
Myoma node 15 mm. Symptoms and treatment of small uterine fibroids

2010-06-30 12:20:58

asks Menzhulina Marina:

I am 49 years old. The last period was in January. Ultrasound findings - echoes of nodular uterine fibroids and moderate endometrial hyperplasia. Closed glands of the endocervix. M-echo: determined, thickness 12 mm, medium echogenicity, homogeneous (05/28/2010) The doctor said that menstruation should be before June 15, but already 30, but there is nothing. Today I visited a gynecologist, she says that there should still be periods, but the current condition may threaten bleeding ... I can’t understand what I need to do? Sincerely.

Responsible Silina Natalya Konstantinovna:

Good afternoon, you need to do a hysteroscopy followed by immunohistochemical and histological examination received material.

2010-06-27 22:54:59

Asks Svetlana, 51 years old:

I was diagnosed with a cyst of the right ovary, size 74-70-48 fluid formation content incomprehensible word beginning ch .... Uterine fibroids 6 weeks. what is the treatment without surgery

2010-06-27 14:38:35

Elena asks:

The ultrasound showed the uterus in anteflexio with dimensions of 73x59x68. In the thickness of the posterior wall, the submucosal intramural node is 33x32 mm. The right ovary is 33.6x21 mm of a homogeneous structure with even contours, there is a follicle 0.6x0.8. The left ovary 5.8x3.8 mm has a cyst 40x32mm / anechoic formation with clear contours / Conclusion - nodular uterine myoma small size.Hyperplasia of the endometrium. Please give advice. What can be done in this situation. Is it necessary to remove the uterus or the disease can be treated.

Responsible Vengarenko Victoria Anatolievna:

Elena, of course, there is no urgent situation, so there are no symptoms yet, you need to wait, because the organ is easy to remove, but the consequences for a woman without a uterus are not very good.

2010-06-25 15:32:11

Elena asks:

Good afternoon! I am 27 years old. A month ago, she was admitted to the hospital with bleeding, and a surgical curettage was performed. I did an ultrasound, the conclusion is endometrial hyperplasia and uterine fibroids of small sizes. Histological results: endometrial hyperplasia of the endometrium, focal endometritis. I also passed a tank analysis from the vagina and uterine cavity, but there are no results yet. This hospital recommends treatment hormonal drug Yarik or Nova-Ring. At the same time, the analysis for hormones was not taken from me.
One year ago there were childbirth. Pregnancy and childbirth passed without complications. The baby was born weighing 4 kg. The first menstruation went in a year and 1 month and immediately bleeding.
At 14, I also had 2 juvenile hemorrhages. At the age of 17, I had an operation to remove a parovarial ovarian cyst; I also had polycystic disease of the left ovary. After that, for some time she pricked progesterone intramuscularly before menstruation. Then menstrual cycle more or less adjusted. special problems did not have. I got pregnant without any problems.
Prompt please, how to me to be treated and what of these preparations is more preferable?

Responsible Lischuk Vladimir Danilovich:

Dear Elena! I will only advise that you need to take some of the contraceptive drugs with therapeutic purpose. Which one specifically? This can be decided only by the doctor who observes you. There are many options.

2010-06-24 16:37:14

Elena asks:

Give advice during the examination - the uterus in anteflexio, dimensions 73x59x68, in the thickness of the posterior wall, the submucosal intramural node is 33x32 mm. nodular fibroids uterus. Endometrial hyperplasia. Can be treated or the uterus needs to be removed. I was 40 years old and gave birth once.

Responsible Tovstolytkina Natalia Petrovna:

In your case, everything depends on the localization of the node - the exact localization is not indicated in the description. Submucous nodes are usually manifested by uterine bleeding, therefore, when they are detected, a hysteroscopic examination is recommended, i.e. examination of the uterine cavity using a special apparatus. Also, you do not give data on an ovarian cyst, which in itself may be an indication for surgical treatment. If you are not worried about bleeding, the cyst is follicular, then conservative treatment is indicated for you, and only if conservative treatment fails, surgical treatment is indicated.

2010-06-23 17:53:27

Can't ask:

My mother had an ovarian cyst burst and there was no bleeding. It was just some kind of brown color. I didn’t even know what it was. She went to an ultrasound, a gynecologist. Is it dangerous if it burst, the cyst and fibroids will not be cancer later??? tell me please???

Responsible Lischuk Vladimir Danilovich:

Your mother most likely had a so-called functional cyst. These formations are referred to as pseudotumor formations. There is no danger of developing cancer, but it is necessary to be under the supervision of a gynecologist because this is a sign of ovarian dysfunction.

