
What causes atherosclerosis. Vascular atherosclerosis: development, manifestations and localization, diagnosis, how to treat

This is a systemic lesion of the arteries of large and medium caliber, accompanied by the accumulation of lipids, the growth of fibrous fibers, endothelial dysfunction of the vascular wall and leading to local and general hemodynamic disorders. Atherosclerosis can be the pathomorphological basis of coronary artery disease, ischemic stroke, obliterating lesions of the lower extremities, chronic occlusion of mesenteric vessels, etc. The diagnostic algorithm includes determining the level of blood lipids, performing ultrasound of the heart and blood vessels, and angiographic studies. With atherosclerosis, drug therapy, diet therapy, and, if necessary, revascularizing surgical interventions are carried out.

General information

Atherosclerosis is a lesion of the arteries, accompanied by cholesterol deposits in the inner membranes of the vessels, narrowing of their lumen and malnutrition of the blood-supplying organ. Atherosclerosis of the vessels of the heart is manifested mainly by attacks of angina pectoris. Leads to the development of coronary heart disease (CHD), myocardial infarction, cardiosclerosis, vascular aneurysm. Atherosclerosis can lead to disability and premature death.

With atherosclerosis, arteries of medium and large caliber, elastic (large arteries, aorta) and muscular-elastic (mixed: carotid, arteries of the brain and heart) types are affected. Therefore, atherosclerosis is the most common cause of myocardial infarction, coronary artery disease, cerebral stroke, circulatory disorders of the lower extremities, abdominal aorta, mesenteric and renal arteries.

In recent years, the incidence of atherosclerosis has become rampant, ahead of such causes as injuries, infectious and oncological diseases in terms of the risk of developing disability, disability and mortality. With the greatest frequency, atherosclerosis affects men older than 45-50 years (3-4 times more often than women), but occurs in younger patients.

Causes of atherosclerosis

Factors influencing the development of atherosclerosis are divided into three groups: fatal, removable and potentially removable. Unremovable factors include those that cannot be eliminated with the help of volitional or medical influence. These include:

  • Age. With age, the risk of developing atherosclerosis increases. Atherosclerotic changes in blood vessels in one way or another are observed in all people after 40-50 years.
  • Floor. In men, the development of atherosclerosis occurs ten years earlier and exceeds the incidence of atherosclerosis among women by 4 times. After 50-55 years, the incidence of atherosclerosis among women and men levels off. This is due to a decrease in the production of estrogens and their protective function in women during menopause.
  • Burdened family heredity. Often, atherosclerosis develops in patients whose relatives suffer from this disease. It has been proven that heredity for atherosclerosis contributes to the early (up to 50 years) development of the disease, while after 50 years, genetic factors do not play a leading role in its development.

Eliminable factors of atherosclerosis are considered to be those that can be excluded by the person himself by changing his usual lifestyle. These include:

  • Smoking. Its influence on the development of atherosclerosis is explained by the negative effect of nicotine and tar on blood vessels. Long-term smoking several times increases the risk of hyperlipidemia, arterial hypertension, coronary artery disease.
  • Unbalanced nutrition. Eating a large amount of animal fats accelerates the development of atherosclerotic vascular changes.
  • Hypodynamia. Maintaining a sedentary lifestyle contributes to the violation of fat metabolism and the development of obesity, diabetes mellitus, atherosclerosis of blood vessels.

Potentially and partially removable risk factors include those chronic disorders and diseases that can be corrected through the prescribed treatment. They include:

  • Arterial hypertension. Against the background of high blood pressure, conditions are created for increased impregnation of the vascular wall with fats, which contributes to the formation of an atherosclerotic plaque. On the other hand, decreased elasticity of the arteries in atherosclerosis contributes to the maintenance of elevated blood pressure.
  • Dyslipidemia. Violation of fat metabolism in the body, manifested by an increased content of cholesterol, triglycerides and lipoproteins, plays a leading role in the development of atherosclerosis.
  • Obesity and diabetes. Increase the likelihood of atherosclerosis by 5-7 times. This is due to a violation of fat metabolism, which underlies these diseases and is the trigger for atherosclerotic vascular lesions.
  • Infections and intoxications. Infectious and toxic agents have a damaging effect on the vascular walls, contributing to their atherosclerotic changes.

There are opinions that infectious agents play a role in the development of atherosclerosis (herpes simplex virus, cytomegalovirus, chlamydial infection, etc.), hereditary diseases accompanied by an increase in cholesterol levels, mutations in the cells of the vascular walls, etc.

Knowledge of the factors contributing to the development of atherosclerosis is especially important for its prevention, since the influence of removable and potentially removable circumstances can be weakened or completely eliminated. Elimination of adverse factors can significantly slow down and facilitate the development of atherosclerosis.


With atherosclerosis, systemic damage to the arteries occurs as a result of lipid and protein metabolism disorders in the walls of blood vessels. Metabolic disorders are characterized by a change in the ratio between cholesterol, phospholipids and proteins, as well as excessive formation of β-lipoproteins. It is believed that in its development atherosclerosis goes through several stages:

  • I stage- lipid (or fat) spots. For the deposition of fats in the vascular wall, microdamage to the walls of arteries and local slowing of blood flow play an essential role. Areas of branching of vessels are most susceptible to atherosclerosis. The vascular wall loosens and swells. Enzymes in the arterial wall tend to dissolve lipids and protect its integrity. When the protective mechanisms are exhausted, complex complexes of compounds are formed in these areas, consisting of lipids (mainly cholesterol), proteins, and their deposition occurs in the intima (inner shell) of the arteries. The duration of the lipid spot stage is different. Such fatty spots are visible only under a microscope, they can be detected even in infants.
  • II stage- liposclerosis. It is characterized by growth in areas of fatty deposits of young connective tissue. Gradually, an atherosclerotic (or atheromatous) plaque is formed, consisting of fats and connective tissue fibers. At this stage, atherosclerotic plaques are still liquid and can be subjected to dissolution. On the other hand, they are dangerous, because their loose surface can rupture, and plaque fragments can clog the lumen of the arteries. The wall of the vessel at the site of attachment of the atheromatous plaque loses its elasticity, cracks and ulcerates, leading to the formation of blood clots, which are also a source of potential danger.
  • III stage- atherocalcinosis. Further plaque formation is associated with its compaction and the deposition of calcium salts in it. An atherosclerotic plaque can behave stably or grow gradually, deforming and narrowing the lumen of the artery, causing a progressive chronic violation of the blood supply to the organ fed by the affected artery. At the same time, there is a high probability of acute blockage (occlusion) of the lumen of the vessel by a thrombus or fragments of a disintegrated atherosclerotic plaque with the development of an infarction site (necrosis) or gangrene in the limb or organ supplied by the artery.

