
Methods for the prevention of diseases of the circulatory system. Diseases of the circulatory system

circulatory system human body also susceptible various diseases like other systems. Experts note the development pathological abnormalities, which can be observed both in the heart itself and in the blood vessels.

These diseases affect people of all ages, regardless of their gender.

Functional features of the circulatory system

In the human body, the circulatory system plays an important role. Since it includes the heart, arteries, veins and capillaries in its composition, the vital activity of the entire human body depends entirely on their condition.

The main functions of this system are:

  • providing the human body with those nutrients that it needs to maintain a normal life process;
  • movement between the internal organs of the products of the metabolic process.

Blood moves nutrients through the circulatory system to all tissues, and can also remove unnecessary products already obtained as a result of metabolic processes. It is the aorta that is designed to transport this blood - from the heart to the vessels and capillaries. Vessels diverge throughout the human body.

The main causes of diseases of the circulatory system

Experts identify several main causes of violations of the working functions of the human circulatory system:

  1. Mental overstrain (may be associated with injuries of this type, stressful life situations, etc.).
  2. Atherosclerosis, which provokes the occurrence of coronary disease.
  3. Infectious infections of various origins (for example, exposure to the body of streptococcus, Staphylococcus aureus, enterococcus).
  4. Congenital pathology (as a result of a disturbed developmental process of the fetus, which leads to congenital heart disease of the baby).
  5. Abundant blood loss caused by injuries - as a result of cardiovascular insufficiency.

There are also a number of factors that affect not only the occurrence of diseases of the circulatory system, but also their rapid progressive development. These include:

  • bad habits (for example, smoking, excessive consumption of drinks containing alcohol);
  • hypodynamia;
  • improper diet, obesity;
  • hereditary predisposition.

In addition, experts draw attention to the fact that the circulatory system and malfunctions in its work can be affected by various drugs that a person takes as prescribed by a doctor.

Diseases of the circulatory system and their symptoms

The symptoms of diseases of this system of the human body are very wide. This is due to the fact that blood vessels are distributed everywhere - in every organ and part of the human body. From common symptoms, characteristic of diseases of the circulatory system, experts distinguish the following:

  1. Shortness of breath and feeling of suffocation.
  2. Interruptions in the work of the heart, accompanied by painful sensations in this area.
  3. Swelling of the extremities of the body.
  4. Cyanosis.

An indicator of a malfunction in the circulatory system will be changes in the heartbeat that a person can notice on their own. Many do not attach serious importance to this phenomenon, but the presence of this deviation often indicates the onset of a serious disease. Such deviations include:

  • tachycardia - a violation of the rhythm of the heart, that is, a rapid heartbeat;
  • arrhythmia - non-rhythmic heartbeats, which are accompanied by alternating fading and short-term rapid heartbeat.

Ischemic disease also belongs to this type of system, because it is directly related to the supply of blood to the heart muscles, or rather its insufficiency. It is accompanied by squeezing pain, which can last for several minutes. Doctors characterize this type of pain as an attack and recommend taking glycerin to reduce its effect on the body.

Shortness of breath appears as a result of stagnation of blood in the vessels, as the volume of contractions of the heart muscle decreases. A similar phenomenon can be observed in the case of the development of heart failure with depleted cardiac muscles.

As for the swelling of the limbs of a sick person, this outward manifestation indicates dysfunction of the right heart ventricle. In this part of the heart, the contractile function of the muscles decreases, which leads to stagnation of blood in the vessels and an increase in blood pressure. Edema is very clearly visible on the legs, and at an advanced stage of the disease, then in abdominal cavity.

Separately, we should talk about cyanosis, which is a change in the color of the skin, that is, you can observe a slight blue of the fingertips, lips, nose. This is due to the fact that in stagnant blood appears a large number of hemoglobin, which is needed to restore its working functions. Such hemoglobin-rich blood is visible through the thin skin and creates the effect of "blue".

In order to correctly decipher the visible and palpable symptoms, as well as correctly diagnose any disease of the circulatory system, you need to contact specialized qualified doctors.

Methods for diagnosing diseases of the circulatory system

A qualified specialist can use one of the methods for diagnosing any disease of the circulatory system or several at once:

  1. External examination of the patient:
    • swelling of the limbs;
    • change in the skin;
    • convoluted temporal arteries;
    • increased pulsation of the carotid arteries.
  2. Palpation: noticeable pulsation of the aorta, hypertrophic displacement of the heart.
  3. Percussion or tapping: this method determines the boundaries of the heart.
  4. Auscultation or listening:
    • change in the tone of the heartbeat (weakening or strengthening of the tone);
    • the presence of various noises.
  5. Instrumental Methods:
    • electrocardiogram (graphic registration of cardiac activity, reveals ischemia, arrhythmia, hypertrophy);
    • vectorcardiography (study of the electric field of the heart region);
    • echocardiography (used to diagnose heart defects);
    • phonocardiography (registers sounds in the heart of various origins that are not perceived by the human ear).

In diagnosing diseases of the circulatory system, the study of its hemodynamics is not the last place. This is possible thanks to the following diagnostic methods:

  1. Tests for determining the speed of blood flow (with magnesium sulfate, with ether, lobeline, etc.).
  2. Systolic volume of blood (ejection of blood into the heart with each contraction of its muscles).
  3. Minute volume of blood (its amount that the heart throws out in one minute).
  4. Mass of circulating blood (using tests based on changes in physical activity, with breath holding, etc.).

Separate diagnostic method probing of the cardiac region is in progress. It measures:

  • blood pressure;
  • gas composition in cavities and large vessels.

The appointment should not be ignored x-ray examination, magnetic resonance imaging. They will help not only to clarify the already established diagnosis, but also to detect hidden symptoms of diseases of the circulatory system.

In addition, it is mandatory laboratory tests- general urine, blood, biochemical for the determination of enzymes.

List of the most common diseases of the circulatory system

After passing the examination and passing all the necessary tests, the patient can find out the exact diagnosis from the attending physician. It may be one of the following diseases of the circulatory system:

  1. Heart defects, anomalies in the development of the heart and blood vessels.
  2. Heart rhythm disorders:
    • tachyarrhythmia - heart rhythm disturbances with an increase in heart rate;
    • bradyarrhythmia - heart rhythm disturbances, accompanied by a decrease in heart rate;
    • extrasystole (atrial, ventricular) - extraordinary premature heart contractions emanating, respectively, from the atrial or ventricular myocardium.
  3. Conduction disorders or heart blockades (diseases that are accompanied by a slowdown in the movement of an electrical impulse through different parts of the heart muscle).
  4. Cardiomyopathy ( pathological changes heart muscle, which are not directly associated with inflammatory processes).
  5. Carditis (inflammatory lesions of the heart muscle and pericardial membrane).
  6. Change in blood pressure indicators:
  7. Electrical instability of the myocardium, due to which there are different kinds cardiac arrhythmias.

The circulatory system will also include diseases of cerebrovascular, arterial, vein, lymphatic vessels and nodes associated with high blood pressure, etc.

Only by making a correct and accurate diagnosis, a qualified specialist will be able to prescribe the treatment of the identified disease of the circulatory system. In this case, self-medication can adversely affect the health of the patient and lead to irreversible consequences.

List of circulatory diseases

Diseases of the circulatory system include:

  • diseases of capillaries, arterioles and arteries;
  • cerebrovascular diseases;
  • violation of pulmonary circulation and cor pulmonale;
  • coronary artery disease;
  • other heart diseases;
  • diseases caused by high blood pressure;
  • chronic rheumatic heart disease;
  • acute rheumatic fever;
  • disease lymph nodes, lymphatic vessels and veins;
  • unaccounted for and some other diseases of the circulatory system.

Causes of diseases of the circulatory system

Among the causes that cause heart disease vascular system, allocate:

  • hypertension (excessive nervous tension), which arose as a result of severe mental trauma and strong long-term experiences;
  • atherosclerosis, which causes coronary heart disease;
  • infections: causing pericarditis, myocarditis, septic endocarditis (staphylococcus aureus, enterococcus, streptococcus viridans; causing rheumatism (group A beta-hemolytic streptococcus);
  • violations of intrauterine development, the consequences of which are congenital heart defects;
  • injuries that lead to the development of acute cardiovascular failure;
  • other diseases of the cardiovascular system (ischemic heart disease, myocarditis).

A number of factors predispose to certain diseases of the cardiovascular system

Symptoms of diseases of the circulatory system

With the defeat of the cardiovascular system, certain symptoms occur:

  • pain in the region of the heart, having a different character;
  • shortness of breath that occurs with insufficiency of cardiac function;
  • pronounced palpitations in combination with rapid and increased heart contractions (arrhythmias, heart defects, myocardial infarction, myocarditis);
  • swelling in the legs with severe heart failure.

