
Whether vision deteriorates. Five common misconceptions

Work and leisure, strong emotional shock may promote weight loss, but generally we are talking about two or three kilograms, which are soon restored. But if we are talking about a significant one without obvious reasons, then it is necessary to find out why a person is like this, because it can be caused by serious diseases.

The reason for going to the doctor is the loss of 4.5-5 kilograms in 6 months.


Diabetes is a metabolic disorder in which high level glucose in the blood due to the fact that the body does not produce enough insulin or there is no response to insulin. sudden loss weight is a symptom of type 1 diabetes. Other signs are frequent urination, thirst, severe hunger, fatigue, slow healing of wounds and cuts, tingling sensation in .


depression is deep emotional disorder, in which a person for weeks, or even months, is haunted by feelings of anger, longing, emptiness. Indeed, in this state, a person literally melts before our eyes, refuses to eat, sleeps poorly. As a rule, weight is restored after the elimination of the main depression.


The thyroid gland produces hormones that regulate metabolism, for example, heartbeat and digestion. A hormone thyroid gland called calcitonin controls the level of calcium in the blood. If a thyroid works too actively, then an excessive amount of hormones is produced. This condition is called hyperthyroidism. In addition to sudden weight loss, there are also hot flashes, mood swings, fatigue, decreased libido.

Addison's disease

Crohn's disease

Crohn's disease causes inflammation of the intestinal wall. Man experiencing severe pain in the intestine. The stool is liquid with impurities of blood. This process is accompanied by a sharp and significant weight loss.

Weight loss also accompanies such severe and serious illness like cancer, AIDS and tuberculosis. However, the symptoms of these diseases are quite extensive and weight loss is not the primary symptom.

The eye is the organ of vision with which we see the world. At the front of the eye is the iris, which regulates the amount of light that enters the eye. Muscles are located in the iris, in bright light they contract, reducing the opening of the pupil and thereby reducing the light flux penetrating the eye. At dusk per turn, the muscles relax, the pupil opening increases accordingly and allows more light to pass through. Collects the light entering the eye and directs it to the retina - the lens. It is with the help of the lens that the light flux is focused on the retina, creating an image on it. To view objects at different distances from the eye, eye muscles deform the lens, changing its curvature, so that a clear image is obtained on the retina.

When you look at an object, the edges are blurry, it means your vision is deteriorating.

If a person does not clearly see distant objects, then this is an eye disease - myopia. And if, on the contrary, it is difficult to see objects that are at close range - farsightedness. There is another eye disease - astigmatism. With astigmatism, the irises of the left and right eyes are curved differently, so the rays that come from one point cannot be focused. The main factor in the normal vision of an object is not the state of the lens, but the muscular effort applied in order to consider the object. Therefore, you should not strain your eyesight to consider this or that object. People with normal vision do not try to focus their eyes on a certain point, if the object is not clearly visible, then the gaze automatically switches to an object that is more clearly visible. Any mental condition can cause tension in the eye muscles. When the eye muscles are tense, the shape changes eyeball and also the eye lacks blood supply. It can be said that the health of the eyes depends on sufficient blood supply, and the blood supply depends on the state of the psyche. When a person is in a calm, relaxed state, his brain is supplied with a sufficient amount of blood, the optic nerve normally feeds on blood and visual centers. And if the mental state of a person worsens, he is in a nervous, excited state, then blood circulation is disturbed. optic nerve and the visual centers cease to receive blood in the required volume. That is, a person himself is able to worsen blood circulation, since it can cause thoughts that are fraught with stress.

Conclusion - any stressful condition that a person experiences leads to visual impairment. A healthy eye in a relaxed state, when viewing distant objects, seems to flatten, and when viewing objects near, it lengthens along the axis. The tension prevents the eye from changing its shape. To help the eye muscles, people arm themselves with glasses. As a result, the eye muscles weaken even more. To preserve their abilities, it is necessary that the body be in an active state.

