
The child often has swollen lymph nodes. Enlarged lymph nodes in the neck of a child: causes, symptoms, treatment methods

Often, parents begin to panic greatly when they find enlarged lymph nodes on the neck of their child. Many people are well aware that an increase in lymph nodes can be the first signal that a strong inflammatory or infectious process has begun in the child's body.

Parents' concern about this is understandable, because the lymph nodes in the human body are kind of blockers., whose main function is to protect the body from the penetration of harmful bacteria. And if they become inflamed and noticeably increase in size, it means that the child has serious problems with health. After all, it is thanks to the lymph nodes that the body produces immune cells that prevent the penetration of viruses into the body from the external environment.

Inflammation of the lymph nodes in the neck in medicine commonly referred to as lymphadenitis. Moreover, the increase in nodes is not a separate disease - it is a consequence of the body's reaction to some pathological process. When harmful microorganisms penetrate into the child's body, the lymph nodes begin to intensively produce leukocytes, the main task which is to fight bacteria.

Well, to help the body fight the disease and prevent the development of complications, need to establish the cause that provoked lymphadenitis, and choose the appropriate method of therapy.

Causes of inflammation of the lymph nodes in a child

At normal condition the child's lymph nodes are no more than one and a half centimeters in size, and in the process of palpation, they do not cause pain. In exceptional cases, due to physiological characteristics the body of the child, the nodes can reach a size of two centimeters. However, if parents find that cervical lymph nodes protrude prominently and on palpation there are unpleasant pain you need to consult a specialist. After all, there are many serious reasons, which can cause the development of deviations.

Localization of cervical lymph nodes

Treatment of symptoms depends largely on the cause., which caused deviations and places of inflammation of the lymph nodes.

It must also be said that the process of increasing the cervical nodes is not just a reaction of the body to pathological conditions, but also excellent functioning of the immune system, which shows that it fights various viral bacteria.

However, parents should be aware that the most dangerous state for a child is simultaneous enlargement of knots on both sides. In this case, a specialist examination and diagnosis of the cause of the deviation is required.

Symptoms that accompany inflammation of the lymph nodes in a child

In order to properly treat the cause that provoked lymphadenitis, it is necessary correctly interpret symptoms that accompanies this deviation. The main signs of inflammation of the cervical nodes are manifested as follows:

At the first sign of deviation, you must immediately visit a therapist to determine the cause of the disease. Otherwise, if you start the treatment process, cervical lymphadenitis runs the risk of developing into a chronic stage.

Treatment of inflammation of the cervical lymph nodes in a child

The whole essence of the treatment of inflamed lymph nodes is to eliminate the cause that caused this deviation. Once it is clear what caused the disease, the pediatrician will be able to make a clear diagnosis and prescribe a course of therapy. Placing a child in a hospital for constant monitoring of his condition is possible only if the disease has developed into a chronic form or has a high probability of developing serious complications. In other cases, it is enough drug treatment at home.

Features of the treatment of children

What can not be done with inflammation of the lymph nodes?

Because nodes can become inflamed different reasons, parents should not self-medicate, as this can only harm the child. All issues should be resolved in the pediatrician's office, especially when it comes to very young children.

In addition, parents need to know what exactly can not be done if the child has inflamed The lymph nodes .

Any action that parents want to take in relation to their child, must be agreed with your pediatrician.


Often, with the birth of a child, parents learn about the insidiousness of lymphadenopathy (enlargement or inflammation of the lymph nodes). This pathology is often not a separate disease requiring special treatment: this is a signal of the body about violations in its work. Lymph acts as a protective barrier, because it produces immune cells (white blood cells) that can destroy pathogens. If the lymph nodes in the child's neck are inflamed or swollen, it is important to detect inflammatory process and completely cure the disease.

What are lymph nodes

Lymph nodes are a kind of body filters, in which various toxins and other dangerous substances settle. They are scattered throughout the body, located near large blood vessels and major organs. In children, the lymph nodes are round and oval shape, in the normal state, their diameter does not exceed 5 mm. As a result of a malfunction of the body, the nodes can increase in size, which indicates the development of pathology and the beginning of a serious inflammatory process.