Diagnosis of diseases of the cardiovascular system

Diagnosis of diseases of the cardiovascular system is based on a doctor's examination, percussion, auscultation, electrocardiogram data, vectorcardiography, echocardiography, phonocardiography, and heart sounding.

Diseases of the cardiovascular system

Diseases of the cardiovascular system rank first in terms of incidence and number of deaths worldwide. This is facilitated by many reasons, including an unhealthy lifestyle, bad habits, poor nutrition, stress, heredity and much more. Every year, the age of cardiac pathologies is getting younger, the number of patients who have received disability after suffering heart attacks, strokes and other complications is growing. That is why doctors strongly recommend that you be attentive to your body, immediately go to the hospital when alarming symptoms appear.

What is cardiovascular disease

Diseases of the heart and blood vessels are a group of pathologies affecting the functioning of the heart muscle and blood vessels, including veins and arteries. The most common pathologies are coronary heart disease, cerebrovascular disease and peripheral arteries, rheumatic heart disease, arterial hypertension, strokes, heart attacks, heart defects and much more. Defects are divided into congenital and acquired. Congenital develop in the womb, acquired often become the result of emotional experiences, poor lifestyle, various infectious and toxic lesions.

Coronary artery disease

The list of common diseases of the cardiovascular system includes coronary heart disease. This pathology is associated with a violation of blood circulation in the myocardium, which leads to its oxygen starvation. As a result, the activity of the heart muscle is disrupted, which is accompanied by characteristic symptoms.

Symptoms of coronary artery disease

When sick, patients experience the following symptoms:

  • pain syndrome. The pain can be stabbing, cutting, pressing in nature, aggravated by emotional experiences and physical exertion. IHD is characterized by the spread of pain not only to the sternum region, it can radiate to the neck, arm, shoulder blade;
  • dyspnea. Lack of air appears in patients first with intense physical exertion, during hard work. Later, dyspnoea occurs more frequently when walking, while climbing stairs, sometimes even at rest;
  • increased sweating;
  • dizziness, nausea;
  • a feeling of sinking heart, rhythm disturbance, less often fainting.

On the part of the psychological state, irritability, panic attacks or fear, frequent nervous breakdowns are noted.

Due to circulatory disorders, ischemia of certain parts of the heart occurs


The factors that provoke IHD include anatomical aging of the body, gender characteristics (men get sick more often), race (Europeans are more likely to suffer from pathology than Negroid races). The causes of coronary disease include overweight, bad habits, emotional overload, diabetes, increased blood clotting, hypertension, lack of physical activity, and so on.


Treatment methods for IHD include the following areas:

  • drug therapy;
  • surgery;
  • elimination of the causes provoking pathology.

Among the medicines used are antiplatelet agents - drugs that prevent the formation of blood clots, statins - means to lower bad cholesterol in blood. For symptomatic treatment prescribe potassium channel activators, beta-blockers, sinus node inhibitors and other drugs.

Hypertonic disease

Arterial hypertension is one of the most common diseases affecting the heart and blood vessels. The pathology consists in a persistent increase in blood pressure above acceptable standards.

Signs of hypertension

Signs of cardiovascular pathology are often hidden, so the patient may not be aware of his disease. A person leads a normal life, sometimes he is disturbed by dizziness, weakness, but most patients attribute this to ordinary overwork.

Obvious signs of hypertension develop with damage to target organs, may be of the following nature:

  • headaches, migraines;
  • noise in ears;
  • flickering midges in the eyes;
  • muscle weakness, numbness of the arms and legs;
  • speech difficulty.


The reasons for the persistent increase in pressure include:

  • strong emotional overload;
  • excess body weight;
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • diseases of viral and bacterial origin;
  • bad habits;
  • excessive salt in the daily diet;
  • insufficient physical activity.

Often, hypertension occurs in people who spend a long time at the computer monitor, as well as in patients whose blood often has bursts of adrenaline.

Common cause hypertension- bad habits


Treatment of cardiovascular disease, accompanied by an increase in pressure, is to eliminate the causes of the pathological condition and maintain blood pressure within normal limits. For this, diuretics, inhibitors, beta-blockers, a calcium antagonist and other drugs are used.

rheumatic heart disease

The list of cardiovascular diseases includes a pathology accompanied by a malfunction of the heart muscle and valve system - rheumatic heart disease. The disease develops as a result of damage to the organ by group A streptococci.


Symptoms of cardiovascular disease develop in patients 2 to 3 weeks after suffering a streptococcal infection. The first signs are pain and swelling of the joints, fever, nausea, and vomiting. The general state of health of the patient worsens, weakness, depression appear.

Pathology is classified into pericarditis and endocarditis. In the first case, the patient is tormented by pain behind the sternum, lack of air. When listening to the heart, muffled tones are heard. Endocarditis is accompanied by a rapid heartbeat, pain that occurs regardless of physical exertion.


As already mentioned, diseases provoke heart damage, the causative agents of which are group A streptococci. These include tonsillitis, scarlet fever, pneumonia, erysipelas dermis and more.


Patients with severe rheumatic heart disease are treated in a hospital setting. For them, a special diet is selected, which consists in limiting salt, saturating the body with potassium, fiber, protein and vitamins.

Among the medicines used are non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, glucocorticosteroids, painkillers, quinoline drugs, immunosuppressants, cardiac glycosides, and so on.


Cardiomyopathy is a disorder of the functioning of the heart muscle of unknown or controversial etiology. The insidiousness of the disease is that it often proceeds without visible symptoms, causing the death of 15% of patients with this pathology. Mortality among patients with characteristic symptoms of the disease is about 50%.

Cardiomyopathy often causes sudden death


Patients with cardiomyopathy have the following symptoms:

  • fast fatiguability;
  • disability;
  • dizziness, sometimes fainting;
  • pallor of the dermis;
  • tendency to edema;
  • dry cough;
  • dyspnea;
  • increase in heart rate.

It is cardiomyopathy that often causes sudden death in people leading an active lifestyle.


The causes of cardiovascular disease, such as cardiomyopathy, are as follows:

  • poisoning;
  • alcoholism;
  • diseases endocrine system;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • myocardial damage of an infectious nature;
  • neuromuscular disorders.

Often it is not possible to determine the cause of the development of the disease.


Treatment of cardiovascular disease requires lifelong adherence to preventive measures aimed at preventing serious complications and death. The patient needs to give up physical activity, bad habits, diet and proper lifestyle. The patient's menu should exclude spicy, smoked, sour, salty foods. Forbidden strong tea, coffee, carbonated sweet water.

Drug therapy includes drugs such as β-adrenoblockers, anticoagulants. Severe pathology requires surgical intervention.

Important! The lack of treatment of cardiomyopathy leads to the development of heart failure, valvular organ dysfunction, embolism, arrhythmias, and sudden cardiac arrest.


It is customary to talk about cardiovascular diseases when a person has any violation of the heart rate or failure of the electrical conduction of the heart. This state called an arrhythmia. The disease may be latent or manifest as palpitations, palpitations, or shortness of breath.

Arrhythmia is accompanied by heart rhythm failures


Signs of arrhythmia depend on the severity of the course of the disease, are as follows:

  • rapid heartbeat is replaced by a sinking heart, and vice versa;
  • dizziness;
  • lack of air;
  • fainting;
  • suffocation;
  • angina attacks.

In patients, the general state of health worsens, the threat of fibrillation or ventricular flutter develops, which often leads to death.


The development of pathology is based on factors that provoke morphological, ischemic, inflammatory, infectious and other damage to the tissues of the heart muscle. As a result, the conductivity of the organ is disturbed, blood flow decreases, and a malfunction of the heart develops.


To prescribe treatment, the patient must necessarily consult a specialist, undergo full examination. It is necessary to find out whether the arrhythmia has developed as an independent pathology or is secondary complication any ailment.

  • physiotherapy exercises - helps to restore metabolic processes, normalize blood flow, improve the condition of the heart muscle;
  • diet - necessary to saturate the body with useful vitamins and minerals;
  • drug treatment - beta-blockers, blockers of potassium, calcium and sodium channels are prescribed here.


Atherosclerosis is a disease characterized by the accumulation of cholesterol in the arteries. This causes blockage of blood vessels, circulatory disorders. In countries where people eat food fast food, this problem occupies one of the leading positions among all heart diseases.

Atherosclerosis causes blockage of arteries


For a long time, atherosclerosis does not manifest itself in any way, the first symptoms are noticeable with significant deformation of the vessels, due to bulging of the veins and arteries, the appearance of blood clots and cracks in them. Vessels narrow, which provokes a violation of blood circulation.

Against the background of atherosclerosis, the following pathologies develop:

  • ischemic stroke;
  • atherosclerosis of the arteries of the legs, which causes lameness, gangrene of the extremities;
  • atherosclerosis of the arteries of the kidneys and others.

