
What to do if the heart hurts from experiences? Nervous pain in the abdomen

(cephalgia) - a condition familiar, perhaps, to everyone. According to statistics, this is the most common complaint at the reception. More than 40 diseases are known that are accompanied by discomfort in the head and neck. Sometimes they are so strong that a person loses the ability to engage in daily activities and needs to receive a sick leave. Some types of cephalalgia are easily removed with drugs, others are difficult to treat with medication. In any case, the quality of life of such patients is significantly reduced.

According to WHO, 47% of the population regularly experience a headache, about 90% of adults at least once a year. The prevalence of this disease in different countries is not the same. Thus, Europeans suffer more from primary headaches, associated mainly with stress, than residents of developing African countries. significantly more common in women, and cluster headaches, rare (about 0.5%) in general, affect men more often.

Types of headaches: classification

According to the international classification, there are 14 main types of headache (see table). The first four are classified as primary. These are independent diseases, which are based on a violation of the function of muscles, nerve trunks or the vascular system. The remaining cephalalgias are secondary, that is, they are a symptom or complication of another disease, whether it is organic damage to the brain or disorders in any other body system.

Table 1. International classification of headaches (2nd edition, 2004) and frequency of occurrence in the population, according to various sources.

Why does your head hurt when you're nervous

The occurrence of (THD) and migraine is directly related to stress, physical or emotional overload. These are primary cephalalgias, that is, organic lesions in the nervous system or other organs are not observed, however, the patient's condition can be so severe that daily duties become unbearable for him.

TTH is a classic example of stress. Emotional overload in combination with a long forced position of the head (sedentary office work, driving a car) leads to a pathological increase in the tone of the pericranial muscles. At the same time, their blood supply is disturbed and soreness in the muscles occurs. In the development of migraine, heredity and hormonal disorders are more involved, however, in many cases, attacks are triggered precisely by stress.

The treatment of primary cephalgia is done by a neuropathologist. Only he can correctly diagnose, identify causes and predisposing factors. However, if the painful condition is caused by stress, it is necessary to connect a psychotherapist, he will help to find the source of emotional stress and control the disease. Reflexologists and specialists in the field of physiotherapy help to choose a set of non-drug procedures that can reduce emotional stress and eliminate muscle dysfunction.

When to See a Doctor

Urgent care is required if:

  • headache appeared suddenly, for no reason, against the background of complete health (“thunder-like”);
  • it is constant and increases in intensity;
  • pain appeared after the injury;
  • cephalgia is accompanied by nausea, vomiting, changes in speech, consciousness, loss of orientation or motor disturbances;
  • severe pain in combination with tension of the occipital muscles and an increase in body temperature.

Diagnosis of causes of headache

Diagnosis of HDN and migraine, like all primary pains, is based primarily on the analysis of clinical manifestations, while abuse headache should also be considered as a possible diagnosis. The mechanism of its formation is as follows: constant pain forces the patient to take painkillers (). If this happens uncontrollably, over time, their effect is blunted, the person is forced to take large doses, which become less and less effective. Sooner or later, a situation arises when pain is constantly present and is only slightly weakened by analgesics. In this case, they speak of abusive cephalgia.

Table 2. Comparative characteristics of the clinical picture of socially significant types of headache.

To facilitate the diagnosis at the reception, universal questionnaires are used that help to systematize clinical data.

Scale-questionnaire for conducting a diagnostic conversation:

Having prepared in advance the answers to the questions listed above, you can significantly facilitate the diagnostic search for the doctor, but you should not try to make a diagnosis yourself. The specialist takes into account a lot of factors: examination data and instrumental research methods. The latter are prescribed if the specialist suspects the secondary nature of cephalalgia.

Additional research methods

Most often, this is an x-ray of the skull in various projections, computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging.

Nervous headache treatment

General principles for the treatment of primary headaches:

  • the use of drug and non-drug methods of treatment;
  • movement from simple to complex;
  • the use of minimal effective doses of drugs;
  • detailed informing the patient about his condition and the mechanisms of the development of the disease.

An individual treatment regimen should be prescribed by a specialist, based on the diagnosis, taking into account the frequency of attacks and the severity of clinical manifestations. Non-drug methods of treatment include physiotherapy and sessions with a psychotherapist. An important role is played by the normalization of the daily routine, nutrition, the rational alternation of physical and mental labor, good sleep and the elimination of provoking factors. Unfortunately, more often you have to resort to drug therapy.

Medical therapy

In addition to the relief of acute pain, interictal treatment is carried out, aimed at preventing the occurrence and reducing the frequency of attacks. Experts do not recommend the use of painkillers without a doctor's prescription. Uncontrolled intake of analgesics is a sure way to the development of abuse headache, damage to the liver and other organs. In order for drug therapy to be rational, all drugs must be used strictly according to indications, and only a doctor can determine them correctly. Effective headache treatment is possible, and the sooner it is started, the more successful and easier it will be.

In the tissues of the brain there is a huge number of receptors that affect its work. For most, discomfort is intensified in conflict situations. The risk group includes people with cardiovascular diseases who begin to complain that their head hurts from nerves. The cause of throbbing pain is irritation of the nerve endings.

Stress is one of the factors leading to headaches. A migraine occurs when you are nervous about trouble at work or at home. A feature of the structure of nerve cells is the presence of long processes: a dendrite and an axon. The main purpose of the dendrite is the generation of pain impulses in violation of body functions. The axon transmits the signal along the fibers to the brain.

On a nervous basis, the head hurts mainly in people suffering from heart failure. The cause of the disease may be an injury or infection affecting the brain tissue. Emotional overstrain causes quite severe pain in the skull.


Why does my head hurt when I'm nervous? Prolonged stress has a negative effect on the body. The intensity of discomfort depends on the stage of the disease and individual characteristics. Patients begin to worry about headaches that appear at the most inopportune time. During the moments of attacks, a person is not able to concentrate on work.