The localization of an enlarged lymph node indicates a violation of the work of a particular organ. In the neck area in children, several groups of nodes are distinguished:

  • submandibular (under the jaw, in front of the neck);
  • chin (directly under the chin itself, in front of the neck);
  • supraclavicular;
  • back cervical;
  • occipital.

Why does the child have enlarged lymph nodes in the neck

The causes of enlarged lymph nodes are very diverse. Such a pathology often appears as a result of an infectious disease, but may occur as a manifestation of general intoxication of the body. Localized (1 group of lymph nodes is affected), regional (2 groups of nodes) and generalized lymphadenopathy are divided. The very increase in the lymph nodes in the neck in children does not require special treatment. In children under 3 years old, a slight increase is considered the norm, because at this age, babies put everything they see into their mouths.

The occurrence of generalized lymphadenopathy (inflammation of several groups of nodes at once) in a child has several causes that need to be addressed Special attention when diagnosing an illness:

What is the danger

AT childhood enlarged lymph nodes can be a structural feature of the body or a sign of reduced immunity after suffering a cold infectious disease (in cases where the lymph node is not more than 1 cm in diameter and does not cause pain). Parents need to sound the alarm if a "pea" larger than 1.5 cm appears on the child's neck, which does not move well, causes pain, is tight to the touch, or does not decrease within a month. Severe enlargement of the lymph nodes can lead to compression of the esophagus and airways.

Even if the child has an inflamed lymph node in the neck, you should not start treatment without consulting a doctor. Some actions can greatly aggravate the situation and lead to complications:

  • do not smear the lymph nodes with alcohol-containing solutions:
  • it is forbidden to warm the lymph nodes or rub them;
  • massage of the lymph node can provoke its increase and accelerate the rupture with the release of pus.

Inflammation of the lymph nodes in the neck in a child

With reduced immunity, the body may not be able to cope with the pathogen, and then there is a risk of inflammation of the nodes or development purulent process. If the skin in the area of ​​the node is red, swollen and causes pain when touched, this is an accurate sign of the onset of the inflammatory process. Inflammation can be primary (the pathogen enters the lymphatic system through wounds and cuts, bypassing other organs) or secondary (then such a pathology indicates the development of a serious infection, which stimulates the production and accumulation of a large amount immune cells in the lymph nodes).


An increase in the lymph nodes in the neck in children always has a specific reason, without clarifying and eliminating which to reduce the node to normal sizes will not work. In the baby's body, the location of inflammation indicates problems in certain bodies(for example, lymphadenitis of the cervical nodes indicates problems oral cavity, bronchi, pharynx or nose). The lymphatic system of the body is built in such a way that, passing through all organs and tissues to the back of the head, the lymph nodes serve as reliable protection from infection and tumor development.

Causes of inflammation cervical lymph nodes the child is varied. Among them are harmless at first glance ailments, improper or untimely treatment of which can be accompanied by an increase in lymph nodes and cause an inflammatory process in them:

  • infectious colds(SARS, influenza);
  • cat scratch disease (the introduction of pathogenic bacteria from cat saliva into the body by a bite or scratch);
  • mononucleosis (large elastic nodes that appeared against the background of symptoms of a sore throat);
  • vaccination;
  • diseases of the oral cavity (gingivitis, periodontitis, stomatitis), often inflamed submandibular lymph nodes;
  • dental problems (caries).


In an acute course, lymphadenitis is accompanied by symptoms characteristic of acute viral infections. The child feels general malaise, weakness, there are other signs of general intoxication. The temperature rises sharply (up to 39 degrees), palpation of the node causes pain. When trying to treat enlarged nodes without integrated approach a short-term remission and a rapid resumption of the development of the disease may occur. If the enlargement of the "pea" on the neck does not cause pain, the temperature rises slightly chronic form cervical lymphadenitis.


