
What to do if you have been misdiagnosed: advice from a doctor and a lawyer. What to do if the doctor refuses to admit the patient The doctor did not cure

According to opinion polls, today more than 31% of Russians, that is, one in three, use paid medical services in one way or another. Dentistry traditionally ranks first in terms of spending. Patients also often turn to endocrinologists, gynecologists, allergists and other specialists for a fee, and pay extra for some types of tests. How to make your visit to the doctor as productive as possible? Recommendations (“guidelines”) have been developed for doctors themselves, that is, algorithms and protocols for diagnosis and treatment. Meanwhile, a lot also depends on the patient. The results of treatment are seriously influenced by the willingness to conscientiously approach the process, to find common language with a doctor and even evaluate his professionalism. Yes, yes, there are bells that clearly signal that it’s time to run away from the doctor, experts warn - for example, if you are offered to “boost your immunity” with an immunomodulator or “cure” with homeopathy.

Useful advice for patients, supported by many years of experience - his own and that of his medical colleagues - was given by the famous scientific and medical educator, cardiologist, member of the European Society of Cardiology and the American Heart Association, candidate of medical sciences Yaroslav Ashikhmin.

Note that these recommendations are in many ways suitable not only for visits to doctors for a fee, but also for treatment in district clinics and hospitals under the compulsory medical insurance policy. As you know, in fact, doctors are given limits on accepting patients (although it is officially announced that they are not obligatory - see below “On topic”). Proper preparation will help you quickly find a common language with the doctor and set him up to pay maximum attention to your health.

“Doctors think about you, dear patients, think about them too,” calls on Yaroslav Ashikhmin. “Believe it or not, following the rules outlined below can radically change the attitude towards you and (alas and ah!) the quality of medical care.”

1. Arrive 10 minutes early. Time is the most valuable thing we have. The “worst patient” in the understanding of doctors is the one who took a window of time and simply did not come, did not warn.

2. Take your health records and tests with you.

Approach the issue wisely, the expert advises. If you have a long chronic disease, consequences of a long-standing serious injury, etc., you can bring certificates of the most serious examinations of the last 3 - 5 years. In general, as a rule, doctors are interested in certificates about the current state of health for the last year.

Ideally, to increase the efficiency of reception, it is advisable to put documents in a folder: “One sheet in one transparent file. Please do not put all 10 sheets in one file,” the doctor urges. And please note: if you go to a cardiologist, he may need extracts from the infectious diseases hospital, and reports from an ENT specialist and a gynecologist. So take certificates and tests that describe all areas of your health, and not just the area in which a particular doctor specializes. This is necessary for literate integrated approach to treatment.

3. Write/print out a list of all medications and - be sure to! - dietary supplements, including vitamin complexes, which you are taking and have been taking over the past months. Be sure to indicate the dose.

“It is not so easy to adjust the treatment regimen for hypertension if the patient reports that he is taking “such white diamonds, now I’ll call my wife to clarify,” Dr. Ashikhmin gives a frequent example.

4. List your allergies, drug intolerances, and past illnesses on a piece of paper.

“Oh, by the way, I also have HIV / heart surgery in childhood / cerebral hemorrhage, but that was all so long ago,” some patients say as they leave the office, or even keep silent. You don’t need to do this, it will make things worse for you,” the expert warns.

5. Don’t overload doctors with unnecessary information.

From a purely human perspective, one can understand an attempt to pour out your whole soul and hard life. But if the doctor is not a psychotherapist, then it really doesn’t matter to him what the weather was like and what type of cherry you planted on the day your myocardial infarction occurred. Excessive talkativeness is confusing and simply wastes time that could be spent on really necessary medical measures.

6. When a doctor prescribes a drug for “long-term” or “regular” use, this means that the medicine must be taken constantly. Or until a better drug is invented.

If you are given an appointment to take a pill “at a dose of 2 mg per day, a decision on dose adjustment after 15 days at a face-to-face appointment,” this does not mean that after 15 days you should cancel an appointment with a doctor and stop taking the medicine, emphasizes Yaroslav Ashikhmin. - This formulation means that the drug will most likely need to be taken further, moreover, the dose may need to be increased.

7. Directly ask how to maintain contact with the doctor after the appointment. Is it possible to write to him via messenger or email, when is it convenient to call?

Doctors often give you a personal phone number, and if you call at the scheduled time, we really appreciate it. At the same time, there is little that incinerates the psyche of doctors as calls at a forbidden time, when it is specified. Many doctors work from 6 - 7 am, and at 9 pm you risk waking up the doctor.