A nervous breakdown has a negative impact on all body systems. Particularly sensitive to brain tissue failures. The disease in restless patients manifests itself in the form of:

  • pulsations;
  • squeezing;
  • bursting.

Headache from nerves may affect only one side of the face. With a large area of ​​the lesion, pain is felt on both sides of the skull. With narrowing of blood vessels, the nerve cell gives a signal about a violation of blood circulation. The disease progresses if a person at this time is in a state of emotional exhaustion. Therefore, he begins to experience constant bouts of pain in the head area at the slightest stress. Based on the results obtained, the doctor makes a diagnosis.

The nervous system can be damaged due to trauma. In this case, the patient needs long-term rehabilitation. After an unsuccessful fall, the victim feels weakness in the body. The intensity of pain depends on the severity of the injury.

Important! In the event of an attack, you can not take analgesics. To eliminate the cause of migraine, you need to consult with a specialist.

Diagnostic methods

Can nerves cause headaches? On examination, the doctor makes a preliminary diagnosis. However, it is impossible to assess the patient's condition only by external manifestations of the disease. He needs to undergo a more detailed examination. To determine the factor provoking migraine attacks, a person is referred for a procedure study of the fundus. The cause of discomfort sometimes lies in the presence of stagnant processes that affect the nerve endings.

To assess the patient's condition, doctors study the results echoencephalography. Treatment of the disease depends on the nature of the damage identified during the procedure. Pain is a symptom that indicates various abnormalities in the nervous system. Patients suffering from recurrent headaches undergo electroencephalography.

The purpose of the procedure is to study areas with pathological activity. Disorder of brain activity leads to the appearance of regular pain. Specialists collect cerebrospinal fluid. Only after receiving the results of the examination, doctors choose a method of treatment.

When do you need urgent medical attention?

After receiving mechanical damage, you must go to the hospital. An alarming symptom is the sudden onset of headache and high fever. This often indicates an infectious tissue lesion. The cause of migraine can be cephalalgia, which is accompanied by loss of consciousness. A person is confused in space, he has bouts of nausea and vomiting.

Medical treatment

Usually immediately after a nervous breakdown, the head starts to hurt. To eliminate the symptoms of pain, drugs are often prescribed that affect the functioning of nerve receptors (Finlepsin, Pentalgin).
What to do with regular migraine attacks? It is possible to normalize the emotional background of an anxious patient with the help of antidepressants (Amitriptine). The cause of migraine attacks is spasm of blood vessels.

However, every medicine has side effects. If you feel worse, you should immediately stop taking the drug and consult a specialist. The heart may have defects that affect the functioning of the circulatory system. Patients suffering from heart failure experience regular pain in the head. Hypertensive patients can relieve unpleasant symptoms due to drugs that lower blood pressure.

To restore blood flow in the brain tissues, you can use antispasmodic drugs (No-shpa, Papaverine). An antispasmodic tablet has an effect on muscles that tense up due to stress. After taking the drug, the process of tissue relaxation begins. In humans, blood vessels expand, and blood circulation is restored.

Seizures can be treated only after consulting a doctor. Do not exceed the dosage indicated in the instructions.

Preventive actions

You can reduce the risk of the disease if you follow a few rules:


When making a diagnosis, doctors take into account the nature of the pain. Unpleasant sensations can cause a feeling of squeezing, throbbing or fullness. To determine the cause of the disease, the patient is sent for a thorough examination. The method of treatment depends on the results obtained after passing the diagnosis.

Everyone knows that “on a nervous basis” various unpleasant sensations in the stomach are possible. This is where the expression "heart in the heels" came from. In fact, this means that an unpleasant sensation that began in the region of the heart gradually moves to the abdominal cavity, causing a feeling of "fading" there.

Pain due to nerves

But can there really be pain in the abdomen due to nerves? It turns out it can.

Should we be surprised at the existence of "phantom" pains? A man's leg has long been amputated to the knee, but he clearly feels pain in his little finger. In science, the appearance of stigmata on the palms and feet of religious ascetics of the past, who sincerely empathize with the religious plot of the crucifixion, is known. Therefore, functional abdominal pain is possible. The main thing is the ability to distinguish it in time from a catastrophe in the abdominal cavity, in which an urgent operation is needed.

Features of neurological abdominal pain

It is known that the internal organs are innervated by the autonomic nervous system. It has significant differences from the somatic system: it does not obey our will, but works autonomously. And this system generates pain sensations not so bright and specific, but dull, spilled and poorly localized.

Autonomic nervous system - scheme

For example, if you hurt your finger or leg, then you can definitely show the place where the pain is the most. And if there is pain from the passage of a stone through the ureter, then, despite the clear position of the stone at each moment of time, the pain will be spilled. Vague localization is what distinguishes autonomic pain.

Causes of nerve pain in the abdomen

Pain in the abdomen "from the nerves" primarily occurs from a violation of the function of this very autonomic nervous system. After all, there can be no tunnel syndromes and infringement of nerves in the abdominal cavity: there are no dense cartilaginous and bone formations, powerful ligaments in which long nerves can undergo compression. On the contrary, everything in the abdominal cavity is perfectly “lubricated”, and the intestines are suspended on the mesentery.

Perhaps the only exception in which the nerves of the abdominal cavity are infringed are hernias, but the mesentery is quite rarely infringed by the hernial ring. The second situation is the torsion of the mesentery with the occurrence of gangrene of the intestinal loop, intestinal obstruction and the development of peritonitis.

But in this situation, torsion of the mesentery with impaired circulation was the immediate cause, and the corresponding neurological disorders were a secondary consequence of acute ischemia, and they should not be considered.

The most common cause of abdominal pain from nerves is vegetovascular dystonia. An imbalance between the sympathetic (stress) and parasympathetic (trophic) parts of the autonomic nervous system leads to various conditions. For example, to hyperhidrosis, increased blood pressure, lethargy, feeling hot.

Sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions of the autonomic nervous system

One of these abdominal (abdominal) manifestations of vegetative-vascular dystonia is irritable bowel syndrome, which is manifested by an attack of diarrhea. In this case, the appearance of pain in the abdomen of a functional or nervous nature is possible.

It is known that every fifth person suffers from such a disorder in his life, in cities this figure is much higher. The reason, in addition to autonomic disorders, lies in the acceleration of the passage of food through the intestines, as well as a functional violation of the nervous regulation of peristalsis, which is reversible.

Symptoms of "irritable bowel"

Most often, in this condition, pain and discomfort occur, which are not pronounced, and are more reminiscent of discomfort than actual pain. These sensations can be everywhere where the small intestine exists: for example, pains in the lower abdomen are nervous, or in the navel. In addition to discomfort, there are:

  • violation of the stool, most have diarrhea, but in some it alternates with constipation and a violation of the discharge of gases;
  • there is an imperative urge to defecate. This means that the desire to empty the intestines is so strong that "there is no limit to the torment." As a rule, there is no logical explanation for this: there is no stool retention for many days before this;
  • these pains and the desire to go to the toilet often occur during meals, or immediately after it. This happens most often after breakfast.

This is due to the emergence of conditioned reflex connections between the upper gastrointestinal tract and the large intestine. Overstretching of the "full stomach" receptors is mistaken for a full intestine.

Fortunately, this process does not take long. Similar errors of the nervous system occur, for example, during recovery from pneumonia, severe infectious diseases. At this time, the body is still weakened. The nervous system is also weakened. This condition is called asthenovegetative syndrome. Soon after the body gets stronger, these unpleasant symptoms first weaken, and then stop. Therefore, if you suffer from such pains, then you need to pay special attention to a diet that should not include coarse food, and consult a doctor.

With a strong excitement, a person may begin to hurt the heart. The problem lies in the disruption of the autonomic (autonomous) department of the nervous system. The regulation of the heart muscle goes astray, which leads to the development of vegetovascular dystonia or one of its forms (cardioneurosis). There is a failure due to a combination of external factors with internal disorders. The likelihood of developing chest pain increases if a healthy lifestyle is not followed. You can stop it at home, but it is important to first eliminate the irritating factor, and only then apply medical techniques.

Emotions do not directly affect the work of the heart muscle. It is controlled by the autonomic nervous system. Consciously, a person cannot influence the signals from this department, but constant anxiety and the development of neurasthenia changes the situation. On a nervous basis, the heart begins to hurt, especially in the presence of other irritating factors:

  • Hereditary predisposition begins to manifest itself at an early age. Congenital strong nervous system reduces the likelihood of autonomic failures. In the opposite situation, a person will begin to worry about anything for virtually no reason.
  • Stress leads to dysfunction of the nerve centers. The regulation of the activity of the heart is disturbed, which causes vascular spasms that disrupt hemodynamics (blood flow). The resulting lack of oxygen causes chest pain.
  • A sharp change in climate is a stressful situation for the body. Signs of failure of the autonomic nervous system appear until it is fully adapted to new conditions.
  • Hormonal balance is one of the factors affecting the normal functioning of the nervous and cardiovascular systems. Failures in it occur several times more often in girls (menopause, pregnancy). Both sexes include a violation of the production of hormones (thyroid gland, adrenal glands) and puberty.
  • Neurosis, depression and other mental disorders are one of the main reasons why the heart hurts when you are nervous.

Sometimes unpleasant sensations are only given by other systems. For example, with a pinched nerve or diseases of the respiratory system, pain is very similar to heart pain.

Failures in the vegetative department can be aggravated under the influence of external factors:

Clinical picture

If the heart hurts from the nerves, then there is virtually no threat to the life of the patient. A sudden attack lasts from 5-10 minutes to 2-3 hours. The frequency of occurrence depends on the psycho-emotional state of the person and the severity of the vegetative failure.

It is possible to characterize the manifested pain in the heart as follows:

  • aching and dull, combined with a feeling of tightness in the chest area;
  • bursting and causing a feeling of emptiness in the region of the heart;
  • sharp and squeezing, combined with a burning sensation;
  • constant, radiating to the back and neck;
  • stabbing and squeezing;
  • sharp and paralyzing with a focus in the region of the heart.

Because of the nerves in a person, not only does the heart begin to hurt, but other symptoms also appear:

  • feeling of anxiety and uncontrollable fear;
  • nausea up to vomiting;
  • increased heart rate;
  • extrasystoles (extraordinary contractions);
  • dyspnea;
  • pressure surges;
  • excessive sweating;
  • headache;
  • failures in thermoregulation;
  • lack of air;
  • loss of consciousness;
  • general weakness;
  • low performance;
  • problems with urination;
  • disorder of the gastrointestinal tract.

Course of therapy

Immediately after identifying symptoms characteristic of a failure in the autonomic nervous system, it is necessary to consult a therapist. He will conduct a survey and examination of the patient, and then send for examinations. Based on their results, the doctor will be able to make a diagnosis and tell you what to do if your heart hurts from experiences.

The first step is to talk to the patient. The specialist will give advice on lifestyle changes and prescribe light sedatives to quickly remove signs of failure. You can combine treatment with physiotherapy, folk remedies and other methods. In advanced cases, you will need to take heavier drugs with antiarrhythmic and anti-anxiety effects.

First aid measures

With the development of an attack of pain in the heart after a nervous breakdown at night, or far from the clinic, it is necessary to remember the first aid algorithm:

If the result did not work out, then you need to call an ambulance. Delay can be dangerous, as there is a possibility of developing consequences due to a long-term failure in hemodynamics.

