
Which side is recommended to sleep on. Correct direction of the head during sleep

Feng Shui is an ancient science of how to correctly arrange objects in space, which originated in China, and in our time has become popular in many other countries. This is the position of the dwelling in relation to the forces of nature, as well as the correct placement of different rooms (kitchen, bedroom, office, etc.) inside the house or apartment.

Modern man fenced himself off from nature with the help of various technologies, but the forces of the elements and today on his life force are no less than hundreds of years ago.

In order to feel constantly filled with energy and attract health, good luck and material well-being, a person needs to be in harmony with the energies of the surrounding space.

Sleep is the main source of recuperation. When a person goes to bed, he relaxes, the activity of some parts of the brain decreases, while others, on the contrary, increase, the sleeping person is ready to harmonize the exchange of energies with the world around him, to a much greater extent than the waking one.

Where do you need to fall asleep in Feng Shui with your head if you want sleep to bring maximum benefit?

Where to sleep in Feng Shui with your head?

The most important factor in the position of the sleeper is the direction of the head. Western magical tradition oversimplifies this issue: according to folk signs, you can’t fall asleep with your feet in the direction of the doors, and it is also common to believe that you should lie with your head to the north.

In the east, where the ancient teachings about the influence of the forces of nature on man are better preserved, to this
the problem is taken more seriously. Therefore, answering the question of where to sleep with your head in Feng Shui is somewhat more difficult.

There are no unambiguously bad and good directions, the whole point is whether this or that side of the world suits a certain person. In other words, the direction to the north or east brings success and prosperity to someone, and harms and leads to failure for someone. In order to determine how you should go to bed, you need to determine your individual feng shui by counting the Gua number.

What is the Gua number, and how to determine it exactly?

The Gua number is a personal digital value that indicates the energy of a particular person. You can calculate it according to the date of birth, the formula is quite simple and requires exceptional care.

For a man, the Gua number, depending on the year of birth, is considered as follows:

  • x 19 ab =10-(a+b), where x 19 ab is the Gua number of a person born in the twentieth century, ab is the two final digits of the year of birth;
  • х 20 ab =9-(a+b), where х 20 ab is the Gua number of a person born in the 21st century.

For a woman, this number is calculated according to a slightly different formula:

  • x 19 ab \u003d 5 + (a + b), or x 20 ab \u003d 6 + (a + b)

Please note that the number series includes all numbers from 1 to 9, except for 5. Therefore, instead of it, we take the value 2 for a man, and 8 for a woman.

Nowadays, an easier way to determine your number has appeared - you can use a special online calculator that will calculate everything for you, you just need to enter your gender and date of birth. When calculating, do not forget that the ancient sages who developed this system of knowledge did not use our usual calendar, but the Chinese one, and according to it, the new year does not begin on January 1, but on February 4. So, if a person, for example, was born on January 5, 1987, then you need to add not 8 + 7, but 8 + 6.

The group of eastern directions includes the numbers 1, 3.4 and 9. Western - 2, 6, 7 and 8. For the first group, the positive directions are north or south, as well as east and southeast, and for the second - west, northeast or northwest as well as southwest. You can lie with your head in any of your auspicious directions, there will be no harm from this. But if you want changes in a certain area of ​​your life, then you will have to understand the directions in more detail.

Where is it better to sleep with your head according to Feng Shui to attract health, luck, love and prosperity?

Each side of the world is responsible for its own sphere of life, but these directions are correlated in their own way for each Gua number. The following table indicates the directions where you need to lie with your head according to the number

Gua so that sleep brings improvement in a certain area:

Thus, if your result is 1, and your goal is to meet truly true love, you need to place the bed with the headboard to the south, and when 6, then for the same purpose you need to lie with your head in the direction of the southwest.

As can be seen from the table, the right direction is an individual matter, it depends both on a person’s personal Feng Shui and on his goals.

You also need to keep in mind that the above calculations are for a person who sleeps himself.

If the spouses sleep together, then it is necessary to set up the bed in such a way as to follow the favorable direction of the husband, since it is he who determines the path that the couple goes through life.

If a small child sleeps in the same bed with his parents, then he receives energy from them, and there is no need to determine his favorable position yet.

But if even a tiny baby sleeps in his crib, then it must be placed in such a way as to attract health to the child.

Determining where your head should sleep in Feng Shui is quite simple: you just need to make calculations using a fairly simple formula and clearly determine which aspect of your life you want to influence in this way.

