
Chocolate teeth. Research work “Chocolate for teeth – harm or benefit? From "bad" cholesterol

Several generations have been brought up on the myth that chocolate ruins teeth. And everyone believed this, because this thesis was confirmed by dentists and scientists from all over the world.

Just a few years ago, the situation around chocolate changed dramatically. Do you believe it? Why do scientists change their minds like this? Science, like everything around, develops and makes new discoveries. Theses that previously seemed indestructible and were perceived as truth are refuted.

The fact that chocolate in small quantities is necessary for the human body, doctors began to talk a long time ago. But fans of this delicacy felt worried about the condition of their teeth. Now you can safely enjoy chocolate, but not everyone. Here's what scientists found out about its effect on teeth.

teeth and chocolate

Approximately 10 years ago, scientists from the US and Japan published the results of their research almost simultaneously. They turned the idea of ​​​​humanity about the effects of chocolate on teeth. During the research, scientists added cocoa powder to the food of experimental animals. Contrary to expectations, he did not cause caries, but even slowed down its development. It turned out that cocoa butter, which is in natural chocolate, covers them with a special film and protects them from caries.

Another unexpected result. Natural cocoa beans contain antibacterial substances, flavonoids and polyphenols, which have an antibacterial effect and stop the formation of plaque. From this it was concluded that chocolate is good for teeth and gums. Harmful to tooth enamel - sugar, which is added to chocolates. The most useful chocolate is pure, with a cocoa content of at least 56%. Dairy is also useful - it has calcium in it. Everyone knows that it is essential for healthy bones and teeth.

Further more interesting. Armand Sadekhpour, a scientist at Tulane University in New Orleans, USA, claims that kaobromine, an extract of cocoa powder, may soon replace fluoride in toothpastes. This extract strengthens tooth enamel and has a positive effect on the entire body. If clinical trials are successful, the new toothpaste will go on sale.

Canadian dentists also believe that chocolate is good for teeth. Doctors believe that it affects the enamel in much the same way as raisins. But it is better to use bitter, dark chocolate.

How to choose chocolate that does not spoil your teeth?

Recently, innovations have been introduced into the confectionery industry, they help create safe treats. To choose a good chocolate, you need to carefully examine the wrapper. A few years ago, GOST R 52821-2007 allowed adding up to 5% oils to chocolate - substitutes for cocoa butter, which is the most valuable. If oils other than cocoa are included in the composition, it is better not to buy it. If there are more than 5% oils, this product is required by law to be called not chocolate, but a chocolate bar.

The less flavors and stabilizers in the composition, the better. Black bitter chocolate is unrivaled in terms of usefulness. It is better to drink it with unsweetened tea or warm water. Any carbonated drinks are not allowed in tandem with chocolate. Acidic juices in large quantities are also not recommended, because acid destroys enamel. Do not brush your teeth after chocolate.

Absolutely tooth-friendly chocolate was created by Belgian chocolatiers, who called it Daskalid`s and Smet. Instead of sugar, the new chocolate bar uses isomaltulose, which tastes like traditional sugar, consists of glucose and fructose and does not contribute to the destruction of enamel. The Belgians also replaced powdered milk, which was replaced by milk proteins.

These are just the first signs. Soon it will be possible to enjoy chocolate products and not worry that sugar and other harmful substances will damage your teeth. We already know that cocoa beans, which form the basis of chocolate, are useful. This is very good news.

Scientists have found that chocolate, contrary to popular belief, has a positive effect on our teeth and gums.
Why is chocolate good for teeth?

According to experts, more than 40 million Americans suffer from hyperesthesia - increased sensitivity of the teeth. Often, in such cases, most doctors recommend their patients to use toothpastes with fluoride. However, as a result of a study conducted by scientists from the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio, it turned out that cocoa extract is much more effective in repairing damaged enamel and clogging dentinal tubules, thereby eliminating the causes of tooth sensitivity.

