
What causes baldness on the head. Baldness in women causes and treatment

Anyone who thinks that the problem of baldness can only worry men in old age is mistaken. Statistics show that over the past 50 years, alopecia has “rejuvenated” - now about 25% of the stronger sex, by the age of thirty, notice a significant thinning of the hair and emerging bald spots on the crown, and by the age of 40, every third man loses up to 80% hair on the parietal zone.


However, alopecia does not always start at the crown and, unfortunately, is not always limited to this area.

Trichologists distinguish several stages of baldness: mild, moderate and severe - depending on the degree of hair loss, as well as several forms. Forms of alopecia depend on where the man's hair falls out first (in the forehead, temples, crown of the head).

When visiting a trichologist, the doctor, after examining the patient and combining information about the form and stage of baldness, will identify a pattern of alopecia. For the representatives of the stronger sex, this model is determined by the Norwood-Hamilton scale.

Norwood-Hamilton scale (table)

So, for example, if a man has just begun to thin his hair at the top of his head and small bald patches appear in his forehead (the so-called "widow's triangle") - this is a mild, second, degree. And if only the hair on the occipital zone reminds of the former thick hair, the degree of baldness is severe and only hair transplantation can help in this case.

It is interesting

Recently, brutality is increasingly associated with a clean-shaven skull. Remember Vin Diesel, Jason Statham or Gosha Kutsenko - this is the personification of masculinity. Moreover, this identification has scientific roots - often baldness is associated with increased production of the most male sex hormone - dihydrotestosterone.


Androgenic (caused by hormonal factors) alopecia is the most common cause of baldness in the crown area. Up to 90% of all cases are associated with androgenic causes. The situation is further complicated by the fact that the predisposition to this type of baldness is often inherited (then we are talking about androgenetic alopecia). There is no cure for this disease yet.

Other causes of hair loss include:

  • severe diseases, especially those associated with the effect on the immune system: diabetes mellitus, oncology, the formation of stones in the kidneys, gallbladder;
  • severe stress, beriberi;
  • loss due to surgery of any organs of the digestive system, for example, the adrenal glands. As a result, the body loses the ability to synthesize vitamins, which are also necessary for nourishing the hair follicles);
  • seborrhea (with this disease, the secretion of the sebaceous glands is disturbed, both increased and decreased sebum secretion can occur), which indirectly negatively affects the development and growth of hairs;
  • radioactive exposure;
  • burns and injuries. It should be noted that most often with mechanical and burn damage, the hair follicles are not only damaged, but die, so it is almost impossible to restore hair by any methods other than transplantation.

Since the problem of baldness has been facing the entire male population of the globe for a long time and is persistently acute, there are a lot of methods to combat alopecia.


Conventionally, all methods can be divided into medical and non-medical. Of course, trichologists advise paying attention, first of all, to the first, but we will briefly review everything.

Wig and hair

Maybe it sounds rather naive, but to this day, many men (both old and young) try to hide the emerging baldness by combing their hair from “unaffected” places, such as the back of the head. And when hair loss becomes catastrophic, wigs are used (often expensive, made from natural hair). Some try to disguise their bald head with hats, bandanas, etc. However, no matter how high-quality the wigs are, no matter how beautiful the headgear is, the secret becomes clear sooner or later, and you either have to deal with the problem by other methods, or come to terms with it.

Folk remedies and methods

In the arsenal of traditional medicine there are many remedies to stop hair loss and enhance hair growth, and some of these recipes have successfully migrated to classical medicine: for example, masks and ointments with burdock root extract, nettle, red pepper. However, there is one “but” here: in the case of androgenetic alopecia, all these methods are powerless, because they can only strengthen and “wake up” the hair follicles affected by stress or beriberi, but folk remedies cannot defeat the hormonal causes of baldness.


All kinds of shampoos, serums, masks, balms, advertised and not so much, sold both in ordinary supermarkets and exclusively in pharmacies. Here, some manufacturers emphasize fidelity to folk recipes, while others emphasize the use of the latest formulas and technologies. However, as in the previous case, almost no cosmetic product is able to combat androgenetic alopecia, which, as we said, is the most common cause of male pattern baldness. By the way, modern cosmetologists have found an alternative way out: recently a special powder imitating short bristles has appeared on sale.

