
How to relieve ear pain at home. Painkillers for ear pain

One of the most unpleasant sensations that almost every person has experienced at least once in their life is ear pain.

Pain in the ear can be different: shooting, sharp, radiating to the head or jaw, aching, it not only instantly makes you forget about everything in the world, but can also be a symptom of many diseases with serious consequences.

The most common cause of pain in the ears is otitis media, which is an inflammatory process in the ear, occurring, depending on the circumstances, in a limited, diffuse or moderate form. A limited form of otitis is a consequence of inflammation of the sebaceous glands (furunculosis), resulting from mechanical damage (picking in the ear with a hairpin or stick).

This disease is caused in most cases by a weakened immune system and occurs against the background of diabetes mellitus, beriberi, gout, etc. The addition of a staphylococcal infection causes inflammation.

Also, ear pain can be caused by a number of other reasons:

  • Various inflammatory diseases (inflammation of the sinuses, tonsils, jaw).
  • Hypothermia, frostbite and burns. Sometimes ear pain can be accompanied by itching.
  • Periochondritis, which is an infectious process in the tissues that cover the ear cartilage.
  • Acute disease of the outer ear. If after bathing there is pain in the ear, it means that dirty water has got into the ear canal. The movement of the jaws leads to an increase in pain.
  • Furunculosis, which is a progressive inflammation in the hair follicles of the ear canal. When moving the jaws, pain increases. When you press on the hard process located in front of the auricle, a feeling of weakness arises.
  • Getting into the auditory canal of a foreign object can cause a serious inflammatory process. This is the most common cause among young children.
  • Sulfur cork. Too much wax buildup in the ears can cause severe ear pain, accompanied by ear discharge and hearing loss.
  • Mastoiditis. Severe ear pain may be due to inflammation in the mastoid cavity of the temporal bone located behind the ear. In this case, the pain has a pulsating character and is accompanied by weakness, deterioration in the general condition of a person, fever, hearing loss, thick discharge, and edema in the mastoid bone.
  • Blockage of air flow through the Eustachian tube. This disorder causes a feeling of pressure in the ears. In some cases, pressure in the ears can be associated with inflammatory processes in the sinuses, as well as with rhinitis and sinusitis of allergic origin.
  • Dental caries. The pain in this case is pulsating and radiates to the ear.
  • Ear injuries.

What to do if your ear hurts

You should not self-medicate for ear pain until the cause of their occurrence is determined. This can lead to complications, fraught with deterioration and even loss of hearing.

The most common cause of ear pain is inflammation in the ear canal. Most often it can be otitis media.

With otitis externa, treatment begins with the removal of the boil. To do this, the surface of the ear is treated with an antiseptic, and the boil itself is cauterized with iodine. This form of the disease also involves the local use of Sofradex for instillation of the ears. In order not to aggravate inflammation, during this period it is necessary to limit exposure to the street in cold weather.

Treatment of otitis media depends on its form and severity of symptoms. The earlier therapy is started, the higher the effectiveness of the methods used. To cope with the disease as quickly as possible with the help of drugs.

Paracetamol and Otipax ear drops are prescribed as painkillers.

To improve the outflow of pus from the middle ear and relieve swelling in the ear canal, nasal drops are prescribed (Santorin, Naphthyzin, Nazivin, Tizin). In some cases, antiallergic drugs are used for the same purpose.

Since the cause of inflammation of the middle ear with a purulent course is an infection, the patient is prescribed a course of antibiotics. After a small surgical operation to remove pus, which is performed by a doctor, quickly healing and antibacterial drugs are instilled into the ear. It should be noted that it is impossible to drip on the eardrum.

Amoxicillin is considered the most effective drug for both children and adults. In some cases, it can be replaced with Augmentin or Cefuroxime. The course of antibiotic therapy for otitis should not be less than 8-10 days. Interrupted treatment can provoke a recurrence of the disease and the occurrence of hearing loss.