2010-06-22 17:10:36

Faith asks:

I am 48 years old, a month ago I was diagnosed multiple myoma of the uterus with malnutrition of the wels the uterine cavity is deformed the body of the uterus is deformed and shifted to the right the size of the uterus is 111x84x114 with the imposition of many nodes m / nodes 39mm 37mm 27mm 48mm 31mm 38mm The uterine cavity is visualized not expanded 6.5mm monthly cycle and pain in the lower abdomen with prolonged sitting.

Responsible Chubaty Andrey Ivanovich:

I don't understand your question. If you are interested in what to do, my answer is to consult a doctor and agree to the operation.

2010-06-21 15:32:09

Larissa asks:

I am 48 years old and have not had my period for over a year. The last 4 years, menstruation was irregular, according to ultrasound - fibroids 4-5 weeks. At the age of 45, the gynecologist prescribed duphaston, in addition, she once treated inflammation of the appendages. Now the state of health is normal, but the pain in the elbows and knee joints, hair loss, skin and nail condition worsens. But there are no tides. Tell me, do I need to take any drugs to prevent aging of the body?

Responsible Vustenko Vitalina Vasilievna:

Hello Larisa. In the life of every woman there comes a period during which, against the background of age-related changes organism is dominated by involutional processes in the reproductive system - menopause (menopause, menopause): climax. 60-80% of peri-early postmenopausal women experience menopausal syndrome varying degrees expressiveness. early symptoms climacteric syndrome are vasomotor (hot flashes, chills, excessive sweating, headaches, arterial hypotension or hypertension, heart palpitations) and emotional-vegetative (irritability, drowsiness, weakness, anxiety, depression, forgetfulness, inattention, decreased libido). One to three years after the onset of menopause, urogenital disorders, damage to the skin and its appendages may occur. Metabolic disorders develop 2-5 years after menopause. Due to the fact that most disorders are associated with a deficiency of sex hormones, the use of HRT (hormone replacement therapy) is pathogenetically justified. Calcium, fluoride and vitamin D supplements are very important to improve the condition of the skin, skin appendages and bones. Learn more about osteoporosis as one of the most dangerous complication menopause, you can read from the article: Menopause and osteoporosis - how not to stumble on a step. All the best!

2010-06-17 13:43:50

Elena asks:

Hello, I have a 25mm fibroid. My doctor prescribed the drug ORGAMETRYL. I took pills for 3 months. After that, I visited the doctor again and found out that I had a follicular cyst on my right ovary. What should I do?

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News on the topic: fibroids 15 mm

American scientists at a recent conference presented the results of their new research. They found that in women with fibroids - the so-called benign neoplasm in the uterus - the risk of giving birth dead child rises twice.

uterine fibroids are benign education, which is detected in every fifth woman. The size of the fibroids may increase, which may affect the ability to have children. Usually, regular visits to the gynecologist are enough to maintain the state of health at the right level. But sometimes the size of uterine fibroids exceeds the allowable, then a surgical operation is indicated.


What determines the size of the neoplasm

Myoma appears for the following reasons:

  • Excessive physical activity;
  • Constant presence in a state of stress;
  • Pathology of the ovaries, because of which the work of the genital organs is disrupted;
  • Problems with the endocrine system;
  • The presence of chronic infectious diseases;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • Problems with overweight, obesity. In the photo you can see the degree of obesity, which can provoke pathology.

The size of uterine fibroids can be within the normal range, then a woman needs only constant monitoring by a gynecologist. But there are provoking factors that lead to an increase in neoplasm. These include:

  • Frequent abortions. Sometimes one abortion can provoke the development of a tumor, but this is extremely rare;
  • Absence of pregnancy and childbirth up to 30 years. The same applies to lactation;
  • The constant presence of inflammation in the reproductive system of the body;
  • The constant use of contraceptives that affect the hormonal background. What does it mean? Medications that prevent pregnancy, work with the hormonal state of a woman. With the abuse of such drugs, the hormonal background can change forever;
  • Abuse of the solarium or constant prolonged exposure to the sun. This is especially true for women with sensitive skin.

Uterine fibroids 38 mm on ultrasound

To understand how high the risk is surgical intervention, you need to calculate at what stage the pathology is.

Classification of fibroids by size

The size of the fibroid is determined by ultrasound. It is described in weeks and in centimeters. As the neoplasm grows, the uterus increases in the same way as during pregnancy. That is, in the case of an increase in the uterus at the 10th week of pregnancy, a woman is diagnosed with a “myoma of 10 weeks”. The measurements in weeks and cm are as follows:

Fibroids in the uterus

  • Small - up to 2 cm or 20 mm. This usually corresponds to the 4th or 5th week of pregnancy;
  • Medium - up to 6 cm or 60 mm. This indicator is considered normal for 6-11 weeks of pregnancy;
  • Large - from 60 in mm or 6 in cm or more. Usually relevant at 12 weeks of gestation and beyond.

