
Anxiety neurosis hypochondria Yurov questions. Hypochondriacal neurosis is a serious disorder without a cause.

Every person from time to time has all sorts of diseases that make him go to doctors and drink. medications. After recovery, he manages to return to normal life.

However, there are people who are too attentive to their own health. Many of them are sure that they have dangerous pathologies, but in fact they are not.

When such symptoms appear, it can be argued that a person suffers from hypochondriacal neurosis.

  • All information on the site is for informational purposes and is NOT a guide to action!
  • We kindly ask you DO NOT self-medicate, but book an appointment with a specialist!
  • Health to you and your loved ones!

Description of pathology

This term is understood as a kind of neurosis in which the patient pays too much attention to his own health. The patient's personality traits are such that he constantly has obsessive thoughts about the presence of a dangerous disease.

Confidence in this is usually based on somatic or physical symptoms, which in reality are not signs of pathology. Even normal test results do not give a person confidence that he is absolutely healthy. If it is not possible to confirm the diagnosis, the patient is sure that the truth is being hidden from him. Therefore, people with such a disorder often turn to other doctors.

As a result, a person with hypochondriacal neurosis has a violation of the perception of reality. He literally becomes obsessed with thoughts of incurable disease. Also, such people very often have a panic fear of death. That is why they are constantly being examined and tested. It literally becomes the meaning of life.

People around often do not take people with this disease seriously. However, this is actually a very dangerous violation, since constant fear leads to malfunctions. vegetative system which, in turn, negatively affects the functioning of all organs.


This pathology in most cases occurs in women. Sometimes it is also found in men. As a rule, this diagnosis is made at the age of 30-40, however, in some cases, older people are also susceptible to the disease.

The main factors for the appearance of pathology include the following:

High suggestibility and excessive suspiciousness If a person prone to hypochondria hears that a friend has fallen ill, he immediately begins to analyze the state of his health. As a result, he often finds himself in the same manifestations.
Diseases in childhood Such pathologies leave an indelible mark on the human psyche. The patient is afraid that the disease will return again or he will fall ill with something else.
Caring for relatives suffering from serious illnesses If a person is forced to constantly watch how a loved one suffers, he can acquire a hypochondriacal neurosis.
genetic predisposition If loved ones suffer from hypochondria, the likelihood of this disorder increases many times over.
Lack of employment, loneliness, passion for medicine These factors also quite often provoke neurosis.


Depending on the manifestations of the disease, which are combined into syndromes, doctors distinguish the following types of hypochondria:

obsessive hypochondria
  • This syndrome manifests itself in the form of fear for one's own health.
  • People with this diagnosis constantly analyze the processes that take place in their body.
  • Distinctive feature given state lies in the fact that a person understands the excessiveness of experiences, but can do nothing about it.
Astheno-hypochondriac syndrome
  • For this personality disorder, a person's confidence that he suffers from an incurable disease.
  • In this case, he often has headaches, quite often there is general weakness and malaise.
  • Such people suffer from increased impressionability and insecurity.
Depressive-hypochondriac syndrome
  • With the development of this syndrome, in addition to constant anxiety for one's own health, a person develops hypochondriacal ideas, which he considers especially valuable. This deviation is practically uncorrectable.
  • People with this diagnosis constantly imagine dangerous consequences similar pathologies. This syndrome is accompanied by constant depression and depression. Sometimes patients have suicidal ideas.
Senesto-hypochondriac syndrome
  • In this situation, senestopathic deviations are predominantly present./li>
  • With this syndrome, a person lives with a firm belief that his vital organs are affected.
  • Wherein diagnostic studies do not show any pathology.
  • Such people often change doctors in order to hear the "correct" diagnosis.
Anxiety-hypochondriac syndrome
  • This failure is the result of a malfunction nervous system which is the result of stress.
  • A person is afraid of getting sick with a terrible disease, and therefore is in a state of constant stress.

Symptoms and signs

Symptoms of hypochondriacal neurosis include the following:

  • prolonged disability;
  • constant weakness;
  • sleep problems;
  • unwillingness to perform household duties;
  • general malaise;
  • high irritability;
  • unwillingness to have fun;
  • constant depression;
  • sadness;
  • aggressive attitude towards others.
A distinctive feature of this disease is the increased attention of a person to his health, and it is absolutely unfounded. People who have this mental disorder, analyze their condition all the time. Any discomfort or slight pain is perceived by them as a symptom of a dangerous illness.