Medical therapy

Usually, when the heart hurts from experiences, drugs are prescribed by the attending physician, depending on the patient's condition:

  • Sedatives ("Korvalment", "Trikardin") can help reduce nervous excitability and expand the coronary vessels. They also stimulate the production of endorphins, which improve the psycho-emotional background.
  • Magnesium and potassium preparations ("Asparkam", "Magnerot") restore neuromuscular transmission, electrolyte balance and vascular tone.
  • Tranquilizers ("Phenazepam", "Atarax") are recommended to be taken to relieve feelings of panic, fear and anxiety. They can also be drunk to improve sleep.
  • Antidepressants ("Flunisan", "Amizol") are prescribed when the heart hurts against the background of depression. They correct certain processes in the brain, thereby improving the psycho-emotional background of the patient and his self-esteem.


Folk remedies can be extremely effective when the heart hurts after stress. They will saturate the body with useful substances and relieve nervous excitement. You can prepare a medicine with a sedative effect according to the following recipes:

  • Tea based on viburnum, valerian, lemon balm, mint and rosehip helps relieve stress and stop worrying. It is enough to drink it 1-2 cups a day.
  • Taking 50 g of mint and watch, and 25 g of valerian and hops, you can prepare a good sedative collection. 1 st. l. Pour boiling water over the resulting mixture and close the lid for 3 hours. Drink the medicine during the day for 3 doses.
  • Taking a relaxing bath once a week will avoid disruption of nervous regulation. You can add essential oils and sea salt to the water. The duration of the reception should be approximately 20 minutes. To improve the psycho-emotional background, it is desirable to turn on pleasant music.

Physiotherapy procedures

Using physiotherapy, when the heart hurts a lot from stress, relief can be achieved. It turns out the effect due to the restoration of vascular tone, nervous regulation and metabolic processes. The attending physician selects the procedures, focusing on the results of the examination:

Physiotherapy procedures are contraindicated in such cases:

  • epilepsy;
  • oncological diseases;
  • tuberculosis;
  • heat;
  • severe degree of hypertension;
  • acute forms of cardiovascular pathologies;
  • advanced atherosclerosis;
  • mental illness.

Other therapies

You can supplement the treatment regimen with other ways to alleviate the condition:

  • Exercise therapy helps to restore normal heart rhythm and stabilize blood pressure. Power sports are contraindicated, as they exhaust the patient and contribute to the aggravation of seizures.
  • Spa treatment, which includes physiotherapy, will restore the balance of the nervous system and stop attacks of pain in the heart.
  • Correction of the diet is necessary to saturate the body with useful substances. The daily menu should include fruits, vegetables, dairy products, cereals and low-fat varieties of fish and meat. It is advisable to cook only by steaming or by boiling. The amount of spices, including salt, must be reduced to a minimum. Food should be taken 4-5 times a day, but in small portions, so that there is a slight feeling of hunger after the meal is completed.
  • Sessions of psychotherapy will allow you to solve the problem from the inside. The doctor will talk with the patient, increasing his resistance to stressful situations. If necessary, group therapy with the involvement of family members can be carried out. The specialist will find the causes of conflicts and try to help resolve them.

Pain in the region of the heart after experiencing stress is not considered something special. They cause inconvenience and are accompanied by unpleasant symptoms, but are not capable of leading to death. Medicines, folk remedies and physiotherapy procedures are used as treatment. You can speed up the recovery process with psychotherapy sessions, diet correction, relaxation in sanatorium conditions and physiotherapy exercises.

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Sometimes they are so strong that a person loses the ability to engage in daily activities and needs to receive a sick leave. Some types of cephalalgia are easily removed with drugs, others are difficult to treat with medication. In any case, the quality of life of such patients is significantly reduced.

According to WHO, 47% of the population regularly experience a headache, about 90% of adults at least once in the past year. The prevalence of this disease in different countries is not the same. Thus, Europeans suffer more from primary headaches, associated mainly with stress, than residents of developing African countries. Migraine is significantly more common in women, and cluster headaches, rare (about 0.5%) in general, affect men more often.

Types of headaches: classification

According to the international classification, there are 14 main types of headache (see table). The first four are classified as primary. These are independent diseases, which are based on a violation of the function of muscles, nerve trunks or the vascular system. The remaining cephalalgias are secondary, that is, they are a symptom or complication of another disease, whether it is organic damage to the brain or disorders in any other body system.

Table 1. International classification of headaches (2nd edition, 2004) and frequency of occurrence in the population, according to various sources.

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All about headaches from nerves and stress

In the tissues of the brain there is a huge number of receptors that affect its work. For most, discomfort is intensified in conflict situations. The risk group includes people with cardiovascular diseases who begin to complain that their head hurts from nerves. The cause of throbbing pain is irritation of the nerve endings.

How the disease develops

Stress is one of the factors leading to headaches. A migraine occurs when you are nervous about trouble at work or at home. A feature of the structure of nerve cells is the presence of long processes: a dendrite and an axon. The main purpose of the dendrite is the generation of pain impulses in violation of body functions. The axon transmits the signal along the fibers to the brain.

On a nervous basis, the head hurts mainly in people suffering from heart failure. The cause of the disease may be an injury or infection affecting the brain tissue. Emotional overstrain causes quite severe pain in the skull.


Why does my head hurt when I'm nervous? Prolonged stress has a negative effect on the body. The intensity of discomfort depends on the stage of the disease and individual characteristics. Patients begin to worry about headaches that appear at the most inopportune time. During the moments of attacks, a person is not able to concentrate on work.

A nervous breakdown has a negative impact on all body systems. Particularly sensitive to brain tissue failures. The disease in restless patients manifests itself in the form of:

  • pulsations;
  • squeezing;
  • bursting.

Headache from nerves may affect only one side of the face. With a large area of ​​the lesion, pain is felt on both sides of the skull. With narrowing of blood vessels, the nerve cell gives a signal about a violation of blood circulation. The disease progresses if a person at this time is in a state of emotional exhaustion. Therefore, he begins to experience constant bouts of pain in the head area at the slightest stress. Based on the results obtained, the doctor makes a diagnosis.