When education corresponds to 20 weeks of pregnancy, it can greatly affect the work of neighboring organs. Myoma is also dangerous because it can disrupt the work of neighboring organs without provoking pronounced symptoms. But most often, minor symptoms are still present.

You can see a photo of myomas in size below.

How to determine the size of the neoplasm in weeks

What to do when making an appropriate diagnosis? How do you know if you are being treated correctly? There is a table that shows the size of the fibroids by week and what method of treatment is used (a table of correspondence between the height of the uterine fundus and the term):

Size in weeks Fundal height What type of treatment is used
1-4 1-2 cm or 10-12 mm

Hormonal and drug therapy

Up to 7 3-7cm or 30-70mm
Up to 9 8-9 cm or 80-90 mm
up to 11 10-11 cm or 100-110 mm
Up to 13 10-11 cm or 100-110 mm

Surgical (surgical) intervention

Up to 15 12-13 cm or 120-130 mm
Up to 17 14-19 cm or 140-190 mm
Under 19 16-21 cm or 160-210 mm
up to 21 18-24 cm or 180-240 mm
up to 23 21-25 cm or 210-250 mm
up to 25 23-27 cm or 230-270 mm
up to 27 25-28 cm or 250-280 mm
up to 29 26-31 cm or 260-310 mm
up to 31 29-32 cm or 290-320 mm
up to 33 31-33 cm or 310-330 mm
Up to 35 32-33 cm or 320-330 mm
Up to 37 32-37 cm or 320-370 mm
Up to 39 35-38 cm or 350-380 mm
up to 41 38-39 cm or 380-390 mm

Depending on the stage of development of the pathology, the symptoms inherent in it make themselves felt.

Usually critical days inhibit tumor growth. During this period, the doctor only monitors her condition. If a woman no longer plans to have children, then an alternative may be complete removal uterus.

What happens without surgery

If the patient is shown an operation to remove the fibroid, it is necessary to adhere to this appointment, otherwise the outcome may be unpredictable. What does it mean? Possible consequences:

  • If the inflammation spreads to a great extent, the result will be serious illnesses kidneys;
  • A benign tumor will become malignant within a short amount of time;
  • The growth of fibroids will continue, which will lead to even greater pressure on neighboring organs, the outcome of this process can be unpredictable, even fatal;
  • Anemia will develop quickly;
  • There is a risk of infertility.

If you regularly visit a gynecologist, follow all his requirements, then the consequences of the problem will not affect you. Today there are many modern techniques, which allow you to remove the tumor quickly and without consequences. Therefore, do not be afraid of doctors, this pathology can be eliminated by living a full and fulfilling life.


Uterine fibroids are benign neoplasms that develop in women of any age. It's a reaction female body on the impact of damaging factors, the main of which is menstruation. The size of uterine fibroids is determined by weeks of pregnancy. In centimeters, the volume of myoma formation is determined by gynecologists using ultrasound. If you are faced with uterine fibroids, please contact us and arrange treatment in the best

This text was written without support, and therefore all information is for informational purposes only.

Many gynecologists with a large size of fibroids remove the uterus. They believe that this is the only way to prevent the transformation of myoma formation into malignant tumor. The clinicians we work with have a different opinion. After examining the patient with modern diagnostic methods endovascular surgeons determine the size of fibroids in weeks and centimeters, localization and structure of myoma formations. After establishing an accurate diagnosis, an innovative procedure will be performed - embolization of the uterine arteries. It allows you to save the patient from the symptoms of the disease, save the uterus, restore sexual desire and fertility (the ability to give birth to children). Our specialists will be in touch with you at all stages of diagnosis and treatment. You have the opportunity to get expert advice

Types of fibroids depending on the size of the node

Myoma 3 cm - how many weeks of pregnancy? Small myoma (about 2-3 cm) corresponds to the period of 4-6 weeks of pregnancy. In this case, the operation is performed only in case of twisting of the legs of the myomatous node, development heavy bleeding which leads to anemia, or infertility. Myoma 9 weeks - how many centimeters? With an increase in the size of the uterus up to 9 weeks of pregnancy, the volume of fibroids does not exceed 20 mm.

Often women are interested, uterine fibroids 4 cm is a lot or a little, fibroids 4 cm - how many weeks of pregnancy. An average fibroid is considered to be 4-6 cm in size, which corresponds to 10-11 weeks of pregnancy. If there is no active growth of myomatous formations and pronounced symptoms of the disease, the operation can be omitted. Educations that are hosted on outside uterus, sometimes disrupt the work of organs located closest. With fibroids measuring 5.6 cm, infertility or miscarriage may occur. The size of the average uterine fibroids varies from 20 to 60 mm. The size of the standing height of the fundus of the uterus corresponds to the following terms of pregnancy:

  • 8-9cm - up to 10 weeks;
  • 9-10cm - up to 11 weeks;
  • 10-11cm - up to 12 weeks.

