
How to get potassium permanganate at home. How to use potassium permanganate solution for wound treatment

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Potassium permanganate consists of small crystals, when dissolved in water, a bright red solution is formed, which has a lot of useful properties, due to which it is very often used in the treatment of many diseases. But to find out in more detail what effect it has, whether there are contraindications, how to make a potassium permanganate solution for food poisoning, to treat wounds and so on - you can from this article.

Therapeutic effect and contraindications of the therapeutic agent

To begin with, let's figure out what properties this substance can have on the body:

  • disinfectant and anti-inflammatory;
  • emetic;
  • antimicrobial and disinfectant;
  • anti-inflammatory and antiseptic;
  • as well as antitoxic.

However, in addition to the advantages, the drug also has some contraindications, namely:

  • The manifestation of allergic reactions (if this symptom is detected, you should immediately consult a dermatologist).
  • The use of too concentrated liquid.
  • Hypersensitivity to the therapeutic component (basically, this indicator is extremely rare).

The dosage of the drug also plays an important role, that is, ingestion of 3 or more grams of a chemical can be fatal. The main signs of the appearance of poisoning can be considered: diarrhea, vomiting, acute pain in the mouth, stomach and esophagus.

The spectrum of use of this composition is quite wide, even along with many other drugs of artificial origin.

Potassium permanganate solution for wound treatment

It acts as an antiseptic, which has a powerful effect on skin lesions. It should be noted that with varying degrees of damage, the solution may change, that is, if they are insignificant, then it will be enough to use a weak composition, and for more serious ones, a five percent therapeutic liquid is perfect.

How to make a 5% potassium permanganate solution:

  • Take 5 gr. potassium permanganate, pour into 100 ml of warm boiled water.
  • After all the crystals have dissolved, the resulting liquid should be carefully filtered through gauze folded in several layers in order to avoid contact with the skin of undissolved crystals.
  • The finished composition should have a characteristic rich purple hue and be used chilled, exclusively for external use. In this case, wounds that should be treated only at their edges, otherwise you can only bring the infection.

Potassium permanganate solution for poisoning

Such a tool helps to achieve the best effect by neutralizing the body of toxins, as well as disinfecting the contents of the patient's stomach. To get a cleanser you will need:

  • distilled water - 1 l.,
  • potassium permanganate.

How to prepare a solution of potassium permanganate:

  • First you need to take crystals of the chemical on the tip of the knife.
  • Then pour the crystals into boiled water (the temperature of which should not be higher than 30-35 °) and mix thoroughly until they are completely dissolved. The medicinal composition should turn out pink.
  • After that, the liquid should be well filtered through cheesecloth to avoid the ingress of crystal particles, since if they are inside the stomach of the victim, they can do even more harm to the burn of the mucous membrane.
  • The remedy should be taken at the first symptoms of poisoning and try to drink it as much as possible, but gradually and not exceeding the dosage of 3 liters. per day. However, the first portion must be about 1 liter. Then put two fingers into your mouth to induce a gag reflex. If necessary, in the evening, repeat a similar procedure, but with a new solution.

There is also another way to prepare a healing agent: You need to mix 10 gr. potassium permanganate together with 90 ml of water and mix thoroughly until all crystals are dissolved.

The resulting 10% potassium permanganate solution is very concentrated, so it should be diluted before use to obtain a pink tint. And the washing procedure itself is performed, as in the first method.

Other use of the solution

Due to the presence of antimicrobial and antiseptic substances in potassium permanganate, a solution based on it can be used in industries such as gynecology and urology for the treatment of bacterial and fungal diseases. Basically, in folk medicine, potassium permanganate is used for thrush as a daily douching, and in men with urological problems, as a rule, washing with this solution is prescribed.

The main thing to remember is that before starting therapy with this therapeutic agent, you must follow all the rules for its preparation, because otherwise you can get even more irritation of the mucous membrane.

How to make a weak solution of potassium permanganate for the treatment of thrush:

  • Boiled water - 200 ml.
  • Potassium permanganate - 0.2 mg.

Cooking method:

  • Pour the chemical into a glass container, fill it with water and mix properly until its crystals are completely dissolved.
  • The solution itself is prepared only once, since over time it may lose its existing properties. As for the douching procedure, douching with a solution of potassium permanganate is carried out several times a day for 6 days. This procedure allows you to eliminate the unpleasant symptoms that have arisen against the background of the disease.

Each of us knows about the unique antiseptic qualities of potassium permanganate, also called potassium permanganate. In most cases, such a drug is used only in low concentrations, for example, for preparing baths and rinses, as well as for gastric lavage. However, in some cases there is a need to prepare especially concentrated solutions of potassium permanganate, for example, one percent or five percent. Today we will talk about the second version of such a medicinal composition - how to make a 5% solution of potassium permanganate. Let's try to understand the intricacies of its preparation and application as detailed as possible.

