
Stamped dental crowns. Stamped crowns - a means of protecting healthy teeth

Modern dentistry amazes with a variety of methods for restoring damaged teeth. These are high-quality and safe materials, comfortable designs that fully restore not only the functionality of the dentition, but also its aesthetic appearance. Are stamped crowns being used now?

Features of stamped crowns

Stamped crowns are installed in almost the same testimony, as other similar products:

  • the tooth is so destroyed that it is impossible to restore it by filling,
  • as a support for
  • for guard baby tooth that started to crumble
  • to protect the tooth on which the structure will be attached from destruction.

Such products are contraindicated for use in case of pathological abrasion of enamel, as well as in case of bruxism. Do stamped crowns have advantages? Yes, such products used to be in great demand due to the following virtues: minimal tooth grinding is required, can be used in cases where other methods of prosthetics are contraindicated, a stamped crown can be fixed on a living tooth (without depulpation), low cost.

disadvantages this type of prosthesis has much more than advantages:

  • cement, on which stamped crowns are attached, tends to dissolve over time, therefore bridge prosthesis can simply "fall off"
  • such a cap does not fit tightly to the tooth, therefore, plaque accumulates in the gap between the product and the gum, which eventually becomes the cause of the development of various inflammatory processes,
  • the prosthesis does not fully restore chewing function,
  • material wears out quickly
  • often the design is removed in order to cure diseases of the hard and soft tissues that have arisen due to its shortcomings.

How is the production?

Many experts oppose stamped crowns.

The manufacturing process for stamped products is very simple. Experts say that, subject to all the rules and technologies, you can get a really high-quality design without marriage. The process of manufacturing stamped products requires compliance with the following principles:

  1. The crown should fit as tightly as possible around the neck of the tooth so that there is no gap between them. In this case, there will be no where to accumulate on the fly, this will ensure the prevention of the development of various inflammatory processes.

This is a very important point, since if the product is wider than the tooth, irritation and pushing of the gums may occur. Gradually, atrophy of the gum tissue will develop.

  1. The installed crown should fully restore the functionality of the jaw.
  2. During manufacture, all anatomical features the patient's jaw so that the crown provides normal natural closure of the jaws.
  3. During contact with the opposite jaw, the interalveolar height should not be exceeded, otherwise injuries cannot be avoided.

Read also:

Dentists against stamped products?

Expert opinion. The doctor is an orthopedist. Lisitsin O. N.: “Most of the dentists working with modern technologies and using progressive methods of prosthetics oppose the installation of stamped crowns. Experts are sure that due to their imperfection and a lot of shortcomings, stamped caps only bring harm to the teeth.”

Here is what happens to the tooth after an unsuccessful installation of such a product:

  • as a result of loose fixation, the cement begins to gradually dissolve,
  • near the stump, the remains of food that rots are collected,
  • then comes the turn of caries (read more about the treatment of caries), which eats away the enamel and dentin of the tooth so much that they simply dissolve,
  • the result is a destroyed and irreparable tooth, which is needed immediately.

Such a prosthesis, due to the primitiveness of the manufacturing process, is not able to repeat all the bends and anatomical features of the tooth, since initially it is a sleeve, which is then attached desired shape hammer tapping method.

In this article, you will learn the main clinical and laboratory steps in the manufacture of a stamped crown. If you do not know, or want to know more about the stamped crown itself (What is it?), You can read our article at the link.

Ready? Then let's go!

So, first, just list the steps for manufacturing a stamped crown:

(All stages are divided into clinical and laboratory. Clinical is performed by a doctor, laboratory - by a dental technician.)


  1. Tooth preparation
  2. Taking impressions
  3. According to the impression of the casting of a plaster model
  4. Definition of central ratio Laboratory:
  5. Casting the model into an articulator or occluder
  6. Modeling a future wax crown
  7. Cutting from a model of a plaster die (on which a crown is modeled)
  8. Production of a die from low-melting metal
  9. Sleeve selection
  10. Directly stamping Clinical
  11. Crown check in the clinic Laboratory
  12. Grinding, polishing Clinical
  13. Crown fixation.

Now we can analyze each stage in more detail:

1. Preparation for stamped crown

As you probably know, the thickness of the cap for a stamped crown is 0.3 mm. The volume of preparation will be the same. The tooth is given the shape of a cylinder, removing 0.3 mm in the neck area (where the ledge is created). In the region of the equator, they are prepared until a stump is created in the form of a cylinder. The occlusal surface is also prepared by 0.3 mm, and the relief of the tubercles is approximately preserved.