In terms of physical manifestations, patients with hypochondriacal neurosis often experience nausea and weakness. They often have an increase in body temperature and appear pain in the region of the heart.

Diagnosing hypochondriacal neurosis in children can be very difficult, because they often do not talk about their condition. To do this, you need to pay attention to noticeable symptoms - increased anxiety, irritability, increased sweating, aggressiveness.


To diagnose this disorder, the doctor must analyze the patient's complaints and compare them with the results of tests and examinations. As a rule, such people first of all perform blood and urine tests.

An electrocardiogram may also be required. Based on the research carried out, the specialist can draw conclusions regarding general condition human health.

If necessary, additional procedures may be prescribed:

  • radiography;
  • ultrasound procedure;
  • consultation of doctors with a narrow specialization.

If it is not possible to detect pathology, a person with manifestations of hypochondriacal neurosis is sent for an appointment with a psychotherapist.

How to treat hypochondriacal neurosis

The main goal of psychotherapy is to direct the perception of the patient in a positive direction. Through regular conversations with a doctor, a person should understand that his fears are completely absurd.

Treatment this disease must necessarily be comprehensive and based on individual features person's personality. In most cases, the following methods of therapy are indicated:

To make treatment more effective, medical preparations. As a rule, doctors prescribe nootropics. Sometimes you can not do without tranquilizers. It is also very useful to drink vitamin preparations.

To improve the condition with this type of neurosis, physiotherapy, acupuncture and reflexology are often used.


It is important to consider that hypochondriacal neurosis is curable only in a small number of cases. Many suffer from this disorder throughout their lives. Because of this, its quality is significantly reduced.

Just not a large number of patients finds the strength to get rid of this pathology forever.

Therefore, it is much easier to deal with the prevention of this disease. For this you need:

  • exercise regularly;
  • communicate with different people;
  • have interests and hobbies;
  • fully rest and sleep;
  • adhere to the daily routine;
  • have a full-time job.

It's extremely simple rules However, not everyone can follow them. If there are special traits in the character, a person can focus on his condition and constantly be in the grip of negative thoughts - for example, about the presence of a disease.

As a result, these thoughts completely take over the human mind and gradually transform into obsessions. Therefore, it is so important not to give free rein to your own imagination and avoid the appearance of fears, because there are many interesting things in life.

A person who knows about these features of his personality should simply protect himself from such irritants. After all, they are able to become a kind of impetus for the development of this dangerous disease.

Hypochondriacal neurosis- This is a fairly serious violation, getting rid of which is very difficult. This disease significantly impairs the quality of life and can even lead to negative consequences for physical health person.

To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to engage in the prevention of this disease. If his symptoms still appear, it is recommended to immediately contact a qualified psychotherapist.

Hypochondriacal neurosis is a serious illness that often occurs in people with an obsessive pathological form of neurotic personality disorder. It arises as an independent disease or becomes a manifestation of other types of psychoneurosis. Quite normal for each person is to take care of their health. However, when instead of it there are constant fears, fears, anxiety for one's well-being, the situation becomes pathological. This person needs treatment.

Categories of risk group

Signs of hypochondria are most often found in the weaker sex. For every 100 women affected by this disease, there are only three men. Most of the time, attractive young women between the ages of 25 and 30 see doctors for this disorder. This is due to the fact that it is during this period of life that the stage of stabilization ends, when the institute is over, there is permanent job, family. To solve these problems of personal growth, all Vital energy women. Now the fear for one's health comes to the fore, becomes pathological.

This syndrome is extremely rare in children. Doctors noted an important pattern: the later hypochondriacal neurosis occurs, the greater the risk of a pronounced mental disorder after 35-40 years.

Clinical picture of hypochondriacal syndrome

Symptoms of the disease are the same:

  1. The key manifestation of the pathology is the patient's excessive painful attention to his health. Physically healthy people are constantly preoccupied with their condition, at the slightest discomfort they complain about their unhealthy condition, exaggerate its severity. These patients are convinced that they feel the symptoms of certain non-existent ailments, although there is no medical basis for this.
  2. Mentally, a patient with obsessive hypochondria constantly imagines the mournful outcome of his illness. He is full of dark thoughts, doubts.

