
In some cases, hair plasmolifting does not help. Plasmotherapy for hair - a modern method of treating baldness

Plasmolifting for hair is a non-surgical technique that allows you to restore the beauty of curls, restore their former luxury and correct the mistakes of nature. The results are truly amazing. Strength, health, shine and silk of hair become the main decoration. Appearance is top notch. At the same time, in technical terms, the procedure is simple and reliable. Allergic reaction excluded and safety guaranteed.

What is hair plasmolifting?

This is accelerated tissue regeneration, through the introduction of microscopic injections of one's own plasma, which is rich in platelets, into the scalp. For the procedure, venous blood is used, which, after special medical manipulations, turns into plasma. At the same time, platelet activity increases tenfold.

Plasma injected into the skin reverses the process of hair follicle death, switching them from shedding mode to growth mode. Microcirculation improves, immunity and cellular metabolism increase.

Indications for plasma therapy of the scalp

If, when combing your hair, you began to notice a deterioration in their quality, they became:

  • lifeless
  • naughty
  • brittle
  • greasy.

In general, instead of decorating, they have become a cause for grief, which means that it is time to pay close attention to them. Inaction in such a situation is a crime against one's own beauty. After all, science does not stand still, it takes care of our appearance, it remains only to take advantage of its achievements.

Indications for plasma-lifting hair are as follows:

  • decrease in density;
  • fragility;
  • dry ends;
  • excessive fat at the roots;
  • intense loss;
  • obsessive itching.

These and other problems are easily eliminated after several sessions of hair plasmolifting. Within a couple of days after the first session, you can notice a decrease in the hair left on the comb, itching disappears, fat content normalizes.

After completing the required course, and this is about six plasma sessions, you will feel that it has become easier for your scalp to breathe, and after another six months, your hair will become your pride.

Description of the procedure

Plasmolifting of hair is carried out in three stages:

  • At the first stage, about ten milliliters of blood is taken;
  • In the second step, this blood is placed in a centrifuge and the plasma is separated;
  • At the third stage, the separated plasma is injected into the scalp with the help of microinjections.

Injections are made either manually or with a special medical gun. The entire surface of the scalp is treated at regular intervals. As a rule, this is a gap of one to two centimeters.

Plasma preparation

A consultation with a trichologist before plasma therapy, as well as with a specialist who will conduct it, is required. Here it is important to find out how justified its implementation is, and which areas of the scalp should be paid special attention to. Otherwise, the preparation of something unusual is not.

  • take more liquid than usual;
  • give up alcohol;
  • refuse too fatty foods;
  • exclude spicy food;
  • reduce physical activity.

The procedure is usually carried out in the morning, so you can have a light breakfast, but it is better to do it on an empty stomach. As before any medical procedure, it is necessary to do a blood test: biochemical and clinical.

In the constantly deteriorating ecological situation, in the modern accelerated rhythm of life, almost all people suffer from certain problems with their health and appearance. Fortunately, medicine and cosmetology do not stand still, and with the help of scientific achievements, a person can solve many problems with his health.

Therefore, if you are faced with hair loss or baldness, and have tried a bunch of "grandmother's" methods, which, unfortunately, did not bring a positive result, then it is time to turn to a trichologist and try plasma therapy for hair.

What is plasma therapy for hair?

Plasma therapy (or plasmolifting) is a relatively new procedure, and is used to improve the condition of the skin, against the first signs of aging, as well as in case of hair problems. Plasma therapy for hair is an injection procedure, and consists in the fact that a person's own plasma is injected into the scalp. Simply put, in those places where there is excessive hair loss, baldness, injections are made with your own plasma.

The usefulness of the procedure is explained by the fact that the separated plasma is enriched with platelets, compared to blood many times more. It is platelets that stimulate the work of hair follicles, including activating dormant hair follicles.

Plasma therapy for hair is many times stronger than folk methods, it is such a “heavy artillery” in the fight for the health and beauty of hair.