A fibroid exceeding 6-8 cm in diameter is considered large. In this case, the uterus increases to a period of 12-16 obstetric weeks of pregnancy. Most gynecologists remove such fibroids by surgery or conduct drug therapy. Uterine fibroids 9 mm is large.

The doctors of the clinics with which we cooperate, regardless of the size of the fibroids, carry out embolization of the uterine arteries to treat the disease. This is a minimally invasive procedure, after which the fibroids decrease in size, some fibroids disappear. A year after surgery, in all patients, according to ultrasound examination, the uterus acquires normal dimensions.

Dimensions of uterine fibroids with fibroids in centimeters

For staging correct diagnosis gynecologists of our clinics not only conduct a traditional examination, but also send the patient for ultrasound procedure. The diagnosed tumor is described in centimeters and weeks. The dimensions and height of the bottom of the uterus at the same time correspond to the obstetric terms of pregnancy. For convenience, doctors use a table that combines data on the size of fibroids, uterus, and a period in weeks.

A small uterus is considered to be up to 20 mm in size. The height of the fundus of the uterus 1-2 cm corresponds to 1-4 weeks of pregnancy, 3-7 cm - up to 7 weeks, 7-8 - up to 9 weeks. With uterine myoma 7-8 weeks, the diameter of the neoplasm is 2 cm.

The size of the average uterine fibroids varies from 20 to 60 mm. The size of the standing height of the fundus of the uterus corresponds to the following terms of pregnancy:

  • 8-9cm - up to 10 weeks;
  • 9-10cm - up to 11 weeks;
  • 10-11cm - up to 12 weeks.

The size of a large fibroid exceeds 60mm. With a standing height of the fundus of the uterus of 11-12 cm, the organ itself increases up to 13-14 weeks of pregnancy. With an increase in the uterus up to 19-20 weeks of pregnancy, the standing height of the bottom of the organ is 16-20 cm, 39-40 weeks - from 39 to 49 cm.

Symptoms of fibroids depending on the size of the node

Myoma no more than four weeks of pregnancy for early stages the disease is asymptomatic. Myoma 8-10 weeks with an increase in nodes up to 5 cm is manifested by the first symptoms - painful periods. With an increase in the uterus up to 12 weeks of pregnancy, bloating appears. If the myomatous node is located on the leg, when it is twisted, there is a sharp pain in the abdomen, nausea, and vomiting. With necrosis of the myomatous formation, the body temperature rises, symptoms of inflammation of the peritoneum develop.

With large fibroids, compression of neighboring organs occurs, urination is disturbed, and constipation occurs. Patients are concerned about pain in the lower back and near the rectum. Fibroids larger than 12 weeks cause adhesive processes in the small pelvis.

Effect of fibroid size on pregnancy

With fibroids of small or medium size, pregnancy can proceed normally. If the tumor is large, then conception in a natural way and carrying a pregnancy is impossible. Fibroids protruding into the uterine cavity or located in the neck of the organ often cause infertility and spontaneous miscarriages.

In the first trimester of pregnancy, the size of the fibroids increases. This leads to abnormalities in the development of the fetus, pathology of the placenta. In 20% of patients during pregnancy, fibroids progress. In this case normal delivery impossible. For this reason, our gynecologists recommend that women with fibroids of any size perform uterine artery embolization at the stage of pregnancy planning.

Diagnosis of fibroids

Examination of suspected uterine fibroids gynecologists begin with a thorough history taking. Pay attention to the onset of menarche, the presence and number of abortions, childbirth and their complications, the presence of the disease in close relatives of the patient. Doctors find out if the woman has undergone surgical interventions for diagnostic or therapeutic purposes, whether she has undergone infectious diseases female reproductive system. These factors provoke the development of fibroids. Gynecologists specify the severity and duration of blood loss during menstruation.

During an objective examination, the color of the skin and mucous membranes is assessed. When palpation of the abdomen in the suprapubic region, you can determine the uterus, enlarged to 12 weeks of pregnancy or more. Bimanual vaginal examination reveals significantly smaller fibroids. The absence of palpation signs of myomatous nodes does not exclude their presence.

With the help of ultrasound scanning, the size and localization of fibroids are accurately determined. For better visualization of the neoplasm and assessment of its features, doctors functional diagnostics use transabdominal and transvaginal sensors. This method allows you to monitor the growth rate of myoma nodes and control the effectiveness of treatment. Ultrasound Scan also performed as a screening in groups at risk of developing uterine fibroids.

There are the following ultrasound signs of fibroids:

  • an increase in the size of the uterus;
  • the unevenness of its contours;
  • offset of the median M-echo;
  • the presence in the thickness of the myometrium or in the uterine cavity of structures of an ovoid, rounded shape with increased echogenicity.