How to treat ear pain at home

  • If ear pain is not accompanied by fever and suppuration, then the first thing to do is to keep the sore ear warm, while avoiding drafts and hypothermia.
  • The second necessary rule for pain in the ears is a plentiful warm drink and the introduction of honey and lemons into the patient's diet, which help to weaken the disease by increasing immunity. Honey diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 1 is used in the form of drops in the affected ear.
  • To get rid of pain in the ears will help alcohol tincture of propolis in the form of ear drops.
  • As an anesthetic, warming vodka and camphor compresses are used.
  • An effective remedy in the fight against the disease is washing the ears with a warm infusion of chamomile.
  • In severe forms of otitis media, a compress based on fresh aloe juice will help relieve pain.
  • Drops of essential oils (almond or clove) will help to cope with shooting pain in the ears.
  • You can get rid of pain in the ears with the help of crushed Kalanchoe leaves wrapped in gauze and inserted into the ear canal.
  • Onion and garlic have excellent healing properties for earache. These products are crushed, and, wrapped in gauze, put inside the diseased ear. A mixture of grated onion and warm butter is also used for ear compresses.

Pain is an alarm signal that indicates to a person a malfunction in his body. With otitis media, it occurs in an inflamed ear and can radiate to the temple, teeth, neck, and even the shoulder. The pain syndrome increases depending on the stage of the disease. It reaches its peak with purulent otitis media, as the fluid accumulated in large quantities presses strongly on the edematous eardrum. All this is accompanied by ear congestion, hearing loss and high body temperature. Sore throat, ear and headache with otitis media sometimes become so unbearable that a person is ready to do anything to get rid of it. What to do in this case?

Painkiller drops

The most effective pain reliever for otitis media is ear drops. They are fast acting, simple and easy to use. The only condition is that they must be prescribed by an otolaryngologist after the diagnosis is established.

It is important to know that most anesthetic drops are indicated for use only if the eardrum is not perforated. Otherwise, you can only harm the already sore ear - damage to the ear hair cells, receptors and auditory nerve fibers is possible, which will lead to the development of hearing loss or hearing loss. This is how the ototoxic effect of drugs manifests itself. Only a doctor can determine if a gap has occurred during a special examination. He will explain how best to relieve the pain of otitis media.

Most often, the following types of drops are prescribed:

  • Otipax, which includes phenazone, an analgesic substance that can relieve pain, and lidocaine, an anesthetic that reduces overall sensitivity. These drops are considered relatively safe, with a minimum of side effects, so they are suitable for pregnant women and newborns. To achieve the effect, adults need to instill 3-4 drops 3 times a day, babies will need two instillations a day.
  • Otizol, the rapid action of which is provided by a powerful anesthetic benzocaine and phenylephrine, which constricts blood vessels and has a decongestant effect. You can use these painkillers for otitis in children from 6 months. 1 drop is enough for such crumbs to relieve pain. For adults, the standard dosage is 3-4 drops. You can repeat the instillation up to 3 times a day.
  • Anauran - drops with a pronounced anti-pain and antimicrobial effect. Contains lidocaine and neomycin. It must be remembered that the simultaneous use of Anaur with some antibiotics (gentamicin, streptomycin) enhances the ototoxic effect of the drops. Babies under one year of age are not prescribed such drops.

Before instillation, drops are recommended to be slightly warmed up - when cold, they can cause dizziness and discomfort. To do this, just hold the bottle for a while in your hand. After instillation, plug the ear with cotton wool and lie down for 10 minutes with the sore ear up.

Remember that painkillers do not cure, they only relieve unpleasant pain. This is just one of the components of the complex treatment of otitis media.

Pain relievers

Often, faced with unbearable pain in the ear, a person forgets that the usual painkillers and anti-inflammatory pills that can be found in every home medicine cabinet also help to stop it.