At first, these symptoms can be assessed as a simulation, but this will be wrong, because the patient is really suffering, suffering. Hypochondria is supported by internal fears and pity, which the patient receives from the outside, from other people.

Causes of hypochondriacal phobia

Fear of illness is caused by various reasons:

  1. Often the patient, complaining of feeling unwell, unconsciously hides behind his illness from experiences and life's difficulties.
  2. There are psychotraumatic situations when a person or his close relative, friend suddenly falls ill with something. Later illness passes, but the fear about the illness, which suddenly happened, remains.

Treatment of obsessive hypochondria

The patient should receive advice from a qualified psychotherapist. If necessary, specialists prescribe a course of therapy. Prevention of hypochondriacal phobia is important. If you go to a psychotherapist early stage pathology, the symptoms of the disease disappear or weaken.

A person can help himself:

  1. It is important to find some kind of hobby, hobby.
  2. You shouldn't focus on yourself. We need to pay more attention to what is happening in society. Then the person will not have time and desire to get sick.
  3. No need to look for imaginary symptoms of diseases. It is important to follow the principles healthy lifestyle life.
  4. All experts recommend not to self-diagnose, not to study medical literature. You should not communicate on the Internet about health in forums with visitors.
  5. Hypochondriacal neurosis is a disorder that occurs in suspicious-anxious people. If a person knows about such a feature of his personality, he should go in for sports intensively. At least twice a week, he needs swimming lessons in the pool, it is important to visit a sports club 2-3 times a week.
  6. Changing character is no easy task. But it is possible to change your body, to make it hardy and strong. Hypochondriacal neurosis always occurs against the background of asthenia. A person who is calm, balanced and not subject to anxiety is not prone to this ailment.

Folk therapy recipes

They have stood the test of time:

  1. Very effective for fatigue, nervous tension pine bath. To cook it, you need to take small twigs, needles, pine cones. This fee must be paid cold water, boil. A rich dark extract is obtained. Then it is left to infuse for 12 hours. For a full bath, 1.5 liters of pine extract is enough. This useful procedure perfectly restores normal psycho emotional condition patient, helps to strengthen the nervous system.
  2. To relieve tension, beetroot juice is mixed in half with honey and drunk ¼ cup of the mixture 3-4 times a day for 4 weeks.
  3. In weakly brewed green tea 1 spoon of honey, a sprig of mint and peeled pine nuts are added. one cup of it healing drink relieves fatigue, calms the nervous system.
  4. Alleviate the condition of the patient with neurosis obsessive states bananas help.

How should relatives behave with such a patient:

  1. The more close people react to the complaints of a patient with hypochondriacal neurosis with symptoms of a phobia, the stronger this neurotic disorder will show up.
  2. It is generally accepted that the hypochondriac has a secondary benefit. It is psychological in nature. Such a patient does not want to reckon with the problems of loved ones. It is characterized by selfishness. Complaining about his poor health, a hypochondriac with morbid suspiciousness relieves himself of responsibility for the normal functioning of his body. In this way, he attracts the attention of loved ones, if he needs it.

When a person with a hypochondriacal phobia constantly, without any reason, sees ominous deviations in his health, the symptoms terrible disease He needs to consult a psychotherapist.

“Love from all diseases” - A film about a man who suffered from Hypochondria

Taking care of your own health is an important matter for every person. There are people who, to a greater or lesser extent, neglect this matter, and there are those who maniacally look after themselves, look for some flaws in themselves and literally make an elephant out of a fly. Only in words everything sounds ridiculous and ridiculous, but in reality such signs serve as a signal that a hypochondriacal neurosis is developing. A person plunges himself into a state of illness, makes the brain think that some kind of illness lives in the body and thereby destroys himself.

What is hypochondria?

Let's start with the exact wording of this term. Hypochondria is a neurotic disorder that is accompanied by constant anxiety about one's own health. A person becomes suspicious, he attributes some kind of illness to his separate body or the organism as a whole, when in fact there is nothing of the kind at all. To thoroughly understand what hypochondria is, it is worth turning to psychiatry. It can be either an independent disorder of the central nervous system, or a consequence of another, serious mental illness. Hypochondriacs are known by sight to all doctors of the local polyclinic. They are constantly being examined, complaining about various pains, “improper functioning” of one or another organ, the presence of some undesirable symptoms. In fact, after the examination, it turns out that the body is completely healthy.