The use of a transvaginal sensor allows our doctors to obtain information about the presence ultrasonic signs uterine fibroids, which is in the stage of proliferation. At the same time, doctors identify cystic inclusions and dense components of the tumor. Their ratio varies in accordance with the severity of proliferative processes. Our specialists study the blood flow inside the fibroids using 3D echography and Doppler sonography.

Comprehensive use by our doctors ultrasonic methods diagnostics provides identification and a fairly accurate assessment of the state of myomatous formations. This allows you to predict the course of the disease, to carry out a differentiated approach to the choice of treatment.

Computed or magnetic resonance imaging is used to clarify the structure of the myomatous node and carry out differential diagnosis with adenomyosis. If submucosal localization of fibroids is suspected, endoscopic and x-ray examination. Diagnostic laparotomy is performed with a subserous location of the fibroids, the presence of formations on the leg, and in order to assess the condition of the pelvic organs.

Treatment of uterine fibroids depending on the size

If the fibroid increases in size, corresponds to the period of 8-9 weeks of pregnancy, most gynecologists recommend that a woman undergo an operation - laparoscopic myomectomy. Myoma nodes are removed through incisions made on the anterior wall abdominal cavity. After such an operation, there is no cosmetic defect, but the quality of the scar on the uterus is not always good.

Removal of fibroids for 10 weeks is carried out through an incision in the anterior wall of the abdominal cavity. This is complex operation to remove a neoplasm of the uterus. It requires a long operation. After surgery, scars remain on the skin of the abdomen and uterus. Pregnancy and childbirth can be complicated.

Removal of fibroids For 12 weeks, gynecologists perform a hysterectomy - complete removal of the uterus. After the operation, the woman loses her reproductive organ. The rehabilitation period is about two months. AT postoperative period disorders may develop mental health, arterial hypertension. After embolization of the uterine arteries, fertility is restored quickly, libido increases in women, pregnancy and childbirth proceed physiologically.

The main indicators for removal gynecologists consider:

  • late detection of myoma formations;
  • prolonged blood loss;
  • suspicion of a malignant neoplasm;
  • increasing anemia.

The doctors of the clinics we cooperate with are of the opinion that the indications for the removal of fibroids are unreasonably extended. Modern methods diagnostics make it possible to determine with great accuracy the nature of a volumetric formation in the uterus. Even with large fibroids, our doctors first embolize the uterine arteries, and after reducing the size of the fibroids, they remove the remaining nodes using the laparoscopic method in technically more favorable conditions.


  • Savitsky G. A., Ivanova R. D., Svechnikova F. A. The role of local hyperhormonemia in the pathogenesis of the growth rate of the mass of tumor nodes in uterine myoma // Obstetrics and gynecology. - 1983. - T. 4. - S. 13-16.
  • Sidorova I.S. Uterine fibroids (modern aspects of etiology, pathogenesis, classification and prevention). In: Uterine fibroids. Ed. I.S. Sidorova. M: MIA 2003; 5-66.
  • Meriakri A.V. Epidemiology and pathogenesis of uterine fibroids. Sib honey journal 1998; 2:8-13.

Myoma is a benign tumor that is localized in the myometrium of the uterus ( muscle layer). In medicine, a pathological formation is also called leiomyoma and fibromyoma. The age of patients who are faced with such a diagnosis varies between 20-70 years. Most often, tumors are found in reproductive age. To prescribe treatment, the doctor needs to determine the size of the growths, their number, location, type, etc. We will figure out at what sizes of uterine fibroids surgery is performed and when conservative treatment is prescribed.

Briefly about the disease

benign neoplasm has the shape of a ball of various sizes.

The severity of the disease lies in the asymptomatic course. The first discomfort appears at the moment when the tumor has reached a medium or large size and progresses further. The pathological process is caused hormonal disorders. According to statistics, multiple fibromyomas are most often diagnosed.

To determine the formations, an examination and ultrasound examination are performed. Knots are measured in mm, cm and weeks. The process itself is very similar to the development of a baby in the womb. With the growth of the neoplasm, the uterus increases, bleeding, pain and other discomfort may occur. If there is an excess of estrogen in the woman's body, the pathology will progress.

According to medical data, large nodes (12-16 weeks), which reach 6 centimeters or 60 millimeters, require surgical treatment. Medium tumors (10-11 weeks) are not always removed. Small lesions (4 weeks) 2 cm or 20 mm treat medicines, physiotherapy, etc. Main danger process lies in the possibility of degeneration into cancer.

