
Dental treatment during pregnancy. We treat teeth: only after childbirth? Why is it so much written everywhere that expectant mothers need to undergo mandatory oral health and dental treatment during pregnancy

There are many misconceptions about dental treatment in pregnant women. We refute the myths and give unequivocal answers to the questions: is it worth enduring pain, how dangerous is X-ray, and is it possible to treat teeth under anesthesia? We made notes for all procedures - from “forbidden” to “required”.

Dentist visits in every trimester of pregnancy

Necessary. Immunity during pregnancy decreases. And this is not surprising: a woman bears in herself a new organism, different from herself. What is changing from the point of view of the dentist? First, the risk of bone destruction increases. Secondly, there are changes in the work of the glands that produce saliva. The rate of saliva secretion decreases, its viscosity increases, the pH shifts to the acid side.

As a rule, calcium and magnesium deficiency occurs during pregnancy - this reduces the mineralizing ability of saliva. It ceases to perform a very important function: to wash the teeth, remove food debris, supply tooth enamel with minerals. The risk of gum disease and cavities is increased. Therefore, a pregnant woman should be responsible for brushing her teeth and regularly visit the dentist for professional cleaning, as well as prevention and treatment at the earliest stages.

Highly undesirable. Avoid any dental intervention (except professional hygiene) in the first and third trimesters: in the first, all organs and systems of the child are laid, in the third, the excitability of the uterus increases, so any irritants can lead to danger or.

Can. The second trimester (this is about 14-20 weeks), when all the baby's systems are developing smoothly, is the safest for dental treatment.

Dental treatment under anesthesia

Can. If the treatment of the expectant mother is still necessary, preference is given to modern local anesthetics. They are hypoallergenic and well tolerated by the body. Such anesthetic injections do not penetrate the placental barrier and will not harm the baby.

Forbidden. Anesthesia with high content adrenaline. Such drugs have been used in clinics before, they could provoke muscle spasms. This is what both obstetrician-gynecologists and pregnant women themselves are afraid of, completely refusing any pain relief.

In most modern clinics, such compounds have not been used for a long time, however, in order to protect yourself, it is better to do this: at the time of the appointment with the doctor, explain that you are pregnant and that you cannot use anesthesia with a high content of adrenaline. At the dentist's appointment, again make sure the anesthesia is safe.

Highly undesirable. Surgical interventions in pregnant women at any time are carried out only for urgent indications. What are these indications? Injuries of teeth and purulent inflammatory processes in the oral cavity. All other operations can be considered planned and postponed until the postpartum period.

Is it worth it to endure a toothache during pregnancy?

In no case! Many women still refuse any pain relief and endure pain. “So harmless to the baby,” they say. And it’s good if they still go to see a doctor - many simply suffer at home, use the most unthinkable home remedies, but never go to the dentist! The Internet is full of messages of such women who consider themselves almost heroines, because they endured severe pain not wanting to harm your unborn child.

But in fact, it only turns out worse: pain, especially strong and prolonged, disrupts the functions internal organs and metabolism. And even that's not all! Pain has another aspect - psychological. A woman can be afraid of pain, worry about it, lose her temper, and commit rash acts. All this is not at all useful for the pregnant woman and the child. Excruciating pain is actually out of control of the central nervous system and can cause serious harm to the body.

By the way, why is the toothache so severe? The fact is that pain receptors are located in almost all tissues of the body (except for the nervous tissue of the brain and spinal cord). And the highest density of endings nerve fibers, fixing pain, is located on just the border of dentin and tooth enamel.

X-ray during pregnancy

Only by strict indications! We quote the sanitary rules and norms (SanPiN): “The appointment of pregnant women for x-ray examination carried out only according to clinical indications. Studies should, if possible, be carried out in the second half of pregnancy. This means that the dentist will send you for an x-ray only if there is a serious threat to the patient's health. Also, studies using a tomograph and a visiograph are not recommended - radiation exposure is still present, although it is less than with conventional x-rays.

Can. Is there an alternative? Now, in some clinics, DIAGNOcam is used for research - a modern device that allows you to take pictures of the crown (visible) part of the tooth without x-ray exposure. This will not replace X-ray 100%, but in many cases it will help to cure a pregnant patient. With DIAGNOcam, for example, caries can be detected on early stage and minimally invasive treatment.

Prevention of oral diseases before and during pregnancy

Necessary. Even at the stage you need to visit the dentist. The doctor will conduct a complete sanitation of the oral cavity: examination, prevention and treatment. During pregnancy, the doctor will prescribe professional teeth cleaning - in each trimester or only twice (depending on the condition of the oral cavity).

important and home care. It includes the selection of the right toothpaste with a minimum content of lauryl sulfate (or without it at all), and the composition of the paste should also not contain mint oils.

It is useful to use remineralizing gels (sold in pharmacies). They help to reduce the sensitivity of the teeth, which may appear during pregnancy, will strengthen hard tissues tooth and stabilize caries in the stain stage. Consultation on home prevention can be obtained at the appointment of a hygienist.


Yes, it can be treated under local anesthesia.