Causes of the disease

Suspicious individuals who are prone to depression and constant worries, as well as people with a high degree of suggestibility, are clear candidates for such a disease as hypochondria. Symptoms and treatment are a purely individual matter, since each person has this disorder in its own way. The most common cause of its occurrence are traumatic situations, for example, death loved one from a heart attack. As a result, a person ascribes to himself heart disease and I am fully confident that the same fate awaits him. Also, hypochondriacal neurosis can be based on phobic states - a wild fear of getting sick. In such cases, one of two diagnoses can be made. First - hysterical neurosis, since the patient's behavior is accompanied by appropriate behavior. The second is neurosis when the patient regularly repeats certain rituals and is haunted by obsessive thoughts.


The patient himself in the office of a therapist (surgeon, ophthalmologist or cardiologist - anyone) can voice a wide variety of symptoms of his own malaise. They can start with stomach pain and end with a change in skin color. In reality, things are a little different:

  • Hypochondria syndrome introduces a person into a state of weakness, depression, makes him irritable, deprives him of sleep and attentiveness.
  • Well, as we said above, purely mental symptoms- fear of getting sick and excessive concern for one's own health.

It should be noted that if such deviations in a person’s thinking have just begun to appear, you should immediately contact a psychotherapist. In this case, they can be pacified and completely eliminated so that the patient does not even realize that he had hypochondria. Symptoms and treatment for more late stages disorders are more complex. In this case, the patient develops certain personality traits on a pathological basis, which are almost impossible to correct.

Disease structure

Mainly hypochondriacal neurosis consists of three components:

  • defunct pain person.
  • Emotional instability.
  • Specific thought disorder.

This can be explained as follows. For example, during the meal traces a slight difficulty in its passage through the esophagus. Each of us would simply swallow it all down with water and forget. The hypochondriac immediately begins to think about this topic, they say, the work of the esophagus is disrupted, the food is stuck there, caused coughing, shortness of breath, disrupted his speech and did not get into the stomach to digest everything useful material, and, consequently, the body has not received the required dose of vitamins, it will not be able to continue to work normally ... All this collapses on a subconscious level, and the person simply makes himself feel pain and discomfort that does not exist.

Disease Variations

IN medical practice very often there are people who are concerned about the health, only not of their own, but of their closest relatives. Conventionally, they can be divided into two groups: hypochondria of parents and hypochondria of children. The first obsessively care about the health of their child, constantly leave him at home, treat and take care of more than required. The latter worry that their ancestors are aging, therefore, their body wears out and becomes more susceptible to various ailments. It is worth noting that the symptoms of hypochondriacal neurosis in women in particular are not only taking care of themselves, but also of their child. Therefore, it is the beautiful half of the population that is more susceptible to this mental disorder.

Types of hypochondria

Depending on the course of the disease, doctors have learned to distinguish three of its types.

  1. Anxious type - the patient is constantly tormented by feelings that he may experience ailments. One or another organ constantly "breaks" in him, non-existent pains appear and are accompanied by obsessive thoughts on this topic. It constantly seems to him that the doctors he has already visited are incompetent. And soon he will find a real specialist who will detect his illness and cure it.
  2. Depressive type - against the background of invented diseases, the patient falls into the psyche. He sees any treatment as hopeless and unpromising.
  3. Phobic type - in this case, hypochondriacal neurosis causes a feeling of fear that this disease will be replaced by another, more serious one. Or the patient is afraid of death.


Oddly enough, most patients who are affected by this disorder remain adequate people in all other areas of life. Therefore, the psychiatrist tells them in detail about how to overcome hypochondriacal neurosis, and together they set to work. In a number of procedures there may be social therapy, group psychotherapy. In this case, a person meets people who suffer from the same things as himself, and gradually changes his ideas about what is happening. As an individual practice, hypnosis, relaxation, various mental instructions are used. Patients are strongly advised to practice yoga and meditation, read educational books and communicate with people.

Hypochondriacal drugs, procedures

It happens that the patient simply does not see real horizons, and it is impossible to convince him. He refuses to visit a psychiatrist, does not believe that all this is the result of only his thoughts. In such cases, medical intervention is necessary, on the basis of which therapy will be carried out in the doctor's office. Most often, hypochondriacs are prescribed nootropics and antidepressants, if the case is especially neglected, then tranquilizers. The choice of the drug is purely individual, so it is impossible to give exact names. In parallel with the drugs, the patient takes acupuncture sessions, reflexology or su-jok therapy. Along with this, psychiatrists advise to engage in so-called aesthetic therapy. It is necessary to visit flowering gardens, admire the sea or mountains - in a word, enjoy the beauties of nature that soothe and pacify.