Cosmetic procedures

Beauty salons offer a wide range of procedures designed to activate hair growth and stop hair loss: iontophoresis, plasmolifting, mesotherapy, myostimulation, and quite exotic cryo- and ozone therapy. The effectiveness of all these procedures has not yet been clinically proven to the end.

The greatest effect, according to various data, is shown by:

  • mesotherapy - the introduction of a special complex of preparations and vitamin "cocktails" into the scalp;
  • myostimulation - exposure to pulsed current.

It is impossible not to notice that in the fight against androgenetic alopecia, all these methods will be useless.

Vitamin complexes and trace elements

Strengthening the immune system is useful in any case, so you should not neglect taking multivitamin preparations. If alopecia was caused by a weakened immune system, vitamin deficiency, or the inability of the body to synthesize one or another vitamin, outside help will come in handy for hair as well.


Modern pharmacology offers two drugs that are effective in the treatment of androgenetic alopecia: Finasteride (which, by the way, is prescribed only for men) and Minoxidil, an external agent that can partially stop hair loss and stimulate the growth of new ones. Both medicines should be taken only on the recommendation of a trichologist.

The American remedy "Regaine" (Rogaine) is extremely popular. According to user reviews, it really helps. However, the drug has a lot of disadvantages. Firstly, it must be applied regularly, otherwise the hair will begin to fall out even more. Secondly, you can order the drug only in the online store, and often we are talking about delivery from the United States (do not forget about sanctions). Thirdly, "Regain" is a very expensive pleasure.


Unfortunately, most often, androgenetic alopecia leads to a situation where no medicinal, cosmetic or other means can no longer help. Even if it was possible to eliminate the cause of baldness, it is almost impossible to restore already lost hair. Then the doctor may suggest a hair transplant. To do this, healthy hair follicles are taken from the patient from the donor area (most often the back of the head) and transplanted to the area of ​​baldness. I can transplant in three ways: Strip method, FUE method and, finally, HFE method.

  • The Strip technique involves surgical intervention: the doctor cuts out a skin flap from the donor area with a scalpel, then divides it into small grafts, which are implanted into the prepared incisions in the recipient area. This method is quite traumatic, scars remain after the operation, and re-transplantation is impossible.
  • The FUE (Follicular Unit Machine Extraction) method is less invasive: here, a punch with a diameter of up to 5 mm is used to remove grafts, leaving small round scars on the donor area. There will also be scars on the transplant area, as incisions are made to implant the follicles.
  • The advanced method is HFE (Hand Follicular Extraction), when using which each graft is removed separately and manually using microsurgical instruments. No incisions are made in advance on the recipient zone: the follicles are implanted immediately into the skin, while the puncture is made with a special implanter. This procedure is almost non-invasive, it minimally injures the skin of the donor area. HFE allows you to achieve almost 100% efficiency in the survival of hair in the area of ​​baldness. If necessary, you can re-transplant.

In Russia today, only one clinic practices the HFE transplantation technique. This is the HFE Clinic, where specialists with vast experience in the field of hair transplantation work. The best trichologists consult here, and operations are carried out by certified transplant specialists. In our clinic, each client will be helped to find thick beautiful hair.

Many people are concerned about hair loss, in the language of doctors it is called alopecia. It causes panic among girls and humility with the inevitable aging processes among the representatives of the stronger half. Before starting treatment, it is necessary to find out why alopecia occurs in women and bald patches on the forehead in men.

What is alopecia areata

When profuse hair loss occurs on the scalp, concentrated in one place in the form of a circle or oval, smoothly passing to other areas, this phenomenon is called alopecia areata. The area of ​​the lesion is up to 10 cm. Less often there are foci of baldness on the beard, eyebrows, eyelashes. On short hair, it is difficult to identify the initial stage of alopecia yourself, so relatives or hairdressers notice its manifestations.

Why does baldness appear

It is very strange when, against the background of excellent health, the head suddenly becomes bald, hair loss suddenly begins. Baldness can appear and overgrow on its own, sometimes it appears in several places at once and grows. The causes of baldness are not fully understood, but studies have identified the main provoking factors:

  • stress;
  • vaccination;
  • long-term use of drugs, especially lowering blood pressure, choleretic, antidepressants, cytostatics;
  • infectious diseases;
  • a consequence of general anesthesia;
  • contamination of the body with toxins;
  • the presence of helminths.