An enlarged node is easily palpable even in infants, such a pathology may be the result of an illness and indicates the presence of an infection in the lymph. Particular attention should be paid to signs of lymphadenitis in acute stage- red, hot to the touch skin, painful sensations on palpation or if the lymph nodes are soldered to the surrounding tissues. In addition to palpation, blood tests, ultrasound, X-ray and Mantoux test are used in the diagnosis. Sometimes doctors prescribe a puncture of the lymph nodes, followed by a study of the collected material.


Lymph nodes on the neck of a child - a signal for examination of the body. When the cause of the disease is found, the doctor will be able to prescribe medication in combination with physiotherapy methods and folk remedies. With the right treatment, inflammation or enlargement of the lymph nodes will pass within a month, without special treatment. In advanced situations (purulent lymphadenitis) or with oncological ailments, surgical treatment is prescribed.

Antibiotics are often prescribed that can immediately affect the development and reproduction of several types of harmful bacteria. In the treatment of lymphadenopathy, the following drugs and procedures are used:

  • antibiotic therapy to eliminate the cause of enlargement and inflammation of the lymph nodes - Cefuroxime, Amoxiclav;
  • anti-inflammatory drugs - Prednisolone, Medrol;
  • taking immunostimulants;
  • the use of multivitamins, vitamin C;
  • using probiotics or prebiotics to support the gut;
  • reception antihistamines;
  • UHF therapy (only by prescription)


In the prevention of lymphadenitis, it is important to strengthen the immune system in a timely manner, the ability of the body to quickly respond to inflammation and eliminate its cause depends on it. At risk for cervical lymphadenopathy there are children who often (from 6 times a year) suffer from infectious and bacterial diseases of the upper and / or lower respiratory tract. To reduce the likelihood of developing the disease in adolescence pediatricians recommend regular cleaning lymphatic system(you can drink citrus juice in a course or take several times hot bath with baking soda).

The body's resistance to pathogens (of various types) can be increased by carefully following these rules:

  • daily long walks fresh air;
  • regular sunbathing (from March to October);
  • before the period of vitamin deficiency, taking a course of vitamins (spring-autumn period);
  • pay special attention to daily personal hygiene;
  • correct handling wound;
  • constant monitoring of the health of teeth and oral cavity;
  • follow-up treatment of ailments until complete recovery.


Attention! The information provided in the article is for informational purposes only. The materials of the article do not call for self-treatment. Only a qualified doctor can make a diagnosis and make recommendations for treatment, based on individual characteristics specific patient.

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Since the lymphatic system is an integral part of general immunity, failures in the system of its work indicate the presence of an inflammatory process. The reasons are different, from harmless to serious pathologies. Next, we will consider what the lymph nodes on the neck of a child are, why they become inflamed in children and how this manifests itself, the diagnosis and treatment of pathologically altered tissues.

Lymph nodes in the neck in children are anatomically located in the same way as in adults. There are many of them, they are arranged in six groups responsible for individual bodies and fabrics. So, the following lymph nodes are distinguished on the neck on the left and right sides:

  • submandibular;
  • chin;
  • parotid;
  • pharyngeal (located on the back of the neck);
  • supraclavicular and subclavian.

Their location indicates which organs they control: ears, throat, sinuses, tongue and mouth, thyroid gland etc.

Some groups of lymph nodes are palpable in a baby even in healthy condition, because they are located close to the skin (submandibular). Where the supraclavicular and subclavian nodes are located in a child cannot be determined with the naked eye, since they are considered deep.

Lymph nodes in the child's neck are designed to protect the body from penetration infectious agents(viruses, bacteria, fungi). Since the lymphatic system consists of immune cells - lymphocytes - at the slightest pathology in the body, they begin to multiply intensively, so the lymph node on the neck increases in size and a lump appears.

