
What is varicose veins of the stomach. Varicose veins of the stomach - how is it treated? What are the symptoms and is it worth using folk remedies? Varicose veins of the stomach consequences

Varicose veins of the stomach are less common than similar pathologies in other organs. The disease requires specialized care - in order to prevent the rapid development of complications and save the patient's life.

What is stomach varicose veins

Phlebectasia is characterized by an increase in the volume of the venous vessels of the organ and the formation of blood clots in them. The initial stages of the development of the disease do not have symptomatic manifestations, which increases its danger. There are certain causes of the pathological process - from genetic abnormalities to cirrhosis of the liver.

Features of the disease

Experts divide the disease into four successive stages of progression:

  1. The clinical picture does not have pronounced symptomatic manifestations, changes in the lumen of blood vessels are single. Patients do not complain about the deterioration of the condition, the problem is diagnosed with the help of endoscopy.
  2. Differs in tortuosity and unevenness of veins. General indicators of increase do not exceed 3 mm, narrowing occurs for short periods of time. In cases of exclusion, spontaneous bleeding may occur.
  3. It is characterized by a noticeable decrease in vascular lumens, their swelling. When diagnosing, nodes and a decrease in the tone of the walls are detected. Symptomatic manifestations are present, the likelihood of bleeding increases.
  4. It is determined by a significant depletion of the mucous membranes of the stomach, a pronounced narrowing of the lumens and prominent nodes. Damaged small veins diverge from a large node - their condition can provoke bleeding at any time.

The formation of varicose veins takes significant periods of time - periodic squeezing gradually leads to the appearance of characteristic changes.

Secondary division reports on the factors of its formation:

  • acquired variant - occurs with increased pressure in the portal vessel responsible for the supply of blood to the liver, as the pathology increases, the veins become soft, increased fragility, a violation of their integrity can occur at any second;
  • hereditary - the pathological process is detected from the moment of birth, can be formed as a genetic predisposition or aggravated pregnancy;
  • congenital - refers to rare formations.

In most cases, the acquired version of varicose lesions of the venous vessels of the stomach is diagnosed.


The main source of the pathological condition is the portal form of hypertension, which provokes an increase in veins in the digestive organ. Sometimes the problem is formed against the background of cirrhosis of the liver - as a consequence of the multiplicity of scars. Less common causes of the disease include:

  • pathologies of the liver, causing disturbances in the circulation of blood flow;
  • the formation of blood clots in the venous vessels;
  • squeezing of the portal vein by a tumor-like process;
  • insufficient performance of the cardiovascular department.

In the case of hepatitis and cirrhosis of the liver in the anamnestic data, it is necessary to visit a gastroenterologist more often for preventive examinations - to capture the disease at the initial stages of occurrence. The stomach under the negative influence of these factors becomes vulnerable and easily exposed to the disease.

Who is at risk

The average data indicate that the majority of cases belong to certain subgroups:

  • gender - the male sex is more likely to suffer from varicose veins of the stomach;
  • age period - the problem is diagnosed after the 50th anniversary;
  • concomitant diseases - in the presence of ailments of the liver, pancreas, heart muscle and liver.

Patients with cirrhosis stand out in particular - according to clinical studies, only one person in ten is not sick.

Clinical picture of gastric varicose veins

The initial stages of phlebectasia do not have obvious symptomatic manifestations, which makes it difficult to correctly determine the diagnosis. The gradual progression of the disease gives rise to clear clinical signs:

  • feeling of discomfort and heaviness in the area of ​​the thoracic region;
  • an increase in the volume of the abdominal cavity - due to the fluid accumulating in it;
  • dilated venous vessels lead to the formation of a jellyfish head - a symptom characterized by the creation of a pattern from enlarged veins;
  • problems with free breathing after physical or motor activity;
  • spontaneous heartburn, not dependent on food intake;
  • swallowing problems.

