
Seeing human excrement in a dream. Why do poop dream - the meaning of sleep according to the dream book

About what feces dream of, dream books put forward different opinions. A dream can be interpreted both with positive and with negative side. Despite the unpleasant plot, the image in night dreams often promises a man or woman wealth, prosperity, success in business. To make a more accurate interpretation, it is important to pay attention to even the smallest details of sleep: appearance feces, actions performed by the dreamer or dreamer, environment, terrain, plot.

Type and description of feces

If you dream of someone else's feces - to conflicts, difficulties in relations with people around you. Perhaps soon the dreamer or dreamer will quarrel with a colleague, relative, friend, acquaintance, or anyone else. The dream book says the following about what a person’s fecal masses dream of: the image has a warning meaning and calls to control one’s emotions. A scandal can adversely affect the plans of the person who had the dream.

I dreamed of my own feces - to success in business, the implementation of plans, desires. In the near future, the dreamer or dreamer will face a considerable number of difficulties, but the efforts and efforts will pay off with financial profit. It is important not to deviate from your plans, and they will be able to translate into reality.

The excrement of some animal is dreaming - good sign symbolizing prosperity. In interpreting the image, it is important to consider Whose excrement was it, what kind of animal did it belong to:

About, why do cat poop dream should be discussed separately. This is a symbol of the fact that soon all the troubles of a person will end and in his life will begin white stripe. Cat excrement portends great success, luck in business, meeting new people. interesting people. The psychological and physiological state of the dreamer or dreamer will also improve, especially if before that he or she felt unwell, weak, tired.

If the plot of the dream unfolds in such a way that a person smells, but does not see feces, this is a sign of deterioration in relationships with someone. Soon, the dreamer or dreamer will face a very unpleasant situation that will help open their eyes to a family member, "second half", a good friend, girlfriend or new acquaintance. The conflict will occur due to deceit, hypocrisy, bad deeds coming from a woman or man who were considered close.

If you managed to remember exactly what the excrement looked like, then this is also should be taken into account when interpreting the image seen in night dreams:

  1. Liquid stool, diarrhea. You should not express your opinion under the influence of emotions, you should control yourself.
  2. Constipation, stool obstruction. A person will be ashamed to express his opinion, which will cause him considerable discomfort.
  3. Large amount of feces- to ease in the fulfillment of desires, profits.

A dream about feces with blood warns the dreamer or dreamer that due to a stupid and reckless decision, he or she may lose profits.

Actions performed by the dreamer

The main meaning in the interpretation is what the person did with the feces.

Options may be as follows:

To dream about baby poop that had to be washed off small child, - a symbol of the fact that soon you will have to take on great responsibility.

The dreamer or dreamer may be absolutely unprepared for this, but you will have to make a decision that will change the life of both the person himself and close family members.

Location and setting

The process of defecation is dreaming - to the successful implementation of plans. But it is important to try to remember the environment and terrain in which the toilet procedures took place,

It is unlikely that someone will call feces a pleasant sight. But dream books rarely interpret this image with a negative message. Let's look at the question of what feces dream of in order to be ready for any turn of events on life path that fate has in store for us.

Interpretation of the image according to various dream books

Miller's Dream Interpreter

Miller's dream book claims that feces in dreams signify great financial success and wealth. You will rapidly climb the career ladder, and businessmen will conclude large profitable deals.

But it is worth recalling that this is possible only if the dreamer is not lazy and takes his own initiative to achieve his goals.

Interpretation of a dream according to Freud's dream book

Psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud believes that this image in a dream symbolizes that the dreamer has committed some kind of shameful act, which he does not dare to tell even the closest people about. Perhaps your silence is even for the best, because reputation and respect can be at stake.

Interpretation of the image according to the interpreter Tsvetkov

Such a dream marks serious financial losses due to the fault of the dreamer himself. Even the smallest mistake can lead to big problems, so you should carefully think through every minute of your life. Be especially vigilant when signing important documents.

Wangi's Dream Interpretation

The Bulgarian clairvoyant interpreted the feces seen in night dreams as a symbol of financial well-being. But you should be extremely careful with your savings, because big money makes a person spend more and more. If you do not keep track of your financial savings, then they can quickly be lost and ultimately left with nothing.

Interpretation of the image according to Hasse's dream book

Like all "colleagues in the shop", Miss Hasse believes that feces in dreams signify only financial well-being. But money must be earned only in an honest and legal way, otherwise the punishment will not be long in coming.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

According to the dream book of Nostradamus, the image of feces in dreams portends unexpected gifts and surprises from friends and distant relatives. Sometimes people see such a dream on the eve of some kind of celebration, for example, the dreamer's birthday. This explains this image.

Nostradamus also notes that the dreamer will soon be able to acquire what he has long dreamed of. This purchase will be very expensive, but the emotions from the acquisition and the benefits of the thing itself will justify the means.

Very often, dreams that carry unpleasant and negative information mean and portend something good. Dreams about feces can be attributed to this category. For advanced and more accurate interpretation, try to remember the features of the plot you saw, that is, under what circumstances everything happened, so that you feel at the same time, etc.

Why dream of feces?

