
Diagnosis of functional disorders of organs and systems by hand. Projection zones of internal organs on the body Diagnostic representations of internal organs on the human body

Projections of the internal organs are located on the skin, muscles, bones, periosteum, ligaments. Representations on the skin can be manifested by swelling, itching, redness, psoriatic plaques, skin rashes, etc. Disorders of the thyroid gland, stomach, gallbladder, liver, heart, pancreas, lungs, kidneys, etc. - all have their manifestations on the human body. Find out which zones are responsible for what!

The founder and researcher of the direction - visceral therapy - abdominal massage - massage of internal organs through the front wall of the abdomen. Professional start in the field of visceral therapy since 1985.

It has more than 20,000 of its students and followers in many countries of the world.

President of the Professional Association of Visceral Therapists.

CEO Educational and health center Forerunner.

Projections of the internal organs are located on the skin, muscles, bones, periosteum, ligaments.

Representations on the skin can be shown swelling, itching, redness, psoriatic plaques, skin rashes, etc.

On the muscles, the projections are expressed by seals, nodules, increased sensitivity and soreness.

Projections on the periosteum also appear pain, hypersensitivity or inflammation.

On the vessels, representations are expressed by soreness along the vessel, swelling of the intima of the vessel, and induration.

Projections of the internal organs from the side of the abdomen

  1. Thyroid disorders. The representation is located in the jugular notch along the periosteum. Soreness in this area indicates a violation of the blood circulation of the thyroid gland.
  2. Stomach (greater curvature). Projection on the sternocleidomastoid muscle on the left side of the neck. It is manifested by soreness, increased muscle tone.
  3. The area of ​​attachment of the sternocleidomastoid muscle to the clavicle on the left. Manifested by soreness of the periosteum and muscle.
  4. angina syndrome. The region of the middle of the sternum. It is manifested by soreness of the periosteum during palpation examination.
  5. Pancreas. The representation is located on the left side in the supraclavicular region, closer to the neck. It is manifested by soreness and compaction of the muscles of this area. When kneading, it often radiates to the region of the left arm, heart, apex of the lung, and throat.
  6. Decreased immunity. The projection is located in the middle of the sternum, in the area of ​​its intersection with the line passing through the nipple line. It is manifested by soreness of the periosteum during palpation examination.
  7. Heart failure. Representation under the left clavicle in the region of the subclavian muscle above the first rib. It is manifested by muscle soreness during palpation examination.
  8. spleen capsule. Representation on a group of muscles in the region of the left shoulder. Manifested by deep pain of the joint and articular bag.
  9. Valvular disorders of the heart. They are projected to the right on the pectoralis major muscle, laterally to the region of the left shoulder joint. There is pain on palpation.
  10. Disruption of the blood supply to the shoulder joint.
  11. Ischemia of the heart. The representation is located anterior to the axial line, in the region of the serratus anterior. In pathology - pain in the periosteum and muscles. A. It is located on the 1st lateral line of the chest, the level of the 4th intercostal space on the muscles and periosteum of the ribs.
  12. Heart rhythm. It is projected onto the left side of the chest, the area of ​​intersection of the mid-clavicular-nipple line and the intercostal space of the 4th and 5th ribs. It is manifested by pain in this area and a violation of the heart rhythm.
  13. Spleen parenchyma. The representation runs along the costal arch to the left of the xiphoid process to the lateral axial line. It is manifested by soreness of the ribs and cartilaginous formations of the costal arch.
  14. Stomach (greater curvature). The representation is located on the skin of the outer part of the shoulder area. Manifested by rough skin (“goosebumps”), pigmentation (in case of fungal infection).
  15. Pancreas. It is projected onto the lateral surface of 8-10 ribs and intercostal muscles along the left lateral axial line, as well as on the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall at the level of the dividing line of the first and second segments, if the distance between the navel and the xiphoid process is divided into three equal parts (the origin of the segments is from the navel). Manifested by pain sensitivity of muscle structures in these areas.
  16. Left kidney. Its representation is located on the lower third of the inner surface of the left shoulder. It is manifested by soreness of the muscles of this area and the periosteum of the humerus.
  17. (A, E) - ovaries, (B, D) - tubes, C - uterus (women); (A, E) - testicles, (B, C, D) - prostate (men). They are located on the periosteum of the pubic bone. It is manifested by its soreness during palpation examination.
  18. Descending colon. Its representation is located on the left brachioradialis muscle in the upper third of the forearm and on the anterior outer surface of the internal oblique and transverse abdominal muscles on the left. Pathology is manifested by muscle soreness during palpation examination.
  19. Radial nerve (cervical osteochondrosis). The representation is located along the radial nerve of the forearm of the left hand. The stronger the infringement (ishimization) in the cervical spine, the lower the soreness of the nerve fiber passage area extends towards the hand.
  20. Parenchyma of the left kidney. Its representative zone is located along the periosteum of the iliac crest on the left. It is shown by morbidity at a palpation research.
  21. Median nerve (cervical osteochondrosis). The representation is located along the median nerve of the forearm of the left hand. The higher the degree of its infringement (ishimization) in the cervical spine, the lower the soreness of the nerve passage area extends to the hand.
  22. Ulnar nerve (cervical osteochondrosis). The representation is located along the ulnar nerve of the forearm of the left hand. The stronger the degree of infringement (ishimization) of the roots of nerve fibers in the cervical spine, the lower the pain in the region of nerve passage extends down the forearm to the hand.
  23. Area of ​​the forearm with representative areas of six organs. It is located on the first third of the forearm of the left hand along the periosteum of the inner surface of the distal radius. It is manifested by pain in the representative parts of the organs.
  24. Left lung. The representation is located on the basis of the thumb and the phalanges themselves, that is, in the region of the short muscle and muscles of the short flexor of the thumb of the left hand, joints and nail plate
  25. The representation is located in the upper outer part of the left thigh, above the femur, above the region of the greater trochanter. It is manifested by pain of the articular bag and stiffness of the joint.
  26. Uterus, prostate. The information zone is located on the inner-upper part of the thigh, closer to the inguinal fold, along the femoral saphenous vein and femoral artery. It is manifested by soreness along the vessels of this area and the muscles of this area during palpation examination, as well as various skin disorders, including papillomatosis.
  27. Violation of blood circulation of the left leg, arthrosis of the hip joint. The representative zone is located on the inner upper third of the left thigh. It is manifested by soreness of the periosteum of the femur and adjacent muscles of this area.
  28. Arthrosis of the left hip joint. The representation is located on the middle-outer-lateral surface of the left thigh, from the region of the greater trochanter towards the knee joint. It is manifested by soreness of the periosteum of the tibia and the muscles covering it.
  29. Sexual disorders. The representative zone is located on the upper anterointernal part of the left thigh, from the inguinal fold, to the front along the femoral saphenous vein and femoral artery. It is manifested by pain along the vessels and muscles of this area during palpation examination.
  30. The zone is located on the inner side of the tibial collateral ligament along the muscles of the inner posterior surface of the left thigh upward towards the perineum. It is manifested by soreness of the ligament and the place of its attachment, as well as along the muscles of the inner back surface of the left thigh.
  31. Tail and body of the pancreas. The representation is located on the lower third of the left thigh in the region of the wide medial muscle. Manifested by muscle soreness on palpation.
  32. Arthrosis of the left knee joint. The representative region is located on the inner surface of the head of the tibia of the left leg along the periosteum. It is manifested by soreness of the periosteum during palpation examination.
  33. Stomach (greater curvature). The information zone is located in the upper third of the tibia, along the outer anterolateral surface, or, more precisely, the anterior tibial muscle of the lower leg of the left leg. Manifested by muscle soreness on palpation.
  34. Violation of the blood supply to the left leg. The representative region is located along the anterior inner surface of the left lower leg in the upper third, along the tibia along the medial head of the gastrocnemius muscle. Manifested by muscle soreness on palpation.
  35. The bottom of the gallbladder. The information zone is located in the upper third from the proximal head of the fibula to the outer malleolus, along the outer mid-lateral surface of the lower leg of the left leg. Manifested by muscle soreness on palpation.
  36. Bulb of the duodenum. The information area is located in the lower part of the upper third of the tibia, along the outer anterolateral surface, or, more precisely, the anterior tibial muscle of the lower leg of the left leg. Manifested by muscle soreness on palpation.
  37. The body of the gallbladder. The representative zone is located in the second third of the area extending from the proximal head of the fibula to the outer malleolus, along the outer mid-lateral surface of the lower leg of the left leg. Manifested by muscle soreness on palpation.
  38. Gallbladder duct. The representative zone is located in the lower third of the region from the proximal head of the fibula to the outer malleolus, along the outer mid-lateral surface of the lower leg of the left leg. Manifested by muscle soreness on palpation.
  39. Arthrosis of the left ankle joint. The representative zone is located along the anterior lateral outer and inner line of the joint space. It is manifested by soreness of the periosteum of the left ankle joint during palpation examination.
  40. Disorder of the left kidney. The representative area is the back of the left foot, in the area of ​​​​the short extensor fingers in the gap between the extensors of the fourth finger and the little finger. It is manifested by soreness of the muscles, ligamentous apparatus and periosteum of the bones of the foot in this area.
  41. Bladder, left side. The representation is the nail plate of the little finger and the finger itself. In pathology, the nail is affected by fungi, sometimes you can see various manifestations of disorders on the skin of the finger, the joint becomes painful on palpation.
  42. Gallbladder. Nail plates of the third and fourth toes of the left foot. In pathology, the nails are affected by fungi, sometimes there is a violation of the skin, the joints of the fingers become painful on palpation.
  43. Stomach (greater curvature). The representation is the nail plate of the second toe of the left foot, sometimes the toe itself. With a deep pathology of the stomach, the nail is affected by fungi, the joints of the finger become painful on palpation.
  44. Pancreas. The representation is the nail plate of the big toe of the left foot, sometimes the toe itself. In pathology, the nail is affected by fungi, the joint becomes painful on palpation, and its deformation is observed.
  45. Sex organs. The representative zone is located in the lower third of the lower leg of the right and left legs, along the inner surface of the tibia, to the inner ankle. It is manifested by soreness of the periosteum during palpation examination. On the right - the right appendage in women, in men - the right testicle and the right lobe of the prostate gland. On the left - the left appendage in women, in men - the left testicle and the left lobe of the prostate gland.
  46. Arthrosis of the ankle joint. The representative zone is located along the inner lateral line of the joint space of the left and right ankle joints. It is manifested by soreness of the periosteum during palpation examination.
  47. Bladder. The representation is the inner part of the heel region of the foot under the medial malleolus of the left and right legs. It is manifested by soreness of the periosteum during palpation examination.
  48. Liver. The representation is the nail plate of the big toe of the right foot, sometimes the toe itself. In pathology, the nail is affected by fungi, the joint becomes painful on palpation, and sometimes its deformation is observed.
  49. Corns (stone in the gallbladder). Specific outgrowth of the skin on the outer lateral surface of the big toe of the right foot. It is formed during the thickening of bile and the formation of stones in the gallbladder.
  50. Stomach (small curvature). The representation is the nail plate of the second toe of the right foot, and sometimes the toe itself. With a deep pathology of the stomach, the nail is affected by fungi, the joints of the finger become painful on palpation.
  51. Gallbladder. Nail plates of the third and fourth toes of the right foot. In the pathology of the bladder, the nails are affected by fungi, the skin is prone to various fungal infections, the joints of the fingers often become painful on palpation.
  52. Right side of the bladder. The representation is the nail plate of the little finger and the toe itself on the right foot. In the pathology of the bladder, the nail and skin of the finger are susceptible to fungal attack, the joint becomes painful on palpation.
  53. Right kidney. The representative area is the back of the right foot, in the area of ​​​​the short extensor fingers in the gap between the extensors of the fourth finger and the little finger. It is manifested by soreness of the muscles, ligamentous apparatus and periosteum of the bones of the foot in this area.
  54. Arthrosis of the right ankle joint. The representative zone is located along the anterior lateral outer and inner line of the joint space. It is manifested by soreness of the periosteum of the right ankle joint during palpation examination.
  55. bile ducts. The representative zone is located in the lower third of the region from the proximal head of the fibula to the outer malleolus, along the outer mid-lateral surface of the lower leg of the right leg. It is manifested by soreness of the muscles of this area during palpation examination.
  56. The body of the gallbladder. The representative zone is located in the second third from the proximal head of the fibula to the outer malleolus, along the outer mid-lateral surface of the lower leg of the right leg. It is manifested by soreness of the muscles of this area during palpation examination.
  57. Bulb of the duodenum. The information area is located in the lower part of the upper third of the tibia, along the outer anterolateral surface, or, more precisely, the anterior tibial muscle of the lower leg of the right leg. It is manifested by soreness of the muscles of this area during palpation examination.
  58. The bottom of the gallbladder. The information zone is located in the upper third from the proximal head of the fibula to the outer malleolus, along the outer mid-lateral surface of the lower leg of the right leg. It is manifested by soreness of the muscles of this area during palpation examination.
  59. Circulation of the right leg. The representative region is located along the anterior inner surface of the right lower leg in the upper third, along the tibia along the medial head of the gastrocnemius muscle. It is manifested by soreness of the muscles of this area during palpation examination.
  60. Stomach (small curvature). The information zone is located in the upper third of the tibia, along the outer anterolateral surface, or, more precisely, the anterior tibial muscle of the lower leg of the right leg. It is manifested by soreness of the muscles of this area during palpation examination.
  61. Arthrosis of the right knee joint. The representative region is located on the inner surface of the head of the tibia of the right leg along the periosteum. It is manifested by soreness of the periosteum during palpation examination.
  62. Head and body of the pancreas. The representation is located on the lower third of the right thigh in the region of the wide medial muscle of the thigh. It is manifested by soreness of the muscles of this area during palpation examination.
  63. Arthrosis of the right knee joint. The zone is located on the inner side of the tibial collateral ligament along the muscles of the inner posterior surface of the right thigh upward towards the perineum. It is manifested by soreness of the ligament and the place of its attachment along the representative zone.
  64. Violation of blood circulation of the right leg, arthrosis of the hip joint. The representative zone is located on the inner upper third of the right thigh. It is manifested by soreness of the periosteum of the femur and adjacent muscles of this area.
  65. Sexual disorders. The representative zone is located on the upper anteromedial part of the right thigh, from the inguinal fold to the front along the femoral saphenous vein and femoral artery. It is manifested by pain along the vessels and muscles of this area during palpation examination.
  66. Uterus, prostate. The information zone is located on the inner upper part of the right thigh, closer to the inguinal fold, along the femoral saphenous vein and femoral artery, manifested by pain along the vessels of this area and muscles during their palpation examination, as well as various skin manifestations, including papillomatosis .
  67. The representation is located on the middle lateral-lateral surface of the right thigh, from the region of the greater trochanter towards the knee joint. It is manifested by soreness of the periosteum of the tibia and the muscles of its covering.
  68. Arthrosis of the right hip joint. The representation is located in the upper outer region of the right thigh, above the femur, above the region of the greater trochanter. It is manifested by pain in this area and stiffness of the joint.
  69. Right lung. The representation is located in the region of the base of the thumb and its joints, that is, in the region of the short muscle and muscles of the short flexor of the thumb of the left hand. In the pathology of the lung, the base of the finger is painful, a venous pattern appears on it, the joints are deformed, the nail plate is deformed.
  70. Site of functional weakening of organs. It is located on the first third of the forearm of the right hand, along the periosteum of the inner surface of the distal radius. It is manifested by soreness of the periosteum in the representative parts of the organs.
  71. Radial nerve (radicular infringement in the cervical region). The representation is located along the radial nerve of the forearm of the right hand. The higher the degree of infringement (ishimization) in the cervical spine, the lower the pain in the area of ​​passage of the nerve fiber extends towards the hand.
  72. Parenchyma of the right kidney. Its representative zone is located along the periosteum of the right iliac crest. It is manifested by pain in this area during palpation examination.
  73. Ileocecal angle of the intestine. The representative zone is located on the anterior wall of the abdomen on the right below the navel, on the line passing from the navel to the iliac crest. With stenosis of the ileocecal valve, reflected pain occurs in the region of the heart and stomach. There is also a violation of soreness and density of the covering tissues of this area during palpation examination.
  74. Ascending colon. Its representation is located on the right brachioradialis muscle in the upper third of the forearm and the anterior outer surface of the internal oblique and transverse abdominal muscles on the right. It is shown by their morbidity at a palpation research.
  75. Ulnar nerve (radicular infringement of the cervical region). The representation is located along the ulnar nerve of the forearm of the right hand. The higher the degree of infringement (ishimization) of the nerve fiber roots in the cervical spine, the lower the soreness of the nerve passage area extends to the hand.
  76. Median nerve (radicular infringement of the cervical region). The representation is located along the median nerve of the forearm of the right hand. The higher the degree of its infringement (ishimization) in the cervical spine, the lower the soreness of the nerve passage area extends to the hand.
  77. Violation of the circulation of the small pelvis. The representation is located between the second and third segments of the abdomen between the navel and the pubic bone. Manifested by pain with pressure during the study of the abdomen.
  78. Small intestine. The representation is located around the navel in the umbilical region. In disorders, it is manifested by pain during palpation examination.
  79. Disorder of the right kidney. Its representation is located on the lower third of the inner surface of the right shoulder. Soreness of the muscles of this area and the periosteum of the bone is manifested.
  80. Stomach (small curvature). The representation is located on the skin of the outer part of the right shoulder region. Manifested by rough skin (“goosebumps”), pigmentation (in case of fungal infection).
  81. Gallbladder. Representation on the anterior wall of the abdomen on the right in the hypochondrium. It is manifested by pain, both during palpation and without it, when affected by fungi, pigmentation appears on the area.
  82. The parenchyma of the liver. The representation runs along the costal arch to the right of the xiphoid process to the lateral axial line. Manifested by soreness of the ribs and cartilaginous formations of the costal arch
  83. Automatic breathing. It is projected onto the right side of the chest, the area of ​​intersection of the mid-clavicular-nipple line of the intercostal space between the fourth and fifth ribs. It is manifested by soreness of this area, in case of injury - a violation of automatic breathing.
  84. Violation of the circulation of the right shoulder joint (ischemia of the cervical spine). It is projected onto the anterior surface of the articular capsule of the head of the left shoulder joint. Manifested by pain in this area.
  85. Gastritis, stomach. Representation on the xiphoid process. In pathology - pain in the periosteum. Sometimes the chronicle is manifested by the appearance of moles and papillomas in this area.
  86. Liver capsule. Representation on the deltoid muscle, in the region of the right shoulder. Manifested by deep pain in the area of ​​the joint and articular bag when the capsule is stretched.
  87. Respiratory failure. Representation under the right clavicle in the region of the subclavian muscle, above the first rib. It is manifested by soreness of the muscles of this area during palpation examination.
  88. gallbladder. The representation is located on the right side in the supraclavicular region. It is manifested by soreness of the muscles of this area.
  89. Bulb of the duodenum. The area of ​​attachment of the sternocleidomastoid muscle to the clavicle on the right. Manifested by soreness of the periosteum and muscle.
  90. Stomach (small curvature). Projection on the sternocleidomastoid muscle on the right, manifested by pain, increased tone.

Projections of the internal organs from the back

1. Violations in the skeletal system. The representation is located on the spinous surface of the 7th cervical vertebra (C7). It is manifested by soreness of the periosteum during palpation examination, uncomfortable sensations.

2. The head of the pancreas. The representation is located under the base of the skull on the right. Manifested by muscle tension in this area, pain on palpation:

3. Basilar insufficiency. Representation on the lateral processes of the first cervical vertebra (C1, along the lateral axial line on the right or left. It is manifested by pain during palpation examination. The resulting root infringement causes a violation of the blood supply to the head area.

4. Upper pole of the right kidney. Its representation is on the neck, at the level of the lateral processes on the right (C1-C2). It is manifested by soreness in this area. Soreness correlates with the functional state of the right kidney.

5. Lower pole of the right kidney. The representation is located on the muscles located on the lateral axial line on the right in the region of the vertebrae of the cervical spine (C5-C6).

6. Ureter of the right kidney. It is located deep in the supraspinatus muscle on the right side. Manifested by increased muscle tension, soreness.

7. The bottom of the gallbladder. It is located at the level of the vertebra (Th2), from the spinous to the right. It is manifested by increased muscle tone in the muscles of this area and pain during palpation.

8. Right side of the transverse colon. Represented by a site on the trapezius muscle on the right. It is manifested by soreness and increased muscle tone.

9. Duct of the gallbladder. It is located at the level of the vertebra (Th4), from the spinous spine on the right. It is manifested by increased muscle tone in this area and pain during palpation.

10. Representation of the right mammary gland. It is located on the infraspinatus muscle to the outer edge of the right scapula. It is manifested by pain in various disorders in the mammary gland.

11. Liver capsule, scapulohumeral periarthritis, cervical osteochondrosis. The representation is located on the right shoulder in the region of the deltoid muscle. It is manifested by soreness and impaired blood circulation in the shoulder joint.