2. Taking impressions

Since a stamped crown is a budget prosthesis, and its manufacturing technology does not imply high accuracy, then the impression does not have to be accurate.

In the USSR, gypsum was the most commonly used impression material. Now, out of humanity to patients, the impression is often removed with alginate.

As usual, 2 impressions are taken: a worker impression of the jaw where the crown will be. And auxiliary - jaws with antagonist teeth.

3. A plaster model is cast on the impression

If the impression is taken with alginate, then the plaster model is cast in the first 30 minutes. (Everything is as usual).

If the impression is made of plaster, the fragments of the impression are collected together and transferred to the dental technician. Which will glue them together and mold the model.

4. Definition of the central ratio

If the remaining teeth are well connected in the central relationship, there is an occlusion key, then this step can be omitted. If the bite is not determined, then the central ratio, as usual, is determined with silicone or thermoplastic mass.

5. Casting the model into the occluder

In the case of a stamped crown, the models are usually cast in an occluder. The articulator is too expensive and complex for this type of crown.

Gypsum models are very simple. per model upper jaw pour a little gypsum, glue the upper bow of the occluder. Then the model mandible set to central ratio. And in this position, the lower bow of the occluder is glued to it.

6. Modeling a tooth from wax

Before proceeding directly to modeling, the technician outlines the clinical equator on the model. The crown is modeled 1-1.5 mm short of this equator. This is important for the future snug fit of the crown to the neck of the tooth.

After that, the technician applies liquid wax to the stump in an even layer, restoring the crown of the tooth. While the wax has not cooled down, you need to close the models in order to get an imprint of the antagonist tooth, it is easier to model the chewing surface.

Once the wax has cooled, the technician will finalize the anatomy of the crown of the tooth. It is important that the crown modeled by the technician be 0.3 mm smaller than the one being restored, i.e. on the thickness of the metal layer. In the future, this gap will be occupied by a crown.

a - delineating the line of the neck of the tooth with a pencil.
b - the border of waxing (dotted line)
c - the beginning of the modeling of the chewing surface

7. Cutting out a plaster die model

To obtain a metal stamp, a plaster stamp is cut out of a plaster model of the jaw. The fusible stamp will be exactly the same. Before cutting, the model is immersed in water for several minutes.

The plaster stamp is cut out with a flat file. An important point is that the base of the stamp should be equal in width to the equator of the tooth. (Wider - and the stamped cap will rest against the base, narrower - there will be folds on the crown).

In the finished plaster stamp (based on it), 1 mm below the previously outlined clinical neck, another line is drawn. A sharp spatula makes a groove along this line. Then the plaster is cut between the first and second lines.

Important: the area between the first and second lines determines the parameters of the subgingival part of the crown. Its diameter should be equal to the diameter of the neck. If wider, the crown will be large. If already - the crown simply will not fit. Ideally, this area should look like a vertical line below the clinical cervix.

As a result of the above actions, we lengthen the crown by 1 mm in the future. What is it for? To create a margin for future circumcision, crown grinding. Otherwise, the crown may be short. And also, so that it is located under the gum by 0.2 mm.

I - highlighting the simulated tooth on the model; II - contours for processing a plaster column. III - guidelines for determining the length and width of the artificial crown: a - correct, b - incorrect.

8. Making a stamp from low-melting metal

To make a metal stamp from a plaster stamp, use a special metal frame. The blanks are immersed in water for 5-10 minutes to prevent them from sticking to the plaster mold. Then gypsum is kneaded, poured into a mold and smoothed with a spatula. The gypsum die is half immersed in gypsum and waiting for it to harden. After that, the form is removed from the frame, 2 recesses are made (for the protrusions of the other half of the form to enter into them) and lowered into cold water(to prevent sticking). Then this structure is again filled with plaster to obtain the second part of the form.

After hardening, the mold is opened (with a hammer), plaster dies are removed, 2 parts of the mold are connected and fixed in a special fixative. Low-melting metal is melted (there is such a spoon with a spout) over an alcohol lamp and poured into a plaster mold, into specially pre-made holes. In total, you need to cast 2 dies for each tooth. One is for preliminary stamping, the second is for final stamping.

Making a metal stamp

9. Selection of blank sleeve

Standard steel sleeves are used for stamping. They are produced by the manufacturer in various diameters. It remains only to choose the right technique. If suddenly a suitable sleeve was not found, you can reduce the sleeve of a larger diameter.