Sleep, as a source of vital energy, is extremely important for each of us. Does it matter where you sleep with your head? Many will answer that you need to relax in the way that is most convenient. The body itself will tell you the correct position and direction of the head in bed. Actually, it's not that simple! There are a large number of teachings, religious directions, for which it is very important where to sleep with your head correctly for an adult and a child, corresponding to the cardinal points.

There is an opinion that the direction of the head during sleep is of great importance.

Hindu destinations


This is a very ancient Indian teaching on how to prolong your life. Ayurveda unites the physical body, mind, soul, sense organs, making the human body one with the surrounding nature and the cosmos. The doctrine considers any diseases as a loss of harmony between the soul and the body. From the point of view of Ayurveda, in a dream a person is charged with cosmic energy, replenishes his vitality, becomes wise. All this is possible only due to the correct location of the body, and especially the head.

It is believed that the position of the head to the north is very favorable and brings a person closer to the divine. The eastern direction is the best, develops intuition, spiritual inclinations, mind. Apparently, this is due to the sunrise in the east. The ancient peoples believed that the first rays of the rising sun give people a special, incomparable energy. It is she who is able to heal many diseases, both physical and spiritual.

According to Indian medicine, it is better to sleep with your head in the east direction.

Japanese doctors have discovered that at dawn (4-5 in the morning) there are significant changes in metabolism, metabolism for the better! Even the composition of the blood changes!

It is allowed to sleep with your head to the south, but to the west is absolutely impossible. The last direction deprives of strength, energy, brings illness and fatigue.


This is part of the religious Indian teachings, which arose in ancient times. Its principle is based on harmony and balance between the body and nature. This direction is close to the Vedas. It is worth paying attention to the fact that Vastu has a scientific explanation for the position of the head during sleep. Proponents of this teaching recommend putting your head to the south or east.

Our Mother Earth has two magnetic poles: north and south. Between them there are invisible electromagnetic and torsion fields. The former exit from the south pole and enter back in the north. Thus, if we sleep with our head to the north, then our body will counteract the movement of electromagnetic waves, and health, psyche, spirit will be destroyed. That is why it will be correct to lie with your feet to the north. Vastu also advises to sleep with the head to the east, according to the movement of the heavenly bodies.


Where should you sleep with your head at yogis? They recommend lying with your feet to the south, arguing that our body is like a magnet (like the planet Earth). The north pole coincides with the head, and the south with the legs. Only in this position (along the magnetic lines) at night the body is charged with spiritualized energy, replenishes its strength, rejuvenates. Interestingly, sleeping with your head to the east is not prohibited anywhere. As mentioned above, this is due to the sunrise.

Chinese direction

Feng Shui

Feng Shui has long entered the lives of many people. According to this teaching, we arrange furniture in the apartment, choose a place for a bed, a dining table, eat food, plan important meetings, and start responsible events. How to sleep according to Feng Shui and where the head can be determined by the number of Gua. This is a magic number that can be calculated by adding the last two digits of the year of your birth.

So, the number of Gua for the western group of people: 2, 6, 7, 8. For the eastern category: 1, 3, 4 and 9. There should not be five when adding! For the first group, you need to sleep with your head on the western side of the world or the north (in extreme cases, northeast, southwest). For the second group, the head should be directed to the east, north or south.

In order to find out where it is better to sleep with your head according to Feng Shui, you need to determine your Gua number.

Interestingly, if the spouses belong to different categories (husband to the east, and wife to the west), then the woman must give in to the man.

In addition to determining the number of Gua, according to the rules of Feng Shui, you need to:

  • It is better to sleep with your head to the door, feet to the window (no matter where the window openings go!).
  • Do not install the bed on a wall with a doorway.
  • Do not lie down in front of the mirror, and also do not look at your reflection at night.
  • Do not sleep on a bed without a back, as the latter protects a person from negative cosmic energy. The back should be rounded or square, but not triangular!

In general, the Chinese people have many positive aspects of Eastern energy: success, prosperity, good health, youth. But the western one is not so good! However, people with a Gua number of 2, 6, 7, 8 should not despair, it is better for them to go to bed with their heads to the north! In this direction, energy is always creative. Therefore, according to Feng Shui, you need to sleep with your head depending on the year of birth, but it is better to go to the east, from where the sun rises.

Where should Muslims sleep with their heads?

In which direction should the head of the Islamic people sleep? The Qur'an says that the faces of the believers should be turned towards the Forbidden Mosque, so you need to sleep with your head towards the Qibla (the side in which the sacred Kaaba is located).