Otolaryngologists for otitis media recommend non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs as an anesthetic. These remedies are good because they effectively fight pain and inflammation, are not addictive, have few side effects, and besides, they are not at all expensive. The group of such drugs is quite wide (about 50 items). But the most popular are:

  1. Paracetamol - effectively reduces pain. After taking the tablet, the active substance is quickly absorbed and enters the bloodstream. Its action is to suppress the action of prostaglandins - substances that transmit pain signals to the human brain. Paracetamol is available in the form of syrup, tablets, suppositories, drops and injection. It is necessary to give Paracetamol with obligatory observance of the age dosage of the drug indicated in the instructions, or prescribed by a doctor.
  2. Ibuclin is a combination of paracetamol and ibuprofen. Paracetamol blocks pain signals, and ibuprofen has an even more powerful analgesic effect, as it stops the synthesis of substances responsible for pain. Sore throat and ear, high fever, aching joints - Ibuklin will cope with such symptoms without problems.

Most parents worry about giving these drugs to their children. The World Health Organization has confirmed the complete safety of paracetamol and ibuprofen even for the smallest patients, starting from 3 months of age. In addition, they are produced in forms that are very convenient for children: all babies are happy to take the sweet suspension, and rectal suppositories can be administered even when the baby is sleeping. The main thing is that the mother should give the baby the medicine at the recommended age dose and no more than 4 times a day - otherwise serious side effects may occur.

Boric acid

The analgesic and antiseptic properties of this drug began to be used by people in the 19th century. Today, an alcoholic solution of acid is more often used - boric alcohol. This remedy is also very popular, especially in the treatment of otitis media; in terms of its effectiveness, it is even compared with the antibiotic ciprofloxacin. But the properties of the acid to accumulate and slowly excreted from the body require great care when used, especially for the treatment of children. How to use boric acid to anesthetize an inflamed ear?

  • You can drip boric alcohol (3-4 drops), after carefully cleaning the ear with a cotton swab dipped in a solution of hydrogen peroxide.
  • The best way is to leave a turunda moistened with boric alcohol overnight in a sore ear.

It is strictly forbidden to use boric alcohol in case of damage to the eardrum, injuries or abrasions of the ear canal, this can lead to hearing loss.

If there are no painkillers on hand

Many young mothers are familiar with the situation when the baby wakes up at night from severe pain in the ear, you can see a doctor only in the morning, and there are no necessary medicines at hand. How to relieve pain with otitis in a child in this case? You will be helped:

Warm compresses - they can be made from vodka or alcohol diluted with water (1/1). To do this, take a gauze napkin, in the middle of which cut a hole for the ear. Moisten a napkin with warming liquid and apply to the area around the ear. From above, insulate with a layer of cotton wool, wrap with a warm scarf and leave for two hours. The compress will improve blood circulation, help soothe and anesthetize the inflamed ear. As a warming compress, you can use a regular heating pad or salt heated in a pan, wrapped in a canvas napkin.

It is important to remember that camphor preparations, so popular with adults, cannot be used to treat young children due to their high toxicity!

  • Tincture of calendula - with otitis media, it is impregnated with cotton wool turundas and inserted into the ear at night. This plant is called a natural antibiotic - it will certainly help relieve pain and inflammation in otitis media, but only if there is no purulent discharge from the ear.
  • Geranium is a common house plant whose essential oils have unique pain relieving properties. It is enough to insert a leaf of this plant into the ear, and after a while the pain will subside. A compress made from mashed leaves and mixed with flour and alcohol also helps well.
  • Aloe juice - to prepare it, you need to cut a leaf of a plant and keep it in the refrigerator for a day - folk healers say that this will enhance the therapeutic properties of the plant. Then squeeze out the juice and, slightly warming it up, drop 3-4 drops into the ear. You will not only say goodbye to pain, but also stop the inflammatory process.
  • With otitis media, do not self-medicate, consult a doctor and strictly follow his prescriptions. Take sick leave and stay at home - after all, during this period, any load is contraindicated. Be patient and the pain will definitely subside.