In men

A man with a bald head is handsome, but only when he likes it. If the hair falls out, there is a reason for this:

  1. If a bald spot appears on the top of the head, this implies a high sensitivity to a derivative of the male sex hormone dihydrotestosterone. The result is sad: the hair becomes thin, eventually falls out.
  2. Sometimes a bald patch on a man's head is manifested by bald patches above the frontal part of the head. This phenomenon indicates the pollution of the body with toxins and slags due to improper lifestyle and nutrition.
  3. Plays a role heredity. Look at the photo of your grandfather and father at your current age: if there is a bald head, then there are high chances that you will also have it.

Among women

For every girl, hair loss is a real tragedy, but female pattern baldness is treatable. With the loss of more than a hundred hairs per day, the scalp becomes noticeably thinner and we can talk about the first signs of alopecia. It is very important to understand that baldness in women is both a cosmetic problem and a possible symptom of a dangerous disease:

  1. Excessive production of the male sex hormone (testosterone), which can negatively affect the function of the hair follicle and androgenetic alopecia occurs.
  2. Reduced hemoglobin in the blood, which suggests the replenishment of iron stores in the body in order to ensure the recovery of the cornea of ​​\u200b\u200bnails and hair.
  3. Thyroid dysfunction can cause androgenic hair loss: hormones are the regulator of protein metabolism, which affects the bulb and hair structure.

How to deal with baldness

Alopecia areata is a long-term problem, sometimes it interferes with life for years, and as a result, it turns into total baldness. If you start to go bald, contact a trichologist immediately. The beginning of the treatment of baldness on the head is its diagnosis (hair examination), based on the results of which treatment is prescribed. It is very difficult to determine the duration of therapy: each patient has his own characteristics, individual susceptibility to therapeutic actions. In general, the fight against baldness takes from several months and can last up to one year.

Therapeutic treatment

Medical therapy for baldness on the head is carried out as a result of a competent comprehensive examination of the patient to accurately determine the causes of alopecia. Trichologists do not recommend treating baldness on their own, such methods can cause skin damage, burns, swelling, brittle hair. Baldness treatment for men, women and children is as follows:

  • administration of corticosteroids;
  • superficial application on the scalp of ointments, gels, creams that contain the Retin-A component;
  • the use of mineral preparations containing zinc, iron;
  • the use of tar-containing ointments intended for the treatment of psoriasis and seborrhea;
  • the introduction of B vitamins;
  • keeping the water regime (at least eight glasses a day) can help with the problem of hair loss;
  • women are prescribed oral contraceptives that reduce the production of male sex hormones.

Hardware cosmetology

Beauty salons provide services for the treatment of all types of alopecia. Thanks to the new modern equipment, it is possible to undergo a course of physiotherapy for hair:

  1. Darsonvalization is performed by the action of high-frequency electrical impulses on the nerve endings of the skin of the scalp. During this procedure, the expansion of small vessels occurs, which has a beneficial effect on the vital activity of the hair follicle, hair growth. The course of treatment is 15 procedures.
  2. Treatment with a laser device will easily and quickly help get rid of annoying dandruff and flaking. During the procedure, there is a rush of blood to the roots of the hair, due to this they are strengthened, stop falling out. The course for hair restoration - from 10 to 15 times.

Diet correction

One of the causes of hair loss is a violation of the rules of nutrition. To get rid of alopecia, getting healthy hair in return, you need to adjust your diet:

  • eat plenty of fruits, fresh vegetables;
  • greens are a panacea for all diseases, including hair loss, so add it to all dishes, make green smoothies;
  • monitor a sufficient amount of protein that comes with food, while it is not necessary to overeat with meat, choosing nuts, grains, raw seeds, because it is good for hair growth.

Hair transplantation

Treatment is suitable for men with alopecia areata when the baldness appears on the top of the head. In this case, the trichologist transplants hair from the framing corolla onto the bald patch by cutting out small areas of skin along with the follicle and implanting it in the right place. The operation takes place under local anesthesia, takes 2-4 hours, after which the patient can go home. After transplantation, the hair is not immediately visible, the first results can be seen after five months.