Symptoms of atherosclerosis

With atherosclerosis, the thoracic and abdominal aorta, coronary, mesenteric, renal vessels, as well as the arteries of the lower extremities and the brain are more likely to suffer. In the development of atherosclerosis, preclinical (asymptomatic) and clinical periods are distinguished. In the asymptomatic period, an increased content of β-lipoproteins or cholesterol is found in the blood in the absence of symptoms of the disease. Clinically, atherosclerosis begins to manifest itself when there is a narrowing of the arterial lumen by 50% or more. During the clinical period, three stages are distinguished: ischemic, thrombonecrotic and fibrous.

  1. In the stage of ischemia, insufficient blood supply to one or another organ develops (for example, myocardial ischemia due to atherosclerosis of the coronary vessels is manifested by angina pectoris).
  2. In the thrombonecrotic stage, thrombosis of altered arteries joins - atherothrombosis (for example, the course of atherosclerosis of the coronary vessels can be complicated by myocardial infarction).
  3. At the stage of fibrotic changes, connective tissue grows in poorly supplied organs (for example, atherosclerosis of the coronary arteries leads to the development of atherosclerotic cardiosclerosis).

The clinical symptoms of atherosclerosis depend on the type of affected arteries. The manifestation of atherosclerosis of the coronary vessels are angina pectoris, myocardial infarction and cardiosclerosis, consistently reflecting the stages of circulatory failure of the heart.

The course of atherosclerosis of the aorta is asymptomatic for a long time, even in severe forms. Clinically, atherosclerosis of the thoracic aorta is manifested by aortalgia - pressing or burning pains behind the sternum, radiating to the arms, back, neck, and upper abdomen. Unlike pain in angina pectoris, aortalgia can last for several hours and days, periodically weakening or intensifying. The decrease in the elasticity of the walls of the aorta causes an increase in the work of the heart, leading to hypertrophy of the myocardium of the left ventricle.

Complications of atherosclerosis

Complications of atherosclerosis are chronic or acute vascular insufficiency of the blood-supplying organ. The development of chronic vascular insufficiency is associated with a gradual narrowing (stenosis) of the lumen of the artery by atherosclerotic changes - stenosing atherosclerosis. Chronic insufficiency of blood supply to an organ or part of it leads to ischemia, hypoxia, dystrophic and atrophic changes, proliferation of connective tissue and the development of small-focal sclerosis.

Acute occlusion of blood vessels by a thrombus or embolus leads to the occurrence of acute vascular insufficiency, which is manifested by the clinic of acute ischemia and organ infarction. In some cases, an arterial aneurysm can rupture with a fatal outcome.

Diagnosis of atherosclerosis

Initial data for atherosclerosis are established by clarifying the patient's complaints and risk factors. A consultation with a cardiologist is recommended. During a general examination, signs of atherosclerotic lesions of the vessels of internal organs are revealed: edema, trophic disorders, weight loss, multiple wen on the body, etc. Auscultation of the vessels of the heart and aorta reveals systolic murmurs. Atherosclerosis is evidenced by a change in the pulsation of the arteries, an increase in blood pressure, etc.

Data from laboratory studies indicate an increased level of blood cholesterol, low-density lipoproteins, triglycerides. X-ray aortography reveals signs of atherosclerosis of the aorta: its elongation, thickening, calcification, expansion in the abdominal or thoracic regions, the presence of aneurysms. The condition of the coronary arteries is determined by coronary angiography.

Blood flow disorders in other arteries are determined by angiography - contrast radiography of blood vessels. With atherosclerosis of the arteries of the lower extremities, according to angiography, their obliteration is recorded. With the help of ultrasound examination of the vessels of the kidneys, atherosclerosis of the renal arteries and the corresponding impaired renal function are detected.

Methods of ultrasound diagnostics of the arteries of the heart, lower extremities, aorta, carotid arteries register a decrease in the main blood flow through them, the presence of atheromatous plaques and blood clots in the lumen of the vessels. Decreased blood flow can be diagnosed using rheovasography of the lower extremities.

Treatment of atherosclerosis

In the treatment of atherosclerosis, the following principles are followed:

  • restriction of cholesterol entering the body and a decrease in its synthesis by tissue cells;
  • increased excretion of cholesterol and its metabolites from the body;
  • use of estrogen replacement therapy in menopausal women;
  • impact on infectious agents.

Restriction of dietary cholesterol is made by prescribing a diet that excludes cholesterol-containing foods.

For the medical treatment of atherosclerosis, the following groups of drugs are used:

  • Nicotinic acid and its derivatives - effectively reduce the content of triglycerides and cholesterol in the blood, increase the content of high-density lipoproteins, which have anti-atherogenic properties. The appointment of nicotinic acid preparations is contraindicated in patients suffering from liver diseases.
  • Fibrates (clofibrate) - reduce the synthesis of your own fats in the body. They can also cause liver dysfunction and gallstone disease.
  • Bile acid sequestrants (cholestyramine, colestipol) - bind and remove bile acids from the intestine, thereby lowering the amount of fat and cholesterol in the cells. When used, constipation and flatulence may occur.
  • Drugs of the statin group (lovastatin, simvastatin, pravastatin) are the most effective for lowering cholesterol, since they reduce its production in the body itself. Statins are used at night, because cholesterol synthesis increases at night. May lead to liver dysfunction.

Surgical treatment for atherosclerosis is indicated in cases of high risk or development of arterial occlusion by a plaque or thrombus. On the arteries, both open operations (endarterectomy) and endovascular operations are performed - with dilatation of the artery using balloon catheters and installation of a stent at the site of narrowing of the artery, which prevents blockage of the vessel.

