
What does a dream about a cake promise? Why dream of eating a delicious cake.

If you have a sweet tooth, it is not surprising that at night you are haunted by realistic visions of sweets, cakes and other goodies. Diet is not an easy thing. But why does a person dream of a cake who has no reason to limit himself in the “hormone of joy”? Dream interpreters say that this is not without reason!

Interpretations according to various dream books: Miller, Vanga, Islamic

Some dream books have an extremely negative attitude towards treats, especially something as impressive as cake, considering their appearance a sign of an urgent problem:

  • By general dream book, cake dreams of difficulties in the personal or professional sphere;
  • The Ukrainian dream book warns: beware of a woman who is sickly sweet in words and dangerous in deeds.

But a much larger number of dream books are inclined to see in a “sweet dream” a sign of imminent victories, successes and love adventures:

  1. Miller's Dream Book. Two excellent news! Firstly, you and your significant other are a real sweet couple, ideal for each other. Secondly, an impressive amount or real estate looms on the horizon, which you can take full ownership of.
  2. Vanga's dream book. If a delicacy appeared in a dream to one of the lovers (or, even better, to both at once), the relationship in the couple will be strong and happy, and the love will last long.
  3. Islamic dream book. The cake symbolizes general well-being or rejoicing at the return home of someone dear to the dreamer.
  4. Dream book of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima. What are we celebrating with cake? Right! Birthdays, holidays and small victories like passing an exam or getting a promotion. One of these events awaits you ahead. However, an acute feeling of hunger experienced in a dream is considered an unpleasant sign - this means that your future triumph is in jeopardy.
  5. Dream book of Denise Lynn. You have already reached some peak, won a victory, or successfully completed a certain stage of your life. There is a reason to be proud of yourself and celebrate.
  6. Freud's Dream Book. Any sweetness, be it a cake, pastry or candied fruit, reveals a frivolous and pleasure-seeking nature in the dreamer. If you don’t learn to take your choice of intimate partners more seriously, your next relationship will end badly for you.
  7. Dream Interpretation of Hasse. The cake symbolizes joy or large profits that the dreamer will be able to receive. You can win the lottery.
  8. Dream book of the 21st century. Tiring but exciting chores lie ahead: preparing for a celebration, planning an exciting trip, or developing an interesting and profitable project.
  9. Dream book of lovers. Don’t even think about doubting your soul mate! They are waiting for you for many years happy family life, harmony in relationships and the house is a full cup.
  10. Dream Book of the Wanderer. Don’t expect big luck, but you are guaranteed small sweet gifts from fate.
  11. Dream interpretation of those born from January to April. Get ready to welcome welcome guests into your home.
  12. Dream interpretation of those born from May to August. Changes for the better are coming.

Dreams about sweets are considered a good sign rather than a bad one.

The meaning of “sweet” dreams for men, women and girls

For single girls, a delicious lush cake decorated with fruit foretells at least a declaration of love from a gentle and caring guy, and at most a happy marriage. After such a dream, a man should tune in to the numerous pleasant moments that life will give him.

For men involved in business, Napoleon cake can bring bad news about the emergence of a strong competitor. Don't underestimate your opponent so you don't end up in your own mini-Waterlow soon.

If a representative of the stronger sex sold a cake in a dream, in reality he will get rid of an obsessive person whose acquaintance was nothing but trouble. Ladies will be able to painlessly say goodbye to an unwanted clingy admirer.

Appearance of the treat: beautiful, huge, white

  1. A beautifully decorated cake, decorated with intricate details, cream or sugar figures, promises a long “sweet” streak in life. Fortune will present you with many joyful surprises, and the larger the sweetness you dream about, the more pleasant events await you in reality.
  2. If the huge cake you saw was clearly larger than the box or did not fit on the plate, your ambitions are too inflated. Curb your appetites so you don't get hurt! A dream about a delicacy decorated with mastic has the same meaning.
  3. A luxurious multi-tiered cake suggests: you are close to making your dream come true. If you feel tempted to give up, don’t give in, your cherished goal is close.
  4. A white cake foreshadows a special event. Perhaps a wedding, at which you may find yourself both as an honored guest and as the main character.
  5. Dried fruits, for example, prunes, are considered harbingers of tedious work, which, however, will bring benefits to the dreamer.
  6. A dried out cake communicates: you are too slow in making decisions, and because of this you are often forced to feast on the stale remains of what you could get appetizing and fresh.
  7. Did the tidbit in your dream look spoiled? Fortune has stopped somewhere on its way to you. You'll have to be patient and wait for her.
  8. Dreaming of a golden cake symbolizes incredible, fantastic events.