In order to prove their theory, the scientists decided to conduct a study in which 80 people took part, each of whom had to brush their teeth for a week with a paste with cocoa extract, and then with a product containing fluoride. As a result, the positive effect of the "chocolate" paste on the teeth was 100%: after its use, the enamel was completely restored in each participant of the experiment, hypersensitivity disappeared, and the general condition of the oral cavity improved. The researchers were surprised that despite the uneven percentages of the pastes—5,000 "chocolate" particles and a million fluorine elements—the chocolate extract product eliminated all causes of dental hypersensitivity in just a week.

Other studies

Benefits of chocolate for teeth.

Takashi Ooshima, a scientist at Osaka University, conducted a study on the effect of various components of cocoa beans on dental health and came up with the following result: the shell of cocoa beans contains substances that have an antibacterial effect. At the moment, even special chocolate pastes and mouthwashes are produced based on the extract of the cocoa bean shell.

Another study was conducted by Dr. Arman Sadeghpour. November 26, 2013 the report was read at a conference at the American Dental Academy. It said that theobromine, unlike caffeine, contained in 30 grams of dark chocolate protects teeth better than fluorine compounds.

Chocolate contains vitamins, salts and minerals that are essential for strengthening enamel.

Harm of chocolate for teeth.

Cocoa beans are bitter in nature and contain almost no sugars (1%). Not everyone will appreciate such a natural taste, therefore, already at the stage of obtaining the primary chocolate mass, many manufacturers add powdered sugar to chocolate. It's no secret that sucrose is a major culprit in caries, especially in young children.

Cocoa beans contain tannins (tannins) and colorants, which, by analogy with coffee, can darken tooth enamel.

Cocoa beans contain theobromine and minerals that strengthen and protect tooth enamel. The darker the chocolate, the healthier it is.

Almost all manufacturers add sugar to chocolate. In this aspect, chocolate is no different from other sweets.

Elizarenko Polina

Research work "Chocolate for teeth - harm or benefit?"



"Chocolate for teeth - harm or benefit?"

Elizarenko Polina

Russia KhMAO-Yugra, town. Poikovsky, MOBU "Secondary school "1", grade 2

Chocolate and chocolates are the most favorite treat among children and adults. Everyone knows that chocolate is delicious, but few people know whether chocolate is good or bad for dental health.

In the course of the research work, the literature on this topic was studied, a conversation was held with the school dentist, and the answers of a written survey of students were studied, which made it possible to assess the essence of the issue to one degree or another.

Study plan

Problem: Find out what effect chocolate has on teeth.

Object: chocolate

Thing: information about chocolate




  1. Have a conversation with the school dentist about useful and harmful properties of chocolate, to study the opinion of world dentists.

Research methods:

  • analysis;
  • collection of information;
  • questioning;
  • conversation;
  • generalization of the received information.

Practical significancework lies in the possibility of its use at parent meetings, class hours.


Chapter I

1.1 Analysis of the survey results

1.2 History of chocolate

1.3 Composition and types of chocolate

Chapter II.

2.1 The effect of chocolate on teeth - a study of the opinions of world dentists

2.2 Helpful tips from the school dentist

2.3. Analysis of the results of a dental examination




Relevance of the topic

Chocolate has been known since ancient times. The aroma and taste of chocolate have captivated people for more than 3000 years since the Aztecs, the predecessors of the Mayan tribe, learned how to prepare a bitter foamy drink from cocoa beans. The Aztecs attributed divine origins to chocolate drink. The Swedish scientist Carl von Linn called cocoa Theobroma cacao - "food of the gods". For a long time, chocolate was consumed only in liquid form. When we hear the word “chocolate”, we imagine fragrant sweet bars. Today it is one of the most popular delicacies. Coming every day to the store, on the shelves we see a large assortment of chocolate at various prices. On the label you can read the composition, type, calorie content of this product. The question arises - how is it different, and from what chocolate of different varieties is produced, how does chocolate affect dental health, because very often children are frightened by scary stories about “tooth monsters” that fall into their mouths straight from sweet?!

Target: Studying the effect of chocolate on teeth.