To reduce the sleeves, two types of devices are used: the Sharpe apparatus and the Samson. The mechanism of operation of these devices is as follows: There is a matrix with holes of a given diameter and metal pins (Punches). The gap between them is 0.3 mm, just the thickness of the metal. When the handle is tightened, the pin is lowered and enters the hole, and the sleeve is pulled out along the diameter of the specified hole. A properly selected sleeve is difficult to put on a die.

During machining, the sleeve loses its plasticity. Therefore, it must be periodically calcined (annealed), without this the sleeve is difficult to process.

Before stamping, the sleeve is subjected to free forging. At the same time, the orintering shape of the future tooth is attached to the sleeve with a hammer on the anvil. The sleeve is annealed.

Pre-stamping (Performed on a special lead plate. Before stamping, a small recess is made on it, using the first stamp, for the occlusal surface of the tooth. The stamp is hammered into the lead plate with a hammer): the sleeve is put on the first stamp and driven into this stamp in the specified recess, so that the contours of the chewing surface are imprinted on the sleeve. Forging continues striking from the chewing surface to the equator. As soon as the chewing surface is completely finished, the sleeve is removed from the die and annealed again.

10. Directly stamping

The sleeve is put on the second stamp and stamping is started. It can be performed by one of two methods: the Parker method or the MMSI method.

Punching of crowns according to the Parker method ( outdoor way)

Carried out in a special Parker apparatus. The device consists of a hollow base and a cylinder included in it.

The cavity at the base is filled with moldin (special clay). The sleeve, put on the stamp, is immersed in molding (crown down), the cylinder is inserted and it is strongly beaten with a hammer. From impacts, the mass is compacted and evenly presses on the sleeve. The stamped crown is removed by melting the stamp in a melting spoon.

Then the crown is boiled for 1-2 minutes in hydrochloric acid, annealed and cut with crown scissors along the deepening line. The edges of the crown are smoothed with carborundum roots. The accuracy of cutting is checked on a plaster blank of a stamp.

Stamping according to the MMSI method

(MMSI - Moscow Medical Dental Institute)

In this method, a low-melting metal counter-stamp is used instead of molding. This counterstamp is obtained as follows: the second stamp is wrapped with a layer of adhesive plaster. A low-melting metal is poured into a special cuvette (it narrows down, turning into a cone). Until it hardens, the stamp is completely immersed in it. Then the resulting form is removed from the cuvette (put a stand on the ring and hit with a pestle). And they split it in half so that it is possible to remove the stamp from it. Then the wax is removed from the stamp and a crown is put on. Placed in the original place in the counter stamp. The counter-stamp is placed in a cuvette and the crown is stamped with hammer blows. As a result, the counterstamp enters the cuvette and presses against the walls of the sleeve. Stamping is completed when the counter-stamp touches the bottom of the case. Everything else is the same as in the Parker method.

11. Crown check in the clinic

Next, the stamped crown is transferred to the clinic, where it is checked. The doctor puts the crown on the patient, checks its fit to the neck, finds out the presence of significant defects, checks the occlusal contacts. If they are not available, the stamping is transferred to a technician for grinding, polishing, and, at the request of the patient, spraying.

12. Sanding and Polishing

Grinding and polishing a stamped crown is described in detail in a separate article on grinding and polishing dentures and crowns. Go ahead and read the link.

13. Fixation of the stamped crown

The finished crown is transferred to the clinic, where the doctor fixes it. Beforehand, the doctor once again checks the quality of the crown. Stamping is fixed on a special cement, more often GRC or zinc phosphate. The crown is treated with alcohol, dried. Dry the stump of the tooth. The cement is kneaded to the consistency of liquid sour cream, brought into the crown and put on the tooth. The patient closes his teeth tightly and waits for the cement to harden. After that, excess cement is removed, the patient is given recommendations for caring for the prosthesis. And that is all.

Conclusion: This article lists all the main stages of stamping crowns. I hope everything became clear to you. Read other articles, watch videos AND REMEMBER: It's not a shame not to know - it's a shame not to want to know.

Making a Stamped Crown updated: January 26, 2017 by: Alexey Vasilevsky

Stamped crowns are one type of metal crowns that are made by stamping. It is a structure that repeats the shape of the tooth, is used in the destruction of the crown of the tooth to prevent further damage. The crown restores all the functions of the tooth, except for aesthetic.

Advantages and disadvantages

Like all orthopedic structures, stamped crowns have their advantages and disadvantages. In modern dentistry, such crowns are used extremely rarely due to one big drawback - low aesthetic properties.