Important! After suffering an ischemic stroke, the risk of developing a heart attack in a patient increases three times.


Atherosclerosis is caused by many causes. Men are more susceptible to pathology than women. It is assumed that this is due to the processes of lipid metabolism. Another risk factor is the age of the patient. Atherosclerosis affects people mainly after 45-55 years. An important role in the development of the disease is played by the genetic factor. People with a hereditary predisposition need to carry out the prevention of cardiovascular diseases - monitor their diet, move more, give up bad habits. The risk group includes women during pregnancy, since at this time the metabolism in the body is disturbed, women move little. It is believed that atherosclerosis is a disease of the wrong way of life. Its appearance is affected by overweight, bad habits, unhealthy diet, poor ecology.


To prevent complications of the disease and normalize the functioning of blood vessels, patients are prescribed treatment with medications. They use statins, LCD sequestrants, drugs nicotinic acid, fibrates, anticoagulants. In addition, exercise therapy and a special diet are prescribed, which implies the rejection of foods that increase the level of cholesterol in the blood.


Growth and scarring of connective fibers in the area of ​​the myocardium, resulting in a violation of the functioning of the heart valves - this is cardiosclerosis. The disease has a focal and diffuse form. In the first case we are talking about local damage to the myocardium, that is, only its separate area is affected. In the diffuse form, tissue scarring extends to the entire myocardium. Most often this occurs with coronary heart disease.

Cardiosclerosis causes connective tissue hypertrophy


The focal form of cardiosclerosis sometimes has a latent course. When the lesions are located close to the atrio-sinus node and areas of the conduction system, serious violations of the functioning of the heart muscle occur, manifested in arrhythmias, chronic fatigue, shortness of breath and other symptoms.

Diffuse cardiosclerosis causes signs of heart failure, such as increased heart rate, fatigue, chest pain, and swelling.


The following diseases can serve as the cause of the development of pathology:

  • myocarditis;
  • myocardial dystrophy;
  • infectious lesions of the myocardium;
  • autoimmune pathologies;
  • stress.

In addition, provoking factors are atherosclerosis and hypertension.


Therapy aimed at eliminating the symptoms of pathology and the prevention of cardiovascular disease, which is carried out in order to prevent complications, helps to cope with cardiosclerosis, to prevent such Negative consequences such as rupture of the wall of an aneurysm of the heart, atrioventricular blockade, paroxysmal tachycardia, etc.

Treatment necessarily includes limiting physical activity, eliminating stress, taking medications. Among the medicines used are diuretics, vasodilators, antiarrhythmic drugs. In especially severe cases, surgical intervention, installation of a pacemaker.

myocardial infarction

A heart attack is dangerous state caused by blockage coronary artery thrombus. This causes a violation of the circulation of blood in the tissues of the brain and heart. The condition develops against the background of various cardiovascular pathologies and requires immediate hospitalization of the patient. If medical assistance is provided within the first 2 hours, the prognosis for the patient is often favorable.

A heart attack causes severe chest pain sharp deterioration general well-being

Signs of a heart attack

A heart attack is characterized by pain in the sternum. Sometimes the pain syndrome is so strong that the person cries out. In addition, the pain often spreads to the shoulder, neck, and radiates to the stomach. The patient experiences a feeling of constriction, burning in the chest, numbness of the hands is noted.


Factors leading to the development of a heart attack:

  • age;
  • transferred small focal heart attacks;
  • smoking and alcohol;
  • diabetes;
  • hypertension;
  • high cholesterol;
  • overweight.

The risk of developing a serious condition increases with a combination of the above conditions.


The main goal of therapy is fast recovery blood flow in the region of the heart muscle and brain. To do this, use drugs that help the resorption of blood clots, such as thrombolytics, agents based on heparin, acetylsalicylic acid.

Upon admission of the patient to the hospital, angioplasty of the coronary artery is used.


A stroke is a sudden disruption of blood circulation in the brain, leading to death. nerve cells. The danger of the condition is that the death of brain tissue occurs very quickly, which in many cases ends in death for the patient. Even with the provision of timely assistance, a stroke often ends with a person's disability.


The following signs indicate the development of a stroke:

  • severe weakness;
  • a sharp deterioration in the general condition;
  • numbness of the muscles of the face or limbs (often on one side);
  • acute headache, nausea;
  • impaired coordination of movements.


Doctors identify the following reasons:

  • atherosclerosis;
  • excess body weight;
  • alcohol, drugs, smoking;
  • pregnancy;
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • high cholesterol and more.


Diagnosis of cardiovascular disease and its treatment are carried out in a hospital in the intensive care unit. During this period, antiplatelet agents, anticoagulants, tissue plasminogen activators are used.

How to prevent this pathology? You can determine the individual risk of developing cardiovascular pathologies using the SCORE scale. A special table allows you to do this.

This technique allows you to determine the level of risk of developing cardiovascular pathologies and severe conditions that develop against their background. To do this, you need to select gender, age, status - smoker or non-smoker. In addition, the table should select the level of blood pressure and the amount of cholesterol in the blood.

The risk is determined according to the color of the cell and the number:

At high marks, a person should take everything necessary measures to prevent the development of stroke and other dangerous conditions.

Pulmonary embolism

Blockage of the pulmonary artery or its branches by blood clots is called pulmonary embolism. The lumen of the artery may be completely or partially closed. The condition in most cases causes the sudden death of the patient, only in 30% of people the pathology is diagnosed during life.

Signs of thromboembolism

Manifestations of the disease depend on the degree of lung damage:

  • if more than 50% of the pulmonary vessels are affected, a person develops shock, shortness of breath, pressure drops sharply, the person loses consciousness. This condition often provokes the death of the patient;
  • thrombosis of 30 - 50% of the vessels causes anxiety, shortness of breath, a drop in blood pressure, cyanosis of the nasolabial triangle, ears, nose, heart palpitations, pain in the sternum;
  • if less than 30% is affected, symptoms may be absent for some time, then a cough with blood, pain in the sternum, fever appears.

With a slight thromboembolism, the prognosis for the patient is favorable, the treatment is carried out by medication.


Thromboembolism develops against the background of high blood clotting, local slowing of blood flow, which can provoke a prolonged lying position, and severe heart pathologies. The factors causing pathology include thrombophlebitis, phlebitis, vascular injury.

Thrombus formation in the lung


The goals of treatment of pulmonary embolism include saving the life of the patient, preventing the re-development of blockage of blood vessels. Normal patency of veins and arteries is ensured by surgery or medication. To do this, use drugs that dissolve blood clots and drugs that help thin the blood.

Rehabilitation in case of a disease of the cardiovascular system in the form of thromboembolism of the pulmonary vessels is carried out by correcting nutrition and lifestyle, regular examinations, and taking drugs that prevent the formation of blood clots.


The article lists only the most common cardiovascular pathologies. Having knowledge about the symptoms, causes and mechanism of development of a particular disease, it is possible to prevent many serious conditions and provide timely assistance to the patient. The right lifestyle will help to avoid pathologies, healthy eating and timely examination with the development of even minor alarming symptoms.

Diseases of the circulatory system

Diseases of the circulatory system have long confidently held the world leadership in terms of the number of lives lost. No less often, these diseases become the cause of disability and loss of working capacity. Diseases of the circulatory system primarily affect different departments hearts and vessels. These diseases occur with the same frequency in men and women, in addition, such ailments are now diagnosed in people of all ages. However, there are certain diseases of this category, which are typical for males or females.

1. Strong nervous tension that occurs under the influence of difficult experiences or serious mental trauma.

2. Atherosclerosis, provoking coronary heart disease.

3. Infectious diseases. For example, due to the pathological influence of beta-hemolytic streptococcus (group A), rheumatism may develop. And infections such as viridescent streptococcus, Staphylococcus aureus and Enterococcus can provoke very serious diseases of the circulatory system - pericarditis, myocarditis or septic endocarditis.

4. Pathologies of intrauterine development can also cause the development of a disease of the circulatory system. Often, abnormal development of the fetus leads to congenital heart disease.

5. Injuries with heavy bleeding can cause acute heart failure.

Bad habits (alcohol, smoking, physical inactivity);

Unhealthy diet (fatty and salty foods);

Disruptions in the endocrine system;

Violation of lipid metabolism;

Taking certain medications.

cyanosis and others.

Sufficient sleep duration (8-9 hours);

Lack of heavy physical exertion;

Breaks during the working day;

Absence of negative emotions;

Regular ventilation of the premises;

Dieting - restriction of salt, carbohydrates, fats;

Radiography of the heart, blood vessels;

Investigations of urine, blood;

Do it daily physical exercise aimed at activating blood circulation - this is especially important for people with sedentary work;

Walk daily - a lot and quickly;

Do exercises in between work - at least every 2-3 hours, if there is a lack of blood circulation in the brain, then the intensity of the exercises should be reduced;

Maintain normal weight;

Stick to a diet that includes the mandatory consumption of vegetables, fruits, fish, dairy products;

Eliminate smoked and fatty foods, sweets and pastries from the diet;

Eat only natural products, artificial - exclude from the diet;

Give up smoking and alcohol;

Follow your doctor's instructions while taking the medicines prescribed by him.

