
Zucchini for baby food 6 months. Zucchini puree for babies: a recipe for moms

And high-quality products, but also properly prepare them in order to preserve the maximum amount of nutrients. An ideal vegetable for breastfeeding is zucchini. It contains many microelements and vitamins.

There are different recipes for dishes with this vegetable. It is important to understand how to cook zucchini for feeding a child correctly.

The first 4 years of life, children eat either (and). Then standard products are introduced into the diet.

To start complementary foods for children who have a tendency to, pediatricians advise zucchini. They are easily absorbed and digested, do not create a large load on the digestive system. They contain vitamins B, A, K, E, C, as well as trace elements magnesium, potassium, copper, phosphorus, and iron.

These substances maintain the balance of water and salt in the body. The vegetable has tonic, antianemic and choleretic properties. It also has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart, the state of nerve and muscle fibers, cerebral circulation. Moreover, the product is hypoallergenic.

Artificial children are allowed to give zucchini from 4-. Babies for vegetables should be introduced into the diet from six months. Many young inexperienced mothers do not know how to cook zucchini for feeding a child.

Rules for introducing vegetable crumbs into the diet:

  • for the first time, give the product in a minimal amount (half a teaspoon) and observe the reaction of the baby's body. If within two days there were no other negative reactions, then a single serving can be gradually (within a week) increased to 170 g;
  • offer zucchini to a child before taking mother's milk or an adapted mixture;
  • it is better to give a new product in the morning;
  • vegetable for complementary foods should be freshly prepared. You need to offer it to the baby in a warm form;
  • the dish for the first feeding should be one-component.

Zucchini selection rules

For children, all varieties of zucchini, including zucchini, are useful and allowed. The main thing is that the vegetable is of high quality and safe. It’s good if you have your own garden bed on which zucchini grows. You can be sure of the quality of such a product.

Vegetables sold in the market and in supermarkets are often stored in inadequate conditions. Therefore, there is a risk of purchasing a damaged product. Off-season greenhouse zucchini fertilize when grown. Such a product can be hazardous to the health of the crumbs. It is important to know the rules for choosing a quality zucchini.

Experts advise to pay attention to the following when buying:

  • freshness. The vegetable should be dense, without rotten areas. It is important that no dents remain when pressed;
  • the size. Too big fruits should not be taken. They may contain fertilizers, be overripe;
  • appearance. The peel of a quality product is shiny, without scratches, cuts. Uneven color is allowed;
  • degree of maturity. For feeding babies, young zucchini should be preferred. They have more juicy and tender flesh.

How to cook? Healthy Recipes

Cooking baby zucchini is quick and easy. The vegetable is peeled and seeds are washed, cut into pieces and boiled in a small amount of water until soft.

Readiness can be checked with a fork or knife. The zucchini should be easy to pierce, not disintegrate and not turn into when pressed.

Cooking time depends on the degree of maturity of the fruit and the size of the pieces. If the vegetable is young, then it will be ready 5-7 minutes after boiling water. A ripe fruit may need 15 minutes or more. The boiled vegetable is brought to a puree state with a blender or kneaded with a fork.

There are many different healthy zucchini dishes. From this vegetable you can cook mashed potatoes, casseroles, cutlets.


Classic zucchini puree is ideal for the first feeding of the baby. For its preparation, about 100 grams of vegetable are used. The fruit is peeled and cut into small cubes. Dip in water and boil until tender. Grind with a blender until puree.

If the mass is too thick, then it should be diluted with breast expressed milk or an adapted mixture. From 7- in mashed potatoes for a baby, it is allowed to add a little. This increases the useful properties of the dish.

You can make crumbs puree from zucchini and apples. Products must be peeled and seeds, cut into slices.

Pour a glass of water into the multicooker. Arrange pieces of fruit and vegetables in the steamer basket. Select the "steam cooking" mode and set the time to 15 minutes. You can simply boil the ingredients in a pot of water. The finished components should be transferred to the blender container and chopped until a homogeneous mass is obtained.

Delicate vegetable puree. To prepare it, you will need half a zucchini and carrots, two medium potato tubers, a teaspoon of olive oil. Vegetables need to be peeled, washed, cut into pieces and boiled for 20 minutes. Combine the finished ingredients and beat with a blender or grind with a spoon through a sieve. Fill with oil.