But they are suitable for prosthetics of lateral teeth, as they have sufficient strength, are invisible to others and have a low cost. Before treatment, the doctor talks about the pros and cons of crowns, offers everything possible options treatments and alternatives. The advantages of this type of structures include:

  1. Effective restoration of chewing function;
  2. Restoration of the shape of the tooth;
  3. Distribution of masticatory pressure;
  4. Simple and fast manufacturing process;
  5. Do not require the preparation of a large amount of tooth tissue;
  6. High strength;
  7. Durability
  8. Low cost.

The disadvantages of crowns include:

  • Low aesthetic qualities;
  • The risk of developing galvanosis - electric currents in the mouth, which are accompanied by unpleasant symptoms;
  • Erasing after prolonged use;
  • The color of the metal differs from the rest of the teeth and is noticeable to others;
  • The risk of developing secondary caries under the crown.


For the manufacture of such crowns, metals and their alloys are used. To enhance the aesthetics, crowns are coated with precious metals - gold or silver. Gold crowns are made if you are allergic to other dental materials, but this design will be expensive. For the manufacture of dental technicians use materials such as stainless steel, an alloy of nickel and chromium, gold.

Feedback (Pavel, 55 years old): "I carry out prosthetics of the lower jaw using stamped metal crowns. They are very reliable and last a long time. My friend had a stamped crown for more than 10 years, until the root of the tooth was exposed. Of course, the crowns do not look very beautiful , but they put them on my side teeth and they are not noticeable during the conversation. Crowns covered with ceramics were installed on the front teeth, the teeth are beautiful, but expensive."


The production of crowns involves the cooperation of the dentist together with the dental technician. The clinical stages are performed by the doctor, and the laboratory - by the technician. Clinical manufacturing steps:

  1. Preparation of the oral cavity (treatment of caries and other diseases);
  2. Tooth preparation (grinding of tooth tissues to the thickness of the future crown, 0.5 mm of enamel is removed from all sides of the tooth);
  3. Removal of casts of the jaws;
  4. The choice of color or coating of the crown;
  5. Fitting and correction of the finished structure;
  6. Crown fixation.

Stages of making a crown in a dental laboratory:

  • Casting models of jaws on silicone casts;
  • Fixing models in the occluder in the position of central occlusion;
  • Wax construction modeling;
  • Production of plaster and metal stamps from metal alloys;
  • The choice of sleeve for stamping;
  • Stamping of a metal crown from a sleeve;
  • Grinding and polishing of the crown.

Each stage of manufacturing is important and in order for the finished crown to meet all the requirements, it is necessary to adhere to all rules and standards. The quality of the crown will depend on the type of materials, the professionalism of the doctor and the dental technician.

Review (Ekaterina, 40 years old): "I had a metal crown on my side tooth for many years and did not bother. But recent times I began to notice an unpleasant aftertaste in my mouth, a burning sensation and tingling of the tongue. When I went to the dentist, they told me that the cause of the disease was a crown and they recommended changing it. I underwent root canal treatment and a zirconia-based crown was installed, and the unpleasant symptoms of the disease disappeared."

The service life of the structure will depend on hygiene care behind the oral cavity, quality of construction, operating conditions. For the design to work a long period need to take good care of your teeth, timely treatment diseases of the oral cavity, visit a specialist for a routine examination.


Installation of a stamped crown is the last clinical stage of prosthetics. Before fixing the structure, the doctor examines the finished structure for defects, checks the crown in the oral cavity. If the crown goes too deep under the gum, then traumatic gingivitis will occur in the future, so the doctor immediately corrects the crown.

To do this, the structure is shortened with a bur or scissors. If the crown is not long enough, then food will clog between the tooth and gum, caries and inflammation of the gums will occur. In this case, the dentist sends the crown for correction and the technician makes a new product. The dentist checks the design so that it meets the following requirements:

  1. Densely covered the neck of the tooth from all sides;
  2. Did not go deep under the gum;
  3. It did not have manufacturing defects (pores, cracks);
  4. Restored the shape and function of the tooth;
  5. Correctly was in occlusion.

If the crown is made correctly and meets all the requirements, then the doctor installs the structure on the tooth. To do this, the crown and tooth are treated with alcohol, dried and the tooth is isolated with cotton swabs. Prepare and apply special cement, wear crowns and fix them in this position until the dental cement hardens. After treatment, the patient is given recommendations for the care of crowns.

To date, the choice of prostheses is huge. Doctors advise in a given situation the most appropriate option. For example, when a tooth is not completely destroyed, a prosthesis is selected that can be installed without removing a healthy root. Often in dentistry, stamped crowns are used, which have been produced for quite a long time.