How is plasma therapy done for hair?

Plasma therapy for hair is done as follows. At the beginning, the cosmetologist takes venous blood and sends the resulting material to a centrifuge. From the centrifugation of the test tube, the blood in it separates the plasma, which will be injected into the scalp.

Then the cosmetologist makes injections into problem areas of the scalp. The amount of injected plasma is determined by a specialist, based on an assessment of the condition of the hair. All these manipulations will take no more than half an hour, it will take 15-20 minutes to receive plasma, and the rest of the time - for injections directly.

It is important to consider that plasma therapy is done in the morning, preferably in the morning. You can't eat anything before the procedure, and it is recommended to avoid fatty and heavy food for 2-3 days, and eat healthy food to ensure good plasma quality.

Since the procedure for plasma therapy for hair is injection, and is associated with a violation of the skin, then carefully follow the rules of hygiene. You need to go to the procedure with a freshly washed head, but after the procedure, refrain from washing your hair for 2-3 days to avoid infection and infections.

It should be understood that the plasma therapy procedure is not pleasant, it is quite painful. Since the scalp is very delicate, not everyone can withstand injections into it, so tune in to endure the pain.

Plasma therapy for hair has a number of contraindications. It should not be done to pregnant and lactating women, people with blood diseases, infectious and oncological diseases, and a number of others.

Important! Before the procedure of plasma therapy for hair, consult with a specialist about the possible presence of contraindications for you.

First of all, think about your health, as the procedure for plasma therapy for hair is medical in nature, so it can have significant consequences for the body. This is not a hair mask to hold. Choose a competent specialist! Since during the procedure there is a violation of the skin, the specialist doing the procedure must have a medical education. Be sure to ask your specialist about the availability of relevant documents, and only then agree to plasma therapy.

First of all, it is baldness and excessive hair loss. Plasma therapy is able to fight even with genetically based male pattern baldness. Also, the procedure of plasma therapy for hair can be used in case of problems with excessive work of the sebaceous glands and the presence of dandruff. Before doing plasma therapy for hair, you should visit a trichologist and consult whether this procedure is recommended for you or not.

Also, you should be patient, since the first results of plasma therapy for hair can only be assessed in a month, and only a specialist will give you an adequate assessment, having determined the condition of the hair follicles using special devices.

Plasma therapy is a new procedure for our country, so you can hardly find a large number of reviews about it. And when doing such a serious procedure, it is better to trust the objective opinions of specialists than reviews from the network.

The fact that plasma therapy is widely used by leading experts in Europe, the USA and Japan in many areas speaks for itself. The opinion of experts about this procedure is positive, and here's why.

Plasma is not chemically generated, but absolutely biological material. Moreover, it is extracted from your own blood, which eliminates the possibility of rejection or the occurrence of allergic reactions. Thanks to this, the plasma therapy procedure is so unique and, in recent years, is gaining more and more popularity.

Plasma therapy for hair is far from a budgetary procedure. ITS cost depends on the place where you will make it and the number of test tubes. On average, prices in Russia for this service start at 5,000 rubles per tube. Considering that on average 4 procedures are needed, the cost of a course of plasma therapy can hit your pocket well.

But, take into account that the result of plasma therapy for hair is long-term, after the course you will see the effect for at least 2 years, therefore, in serious cases of hair problems, plasma therapy is indispensable, and it is still worth spending money to still eliminate difficulties with your hair .

Summarizing all of the above, I would like to note that plasma therapy is an expensive procedure. But, the main thing is that it is effective and safe, and if you use a bunch of methods in the fight against hair loss, but you don’t see the result, then it might be better to make one, albeit expensive, but effective, which will save you from these problems for a long time.

There are many people who want to have beautiful thick hair among both women and men. As for the strong half of humanity, there is now a noticeable trend when quite young people are often forced to shave their heads simply because they are starting to go bald.