Otitis media is common. The disease occurs in children and adults. It is diagnosed by a doctor, but even before visiting the clinic, the patient experiences severe discomfort in the region of one ear. Painkillers for otitis media help relieve the symptoms of the disease and alleviate the patient's condition for a while, while the medication is being treated.

It will be possible to distinguish pain from pain in other pathologies of the hearing aid if you pay attention to a number of signs. The main symptom, which indicates the beginning of the inflammatory process in the hearing aid, is an acute pain that does not go away. In some cases, the soreness of the auricles is accompanied by pain in the teeth. In addition, there are other characteristic symptoms:

  • An increase in body temperature to high values.
  • Purulent discharge from the ears.
  • Discomfort in throat, eyeballs, larynx and neck.
  • Sometimes symptoms are accompanied by nausea and vomiting.
  • Hearing function is reduced.

At the first signs of malaise, it is not recommended to try to cope with otitis media on your own. Moreover, such a clinical picture is accompanied not only by this disease. As soon as a person feels that he has become worse, you should immediately seek help from an otolaryngologist.

First aid for ear pain

If the pain in the ear caught a person suddenly and it is not possible to visit a doctor in the near future, you can relieve the pain yourself. First aid for otitis should be aimed only at eliminating the pain syndrome, while it is not possible to go to the doctor.

What should be done:

  • Take painkillers. They will help reduce the intensity of pain for a while.
  • Take pills that have a vasoconstrictive effect.
  • Warm up on a battery or iron towel and attach it to the sore ear.
  • Drop drops in the ears, but this is recommended as a last resort. If the diagnosis is not established, the situation may worsen.

With inflammation, the pain is intense. They interfere with sleep and lead a normal life. If the inflammation is not acute, then doctors prescribe medication at home. If the inflammatory process develops rapidly and the person becomes worse, treatment continues in a hospital setting.

Painkillers for otitis media in adults


Available in the form of drops. The drug has an antibacterial and analgesic local effect. Drops are prescribed mainly in cases where otitis media is diagnosed and to prevent purulent complications after surgery. Among the contraindications are intolerance to the active components of the drug and children under the age of 1 year.

"Anauran" is characterized by side effects that you must be aware of. These include an allergic reaction, including itching, peeling of the skin in the area of ​​​​the auricles and hyperemia. All symptoms disappear some time after the drug is discontinued. When using "Anauran" in small quantities, side effects were not observed.

You need to drip the product using a special pipette that comes with the drops. Twice a day, 5 drops are dripped into the inflamed ear. The course of therapy is no more than one week. For children, the dosage is recommended to be checked with a doctor. The same is recommended for adults.


Drops "Garazon" are used to treat ear and eye diseases. Doctors prescribe the drug for otitis media of various forms, conjunctivitis, keratitis, barley on the eyes, for injuries of the eyeballs with foreign objects, and for a number of other eye diseases.

Contraindications for drops include viral and fungal infections, herpetic keratitis, pregnancy and breastfeeding, tuberculosis, children under 8 years of age. It is also not recommended to drip for people who wear contact lenses.

The use of "Garazon" for the treatment of otitis in rare cases is accompanied by the occurrence of side effects. When instilled in the first minutes, there is a burning sensation, itching and other unpleasant sensations that disappear after a while. In most cases, side effects occur during the treatment of eye pathologies with the drug.

You need to take a position lying on your side before dripping drops into your ears. This must be done 3-4 times a day. After the instillation is done, remain in the supine position for a few more minutes. In some cases, doctors prescribe a tampon soaked in drops in the ear. It is changed daily, and every 4 hours it is moistened in drops. Overdoses happen in rare cases.


Doctors prescribe Normax for the treatment of ear and eye ailments. Its action is aimed at eliminating microbes from the inflamed organ. The spectrum of action of the active substances of the drops is aimed at eliminating the symptoms of otitis media, trachoma, conjunctivitis and a number of other eye pathologies.