The handsome one is looking forward to a long “sweet” streak in life

Type of cake: Napoleon, chocolate, honey, waffle, liver

Those who saw chocolate sweetness in a dream can rejoice: from now on for a long time in their life everything will be “in chocolate”.

Honey cake predicts victory over competitors. However, be prepared to persistently look for opportunities to achieve your goal and work for it like a bee. Treats with nuts promise even more difficult challenges. But don't give up! If you manage to crack your nut, you will achieve your goal, no matter how far it may be.

A modest waffle cake suggests that you value yourself too little.

Sweet “Napoleon,” apparently due to the name that the delicacy received from the military emperor, prophesies fame, wealth and numerous victories both in business and in love.

Unsweetened liver cake has many interpretations:

  • some dream books call an attractive liver dish a sign of good health;
  • others advise to beware of false declarations of love;
  • still others believe that someone close to the dreamer will be a victim of a scammer.

Why do married and unmarried people dream about a wedding cake?

A wedding cake appears in our dreams exclusively as a sign of trouble:

  1. For lonely girls, a dream involving this sweetness promises problems.
  2. For young ladies in love, the image prophesies discord with the groom.
  3. For those who are thinking about getting married, such a cake predicts a disrupted wedding. However, it is not yet known whether one should be upset in this case, since a wedding cake seen by the bride is usually interpreted as a sign of an unsatisfactory family life.
  4. For married women, this insidious delicacy predicts a cooling of relations with their spouse, even to the point of divorce.
  5. A dream in which a lady ate a piece of cake decorated with white flowers is considered a frankly bad sign for the fair sex. This is where troubles should start falling one after another!
  6. A male businessman who cuts a wedding cake in a dream needs to be wary of business failures. Competitors will be eager to grab a fatter piece of your pie!

Any sweetness that appears in a pregnant woman’s dream indicates that she is ready to become a mother and is looking forward to the moment when she can hold her baby in her arms. Even the “curse of the wedding cake” does not apply here.

Decorations on a cake in a dream: candles, strawberries, cream

The abundance of cream is considered a sure sign of big and very favorable changes. The value also depends on the color of the cream:

  • white means that you will have to let go of the past and move forward;
  • the pink tint of the cream indicates a romantic relationship.

If in a dream you clearly understood that you were whipping condensed milk for decoration, you are too tired of current affairs. Cheer up! Soon you will have a chance to have a good rest and fully experience all the sweetness of “doing nothing.”

Red berries and fruits - strawberries, raspberries, currants - hint at a surge of passion and dramatic changes in sex life dreamer Perhaps you are about to experience an exciting erotic adventure. If in a dream the eyes were dazzled by a colorful rainbow of fruits and berries on the top of the delicacy, the dreamer will be able to get a lot of impressions, all positive.

Various cake decor dark color interpreters associate with troubles.

The best symbol, crossing out all bad signs and enhancing good ones, is considered to be a burning candle. If bright lights flickered above your cake in a dream, expect joyful events! This victory will turn out to be not only the result of a favorable combination of circumstances, but also the work of your own hands, so you will have a reason to be proud.

Be sure to try to remember the number of candles. This number is believed to indicate how many days or weeks are left before a lucky event. However, a dream in which you blew out candles serves as a call to have less fun and focus on daily responsibilities.

Cheerful candle lights - auspicious symbol

Actions with the cake: treat, cut, choose, buy

Seeing a cake from the outside at home or at a party means entering a surprisingly easy and positive period of life. But admiring the delicacy behind the glass shop window promises temptation, which is better not to succumb to.