Folk methods of treatment

For the treatment of alopecia, many people prefer to use proven folk remedies for baldness, homemade masks. Folk recipes for baldness in a few months will contribute to the growth of new hair and strengthen existing bulbs:

  1. Fenugreek, also known as fenugreek, is a hair growth activator, its seeds (2 tablespoons) must be poured into a thermos and boiled water (1 cup) added.
  2. A mixture of calamus rhizome, burdock root, hop cones (1:1:4) pour six tablespoons (tablespoons) of boiling water, then boil for about 10 minutes. Infuse for half an hour and wash your hair with the composition every other day.
  3. Nettle and coltsfoot (leaves, in half) in the amount of 6 tablespoons pour 1 liter of boiling water. Leave for 30-40 minutes, wash your hair.
  4. Used to treat alopecia and slurry of garlic or onions, wild garlic, grated horseradish root. These recipes threaten skin burns, they should be used carefully.
  5. Take a tablespoon of pharmacy hop cones, pour a glass of boiling water and leave for forty minutes. The slurry, which turned out, is gently rubbed into the scalp with alopecia.
  6. The original modern recipe involves a mixture of a tablespoon of mayonnaise and castor oil with honey (a teaspoon each). Having smeared the bald head with the composition, it is recommended to put a scarf on top for half an hour, and then wash everything off with pleasant warm water.

Is there a cure for baldness

Thanks to modern developments in pharmacology, hair medications have been invented that can help with the appearance of alopecia areata:

  1. "Finast" - a remedy for hair loss in men with an excellent effect, helps to stimulate the blood circulation of the scalp, hair growth.
  2. Spray for hair growth "Hair Growth Nano" is able to remove bald spots in a month of use. This remedy for alopecia will help get rid of hair loss, seborrhea.

Video: what is alopecia areata

The problem of hair loss in men in our time is not uncommon. This brings a lot of trouble, complexes and experiences to any person. In order to understand how to get rid of this disease, you should find out the true causes of baldness and choose the appropriate individual methods of treatment (for example, medication or folk remedies).

Why does baldness form in men?

In medicine, the process of hair loss is called alopecia. This is a kind of disease, expressed as follows: first, the hair begins to thin a little, then bald spots appear on some parts of the head, then disappear altogether. Many may think that only older men are familiar with this problem, but young men also go bald. What is it connected with, why does baldness appear?

Often one of the most basic causes of hair loss in men is a hereditary factor. Pay attention to mother, father and grandfather, did they have the problem of sparse hair? If the answer is yes, then you should not expect that you will have thick hair.

Male sex hormones called androgens, testosterone in particular, are responsible for the condition of hair and skin. With their high content and unfavorable circumstances, the bulbs die off prematurely one after another over a long period of time. As a rule, this happens in adulthood, about 40 years old, however, there are exceptions.

Pay attention to your health!

Another cause of baldness can be chronic and infectious diseases. For example, dermatitis, seborrhea, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes mellitus, the presence of tumors of a different nature. In this case, a mandatory consultation with a specialist and the selection of the necessary treatment, taking into account individual characteristics, will be required.

Baldness in men can appear as a result of malnutrition and lack of iron in the daily diet. It is urgent to fill the deficiency in the minerals and nutrients necessary for the body. Include in your menu foods such as: eggs, meat, liver, fish, cereals (especially buckwheat and oatmeal), fruit juices, rye bread.

Stress and weak immunity can all lead to hair loss. You should do more sports, get enough sleep, rest, drink a complex of vitamins and minerals.

Men also go bald due to environmental pollution. Radiation, polluted air - all this affects the condition of the hair in a very unfavorable way. Therefore, if possible, live for some time outside the city limits. Hair loss is also seasonal. This happens much more often in autumn and spring. This is due to the fact that during this period, due to the lack of vitamins and useful minerals, the body is more susceptible to stressful situations, temperature changes.

Pay attention to what medications you have taken recently. Many of them have side effects, one of which is baldness. In this case, it is advisable not to self-medicate, but to consult a specialist (for example, an endocrinologist) to select a type of treatment where the hair will not thin.

Medical treatment for male pattern baldness

Whatever the true causes of hair loss, it is necessary to treat this disease. The sooner the better. Now there are various methods of treatment, consider some of them.

To get started, make an appointment with a trichologist and an endocrinologist. They will find out the cause of the disease, select the necessary medications to stimulate hair growth and normalize hormonal levels. In addition, you can use other means.

The most common method, although quite expensive, is outpatient hair transplantation. A piece of his own hair is taken from the patient and transplanted to a bald spot. If the hair is completely absent, an implant is used.

Folk remedies

If it is not possible to do the operation, then you can use it for treatment.