12. Energy imbalance in the lung. It is located in the center of the scapula on the region of the abdominal muscle and periosteum. In pathology, it is manifested by soreness in this area. When this area is traumatized, the automatism of breathing is disturbed.

13. Right kidney with bladder. It is located in the region of the small round muscle and the armpit. In pathology, it is manifested by soreness of the muscles of this area, the growth of papillomas, pigmentation.

14. Right lobe of the liver. The representation is located along the large rhomboid muscle between the spinous spine and the medial edge of the scapula, at the level of the spinous (Th4-Th6). Shows pain sensitivity.

15. Right kidney. The representation is located on the area of ​​the muscles of the paravertebral region on the right at the level of the vertebrae (Th7-Thl0). It is manifested by soreness and discomfort, radicular infringement.

16. Right kidney. The zone of representation is located on the area of ​​the muscles of the paravertebral region on the right at the level (Thl 1-L2). It is manifested by soreness of the back muscles of this part of the body, their increased tone.

17. Right adrenal gland. The representation is located paravertebral on the right at the level of Th 11 with the transition to the costal arch to the lateral axial line.

18. Violation of the blood circulation of the pelvic organs. The zone indicating the disorder is located on the outer side of the shoulder, in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bcontact between the muscles of the triceps and biceps, which manifests itself in pathology with pain on palpation, sometimes aching pain.

19. Ascending colon. It is located medially in the upper part of the lumbar region at the level of the external oblique muscle of the abdomen and the latissimus dorsi muscle. It is manifested by soreness, increased muscle tone.

20. Small intestine on the right.

21. Inflammation of the elbow joint. The representation is located in the area of ​​the condyle of the elbow joint. At the first stages of the disease, it is manifested by soreness of the periosteum of the condyle.

22. Parenchyma of the right kidney. It is located at the top of the iliac crest on the right side of the body. It is manifested by painful sensations when touching this area and palpation.

23. Head and body of the pancreas. The representation is located on the skin of the forearm on the back surface closer to the elbow. Pathology is manifested by various disorders in the skin (dryness, roughness, psoriasis plaques).

24. Ascending colon. Representation on the muscles of the forearm in the upper outer part, on the brachioradialis muscle. It is manifested by pain on palpation, sometimes aching pain in this area.

25. Bladder (right half). Representation on the gluteus maximus muscle in the area of ​​its attachment to the ilium. Manifested by pain on palpation, increased tone.

26. Small intestine. Projection on the spinous spine L3-L4 and paravertebral muscles of this area. It is manifested by soreness of the periosteum and muscle groups.

27. Small intestine (right side). The representation is located in the region of the large gluteal line, below the region of the sacral joint. It manifests itself in pathology or functional disorders by pain on palpation of this area.

28. Right ovary in women and right testicle in men.

29. Articular disorder of the right hip joint. The representation is located above the region of the greater trochanter of the femur, the region of the small and middle gluteal muscles. Pathology is manifested by pain in the joint and muscle representation.

30. Sexual organ (right side). The representation is located under the gluteus maximus on the right side of the sacrum. It is manifested by soreness of the zone, lumbar pain.

31. Right lung. Representation on the thumb of the right hand (phalanx, nail plate, base of the thumb). There is a violation of deformation, change in shape, soreness.

32. Ascending colon. Representation on the index finger of the right hand. There is a violation of the deformation of the nail plate (longitudinal or transverse streaks, mycosis), sometimes soreness of its joints.

33. Nervous system. Information zone on the middle and ring fingers. Manifested by deformation of the nail plates (longitudinal or transverse mottling, mycoses). Pain in the joints of the fingers.

34. Small intestine. Representation on the little finger of the right hand. There is a violation of the deformation of the nail plate (longitudinal or transverse mottling, mycosis), sometimes pain in the joints.

35. Infringement of the sciatic nerve. The information zone is located in the center of the right gluteal region and along the posterior outer surface of the thigh and lower leg. It is manifested by soreness along the nerve.

36. Arthrosis of the right hip joint. The representative zone is located on the lateral outer surface of the thigh. Manifested by muscle soreness on palpation.

37. Arthrosis of the right knee joint. The representative zone is located from the tibial collateral ligament along the posterior-medial surface of the thigh upwards. It is manifested by soreness of the ligament and muscles in proportion to the pathological condition of the joint.

38. Right kidney. The information zone is located on the lower third of the back of the thigh. In pathology, it is manifested by pain during palpation examination.

39. Ligament apparatus of the right knee joint. The representation is located on the posterior surface of the knee joint, above and longer than the fold of the joint. In pathology, it is manifested by soreness in this area, especially in the area of ​​​​attachment of the cruciate ligaments.

40. Ureter of the right kidney. The representative zone runs along the back surface of the lower leg, along the midline of the gastrocnemius muscle to the place of its attachment with the Achilles tendon. In functional disorders, it is manifested by soreness of the muscles located along this line.

41. The bottom of the gallbladder. The representative zone is located in the upper third of the region from the proximal head of the fibula to the outer malleolus, along the outer mid-lateral surface of the lower leg of the right leg. It is manifested by soreness of the muscles of this area during palpation examination.

42. The body of the gallbladder. The representative zone is located in the middle third of the region from the proximal head of the fibula to the outer malleolus, along the outer mid-lateral surface of the lower leg of the right leg. It is manifested by soreness of the muscles of this area during palpation examination.

43. Ducts of the gallbladder. The representative zone is located in the lower third of the region from the proximal head of the fibula to the outer malleolus, along the outer mid-lateral surface of the lower leg of the right leg. It is manifested by soreness of the muscles of this area during palpation examination.

44. Pathology of the right ankle joint (arthrosis). The representative zone is located along the inner lateral line of the joint space of the right ankle joint. It is manifested by soreness of the periosteum during palpation examination.

45. Tendovaginitis. The representative zone is the region of the Achilles tendon. With inflammation, it is characterized by pain during palpation of its study.

46. ​​Large intestine. The representation is the outer part of the heel region of the foot under the medial malleolus of the left and right legs. It is manifested by soreness of the periosteum during palpation examination.

47. Pathology of the left ankle joint (arthrosis). The representative zone is located along the inner lateral line of the joint space of the left ankle joint. It is manifested by soreness of the periosteum during palpation examination.

48. Duct of the gallbladder. The representative zone is located in the lower third of the region from the proximal head of the fibula to the outer malleolus, along the outer mid-lateral surface of the lower leg of the left leg. Manifested by muscle soreness.

49. Body of the gallbladder. The representative zone is located in the middle third of the region from the proximal head of the fibula to the outer malleolus, along the outer mid-lateral surface of the lower leg of the left leg. It is manifested by soreness of the muscles of this area during palpation examination.

50. The bottom of the gallbladder. The representative zone is located in the upper third of the area from the proximal head of the fibula to the outer malleolus, along the outer mid-lateral surface of the lower leg of the left leg. It is manifested by soreness of the muscles of this area during palpation examination.

51. Ureter of the left kidney. The representative zone runs along the back surface of the left leg, along the midline of the gastrocnemius muscle to the place of its attachment with the Achilles tendon. In functional disorders, it is manifested by soreness of the muscles located along this line.

52. Ligament apparatus of the left knee joint. The representation is located on the back surface of the left knee joint, above and below the joint bend line. In pathology, this area is manifested by soreness, especially in the area of ​​​​attachment of the cruciate ligaments.

53. Left kidney. The information zone is located on the lower third of the back surface of the left thigh. In pathology, it is manifested by pain during palpation examination.

54. Arthrosis of the left knee joint. The representative zone is located from the tibial collateral ligament along the posteromedial surface of the left thigh upwards. It is manifested by the pain of this ligament and muscles in proportion to the pathological state of the joint.

55. Arthrosis of the left hip joint. The representative zone is located on the lateral outer surface of the left thigh. Manifested by muscle soreness on palpation.

56. Sexual organ (left side). The representation is located under the gluteus maximus on the left side of the cross. It is manifested by soreness of the zone, lumbar pain.

57. Infringement of the sciatic nerve. The information zone is located in the center of the left gluteal region and along the posterior outer surface of the thigh and lower leg. It is manifested by soreness along the nerve.

58. Small intestine (left side). The representation is located in the region of the large gluteal line, below the region of the sacral joint. It manifests itself in pathology or functional disorders by pain during palpation examination of this area.

59. Heart, small intestine. Representation on the little finger of the left hand. There is a violation of the deformation of the nail plate (longitudinal or transverse mottling, mycosis), sometimes pain in the joints.

60. Nervous system. Information zone on the middle and ring fingers. It is manifested by deformation of the nail plates (longitudinal or transverse streaks, mycoses), pain in the joints of the fingers.

61. Large intestine. Representation on the index finger of the left hand. There is a violation of the deformation of the nail plate (longitudinal or transverse streaks, mycosis), sometimes soreness of its joints.

62. Left lung. Representation on the thumb of the left hand (phalanx, nail plate, base of the thumb). There is a violation of the deformation of the terminal phalanx, pain.

63. Heart disorders. Representation on the distal head of the ulna and its lower third of the posterior surface. It is shown by morbidity at a palpation research.

64. Articular disorder of the left hip joint. The representation is located above the region of the greater trochanter of the left femur, the region of the small and middle gluteal muscles. Pathology is manifested by pain in the joint and muscle representation.

65. Left ovary in women and left testicle in men. The representative zone is located in the region of the gluteus maximus line on the gluteus maximus muscle, towards the superior iliac spine. Manifested by pain on palpation.

66. Disorder of the genital organs. The representative zone is projected onto the spinous process of the L5 vertebra. Palpation examination revealed soreness of the periosteum and drowning of the vertebra forward.

67. Small intestine. Projection on the spinous spine of L3-4 and paravertebral mice of this area. It is manifested by soreness of the periosteum and muscle groups.

68. Left half of the bladder. Representation on the gluteus maximus muscle in the area of ​​its attachment to the ilium. Manifested by pain on palpation, increased muscle tone.

69. Body and tail of the pancreas. The representation is located on the skin of the forearm of the left hand, on the back surface closer to the elbow. Pathology is manifested by various disorders in the skin (dryness, roughness, plaques).

70. Descending colon. Representation on the muscles of the forearm of the left hand in the upper outer part, on the brachioradialis muscle. The pathology of the intestine is manifested by pain during palpation examination of the forearm, sometimes aching pain in this area.

71. Heart disorders. The representation is located in the area of ​​the condyle of the elbow joint. Manifested by soreness of the periosteum of the condyle.

72. Parenchyma of the left kidney. It is located at the top of the iliac crest on the left side of the body. It is manifested by painful sensations when palpation touches this area.

73. Small intestine on the left. It is located medially in the lower part of the lumbar region at the level of the external oblique muscle of the abdomen. It is manifested by soreness, increased muscle tone.

74. Large intestine on the left. It is located medially to the left in the upper part of the lumbar region at the level of the external oblique muscle of the abdomen and the latissimus dorsi muscle. Manifested by pain, increased muscle tone.

75. Stomach. It is projected on the spinous processes of the spine Th 11-12 and L1-2 and the paravertebral muscles of this area. It is manifested by soreness of the periosteum and sometimes by the sinking of the Th 11 joint relative to the axis of the spine inward.

76. Violation of the circulation of the pelvic organs on the left. The zone indicating the disorder is located on the outer side of the shoulder, in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bcontact between the muscles of the triceps and biceps. It is manifested by pain during palpation examination, with deep pathology, aching pain in this area.

77. Left adrenal gland. The representation is located in the paravertebral areas on the left at the level of Th 11 with the transition to the costal arch to the lateral axial line. It is shown by morbidity at a palpation research.

78. Pancreas. The representation is located on the region of the dentate muscles and the periosteum of the ribs along the left lateral axial line at the level of the 7th and 8th ribs, as well as on the paravertebral spinous processes of the spine at the level of Th 11-L2. There is a disorder of pain during palpation examination of these areas.

79. Left kidney. The zone of representation is located in the muscles of the lower back of the paravertebral spinous spine on the left at the level of Th 12 and lateral processes L1-L2. It is manifested by soreness of the interested muscles of the back of this area, increased tone.

80. Left kidney. The representation is located in the muscles of the paravertebral region on the right at the level of the vertebrae (Th7-Th9). It is manifested by soreness and discomfort, radicular infringement, crunching of the joints of this area during manual manipulations.

81. Left kidney with bladder. The back area on the left on the small round muscle and armpit. In pathology, it is manifested by soreness of the muscles of this area, with infection of the kidney - by the growth of papillomas, pigmentation.

82. Energy center of the heart. It is located in the center of the scapula on the region of the abdominal muscle and periosteum. In pathology, it is manifested by soreness of this area, with traumatization of this area, the automatism of the heartbeat is disturbed.

83. Capsule of the spleen, scapulohumeral periarthritis. The representation is located on the left shoulder in the region of the deltoid muscle. It is manifested by soreness and impaired blood circulation in the shoulder joint.

84. Mammary gland. It is located on the infraspinatus muscle to the outer edge of the left shoulder blade. It is manifested by pain in various disorders in the mammary gland.

85. A. - heart failure. It is located on the supraspinatus muscle, medially above the spine of the left scapula. Manifested by increased muscle tension, pain on palpation;

B. - valvular disorders of the heart. It is located between the spine and the spine of the left scapula, closer to the inner edge of the upper third of the scapula, on the small and large rhomboid muscles. Manifested by increased muscle tension, pain on palpation;

S. - ischemia, angina pectoris. It is located on the muscle layer between the spine and the spine of the left shoulder blade closer to its medial edge, at the level of the second third of the spine of the left shoulder blade, on the rhomboid muscle, manifested by increased muscle tension, pain on palpation;

D. - violation of the heart rhythm. It is located on the muscle layer between the spine and the spine of the left scapula, at the level of the first lower third of the medial spine of the scapula, on the large rhomboid muscle. Manifested by increased muscle tension, pain on palpation.

E. - ischemia. It is located on the muscles of the paravertebral region on the left, running from the lumbar region to the lower edge of the left shoulder blade.

86. The left part of the colon. The representation is located on the trapezius muscle on the left. Pathology is manifested by pain on palpation and increased muscle tone.

87. Left ureter. It is located deep in the supraspinatus muscle on the left side. Manifested by increased muscle tension, pain on palpation.

88. Lower pole of the left kidney. The representation is located on the muscles located on the lateral axial line on the left in the region of the vertebrae of the cervical spine (C5-C6).

89. Upper pole of the left kidney. Its representation is on the neck, at the level of the lateral processes on the left (C1-C2). It is manifested by soreness in this area. Soreness correlates with the functional state of the kidney.

90. Basilar insufficiency. It is located on the lateral processes of the first cervical vertebra (C1), along the lateral axial line on the right or left. It is shown by morbidity at a palpation research. The resulting radicular infringement causes a violation of the blood circulation of the basilar region.

91. Tail part and body of the pancreas. The representation is located under the base of the skull on the left. Manifested by muscle tension in this area, pain on palpation.

92. Subluxation at the base of the skull. It is located on the spinous process of the second cervical vertebra (C2). It is manifested by soreness of the periosteum during palpation examination.

93. Lymphatic and renal imbalance.

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We can all admit that when we first meet a person, we first of all pay attention to his face. Many doctors, in order to preliminarily assess the patient's state of health, also carefully examine the skin of the face. The face is a mirror of the internal organs of a person. Examination of the patient's face consists in examining the appearance of the skin. Facial skin is closely related to the work of internal organs. An experienced doctor will tell a lot about the condition of the skin of the face, its color, humidity, vascular pattern, location and depth of wrinkles. If there are violations in the organs on the skin in certain places corresponding to these organs, rashes may occur. Skin problems that are not associated with any internal failures, according to some dermatologists, are only 5%. The skin of the face, like a litmus test, reacts to the state of the body. For example: in cases of problems with the intestines or kidneys, the skin, as an important excretory organ, takes on an additional mission - to remove metabolic products. And in this case, acne, comedones, as well as swelling, pallor, etc. may appear on the skin.

Each specific part of the person is responsible for the functioning of any internal organ.

A brief interpretation of diseases in the face looks like this:

Cheeks- lungs.

nose tip- a heart.

nostrils- bronchi.

Middle part of the nose- stomach.

Upper part of the nose- pancreas.

Eyes- kidneys and ovaries in women and testicles in men.

left eye- spleen and pancreas.

Right eye- liver and gallbladder.

The area between the eyebrows- liver.

Whiskey on both sides - the spleen.

Forehead as a whole - the small intestine.

Peripheral forehead- colon.

Upper forehead- urinary bladder.

Mouth- digestive tract.

Upper lip- stomach.

Inner part of the lower lip- small intestine.

Peripheral part of the lower lip- colon.

Lip corners- duodenum.

The area around the mouth- sexual organs.

A more detailed interpretation of diseases by face

forehead area represents the projection zone of the intestine. Moreover, its lower part refers to the small intestine, and the upper part to the large intestine. The area of ​​the beginning of hair growth on the forehead is a projection of bladder disorders, the lower part of the chin with a section towards the neck also corresponds to similar deviations. The gallbladder zone is located on the temples. In case of violations in his work, the appearance of acne and redness is observed, often accompanied by the occurrence of a headache of temporal localization. Additionally, it can be noted that in some cases, the appearance of yellowness of the face is noted. Ictericity (yellowing) of the sclera of the eyes also accompanies acute and sometimes chronic disorders of the gallbladder function.

Region between the eyebrows above the bridge of the nose manifests itself with deviations in the work of the liver. In chronic liver diseases, the occurrence of dysfunction of the jaw joints can be observed. At the initial stage of the disease, this is manifested by pain during palpation, and the left jaw joint signals trouble in the left lobe of the liver, the right one, respectively, in the right one. Sometimes hepatic disorders are additionally expressed by redness of the sclera of the eyes, a decrease in visual acuity.

Cheeks of a person carry information about possible disorders in the lungs. In this case, the right cheek corresponds to the right lung, the left cheek to the left. With organic disorders in the lungs, the appearance of a vascular pattern or persistent redness is sometimes observed. The shape of the lung is repeated by the shape of the protruding part of the cheek, with the top of the cheek being the top of the lung, and the bottom of the cheek, respectively, the lower part of the lung. The wings of the nose also belong to the projection zones of the respiratory system, namely the bronchi. With bronchitis, you can observe their redness, the appearance of acne, large pores.

Cardiac disorders sometimes manifest in the area tip of the nose and indicate the presence of arrhythmias. Some cardiac disorders are indicated by the appearance of a red spot on the upper part of the left cheek. The blue color of the lips is often associated with impaired activity of the heart and circulatory disorders. The cyanosis of the nasolabial triangle is also a very dangerous signal that warns of a pre-infarction condition, heart failure, and a possible defect in the heart septum. Soreness of the eyebrows on palpation also additionally indicates heart disorders.

Bridge of the nose- a zone of deviations in the work of the pancreas and stomach. By the appearance of the eye areas, one can judge the presence of renal pathologies. In this case, special attention should be paid to signs such as swelling, redness, darkening. The presence of papillomas in this area indicates congestion, cyst formation, or a predisposition to this. For example, the appearance of fatty plaques in the eye area indicates congestion in the kidney areas with the formation of sand or stones.

The ureters are projected onto the face along nasolabial fold. They begin near the lacrimal canal on the face and end in the lower part of the chin in the region of the projection zone of the bladder. The chin reflects the state of the human reproductive system. In women, the appearance of acne and redness in this area indicates disorders in the appendages and ovaries (and in this case, there is also a third-party correspondence). In men, these signs indicate the development or presence of prostatitis. In a word, this zone indicates a congestive phenomenon in the pelvic area.

Variation in the opening of the palpebral fissures with a white streak present under one or both eyes, increased whiteness of the forehead with cold perspiration indicates the presence of severe stress that can disrupt the functioning of internal organs. Such conditions are complemented by the appearance of excessive sweating of the hands, feet, inguinal and axillary areas. If a person looking at you has a white stripe of sclera under or above the iris, then this indicates his transcendent stress state. Such a person is not able to control his emotions and actions. From him you can expect various unpredictable acts up to murder and suicide. A long stay of a person in this state is fraught with disorders not only of the central nervous system, but also of the work of internal organs.

Eyes the patient can often display both his mental state and physical deviations. Tearing of the eyes when leaving a warm room in a cold room or on the street indicates a deficiency of potassium in the body. Frequent causeless appearance of tears in the eyes, increased tearfulness indicates a deep neurosis, pathology of the spleen.

Of course, a specialist will never make a diagnosis on only one basis, he will look for confirmation of his guess and other criteria.

Interpretation by organs:

1. Rectum.
On the face, it is represented by a projection zone on the surface of the skin of the upper left forehead area. A functional disorder can be manifested by skin pigmentation, acne, redness, growth of moles.

2. Sigmoid colon.
Its representation is located on the surface of the skin of the upper left side of the forehead. Functional impairment can be manifested by skin pigmentation, acne, redness, moles.

3. Liver.
The representation is located between the eyebrows, in the space between the base of the bridge of the nose and the line connecting the superciliary arches on the skin of the forehead. Liver pathology is accompanied by skin irritation, acne, pigmentation, moles.