Other interpretations of the dreamer’s actions with the cake:

There is also such a belief: if you saw a cake in a dream, make a wish immediately after waking up. It will come true!

Cooking or decorating a cake in a dream

A dream in which you had to prepare a cake yourself predicts an important and difficult task. You may have to work on preparing some event. And here the discrepancies in interpretations in dream books begin:

  • some claim that the dreamer needs to renounce the proposed work by hook or by crook, since it will only bring disappointment and loss of reputation;
  • others object: yes, it will be difficult, but if you manage to prove yourself, success will be dizzying!

Decorating a cake is a pleasure.

Eating sweets: with pleasure, with a spoon, with your hands

If you ate a sweet dish, and at the same time noted with pleasure how tasty and aromatic it was, expect a new love, strengthening financial situation or reconciliation with someone dear to you. Or maybe you will just receive an invitation to visit or to a party where you can have a good rest. Sour or without delicious cake warns you against excessive desire for entertainment.

Remember the place where you ate sweets in your dream:

  • those who enjoyed the cake at home are waiting unexpected turn events;
  • in a cafe or restaurant - get ready for the trip;
  • at a party - you cannot avoid the influx of romantic feelings.

A cake at a party dreams of a romantic relationship

The meanings of other details about how you enjoyed the cake in a dream:

  1. Drinking tea with this sweetness promises good news. The dream in which you carefully licked a spoon, collecting the remnants of sweet cream, has the same meaning.
  2. By the way, about the spoon! If you chose this particular cutlery to “deal with” the cake, count on a promotion or less significant, but still pleasant changes related to work.
  3. Innovations in the service are also prophesied by a dream in which you enjoyed a treat in the company of your boss. Carefully analyze your impressions: did you feel good, was the cake tasty? It depends on whether the changes will affect you personally and what they will be.
  4. For a dreamer who eats a cake with a fork, dream books predict an increase in salary. If you've been waiting for the right moment to ask for a raise, now is the time to do it.
  5. Contrary to the rules of decency, did you hold the sweet with your hands? You will communicate with interesting person or start a new romance that will bring you previously unknown sensual pleasures.
  6. If you share a treat with someone you know in reality, you feel warm feelings towards this person.
  7. And if a delicious piece of cake floated out of your hands at the last moment, someone needs it more. Try to forget about your needs for a while and do something good for others.

Some dream books believe that a person who feasted on cake in a dream has the habit of judging people too superficially, not noticing anything other than the outer shell. Maybe it's time to learn to appreciate others for their spiritual qualities?

What do other bright details mean: a lot of sweets, cockroaches in the treat, a gift from the deceased

In a dream, a relative with whom your relationship was upset came with a cake? In reality, this person strives for reconciliation. Help him, take the first step towards him.

Should you be alarmed if a deceased person comes to you with a delicious gift? Interpreters are sure that it is not worth it:

  • Vanga’s dream book calls any food taken from a deceased person a promise of change for the better;
  • Tsvetkova’s dream book considers it as a sign of quick enrichment;
  • Muslim promises the dreamer not only financial stability, but also career success.

A dream in which you see a wide variety of cakes on the table predicts a whole dance of joyful events and entertainment. If instead of the whole delicacy you saw only part of it, close person will turn to you for help.

An unpleasant dream about cockroaches crawling out of a piece of cake, oddly enough, promises wealth. But bad habits and mindless self-indulgence can do you a disservice! Get rid of them.

Sweet dreams will tell a gourmet about a pleasant event, a girl on a diet will tell about the disruption of her plans, and a worker will tell him that he hasn’t allowed himself to relax for a long time. It all depends on the specific situation. Think, analyze, turn to your inner instinct - and the right answer will certainly be found. And don’t forget that sometimes you dream about cake just like that, for no reason.

