
What should you put under your pillow to dream about your betrothed? Independent fortune telling before bed.

As soon as girls grow up, they develop an interest in their future chosen one, destined by fate.

Fortune telling for a betrothed has been popular since ancient times. Our mothers, grandmothers and great-grandmothers bewitched their future groom.

Many have survived to this day in various ways find out which of the guys will become a reliable support in your future life.

You can see the groom in a dream or find out a little more about him using other proven means, which have been resorted to since ancient times.

But let's talk about everything in order.

At night, when everyone goes to bed, the girl should sit by the closed window and light a candle. Say to yourself: “Betrothed, mummer, drive past the window.”

If after some time she hears people driving loudly screaming and whistling, then this good sign, promising a cheerful married life and a rich groom.

If they pass or drive by very quietly, then the future spouse will have a poor financial situation.

Fortune telling by fence

A girl who wants to know her fate walks along the fence, counts the stakes and says: “Rich, poor, widower, single.” Whatever word he stops at, that’s what her husband will be.

Fortune telling by comb

In the barn or in the house at night you need to hang a comb on a thread with thoughts of your beloved.

According to an old belief, the groom should come at night and comb his hair. In the morning you can tell by the color of his hair what he will be like.

Fortune telling with water before bed

Before going to bed, the girl takes a full glass of water, holds a lock over it and says: “Come, my betrothed, ask for a drink.”

The lock needs to be closed.

Place the lock on a glass of water.

Whoever dreams and asks for a drink is the future groom appointed by fate.

Fortune telling for the groom before bed

A method of divination similar to the previous one.

Before going to bed, a girl needs to eat salty food. At night, make a wish: “Who is my betrothed, who is my mummer, he will give me a drink.”

Whoever helps you quench your thirst in a dream is the future groom.


At night, the girl puts four kings under her pillow and says: “Who is my betrothed, dream about him in my dreams.”

He should appear in a dream in the form of one of the kings.

Fortune telling for the betrothed with the king of diamonds

At night, under the pillow, the girl, in order to perform a ritual of divination for her future groom, puts the king of diamonds and wishes: “Dream about the betrothed, dream about the mummer.”

Before going to bed, you need to carefully clean yourself up: wash, comb your hair, you can also put some beautiful decoration under the pillow next to the card.

Whoever you dream about this night will be the one with whom you will develop a love relationship in the future.

Fortune telling for the betrothed with keys

The keys are hung out the window late at night. When someone who comes (a goblin or a devil) moves them, the girl asks about the name of her future husband. A voice calls a name.

Fortune telling on a towel

At night, they hang a clean white towel outside the window and say: “Mummer, come and dry yourself.” If the towel is dry and untouched in the morning, then the girl will not get married this year. If wet, then expect a marriage proposal and early marriage.

Many people want to believe that magic still exists. Probably everyone knows that magic appeared far in the past, and many rituals are still popular today. Fortune telling with a comb under the pillow is the most accurate fortune telling if you believe the legend. To this day, Christians celebrate Christmastide - the holiday symbolizes the arrival of the Nativity of Christ and on Christmas Day they conduct many different fortune-telling events. Below are some ways to tell fortunes with a comb under the pillow for your betrothed.

How to tell fortunes for Christmas with a comb under your pillow?

In order to carry out Christmas fortune-telling, any objects can be used, but in this article we will look at using a comb at night.

Some tips for correct fortune telling:

  1. When carrying out fortune telling, you must take this matter seriously - you cannot joke with spirits, otherwise your fate can be seriously spoiled. As a rule, everyone knows about this.
  2. Before carrying out this fortune-telling, you should definitely let your hair down and remove all unnecessary elements from it: elastic bands, hairpins, hairpins, crabs, and so on. Hair should be cleanly washed.
  3. At night, it is best to wear comfortable clothes in which you can move freely. If there are knots on the clothes, they should be untied.
  4. It is necessary to remove all jewelry from the body: rings, chains, earrings, and the pectoral cross should also be removed - this is a prerequisite.
  5. The comb should be new and clean.

Christmastide fortune telling with a comb

There are three most popular methods of fortune telling with a comb:

  1. This method of fortune telling has existed for a long time; with its help you can not only find out the name of your betrothed, but also see him. In order for you to dream about your betrothed, you should put a comb under your pillow at night and sleep on it, after saying the following words: “Betrothed in disguise, come to me dressed up and comb my hair. So be it!” And at the very end you need to say the word “Amen” three times. If a girl dreamed of a groom combing her hair, this means that she will get married within this year.
  2. To carry out this fortune telling, you should buy a natural wooden comb. Before going to bed, the girl must stand in front of the mirror with a comb and say the following words once: “My dear betrothed, blue-winged darling, you dream about me at night and comb your hair with my comb.” At the end, be sure to say the word “Amen.” Next, for fortune telling, you need to put the comb under the pillow and go to bed. After morning comes, you should definitely look to see if any hairs have appeared on it. If so, then the girl will have a loved one within a year.
  3. The next fortune telling should be carried out in morning time. When a girl wakes up, she should run a comb through her hair several times. After completing the procedure, you should count how many hairs are left on the comb and look at the values ​​below:

Many girls dream of seeing their betrothed in a dream. And special conspiracies can contribute to this. As a rule, they are pronounced just before bedtime on days that are considered the most favorable for fortune telling. First of all, this is Christmas week, Walpurgis Night, Epiphany.