The size of fibroids and their symptoms

Every woman should understand at what size of nodes an operation is needed, and when drug treatment. Doctors compare the development of a tumor with an embryo, so the size of the uterus is determined in weeks, as during pregnancy, as well as in millimeters and centimeters. By size, the nodes are divided into 3 categories, according to the size, various symptoms appear:

  1. small- such tumors are no more than two cm in size. Formations are found by chance, normally they do not cause pain and other signs pathological process. Fibromyoma 7 weeks is not subject to removal, hormone therapy and observation are prescribed.
  2. Medium- from 20-40 mm to 60 mm, but not more than 7 cm. The patient has profuse menstruation with pain, which cannot be drowned out with painkillers. If the fibroids are more than 11 weeks old, the woman has a bloating of the lower abdomen due to an increase in the cervix.
  3. Large- over 60-70 mm. This is a serious condition that requires surgical intervention, drugs are ineffective here. The nodes squeeze the organs that are nearby, which disrupts the process of defecation and urination. The patient complains of pain in the heart muscle and lumbar. Numbness of the legs is observed, as the formation presses down on the nerve endings near the rectum.

A pedunculated leiomyoma with torsion causes severe abdominal pain. Such symptoms indicate a violation of the blood flow of the tumor, which is fraught with peritonitis.

Dimensions are determined using ultrasound, only after that the doctor prescribes treatment.

Below is a table of tumor sizes, in which you can see the correspondence of sizes in centimeters to weeks of pregnancy.

Size in weeks In centimeters
8-9 8-9
10-11 10-11
12-13 10-11
14-15 12-13
16-17 14-19
18-19 16-21
20-21 18-24
22-23 21-25
24-25 23-27
26-27 25-28
28-29 26-31
30-31 29-32
32-33 31-33
34-35 32-33
36-37 32-37
38-39 35-38
40-41 34-35

With any unpleasant symptoms, a woman should definitely see a doctor, some tumors cause serious bleeding.

Indications for removal

To find out whether an operation is needed or not, a thorough examination of the patient is carried out. Doctors distinguish several main indications for surgical interventions:

  • Severe bleeding - most often excessive bleeding is caused by nodes of 15 weeks or more, if left unchecked, anemia appears;
  • The size of the fibroid is 12 weeks (in centimeters it is more than 6). When multiple nodes are found medium size, the woman must be operated on. These tumors threaten the life of the patient. If the fibroid is less than 5 cm, but there are still medium and large nearby, concomitant drug therapy is indicated;
  • Pregnancy planning – medium fibromyomas can cause infertility or miscarriage. After fertilization, the level of hormones changes, which is fraught with stimulation of the growth of nodes. They can grow slowly or too quickly, because of which the baby will suffer;
  • The risk of oncology - if the tumor grows rapidly, malignancy occurs;
  • Regular pain syndrome- Pain occurs with medium and large nodular growths. They squeeze neighboring organs, stool and urination are disturbed, which can cause inflammation of the intestines or intoxication of the body.

Neoplasms smaller than 4 cm are usually not removed.

Surgery is indicated in the diagnosis of fibromyoma from 9 weeks during menopause. Menopause stops the development of nodes, as estrogen production is inhibited, but the patient must be monitored. As an alternative, a radical method of therapy is used - removal of the uterus.

Abdominal operations

Golden Rule successful treatment pathology - a formation that has reached the size for the operation must be removed.

If you start the process, the node grows to the parameters of the child and can weigh up to 7-8 kg. Today there are many methods, both traumatic and sparing. In cases where the condition is complicated by tissue necrosis or pedicle torsion, it is decided to operate in the traditional way, abdominal surgery is chosen. To do this, incisions are made on the peritoneum, through which the tumor will be removed. There are 4 types of such interventions, we will consider them.


It is used in cases where the fibromyoma has reached the size of 14 weeks and presses on neighboring organs. The operation is performed through small incisions in the abdominal wall, which are then sutured. This method of removal provides for a long rehabilitation, more than one month. During the recovery period, one should not overwork much, lift weights, etc. You can leave the hospital after a week, when the stitches are removed.


This technique is used if the node has reached a gigantic size, is growing rapidly and is prone to degeneration into cancer. Also, the intervention is prescribed during menopause and in the presence of multiple tumors. A hysterectomy is the complete removal of the uterus, so it is only used as a last resort. The recovery period is 2 months, the first few days they take painkillers. Then an antibiotic is prescribed. During the rehabilitation period, the risk of bleeding increases.

If a woman notices bloody issues need to call an ambulance.


The operation is carried out using a special device. A hysteroscope is inserted into the vagina, which penetrates the uterus. The method is used for single formations of 15 mm or more, if they are localized on the anterior or back wall. The intervention is scheduled in the first week of the cycle.

This method has received many good reviews, it can be carried out even on an outpatient basis.


Removal occurs through punctures in the peritoneum with a laparoscope, so there are no noticeable scars. Of the advantages of laparoscopy, one can note a short recovery time, approximately 7 days. The method is used to remove several formations of 9-11 mm, but not more than 15. In this case, the uterine cavity should not exceed 8 weeks. The organ practically does not suffer, the risk of adhesions is minimal.

After the operation, the patient remains fertile.