At this stage of formation, rare patients pay attention to the problem and seek a consultation with a gastroenterologist. Most patients come after a rupture of thinned blood vessels. The reason for the visit is the growing clinical picture:

  • vomiting interspersed with blood particles;
  • decrease in blood pressure;
  • accelerated heartbeat with disturbed rhythm of contractions;
  • pain in the epigastric region and other parts of the abdomen;
  • state of shock.

Violation of the integrity of the vessels can cause both minor hemorrhage and massive. The patient needs emergency surgical care - in case of inaction, the disease will turn into a fatal outcome.

Diagnostic measures

When contacting the clinic, the patient is referred for a consultation with a gastroenterologist. The doctor collects an anamnesis: the time of occurrence of negative manifestations, the patient's personal feelings, existing diseases. Visual examination with palpation examination allows you to make a preliminary diagnosis.

For confirmation, the patient is sent for separate laboratory and instrumental examinations:

  • all options for blood tests - to identify hidden inflammatory processes and other abnormalities;
  • study of blood coagulation indicators;
  • Ultrasound - the technique allows you to determine the altered blood vessels;
  • fibroesophagoscopy - with the help of the apparatus, the stomach, the condition of the mucous membranes are thoroughly examined, places of violation of the integrity of the vessels are revealed.

If concomitant diseases are detected, the patient is sent for additional diagnostics in order to identify the causes of their formation.

Modern methods of treatment

Varicose lesions of the gastric veins do not belong to independent diseases and do not require specific therapy. Portal hypertension, as one of the causes of the development of the pathological process, is stopped with the help of certain medications that are recommended by the attending physician.

If there are prerequisites for its elimination, conservative therapy or surgical intervention may be prescribed. Most cases of gastric varicose veins require a donor liver transplant.

Medicinal direction - includes the following subgroups of drugs:

  • vasodilators - to increase the lumen of blood vessels;
  • hypertensive - to stabilize the level of blood pressure;
  • nitrates - to improve the functionality of the portal vein, lowering pressure.

In addition to these drugs, colloidal solutions, multivitamin complexes, antacids and astringents are widely used.

Surgical direction - is carried out using three main methods:

  1. Ligation of problematic veins - during the manipulation, a specialized rubber bandage is used. The technique is considered highly effective.
  2. Shunting of the intrahepatic departments - is prescribed to reduce blood pressure. The main goal of the technique is to create a connection between the portal and the hepatic vessel.
  3. Splenorenal shunting - involves the union of the veins of the left kidney and spleen with a shunt. Produced for prophylactic purposes - to prevent spontaneous bleeding.

Dietary - is included in the mandatory comprehensive program for the treatment of varicose lesions of the gastric vessels. The dietary requirements are as follows:

  • frequent meals in small volumes - up to 6 times a day;
  • last dinner - no less than three hours before a night's rest;
  • enrichment of the daily menu with products with a sufficient content of useful elements;
  • a sufficient amount of incoming liquid volumes - up to two and a half liters;
  • a ban on alcoholic, low-alcohol products, tea, coffee, sweets, seasonings and spices, pastries.

Dishes are served warm. Allows you to cook by boiling, stewing, baking or steaming.

Folk remedies

Home recipes do not have a pronounced effect on varicose veins - most cases require surgical intervention. The use of folk methods is agreed with the attending physician. Commonly used medicines by traditional healers include:

  • a large spoonful of Japanese sophora is brewed in a glass of boiling water, consumed four times a day, the total course of treatment should not exceed two months;
  • rose hips and red rowan are taken in equal volumes - a large spoonful, poured with half a liter of liquid, boiled for five minutes, cooled and consumed in half a glass during the day.

Possible complications of pathology

The problematic complications of varicose veins in the stomach include spontaneous bleeding. They can arise from any reason - a thinned mucosa cannot create a full-fledged barrier.

The level of bleeding, the frequency of occurrence affect the final condition of the patient. In pathology, patients experience constant vomiting and a chronic lack of iron ions.