Comment on the article "Is it possible for pregnant women to treat their teeth under anesthesia and 5 more questions"

More on the topic "Anesthesia, anesthesia of teeth during pregnancy":

Question: Is it possible to do anesthesia during dental treatment, as well as to do x-rays teeth in pregnant women? During anesthesia, she warned that I was a nursing mother, they selected the drug. Anesthesia is compatible with breastfeeding.

Is it possible for pregnant women to treat their teeth under anesthesia and 5 more questions. Dental treatment under anesthesia. At 7 weeks in my first pregnancy, my tooth ached right before the corporate party, I had to go to the duty room, the nerve Pregnancy on early dates and the threat of miscarriage: is it necessary ...

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Is it possible for pregnant women to treat their teeth under anesthesia and 5 more questions. Question: Is it possible to do anesthesia during dental treatment, as well as to take x-rays of teeth in pregnant women?

I did a tooth with anesthesia, and even a computer picture - I found out about pregnancy a day later - my son was born healthy. and then you got treated on different terms. Anesthesia was always done, but X-rays were refused even in the second trimester - the crown was placed without a picture ...

The question is this. I have been treating my teeth for 1.5 years. The apogee of all this was an agreement with my doctor that I needed braces to straighten my teeth and eliminate a maxillofacial defect. Can pregnant women have their teeth treated under anesthesia and 5 more questions.

Is it possible for pregnant women to treat their teeth under anesthesia and 5 more questions. And another question: is it possible to do anesthesia during the treatment or extraction of a tooth during a short period of pregnancy (third month)? Is it possible to put a filling on a milk tooth.

Pregnancy, dental treatment, anesthesia... I treated my teeth for 1.5 years. The apogee of all this was an agreement with my doctor that I needed braces to straighten my teeth and eliminate the defect. Can pregnant women have their teeth treated under anesthesia and 5 more questions.

Question: Is it possible to do anesthesia during dental treatment, as well as to take x-rays of teeth in pregnant women? Local anesthesia during pregnancy. Is it possible? Like the dentist? Pregnancy two to three weeks.

Wait in good clinics normal anesthesia :) that is, it is possible during pregnancy, the placental barrier does not pass. I have cured 6 teeth during pregnancy with and without anesthesia. The dentist asked how long and said that you can treat from 4 to 7 months of pregnancy ...

See other discussions: Anesthesia for caesarean section. I had a caesarean General Treatment anesthesia teeth. And another question: is it possible for a small period of pregnancy Pregnancy and anesthesia. general anesthesia. My son is going to have surgery, at least 1.5...

It is possible, there is such anesthesia, which is possible during pregnancy. Sign up, don't be afraid. In any case, no one can force you to treat, but an examination is needed. Extraction of teeth under general anesthesia. Doctors told me so - general anesthesia can be used 4 times in a lifetime ...

Is it possible for pregnant women to treat their teeth under anesthesia and 5 more questions. During my first pregnancy, I actively treated my teeth at 37 weeks for several days in a row, and gave birth ... And at that time you will already be given special anesthesia for pregnant women (lightened), it is not harmful and during ...

Naturally, they did anesthesia - 6 injections, she still didn’t want to take it, and I fainted - the pressure dropped so much. Why don't they? There are anesthetics that can be pregnant. Better anesthesia than stress from pain.

Is it possible for pregnant women to treat their teeth under anesthesia and 5 more questions. Is it possible to treat teeth in the first trimester of pregnancy, especially I have in today, for example, I didn’t go to the dentist, although I had an appointment, very much And I during pregnancy ...

Q: Is anesthesia compatible with pregnancy? Therefore, in the first trimester, when the woman and the embryo are most sensitive to stressful situations, and in Is it possible for pregnant women to treat their teeth under anesthesia and 5 more questions.

Late treatment teeth. Medical questions. Pregnancy and childbirth. Another question about dental treatment. In the early stages, they told me that anesthesia was unsafe (and I couldn’t do without it), I thought that I would last the whole period with holes, and after the birth of the crumbs I would go for treatment.

Local anesthesia. Medical questions. Pregnancy and childbirth. Section: Medical issues (Is it possible to treat teeth with local anesthesia?) Local anesthesia.

Anesthesia can only harm the baby in the first trimester (any anesthesia). After that, you can and even need to treat your teeth. Only a doctor should use medicines approved during pregnancy. Now there are quite a few of them.

Dental treatment during pregnancy is often scary for pregnant women. There is a myth that you should wait until your baby is born before visiting the dentist. Of course, in the treatment of teeth, there are adverse factors affecting the developing child.

However, it must be remembered that the absence timely treatment can lead to serious complications and inflammatory diseases, which, among other things, can affect the fetus.

So, is it possible to treat teeth during pregnancy? When to do dental operations least dangerous? Let's try to figure it out.

Consequences of late treatment

Dental treatment during pregnancy is often a necessary measure, since without therapy there are serious consequences of inflammatory diseases.

Most common illness, forcing people to seek medical dental care is caries.

The destruction of the bone structure of the tooth, the mineral component of the enamel leads to the appearance of infectious agents in the pathological focus.