Cake in a dream - Delicious, sweet cake- promises mutual love, sincere recognition, kisses and a passionate night.
Dividing a cake into pieces in a dream- to trouble.
If you dreamed of a cake, then it often promises you a trip to a party, changes in better side in life, good luck and pleasure. Seeing a beautiful cake in a dream is a harbinger of pleasant troubles.
If you dreamed that you were buying a cake- to debts, and receiving a cake as a gift means pleasant surprises await you.
If you dreamed that you were baking a cake yourself, it means that everything you planned will come true.
If you dreamed that you dropped a cake, it means that you will soon have bad luck in something.
If you dreamed of a big birthday cake, then in reality a joyful event awaits you that you are not expecting.
If you saw a cake in a dream- this is a sign that you focus too much on your appearance and external manifestations happy life. You need to learn to judge people and things not by their own appearance, but in content.
If in a dream you saw that you were blowing out the candles on a cake, it means that your most cherished wishes will come true.
If in a dream the guests who came to you brought a cake with them, it means that you will soon receive a monetary reward.
If you feasted on a delicious cake, then profit, success, and happy mutual love await you.
If a girl dreamed that she was giving a cake to her lover, it means that she is not sure of his feelings.
Eating a tasteless cake in a dream- to disappointment.
Eating a wedding cake in a dream- to minor troubles.
Eating cake in a dream- to the appearance of a loving partner in your life who will bring you a lot of pleasure and joy. Including in bed.
Eating cake in a dream- to great luck.
Get dirty in the cake- the dream is a warning that your family is against you, they do not like your lifestyle and your behavior.
A spoiled cake is a dream of sadness.
When in a dream you see an artificial or painted cake, then know that in reality your unwillingness to work and improve yourself will not lead to anything good. Very soon you will lose the respect of people, and, possibly, your place of work.
When you eat a stale, tasteless cake- this means that in the real world, friends talk about you behind your back, condemn your behavior and actions.
Feeding cake to your loved one in a dream- to frivolous actions.
Eat a cake that is generously covered with cream- an invitation to visit awaits you.
For a young girl to simply see a cake is a pretty good sign, and it means that you don’t need to doubt your chosen one at all. You should even formalize the relationship, and a happy couple will await you in the future life together, which, moreover, will delight you with stable financial well-being.
Very often you cannot fully understand a situation precisely because you see it one-sidedly. Thus, you create difficulties for yourself in communicating with people around you and perceiving the world.
Baking a cake with your own hands predicts the beginning of a business, but it is better for you to abandon it.
A presented cake symbolizes joyful events that will happen soon.
Buying a cake in a dream- to well-being in the family.
Baking or decorating a cake yourself means that in reality you will become the organizer of a big celebration that will be fun and unforgettable.
Looking at a big, beautiful cake in a dream- To have a good day, to a bargain purchase, to a pleasant conversation with a familiar person in the real world.
A celebratory cake at a holiday dreams of stunning success.
The cake that you baked yourself in a dream warns you that very soon you will be offered interesting job, however, if you accept this offer, you will have to work a lot and diligently in order to achieve success in your work, you should approach the tasks assigned to you responsibly, applying all your abilities and professional skills to their implementation. This work will probably push you towards self-development and self-education.
Seeing a wedding cake for a young girl who has a fiancé means a sudden dissolution of the marriage.
Falling face-first into a cake in a dream- to gossip.

Dreams with delicious cakes and other desserts are often dreamed of by those sleeping who went to bed hungry. In this case, interpretation of the plot is not required. Under other conditions, well-known dream books will help you figure out why you dream of a cake.

Why do you dream about cake - interpretation from dream books

In Miller's dream book, cake is a good harbinger. According to the expert, he dreams of profit. This interpretation is relevant if the dessert turns out to be fresh and attractive in appearance. For lovers, such an object turns out to be a symbol of a mutual happy and long relationship. But buying sweets on your own in a store suggests that in the near future a person will suffer from loneliness and feel useless to anyone. A new hobby and creativity will help him cope with this feeling. In addition, you should not refuse the help of friends.

Vanga in his work notes that the dream represents a sleeping capital that has unexpectedly fallen on one’s head. If he previously invested money in some business, now it will finally begin to make a profit. Did you try a very tasty sweet cake in your dream? This means that the person has probably chosen a life partner for himself.

According to Freud, cakes with a lot of cream indicate the dreamer's promiscuity in sex. He always wants to get everything at once. And he never thinks about the consequences. This behavior is especially dangerous for girls.