  1. To get acquainted with the history of the origin of chocolate, with the composition and types of chocolate.
  2. Conduct a survey of students in grades 2 and 3.
  3. Have a conversation with a school dentist about the beneficial and harmful properties of chocolate, study the opinion of world dentists.
  4. Analyze what effect chocolate has on teeth.

Hypothesis : Chocolate brings not only harm to teeth, but also benefits.

Chapter I

1.1. Analysis of the survey results

I love sweets, especially chocolate. But they constantly tell me that you can’t eat a lot of it, that your teeth deteriorate from it. I wanted to know if chocolate really only brings harm. Maybe in chocolate, on the contrary, a lot of useful things.

At the beginning of my research, I decided to find out how chocolate is perceived and what the guys from my school know about it. I interviewed students of the 2nd and 3rd grades of our school using a questionnaire.

I asked the question "Do you like chocolate?" and got the following result:

  • yes - 44 people
  • no - 5 people
  • yes - 30 people
  • no - 19 people

To the question “Do you think chocolate spoils teeth?” I received the following responses:

  • yes - 43 people
  • no - 6 people
  • yes - 13 people
  • no - 36 people
  • every day - 13 people.
  • once a week - 26 people.
  • once a month - 10 people.
  • porous - 3 people.
  • bar - 15 people.
  • ordinary tiles - 19 people.
  • tiles with different fillers - 12 people.

After analyzing the students' answers, I concluded that chocolate is a favorite delicacy of children. Most of the students surveyed believe that chocolate is not good for health. But where he came to us from, what kind of harm it brings to the teeth, the guys know little. Therefore, I decided to explore this topic and acquaint everyone with the results of my work.

1.2. The history of chocolate

Chocolate is a confectionery product that is made using cocoa beans.Chocolate did not immediately begin to look like we used to buy it in the store. A drink made from the fruits of the cocoa tree appeared about 3,000 years ago. It is assumed that the Almec Indians, whose civilization existed in the 2nd century BC, were the first to invent chocolate. They didn't eat it, they drank it, a strange dark drink made from cocoa beans. There was no sugar or milk in the drink, so it was terribly bitter and tasteless.

But for the emperor of the Aztec state in XIV, Montezuma prepared a chocolate drink in a different way: roasted cocoa beans were ground with grains of milk corn, and then mixed with honey, vanilla and agave juice - this drink inspired vigor and dispelled melancholy. And people began to value cocoa worth its weight in gold.

There is an opinion that the first European who tried chocolate was Christopher Columbus. In 1502, the inhabitants of the island of Guyana treated the famous traveler to a hot drink made from cocoa beans. But Columbus did not like the hot bitter drink flavored with unknown odorous herbs.

At first, only men used the cocoa bean drink, as it was very strong and bitter. But the British in 1700 guessed to add milk to chocolate, which made the drink easier and more delicious. Since then, chocolate drink has been loved by women and children.

Until the beginning of the 19th century, chocolate was consumed exclusively in liquid form, until the Swiss Francois Louis Caillet created the world's first solid chocolate bar in 1819. Nuts, candied fruits and various sweets began to be added to the recipe for solid chocolate.

In 1875, the Swiss Daniel Peter mixed cocoa mass with condensed milk. This is how milk chocolate, or Swiss chocolate, was born.

Interesting Chocolate Facts:

- The most "chocolate" countries in the world are Belgium, Switzerland, Italy, France and the USA. It is in these states that the population consumes a huge amount of chocolate. And the confectionery traditions of Belgium and Switzerland are considered the best in the world.

– White chocolate was invented by the great Henry Nestle from Switzerland. The confectioner simply added condensed milk to the finished chocolate mass.

- Every year, humanity eats more than 600 thousand tons of chocolate.

The first monument to chocolate was made in Russia, which was opened in the city of Pokrov, Vladimir Region, on July 1, 2009.

For our smaller brothers, chocolate is poisonous, since the substances contained in chocolate are difficult to digest. Therefore, a safe dose for humans can be lethal for pets.