Microorganisms, which under normal conditions will be destroyed by non-specific body defense factors, intensively damage tissues during the development of dental caries oral cavity. The infection process can lead to complications such as:

  1. Pulpitis is an inflammatory reaction in the area of ​​the internal structures of the tooth.
  2. Periodontitis is an inflammation of the ligaments that hold the tooth together in the alveolus.
  3. An abscess is a small cavity filled with pus.
  4. Phlegmon - spilled purulent inflammation, which extends to the tissues of the face.

These processes can lead to grave consequences for mother and child. The ingress of microorganisms and inflammatory mediators into the blood seriously affects the condition of the fetus, may result in the threat of interruption, placental abruption, hypoxia.

The inflammatory process in the gum tissue, bleeding, and other diseases can also cause serious complications, so you should not delay contacting a specialist. You can discuss with your dentist possible factors risk to the fetus, weigh the need for treatment.

Adverse treatment factors

Why is dental treatment during pregnancy a cause of concern for women? The thing is that dental therapy methods are associated with the occurrence of certain risks. The following factors are of concern:

  • Anesthesia - Anesthesia drugs enter the bloodstream and affect the child.
  • X-ray - many are concerned about the question of how an x-ray examination of the upper and mandible may affect the child.
  • Pain and the stress that accompanies it causes anxiety in a pregnant woman.

It is necessary to understand how each of these factors affects the body of a woman and a child.


Perhaps the biggest concern is pain management during dental procedures. This is partly justified. Any drug effect on the body of a pregnant woman can lead to an effect on the developing fetus.

Anesthesia methods in dental practice are divided into several groups:

  1. Superficial, application anesthesia. Most safe method anesthesia. Preparations Lidocaine and Benzocaine are used in the form of a gel and spray. In this case, the absorption of substances into the blood is minimal, there is practically no effect on the fetus. If a woman informs the doctor about the pregnancy, the dentist tries to use just such procedures. The disadvantage is the impossibility of adequate pain relief in serious inflammatory diseases.

  2. Infiltration anesthesia. The method provides for the distribution of an anesthetic substance in the tissues surrounding the painful area. With the help of a syringe, the gum is chipped around the affected tooth. This technique combines minimal impact on the body and sufficient pain relief, so it is most often used in dentistry. In one-stage procedures for the treatment of teeth, infiltration anesthesia also does not have a serious effect.
  3. conductor method. The drug is brought closest to the site of exposure - the injection is carried out in the tissue surrounding the nerve. Thus, with a minimum amount of the drug, the sensitivity is completely turned off. Unfortunately, the technique is difficult to perform, and therefore it is used only for complex surgical operations.
  4. Stem anesthesia. A complex technique rarely performed in dentistry. This method disables all branches trigeminal nerve supplying the upper and lower jaws. Painkillers are injected into the base of the skull. It has very limited indications for use.

From the foregoing, we can conclude that the most commonly used methods (infiltration and surface) anesthesia are absorbed into the blood in a minimal amount. And due to the presence of natural barriers - the vascular wall, placenta, mother's liver - practically no anesthetic substance enters the fetus.


In modern dentistry, methods of X-ray diagnostics are widely used to make a diagnosis, to prepare a doctor for surgery.

Radiography of the upper and lower jaw is performed using a special apparatus. Lead aprons and protective screens cover the internal organs, including the projection of the uterine cavity. As a result, the child is protected from x-rays.

Those who treated their teeth during pregnancy using X-ray diagnostics do not note any effect on the gestation period and the condition of the newborn. In addition, there are no statistical data indicating the effect of X-rays on the fetus.

The radiation produced by the X-ray machine, of course, has a teratogenic effect, but due to the modern pinpoint effect of diagnostic techniques, the effect on the body of a pregnant woman is minimized.

Pain and stress

Another an important factor adverse effect on the body of a pregnant woman is the effect on her mental condition. Everyone knows that during pregnancy, the condition of the child is seriously affected by stress.

Going to the dentist is always associated with a certain degree of excitement. If a woman knows that she will have a serious procedure, including tooth extraction, the use of surgical techniques, the influence of the stress factor increases.

Internal worries about the need for this or that intervention pathologically affect the course of pregnancy. Therefore, it is necessary to consult a specialist as early as possible in order to conduct adequate treatment in time.

Remember that the consequences of untimely treatment, including diffuse purulent processes, will have a much more negative impact on the fetus than pain and stress during dental procedures.

Modern methods of dental exposure suggest minimal pain effects on the mother's body. You should not endure a toothache when it is possible to use methods of anesthesia. Influence modern drugs anesthesia is much less stressful during and after the treatment without anesthesia.

Impact of dental procedures

Many women are interested in the question of which procedures are acceptable during pregnancy, and which interventions are better to postpone for postpartum period.

Of course, there are conditions in which medical treatment cannot be tolerated. These include abscesses and phlegmon, bleeding, various spilled inflammatory diseases. With this pathology, the question is not only the condition of the fetus, but also a threat to the life of the mother.

However, there are dental procedures, not requiring urgent intervention. Most often, such effects include cosmetic surgery.

caries treatment

Many women think that a small caries on one or more teeth does not require emergency treatment. This is not entirely true.

