immune system, then you need to quit smoking, limit alcohol consumption and reconsider your eating habits.

Health is one of the most valuable things in the life of every person. While there are ways to help the body recover from illness faster, one of the best ways to fight disease is prevention. By developing the immune system and getting rid of habits that are harmful to the immune system, you can improve your health and lead a healthy lifestyle.


body health

    Exercise daily. Moderate physical exercise beneficial to overall health. How stronger body, the stronger the immunity and the easier for a person cope with illnesses.

    Get out in the sun more. Many people have a vitamin D deficiency, which has a long-term impact on health. To increase the level of this vitamin in the blood, you need to be in the sun more often. Fresh air also will not be superfluous!

    Sleep at least 7-8 hours every night. Lack of sleep makes a person more vulnerable to disease. If you get enough sleep, your body will have the opportunity to recover and strengthen its protective functions. In addition, if you sleep more at the first sign of illness, you will be able to recover faster.

    Avoid cigarette smoke. Of course, smoking yourself or yourself is not worth it for many reasons, but even proximity people who smoke can negatively affect the immune system.

    • If you smoke, give up this habit.
    • If your friends or relatives smoke, try to convince them to stop smoking. Failing that, avoid smokers at times when your immune system should be working at full capacity (for example, during the cold season and during the season of illness).
  1. Cut down on caffeine and alcohol. Caffeine and alcohol will not cause harm in moderation, but their abuse can weaken the immune system. Remember that water is the healthiest. If you look to boost your immune system in other ways (such as fighting stress and getting more sleep), you will notice that you no longer need caffeine and alcohol as much.

    mental health

    1. Avoid stress. Stress, especially chronic stress, is one of the worst enemies of the immune system. Numerous studies confirm the direct link between stress and decreased immunity/increased incidence of disease.

      • Meditate or do yoga to feel calmer.
      • Address the cause of stress as much as possible. If any person or aspect of your job causes you a lot of stress, try to interact less with that person or do less of what you don't enjoy.
      • Work with a therapist if you need help dealing with severe or prolonged stress.
    2. Try to laugh more often. Happy people people who often laugh and smile have stronger immune systems. It is important to find what makes you laugh and allow yourself to laugh, even if you are a very sensitive person. This will be helpful for your mental health and immunity.

      • Find a comedy show or movie that will give you a chance to relax and laugh.
      • Watch videos of animals or children doing something fun.
      • Find a comedian whose humor resonates with you and download his or her podcasts or stand-up performances.
      • Read humorous stories and notes.
      • Spend more time with people who have a good sense of humor. You can even tell people why you seek to communicate with them more often - they may even be flattered by this.
    3. Spend time with other people. Socialization is good for mental health and immunity. It may seem that socialization is dangerous to health, since the proximity of other people and their germs puts you at additional risk of infection, but the benefits of socialization outweigh the potential harm.

      Communicate with animals. If you have social phobia, or if you live or work in a place with limited human contact, animals can replace that interaction for you. Pick up an active pet that will interact with you and make you laugh. This will give you added value.

    eating habits

      Drink more water. Maintaining the body's water balance with a simple clean water extremely beneficial for health and immunity. Drink 8 glasses of water every day. If you start drinking more at the first sign of illness, you can recover faster.

      Don't eat simple sugars. Sugar leads to excess weight, lethargy and can reduce the quality of the immune system.

      • Be aware that some drinks contain more sugar than you think. Look at the ingredients of sugary sodas and other drinks, as well as the serving sizes in each package, so you know how much sugar you're consuming.
      • Sugar or corn syrup can be found even in foods that don't seem sweet. Study the ingredients of processed foods and other processed foods so you know what you're eating.
    1. Eat better junk food options. The cinnamon rolls from the corner diner are not as hearty and tasty as the bakery buns. More expensive and better candies can be so tasty and expensive that you will be less likely to crave them.

      • Try to cook more often. A homemade peanut butter sandwich will contain less sugar and fat than store-bought ones. In addition, it will not contain unnecessary additives.
    2. Don't eat highly processed foods. Choose simple dishes with a minimum number of ingredients and with clear names of the ingredients. Frozen semi-finished products go through a long cooking process, and the end consumer does not know all the features of this process. In addition, these products may contain substances that can either harm or benefit the immune system. Know what and how much you eat. Cook your own food and be selective in your food.

      • Do not eat bleached flour products, ready-made breakfast cereals and baked goods. They don't have much useful fiber, but they contain gluten, which turns into dough in digestive system and puts too much pressure on the intestines. All this negatively affects the immune system.
    3. Eat more fruits and vegetables. To get the optimal amount of vitamins and minerals needed for health, it is important to eat fresh vegetables and fruits.

      Eat more garlic. Garlic has antibacterial, antiviral, and even anti-cancer properties. Although these properties have not been fully scientifically proven, there have been studies that have proven that garlic can help the body fight disease.

      • It is best to eat fresh garlic. Pass garlic through a chopper or chop it very finely and sprinkle it on cooked food.
    4. Eat protein. Protein-rich foods are also usually high in zinc. Protein helps the body function and gives it energy for the day. Regular consumption of zinc supports the immune system. The body absorbs zinc from protein better than from pills or plant foods containing this substance.

    Vitamins and biological supplements

      Take probiotics. Some gut bacteria benefit the immune system, so it's important to maintain the right gut microflora. Probiotics contain "good" bacteria that promote healthy microflora and help the digestive system digest and absorb foods more efficiently. The concept of probiotics is relatively new, and the effects of "good" bacteria on the human body have not yet been studied in detail. However, it is clear that the introduction of "good" bacteria helps the body fight "bad" bacteria.

      Take a multivitamin every day. Although it is better to get vitamins from food, multivitamins allow you to provide the body with a complete set of substances it needs.