4. Small intestine.
Its projection is in the middle part of the forehead, with intestinal pathology it is manifested by skin disorders (pigments, acne, redness).

5. Descending part of the colon.
Its representation is located on the left lateral surface of the skin of the forehead. Functional disorders are manifested on the skin (pigmentation, dryness of this area, increased porosity, acne).

6. Left adrenal gland.
The projection is located in the medial superciliary region of the left half of the face. With a functional disorder of the adrenal gland, soreness of the periosteum of the superciliary region appears, the skin reacts with irritation.

7. Area of ​​the pelvis of the left kidney.
It is projected onto the skin of the inner surface of the corner of the left eye and the lacrimal duct. The pathological process in the area of ​​the renal pelvis is sometimes expressed by the reaction of the skin in this area (darkening, pigmentation, redness, enlargement of pores, growth of papillomas, wen). Sometimes the problem contributes to the formation of blockage of the lacrimal duct, the inflammatory process in it, and profuse lacrimation.

8. Upper pole of the left kidney.
It is projected onto the superciliary arch and the skin of the upper part of the eyelid. The violation is manifested by a vascular pattern (swelling), acne, redness, porosity on the skin.

9. Left lobe of the liver.
Projected onto the white of the eye. Violation in the liver is manifested by a red vascular pattern on the white of the eye.

10. Body of the gallbladder, spleen.
The projection is located on the skin and on the periosteum of the temporal bone of the left side of the face. With the pathology of the bladder, redness, acne, age spots appear on the skin, its porosity and venous pattern increase. The periosteum of the temporal bone also reacts, it becomes painful on palpation.

11. Left side of the transverse colon.
The representation is located in the lower medial part of the corner of the left eye. Its dysfunction is manifested by bulging of the skin from the inner corner of the eye under the lower eyelid to the outer side of the face, sometimes redness or pigmentation.

12. Pancreas.
Its representation is located on the lower part of the bridge of the nose, on the border of the connection with the tip of the nose. Pathology is manifested by skin irritation, pigmentation, and sometimes a venous vascular pattern.

13. Bile-excretory ducts of the liver and gallbladder.
The projection is located in the lower part of the temporal bone of the left half of the face. With their pathology, redness, pigmentation, acne and vascular pattern are observed on the skin, with prolonged pathology - porosity. The periosteum of the temporal region becomes painful. Often the pathology is accompanied by a headache of temporal localization. Additionally, it can be noted that sometimes with blockage of the bile ducts, yellowness of the skin of this area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe face is noted.

14. Left kidney.
The projection is represented by the left auricle (skin and cartilaginous base). The ear canal is a projection of the ureter, the inner ear is a projection of the bladder. In pathological conditions of the kidney, hearing is reduced, inflammation of the inner ear occurs, and vestibular disorders appear. In some cases, hardening of the cartilaginous base is observed. Sometimes it softens, sulfur excretion from the ear canal increases.

15. Cardiac pathologies.
The projection is presented in the upper left part of the left cheek at the junction with the orbit. Pathologies are expressed by swelling of the skin, redness, pigmentation, vascular pattern in the infraorbital region.

16. Ureter of the left kidney.
It is projected onto the skin of the face by a line running from the corner of the eye along the cheek to the lower part of the chin. When it is irritated by sand, small stones or inflammation in it, a pattern of a line or part of a line of white or red color appears on the skin (depending on which part of the autonomic nervous system prevails - sympathetic or parasympathetic).

17. Left lobe of the liver.
Its representation is located on the face on the left side, in the region of the muscles of the jaw joint. It is manifested by an involuntary increased tone of the muscle group, the development of arthrosis of the joint. Rarely, the disorder projects onto the skin in the form of a pigment or irritation.

18. Left mammary gland.
The projection is located on the skin of the left cheek at the intersection of a vertical line extending from the outer part of the corner of the eye and a horizontal line passing through the upper pole of the wings of the nose. The diameter of the projection of the mammary gland on the cheek will be approximately equal to the distance from the corner of the eye to its iris. Pathology is manifested by pigmentation, redness, increased porosity, swelling of the skin.

19. Left lung.
It is projected onto the skin of the left cheek, covering the zygomatic part. Pathology can be manifested by redness, angiopathic pattern, porosity, pigmentation, acne, dryness, unevenness or roughness of the skin surface.

20. Cardiac disorders (more often - rhythm disturbance).
Projected on the skin of the tip of the nose in the form of redness, angiopathy, acne.

21. Bronchus of the left lung.
It is projected on the skin of the wing of the left half of the nose. Violations are expressed by a vascular pattern, redness, acne, pigmentation.

22. Diaphragm, costal arch.
Projected on the skin along the nasolabial fold. Violations are manifested by redness of the fold, dry skin in it.

23. Lesser curvature of the stomach.
It is projected onto the skin and mucous membrane of the upper lip. Pathology is manifested by transverse cracks on the lip, herpetic eruptions, peeling of the skin, loss of color of the lips, the appearance of the effect of wrinkling the lips.

24. Bulb of the duodenum, pyloric stomach.
The projection zone is located on the skin outside the corner of the mouth. Violations are manifested by pigmentation, reddening of the skin, seizures and cracks in the corners of the mouth, with degenerative processes - the growth of moles.

25. Adrenal gland of the left kidney.
It is projected onto the skin and muscles of the upper neck on the left lateral axial line, as well as to the left and right of it along the muscular lateral surface. Pathology is manifested by muscle pain on palpation, on the skin it is sometimes manifested by irritation, pigmentation, papillomatosis.

26. Left inguinal fold and area of ​​the pupart ligament.
The projection is on the left outer surface of the skin of the chin. Violations are manifested by reddening of the skin, acne, age spots.

27. Left ovary in women, left testicle in men.
The representation is located on the skin of the chin on the left side, near the left chin crease. Pathology is manifested by reddening of the skin, acne, dryness and peeling of the skin, the growth of moles during degenerative processes.

28. Left mammary gland.
It is projected on the chin on the left side under the lower lip on the bone tuberosity. Pathology is manifested by increased pain sensitivity, redness, pigmentation or acne on the skin, growing moles.

29. Pubic symphysis.
Its representation on the face is on the chin, in the chin fossa. Pathology is manifested by soreness of the periosteum of the chin during its palpation examination.

30. Left kidney.
It is projected onto the skin and muscles of the lateral surface of the neck (along the left lateral axial line), as well as to the left and right of it along the muscular surface. Pathology is manifested by muscle pain on palpation. Pigmentation, redness appear on the skin, papillomas grow.

31. Greater curvature of the stomach.
The projection is the sternocleidomastoid muscle on the left side of the head. The disorder is manifested by increased tone and pain on palpation. The place of attachment of the muscle to the skull is projected onto the upper part of the stomach and the esophagus that enters it. The place of attachment to the clavicle is the projection of the pylorus.

32. The left appendage with the ovary, the left lobe of the prostate gland with the testis.
It is projected on the upper third of the carotid artery on the left. It is manifested by swelling and soreness, an increase in lymph nodes in this area.

33. Bladder.
It is projected onto the skin from the chin to the epiglottis of the neck. Dysfunction is manifested by redness, pigmentation, growth of moles or acne on the skin.

34. The pelvis of the left kidney.
The projection is located on the left side of the neck, on the muscles of the lateral surface towards the base of the neck (along the lateral axial line). It is manifested by pain on palpation with irradiation to different parts of the body and head, on the skin - papillomas (infection of the pelvis), dryness, roughness.

35. Pancreas.
The representation is located at the base of the neck on the left side, between the clavicle and the sternocleidomastoid muscle. Manifested by palpation examination of muscle pain, radiating to the shoulder, arm, shoulder blade, hand, fingers, breast area, sometimes to the pancreas.

36. Left lobe of the thyroid gland.
It is projected onto the lower part of the neck along the esophagus, into the supraclavicular region and the region of the jugular notch. It is manifested by muscle soreness of these areas, tissue swelling, the skin is manifested by an angiopathic pattern (redness), papillomas.

37. Left ureter.
The representation is located on the left side of the neck along the lateral axial line from the projection of the pelvis of the left kidney to the shoulder joint. In pathological conditions, during palpation examination, the muscular projection is painful. On the skin, the violation is manifested by age spots, papillomas.

38 and 41. The pyloric part of the stomach.
It is projected onto the area of ​​attachment of the sternocleidomastoid muscle to the collarbone. Pathology is manifested by soreness of the attachment area.

39. Uterus, prostate lobes, perineum.
The representation is located in the central lower part of the chin. The violation is manifested by soreness of the periosteum on palpation, on the skin - by redness, pigmentation, acne, with degenerative processes in the organs it is characterized by the growth of moles.

40. Right mammary gland.
It is projected on the chin on the right side under the lower lip on the bone tuberosity. It is manifested by increased pain sensitivity, on the skin from above it is expressed by redness, acne, pigmentation, moles during degenerative processes.

41. and 38. The pyloric part of the stomach.
The projection is located on the right at the base of the neck in the area of ​​​​attachment of the sternocleidomastoid muscle to the collarbone. With functional disorders of the department and palpation examination, the projection is painful.

42. Right ureter.
The representation is located on the right side of the neck along the lateral axial line, from the projection of the pelvis of the left kidney to the shoulder joint. In pathological conditions of the ureter and during palpation examination, the muscular projection is painful, on the skin the violation is manifested by pigment spots, papillomas.

43. Gallbladder.
The projection is located on the right side of the base of the neck, in the region of the angle formed by the sternocleidomastoid muscle and the right clavicle. Depending on the pathological state of the bladder, when pressing on its projection zone, pain radiates to the right temporal region of the head, right shoulder, hand and fingers of this hand, shoulder blade, chest, face, teeth, thyroid gland, neck skin, body of the gallbladder.

44. Right lobe of the thyroid gland.
It is projected onto the lower third of the neck of the supraclavicular region on the right side along the esophagus. It is manifested by muscle soreness in this area, tissue swelling. The skin in this place in pathological conditions of the gland is manifested by porosity, redness, papillomas.

45. The pelvis of the right kidney.
The projection is located on the right side, on the muscles of the lateral surface of the base of the neck, along the lateral axial line. With the pathology of the renal pelvis, pain occurs during palpation examination of the muscles with irradiation to different parts of the body and head. On the skin, the violation is manifested by papillomas (infection of the pelvis), dryness, roughness, moles.

46. ​​Gynecology, right appendage with ovary, right lobe of the prostate gland with testis.
It is projected on the upper third of the carotid artery on the right. The violation is manifested by swelling and soreness of the artery, an increase in the lymph nodes of this area.

47. Lesser curvature of the stomach.
The projection is the sternocleidomastoid muscle on the left side of the neck. The upper section of the stomach and the esophagus entering the stomach are projected to the place of attachment of the muscle to the skull, and the pylorus of the stomach is projected to the place of attachment of the muscle to the collarbone. Indigestion is manifested by increased muscle tone and pain on palpation.

48. Right kidney.
It is projected on the neck on the right, on the muscles located on the lateral axial line. Pathology in the kidney is manifested by pain on palpation of the lateral muscular surface, sometimes with irradiation to various areas of the head, arm and upper shoulder girdle, and neck. With deep pathology during pressure, irradiation goes to the right kidney. On the skin, disorders are expressed by papillomatosis, redness, dryness and roughness.

49. Right ovary in women, right testicle in men.
The representation is located on the skin of the chin on the right side, near the right chin crease. Pathology is manifested by redness, dryness and peeling of the skin, acne, growth of moles during degenerative processes.

50. Lymphatic system of the iliac region.
On the face, the iliac region (inguinal fold) is projected by a fold extending to the lower jaw from the corners of the mouth as a continuation of the nasolabial fold. With pathological processes in the groin, the problem can manifest itself as skin irritation, pigmentation, acne.

51. Adrenal gland of the right kidney.
It is projected on the skin and on the muscles of the upper neck on the right, on the lateral axial line, as well as in front and behind it along the muscular surface. With a functional disorder, muscle pain sensitivity is present, sometimes with irradiation to various areas of the head and neck. The skin reacts with irritation, the growth of papillomas.

52. Small intestine.
The representation is located under the base of the lower lip. In pathology, it manifests itself on the skin with irritation, pigmentation, and the growth of moles.

53. Greater curvature of the stomach.
It is projected onto the skin and mucous membrane of the lower lip. The violation is manifested by cracks, herpetic eruptions, peeling, loss of color, the appearance of the effect of wrinkling the lips.

54. Hormonal system.
The projection area is the space on the face between the nose and upper lip. When the system is disturbed, acne, irritation, pigmentation appear on the skin, hairline grows.

55. Signs of scleroderma.
The skin becomes deeply wrinkled. Sometimes there is an increase in hairline (in women).

56. Small intestine.
The projection is located in the lower part of the cheek under the cheekbone of the face. Disturbances in the small intestine are expressed by skin irritation, acne, unevenness or roughness.

57. The xiphoid process.
The projection is located under the base of the nose. When it is injured or a pathological condition occurs in the base of the nose, increased pain sensitivity, acne, and redness appear.

58. Greater curvature of the stomach.
Projection is the inner region of the left nostril. In case of indigestion, the nasal mucosa reacts with the formation of inflammation, edema, and herpetic eruptions.

59. Lesser curvature of the stomach.
The projection is the inner region of the right nostril. In case of indigestion, the nasal mucosa reacts with the formation of inflammation, edema, and herpetic eruptions.

60. Bladder, ureter of the right kidney.
It is projected onto the ear canal and inner ear. With inflammatory processes in the organs, pain appears in the ear canal, sometimes inflammation occurs, increased sulfur secretion, and hearing decreases.

61. Bronchus of the right lung.
It is projected on the skin of the wing of the right half of the nose. Violations are expressed by a vascular pattern at the base of the wing of the nose, redness, pigmentation.

62. Right mammary gland.
The projection is located on the skin of the right cheek at the intersection of a vertical line extending from the outer part of the corner of the eye and a horizontal line passing through the upper pole of the wings of the nose. The problem is manifested by redness, pigmentation, acne, growth of moles, skin swelling.

63. Right lobe of the liver.
The projection is located on the area of ​​the muscles of the jaw joint. It is manifested by an involuntary increased tone of the muscle group, the development of arthrosis of the joint, and occasionally the violation is projected onto the skin in the form of pigment or irritation.

64. Ureter of the right kidney.
It is projected on the face by a line running from the inner corner of the right eye to the outer part of the chin. When it is irritated by sand moving along the ureter, small stones or inflammation in it, a white or red line appears on the skin (depending on which part of the autonomic nervous system prevails - sympathetic or parasympathetic).

65. Right lung.
It is projected on the skin of the cheek of the right half of the face, covering the zygomatic part. Lung pathology can be manifested by redness, angiopathic pattern, porous skin, pigmentation, acne, dryness, unevenness, roughness of the surface.

66. Right kidney.
Projected on the right auricle. The size of the ear is proportional to the size of the kidney: a big ear is a big kidney. Kidney damage manifests itself on a cartilaginous basis. It becomes painful and more dense, in some cases, on the contrary, too soft.

67. Congestion in the renal structures.
It is projected onto the region of the eye socket. It appears on the skin in the form of wen, papillomas, dark spots.

68. Right side of the transverse colon.
The representation is located in the lower medial part of the corner of the left eye. Dysfunction is manifested by swelling of the skin from the inner corner of the eye under the lower eyelid to the outer side of the lime, sometimes redness or pigmentation.

69. Infection of the kidney.
The information zone is the conjunctiva of the eye. The external manifestation of an infectious disease is conjunctivitis, blepharitis, barley, eyelid edema.

70. Right kidney.
The projection zone is located on the skin of the right eye socket (periorbicular region). With functional disorders of the kidney, the skin of the orbit is expressed by swelling, redness, darkening, the appearance of fatty plaques, and the growth of papillomas.

71. Body of the gallbladder with ducts.
The projection zone of the gallbladder is the temporal region of the head. With its functional disorders, the skin of the temporal region reacts, on which acne, age spots, porosity appear. The periosteum of the temporal bone also reacts, it becomes painful on palpation.

72. Right lobe of the liver.
It is projected onto the protein shell of the right eye. Violation in the liver is expressed by a red vascular pattern on the shell of the eye.

73. The pelvis of the right kidney.
The projection zone is located in the inner corner of the eye in the region of the lacrimal duct. Inflammation or irritation of the pelvis is expressed by blockage of the lacrimal duct, inflammation in it, lacrimation, and skin irritation.

74. Right adrenal gland.
The projection zone is located above the right eyebrow from the inside. His disorder is expressed by soreness of the periosteum of the superciliary region, skin irritation.

75. Ascending colon (ileocecal angle).
The projection site is the upper right corner of the frontal region on the skin. Pathology is manifested by pigmentation, acne, skin irritation, growth of moles.

76. Transverse colon.
Its projection is in the lower part of the forehead above the superciliary arches. With its functional violation, a skin reaction occurs (pimples, age spots, porosity, redness, growth of moles).

77. Appendix.
Its projection zone is located on the skin in the upper part of the forehead on the right. When it is inflamed, the skin reacts with redness, dryness, pigmentation.

78. Stomach.
The projection is located on the skin of the cartilaginous part of the bridge of the nose (the middle region of the nose). On the left side of the nose, the greater curvature of the stomach is projected, and on the right side, the lesser, pyloric stomach and duodenum are projected. In pathology, the skin reacts with irritation, pigmentation.

79. Bladder.
The projection zone is located in the upper part of the forehead (the place where the hairline begins to grow). In pathology, pigmentation, skin irritation, hair loss, dandruff in this area of ​​the head, psoriatic plaques are observed.

80. Uterus in women, genitals in men.
The projection area is located in the upper part of the forehead, under the projection of the bladder. In pathology, the skin is irritated.

In 1893-1896. the well-known English neuropathologist Henry Ged described in detail certain areas of the skin in which, in case of a disease of the internal organs, reflected pains appear, as well as pain and temperature hyperesthesia (hyperpathy). Such areas of the skin are called Zakharyin-Ged zones. since the outstanding Russian clinician-therapist G.A. Zakharyin for the first time (1889) estimated their diagnostic value.

Sometimes, even without touching, a part of the body (skin, muscle, periosteum, vessel, fascia), which is a representative of an internal organ, begins to hurt on its own, and the amount of pain is often proportional to the pathological state of this organ.

The state of the internal organs also changes the appearance of the projection zones. An example is moles, papillomas, keratomas that appear again or increase in chronic pathology. warts, etc. The appearance of a vascular pattern on the skin of the face, redness or blueness of the lips, nails, a change in the appearance of the body, that is, the development of stoop or scoliosis, is all a reaction of peripheral projection zones to internal pathologies present.

The sensations associated with the receptors of the internal organs on the surface of the body and are extremely important for regulating the functioning of the viscera rarely reach the level of consciousness. They carry out reflex regulation of the functions of internal organs through the reflex centers in the thalamus. in the medulla oblongata or midbrain. Some impulses from these receptors, however, reach the cerebral cortex and cause sensations such as thirst, hunger, nausea, pain on the surface of the skin.

The localization of irritation, as well as the ability to distinguish their various qualities, depends on the specific connections between the sense organ and the brain. The significance of the brain in the generation of sensations is clearly seen in the observed phenomenon of "reflected pains". A well-known example is the experience of people who suffer from heart disease but complain of pain in their left shoulder. In fact, of course, the stimulus originates in the heart and the corresponding nerve impulse arrives in the same region of the brain as the impulses actually originating in the shoulder, chest, or arm.

Pathological processes in the integument of the body and the musculoskeletal system can reflexively affect the internal organs and their relationships. For example, scoliosis of the lumbar spine, resulting from a forced position of the body, with developed unilateral muscle hypertonicity, contributes to a change in the position of the internal organs, and this, in turn, leads to a violation of their functional relationships. There is also a feedback: with the pathology of internal organs, the position of the body changes. For example, one can point to the fact that chronic kidney disease causes an elevated shoulder on the same side of the body.

Chronic lung diseases are often accompanied by the occurrence of kyphosis in the thoracic spine and the appearance of stiffness of the chest.

The absence of sensitive and other connections between the projections of correspondence and internal organs, with already existing violations in them, indicates a serious danger present in the body.

When the skin or muscle is injured in the area of ​​representation of the diseased organ on the human body, a long-term non-healing of the resulting wound is observed.

Correspondence zones can be used in diagnosing pathologies and monitoring the course of treatment, as well as for stimulating an organ or system.

With a well-chosen form of treatment, the representative zones react by shrinking in area with a decrease in pain sensitivity, while their external manifestation changes (smell, color, sensations, discharge, etc.). If, on the contrary, the area of ​​representations increases and their sensitivity increases, then it can be argued that the method of treatment has not been chosen correctly and the treatment process may be delayed or aggravated.

Projections of organs are located on the skin, muscles, bones, periosteum, ligaments.

Representations on the skin can be manifested by swelling, itching, redness, psoriatic plaques, skin rashes, etc.