The mother's immune system undergoes a major restructuring during pregnancy and especially the postpartum period. Under these conditions, even a small caries on single teeth can be complicated by an infectious process. This leads to tooth loss, the transition of inflammation to the vessels and nerves surrounding the gum tissue.

The impact of a small dental procedure and superficial methods of anesthesia cannot be compared with these consequences. Therefore, the treatment of caries should be carried out in a timely manner.

If you know about carious formations in the oral cavity before the onset of pregnancy, it is necessary to include a visit to the dentist and the removal of foci of chronic infection in the preparation for pregnancy.

Extraction of teeth

If there is a question about the extraction of a tooth during pregnancy, it is necessary to differentiate the indications for the procedure.

Removing a wisdom tooth during pregnancy is not recommended because the procedure is not always necessary or urgent. It is necessary to consult with a specialist before carrying out such an intervention.

If removal is necessary for urgent indications in case of pulpitis, an extensive carious process, or other inflammatory pathology, the operation must be performed. In this case, there should be no question of postponing a trip to the dentist. It is necessary to remove a diseased tooth in order to prevent serious complications.

You can always discuss the possible consequences with your own obstetrician-gynecologist, and then undergo dental treatment.

Cosmetic procedures

There are various dental procedures that are cosmetic in nature. This includes whitening, insertion of teeth, and other procedures that do not require urgent intervention.

Of course, it is better to postpone such procedures for the postpartum period. Not recommended during pregnancy cosmetic procedures associated with risk to the fetus.

auspicious time

One of important issues when deciding on the need for intervention is the choice of the preferred trimester. When is the best time to do dental procedures:

  1. The first trimester of pregnancy has the greatest risk to the fetus. During this period, anesthesia and pain effects have a pronounced effect on the child's body. In the first weeks of pregnancy, dental procedures can lead to miscarriage, disruption of the implantation of the fetal egg. Therefore, in the early stages, if possible, postpone the treatment.

  2. In the second trimester, the risk to the fetus progressively decreases depending on the week of gestation. The child grows and develops actively, acquires resistance to external influences. Therefore, dental surgeries are preferred in the second trimester.
  3. In the third trimester, the body is intensively preparing for childbirth. The impact of a stressful or drug nature can lead to contractions of the uterine muscles, a threat of premature birth. Until what week is it better to carry out dental procedures? It is preferable to complete treatment before 28–30 weeks of gestation.

Deciding on the choice of trimester of pregnancy for carrying out dental treatment may stand for non-urgent procedures. According to vital indications, teeth during pregnancy are treated in any trimester.

Pregnancy is an important event and a wonderful period in the life of any woman. However, during this period, the risk of developing various dental diseases increases significantly. This is due to the general restructuring of the body, including hormonal levels and metabolism, and a decrease in the protective sludge of the body. How to keep your teeth healthy during pregnancy? And what to do if dental diseases appear in a woman in position?

Why treat teeth during pregnancy?
Upon learning of her pregnancy, the first doctor a woman should visit is a dentist, even if there has never been a problem with her teeth. Pregnancy is accompanied by restructuring hormonal background body of a woman, resulting in a weakening immune system, and as a result, are created favorable conditions for the development of many microorganisms, including the oral cavity. Therefore, even caries during pregnancy develops much faster than in the normal state. The process of forming and carrying a pregnancy takes a lot of strength from a woman. For bone structure a child, a woman's body needs significant amount calcium, fluorine, phosphorus and others minerals, the lack of which is replenished from the bones and teeth of the mother. This kind of process adversely affects the bone tissue and teeth of the future young mother, as a result of which caries develops very quickly.

If caries is not treated, it can lead to the development of more complex dental diseases - pulpitis (inflammation of the nerve of the tooth) and periodontitis, which should also not be ignored during pregnancy, since in the future a young mother will acquire many problems not only with her health, but also with baby's health. For example, infections penetrate through the inflamed teeth and gums of the mother into the body of the unborn child, weakening his body, as a result of which he may develop a tendency to allergies, and most importantly, caries will appear on the first teeth that appear.

If earlier it was contraindicated to treat teeth during pregnancy, since the technologies used were dangerous for the health of the unborn baby, today, according to most experts, it is simply necessary to treat bad teeth during pregnancy. Moreover, modern dental clinics have in their arsenal special medicines for pregnant women, safe digital X-ray equipment (the minimum dose of radiation, the action is local and narrowly focused), highly qualified specialists competently select anesthesia for pregnant women, which would both effectively anesthetize and not harm the unborn child. In addition, special dental clinics for pregnant women have already appeared in our country, which have been effectively operating in the West for a long time.

During pregnancy, you can remove teeth, treat caries, periodontal disease, gingivitis, bleeding gums, inflammation of the teeth, and it is also possible to install braces. But with implantation and removal of tartar, it is worth waiting, these procedures are not recommended for carrying out during pregnancy.

If you do not have any problems with your teeth during pregnancy, it is still recommended to visit the dentist's office every three months (only three during pregnancy), where the doctor will talk about all the nuances of oral care during pregnancy and recommend a brush and toothpaste.