1.3. Composition and types of chocolate

Chocolate is a product of processing cocoa beans with sugar.
Chocolate contains:

carbohydrates - 50-55%;

fats - 30-38%;

proteins - 5-8%;

alkaloids (theobromine and caffeine) - approximately 0.5%;

tannins and minerals - approximately 1%.
There are many varieties of chocolate:

Porous chocolateis obtained mainly from chocolate mass, which is poured into molds for 3/4 of the volume, placed in vacuum boilers and kept in a liquid state (at a temperature of 40 ° C) for 4 hours. When the vacuum is removed, due to the expansion of air bubbles, a finely porous structure of the tile is formed ( Wispa, Air).

Chocolate without additivesmade from cocoa mass, powdered sugar and cocoa butter. Such chocolate has specific properties inherent in cocoa beans. By changing the ratio between powdered sugar and cocoa mass, you can change the taste of the resulting chocolate - from bitter to sweet. The more cocoa liquor in chocolate, the more bitter taste. (Gold label, Lux, Russian, Thumbelina).

Chocolate with fillingprepared from chocolate mass without additions and with the addition of milk. It is produced in the form of tiles, bars and other figures with various fillings: nut, fondant, chocolate, fruit-jelly, cream, milk, creamy.

Chocolate white prepared according to a special recipe from cocoa butter, sugar, milk powder, vanillin without adding cocoa mass, so it has a cream color (white).

Chocolate diabeticintended for patients with diabetes. Instead of sugar, sorbitol, xylitol, mannitol are introduced into the composition of chocolate.

Chapter II

2.1. The effect of chocolate on teeth - a study of the opinions of dentists around the world.

Probably, each of us was told scary stories about what will happen to the teeth if there is a lot of chocolate. How bad is chocolate for teeth?

Perhaps even 10 years ago, dentists around the world were unanimous in their opinion: chocolate destroys teeth and causes caries. However, scientists in Japan and the United States, after conducting a series of experiments on animals, came to unexpected conclusions. It turns out that cocoa butter covers the teeth with a special protective film that protects them from destruction. In addition, cocoa beans have antiseptic properties: actively fighting plaque, they are a prophylactic against the formation of tartar. That is, the product that for a long time was considered the main enemy of the teeth, in fact, is their protector!

However, you should not flatter yourself and start eating indiscriminately everything that even remotely resembles chocolate. Only real chocolate, which contains at least 56% cocoa, has the properties described above. This does not apply to chocolates and cakes. After all, the main enemy of tooth enamel is sugar, which is contained in excess in these products.

The organic compound theobromine found in chocolate strengthens and remineralizes tooth enamel. This conclusion was made by scientists from the University of Texas (San Antonio, USA) as a result of the research. Moreover, theobromine copes with the remineralization of tooth enamel even better than fluoride compounds.

The researchers compared the microhardness of the enamel surface after treatment with fluoride and theobromine, and found that the latter more actively increased the size of the apatite crystals that form tooth enamel. As scientists already know, larger crystals of apatite strengthen enamel better, making teeth less vulnerable to the effects of acids produced by bacteria. This means that theobromine is more effective than fluorine in dealing with the consequences of exposure to these acids: increased sensitivity of the teeth, their destruction and the development of carious cavities.

Thus, in strengthening tooth enamel and preventing caries, people have a new “delicious” assistant - chocolate.

Milk chocolate, containing casein and calcium, helps protect teeth in much the same way as milk. However, the high sugar content crosses out all the beneficial properties of these products.

Therefore, it is not chocolate that is harmful to dental health, but its excessive consumption.

To find out which chocolate is the most healthy, I compared the composition of several chocolate bars.

  • Bitter chocolate "Babaevsky"
  • Milk chocolate "Alenka"
  • Bitter chocolate "Fidelity to quality"
  • Dark chocolate "Dove"
  • Dark chocolate "Journey"
  • White air chocolate

Studying the composition of chocolate, I found out what percentage of cocoa is contained in the chocolate mass.