Other treatments

If the fibroid is not more than 12-13 weeks old, apply hormone therapy. Such drugs inhibit the production of estrogen and the rate of progression of nodes, as well as reduce their size.

UAE and laser removal are also prescribed. Gentle methods have a number of advantages:

  1. There are no large scars, usually they do not exceed a diameter of 2 centimeters.
  2. The ability to bear children is preserved.
  3. Short rehabilitation - up to 14 days.
  4. Minimal risk of bleeding and complications.

Expensive operations are not affordable for everyone, so you can apply for a state quota. This will take time, you will have to prove that other methods will not work.

Conservative treatment

The therapy is relevant for young women who are planning a pregnancy in the future. Hormones are often used, sometimes after surgery, to prevent recurrence. Oral contraceptives effective in infertility, which is caused by myomatous nodes. Doctors use Femoden, Novinet, etc. The drugs contain gestagens that stop the growth of tumors.

Antagonists of gonadotropin-releasing hormone help well with sizes from 10 mm to 30 mm. Zoladex, Lucrin-depot and others are prescribed. The course of therapy does not exceed 6 months, since long-term use such drugs cause menopause.

aGnRH reduces tumor formation by 2 times, pregnancy can be planned immediately after the end of treatment. Some patients report during therapy excessive sweating, mood swings and hot flashes.

If the fibroid does not reach 7 mm, it is observed. Removal or other treatment is not appropriate until there is no progression of the disease. However, during menopause, nodes of small sizes are sometimes removed, for example, about 9 mm.


If a conservative therapy did not give the desired results, EMA is prescribed. The size of the knots should not exceed 3 centimeters. The technique copes with pathology at any stage. In the process, there is a blockage of the arteries with a special substance, which causes the tumor to die, being without proper nutrition.

The woman retains reproductive functions, since the uterus does not suffer. The procedure takes up to 50 minutes, anesthesia is not required. After the operation, the patient remains under observation until the morning, then goes home. Over time, weak pain, which are eliminated by painkillers.

Recovery occurs after seven days, improvements are noticeable already in the next menstrual cycle. Eliminate discomfort and copious discharge. In the first week after UAE, weakness, fever, and chills are possible. Soon, the unpleasant symptoms will disappear.

laser removal

laser beams used for neoplasms up to 4 centimeters. The beam dosed hits the affected area, maintaining the optimal depth. At the same time, neighboring tissues and cells do not suffer. The therapy has a number of benefits, including:

  • Speed ​​of implementation;
  • No pain, scars, scars and anesthesia;
  • The reproductive function is preserved;
  • During the intervention, the bleeding stops;
  • Possibility of outpatient treatment.

The postoperative period does not exceed 2 days. As a result of such treatment, menstruation is normalized, well-being improves, and the ability to bear children returns. The disadvantages include high risk recurrence and impossibility of carrying out intervention at large-scale growths of tumors.

Myoma is a benign tumor that grows in the uterine myometrium (the muscular layer of the organ). The age of the disease ranges from 20 to 70 years, but the majority of patients are from the middle age category.

Physicians believe that the main reason for the formation of uterine fibroids is changes hormonal background female patients.

After uterine fibroids have been diagnosed, the question arises about its size. After all, the treatment depends on how many large tumors were found, what type they are, and on their size in weeks. In order to determine the size of uterine fibroids in weeks, you need to do an ultrasound. It is believed that large fibroids, the size of which is more than 12-16 weeks (more than 6 cm or 60 mm), should be without fail to operate: such nodes are dangerous for the patient's life, especially if there are a lot of them. Tumors less than 10-11 (2-6 cm or 20-60 mm) obstetric weeks mandatory surgical intervention are not subject, they can be cured conservatively (medication, physiotherapy, diet).

Classification of fibroids by size

The size of the tumor is determined using ultrasound in centimeters or weeks.

Since, as the myomatous node progresses, the uterine cavity increases, as does the baby growing in it, it is customary in medicine to compare its size with the weeks of pregnancy.

To determine the size of the tumor in mm or cm, the following table of correspondence between the height of the uterine fundus and the term will help:

Term in weeks Uterine size in cm
8-9 8-9
10-11 10-11
12-13 10-11
14-15 12-13
16-17 14-19
18-19 16-21
20-21 18-24
22-23 21-25
24-25 23-27
26-27 25-28
28-29 26-31
30-31 29-32
32-33 31-33
34-35 32-33
36-37 32-37
38-39 35-38
40-41 34-35

Based on these data, doctors differentiate uterine fibroids into three types:

  1. Small: size up to 2 cm (up to 20 mm) - 4 weeks;
  2. Medium tumor: size from 2 cm to 6 cm (from 20 mm to 60 mm) - 10-11 weeks;
  3. Large fibroids: size over 6 cm (over 60 mm) - 12-16 or more weeks of pregnancy.