To maintain normal vision, you need to perform gymnastics for the eyes. Exercises must be performed systematically. Relax your eye muscles often. To do this, close your eyelids for a few minutes, relax, remember something pleasant, a beautiful seascape or landscape area. Proper nutrition is of great importance for normal vision. Food should be rich in vitamins, especially vitamins A and D. Vitamin A is found in butter, in the liver and fish oil, in carrots, spinach, persimmons, etc. A lack of vitamin A leads to poor vision at dusk (night blindness). Vitamin D is found in egg yolk, herring, butter. Need to walk more often fresh air, especially in daytime from 10 am to 4 pm, since it is at this time that the intensity of the ultraviolet rays necessary for good vision is observed. To improve vision, it is recommended to drink carrot juice, and also eat rowan berries. You can not look at one object for a long time or at small objects. And if there is a need for this, you need to periodically relax your eyes. Folk remedy with impaired vision nervous ground is the following method: boil egg, cut along and the hemisphere of the protein should be applied to the sore eye like this. So that the protein touches only the skin around the eyes, but not the eye itself.

Try not to give in stressful situations accept reality as it is. Enjoy life and all its manifestations. Be sure to relieve mental tension, and the tension that has arisen during the day, with the help of exercises to relax the eye muscles. Subject to all the rules, vision can not only be preserved, but even improved. Now you know about whether nerve vision can worsen. Be careful and protect your life from unwanted nervous disorders.

Not all vision problems can be prevented: many of them are inherited or simply a feature of your body. But some things are worth paying attention to. We tell you why severe dry eyes appear after a working day and how to properly care for contact lenses.

1. You forget to wear sunglasses.

Glasses are needed in sunny weather, not at all for beauty and not for convenience. Ultraviolet radiation can damage the retina and cause temporary but severe burns to the surface of the eyes. Therefore, you need to wear glasses every time you go out, even if it seems that you can easily do without them. If you are wearing contact lenses, try to choose a model with UV protection - this will help protect your eyes even better. And of course, never look at the sun: this leads to irreversible damage to the eyes.

Light reflected from snow, sand, concrete and water, as well as artificial lighting in a solarium, is especially dangerous. Being in a solarium is not only undesirable in general, but also much more dangerous than under the scorching sun, since the effect of ultraviolet rays is even stronger there. Trying to tan can lead to skin cancer, premature aging, burns, and eye irritation.

Millions of people around the world suffer from various visual pathologies. To improve the quality of vision with myopia and other refractive errors, glasses and lenses are used. There is a myth that prolonged use of optics is bad for eye health. Consider whether it is possible to wear contact lenses and means for a long time spectacle correction.

How do correction tools work?

Means of correction are an essential attribute of people with myopia, hyperopia, astigmatism and other refractive errors. Contact lenses and glasses "work" on the same principle. They shift the misplaced point of focus of the rays to the center of the retina by changing the strength of their refraction. In myopic patients, the focal point is in front of the retina, so they can't see far objects clearly. People with hypermetropia, on the contrary, cannot see close objects in detail, since the focus is located behind the retina. With astigmatism, a deformation of the spherical shape of the cornea or lens (depending on the type of disease) is observed, so the patient sees objects around him distortedly at different distances. After 40 years, various age-related processes begin to occur in the human body, which partially affect all systems, including the visual one. As a result, due to a decrease in the elasticity of the lens, presbyopia, or age-related farsightedness, develops. In this case, special multifocal lenses or progressive glasses are used that have several optical zones at once. They allow you to focus at different distances and eliminate the need to use several correction tools at once.

When wearing contact correction means, vision deteriorates: the causes of this phenomenon

Many people are interested in whether it is possible to wear lenses for a long time. And this is not surprising, because the topic of the safety of their use is often discussed on the forums. Ophthalmologists say that long-term use of these optical products is safe for the health of the patient's eyes, provided that they are properly selected. Lenses with too high plus or too low minus diopters can cause excessive eye fatigue and even contribute to the progression of the disease.