What is a crown and what is it for?

A crown is a fixed denture that, due to its shape, is difficult to distinguish from a real tooth.

Crowns are used when the tooth root is preserved, and it is necessary to restore the functionality of the tooth, as well as an attractive appearance of the dentition, while preventing subsequent destruction of the dental organ.

The material used to make crowns varies. Depending on it, these prostheses are divided into: metal, plastic, ceramic and metal-ceramic. Metal products are used extremely rarely, especially for visible teeth in the smile area. After all, they look quite unattractive.

Ceramic or zirconium crowns are the most expensive, because they look as close as possible to natural teeth, and even in the smile area they look very attractive.

Plastic products most often play the role of a temporary prosthesis. After all, they can crack or break and will not last long. Their cost is the lowest.

Metal-ceramic crowns are durable and aesthetic. Their practicality makes this species the most wanted and popular.

In addition to the material used for the manufacture of crowns, the criterion for dividing them into types is the method of manufacture. So the crowns are solid and stamped.

Solid crowns

Thanks to modern technologies, dentists can produce very high quality crowns by casting.

A one-piece cast prosthesis is used to restore and preserve an incompletely destroyed tooth, and can also serve as a support for a removable or bridge prosthesis.

For casting, an alloy of cobalt and chromium is used, so a prosthesis without adhesions appears. You can cast a long structure in the form of a bridge, it also does not need to be soldered.

Options for manufacturing cast crowns:

  1. A conventional metal prosthesis that is simply polished without spraying with other substances.
  2. Gold-plated product. With prolonged use, the coating can wear off, and the prosthesis can cause an allergic reaction.
  3. Resin crowns consist of a molded metal frame and a plastic overlay that makes the artificial tooth more aesthetically pleasing. Plastic can break off if used for a long time and carelessly.
  4. Metal-ceramic products. Durable, natural, and, as a result, quite expensive.
  • when the teeth are severely damaged;
  • with pathology of the shape or location of the dental organ;
  • with an incorrect bite;
  • with anomalies in the size of the teeth;
  • as a support for bridges and removable dentures;
  • for the prevention of tooth abrasion, bruxism.

Indications and contraindications for the use of stamped crowns

Stamped crowns resemble caps. They have thin walls, which eliminates the need for preparation. The prosthesis is put on the tooth.

Stamped crowns are used in the following cases:

  • if there is a defect in the crown part of the tooth that needs to be restored;
  • in order to protect healthy tooth, before putting on the clasp prosthesis;
  • protect the supporting teeth on which the bridge will be installed;
  • for milk goiters that have undergone destruction.

Contraindications for the use of these types of crowns are: severe abrasion or complete destruction teeth, bruxism.

Pros and cons of crowns

Product disadvantages:

  • over time, the cement, but which holds the crown, may dissolve;
  • the design does not always fit snugly, provoking the ingress of pieces of food, which can cause caries;
  • the crown is erased during long-term operation;
  • lost functions are not fully restored.
  • you need to grind your teeth very little;
  • can be used in hard-to-reach places for other types of prosthetics;
  • install the structure on a living tooth;
  • low price.


Indications for the use of stamped products are almost the same as for other prostheses:

  • severe tooth decay, when the filling will no longer help;
  • as a support for a bridge;
  • in order to protect a milk tooth that has begun to collapse;
  • to protect the tooth, which is intended for fastening the clasp prosthesis.

Bruxism and pathological abrasion of enamel are the main contraindications for the installation of such prostheses.

The advantages of such designs are as follows: it is almost not necessary to grind the tooth; you can install them on the tooth without removing the nerve; used in cases where other prostheses are contraindicated; low price.

Disadvantages of stamped crowns:

  • a bridge attached to such a structure may fly off as a result of the gradual resorption of the adhesive cement;
  • loose fit allows food debris to clog into the hole, causing inflammation and tooth decay;
  • chewing function is not restored by 100%;
  • the material is quickly abraded;
  • the need to remove the prosthesis in order to heal a tooth or gum that has suffered due to the shortcomings of such a crown.