Got the following results:

  • Bitter chocolate "Babaevsky" - 58.6%
  • Milk chocolate "Alenka" - 31.5%
  • Bitter chocolate "Fidelity to quality" - 65%
  • Dark chocolate "Dove" - ​​51%
  • Dark chocolate "Journey" - 46%
  • White air chocolate - 0%

The highest percentage of cocoa is found in dark dark chocolate, and there is no cocoa at all in white chocolate, therefore, of the studied chocolate bars, the most useful chocolate is Babaevsky and Vernost Kachestvo.

2.2. Useful tips from the school dentist. Rules and methods for taking chocolate

Chocolate is currently one of the top five healthiest treats. Treats are eaten after the main meal and little by little - this is the main rule. If you have a good diet, enough physical activity, then chocolate after dinner will not hurt.

The optimal daily dose is 10-15 g (2-3 cubes). And the famous pediatricians of Russia recommend that a child from two years old eat 100g of dark chocolate per week.

If the daily dose of chocolate is so small, maybe there is a way to “stretch” the pleasure? To this end, we conducted a "sweet" experiment, which tested three ways to dissolve chocolate. All we needed was three pieces of chocolate, a mouth, a watch, and paper and a pencil. The experiment was carried out in 3 stages. We marked the start and end times of each stage.

The results are presented in the form of a table.

Table : "Three ways to dissolve chocolate"(experiment)




They put a piece of chocolate in their mouth, and then they began to chew it until it disappeared.

start: 12.30

end: 12.31

1 minute

They put a piece of chocolate in their mouth, then began to move it with their tongue from side to side.

start: 12.32

end: 12.36

4 minutes

They put a piece of chocolate in their mouth and did nothing else.

start: 12.37

end: 12.45

8 minutes

Conclusion: when chewing, a piece of chocolate dissolved the fastest, and chocolate that was just sitting in the mouth took the longest to dissolve. This is because moving the chocolate in your mouth exposes more surface area to the solvent (our saliva) than when the chocolate is still in your mouth.

You can also use some "tricky" tricks to prolong the pleasure of eating chocolate:

  • “cool down” your favorite chocolate, put it in the freezer and eat it cold;
  • Use a sharp knife to cut a piece of chocolate into several pieces.

2.3. Analysis of the results of a dental examination.

Previously, I conducted a survey of students in grades 2 and 3 and got the following results:

They love chocolate - 44 people.

Do not like chocolate - 5 people.

Often eat chocolate - 39 people.

Rarely eat chocolate - 10 people.

Chocolate is considered harmful - 30 people.

Believe that chocolate is healthy -19 people.

The results of the examination by the school dentist of the state of the teeth of the same students are as follows:

No caries - 30 people.

There are caries -19 people.

Correlating the results of the questionnaire with the results of examining the state of the students' teeth, we concluded that the frequent use of chocolate does not affect the health of the teeth in any way.


Having studied various sources on the research topic, we came to the conclusion that chocolate is a term for various types of confectionery products made using cocoa. The word "chocolate" comes from the Aztec and means "bitter water". But translated from Latin, chocolate is the "food of the gods."

After conducting a survey, comparing these results with the results of an examination by a school dentist, as well as studying the opinions of world scientists, we came to the conclusion that chocolate has a positive effect on dental health in the same way that chocolate cocoa bean oil covers the teeth with a special protective film that protects them from destruction. . In addition, cocoa beans have antiseptic properties, actively fighting plaque, they are a prophylactic against the formation of tartar.

Thus, our hypothesis that chocolate brings not only harm to teeth, but also benefits was confirmed. But we must not forget that the right chocolate, as well as its moderate use, will not only please with its taste, but will also bring considerable benefits to the child's body.