With a properly selected optical power, the focus point shifts exactly to the center of the retina. If you choose the wrong diopter, there will be an "overcorrection" or "undercorrection", in which the patient's visual apparatus is either subject to increased stress, or works in its usual wrong mode(in the presence of visual pathology). Professionally fitted lenses improve vision without compromising eye health. Ophthalmologists say that the means of correction do not impair performance visual system at prolonged wear, as, however, and do not improve it. Lenses only correct the perception of the image by shifting the focus to the required distance in the same way as glasses. However, with the wrong choice of optics, vision can really deteriorate.

The selection of optical products should be carried out in the office of an ophthalmologist after a thorough examination of the visual system. When choosing ophthalmic products, it is important to take into account not only diopters (optical power), but also other parameters. For example, the diameter and centering index are responsible for the convenience of fitting optics on the eye. The radius of curvature and lens design should also be considered. Spherical models are used to correct myopia and farsightedness, toric models are used to correct astigmatism, and multifocal models are used to improve vision in presbyopia. In addition, when selecting optics, the specialist takes into account the mode of operation and the replacement schedule.

It is often discussed on the forums that vision deteriorates due to prolonged wear due to lenses, linking this with the appearance of various complications: redness, itching, burning and “sand” in the eyes, as well as other uncomfortable phenomena. In the vast majority of cases, they occur when the rules of operation are not observed: untimely or improper care using a solution, worn after the expiration date, and when using lenses for a longer time than the wearing mode allows.

Lenses impair vision: when is it possible?

    Incorrectly selected diopters (optical power);

    Other parameters are incorrectly selected (radius of curvature, diameter, centralization index, etc.);

    The wearing mode and replacement schedule are not observed;

    Optics are not properly maintained.

Can glasses be worn for a long time?

Spectacle correction means also "work" on the principle of shifting the focus point to the center of the retina. Therefore, as in the case of contact lenses, it is extremely important to choose the right force. spectacle lenses measured in diopters, and other parameters. Such optical products will be safe for eye health. The myth that vision deteriorates with long-term wearing of glasses has become widespread due to wrong method choice of optics. In the past, some ophthalmologists practiced incomplete correction, which resulted in the focus being located near the center of the retina, so the person did not see one hundred percent. Thus, doctors tried to "force" the patient's visual system to independently correct refraction. However, research has shown that this method only contributed to the progression of the refractive error present. Hence the opinion that glasses deteriorated vision.

One of the largest experiments on this topic was carried out in Malaysia in 2002. It involved 94 children with various visual pathologies, which were divided into 2 groups. In one of them, the glasses were chosen correctly and provided 100% vision, and in the second, they had weaker diopters than required. According to the results of the research, it turned out that in children who used weaker glasses, there was a deterioration in the quality of vision without optics. While in the first research group, refraction indices did not change. Thus, we can conclude that properly selected glasses, like contact lenses, do not negative impact to the visual system. If vision has deteriorated with long-term wearing of optics, the first thing to do is to contact an ophthalmologist and make sure that the correct selection of corrective means is made.

Can contact lenses be worn for a long time?

Perhaps the only drawback of ephemerals is the relatively high cost, so many people with visual pathologies choose planned replacement models. They are designed to be worn for 14 days or more. These optical products allow you to enjoy clear vision and comfortable wearing. In their production, soft silicone hydrogel and hydrogel materials are mainly used with optimal oxygen permeability and moisture content. The wearing mode directly depends on these parameters. Some lenses must be removed at bedtime (day mode), while others can be left on your eyes at night (flexible mode) or even worn for several days (extended and continuous). However, it should be borne in mind that all planned replacement models need systematic care. This is due to the fact that during operation various microorganisms appear on their surface, as well as raids, small fractions of dirt and dust. Lenses with a life span of more than 1 month require additional enzymatic (enzymatic) cleaning. It is aimed at removing deep protein, lipid and other deposits. We recommend that you pay attention to such scheduled replacement models as Alcon Air Optix Aqua (for 1 month), CooperVision Biomedics 55 Evolution UV (for 1 month) and Johnson & Johnson Acuvue 2 (for 2 weeks).