Kaaba - Muslim shrine

Kaaba - a place in the courtyard of a Muslim mosque in Mecca (Arabia)!

On the other hand, any mullah will say that during the night you can lie down with your head in any direction. Muslims do not have a clear belief about this. As for the lines of the Qur'an about Qibla, it means something completely different. This is not about the position of the body in a dream, but about the deep faith of every Islamic person in Allah and his prophet Muhammad in all life situations.

How about the Orthodox?

There are many religions in the world and each describes its own view on where to lie down with your head. Christians have no difference how to sleep and in which direction the head should be turned. The Bible does not specifically say anything about this. But the Orthodox people will accept a lot, the roots of which stretch from the ancient Slavs. For example, you can not install mirrors in the bedroom, lie down with your feet towards the exit. If the position of the head is north, it will bring longevity and good health, to the south - a person will become angry, become embittered and irritable. If you fall asleep with your head to the west, you can get very sick.

According to Christian signs, the most successful position for babies or old people is considered to be with the head towards the entrance to the house. If you sleep like this for a long time, the Old Slavs thought, then diseases disappear, life is prolonged, the body is fed with energy, it becomes closer to God. The church denies all signs, and the priests say that you need to sleep in a way that is comfortable, and where the head is turned does not matter.

What do the experts say?

For a good rest, it is necessary to observe the so-called sleep hygiene.

Many somnologists advise focusing on your own feelings and choosing a sleeping position based on your morning well-being and mood. Thus, it makes no sense to direct the head exactly to the cardinal points, the main thing is that the sleep is healthy and the bedroom is comfortable.

Only a few medical experts are convinced that the magnetic fields of the Earth, the phases of the Moon greatly affect the well-being, psyche, and metabolism of a person. It is necessary to lie down with your head to the north so that the fields flow around the body and fill it with energy. This is the only way to quickly, easily fall asleep, avoid nightmares, frequent awakenings, and insomnia.

Influence of torsion fields:

  • The head is turned to the east - the divine principle develops, spirituality, self-consciousness, wisdom (in some nations, a newborn is placed with his head only to the east).
  • Head to the west - vanity, anger, selfishness, envy appear.
  • Head to the south - longevity.
  • Head to the north - healing of the spirit and body.

In experimental observation, most people in a state of severe fatigue purely intuitively lay their heads to the east, and in an excited, irritated state - to the north!

The opinions of researchers on which way to sleep are divided

Other sleep researchers claim that the best sleep is with the head to the east, north, but not to the south and west. Although it is noticed that there are people with individual characteristics of the movement of internal energy. They, on the contrary, while sleeping with their heads to the south and west, their health and mood improve, some diseases disappear, a feeling of joy, cheerfulness and inspiration arises.

Summing up

As you can see, in different religions and teachings, there are different opinions about the position of the body during a night's sleep. Why listen anyway? Who is right: a Muslim, a Hindu, an Orthodox person? Somnologists advise listening to your own body. Only our body will most accurately tell us how to sleep, it will signal in time about the violations that have arisen. It is possible that the cause of fatigue, weakness in the morning is an uncomfortable bed, pillow, conditions in the room, posture (sleeping on the stomach or side), but not the direction of the head.

If we talk about Indian and Chinese teachings, we can draw the following conclusions:

  • The direction of the head to the north is recommended more for couples to strengthen marriage ties, improve relationships between spouses, revive feelings, and love. Also, the north promotes well-being, restores health.

The most favorable position for spouses is to the north

  • The South is suitable for careerists, fanatics of their work, leaders, as it develops the mind, abilities, thinking, ingenuity, attracts success, money and good luck in life.
  • The East is ideal for any person, especially a child. There is an opinion that if you lie with your head in the east direction, then a person will live a long, happy life, will have excellent health and wake up every morning in a cheerful state of mind.
  • The West suits people of art (artists, writers, musicians, poets), reveals talents, gives new opportunities.
  • Old people are advised to fall asleep in the northeast direction to improve their well-being, relieve fatigue, and get rid of depression.

Sleeping with your head to the northeast improves human health

  • The southeast as well as the southwest are not the best sides for sleeping. If you rest your head in these directions, irritability, fatigue, nervous breakdowns, and brain diseases may occur.

Listen to yourself, get a compass, and try different sleeping positions. If necessary, write down your feelings in a diary and analyze them. In the end, everyone will definitely find the most convenient and comfortable place!