On the muscles, the projections are expressed by seals, nodules, soreness.

Projections on the periosteum are also manifested by pain, hypersensitivity or inflammation.

On the vessels, representations are expressed by soreness along the vessel, swelling of the intima of the vessel, and induration.

On each internal organ there are projections of almost all organs and systems. For example, throughout the large intestine there are representations of the head, kidneys, liver, hand, face, facial nerve, etc.

26.03.2019 shoulder joint

Nuances in chiropractic. Representative zones of internal organs. Tips for self-healing. The information from the lecture is collected in a more coherent and logical chain at the discretion of the Blog Author.

Ogulov Alexander Timofeevich

Doctor of Traditional Medicine, Professor. Born on March 31, 1950 in the city of Dzerzhinsk, Gorky Region.

The upper gastrointestinal tract includes the oral cavity, esophagus, and stomach. The oral cavity or mouth is the point of entry of food into the digestive system. Food is broken down into smaller particles by chewing, the chewing action of the teeth. All mammals have teeth and can chew their food.

Digestion begins in the mouth: Digestion of food begins in the mouth. Food is ground by the teeth and moistened by saliva secreted from the salivary glands. Enzymes in saliva begin to digest starches and fats. With the help of the tongue, the received bolus is moved into the esophagus by swallowing.

The founder and researcher of the direction - visceral therapy - abdominal massage - massage of internal organs through the front wall of the abdomen. Professional start in the field of visceral therapy since 1985.

He has many students, titles and awards. Author of numerous books and publications.

Doesn't seem to have a personal website. He is a specialist of the educational and health center "Forerunner". Link to a post about him.

The broad chemical process of digestion begins in the mouth. When food is chewed, the saliva produced by the salivary glands mixes with the food. Saliva is a watery substance grown in the mouths of many animals. There are three major glands that secrete saliva: the parotid, submandibular, and sublingual. Saliva also contains immunoglobulins and lysozymes, which have an antibacterial effect to reduce cavities by inhibiting the growth of certain bacteria. In addition, saliva contains an enzyme called salivary amylase, which starts the process of converting starches in food into a disaccharide called maltose.

  • Blog Author's Impressions

Theoretical Notes on Visceral Therapy

The lecture says that it does not matter what and when a person ate before a stomach massage, you can work at any time.

The average duration of the course of visceral therapy is 7 days. After the procedure, bruising may appear - this is a sign of an unhealthy body. If everything is pushed through, then everything will circulate and bruises will not form, or they will quickly pass. After palpation, it is necessary to wash the intestines. Massage time is at least 40 minutes.

Another enzyme, lipase, is produced by cells on the tongue. It is a member of a class of enzymes that can break down triglycerides. Lingual lipase starts the breakdown of fat components in food. The chewing and wetting actions provided by the teeth and saliva form the food into a mass called a swallowing bolus. The tongue assists in swallowing by moving the bolus from the mouth to the throat. The pharynx opens into two passages: the trachea, which leads to the lungs, and the esophagus, which leads to the stomach. The opening of the trachea, rubble, is covered with a cartilaginous flap, the epiglottis.

Each organ is responsible for something from emotions, limbs and affects other organs.

  • The gallbladder is a gallbladder.
  • The liver is anger.
  • Stomach - self-doubt.
  • Drake - tearfulness.
  • Heart is longing.

People with dark eyes are more prone to diseases of internal organs - intestines, stomach, liver, gall. Light eyes are cores, vascular, kidneys.

When swallowing, the epiglottis closes the glottis, allowing food to pass into the esophagus rather than the trachea, preventing food from entering the lungs. The esophagus is a tubular organ that connects the mouth to the stomach. Chewed and softened food passes through the esophagus after swallowing. The smooth muscles of the esophagus undergo a series of undulating movements called peristalsis that push food toward the stomach. The wave of peristalsis is unidirectional: it moves food from the mouth to the stomach; reverse movement is not possible.

The peristaltic movement of the esophagus is an involuntary reflex that occurs in response to the act of swallowing. Esophagus: The esophagus conveys food from the mouth to the stomach through peristaltic movements. Most of digestion occurs in the stomach. The stomach, a sac organ, secretes gastric digestive juices. When empty, the stomach is a rather small organ; however, it can increase to 20 times the resting size when filled with food.

The rhythm of the pulsation of the body causes the organs to descend and rise. The lecture says that walking upright tires the organs. It is more comfortable for the whole body to be in a vertical lying position. And work in it.

Work with the abdomen should be supplemented with phytotherapy, gerudo therapy and others. Infrared light helps the body produce natural hydrogen peroxide - this is very good.

This characteristic is especially useful for animals that need to be eaten when food is available. The stomach is also the main site for protein digestion in animals other than ruminants. Protein digestion is mediated in the gastric chamber by an enzyme called pepsin, which is secreted by the chief cells in the stomach in an inactive form called pepsinogen. Another cell type, the parietal cells, secrete hydrogen and chloride ions, which combine in the lumen to form hydrochloric acid, the main acidic component of gastric juices.

It is now known that a person has three brains - this is the brain, spinal cord and abdominal cord. There are over a hundred brain neurons in the abdominal brain. And therefore, a sick stomach is a sick psyche and vice versa. By changing the state of the abdomen, you can change the psychotype of a person. The attitude to life and different things changes. Mental disorders are treated through the stomach. Working with stress is well worked out through the stomach.

- gallbladder

Hydrochloric acid helps convert inactive pepsinogen to pepsin. The highly acidic environment also kills many micro-organisms in the food and, combined with the action of the enzyme pepsin, leads to protein hydrolysis in the food. Chemical digestion is facilitated by the bubbling action of the stomach. Contraction and relaxation of smooth muscles mixes the contents of the stomach every 20 minutes. The partially digested mixture of food and gastric juice is called chyme. Further protein digestion occurs in the small intestine.

Digestive system: small and large intestine

Emptying of the stomach occurs two to six hours after a meal. The movement of chyme from the stomach into the small intestine is regulated by the pyloric sphincter. Nutrients are absorbed into the small intestine and waste products are prepared for removal in the large intestine. Describe the parts of the digestive system from the small intestine through the accessory organs.

It is necessary to relieve spasms and then the human body will "spit out" what it does not need through vomiting or anal. If the blood flow of the organs is restored, then these organs dissolve the toxins in themselves. For example, gallstones and kidney stones.

In complex pathological cases, it is necessary to palpate the problem area for an hour, one and a half a day. It happens where you don’t feel it - everything hurts. Sometimes the stomach worked out and the eye stopped hurting. There is a connection between the internal organs and the peripheral parts of the body - these are the so-called representative zones.

The small intestine is the main site for enzyme activity and nutrient absorption during digestion. Enzymes from the liver and pancreas are added to the duodenum of the small intestine to promote chemical breakdown; the remaining chymen travels through peristalsis through the jejunum and ileum into the large intestine. The large intestine reabsorbs water from the remaining food material and compacts the waste for removal from the body via the rectum and anus. The liver creates and secretes bile, which breaks down lipids; the pancreas secretes enzymes to facilitate protein digestion. Villus: a small projection from the mucosa, especially those found in the intestinal sphincter: an annular band of muscle that surrounds the bodily opening, compresses and relaxes as required for the normal physiological functioning of the duodenum: the first part of the small intestine, starting at the lower end of the stomach and extends to the large intestine jejunum: part of the large intestine; the final segment of the digestive system, after the ileum and before the anus. The lower gastrointestinal tract includes the small and large intestines, rectum, anus, and accessory organs.

There is a certain sequence of occurrence of any pathology. Each organ in the human body has several of its representative zones in various other parts of the body. If you injure the representative zone of the diseased organ, then it heals for a long time. This will be better seen in the explanations for individual organs presented below.

The small intestine is a long tubular organ with a highly folded surface containing finger-like protrusions: villi. The apical surface of each villus has many microscopic protrusions: microvilli. These structures are lined with epithelial cells on the luminal side to allow nutrients from digested food to be absorbed into the bloodstream on the other side.

Willy and microvilli with their many folds increase the surface area of ​​the intestine and increase the efficiency of nutrient absorption. Small Intestine Villies: Veils are folds in the small intestine that increase the surface area to facilitate absorption of nutrients.

Scheme for palpation in front. It looks like the Kabbalistic tree of the Sephiroth.

You can also do a kind of auto-training - this is a state when you imagine an organ and massage it with mental efforts. That is, you need to invest intention. Only the brain and vision should remain. Only consciousness and vision of organs. Go straight into the image of the organs and work through.

The human small intestine, which is over 6 m long, is divided into three parts: the duodenum, jejunum, and ileum. The "C-shaped" fixed portion of the small intestine, the duodenum, is separated from the stomach by the pyloric sphincter, which opens to allow chyme to move from the stomach to the duodenum, where it mixes with pancreatic juices. The alkaline solution is rich in bicarbonate, which neutralizes the acidity of the chyme and acts as a buffer. Digestive juices from the pancreas, liver and gallbladder, as well as from the cells of the gland of the intestinal wall itself, enter the duodenum.

Hematoma therapy

Hematoma treatment. Forming a bruise in a certain place where a diseased organ on the body can activate blood and lymphatic metabolism, which contributes to the resorption of toxins.

Buy a rubber hammer. We tap our feet and hands. We find the pain and keep on knocking. If something is bruised, then we knock next to the sore spot, around it - everything passes so quickly.

It also absorbs fatty acids. The second part of the small intestine is called the jejunum. Here the hydrolysis of nutrients continues while most of the carbohydrates and amino acids are absorbed through the intestinal lining. Most of the chemical digestion and absorption of nutrients takes place in the jejunum.

Examples with patients

The ileum is the last part of the small intestine. This is where bile salts and vitamins are absorbed into the bloodstream. Undigested food is sent from the ileum to the large intestine through the ileocecal valve through the peristaltic movements of the muscle. The vermiform, "worm-like" appendix is ​​located on the ileocecal valve. Human supplement does not secrete enzymes and plays a minor role in immunity.

A blow of a hammer on a finger is for the brain like cutting off a finger, cutting off collaterals, closing blood vessels. In order not to lose a nail and a finger, one must create pain, tap that place. So that the brain understands that the finger is still in place and opens the collaterals. In this case, there is a fright, an impression. The event has passed, and the clamp, through psychological influence, goes into the organs and stagnates. It is necessary to rethink what happened, to crush the knot in time or after, and everything passes.

The colon reabsorbs water from undigested food material and processes waste; although it is also able to absorb vitamins that are synthesized by the normal microflora located here. The human colon is much smaller in length than the small intestine, but larger in diameter. It has three parts: the caecum, colon, and rectum. Caesar joins the ileum to the large intestine. This is a waste bag. The colon, home to many of the bacteria or "intestinal flora" that aid in the digestive process, can be divided into four areas: the ascending colon, the transverse colon, the descending colon, and the sigmoid colon.

If you take a rolling pin, wrap it in a towel and hit yourself on the head, then the degree of memorization increases by a certain number of times. One person quickly learned 6 foreign languages ​​and patented his own method.

Tapping with rubber balls on a spring where parts of the body hurts eliminates pathology. This is analogous to acupuncture. This is the health method of the Mexicans. They tap all the organs, bones, head. Many composers banged their heads against the wall to write something. Before the performance, so that everything is remembered well, it’s also good to poke around.

The main functions of the colon are to extract water and mineral salts from undigested food and store waste. Due to their diet, carnivorous mammals have shorter large intestines compared to herbivorous mammals. Large Intestine: The large intestine reabsorbs water from undigested food and stores waste until it is eliminated.

The rectum is the terminal end of the large intestine. Its main role is to store feces until defecation. Feces are moved using peristaltic movements during elimination. The anus, the opening at the far end of the digestive tract, is the exit point for waste products. Two sphincters between the control of the rectum and anus: the internal sphincter is involuntary and the external sphincter is voluntary.

Examples with patients

Only those who are ready for diseases, ready for dysentery, cholera, etc., get sick with diseases. Hands, ears, eyes, tongue, shoulders, neck - everything speaks of health. The center of gravity changes and a person ceases to be injured when falling, joints cease to collapse, and so on.

The exacerbation of the disease always occurs on the birthday. It is around the birthday that many people die, experience all kinds of crisis. You can check at the cemetery by date of death. They are close to a birthday. And when we pass this period, the rise begins. There are 12 year cycles, this is 6 years of decline, 6 years of rise. In the year of his animal, a person is the worst. 72 years is a point of growth in the course of life, and up to 144 a decline. It is important with what baggage we will come to 72 years. One patient differs from another in the condition of the abdomen.

- Pancreas

The organs discussed above are the organs of the digestive tract through which food passes. Accessory organs are those that add secretions that catabolize food into nutrients. Accessory organs include the salivary glands, liver, pancreas, and gallbladder. The liver, pancreas, and gallbladder are regulated by hormones in response to food intake.

The liver, the largest internal organ in humans, plays a very important role in the digestion of fats and detoxification of the blood. It produces bile: the digestive juice needed to break down the fatty components of food in the duodenum. The liver also processes vitamins and fats along with the synthesis of many plasma proteins.


The patient is a former pilot who became an alcoholic. He had a diseased liver. By suppressing his liver, we saved him from liver cirrhosis, gallstones, kidney pyelonephritis. The kidneys worked - the tension from the spine was gone. There was a lot of movement in the body. There were two dislocations in the cervical and lumbar regions.

After the procedures, the pilot grew by 6 cm at the age of 47. Height was 176 cm earlier, and now 182 and 181 in the evening. Transformation, bone movement and growth continued for 5 days. For a week, it stretched 4-5 cm. Muscles of physique rejuvenated by 20 years.

The man had a dislocation of the shoulder joint, the muscle jumped behind his back. Not so grown together, pulled. Now everything has been restored, the scapula has fallen into place. By adding physical activity, speed, sharpness of impact, stretching increased. The patient achieved almost everything himself, we only taught him. What he got at the end was better than the state when he came to aviation. The abdomen is now incredibly soft. If you just improve microcirculation in the affected area, then there will be all miracles!


The patient is a former employee of the Institute of the Brain, became a journalist. He has a prostate adenoma for 45 years. After 10 days of palpation, we repaired the kidneys and everything resolved. Also used leeches on the ass, rode dumbbells with different halves of the priests. Previously, he had a sensation of cotton wool in his ears, but now his hearing has become more acute. Again, kidneys. Now the journalist has the best brain scan at his former institute.

1 - Gallbladder

The beginning of the wheel of human pain. The ruler of the digestive organs is the gallbladder. This is a specific organ, the furnace of our body. Then the problem goes to the liver, and then to the pancreas. Further, these are the small and large intestines, and after the organs of the small pelvis. From the clamping of the intestines of the genital organs, cysts, mold, painful periods, and so on develop. Our task is to establish a venous outflow so that there is no stagnation and conditions for the pathogen and spasms. Next we work on the stomach. Organs outside the circle - according to the scheme (see yours).

The gallbladder is an inconspicuous organ, often overlooked and ignored until something serious happens.

The test for the work of the gallbladder. You need to put nitroglycerin under the tongue. At first it will be bad, and then it will be good in the whole body. The sphincter of Oddi begins to contract. Terrible spasms of the head are possible - this is also good, it means that the bile works and it is necessary to palpate. With a remote gallbladder, this does not happen.

Relationship with stress

The gall responds to all our stresses. Especially reacts to the long stressful period. For example, an unloved job.

The sphincter of bile reacts first. The bubble overflows and results in headaches, connection with the vessels of the temporal region, narrowing of the lumen. On the thermal imager, the whiskeys are cold at this time. Appearing nausea or lightheadedness is a sign that you need to dump bile. Under stress, the vessels of the gallbladder are pressed. From the resulting clamp, an overflow of the bile occurs and loss of consciousness is possible.

It is good to palpate and release bile before an important matter. Then it will be easier to dance, sing, lecture, play football and so on. The fist was pressed until pain appeared, held and repeated again. You have to make sure that it buzzes there.

There are memory zones. It is necessary to work out the organ and its representative zones. Otherwise it will return. The gall spasms the temporal vessels, this reduces memory. We work with gall and better memory.

Communication with joints and lubricating fluids

The joints dangle only at the bile glands. The gallbladder affects joints and knee pain, it helps produce lubricant for the joints. The crunch of the joints is the first sign of poor functioning of the gallbladder, the effect of dry knees.

Bile affects the exchange of hydrochloric acid, that is, it regulates the alkaline balance, salinity is neutralized by alkalinity with bile juices. If the bile does not work, then everything rots in acid, food is not processed. Bile emulsifies fats, breaks them down, and then they are absorbed throughout the body. Glycerin, fat-soluble fats are not absorbed without the work of bile. The bile is generally responsible for all mucous membranes, skin, eyes, and stomach.


The bile starts the whole mechanism of digestion. It is fashionable to put jars, make hematomas or chip off a sore spot. The bruise was formed and further put.

When there is little bile, the removal of toxins is difficult. Then re-intoxication with one's bile can occur and the whole body system breaks down. Hence the problem of digestion.

The gallbladder enhances peristalsis. If the patient is bilious, then the intestines stand - Atonization. From excitement, the sphincter of Oddi closes or breaks - from this constipation or diarrhea, then it is equally bad.

Epilepsy can be cured or vice versa caused. Motion sickness in transport is bilious, if bile is squeezed out before the trip, then you will not feel sick.

Communication with the legs

Calluses on the toes are bile ducts. If they are tense and keratinized, then this means that the bile ducts are spasmodic, there is no outflow. It goes away when the work of the gallbladder is corrected.

The next zone is the outer side of the lower leg, also the bile ducts. We divide everything into three parts. Bottom of the duct, body and bottom of the gallbladder. So any representative zone can be tested. Pain in the knee joint (more often in the right) - bilious.

Another meridian of the gallbladder passes through the thigh. Usually a less noticeable area, but sometimes it hurts a lot.

Other connections

Blueness on the palms is a stagnation in the gall. It is necessary to feel the most painful points on the hands - this is also a sign of stagnation.

The gall zone is also on the back at the top of the back of the spine. If you look there, you can find pain and tension.

A sign of an ischemic stroke is when it is not possible to turn your head, as the vessels have narrowed, swelling has begun. You can roll the fold on the stomach, where the fold is thicker and more painful there is a problem. Folds must be distinguished.

Acne on the temples is bile, there is a zone of the bile ducts. Also representative areas are the skin and periosteum. It is good to palpate these places.

There is a connection between the gallbladder and the pancreas. predisposition to diabetes, it also depends on the gallbladder.

A sick bile can be compensated by the liver, but not for everyone. Then the joints and intestines will definitely go to pieces.

Stomatitis is bilious. Another water balance, urine should be light. The angle of the clavicle to the neck is also bilious. Here is the top of the lung, enervation of the arm, thyroid gland.

2, 10 - Liver and spleen

Next, the wheel of pain goes here. The liver consists of the left and right lobes. The left side is the working one. It covers part of the stomach. It is there that most often occur stagnation. On the right lobe is the area of ​​the spleen.

Swelling of the liver is a pathology of other organs that it covers. The liver is very connected to the brain. Lurie's work on this. Abuse of cleansing is a direct path to liquefaction of the brain.

With the pathology of the human liver, all cockroaches, mosquitoes, flies, bedbugs bite more than others. Well helps in the normalization of the liver "Aspen bark" - 10 days.

With a diseased liver, the tongue becomes edematous and there is a deterioration in pronunciation of words, headaches, memory loss. At the beginning, the tongue is yellow, then red, then burgundy. Red papillae on the tongue - this is especially bad, he says that there is stagnation of the liver. This is followed by a general reddening of the skin.

This stagnant process of the liver spreads to the spleen. All liverworts simultaneously suffer from a diseased spleen. If the face turns red, it is a spleen problem. For its best work, it is recommended to eat chitin (for example, cockroaches or mushrooms).

A characteristic sign is pain in the shoulder blade, shoulder, costal arch pain, nosebleeds, attraction to bad smells and tastes, loss of taste. Most often, the pathology of the spleen is characteristic of the childhood period.

When crushing the liver, slag pours out of it. Hepatic hypatosis goes away in two days.

3 - Pancreas

The pancreas stains all representative areas, especially during palpation. First the ducts, then the body. So it is with any organ. Clockwise actions are for surface actions only. It is necessary to anesthetize everything around, and then the organ itself. Massage up and down.

It is always necessary to work from the ducts, otherwise there is nowhere for the waste from the organ to flow. If the ureter does not keep up with the outflow, then the person begins to shake, chills, and blood pressure occur.

External signs of illness

Hairiness on the chest and face of a woman. Excessive sweating of the palms and armpits. Stuttering. The red face is also here. Dry elbows and cornification. Dry lips. Exhaustion, frequent vomiting from food. Also a sign will be a bright red lip, a bright border of the lips - one is pale, the other is red.

Hand shaking (tremor). It is treated through loss of consciousness, you need to press on the carotid artery. The body secretes something in the body, which, as a backup option, restores many processes in the body, redistribution of blood supply occurs. In this case, temporary hypoxia is possible. Also, suffocation helps a lot.