8. Ask questions: “Is there a better treatment? Is there anything else that can be done?

This question is asked by no more than 1% of patients. And he just might be decisive.

9. Be prepared for the fact that if you are very emotional about your symptoms, you may be recommended to consult a psychiatrist or psychotherapist in addition to treatment by a cardiologist and gastroenterologist. This doesn't mean you're crazy. Almost everything serious illnesses traumatize the psyche, the pain seems to be transferred from the body to the head. And even if we heal the body, complaints may remain, without a psychotherapist there is no way.

10. Ask for clarification if you don’t understand something. All the way. Not sure what your doctor is saying? See another doctor for a second opinion.

And one more thing. Please, if you are able to care for yourself, shower with soap or gel before visiting the doctor. This request for advice has become painful for many in the medical community,” says Yaroslav Ashikhmin.


Appointment with a therapist - 15 minutes, with a gynecologist - 22 minutes

Doctors who accept patients free of charge under compulsory medical insurance policies often complain that they are constrained by regulations: there are restrictions on the time of appointment for each patient. The Ministry of Health assures that in fact these standards are not addressed to doctors, but to health care organizers, that is, authorities, chief physicians. The attending physician should see the patient exactly as much as necessary, taking into account his state of health, the department emphasizes. While standards are needed for organizational work: calculating the workload of each doctor, determining the required number of medical staff, and other standards for the work of doctors.

Valid for today Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated July 2, 2015 No. 290n. Based on it, on average, a patient’s appointment includes:

For a local pediatrician - 15 minutes;

For a local general practitioner - 15 minutes;

To the doctor general practice(family doctor) - 18 minutes;

Neurologist - 22 minutes;

For an otorhinolaryngologist - 16 minutes;

For an ophthalmologist - 14 minutes;

Obstetrician-gynecologist - 22 minutes.

Prepared by Anna DOBRYUKHA.

Negligent attitude to responsibilities, unprofessional approach, incorrect diagnosis - these are far from full list problems faced by patients in various medical institutions. Such situations are a direct violation of the rights of citizens, and therefore they have to seek justice from regulatory authorities.

Dear readers! Our articles talk about typical ways to resolve legal issues, but each case is unique.

If you want to know how to solve exactly your problem - contact the online consultant form on the right or call free consultation:

Filing a claim in court

A statement of claim is a serious document Therefore, when going to court, you need to have irrefutable evidence on hand. The claim must be accompanied by a package of documents:

  1. receipts,
  2. recipes,
  3. certificates,
  4. conclusions,
  5. results of diagnostic studies.

Unlike a complaint, a claim has a strict form. It must be structured Each fact of violation of rights must be supported by references to articles of law.

IMPORTANT. When contacting the judicial authorities, it is advisable to seek the help of an experienced lawyer.

We write the appeal clearly and concisely

So that your request does not remain unanswered, adhere to the following recommendations:

  • The document size should not exceed two pages, but it is better to keep it to one. There is no need to include a lot of details and your own experiences in the description of events;
  • write a complaint based only on reliable facts;
  • when describing events that take place long time, follow the chronology of events,
  • in the process of drawing up a complaint, name specific persons who violated your rights.

If you believe your rights as a patient have been violated, seek justice. In the century information technology you can complain about a doctor at a clinic or hospital via the Internet.

For legal advice on filing a complaint against doctors, watch the video:

05.09.18 50 887 27

Doctors take an oath to treat and care for patients, but sometimes things go wrong.

Alena Iva

I, my friends, and even my mother have many unpleasant stories related to visiting doctors. And this despite the fact that she herself is a doctor.

Let's figure out what it's about medical services says the law. What patients can do and how doctors must behave. Let's look at the legal and human side of the issue.

Doctors are often rude to me. This is fine?

The most common complaint from visitors to public hospitals is inappropriate treatment of patients. This may be the doctor's indifference or challenging behavior.

It's up to everyone to decide how they feel about it, but all doctors swear to take care of their patients. This oath is included in federal law. Therefore, “treating patients with care and attention” is not just a nice phrase, but a legal obligation. Doctoring is a profession that requires doctors not only to be professionals, but also to have moral stability when providing medical care.

If the level of incorrectness of the doctor goes off scale, you can file a complaint with the head doctor of the hospital. You must receive a response to a written complaint within 30 days. The complaint must specifically formulate your wishes. For example, for the doctor to make a personal apology or for him to be reprimanded. If a doctor is often rude, he may be fired.