Most often, family and friends are very skeptical about such “fictitious” diseases. They call such people imaginary patients, malingerers, or "actors." Few people know that this attitude only aggravates them. serious condition. It should be remembered that this is not at all a pretense and not an acting game, but a real mental disorder that eats a person from the inside. Close people need to express understanding and empathy for the “diseases” of the hypochondriac, support him, listen and understand. This practice is used by psychiatrists, who listen carefully to all complaints of pain and discomfort and take them seriously. Talking about this, the patient gradually moves to true reasons the appearance of these “pains”, and in most cases it turns out that boredom, inner emptiness, sadness and depression are behind them.

People have a large number of diseases that affect them emotional sphere. Among these diseases, one can note hypochondriacal neurosis, which is characterized by a painful focus on one's health.

Causes of neurosis

Hypochondria most often affects women, although men also occasionally experience this condition. When hypochondria occurs, a person has obsessive thoughts about the presence of a serious incurable disease. Most often, people fall into a state of neurosis, whose age is from 30 to 40 years. Also at risk are pensioners who have a lot of free time. In most cases, these people do not have real diseases. Their main problem remains hypochondriacal neurosis, which leaves a strong imprint not only on the emotional state of the patient, but also on all the people around him.

Exist various reasons occurrence of neurosis. Among the main causes of such a disease, one can note excessive suspiciousness and a high degree suggestibility. Any very insignificant information heard by a person on the radio, seen by him on the TV screen or taken from another source, can activate him. thinking process. After receiving the information, the patient begins to think out what is not really there. He starts looking for similar symptoms and finds them as a result. Moreover, the longer he reflects on the information received, the more factors confirming the presence of the disease will be detected.

In addition, diseases suffered in childhood also leave a rather strong imprint on the psycho-emotional sphere of a person. This is due to the fact that throughout the rest of his life he will be afraid to get sick again with a previously transferred illness. Hypochondria often occurs in those people who cared for their sick relatives. Those people whose psyche is rather weak may involuntarily give themselves an internal impetus to the development of similar symptoms. Wherein leading role psychosomatics plays here, which can bring false symptoms to actual disease.

It is quite easy to identify a hypochondriac: he begins to be interested in medical literature and specialized Internet portals and forums. And consultation with qualified specialists cannot reassure them. In the case when close people have signs of the presence of a hypochondriacal attack, one should try to dissuade them and calm them down in any way possible.

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Different types of hypochondria

Modern medicine distinguishes several hypochondriacal varieties, among which the following can be noted:

  • obsessive hypochondria;
  • asthenic syndrome;
  • depressive syndrome;
  • senestopathic syndrome.

Hypochondria of the obsessive type is characteristic of individuals with an increased degree of anxiety. These patients are constantly worried about their state of health. At the same time, they conduct a deep analysis of each process that happens to them. People suffering from the obsessive type of hypochondria very often realize that their fears are groundless, but they cannot cope with this condition.

Very impressionable people, especially those suffering from low self-esteem, are susceptible to the syndrome of the astheno-hypochondriac type. Such patients suffer constant dizziness and ailments that lead to nausea and vomiting. Patients of the asthenohypochondriac type tend to attribute to themselves incurable ailments.

Those people diagnosed with depressive hypochondria suffer from various mental disorders. In such a situation, their set of obsessions will prevail over common sense. Patients will be concerned not with the symptoms of the emerging disease, but with the consequences that it can cause. People with a similar diagnosis are always depressed and depressed. Moreover, the upcoming severe consequences may cause the patient to have suicidal thoughts.

Senesto-hypochondriac syndrome is considered a separate type of hypochondria. Such patients have thoughts that they have suffered a defeat of one of the vital important organs. If doctors refute such conjectures, then patients begin to turn to other doctors. This happens until, in the opinion of the patient, he finds a competent specialist who can confirm his fears.