In addition, Normax is often used as a prophylactic in the postoperative period, preventing the development of otitis media.

The use of drops is undesirable for children (who have not reached the age of 12), women in position and breastfeeding. Individual intolerance also refers to contraindications. Side effects after using the drug are rare, but if they occur, then more often it is Quincke's edema, itching and burning of the skin. Anxiety, irritability, sleep disturbances and headache also occur. Dizziness and fatigue are less common.

It is necessary to use the drug for treatment with the permission of the doctor. He prescribes the dosage of drops and the period of their use. With an overdose of the drug, vomiting, nausea, severe headache, dizziness are observed. Anxiety, sleep disturbances and diarrhea occur. In case of an overdose, drink plenty of water and consult a doctor.

"Ibuprofen" for otitis media

In addition to ear drops, you can relieve pain in otitis with the help of painkillers. Among these medicines, Ibuprofen is distinguished. The chemicals that make up the drug help to relieve the inflammatory process, and with it the pain syndrome. But Ibuprofen only relieves pain, it is not aimed at treating the underlying disease. Therefore, it is often undesirable to use it.

You need to take Ibuprofen with the permission of a doctor, or if otitis media began suddenly, and it is impossible to endure the pain. Ibuprofen also helps to relieve redness and swelling from the ear. Its positive effect in the treatment of otitis media is to activate and support the immune system. It is allowed to take it for adults and children, if there is no allergy to the substances of the drug.

Painkillers for otitis media in children

Acute otitis often occurs in children. It happens more often than in adults. This frequency of the disease in babies is associated with the fact that the immune system is not yet fully formed, and inflammatory processes are rapidly spreading in the child's body. In a child, the symptoms are more pronounced, and he suffers from otitis media more severely than adults.


The composition of Otipax includes lidocaine, it acts as a mild analgesic and helps to relieve pain from the ears during an illness. The drug is prescribed for otitis media during inflammation, with otitis media as a complication after severe influenza.

Among the contraindications are intolerance to the components that make up the drug, and violations of the integrity of the eardrum. Before proceeding with the treatment of otitis media with Otipax, you need to make sure that there is no damage to the eardrum. If pathology exists, interaction with drug substances can provoke a complication.

Bury "Otipaks" strictly according to the dosage prescribed by the attending physician. On the day you need to drip 3-4 drops from 2 to 3 times. Before starting the manipulation, the drug must be held a little in the hands so that it warms up. The course of therapy is 10 days without interruption.

For children, the use of Otipax differs in a number of nuances. Before use, the drug is heated to 40 degrees. Instead of pure drops, it is better to use turundas twisted from cotton wool and soaked in medicine. After Otipax is instilled, the ear canal is closed with a piece of cotton smeared in Vaseline. This will prevent the medication from evaporating from the ear.

There were no warnings and contraindications for combining drops with other medicines. It is recommended to store the medicine at a temperature not exceeding 30 degrees.


Otinum is produced in the form of drops of a yellow tint with a characteristic odor. The drug has an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect in eliminating the symptoms of otitis media. In an acidic environment, "Otinum" has, in addition, also an antimicrobial and antifungal effect. Prescribed in an acute form. Its use is effective for ear plugs in order to soften the sulfur accumulated in the ear canal.

Contraindications include asthma, damage to the integrity of the eardrum. It is not recommended to use the medication for pregnant women and women who are in the stage of lactation.

Among the side effects in the course of the studies, burning sensation after instillation and allergic reactions (itching, redness, urticaria) were noted.

Instillations are made 3-4 times a day, 3-4 drops of "Otinum". It is recommended to use the medicine for no longer than 10 days. If after 10 days there is no improvement, then you need to re-contact the clinic.

Nothing is said about the treatment of children in the instructions for the drug, but doctors sometimes prescribe it for the treatment of otitis media and other ear diseases. During treatment, "you need to take into account all contraindications and do not use it if the drops are not prescribed by the doctor. The same applies to other ear drops for the treatment of pathologies.