You can also complain to the territorial department of Roszdravnadzor. He controls the activities of medical institutions in the region. This can be done in person or through the online reception.

You can contact the Ministry of Health directly in writing or through the website. In the instructions for considering citizens' appeals to the Ministry of Health, you can see the list of issues that it considers.

What if the doctor thinks I’m being rude?

The doctor is obliged to provide medical care in any situation. They are obligated to this by an oath and the criminal code. For failure to provide assistance, a doctor can not only pay a fine, but also receive up to 4 years in prison. This is a serious responsibility. Therefore, if you need medical help and the doctor refuses to provide it because you speak rudely to him, this is a serious violation on his part.

But if you are rude when you do not need medical help, your behavior interferes with the work of doctors and violates public order, then you may be brought to administrative responsibility for insults. The medical staff may call the police to have you removed from the clinic.

For example, in judicial practice there was a case when a dissatisfied patient insulted a therapist on the street in the presence of passers-by. For this she had to pay a 1,000 ruble fine and 1,000 rubles as compensation for moral damage.

I don't like the registration clinic. Why do I have to go there?

No obligation. You can change the clinic and attach to another one. But this can be done no more than once a year, unless you have changed your place of residence.

When I received duplicate policies for my children and changed their clinic, I was able to do this right at the new clinic. To do this, I approached a representative of the insurance company and filled out the necessary papers with him.

On the government services website you can find out which clinic you are assigned to.

They won't give me my medical card. Is this legal?

The request must include your passport details, place of residence and period of medical care. You also need to specify postal address for a written response and telephone number. The period for consideration of the request is up to 30 days.

You can receive certified copies of medical documents or extracts from them. In practice, difficulties often arise with this: the registry may refuse you because they do not have time to copy documents. In this case, I agree to make copies myself, which I then certify to the manager.

The law provides for your right to send a request by email and receive documents electronically. However, in practice this does not yet work.

But doctors never tell anyone anything without asking, right?

Medical confidentiality includes the fact of going to the hospital, all procedures, your state of health and diagnosis. This information may be disclosed only with your written consent.

There are exceptions when medical confidentiality can be disclosed without your consent. This happens extremely rarely. For example, at the request of a court or when there is a threat of the spread of infections.

What should I do if the doctor does not want to treat me because he is overloaded?

The attending physician is appointed by the head of the hospital - chief physician or you choose personally. But the doctor has the right not to agree to observe you or to refuse you as a patient.

That is, the answer to the question is to look for another doctor.

What should I do if I don’t like the doctor?

The head physician is obliged to help you choose another attending physician - to provide a list of specialists who are at his disposal. There is a nuance here. If you refuse one doctor and choose another, you will see him only if he does not object.

By law, you have the right to choose your doctor at will. This can be done once a year also with the help of an application to the head physician. You can choose a general practitioner, a local general practitioner, a pediatrician, a local pediatrician, a family doctor or a paramedic.

Recently, another doctor came into the office during an appointment to chat. This is fine?

No one can enter the office during the appointment. Only you, your representative, the doctor and his assistant, if necessary, can be there.

The fact of visiting a doctor and what happens at the appointment is a secret. The doctor is obliged to maintain confidentiality and is responsible for leakage of information. Therefore, he is obliged to kick out the uninvited guest.

Even if you are told that your health information needs to be shared with other doctors, you must give written consent to this. According to the law, the interests of the patient are always a priority when providing medical care.

I am an adult, but I want to go to the clinic with a friend or my mother. Is that possible?

Can. The law gives you this right.

Most likely, your request to have a loved one present nearby will not be denied, but those present will not automatically receive legal status. You can write out to a loved one a notarized power of attorney to represent your interests in a medical organization.

With such a power of attorney, the representative will be able to find out your diagnosis, treatment, request medical documents, attend the appointment, and even make decisions about medical intervention for you if for some reason you are unable to do so. You determine the extent of what you are willing to entrust yourself.

But at the birth of a child, the father or another family member has a legal right to be with the woman. The only exception can be surgery during the birth process, the absence of separate rooms in the maternity hospital or infectious diseases from a father or family member. There is no additional cost to be present at the birth.

One of the parents or another family member has the same right to be with the child during hospital treatment. The age of the child does not matter.

I am usually not happy with the treatment. Can I be treated according to my grandmother's recipes?