Most often, such a dream is a harbinger of receiving a large amount of money. For people involved in business, such a plot means in business and the successful completion of all projects that are currently considered failures. Night vision in which you not only see feces, but also feel them bad smell, indicates a rather complex relationship with other people. Accidentally seeing feces in a dream is an indication that the dreamer often shows his weakness in decision important issues relies on other people's opinions. It's time to believe in yourself and push away obsessive people. If the dreamer is trying to find the cause of the unpleasant smell, then someone from the environment wants to interfere in your personal life.

The interpretation of dreams about feces depends on the nature of the feces. If this was done by an animal, it means that soon you can count on the beginning of a money business, or the dreamer will be able to successfully invest his capital. Human feces in a dream mean that the people around them have a negative attitude towards the dreamer and different people are waiting for him ahead. Such a dream has positive side, if you correctly calculate the moves, then it will be possible to use enemies for your own purposes. Seeing feces in a dream and getting dirty in them is a good sign that promises receiving an increase in wages or you can count on a good bonus.

Night vision, where I had to take feces for analysis in a sick state, is an unfavorable symbol that promises problems in the material sphere. I dreamed of feces that I had to clean up, which means that in reality the dreamer is very dependent on another person. A dream in which you had to fall in feces indicates that you will soon have to find yourself in an unpleasant situation and disgrace yourself in front of a large crowd of people. If you had to eat feces in a dream, then you will soon have to reconsider your habits. For a woman, a dream in which she had to consider feces means that she will soon receive something important for herself.

according to Loff's dream book

As was noted in one of the chats, it doesn't matter how bad fate is with your children; there will certainly be people who will say that this is the result of a “perverted” upbringing. In principle, this approach in psychotherapy is one of Freud's developments that have perpetuated themselves after the theory of penis envy. Interest in this approach is fueled by Freud's own "scatological" struggle with the consequences of his childhood experience mentioned in his biography. Many believe that feces predict well-being and wealth. But it should be noted that both wealth itself and your desire to acquire it can be implied here. In any case, this interpretation is based on Freud's theory that feces are perceived by the child as something produced by him, and therefore as something of value. It would be surprising if an adult woke up, because he dreamed of feces, and would feel light and free from this. To interpret the dream, it is important to know the source of the origin of the feces and how you discovered them. For example, if feces appear in a dream in a natural biological way, then determine whose feces are and what you do with them, you just saw them, cleaned them up - this will say a lot about your relationship with the dream characters. If you detect feces or do not see them, but know about their presence, then you are worried about the attempts of others to interfere in your life. Money can also be involved here if someone's influence goes too far or others interfere in your life too intrusively.

The meaning of sleep about excrement

according to Freud's dream book

In a dream, to see human feces - you are tormented by some kind of problem related to your personal life, but you do not want to discuss it with the culprit of the situation. Trying to wipe excrement in a dream with own body- you will find yourself in an awkward position when more is known about you than you would like. Get dirty in someone's excrement - you will learn some secret of the personal life of one of your colleagues, and he himself will not know that you are privy to his secret.

Excrement in a dream indicates problems in your personal life. Most likely, the sleeper is hiding some secret or an insidious plan is brewing in his head. You can interpret the dream in more detail by remembering the details of the vision.

See excrement in a dream

Spring dream book

Seeing bird excrement in a dream - injure your hands, to illness. Also, such a dream suggests that you are behaving frivolously, “fluttering” over problems, and this will end badly for you.

Dream Interpretation of Psychologist Z. Freud

human excrement - you are tormented by the actions of other people, you are offended, but you cannot stand up for yourself;

on your own body - get into an awkward situation;

wipe from your own body - avoid trouble, get out of a difficult situation with dignity;

to get dirty in other people's excrement - to become a witness to someone else's secrets, to interfere in someone else's life, to get trump cards in the fight against the enemy.

Persian dream book Taflisi

Excrement in a dream according to this dream book portends a big financial profit. You can become a rich heir or receive a prize.

Idiomatic dream book

animal excrement (manure) - get into a difficult situation;

soil your hands in excrement - you can become a member of an insidious plan;

to see your excrement - a cynical attitude towards loved ones will lead to loneliness and a bad reputation;

see on your body - get into difficult situation, become a member of the dirty business.

Dream Interpretation of Meridian

Seeing excrement in a dream is ruining your reputation. The more poop you see in a dream, the more difficult the circumstances will be in which you will find yourself.

smear - complicate an already complicated matter;

in the mouth - everything you say will be used against you;

a large number - as they say, trouble does not come alone - expect a whole series of misfortunes;

wash, wipe - your attempts to fix difficult situation will be appreciated;

sculpt from excrement - condemnation, loss of respect, problems at work, poverty;

animal excrement (comes) - make a profit, reward;

bird excrement - everything that was achieved by labor will be quickly lost.

Esoteric dream book

In the dream book, excrement is described as the inability to get out of a difficult situation. If the sleeper manages to cleanse himself of dirt, then he will avoid condemnation, punishment and human rumor. Seeing excrement is a good sign for women; in their case, such a dream can portend a joyful event related to home and relatives.

Family dream book

If you dreamed of excrement, you should think about the improvement of the house. Perhaps it's time for you to do repairs or update the finishes. Excrement in the house on the table - for profit.