Causes of changes in the lymph nodes in a child

  1. Infections of a bacterial, viral or fungal nature. Getting through Airways, infections cause diseases of the ENT organs (tonsillitis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, rhinitis, sinusitis, sinusitis, otitis media, inflammation of the adenoids), SARS and acute respiratory infections, influenza or common cold. With these diseases, the lymph nodes become inflamed.
  2. Autoimmune diseases, in which the immune system perceives its own cells as foreign. These diseases include autoimmune thyroiditis (Hashimoto's disease), systemic lupus erythematosus, vitiligo, diabetes, allergic reactions. In these cases, there is an increase in the lymph nodes in the neck.
  3. Pathologies thyroid gland (toxic goiter, hyper- and hypothyroidism, thyrotoxicosis, iodine deficiency).
  4. Oncological diseases of the lymphatic system or other organs.
  5. Mononucleosis is an infectious disease caused by the Epstein-Barr virus. The first symptom of this disease is a strong increase in the lymph nodes in the neck in children. They become so large that they are visible to the naked eye.
  6. Hypothermia and situations in which the nodes are blown by a draft or air conditioning.
  7. Dental diseases (caries, periodontal disease, periodontitis, inflammation of the root system), teething in infants.
  8. Decreased immunity in the background chronic diseases, seasonal beriberi and for other reasons.
  9. Bacteria such as Bartonella are transmitted through the scratches of animals such as cats. It causes an inflammatory process in the wound in a child, and, as a result, lymphadenitis. In this case, any group of cervical lymph nodes can become inflamed.
  10. Diseases of the lymph nodes in the neck of a child, which is not associated with diseases. This condition is observed in children under 3 years old, in adolescents during puberty. It is associated with changes in organs and systems, with the growth of bone tissue, as well as the instability of the hormonal background.

Symptoms of dysfunction of children's cervical nodes

Symptoms boil down to inflammation of the lymph node, a bump forms on the child's neck, which is almost always visible to the naked eye. The skin in this place may turn red and even be hot. There is pain at the site of inflammation with pressure on the lymph node and with movements of the neck.

Associated symptoms depend on main reason, which provoked the development of the disease.

If an infection with harmful microorganisms occurs, then a sore throat, a runny nose and cough, shooting in the ears may appear. The body temperature rises, with sore throat and flu, it reaches high levels, up to 40 degrees. With mononucleosis, there is a very big boss on the neck, which speaks of an acute inflammatory process, the child also has a strong fever due to high temperature may be vomiting.

With dental diseases, the nodes in the baby will be swollen, and the pain is localized, in addition to the lymph node itself, in the oral cavity. This causes pain in the teeth and/or gums.

Pathologies of the thyroid gland are accompanied by specific symptoms, which are expressed in an increase in the tissues of this organ, hormonal failure. Children with an unhealthy thyroid gland are overly active, excitable and irritable, whiny.

If there are no symptoms other than inflammation in the lymph nodes, this indicates that the nodes are simply blown out. But diagnosis is still necessary to exclude serious pathologies. After testing and general survey appropriate treatment is already underway.

Which doctor to contact

Which doctor treats swollen lymph nodes in children? The first thing to do is visit a pediatrician. He will spend initial inspection. As a rule, this is enough to diagnose the underlying disease and identify the true cause of the malfunction of the lymph nodes in a child.

If the pediatrician suspects serious pathologies, he directs for additional examinations to an endocrinologist, neurologist, dentist or oncologist.


If there are signs of an infectious disease (red throat, runny nose, cough, fever), then additional diagnostics lymph nodes are not required. In other cases, when the exact cause of the inflammatory process is not clear or it does not go away for a long time, you need to undergo a series of studies:

  • blood tests (general, biochemical, for sugar);
  • examination of the oral cavity by a dentist;
  • Ultrasound of the thyroid gland and lymph nodes in the neck;
  • fine needle biopsy (puncture) of the lymph node.

After determining the cause, the doctor will tell you how to cure cervical lymph nodes.

Treatment methods for cervical lymph nodes

Since cervical lymphadenitis in a child is not an independent disease, treatment is carried out depending on the cause that caused it. It is worth eliminating it, as the lymph nodes will also return to normal.

Infectious diseases various genesis that cause disorders of the lymph nodes are treated with complex antibacterial (Amoxicillin, Flemoxin Solutab, Hemomycin, Bicillin, etc.) and antiviral (Kagocel, Arbidol, Oscillococcinum) drugs, and if available fungal infection tissues - then with antimycotic agents (Nystatin, Fluconazole, Clotrimazole).