List of sources used

  1. Chocolate treats. - Rostov-on-Don: publishing house "Phoenix", 2001. - 192 p.
  2. Encyclopedia "What is. Who it". Publishing house "Pedagogy-Press" Moscow, 1992.- 527p.
  3. Internet resource:
  4. Internet resource:
  5. Internet resource:
  6. Internet resource:
  7. Internet resource:


"Do you like chocolate?" and got the following result:

To the question "Do you think that chocolate is harmful?" answered:

“Do you think chocolate spoils teeth?” I received the following responses:

To the question “Do you know where chocolate came from?” got the following result:

I asked the question "How often do you eat chocolate?" and received the following responses:

To the question “What kind of chocolate do you like?” I received the following answers:

Want to know about the latest dentist recommendations? Surely you will be slightly shocked by the news that experts are proposing to replace fluoride with chocolate. Yes, you heard right, but only when it comes to the dark variety of the product.

The composition of dark chocolate has been scientifically proven to strengthen tooth enamel and resist cavities. Why can a sweet product really be more effective for strengthening teeth? To do this, we turn to studies conducted in England and Japan.

Data from several sources at once state that dark chocolate effectively removes plaque. According to scientific tests, chocolate is superior in this indicator to fluoride-containing components, and in terms of its chemical composition it is safer. Skeptics will immediately exclaim: “How can this be? Doesn't chocolate contain sugar that's bad for your teeth?"

Useful chemical compound

It turns out that the husk of cocoa beans contains a chemical compound, which is a white crystalline powder that helps strengthen tooth enamel. This chemical compound makes teeth less susceptible to decay by holding back the bacteria that cause cavities.


Dentists note that cocoa beans contain theobromine, a fairly effective substance for remineralizing teeth. The composition of the element, its effect on tooth enamel in comparison with fluorides was studied at the University of Texas. Theobromine, fluoride and saliva were examined during the tests. Enamel treated with theobromine showed a higher rate of remineralization than fluoride treated areas. In addition, teeth treated with this substance are less susceptible to bacterial erosion. It is the bacteria that form cavities in the teeth.

Disadvantages of Fluoride

A substance that effectively strengthens tooth enamel also contains many risks, such as toxicity or fluorosis. Fluoride is dangerous if swallowed, which is not the case with chocolate.

What chocolate to choose?

As we said at the very beginning of the publication, neither milk nor white chocolate will do to strengthen teeth. A dark variety with a high sugar content will also not work for these purposes. Before buying a product, carefully read the composition indicated on the package. The sugar content of the product should be kept to a minimum and the cocoa content should be between 70 and 80%.

Reclaimed product

This study means that we no longer have the right to include chocolate in the list of enemies of tooth enamel. Therefore, ditch the sweet milk chocolate in favor of a natural quality product. But chocolate toothpaste and its effectiveness are nothing more than an invention and another myth of manufacturers in the struggle for a buyer.

How to use?

So, let's move on to a natural product. Choose a bar with less than 6-8 grams of sugar per serving and a cocoa percentage of at least 70. Once you get used to the new taste, you can switch to bars with a higher concentration of cocoa. Believe me, having mastered the new taste, you will never want to eat sweet milk chocolate again.

Since the product is quite high in calories, make adjustments by reducing the calories in your rest of the diet. If possible, opt for raw chocolate, which is less processed and retains more antioxidants. The daily amount of product consumed is 3-4 ounces, which is approximately equal to 90-120 grams.

Eat chocolate in a separate meal, so there will be more benefits. Remember to practice good oral hygiene and visit your dentist regularly.

will talk about the most unfairly slandered products that are not at all as harmful to the teeth as we thought. At the end - an unexpected revelation!


A cup of coffee in the morning, then a second one at work, and one more after dinner... But what about the “horror stories” about darkening of the enamel and stains on the teeth?! But in fact, the problem is not at all in coffee, but in its quantity and the condition of your tooth enamel. Firstly, if it is injured, covered with microcracks, then any coloring product will give it a “war paint”: red from wine, black from blueberries and blackberries, orange from turmeric, yellow from tea and coffee. Healthy, well-groomed teeth with strong enamel are not afraid of coffee. Secondly, if you drink your modest 300-gram cup of coffee in the morning, then you will not cause much damage to your teeth. But the code your hand reaches for an invigorating substance 4-5 times a day, then beware: this is already too much even for healthy teeth! But there is another caveat: recent scientific studies have revealed that coffee beans have a superpower - they prevent the harmful effects of bacteria that cause caries (Streptococcus mutans). Unroasted (green) varieties of Robusta and Arabica are especially good in this. In general, for coffee lovers, there are three simple rules that will help to avoid dental troubles.