Zucchini puree

A child older than 9 can cook a zucchini dish and either. You will need one young vegetable, 50 g of meat and 3 ml of vegetable oil. Zucchini must be peeled and seeds, cut into pieces, pour water and send to the fire.

Boil the poultry fillet separately. Combine the finished ingredients and bring them with a blender to a homogeneous puree-like mass. Add vegetable oil and mix.


Soups for complementary foods are worth it, after getting to know the vegetables. They are prepared from those products that are well perceived by the children's body. Recipes for delicious and healthy soups for children are given in the table.

Zucchini cream soup

Name Ingredients Cooking algorithm
Zucchini and cauliflower soup
  • several inflorescences of cabbage;
  • young zucchini - 200 g;
  • water - 3 glasses;
  • a little butter
Boil vegetables until tender. Remove them from the water and grind with a blender or grind with a fork. Dilute with broth to desired consistency. Add butter and stir.
Soup puree from zucchini, carrots and potatoes
  • zucchini - 200 g;
  • potatoes - 300 g;
  • carrots - 100 g;
  • some greenery;
  • vegetable oil - a few drops
Clean the vegetables, wash and cut into pieces. Put a pot of water on fire. When the liquid boils, it is worth lowering the carrots, and then the potatoes and zucchini. At the end, add chopped greens. Let the soup brew for half an hour. Remove the vegetables and puree them with a blender. Dilute with broth to desired consistency. Add vegetable oil and stir.


Children older than a year can cook zucchini casserole. You will need a medium-sized vegetable, 150 g, one, some fresh herbs. The cereal should be thoroughly washed and boiled.

Chop greens. Peel the zucchini from the peel and seeds and grate on a fine grater. Add rice and herbs to it. Crack an egg. Salt and mix. Grease the pan with butter.

Spread the mass and level it with a spoon. Send to the oven for 25-35 minutes.

Vegetable cutlets

You can cook vegetable cutlets for the crumbs. You will need carrots, cauliflower, zucchini, green peas and semolina in equal parts. Vegetables should be washed, peeled and chopped in a blender. Add semolina and salt. Wait about 15-20 minutes until the cereal swells. Form cutlets, roll them in flour and steam for about 5-7 minutes.

How to freeze for the winter?

Young zucchini do not store for a long time. If you want to pamper your baby with a vegetable dish in late autumn, winter or spring, then you can try to freeze the fruits. At low temperatures, all the useful properties of the product are preserved. But you need to know how to freeze zucchini correctly.

The fruit should be washed, dried, peeled and cut into slices about 3 cm thick. Place the pieces in a plastic bag in one layer. Set the temperature in the freezer to the lowest possible value.

After 30 minutes, put the packed circles of zucchini into the chamber. After an hour, return to the usual temperature regime.

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How to cook zucchini for the first baby food:

Thus, you can cook mashed potatoes, soups, casseroles, cutlets from zucchini. It is important to choose high-quality and young fruits. So that you can pamper your baby with a delicious vegetable dish in winter, you should take care of freezing zucchini in advance.

Freshly prepared one-component vegetable purees are the best option to start your baby's first complementary foods. This opinion is shared by many pediatricians, as well as experienced mothers. To introduce a child to adult food, green vegetables are first chosen, the leader among which is zucchini. This crop is one of the safest, most digestible and useful in terms of children's diet. It is only important to follow a few simple rules for choosing a vegetable and preparing dishes from it for the first feeding.

Useful properties of vegetables

Delicate zucchini has many valuable qualities:

  • Contains a large number of trace elements (potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, calcium, sodium, sulfur, copper, iron, zinc, molybdenum).
  • The presence of vitamins A (carotene), B1 (thiamine), B2 (riboflavin), C (ascorbic acid), PP (nicotinic acid).
  • Gentle effect on the digestive system due to the special fiber structure of the vegetable. It perfectly softens the mucous membrane of the stomach, activates intestinal motility. The baby will definitely not have constipation and painful intestinal colic.
  • The diuretic properties of zucchini help the body get rid of excess fluid, salt.
  • The product is recommended for physiological anemia, which can be observed in children of the first year of life.
  • The high content of potassium has a positive effect on the development of the heart muscle, blood vessels, nerve fibers.
  • Low calorie content avoids prolonged digestion and excessive stress on the digestive tract. This is especially important for overweight babies.
  • Almost complete hypoallergenic product - well suited for children prone to atopic dermatitis.
  • Contains a minimal amount of sugar compared to other vegetables.
  • Good compatibility of the product with other vegetables, meat purees. For older children, you can prepare two-component dishes based on squash puree.