The most effective recipes will be as follows:

  1. Finely chop a large pod of red pepper and pour 100 g of vodka. Let the resulting liquid brew and rub it into the scalp after about a day.
  2. Peel the clove of garlic, let the juice in and rub it into the roots of the hair. You will see results in just 2 weeks!
  3. Grind 75 g of burdock leaves and pour 200 g of sunflower oil. The resulting liquid should be allowed to brew, then boil for 15 minutes in a day, cool and strain. Rub into the skin an hour before shampooing.
  4. Grate the onion on a coarse grater and mix with honey (4:1). Rub the resulting mixture into the hair roots. Tie a towel around your head or put on a rubber cap. After half an hour, rinse your hair well without using soap. Repeat 1 time every 2 weeks.
  5. Pour 100 g of crushed nettle leaves with 500 ml of water. Add a couple of tablespoons of vinegar and cook for about half an hour. Rub the chilled and strained mixture into the hair roots for 4 weeks every 2-3 days before going to bed.
  6. Mix the yolk separated from the protein with a tablespoon of cognac or vodka. Gently rub the resulting mixture into the scalp, wrap with a towel and leave for 30-40 minutes, then rinse with warm water with chamomile infusion.

Along with folk remedies, one should not forget about proper nutrition.

Forget about diets, smoking, alcohol, coffee.

Now that you have been able to figure out the reasons why baldness occurs in men, it will be easier for you to come to terms with this condition. Do not be complex and shy, wear wigs, hats. To many women, shaven-headed men seem very sexy and handsome, use this to your advantage! But if, nevertheless, this prevents you from living, now you know how to get rid of this ailment, use medication and folk remedies, and the result will not be long in coming!

What are the causes of baldness on the head in women? Here is one of the questions that interests the fair sex when they notice the first signs of fragility and weakening of the rods and follicles.

After all, everyone is well aware that if you know why a problem has arisen, then it becomes much easier to deal with it. One way or another, but baldness in women is a relatively rare manifestation.

Basically, hair pathology develops according to the type of diffuse hair loss, but almost never reaches the formation of a characteristic area of ​​total absence of vegetation.

general characteristics

The reasons for the formation of baldness on the head in women are completely different. Accordingly, the nature of the loss of curls and strands may vary. This must be taken into account when self-assessing the progression of the problem.

There are many reasons for baldness in women.

If hair is absent in a particular area, then a chemical burn or the action of microorganisms can be suspected. At the same time, a failure in the hormonal regulation of the body can lead to diffuse alopecia.

One way or another, but the most common causes leading to alopecia are:

  1. Hormonal disorders.
  2. Avitaminosis and malnutrition.
  3. chronic stress.
  4. Chemical or thermal burn.
  5. Influence of negative environmental factors.
  6. The impact of microorganisms.
  7. Side effect of medication.

These causes of baldness on the head in women are the most common and require appropriate treatment. Often, to achieve a complete overcoming of the disease, it is necessary to carry out complex therapy with the involvement of other specialists.

Hormonal disorders

One of the most common causes of alopecia. The main "culprit" of hair loss is dihydrotestosterone (DHT) - a hormone that is formed with an excess of normal testosterone.

It has an extremely negative effect on the follicles, weakening them. In addition, it promotes the contraction of smooth muscle fibers around the bulb of the rod.

As a result, the hair is literally pushed out of its natural place of growth, and a new one is not formed. For the treatment of such a pathology, it is necessary to additionally use modern medical hormonal preparations.

Vitamin deficiency and malnutrition

This is probably the most common cause of hair loss in women. A permanent lack of biologically active substances () leads to a weakening of curls, their fragility and dullness.

The most important vitamins for hair are:

  • Retinol (A).
  • Tocopherol (E).
  • Ascorbic acid (C).
  • group vitamins

beriberi can also cause baldness in women

All of them are in one way or another responsible for the effective development and growth of new curls and strands. Tocopherol plays the role of an antioxidant and protects the cells of the scalp from lipid peroxidation. Ascorbic acid improves blood rheology and enhances microcirculation. This contributes to the good nutrition of each individual hair.

The lack of all of the above substances, respectively, leads to.

chronic stress

A factor that is extremely difficult to resolve.

Constant quarrels in the family, conflicts at work and other negative emotions slow down the microcirculation in the scalp and weaken the body's immune system.

All this leads to an increase in viral and colds, as well as problems with the skin, hair and nails.