Another reason for the obligatory visit to the dentist during pregnancy and after it is periodontal disease and its initial stage - gingivitis (inflammation of the gums), the signs of which increase towards the end of pregnancy. Particularly careful observance of hygienic rules in the care of the oral cavity can greatly alleviate the condition and prevent possible complications. However, get rid of this disease alone is impossible. And untreated gingivitis leads to tooth loss even more often than untreated caries. If a woman develops gingivitis during pregnancy, the chance that the condition of the oral cavity returns to normal after the birth of a child is much higher than if the woman suffered from this disease before pregnancy. Therefore, it is recommended to visit the dentist at least once a year even before pregnancy. In the treatment of gingivitis, as a rule, professional teeth cleaning and anti-inflammatory therapy are carried out.

In addition to dental treatment, it is also necessary to remove plaque and stones.

When is the best time to treat your teeth during pregnancy?
In the first trimester of pregnancy, the formation of all organs and systems of the unborn child takes place, in the second trimester - the development of these organs and systems, in the third trimester - the preparation or already independent functioning of these systems and organs. Each trimester has its own characteristics of the course: the first and third trimesters account for the largest number"critical" periods, therefore, in these months, any medical intervention is not desirable. The exceptions in this case are those medical procedures and manipulations that are necessary to save the life and health of the unborn child and his mother. The second trimester remains, which is considered relatively safe. Therefore, the period from the fourth to the sixth month of pregnancy (this is 14-20 weeks) is recommended to be used for dental procedures. When visiting a dentist, it is imperative to warn the doctor about your position, gestational age, and indicate the medications you are taking. Depending on these factors, treatment tactics will be developed.

Treatment of caries during pregnancy.
Since anesthesia in the treatment of teeth in pregnant women is categorically contraindicated, then, as a rule, the treatment of caries in a pregnant woman is carried out without anesthesia. With the help of a dental drill, the dentist removes damaged tooth tissues and places a filling, the choice of which can be made to your taste (chemical or light curing). Neither one nor the other seal carries any danger, either for the mother or for the child. If, nevertheless, anesthesia is needed, you should not worry about this, since today there are special anesthetics (Ubistezin, Ultracain) that have only a local effect, without penetrating the placental barrier. This means that they are absolutely safe for the unborn child. In addition, these preparations contain a rather low concentration of vasoconstrictors, and some do not contain them at all (drugs based on mepivacaine).

Inflammation of the nerve or pulpitis is treated with anesthesia, which was discussed earlier. Treatment of periodontitis (inflammation of the root tissues of the tooth), most often, is carried out without the use of anesthetics. However, in both cases, x-rays are needed, which allow high-quality root canal filling. In general, x-rays are contraindicated before the 20th week of pregnancy. After this period, X-rays are allowed, only the doctor must know about your situation. If the office is not equipped with a special X-ray unit (the radiation dose is reduced tenfold), which protects the doctor and patient from radiation, the doctor will provide you with a so-called lead apron that protects your stomach.

Extraction of teeth during pregnancy.
If it is not possible to save the tooth, it is removed under local anesthesia. In order to avoid any complications, it is necessary to strictly observe all medical recommendations(do not rinse, do not heat the operation area, etc.). If it is necessary to remove the "wisdom tooth", then it is better to postpone such removal for later, since such removal is usually accompanied by the appointment of antibiotics.

Prosthetics, fluoridation and whitening of teeth during pregnancy.
There are no contraindications for prosthetics. Procedures performed by an orthopedic dentist are usually painless and safe. But implantation of teeth is not recommended, since the process of engraftment of implants is accompanied by high costs for the body. And a young mother should direct all her strength and energy to the development healthy child. In addition, most often implants are engrafted under the influence of medicines, the action of which reduces the reactivity of the body, which is an absolute contraindication during pregnancy.

To preserve and strengthen tooth enamel during pregnancy, local fluoridation with fluorine-containing solutions and varnishes is recommended. In domestic practice, the application method of fluoridation is used, in which the so-called “individual spoon” (wax casts of teeth) is made, into the recesses of which a fluorine-containing composition is poured, after which the casts are superimposed on the patient’s teeth (10-15 procedures), and the second method is carrying fluorine-containing varnish with a brush on the surface of the teeth (3-4 visits).

Teeth whitening procedure during pregnancy is absolutely safe and harmless to future mother and fetus. It is carried out in two stages: the removal and removal of plaque and tartar using ultrasound and the treatment of teeth with special whitening pastes. Teeth whitening is carried out within an hour.

How to keep your teeth during pregnancy?
The birth of a child must be taken very seriously, therefore, long before pregnancy itself, both parents must cure all damaged teeth, since affected teeth are a source of infection that negatively affects the health of mother and baby.

the best and effective way the fight against bacteria is a thorough brushing of the teeth in the morning and evening. During pregnancy, it is best to use a medium hard toothbrush. The brush for the entire period of pregnancy must be changed three times. If your gums bleed heavily, use a soft-bristled brush. And here electric brush It is not recommended to use during pregnancy and lactation.