In general, potassium permanganate is a salt of manganese acid, it looks like a powder, consisting of tiny crystals of dark purple color, which have a blue-steel luster. Potassium permanganate is highly soluble in water, resulting in a liquid of different colors. Weakly concentrated solutions have a pinkish color, and highly concentrated solutions are purple, almost black.

Potassium permanganate is a fairly strong oxidizing agent, respectively, it has a pronounced antimicrobial (antiseptic) effect. This effect is explained by the fact that in an aqueous solution, in the presence of easily oxidized elements, oxygen of the gaseous type is actively split off from potassium permanganate, and it is a very strong antiseptic.

After that, poorly soluble brown manganese oxide remains.
In a significant concentration, potassium permanganate has a pronounced irritating and cauterizing effect.

The use of a five percent solution of potassium permanganate

This version of the potassium permanganate solution is considered to be especially concentrated. In no case should it be used for the treatment of mucous membranes and internal consumption, since with this use this remedy will provoke a severe burn.

Such a concentrated solution can only be used externally and in extreme cases. So some experts advise applying it to areas affected by fungal diseases - on the skin (not on the mucous membranes) and on the nails. However, mycologists argue that the use of special antifungal drugs will be much more effective and safe.

There is confidence that the use of a five percent solution of potassium permanganate will help to cope with poison when bitten by poisonous snakes, scorpions and tarantulas. In this case, this tool is used to wash the affected areas. But keep in mind that such first aid does not completely eliminate the need to call an ambulance and immediate hospitalization (if necessary).

Some experts in traditional medicine claim that a strong cold solution of potassium permanganate can be used to treat thermal burns. In this case, the agent is used cold, preparing lotions on the affected areas on its basis. But the effectiveness and safety of this treatment is highly recommended to discuss with your doctor.

Similar recommendations apply to advice on the treatment of bedsores using a five percent solution of potassium permanganate. It is claimed that this remedy effectively prevents the appearance of such unpleasant and dangerous formations. For the prevention of bedsores, it is advised to wipe parts of the body that are dangerous from this point of view, using a solution of potassium permanganate.

Also, a concentrated five percent solution will help in the treatment of various kinds of generalized skin lesions, for example, pyoderma or chicken pox. In order to speed up the drying and falling off of the crusts, patients will benefit from a bath with the addition of potassium permanganate. First, in a glass separate container, you need to make a concentrated solution, after which it must be poured into a warm bath, achieving pink coloring of the water. The duration of such a procedure is no more than a quarter of an hour. After it, the patient should be doused with slightly cooler clean water. Baths can be repeated every day.

A 5% solution of potassium permanganate can be used as an effective caustic agent. So they can try to remove warts or calluses. This tool can also be applied to acne, for example, on the back, but only pointwise.

How to prepare a 5% solution of potassium permanganate?

It is best, of course, to use accurate scales to prepare a solution of potassium permanganate. In this case, the creation of such a tool will not be difficult for you. Just dilute five grams of crystals in one hundred milliliters of water.

If you do not have scales at hand, then the situation is somewhat more complicated. But nothing is impossible. As you know, an ordinary teaspoon with a volume of five milliliters contains six grams of potassium permanganate. Accordingly, to prepare a five percent solution, you should combine this volume of potassium permanganate with one hundred and twenty milliliters of water.

If you purchased a vial of potassium permanganate at a pharmacy, with a volume of three grams, then to prepare a five percent solution, you need to combine it with seventy milliliters of water.

After all the potassium permanganate crystals have dissolved in water, pass the resulting solution through gauze folded in several layers. This will prevent possible burns from undissolved chemical particles.

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Dark crystals of potassium permanganate are still present in many first aid kits, despite the fact that the sale of this product has long been discontinued.

The pharmacy offers a huge selection of other various medicines for all occasions. However, the powder and aqueous solution of potassium permanganate for wound treatment is still suitable for use.

In what cases can potassium permanganate be used

Crystals of potassium permanganate or potassium permanganate (KMnO 4) are the potassium salt of permanganic acid. The powder is dark burgundy, almost black in color, highly soluble in water, is a strong oxidizing agent. Upon contact with living skin cells in solution or pure form, atomic oxygen is released, due to which the antiseptic properties of the drug are manifested.


Potassium permanganate should not be used for hypersensitivity to potassium and magnesium.

In case of overdose, there is pain in the oral cavity, swelling of the mucosa of the esophagus, pharynx, abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea, burn shock is possible. So that the treatment with the drug does not lead to sad consequences, does not cause the development of complications, the powder must be properly diluted with potassium permanganate to treat the wound and the dosage should not be exceeded.