It is impossible not to note the anxiety-hypochondriacal syndrome, the development of which occurs after a previously experienced stressful situation. As a result, a person has a feeling of panic fear of an incurable disease. Every moment a person continues to look for the presence of similar symptoms with which the disease proceeds.

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Diagnosis of the disease and some methods of treatment

In the event that a person has alarming symptoms, he should immediately go to the hospital. will be held there comprehensive examination his body, including hardware research methods. If during the diagnostics the doctors do not detect the disease, then the patient is referred for a consultation with a psychologist or psychotherapist.

The psychotherapist will study the symptoms of hypochondriacal neurosis, clarify the patient's perception of the reality around him and try to understand the nature of the fears that arise. Most effective methodology treatment is considered to be cognitive behavioral therapy.

Such a technique will allow a person to understand the absurdity of their fears and suspicions.

A qualified psychotherapist must change the negative perception of a person to a positive attitude.

In addition, assigned drug treatment, which should include various sedatives(antidepressants) and tranquilizers. The combination of these techniques will significantly speed up the process of human recovery. But at the same time, the patient should feel the support of his loved ones.

Close people should create favorable atmosphere in the house, which will help the patient to escape from depressive thoughts. In addition, it is necessary to remove all medical literature in the apartment, and read light, entertaining books. If in the course of treatment the hypochondriac does not receive great attention and understanding of his condition on the part of others, then he can become even more isolated in his black thoughts. This will further aggravate his condition. In dealing with a hypochondriac, ridicule of him or his condition should be avoided, since he is not to blame for the fact that his psyche suffers.

It is very difficult to completely recover from hypochondriacal neurosis, since only a small number of people find the inner strength to confront their fears. But in order to prevent the occurrence of relapses, one must learn to be distracted from the daily fuss and problems. The best way to do this is through a variety of creative activities.

Be sure to have a hobby that you can devote your free time to. Then obsessive ideas and thoughts will stop bothering you.

Each person tends to analyze the state of his health, this is the norm, because the instinct of self-preservation is inherent in all living beings. When health care becomes an obsession, it gradually turns into a personality disorder - hypochondriacal neurosis.

Health care is good, but sometimes it becomes an obsession

hypochondriacal neurosis called functional disorder nervous system, characterized by increased attention to the state of one's health. Like all types of neuroses, hypochondria can be an independent disease, or act pathological condition with other mental disorders, such as schizophrenia.

In hypochondriacal neurosis, any change in the body is interpreted as a symptom of the disease, even if the data of all examinations prove the opposite. Often the symptoms are either made up or misunderstood by the person. nervous tension associated with the constant experience of a non-existent disease, can lead to a real disease, and this is dangerous hypochondria.

Portrait of a hypochondriac

Hypochondria can manifest itself from an early age, children and adolescents with an immature psyche tend to misjudge normal functional changes in the body, they may have fears and various experiences about this. The peak of the development of the disease occurs in the mature 30-40 years, and elderly age 60 -70 years old. The elderly are especially attentive to their health, most of their lives are behind them and they need to take care of their health in order to prolong their existence as much as possible.

Interesting fact:

Many are familiar with the situation - in the hospital, grandmothers are sitting in line and discussing their illnesses animatedly, with excitement. Such conversations unfold in the corridors of the hospital, each granny in her arms with massive outpatient cards. In such disputes, the winner is the elderly lady whose illnesses turned out to be more serious.

Individuals with hypochondriacal disorder have the following characteristics:

  • - self-centeredness;
  • - increased suggestibility;
  • - uncertainty;
  • - propensity to rationalize;
  • - susceptibility to depression;
  • - suspiciousness;
  • - Availability psychological defenses;
  • - obsessive ideas;
  • - the presence of fears, phobias.

Psychological defenses in a hypochondriac are manifested in the conduct of "rituals" - thorough washing of hands, bodies, disinfection in the room.

Washing hands is one of the psychological "rituals" of a hypochondriac

Often observed ablutomania- a pathological desire to maintain clean hands, any contact with a “contaminated” object causes a negative reaction and shock.

Such people are indifferent to the life and life of others, they are only interested in their health and everything connected with it. At the same time, they can be offended by everyone if they do not inquire about their health and condition. Hypochondriacs like to consider themselves unnecessary to anyone, unloved, they are always looking for a reason to make a scandal about the inattention of loved ones. Individuals with such a disorder can often be seen in the clinic, they can go there at least every day, stand in lines for a long time, and ignore other patients at the same time.