To care for the oral cavity, you should additionally use dental floss or floss, which allows you to clean the interdental spaces, you can use dental elixirs, which have a cleansing and protective effect. Also, after each meal during pregnancy (and not only), you should rinse your mouth with boiled water.

Toothpaste used during pregnancy should also be of high quality: prevent the development of caries and gum disease and strengthen tooth enamel. A suitable toothpaste can be recommended by the dentist during the consultation.

In addition, in order to save teeth during pregnancy, one should limit oneself from the consumption of carbohydrate foods, especially sweet and starchy foods. The diet of a pregnant woman should be balanced and include the necessary macro- and microelements and vitamins (calcium, phosphorus and fluorine, as well as vitamin D). AT daily diet should include fish fat, chicken eggs, cod liver, vegetables and fruits, cottage cheese, cheese, nuts and other products. A woman during pregnancy should take daily vitamin and mineral complexes for pregnant women.

Pregnancy can be compared to a novel, but each has its own plot. Who has toxicosis from beginning to end, or drowsiness, like a bear in winter, and someone loses a tooth one after another or even worse suffers from wild toothache in the midst of expecting a child. Dental problems are a rather serious and unpleasant problem during the period of bearing a child. How to understand whether it is possible to treat teeth during pregnancy, whether it is necessary to treat teeth during pregnancy, everything is in order with the help of specialists.

Treat or not treat…

Bearing a child involves a number of serious changes in a woman's body, including hormonal and metabolic ones, which change everything and everything. Therefore, from some ladies you can hear that every pregnancy a sacrifice was made in the form of a lost tooth. Why go for such feats, if you can foresee everything, about which our conversation will go on.

According to the statistics of American scientists, it has been proven that dental problems increase the risk of having children born prematurely or with intrauterine growth retardation.

It is ideal when a woman’s pregnancy is planned, and she can prepare herself for bearing in advance by going through all the specialists in advance: an ENT doctor, surgeon, therapist, etc. AT planned training they also refer to a trip to the dentist, he will find the source of the infection and carry out sanitation, thereby preventing a possible danger.

How scary sick tooth

A bad tooth can cause not only terrible pain, but also become a breeding ground for bacteria. This fact may cause:

Say it's not possible for one tooth to create so many serious problems. Maybe dear ladies, if a woman also has chronic diseases that periodically make themselves felt. In this case, dental problems are a trigger for their exacerbation. So the best option, of course, is a planned pregnancy.

Is it possible to remove, seal, whiten, insert, prosthetic teeth during pregnancy? Convenient table for pregnant women

But happiness sometimes “comes” unexpectedly and all plans can be radically changed. What to do and is it possible to treat teeth for pregnant women if you did not have time to visit your dentist before pregnancy? What procedures can be done, and which ones should be abandoned? Read and memorize.

What can be done

What not to do

caries therapy - installation of fillings

teeth cleaning and whitening

periodontitis therapy

installation of implants

extraction of teeth other than figure eights

x-ray (permitted according to indications in the second half of pregnancy)

use of anesthesia (ultracaine, lidocaine, etc.)

use of general anesthesia

braces installation

removal of eights

sanitation and preventive examination


stomatitis treatment

bite correction

ignore the old filling

So, based on all the above pros and cons, it is worth paying attention to each aspect.

When to treat

When a toothache overtakes you by surprise, you should immediately contact your dentist. There is no need to sacrifice yourself, arguing: I will endure everything for the sake of my child. This is certainly commendable, but today such feats are at least not rational and not justified.

Problem #1

Caries is a dangerous disease that can lead to various diseases and create difficulties during the gestation period, and in some cases even lead to termination of pregnancy. At first glance, it seems that what will happen from a small hole in the tooth, but this is an erroneous opinion. This defect is an excellent place for the reproduction of bacteria streptococci and staphylococci, which spread through the bloodstream throughout the woman's body. What can caries lead to?

Pulpitis (damage to the root canals) Gingivitis bleeding and friability of the gums Parandatosis complete or partial loss of a tooth.

Such a transition from one form to another during pregnancy is faster, since the composition of saliva changes due to physiological and biochemical changes. Therefore, leaving caries unattended is dangerous. Many mothers ask when is the best time to treat their teeth so as not to harm the unborn baby? I will answer: If you notice that a hole has appeared in your tooth, or the tooth reacts to cold or hot, or other pathological changes you need to contact your dentist immediately!

Which fillings are harmless for pregnant women s

Photopolymer material is safe today, but there are a number of nuances when to put permanent filling no possibility. For example, the interaction of the material with the tissues of the teeth does not allow it to hold on for a long time. In this case, the doctor decides to put a temporary one, and after the birth of the baby, put a permanent filling. There are cases when, at the time of gestation, a woman has an individual intolerance.

First trimester of pregnancy what to do?

Is it possible to treat teeth in the first trimester? The first 18 weeks are the laying of all organs and systems in the future fetus, if the situation is not so serious and the dentist recommends that you postpone treatment for more late deadline then postpone therapy. Experts claim that best period this is the second trimester.