Manufacturing steps

When making stamped crowns, it is important to follow the following rules:

  1. The crown should fit very tightly around the neck of the tooth after it is placed. In the case when the product is wider, an irritant reaction is possible, as well as pushing the gums away, which will provoke its atrophy. In any case, there will be a gap, when fixing it, it is filled with cement, which gradually dissolves and forms a gap. The smaller the fit of the crown, the more cement is used, which means that the gap will be larger after its resorption.
  2. It is necessary to immerse the structure in the groove by no more than 0.3 mm, otherwise marginal periodontitis is possible in the acute form, as well as permanent intoxication.
  3. It is important to restore not only the chewing surface, but also its functionality.
  4. Need to consider anatomical structure of the jaw, respecting all the cusps and cavities to ensure correct relation to the opposing parts of the jaw.
  5. When two jaws come into contact, the interalveolar height should not be exceeded, which can lead to injury.

Before installing a crown, the doctor consults the patient, prepares, makes a prosthesis and adjusts it if necessary.

Consider the manufacturing steps:

  1. Taking an impression of the entire jaw.
  2. Crown modeling.
  3. Getting stamps.
  4. Crown making.
  5. Grinding, polishing.

Dentists vs stamped products

Despite the fact that stamped crowns have been used for a long time, many modern dentists oppose their use due to a large number shortcomings and imperfections, but prefer more modern species products.

The result of an unsuccessful installation of a stamped product may be the following:

  • gradual dissolution of the cement due to incomplete adhesion;
  • near the stump, pieces of food accumulate, which are subject to decay;
  • caries affects the enamel, and then the dentin, sometimes even their complete dissolution;
  • The tooth is destroyed and can no longer be restored, it has to be removed.

In addition, the uniform production of stamped crowns resists the necessary repetition of all the cusps on the tooth surface. A sleeve is taken, which is then shaped by tapping with a special hammer.


To prepare a tooth for a stamped product, it is enough to remove only thin layer tooth surface.

Consider the preparation steps:

  1. At the beginning of the procedure, diamond or carborundum wheels are used, with which a surface with a thickness of 0.28 to 0.5 millimeters is prepared. The thickness depends on the material used and whether spraying is required. When using gold or silver with palladium, more tissue must be removed, since solder is poured onto the back of the teeth to increase the life of the prosthesis (especially on the molars and cutting edges of the front teeth).
  2. A soft strip of wax is used for biting; its prints reveal a picture of sufficient or insufficient space between the tooth and the product.
  3. Next, the proximal surfaces are prepared using shaped heads and diamond discs.
  4. At the final stage, the palatal and buccal sides of the crown are prepared. It is important that the diameter of the neck does not differ from the diameter of the stump. So the product will sit tightly, going into the gum pocket without obstacles. With different diameters, the product will either not enter, or will hang out.

Materials used

They make metal crowns. It can be free or coated. Sputtering is mainly made from silver and gold.

When stamped crowns first began to appear, they were simply unplated metal and were in great demand.

Now such products are a budget option due to their low cost. More affluent patients do not consider them, preferring ceramic and metal-ceramic prostheses with high cost.


When installing stamped products, unpleasant circumstances may occur, which must be eliminated immediately.

Let's consider the main ones:

  1. If the edge of the gum turns pale during installation, then the product is too pressing on the gum tissue, and it is shortened with a bur or scissors.
  2. If it is not possible to put the crown on the stump, then it is too large and a preparation should be carried out.
  3. When the product cannot be put on due to its own problems (if inner part has interfering areas), and also in the case of a large diameter of the neck of the crown, which hangs on the stump, it is sent for rework.
  4. A short product that cannot enter the gingival sulcus is unsuitable. In this case, from the very beginning, repeat the preparation for installation.

How to avoid disadvantages?

During installation, it is important to ensure that the stamped crown meets the following requirements:

  • tightly covered the tooth neck to prevent gum atrophy;
  • did not fall into the gum groove for more than a third of a millimeter, which can provoke marginal periodontitis;
  • restored the functionality of the tooth;
  • repeated the anatomical features of a living tooth;
  • contributed to the preservation of the interalveolar height of the opposite tooth, eliminating the risk of permanent injury.

Features of care

It is not necessary to take care of the oral cavity in which stamped products are installed by some special method. The usual care for oral hygiene is enough, the main thing is that it be thorough.

  • brush your teeth with a toothbrush and paste twice a day;
  • after each meal and each smoked cigarette, the mouth must be cleaned or rinsed;
  • flossing is recommended for removing food pieces in hard-to-reach places.

It is also important to visit the specialist who put the crown on you 3 months after it was installed. He will assess the condition of the product, make adjustments if necessary and give recommendations. Regular visits to the dentist are necessary to protect yourself from unpleasant consequences, for example, the occurrence of caries under the crown.