Addresses and telephones of twenty-four-hour drugstores in Moscow and region.

Among other causes of death among the population, diseases of the circulatory system of the body occupy a leading place. With such diseases, pathologies are observed both in the vessels and in the very heart of the patient. A person, in this state, steadfastly loses the ability to work.

Patients of different ages suffer from similar ailments, they manifest themselves equally in both men and women. Since there are a lot of such diseases, some of them more often affect female body and some are masculine.

Functions and structure

The circulatory system consists of the heart as the main organ, arteries, veins and capillaries. These organs make up two circles of blood circulation. They are called the big circle and the small one. Such circles are created from the vessels that come out of the heart. At the same time, both circles are closed, that is, blood circulates inside each of them.
The small circle of human circulation consists of the pulmonary veins and the pulmonary trunk.

The large circle is the aorta, leaving the cavity of the left cardiac ventricle. The aorta transports blood from the heart to large vessels that go to the head of a person, his limbs and the entire body. Small vessels form from large vessels, these are intraorgan arteries, which also pass into arterioles, as well as into capillaries.

Capillaries are the smallest human vessels, which is why they ensure the exchange process between blood and tissues. They unite into postcapillary venules, which merge together, and veins emerge from them. Initially, they are intraorganic, and then extraorganic. Blood, having passed through the entire circulatory system of a person, returns to the right atrium, and at the same time passes through the upper and lower veins.

The functions of the circulatory system are to fully provide the human body with all the necessary substances for nutrition. Blood carries these substances to all tissues, removes harmful products from the body that have arisen during the metabolic process, and also transports them for excretion or processing. The human circulatory system is also capable of moving metabolic products between internal organs.


Among all diseases, diseases of the circulatory system occupy the largest part. There are a sufficient number of reasons that can provoke the occurrence of these violations. The primary cause of disease is precisely the mental overstrain of a person. This leads to mental trauma, constant stress and much more. A more serious cause of the pathology of the human blood supply system is also a disease - atherosclerosis. This disease can provoke the occurrence of coronary heart disease.

Diseases in the circulatory system can occur due to an infection that has entered the body. The action in the body of beta-hemolytic streptococcus, which belongs to group A, ends with the development of rheumatism.

In turn, myocarditis, pericarditis and septic endocarditis can cause viridescent streptococci, staphylococci aureus and enterococci. There is one reason why a disease of the human heart and vascular systems occurs - this is a disturbed process of fetal development. As a result, the child may develop congenital heart disease.

With abundant blood loss caused by various injuries, the victim may experience cardiovascular insufficiency.

In addition to the above causes of circulatory disorders, there are a number of other factors. These are the reasons that predispose to the appearance of disposition to the occurrence of disorders in the work of the human heart and blood vessels. Common factors include bad habits, such as smoking and alcohol abuse, as well as physical inactivity. There is also a hereditary predisposition to such a disease. An important role is also occupied by the correct nutrition of a person, since it depends on general state human body. You can not eat too salty food and eat often fried foods. Violations in the work of the human circulatory system very often occur due to impaired lipid metabolism, especially for women. For example, with menopause in women, the endocrine system is disrupted, which can lead to disruption of the cardiovascular system. Another factor that affects the health of the heart and blood vessels is a very common disease - obesity. The last factor is to designate diseases of other organs that affect the heart, in addition, this can occur as a result of taking certain types of medications.


Since the human circulatory system is distributed throughout the body, its diseases can manifest themselves in the most different symptoms. There are cases when the symptoms of such diseases are not at all similar to those that often occur. The fact is that the physiology of the human body provides for a different intensity of manifestations of symptoms in various diseases.
Very often, the diagnosis of heart disease occurs by chance, when you go to the hospital with other complaints. The thing is that in the early stages of such an ailment, symptoms may even be almost completely absent. This is the danger of such violations. This fact must be taken into account.

The most characteristic symptoms of disorders in the circulatory system are:

  • cyanosis,
  • swelling,
  • heart failure,
  • pain in the heart and others.

A very indicative symptom of these diseases is changes in the human heartbeat. AT healthy condition, a person cannot feel their heartbeat in calm state and even if he does a little physical work. If a person is sick, then he can feel how strongly his heart beats during physical exertion. Sometimes this feeling also occurs in a state of absolute rest. This phenomenon is called tachycardia.

Tachycardia is a disease of the heart, which is manifested by an impaired rhythm of the work of the heart (acceleration of the heartbeat). This symptom occurs due to a decrease in the function of contraction of the heart muscles. During tachycardia, heart contraction sends slightly less blood to the aorta than in a healthy state. And in order to normally provide the body with blood, the heart is forced to work hard, often contracting. In such a state, the heart muscles practically do not rest, since the time of the relaxation phase is greatly reduced, this phenomenon cannot be favorable for a person. When the muscles of the heart relax, it restores its strength and function, and with increased work, it quickly wears out.

With these diseases of the human circulatory system, he may develop arrhythmia, which is manifested by irregular work of the heart. Such interruptions alternate with a sinking heart, and the patient feels it, then a strong blow follows, very short-lived. Such interruptions can be single, take a certain period of time, or occur constantly. Usually, arrhythmia occurs as a consequence of tachycardia, and such a failure can also occur with a rare heart rhythm.

If the patient suffers from a disease of any of the organs related to the circulatory system, then such a disease is characterized by pain in this organ. Although such a symptom can be indicated in different ways, taking place with different ailments. For example, with the manifestation of coronary disease, such a symptom is the most important symptom, and with other similar diseases, pain may be secondary.

With ischemic disease pain symptom occurs due to insufficient supply of blood to the muscles of the heart. Such pain squeezes the heart, and lasts about five minutes. The sensation of pain comes as an attack, and usually occurs during physical exertion or during low temperature. Pain subsides after the patient takes nitroglycerin.

This pain can occur while a person is sleeping, in which case it is called rest angina. And in all other cases, such a symptom has a name - angina pectoris.
In addition to squeezing pain, aching pain may occur, which is localized in the region of the heart, this indicates another violation in the body's blood supply system. This pain may last for a short or long period of time. Taking medication, in this case, cannot stop the pain. This phenomenon occurs when the disease is myocarditis, heart disease, pericarditis, hypertension and other ailments.

The next symptom of a disease of the human circulatory system is shortness of breath. The contractile function of the heart decreases, due to which the blood in the vessels stagnates. All this is the cause of shortness of breath. Very often this symptom is observed with the development of heart failure. With a severely depleted heart muscle, shortness of breath appears constantly, but if the muscles have not yet been greatly weakened, then shortness of breath occurs only during periods of strong physical exertion or after such periods. But if heart failure is too severe, then such a symptom may occur in patients who lie all the time.

A typical symptom of heart failure is edema. Puffiness usually occurs when the work of the cardiac right ventricle is disturbed. The contractile function, as in the first case, decreases and this provokes stagnation of blood in the human vessels. Blood pressure rises greatly. Through the walls of blood vessels, the liquid percentage of blood due to pressure penetrates into the tissues of the body. Most often, the legs swell in patients, but in advanced, very severe stages, the fluid accumulates in the human abdominal cavity and occupies the pleural cavity.
Another symptom of diseases associated with the human circulatory system is cyanosis. This phenomenon is characterized by a slight blue discoloration of such areas of the body as the tips of the fingers, the tip of the nose and lips. The blood is seen through skin. Due to the slow work of the heart muscles, the blood flow in the capillaries also stops, the blood gains a large amount of restorative hemoglobin.

Violation of the function of blood circulation in the human brain

One of the main causes of disability in our time is insufficient blood supply to brain tissue. The percentage of people suffering from this disease is growing every year.

The cause of this disease is hypertension and cerebral atherosclerosis. Especially often the disease overtakes the elderly and middle-aged people. Staying in normal conditions life, such patients have a completely satisfactory condition. But, when there is a need to increase blood circulation, the well-being of patients deteriorates sharply. The reason for this is usually high air temperature, exercise or overwork. First, the patient notices the presence of noise in the head, then dizziness and headache occur. Such patients suffer from decreased performance and impaired memory.

This diagnosis can be made to a person when dizziness and pain occurs in a sick person every week for three months. Such a disease requires immediate treatment which is to improve blood flow to the brain. If you do not seek help at the clinic in time, you can earn a stroke. The doctor, having examined the patient and carried out a detailed consultation, chooses the most positive method of treatment.