Good sleep is a guarantee of good health and well-being. Meanwhile, many do not even think about which way to sleep with their heads in order to get enough sleep and feel good throughout the day. There are different opinions and beliefs about how to sleep properly. They are based on the ancient knowledge of Indian and Chinese sages and the common sense of man.

Bed selection

A person usually sleeps 7-8 hours a day, but, in addition, he also likes to read, watch TV while lying on the bed. Many are generally ready not to get up from it. Therefore, it is first important to determine the correct position of the body during a night's rest.

It is desirable to sleep in a straight position, on the left or right side. Folding in a semicircle is undesirable, since the head is on the bed without a pillow, the neck may numb. In this position, the body will experience a lack of oxygen. If you sleep like this constantly, serious health problems can arise.

It is advisable to purchase an orthopedic or regular mattress, but not too soft, as it will sag. When choosing a new bed, you need to take this seriously. There are several beliefs about what it should be:

The right bed will help you relax from the accumulated problems and gain strength for the next day.

Yogi opinion

Indian sages will help answer the question of how to lie down and where to sleep with your head. They believe that a person consists of electromagnetic fields, like the Earth. According to this theory, the north is in people's heads, and the south is at their feet.

According to the teachings of yogis, the bed should be placed with the headboard to the northern part of the apartment or to the northeast. It is in this position that harmony and attraction of the energy pole can be achieved. A compass can help you determine the direction correctly.

Having decided on the location of the bed, you can watch yourself for some time. If the state of health and mood improved, there was good luck in business, this means that the biofield completely coincides with the electric field of the earth.

feng shui teaching

This is an ancient Chinese teaching. Here you can find answers to many questions that arise in modern man. It talks about how to properly arrange household items, and also helps determine how and where to sleep with your head.

According to feng shui, choosing a place for a bed, it is important to follow a few simple rules:

In China, you can find houses built in an unusual way. The facade of the building is huge, massive - this is the side of the Water (Yang). Behind the building you can see another part (Yin) - the side of the Mountain. In this direction, and have a bed.

At present, architects do not take into account such moments, all the customs that were revered in antiquity are gradually leaving modern culture.

Direction Vastu Shastra

There is an ancient teaching of Vastu Shastra based on the harmony of the Universe. It was formed on the basis of astrology and is associated with the influence of the sun and moon on the human body.

Ancient manuscripts written in Sanskrit and translated into Russian teach about which way to sleep with your head. This theory is completely opposite to the teachings of the Yogis. Its supporters believe that the energy of the Earth has a negative effect on the condition of people.

According to Vastu Shastra, you need to sleep following simple recommendations.:

Effects of cardinal points on sleep

There are different teachings that talk about the issues of proper sleep. But there are people who are not supporters of any theories. They just want to know which way to sleep with their head to stay healthy and achieve what you want:

What does the orthodox religion say

In the Orthodox faith, there are no clear concepts about which side of the world you need to sleep with your head on. A person is free to lie down as he pleases. The main thing at the same time is to achieve solitude with oneself and drive away bad thoughts.

Over the years, there have been some superstitions and traditions about how to sleep properly:

  1. When a person sleeps to the north, then the connection with the divine forces weakens, and if you lie in the direction of the east, then you can, on the contrary, strengthen it.
  2. You can extend the years of life by lying on the south side.
  3. But the dream to the west contributes to the development of selfish qualities of the individual.
  4. Nothing good promises to lie with your feet to the door - that's how the dead are carried out.
  5. It is absolutely impossible to sleep with your face turned to the mirror. You can lose your health and bring adversity into your life.

To believe or not in these signs, and where it is better to sleep with your head - everyone decides for himself.

Sometimes the area and layout of the home does not allow you to put the bed in the way required by feng shui or religion. But, perhaps, it is not necessary to attach great importance to the position of the body in a dream, but it is worth paying attention to the needs of the body.

As an experiment, you can sleep for a while on the floor, choose a comfortable free place where you can give free rein to movements. It is necessary to lie down in an arbitrary position, and in the morning to see if the posture has remained the same or has changed during the night. The experiment should be carried out for several days and observe which side the position of the body will change in the morning, and the bed should be placed there.

Scientists conducted an experiment in which different people had to go to bed in the same direction. In the morning, their physical and psychological condition was checked. It turned out that those who were very tired during the day instinctively turned their heads to the east. And people who were overexcited or nervous - to the north.