How long can lenses be worn:

    One-day ones are worn for 1 day, after which the products are to be disposed of;

    Scheduled replacement models with daily wear are worn throughout the day, after which they must be removed and cleaned before bedtime;

    Scheduled replacement models with a flexible wearing mode are worn during the day and, if necessary, left overnight, after which they must be removed and cleaned;

    Extended wear lenses can be used continuously for up to 7 days. Cleaning should be done as often as possible.

    Products with continuous wear can be used without removing up to 30 days (after consultation with an ophthalmologist).

What should I do if my vision deteriorates while wearing lenses?

The first thing to do is to see an ophthalmologist and go through due diligence organs of vision. If you have already been to an appointment before, it is advisable to be examined by another specialist and compare the results of the studies. Some patients mistakenly believe that vision has deteriorated, as there is discomfort when wearing optics. Often this phenomenon occurs during the period of adaptation, when the lenses are perceived by the human body as foreign object and there is a process of rejection. In this case, to alleviate the patient's condition, the use of moisturizing drops is prescribed. They wet the surface of the optics and reduce friction with the cornea. If during the examination it turns out that vision has really deteriorated, it is worth checking whether the funds were chosen correctly contact correction(diopters and other parameters). If necessary, replace the optics with a new pair that matches the correct prescription.

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Many people - even if they would like to give up glasses - doubt that this is possible.

This skepticism is largely based on misconceptions. There are five common misconceptions that lead people to think that vision cannot be improved:

  1. Poor eyesight is hereditary.
  2. Vision inevitably deteriorates with age.
  3. Vision deteriorates due to increased eye strain.
  4. Visual impairment is the result of weakness of the eye muscles.
  5. Vision is only a physical, mechanical process.

Let's look at each of these misconceptions in detail.

1 Poor Vision Is Hereditary

The first misconception is that vision problems are hereditary: if your parents had poor eyesight, then it will be the same for you. Previously, this view was generally accepted, but now most experts believe that visual ability is not predetermined at the time of birth.

According to statistics, only 3 out of 100 visually impaired people were born with hereditary visual problems. The remaining 97% had vision problems at some point in their lives. After all, just as we learn to talk or walk, we learn to see.

But since most of us were born with normal vision, it would be more correct to say that we learn throughout our lives. not see. Of course, we learn this unconsciously, unintentionally, and no one teaches us this, but we misuse our eyes and mind, which leads to a deterioration in vision.

The latest research has shown that even one-day-old babies are able to sharply focus their eyes. When they are shown a picture of their mother's face, they focus on the picture by changing the speed at which they suck on the artificial nipple. If they suck at the right speed, the picture stays clear. If they suck much faster or slower, the picture goes out of focus. By adjusting the sucking speed, babies are able to keep the image in focus.

Prior to this original experiment, scientists mistakenly believed that children could not focus clearly until the age of 3 or 4 months. This misconception was the result of insufficient study by scientists of the behavior of infants.

From birth, we learn about the world around us with the help of five senses. Vision is dominant and most developed. Through the eyes we receive from 80 to 90% of information. Vision is of paramount importance for communication with the outside world.

Significant amount people wear glasses or lenses. The need to use optics in order to see well is considered the norm. Mankind is no longer capable of using one of the most important organs senses - sight.

The number of people with visual problems has increased 5 times over the past 100 years. This horrendous growth took place within only three or four generations. If poor eyesight is inherited, then who could have passed it on to us?

2. Vision inevitably deteriorates with age.

The second misconception is that vision inevitably deteriorates with age, and everyone will eventually need reading glasses.

The visual system - just like any other system in your body - deteriorates over time. Of course, this happens if you do nothing to keep her youthful and elastic, and do not get rid of the tension and rigidity that accumulate over the years. The process of vision deterioration is not inevitable and irreparable. But only you can turn it back.

One example. The Cambridge Institute recently received a letter from an 89-year-old man who used the same vision enhancement system that you are now joining. He said in his letter: “I have worn reading glasses for 50 years since I was 39. Now, after 2 months of a vision improvement program, I can sometimes read without glasses. It works well for me and does not require any effort.