With severe atherosclerosis of the heart vessels, threatening the development of myocardial infarction, coronary artery bypass grafting is performed.

Forecast and prevention of atherosclerosis

In many ways, the prognosis of atherosclerosis is determined by the behavior and lifestyle of the patient himself. Elimination of possible risk factors and active drug therapy can delay the development of atherosclerosis and improve the patient's condition. With the development of acute circulatory disorders with the formation of foci of necrosis in the organs, the prognosis worsens.

In order to prevent atherosclerosis, it is necessary to stop smoking, eliminate the stress factor, switch to low-fat and low-cholesterol foods, systematic physical activity in proportion to one's abilities and age, and normalization of weight. It is advisable to include in the diet products containing fiber, vegetable fats (linseed and olive oils), which dissolve cholesterol deposits. The progression of atherosclerosis can be slowed down by taking cholesterol-lowering drugs.

How to clean blood vessels, or rather how to remove atherosclerotic plaques, is the topic that this article will be devoted to. The circulatory system includes vessels and cavities that serve to constantly circulate blood flow. The blood fluid, in turn, carries oxygen and nutrients throughout the cells of the whole body. Since all food, having passed the processing process in the gastrointestinal tract, enters the bloodstream, it is very important what a person eats. With the use of hard-to-digest products of animal origin, sclerotic plaques accumulate on the vascular walls, and atherosclerosis of the vessels develops.


Initially, consider what is this atherosclerosis of the vascular system? The definition of atherosclerosis literally translates from Greek as “gruel”, “hardening”. Based on these concepts, one can judge the cause of vascular atherosclerosis. Harmful and excess cholesterol, as well as any fats of predominantly animal origin, act as a “gruel”. But not only animal fats are the culprits of vascular sclerosis. Some vegetable oils, those that undergo a process of hydrogenation, the so-called trans fats, are no less dangerous for the human body.

Atherosclerotic plaques, including those formed from the frequent consumption of palm and coconut oil or products in which they are present.

From all of the above, it follows that atherosclerosis causes are expressed in violation of protein and lipid metabolism. As a result, cholesterol and other lipoproteins accumulate in the vascular lumen, thus forming atherosclerotic plaques. Manifestations of atherosclerosis disease are expressed in the growth of foreign tissue, a process called vascular sclerosis.

This leads to a gradual narrowing of the lumen of the bloodstream, which entails the danger of its complete overlap (obturation).

There is another pathology expressed by vascular sclerosis, referred to in medicine as arteriosclerosis. The disease occupies the second position in terms of prevalence among vascular sclerosis. Arteriosclerosis, discovered for the first time by Menckeberg, is characterized by the accumulation of calcium salts rather than cholesterol in the middle membrane of the arteries. Such arteriosclerosis has identical names: arteriocalcinosis, arterial calcinosis, arterial mediacalcinosis and other definitions.

Atherosclerosis of the arteries and arteriosclerosis differ not only in the substance that clogs the vessels. But also a feature of deposits - atherosclerotic plaques grow in the cavity of the vessel and lead to its blockage. Whereas calcium salts, being deposited in the media (the media is the middle shell of the vessel), entail its stretching, a kind of protrusion of the artery (aneurysms) occurs.


The conditions and causes of plaque formation in the vessels are more often determined by external factors, the way of existence and nutrition, and the peculiarities of physiology. Less commonly, atherosclerotic plaques occur due to the fault of acquired and even more so congenital pathologies. The main cause of this disease lies, of course, in excess cholesterol. Consequently, to get rid of the external causes of vascular sclerosis, less effort will be needed, it will be enough to change behavioral factors regarding food, stressful situations and bad habits.

Causes of vascular atherosclerosis:

  • General:
    • Tobacco smoking and alcohol consumption.
    • Old age, after 50 and above.
    • Overweight.
    • Eating unhealthy foods.
    • Sedentary lifestyle, hypodynamia.
    • Stress and psycho-emotional stress.
    • For women, menopause.
  • Pathological:
    • Genetic predisposition (homocystoinuria).
    • Increased blood pressure.
    • Diabetes diabetes.
    • Lack of thyroid hormones.
    • An increase in fibrinogen in the blood.
    • Excessively elevated levels of lipoproteins, lipids in the bloodstream.

Things are different if arteriosclerosis is caused by pathological processes occurring in the body. Then, in the fight against atherosclerotic plaques, you will have to use "heavy artillery", in the correct language, drug treatment. And in especially neglected cases, you may have to resort to surgical intervention.


Classification of vascular atherosclerosis is carried out depending on the alleged causes that served as an impetus for the progression of atherosclerosis of the vascular system. Scientists in the medical field have elucidated the most common variants of the pathogenesis of the formation of atherosclerotic plaques.

Atherosclerosis WHO classification:

  1. The metabolic atherosclerotic process develops due to hereditary and constitutional failures of lipid metabolism, pathologies of the endocrine system.
  2. Hemodynamic atherosclerotic pathology occurs against the background of vascular pathologies, for example, arterial hypertension and other abnormalities.
  3. Mixed, having a combination of the first two types to varying degrees.

Systematization of atherosclerosis depending on the affected area:

  • atherosclerosis of cerebral vessels;
  • cardiac arteries;
  • atherosclerosis of the aorta;
  • respiratory organs (thromboembolism);
  • atherosclerotic lesions of the arteries of the kidneys, intestines;
  • atherosclerotic changes in the veins of the lower extremities.

Impact on the body

The consequences of atherosclerosis of the vessels can be fatal, because with a complete blockage of the blood duct, death occurs. But even in the course of the development of a pathological condition, cholesterol plaques in the vessels make themselves felt, greatly poisoning a full-fledged existence. Any of the previously listed classifications poses a huge danger not only to healthy well-being, but also to life and gives rise to complications of vascular atherosclerosis.