It seems that if he shaved his head, then this is an independently made decision, and if a bald spot appeared, then it happened uncontrollably, this is a sign of aging, and so on. Ladies suffer no less when the hair stops being thick, and if the weaker sex is not so prone to local alopecia, then no one is safe from diffuse hair loss.

One of the ways to stop hair loss and revive the hair follicles that have begun to die is plasmolifting - a procedure in which a person's own blood plasma is injected into the scalp of a person. According to the inventors of the method, the hair should become better, their loss should come to naught, and the microflora of the scalp should become “correct”, that is, without fungi that cause dandruff.

What is plasmolifting?

In detail, the plasmolifting procedure consists of taking the patient's blood, separating the plasma from it and then injecting this plasma into the scalp. Plasma is administered by injection with a thin syringe over the entire scalp.

Plasma, getting into the deep layers of the skin, promotes the production of collagen and elastin, which leads to an improvement in the condition of the hair follicles. The cells of the skin itself are saturated with oxygen. This leads to the fact that the skin becomes more moist, and the formation of dandruff stops or stops altogether.

Like everything in the world of the procedure, plasmolifting has its indications and contraindications. Sometimes it is not necessary to resort to this particular procedure, because on plasmolifting prices rather big, so this approach to the problem should be absolutely justified. But there are cases in which it is generally not recommended to carry out the plasmolifting procedure.

Contraindications for plasmolifting

blood diseases;
cancerous diseases;
acute skin diseases;
chronic skin ailments;
mental disorders.

In blood diseases, it is not clear what effect the injection of plasma under the scalp can cause. In cancerous diseases, the state of the blood is also ambiguous. In addition, most oncological ailments are treated with chemotherapy, which in any case leads to weakening of the hair, and even to their temporary loss, so it is simply pointless to carry out a procedure aimed at improving the hairline.

Acute skin diseases on the scalp must first be treated, and only then take on the improvement of the condition of the hair and skin. If a person has chronic diseases of such a plan as seborrhea, then they are not a contraindication. But neurodermatitis can serve as a reason for refusing the procedure.

Hair loss during pregnancy and lactation can be caused by hormonal imbalances in the body, so it makes sense to contact an endocrinologist, not a trichologist. Sometimes the hair is restored by itself, as soon as the woman gains strength after childbirth. Once again, taking blood during pregnancy and lactation is also not worth it, because hemoglobin can already be low. Why then exacerbate the situation?

Mental disorders can lead to the fact that a person will not endure the entire procedure calmly. With some disorders, by the way, hair loss can be observed, but here it is necessary to treat the cause, not the effect, and a psychiatrist should deal with this.

Who is Plasmolifting suitable for?

The procedure is suitable for all other groups of people, among them we can distinguish those who really should take advantage of this opportunity. This is:

People starting to go bald;
patients with sparse or thinning hair;
individuals who constantly split the ends of even fairly short hair;
persons suffering from seborrhea or acne - strictly on the recommendation of a dermatologist or trichologist.

The effect and results of plasmolifting

The measure of introducing blood plasma into the scalp, if taken in time, can stop the process of baldness that has begun. If a man has a “patch” on which the scalp is visible, then this is just the time to apply for the procedure, because then it will be much more difficult to restore the hair. The easiest way to catch the moment when the hair begins to degenerate into vellus, and does not disappear altogether.

The stronger the process of baldness is started, the more difficult it will be to restore the hairline. Sometimes it is possible to achieve that it is the fluff cover that begins to appear on the bare places of the scalp.

If this happens in one course of treatment, then it is advisable to conduct a second one after the time indicated by the doctor. Plasmolifting before and after the appearance of focal alopecia gives different effects, and this must be understood, be patient and not wait for too fast results if the hair has already fallen out.

Women often seek plasmolifting in case of severe hair loss. Many of them note that the first two or three procedures do not bring a noticeable effect. But the process of regeneration of the bulb takes time: the hair must develop inside it, and only then it will appear outside.