When and how to introduce complementary foods

According to WHO recommendations, it is not advisable to introduce any complementary foods before 6 months - the baby has enough breast milk. However, formula-fed, mixed-fed, or underweight children may be advised by their pediatrician to try the food a little earlier.

When offering baby zucchini puree, you should adhere to the following rules:

  • Do not insist on eating when the child is sick, upset, or sleepy.
  • Postpone the introduction of the dish if you have a trip, a trip to visit or vaccination.
  • The first time the baby is given a minimum dose of puree - half a teaspoon, then they are fed with breast or formula.
  • Puree should be exclusively one-component, and also not contain additives in the form of salt, sugar.
  • It is best to offer the meal in the daytime (around 12:00 pm) before one of your breastfeeding or formula feedings.
  • Puree should be freshly prepared, warm.
  • During the day, it is necessary to carefully monitor the reaction of the child: changes in behavior, temperature, skin (rash, red spots), stool. In the absence of negative reactions, you can continue to introduce zucchini into complementary foods, gradually increasing to the age norm (6 months - up to 100 g, 7-9 months - up to 150 g, 10-12 months - up to 200 g).

An approximate scheme for introducing zucchini into a child's complementary foods is as follows:

  • 1 day - 2.5 g (0.5 tsp);
  • Day 2 - 5 gr (1 tsp);
  • Day 3 - 15 gr (3 tsp);
  • Day 4 - 35 gr (7 tsp);
  • Day 5 - 50 gr (10 tsp);
  • Day 6 - 70 gr (14 tsp);
  • Day 7 - 100 gr (20 tsp).

If a child refuses to eat zucchini, you can’t forcibly shove mashed potatoes into him, distract him with cartoons, conversations. Set aside food for a while. Perhaps the baby is tired, wants to sleep, his stomach hurts. And it also happens that he may not like the taste of zucchini. In this case, it can be replaced with another vegetable - cauliflower, broccoli.

How to choose and where to buy

Ideally, if the vegetable for the first feeding of the baby is grown in his own garden or bought from a farmer friend. If this is not possible, then it is better to purchase zucchini for baby food only in the season, and for the autumn-winter period, prepare a sufficient amount of product in the freezer.

When choosing a vegetable in the market or in a store, you need to pay attention to the following:

  • zucchini must be whole, without dents, scratches, as well as traces of mold, rot;
  • it is better to give preference to small light fruits with thin skin (in large zucchini there are fewer nutrients and large seeds);
  • the surface of the vegetable should not be shiny or matte (this may indicate the presence of nitrates).

How to make puree

In order for a children's zucchini dish to turn out tasty and healthy, it is worth considering the following nuances:

  • before cooking purchased zucchini, they must first be soaked in lightly salted water in order to get rid of harmful chemicals;
  • the leg, as well as the lower and upper tip of the vegetable, are cut off (usually a large concentration of nitrates accumulates in them);
  • for the first feeding, the skin from the zucchini is removed (it can be left for older children, because the skin contains a lot of vitamins);
  • utensils for mashed potatoes should be thoroughly washed and treated with boiling water.

Basic puree recipe

  • cut the washed, peeled vegetable into thin rings, remove all seeds;
  • place the zucchini in a pot of boiling water;
  • after 7-12 minutes, the vegetable will be ready (it cannot be digested, so it will become absolutely tasteless, and also lose its beneficial properties);
  • chop the cooled zucchini with a blender;
  • in the finished puree, you can add 1 drop of olive oil or a little breast milk.

Cooking in a multicooker

  • wash, peel and cut the vegetable;
  • put the pieces in the multicooker bowl, pour in filtered or special baby water so that the vegetable is completely covered;
  • set the "extinguishing" mode for 10 minutes;
  • At the end of cooking, grind the vegetable until smooth.