Vascular atherosclerosis complications depending on localization:

  • Atherosclerosis of the cerebral vessels provokes complications such as paralysis, hemorrhage, failure of certain body functions (motor, visual, speech, auditory, mental, and others). And also entails an ischemic stroke or otherwise a cerebral infarction.
  • Atherosclerosis of the heart vessels is expressed in ischemic heart disease, heart failure, hypoxia, angina pectoris, myocardial infarction, sudden cardiac arrest, atrophic and degenerative changes, aneurysm rupture, ending in death.
  • Atherosclerosis of the blood ducts in the aorta leads to systolic hypertension, aneurysm and thromboembolism of the systemic circulation.
  • Thromboembolism of the pulmonary artery is fraught with the development of signs of cor pulmonale, pulmonary infarction, respiratory arrest.
  • Complications of atherosclerosis of the vessels of the lower extremities are dangerous with the occurrence of intermittent lameness, gangrene of the feet and fingers, and trophic ulcers.
  • Atherosclerosis of the renal vessels leads to hypertension and renal failure. Atherosclerotic deviations of the intestinal tract threaten with necrosis of the tissues of the intestinal walls.

The consequences of vascular atherosclerosis directly depend on the stage of the pathological course. In medicine, it is customary to classify four main periods of atherosclerosis progression - this is preclinical, initial, pronounced, with complications. The first two periods are considered the least harmless, when you can quickly restore a healthy state of the circulatory system and prevent serious consequences.


Cholesterolosis is characterized by the gradual accumulation of cholesterol in the body. Therefore, the development of vascular atherosclerosis disease has been increasing for many years. Cholesterolosis has, as a rule, a chronic form and stages that worsen over time. What are the stages of atherosclerosis?

Microscopic indicators of atherosclerotic changes in the circulatory system:

  1. A preclinical form of pathology, when lipid spots are visible here and there on the inner layer of the vessel (intima).
  2. The initial stage of atherosclerosis with mild signs, such as damage to lipid metabolism, rare atherosclerotic and fibrous plaques.
  3. The pronounced symptoms of atherosclerosis are a failure of lipid metabolism, atheromatous changes in blood vessels, and developing atherocalcinosis.
  4. A sharply manifested atherosclerotic pathology with consequences in the form of a critical violation of intracellular lipid metabolism, severe atheromatosis and atherocalcinosis.

Stages of vascular atherosclerosis, morphogenesis and pathogenesis:

  • Dolipid expressed marked swelling, microthrombi in the parietal region of the veins, "ribbing" of the elastic layer of the aorta. Accumulation of acidic glycosaminoglycans occurs in the intima.
  • Lipidosis, phase is characterized by the appearance of yellow lipid marks that do not protrude above the surface of the vessels. At this stage, the pathology can not only be stopped, but completely cured of atherosclerosis of the vessels.
  • Liposclerosis is caused by the beginning of the formation of an atherosclerotic plaque from the connective tissue, which consists of a tissue, dead mass (detritus).
  • Atheromatosis is characterized by increased growth of atheromatous masses. Due to the progression of these accumulations, an atherosclerotic plaque may undergo ulceration, internal hemorrhage, and the formation of thrombotic layers. Ulceration is expressed in the appearance of atheromatous ulcers. This pathology leads to acute blockage of the vessel and infarction of the organ supplied with blood through this artery.
  • Atherocalcinosis is the final and most severe stage. The phase is characterized by petrification of the sclerosed plaque due to calcium salts. At this stage, when the patient is interested in how to clear the vessels of cholesterol plaques, the answer will be in favor of surgery.

At the stage of atheromatosis, in the case of thinning of the surface shell of the atherosclerotic plaque, it ruptures. And then the release of detritus into the cavity of the vessel, which leads to its blockage and entails serious consequences in the form of myocardial infarction, ischemic stroke, and similar complications. The second variant of the development of events is when the shell of the cholesterol plaque does not become thinner, but, on the contrary, thickens. Such a process is typical for chronic atherosclerosis, which is fraught with cardiac ischemia, discirculatory encephalopathy and others.


How to diagnose vascular atherosclerosis? The diagnosis of atherosclerosis can only be made by a doctor based on a diverse examination of the patient. Depending on the area affected by atherosclerotic changes in the circulatory system, an examination by different specialists will be required. For example, in order to find out how to cure atherosclerosis of the heart vessels, you need to contact a cardiologist. If there is atherosclerosis of the vessels of the brain, then the treatment will be carried out by a neurologist. How to get rid of atherosclerosis of the renal vessels will recommend a nephrologist. And how to remove cholesterol plaques in the aorta, intestines or lower extremities will have to ask a vascular surgeon.

Diagnosis of vascular atherosclerosis consists of the following activities:

  • Visual examination of the patient for signs of atherosclerosis.
  • Clarification of disturbing symptoms.
  • Feeling (palpation) of the arteries.
  • Determination of the density of arterial walls.
  • Collection of blood samples for tests for atherosclerosis of vessels, including clarification:
    • cholesterol levels;
    • triglyceride content;
    • indicators of lipid metabolism;
    • atherogenic coefficient.
  • Auscultation of the heart vessels reveals systolic murmurs.

Atherosclerosis diagnostics by instrumental methods:

  • Dopplerography (ultrasound) and rheovasography of the veins of the lower extremities.
  • Ultrasound of the abdominal region and cardiac zone.
  • Coronography and aortography.
  • Magnetic resonance therapy (MRI) will allow you to view the walls of the arteries in great detail in order to detect atherosclerotic formations and determine the stage of the pathological process.
  • Chest x-ray and other examinations recommended by the doctor.

Diagnosis of atherosclerosis of the vascular system is not an easy undertaking, since the disease often proceeds without symptoms and does not bother a person in any way. The insidiousness of atherosclerotic pathology lies precisely in the fact that it is detected already when there are characteristic indicators of vascular atherosclerosis. By this time, irreversible processes often develop in the patient's body, which require either drastic measures, that is, surgical intervention. Either long-term drug treatment is not only atherosclerotic disease. But also the consequences of the impact of pathology on organs and systems that have acquired damage as a result of atherosclerosis.


Signs of vascular atherosclerosis begin to reveal themselves closer to the second stage of the pathology. That is, between the period of appearance of lipid spots and the initial stage of the formation of cholesterol plaques.

The first signs indicating atherosclerotic processes in the vessels do not belong to specific symptoms and may indicate other pathologies.