Today, the word "immunity" is familiar to almost every person. However, not everyone knows what lies behind it. From the Latin "immunity" literally translates as immunity. Previously, this term was understood only as immunity to infectious diseases, but later its boundaries expanded significantly. It turned out that in the body there is a whole system that is responsible for "immunity" to pathogens of infectious diseases.

However, the immune system does not only do this - its functions include protecting the body from all harmful substances that have entered it from the outside, as well as from its own marriage - defective proteins and cells (for example, cancer cells). This is why the immune system, one of the most important systems in the human body, deserves special attention.

Signs of decreased immunity

  1. Diverse colds. If you get sick more than four times a year, constantly blowing your nose and sneezing, it means that your body desperately needs to strengthen the immune system. By the way, fungal diseases often begin in parallel with these symptoms, which can be very difficult to cure to the end.
  2. Constant fatigue, malaise, chills, drowsiness, headaches, muscle aches, bad mood - all this may indicate a decrease in immunity. If you have poor appetite or its perversion, you fell in love with something that you couldn’t stand in the spirit before (for example, sweets), then you also need to be wary.
    The next thing to evaluate is the condition of the skin. It is bad if various rashes and inflammations, boils, peeling, herpes began to appear on it. In addition, often with chronic processes occurring in the body, the skin turns very pale.
  3. The sudden appearance of swelling, bags or blue under the eyes are very serious signs of reduced immunity. Can talk about the same increased sweating, previously uncharacteristic, or change in sweat odor. With reduced immunity, our hair also suffers - it looks dull, thin, and may begin to fall out. Nails become uneven and thin, fade, exfoliate and break. Pay attention to the growth rate of nails, which may not grow at all instead of a few millimeters per week.

Another "bell" is an allergy. If you are constantly tormented by a variety of allergic reactions, then you should be wary. For other indications weak immunity refer often fever, syndrome chronic fatigue, infections and regular fungal diseases.
Nutrition for the immune system

Any person needs the smooth functioning of the immune system, and especially in the off-season, because at this time our immune system is experiencing increased load. Colds, temperature changes, lack of vitamins - all this depletes our body.

For the full functioning of the immune system, you need to eat a variety of foods that contain many vitamins. and trace elements absolutely necessary to maintain and strengthen the immune system. We present the most important of them.

Vitamin A. Strengthens immunity (especially the mucous membranes of the throat, nose and mouth). With its lack, the body begins to fail - the resistance to infectious diseases decreases. A lot of vitamin A is found in the liver of fish (cod, flounder, pollock, halibut), caviar, beef liver, butter, egg yolk, dairy products (milk, butter, cheese).

Vitamin B3 (niacin, nicotinic acid). Helps to cope with increased fatigue, lack of appetite, migraines, nausea. Flaw nicotinic acid very negative impact for restorative body processes. Sources of niacin are animal and vegetable products: meat and offal, potatoes, green peas, tomatoes, cabbage, cereals (especially buckwheat), brewer's yeast, etc.

Vitamin C. Powerful antioxidant. plays important role in metabolism, redox reactions and enhances immunity. Vitamin C molecules penetrate white blood cells, enhancing their resistance bacteria and microbes. Simultaneous reception bioflavonoids enhances the effect of vitamin C by 10 times. Excellent sources of vitamin C are rose hips and black currants, lemons, onions, sauerkraut, radishes, peppers, parsley.

Vitamin E. The most powerful natural antioxidant. It supports the immune system, participates in the synthesis of hormones, protects the cells of the body from damage, slowing down the oxidation of lipids (fats) and the formation free radicals. Vitamin E supplementation increases disease resistance in all age groups and is especially useful for elderly patients. It is found in nuts and vegetable oils, greens, milk, eggs, liver, meat, and cereal germs.

Zinc. Actively affects the immune system, as it is needed for the formation of phagocytes necessary for the rapid destruction of microbes and viruses that have entered the body. With a lack of this element, immune T-cells become less active, which means that the risk of catching a cold increases. Zinc is found in meat, liver, hard cheeses of any kind, shrimp, legumes, nuts, bananas, etc.

Copper. Supports the immune system in an active state, helping it to protect the body from infections. This trace element has a pronounced anti-inflammatory property, softens the manifestation autoimmune diseases promotes the absorption of iron. Copper is necessary for the normal process of hematopoiesis and the functioning of the immune system. It is found in bakery products, organ meats, cereals, vegetables, legumes, seafood (squid, shrimp), nuts, mushrooms, chocolate, spinach, cranberries, strawberries.
Immunity as a way of life

In order to help your immunity, you need to understand that protecting immunity is not a one-time procedure, but, above all, constancy and a system. Try to lead an active lifestyle - go swimming, jogging, morning exercises, hiking. Hardening has an excellent effect on immunity - dousing with cool water in the morning, cold and hot shower.

In the fight for strong immunity will also help good rest, relaxing massage sessions with essential oils (for example, eucalyptus, lemon, basil, fir, pine). And do not forget to laugh more often, because it has long been proven that laughter activates all vital processes.

Strengthening the immune system is also a proper diet and regular nutrition. Vitamins play a very important role here. and trace elements conducive to protection immune cells. In the cold season, it is recommended to eat more fresh vegetables and fruits, which improve the functioning of our immune system. You should pay attention and for fermented milk products. Many of them, such as various bio-yogurts, contain probiotics, which are necessary for work. gastrointestinal tract.

Of course, given the features modern life, far from always we manage to provide ourselves with a full and varied diet. However, this is not a reason to put an end to your immunity. Great helpers our immune system will become dietary supplements containing all essential vitamins and micronutrients. Practice shows that each of us needs such care and support.