Experience has shown that at certain moments a person is in different states, respectively, and he needs to sleep every time in his position. That is why now round beds are very popular, on which you can sleep as you please and comfortably.

Any body is individual, and everyone has their own correct position in a dream. But in any case, the direction in which it is convenient for him to sleep will be optimal for a particular person, so that when he wakes up, he feels a surge of vigor and strength.

When moving to a new apartment or when rearranging furniture, you want all the necessary interior items to “flow” into the room and bring only benefits. A special place in the bedroom should be occupied by the bed, since a person spends most of his time in it. Approximately 40 hours a week are spent sleeping, another ten are spent relaxing, reading books or watching movies. Therefore, many people think about how to properly position their bed.

The question of how and where to sleep with your head can be considered from several angles. Specialists of the popular Feng Shui direction advise one thing, yogis approach the issue from the other side, and there are also recommendations on Vastu Shastra and simple human nature and common sense.
What do yogis recommend?
Yogis adhere to the theory of "magnetic field". In accordance with it, a person should place the bed with his head to the north or northeast. People, like the planet Earth, have their own electromagnetic field. North is at our head and south is at our feet. In order to feel great after sleep, to be energetic and cheerful, it is necessary that the poles of man and the Earth are “attracted”. And since the electromagnetic north of the Earth is located at the geographic south pole, and the magnetic south is at the north, we should sleep with our heads to the north.

Sleep according to feng shui
Specialists in this area take this issue very seriously, as they believe that it is the “right” direction for a person that gives him vitality, health, success and love.

All four directions are favorable for sleep, but each person has “his own” direction, which is right for him. For example, for one person, sleeping with his head to the north gives health and energy, and for another - love. To find out your “favorable” side, you need to calculate the Gua number:

  1. Write your year of birth on a piece of paper.
  2. Add up the last two numbers. If the number remains in two digits, add it up again (for example, 1982: 8+2= 10; 1+0= 1).
  3. Do one of the following operations with the resulting number:
    • if you are a man, subtract your number from 10;
    • a boy born since 2000 must be subtracted from 9;
    • if you are a representative of the weaker sex, then the resulting number should be added to 5;
    • a girl born in 2000 and later needs to add her number to 6.
  4. IMPORTANT! There is no Gua number equal to 5! If the result turned out to be 5, then for a man it will be 2, and for a representative of the weaker sex - 8.
  5. See your result. Western direction - 2,6,7,8. East direction - 1,3,4,9.
individual number
favorable position
2 northeast, northwest, west and southwest
3 north, south, east, southeast
4 north, south, east, southeast
6 northeast, northwest, southwest, west
7 northeast, northwest, southwest and west
8 southwest, west, northwest, northeast
9 southeast, north, south, east

Adherents of the Feng Shui system also take into account the following rules:
  • you can not sleep with your head and feet in the direction of the door;
  • place the bed so that the head is not towards the window;
  • do not place the bed in front of the mirror.
If the individual directions of the spouses did not agree, then it is necessary to look for a compromise solution to this “problem”: lie down diagonally!

vastu shastra
Vastu Shastra is a direction based on the harmony of the entire Universe, which manifests itself in the solar, lunar and temporal influence on the human mind and physiology. Vastu, like Feng Shui, is based on Vedic astrology and is also associated with Ayurveda. All vastu advice is given so that a person can achieve his perfection, can understand God and his essence.

According to vastu-shastra, you can sleep with your head in any direction, except for the north and northeast. The explanation of such a position is similar to the theory of yogis.

  • you can’t sleep with your head to the north, since in this case it turns out that your legs are directed to the south, to the kingdom of the god of death, Yama;
  • if you sleep with your head to the south, then you will be rich: your legs will themselves lead you to the domain of Kuver, the lord of the north and the god of wealth;
  • sleeping with the head to the east promotes spiritual growth and brings kindness to a person’s life, since the god of water, Varun, owns the western direction;
  • sleeping with your head to the west contributes to the emergence of material wealth and glory: in the east, the king of the gods Indra rules.
Hello common sense and human nature
Man is such a unique creature in which everything is thought out and laid down by nature itself. Trust your body and inner self. You can choose a side intuitively. And if there is no intuition, or it is simply poorly developed, observe for a while how and where it is better for you to sleep with your head, when you get up alert and energetic, and when you are lethargic. You can even start a "Sleep Diary", on the basis of which you then determine your individual direction of sleep.