If the zucchini puree is too thick, you need to dilute it with the broth in which it was prepared.

You can store the finished puree in the freezer for 3 months, however, this is still not recommended. It is better to freeze a fresh vegetable in advance in small containers, bags and cook a portion of mashed potatoes each time.

Zucchini is an ideal product for a baby who is just starting to eat anything other than breast milk or formula. The airy and healthy puree from this agricultural crop rarely causes negative reactions in a child and serves as an excellent base for the subsequent expansion of the diet. Young mothers will also appreciate the dish - it is easy and quick to cook.

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Complementary foods are now causing a lot of discussion among young mothers and the older generation. And all due to the fact that the recommendations of doctors regarding the introduction of this or that product into the baby’s complementary foods have changed a lot over the past 20 years. If earlier, the baby began to be accustomed to adult food just a couple of months after birth due to the fact that short periods were provided child care, today doctors strongly recommend doing this only after 6 months. But one thing has remained unchanged - the first "adult dish" that the baby should try is zucchini.

In order for the baby to grow up healthy and happy, it is important to properly organize his nutrition.

Zucchini is a storehouse of vitamins and minerals, it is well absorbed by the child's body and at the same time does not cause allergies at all. Despite the fact that breastfeeding provides the baby with all the necessary trace elements, with age, he will still lack the amount of nutrients that enter the body with milk. First of all, this applies to iron and zinc. It is in these trace elements that a baby begins to need at the age of 5-6 months.

Zucchini is incredibly easy to cook, and how many nutrients it contains! In addition, it will contain:

  • fatty unsaturated acids;
  • B vitamins;
  • vitamin A, C, PP and H;
  • chemical trace elements (iron, zinc, sulfur, calcium, magnesium, potassium and many others);
  • monosaccharides;
  • disaccharides;
  • organic acids;
  • alimentary fiber.

It also contains proteins, carbohydrates and fats necessary for normal functioning. Therefore, its presence in the diet of the baby should be mandatory.

Zucchini is traditionally the first vegetable that a baby tries.

  • Zucchini, like any other vegetable, should be introduced into complementary foods gradually and in boiled form. First, the baby can be offered ½ teaspoon of squash puree or juice. Then you should observe the reaction of the body.

If the color, smell and consistency of the baby's stool has changed, you should wait a bit with the start of complementary foods. This only means that the immaturity of the baby's body does not yet allow it to absorb useful substances. After a month, you can try again to give the baby zucchini puree.

If the body has accepted the innovation normally, then you can gradually increase the dose. At 7 months, an infant should not eat more than 80–100 g of puree per day, but no more than 100 ml of juice should be prepared. You can “dilute” the crumbs menu a little and give him 50 g of puree or 50 ml of zucchini juice per day.

It is worth noting that such an innovation can cause peeling of the skin. But this is not a reason to exclude such a healthy vegetable from the child's diet. It just needs to be mixed with breast milk. Peeling of the skin is a kind of reaction of the digestive system (after all, its work with innovation becomes more complicated) and is not an allergy. However, if the peeling of the skin is severe, you should consult a pediatrician.

It is better to cook zucchini in a double boiler - this way more vitamins will be preserved in it

Everyone knows that heat treatment contributes to the loss of useful properties of vegetables and fruits. In order for this not to happen in the case of zucchini, it must be properly cooked. How much should it be cooked? No more than 10 minutes in boiling water.

Zucchini cooks very quickly, and this time is enough for it to become soft, while it retains all its beneficial properties.

Boil zucchini for feeding in small portions in a small saucepan over medium heat. First, it must be washed under running water, peeled and rinsed again. Only cold water is used. Then cut it into circles with a thickness of 1 - 1.5 cm. Putting the peeled zucchini in a saucepan, it must be poured with a small amount of water. It should not be much, it should only slightly cover the vegetable. Boil 10 minutes. So you will also prepare vegetable broth, which can also be given to the baby or diluted with mashed potatoes.

You can also cook zucchini using a double boiler. This option, by the way, is much better than the first one. Since by steaming, you save more nutrients. True, you won’t succeed in the broth, and the puree will have to be diluted with breast milk. It also takes about 10 minutes to steam the zucchini.