They tell doctors in detail all the symptoms, often supporting them with facts from medical encyclopedias or the internet. If the doctor's diagnosis does not suit the hypochondriac, he is looking for another more "competent" specialist who will "shed light" and tell the truth about his condition. If other specialists try to convince the hypochondriac of his health, he is sure that they are hiding from him terrible diagnosis and that makes it worse for him. People with such a neurosis can argue and swear with doctors if they do not follow their lead, write complaints, go to various authorities in order to annoy objectionable doctors.

At the same time, a person suffers himself and causes inconvenience to others, his life becomes similar to vicious circle, consisting of endless examinations, visits to hospitals and constant grumbling about his condition.

Interesting fact:

In psychiatry, there is a concept called “health hypochondria”. It is the opposite of hypochondriacal neurosis and hypochondria in general. A person denies that he has a disease, although examination data may indicate an existing disease. It is difficult to persuade such a patient to go to the doctor and undergo a course of treatment, since he considers himself absolutely healthy and tries to convince others of this.

Causes of hypochondria

Predisposition to hypochondria is made up of many factors. Most often these are:

  • - lack of attention from others;
  • - loss of a loved one;
  • - the presence of a sick relative (there is a copying of the behavior model);
  • - genetic features;
  • - past illnesses;
  • - physical violence;
  • - wrong upbringing;
  • - a state of stress.

According to the teachings of I. Pavlov, the development of a hypochondriacal disorder is also facilitated by the type of personality of a person, the features of his higher nervous activity. Hypochondria can also occur in people with increased anxiety and suspiciousness.

Stress can be the cause of hypochondriacal neurosis

The modern environment in its own way affects the manifestations of hypochondriacal inclinations - on the Internet you can find a lot of information on various diseases, which describes in detail the symptoms and the picture of the disease. Television programs about health play an important role, a person with hypochondriacal disorder dreams of being the hero of such programs. For hypochondriacs, this is a good recharge, having learned something new, they immediately run to the hospital to tell the doctor everything as they please.

According to psychologists, hypochondriacs tend to misjudge signals within the body therefore, any change in state for them is a sign of illness. Often the triggers of the disease are difficult life situations with which a person is unable to cope, but the person himself can deny it.

Interesting fact:

Absolutely healthy people can be prone to hypochondria. These include medical students educational institutions, undergoing training and practice, they often find symptoms similar to those of patients or described in textbooks. This inclination passes closer to the end of the educational institution.

Symptoms of hypochondriacal neurosis

It is difficult to identify hypochondriacal disorder, the incidence of such a disease is approximately 15-20% of the total population. Hypochondria is often confused with simulation - acting out a non-existent disease. But if the simulator is confident in his health, then the hypochondriac believes that he is seriously ill and tries to convince everyone of this. For a simulator, illness is necessary for extracting his own benefit, for a neurotic, illness is a way of avoiding problems.

Despite the complexity of diagnosing the disease, there is a certain pattern in the formation of symptoms of neurosis. Hypochondriacal neurosis is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • - a strong belief in the presence of one or more diseases (to determine neurosis, this position must be maintained for six months);
  • - the presence of fears, phobias in relation to various diseases;
  • - nervousness, irritability;
  • - constant search for information related to the disease;
  • - unstable emotional state, vulnerability;
  • - monotony in conversation;
  • - deviation from everyday topics of communication on the topic of diseases;
  • - aggressiveness (aimed at those who deny the disease);
  • - the tendency to constantly clean up;
  • - apathy;
  • - violation of appetite;
  • - a state of depression.

The hypochondriac is sure that he is necessarily ill with something serious and dangerous

At the same time, a person can make a diagnosis for himself, based on his symptoms. The most favorite places for "sores" in hypochondriacs are heart - vascular system, gastrointestinal tract, excretory system. Often, hypochondriacs have false symptoms - numbness of the limbs, tingling. With advanced neurosis, synesthesia can also occur - disease state all body systems.

All symptoms can manifest themselves to a greater or lesser extent depending on the type of personality of a person, his character, as well as the variants of the course of hypochondriacal neurosis.. Let's consider them in more detail.