The big toe on the left leg is sore, deformed toe. The fungus on the left leg is the pancreas, on the right, the fungus is the liver.

Internal sensations

Burning sensation of the body. Increased sensitivity to tickling. Back numbness. Painful lower hypochondrium and base of skull. Violation of the blood supply to the legs, arms, eyes, etc. Dry mouth, but bitter in the beginning. High sugar (a sign of diabetes).

On the right side, the clavicle-neck angle is the area of ​​the pancreas, and on the other side, the gallbladder. Midpoint. Shoe in the middle of the lower part of the spine.

Thigh from the inside. The thigh should also be visually divided into 3 parts - these are 3 parts of the pancreas.

4, 5, 6 - Intestine

The stomach is the metabolism. Massage from an hour to an hour and a half. Less pointless.

It is necessary to process the stomach and spank a representative place, creating a hematoma - removes the problem. There must be a system.

The intestine is the third human brain. If a person falls, then you need to feel the stomach and the head will recover faster. We soften the stomach and the brain improves, for example, in a scallian.

Skin rashes and spots

With intestinal candidiasis, the entire forehead of the patient is covered with acne, eczema, age spots and other psoriasis.

Redness and pimples are stagnation, obstruction. A pimple in the center of the forehead is a disorder with the small intestine. Acne on the chin is a genetic. The middle of the top of the forehead is the genitals.

The abundance of moles around the abdomen is an oncological process.

A pigment spot on the nose is a disorder with the stomach. Freckles on the hands are mushrooms in the stomach. Spots on the shoulder blades - this is the mucous membrane affected and submucosal. If there is candidiasis in the intestines, then in the anterior zones there are pigmentation patterns. In general pigments are a candidiasis. Mushrooms clog the lymphatic system.

Front zone on the cheek, the lower part from the corner of the lips and to the ear. And in general the cheek is easy. The corners of the lips are the small intestine.

The lips are the stomach. The corners of the lips in cracks are the pylorus of the stomach. White plaque on the root of the tongue is an intestinal pathology.

The representation of the intestine is also under the base of the lower lip. The inguinal fold is a bulldog lip.

The tip of the nose is the small intestines. From stagnation in the intestines, heart rhythm disturbance is possible, especially if there are marks on the nose. Frostbite of the nose and other parts of the body is a pathology of organs, disturbed microcirculation.

The venous network, varicose veins is always stagnation, if everything is relaxed, then varicose veins disappear.

The hernial sac under the eyes is part of the transverse colon. And this stretching of the intestines from feces is its sagging. It can all go to hell. It is necessary to soften the space around the kidney. The lowered kidney is colder.

Communication with the spine

Compressed vessels of the neck and head. The body builds up pressure to saturate the head. The pink radiola helps.

The nape of the back is the transverse colon. If there is tension, then there is an outflow of blood from the head. The rhythms of the intestines and the brain may differ.

The vertebrae are tied to the intestines. The more clamps in the abdomen, the more it squeezes the spine. We stretch the neck and the pressure subsides. On the neck there is a periorgan covering of the kidney. Therefore, the intestines are also on the neck. Osteochondrosis is a metabolism. The back and spine relax from the stomach.

The loin of the back is also an intestine, the more tension there, the worse it is for the intestines. Tension in the lower back can be as early as 20 years old and be complicated by overweight. The girdle muscle is located where the kidneys are. If there is stagnation, then there is no normal peristalsis, Atonization. Here is the control of the vessels of the leg of the small pelvis. Risk of injury and fatigue. Long-term tension of the spine leads to flattening of the vertebrae and signal hernias. It is treated through the stomach.


The representation of the intestine goes along the arms, the top of the back and the outer side of the lower leg.

Small intestine on the buttock. With pathology, there is tension and it is difficult to control the legs.

Varicose veins of the legs are formed mainly from sedentary work and from diseased intestines. Clamped veins in the legs.

Flabby muscle is especially bad for the intestines.

Hernias may not be painful, but this manifests itself in reflection through lameness, curvature of gait, and so on. The skeletal muscles are very strong, they can, through reflection, break the leg or reproduce the effect of shortening the leg.

Other parts of the body

Ulcerative colitis, you have to eat tannins. From this infection, and the helminths die, and the ulcers heal. A decoction of lavrushka, a golden root is also good.

The pathology of the intestines is the pathology of the small pelvis, the genitals. Another prostate function of the intestine is associated with the kidney. Possible hyperplasia. If you influence the kidney, it also relieves the prostate. If pain is felt along the upper rib of the arm, this is a diseased intestine. This can be especially felt in the elbow bend area.

Angina is a genealogy. Swelling of the carotid artery is the prostate. The pelvic bone is also a representative zone. With prostate adenoma, the sensitivity of the abdomen is usually reduced. When you squeeze everything out of there, it starts to hurt. Fasting helps too. Women's gynecology - there are a lot of options.

7, 8 - Pelvic organs

If we touch on the reproductive system, then the representation is primarily the two large arteries Avaries in women and Testicurealis in men. A stiff stomach compresses these arteries, causing painful periods or prostate adenoma. This is the main thing that needs to be put in order, to free the main arteries. They go under the intestines.

The gluteal region during pregnancy is the uterus. At other times, there are representations of other bodies. Sometimes the child rolled over, it is necessary to crush the buttock and the child will fall into place, the area should be anesthetized.

The intestines are a source of toxins. Intestinal gases compress the pelvic organs. Inflammation and cysts develop. Genealogy. Primary pressure is in the abdomen. Hormonal problems are a mediocre phenomenon.

The thyroid gland suffers from compression of the pelvic organs. If constipation, then a lot of iodine, if diarrhea, then little iodine. Excess is thyroid insufficiency, on the contrary, it is hyperplasia. There is a connection with the endocrine and hormonal system.

Painful menstruation is a sign of congestive and pathological phenomena in the pelvic organs.

Prevention of prostatitis. You need to ride a tennis ball on one half of the priests and on the other.

Palpation of the periosteum, it should not hurt. Correlation with the pubis. Inguinal region, fold. Buttocks, hip joint. The pelvic organs are the tip of the tongue. The area on the back from the navel to the pubis.

Acne on the chin, stagnation in the genealogy. On the face, the inguinal fold in acne is enlarged lymph nodes in real groins.

Redness of the tip of the tongue, impaired blood supply, burning sensation. These are enlarged lymph nodes, inflammation nearby. You have to sleep on your stomach.

If the pathology of the kidneys, then the head does not spin.

Upper organs can put pressure on the gallbladder. Pulsation will help determine this when pressing on the organ. In a natural organ, the pulse cannot be heard.

The upper third of the aorta on both sides is gynecology. It can also be divided into 3 parts. Above the breast, ovary and below the uterus.

With the pathology of the pelvic organs, they can sag, omission, from this angina. After manipulation, a sore throat can also be provoked - this is good, everything comes out. In general, there is a connection - tonsillitis, tonsils, voice. A hoarse voice is prostatitis, various urological problems. The voice must be pleasant. When they lose their voice, it's urology. They drink water as everything dries. A good voice is a good intimate area and vice versa. Problems with the bladder are also a reaction to the voice, loss of voice. Compression of the arteries and swelling affect the ligaments. If you run your hands into the collarbone - this is also the genitals.

The inner side of the leg is also the sexual sphere. The ankle is the fallopian tube.

The pattern on the cheek with jagged, asterisks and so on is polecystosis and another sexual area.

Changes in the skin, peeling of the top of the center of the forehead, redness, pigment spots - this is bad. If you knead the stomach, then everything dissolves there.

It should not pulsate in the navel, this is a pathology of the aorta, its stretching. Goes into the limb, the latter becomes longer or shorter.

Possible pathology of the connective tissue from toxins in the abdomen, all sorts of hernias. From gas formation, the intestine presses outward and hernias of the white line, the anterior wall of the abdomen and other places appear. Lurie's textbook - read. Often asthma is possible after eating from the formation of abundant gases, fermentopathy.

If you clicked on the genecology and the pain went away, then it's normal. And if you let go of your hands, and everything hurts there - this is not for a vesciral, this is an operation. Walking pain is also an ambulance.

9 - Stomach

The first prezones are the lips. Cracks, peeling lips, herpes, candy wrapper. It is necessary to treat the stomach and everything goes away. The corners of the lips are the gatekeeper. Not closing the pylorus is a reflux of bile, injury by a burn (heartburn). The lower lip is a big curvature. Mouth, lips, nostril are the main pre-zones. Irritating the nasal passages will make you sick. The entrance to the esophagus is the beginning of the bottom of the ear.

Rotten egg belching is food retention in the stomach.

Spasm of the gatekeeper. Stiff stomach. Tooth marks on the tongue. It's all from the nervous system. Unloved job, uncertainty, long-term uncertainty. It is necessary to change the attitude to what is happening or create a loss of consciousness. A sharp reset will create a redistribution of fluids and relieve stress.

The stomach is often associated with prolonged emotional stress. When there is a long stiffening of the stomach, then this is a condition for fungi. There are pigment spots on the nose. Everyone leaves if the stagnation is removed.

The stomach is in the nostril. They touched the nostrils. Pathologies are formations, acne, and so on. Kozyuli are also from the stomach. Polyps in the nose are polyps in the stomach, a rash happens in the stomach too. The first palpation procedure is a powerful release of fungi and other things into the mouth, tongue, nose, and then everything comes off.

On the forearms, the rash is the stomach. The mucosa of the stomach is a bulging muscle of the neck on both sides. Freckles on the shoulders are the stomach mucosa in mushrooms. The back of the hand in pigment is already worse, it went into the muscles.

The point of longevity is the bottom of the knee from the outside. Dusanli is also the stomach. The second toe is not naturally long - it is a distended stomach. Nail plate. On the back, a scruff in the center. The compression of the nerve of the cervical region goes to the stomach. It is necessary to work with the neck and stomach at the same time. The crease on the stomach should not hurt.

Moles on the epigastrium are a long time to work, more than 10 procedures. Courses of 10 or 15 days.

11 - Joints

Direct connection with the gallbladder.

Representative zones are the wear of a joint, as well as sagging ligaments and hanging joints.

The ligaments of the legs do not stretch, but are micro-torn, and the ligaments of the internal organs are stretched and therefore they can be moved. We sit down a person, hang out a fashionable leg and slightly move it from the knee, watch the dangling of the knee. Clicking is bad. Before testing, it is necessary to press on the stomach with a fist, then the inguinal inner side of the leg to the knee. If everything dangles and creaks, then you can’t train in such states.

Hips on the sides, look at Arthrosis there. See next for an ankle joint disorder. It is necessary to feel for pain, palpate the abdomen, tap the joints and around the painful area, spank the back. This can be done with your hands or rubber mallets.

The skin is a powerful gland. Through it there is a large blood circulation. The skin is a powerful irritant. You can knock with a spoon, you don’t need a lot of strength. Also pluck the skin with your fingers.

5, 6 - Kidneys

Representation of the kidney on the neck from the side. Muscle tone is bad. There is also the management of gums, teeth, weight, ear, blood vessels, sense of smell. Vision is the liver, kidneys, neck. Possible kidney stones.

The kidneys are all deaf, blind, they experience numbness of the fingers and muscles of the hands. A bony hand is an image of old age or kidney wear (the hand dries). This indicates polycystic kidney disease. It is good to work out simultaneously with the kidney and with the neck - so recovery is accelerated. It is possible only with a kidney, but it is longer. That is, it is necessary to palpate both the diseased organ itself and its representative zone.

A protruding ear is the kidneys out of place, the omission of the kidney, polycystosis. The first suffers from the left kidney. There is a bunch - ears, bladder, right kidney, oxygen deficiency, lays the other ear. Urinary incontinence, channel spasm, the brain can not control. There is not a complete separation of urine, then insects are bred there. It is necessary to work out in this order - kidney, urinary, prostate. It is good to drink peroxide with citruses and soda.

An ear is a kidney, which ear is a kidney. The size and pattern, softness and hardness of the ear are important. A flabby ear or a glass ear is an extreme before death. Sulfur excretion is bad in the kidneys. The ear skin is the bladder. Inside the ear is the vestibular. A person misses, then his back hurts in the lower back - these are the kidneys. Fish soup should be quickly put off on the plane.

Test - Pull the ear, there should be no clicks.

Another external sign is a skewed face, left armpit, collarbone. The kidneys are associated with menstruation. The monthly cycle goes astray - these are the kidneys. Bad legs from the kidney.

Golovin's work, New views on the theory of lymph and blood circulation. In the lymph and blood there is peristalsis of liquids. And if the organ sank, then there is no more peristalsis of lymph and blood in this organ, there is no washing or it is difficult.

Lurie's work. Swelling of the liver is a pathology of other organs that it covers. The liver is very connected to the brain. Abuse of cleansing is a direct path to liquefaction of the brain.

  • Book - Ogulov A. T. - ABC of visceral therapy. More fully reveals the methodology of visceral practice, the ratio of representative zones and the relationship of organs.
  • Manual - Diagnostics by representative zones. It is also recommended to find on the Internet diagrams of the location of the representative zones of organs on the face and body - to study in detail, it is possible to learn.

Videos from Ogulov's seminars

Ogulov 1 part of 16. Visceral chiropractic. Healing by hands. Gallbladder. Liver

2 part. Ogulov A.T. The gallbladder and its features. Spleen. Pancreas

Ogulov part 3. The ABC of Healing with Hands. Video. Functional features of the intestine

Ogulov 4 part. Visceral chiropractic. Video. Stomach. Kidneys.

There are other videos, search and you will find.

© "Lone Leader"