A sharp, piercing pain in the ear is often compared with a toothache. Indeed, when the ears hurt, it seems that the whole head is subordinated only to this condition. Of course, the easiest way is to turn to modern pharmaceuticals, with which you can cure the ear in 1 day. But what to do if pharmacy products are not available? How to treat a sore ear at home in an adult?

Briefly about the reasons

Before proceeding with treatment, it is necessary to find out what exactly caused the ear pain. The reasons are different:

  1. inflammatory processes. This reason is the most common. Inflammation can affect both the auricle itself and the tissues and organs located in the immediate vicinity. The most common diagnosis given to such patients is otitis media. Whether the otitis media is acute, moderate or severe will depend on the severity of the disease. Most often, the root cause is a cold, where the localization of foci of inflammation was in the nasal cavity or ears. Otitis externa sometimes occurs when the disease is caused by a viral infection in the bloodstream.
  2. The presence of a foreign body. It seems that this problem is not relevant for adults, but this is not at all the case. Of course, it is unlikely that a toy or other household items will get into the ear, but an insect is quite.
  3. With a sharp decrease or increase in blood pressure. Similar situations can arise when flying in an airplane, when swimming in a pond and in other cases.
  4. Ear injury. It can occur in a collision, impact or fall.
  5. When the ear plug is clogged, when the body fails to cleanse itself of decay and excretion products on its own.

The ear in such situations can hurt constantly or periodically. Ear pain may be aggravated by swallowing, as the ears and nasopharynx are closely connected. The pain may be sharp, shooting or aching.

Of course, in such cases, the help of a specialist is necessary, but if consultation with him is not available for some reason, then the condition can be alleviated at home.

First aid

If the patient is sure that the pain in the ear appeared due to infectious diseases, then you can help yourself with the following methods:

  1. Applying hot salt. For this procedure, you will need about 0.5-1 kg of salt, which must be heated in a pan. After that, the salt is poured into a canvas bag and applied to the sore ear. Heat will help relieve pain and quickly alleviate the patient's condition.
  2. You can also prepare a compress from boric alcohol. To do this, a small piece of gauze is moistened with boric alcohol and placed on the skin in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe sore ear. Rubbing and massaging the skin with alcohol is not necessary. To enhance the thermal effect, you can cover the affected area with a plastic bag, and on top with a warm scarf or scarf.
  3. Camphor oil. A small amount of it must be heated, then soak a thin cotton flagellum with this composition and insert the cotton wool into the ear. After half an hour, the flagellum can be pulled out. With severe pain, after a couple of hours, the procedure can be repeated.

These funds can only be used as an ambulance and only if the patient does not have a fever (above 38 degrees). It is strictly forbidden to warm up the ears at a temperature!

If there are vasoconstrictor drops at home, they will also be useful for otitis media. They must be instilled directly into the auricle. What is it for? These drops will help equalize the pressure on the inside of the hearing aid, thereby not only eliminating pain, but also reducing the likelihood of further complications and terrible consequences.

Homemade recipes for the treatment of otitis media

Otitis can happen to anyone. If your ear hurts in the evening or at night, then until the morning, when it will be possible to visit an otolaryngologist, you can try to help yourself with the following methods:

  1. Sunflower oil. This is one of the mildest and at the same time effective home remedies for otitis media in an adult. The oil must be heated and then cooled to a comfortable temperature. You can check the oil temperature with your wrist. If the drop is not hot, then the oil can also be used for the ears. Now it is necessary to drip 2 drops into each ear. Why should both ears be treated at once? Just for the reason that inflammation often goes from one side to the other. This procedure must be done 3 times a day.
  2. Horseradish or radish juice. It is quite bitter, sharp and burning, and therefore it is necessary to use this remedy carefully. So, horseradish or radish juice is mixed with sunflower oil in a ratio of 1:3. A couple of drops of this composition should be dripped into each ear.
  3. Onion juice. It can be used undiluted. A couple of drops of onion juice in the auricles three times a day - and after a day you can feel significant improvements. Onion juice is an excellent antiseptic, and healing phytoncides help fight many pathogens.
  4. Aloe juice. If there is this plant at home, then it can be used, among other things, for the treatment of otitis media. Aloe juice is moistened with a thin cotton flagellum prepared by oneself, and then this device is placed in the auricles. Aloe juice not only helps to reduce the activity of pathogens, but also has a positive effect on irritated skin, helping to accelerate the regeneration of all cells and tissues in the area of ​​application.
  5. Garlic with sesame oil. To prepare the composition, you need to carefully chop 5 cloves of garlic, add a little sesame oil to them to get a thick mass. Then you need to mix the resulting composition thoroughly so that the oil is saturated with active ingredients from garlic. Now this oil should be dripped into the auricles a couple of drops, repeat the procedure three times a day.
  6. Ginger with sesame oil. This recipe is very similar to the previous one. Chopped ginger (1 tbsp) is mixed with ¼ tbsp. l. sesame oil. Now this oil (without pieces of ginger) is instilled into the ears in a couple of drops. The same composition can be used not only inside, but also outside. They wipe the skin in the region of the diseased ear.

Removing sulfur plug at home

It is allowed to remove the ear plug if the adult does not have a febrile syndrome, and in addition to hearing loss, nothing bothers him at the moment. So, first you need to soften the dense sulfur mass. At home, hydrogen peroxide is used for these purposes. It is necessary to drip a small amount of peroxide into the ear and after half a minute turn the head with the affected ear down so that the liquid is glassed down.

Now you have to wait half an hour. During this time, drops of hydrogen peroxide that have settled on the ear plug will soften its structure and make it more pliable. After half an hour, you can start washing. This will require saline solution (boiled water can also be dispensed with) and a plastic syringe without a metal needle (it is advisable to use a larger volume - 20 ml).

The procedure is carried out on the side as follows. The auricle is pulled slightly to the side and back. This helps to straighten the ear canal. A stream of saline in a syringe is directed to the right wall of the auricle. The flow should be medium, not too strong, but not weak. Gradually, particles of a thick mass may come out. This is the ear plug.

As a rule, it is not possible to achieve complete cleaning of the ears from the sulfur plug in one session. This will require several procedures. Finally, you need to understand that this option is not a reason to refuse a subsequent visit to the doctor.

When You Can't Do Without a Specialist's Consultation

In general, the ears are not an organ in which pain can be ignored. The membranes in the auricle are so thin that doctors have not yet learned how to restore this tissue, and if it is damaged, the patient will have to regularly use special ear devices to recognize surrounding sounds.

If your ears hurt due to an insect getting into it, then only a specialist will cope with this problem. In no case should you try to get an insect with the help of household improvised means, for example, tweezers. So you can not only injure the inside of the auricle and skin, but also tear off part of the insect or push the insect even deeper, and then it will be more difficult to get to it. The only way you can try in this situation is to pour water into your ear and tilt your head so that this ear is higher than the other. It is possible that the insect, due to lack of air, begins to move upward and will come out on its own, although a positive outcome cannot be guaranteed.

The second situation when consultation and urgent help is needed is purulent discharge from the ears. This is a very serious condition of the patient, which, if not treated correctly or not in time, can lead to complete deafness.

Finally, if the ear is sick due to an injury, then you should also urgently consult a doctor. Perhaps the patient has some serious internal damage. With such pain in the ear, treatment at home is not provided. The doctor can refer the patient to an operation to restore damaged structures (bones, cartilage).

It is especially necessary to note cases of ear pain in adult patients who need urgent help - the elderly and pregnant women. Women in position should not use any folk remedies, because now the state of not only their body, but also the baby who is in the womb depends on their actions.