Doctors prescribe gargles, since most cases of pathological cervical lymph nodes in a child are associated with sore throat. For rinsing, furacillin, chamomile, calendula, Rotokan (a mixture of herbs), oak bark are used. A solution of soda, salt and iodine is suitable, pharmaceutical preparations Betadine and Stomatidin.

In case of dental diseases, a complete reorganization of the oral cavity is sufficient for the cervical lymph nodes to return to normal.

For elimination chronic infections, that is, relieving exacerbation, immunostimulants and immunomodulators are used. This is Ingavirin, Viferon, children's Arbidol, Cycloferon, Anaferon for children and herbal preparations– Immunal for children, Echinacea.

In case of thyroid disease, hormone replacement is required, iodine preparations and antioxidant vitamins(E, A, C).

It is forbidden to warm the neck of babies. If there is a purulent process in the lymph node, then heating will greatly aggravate the process. Pus can also be located between the cervical lymph nodes, in which case heating provokes a phlegmon or abscess - the spread of pus to neighboring tissues. These conditions are extremely dangerous and require surgical intervention.

At home, you can use an iodine grid (for children over 6 years old), Zvezdochka balm, Vishnevsky and Ichthyol ointment, but only after medical diagnosis and with the permission of a doctor, since these drugs have contraindications.

Treatment baby and children under one year of age is difficult, as they cannot take many medications, such as antibiotics. In this case, the doctor will most likely prescribe the means traditional medicine and tell you how to treat inflammation so as not to harm the baby.

In children, cervical lymph nodes become inflamed quite often. In some cases, pathology is caused by diseases that do not pose any danger, and sometimes the inflammatory process is associated with serious disorders. Therefore, as soon as a bump on the neck in the form of an inflamed node is found in a child, you should immediately contact a medical facility for complex diagnostics followed by treatment.

Periods of development of the immune system, characteristic of different ages, determine the greater frequency of inflammatory changes in the lymph nodes in children compared with adults. Inflammation of the lymph nodes in a child's neck is common, has a pronounced and variable pattern of pathology, and is fraught with serious complications. This determines the importance of fast and accurate diagnosis allowing adequate and timely treatment of this pathology.

The processes leading to inflammatory changes in the lymph nodes (lymphadenitis) in the neck must be divided into infectious and non-infectious. However, they are always associated with protective function lymphoid tissue, its violation.

The most common causes:

Any inflammation of an infectious nature that affects the organs and tissues of the head, neck, probably acts as a cause. This is due to the spread of non-specific (streptococci, staphylococci, viruses) or specific (tuberculosis, syphilis, cat scratch disease) infection. Non-infectious factors of occurrence: neoplasms and systemic diseases of the connective tissue.

When the damaged skin comes into contact with the saliva of an animal in children, the mechanism of protection against a foreign protein that is in the saliva in in large numbers. The resulting allergic inflammation determines the causes of the development of lymphadenitis.

How are the lymph nodes located?

Lymph nodes in the neck, depending on the depth of location in soft tissues divided into deep and superficial. The surface ones are:

  • front;
  • lateral.

Lymph flows to these nodes from skin, and further along the lymphatic vessels moves to the zone of deep nodes (sublingual, pharyngeal, preglottal, pre- and paratracheal, thyroid). On the back surface, at the point of attachment of the muscle fibers of the neck and head to the occipital bone are located.

To detect signs indicating inflammation of the lymph nodes, it is necessary to try to feel them in the child in front and on the sides along the edges of the sternocleidomastoid muscle, along the back surface - in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe transition of the head to the neck.

Types of disease

Lymphadenitis varies depending on the course of the process, the prevalence and nature of inflammation. Inflammatory changes in the lymph nodes in the neck in children are:

  • acute and chronic;
  • single and multiple;
  • nonpurulent and purulent;
  • one-sided and two-sided;
  • specific and non-specific;
  • complicated and uncomplicated.

The most formidable complications are the generalization of the purulent process (sepsis) and thrombophlebitis, so it is important to start treatment as early as possible.

Manifestations of lymphadenitis

Since this is always a complication of another inflammatory process, the appearance of the corresponding symptoms at the severity of the manifestations of the primary disease allows timely identification of the causes, diagnosis, and effective treatment of the patient.