It is impossible to add salt and various spices while cooking a vegetable.

It is important that the puree is not too thick, because it is easier for the baby to cope with a more familiar consistency.

Cooking zucchini puree is not difficult for a young mother. After you have boiled the vegetable, it must be chopped. For these purposes, either a fine grater or a blender is suitable. Further, to prepare mashed potatoes, add the broth that formed during cooking, or breast milk to the chopped zucchini to the desired consistency.

The puree should not be very thick, but it should not be too liquid either. Juice is prepared in the same way, only liquids are added more. How much liquid is needed? Approximately 0.5 liters of liquid (broth or breast milk) per 100 g of product.

Wash and dry zucchini thoroughly before freezing.

Unfortunately, fresh zucchini can be purchased from us only in the summer. But babies also require wholesome food in winter days. In order to provide the baby with vitamins in winter, the zucchini must be frozen. However, it must be done correctly.

For these purposes, it is best to use young zucchini of small sizes. They must be washed under running water, peeled and cut into small pieces. Wait until they dry from the water, place them in a plastic bag, and then in the freezer.

So you can cook vitamin puree for your baby and prepare healthy juices not only in summer, but also in winter!

The baby is growing up, and already he is missing. In addition, you need to prepare the baby for adulthood. Therefore, it became necessary to introduce the first products. A proven recipe for the first - zucchini puree. How to cook it correctly is the topic of this material.

When can I give my baby

If the mother has enough and the child receives the required amount, then complementary foods are introduced from six months. Quite a different picture, if insufficient. In agreement with the pediatrician, new products begin to be introduced into -. The fact that the child is hungry is easy to determine. Usually a well-fed baby sleeps peacefully until the next feeding for 3-4 hours.

But if he wakes up after 2-2.5 hours and cries until you give him a breast, this is a sure sign that the baby is not full. With a lack of milk, as a rule, there is a lack of weight of the baby in accordance with the norms, and the need to diversify the menu becomes relevant. Artificial has a special schedule for the introduction of new products.

How to start weaning

Traditionally, complementary foods begin with zucchini puree. Consider why zucchini and how it is useful for babies.

Did you know? Zucchini appeared in Europe after the discovery of America by Columbus in the 17th century.

  • This vegetable has established itself as hypoallergenic.
  • It is low calorie.
  • It contains trace elements: iron, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium.
  • C and B vitamins are also present in sufficient quantities for infants.
  • An important property of this product in this situation is its ease for the stomach. It does not cause swelling, which is especially important. Young mothers know what a scourge it is - gases. The child may cry all night long until he is given an enema or induces a bowel movement in some other way.

If you start with sweet fruits, such as apples, then in the future the baby may refuse vegetables. It is not enough to know how to cook zucchini for feeding, you still need to properly feed them to the baby. The first dose will be a maximum of 1 teaspoon of the finished puree. The first serving is ¼ teaspoon. Then you can feed 2-3 more servings, but not more than 1 teaspoon of the total volume.

How to make zucchini puree

Baby vegetable purees are easy to buy, beautiful jars are sold in any department of baby food in all retail chains. They are quite expensive. Synthetic food additives are not used in the production. So, in any case, the manufacturers say. But in order not to guess why the child suddenly developed allergies, gases or diarrhea, it is better to prepare baby zucchini puree at home. The technology is within the power of any mother who has at least several times approached the stove, and does not take much time.

Stock and kitchen appliances

How to cook zucchini for the first feeding is a simple science. This requires a simple inventory, namely:

Important! Aluminum utensils are not used when cooking vegetables, they darken in it.

  • A small saucepan with an enameled, Teflon coating.
  • Blender for chopping vegetables.
  • Grinding sieve if there is no blender.

The selected container should henceforth be used only for the preparation of children's meals.


In order to cook zucchini for the first feeding, you need to choose the right products. The components are very simple:

  • Zucchini is young, 10-12 cm in size.
  • Water, enough to cover the chopped vegetables in the saucepan.
Zucchini puree for the first feeding is usually made from one product. Mom must be sure that he does not cause allergies. If you don’t have your own garden, you can choose a vegetable in the market or in a vegetable store. At the bazaar at some grandmother's is preferable. Villagers rarely use mineral fertilizers as top dressing, they are too expensive for them. A farm zucchini in 90% of cases will contain nitrates. It should be borne in mind that even a young zucchini 10-12 cm long is a huge dose for a child.