Prevention measures

To prevent the onset of the disease, it is necessary to follow the recommendations of doctors:

  • monitor liver health;
  • comply with all instructions of specialists;
  • stabilize the level of blood pressure;
  • avoid excessive addiction to alcohol, nicotine and drugs;
  • switch to a healthy diet;
  • carry out vitamin therapy;
  • reduce the amount of lifting heavy objects.

To maintain the functionality of the gastrointestinal tract, you must adhere to the above tips.

Prognosis of varicose veins of the stomach and lower esophagus

The pathological process is characterized by a high level of mortality due to complications and concomitant diseases. Progressive cirrhosis can cause complicated bleeding.

The probability of recurrence of the disease varies between 55-75%. The mortality rate in the absence of emergency care is in the range of 50%.

The defeat of the gastric veins is a long process. In the initial phases of the disease, it can be stopped by protecting the body from spontaneous ruptures of blood vessels. The degree of damage to the vein wall is a predetermining factor for making a probable prognosis.

A dangerous and widespread disease, varicose veins affects any part of the circulatory system. Localization in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe internal organs is one of the manifestation options.

If a person has noticed digestive disorders in himself, can varicose veins of the stomach be their cause? Such a possibility exists, unfortunately. The doctor will make the correct diagnosis, but the time for diagnosis will be significantly reduced if the symptoms are clearly described.

Sometimes it’s better to play it safe, check if there are signs of this disease, since you still have to take tests anyway. Many people consider the methods of examination of the gastrointestinal tract unpleasant, they do not seek to undergo them once again. Knowing the main signs, finding them in yourself, you can save time, nerves, money, take an interest, ask a doctor, as be in this situation.

Signs of varicose veins of the stomach

What is varicose veins? This term is familiar to almost everyone today. This disease is associated with severe psychological discomfort. Its manifestations spoil the appearance, change habits, preferences in clothing, style, limit self-expression, cause physical discomfort in the future.

Varicose veins of the stomach are pathological changes in blood vessels, their increase, the appearance of nodes, loops, the formation of blood clots in this internal organ. The blood supply worsens, respectively, the condition of the tissues worsens. The process of digestion is also disturbed at the same time.

In the initial stages, there are practically no symptoms. Therefore, the diagnosis is usually made in the later stages. The first sign is heartburn or belching. But they don't pay attention to her. Then, when heartburn or belching often worries, you should listen to yourself, your state of health.

It might be time to see a doctor. Functional disorders that appeared in connection with the circumstances are situational, characterized by transience, pathological - by stability. With the deformation of blood vessels, doctors do not always associate heartburn, belching, they look for reasons elsewhere. And yet, there is a possibility that this is varicose veins of the stomach.

Later symptoms include bleeding. You can notice it by changes in the color of the feces - it is almost black if it contains blood. The urge to vomit begins to disturb. They cannot be eliminated by changing the nutrition system, eating foods that normalize digestion.

More on the topic: Inflammation of the gastric mucosa: treatment and symptoms

Vomiting becomes a constant need. The vomit contains a large amount of pink mucus. Sometimes it contains blood clots. In the abdominal cavity, pain becomes noticeable. The cardiovascular system begins to work worse. A person notices that something is wrong with his pressure, heart rate.

Who is at risk

This disease, according to statistics, is more common in men. What explains such statistics, scientists do not know exactly. Perhaps the anatomical and physiological characteristics of the sex. A woman must bear a child, and pregnancy due to upright posture can slightly affect the abdominal organs. The woman's body is more resistant to deformations of different tissues in this area. The natural mechanisms of self-regulation also protect the blood vessels of the stomach from stretching. This is probably the reason.

Varicose veins are classified as genetically determined diseases. Among the reasons for the development of pathology are the systematic use of alcohol in large quantities, unbalanced nutrition, frequent consumption of foods high in cholesterol, the use of drugs in large quantities, weight lifting, chronic diseases of the digestive system.

After age 50, the risk of developing pathology increases. There is a relationship between its appearance and general health. In particular, people suffering from chronic diseases of the liver, pancreas, heart or stomach are at risk. There is a high chance that this problem will also occur. Portal hypertension is a critical factor.