Inflammation of the lymph nodes is the first symptom of the disease. This is possible with tumor processes, specific infections(tuberculosis, syphilis, cat scratch disease).

Typical symptoms of lymphadenitis:

  • pain on touch;
  • the presence of dense, mobile formations on the neck;
  • weakness, headaches;
  • elevated body temperature (more than 37 C).

In young children, cervical lymphadenitis can lead to torticollis. The causes of this condition are that the infant cannot straighten the affected area due to pain.

With the progression of the inflammatory process in the lymph node, it increases in size (more than 3 cm), pain intensifies, reddening of the local skin occurs.

In acute cases, the temperature may rise above 38 ° C, the development of swelling of the neck on the side of the lesion, pain in the head and neck, sleep disturbance, and digestive disorders. Severe symptoms of intoxication ( poor appetite, nausea, vomiting, muscle pain, weakness, sweating, sleep disturbance, anxiety) are more common in young children.

Chronic lymphadenitis in children is characterized by an increase in nodes in the neck, slight pain, and other symptoms are most often absent.

How to identify the disease

If you suspect a lesion of the lymph nodes in the neck, medical intervention is necessary. It is within the competence of a pediatrician or an ENT doctor to identify and treat this disease, as well as refer it to the appropriate narrow specialists. As a cause of lymphadenitis, first of all, it is necessary to exclude diseases of the ear, oropharyngeal and nasal lymphoid tissue (adenoids, tonsils), teeth, gums.

Inflammation is diagnosed in children after clarification of complaints by probing the anterior, lateral, and posterior surfaces of the neck. If changes are detected, the doctor prescribes a set of laboratory and instrumental studies.

Most significant:

  • a blood test to confirm the infectious or determine the other nature of the disease;
  • histological examination of the lymph node (if a tumor process is suspected);
  • Ultrasound of the node, computed tomography.

The latter are necessarily used to exclude congenital cysts, the presence of pus, the diagnosis of tumor and specific infectious processes.

Specialists who may need advice and treatment:

After determining the diagnosis, the issue of the inflammatory process in the lymph node is resolved.

Therapy of lymphadenitis

It is ineffective to treat lymphadenitis in the neck in isolation due to the fact that it is always a complication. It is necessary to treat both the primary disease and the defeat of the lymph node. The flow option is taken into account, general reaction organism, the age of the child. Based on the combination of these data, the doctor makes a decision on the place of therapy: to treat on an outpatient (home) basis under medical supervision or in a hospital.

Treatment consists of antibacterial agents a wide range action, anti-inflammatory, desensitizing drugs. The most commonly used antibiotics are:

  • cephalosporins;
  • protected penicillins;
  • macrolides.

Doses and regimen of medication are determined by the doctor.

In non-purulent lesions, it is indicated local treatment(dry heat, compresses). If a purulent focus is formed, then inpatient treatment is indicated. Specific inflammation (tuberculosis, sarcoidosis) should be treated in specialized medical institutions. Upon confirmation helminthic invasion appropriate therapy is indicated.

It is important to combine drug treatment of a chronic process on a child's neck with measures that increase the body's defenses: a complete diet, vitamins, minerals, immunomodulators.

Thus, determining the cause of cervical lymphadenitis, drug correction of the primary disease and lymph node damage, taking into account the severity of symptoms, the possibility of sudden changes in the child's condition, the likelihood of complications in early age, determine the need for strict medical supervision and control. Timely diagnosis and adequate treatment can fully preserve the health of the child.

Lymph node - peripheral organ vascular system, bean-shaped or oval in shape, which performs an important function in the metabolism and cleansing of body tissues. Nodes are located in groups throughout the body, including in the neck area (chin, anterior ear, supraclavicular, occipital) not only in an adult, but also in a baby in such a way as to be an obstacle to infection different nature. According to statistics, it is children who are more susceptible to enlarged lymph nodes than adults. In this article, we will find out what to do if the lymph nodes in the neck are baby enlarged, causes of pathology and how to diagnose the disease.