Therefore, the study of the clinical picture of atherosclerosis occurs in conjunction with the damaged area. Atherosclerosis symptoms and treatment should be carried out in accordance with the localization of the lesion of a particular organ.

Symptoms of atherosclerosis of the vessels are divided depending on:

  • Atherosclerotic manifestations in the brain occur with some symptoms:
    • cephalgia, feeling of clouding of consciousness, fainting;
    • hypertension accompanied by tinnitus;
    • violation of sleep phases, expressed in difficulty falling asleep and drowsiness during daylight hours;
    • mental disorders, irritability, nervousness;
    • severe fatigue, not associated with appropriate loads;
    • failures in the speech apparatus;
    • problems with orientation in space and coordination of movements;
    • deterioration of memory and remembering various events;
    • shortness of breath, irregular breathing, pain in the lungs.
  • Coronary atherosclerosis can be judged by signs such as:
    • pain in the chest with an echo in the left area of ​​the body in front and from the back;
    • feeling of heaviness in the chest;
    • a change in the normal rhythm of the heart in the direction of acceleration or weakening;
    • pressing, dull pain syndrome in the lower jaw with recoil to the left ear and neck area;
    • clouding of consciousness up to fainting;
    • weakness in the limbs, a state of chills, coldness, increased sweating.
  • Atherosclerotic changes in the cardiac aorta are characterized by the following symptoms:
    • burning sensation in the chest;
    • frequent increase in systolic blood pressure;
    • state of dizziness;
    • difficulty swallowing while eating;
    • detection of a large number of wen, especially in the face area;
    • strong graying and external aging, unusual for age;
    • abundant growth of hair in the auricles.
  • Atherosclerotic formations in the abdominal organs are expressed by such signs:
    • In the abdominal aorta, cholesterol plaques make themselves felt by impaired bowel movements, unreasonable weight loss, aching feeling after eating, and increased gas formation. And also sometimes there is hypertension, renal failure, pain in the peritoneum, which do not respond to taking painkillers.
    • In the mesenteric arteries of the intestine, symptoms appear as exacerbated pain after eating, bloating, vomiting, and nausea.
    • In the renal arteries, the presence of cholesterol plaques is signaled by kidney failure, arterial hypertension.
  • Atherosclerosis of the lower extremities is characterized by signs:
    • blanching of the body in the area where cholesterol plaques are located in the blood ducts of the legs;
    • feeling of numbness and "goosebumps" after finding the body in an uncomfortable or unchanged position for a long time;
    • chilliness of the hands and feet.

Atherosclerosis of the vessels, symptoms and treatment are more productive if it is carried out in conjunction with the therapy of the affected organ or system. The process of formation of atherosclerotic plaques can rather be attributed not to a disease, but to a lifestyle. In fact, this is true, like many other pathologies. Therefore, people aimed at the full treatment of vascular atherosclerosis need to be prepared for fundamental changes regarding motor activity, dietary habits and definitely get rid of addictions, we are talking about smoking and alcohol. Exclusion of harmful factors from your life is already half the success in cleansing blood vessels from cholesterol plaques.


Almost 100% of the population suffers from atherosclerotic changes in blood vessels to one degree or another, especially those who have crossed the 30-year mark. In view of this, medical workers are concerned about the prevention and early diagnosis of atherosclerosis. And many people are interested in whether it is possible to cure atherosclerosis and how to get rid of cholesterol plaques?

Completely cure atherosclerosis of the vessels, as mentioned earlier, is realistic only before the formation of atherosclerotic plaques. It will not be possible to unequivocally answer how to get rid of plaques, a detailed consideration of the issue will be required. The only thing that can be said right away is that each clinical case of atherosclerosis is unique. Because the pathogenesis of atherosclerotic pathology is different, and the health potential of each patient is different, the same therapy for atherosclerosis has a lot of reactions from the body.

Considering the question of how to treat vascular atherosclerosis, several areas need to be distinguished:

  • Medications.
  • Surgically.
  • Through alternative medicine.
  • Adhering to a cholesterol-free diet.
  • Through sports activities.
  • Refusal of bad habits.

Medical therapy

Often doctors for a full-scale and successful treatment of atherosclerosis use an integrated approach. Removal of the initial atherosclerotic symptoms may be limited to the exclusion from the daily diet of foods rich in cholesterol, or the normalization of the level of a fat-like substance. Sparing therapy is justified only in the preclinical phase of vascular atherosclerosis, the treatment of the next clinical phase of lipoidosis and, especially the rest, should be carried out using drug therapy.

Cholesterol plaque treatment aims to achieve:

  • Normalization of blood pressure.
  • Correction of lipid metabolism.
  • Controlling blood sugar levels.
  • Maintain normal overall metabolism.

In accordance with the action exerted on the development of atherosclerosis, drugs are divided into several main classes:

  • Reducing the production of triglycerides and cholesterol in the liver and at the same time lowering the concentration of these substances in the bloodstream. These agents include bile acid sequestrants.
  • Blocking the absorption of cholesterol in the circulatory system. These drugs include:
    • The first group is anion exchange resins (IA) and plant sorbents (IB).
    • The second group is statins (IIA), fibrates (IIB), nicotinic acid (IIC), probucol (IID).
  • Stimulating the destruction and utilization of lipoproteins and atherogenic lipids. Unsaturated fatty acids belong to such healing substances.
  • As ancillary drugs in order to treat cholesterol plaques, endotheliotropic agents are prescribed.

It is advisable to surgically remove cholesterol plaques only in case of a potential danger of vessel occlusion, when the cholesterol plaque has come off. In other situations, it is better to treat atherosclerosis with pharmaceuticals. In addition to medicines, a diet low in cholesterol is recommended, and it is also possible to use traditional medicine for atherosclerosis.

folk therapy

Traditional medicine has not always been developed as it is at the present time. Therefore, people massively used the gifts of nature to heal atherosclerosis. Atherosclerotic vascular lesions are no exception. Often, only through the systematic use of certain ingredients, it was possible to completely cure atherosclerosis of the vessels.

Cleaning blood vessels from cholesterol plaques with natural ingredients:

  • Garlic.
  • Lemon.
  • Walnut.
  • Carrots (fresh juice) and many other crops.