The nervous system can be damaged due to trauma. In this case, the patient needs long-term rehabilitation. After an unsuccessful fall, the victim feels weakness in the body. The intensity of pain depends on the severity of the injury.

Important! In the event of an attack, you can not take analgesics. To eliminate the cause of migraine, you need to consult with a specialist.

Diagnostic methods

Can nerves cause headaches? On examination, the doctor makes a preliminary diagnosis. However, it is impossible to assess the patient's condition only by external manifestations of the disease. He needs to undergo a more detailed examination. To determine the factor that provokes migraine attacks, a person is sent to the procedure for examining the fundus. The cause of discomfort sometimes lies in the presence of stagnant processes that affect the nerve endings.

To assess the patient's condition, doctors study the results of echoencephalography. Treatment of the disease depends on the nature of the damage identified during the procedure. Pain is a symptom that indicates various abnormalities in the nervous system. Patients suffering from regular headaches undergo electroencephalography.

The purpose of the procedure is to study areas with pathological activity. Disorder of brain activity leads to the appearance of regular pain. Specialists collect cerebrospinal fluid. Only after receiving the results of the examination, doctors choose a method of treatment.

When do you need urgent medical attention?

After receiving mechanical damage, you must go to the hospital. An alarming symptom is the sudden onset of headache and high fever. This often indicates an infectious tissue lesion. The cause of migraine can be cephalalgia, which is accompanied by loss of consciousness. A person is confused in space, he has bouts of nausea and vomiting.

Medical treatment

Usually immediately after a nervous breakdown, the head starts to hurt. To eliminate the symptoms of pain, drugs are often prescribed that affect the functioning of nerve receptors (Finlepsin, Pentalgin).

What to do with regular migraine attacks? It is possible to normalize the emotional background of an anxious patient with the help of antidepressants (Amitriptine). The cause of migraine attacks is spasm of blood vessels.

However, every medicine has side effects. If you feel worse, you should immediately stop taking the drug and consult a specialist. The heart may have defects that affect the functioning of the circulatory system. Patients suffering from heart failure experience regular pain in the head. Hypertensive patients can relieve unpleasant symptoms due to drugs that lower blood pressure.

To restore blood flow in the brain tissues, you can use antispasmodic drugs (No-shpa, Papaverine). An antispasmodic tablet has an effect on muscles that tense up due to stress. After taking the drug, the process of tissue relaxation begins. In humans, blood vessels expand, and blood circulation is restored.

Preventive actions

You can reduce the risk of the disease if you follow a few rules:

  1. The disease occurs in those whose motor activity is extremely low. It is necessary to constantly maintain physical shape. This will help maintain the tone of the vessels that nourish the brain tissue.
  2. Unpleasant sensations most often occur on a nervous basis. Try to avoid stressful situations, do not conflict with colleagues. Remember that a headache torments people who are unable to cope with their emotions. Nervous stress can cause migraines.


When making a diagnosis, doctors take into account the nature of the pain. Unpleasant sensations can cause a feeling of squeezing, throbbing or fullness. To determine the cause of the disease, the patient is sent for a thorough examination. The method of treatment depends on the results obtained after passing the diagnosis.

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The site is consulted by a neurologist Rothermel T.P.

The information is provided for reference purposes only.

Do not self-medicate.

At the first sign of disease, consult a doctor.

Can a headache be caused by nervous tension?

How to treat a headache from nerves?

VelVet Guru (2899), closed 5 years ago

My head hurts from stress, which I have been experiencing for a long time.

but now the turning point - the pain is terrible.

I was nervous in the morning and now I suffer all day. can't relax.

Tips - like: remove the source of stress - are not suitable, because. life situation is difficult.

As for leaving, resting - I myself know - what is needed, but there is no opportunity yet.

I hope for your understanding.

Sergey Luchina Thinker (6557) 5 years ago

Each tablet contains 20 mg of magnesium.

Daily requirement mg.

Magnesium, along with potassium, is the main intracellular element. Magnesium is part of more than 300 enzymes.

Magnesium is involved in the regulation of many functions and biochemical processes. It is very important for the normal activity of cell membranes. Magnesium normalizes the absorption of calcium from the intestines. Promotes the absorption of phosphorus, potassium, vitamins B, C, E.

Magnesium is involved in the regulation of nerve impulses, both in the central nervous system and in peripheral tissues.

Magnesium deficiency reduces the elasticity of erythrocytes, which makes it difficult for them to pass through the capillaries, disrupts microcirculation and shortens the "life" of erythrocytes. The result is anemia.

With a lack of magnesium, the activity of the heart muscle suffers, arrhythmia and increased heart rate occur.

Magnesium deficiency accelerates the aging process; causes spastic muscular painful contractions in the human body; increased blood cholesterol levels, increased seizure activity in children; occurrence of immunodeficiency.

The use of bio-magnesium supplements will help provide the body with this bioelement.

To compensate for magnesium deficiency;

To improve the activity of the cardiovascular system;

To increase the body's defenses;

With physical and mental stress, especially for athletes and managers;

With hair loss;

With irritability, overwork, sleep disturbance;

In violation of lipid (atherosclerosis, obesity) and carbohydrate metabolism (diabetes mellitus);

Application: 2-4 tablets a day after meals.

Bobadilla Master (2353) 5 years ago

Vessels may be dilated. You need to go to the doctor first thing. A lot of things develop from nerves. Not only the head but also the cardiovascular and stomach. We must take care of ourselves. You can tincture or cognac a little.

Galina Filyanova Artificial Intelligence (102931) 5 years ago

It is necessary to sleep and take a walk somewhere in nature, it is better to be alone away from people.

Veronica Vasha Profi (970) 5 years ago

Pills will of course temporarily relieve pain, but if you live constantly in stress, you need to switch to something. On a new relationship, both with a man and with friends. Need to relax.

Julia Semenova Wise (14021) 5 years ago

nothing calms like a big piece of chocolate cake))) is eaten with the words: let me be fat, but happy.