Stages of plasmolifting

The plasmolifting procedure itself is not done in one visit to the trichologist. First, a blood test is taken from the patient, and if it gives positive results, a decision is made to carry out the procedure. It is important to have a conversation with the doctor, who will tell you everything about the procedure, about its contraindications, so that the client agrees with the conditions and knows what to expect from her.

The next blood sampling is done in order to isolate the plasma from it. This takes place in a special centrifuge. The finished plasma is injected under the skin with a syringe with a very thin, sharp needle. This gives less pain, because a lot of injections have to be done, especially if the problem is not local, but diffuse. Persons with particularly sensitive skin are given local anesthesia with a special ointment.

Several such procedures must be completed - with an interval of at least 10 days, maximum - two weeks. The number of sessions will be determined by the doctor. Usually there are at least three, but not more than six. If you come to the conclusion that a second course is needed, then it can be completed in one and a half to two years.

The composition of the plasma-lifting injection

The substance that is injected under the scalp is nothing but the material taken from the patient himself. This is his blood plasma, which cannot be rejected by the body. She also cannot cause an allergy, because this is the “native” material from which the body is built, its own cells that are part of the blood.

Plasmolifting or mesotherapy

Mesotherapy is similar to plasmolifting, only with this procedure they do not take blood from the patient and do not extract plasma from it, because special nutrients are introduced. They also feed the hair follicles, but can cause allergies. But it is convenient to use mesotherapy when there are some claims to the blood from doctors. The main thing is that a person does not have a disease, which is generally a contraindication to both procedures - mesotherapy and plasmolifting.

The cost of plasmolifting

Plasmolifting procedure is not a cheap pleasure. Only one session can cost around 6,000 rubles. And if there are about six of them, then all 36,000 rubles will have to be paid. So, if possible, you should think about how to solve the problem with hair masks. If these remedies do not help, then you can decide on the procedure.

Plasmolifting: the opinion of a trichologist

Today you can see that the reviews about the procedure are contradictory. It's no secret that from time to time such comments on websites are written to order, moreover, by people who have never gone through this procedure. But what really collected plasmolifting reviews?

Only a specialist trichologist can tell about this. Commenting on the girl’s review that the procedure did not bring her the expected effect, the doctor claims that it is easier to follow the changes, surprisingly, for owners of dyed hair: you can see how much hair growth has accelerated from unpainted roots.

Also, the effect will be more noticeable to the hairdresser, who is able to examine the entire scalp. Once a patient who completed a course in our clinic went to her master, and she said to her: “And you have grown a good “undercoat”, soon your hair will be thicker.”

- Plasmolifting

There is an effect

Cons: price

Hello readers.

Hair for a woman is the main feminine dignity. Hair is her symbol of femininity. Even in ancient times, women wore long braids.

If a girl starts having problems with her hair, then initially she begins to turn to cosmetics. For example, to masks or balms, choosing the right care for yourself. In some cases, these remedies do not help. And just recently, in beauty salons and clinics, such a service as plasmolifting for hair appeared. This is the service I want to talk about. So let's get started...

For those who do not know, let's analyze what plasmolifting is.

This procedure was invented by Russian scientists. After all, plasma makes up most of the blood. It contains all the most useful. For example, minerals and substances. Many probably know that after a serious illness or operation, plasma transfusion helps to restore patients. For the procedure, specially purified blood of the patient is taken. Blood is processed using special test tubes. With a special technology, a substance is released from the blood, which is just necessary for treatment. The resulting substance is placed in a syringe, which has a very thin needle, and is injected with a syringe under the hair roots. In this case, the technique of introduction is special. In fact, it is recommended to do plasmolifting at least in four courses, every week. In principle, it will take about a month to completely restore the hair structure. Many women are frightened by the fact that this procedure is quite painful. In fact, it is unpleasant, but not too painful. In fact, the syringe needle penetrates a matter of millimeters, in some cases even less. Before the procedure, the doctor always offers to anesthetize the head with local preparations. After the procedure, you can immediately do your business. In general, this procedure is quite modern and can quickly cure hair and help with baldness. Restore hair structure and remove split ends. A rather big plus is that completely all problems go away quickly. After this procedure, the first results will be already noticeable within two days. Many experts in plasmolifting recommend doing special hair care after this procedure. In order not only to enhance the effect, but also to prolong this action. In this case, the specialist prescribes special vitamins. She also prescribes nourishing masks. It is recommended to wear a hat after such a procedure in cold weather. Especially at first, do not use irons and hair dryers that can ruin your hair.