You may have your own point of view on the healing process. But by law traditional medicine is not included in the program of providing medical assistance to citizens. Also, if you are on treatment, you are required to comply with the treatment regimen.

In practice, if you find your treatment incorrect, refuse to undergo it and demand something else, you will be asked to sign a written refusal of medical intervention and will be released. From now on, responsibility for your health is yours.

But if your life is in danger, no one will ask for consent. In some other cases, consent to medical intervention is also not required. For example, if there are infectious risks for others.

Sometimes there are medical errors. For example, in making a diagnosis or prescribing treatment. In 2017, the patient managed to prove in the court of first instance that the doctors made a mistake when making a diagnosis, and to recover money from the hospital for expenses, compensation for moral damage in the amount of 200 thousand rubles and a fine of 103 thousand rubles for failure to comply with consumer requirements. Now the cassation instance is dealing with this case.

My mother-in-law says that I can refuse all vaccinations for my child. This is true?

The moral aspect of repeated outbreaks of infectious diseases that humanity defeated many decades ago will be left for comment. In fact, the law allows your child to get diphtheria or polio if you so choose.

Article 41 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation enshrines our rights to health care and free medical care.

The main law on health is the Federal Law “On the Fundamentals of Protecting the Health of Citizens in the Russian Federation.” It states the rights and responsibilities of people medical workers and organizations. Individual entrepreneurs who are engaged medical activities, are also subject to this law. And for citizens, this law provides for the presence of a representative, who is also partially subject to its articles.

The Federal Law “On the Sanitary and Epidemiological Welfare of the Population” enshrines our right to the absence of harmful living and working conditions and the right to compensation for harm caused. The law says that we are obliged to comply with the requirements of sanitary legislation, take care of our health and teach our children this.

The Federal Law “On Immunoprevention of Infectious Diseases”, or the law on vaccinations, talks about what and how should be done to prevent infections, defines the vaccine, the vaccination schedule and post-vaccination complications.


  1. Not only doctors, but also patients can be held accountable for rudeness and rudeness.
  2. You can meet medical documents, demand clarification of what is written in them, and receive the necessary copies.
  3. The doctor and clinic can be replaced.
  4. Information about your health is a medical confidentiality and cannot be disclosed.
  5. You can write out a power of attorney for someone you trust and go with him to doctors.

No one is immune from medical error. Moreover, the matter is not only in the incompetence or negligence of the doctor - many other factors influence the diagnosis and course of treatment, and there are also tragic accidents. What to do if the doctor still made a mistake, and in what cases you need to go to court, the RIAMO in Korolev columnist found out from experts.

Negligence or medical error?

“It is very rarely possible to say unambiguously why a patient, for example, died during an operation. Yes, there are situations when everything is clear: the doctor made an obvious mistake, which led to the death of the patient with an absolutely positive prognosis. But such cases are rare. Most often, it is almost impossible to prove the doctor’s guilt. Although today doctors are judged public opinion, and there are cases when a doctor is brought to justice under pressure from society, and not because of his mistake,” says doctor Andrei Sivkov.

Lawyers confirm that in order to really bring a negligent doctor to justice, you need to collect a very good evidence base.

“First, we need to clearly distinguish between the concepts of “medical error” and “negligence.”

As a rule, behind a medical error is the doctor’s desire to help the patient, and his incorrect actions are unintentional.

But negligence is a clear neglect and indifference of a doctor to his duties, which leads to the death or disability of the patient. It is in such cases that the punishment should be severe, because the doctor knowingly commits illegal actions,” explains lawyer Sergei Smirnov.

A medical error can occur for many reasons. For example, the disease in a particular person had an atypical course, the patient misled the doctor or did not follow all the recommendations. In addition, medical equipment may be faulty, and a doctor may make a mistake due to inexperience rather than negligence.

“In any case - whether it was negligence or a mistake - if guilt is proven, the doctor is held criminally liable. Only the punishment changes depending on the severity of the consequences. The Criminal Code provides for punishment in the form of imprisonment, forced labor and suspension of the ability to practice medicine for a certain period. In addition, regardless of the punishment, the patient has the right to demand compensation for losses and damage caused by the doctor’s fault. But we must remember that this is a different paperwork,” says the lawyer.

When to conduct an examination

To understand whether the diagnosis is correct and whether treatment is prescribed correctly, you need to carry out medical examination.