Diagnosis of the disease

What tests are needed to make a diagnosis? Suspicions only inspire anxiety, anxiety, become an additional burden on the nervous and cardiovascular systems. Is it possible to get rid of them? Modern equipment will help to obtain comprehensive information.

The following tests are usually given:

  • esophagogastroscopy;
  • radiography with contrast;
  • Ultrasound of the abdominal organs;
  • general blood analysis;
  • an extended blood test aimed at detecting coagulopathy;
  • liver function tests.

Pathological deformation of the veins of the stomach is often combined with changes in the veins of the esophagus. But varicose veins in other organs appear for a reason. If it is found in the stomach of a person, this does not mean that it should be expected to appear in the esophagus. The lesion is a weak point, a gap in the shell of health. Therefore, the spread of deformations throughout the body is extremely rare.

More on the topic: Medicines to help fight common gastrointestinal problems

The disease does not pose a threat to life. However, it reduces its duration, affects its quality. Severe bleeding, which is highly likely if the problem is not treated, will stop on its own. Doctors only help to avoid complications and prescribe those drugs that suit the patient as much as possible, taking into account the clinical picture and individual characteristics. Varicose veins of the stomach and the disorders that made its development possible in the later stages cause discomfort and prevent a person from living a full life.

Modern methods of treatment

The effectiveness of modern methods of treatment has been proven, tested, although a lot of work is still ahead. Even if we are talking about a genetic predisposition, conditionality, it is possible to control the state of health. Surgery is a radical method. It is relevant only when classical therapy does not give results.

Endoscopic ligation is a minimally invasive method that gives good results. In some cases, gastric vein bypass surgery is relevant. Sclerotherapy helps eliminate deformities. Stage of development, individual characteristics, clinical picture determines the best treatment option. The risk of relapse always remains. It takes a long time to treat this pathology, you need patience and perseverance, as well as optimism. Only in this case, you can count on recovery.

Diet is part of therapy

The diet is always prescribed. It is necessary to comply with it. The condition of the heart, blood vessels, blood and endocrine glands involved in the process of digestion will improve if the nutrients necessary for their normal functioning come with the products.

Be sure to reduce portions of food consumed - the walls of the stomach should not stretch much. This contributes to the deformation of the veins. It is better to eat more often, but little by little. It is advisable to divide the daily ration into 5-6 receptions and start the meal at the same time. The load in this case will decrease, become predictable, uniform.

Dishes rich in bad cholesterol should be excluded from the diet, steamed, baked, boiled. Fried food is its main source. Its use should be kept to a minimum. It is advisable to abandon it once and for all. Smoked meats, pickled, spicy, sour foods should also be excluded. Hot and cold food, drinks are bad for digestion. The optimum temperature is 37-45 degrees. Dinner is worth 3-4 hours before bedtime.


Phlebectasia or varicose veins of the stomach is a disease of a dangerous category, which is manifested by an increase in the volume of the gastric veins and the occurrence of blood clots in them. Pathology is insidious due to the asymptomatic course of the initial stage. The disease is quite serious, so it needs urgent treatment.

What is stomach varicose veins?

Dilation of the veins of the mucous tissues of the stomach is not as common as varicose veins in the legs. The difference between pathologies lies in the causes of their occurrence and progression. Often, increased pressure of the portal vein is the result of cirrhosis of the liver, although sometimes it is the result of genetic pathologies or compression of the portal vein by a large tumor.