Medicine shares 2 types of dysfunction of the lymph nodes in children:

  1. lymphadenopathy. Most often diagnosed with infectious diseases of the throat, while lymph nodes appear on the neck only on one side (left, right or back).
  2. Bilateral inflammation. It is diagnosed when enlarged lymph nodes in the neck of a child appear on either side of it. Such a pathological process most often indicates a disease of one or another organ and is accompanied by an increase in temperature.

Normally, the cervical lymph nodes in a child do not exceed 0.5-1 cm in size and are not distinguished by visual examination or palpation.

But still, why are the lymph nodes in the child's neck enlarged, how to treat such a disease and what to do to prevent the recurrence of the disease? You should start with the main causes of the disease.

Factors affecting the enlargement of lymph nodes

Reasons why the lymph nodes in the child's neck are enlarged , are very diverse and can be both a sign of a decrease in immunity, and a consequence anatomical structure. In some cases, an increase in the cervical lymph nodes is provoked by the body's fight against an infection of a different nature, such as:

  • cold;
  • infectious diseases (scarlet fever, mumps, rubella);
  • mononucleosis;
  • acute inflammatory process in the mouth (stomatitis, caries, gingivitis).

In addition to the above factors for the increase in lymphoid nodes in the neck of a child, the occurrence and development of lymphadenopathy is affected by medication, malignant tumors and their metastases. As well as blood diseases, metabolism, allergic reactions and healing of skin injuries, accompanied by an inflammatory process.

In addition, the lymph nodes in the child's neck can be enlarged due to prolonged nervous tension, beriberi, hypothermia, body reactions to insect bites, scratches after playing with animals, burns or mechanical damage larynx.

It is worth noting that the reasons for the increase in lymph nodes in the neck in children are strictly individual in relation to each baby and appear at any age. To identify true reason disease and in order to avoid its aggravation, parents need to consult a specialist, as well as conduct an examination of the child to identify pathologies.

Most often, the lymph nodes in the neck increase in children aged 5-8 years, which is due to the imperfection of the body's defense system and weak immunity, as well as in adolescents during puberty and active adulthood.

Symptoms of the disease

If the child's lymph nodes in the neck are enlarged by more than 1.5 cm in diameter, body temperature is elevated, pain is observed when moving the neck or other signs of intoxication, this is a reason to consult a doctor to identify the cause of the disease or take a puncture.

Most often, the symptoms depend on the pathology that provoked inflammation and are expressed by the following conditions:

  • headache;
  • general weakness of the body;
  • loss of appetite.

The area around the inflamed node is compacted, swelling develops on it, possible skin rashes, sleep is disturbed, the child is naughty, pain occurs when swallowing. When palpating the neck, the enlarged lymph node resembles a bag with an elastic ball and hurts.

In children, the neck usually swells, the temperature changes dramatically, and the rates are very high. The child often refuses to eat. It is important to pay attention to the fact that the baby may stop drinking, as he has a severe sore throat. If in children the inflammatory process has affected the lymphatic system, they cannot quickly recover or recover. The immune system in this case is not strong enough.

In addition to the above symptoms, if the child has enlarged lymphoid nodes, the grounds for contacting a specialist are chills or purulent discharge, which may indicate acute tonsillitis or the development of oncology.

If the baby has a moderately enlarged lymph node in the neck since birth, there are no discomfort and there is only a slight increase in body temperature, while the remaining symptoms appear quite blurry, he is diagnosed chronic pathology. Chronic enlargement of the lymph nodes in the neck in a child implies regular monitoring by the attending physician and undergoing medical examinations in order to prevent the development of cancer.

Treatment of the disease

In order for the lymph nodes in the child to return to their previous size, it is necessary to eliminate the pathology that provoked the increase. To do this, the doctor prescribes an antibacterial or antiviral drugs within 5-14 days, physiotherapy, UHF radiation.

During the course of therapy, the baby needs strict bed rest, constant drinking of warm liquids. The nutrition of the crumbs is also corrected by expanding the menu and adding light soups, vegetables, fruits and natural juices to it. After consultation with the attending physician, to strengthen the immune system, it is allowed to use fortified supplements, as well as preparations containing bifidus and lactobacilli, which allow the baby's gastrointestinal tract to return to normal after antibiotic treatment.