Life time

Stamped crowns last approximately two to three years. However, some experts insist on replacing them once a year. Since this time is enough for the bonding cement to dissolve, and gaps appear between the tooth and the crown. Food debris quickly clogs into this hole, provoking the growth of bacteria and, as a result, caries.


Despite the existing shortcomings, stamped products are still used by many dental clinics. But some who do not have their own laboratories for production, medical institutions, do not really want to install these prostheses. Indeed, for the transportation of products, they spend money, and the low cost of the prosthesis does not justify them.

Speaking of reputable clinics, it is worth noting that they simply do not want to install such prostheses, preferring more expensive procedures.

But in general, crowns continue to be popular and serve quite well, with proper care for them.


How much it will cost to install a stamped crown depends on its material and spraying.

average price different types products are shown in the table.

Made of metal by stamping for the restoration of destroyed tooth tissue. It is also put on the supporting tooth when installing a bridge. This is the most old way prosthetics, which is not at all familiar to young people, but is still popular with older people.

This is the only design in dentistry that has been preserved unchanged for a whole century. It is often installed if the patient refuses modern technological methods of treatment in favor of lower price. And in some situations it the only way restoration of the dentition.

Stamped crowns outwardly resemble caps, they are fixed with special cement on pre-treated tooth stumps. The size of the stump should exceed one third of the original size of the tooth. For the manufacture of stamped crowns, special metal blanks are used. They are selected according to the right size or one of their blanks is reduced in size on a special machine. Then, a crown is made from this blank using special impressions.

Stamped structures perform the same functions as all other crowns:

  • the original shape of the tooth is restored;
  • chewing function is restored;
  • contact points with antagonists and teeth located in the neighborhood are restored.

Larisa Kopylova


Important! In the absence of one or more teeth, in the event of the destruction of several neighboring ones, bridges with stamped support crowns are installed.

What materials are they made from?

A stamped prosthesis is made of gold or special steel. Due to its high cost, gold is currently little used. Yes, and stamping itself belongs to outdated methods, but it is not abandoned due to the availability and cheapness of the design.

Modern technology involves the use of:

  • stainless steel as the basis for the crown (it is characterized by increased malleability and ductility);
  • alloy 1X18H9T due to ease of use and low cost.

Alloy 1Kh18N9T is used for factory stamping of sleeves, from which prostheses are then made. Sleeves are cylindrical caps different sizes. The alloy has the following properties:

  • malleable and plastic
  • easy to process;
  • has a low price.

Crowns are made with or without coating. The crown without spraying shines, has a silvery color. Spraying is the application of titanium nitride to the surface of the prosthesis, as a result it acquires a golden color, which is valued only because of aesthetics, spraying does not give other advantages.

Larisa Kopylova


Important! For gold prostheses, soft and ductile 900 gold is used, therefore, additional strengthening of the cutting edges and chewing surfaces with 750 standard solder is required.

Indications for installation

Stamped crowns should be installed in case of destruction of the crown part in the absence of the possibility to install a filling or inlay. In addition, they are chosen:

  • upon destruction due to injury, ;
  • in the function of support for the bridge, so as not to sharpen healthy abutment teeth if the installation of a cast structure is not possible;
  • as a support for clasps.

Sometimes they are used by pediatric dentists for the restoration of milk teeth before the bite is established.

Advantages and disadvantages

The main argument in favor of a stamped metal crown is the price: such crowns are the cheapest of modern designs. Their price can only be compared with the cost of plastic structures.

And if you compare it with cermets, then there is a difference by several times. Their low cost makes this type of prosthetics popular with the poor and retirees.

In addition, the wall thickness of the crown is extremely thin (0.3 mm), so a small amount of tooth tissue is grinded before prosthetics, that is, prosthetics are performed without depulpation.

Ease and simplicity in processing, the ability to preserve almost the full volume of a living tooth are attractive properties of a stamped design. In addition, it is often used in cases where other methods cannot be applied.

Of the minuses are noted:

  • low aesthetics (a tooth with such a crown is not at all like the neighboring ones, gold and metal do not correspond to modern canons of beauty);
  • low strength, this is due to the small thickness of the walls of the crown (blanks can be cut with scissors);
  • fast grinding and wear;
  • allergy or galvanosis (appearance of electric current);
  • incomplete restoration of the functions of the teeth, since it is impossible to fully convey the anatomical shape of the enamel;
  • negative impact on the tissues of the tooth and gums, the reason is the loose fit of the crown to the tooth.

The anatomical features of patients are not taken into account in the manufacture. Bonding cement has a fragile porous structure, microorganisms penetrate into the pores, caries or inflammation develops under the crown, the cement quickly dissolves.