In the stomach, varicose veins are divided into 4 stages of development:

  1. Symptoms do not appear, the expansion of the lumen of the vessels is single, so the patient has no complaints. Only endoscopy can reveal this degree.
  2. The structures of the veins acquire a tortuous and uneven shape. In this case, the increase does not exceed 3 mm, and the narrowing of the gaps occurs at small intervals. Bleeding at this stage is rare. An x-ray or endoscopy can detect the pathology.
  3. There is a noticeable narrowing of the lumen of the veins, their swelling. The stage is characterized by the presence of nodes, narrowing of the tone of the walls. The main signs are already appearing, only their timely recognition is necessary, since the threat of hemorrhage at this stage increases significantly. Transferring therapy is prohibited.
  4. The nodes are noticeably manifested, the gaps narrow, the gastric mucosa is thoroughly depleted. The divergence of a whole thread of damaged vessels from a large node is likely. Vessels are thinned to such an extent that the opening of a hemorrhage is likely at any time. If this happens, the patient is in danger.

It is important to highlight that the development of varicose veins of the stomach requires a significant period, for this reason, short-term compression of the veins by the neoplasm is not capable of provoking the occurrence of characteristic changes.

The disease is of the following types:

  • acquired - appears in the case of an increase in pressure indicators in the portal vein. This vessel carries out the function of delivering blood to the liver. Difficulties are created by a failure in the movement of blood through this organ. Pathology makes the veins soft, brittle, with every chance of bursting at any moment;
  • inherited - the disease is determined from birth. As a rule, the complex course of the period of bearing a child can be associated with a genetic predisposition.

Congenital varicose veins of the gastric veins are rare. Most often, doctors diagnose an acquired type of disease. Basically, the pathology affects patients over 50 years of age.

Varicose veins of the stomach causes development

Cirrhosis of the liver can cause varicose veins of the stomach

The main factor contributing to the onset of the disease is portal hypertension, which causes an increase in veins in the digestive organ. Often, a similar condition is observed with cirrhosis of the liver due to the appearance of numerous scars on it. However, this is not the only condition for the occurrence of a dangerous disease. Other causes of pathology:
  • liver diseases that cause disruptions in the movement of blood;
  • thrombus formation;
  • compression of the portal vein by neoplasms;
  • cardiovascular failure.

With special attention to the diagnosis of varicose veins in the stomach, it is necessary to approach patients affected by cirrhosis of the liver and hepatitis. This is due to the greater vulnerability of the organs and can end badly.

Symptoms of the disease and diagnosis

In the early stages, phlebectasia is asymptomatic, which creates difficulties in determining the disease. Over time, the patient has the following signs of manifestation of pathology:

  • Heaviness and discomfort in the chest area.
  • An increase in the volume of the abdomen caused by the accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity.
  • In the anterior lobe of the abdominal wall, the outline of the "head of a jellyfish" is likely - a pattern created by dilated veins.
  • Difficulty breathing after physical activity.
  • Increased heartburn not associated with eating.
  • Failure of the swallowing reflex.

It is good when a person pays attention to these symptoms and consults a doctor. Diagnosis of the disease, due to the listed signs, will make it possible to carry out operational measures aimed at treating phlebectasia. However, visits to the doctor at this stage are rare. Usually, varicose veins of the gastric veins appear during rupture of blood vessels. At the beginning of the hemorrhage, the pathology picture acquires the following signs:

  • vomiting, accompanied by bloody discharge (indicates the discovery of a hemorrhage in the stomach);
  • drop in blood pressure;
  • increased heart rate rhythms with failures;
  • stomach ache;
  • shock state.

At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor for examination

Hemorrhage may occur small, although it is often manifested abundantly. It is urgent to start therapy due to the fact that the pathology can worsen or end in the death of the patient.

Diagnosis of phlebectasia is carried out through endoscopy, as well as studies to detect coagulopathy. Varicose veins are detected by x-ray examination of the upper digestive system with the introduction of contrast and angiography.

Preference is given to endoscopy - it provides identification of veins affected by varicose veins, their volume and establish hemorrhage in them. In patients with liver cirrhosis and phlebectasia, in 40% of cases they do not act as a source of hemorrhage. In such situations, bleeding is provoked by erosion and bleeding of the gastric mucosa tissues.

Endoscopy allows you to identify nodes with an increased risk of bleeding, even in the case of the confirmed presence of varicose veins. Due to the fact that the pathology occurs due to cirrhosis of the liver, it is necessary to find out the probable failures in blood clotting. Laboratory tests include blood tests taking into account the number of platelets, a characteristic of the liver.