Well, an amazing success, but the most interesting thing was next: "I realized that I can help myself, and I foresee even more significant changes in the future." What youthful optimism! There is a lot to learn!

Your eyes and visual system respond positively to exercise, relaxation, and the elimination of stress. Success in this matter depends entirely on your attitude and specific steps aimed at preserving vision.

Our experience shows that the so-called senile vision (presbyopia) responds very well to training. Many of those who have started using the program are able not only to stop the process of vision deterioration, but also to restore their original clarity to their eyes.

3. Vision deteriorates due to increased eye strain

The third misconception is that vision deteriorates due to increased eye strain: they say that if you read a lot, or sit at a computer, or watch TV too much, you can ruin your eyesight.

And statistics on this issue such is.

Only 2% of fourth-grade students are nearsighted; in the eighth grade they are about 10-20%; by the time they graduate from college, 50-70% of students are nearsighted. This seems to suggest that the more you read or study, the more likely you are to become myopic.

But the reason is not the load itself. The reason is as eyes are used when the load is increased. And how to “use” the eyes correctly and how to keep that good vision, with which you were born, no one teaches in school.

When people are taught to see correctly, vision problems become much less common.

For example, in China, children and adults are taught simple exercises for the eyes that they perform every day in educational institutions or at work. And the proportion of those suffering from myopia (myopia) has significantly decreased due to this.

Unfortunately, these methods have not yet become common practice in other countries. But in some schools they are still introduced. The results are as promising as in China.

Besides, increased load on the eyes, associated with reading, working at a computer, requires proper nutrition eyes and the body as a whole, and if these requirements are not met in due measure, this also contributes to the deterioration of vision.

But, without a doubt, the wrong habits vision, and not by itself on the eyes. The real problem is the lack of knowledge. The principles of healthy vision need to be studied, promoted and widely applied.

There is hope that someday the general attitude to this problem will change. But you don't have to wait. You can take action now to protect your eyesight by learning how to use your eyes properly.

4. Visual impairment is the result of weakness of the eye muscles

The fourth misconception: visual impairment is the result of weakness of the eye muscles.

In fact, the muscles around the eyes are 150-200 times stronger than they need to be. normal operation. These muscles rarely weaken. On the contrary, from constant stress, they become excessively strengthened, which interferes with their natural flexibility and mobility - they become constrained and inactive.

As an analogy: in a right-handed person, the muscles right side the bodies become stronger and work with better coordination than the left-sided muscles. Why? Only because some muscles are used more often than others, and not because some are naturally weaker than others.

The same is true for the eye muscles: over time, certain habits and patterns of behavior develop, as a result of which some eye muscles become stronger and more coordinated than others. But the problem is not in the muscles themselves, but in habits. By changing habits, the eyes can be retrained. And symptoms such as nearsightedness, farsightedness, etc., will weaken or disappear.

5. Vision is only a physical, mechanical process.

The fifth misconception is based on the assertion that vision is a physical, mechanical process and normal vision is due only to the shape of the eye. If the eye has correct form, then vision will be normal; if the structure of the eye is deformed, then this can cause nearsightedness, farsightedness or astigmatism.

In fact, the shape of the eye is one, but by no means the only, of the elements of the visual system. To give an example: eye doctors are well aware that two people who have the same eye refraction (the ability to capture an image at a certain distance from the retina) can have different sharpness vision (the ability to see letters on an optometric table). Mechanical measurements and physical data is unable to determine how well a person can see. This is due to other factors besides the shape of the eyes.

Many people report that they see better at certain times of the day. Many people report visual impairment as a result of fatigue or stress. What are these fluctuations?

Do you ever get so caught up in your thoughts while driving down the freeway that you "don't see" the turn you want to take? Or are you so tired that, reading page after page, you do not understand the words?

Vision is a dynamic, changing process that depends on many physical, emotional and mental factors. The shape of the eye can be one factor, but even that can change as a result of training.