Until what week can teeth be treated

Are there any restrictions and until what week of pregnancy can teeth be treated? In the event that an emergency occurs, the pregnant woman is not left without medical assistance. dental care. Toothache can provoke the development of complications and abortion, therefore, this fact cannot be ignored. Therefore, the gestation period does not matter in such cases. Of course, with planned therapy, if not emergency conditions, such periods are excluded when premature generic activity or the woman already has such a threat:

Some mothers ask if it is possible for pregnant women to remove teeth with anesthesia? Removal is recommended at the twenty-seventh week in case of urgent need. Those. if you are at week 25 and your tooth does not hurt, but it needs to be removed, but there is no urgency, for example, a destroyed tooth or a residue in the form of a root that does not cause pain syndrome and you can wait then remove at 27 weeks or after childbirth. Today, the pharmaceutical industry produces drugs, namely those used in anesthesiology, which do not allow to act on the development of the unborn baby. If there was urgent situation to remove a diseased tooth or need tooth treatment, the dentist will choose the right anesthesia.

Prescription of antibiotics

Purulent pulpitis has developed, can I take antibiotics? If the process has gone to purulent process then taking antibiotics is not avoided, since refusing them can lead to sepsis (blood poisoning). You should not worry, as the doctor will select a drug that will not harm the unborn baby, such as ampicillin, erythromycin, spiramycin, etc.

To the forbidden antibacterial drugs during pregnancy include:

  • tetracycline;
  • gentamicin;
  • kanamycin;
  • norfloxacin, etc.

The use of such antibiotics can lead to fetal abnormalities: malformations of internal organs, aesthetic anomalies ( cleft lip; cleft palate, etc.)

Remember, if you are taking antibiotics, you must take antifungal drugs and drugs that restore the intestinal microflora. Preparations are selected only by a doctor! Self-medication can be harmful especially during pregnancy!


To diagnose dental problems, they often resort to x-ray examination, however, during pregnancy, this method makes many mothers refuse it, which complicates the treatment process. To do or not to do, that is the question.

Experts say that x-rays of the teeth can be done only when absolutely necessary.

According to the norms of the sanitary epidemiological authorities and the Ministry of Health, X-ray examination during pregnancy is carried out only for clinical indications. Preferably in the second half of bearing a child.

What to do if pregnancy is in the first phase of development, and an x-ray is necessary according to indications? Today, X-ray equipment has undergone a number of changes that allow you to perform a study even in the first months of pregnancy. In such cases, a localized x-ray is taken with additional protective equipment (a lead apron is put on). Or they use special devices for diagnosing a pathological source that exclude x-ray radiation.

What to do to avoid dental problems

As the grandfather of medicine Hippocrates said: "It is easier to prevent a disease than to cure it." And this is true, my dear future mothers work. I offer ten recommendations from dentists so that the teeth do not leave the beautiful female mouth one after another during the gestation of the desired child.

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In conclusion, I would like to note that you have been presented with material that can answer many of your questions. However, do not ignore going to a specialist in a timely manner, as the missed time can deprive you not only of a tooth and a beautiful smile, but can cause many problems. This is most important during pregnancy. Take care of yourself and be healthy!

Tag: can teeth be treated during pregnancy

Pregnancy confirmation is great news! Now you must plan your changes and adjust your life to the new situation. Healthy food, pleasant emotions, good rest. But the list is number one in the most important matters should be a visit to the dentist.

Why should pregnant women treat their teeth

Until recently, there was a myth that during pregnancy you should not treat your teeth, it should be done after childbirth. This is a profound delusion! After all, any carious or, even worse, destroyed tooth, gingivitis (inflammation of the gums) are sources of infection, which, getting into the stomach with food, and then into the general bloodstream, can provoke undesirable conditions, up to preeclampsia (late toxicosis).

Therefore, if you know that you need treatment or extraction of teeth, if your gums bleed when brushing your teeth, then when the second trimester of pregnancy occurs, feel free to go to the dentist, because today there are enough drugs in his arsenal that are safe for treating teeth during pregnancy. .

And if nothing bothers you, then do not forget about the mandatory visits to the dentist (there are only three of them for the entire period of pregnancy). During these visits, the doctor will give you professional hygiene oral care, talk about the features of oral care in your position, recommend toothpaste and brush.

When is the best time to treat your teeth during pregnancy?

Conventionally, the period of pregnancy is divided into three periods - trimesters. The first trimester is characterized by the laying of all organs and systems, in the second trimester their smooth development takes place, in the third - their preparation for independent work or already independent functioning.

Each trimester has its own management features - the first and third have the largest number of "critical periods", so any medical interventions considered undesirable (of course, except for those that are necessary to save the life and health of mother and baby). The second trimester (this is approximately 14-20 weeks) is the safest, including for.

Firstly, do not worry and do not panic - this is not for you now. Secondly, be sure to warn the doctor that you are pregnant, what is your gestational age, what drugs you are taking, the treatment tactics depend on this.