Larisa Kopylova


Important! Most patients, when choosing such a crown, are guided by the opportunity to save money, but do not know anything about negative consequences. The task of the doctor is to explain to the patient how the wearing of a stamped crown ends.

Manufacturing steps

The installation is carried out in several stages, some of which are carried out by an orthopedist in the clinic, and some by a technician in the laboratory. Although often the doctor himself is engaged in the manufacture of prostheses.

The clinical stage of prosthetics begins with a conversation with the patient, during which an examination is made, the path of treatment, color, and material for the crown are chosen. Then:

  1. Tooth is prepared therapeutic treatment. If there are untreated diseases, they should be eliminated.
  2. An impression of the jaws is taken using alginate. This is a more gentle method compared to gypsum. It is required to make 2 impressions from both jaws.
  3. The plaster model is immediately cast and handed over to the dental technician.

The laboratory performs the following steps:

  • the central ratio is determined if there are problems with the bite;
  • the model is plastered into the occluder;
  • a wax model is created, a plaster stamp is cut out of it;
  • then the die is made from an alloy;
  • a blank is selected.

Sleeves are produced according to standard sizes, you can choose the appropriate one or reduce the existing one. A suitable sleeve is put on the second die for the manufacture of the prosthesis. Stamping is carried out in two ways: by the Parker method (external method) or by the MMSI method.

Then the finished crown undergoes a final check in the clinic, it is put on the stump of the tooth, the tightness of the neck is checked, and defects are detected. The surface is ground and polished. At the request of the patient, spraying is carried out. The finished structure is fixed in a permanent place.

For this, the stump is dried, the surface from the inside of the crown is treated with alcohol and dried. Cement is diluted and injected into the crown, which is installed in a permanent place. You will need to close your jaws, remove the remaining cement and wait until the cement hardens.

Crown preparation stage

Under the stamped crown, the tooth is prepared using a special technology. The thickness of the walls of the crown is 0.3 mm, so a small amount of tissue should be prepared. The stump is processed in the form of a cylinder, 0.3 mm of tissue is removed in the neck area, the same amount is removed on the occlusal surface, while maintaining the relief of the enamel surface.

Preparation steps:

  1. Surface treatment of enamel with diamond wheels. A layer 0.5 mm thick is removed. A little more will need to be removed if you plan to put a prosthesis with a coating.
  2. The distance between the restored tooth and its antagonist is controlled. For this, a special wax strip is used. The patient bites through the strip, the impression of the teeth is studied by the doctor.
  3. The proximal surfaces of the tooth are prepared.
  4. The buccal and palatal zones are processed to give a stump cylindrical shape. This ensures ease of installation of the prosthesis, stronger fixation.

Larisa Kopylova


Attention! The thickness of the stump should not exceed the width of the crown.

Service life of forged crowns

The service life of stamped structures is short, usually the doctor gives a guarantee for 2-3 years. Some doctors insist on more frequent replacement of prostheses, as gaps quickly appear between the structure and the gum, where food particles and saliva penetrate. This often ends in tissue destruction and inflammation.

After 1-2 years, the marginal fit changes, a gap appears, and caries develops. Pain may be felt under the prosthesis. You have to remove the device and treat caries. It is for this reason that doctors advise replacing crowns more often.

Features of caring for crowns

Due to the loose fit of the crown, more frequent and thorough dental care will be required. It is necessary to adhere to the basic rules of hygiene:

  • brush your teeth 2 times a day with a brush and toothpaste;
  • after eating, rinse your mouth with warm water;
  • use dental floss to clean the interdental space.

3 months after prosthetics, visit a doctor, and then do this every 3 months to monitor the condition of prostheses.

Larisa Kopylova


Important! Only in this case it is possible to notice changes under the crown, the onset of caries, the appearance of dental deposits or inflammatory diseases in time.

average cost

The cost of a stamped structure is 1000-1300 rubles, with spraying - 1700 rubles, in Moscow - up to 2500 rubles. Many clinics do not practice this method of dental restoration, as they do not have their own laboratories. The method is not profitable due to the high cost of transporting materials, low prices for the installation of the prosthesis. Elite clinics also do not use this method, since the materials and manufacturing methods are too cheap, and the finished prostheses are not aesthetically pleasing.

Average cost of stamped dentures:

Stamped devices are inferior to more modern materials in many ways, so their use is limited to certain age categories. And if there is no other way out and such a prosthesis is installed, more careful monitoring and care, frequent visits to the clinic will be required.