Note that sometimes we wake up across the bed, although we lay down normally. Here is the answer: the body has chosen for itself the direction for rest. And every day it can be different. Listen to yourself.

Very often in our small apartments with uncomfortable layouts there is no way to put the bed with the head to the north or south, so we set the bed where it fits best. Less prejudices, more positive emotions and feelings, and you will always wake up cheerful, energetic and in a good mood.

Description of the influence of the direction of the head during sleep according to Feng Shui, the Vedas and Islam.

Many people are quite superstitious. That is why they believe in signs and various beliefs. There are many rumors and conjectures around the sacrament of sleep. In this article, we will try to figure out how to sleep properly.

In general, the Orthodox canons do not say anything in which direction during the rest it is worth turning your head and how to properly make a bed. But it is known that the deceased person is carried forward with their feet. Therefore, the clergy recommend not to lie down so that the legs look towards the doors.

The clergy believe that before going to bed you need to pray, thank God for the day and go to bed with good thoughts and a positive attitude for the next day.

Feng Shui sets many requirements for a sleeping place. Experts believe that there should be no electrical appliances in the bedroom, and sharp furniture corners should not be directed towards the bed. In addition, the bed is best placed diagonally. So it will be visible to the visitors of the bedroom.


  • You should not install a bed so that your legs look towards the door. After all, in China this is how they carry the dead out of the room
  • In addition, blackout curtains should be hung on the windows. Sleep in the dark
  • There should be free space under the bed, which promotes air circulation
  • The headboard should be firmly pressed against the wall, and the legs should not have a high side

In which direction is it right to sleep with your head in an apartment, a house according to Feng Shui: expert advice

Vastu is an Indian teaching. According to this religion, sleep is a time for rest and energizing. To get a good night's sleep, there are many factors to consider.

Vastu sleep rules:

  • You can't sleep with your head to the North. Representatives of Vastu believe that this destroys the thin energy shell, which can cause illness.
  • It is best to sleep with your head towards the East. Thus, vital energy is restored the fastest.
  • It is not worth sleeping in the West, this can lead to increased selfishness.
In which direction is it right to sleep with your head in an apartment, house according to Vastu: expert advice

The Vedas are not a religion at all, but ancient true knowledge. According to this teaching, you need to rest with your head to the South or East. This will cause saturation of vital energy. During sleep, you can cleanse yourself of dirty and bad thoughts.

In which direction is it right to sleep with your head in an apartment, house according to the Vedas: expert advice

Many religions believe that the most unfortunate bed position is when the head is turned to the North or Northwest. It is in this direction that the destruction and depletion of the aura occurs. The person becomes susceptible to disease.

In general, both positions are considered unsuccessful. The fact is that according to superstitions, you should not sleep so that the lower limbs are directed towards the door. After all, this is how the dead are carried. But at the same time, you should not sleep with your head towards the exit.

According to Feng Shui, the crown should be protected from drafts and other air currents. That is why experts recommend purchasing a bed with a high headboard and placing the bed with its head against the wall.

Most religions and ancient teachings say that you should not sleep with your head to the window. This is due to the fact that at night, evil spirits roam the earth. She can look in and get through the windows into the house. That is why a person can lose sleep, vital energy. He may have health problems. In addition, there are drafts in the area of ​​​​the window opening, which is fraught with colds.

A person's head during sleep should be directed to the north or northeast, this is considered the most correct position of the body, which benefits health and improves well-being. If the bedroom cannot be redesigned, turn the head of the bed to the east.

In no teachings is it indicated that it is possible or impossible to rest so that the head is directed towards the heating elements. But doctors believe that sleeping near heating pipes can be restless. This is due to the fact that the air in this area is very dry. If it is not possible to rearrange the room, just put a cardboard box or heat reflectors on the battery during sleep.

Yes, this is exactly what the clergy advise to sleep in. It is believed that God's energy comes from the icon and the vacationer is cleansed of bad thoughts. Many believe that one should not sleep with one's feet to the icons, but church ministers deny such signs. They believe that in this position a person will always look at the icons and remember God.

It is believed that the mirror is a kind of guide to the other world. Beyond the line there is another world. Representatives of all energies and religions believe that during sleep it is generally impossible to be reflected in the mirror. This slows down the spread of positive energy. Accordingly, before going to bed, you should cover the mirror.

Around sleep and rest, there are a lot of superstitions and signs. But representatives of the church believe that signs come into force only when you believe in them.

VIDEO: Proper sleep