Zakharyin-Ged zones. Author's scheme by Alexander Ogulov


1. Rectum. On the face, it is represented by a projection zone on the surface of the skin of the upper left part of the forehead. A functional disorder can be manifested by skin pigmentation, acne, redness, growth of moles. 2. Sigmoid colon. Its representation is located on the surface of the skin of the upper left side of the forehead. Functional impairment can be manifested by skin pigmentation, acne, redness, moles. 3. Liver. The representation is located between the eyebrows, in the space between the base of the bridge of the nose and the line connecting the superciliary arches on the skin of the forehead. Liver pathology is accompanied by skin irritation, acne, pigmentation, moles. 4. Small intestine. Its projection is in the middle part of the forehead, with intestinal pathology it is manifested by skin disorders (pigments, acne, redness). 5. Descending part of the colon. Its representation is located on the left lateral surface of the skin of the forehead. Functional disorders are manifested on the skin by pigmentation, dryness of this area, increased porosity, acne. 6. Left adrenal gland. The projection is located on the medial superciliary region of the left half of the face. With a functional disorder of the adrenal gland, soreness of the periosteum of the superciliary region appears, the skin reacts with irritation. 7. Area of ​​the pelvis of the left kidney. It is projected onto the skin of the inner surface of the corner of the left eye and the lacrimal duct. The pathological process in the area of ​​the renal pelvis is sometimes expressed by the reaction of the skin in this area (darkening, pigmentation, redness, enlargement of pores, growth of papillomas, wen). Sometimes the problem contributes to the formation of blockage of the lacrimal duct, the inflammatory process in it, and profuse lacrimation. 8. Upper pole of the left kidney. It is projected onto the superciliary arch and the skin of the upper part of the eyelid. The violation is manifested by a vascular pattern (swelling), acne, redness, porosity on the skin. 9. Left lobe of the liver. Projected onto the white of the eye. Violation in the liver is manifested by a red vascular pattern on the white of the eye. 10. Body of the gallbladder, spleen. The projection is located on the skin and periosteum of the temporal bone of the left side of the face. With the pathology of the bladder, redness, acne, age spots appear on the skin, its porosity and venous pattern increase. The periosteum of the temporal bone also reacts, it becomes painful on palpation. 11. Left side of the transverse colon. The representation is located in the lower medial part of the corner of the left eye. Its dysfunction is manifested by bulging of the skin from the inner corner of the eye under the lower eyelid to the outer side of the face, sometimes redness or pigmentation. 12. Pancreas. Its representation is located on the lower part of the bridge of the nose, on the border of the connection with the tip of the nose. Pathology is manifested by skin irritation, pigmentation, and sometimes a venous vascular pattern. 13. Bile-excretory ducts of the liver and gallbladder. The projection is located in the lower part of the temporal bone of the left half of the face. According to their pathology, redness, pigmentation, acne and vascular pattern are observed on the skin, with prolonged pathology - porosity. The periosteum of the temporal region becomes painful. Often the pathology is accompanied by a headache of temporal localization. Additionally, it can be noted that sometimes with blockage of the bile ducts, yellowness of the skin of this area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe face is noted. 14. Left kidney. The projection is represented by the left auricle (skin and cartilaginous base). The ear canal is a projection of the ureter, the inner ear is a projection of the bladder. In pathological conditions of the kidney, hearing is reduced, inflammation of the inner ear occurs, and vestibular disorders appear. In some cases, hardening of the cartilaginous base is observed. Sometimes it softens, sulfur excretion from the ear canal increases. 15. Cardiac pathologies. The projection is presented in the upper left part of the left cheek at the junction with the orbit. Pathologies are expressed by swelling of the skin, redness, pigmentation, vascular pattern in the infraorbital region. 16. Ureter of the left kidney. It is projected onto the skin of the face by a line running from the corner of the eye along the cheek to the lower part of the chin. When it is irritated by sand, small stones or inflammation in it, a pattern of a line or part of a line of white or red color appears on the skin (depending on which part of the autonomic nervous system prevails - sympathetic or parasympathetic). 17. Left lobe of the liver. Its representation is located on the face on the left side, in the region of the muscles of the jaw joint. It is manifested by an involuntary increased tone of the muscle group, the development of arthrosis of the joint. Rarely, the disorder projects onto the skin in the form of a pigment or irritation. 18. Left mammary gland. The projection is located on the skin of the left cheek at the intersection of a vertical line extending from the outer part of the corner of the eye and a horizontal line passing through the upper pole of the wings of the nose. The diameter of the projection of the mammary gland on the cheek will be approximately equal to the distance from the corner of the eye to the iris. Pathology is manifested by pigmentation, redness, increased porosity, swelling of the skin. 19. Left lung. It is projected onto the skin of the left cheek, covering the zygomatic part. Pathology can be manifested by redness, angiopathic pattern, porosity, pigmentation, acne, dryness, unevenness or roughness of the skin surface. 20. Cardiac disorders (more often - rhythm disturbance). Projected on the skin of the tip of the nose in the form of redness, acne, angiopathy. 21. Bronchus of the left lung. It is projected on the skin of the wing of the left half of the nose. Violations are expressed by a vascular pattern, redness, acne, pigmentation. 22. Diaphragm, costal arch. Projected on the skin along the nasolabial fold. Violations are manifested by redness of the fold, dry skin in it. 23. Lesser curvature of the stomach. It is projected onto the skin and mucous membrane of the upper lip. Pathology is manifested by transverse cracks on the lip, herpetic eruptions, peeling of the skin, loss of color of the lips, the appearance of the effect of wrinkling the lips. 24. Bulb of the duodenum, pyloric stomach. The projection zone is located on the skin outside the corner of the mouth. Violations are manifested by pigmentation, reddening of the skin, seizures and cracks in the corners of the mouth, and in degenerative processes - the growth of moles. 25. Adrenal gland of the left kidney. It is projected onto the skin and muscles of the upper neck on the left lateral axial line, as well as to the left and right of it along the muscular lateral surface. Pathology is manifested by muscle pain on palpation, on the skin it is sometimes manifested by irritation, pigmentation, papillomatosis. 26. Left inguinal fold and area of ​​the pupart ligament. The projection is on the left outer surface of the skin of the chin. Violations are manifested by reddening of the skin, acne, age spots. 27. Left ovary in women, left testicle in men. The representation is located on the skin of the chin on the left side, near the left chin crease. Pathology is manifested by reddening of the skin, acne, dryness and peeling of the skin, the growth of moles during degenerative processes. 28. Left mammary gland. It is projected on the chin on the left side under the lower lip on the bone tuberosity. Pathology is manifested by increased pain sensitivity, redness, pigmentation or acne on the skin, growing moles. 29. Pubic symphysis. Its representation on the face is on the chin, in the chin fossa. Pathology is manifested by soreness of the periosteum of the chin during its palpation examination. 30. Left kidney. It is projected onto the skin and muscles of the lateral surface of the neck (along the left lateral axial line), as well as to the left and right of it along the muscular surface. Pathology is manifested by muscle pain on palpation. Pigmentation, redness appear on the skin, papillomas grow. 31. Greater curvature of the stomach. The projection is the sternocleidomastoid muscle on the left side of the head. The disorder is manifested by increased tone and pain on palpation. The place of attachment of the muscle to the skull is projected onto the upper part of the stomach and the esophagus that enters it. The place of attachment to the collarbone is the projection of the pylorus. 32. The left appendage with the ovary, the left lobe of the prostate gland with the testis. It is projected on the upper third of the carotid artery on the left. It is manifested by swelling and soreness, an increase in lymph nodes in this area. 33. Bladder. It is projected onto the skin from the chin to the epiglottis of the neck. Dysfunction is manifested by redness, pigmentation, growth of moles or pimples on the skin. 34. The pelvis of the left kidney. The projection is located on the left side of the neck, on the muscles of the lateral surface towards the base of the neck (along the lateral axial line). It is manifested by pain on palpation with irradiation to different parts of the body and head, on the skin - papillomas (infection of the pelvis), dryness, roughness. 35. Pancreas. The representation is located at the base of the neck on the left side, between the clavicle and the sternocleidomastoid muscle. Manifested by palpation examination of muscle pain, radiating to the shoulder, arm, shoulder blade, hand, fingers, breast area, sometimes to the pancreas. 36. Left lobe of the thyroid gland. It is projected onto the lower part of the neck along the esophagus, into the supraclavicular region and the region of the jugular notch. It is manifested by muscle soreness of these areas, tissue swelling, the skin is manifested by an angiopathic pattern (redness), papillomas. 37. Left ureter. The representation is located on the left side of the neck along the lateral axial line from the projection of the pelvis of the left kidney to the shoulder joint. In pathological conditions, during palpation examination, the muscular projection is painful. On the skin, the violation is manifested by age spots, papillomas. 38 and 41. The pyloric part of the stomach. It is projected onto the area of ​​attachment of the sternocleidomastoid muscle to the collarbone. Pathology is manifested by soreness of the attachment area. 39. Uterus, prostate lobes, perineum. The representation is located in the central lower part of the chin. Violations are manifested by soreness of the periosteum on palpation, on the skin - redness, pigmentation, acne, with degenerative processes in the organs, it is characterized by the growth of moles. 40. Right mammary gland. It is projected on the chin on the right side under the lower lip on the bone tuberosity. It is manifested by increased pain sensitivity, on the skin from above it is expressed by redness, acne, pigmentation, moles during degenerative processes. 41. and 38. The pyloric part of the stomach. It is projected onto the area of ​​attachment of the sternocleidomastoid muscle to the collarbone. With functional disorders of the department and palpation examination, the projection is painful. 42. Right ureter. The representation is located on the right side of the neck along the lateral axial line, from the projection of the pelvis of the left kidney to the shoulder joint. In pathological conditions of the ureter and during palpation examination, the muscular projection is painful, on the skin the violation is manifested by pigment spots, papillomas. 43. Gallbladder. The projection is located on the right side of the base of the neck, in the area of ​​​​the angle formed by the sternocleidomastoid muscle and the right clavicle. Depending on the pathological state of the bladder, when pressing on its projection zone, pain radiates to the right temporal region of the head, right shoulder, hand and fingers of this hand, shoulder blade, chest, face, teeth, thyroid gland, neck skin, body of the gallbladder. 44. Right lobe of the thyroid gland. It is projected onto the lower third of the neck of the supraclavicular region on the right side along the esophagus. It is manifested by muscle soreness in this area, tissue swelling. The skin in this place in pathological conditions of the gland is manifested by porosity, redness, papillomas. 45. The pelvis of the right kidney. The projection is located on the right side, on the muscles of the lateral surface of the base of the neck, along the lateral axial line. With the pathology of the renal pelvis, pain occurs during palpation examination of the muscles with irradiation to different parts of the body and head. On the skin, disorders are manifested by papillomas (infection of the pelvis), dryness, roughness, moles. 46. ​​Gynecology, right appendage with ovary, right lobe of the prostate gland with testis. It is projected on the upper third of the carotid artery on the right. Violations are manifested by swelling and soreness of the artery, an increase in the lymph nodes of this area. 47. Lesser curvature of the stomach. The projection is the clavicular-mastoid muscle on the left side of the neck. The upper section of the stomach and the esophagus entering the stomach are projected to the place of attachment of the muscle to the skull, and the pylorus of the stomach is projected to the place of attachment of the muscle to the collarbone. Indigestion is manifested by increased muscle tone and pain on palpation. 48. Right kidney. It is projected on the neck on the right, on the muscles located on the lateral axial line. Pathology in the kidney is manifested by pain on palpation of the lateral muscle surface, sometimes with irradiation to various areas of the head, arm and upper shoulder girdle, neck. With deep pathology during pressure, irradiation goes to the right kidney. On the skin, violations are expressed by papillomatosis, redness, dryness, roughness. 49. Right ovary in women, right testicle in men. The representation is located on the skin of the chin on the right side, near the right chin crease. Pathology is manifested by redness, dryness, peeling of the skin, acne, growth of moles during degenerative processes. 50. Lymphatic system of the iliac region. On the face, the iliac region (inguinal fold) is projected by a fold extending to the lower jaw from the corners of the mouth as a continuation of the nasolabial fold. With pathological processes in the groin, the problem can manifest itself as skin irritation, pigmentation, acne. 51. Adrenal gland of the right kidney. It is projected on the skin and on the muscles of the upper neck on the right, on the lateral axial line, as well as in front and behind it along the muscular surface. With a functional disorder, muscle pain sensitivity is present, sometimes with irradiation to various areas of the head and neck. The skin reacts with irritation, the growth of papillomas. 52. Small intestine. The representation is located under the base of the lower lip. In pathology, it manifests itself on the skin with irritation, pigmentation, and the growth of moles. 53. Greater curvature of the stomach. It is projected onto the skin and mucous membrane of the lower lip. The violation is manifested by cracks, herpetic eruptions, peeling, loss of color, the appearance of the effect of wrinkling the lips. 54. Hormonal system. The projection area is the space between the nose and the upper lip. When the system is disturbed, acne, irritation, pigmentation appear on the skin, hairline grows. 55. Signs of scleroderma. The skin becomes deeply wrinkled. Sometimes there is an increase in hairline (in women). 56. Small intestine. The projection is located in the lower part of the cheek under the cheekbone of the face. Disturbances in the small intestine are expressed by skin irritation, acne, unevenness or roughness. 57. The xiphoid process. The projection is located under the base of the nose. When it is injured or a pathological condition occurs in the nose area, increased pain sensitivity, acne, and redness appear. 58. Greater curvature of the stomach. Projection is the inner region of the left nostril. In case of indigestion, the nasal mucosa reacts with the formation of inflammation, edema, and herpetic eruptions. 59. Lesser curvature of the stomach. The projection is the inner region of the right nostril. In case of indigestion, the nasal mucosa reacts with the formation of inflammation, edema, and herpetic eruptions. 60. Bladder, ureter of the right kidney. It is projected onto the ear canal and inner ear. With inflammatory processes in the organs, pain appears in the ear canal, sometimes inflammation occurs, increased sulfur secretion, and hearing decreases. 61. Bronchus of the right lung. It is projected on the skin of the wing of the right half of the nose. Violations are expressed by a vascular pattern at the base of the wing of the nose, redness, pigmentation. 62. Right mammary gland. The projection is located on the skin of the right cheek at the intersection of a vertical line extending from the outer part of the corner of the eye and a horizontal line passing through the upper pole of the wings of the nose. The problem is manifested by redness, pigmentation, acne, growth of moles, skin swelling. 63. Right lobe of the liver. The projection is located on the area of ​​the muscles of the jaw joint. It is manifested by an involuntary increase in the tone of the muscle group, the development of arthrosis of the joint, and occasionally the violation is projected onto the skin in the form of pigment or irritation. 64. Ureter of the right kidney. It is projected on the face by a line running from the inner corner of the eye to the outer part of the chin. When it is irritated by sand, small stones or inflammation in it, a pattern of a line or part of a line of white or red color appears on the skin (depending on which part of the autonomic nervous system prevails - sympathetic or parasympathetic). 65. Right lung. It is projected on the skin of the cheek of the right half of the face, covering the zygomatic part. Pathology can be manifested by redness, angiopathic pattern, porosity, pigmentation, acne, dryness, unevenness or roughness of the skin surface. 66. Right kidney. Projected on the right auricle. The size of the ear is proportional to the size of the kidney: a big ear is a big kidney. Kidney damage manifests itself on a cartilaginous basis. It becomes painful and more dense, in some cases, on the contrary, too soft. 67. Congestion in the renal structures. It is projected onto the region of the eye socket. It appears on the skin in the form of wen, papillomas, dark spots. 68. Right side of the transverse colon. The representation is located in the lower medial part of the corner of the left eye. Dysfunction is manifested by swelling of the skin from the inner corner of the eye under the lower eyelid to the outer side of the face, sometimes redness or pigmentation 69. Infection of the kidney. The information zone is the conjunctiva of the eye. The external manifestation of an infectious disease is conjunctivitis, blepharitis, barley, eyelid edema. 70. Right kidney. The projection zone is located on the skin of the right eye socket (periorbicular region). With functional disorders of the kidney, the skin of the orbit is expressed by swelling, redness, darkening, the appearance of fatty plaques, and the growth of papillomas. 71. Body of the gallbladder with ducts. The projection zone of the gallbladder is the temporal region of the head. With its functional disorders, the skin of the temporal region reacts, on which acne, age spots, porosity appear. The periosteum of the temporal bone also reacts, it becomes painful on palpation. 72. Right lobe of the liver. It is projected onto the protein shell of the right eye. Violation in the liver is expressed by a red vascular pattern on the shell of the eye. 73. The pelvis of the right kidney. The projection zone is located in the inner corner of the eye in the region of the lacrimal duct. The pathological process in the area of ​​the renal pelvis is sometimes expressed by the reaction of the skin in this area (darkening, pigmentation, redness, enlargement of pores, growth of papillomas, wen). Sometimes the problem contributes to the formation of blockage of the lacrimal duct, the inflammatory process in it, and profuse lacrimation. 74. Right adrenal gland. The projection zone is located above the right eyebrow from the inside. His disorder is expressed by soreness of the periosteum of the superciliary region, skin irritation. 75. Ascending colon (ileocecal angle). It is projected onto the upper right corner of the frontal region on the skin. Pathology is manifested by pigmentation, acne, skin irritation, growth of moles. 76. Transverse colon. Its projection is in the lower part of the forehead above the superciliary arches. With a functional violation, a skin reaction occurs (pimples, age spots, porosity, redness, growth of moles). 77. Appendix. Its projection zone is located on the skin in the upper part of the forehead on the right. When it is inflamed, the skin reacts with redness, dryness, pigmentation. 78. Stomach. The projection is located on the skin of the cartilaginous part of the bridge of the nose (the middle region of the nose). On the left side of the nose, a large curvature of the stomach is projected, and on the right - a small, pyloric stomach and duodenum. In pathology, the skin reacts with irritation, pigmentation. 79. Bladder. The projection zone is located in the upper part of the forehead (the place where the hairline begins to grow). In pathology, pigmentation, skin irritation, hair loss, dandruff in this area of ​​the head, psoriatic plaques are observed. 80. Uterus in women, genitals in men. The projection area is located in the upper part of the forehead, under the projection of the bladder. In pathology, the skin is irritated.

1. Thyroid disorders. The representation is located in the jugular notch along the periosteum. Soreness of this area indicates a violation of the blood circulation of the thyroid gland. 2) Stomach (greater curvature). Projection on the sternocleidomastoid muscle on the left side of the neck. It is manifested by soreness, increased muscle tone. 3) Bulb of the duodenum. The area of ​​attachment of the sternocleidomastoid muscle to the clavicle on the left. Manifested by soreness of the periosteum and muscle. 4) Angina syndrome. The region of the middle of the sternum. It is manifested by soreness of the periosteum during palpation examination. 5) Pancreas. The representation is located on the left side in the supraclavicular region, closer to the neck. It is manifested by soreness and compaction of the muscles of this area. When kneading, it often radiates to the region of the left arm, heart, apex of the lung, and throat. 6) Reduced immunity. The projection is located in the middle of the sternum, in the area of ​​its intersection with the line passing through the nipple line. It is manifested by soreness of the periosteum during palpation examination. 7) Heart failure. Representation under the left clavicle in the region of the subclavian muscle above the first rib. Manifested by muscle soreness on palpation. 8) Capsule of the spleen. Representation on a group of muscles in the region of the left shoulder. Manifested by deep pain of the joint and articular bag. 9) Valvular disorders of the heart. They are projected to the right on the pectoralis major muscle, laterally to the region of the left shoulder joint. There is pain on palpation. 10) Violations of the blood supply to the shoulder joint. It is projected onto the anterior surface of the articular capsule of the head of the left shoulder joint. It is manifested by pain in this area. 11) Ischemia of the heart. The representation is located anterior to the axial line, in the region of the serratus anterior. In pathology - pain in the periosteum and muscles. 12) The rhythm of the heart. It is projected onto the left side of the chest, the area of ​​intersection of the mid-clavicular-nipple line and the intercostal space of the 4th and 5th ribs. It is manifested by pain in this area and a violation of the heart rhythm. 13) Parenchyma of the spleen. The representation runs along the costal along the costal arch to the left of the xiphoid process to the lateral axial line. It is manifested by soreness of the ribs and cartilaginous formations of the costal arch. 14) Stomach (greater curvature). The representation is located on the skin of the outer part of the shoulder region. It is manifested by rough ("goose") skin, pigmentation (in case of damage by fungi). 15) Pancreas. It is projected onto the lateral surface of 8-10 ribs and intercostal muscles along the left lateral axial line, as well as on the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall at the level of the dividing line of the first and second segments, if the distance between the navel and the xiphoid process is divided into three equal parts (the origin of the segments is from the navel). Manifested by pain sensitivity of muscle structures in these areas. 16) Left kidney. Its representation is located on the lower third of the inner surface of the left shoulder. It is manifested by soreness of the muscles of this area and the periosteum of the humerus. 17) (A, E) - ovaries, (B, D) - tubes, C - uterus (women); (A, E) - testicles, (B, C, D) - prostate (men). They are located on the periosteum of the pubic bone. It is manifested by its soreness during palpation examination. 18) Descending colon. Its representation is located on the left brachioradialis muscle in the upper third of the forearm and on the anterior outer surface of the internal oblique and transverse abdominal muscles on the left. Pathology is manifested by muscle soreness during palpation examination. 19) Radial nerve (cervical osteochondrosis). The representation is located along the radial nerve of the forearm of the left hand. The stronger the infringement in the cervical spine, the lower the pain in the area of ​​passage of the nerve fiber extends towards the hand. 20) Parenchyma of the left kidney. Its representative zone is located along the periosteum of the iliac crest on the left. It is shown by morbidity at a palpation research. 21) Median nerve (cervical osteochondrosis). The representation is located along the median nerve of the forearm of the left hand. The higher the degree of its infringement in the cervical spine, the lower the soreness of the nerve passage area extends to the hand. 22) Ulnar nerve (cervical osteochondrosis). The representation is located along the ulnar nerve of the forearm of the left hand. The stronger the degree of infringement of the roots of nerve fibers in the cervical spine, the lower the pain in the area of ​​the nerve passage extends down the forearm to the hand. 23) Area of ​​the forearm with representative areas of six organs. It is located on the first third of the forearm of the left hand along the periosteum of the inner surface of the distal radius. It is manifested by pain in the representative parts of the organs. 24) Left lung. The representation is located on the basis of the thumb and the phalanges themselves, that is, in the region of the short muscle and muscles of the short flexor of the thumb of the left hand, joints and the nail plate. 25) Arthrosis of the left hip joint. The representation is located in the upper outer part of the left thigh, above the femur, above the region of the greater trochanter. It is manifested by pain of the articular bag and stiffness of the joint. 26) Uterus, prostate. The information zone is located on the inner-upper part of the thigh, closer to the inguinal fold, along the femoral saphenous vein and femoral artery. It is manifested by soreness along the vessels of this area and the muscles of this area during palpation examination, as well as various skin disorders, including papillomatosis. 27) Violation of blood circulation of the left leg, arthrosis of the hip joint. The representative zone is located on the inner upper third of the left thigh. It is manifested by soreness of the periosteum of the femur and adjacent muscles of this area. 28) Arthrosis of the left hip joint. The representation is located on the middle-outer-lateral surface of the left thigh, from the region of the greater trochanter towards the knee joint. It is manifested by soreness of the periosteum of the tibia and the muscles covering it. 29) Sexual disorders. The representative zone is located on the upper anterointernal part of the left thigh, from the inguinal fold, to the front along the femoral saphenous vein and femoral artery. It is manifested by pain along the vessels of this area and the muscles of this area during palpation examination. 30) Arthrosis of the left knee joint. The zone is located on the inner side of the tibial collateral ligament along the muscles of the inner posterior surface of the left thigh upward towards the surface. There is pain in the ligament and the place of its attachment, as well as in the muscles of the inner posterior surface of the left thigh. 31) The tail and body of the pancreas. The representation is located on the lower third of the left thigh in the region of the wide medial muscle. Manifested by muscle soreness on palpation. 32) Arthrosis of the left knee joint. The representative zone is located on the inner surface of the head of the tibia of the left leg along the periosteum. It is manifested by soreness of the periosteum during palpation examination. 33) Stomach (greater curvature). The information zone is located in the upper third of the tibia, along the outer anterolateral surface, or, more precisely, the anterior tibial muscle of the lower leg of the left leg. Manifested by muscle soreness on palpation. 34) Violation of the blood supply to the left leg. The representative region is located along the anterior inner surface of the left lower leg in the upper third, along the tibia along the medial head of the gastrocnemius muscle. Manifested by muscle soreness on palpation. 35) The bottom of the gallbladder. The information zone is located in the upper third from the proximal head of the fibula to the outer malleolus, along the outer mid-lateral surface of the lower leg of the left leg. Manifested by muscle soreness on palpation. 36) Bulb of the duodenum. The information area is located in the lower part of the upper third of the tibia, along the outer anterolateral surface, or, more precisely, the anterior tibial muscle of the lower leg of the left leg. Manifested by muscle soreness on palpation. 37) The body of the gallbladder. The representative zone is located in the second third of the area extending from the proximal head of the fibula to the outer malleolus, along the outer mid-lateral surface of the lower leg of the left leg. Manifested by muscle soreness on palpation. 38) Duct of the gallbladder. The representative zone is located in the lower region from the proximal head of the fibula to the outer malleolus, along the outer mid-lateral surface of the lower leg of the left leg. Manifested by muscle soreness on palpation. 39) Arthrosis of the left ankle joint. The representative zone is located along the anterior lateral outer and inner line of the joint space. It is manifested by soreness of the periosteum of the left ankle joint. 40) Disorder of the left kidney. The representative area is the back of the left foot, in the area of ​​​​the short extensor fingers in the gap between the extensors of the fourth finger and the little finger. It is manifested by soreness of the muscles, ligamentous apparatus and periosteum of the bones of the foot in this area. 41) Bladder, left half. The representation is the nail plate of the little finger and the finger itself. In pathology, the nail is affected by fungi, sometimes you can see various manifestations of disorders on the skin of the finger, the joint becomes painful on palpation. 42) Gallbladder. Nail plates of the third and fourth toes of the left foot. In pathology, the nails are affected by fungi, sometimes there is a violation on the skin of the finger, the joints of the fingers become painful on palpation. 43) Stomach (greater curvature). The representation is the nail plate of the second toe of the left foot, sometimes the toe itself. With a deep pathology of the stomach, the nail is affected by fungi, the joints of the finger become painful on palpation. 44) Pancreas. The representation is the nail plate of the big toe of the left foot, sometimes the toe itself. With a deep pathology of the stomach, the nail is affected by fungi, the joint of the finger becomes painful on palpation. 45) Sexual organs. The representative zone is located in the lower third of the lower leg of the right and left legs, along the inner surface of the tibia, to the inner ankle. It is manifested by soreness of the periosteum during palpation examination. On the right - the right appendage in women, in men - the right testicle and the right lobe of the prostate gland. On the left - the left appendage in women, in men - the left testicle and the left lobe of the prostate gland. 46) Arthrosis of the ankle joint. The representative zone is located along the inner lateral line of the joint space of the left and right ankle joints. It is manifested by soreness of the periosteum during palpation examination. 47) Bladder. The representation is the calcaneal region of the foot under the medial malleolus of the left and right legs. It is manifested by soreness of the periosteum during palpation examination. 48) Liver. The representation is the nail plate of the big toe of the right foot, sometimes the toe itself. In pathology, the nail is affected by fungi, the joint of the finger becomes painful on palpation, sometimes its deformation is observed. 49) Corns (stone in the gallbladder). Specific outgrowth of the skin on the outer lateral surface of the big toe of the right foot. It is formed during the thickening of bile and the formation of stones in the gallbladder. 50) Stomach (small curvature). The representation is the nail plate of the second toe of the right foot, sometimes the toe itself. With a deep pathology of the stomach, the nail is affected by fungi, the joints of the finger become painful on palpation. 51) Gallbladder. Nail plates of the third and fourth toes of the right foot. In pathology, the nails are affected by fungi, sometimes there is a violation on the skin of the finger, the joints of the fingers become painful on palpation. 52) The right half of the bladder. The representation is the nail plate of the little finger and the toe itself on the right foot. In pathology, the nail is affected by fungi, the joint becomes painful on palpation. 53) Right kidney. The representative area is the back side of the right foot, in the area of ​​​​the short flexors of the fingers in the gap between the extensors of the fourth finger and the little finger. It is manifested by soreness of the muscles, ligamentous apparatus and periosteum of the bones of the foot in this area. 54) Arthrosis of the right ankle joint. The representative zone is located along the anterior lateral outer and inner line of the joint space. It is manifested by soreness of the periosteum of the right ankle joint during palpation examination. 55) Bile ducts. The representative zone is located in the lower third of the region from the proximal head of the fibula to the outer malleolus, along the outer mid-lateral surface of the lower leg of the right leg. It is manifested by soreness of the muscles of this area during palpation examination. 56) The body of the gallbladder. The representative zone is located in the second third of the region from the proximal head of the fibula to the outer malleolus, along the outer mid-lateral surface of the lower leg of the right leg. Manifested by muscle soreness on palpation. 57) Bulb of the duodenum. The information area is located in the lower part of the upper third of the tibia, along the outer anterolateral surface, or, more precisely, the anterior tibial muscle of the lower leg of the right leg. It is manifested by soreness of the muscles of this area during palpation examination. 58) The bottom of the gallbladder. The information zone is located in the upper third from the proximal head of the fibula to the outer malleolus, along the outer mid-lateral surface of the lower leg of the right leg. Manifested by muscle soreness on palpation. 59) Circulation of the right leg. The representative region is located along the anterior inner surface of the right lower leg in the upper third, along the tibia along the medial head of the gastrocnemius muscle. Manifested by muscle soreness on palpation. 60) Stomach (small curvature). The information zone is located in the upper third of the tibia, along the outer anterolateral surface, or, more precisely, the anterior tibial muscle of the lower leg of the right leg. Manifested by muscle soreness on palpation. 61) Arthrosis of the right knee joint. The representative zone is located on the inner surface of the head of the tibia of the right leg along the periosteum. It is manifested by soreness of the periosteum during palpation examination. 62) Head and body of the pancreas. The representation is located on the lower third of the right thigh in the region of the wide medial muscle. Manifested by muscle soreness on palpation. 63) Arthrosis of the right knee joint. The zone is located on the inner side of the tibial collateral ligament along the muscles of the inner posterior surface of the right thigh upward towards the surface of the right thigh towards the perineum. There is tenderness of the ligament and the place of its attachment along the representative zone. 64) Violation of blood circulation of the right leg, arthrosis of the hip joint. The representative zone is located on the inner upper third of the right thigh. It is manifested by soreness of the periosteum of the femur and adjacent muscles of this area. 65) Sexual disorders. The representative zone is located on the upper anteromedial part of the right thigh, from the inguinal fold, to the front along the femoral saphenous vein and femoral artery. It is manifested by pain along the vessels of this area and the muscles of this area during palpation examination. 66) Uterus, prostate. The information zone is located on the inner upper part of the right thigh, closer to the inguinal fold, along the femoral saphenous vein and femoral artery. It is manifested by soreness along the vessels of this area and the muscles of this area during palpation examination, as well as various skin disorders, including papillomatosis. 67) Arthrosis of the right hip joint. The representation is located on the middle lateral-lateral surface of the right thigh, from the region of the greater trochanter towards the knee joint. It is manifested by soreness of the periosteum of the tibia and the muscles covering it. 68) Arthrosis of the right hip joint. The representation is located in the upper outer part of the right thigh, above the femur, above the region of the greater trochanter. It is manifested by pain of the articular bag and stiffness of the joint. 69) Right lung. The representation is located in the region of the base of the thumb and its joints, that is, in the region of the short muscle and muscles of the short flexor of the thumb of the left hand. In the pathology of the lung, the base of the finger is painful, a venous pattern appears on it, the joints are deformed, the nail plate is deformed. 70) Area of ​​functional weakening of organs. It is located on the first third of the forearm of the right hand, along the periosteum of the inner surface of the distal radius. It is manifested by pain in the representative parts of the organs. 71) Radial nerve (radicular infringement in the cervical region). The representation is located along the radial nerve of the forearm of the right hand. The stronger the infringement in the cervical spine, the lower the pain in the area of ​​passage of the nerve fiber extends towards the hand. 72) Parenchyma of the right kidney. Its representative zone is located along the periosteum of the iliac crest on the right. It is shown by morbidity at a palpation research. 73) Ileocecal angle of the intestine. The representative zone is located on the anterior wall of the abdomen on the right below the navel, on the line passing from the navel to the iliac crest. With stenosis of the ileocecal valve, reflected pain occurs in the region of the heart and stomach. There is also a violation of soreness and density of the covering tissues of this area during palpation examination. 74) Ascending colon. Its representation is located on the right brachioradialis muscle in the upper third of the forearm and on the anterior outer surface of the internal oblique and transverse abdominal muscles on the right. Pathology is manifested by muscle soreness during palpation examination. 75) Ulnar nerve (radicular infringement of the cervical region). The representation is located along the ulnar nerve of the forearm of the right hand. The higher the degree of infringement of the roots of nerve fibers in the cervical spine, the lower the soreness of the nerve passage area extends to the hand. 76) Median nerve (radicular infringement of the cervical region). The representation is located along the median nerve of the forearm of the right hand. The higher the degree of its infringement in the cervical spine, the lower the soreness of the nerve passage area extends to the hand. 77) Violation of the blood circulation of the small pelvis. The representation is located between the second and third segments of the abdomen between the navel and the pubic bone. It manifests itself in the form of pain with pressure during the study of the abdomen. 78) Small intestine. The representation is located around the navel in the umbilical region. In disorders, it is manifested by pain during palpation examination. 79) Disorder of the right kidney. Its representation is located on the lower third of the inner surface of the right shoulder. It is manifested by soreness of the muscles of this area and the periosteum of the humerus. 80) Stomach (small curvature). The representation is located on the skin of the outer part of the right shoulder region. It is manifested by rough ("goose") skin, pigmentation (in case of damage by fungi). 81) Gallbladder. Representation on the anterior wall on the right in the hypochondrium. It is manifested by pain both during palpation and without it, when affected by fungi, pigmentation appears on the area. 82) Liver parenchyma. The representation runs along the costal arch from the xiphoid process to the lateral axial line. It is manifested by soreness of the ribs and cartilaginous formations of the costal arch. 83) Automatic breathing. It is projected onto the right side of the chest, the area of ​​intersection of the mid-clavicular-nipple line of the intercostal space between the fourth and fifth ribs. There is pain in this area. In case of injury - a violation of automatic breathing 84) Violation of blood circulation in the right shoulder joint (ischemia of the cervical spine). It is projected onto the anterior surface of the articular capsule of the head of the left shoulder joint. Manifested by pain in this area. 85) Gastritis, stomach. Representation on the xiphoid process. In pathology - soreness along the periosteum. Sometimes the chronicle is manifested by the appearance of moles and papillomas in this area. 86) Capsule of the liver. Representation on the deltoid muscle, in the region of the right shoulder. Manifested by deep pain in the area of ​​the joint and articular bag when the capsule is stretched. 87) Respiratory failure. Representation under the right clavicle in the region of the subclavian muscle, above the first rib. Soreness of the muscles of this area is manifested during palpation examination. 88) Gallbladder. The representation is located on the right side in the supraclavicular region. It is manifested by soreness of the muscles of this area. 89) Bulb of the duodenum. The area of ​​attachment of the sternocleidomastoid muscle to the clavicle on the right. Manifested by soreness of the periosteum and muscle. 90) Stomach (small curvature). Projection on the sternocleidomastoid muscle on the right, manifested by pain, increased tone.