Treatment of caries during pregnancy

To date, the treatment of caries in pregnant women is not particularly difficult. Often it is performed even without anesthesia. The doctor will mechanically (with a drill) remove all the destroyed tooth tissues and put a filling of your choice - chemical or light curing - there are absolutely no restrictions here. The light emitted ultraviolet lamp when setting up a light-curing filling, it does not pose the slightest danger, either for the mother or for the unborn child.

Anesthesia for dental treatment during pregnancy

This situation is also completely natural and does not present a big problem. Today's anesthetics (these are drugs based on articaine, such as "Ubistezin", "Ultrakain") have exclusively local action without penetrating the placental barrier, which means they are safe for the baby.

In addition, they have a reduced concentration of vasoconstrictors, and in some they are completely absent (for example, in anesthetics based on mepivacaine). Therefore, if dental treatment gives you pain, you should not endure it, it is better to avoid such stress by using modern anesthesia.

Treatment of pulpitis and periodontitis during pregnancy. x-ray

If caries is complicated by pulpitis (inflammation of the nerve), then the treatment is necessarily carried out under anesthesia, which has already been mentioned above. Treatment of periodontitis (inflammation of the peri-root tissues of the tooth), as a rule, does without anesthesia. But in both cases, high-quality root canal filling is necessary, which is difficult to carry out without x-rays.

Many future mothers are very afraid of x-rays, and many dentists prefer to leave the treatment of such a tooth “for later”. Believe me, from one shot taken with all precautions (lead protection on the stomach - the so-called lead apron), nothing bad will happen, and in the treatment of teeth it will be an excellent help. In modern radiovisiographic devices, the radiation dose is reduced tenfold, and the quality of the images is not inferior to film ones.

Extraction of teeth during pregnancy

If the doctor concluded that the tooth cannot be saved, it must be removed, and this is surgery, but this during pregnancy is not difficult. The operation takes place under local anesthesia. It is important to clearly follow all the doctor's recommendations (in no case do not rinse, do not heat the operation area, etc.) in order to avoid complications.

A special case with "wisdom teeth". Their removal often requires additional surgical procedures and the further prescription of antibiotics. Therefore, this procedure, if possible, is better to postpone.

Dental prosthetics during pregnancy

There are no contraindications to prosthetics during pregnancy. As a rule, the procedures performed by an orthopedic dentist are safe and painless, and the expectant mother has free time to take care of the beauty of her smile.

But for now, you should forget about implantation, since the period of engraftment of implants requires a lot of expenses from the body, and the expectant mother needs them for development healthy baby. In addition, often the engraftment of implants takes place under the influence of drugs that reduce the reactivity of the body, and this is also absolute contraindication during pregnancy.

Treating Gingivitis/Gum Inflammation During Pregnancy

Perhaps, gingivitis (inflammation of the gums) is the most common complaint of women, starting from 3-4 months of pregnancy. This is due to serious hormonal changes throughout the body. It is characteristic that in the first half of pregnancy there is mild form(the so-called catarrhal gingivitis), and in the second half - the course of the disease is more severe, often with the growth of gum tissue (the so-called hypertrophic gingivitis).

AT initial stage gingivitis, the edge of the gum becomes bright red, swells, bleeds easily. Gradually, such a gum becomes dark red or even bluish, increases in size.

Treatment of mild forms of gingivitis consists in antiseptic treatment of the gums, professional cleaning teeth (thus removing traumatic and infectious factors), prescribing applications or rinsing with anti-inflammatory drugs. As a rule, after childbirth lung symptoms gingivitis disappear without a trace.

If there has been an overgrowth of gum tissue, then they are surgically removed without harm to the health of the expectant mother and child.

How to keep your teeth during pregnancy

There used to be a saying that every child takes one tooth from a woman. Fortunately, today we can say with certainty that this is not the case. The main thing is to follow simple, but very important recommendations.

  • Try to think about your dental health even before pregnancy. Planning for the birth of a child is an indicator of parental responsibility. Try to cure all the "problem" teeth, start taking a complex of vitamins containing calcium. Try to stick proper nutrition, add more cottage cheese, cheeses, nuts to your diet.
    During pregnancy, be sure to visit the dentist, even if nothing bothers you. This must be done at the beginning, in the middle of pregnancy and before childbirth.
    During pregnancy, the child needs a huge amount of calcium both for the mineralization of the skeleton and for the formation of milk and permanent teeth, so the intake of calcium from the outside is simply necessary for a woman. This will help products such as milk, cottage cheese, cheese, nuts, as well as vitamin and mineral complexes. But before taking calcium-containing drugs, it is necessary to consult a doctor.
    During pregnancy, the qualitative and quantitative composition of saliva changes, it becomes more viscous, loses its protective properties, which means that hygiene suffers, teeth become susceptible to caries. Therefore, it is necessary Special attention devote to daily oral hygiene, perhaps add additional funds care (rinses, flosses). All these recommendations will be given to you by the dentist, he will also select the appropriate toothbrush and paste, if necessary, will carry out professional hygiene.
    We must not forget about the future father of the baby, he also needs to sanitize the oral cavity before the birth of the child. After all, any affected tooth is a source of infection, both for mother and baby.

Compliance with these rules will help you meet one of the happiest events in your life with a beautiful and healthy smile!