Fresh cabbage can be attached to temples, you need to eat on time, the bioptron lamp helps

Anna Deripaskina Sage (12218) 5 years ago

There is understanding, and of course, removing the source of stress is the best option.

But if that doesn't work, try combining painkillers with sedatives.

I myself suffer from migraines, for several days, sometimes nothing helps, and sometimes Pentalgin takes (another option is effervescent aspirin UPSA helped, Ketorol, but it is very strong) Another option is to either eat something very sweet or drink some wine (100g enough)

Nervous headache

It often happens that a person experiences a headache without a specific localization. It is better to go to the doctor when you can complain about a specific source of an unpleasant feeling. So, for example, with a migraine, there are classic symptoms: throbbing pains on one side, radiating to the eye or temple, accompanied by nausea. At the height of the headache, vomiting usually occurs, after which the patient's condition improves.

With meningitis, a very severe, diffuse headache occurs, caused by inflammation on the membranes of the brain, which is aggravated due to hyperproduction of cerebrospinal fluid - cerebrospinal fluid. In this case, only a lumbar puncture can alleviate the condition.

Sometimes there are headaches associated with neuralgia of the cranial nerves. The most common cause of concern is trigeminal neuralgia. which is given to various parts of the face. These pains are similar to electric shocks.

In each of the above cases, the source of the headache is clear: in the case of migraine, it is a vascular spasm, in the case of meningitis, inflammation of the meninges. With neuralgia, headache is associated with processes that occur in the nerve itself and give rise to an altered feeling of pain.

But there are headaches that are devoid of such a clearly defined nature of occurrence. These are tension headaches, or simply tension headaches.

It is very difficult to determine this type of pain: these are non-localized attacks of low intensity, in which the pain is diffusely distributed, often symmetrically. Sometimes this pain is called "usual", "as always", or "like everyone else". She covers her head like a helmet, covering it from all sides.

Such nerve pains in the head are manifested by separate episodes, which can last from 30 minutes to several days. Sometimes it happens that such pain happens more often than pain-free intervals - for example, more often than 2 weeks in a month in a row.

The above imposes significant restrictions on these “headaches from nerves”: although they interfere with a person’s life and work, they become habitual, and the person continues to carry out his professional activities, and almost never goes “on sick leave”. After all, taught by the bitter experience of domestic health care, he believes that this requires at least a “temperature” or a cough.

However, such a diagnosis as "tension headache" exists officially, and it is present in the ICD-10 (International Classification of Diseases). And this means that doctors can make such a diagnosis, and on the basis of a headache, issue a “sick leave”. (see also sick leave for neuralgia).

Nerve headache symptoms

Tension headaches (THH) fully justify their name, and almost always appear when mental stress is combined with minor physical activity (sedentary work). In the event that other provoking factors are added to this (stuffiness in the room, lack of breaks, visual load and work at the computer), then the risk increases. This risk of developing HDN is further increased by the abuse of stimulants: coffee and cigarettes. If all this is present, then the characteristic clinical picture of HDN is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • pain never pulsates, but infuriates with its constancy;
  • the head hurts "stupidly", and always slightly;
  • the pain is always bilateral, but most often it hurts on one side more;
  • localization of pain resembles a head “clamped in a vise”, or a mention of a helmet worn on the head, since the nature of the pain is tightening or squeezing;
  • physical activity can lead to pain, but, having reached a certain low limit, it does not progress further.

Of course, with increased pain of tension, the vascular component can be activated, as a result of which mild photophobia, intolerance to loud sounds, and nausea may appear, but this is rare.

Nervous headache, the symptoms of which we have described, is familiar to everyone. But in the event that it occurs often, lasts a long time, interferes with work, concentration, and “everything falls out of hand” #8212; this is a sign of progressive disorders.

It is known that the interaction of chronic hypoxia of the brain, muscle spasm of the deep cervical and suboccipital muscles, and intense mental stress are very important in the development of this pain. Therefore, in order to avoid the development of tension headache, you need to combine moderate exercise in the fresh air with dosing tension. Also an important factor in the prevention of tension headache is the refusal of frequent and unjustified intake of headache pills, which themselves can cause this pain. This pain is called overuse pain, and often accompanies tension headaches.

Headache? Don't stress!

There is hardly a single person in the world who has never had a headache in his life. Sometimes the pain is frequent and prolonged, but usually people are faced with the fact that the head hurts from overwork, from time to time. And then doctors diagnose a tension headache.

What kind of voltage are you talking about? And why do some people get headaches more often than others? Let's try to figure it out.

Tension headache is the most common form of headache. According to statistics, it accounts for more than 80% of all cases of headache. In Europe, 78% of women and 64% of men experience it at least once a year. Other types of headache are relatively rare.

The good news is that although tension headaches are fairly common, the pain itself is usually relatively mild. Roughly speaking, the head does not break from pain, but rather aches. However, usually this is enough to seriously ruin a person's life. For example, Danish doctors found that 12% of those suffering from tension headaches completely lose their ability to work during an attack. Well, if such pain becomes chronic, it is very difficult for a person to live.

Woe from Wit

Doctors began to deal with tension headaches only in the second half of the 19th century, before that it was believed that there were more serious illnesses. To begin with, scientists described the symptoms of the disease: monotonous, dull, pressing pain that does not have a clear localization, does not increase with physical exertion and is not accompanied by nausea. The cause of the pain could not yet be found out, however, in medical articles of the 19th century it was noted that this type of headache usually occurs in people of mental labor and those prone to a mild form of hysteria. It turned out that the head hurts from nervous and mental overstrain.

It was proposed to treat headaches in the spirit of that time: a combination of gymnastics, ice baths and taking opium tincture. Now the last method of treatment seems wild, but then many doctors believed in the healing power of narcotic drugs, for example, almost every pharmacy sold medicines containing coca extract as a remedy for asthma.