“Usually experts study the medical history. They recreate the patient’s condition and compare it with the diagnosis and treatment provided. In this way, it is revealed whether there was an error, under what circumstances it occurred, and whether the doctor is at fault,” says the doctor.

When an examination proves the doctor’s guilt, he is held accountable.

“If a patient or his relatives suspect an incorrect diagnosis and treatment, then there is no need to immediately conduct an examination. If the consequences are not serious, you should first contact the administration of the medical institution and try to resolve the conflict out of court,” the lawyer advises.

However, if this cannot be done, and representatives of the medical institution do not make contact or for a long time avoid answering, then you need to contact insurance company or to the prosecutor's office.

Also, if you suspect an incorrect diagnosis, it is recommended to collect all certificates and extracts from other medical institutions.

“We must remember that at any time the patient can go to court. He has the right to file a claim if he was denied medical care, was incorrectly diagnosed or prescribed wrong treatment, if the doctor mixed up the medications, if first aid was provided unprofessionally,” the lawyer adds.

And he reminds: already as part of the trial, it is worth conducting a medical examination that will help clarify the situation.

Where to send a claim


Medical institution

As a rule, most cases with medical errors it is decided at the level of management of the hospital or clinic. The doctor’s actions are reviewed by a commission, which makes a decision on their correctness or incorrectness, as well as a decision on the punishment of the doctor.

Everyone would like to have good health, but, alas, we have to periodically turn to doctors. What should you do if you are not satisfied with the quality of care provided, and you want to change the clinic or doctor? And what to do if the health threat is serious, and the ambulance does not take three hours to arrive?

Many patients do not even know what they are entitled to and when bad treatment compensation is due. Let's find out in this article.

Choosing a doctor and clinic

According to federal law No. 323 and the order of the Ministry of Health, the patient can choose the clinic himself. For example, it’s more convenient to get there, or you like the doctors there. By default, everyone is assigned to medical institutions at the place of registration, but this does not prevent you from choosing another one. This can be done once a year. The same goes for dental clinic, antenatal clinic etc.

To do this you will need compulsory medical insurance policy, passport and SNILS. If you have moved, you can change the place of treatment more often, but in this case you will have to confirm the fact of the move. Few people know, but you can also switch to another local doctor at your clinic.

But, if you choose a clinic other than your place of residence, you cannot call a doctor to your home from there. Sometimes people don’t know about this, and instead of their local doctor they have to wait for a doctor from another district, or go to the clinic themselves.

Free medical examination

According to the order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, free medical examination can be done once every three years. This year, Russian citizens have the right to even take a paid day off for this purpose. Using budget funds, you can undergo mammography, colonoscopy, and visit specialists; during medical examination, all this happens much faster than if you made an appointment for a regular appointment.

The right to comply with sanitary standards

Federal legislation, namely Federal Law No. 326 and SanPiN, imply that medical institutions in our country should be clean, comfortable and safe. Dirty toilets junk food and there should be no unknown drugs there. Patients are not required to monitor disinfection or whether doctors wash their hands; this is the responsibility of regulatory authorities. If something is not right, the patient or his legal representative has the right to file a complaint.

Are doctor appointments, tests, examinations and anesthesia free?

If you have a compulsory medical insurance policy, then you have the right to free medical care. You can use a wide range of medical services - call an ambulance, have your teeth treated, be treated in a hospital, get anesthesia during surgery. In this case, hospitals and doctors will receive money, but not from your pocket, but from the budget or health insurance fund.

If a hospital or clinic starts asking for money, you can call the insurance company, complain to the head physician or Roszdravnadzor.

The right to medical care in any corner of the country

Russians also have the right to free medical care in any region of the Russian Federation, even if you are on a business trip to another city, but you have a compulsory medical insurance policy.

You have the right to call an ambulance or go to a clinic in the region where you find yourself. And they are obliged to help you there. If you come to another region for a long time, you can be assigned to a specific clinic.

The right to another doctor and consultation

In a situation where a doctor has made a diagnosis and prescribed treatment, but the patient has doubts, or the medications do not have proven effectiveness, the patient has the right to get the opinion of another specialist. You can even demand that the attending physician convene a consultation.

Sometimes not only the opportunity to get effective drug, but also the preservation of life. In judicial practice, there were cases when a council of doctors helped save a child: the attending physician prescribed one drug, and the council prescribed another.

The right to pain relief with potent drugs

If after surgery, due to a serious illness, a person experiences severe pain, then he has the right to alleviate the condition. For this purpose, in particular, it is allowed to use narcotic and psychotropic drugs.