Step by step recipe

And now we proceed directly to cooking:

  • Wash the selected vegetable well under running water.
  • Cut it, remove the loose core.
  • Cut the zucchini into small slices, cubes.
  • Place in a prepared, cleanly washed saucepan and fill with water so that it covers the zucchini by a maximum of 1 cm.
  • Put on fire and bring to a boil over medium heat.
  • After boiling, reduce the heat and cook the vegetables until tender. They cook quickly, a maximum of 10 minutes.
  • Turn off the fire.
  • Strain the contents of the pan through a sieve or colander. Do not pour out the broth, it can be useful for diluting mashed potatoes.
  • If there is no blender, then the vegetables are ground through a sieve with a stainless steel wooden spoon, but not aluminum. Ideally - silver, if any. Silver kills unwanted microbes.
  • Too thick puree is diluted with a decoction in which zucchini was boiled.

Important! Do not wash the zucchini before putting it in the refrigerator. This accelerates the deterioration of the vegetable.

Remember that the first portion is no more than a quarter of a teaspoon. After feeding, the child must be carefully observed in order to understand the reaction of his body to the first complementary foods. If there are undesirable consequences in the form of gases, then it is necessary to act according to the circumstances. But such cases are rare when using this dish.

  • If the financial situation allows, then it is better to buy a stationary blender with a tall jug as soon as the question arose of preparing separate dishes for the baby. In the future, mom will appreciate it as an indispensable assistant in the kitchen.
  • Leftover puree can be kept in the refrigerator for 24 hours. Heat in a water bath, but in no case in the microwave. There is still no consensus on the benefits of products processed in this household appliance.
  • Do not reheat more than once.
  • It is not recommended to freeze mashed fruits and vegetables.
  • Instead of the water on which the vegetables were boiled, you can thin the puree

One of the main concerns of happy parents of newly born babies is how to feed their beloved children so that they grow up healthy?

Starting from the age of six months, the milk ration of infants can already be diluted with light vegetables, therefore we recommend including boiled zucchini in the menu for children up to a year old!

We offer an interesting selection of cooking options for this gift of summer beds as the children grow up - from light mashed potatoes on the water to more complex dishes for yearlings!

Why you need to start complementary foods with zucchini

The first tasting of adult food occurs at 5-6 months - it is by this time that the digestive system of the baby is already ripe to perceive something other than mother's milk. The first thing a baby tries is zucchini!

The main advantage of any representative of the "zucchini breed", including zucchini and squash, is the vitamin wealth that the growing baby needs so much! Zucchini puree, as well as casseroles based on it and soups, saturate, while providing a gentle diuretic effect.

Zucchini is also rich in the main building materials - trace elements sodium, potassium, iron, which are needed for the development of internal organs, including the heart muscle!

How to cook zucchini for an infant at home: general rules

  1. What will do for an “adult” table (damaged, overgrown, spoiled fruits) is completely unacceptable for a baby! For him, only the most selected, young fruits are needed.
  2. If the baby is already more than 7 months old, you can not remove the peel from the zucchini when cooking. But, in this case, the fetus must be taken as young as possible!
  3. Vegetables need to be washed twice: before cleaning and after it. It is even better after the first wash to put the zucchini in clean water and let it stand so that nitrates are gone if the vegetable was grown in a not very prosperous area.
  4. It is better to take an enameled pan for cooking.
  5. For children over 6 months old, zucchini can already be given with meat. Best of all - with lean and tender chicken fillet! Vegetables can be boiled in ready-made meat broth.
  6. If the baby has already tasted the zucchini, then you can safely add other vegetables to it. Kids really like it, for example, mashed potatoes based on carrots, cauliflower and zucchini!

And now we offer some delicious and simple homemade recipes - zucchini dishes for children under one year old! They are quick to prepare and budget, that is, they do not require large financial or time costs.

At this age, the first complementary foods in the form of squash puree are introduced into the children's diet. It's water-based - no spices, flavorings or salt!