How to properly dilute potassium permanganate for wound treatment

To dissolve salt crystals, it is better to use warm water, so the powder will dissolve faster. For dilution, water should be boiled, then cooled to about 40 ° C. For 1 liter of liquid, you need to take a pinch of potassium permanganate.

To properly prepare a potassium permanganate solution for treating wounds, you need to know:

  • You can not take the substance with bare hands, while you can get a severe burn of the skin. For this purpose, use a spoon, knife, or a flat wooden stick;
  • The finished solution should be a light crimson hue. If the result is a darker concentration, then for the treatment of wounds, the potassium permanganate solution must be diluted with water until the desired shade is obtained;
  • Undissolved particles settle at the bottom of the container, you need to wait a bit for them to dissolve, or the liquid must be filtered through several layers of gauze or a fine sieve;
  • The finished product should be used immediately after preparation, since it cannot be stored, the remaining drug is poured out.

Potassium permanganate, dissolved in water, has a disinfecting and eavesdropping effect. The solution is widely used in dermatology, surgery, gynecology, urology.

In surgical practice, the liquid is used to treat wounds, and dried bandages are soaked in the solution to make a dressing.

For gastric lavage, it is not necessary to use a probe, the patient simply drinks 0.5-1.5 liters of light pink liquid, after which vomiting is caused by a reflex when pressing on the root of the tongue. In case of poisoning with alcohol, morphine, drugs, when vomiting must be induced immediately, patients are also given potassium permanganate to drink.

Proper use of the solution

In everyday life, potassium permanganate is used to relieve pain in calluses, for this they make foot baths. In a bowl of water, also add a tablespoon of table salt or baking soda. The legs are lowered into the pelvis for 15 minutes, after a while the corns stop hurting.

Despite the fact that in recent years potassium permanganate has disappeared from free sale due to its use for the synthesis of narcotic drugs in home laboratories, it continues to be very popular, because it is quite difficult to find a more versatile and cheaper antiseptic that has practically no contraindications than this one. That is why the drug continues to be widely used in various areas of life, using its certain concentrations, but before proceeding with the description of the method of how to make a 10% solution of potassium permanganate, it is advisable to indicate that we are talking about the most saturated mixture, which is used in quite rare cases. Making a 10% solution of potassium permanganate is quite simple, another thing is that you need to know its purpose in order not to abuse such a strong concentration in vain.

So, a ten percent solution has a dark crimson or even purple hue and is used mainly for external use, as a fairly powerful antiseptic against the bites of poisonous snakes, scorpions, as well as such dangerous spiders as tarantula and karakurt. In addition, it is possible to use a high concentration of potassium permanganate to treat very severe burns, because the greater the degree of soft tissue damage, the more saturated the solution should be for their disinfection and treatment. And even blisters with liquid, which often remain after using hot jars, are recommended to be treated with a five to ten percent solution of manganese, using it to prepare compresses and lotions. It is noteworthy that in these cases the solution must be cooled in the refrigerator, because only then will it have the most effective effect on the affected area.

As for the preparation of a solution of potassium permanganate of such a concentration, it implies the obligatory performance of several simple steps. And the first nuance that must be taken into account is the dishes for preparing the concentrate, which must be glass. In no case should you use plates, pots and bowls that are used for cooking, as manganese has a high degree of oxidation and can penetrate deep into certain surfaces. If the concentrate will be used to treat a person or his pets, then it is necessary to boil water for its manufacture, allowing it to cool to 36-37 degrees Celsius. The dishes themselves must also be treated in advance with boiling water or steam. As for the method of preparation, it involves adding the powder to the liquid, and not vice versa.

It is necessary to stir potassium permanganate in boiled water with a glass or plastic (disposable) spoon, carefully making sure that each grain of the drug is completely dissolved. And only after that the resulting concentrate is sent to cool in a refrigerator or cellar, making sure that direct sunlight does not fall on it. The recipe for preparing such a solution is very simple, because for this it is necessary to mix the contents of two five-gram sachets of manganese (most often the drug can be purchased in such a package) with 90 milliliters of water, obtaining a ratio of 1 to 10. It is strongly recommended to follow all precautions, since Potassium permanganate in its pure form on open areas of the skin can cause a burn or an acute allergic reaction.

A 5% solution is a solution that is 5% saturated. That is, the mass of dry matter, in this case, potassium permanganate, should be 1/20 of the mass of the solution.

You will need

  • potassium permanganate, water, kettle, glassware


1. First of all, you should know: never dissolve potassium permanganate in pots, ladles, basins or other kitchen utensils. Potassium permanganate will certainly leave its marks on them, and the material of the dishes may begin to react with the solution (do not forget, potassium permanganate is a salt, that is, a chemical compound, and it behaves quite energetically in various environments). For our purposes, transparent glassware, for example, a liter jar or a juice bottle, is more classy than anyone.