Pain relief can be requested even during childbirth. In this case, they will not necessarily undergo epidural anesthesia: they can simply give an injection of an antispasmodic. But you can ask for pain relief: the gynecologist must select the appropriate medicine for the condition.

Patients diagnosed with cancer can expect to receive serious prescription medications. Even if a person dies and there is no chance, he must be prescribed a drug; some drugs are even given free of charge.

It’s your right to get vaccinated or refuse them.

Approved in Russia national calendar vaccinations. It reflects a list of vaccines based on age and frequency. All vaccinations included in this calendar can be done free of charge. Thus, even in the maternity hospital, newborns are vaccinated against hepatitis B and tuberculosis. Six months later - from diphtheria, whooping cough and tetanus. Some categories of citizens - pregnant women, elderly people, schoolchildren, doctors, teachers - can get vaccinated against influenza free of charge. And every 10 years, any resident of the country has the right to be vaccinated against tetanus at the expense of the state.

But you can refuse vaccinations altogether. The mother has the right to write a refusal right in the maternity hospital and not give her child a single vaccination until the age of 18. And for this reason they cannot refuse admission to kindergarten and school. But problems may arise when hiring: some professions require compulsory vaccination, to visit some countries you also need to be vaccinated, and if there is an epidemic at school, the child will be suspended from classes.

Right to know about diagnosis and health status

There are cases when doctors do not tell patients about the results of examinations and do not even give a diagnosis. This situation may prevent you from taking action to effective treatment. The law states that you have the right not only to find out everything related to health and diagnoses, but also to receive extracts from your chart, prescriptions, and conclusions.

Clinics may not give the patient a card in their hands - this is a violation. And if you do get your hands on this document, when you read it you can discover a lot of interesting things: it turns out that the nurse comes to see the child almost every week for patronage, although the family may not live at this address, or the card contains information about the supposedly completed medical examination . In clinics they can do this in order to use budget money. You can and should complain about this.

If you would like a copy outpatient card, you must request it in writing. We have no right to refuse you. There is only one reason for refusal - if the card is not available at the clinic.

Right to medical confidentiality

The doctor has no right to discuss your diagnosis with strangers. He has no right to tell his neighbor or relatives that this patient has HIV, that neighbor most likely has cancer, and so on.

But there are cases when medical secrets are revealed. For example, parents may be told about a child's health, the police may be told that a person has strange injuries similar to a crime, and also in court or during accident investigations. You can also tell your spouse or close relative about the cause of death: this will be indicated in the report, which they have the right to receive by law.

The right to refuse any medical interventions

As the law says, in medical institution, when calling an ambulance, they cannot do anything with you at all without obtaining your consent. And consent is always drawn up on paper, with your signature. Without this document, manipulations can only be carried out if there is a threat to life, mental disorders, public danger, palliative care, or for examination.

There is such an exception: when parents do not allow doctors to transfuse their child with blood, or perform an operation to save a life. In this case, the hospital can go to court to protect the rights of the child.

Right to a lawyer and a priest

The patient can invite a lawyer to the hospital if necessary to protect his rights. Medical staff do not have the right to prevent a lawyer from entering the room. A lawyer can also obtain a power of attorney in order to receive information about the health status of his ward; this may be useful for examinations and claims.

You can also invite a priest to the hospital and conduct religious ceremonies there. But this right must be coordinated with the internal regulations and visiting hours of the hospital.

Right to complain and sue

If your rights are violated in a medical institution, you can not only express verbal outrage, but also file a formal complaint, as well as defend your position in court.

These measures may be the only ones when, for example, you are entitled to free medicines, but they are not written out or issued. Or you want to change clinics, but you are not assigned to a new one. You can file a complaint with the chief physician, the insurance company, the prosecutor's office, or Roszdravnadzor. The last step is to file a claim in court at your place of residence.

If harm occurs, you have the right to compensation

If you were harmed in a hospital or clinic, even morally, you have the right to demand monetary compensation for this.

If you or your child were treated with the wrong medications, you can seek help from another institution and then demand that the hospital pay all the costs. If the doctor reported your illness to strangers, you can demand compensation for moral damages. In addition to compensation for damage, you can demand a penalty and a fine. And if harm was caused to a person who died, his relatives have the right to compensation.

Let us remind you that Nizhny Novgorod residents stand for violated rights.

Based on materials from the Zen channel “Your Rights”