  • White zucchini - 200 g;
  • Purified water - 150 ml.

Do-it-yourself cooking zucchini for a 5-month-old baby

  1. Wash the fruit thoroughly, as mentioned earlier, clean it and cut it. The smaller the cut, the faster complementary foods for the baby will be ready.
  2. Fill with hot water and send to a fire of medium intensity. Once it boils, cook for another 8-10 minutes.
  3. We turn the softened pulp into a homogeneous puree of medium density with a blender or an ordinary table fork.

The norm of one serving for a six-month-old crumbs is 0.5 teaspoon. If the baby eats the squash "delicacy" with pleasure and feels fine after that, then the portions can be gradually increased.

From the age of 7 months, you can already add a little vegetable or butter to vegetable puree.

Delicious vegetable puree for the baby with their own hands

Babies are happy to eat vegetable purees, which contain sweet carrots, hearty potatoes and tender zucchini! We offer to prepare such a treat for your beloved crumbs according to the following recipe.


  • Fresh zucchini - 0.5 small fruit;
  • Carrot - 0.5 fruit;
  • Potato - 2 small tubers;
  • Cold pressed olive oil - 1 tsp;
  • Purified water - 0.5 l.

Step-by-step preparation of mashed vegetables for a child up to a year

  1. We clean the washed fruits and wash them again with water.
  2. We divide them into small pieces (the smaller the cut, the faster the dish will be ready).
  3. When water boils in a saucepan, dip carrots into it, after 5 minutes - potatoes. We put squash cubes 5-7 minutes before the end of cooking.
  4. After straining the vegetables, grind them until smooth with a blender.

Before feeding them to the baby, you need to fill the dish with oil. It is better not to salt the vegetable puree, but if the baby flatly refuses to eat the offered treat, then you can add just a few salt crystals to it.

Zucchini puree with cottage cheese: a recipe for a baby of 8 months

If the baby is already more than 7 months old, but he still stubbornly refuses vegetable complementary foods, you can try to treat him with squash-curd puree!

To do this, you need to boil a small zucchini fruit in lightly salted water, preparing it for cooking in the usual way.

Then we simply combine the finished pieces of vegetable with cottage cheese and turn into a homogeneous paste with a blender!

Zucchini-meat puree for baby 9 months

One of the favorite zucchini recipes for children under one year old is mashed poultry and this delicious, tender vegetable! Starting from 9 months, you can safely give it to your child and include it in your own adult menu as a dietary option.


  • Young zucchini (or zucchini) - 1 pc.;
  • Chicken or turkey fillet - 100 g;
  • Cold pressed olive oil - 1 tsp;
  • Filtered water - 0.5 l;
  • Salt - a pinch.

How to cook delicious homemade zucchini for a 9 month old baby

We wash the meat and cut it into small pieces, fill it with water and cook, adding a little salt, until the fibers peel off. As it is ready, we take it out, and put the peeled and chopped squash pulp into the broth.

Simmer on low heat until tender (about 10 minutes).

Then it remains only to chop the vegetable to a paste-like consistency along with the meat. If the mass is too thick, then it can be diluted with broth.

Homemade chicken soup puree for a 10 month old baby


  • - 150 g + -
  • Broccoli - 150 g + -
  • Every month, the child's taste needs become more and more refined. He no longer wants to eat empty soups on the water with boiled vegetables. So, it's time to find out how tasty and satisfying to cook zucchini for a 10-month-old baby with other vegetables in meat broth!

    • Boil the meat in purified water, not forgetting to cut it finely.
    • Onions and carrots, peeled, chopped and sautéed in oil over low heat for only 2-3 minutes, without ceasing to stir. Vegetables should not be fried - they only need to get a little tired!
    • Separately, cook broccoli and squash cubes (you can also take ice cream) until soft in salted water.

    Then it remains only to combine everything and grind all the products to a puree-like consistency!

    To provide your little one with healthy food variety, you need fresh food, suitable utensils and very little time. And also - our simple and original recipes on how to deliciously cook zucchini and other vegetables for a child up to a year old!

    Each of the proposed options for the first vegetable complementary foods was approved by mothers and received the highest marks from their beloved children, who acted as picky tasters.