    Profuse hair loss.

    During the treatment or prevention of hair loss.

    If the hair has become a bad structure. For example, after painting or perm.

    Hair began to look very bad, break, split.

This procedure has contraindications. Trichologists say that such a procedure is safe. But still, every person is a little afraid before the procedure.

    Oncological diseases.

    If you have chronic diseases or allergies.

    During pregnancy and lactation.

    Problems with blood, or if there are large deviations during the test.


    And even with low immunity, it is forbidden to carry out such a procedure.

    Colds, critical days.

Are there side effects:

    Rarely, but sometimes there is some discomfort and pain.

    Basically, such discomfort occurs with those patients who violated the rules and after this procedure began to perform various cosmetic manipulations.

    Some people may also experience slight redness, itching, and swelling. Swelling may appear at the injection site.

    Usually, after a few hours, after the procedure, swelling, itching and redness disappear.

    A truly effective procedure.

    Hair becomes much better and more beautiful.

    Restored naturally due to plasma.

    Increases hair growth.

    The procedure is hypoallergenic.

    The effect persists for a long time.

    Completely safe procedure.

    Immediately after the injections, you can go and do your usual activities.

    Does not leave marks from injections and scars.

    A little unpleasant procedure, but it can not be called painful.

    The cost of one procedure is quite high, and the minimum they need to be done will be four every week.

    The result will be visible only after two applications, that is, after two weeks.

    Before this procedure, it is necessary to take tests.

    The doctor will tell you how to prepare for such a procedure.

I heard a lot about skin plasmolifting. That after such a procedure, the skin becomes soft, acne disappears and scars become less noticeable. Also, many argued that after such a procedure, the skin is rejuvenated, nourished, tightened, peeling and unevenness are removed. In general, the complexion becomes healthier and better. But having learned about the same procedure for hair, I fired up to do it. Since they were dry at the tips, and oily at the roots. They split, were naughty and combed very badly. After saving up the amount, I decided on the procedure, making myself such a birthday present. Since I live in a small town, I had a hard time finding a clinic that specializes in this service. After it, the hair became much thicker, obedient, smooth and silky, easy to comb. They have not become so porous and there are no split ends. Would I recommend hair plasmolifting? In general, yes, if there are funds for such a procedure. Of course there is a result, but the cost is quite high. Thank you very much for reading to the end. Beautiful hair. Goodbye, all the best to you. Bye Bye!!!

Stress, hormonal and age-related changes, deficiency of vitamins and minerals, unfavorable environment, hair bleaching and perm - these and other factors cause hair loss, brittleness, dullness, dandruff and split ends. There are many medical and cosmetic methods for improving the condition of the hair and scalp, one of the new and popular methods is hair plasma lifting.

What is hair plasmolifting and how does it work

Hair plasma lifting (PRP method, platelet-rich plasma method) is a non-surgical injection technique used in trichology to prevent hair loss and stimulate hair growth.

The plasmolifting technology was developed by Russian scientists - professors Akhmerov and Zarudiy, and is used not only in cosmetology (to improve the condition of the skin of the face, neck, hair), but also in medicine (traumatology, dentistry, gynecology, orthopedics).