Significant progress in the study of the causes of tension-type headache occurred in the 60s of the XX century. Then scientists suggested that prolonged tension in the muscles of the head and neck leads to narrowing of arterial vessels and spasm of the capillaries that provide muscle nutrition. As a result, the muscles are not sufficiently supplied with blood, become sluggish and edematous due to the fact that metabolic products accumulate in them. At some point, all these factors lead to a headache. It turned out that problems arise not because of intense mental work, but because of what accompanies it: a static posture during written work, a constantly tense neck, a head bowed over a desk

All diseases from nerves?

The latest research has proven that it is not only about the muscles, but also about the functioning of the central nervous system. It is known that each person has his own threshold of pain sensitivity: for one, a slight prick with a pin seems very painful, while the other may not even notice it. The suppression of pain sensitivity in the human body is carried out by the antinociceptive system, which consists of the hypothalamus, as well as the structures of the midbrain and medulla oblongata, which direct fibers to nociceptive neurons of the spinal cord and control their activity. The better this system works, the less the person feels pain.

Unfortunately, sometimes the antinociceptive system begins to fail. As a rule, this is associated with emotional stress and overly intense mental work. For example, in a situation of preparing for an exam, the student's nervous system can be overloaded, which leads to the fact that the internal protection against pain begins to weaken. The same nerve impulses that come from the tension of the muscles of the neck and head, in a normal state, would not give painful sensations, since they would be blocked by the antinociceptive system. But when, due to overloads, it works worse, a person begins to feel that his head hurts.

How to break the vicious circle

It would seem that everything is clear: you need to lead a healthy lifestyle, walk more often, get enough sleep, and not overload yourself with work. But there are two problems. Firstly, in modern conditions of life, it is quite difficult to avoid stress and overload. Secondly, having appeared several times, a tension headache begins to literally entangle a person with a cobweb.

When a person has a headache, his mood deteriorates, he becomes less active, more lethargic. Regular pain limits his professional and personal opportunities, disrupts his life plans, which, in turn, leads to additional stress and depression. A vicious cycle is formed that leads to tension-type headache becoming chronic

To prevent pain from ruining your life, you must definitely fight it. It is clear that all recommendations regarding maintaining a healthy lifestyle are always relevant. No less important is the psychological mood of a person: you need to be cheerful, self-confident optimist. And of course, if pain occurs, you should not endure it, gritting your teeth, but take immediate action.

In this situation, the speed of the drug is of great importance. One of the most effective drugs for headaches is the new generation analgesic Nalgezin. The main active ingredient of the drug - naproxen sodium begins to act within 15 minutes after taking the pill. An additional plus of this drug is a long period of action (8-12 hours), so by taking just one tablet in the morning, you can be sure that the pain will not ruin your plans until the evening. At the same time, Nalgezin will help both from headaches and from other types of pain: menstrual, dental, muscle, back and joint pain.

We invite you to participate in the Quick Solution contest on the website Share your own quick solutions for migraine without medical help, vote for other participants' solutions and win a prize from Krka - a mobile phone that allows you to quickly find solutions in today's world.

Also on the site you will find a lot of useful information on how to overcome various types of pain, a calendar of painful days tied to the weather, as well as an e-consultant that allows you to make a preliminary diagnosis of your ailment.

Causes of Nerve Headache

Perialgia (very severe pain) can be a symptom of various diseases. Many people have headaches from nerves. Stress provokes the emergence of many diseases, primarily neuroses. Violation of the central nervous system and brain centers leads to a deterioration in physical condition. How to remove these consequences and overcome the problem as a whole?

Headache often occurs due to nervous tension


Neuralgia can be manifested by sensations of squeezing. Quite often, perialgia is manifested, extending to various parts of the face. In this case, the pain sensations resemble electric shocks. Neuralgia is provoked by changes in the structure of nerve endings.

Under the influence of severe stress, pronounced symptoms may be absent. Such perialgia is called “tension headache”. It is quite difficult to determine this type of perialgia. It does not have a clear localization, accompanied by dizziness, nausea. Most often, pain occurs in symmetrical areas of the head. One gets the impression that an iron helmet is put on the head, which compresses it all the time.

Constant severe pain caused by stress is a symptom of a malfunction of the central nervous system. Of course, stress existed before, it was just not called that. Now there is an official diagnosis: tension headache, which is part of the ICD. Nervous perialgia is divided into 2 groups:

Tension-type headache is episodic when episodes last from 30 minutes to 2 days. Sometimes perialgia can be observed for 2 weeks, and then 1 or 2 weeks of painless periods follow. Over time, a person gets used to living with constant pain and does his usual work.

Tension headache is most common in the working-age population. It is also called psychogenic, or idiopathic, it greatly spoils the quality of life of patients, but they often do not seek medical help, because they believe that if there is no temperature, there is no need to take a sick leave.

Episodic headache can develop into chronic. It is diagnosed in case of frequency of attacks more than 15 days per month, and more than 180 days per year. The course of the disease lasts from 3 months. Chronic tension headache can lead to oncological diseases, as well as to functional disorders of many organs and systems.

Who is most likely to suffer from tension pain?

Headache, provoked by nervous tension, begins to manifest itself during active mental and minor physical activity. The risk of manifestation increases in the presence of various provoking factors, such as:

  1. Poorly ventilated area.
  2. Work on PC without interruption.
  3. The use of various stimulants: coffee, cigarettes, drinks with guarana.

Headache from constant neurosis can be observed in people of any age, including children. The fact is that the human body is in constant tension, so it is not surprising that many suffer from headaches associated with nerves.

Tension headaches are most common in women over the age of 25. After a woman has undergone pregnancy and childbirth, serious changes begin in her body.

The hormonal background begins to gradually recover, the muscles come into tone, which greatly affects the nervous system.