Effective rituals

The plot to dream about your betrothed, which is pronounced during a special ceremony directly on Christmas night, is very effective.

With broom twigs

To do this, the girl must pull out several rods from the broom she constantly uses for cleaning and tie them together. On them in the evening before going to bed you need to read the following plot:

“I want my betrothed mummer, through a bridge created from twigs, to fall into the dream of a servant of God ( given name) and I saw him. So be it. Amen".

The charmed tied rods from a broom should be placed under the pillow and go to bed.

With matches

There is another version of this ritual. In it, instead of rods, you need to make a well out of matches. Speak to him with the following words:

“I want my betrothed mummer to come to me, the servant of God (proper name), to drink water in a dream. So be it. Amen".

Similar to the previous method, you need to put an improvised well under your pillow and go to bed. A very important requirement of the rituals described above is that the girl, after uttering the words of the conspiracy, should not talk to anyone.

With water and mug

Various things are used as various magical attributes, which in combination with a conspiracy allow you to see your betrothed in a dream. So, instead of a well, you can place a jug of water and a mug at the head of the bed. Next say the words:

“My betrothed mummer, if you get tired on the road, get off the road and come to me for a drink of water.”

After this, you should cross yourself and go to bed.

With a comb

The comb spell is very popular; its magic words sound like this:

“My betrothed in disguise, come to me in a dream and comb my hair.”

This ritual requires that the girl go to bed without combing her hair. Whatever magical spell is chosen, the main condition for its effectiveness is sincerity and faith. Conspiracies aimed at seeing your betrothed in a dream do not have any effect negative consequences, so rituals can be performed countless times. It is very important, when you see your betrothed in a dream, to try to remember him so that when you meet you, you can recognize him in real life.

Christmas night is a time of mysticism and ancient rituals. Our ancestors believed that at this time, even a person who does not have magical powers can look into the future. Most often, fortune-telling was done by unmarried girls who wanted to find out the name of their betrothed. Many Christmas rituals have been forgotten over time. But the tradition of fortune telling under the pillow at Christmas has survived to this day.

Rules for fortune telling for Christmas under the pillow

Fortune telling at Christmas is an ancient mystical rite that will take you into the world of magic and enchantment. Our great-grandmothers adhered to strict rules during mystical rituals. It was believed that their violation could lead to troubles in the life of a fortuneteller.

  • There should not be any Orthodox attributes in the room in which fortune telling is performed.
  • Participants in fortune telling must remove all accessories and jewelry. It is best to carry out the ritual in loose clothing without belts or ties. Hair should be down.
  • Silence must be observed during the ritual.
  • The light must be turned off.
  • Under no circumstances should fortune telling be interrupted.

Vintage Christmas fortune telling for the betrothed “Under the pillow”

The night from January 6 to 7 is the most the right time for fortune telling. In the old days, if unmarried girl wanted to find out the name of her betrothed, she and her friends went out into the yard after sunset and threw her boot over the fence of the house. By the direction in which he fell, they determined where the family of the future husband lived. It was also popular among our great-grandmothers Christmas fortune telling for well water, millet and clay. They let a rooster into the house and placed in front of it a container of water, a bowl of millet and a saucer with a piece of clay. If he began to peck grain, the girl would live in a rich family; if he drank water, she would be married to a drunkard; if he approached a piece of clay, this meant grief and death.

In city life, many ancient rituals cannot be performed, so simpler Christmas fortune-telling is common today. There are several ways to find out your future and the name of your betrothed. The most popular among them is fortune telling for Christmas under the pillow. They perform a ritual on a festive night. You need to go to bed only in your own bed, otherwise the fortune telling will not work. To perform the ceremony you will need:

  • wooden comb;
  • cold water;
  • mirror;
  • candle;
  • black fabric.

The mirror is placed on the table. A candle is lit in front of him. Place a bowl of cold water. The girl should sit in front of the mirror and comb her hair with a wooden comb, saying: “My betrothed mummer, come and comb my hair.” Do this 12 times. In this case, you need to carefully look at the candle flame. Under no circumstances should you look in the mirror. After this, you should extinguish the candle with your fingers. Then the mirror is washed with water and covered with black cloth. The comb should be placed under the pillow with the words: “I’ll unravel my braid, I’m waiting for my betrothed in a dream.” Your future husband will come in your dream.