Starting a course of treatment for insufficiency of cerebral blood supply, you should immediately take the medicines prescribed by your doctor. To the main drugs that improve blood circulation, they add a complex of sedatives and vitamins that must be consumed regularly.

They also use agents that are capable of exerting a vasodilating effect, antihypoxic and nootropic effects on the patient's body.
Along with medication, you should also adjust your normal life. The measures taken should be aimed at restful sleep, lasting 8 - 9 hours, regular rest during work and avoidance of heavy physical and moral stress. Rest and absence of unrest is very necessary in the treatment of this ailment. It is also necessary to be out of the house more time, ventilate the living space and follow a diet. The daily diet should be organized in such a way as to reduce the intake of salt, fat and carbohydrates. You can not smoke, it is very harmful for this disease. Also, do not drink alcoholic beverages. If the patient can follow all the recommendations, then the development of the disease will stop, and he will be able to recover.

Carrying out diagnostics

Diagnosis of diseases of the heart and blood vessels begins with an examination and questioning of the patient. This forms the main part of the clinical picture of the patient. Examination may show that the patient has tortuous temporal arteries, pulsation in the aorta, and increased pulsation in the carotid arteries.

The doctor conducts percussion, which makes it possible to determine the boundaries of the heart. The auscultation process allows you to determine the presence of noise and altered tones of sounds. Instrumental examination of the patient is also used. An electrocardiogram (ECG) is often used, but its results can only be assessed with accuracy if other clinical data are obtained. In addition to this method, specialists use vectorcardiography, echocardiography and phonocardiography. Such methods of diagnosing the diseases under consideration make it possible to accurately assess the work of the heart and its condition.
In addition to diagnosing the heart, specialists also diagnose the state of blood flow. Such techniques allow you to determine the speed of blood flow, its volume, mass and mass of circulating blood. Determination of hemodynamics is carried out by studying the minute amount of blood. For accurate diagnosis of disorders in the cardiovascular system of the body, patients undergo special tests physical activity, with breath holding and orthostatic tests.

Radiography is also very good method studies of blood vessels and the heart, allowing to obtain sufficient information. It helps to make a correct and accurate diagnosis to the patient and magnetic resonance imaging. To compile a complete clinical picture, doctors conduct general analysis materials. Blood and urine are taken as such materials, and their biochemical studies are also carried out.

Treatment and prevention

Treatment and prevention

Treatment of cardiovascular diseases. In case of impaired blood circulation in the body, treatment is carried out strictly under the supervision of a doctor. He chooses the method of treatment of cardiovascular diseases depending on the diagnosis and severity of the disease. For example, a diagnosis of impaired cerebral circulation can be put when dizziness and pain is felt in a person every week for three months. Such a disease requires immediate treatment, which is to improve blood flow to the brain. If you do not contact in time medical institution, then you can earn a stroke.

All ailments of the body's blood supply system should be treated in the early stages. This will stop its progression. Methods of treatment are divided into medical and surgical. But sometimes you can get positive result by simply adjusting your usual wrong lifestyle. It is also practiced to treat circulatory diseases and other ailments with the help of a spa holiday, which is complemented by physiotherapy exercises and physiotherapy procedures.

Speaking about the prevention of cardiovascular diseases, it should be emphasized, first of all, maintaining a healthy and active lifestyle. Normal, restful sleep lasting 8 to 9 hours should be observed, regular rest during work and avoidance of physical exertion that is too excessive. Rest and absence of unrest is very necessary in the treatment of this ailment. It is also necessary to spend more time in parks and on the street, ventilate the living space and follow a diet. The daily diet should be organized in such a way as to reduce the intake of salt, fat and carbohydrates.
Smoking is strictly prohibited. Also, do not drink alcohol. It is necessary to cope with hypodynamia, which begins to develop and reduce the unacceptable level of a substance (cholesterol) in the blood. All infectious diseases should be treated on time.

How to improve blood circulation in the body

People tend to look for a way out of the situation, just getting into it. So we begin to deal with disease prevention only when we already know the diagnosis. All recommendations for the prevention of diseases of the cardiovascular system still need to be followed by every person. And so how to improve blood circulation in the body?

The most important place in this is a healthy, active and proper lifestyle and physical activity. Regular muscle and cardio loads will help to activate blood circulation. This is especially true for those who lead a sedentary, motionless lifestyle. With this lifestyle, organs in the small pelvis suffer, which disrupts blood circulation in other organs. In this case, it is good to do fast walking. In work, you should take breaks of 2 - 3 hours. At the same time, if the patient suffers from the initial stage of impaired cerebral circulation, then physical activity should be carried out gradually. It is very important in this case to monitor the weight by adjusting the daily diet. You need to add more fruits and vegetables, dairy products and fish to the menu. Remove from the diet or reduce to a minimum the need for pastries, sweet foods, fried and fatty foods. Do not use artificial foods. It is much better for the body to eat natural food.
You should stop smoking and reduce alcohol consumption to a minimum. And if the disease is already beginning to progress, then bad habits should be abandoned completely.

Blood circulation can also be improved by taking medications. They can only be prescribed by a doctor. Such drugs can be prescribed to pregnant women to activate blood circulation in the fetus.
It is also necessary to observe normal sleep and worry less. By implementing these recommendations, you can permanently get rid of diseases of the heart and blood vessels.

Inside the human body are the organs of digestion, circulation, hearing, etc. All of them are involved in ensuring the normal functioning of the body. However, it is believed that the circulatory system performs the key tasks. Let's consider it in more detail.

General information

Circulation is the continuous movement of blood through a closed system. It provides oxygen to tissues and cells. However, this is not all the functions of the circulatory organs. Due to their activity, nutrients, vitamins, salts, water, hormones enter the cells and tissues. They are also involved in the removal of end products of metabolic processes, maintain a constant body temperature.

Biology, grade 8: circulatory organs

The first acquaintance with the internal structure of the body occurs at school. Students don't just learn that there are circulatory organs. Grade 8 involves the study of their features, interaction with other elements of the human body. For a better understanding of the subject, children are offered simple diagrams. They clearly show what circulatory organs a person has. Schemes model the internal structure of the body.

What is the circulatory system?

First of all, it is the heart. It is considered the main organ of the system. However, its activity would be useless in the absence of vessels present in all tissues of the body. It is through them that nutrients and other necessary substances are transported with blood. Vessels vary in size and diameter. There are large ones - veins and arteries, and there are small ones - capillaries.

A heart

It is represented by a hollow muscular organ. There are four chambers in the heart: two atria (left and right) and the same number of ventricles. All these spaces are separated from each other by partitions. The right atrium and ventricle communicate with each other through the tricuspid valve, and the left through the bicuspid valve. The weight of an adult heart is on average about 250 g (for women) and 330 g (for men). The length of the organ is about 10-15 cm, and its transverse size is 8-11 cm, the distance from the front to the back wall is about 6-8.5 cm. The average heart volume of a man is 700-900 cm 3 , women - 500-600 cm 3 .

The specificity of the activity of the heart

The outer walls of the organ are formed by the muscle. Its structure is similar to the structure of striated muscles. The heart muscle, however, is able to contract rhythmically, regardless of external influences. This happens due to impulses that arise in the organ itself.


The task of the heart is to pump arterial blood through the veins. about 70-75 times / min. at rest. This is approximately once every 0.8 sec. Continuous work of the body consists of cycles. Each of them involves contraction (systole) and relaxation (diastole). In total, there are three phases of the activity of the heart:

  1. Atrial systole. It lasts 0.1 sec.
  2. Contraction of the ventricles. It lasts 0.3 seconds.
  3. General relaxation - diastole. It lasts 0.4 sec.

Throughout the entire cycle, thus, the work of the atria lasts 0.1 seconds, and their relaxation - 0.7 seconds. The ventricles contract for 0.3 seconds and rest for 0.5 seconds. This determines the ability of the muscle to work throughout life.


The high efficiency of the heart is associated with its increased blood supply. It occurs due to the vessels extending from it. Approximately 10% of the blood entering the aorta from the left ventricle enters the arteries that feed the heart. Almost all of them carry oxygen to tissues and other elements of the body. Venous blood is carried only by the pulmonary artery. The wall of the vessel consists of three layers:

  1. Outer connective tissue sheath.
  2. Medium, which is formed by smooth muscles and elastic fibers.
  3. internal, educated connective tissue and endothelium.

The diameter of human arteries is in the range of 0.4-2.5 cm. On average, the total volume of blood in them is 950 ml. Arteries branch into smaller arterioles. They, in turn, pass into the capillaries. These circulatory organs are considered the smallest. The diameter of the capillaries is not more than 0.005 mm. They permeate all tissues and organs. Capillaries connect arterioles to venules. The walls of the smallest vessels are made up of endothelial cells. Through them, the exchange of gases and other substances is carried out. Veins carry blood enriched with carbon dioxide, containing metabolic products, hormones and other elements from the organs to the heart. The walls of these vessels are thin and elastic. Medium and small veins have valves. They prevent backflow of blood.