Atherosclerosis of the vessels is excellently treated, and the vessels are cleansed of plaques, tested by many people with the composition of the main atherosclerotic components - lemon and garlic. To prepare a mixture for atherosclerosis, you need a head of garlic and a lemon. Grind the ingredients thoroughly (lemon with zest) and place in a glass container. Pour gruel with pre-boiled and cooled water in the amount of half a liter.

Put the drug from atherosclerosis in a dark place to infuse for three days. After the right time, the mixture can be taken on an empty stomach, two tablespoons. The course can be repeated, the purification of the circulatory system from the manifestations of atherosclerosis due to this method occurs in a mild form, simultaneously restoring the entire body. There are many recipes for the preparation of natural medicines for atherosclerosis, you only need to choose the right one. How to deal with atherosclerosis is a personal matter for everyone, the main thing is that this pathological process is curable.

In contact with

Poor nutrition, unhealthy lifestyle, frequent stress - all this in one form or another is present in the life of almost every modern person. While the body is young, it can cope with adverse factors without much damage. But what happens when compensatory possibilities run out and bad conditions remain? A person receives many different diseases, including atherosclerosis. What is it?

Atherosclerosis is a disease that affects large and medium-sized blood vessels. The mechanism of development of atherosclerosis is rather complicated. In the presence of a large amount of cholesterol in the blood, it is deposited on the inner walls of blood vessels, injuring them, causing inflammation and the formation of blood clots. Gradually, the amount of cholesterol increases and cholesterol plaques form. They increase in size, narrowing the lumen of the vessels and interfering with the normal flow of blood through them.

In addition to the plaques themselves, blood clots are also dangerous in atherosclerosis. They can break away from the walls and, together with the blood flow, enter thinner vessels. Finally, they fall into a vessel that they can no longer overcome and completely block it. The tissues that fed the damaged vessel no longer receive nutrients and die. This is called a heart attack. Probably everyone has heard this name in relation to the heart, when the myocardium is damaged, but a heart attack can also occur in other organs, as well as individual muscles. The consequences of atherosclerosis can be very dangerous, even fatal.

However, cholesterol should not be considered a poison to the body. It is involved in the formation of the walls of blood vessels, is an integral part of many hormones and vitamins. Even its excess in a healthy body is destroyed in the liver. It begins to pose a danger only in a weakened body, in the presence of concomitant diseases, and also with its regular intake into the blood in excessive quantities. That is why the fight against atherosclerosis should not be exclusively a fight against cholesterol.

In this article, we will consider such a phenomenon as atherosclerosis: pathogenesis, complications, prevention, treatment and symptoms of the disease.


As with most diseases, atherosclerosis has several classifications. The World Health Organization (WHO) proposes to divide this disease by origin and localization.

By origin, the following types of atherosclerosis can be distinguished:

  1. Hemodynamic - this type occurs with various diseases of the blood vessels: thrombophlebitis, varicose veins. Also, its appearance contributes to arterial hypertension. In the treatment of these pathologies, atherosclerosis lends itself to good correction.
  2. Metabolic - the cause of this atherosclerosis is an excess amount of cholesterol in the blood with an unbalanced diet, eating a large amount of fried, fatty foods, as well as an imbalance of some vitamins and minerals. The same type of pathology develops in some autoimmune diseases. Treatment of atherosclerosis in this case is a certain difficulty, since it is not always amenable to adjustment.
  3. Mixed - this type is most common. It is due to the fact that the formation of blood clots provokes a metabolic disorder, and poor metabolism, in turn, affects blood clotting. That is, in this case, both factors influence and reinforce each other. At an early stage of atherosclerotic vascular disease, the disease responds well to treatment, but in advanced cases, even surgical intervention may be necessary.

Varieties of atherosclerosis by localization:

  • Atherosclerosis of the aorta - in this case, the largest blood vessel of the human body is affected;
  • Coronary vessels - it is dangerous for the development of complications such as angina pectoris and myocardial infarction, since the nutrition of the heart itself suffers;
  • Vessels of the brain - the nutrition of the brain is disturbed, which can cause neurological symptoms, as well as lead to the formation of strokes. Treatment of atherosclerosis of this type must be started as early as possible;
  • Vessels of the lower extremities - occurs most often and affects the large and medium arteries of the legs;
  • Vessels of the liver and gallbladder - not so common, however, in order to avoid the development of complications, it also requires treatment;
  • Vessels of the kidneys - as the name suggests, the vessels of the kidneys are affected. Without timely treatment, atherosclerosis of the kidney vessels can lead to chronic renal failure.

Clinical manifestations of atherosclerosis to the greatest extent depend on its localization.

There is also a classification of atherosclerosis according to the periods of its development, proposed by the phlebologist Myasnikov:

  1. 1 period - preclinical. During this period, there are no manifestations of the disease yet. The definition of atherosclerosis is possible only in the case of a targeted search for it using special diagnostic methods, which will be discussed later;
  2. 2nd period - ischemic. In this period, the walls of the arteries in places where fat is deposited begin to inflame and swell, after which a connective tissue scar is formed. The lumen of the vessel narrows, blood flow and nutrition of the organs are disturbed. The classic symptoms of atherosclerosis appear. They appear most clearly if the process affects the coronary or cerebral arteries.
  3. 3 period - thrombonecrotic. In places where an atherosclerotic plaque has formed, blood clots, that is, blood clots, also begin to appear. They are dangerous because they can come off and clog smaller vessels in diameter, causing necrosis of tissues or organs. At this stage, treatment of atherosclerosis should be started immediately.
  4. 4 period - sclerotic. The affected part of the artery is replaced by a scar, which reduces its elasticity and does not allow it to cope with blood flow.

The mechanism of the development of the disease

To better understand how and for what reasons this pathology develops, one should study the mechanism of atherosclerosis development. It is believed that it takes place in several stages:

  • First stage

At this stage, so-called lipid (fat) spots form on the walls of the vessels. Their formation occurs in those places where the wall is injured for some reason and the blood flow is slowed down. Most often this occurs in the places of branching of blood vessels. The wall swells and loosens. Nevertheless, the vessel seeks to protect itself and dissolve lipids, but over time, its protective properties weaken.