Treatment of pathology

Since varicose veins of the stomach are not considered to be a spontaneously occurring disease, its therapy is not carried out. The use of certain medications makes it possible to reduce portal hypertension, so they are used in a complex, exclusively as prescribed by the doctor.

If it is possible to eliminate the cause of hypertension, appropriate treatment or surgery is carried out, in the majority of cases the only way to cure is liver transplantation.

Medical treatment is carried out using the following means:

  1. Vasopressin - normalizes the state of constricted veins.
  2. Nitrates included in Nitroglycerin due to a decrease in pressure in the portal vein.
  3. Somatostatin or Okreotide - reduce the blood pressure of the internal organs.

Help is provided at the onset of a hemorrhage, for which a Blackmore probe is inserted into the alimentary tract, whereby vein compression is performed and bleeding stops. At the same time, treatment is performed to increase blood clotting.

Phlebectasia becomes a severe exacerbation of portal hypertension due to the fact that at one stage or another it provokes the formation of gastrointestinal hemorrhage, accompanied by the loss of a large volume of blood and threatening life.

In parallel with this, help with bleeding still remains symptomatic, and complete therapy provides for the elimination of portal hypertension itself. This is not permissible in every case, for this reason, the prevention of both portal hypertension and phlebectasia is of particular importance, because it is very difficult to overcome the existing violations.

Prevention measures

You can prevent the formation of pathology by maintaining a healthy state of blood vessels. For this you need:

  • monitor the condition of the liver;
  • strictly follow the recommendations of the doctor;
  • normalize the pressure in time;
  • lead a healthy lifestyle - give up bad habits, eat right;
  • avoid heavy lifting.

The manifestation of attention to your health consists in observing simple principles. Such recommendations will actually help in maintaining the work of the gastrointestinal tract at the required level and prevent the development of exacerbations.

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Varicose veins of the stomach are a pathological condition characterized by the appearance of tortuosity and vascular sacs filled with blood. The disease develops against the background of severe chronic pathologies of internal organs. Symptoms are most often absent before the development of dangerous complications. For diagnostics, hardware methods are used. The disease is treated with surgical and conservative methods.

Causes and symptoms

With the development of varicose veins of the stomach, the causes may be the following:

  • Portal hypertension, characterized by increased pressure in the portal vein. Such a pathological condition is considered a complication of liver diseases (chronic viral hepatitis, cirrhosis and cancer, echinococcal cysts, benign tumors, tuberculous lesions).
  • Compression of the portal vein. In this case, there is a slowdown in the outflow of blood from the vessels of the stomach and esophagus. The venous walls lose their elasticity and remain in a stretched state. The risk of violation of the integrity of blood vessels increases. The portal vein is compressed by cysts, neoplasms, adhesions and stones that form in the gallbladder.
  • Increased pressure in the systemic circulation. Similar is observed in decompensated heart failure. The outflow of venous blood from the upper parts of the body is difficult, the gastric vessels expand, lengthen and become tortuous. Varicose nodes with thin walls are formed. The rupture of such a site is the main cause of development.
  • Congenital malformations of the structure of blood vessels. In the stomach, varicose veins can occur due to malfunctioning valves, causing backflow of blood.
  • Age-related changes in the body. The elasticity of the vascular walls decreases, due to which they become unable to contract normally. The blood stagnates, causing the veins to dilate.