  • Watch the temperature! Do not drink excessively hot coffee, fresh from the Turks or the coffee machine, give it 3-5 minutes to cool down and reveal its taste and aroma brighter. Also, do not combine hot coffee with cold ice cream - temperature changes cause microcracks to appear on the enamel.
  • Sugar - "no", cream - "yes"! Sugar is an unconditional enemy, since its absorption requires calcium, which it draws from the teeth. In addition, sugar, together with coffee, forms a film along the gums, in which bacteria immediately begin to joyfully frolic. But the cream, on the contrary, is useful - they neutralize the polyphenols responsible for staining the teeth. By the way, there are fewer of these polyphenols in Arabica, keep in mind.
  • After a cup of coffee, rinse your mouth with clean, warm water. And that's it, no insidious film!


It would seem, what doubts can there be? Alcohol is a real evil! Scientists from Griffith University in Australia and their colleagues from three Indian dental institutes conducted a study on how pH levels - a measure of acidity - change after drinking alcohol. The lower the pH, the worse the teeth. And, as it turned out, wine was the most harmful, then whiskey, beer closed the top three. But wait, here are the scientists from Spain who did their research and found that the polyphenols we have already mentioned are very good in the fight against caries. Red wine actively destroys the plaque that forms on the surface of the teeth and thereby deprives the bacteria of a nutrient medium. And the reason is just the same antibacterial properties of polyphenols. Scientists are already happily rubbing their hands in anticipation of how they will develop formulas for toothpaste and rinses with polyphenols. True, Spain is a country of wines, and isn't there a catch, huh?


" Oh no!" - you probably think. After all, chocolate is sacred! How without it? Well, how can I tell you ... In fact, chocolate is not only not dangerous for teeth, but on the contrary - it is useful! If, of course, we are talking about real and preferably dark chocolate, and not about the infamous soy "bars". Firstly, cocoa beans contain flavonoids, which promote the synthesis of nitric oxide, which improves blood flow, and this also has a positive effect on blood circulation in the gums. In addition to flavonoids, chocolate contains potassium, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus - and the last two comrades are very useful for teeth. And the cocoa butter in chocolate protects your teeth from the effects of harmful acids. Secondly, about 10 years ago, scientists from the United States and Japan simultaneously published research data that showed that cocoa butter, covering the teeth with a special film, protects them from caries. Flavonoids and polyphenols in chocolate neutralize harmful bacteria. But that's not all: scientists from the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio found that cocoa extract is much more effective at repairing damaged enamel and clogging dentinal tubules than fluoride, thereby pacifying tooth sensitivity!

In fact, it’s not chocolate that harms teeth, but sugar, which is sometimes stuffed in excess with sweets, chocolate cookies, cakes and cakes. Therefore, it is best to eat dark chocolate with a high content of cocoa beans - 78-90%. Treat yourself to no more than 30 grams of chocolate in one bite, no more than 2-3 times a week - and then everything will be fine with your teeth!

White bread and pastries

Yes, white bread, rolls and everything like that is not good for the teeth. But nevertheless, it is impossible to completely throw white bread out of the grocery basket. And it's not about the teeth: with moderate consumption and careful oral care, the negative properties of white bread are offset by the positive ones: it is an excellent source of energy, rich in starch and dextrins, which are easily digested. This is important for those who lead an active lifestyle and play sports. So, if you want to eat a slice of white bread a couple of times a week, then do not deny yourself this pleasure. Just remember that it is better not to combine such bread with potatoes and meat, that is, instead of bacon, it is better to put a slice of cheese and a slice of tomato or cucumber on it.