  • Second phase

At this stage in the development of atherosclerosis, atherosclerotic plaque is formed, which is a complex of fats and connective tissue. The plaque itself is still quite soft and can be dissolved. However, this can also be harmful: a soft plaque can be torn apart and, together with the blood flow, enter small vessels. At the site of its attachment, the vessel wall loses its elasticity and cracks, which leads to the formation of blood clots. Complications of atherosclerosis such as thrombophlebitis and vascular thrombosis may develop.

  • Third stage

At the next stage of the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis, the plaque thickens and calcifies. It becomes hard, narrows the lumen of the vessel and can completely clog it, which causes necrosis of the tissues that feed from the damaged artery.

This is not the only mechanism for the development of atherosclerosis considered by doctors and researchers. There is an opinion that the appearance and development of the disease is influenced by certain viruses and infections, as well as hereditary mutations in which the walls of the arteries are damaged, which contributes to the appearance of lipid spots in such places. This theory is also supported by the fact that lipid spots can sometimes be found in children who hardly abuse fatty foods.

In any case, we can conclude that the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis is not fully understood and is rather complicated. For the formation of an atherosclerotic plaque, a combination of many factors is necessary.


At the heart of the etiology (development) of atherosclerosis is a violation of the metabolism of fats and proteins in the body. Until recently, it was believed that excess cholesterol is deposited in the blood and atherosclerotic disease is formed. However, it has been proven that one increase in cholesterol is not enough, some more predisposing factors are needed.

Factors that contribute to the development of atherosclerosis:

  • Hereditary predisposition - it is noticed that most often the disease develops in people in whose family close relatives already suffered from a similar disease;
  • With age, the risk of getting sick increases, which is natural, since the entire body, including blood vessels, wear out. The walls are injured, and the body is no longer able to compensate for impaired functions;
  • The psycho-emotional factor is of great importance in the etiology of atherosclerosis. It has been noticed that those people who often experience unrest and stress, have a nervous work, are at risk of atherosclerosis more often;
  • Excess weight is also of considerable importance in the event of a disease;
  • The causes of atherosclerosis may lie in the lack of physical activity, a sedentary lifestyle;
  • Bad habits, in particular smoking and alcohol abuse;
  • Various diseases: diseases of the heart, blood vessels, thyroid gland, gout, diabetes and others;
  • Men get sick more often than women, so gender can also be attributed to risk factors;
  • Improper nutrition, eating fast food, fried, salty, fatty foods.


The clinical picture of atherosclerosis depends on the location, the degree of vascular damage, the compensatory capabilities of the body and some other factors:

  • If the vessels that feed the brain are affected, symptoms of oxygen starvation of the brain occur: frequent headaches, dizziness, there may be nausea and even vomiting, which does not bring relief to the patient. Memory decreases, a person quickly gets tired, becomes lethargic and irritable. There may be a feeling of numbness in the fingers or limbs. The development of ischemic stroke can become a complication of atherosclerosis of the cerebral vessels: the lumen of the vessel is completely blocked, the blood cannot overcome the obstacle, and the brain tissue dies. This is an extremely dangerous condition that requires immediate medical attention.
  • With damage to the aorta in its initial sections, as well as the vessels that feed the heart, the symptoms resemble angina pectoris. There is a strong pressing pain behind the sternum, which can radiate under the shoulder blade, in the left arm, neck, and even in the upper abdomen. Unlike the pain of angina pectoris, it can last for several hours. Further development of atherosclerosis affects the performance of the heart.
  • Since the outflow of blood from it is difficult when the aorta is damaged, the left ventricle overflows with blood, which gradually affects its condition: it stretches, its walls thicken, since the muscle has to make great efforts to push blood through the obstruction. This can be seen in the diagnosis. In this case, it is important to both cure atherosclerosis in time and prevent the development of complications.
  • Symptoms of atherosclerosis of the vessels of the abdominal cavity are characteristic of indigestion. Often, a few hours after eating, abdominal pain, nausea, and vomiting appear. The pain can last for several hours, usually localized in the navel or upper abdomen. May be accompanied by bloating, constipation. Later diarrhea and vomiting of undigested food appear. In advanced cases, necrosis of some parts of the intestine develops.
  • Damage to the renal arteries is manifested by an increase in blood pressure, as well as characteristic changes in the analysis of urine. If one kidney suffers, the disease develops slowly, if two, malignant arterial hypertension appears, which is dangerous with serious complications.
  • Signs of atherosclerosis of the vessels of the lower extremities do not appear immediately, but only with the development of the disease. First of all, it is pain in the legs. At first, it appears only if a person walks a long distance, but the more the lumen of the artery closes, the faster the pain appears. The patient has to stop frequently to rest his legs. In addition to pain, hair on the legs may fall out and grow poorly, and the nail plate may become thinner. How dangerous is atherosclerosis of the lower extremities? Without treatment, trophic ulcers appear on the legs, necrosis, and can reach gangrene.


Diagnosis of the disease presents certain difficulties, since there may be no signs of atherosclerosis for a long time. What examinations and analyzes are carried out if there is a suspicion of this pathology?

First of all, the doctor collects an anamnesis from the patient. It is necessary to find out what complaints exist, how they manifest themselves, when they appeared. Since the forms of atherosclerosis are different, complaints in patients may also differ.

In addition to the anamnesis of the disease, it is necessary to collect the anamnesis of the life of a sick person. Heredity, genetic predisposition to the disease, lifestyle, work, nutrition are specified. All these factors contribute to the development of atherosclerosis. This is what needs to be figured out first. Next, an external examination, laboratory and instrumental studies are carried out.

During an external examination, the doctor pays attention to the color of the skin, counts the heartbeat and measures the pressure. High blood pressure, pallor of the skin, palpitations may indicate a disease of the cardiovascular system. In addition, when listening to the heart, characteristic murmurs, expansion of the boundaries of the heart, and other signs of pathology can be detected.

Laboratory studies to diagnose the disease include:

  • General and biochemical analysis of blood - the level of sugar, blood protein, cholesterol, uric acid, creatinine can be increased. A blood test can also suggest which organ suffers the most, which means in which vessel movement is difficult, since different forms of atherosclerosis give a different clinical picture.
  • General urinalysis - there may also be changes in it, especially in the pathology of the renal vessels. Protein appears in the urine, erythrocytes may be present.
  • A blood lipid test, as well as an immunological test, may be important.