Important information: How to treat varicose veins (varicose veins) of the esophagus, its symptoms and classification

The clinical picture of the disease includes:

  • Pain in the stomach. The vascular walls are located in the thickness of the mucous membranes, because of which, with varicose veins, the latter are often damaged and inflamed. This contributes to the appearance of unpleasant sensations that occur regardless of eating.
  • Heartburn, sour belching. They are the first signs of a violation of the functions of the stomach, caused by a deterioration in blood supply.
  • Swallowing problems. Occur with varicose veins of the upper sections of the stomach, bordering the esophagus. Large knots interfere with the normal passage of the food bolus, causing pain. With the formation of venous nodes, the appearance of a feeling of heaviness behind the sternum is also associated.
  • Internal bleeding. Accompanied by the release of vomit with bloody impurities, nausea, muscle weakness. Feces become black in color due to the presence of clotted blood. With massive bleeding, vomit has a bright red color, pronounced weakness is observed, consciousness is disturbed, sweating increases. The pressure drops, the heart rate rises.
  • Signs of anemia. With the frequent occurrence of minor bleeding, the hemoglobin level decreases, dizziness appears, accompanied by pallor of the skin and a decrease in efficiency.

How the disease is diagnosed

Varicose veins of the stomach are detected using the following procedures:

  • X-ray examination of the stomach. Helps to detect varicose veins on the surfaces of the walls of the stomach and lower esophagus.
  • Esophagogastroduodenoscopy. An endoscope equipped with a camera and a backlight is inserted into the stomach cavity. Through endoscopy, pathological changes are revealed, expressed in the appearance of nodular venous protrusions. With heavy bleeding, examination may be difficult. Endoscopy helps to make an accurate diagnosis, determine the stage of the disease and assess the risk of rupture of the venous wall.
  • Ultrasound of the abdominal organs. Examination of the liver helps to determine the disease that is the cause of varicose transformation of the gastric veins.
  • General blood test. It is an auxiliary method aimed at identifying an indirect sign of bleeding - a decrease in the level of hemoglobin and platelets.

Important information: How to treat varicose veins after childbirth and is it possible to give birth yourself with varicose veins

Treatment Methods

It is completely impossible to cure the disease. Treatment of gastric varicose veins is aimed at stopping and preventing bleeding, preventing the formation of new nodes, and slowing down the development of pathological changes.


The drug treatment regimen includes:

  • Vasopressin. The drug constricts the vessels responsible for the blood supply to the internal organs, helping to reduce pressure in the portal vein. It is administered intravenously.
  • Hemostatics (Etamzilat). Promote faster blood clotting, can be used to stop mild bleeding.
  • Proton pump inhibitors (omeprazole). Reduce the production of hydrochloric acid, preventing damage to the vascular walls.
  • Iron preparations (Ferrum Lek). Eliminate signs of anemia.

Surgical intervention

To stop bleeding and eliminate varicose veins, the following operations are used:

  • Banding. The section of the vessel located above the varicose vein is pulled together with a latex ring. In this way, the blood flow is blocked, as a result of which the bleeding stops, the signs of varicose veins disappear.
  • Transconjugated intrahepatic shunting. During surgery, a hollow tube (stent) is inserted into the hepatic vein to connect the vessel to the portal venous system. The procedure is performed by inserting a catheter into the jugular vein. The operation reduces the pressure in the portal vein and normalizes the outflow of blood from the gastric vessels.
  • Splenorenal shunting. The splenic veins connect with the renal veins. This helps to reduce the volume of blood filling varicose vessels and stop bleeding.
  • Devascularization. During the operation, damaged bleeding veins are removed. The intervention is carried out when other methods are ineffective.


During the procedure, a chemical substance is injected into the expanded part of the vein, which glues the walls of the vessel. The flow of blood stops, the varicose vein disappears.

diet therapy

Patients with varicose veins of the stomach are prescribed a strict diet. Food is boiled or steamed and then ground with a blender. It is not recommended to eat solid food and swallow large pieces. Food should be at a comfortable temperature. Refuse hot and cold foods. Alcohol, rich pastries, strong tea, salty and pickled foods, sour fruits and berries are excluded from the diet.

Varicose veins are a common and dangerous disease that affects any part of the circulatory system. No exception is varicose veins of the stomach. This is one of the manifestations of the disease, which is accompanied by a number of unpleasant symptoms. It is worth noting that the disease often affects people who have reached the age of 50 and men are mostly at risk. The factors that provoke varicose veins often depend on the way and lifestyle of a person, but there may also be genetic features of the damage to the venous network.