Dried fruits

They have a reputation for being low-calorie, healthy for teeth, and a sugar-free figure… wait, what are they doing on our list? Not everything is so simple with dried apricots and raisins, oh, not all ... First: fruits always darken and lose color after drying. Are you looking at the thermonuclear orange dried apricots in confusion? That's right, to preserve the color, all industrially produced dried fruits undergo chemical processing, which also deprives them of useful vitamins and trace elements. But that's why we eat fruits and berries! Second: calories and sugar. From shrinkage, water evaporates from fruits, and by no means sugar and calories. Moreover, in dried fruits, their concentration is much higher! 50 grams of fresh apricot contains 14 calories, and the same amount - in 10 grams of dried. And then a calculator to help. Thirdly, dried fruits stick to the teeth perfectly and get stuck in the interdental spaces, from where they cannot always be removed with a simple rinse. Need an irrigator or dental floss. By the time you get from work, where you chewed on a handful of dried fruit, to the bath at home - just imagine how long these deposits of food for bacteria will be stored in your mouth!

For some reason, most of us are sure that they understand dentistry as well as doctors. It’s very uncomfortable to treat your own teeth, that’s why we go to dentists. But there are more than enough myths associated with teeth among the people. Here are just a few of them.

10 myths about teeth

Myths about dental treatment at home

Myth 1. A crushed aspirin tablet or a cotton swab with alcohol placed on an aching tooth instantly relieves pain.

This is not just a myth, but a dangerous delusion.

The described chemicals, once on the mucous membrane, will simply burn it exactly to the extent that their exposure will last. Moreover, the toothache will remain with you, but the pain from the burn will also be added to it.

Myth 2. Brushing your teeth with baking soda is a great way to whiten them.

Teeth whitening is a special medical procedure. It is believed that soda affects the oral cavity as follows:

  • relieves inflammation of the gums
  • neutralizes harmful acids
  • gets rid of thrush
  • brightens teeth.

However, this method also has contraindications, namely:

  • thin tooth enamel
  • sensitive teeth
  • inflammation of the oral mucosa
  • bleeding gums
  • lactation
  • allergic reactions

The cleaning effect of using soda is associated with its abrasive properties, that is, small particles mechanically remove the top layer of enamel along with the plaque formed on it. As a result, she brightens up.

Many dentists believe that cleaning with baking soda is like cleaning with carpentry. Baking soda is a harsh abrasive that will simply rip off tooth enamel.

Myth 3. After tooth extraction, rinse your mouth with disinfectant solutions as often as possible.

Of course, you need to rinse, but it's better to just keep the solution in your mouth. If you rinse the wound too zealously, you can wash out the blood clot from there, which ensures successful healing.

So it is best not to touch this place for 2-3 days at all.

Myth 4. Gold crowns are the best because they never cause rejection and allergies.

Alas, gold in the oral cavity can be the strongest allergen. There are several factors that increase the risk of a negative reaction from the body:

  • weak immunity
  • inflammation of the oral mucosa
  • individual intolerance to metal
  • patient's age

In some people, strong foci of inflammation and even tissue ulceration appear at the points of contact of gold crowns with the oral mucosa.

So cermet or any ordinary alloy is better than gold.

Myth 5. Milk teeth are useless to treat - they will fall out anyway.

Milk teeth are the main shaper of the child's jaw, and the future of permanent teeth depends on them. There are two reasons for the treatment of milk molars:

  1. Treatment can stop the spread of infection in the mouth.
  2. Treatment prevents the formation of bite problems.

If milk teeth are not treated, they will harm the root teeth sitting in the gum, so that they will come out already sick. So whatever needs to be treated needs to be treated.

Myth 6. Any sweetness is the destruction of tooth enamel.

Yes, not so.

Recent studies have proven that dark chocolate is even good for teeth. Antimicrobial substances found in cocoa beans protect teeth from caries.

However, everything must be in moderation. Pepsi and Coca-Cola dentists recommend drinking through a straw to minimize contact of the liquid with the tooth enamel.

And yet, the main thing in the treatment of teeth is a timely visit to the dentist!