If a man or woman lacked a piece of cake in a dream, in reality one should expect failure in work and business. It is better not to start new projects in the near future.

Did you manage to instantly blow out all the candles on your birthday cake? Longo’s dream book notes that such a plot promises the sleeping person quick solution all the problems that have piled up. If the dreamer himself decorates the dessert, he is destined to be deceived by those closest to him in reality.

The cake is a symbol of the holiday and good mood. But besides this, most dream books associate this confectionery product with the relationship between two people. Appearing in night dreams, a cake indicates that your life will be filled with diverse pleasures, and harmony will reign in it. But in order to connect the cake with events real life, you need to remember all the details of the dream.

To understand why you dream of a cake, you need to remember the external design and the environment in which it appeared. The type of cake from the point of view is also important. culinary preparation. Such nuances will allow you to correctly decipher the dream about the cake and tie it to events in real life. And, of course, the actions that were carried out with the confectionery product are of great importance for the interpretation of sleep.

See a beautiful cake

If the cake in night dreams is decorated very beautifully, then it symbolizes beautiful life filled with joyful events. And if red berries were used in the design, then this will focus the dreamer’s attention on sexual pleasures in reality.

Big cake - dream book

A big cake in a dream means joyful events in reality. But if such a confectionery product does not fit in the box, then this is a warning that you need to moderate your appetites, as this may not end very well. If you dreamed of a beautiful multi-tiered cake, then this indicates that in reality you are closer to your dream.

Cake with candles

A cake in a dream, decorated with candles, is also a favorable sign. This means that in reality the dreamer will have a festive event, which he will certainly want to celebrate in the company of friends, and such a pastime will bring incredible pleasure. If you blew out the candles on the cake in a dream, it means that it is time to return to a calm and measured life.

Cake decorated with cream

A cake decorated with cream indicates future changes in reality. Moreover, the cream white emphasizes that you will accept them with joy. Pink cream portends unexpected changes in the love sphere. And if condensed milk cream was used to decorate the cake, then soon, in real life, you will have a good rest.

Why do you dream about a wedding cake?

Wedding cake is not a very good sign. If a young girl dreams of him, then this indicates that the marriage will be unsuccessful. In addition, a wedding cake in a dream foreshadows the onset of a period of hopelessness and sadness in reality.

Interpretation of sleep by the type of cake

An interesting question is why one or another type of cake is dreamed of. Dream books interpret different cakes in this way:
    A chocolate cake symbolizes prosperity and well-being in family life; Napoleon symbolizes your success in real life; A honey cake foreshadows an enchanting victory over competitors in reality; A fruit cake foretells a successful marriage for a woman, and for men it is a harbinger of various life pleasures.

spoiled cake

A bad sign is a spoiled cake seen in night dreams. This indicates that in real life there will be no reason for joy.

Eating cake - meaning of sleep

Eating a sweet dessert in a dream is very good. But to understand what eating cake means, you need to consider the following:
    Use a spoon - expect positive changes at work; Use a fork - expect a salary increase; Eating a beautiful cake at a party - fall in love in reality; Eating dessert at home - expect a sharp turn in life; Licking a spoon after the cake - get good news.
If a girl in love dreams that she is enjoying a cake, it means that soon her chosen one will confess his love to her.

Tea party with cake

It is useful to know why you dream of drinking tea with cake. Such a dream plot always foreshadows the receipt of good news. And if you dreamed that you were eating cake in a cafe, then you should prepare for a long journey.

Actions with cake in night dreams

Other actions with cake in dreams can mean the following:
    Buy a cake - buy a very required item, which you have long dreamed of; Selling a cake means getting rid of annoying people around you. And for a girl - from an annoying admirer; Treating a cake - to achieve the affection of representatives of the opposite sex in reality; Cutting a cake - sharing your own joy with loved ones; Preparing a cake - participating in the preparation of a festive event.

Bake a cake - dream interpretation

If you dream about the process of baking a cake, then this foretells that soon in reality you will have to deal with a responsible but difficult task. This will allow you to express yourself and gain recognition from those around you.