Blood and circulatory organs were described as early as 1628. The cardiovascular system of mammals and humans was studied at that time by the English physician W. Harvey. He found out that the circulatory organs form two circles - small and large. They differ from each other in their tasks. In addition, there is a third circle, the so-called heart. It serves directly the heart. The circle begins with the coronary arteries extending from the aorta. The third circle ends with cardiac veins. They converge into which flows into the right atrium. Other veins enter its cavity directly.

small circle

With its help, the respiratory and circulatory organs interact. The small circle is also called the pulmonary. It ensures the enrichment of blood in the lungs with oxygen. The circle starts from the right ventricle. Deoxygenated blood moving towards It splits into two branches. Each of them carries blood, respectively, to the right and left lung. Inside them, the arteries diverge into capillaries. In the vascular networks that braid the pulmonary vesicles, blood gives carbon dioxide and receive oxygen. It becomes scarlet and goes through the capillaries into the veins. Then they join into four pulmonary vessels and flow into the left atrium. Here, in fact, the small circle ends. The blood that enters the atrium enters through the atrioventricular orifice, from where a large circle begins. Thus, the pulmonary arteries carry venous blood, and the veins carry arterial blood.

big circle

It involves all the circulatory organs, except for the pulmonary vessels. A large circle is also called a corporeal circle. It collects blood from the veins of the upper and lower body and distributes the arterial. The circle starts from the left ventricle. From it, blood flows into the aorta. It is considered the largest vessel. Arterial blood contains all the substances necessary for the life of the body, as well as oxygen. The aorta diverges into arteries. They go to all tissues of the body, pass into the arterioles and then into the capillaries. The latter, in turn, are connected into venules and then into veins. The exchange of gases and substances occurs through the capillary walls. arterial blood gives off oxygen and takes away metabolic products and carbon dioxide. The venous fluid is dark red in color. Vessels are connected to the vena cava - large trunks. They enter the right atrium. This is where the big circle ends.

Movement through the vessels

The flow of any liquid occurs due to the difference in pressure. The larger it is, the higher the speed. Similarly, blood moves through the vessels of the small and large circles. The pressure in this case is created by contractions of the heart. In the aorta and left ventricle, it is higher than in the right atrium and vena cava. Due to this, the liquid moves through the vessels of a large circle. In the pulmonary artery and right ventricle, the pressure is high, and in the left atrium and pulmonary veins it is low. Due to the difference, movement occurs in a small circle. The biggest pressure in large arteries and aorta. This indicator is not constant. In the course of blood flow, part of the energy from pressure is spent on reducing the friction of blood on the vascular walls. In this regard, it begins to gradually decline. Especially clearly this process occurs in the capillaries and small arteries. This is due to the fact that these vessels provide the greatest resistance. In the veins, the pressure continues to decrease and in the hollow vessels it becomes as atmospheric or even lower.

Travel speed

Features of the circulatory organs are in their internal structure and size. For example, if we talk about vessels, then the speed of fluid movement will depend on the width of their channel. The largest, as mentioned above, is the only vessel with the widest channel. All the blood leaving the left ventricle passes through it. This also determines the maximum speed in this vessel - 500 mm/sec. Arteries branch into smaller ones. Accordingly, the speed in them is reduced to 0.5 mm/sec. in capillaries. Due to this, the blood has time to give up nutrients and oxygen and pick up metabolic products. The movement of fluid through the capillaries is caused by a change in the lumen of small arteries. When they expand, the current increases, when they narrow, it weakens. The smallest organs of blood circulation - capillaries - are presented in huge numbers. In humans, there are about 40 billion of them. At the same time, their total lumen is 800 times larger than the aortic one. However, the speed of fluid movement through them is very low. The veins, approaching the heart, become larger and merge. Their total lumen decreases, but the blood flow velocity increases in comparison with capillaries. The movement in the veins is due to the pressure difference. The blood flow is directed towards the heart, which is facilitated by skeletal muscle contraction and activity chest. So, when you inhale, the pressure difference at the beginning and end increases. When the skeletal muscles contract, the veins contract. It also promotes blood flow to the heart.

Pathological conditions

Diseases of the circulatory system today occupy one of the first places in statistics. Often, pathological conditions lead to complete disability. The reasons for which these violations occur are very diverse. Lesions can appear in various parts of the heart and in the vessels. Diseases of the circulatory organs are diagnosed in people of different ages and gender. According to statistics, however, some pathological conditions may occur more often in women, while others - in men.

Symptoms of lesions

Diseases of the circulatory organs are accompanied by various complaints of patients. Often the symptoms are common to everyone pathological conditions and do not refer to any specific infringement. Quite common are cases when, in the early stages of the onset of violations, a person does not make any complaints at all. Some diseases of the circulatory system are diagnosed by chance. However, knowledge of the most common symptoms allows you to timely identify the pathology and eliminate it on early stages. Diseases may be accompanied by:

  • Shortness of breath.
  • Pain in the heart.
  • Puffiness.
  • cyanosis, etc.


It is known that healthy people do not feel the contractions of their heart at rest. The heartbeat is not felt even with moderate exercise. However, with its increase, even a healthy person will feel the beating of the heart. His beating may increase with running, excitement, high temperature. The situation is different for those people who experience problems with the heart or blood vessels. they can feel even with a slight load, and in some cases even at rest. The main cause of this condition is considered to be a violation of the contractile function of the organ. The heartbeat in this case is the fact that with this violation, for one contraction, the organ ejects into the aorta a smaller volume of blood than necessary. Therefore, the heart goes into intensive mode of operation. This is extremely unfavorable for him, since the relaxation phase is significantly shortened. Thus, the heart rests less than it should. During a short relaxation, the biochemical processes necessary for recovery do not have time to go through. A rapid heartbeat is called tachycardia.


This symptom accompanies many diseases. At the same time, in some cases, pain in the heart may be the main symptom (for example, with ischemia), and in others it may not be of decisive importance. With coronary artery disease, pain is caused by insufficient blood supply to the heart muscle. The manifestation of pathology is quite clear. The pain is compressive in nature, short-term (3-5 minutes), paroxysmal, occurs, as a rule, during exercise, at low air temperature. A similar condition can occur in a dream. Usually a person who feels such pain takes a sitting position, and it is like. This attack is called rest angina. With other diseases, pain does not have such a clear manifestation. Usually they are aching and last for a different time. They are not very intense. At the same time, there is no stopping effect from taking certain medications. Such pains accompany various pathologies. Among them are heart defects, pericarditis, myocarditis, hypertension and so on. Pain in the region of the heart may not be associated with diseases of the circulatory system. For example, they are diagnosed with left-sided pneumonia, osteochondrosis of the cervical and thoracic, intercostal neuralgia, myositis and so on.

Interruptions in the activity of the heart

In this state, a person feels the irregularity of the work of the body. It manifests itself in the form of a fading, a strong short blow, a stop, etc. For some people, such interruptions are single, for others they are longer and sometimes permanent. As a rule, such sensations are accompanied by tachycardia. In some cases, interruptions are noted even with a rare rhythm. The reasons are extrasystoles (extraordinary contractions), atrial fibrillation (loss of the rhythmic function of the heart). In addition, there may be violations of the conduction system and muscles of the organ.

Hygiene of the heart

Normal stable activity of the body is possible only with a well-developed healthy circulatory system. The current velocity determines the degree of supply of tissues with the necessary compounds and the intensity of removal of metabolic products from them. In the process of physical activity, the need for oxygen increases simultaneously with the increase in heart rate. In order to avoid interruptions and violations, it is necessary to train the muscle of the organ. To do this, experts recommend doing exercises in the morning. This is especially important for those people whose activities are not related to physical activity. The greatest effect of the exercises comes if they are done in the fresh air. In general, doctors recommend walking more. Along with this, it should be remembered that excessive psycho-emotional and physical stress can disrupt the normal activity of the heart. In this regard, stress and anxiety should be avoided whenever possible. Being engaged in physical work, it is necessary to choose loads in proportion to the capabilities of the body. Nicotine, alcohol, narcotic substances have an extremely negative effect on the work of the body. They poison the central nervous system and heart, cause serious dysregulation of vascular tone. As a result, they may develop serious illnesses circulatory system, some of which are fatal. People who drink alcohol and smoke are more likely to experience vascular spasms. In this regard, it is necessary to give up bad habits and help your heart in every possible way.