Burns and the influence of environmental factors

Any exposure to a thermal or chemical agent can cause skin burns with total baldness in the affected area. Sometimes cicatricial tissue changes can be so pronounced that the growth of new curls may not resume on their own. Hair transplantation in such cases remains the only way to overcome the problem.

If we talk about the negative factors of the external environment, then basically we are talking about ecology. In the era of progress and active development of technology, factories constantly emit into the air a huge amount of carcinogens and simply harmful substances that weaken the entire body and hair, in particular.

Influence of microbes

There is a separate number of diseases that are provoked by the action of microorganisms.

The most common hair problems are:

  • Microsporia.
  • Trichophytosis.
  • Korosta and others.

All of them lead to partial or complete baldness. However, with timely treatment to the doctor, the problem can be overcome quite easily.

Adverse reactions from taking medications

The most striking example is the chemotherapy of oncological diseases. Due to the massive dose of aggressive, the hairline falls out on its own.

taking strong medications can also cause baldness in women

This is due to the fact that curls are the first to adsorb chemical residues. Unable to withstand such a concentration of harmful metabolic products, they are simply rejected by the body.

As you can see, the causes of baldness on the head of women are different. The main thing is to identify the pathology in time and start appropriate treatment. Any of the above problems is well solved with a competent approach to the treatment of the disease.

Have you noticed that many men go bald already at 30? We are yes. And it does not always look as impressive as that of Nagiyev or Statem. Is it true that it's all about an overabundance of testosterone and how to stop hair loss?

We talk about the influence of genes, the effectiveness of folk remedies, modern methods of treatment and the cost of a hair transplant operation with Irina Mikheykina, a dermatologist-trichologist at the Korona Medical Center.

“If the hair falls out for more than three months, definitely see a doctor”

How often do men visit you?

- Yes, even young guys come at the age of 16-17 - but they are not worried about loss, but about the changed condition of the hair. At this age, there is the first surge of androgens (male sex hormones), so dandruff, itching of the scalp may appear, the hair becomes greasy and naughty, and shine disappears. The next bursts of hormones occur in men in their 20s and 25s and closer to 50.

If hair loss lasts more than three months, you definitely need to see a doctor.

- Why do men go to a trichologist: are they themselves dissatisfied with the way they look, or do their wives send them?

- And everything is in the complex. Many people are concerned about their appearance. Especially young people: you need to look for a mate, and you are going bald.

- If the father had baldness, does this mean that the son will also face such a problem?

- As a rule, yes. But baldness, due to heredity, often manifests itself by the age of 50. When a man loses his hair at 30, other factors may also be involved.

For example, stressful situations, hormonal disorders, chronic diseases - the thyroid gland, the gastrointestinal tract. With gastritis, an ulcer, the absorption of essential substances - proteins, fats, carbohydrates - is disrupted, and as a result, the hair does not receive proper nutrition.

Problems with the respiratory system can also lead to prolapse. Those who often suffer from bronchitis or pneumonia take large courses of antibiotics, which kills the flora in the intestines and again prevents the absorption of trace elements.

Hair loss is not a disease. This is a symptom of changes within the body. And if they are not corrected in time, more serious problems can begin.

At the consultation, the trichologist studies the tests and either prescribes the treatment himself or works in a team with other doctors. Sends for a consultation with an endocrinologist, therapist, gastroenterologist. / Bruce Willis

"Testosterone can't be blocked"

- Recently there was news that french fries help fight baldness. Japanese scientists claim that it's all about frying oil. Dimethylpolysiloxane (a food additive) is added to it, which allegedly promotes the development of hair follicles. Do you think it's true?

- Very unlikely. French fries are, on the contrary, unhealthy food, and it does not have the best effect on the condition of the hair. And in the oil in which potatoes are fried and which is used repeatedly, carcinogens are formed.

- Improper hair care can cause hair loss? Many of our men are not accustomed to reading labels on jars and wash both body and head with the same shower gel.

- Even ordinary soap can wash your hair, and nothing bad will happen. I think it's more of a marketing ploy. The gel will also cope with the task of washing off dust, varnish and dirt. Another thing is if there is dandruff or rashes on the skin - in this case, of course, you need to use medicinal preparations, you just can’t get off with soap.

- Is it true that the cause of baldness is an excess of testosterone in the blood? How then to act - a man is unlikely to agree to reduce the level of this hormone?