Why do you dream about a lot of cakes?

When you dream of a lot of cakes, it indicates that you are paying a lot of attention to the real world. external signs, but you practically don’t notice the deep essence of things. This often leads to complex life situations. Cakes, pastries and other sweets in large quantities, seen in a dream, symbolize full enjoyment of life.

Dream interpretation cake

Cake is a symbol not only of joy and fun, but of relationships between people. A confectionery product in a dream is the embodiment of past and future pleasures. If you look in the dream book, the cake portends something inspiring and bright. In order to get an accurate interpretation of the vision, you need to remember it down to the smallest detail.

What the product looked like

The appearance of the treat is of great importance when interpreting a dream. The product, decorated with red and very juicy berries, gives the dream a loving and erotic meaning. The dream predicts positive changes in your personal life.

Why do you dream of a large cake? Such a dream promises the sleeper joy and fun. But if the cake is so big that it does not fit in the box, this means that the dreamer should moderate his appetite in everything.

A beautiful, delicious cake foreshadows a fleeting but joyful event. The larger it is, the more positive emotions there will be. Seeing a large cake with candles is a very auspicious sign. Such a dream means that in reality many achievements and victories await you. Such a vision quite often promises a joyful event that you want to celebrate.

Enjoy the product

If you eat cake

If you had to eat a delicious cake in a dream, this means that changes at work await you, and a salary increase is possible. Eat a confectionery product on gala event- to great love. Eating it at home - such a vision symbolizes your desire for a happy and prosperous life.

If you dreamed that you were licking a spoon after eating, this means that good news awaits you in the near future. If after eating you leave crumbs on the saucer, this means that a significant event awaits you.

For a young girl, a dream in which she had to eat it predicts the appearance young man who will be caring and gentle.

Prepare a treat

Why do you dream of a cake made by you personally? As a rule, such dreams speak about the feelings and desires of the sleeper. For example, cooking chocolate cake in a dream symbolizes the dreamer’s shyness. But the nut one symbolizes liberation from unnecessary thoughts.

As the dream book says, a delicacy prepared with true friends foreshadows important events for the sleeper. Baking it with relatives means a very lucrative offer at work, possibly a promotion.

If your assistant in preparing the delicacy was a man, the dream predicts great and pure love.

Buy a treat

Lots of cakes - a positive sign

A dream in which you bought a confectionery product promises a prosperous and happy life. A dream in which you had to stand in a long line and the delicacy ran out right in front of you has a bad interpretation.

If in a dream you saw someone buying a treat, this symbolizes your desire to visit friends or relatives. Buying a spoiled product means that trouble awaits you in the near future.

The vision you had to see large number delicacies on store shelves promise a calm life full of harmony and happiness.

Prediction of Freud and Medea

Medea also has an interpretation of the vision in which she dreamed of a cake. The fortuneteller says that if a girl preparing for marriage dreamed of a wedding cake and she ate it, it means that her wedding will not take place for some reason.

Freud claims that appearing in a dream confectionery product indicates that the dreamer is frivolous about his life, and the time has come to do something for the benefit of others.

Other interpretations

A confectionery product is usually good sign foretelling a joyful event or good news. When deciphering a dream, it will not be amiss to find out the interpretation of other dream books.

Miller's Predictions

If you ate wedding cake

According to Miller's interpretation, a dream in which you saw a freshly baked product is a harbinger of profit. For a lonely girl, a dream in which she had to eat a wedding cake promises failure and disappointment.

Miller's dream book states that buying sweets speaks of the sleeper's defenselessness and uncertainty.

What Vanga says

If you had to eat a spoiled product, this is a sign that you cannot independently make the right decision in some matter. Eating a fresh product means pure and strong love, sometimes a lucrative offer. As the dream book says, a cake dreamed of by lovers predicts a strong and understanding relationship.

Esoteric dream book

Buying a treat means a happy life and prosperity; eating it means an unexpected material reward. A dream in which you had to bake a product means that a celebration awaits you in the near future.

Sweets are a reflection of the inner world of the sleeper. The brighter the vision, the more joyful and colorful moments await you in reality.