The most important task of modern medicine is the prevention of diseases of the circulatory system. After all, it is these diseases that occupy the first place in terms of the number of disabilities and deaths. A variety of factors affect people's health, and therefore problems with the circulatory organs. These factors include bad habits, unhealthy lifestyle, difficult living conditions, etc. All these causes of circulatory diseases are quite common, so the prevention of this pathology is of great importance for all people.

Types of diseases of the circulatory system

All diseases of the hematopoietic system can be divided into several groups, depending on the location of the pathology:

  • heart damage - rheumatism, myocarditis;
  • damage to blood vessels - atherosclerosis, expansion of the venous walls;
  • circulatory disorders - hypertension.

By their nature, the causes of circulatory diseases are either acquired or hereditary, and they can develop in the presence of an inflammatory process in the body.

However main reason diseases of the vascular system is considered to be a disturbed metabolism, which leads to an increase in the amount of cholesterol formed as a result of the processing of fatty compounds by the liver. Despite the fact that a certain amount of fat should be in the blood, their excess amount poses a threat to human health.

If there is a lot of cholesterol, it will begin to be deposited on the walls of blood vessels and in their cavity. These deposits lead to the development of dangerous atherosclerotic plaques, on the basis of which more and more cholesterol is deposited.

This disease is called atherosclerosis, in which the vessels are severely narrowed, while becoming brittle. In this case, the blood in them moves with difficulty or cannot pass at all, especially if a blood clot has formed in the damaged cavity. Once a blood vessel is blocked, a heart attack or stroke occurs.

Preventive actions

Prevention of diseases of the circulatory system, as well as their complications, is to follow the basic rules:

  • Normalization of cholesterol levels and constant control over it.
  • Effective treatment of blood pressure.
  • Weight normalization.

  • Avoidance of stressful situations.
  • Rejection of bad habits.

With obesity, you should quickly reduce weight - this is done in the most famous way: reducing nutrition, adjusting it and increasing stress on the body.

A healthy diet is ensured through a varied menu that includes plenty of fruits and vegetables, fish, lean meats, and low-fat dairy products. In addition, in daily diet should include foods containing omega-3 fatty acids. For the prevention of cardiovascular diseases, it is necessary that the diet is dominated by fish from the northern seas (herring, sardine, mackerel), vegetable oils, products containing pectins and dietary fiber. At the same time, it is recommended to abandon the use of sausages and sausages, eggs, oils, offal and fatty meat.

The eradication of bad habits is recommended for almost all patients who suffer from pathological conditions such as coronary artery disease and arterial hypertension. It is worth knowing that already for 2 years after the elimination of bad habits, the risk of sudden death is reduced by 36%.

The constant performance of physical exercises is also an important preventive method of combating diseases of the circulatory system. It must always be remembered that a small but daily activity, for example, walking for 30 minutes, is much better than none at all.

Maintaining blood pressure within normal limits is considered a prerequisite for patients suffering from coronary artery disease, diabetes mellitus, and those who have had a heart attack.

Treatment for each patient is selected based on blood pressure indicators, concomitant diseases and tolerability of certain medicinal formulations.

Prevention of diseases of the hematopoietic organs also consists in monitoring the amount of cholesterol in the body, the indicators of which should not be higher than the optimal values. The main treatment in this case begins with an anti-cholesterol diet, which lasts for 3 months. If the diet does not bring the desired result, then the patient is prescribed drugs (mainly statins). If these drugs are well tolerated, such therapy is carried out throughout life - in this case, only pregnancy, liver disease and childhood are contraindications.

In order to prevent the development of cardiovascular pathologies in diabetes, it is necessary to control the level of glucose, follow a diet, prevent excess of the optimal weight, increase the activity of the body.

Patients with coronary artery disease undergo a special drug therapy which is taking aspirin. Patients with heart failure and those who have had a heart attack are prescribed beta-blockers. ACE inhibitors are prescribed to patients suffering from arterial hypertension.

Strengthening the heart

As mentioned above, in order to prevent pathologies of the circulatory system, it is important to properly adjust the diet. Lean meat and fish will help keep the heart in good shape.

2/3 of the diet should be fresh berries and fruits, preferably raw, as they cleanse the blood vessels and prevent atherosclerosis from developing. Herbs such as hawthorn, mulberry, and valerian extract are also great for the heart, so you should try to use plants rather than Nitroglycerin for any problems with your heart. It is also worth remembering that, compared with Nitroglycerin, the herb is able to heal, and it only calms. And if in the treatment of data medicine you can not make increased activity, then when taking herbs it is necessary.

Foods and herbs containing potassium and magnesium are extremely important for the heart muscle.

Potassium can currently be found in:

  • grapes;
  • fresh apricot or dried apricots;
  • parsley;
  • bananas;
  • currant;
  • celery
  • dogwood.

Magnesium is found in foods such as:

  • beet;
  • tomatoes;
  • Rowan;
  • celery;
  • grapefruit;
  • kalanchoe;
  • bran, etc.

In addition to all of the above, it is worth knowing that healthy food allows a person to receive all the necessary vitamins required for the normal functioning of all internal organs, and especially the work of the heart and blood vessels.

Compliance with a healthy lifestyle also consists in restoring the nervous background. That is why it is necessary to sleep about 8 hours a day, and also try to avoid frequent stressful situations.

Regular examination by a specialist is one of the methods for preventing cardiac and vascular pathologies of the heart and blood vessels, which will avoid the development of complications.

Many people, especially while they are healthy, practically do not think about their health, in particular about the state of blood vessels and the heart. However, it is not at all difficult to take care of them in advance and such a common problem as cardiovascular pathologies will not be so acute.

20.09.2014 12:55

Diseases of the circulatory system have long confidently held the world leadership in terms of the number of lives lost. No less often, these diseases become the cause of disability and loss of working capacity. Diseases of the circulatory system affect, first of all, different parts of the heart and blood vessels. These diseases occur with the same frequency in men and women, in addition, such ailments are now diagnosed in people of all ages. However, there are certain diseases of this category, which are typical for males or females.

How is the circulatory system organized?

To prevent diseases of the circulatory system, you should know how it works and how it functions. The system under consideration consists of the following organs:
. hearts;
. arteries;
. veins;
. capillaries.

Anatomy distinguishes two circles of blood circulation - large and small. These circles, having a closed character, are formed by the vessels coming out of the heart. Violation of the functioning of these circles can provoke diseases of the circulatory system.

The pulmonary circulation includes the pulmonary veins and the pulmonary trunk. Large begins with the aorta, leaving the left ventricle of the heart. From the aorta, the blood, getting into large vessels, is sent to the head, limbs and the entire body. Larger vessels, branching into small ones, pass into intraorgan arteries, then into capillaries and arterioles.

The capillaries in the body are responsible for the implementation of metabolic processes between blood and tissues. Capillaries, uniting into postcapillary venules, merging into veins - first intraorganic, then extraorganic. Blood returns to the right atrium, passing through the vena cava - the upper and lower. The health of the whole organism depends on the accuracy and coherence of the functioning of this mechanism, a violation in its work invariably causes various diseases circulatory systems.

The circulatory system is entrusted with the function of delivering oxygen and nutrients needed by body tissues. She is also responsible for the removal of harmful products formed as a result of metabolic processes. Waste material is transported for processing or removal from the body. In addition, the circulatory system transfers metabolic products of an intermediate nature between organs.

Why do diseases of the circulatory system appear?

Diseases of the circulatory system can be provoked by themselves different reasons. Let's consider them in more detail:
1. Strong nervous tension that occurs under the influence of difficult experiences or serious mental trauma.
2. Atherosclerosis, provoking coronary heart disease.
3. Infectious diseases. For example, due to the pathological influence of beta-hemolytic streptococcus (group A), rheumatism may develop. And infections such as viridescent streptococcus, Staphylococcus aureus and Enterococcus can provoke very serious diseases of the circulatory system - pericarditis, myocarditis or septic endocarditis.
4. Pathologies of intrauterine development can also cause the development of a disease of the circulatory system. Often, abnormal development of the fetus leads to congenital heart disease.
5. Injuries with heavy bleeding can cause the development of acute heart failure.

In addition to the above reasons that provoke diseases of the circulatory system, doctors also identify factors whose presence will determine the body's predisposition to these ailments. So, in particular, diseases of the circulatory system are more common in the presence of the following risk factors:
. hereditary tendency;
. bad habits (alcohol, smoking, physical inactivity);
. unhealthy diet (fatty and salty foods);
. malfunctions of the endocrine system;
. lipid metabolism disorder;
. obesity;
. taking certain medications.

Symptoms of diseases of the circulatory system

Given the peculiarities of functioning, diseases of the circulatory system are distinguished by a variety of accompanying symptoms. Moreover, the existing symptoms may be absolutely not characteristic of the organ affected by the disease. And this is not surprising, because the physiology of the body suggests that the same symptoms can appear in a variety of diseases, only their intensity varies.