1) Violations in the skeletal system. The representation is located on the spinous surface of the 7th cervical vertebra (C7). It is manifested by soreness of the periosteum during palpation examination, uncomfortable sensations. 2) The head of the pancreas. The representation is located under the base of the skull on the right. Manifested by muscle tension in this area, pain on palpation. 3) Basilar insufficiency. Representation on the lateral processes of the first cervical vertebra (C1), along the lateral axial line on the right or left. It is shown by morbidity at a palpation research. The resulting radicular infringement causes a violation of the blood supply to the head area. 4) Upper pole of the right kidney. Its representation is on the neck, at the level of the lateral processes on the right (C1 - C2). It is manifested by soreness in this area. Soreness correlates with the functional state of the right kidney. 5) The lower pole of the right kidney. The representation is located on the muscles located on the lateral accelerator line on the right in the region of the vertebrae of the cervical spine (C5 - C6). 6) Ureter of the right kidney. It is located deep in the supraspinatus muscle on the right side. Manifested by increased muscle tension, soreness. 7) The bottom of the gallbladder. It is located at the level of the vertebra (Th2), from the spinous to the right. It is manifested by increased muscle tone in this area and pain during palpation. 8) The right part of the transverse colon. Represented by a site on the trapezius muscle on the right. It is manifested by increased muscle tone and soreness. 9) Duct of the gallbladder. It is located at the level of the vertebra (Th4), from the spinous spine on the right. Manifested by increased muscle tone in this area and pain on palpation. 10) Representation of the right mammary gland. It is located on the infraspinatus muscle to the outer edge of the right scapula. It is manifested by pain in various disorders in the mammary gland. 11) Liver capsule, scapulohumeral periarthritis, cervical osteochondrosis. The representation is located on the right shoulder in the region of the deltoid muscle. It is manifested by soreness and impaired blood circulation in the shoulder joint. 12) Energy imbalance in the lung. It is located in the center of the scapula on the region of the infraspinatus muscle and periosteum. In pathology, it is manifested by soreness in this area. When this area is traumatized, the automation of breathing is disturbed. 13) Right kidney with bladder. It is located in the region of the small round muscle and the armpit. In pathology, it is manifested by soreness of the muscles of this area, the growth of papillomas, pigmentation. 14) The right lobe of the liver. The representation is located along the large rhomboid muscle between the spine of the spine and the medial edge of the scapula, at the level of the spinous (Th4 - Th6). Shows pain sensitivity. 15) Right kidney. The zone of representation is located on the area of ​​the muscles of the paravertebral region on the right at the level of the vertebrae (Th7 - Th10). It is manifested by soreness and discomfort, radicular infringement. 16) Right kidney. The zone of representation is located on the area of ​​the muscles of the paravertebral region on the right at the level (Th11 - L2). It is manifested by soreness of the back muscles of this part of the body, their increased tone. 17) Right adrenal gland. The representation is located paravertebral on the right at the level (Th11) with the transition to the costal arch to the lateral axial line. 18) Circulatory disorders of the pelvic organs. The zone indicating the disorder is located on the outer side of the shoulder, in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bcontact between the muscles of the triceps and biceps, manifested in pathology by pain on palpation, sometimes aching pain. 19) Ascending colon. It is located medially in the upper part of the lumbar region at the level of the external oblique muscle of the abdomen and the latissimus dorsi muscle. It is manifested by soreness, increased muscle tone. 20) Small intestine on the right. It is located medially in the lower part of the lumbar region at the level of the external oblique muscle of the abdomen. It is manifested by soreness, increased muscle tone. 21) Inflammation of the elbow joint. The representation is located in the area of ​​the condyle of the elbow joint. At the first stages of the disease, it is manifested by soreness of the periosteum of the condyle. 22) Parenchyma of the right kidney. It is located at the top of the iliac crest on the right side of the body. Manifested by painful sensations when touching the area and palpation. 23) Head and body of the pancreas. The representation is located on the skin of the forearm on the back surface closer to the elbow. Pathology is manifested by various disorders in the skin (dryness, roughness, psoriasis plaques). 24) Ascending colon. Representation on the muscles of the forearm in the upper outer part, on the brachioradialis muscle. It is manifested by pain on palpation, sometimes aching pain in this area. 25) Bladder (right half). Representation on the gluteus maximus muscle in the area of ​​its attachment to the ilium. Manifested by pain on palpation, increased tone. 26) Small intestine. Projection on the spinous spine (L3 - L4) and paravertebral muscles of this area. It is manifested by soreness of the periosteum and muscle groups. 27) Small intestine (right side). The representation is located in the region of the large gluteal line, below the region of the sacral joint. It manifests itself in pathology or functional disorders by pain on palpation of this area. 28) The right ovary in women and the right testicle in men. The representative zone is located in the region of the gluteus maximus line on the gluteus maximus muscle, towards the superior iliac spine. Manifested by pain on palpation. 29) Articular disorder of the right hip joint. The representation is located above the region of the greater trochanter of the femur, the region of the small and middle gluteal muscles. Pathology is manifested by pain in the joint and muscle representation. 30) Sexual organ (right side). The representation is located under the gluteus maximus on the right side of the sacrum. It is manifested by soreness of the zone, lumbar pain. 31) Right lung. Representation on the thumb of the right hand (phalanx, nail plate, base of the thumb). There is a violation of deformation, change in shape, soreness. 32) Ascending colon. Representation on the index finger of the right hand. It manifests itself as a violation of the deformation of the nail plate (longitudinal or transverse streaks, mycosis), sometimes soreness of its joints. 33) Nervous system. Info zone on the middle and ring fingers. There is a violation of the deformation of the nail plate (longitudinal or transverse mottling, mycoses). Pain in the joints of the fingers. 34) Small intestine. Representation on the little finger of the right hand. There is a violation of the deformation of the nail plate (longitudinal or transverse streaks, mycosis), sometimes soreness of its joints. 35) Infringement of the sciatic nerve. The information zone is located in the center of the right gluteal region and along the posterior outer surface of the thigh and lower leg. It is manifested by soreness along the nerve. 36) Arthrosis of the right hip joint. The representative zone is located on the lateral outer surface of the thigh. Manifested by muscle soreness on palpation. 37) Arthrosis of the right knee joint. The representative zone is located from the tibial collateral ligament upward along the posteromedial surface of the thigh. It is manifested by soreness of the ligament and muscles in proportion to the pathological condition of the joint. 38) Right kidney. The information zone is located on the lower third of the back of the thigh. In pathology, it is manifested by pain during palpation examination. 39) Ligament apparatus of the right knee joint. The representation is located on the back surface of the knee joint, above and below the joint fold line. In pathology, it is manifested by soreness in this area, especially in the area of ​​​​attachment of the cruciate ligaments. 40) Ureter of the right kidney. The representative zone runs along the back surface of the lower leg, along the midline of the gastrocnemius muscle to the place of its attachment with the Achilles tendon. In disorders, it is manifested by soreness of the muscles located along this line. 41) The bottom of the gallbladder. The representative zone is located in the upper third of the region from the proximal head of the fibula to the outer malleolus, along the outer mid-lateral surface of the lower leg of the right leg. It is manifested by soreness of the muscles of this area during palpation examination. 42) The body of the gallbladder. The representative zone is located in the middle third of the region from the proximal head of the fibula to the outer malleolus, along the outer mid-lateral surface of the lower leg of the right leg. It is manifested by soreness of the muscles of this area during palpation examination. 43) Ducts of the gallbladder. The representative zone is located in the lower third of the region from the proximal head of the fibula to the outer malleolus, along the outer mid-lateral surface of the lower leg of the right leg. It is manifested by soreness of the muscles of this area during palpation examination. 44) Pathology of the right ankle joint (arthrosis). The representative zone is located along the inner lateral line of the joint space of the right ankle joint. It is manifested by soreness of the periosteum during palpation examination. 45) Tendovaginitis. The representative zone is the region of the Achilles tendon. Inflammation is characterized by pain on palpation. 46) Large intestine. The representation is the outer part of the heel region of the foot under the medial malleolus of the left and right legs. It is manifested by soreness of the periosteum during palpation examination. 47) Pathology of the left ankle joint (arthrosis). The representative zone is located along the inner lateral line of the joint space of the left ankle joint. It is manifested by soreness of the periosteum during palpation examination. 48) Duct of the gallbladder. The representative zone is located in the lower third of the region from the proximal head of the fibula to the outer malleolus, along the outer mid-lateral surface of the lower leg of the left leg. Manifested by muscle soreness. 49) The body of the gallbladder. The representative zone is located in the middle third of the region from the proximal head of the fibula to the outer malleolus, along the outer mid-lateral surface of the lower leg of the left leg. It is manifested by soreness of the muscles of this area during palpation examination. 50) The bottom of the gallbladder. The representative zone is located in the upper third of the area from the proximal head of the fibula to the outer malleolus, along the outer mid-lateral surface of the lower leg of the left leg. It is manifested by soreness of the muscles of this area during palpation examination. 51) Ureter of the left kidney. The representative zone runs along the back surface of the left leg, along the midline of the gastrocnemius muscle to the place of its attachment with the Achilles tendon. In disorders, it is manifested by soreness of the muscles located along this line. 52) Ligament apparatus of the left knee joint. The representation is located on the back surface of the left knee joint, above and below the fold line of the joint. In pathology, it is manifested by soreness in this area, especially in the area of ​​​​attachment of the cruciate ligaments. 53) Left kidney. The information zone is located on the lower third of the back surface of the left thigh. In pathology, it is manifested by pain during palpation examination 54) Arthrosis of the left knee joint. The representative zone is located from the tibial collateral ligament along the posteromedial surface of the left thigh upwards. It is manifested by soreness of the ligament and muscles in proportion to the pathological condition of the joint. 55) Arthrosis of the left hip joint. The representative zone is located on the lateral outer surface of the left thigh. Manifested by muscle soreness on palpation. 56) Sexual organ (left side). The representation is located under the gluteus maximus on the left side of the sacrum. It is manifested by soreness of this zone, lumbar pain. 57) Infringement of the sciatic nerve. The information zone is located in the center of the left gluteal region and along the posterior outer surface of the thigh and lower leg. It is manifested by soreness along the nerve. 58) Small intestine (left side). The representation is located in the region of the large gluteal line, below the region of the sacral joint. It manifests itself in pathology or functional disorders by pain on palpation of this area. 59) Heart, small intestine. Representation on the little finger of the left hand. There is a violation of the deformation of the nail plate (longitudinal or transverse streaks, mycosis), sometimes soreness of its joints. 60) Nervous system. Information zone on the middle and ring fingers. There is a violation of the deformation of the nail plate (longitudinal or transverse mottling, mycoses). Pain in the joints of the fingers. 61) Descending colon. Representation on the index finger of the left hand. It manifests itself as a violation of the deformation of the nail plate (longitudinal or transverse streaks, mycosis), sometimes soreness of its joints. 62) Left lung. Representation on the thumb of the left hand (phalanx, nail plate, base of the thumb). There is a violation of the deformation of the terminal phalanx, pain. 63) Heart disorders. Representation on the distal head of the ulna and its lower third of the posterior surface. It is shown by morbidity at a palpation research. 64) Articular disorder of the left hip joint. The representation is located above the region of the greater trochanter of the left femur, the region of the small and middle gluteal muscles. Pathology is manifested by pain in the joint and muscle representation. 65) The left ovary in women and the left testicle in men. The representative zone is located in the region of the gluteus maximus line on the gluteus maximus muscle, towards the superior iliac spine. Manifested by pain on palpation. 66) Disorder of the genital organs. The representative zone is projected onto the spinous process of the L5 vertebra. Palpation examination revealed soreness of the periosteum and drowning of the vertebra forward. 67) Small intestine. Projection on the spinous spine (L3 - L4) and paravertebral muscles of this area. It is manifested by soreness of the periosteum and muscle groups. 68) The left half of the bladder. Representation on the gluteus maximus muscle in the area of ​​its attachment to the ilium. Manifested by pain on palpation, increased tone. 69) Body and tail of the pancreas. The representation is located on the skin of the forearm of the left hand, on the back surface closer to the elbow. Pathology is manifested by various disorders in the skin (dryness, roughness, plaques). 70) Descending colon. Representation on the muscles of the forearm of the left hand in the upper outer part, on the brachioradialis muscle. The pathology of the intestine is manifested by pain during palpation examination of the forearm, sometimes aching pain in this area. 71) Heart disorders. The representation is located in the area of ​​the condyle of the elbow joint. Manifested by soreness of the periosteum of the condyle. 72) Parenchyma of the right kidney. It is located at the top of the iliac crest on the left side of the body. It is manifested by painful sensations when touching this area and palpation. 73) Small intestine on the left. It is located medially in the lower part of the lumbar region at the level of the external oblique muscle of the abdomen. It is manifested by soreness, increased muscle tone. 74) Large intestine on the left. It is located medially to the left in the upper part of the lumbar region at the level of the external oblique muscle of the abdomen and the latissimus dorsi muscle. It is manifested by soreness, increased muscle tone. 75) Stomach. It is projected onto the spinous spine (Th11 - L2) and L1-2 paravertebral muscles of this area. It is manifested by soreness of the periosteum and sometimes fatigue of the Th11 joint relative to the axis of the spine inward. 76) Circulatory disorders of the pelvic organs on the left. The zone indicating the disorder is located on the outer side of the shoulder, in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bcontact between the muscles of the triceps and biceps. It is manifested by pain during palpation examination, with deep pathology, aching pain in this area. 77) Left adrenal gland. The representation is located in the paravertebral areas on the left at the level of Th11 with the transition to the costal arch to the lateral axial line. It is shown by morbidity at a palpation research. 78) Pancreas. The representation is located on the region of the dentate muscles and the periosteum of the ribs along the left lateral axial line at the level of the 7th and 8th ribs, as well as the paravertebral spinous processes of the spine at the level (Th11 - L2). There is a disorder of pain during palpation examination of these areas. 79) Left kidney. The zone of representation is located in the muscles of the lower back of the paravertebral spinous spine on the left at the level of Th12 and lateral processes (L1 - L2). It is manifested by soreness of the interested muscles of the back of this area, their increased tone. 80) Left kidney. The representation is located in the muscles of the paravertebral region on the right at the level of the vertebrae (Th7 - Th9). It is manifested by soreness and discomfort, radicular infringement, crunching of the joints of this area during manual manipulations. 81) Left kidney with bladder. The back area on the left on the small round muscle and axillary cavity. In pathology, it is manifested by soreness of the muscles of this area, with infection - the growth of papillomas, pigmentation. 82) The energy center of the heart. It is located in the center of the scapula on the region of the infraspinatus muscle and periosteum. In pathology, this area is manifested by soreness, with traumatization of this area, the automation of the heartbeat is disturbed. 83) Capsule of the spleen, humeroscapular periarthritis. The representation is located on the left shoulder in the region of the deltoid muscle. It is manifested by soreness and impaired blood circulation in the shoulder joint. 84) Mammary gland. It is located on the infraspinatus muscle to the outer edge of the left shoulder blade. It is manifested by pain in various disorders in the mammary gland. 85) A - heart failure. It is located on the supraspinatus muscle, medially above the spine of the left scapula. Manifested by increased muscle tension, pain on palpation; B - valvular disorders of the heart. It is located between the spine and the spine of the left scapula, closer to the inner edge of the upper third of the scapula, on the small and large rhomboid muscles. Appear increased muscle tension, pain on palpation; C - ischemia, angina pectoris. It is located on the muscle layer between the spine and the spine of the left shoulder blade closer to its medial edge, at the level of the second third of the spine of the left shoulder blade, on the rhomboid muscle, manifested by increased muscle tension, pain on palpation; D - violation of the heart rhythm. It is located on the muscle layer between the spine and the spine of the left scapula, at the level of the first lower third of the medial spine of the scapula, on the large rhomboid muscle. Manifested by increased muscle tension, pain on palpation. 86) The left side of the colon. Represented by a site on the trapezius muscle on the left. Pathology is manifested by increased muscle tone and pain on palpation. 87) Left ureter. It is located deep in the supraspinatus muscle on the left side. Manifested by increased muscle tension, pain on palpation. 88) The lower pole of the left kidney. The representation is located on the muscles located on the lateral accelerator line on the left in the region of the vertebrae of the cervical spine (C5 - C6). 89) Upper pole of the left kidney. Its representation is on the neck, at the level of the lateral processes on the right (C1 - C2). It is manifested by soreness in this area. Soreness correlates with the functional state of the left kidney. 90) Basilar insufficiency. Representation on the lateral processes of the first cervical vertebra (C1), along the lateral axial line on the right or left. It is shown by morbidity at a palpation research. The resulting radicular infringement causes a violation of the blood circulation of the basilar region. 91) The tail and body of the pancreas. The representation is located under the base of the skull on the left. Manifested by muscle tension in this area, pain on palpation. 92) Subluxation at the base of the skull. It is located on the spinous process of the second cervical vertebra (C2). It is manifested by soreness of the periosteum during palpation examination. 93) Lymphatic and renal imbalance. The representation is located on the top of the head, in the area of ​​​​the curl of the hair, it is expressed by swelling, sometimes pain sensitivity of the periosteum of the skull in this area.