The basis of the hair plasmolifting procedure is the use of plasma, which is obtained from the patient's blood. Blood processing is carried out using special test tubes and a centrifuging method, with the help of which platelet-rich plasma (platelet autoplasma) is isolated from the blood. Platelets stimulate the healing processes of tissues and cells of the body, secrete growth factors that promote cell division.

Plasma inhibits the processes of hair follicles dying, switches the hair loss phase to the growth phase, improves skin immunity, activates cell metabolism processes, enhances the production of collagen, stem cells, hyaluronic acid, fibroblasts and elastin. Plasmolifting improves the quality of the hair shaft itself, which helps restore natural shine, elasticity and density to the hair.

Advantages and disadvantages

We can distinguish the following arguments in favor of the hair plasma-lifting procedure:

  • nature of the procedure. The patient is injected with his blood, in which there are no chemicals and additives.
  • There is no need for general anesthesia during the procedure, a local anesthetic is sufficient.
  • Hypoallergenicity of plasmolifting: there is a low risk of allergy or plasma rejection, other negative reactions of the body.
  • No need for a long period of preparation for the procedure, rehabilitation and recovery after plasmolifting.
  • Procedure safety. For the procedure, you may need from 20 to 100 milliliters of the patient's blood, which does not disrupt the normal functioning of the internal organs and does not pose a danger to the patient's body.
  • The technique is based on the use of natural processes of restoration of the human body.
  • Long-term effect, which can be significantly extended by fixing the control procedures of plasmolifting.
  • Lack of scars and scars after plasmolifting of hair.

The main disadvantage of hair plasmolifting is the high cost of the full course of treatment, because plasmolifting is an expensive procedure.

There is also always a risk of such negative consequences of the procedure as:

  • Infection with serum infections (eg, viral hepatitis). To avoid such problems, it is necessary to choose a licensed clinic that has certificates for medical activities and plasmolifting procedures, as well as permission to work with blood products.
  • Autoinfection (activation of a virus in human blood). Therefore, before plasmolifting, it is necessary to be examined by a doctor and pass all the necessary tests in order to minimize the risk of autoinfection.
  • Allergies (for example, to anticoagulants that are added to the blood so that it does not clot). To exclude such a minus of the procedure, it is necessary to first conduct an allergen test.

Indications and contraindications

Plasmolifting of hair is carried out in the presence of the following problems with the hair or scalp:

  • Intensive hair loss (for example, with focal or diffuse alopecia).
  • Dandruff.
  • Split ends.
  • Thin, sparse, brittle hair.
  • Changing the structure of the hair after dyeing, perm, keratin straightening.

Contraindications for hair plasmolifting are:

  • Pregnancy and lactation.
  • Diabetes.
  • Oncological diseases.
  • Fever, high temperature.
  • Viral hepatitis.
  • Blood diseases (for example, clotting disorders).
  • Autoimmune diseases.
  • Critical days.
  • Inflammation on the scalp of a fungal, viral, bacterial or infectious nature.
  • Mental disorders.
  • Dysfunction or low platelets
  • Severe diseases of the internal organs.
  • Allergy to anticoagulants.
  • Low levels of fibrinogen in the blood.
  • Exacerbation of chronic diseases.
  • Low hemoglobin level.
  • Hematomas.

Procedure for hair plasmolifting

Plasmolifting is carried out in several stages:

  • Preparatory stage. The patient donates blood for tests to exclude allergies to anticoagulants or the presence of viruses, infections in the blood.
  • Blood sampling from a vein, which is placed in a special tube.
  • Placement of a test tube with blood in a centrifugation apparatus for plasma extraction (the process lasts 15-20 minutes).
  • Application of anesthetic gels and creams to the skin.
  • Injection of plasma into problem areas of the scalp.

The duration of one session is from 40 minutes to 1 hour.

The required number of procedures is determined at the consultation and depends on the condition of the hair and scalp. On average, to achieve the effect, 3 to 6 procedures are needed, which are carried out at intervals of 2 weeks to 1-2 months.