2. Now we have to correctly calculate the proportions. Most likely, everyone will not have to weigh potassium permanganate: it is sold in packages on which the mass is more closely indicated - 5 g, 10 g, 15 g, and so on. For every 5 grams of potassium permanganate, 95 grams of water is taken. That is, if we need 1 liter of a 5% solution, then we need 10 packs of potassium permanganate, 5 grams each, and 950 grams of water.

3. Now the water should be heated: in warm water everything dissolves more rapidly. Taking into account the fact that the solution, most likely everyone, will be needed for some medical or hygienic purposes, the optimum water temperature will be 35-40 degrees, this temperature is easily determined by the fingers. Heated water is poured into a prepared clean jar, followed by potassium permanganate. It is not worth pouring water into a dry substance - this is a general rule for preparing solutions. For stirring in laboratories, a glass stick is used, but at home it is allowed to stir with a disposable plastic spoon, a metal one should not be used for these purposes.

Salt of manganese acid, potassium permanganate - all these are the names of a common antiseptic, the one that is more famous in everyday life as potassium permanganate. This chemical compound is often used in the provision of emergency medical care and the treatment of various diseases, but it is necessary to prepare a solution of potassium permanganate correctly.


1. When preparing a solution of potassium permanganate, take a few crystals and, stirring, completely dissolve in a small amount of water. It is significant to make this procedure with metal or plastic objects that are stubborn to staining and exposure to salt of manganese acid. Pour the resulting solution little by little into a vessel with clean water until the desired concentration is obtained, which is very easy to determine by the color of the liquid.

2. When gastric lavage caused by food poisoning with toxic substances, use a clear scarlet, but transparent solution of potassium permanganate, one to one and a half liters of which must be drunk. The special “chemical” taste of such a liquid will cause a gag reflex and will contribute to the unreasonable emptying of the esophagus and intestines, and due to their antiseptic properties, they will be disinfected. It is important to ensure that when ingested, undissolved salt crystals do not accidentally get inside, which can lead to burns of the gastric mucosa.

3. In order to stop diarrhea, prepare a pale pink solution of potassium permanganate and take a glass in the morning and evening. As usual, after a day of such therapy, diarrhea stops.

4. To treat wounds, prepare a solution of manganese acid, one that should have the color of thick red wine, and treat the surface around the wound with it. The disinfecting effect of potassium permanganate will help protect the damaged area from the effects of pathogens.

5. For the treatment of wounds formed from the bites of poisonous snakes, a concentrated - ten percent solution of potassium permanganate is used, the one that has a purple color.

6. To prevent high sweating of the legs, prepare a solution of pale pink potassium permanganate. Baths with this solution will reduce sweat secretions. After any procedure, lubricate the skin with a 1% formalin solution.

7. To treat bedsores, use a 5% solution of manganese salt and apply it once or twice a day to the affected areas.

Potassium permanganate or potassium permanganate is used in medicine for drying mucous membranes and skin, as well as for disinfection. However, the preparation of the solution requires great care.


1. A solution of potassium permanganate is prescribed for poisoning. Once in the stomach, it has a disinfecting effect. Also, this tool is used to gargle with scarlet fever and sore throat. Potassium permanganate is no less effective for sinusitis. In addition, the solution can be used to treat both superficial and large wounds, burns, sweating of the legs, lesions of the oral mucosa, urological and gynecological diseases, as well as hemorrhoids.

2. For gastric lavage, make a 0.1% solution of potassium permanganate. Because the solution will be taken internally, use only boiled water to prepare it. Pour 1 gram of powder into a liter of water at a temperature of 37-38 degrees. Thoroughly mix the resulting liquid and strain it through three layers of gauze. The finished solution should have a purple hue, but be transparent. Make sure that there are no undissolved crystals in the medicine that can burn the stomach lining.

3. To treat a burn, prepare a more concentrated solution. Dissolve 2 grams of potassium permanganate in half a glass of water. As in the previous case, strain the resulting medicine. Outwardly, the solution is used cold, and therefore cool it to room temperature before use.

4. Prepare a 5% solution for the treatment of large wounds, in particular bedsores. To do this, pour a whole 5 gram package of potassium permanganate into 100 ml of water.

5. To wash your eyes in a glass of water, add a couple of crystals of potassium permanganate. Even a pale pink solution has a disinfectant property, and therefore helps well with conjunctivitis. The same method is used to prepare a medicine for douching in gynecological diseases.

Potassium permanganate has no contraindications, however, failure to comply with the special technology for preparing the solution can lead to serious results.