1. Heart failure. The projection is located above the first rib in the area of ​​the subclavian muscle under the left clavicle. On palpation examination, it is manifested by painful sensations in the muscles.
2. Disorders of the thyroid gland. The projection is located on the periosteum in the jugular cavity. If pain occurs in this area, then this indicates a violation of blood circulation in the thyroid gland.
3. Stomach. The information area is located on the neck on the left side of the sternocleidomastoid muscle. There are painful sensations, increased muscle tone.
4. Bulb of the duodenum. The area where the sternocleidomastoid muscle attaches to the clavicle on the left side. There are pains in the muscle and periosteum.
5. Angina syndrome. The area of ​​the middle of the sternum. Palpation examination reveals pain in the periosteum.
6. Pancreas. The projection is located on the left in the supraclavicular part, near the neck. Pain and muscle stiffness appear in this area. During kneading, pain is given to the region of the heart, throat, left arm and upper lung.
7. Reduced immunity. The representation is located in the middle of the sternum, in the part where it intersects with the line that passes through the nipple line. On palpation, there is pain in the periosteum.
8. Capsule of the spleen. There is a representation in the zone of the left shoulder on the muscles. There are deep pains in the joints.
9. Circulatory disorders in the shoulder joint. The projection is located on the anterior part of the articular capsule of the head of the joint of the left shoulder. There is pain in this part.
10.Valvular disorders of the heart. The projection is on the right on the pectoral muscle, on the side of the shoulder joint area on the left. Palpation examination causes pain.
11.Rhythm of the heart. The projection is located on the left side of the chest, in the area where the mid-clavicular-nipple line intersects with the intercostal space of the fourth and fifth ribs. The rhythm of the heart is disturbed, and pains appear in this area.
12. Ischemia of the heart. It is projected in front of the axial line, in the region of the serratus anterior. There is pain in the muscles and along the periosteum. It is located on the lateral first line of the chest, at the level of the fourth intercostal space on the periosteum of the ribs and muscles.
13. Pancreas. The projection is on the lateral surface of 8-10 ribs and the muscles between the ribs along the left axial lateral line and on the anterior wall of the abdominal muscles, on the dividing line of segments 1 and 2, if the gap between the xiphoid process and the navel is divided into three equal parts. In this area, pain sensitivity appears in the muscles.
14. Parenchyma of the spleen. The projection passes along the costal arch on the left side from the xiphoid process to the axial lateral line. There are pain in the ribs and cartilaginous formations of the costal arch.
15. Stomach. The representative zone is the skin of the outer part of the shoulder region. The skin becomes rough, age spots appear.
16. Left kidney. There is a representation at the bottom of the inner part of the left shoulder. There is pain in the muscles of this zone and the periosteum of the humerus.
17. Descending colon. The projection is located at the top of the forearm on the brachioradialis left muscle and on the anterior outer surface of the transverse and internal oblique abdominal muscles on the left side. With pathology during the period of palpation examination, pain in the muscles is detected.
18. (A, E) - testicles, (B, C, D) - prostate in men. (A, E) - ovaries, (B, D) - tubes, (C) - uterus in women. It is located on the periosteum of the pubic bone. On palpation, pain appears.
19. Parenchyma of the left kidney. The information is distributed along the periosteum of the iliac crest on the left side. There are pains during palpation examination.
20. Radial nerve. The representation is located in the direction of the radial nerve of the left forearm. Pain occurs in the area where the nerve fiber passes. Moreover, the stronger the infringement, the closer to the brush pain is felt.
21. Cervical osteochondrosis or median nerve. Distributed presented area in the direction of the median nerve of the left forearm. The stronger the infringement, the lower the area where the nerve passes to the hand hurts.
22. Cervical osteochondrosis or ulnar nerve. The information zone runs in the direction of the ulnar nerve of the left forearm. The stronger the nerve fibers in the cervical region are restrained, the lower the pain in the place where the nerve passes to the hand along the forearm.
23. Part of the forearm, where the zones of six organs are represented. It is located on the first third of the left forearm, along the periosteum of the inner section of the distal region of the radius. There are painful sensations in these parts of the organs.
24. Arthrosis of the left hip joint. The presented zone is located on the outer upper part of the thigh of the left leg, above the zone of the greater trochanter, above the femur. The joints are stiff, the joint bag begins to hurt.
25. Left lung. The representation is located on the thumb and phalanges - in the zone of the short muscle and the muscles of the left flexor of the thumb, nails, joints.
26. Prostate, uterus. The representation is located on the upper inner thigh, next to the inguinal fold, in the direction of the femoral artery and femoral saphenous vein. There are pains in this area and the muscles of this area in the direction of the vessels during palpation examination. There are also multiple skin disorders, such as papillomatosis.
27. Arthrosis of the hip joint, circulatory disorders in the left leg. The zone is located on the upper inner third of the thigh of the left leg. There are pains in the periosteum of the femur and the muscles of this part.
28. Sexual disorders. The representation is located on the upper anterior inner thigh of the left leg, from the inguinal fold, in the direction of the femoral artery and femoral saphenous vein. During palpation examination, pain occurs in this area in the direction of the muscles and blood vessels.
29. Arthrosis of the left hip joint. The presented area is located on the middle-outer-lateral part of the thigh of the left leg, towards the knee joint from the greater trochanter. Pain appears in the muscles covering the periosteum of the tibia and in the periosteum itself.
30. Tail part and body of the pancreas. The presented area is distributed on the lower third of the thigh of the left leg in the region of the vastus medialis muscle. Palpation revealed pain in the muscles.
31. Arthrosis of the left knee joint. The area is located on the inner side of the collateral tibial ligament along the muscles located on the posterior inner thigh of the left leg upward towards the perineum. There are painful sensations in the ligaments and places where they are attached, as well as in the muscles of the posterior inner thigh of the left leg.
32. Stomach (greater curvature). The presented zone is located in the upper third of the tibia, in the direction of the outer anterolateral part, in other words, the anterior tibial muscle of the left leg. Palpation examination reveals pain in the muscles.
33. Arthrosis of the left knee joint. Distributed representation of the periosteum on the inside of the head of the left tibia. On examination, pain in the periosteum appears.
34. Bulb of the duodenum. The presented zone is located in the lower upper third of the tibia, towards the outer anterolateral part. To be more precise, then to the anterior tibial muscle of the left leg. Palpation examination reveals painful sensations in the muscles.
35. Violation of the blood supply to the left leg. The information zone is distributed along the inner anterior part of the lower leg of the left leg in the upper third, towards the tibia along the medial head of the gastrocnemius muscle. During palpation, pain in the muscles appears.
36. The bottom of the gallbladder. The presented area is located in the upper third to the outer ankle from the proximal head of the fibula, towards the outer mid-lateral portion of the left tibia. Painful sensations during palpation examination appear in the muscles.
37. Duct of the gallbladder. The representation is distributed in the lower third of the surface to the outer malleolus from the proximal head of the fibular bone, towards the outer mid-lateral part of the left tibia. During palpation, pain in the muscles occurs.
38. Body of the gallbladder. The representation is located in the second third of the part that goes to the outer ankle from the proximal head of the fibula, towards the mid-lateral part of the left tibia. Palpation examination reveals pain in the muscles. 39. Disorder of the left kidney. The information area is located on the back of the left foot, in the part of the short extensors of the fingers, between the extensors of the little finger and the fourth finger. There is a painful sensation in the muscles, ligamentous apparatus and periosteum of the foot of this zone.
40. Urinary bladder, left half. The representation is located on the nail plate of the little finger and the finger itself. If there is a pathology, then the nail is affected by various fungi, sometimes all kinds of disorders appear on the skin of the finger. Palpation examination revealed pain in the joints.
41. Arthrosis of the left ankle joint. The representation is distributed along the anterior lateral inner and outer line of the joint space. During palpation examination, the periosteum of the ankle joint of the left leg begins to hurt.
42. Stomach (greater curvature). The representative zone is distributed on the nail plate of the 2nd toe of the left foot or directly on the toe. If there is a deep pathology of the stomach, then the nail affects the fungus, palpation examination reveals pain in the joints of the fingers.
43. Pancreas. The representation is placed on the nail plate of the big toe of the left foot or directly on the toe. If there is a pathology, then the nail affects the fungus, palpation examination causes pain in the joints and deviations occur.
44. Genital organs. The representation is located in the lower third of the lower leg of both legs, along the inner part of the tibia, towards the inner ankle. On palpation, there is pain in the periosteum. On the right side - in men - the right part of the prostate gland and the right testicle, in women - the right appendage. On the left side - in men - the left area of ​​​​the prostate gland and the left testicle, in women - the left appendage.
45. Gallbladder. The representative zone is located on the nail plate of the 3rd - 4th toes of the left foot. If there is a pathology, then the fungus affects the nails, sometimes there is a violation of the skin. On palpation, pain occurs in the joints of the fingers. 46. ​​Bladder. The representative zone is distributed on the inside of the heel region of the feet under the medial malleolus of both legs. On palpation, there is pain in the periosteum.
47. Arthrosis of the ankle joint. The representation is distributed along the lateral inner line of the joint space of the ankle joints. Palpation examination reveals pain in the periosteum.
48. Liver. The representative zone is distributed on the nail plate of the big toe of the right foot or on the toe itself. If there is a pathology, then the nail can affect the fungus. On palpation, pain in the joints appears, changes may occur.
49. Bulb. Manifested in a specific outgrowth of the skin on the lateral outer part of the big toe of the right foot. It is formed when bile thickens and a stone appears in the gallbladder. 50. Arthrosis of the right ankle joint. The representation is located along the outer and inner anterior lateral line of the joint space. Palpation examination reveals pain in the periosteum of the right ankle joint.
51. Stomach (small curvature). The representation is placed on the nail plate of the 2nd toe of the right foot or on the toe itself. If there is a deep pathology of the stomach, then the nail affects the fungus, with palpation examination, pain in the joints of the finger appears.
52. Gallbladder. Representation is distributed on the nail plates of the 3rd and 4th toes of the right foot. If there is a pathology of the bladder, then the fungus affects the nails, and the skin is also exposed to fungal diseases. On palpation, there is pain in the joints of the fingers.
53. The right half of the bladder. The representative area on the nail plate of the little finger and the little finger itself on the right foot are distributed. If there is a pathology of the bladder, then the skin of the finger and the nail are exposed to fungal diseases. On palpation, the joints begin to hurt.
54. Right kidney. The presented area is located on the back of the right foot, on the short extensor fingers between the extensor of the little finger and the fourth finger. There are pains in the muscles, the periosteum of the foot in this area and the ligamentous apparatus.
55. The body of the gallbladder. The representation is located in the second third to the outer malleolus from the proximal head of the fibula, in the direction of the outer mid-lateral region of the right tibia. Palpation examination reveals pain in the muscles of this area.
56. Bulb of the duodenum. The representative zone is located in the lower region of the upper third of the tibia, towards the outer anterior lateral part. More precisely, in the anterior tibialis muscle of the right leg. Palpation examination reveals pain in the muscles of this part.
57. The bottom of the gallbladder. The representative zone is distributed in the upper third to the outer ankle from the proximal head of the fibula, in the direction of the outer mid-lateral part of the right tibia. Palpation examination reveals pain in the muscles of this area.
58. Circulation of the right leg. The representation is located in the upper third along the inner anterior section of the lower leg of the right leg, in the direction of the tibia along the medial head of the gastrocnemius muscle. During palpation examination, there are pains in the muscles of this zone.
59. Stomach (small curvature). The presented zone is distributed in the upper third of the tibia, in the direction of the outer anterolateral part, or rather, the anterior tibial muscle of the right leg. On palpation, there is pain in the muscles of this area.
60. Arthrosis of the right knee joint. An information zone is placed on the inside of the head of the tibia of the right leg along the periosteum. On palpation, there is pain in the periosteum.
61. Head and body of the pancreas. The information area is located on the lower third of the thigh of the right leg in the area of ​​the medial wide muscle of the thigh. On palpation, muscle pain appears in this area.
62. Arthrosis of the right knee joint. The information zone is located on the inner side of the tibial collateral ligament along the muscles of the posterior inner thigh of the right leg, in the direction of the perineum. In this area, there is a feeling of pain in the ligament and its attachment points.
63. Violation of blood circulation in the right leg, arthrosis of the hip joint. Distributed representation on the upper inner third of the right thigh. There is pain in the periosteum of the femur and muscles that are adjacent to this area.
64. Bile ducts. The representation is the lower third from the proximal head of the fibula to the outer malleolus, in the direction of the outer mid-lateral surface of the right tibia. On palpation, there is pain in the muscles of this area.
65. Sexual disorder. The representation is located on the upper anterior medial region of the thigh of the right leg, anterior to the inguinal fold, towards the femoral artery and saphenous femoral vein. Palpation examination reveals pain in the muscles and in the direction of the vessels of this zone.
66. Prostate, uterus. The representative zone is distributed on the upper inner thigh of the right leg, near the inguinal fold, in the direction of the femoral artery and saphenous femoral vein. On palpation, pains appear in the muscles and along the vessels of this area. Various skin manifestations also appear, for example, papillomatosis.
67. Right lung. The representative area is located in the zone of the thumb and joints. To be more precise, in the zone of the muscles of the short flexor and the short muscles of the thumb of the left hand. If there is a pathology of the lung, then pains appear at the base of the finger, a venous pattern forms on it, deformation of the joint and the nail plate occurs.
68. Arthrosis of the right hip joint. The representative area is distributed in the outer upper zone of the thigh of the right leg, above the femur, above the area of ​​the greater trochanter. There are painful sensations in this area, and stiffness of the joint occurs.
69. Arthrosis of the right hip joint. The representative area is located along the lateral-lateral middle part of the thigh of the right leg, from the area of ​​the greater trochanter, in the direction of the knee joint. There is a feeling of pain in the periosteum of the tibia and the muscles that cover it.
70. Area of ​​functional weakening of organs. The representation is located on the first third of the right forearm, along the periosteum of the inner part of the distal radius. There is pain in the periosteum in the presented organs.
71. Parenchyma of the right kidney. Placed representation on the periosteum of the iliac crest of the right bone. On palpation, pain appears in this area.
72. Ileocecal angle of the intestine. The representation is located on the front wall of the abdomen on the right side below the navel, on a line that runs to the iliac crest from the navel. During stenosis of the ileocecal valve, reflected pains appear in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe stomach and heart. In addition, during palpation examination, pain occurs, and the density of the tissues covering this area is disturbed.
73. Ascending colon. The representative zone is located on the brachioradialis muscle on the right side in the upper third of the forearm and on the outer anterior part of the internal oblique and transverse abdominal muscles on the right side. On palpation, there is a feeling of pain.
74. Ulnar nerve. The representative zone is distributed in the direction of the ulnar nerve of the right forearm. The degree of infringement of the nerve roots of the cervical region depends on how low the pain spreads to the hand at the place where the nerve passes.
75. Radial nerve (radicular infringement in the cervical region). The representative area is distributed in the direction of the radial nerve of the right forearm. It depends on the degree of infringement how low the pain will spread towards the hand in the area where the nerve fibers pass.
76. Violation of the blood circulation of the small pelvis. The representative zone is located between the 2nd and 3rd segments of the abdomen, between the pubic bone and the navel. When pressing on the abdomen during the study period, a feeling of pain appears.
77. Median nerve. The representative area is distributed in the direction of the median nerve of the right forearm. The degree of infringement in the cervical region determines how low the pain will spread to the hand at the place where the nerve passes.
78. Disorder of the right kidney. Representation is distributed on the lower third of the inner part of the right shoulder. There are pains in the periosteum of the bone and muscles of this zone.
79. Small intestine. The representative zone is distributed in the paraumbilical zone around the navel. On palpation, pain occurs.
80. Liver capsule. The information zone is located on the deltoid muscle, in the zone of the right shoulder. When the capsule is stretched, deep pain appears in the area of ​​​​the articular bag and joints.
81. Respiratory failure. The representative area is located under the right clavicle, above the first rib, in the area of ​​the subclavian muscle. On palpation, there is pain in this part.
82. Stomach (small curvature). The representative zone is located on the skin of the outer region of the right shoulder. Pigmentation appears on the skin (with the defeat of the fungus), skin roughness.
83. Gallbladder. The information zone is located on the front wall of the abdomen on the right side in the hypochondrium zone. Both with and without palpation, a feeling of pain appears, with a fungal infection, age spots appear on the surface.
84. Parenchyma of the liver. The representative area is distributed on the right side of the costal arch to the lateral axial line from the xiphoid process. The pain appears in the areas of the ribs.
85. Automatic breathing. The representation is located on the right side of the chest, in the part of the intersection of the mid-clavicular-nipple line of the intercostal space, in the interval of the fourth and fifth ribs. In this area, pain appears, with injury, the automatic breathing is disturbed.
86. Violation of blood circulation of the right shoulder joint. The information zone is located on the anterior surface of the articular capsule of the head of the left shoulder joint. There are pains in this part.
87. Stomach, gastritis. The representative zone is located on the xiphoid process. If there is a pathology, then there is pain in the periosteum. Sometimes papillomas and moles appear in this area.
88. Bulb of the duodenum. The representation is located in the area where the sternocleidomastoid muscle is attached to the right to the collarbone. There are pains in the periosteum and muscles.
89. Gallbladder. The information zone is located on the right in the supraclavicular zone. There are pains in the muscles of this area.
90. Stomach. The representative area is located on the sternocleidomastoid muscle on the right side. There is increased tone and pain.

Please note that there are discrepancies in item numbers between the description and illustration.
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