The procedure is best done on an empty stomach in the morning (up to 12 hours).

2-3 days before the session, you need to stop taking drugs that reduce blood clotting. 1-2 days before the procedure - exclude fatty foods and alcohol from the diet.

After the procedure, avoid exposure to sunlight for 2-3 days, do not wash your hair, do not go to the bathhouse, solarium, sauna.

Possible Complications

If an allergen test was not performed before hair plasmolifting, then there is always a risk of swelling, redness, bruising, bruising, rashes at the injection sites, which should disappear within 4-7 days.

Analogues and alternatives of hair plasmolifting

There are other cosmetic and medical procedures that are also aimed at improving the condition of the hair and scalp:

  • Hair mesotherapy. Special “cocktails” are injected into the scalp, which are an individually selected mixture of drugs. Mesotherapy enhances hair growth, strengthens their structure, eliminates dandruff. In addition to classical injection mesotherapy, there are non-injection methods, for example, current mesotherapy or electrophoresis, laser mesotherapy, ultrasound, cryomesotherapy (exposure to low temperatures).
  • ACR method(method of autologous cellular rejuvenation). The essence of the method is to obtain autogel and autoplasma to reduce hair loss, improve their condition.
  • Beauty Injections. It is carried out before dyeing, and is also suitable for hair damaged by ironing or perming. The procedure consists in injecting a special preparation into the scalp, which fills the structure of damaged hair, restoring shine and elasticity.


More than 40% of patients notice the effect after 1 session of plasmolifting. The full course allows you to achieve the following results:

  • Stop hair loss.
  • Eliminate dandruff and other scalp problems.
  • Stimulate intense hair growth.

Hair after the procedure becomes strong, thick, shiny and elastic, without split ends.

The effect can last for 1.5-2 years. To consolidate the result, it is desirable to carry out fixing procedures for hair plasmolifting once every 1-2 years.

Frequently Asked Questions and Answers

What confirms the safety of the hair plasma-lifting procedure for the human body?

Safety is proven by the results of clinical studies that have been conducted for 8 years.

At what age is plasma-lifting of hair allowed?

The procedure, if indicated, can be performed from the age of 16.

What tests should be done before plasma-lifting hair?

It is mandatory to pass biochemical and clinical blood tests, analysis for markers of hepatitis, HIV and other infectious diseases.

Is the result guaranteed during hair plasmolifting?

Plasmolifting of hair is effective in 60-80% of cases, as with other medical methods of treatment, it is difficult to talk about guarantees, because the result depends on the individual characteristics of the patient's body. To get a long lasting result, it is necessary to undergo a full course of treatment, which consists of at least 3 procedures.

How long does it take for hair growth to start after Plasmolifting?

Hair begins to grow intensively after completing the full course, at least 1-2 months later.

Is it possible to do plasmolifting of hair, face and eyelashes in one session?

Can. There are no contraindications to such a combination. Autoplasma injections during the procedure will be carried out in different areas.

Is there a risk of becoming addicted to the hair plasma lifting procedure and plasma injections?

No, as confirmed by the results of medical research. The patient may choose not to repeat the course if he cannot or does not want to. Cells will gradually return to their original state.

Why is the hair plasma lifting procedure not recommended during menstruation?

Because during this period, women have a significantly lower pain threshold, and the risk of bruising and bruising at the injection sites also increases.

The cost of plasmolifting hair

The cost of a full course of plasmolifting depends on the required number of procedures and the area of ​​influence. The average cost of one hair plasmolifting procedure is from 6,000 to 20,000 rubles.

Significant discounts (50-70% of the initial cost of hair plasmolifting) can be obtained by ordering a full course of treatment at the medical center at once, as well as tracking seasonal and pre-holiday promotions and discounts. Often such promotions are held in spring and summer, as well as before the New Year, March 8, February 14 and other holidays.