“It’s not about testosterone itself. A protein (it is called 5-alpha-reductase) was discovered, under the influence of which this hormone passes into its active form - dihydrotestosterone. And now the hair follicles are sensitive to it (this sensitivity is inherited). Gradually, the blood supply to the bulb is disturbed, the hair begins to grow thinner, weaker, eventually becomes fluffy, then dies altogether. The more testosterone in the blood, the more its active form.

The hormone itself cannot be blocked, otherwise the man will cease to be a man. But there are tablets and gels that neutralize the action of the 5-alpha reductase protein.

Hair loss can be stimulated not only by testosterone, but also by prolactin, a pituitary hormone. Its excess in young people can lead to more serious problems - even childlessness.

Why do bald patches appear?

- There are certain zones (as a rule, it is the frontal and parietal), where the hair follicles have receptors. Receptors are responsible for the sensitivity of the follicle to the active form of testosterone. They are not available in other areas. / Jason Statham

"New hair grows after three months of treatment"

How to get your thick hair back?

It is important to know the cause of baldness. And depending on this, a man can be prescribed various therapeutic shampoos, serums, ampoules, vitamin therapy, physiotherapy is recommended.

Plasma therapy is actively used in medical centers. Blood is taken, centrifuged, enriched with vitamins, amino acids, microelements and injected into the problem area. As a result, the bulb is rejuvenated. A “depot” is formed around it from everything necessary for the hair to recover and grow.

They resort to mesotherapy. These are injections of everything necessary for the follicle. The frequency of procedures is once a week. The amount depends on each specific case. It can be both curative and preventive. Everything goes under the control of a trichoscope - the device allows you to determine the density of hair per square centimeter, their thickness and other parameters.

Follicle fibroblasts are also used. This is a breakthrough in medicine regarding the treatment of hair loss with cellular technologies. From the hormone-insensitive area of ​​the scalp, grafts are taken (pieces of skin with subcutaneous tissue, blood vessels and a hair follicle), cells are isolated from them and cloned.

We can get any number of cells - three to six million. Then this concentrate is injected into problem areas. According to international experience, the procedure remains effective for eight years. With a more serious degree of hair thinning - up to five years. / Fedor Bondarchuk

- And how soon to wait for the effect?

“You can already see results within a month. Oiliness goes away, shine appears in the hair, their loss decreases. Active growth of new hair begins a little later - after about three months of treatment.

How often do men agree to hair transplant?

- Infrequently. Although this is a very effective technique. Those transplanted hairs will never fall out, because they grow from bulbs that are insensitive to hormonal changes. Now the seamless method is used, when the follicle is removed and immediately planted in the problem area. There are no scars left after the operation. Other people's hair cannot sit down: there will be rejection. You need your own transplant.

In Belarus, this operation is inexpensive compared to other countries. On average, one and a half dollars for one graft. For transplantation, 500, 1000, 5000 grafts may be needed.

- And when will it be possible to go out with an updated hairstyle?

- For the first two weeks, crusts will form at the transplant site, so it is recommended to wear a hat so as not to injure the skin. Then the crusts fall off. Within three months, the vascular-capillary network grows, and at this time we are already waiting for the result. / Dmitry Nagiev

"Onion masks help too"

What is the fastest treatment method?

- It all depends on the degree of damage to the bulb, the age of the man. And from his expectations. It is not always possible to restore 100 percent of the hair.

- And the most affordable way?

- Folk remedies (smiles). Everyone knows onion masks. At the initial stage, they can help: they contain a lot of zinc, which hair needs. Good burdock oil. But in combination with therapeutic serums and ampoules, these products will work better.

Can hair loss be cured at any stage?

- Yes. But, of course, in the early stages it is easier to do. When a man arrives at 50, whose hair has been gradually falling out since the age of 20, the follicles that need to be restored are very weak.

How to prevent hair loss?

- We need a systematic approach. It is important to lead a healthy lifestyle, to prevent chronic diseases. Do not smoke, because nicotine spasms blood vessels. Adhere to proper nutrition - eliminate excess fats and carbohydrates from the diet. Connect vitamin therapy, because our weather conditions leave much to be desired. It is also worth reducing the aggressive effect on the hair: dyeing, the use of gels, varnishes. In winter, it is better to wear a hat so that there is no hypothermia. And, of course, try to avoid stress.