Coffee and cigarettes increase the risk of headaches


Before you treat a headache of nervous tension, you need to understand the causes of the disease. The most common cause of tension-type headache symptoms is stress. Perialgia can be temporary or permanent. The transition of a temporary form into a protracted one can provoke prolonged stress or constant noise. Another reason is the incorrect position of the body while working at the PC. Against this background, the physical load on the cervical spine increases. Classes that require a large concentration of attention on a monotonous process also increase brain tension. Blood circulation in the brain centers is disturbed, resulting in spasmodic muscle contraction.

Diagnosis of HDN

Treatment of tension headache requires a deep diagnosis. Its symptoms are often similar to perialgia preceding other, more serious, diseases. Typically, such types of studies are prescribed, such as:

  • x-ray of the spine and skull;
  • tomography;
  • computer diagnostics;

In making a diagnosis, the location, frequency, and intensity of pain are of great importance.

The doctor determines the sensitivity threshold by palpation or using a pressor algometer.


Treatment of tension headache will depend entirely on the symptomatic presentation and frequency of manifestation. The main thing is to find what caused the pathological condition. If the symptomatic picture is unclear, you should start with a lifestyle review:

  • adjust sleep patterns;
  • organize a healthy diet;
  • give moderate physical activity to the body.

Therapy for episodic TTH

This form of perialgia practically does not affect the usual way of life, but it gives a person discomfort. To relieve pain, over-the-counter drugs are usually prescribed. These are mainly medicines containing acetylsalicylic acid, ibuprofen and other painkillers. Medicines such as Ketonal, Spazmalgon, Nurofen, Aspirin, Movalis, etc. have proven themselves well. It is recommended to take these drugs no more than 10 times in 28–30 days.

If perialgia is frequent, intense, paroxysmal, the dosage of non-hormonal medications is increased. It is recommended to take 2-3 tablets per day for 21 days. If this course did not give a tangible effect, it is useless to repeat it. With muscle tension, medications are often prescribed that relieve tone. Often, sedatives are prescribed in combination with them. Sedatives help enhance the effect of the pain medication.

With prolonged headaches, accompanied by a gastrointestinal disorder, No-Shpu is prescribed with valerian 3 times a day. The recommended course of admission is a month.

With a tension headache, massage is often prescribed, it helps to improve blood flow, relieve muscle tone. Patients undergo auto-training for psychorelaxation.

Therapy for protracted HDN

In the treatment of chronic tension headache, it is forbidden to take painkillers. They do not stop the pain process, but only slow down the recovery. At this stage, tricyclic antidepressants are prescribed for six months. The dosage is gradually increased, and by the end of the course, it is again reduced to the initial one. The most effective drugs with minimal side effects for the treatment of chronic perialgia are Zoloft, Prozac, Paxil. All these drugs are sold strictly by prescription.

It is far from always possible to choose the right tactics for the treatment of chronic perialgia. Sometimes you have to change drugs, start courses again. When a person is constantly nervous, his nervous system fails, which is quite difficult to fix. It is important that the patient undergoes a course of psychotherapy and begins to relate to life and his problem in a different way.

Prozac is available by prescription only.

HDN during physical overload

THD is especially distinguished during physical exertion, for example, after prolonged work or training. Symptoms of tension headache during increased physical exertion:

  • noise in ears;
  • pulsating perialgia;
  • nausea, dizziness;
  • vomit;
  • insomnia;
  • chronic fatigue.

This is caused by a systematic overstrain of brain receptors, circulatory disorders. The body does not have time to recover after prolonged exertion. Very often, such pains are fixed in marathon runners. When running, almost all muscle groups are involved, blood pressure rises, body temperature rises, dizziness. The body receives stress and works at the limit of its capabilities. A quality long rest helps to get rid of such manifestations.

With constant physical exertion, the body needs to replenish its energy reserves, therefore a therapeutic diet is recommended, which involves the use of products that help restore strength. These products include bananas, apples, cottage cheese, cheeses, fish, white poultry meat, chicken liver, citrus fruits, cabbage.

Treatment of tension headache during physical overload involves a complex of wellness procedures, such as massage, acupuncture, breathing exercises. The treatment is aimed at complete muscle relaxation, relaxation. Prescribe painkillers in combination with sedatives. With these types of pain, folk remedies are actively used, represented by all kinds of herbal decoctions, and aromatherapy is also practiced. Traditional medicine helps not only relieve nervous tension, but also enrich the body with the missing vitamins and minerals.

Poultry meat perfectly restores strength

Tension headaches in children

Unlike an adult, a child's nervous system is not yet fully formed. Often the onset of headaches in children coincides with the period of admission to kindergarten or school. A headache in a child with nervous tension is accompanied by a lack of appetite, a decrease in the protective functions of the body, nosebleeds, and a change in behavior.

When a child leaves the walls of his home and goes to kindergarten, his nervous system is under severe stress. He feels abandoned, alone. In school institutions, most often, children's stress is associated with muscle strain, inability to establish contact in society, as well as prolonged mental stress.

How to get rid of a tension headache in a child? First of all, you need to examine the child with a neurologist and find out the true cause of the pain. It is not so easy to relieve pain in a child.

Therapy is aimed at relaxing the nerve receptors, for which sedatives are prescribed or folk remedies are used. Echinacea tincture proved to be excellent. It helps to relax the nervous system and increase the body's resistance. As well as massage for tension headaches improves blood flow and relieves pain.

In addition, you need to properly organize leisure and educational process. It is very important to take regular breaks during active brain activity. The child should spend enough time outdoors. Another important step in the treatment of headaches in children with nervous tension is psychological work. It is important to explain to the child that all people, one way or another, make mistakes, but without this it is impossible to learn anything. You need to help your child learn how to properly communicate with other children.

  • 03/20/2018 olga you need good psychotherapy (not pill) ka.
  • 02/19/2018 Anatoly Eglonil 50 mg * 3 times a day for three months. .
  • 02/15/2018 Anatoly I often feel sick, for more than 15 years, it started when I was.
  • 02/08/2018 Olga The picture with the mask is super. This is me, before.

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