If the ear has caught a cold, then it is necessary to treat the whole body. The following tips will help not only anesthetize the ear, but also alleviate the condition of a person:

  1. Washing the nose. As mentioned above, the nose and ears are interconnected organs. The accumulation of secret (snot) in the nose is a provoking factor for the development of otitis, and then you need to solve the problem from two sides.
  2. Taking analgesics. How can they affect otitis media? When the ear hurts a lot, a person cannot think of anything else. He cannot concentrate on other thoughts, and he even manages to sleep with great difficulty, and it is in sleep that regenerative processes are most active. Analgesics are necessary precisely for the purpose of temporarily eliminating soreness in the ears and throughout the body, which will allow a person to rest and his body to recover.
  3. Treat related diseases. So, if otitis media is caused by sinusitis, then simultaneous therapy should be carried out for inflammation in the nasal cavity and in the ears. By the way, there are cases when sinusitis occurs not against the background of an infection, but as a result of an allergic reaction to some allergen. Constant nasal congestion (rhinitis) has led to internal pathological processes, and otitis media is one of the possible complications of this situation. In this case, antihistamines will be useful.
  4. Plentiful drink. If the infectious process in the body has gone so far as to cause otitis media, then there is a high probability of intoxication of various tissues due to the decay products of the vital activity of pathogens entering the bloodstream. Their concentration can be reduced by drinking plenty of water. Classic tea with lemon and honey will quickly remove toxins from the body and alleviate the patient's condition.

Ear treatment at home is a forced and temporary measure. It should not prevail over the recommendations that the doctor prescribes. Immediate measures of help will help get rid of the pain before consulting a doctor. Their uncontrolled use is likely to cause harm.


The first and most important rule for ear pain is to consult a specialist doctor. Only he can make a diagnosis and choose an adequate one. But if the pain is such that it is impossible to endure, then before the arrival of the doctor, you can try to alleviate the situation of the patient. First you need to properly position. To make the pain easier to bear, doctors recommend sitting rather than lying down. Because in this position, the outflow of blood occurs faster and easier, which means that the pressure on the sore ear decreases. Because of this, congestion in the auditory tubes is also reduced. But often they are the cause of excruciating ear pain.

In diseases of the ears, drinking liquid is our everything. After all, when the tissues of the body are filled with water, the Eustachian (auditory) are also cleaned. Therefore, drink with pain in the ears you need as much as possible. In addition, this suffering can be relieved by chewing gum and yawning. This, like water, improves the patency of the auditory tubes and significantly relieves pressure on the eardrum.

If the ear pain appeared against the background, then vasoconstrictor drops for the nose should be started to alleviate the symptoms. Such funds reduce inflammation of the nasopharyngeal mucosa and contribute to the temporary restoration of ventilation in the ear-nose-throat. But this treatment also has its downsides. Vasoconstrictor drugs should not be used for longer than 7 days. Otherwise, they will become addictive and will not work at all.

Another way to reduce pain is to apply heat. First you need to warm your ear with a bottle of hot water. Then you should heat the oil - olive, almond or vaseline - to the temperature of the human body. Gently put a couple of drops of warm oil into the ear. And we continue to heat up. You can do this with a warm compress or the warm air of a hair dryer. However, when working with the latter, care must be taken - direct the jet to the ear at a distance of 15-30 cm from it and no more than 3-5 minutes. But it should be remembered that you should not get carried away with warming up the ears. Yes, and do it better under the supervision of a specialist. Indeed, in the case of purulent otitis media, such a compress can cause a rupture of the eardrum and outflow of pus. In this case, the pain will decrease immediately, but further healing of the ears should take place only under the careful and detailed supervision of a doctor.

Helpful advice

With ear pain, you do not need to postpone a visit to the doctor and hope that it will go away on its own. The severity of the disease can only be assessed by a specialist and only a doctor can prescribe the necessary recommendations for treatment.