Variants of hypochondriacal neurosis

Depending on the symptoms and severity of the course of neurosis, the following varieties of hypochondriacal neurosis are distinguished:

  • hypochondriacal depression

Depression can occur against the background of a traumatic situation - the death of a loved one or as a result of conflicts with others or loved ones, especially if no one wants to take into account the position of a neurotic. This condition is characterized by low mood, pessimism in the perception of reality, fear for one's life, often a person has suicidal thoughts.

A depressed person may be disturbed by thoughts about the unfavorable outcome of the disease, he may write complaints about doctors who do not treat him, prepare for the worst, some may write a will. Focused attention to one's illness can lead to the formation of intrusive thoughts, various fears.

  • VSD hypochondria

Often hypochondria can occur against the background vegetative dystonia- disorders of the autonomic nervous system. This violation occurs when stressful situations and is characterized by the following features:

  • headache, dizziness;
  • - blanching or redness skin;
  • - chills;
  • - pressure in the chest;
  • - violation of the function of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • - increased heart rate;
  • increased sweating;
  • - shortness of breath;
  • - dry mouth.

Normally, such manifestations are characteristic of all people, regardless of the age category, with excitement, these symptoms manifest themselves in one way or another. When symptoms haunt a person constantly, then doctors diagnose VVD and prescribe treatment.

Hypochondriacs suffering from VVD are sure that the symptoms are signals of a serious illness. For example: if a person suddenly has an arrhythmia, tachycardia, he is convinced that this is a symptom of a heart attack.

With VVD, hypochondria in a person may occur panic attacks . Attacks arise as a result of anxiety for one's life, it may seem to a person that his heart, breathing, etc. will suddenly stop.

With this variant of neurosis, a person is very closed, he is focused on his condition, unsociable, prefers not to go anywhere. He regards any vegetative manifestations as an attack of the disease.

  • hypochondriacal phobia

A phobia arises on the basis of a painful fear for one's health or life. It most often appears in anxious personalities as well as in stressful situations. Phobia with hypochondria is obsessive, and getting rid of it is quite difficult.

A person suffering from hypochondriacal neurosis is overwhelmed by the fear of illness

The manifestations of a phobia are varied: a person can avoid contact with people so as not to “get infected”, constantly take tests to detect HIV infection or AIDS (while going to the doctor in a semi-conscious state each time), constantly wash the house and disinfect surfaces, refuse to from visiting guests. He may be disturbed by various autonomic disorders: increased heart rate, shortness of breath, tingling in the chest. It is difficult to eliminate hypochondriacal phobia, it is difficult to convince such a patient that there is no reason for fear.

The treatment of neurosis is quite long, in addition to doctors, close people can also help a hypochondriac.

Methods of treatment of hypochondriacal neurosis

Treatment takes place under the supervision of a psychiatrist, after comparing all the results of the examination. Treatment is complex, it includes:

  • - taking medications;
  • - psychotherapy;
  • - treatment at home.

Medicines prescribed by a physician to anxiety symptoms, various sedatives: persen, sympathized, new passit. If depression has developed against the background of neurosis, then antidepressants and tranquilizers will help. Often, sleeping pills may be prescribed before bedtime.

IN psychotherapy neurosis, the main attention is paid to the neutralization of the traumatic situation for the patient. To do this, he can be placed in a clinic or sent to another place to live.

It is important for the patient to arouse a sense of trust in the specialist, it is thanks to this that the treatment will take place in a favorable environment. The psychiatrist can conduct various conversations with the patient, as a result of which the essence of a person’s poor health and ways to eliminate such problems are explained. It is important to explain to the patient the psychogenic nature of his illness, only then the person will accept the situation and wish to get rid of the neurosis.

If phobias appear during neurosis, obsessive fears or panic attacks then applied hypnosis, which is effective method in the treatment of neuroses.

At home treatment Special attention is given to the patient's free time, relatives should help him in this. A person needs to be distracted from obsessive thoughts, for this he comes up with various activities, hobbies, everything that will become interesting to a hypochondriac. It is also necessary to remove all medical literature from the field of view of the hypochondriac, limit the use of the Internet and the viewing of such programs.

The treatment of neurosis requires a lot of time and effort, so relatives need to be patient in order to help the hypochondriac in this.

In this way, hypochondriacal neurosis is a disease that includes various manifestations: both somatic and mental levels. Despite the complexity of diagnosing this condition, the disease, although with difficulty, can be treated. Treatment in this case will be complex, since all spheres of human life should be affected.