Speaking about the symptoms that accompany diseases of the circulatory system, it should be borne in mind that initial stages a number of diseases are not marked by any symptoms at all. The circulatory system at the beginning of the disease still copes with its functions quite normally, and therefore there are no obvious signs of the disease. In such situations, diseases of the circulatory system can only be diagnosed by chance - when contacting specialists for a completely different reason.

However, diseases of the circulatory system have a number of characteristic symptoms:
. heart failure;
. dyspnea;
. heartache;
. feeling of suffocation;
. puffiness;
. cyanosis and others.

One of the most important symptoms that accompany diseases of the circulatory system is changes in the heartbeat. When a person is healthy, being at rest, or performing a light physical effort, he does not feel his heartbeat at all. People who have certain diseases of the circulatory system, clearly feel the heartbeats with the slightest physical exertion, and often even at rest.

This condition, manifested by increased heart rate, is called tachycardia. A similar symptom is a consequence of a decrease in the contractile capacity of the heart, when it, in one contraction, sends a smaller volume of blood to the aorta than it should be during normal functioning. The heart has to contract at an increased rate to ensure a normal supply of blood. However, such a rhythm of work is not natural and favorable for the heart. An increase in heart rate leads to a shortening of the relaxation phase, which is necessary for the passage of restorative processes.

Diseases of the circulatory system are also often accompanied by interruptions - irregular heart function is observed. The patient during arrhythmia feels a kind of "fading" of the heart, followed by a short beat. Interruptions can be single, can last a certain time or not stop at all. Usually, interruptions are characteristic of tachycardia, but they can also be observed with a rare heart rhythm.

Patients who are concerned about circulatory diseases often experience pain in the region of the heart. However, this symptom, accompanying various ailments, may have different meaning. For example, for coronary disease, heart pain - key symptom, for other diseases of the cardiovascular system, this symptom may be of secondary importance.

Pain in the heart, arising from coronary disease, is a consequence of insufficient blood supply to the heart muscle. Usually, such pain lasts up to five minutes, its character is squeezing. The pain is paroxysmal, appears, as a rule, due to physical exertion or hypothermia. This pain is called exertional angina and is successfully treated with nitroglycerin. If such pain occurs during sleep, it is called rest angina.

Diseases of the circulatory system can also accompany pain aching character. Such pains occur at different periods of time, and medication does not lead to relief of pain. This symptom is typical for heart defects, hypertension, pericarditis, myocarditis, etc.

Diseases of the circulatory system are often accompanied by shortness of breath, which is a manifestation of a decrease in the contractility of the heart and stagnation of blood inside the vessels, which is observed as a result. Often shortness of breath is evidence of the development of heart failure. With a slight weakening of the heart muscle, the appearance of shortness of breath occurs only after physical exertion. The severe form of the disease is characterized by the appearance of shortness of breath even in a horizontal position.

Heart failure has another characteristic symptom- swelling. Speech in this case refers to right ventricular failure. A decrease in the contractile capacity of the right ventricle provokes blood stasis and an increase in blood pressure. Due to stagnation of blood, its liquid part penetrates through the walls of blood vessels into tissues. Usually, the legs swell first. With further weakening of the work of the heart, fluid begins to accumulate in the abdominal and pleural cavities.

Diseases of the circulatory system have another pronounced symptom - cyanosis, in which there is blue lips, nose and fingers. The reason for this is the translucence of blood through the skin. At the same time, the blood contains a large amount of reduced hemoglobin - this is caused by slow blood flow in the capillaries - which, in turn, is provoked by slow heart contractions.

Insufficiency of cerebral circulation

Diseases of the circulatory system often cause disability. And one of the main causes of disability is, no doubt, cerebrovascular accident. The number of such patients is steadily increasing every year. Moreover, the deterioration of cerebral circulation today is observed in people who have not reached old age.

Circulatory diseases are multiple and varied, their course is accompanied by different symptoms. An accurate diagnosis requires careful examination. Often, the deterioration of cerebral circulation is caused by hypertension and cerebral atherosclerosis. Patients suffering from cerebrovascular accident can, under normal conditions, feel quite healthy. However, when conditions change - an increase in environmental temperature, physical exertion or overwork, well-being can seriously deteriorate. A person begins to experience discomfort - feels noise in the head, dizziness and headache. This leads to a decrease in working capacity and deterioration of memory. The presence of such symptoms in a patient for three months, repeating weekly, can be said to be a cerebrovascular insufficiency, as a practically reliable diagnosis.

Similar diseases of the circulatory system are a direct path to a stroke. That is why, when the slightest symptoms of cerebrovascular accident appear, immediate treatment is necessary, carried out in the direction of improving the circulatory process.

Having carried out a complete and comprehensive diagnosis, the doctor, having determined the treatment regimen, decides how to achieve improved blood circulation. Medications should be started immediately - diseases of the circulatory system do not allow delay. The course of therapy provides, in addition to drugs that activate blood supply, taking sedatives and a complex of vitamins. Today there are many effective drugs, with the help of which they cure diseases of the circulatory system. They, in particular, are able to have a vasodilating, antihypoxic and nootropic effect.

In addition to drug treatment, diseases of the circulatory system require an appropriate lifestyle. To counteract the destructive influence of the disease, the patient must comply with the following instructions:
. sufficient sleep duration (8-9 hours);
. lack of heavy physical exertion;
. breaks during the working day;
. lack of negative emotions;
. long walks;
. regular ventilation of the room;
. adherence to a diet - restriction of salt, carbohydrates, fats;
. smoking ban.

Methods for diagnosing diseases of the circulatory system

Many of the symptoms that accompany diseases of the circulatory system, the doctor reveals during the examination. So, for example, during the examination, a specialist can detect a strong pulsation of the carotid arteries, tortuous temporal arteries, and pulsation of the aorta. Using percussion, you can determine the boundaries of the heart. And using the method of auscultation, it is possible to listen to the noise and the changed sounding of tones.

Diseases of the circulatory system are also diagnosed through instrumental research methods. The most common method is undoubtedly the electrocardiogram. Its results are evaluated based on the available clinical data. In addition to the electrocardiogram, the following diagnostic methods are used to better assess the work of the heart:
. echocardiography;
. vectorcardiography;
. phonocardiography.

However, some studies of the heart are not enough, diagnosing diseases of the circulatory system, they also perform a study of blood flow. In particular, such indicators are determined: blood volume, blood flow velocity and mass of circulating blood. The study of the minute volume of blood allows you to determine hemodynamics. For a more complete assessment of the state of the cardiovascular system, various tests are prescribed - with breath holding, with physical activity,
orthostatic tests.

Very informative diagnostic methods are also traditional types of examination:
. radiography of the heart, blood vessels;
. Magnetic resonance imaging;
. urine, blood tests;
. biochemical analysis.

The treatment of the diseases in question should be dealt with only by specialists who select the optimal tactics - it depends, first of all, on the symptoms of a particular disease present. So, in particular, a violation of cerebral circulation or an acute violation of the blood circulation of any organs begins to be treated immediately after the diagnosis is made - this determines the outcome of the therapy undertaken. Especially dangerous is the condition - a transient disturbance of the blood supply to the brain - it significantly increases the risk of stroke.

In general, the easiest way to treat diseases of the circulatory system is to initial stage their development. Any type of treatment is possible - medical and surgical. Often, success can be achieved only by changing the habitual way of life. And sometimes, to cure the disease, you have to use several therapeutic methods at the same time. Special attention is paid to spa treatment, based on the use of a variety of physiotherapy procedures and special physiotherapy exercises.

Methods for improving blood circulation

Alas, most people think about improving blood circulation only after its obvious deterioration, accompanied by the appearance of any disease of the circulatory system. But the recommendations to improve blood circulation are not difficult for anyone to follow:
. perform daily physical exercises aimed at activating blood circulation - this is especially important for people with sedentary work;
. walk daily - a lot and quickly;
. do exercises in between work - at least every 2-3 hours, if there is a lack of blood circulation in the brain, then the intensity of the exercises should be reduced;
. maintain normal weight;
. stick to a diet that includes the mandatory consumption of vegetables, fruits, fish, dairy products;
. exclude smoked and fatty foods, sweets and pastries from the diet;
. eat only natural products, artificial - exclude from the diet;
. give up smoking and alcohol;
. follow the instructions of the doctor, taking the drugs prescribed by him.

To improve the condition, it is necessary to strengthen the nervous system - you need good sleep and more positive emotions.


The above tips and tricks are enough effective methods prevention of diseases of the circulatory system. Preventive measures of the ailments in question are aimed primarily at reducing the cholesterol content in the blood and combating hypodynamia. Multiple studies prove that by changing the lifestyle in the right direction, you can significantly reduce the risk of diseases of the circulatory system. It is also impossible to ignore infectious diseases, which can always provoke complications.