Causes of varicose veins

Varicose veins of the esophagus and stomach occur as a result of many factors that often have a complex effect. It is not always possible to establish the etiology of the disease, especially if the cause is a genetic predisposition or congenital pathology. The very phenomenon of varicose veins occurs as a result of portal hypertension or increased pressure in the portal vein. For many reasons, this vein is compressed, thereby provoking thrombosis. But, in addition to the root cause, the following factors are distinguished, which in combination provoke an ailment:

  • violations in the digestive tract;
  • cirrhosis and hepatitis;
  • tuberculosis and polycystic;
  • fibrosis of various etiologies;
  • adhesions;
  • bowel obstruction;
  • vascular insufficiency of the body;
  • poor blood flow complicated by blood clots;
  • weight lifting;
  • bad habits;
  • excessive alcohol consumption;
  • obesity.

Symptoms of the disease

A sign of pathology may be an unstable heartbeat.

Signs of manifestation of this disease are little recognizable and can be easily confused with other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. It is impossible to single out the exact symptoms of varicose veins, but there are several conditions in which you can accurately determine the stage of development of the disease:

  • black stools with blood impurities (gastric bleeding caused by varicose veins);
  • constant urge, vomiting (with bloody secretions and pink mucus);
  • unstable heartbeat (frequent disruptions in rhythm);
  • pain in the abdomen (, spasms).

In addition, external signs of the disease are noted. Varicose veins of the stomach greatly affect the life of a person, so the patient's appearance changes, the skin darkens, and constant discomfort appears. General fatigue is observed, the patient feels a breakdown, food and clothing preferences change. General weakness limits physical activity, the patient often wants to lie down.

After the discovery of large venous nodes, the probability of hemorrhage in 1 year of illness is 25-35%. Therefore, constant supervision by a doctor is required.


The problem can be detected by endoscopic examination.

Varicose lesions of the stomach are pathological changes on the soft walls of blood vessels. There is a significant increase in the size of the veins, nodes and blood clots appear, and as a result, blood circulation becomes difficult, which negatively affects the work of the gastrointestinal tract. Since there are practically no symptoms in the initial stages, the diagnosis is often made in the later stages of the disease. Methods used to diagnose varicose veins:

  • radiography with contrast;
  • endoscopy;
  • antiography;
  • clinical blood test.

The most effective method is endoscopy. It helps to determine the presence of varicose veins, their condition and degree of enlargement, and also allows you to determine whether they are sources of bleeding. In addition, the presence of nodes with a high risk of bleeding is established by the method of endoscopic examination. Blood for a detailed analysis is taken from patients with varicose veins, which appeared against the background of severe liver damage. This analysis will determine the degree of blood clotting.

Treatment of the disease

For a qualitative examination and selection of treatment methods, the patient needs hospitalization.

After the established diagnosis and during the period of additional research, the patient must go to the hospital for inpatient observation. At this time, all the prescribed examinations are carried out, the patient is limited to physical activity by bed rest. After receiving all the necessary information, the doctor prescribes a comprehensive treatment, which is aimed at improving the condition and eliminating sagging veins. The disease can be treated in several ways.


Drug treatment is prescribed to patients in whom the form of the disease does not require surgical intervention. Medications are prescribed that reduce the effect on the venous walls. For this, the doctor prescribes the use of drugs that lower the acidity in the stomach and astringents. In addition, the patient is provided with the use of synthetic vitamin complexes.

Diet and food

Nutrition for VRV is similar to the basics of a proper diet. The patient needs to eat 4-6 times a day, while maintaining the interval between meals and sleep at 3 hours. It is recommended to increase your vitamin C intake through citrus fruits, berries, potatoes and greens. In addition, the body must be supplemented with E vitamins, bioflavonoids and vegetable fiber. In this case, the patient should increase the amount of fluid consumed to 1.5-2 liters of water per day.