Symptoms and dimensions

uterine fibroids on early dates(value up to 2 cm or 20 mm) do not make themselves felt. But with the growth of the tumor and after it reaches a large size (a period of 10-12 weeks or 50 mm or more), the following symptoms begin to manifest themselves:

  • Abundant menstrual bleeding with severe pain that do not relieve pain medications;
  • If the tumor is large (more than 12 weeks), the uterus begins to increase and the lower abdomen swells accordingly. The weight of the patient remains at the same level;
  • If a woman is diagnosed with pedunculated fibroids, her torsion may cause sharp pains in a stomach. This means that blood flow is disturbed in the body of the tumor and is fraught with peritonitis;
  • Large knots in the uterus (10-20 weeks or more) can compress nearby organs and cause problems with defecation (chronic constipation) and urination ( frequent urges to the toilet), pain in the lower back, heart and lower limbs(as well as their numbness) when squeezing the nerve endings near the rectum;
  • Large fibroids growing on the outer layer of the uterus can form adhesions with neighboring tissues and organs, which, when moving, give pain in various parts of the body.


When visiting a doctor, a woman is examined bimanually (visual-manual examination using gynecological mirrors) to determine the size of the uterus in weeks, after which she is sent for testing and ultrasound (it will accurately determine the size of the tumor itself).

In order to correctly prescribe the appropriate treatment for the situation, you need to regularly do an ultrasound examination (ultrasound) of the uterine cavity. This will reveal exactly how many fibroids are in her cavity, what size they are in weeks and centimeters, how fast they progress (how fast they grow). The fact is that fast growth myoma nodes (more than 4 weeks in 12 months) may be one of the signs of the degeneration of a neoplasm into a malignant cancerous tumor.

Regular ultrasound is mandatory even in the absence of any symptoms of fibroids: it can be small (up to 10 mm), but located in a dangerous area.

Also, to obtain comprehensive data on the size, location, structure and type of the myomatous node, the MRI and transvaginal examination methods are used (ultrasound may be wrong), a photograph of the neoplasm is taken for subsequent examination by the attending physician.

Pregnancy and node size

Myoma nodes of small size (up to 10 mm) will not have a significant impact on the growth of the baby in the mother's womb, however, it is necessary to monitor their condition during pregnancy (very rarely there is an intensive growth of uterine neoplasms during gestation).

Large tumors located in the submucosal uterine layer can inhibit normal development baby (the place in the uterus becomes much smaller), cause various pathologies.

In the case of localization of a myomatous node larger than 12 weeks on the back wall of the organ, when the fetus is also attached to this place, the onset of premature birth or oxygen starvation baby.

Obstetricians are of the following opinion: with a small myomatous node growing either in the outer uterine layer or in the median muscular layer, endure and give birth healthy baby is quite real.

Tumor treatment

Treat myomas various methods depending on their type and size in weeks:

  • Hormone therapy is applicable in cases where the size of fibroids does not exceed a period of 12 weeks. Medicines act in the direction of inhibiting the rate of progression of the pathological neoplasm and reducing its size. Hormonal treatment is widely used in case of detection of fibroids in women of younger and middle age who want to have offspring in the future, as well as after surgical intervention in order to prevent the formation of new nodes;
  • Symptomatic treatment:

Antispasmodic and analgesic drugs (even knots of 2-3 weeks in size can cause severe pain during menstruation);

Hemostatic agents are prescribed for fibroids of the smallest sizes (a submucosal node 4 mm in diameter can sometimes provoke intense intermenstrual uterine bleeding) with appropriate indications: long and heavy menstrual bleeding, bleeding from the genital tract during ovulation;

  • Surgery is indicated if the tumor has reached the size of 13 or more weeks:

Embolization of vessels;

Removal of fibroids with a laser;


Removal of the uterus, complete or partial, with or without a cervix;

  • Non-traditional methods:

Folk treatment;

Physiotherapy treatment;


Treatment with leeches.

When is surgery indicated?

  • If the fibroid has a value of more than 12 weeks of pregnancy;
  • If a woman plans to bear and give birth to a child in the future;
  • If there is a risk of degeneration of the myomatous node into a malignant uterine tumor - sarcoma;
  • If the tumor causes constant severe pain that is not stopped by painkillers and antispasmodics;
  • If the myomatous node compresses bladder, rectum and nerve endings, causing a lot of inconvenience and discomfort;
  • If the neoplasm causes permanent severe bleeding against the background of which the patient developed anemia;
  • If the tumor (even if small) has a long, thin stalk: there is a high risk of torsion and peritonitis;
  • If the fibroid prevents normal urination (there is a constant stagnation of urine);
  • If, due to compression by a large myomatous node of the rectum, the patient has an extremely rare stool (1-2 times a week), accompanied by intoxication of the body and bloating with pain on palpation.