Parents of a sick child should remember that during the treatment of the disease, when the lymph nodes have enlarged, in order to avoid the development of even more inflammation, it is impossible to make a mesh of iodine on them and apply warming compresses. It is not recommended to rub the affected area with alcohol or alcohol-containing tinctures, massage them, and in order to prevent burns of the pharynx, the fluid supplied should always be at room temperature.

Enlarged lymph node in the neck of a child

In the treatment of this type of disease is allowed if drug therapy does not bring positive dynamics, the lymph node continues to increase, there is an accumulation of purulent formations, or the inflammatory process has a clear localization. The intervention is performed under anesthesia (local or general), after which drug therapy is prescribed with the use of broad-spectrum antibiotics.

Alternative medicine in the treatment of lymphadenitis

On a par with classical methods of treatment, if the child has enlarged lymph nodes, after consulting a doctor and in the absence of allergic reaction from the side child's body, the use of traditional medicine preparations is allowed. Alternative medicine includes the use of decoctions, tinctures, ointments and drops based on or from extracts of medicinal plants.

If the lymph nodes in a baby are greatly enlarged, herbal tea and decoctions have proven themselves well, based on the following medicinal plants:

  1. Take 1 tsp. collection of herbs mixed in equal proportions (hop cones, oregano, yarrow, horsetail), pour 1 tbsp. boiling water. The resulting mixture is evaporated on a water bath for 10 minutes. over medium heat, cooled to room temperature, filtered, and served to a sick child in 30 minutes. before every meal.
  2. If the lymph node on the baby's neck increases in size by more than 2 cm, it is acceptable to use tea based on lavender, elderberry and wormwood flowers, taken in equal proportions in the amount of 1 teaspoon. They should be brewed in 1 tbsp. steep boiling water, insist the liquid until warm, strain and serve as a drink 2-3 times a day.
  3. To strengthen the baby's immunity during the fight against an infection that provoked an increase in lymph nodes, it is recommended to drink an infusion based on Ivan-tea. The herb is brewed in an ordinary teapot and taken several times a day as a warm infusion.
  4. On the early stages lymphadenitis, blueberries are also used, having previously passed them through a meat grinder and mixed with warm water.

For external use, bandages are used on the throat from medicinal herbs no warming effect. These include:

  1. Melissa grass, slaughtered with a blender to a mushy state. Wrapped in gauze and applied to the throat, it has a mild therapeutic effect on inflammation of the lymph nodes in a child.
  2. positive healing effect with lymphadenopathy is the imposition of a bandage made of cotton fabric soaked in the juice of crushed dandelion leaves. It should be applied to the throat 2 times a day for one hour.
  3. Dry crushed mistletoe leaves filled with 0.5 tbsp have a similar effect. boiling water and evaporated for 20 minutes. in a water bath. After that, the infusion is cooled, filtered and used to apply bandages.

As decoctions for gargling, infusions of mint leaves or chamomile and calendula flowers are used, which have an antibacterial effect.

Correctly selected homeopathic preparations show positive result provided that they are carried out correctly and regularly. However, when using medicinal herbs, it should be borne in mind that the time of the average therapeutic course is at least 14 days.

Disease prevention

After identifying the cause and treating lymphadenitis, in order to prevent the recurrence of an increase in the lymph nodes in the child's neck, parents are advised to follow simple preventive rules:

  • temper the baby;
  • walk with him in the fresh air for at least 2 hours a day;
  • do physical education;
  • eat a full and varied diet;
  • treat viral and infectious diseases;
  • The eldest daughter had a lot of problems in childhood due to adenoids of the 3rd degree and constant complications in their background. Almost all this time, the lymph nodes were enlarged, and once during the period of exacerbation, on one side, the lymph node grew sharply to the size chicken egg. It was, of course, very scary, although I understood that the reason for such a sharp increase was that the body was trying to cope with infectious inflammation. Thank God that after the removal of the adenoids, everything returned to normal.