Among modern girls, fortune telling under the pillow using playing cards. To perform the ceremony you will need:

  • cards;
  • small mirror.

Buy a new deck of cards. Before you go to bed, shuffle the cards and set aside the four kings. Look at them carefully, saying, “My betrothed mummer, dream about me.” Before going to bed, look in the mirror. Place the cards and mirror under your pillow. One of the kings should come in a dream. The qualities of the future husband are determined by his suit. The suit of diamonds means a beloved and desired guy, the suit of hearts predicts a rich betrothed, the suit of clubs predicts a marriage with a military man, the suit of spades predicts a wedding with an unloved or old man.

Fortune telling for Christmas “Under the pillow”: Find out the future and make a wish come true

To fulfill a wish, a simple ritual must be performed on the night before Christmas.
Take a white piece of paper and cut it into 12 pieces. Write your wishes on 6 of them and leave the rest blank. Before going to bed, place the sheets of paper under your pillow and say, “Come, come, come.” At the same time, imagine in detail how your desires will come true. First thing in the morning, pull out one of the leaves. It is very important not to talk to anyone or look in the mirror before doing this. The wish you made will definitely come true this year. Blank sheet means that you will have to wait another year to implement your plans.

Just like fortune telling under your pillow at Christmas, fortune telling for Christmas using a book will help you find out your future. Choose your favorite book and before going to bed, put it under your pillow with the words: “Whatever will come will come to me.” It is very important at this moment to focus on your desires and dreams. In the morning, take out the book and open it to any page. Depending on the text, they predict their possible future. Of course, for such a ritual you should not take a thriller or a detective story, otherwise the result of such fortune-telling for Christmas will be sad. Classic works or romance novels are perfect.

Today, such prediction of the future is also very popular. You can see your destiny not only in the company of girlfriends, but also alone. This especially applies to fortune telling before bedtime. They are now held at any time of the year and day of the week. There is a huge variety of them. Therefore, a girl can always choose exactly the one that she likes and will accurately answer her questions. Naturally, most fortune telling is love. They indicate the lover’s attitude towards the young beauty. And many open the veil of secrecy: who will be the chosen one and future husband of the girl.

Such a useful gold chain

One example of the nightly future is the manipulation of a gold chain. To carry out this mysterious action, you must wait until everyone in the house goes to bed. And only then can you begin the process of fortune telling.

To begin with, you should sit comfortably at the table and rub it in your hands. gold chain. Warmth should begin to emanate from it. After this, it must be transferred to right hand and shake slightly. Finally, the chain must be thrown very sharply onto the floor. They interpret the figure in the form of which the chain lay.

If this is a circle, then the fortuneteller will face difficulties in life. A straight line means luck everywhere and in everything, but endless knots indicate possible diseases. You may also get a triangle, which indicates success in love affairs. The bow will tell you that you should expect a wedding soon. Of course, the heart is a symbol of happiness and love, as well as family and spiritual well-being.

Fortune telling by twigs

The fortune-telling before bed does not end there. Another option for predicting your future is to create a bridge that will help you see your betrothed. To do this, you must first prepare the twigs. From these, in turn, they build a bridge and place it under the pillow just before going to bed. At this time, you should definitely say the following words: “My betrothed, mummer, come quickly and take me across this bridge.” Of course, the girl should dream about her future lover that same night.

Useful comb

There are fortune tellings before going to bed where a comb is used. One of them calls for putting a comb under your pillow in the evening. In this case, you will again need to say certain words: “my betrothed, mummer, come to me and comb my hair.” That same night the devil will definitely appear in a dream. This time he will be in the guise of the future groom and will begin to comb the hair of the sleeping beauty.

Who will bring some water

One option is related to food. To do this, the girl should eat something salty at night. These can be pickled cucumbers or herring. When it’s time to sleep, the “fortune teller” casts a spell in a whisper: “betrothed, mummer, be sure to come to me and give me some water.” The groom will hurry to find himself in the beauty’s dream.

Other fortune telling for the betrothed

You can find out your fate (your future husband) in other ways. It is enough, for example, to use fortune telling on a cigarette. There are different variations of it:

  1. One uses exclusively a cigarette filter. You need to rotate it in your hands as many times as the fortune teller has reached the age of full age. After this, the outlines of one of the letters of the Russian alphabet will appear on the filter. This is the first letter of the betrothed's name.
  2. Another cigarette fortune telling uses ash, which should be rubbed in the palms of your hands. And according to the formed signs, as they say, one can understand the whole fate.

If there is a loved one

In the case when the betrothed has already been found, you can find out his attitude if you try fortune telling on the lines. Moreover, it can be carried out either independently, by manually drawing these lines in 4 rows, and then, crossing out three pieces, or with the help online versions, which is found everywhere on the Internet. In this case, you won’t even need to remember and look for values.