Instrumental examination methods:

  1. Electrocardiogram - according to its results, you can evaluate not only the heart rate, but also see heart rhythm disturbances. It allows you to judge the size of the chambers of the heart and their work.
  2. Phonocardiogram - is important in the diagnosis of atherosclerosis of the initial sections of the aorta, since it allows you to evaluate heart murmurs and detect the disease at a fairly early stage of vascular atherosclerosis.
  3. Ultrasound of the heart - allows you to examine the chambers of the heart, their size, the size of the myocardium, heart valves;
    Radiography - it shows the size of the heart, as well as the shape and size of the aorta.
  4. Magnetic resonance imaging - allows you to assess changes in organs, get clear pictures;
    Angiography of various vessels, including coronary vessels that feed directly to the heart. A contrast agent is injected into the vessels, which makes it possible to assess the blood flow, to see places where it is difficult. Based on this study, the estimated degree of atherosclerosis can be estimated.

According to the indications, it is possible to use other methods of research. In addition, it is necessary to consult various specialists: a cardiologist, a neurologist, a vascular surgeon, an ophthalmologist, a nephrologist, etc.

Timely diagnosis is important not only to prescribe the correct treatment of atherosclerosis, but also to prevent the development of complications.


All organs and tissues in the human body must receive a sufficient amount of nutrients and oxygen supplied by the blood. Atherosclerotic disease, which does not allow blood to pass freely through the affected vessels, without treatment over time leads to serious complications:

  1. Poor nutrition of the brain can manifest itself, and with complete blockage of the vessel - the development of ischemic stroke. At the same time, a part of the brain dies, which leads to serious violations of life, and without timely assistance - to death.
  2. On the part of the heart, such serious complications of atherosclerosis as severe angina attacks, as well as myocardial infarction caused by complete blockage of the lumen of the coronary arteries, can occur.
  3. Atherosclerotic plaques in the vessels can be destroyed and spread throughout the body with blood flow. Once in smaller arteries, they cannot pass through them, clog the lumen and cause the death of tissues that were fed from this vessel. The formation of a blood clot in a damaged vessel may also end in this.
  4. Another extremely dangerous consequence of atherosclerosis is aortic aneurysm. An aneurysm is a kind of protrusion of the vessel wall, which at any time, even from a slight physical exertion, can burst, since the wall in such a place is very thin.
  5. In the later stages of the development of atherosclerosis of the aorta, foci of intestinal necrosis may appear in the abdominal region.
  6. Pathology of the renal arteries can lead to the development of acute or chronic renal failure.
  7. Atherosclerosis of the vessels of the lower extremities without treatment ends with gangrene and amputation of the limb.


In the treatment of vascular atherosclerosis, not only the prescription of medications is important, but also a change in the patient's lifestyle. First of all, you need to adhere to proper nutrition and reduce the intake of cholesterol in the body. In addition, an important factor for successful treatment is the rejection of bad habits, adequate physical activity and stress reduction.

Treatment of atherosclerosis should be aimed not only at dissolving atherosclerotic plaques, but also include the treatment of concomitant diseases that are a risk factor: hypertension, diabetes mellitus, thyroid disease, and others. Without this, medication will not bring the desired result, the risk of complications will increase, and surgical intervention may be necessary.

Drugs prescribed for systemic atherosclerosis:

  • Statins - drugs in this group affect the liver, which produces cholesterol in the body itself. Thus, its content in the blood decreases. However, along with the appointment of these drugs, it is worth taking care of the heart and some other organs, on which they also have an adverse effect.
  • Bile acid sequestrants - they inhibit the synthesis of bile acids by the body, so it has to use cholesterol to ensure the normal functioning of the digestive system. Thus, the "extra" cholesterol goes to work, and its level in the blood decreases. Preparations of this group can both prevent vascular atherosclerosis at an early stage of development and ensure its prevention.
  • Fibrates - reduce the production of fats in the body.
  • Derivatives of nicotinic acid - these drugs do not directly affect the reduction of cholesterol, however, they have a vasodilating effect, allowing blood to move through the affected vessels better. In some cases, the appointment of these drugs is contraindicated, and they are replaced by other vasodilators and antispasmodics.

For the brain, kidneys, lower extremities, other groups of drugs can be used, depending on the affected organ. In addition to drug therapy, physiotherapeutic procedures are also of great importance, especially if the arteries of the lower extremities are affected.

In advanced cases, with the rapid progression of the disease, surgical intervention may be necessary.

Methods of surgical treatment:

  1. Shunting - used to create a blood path to bypass the affected area;
  2. Prosthetics - allows you to completely or partially replace the affected vessel and establish blood flow;
  3. Angioplasty - this method is considered minimally invasive, since it does not require abdominal surgery. A special catheter is inserted into the artery, which moves to the site of the pathological focus, and the necessary manipulations are already performed there.

The pathogenesis of atherosclerosis is quite complicated, diagnosis can be difficult, since there are no specific symptoms, so if you have any complaints, you should consult a doctor in time.


It is important to know not only how to treat vascular atherosclerosis, but also what measures should be taken to prevent it.

First of all, it is the normalization of nutrition. You should switch to low-fat, low-cholesterol foods. It is useful to include flaxseed and olive oil in your diet, as they dissolve cholesterol compounds. You need to eat more foods that contain fiber.

If you are overweight, you should bring it back to normal if possible. It must be understood that with atherosclerosis, such weight is a risk factor for the occurrence of complications, as well as a kind of indicator of malnutrition and a sedentary lifestyle.

It is necessary to give the body adequate physical activity, public transport prefer walking in the fresh air. This lifestyle helps both fight atherosclerosis and generally strengthens the cardiovascular system.

Nowadays, one of the most common and also insidious diseases is atherosclerosis. The insidiousness of this pathology lies in the fact that it affects the arteries throughout the body, although to varying degrees. If a patient has been diagnosed, for example, with atherosclerosis of the lower extremities, it cannot be stated with full certainty that the heart, brain or kidneys have not been affected at the same time. Thus, atherosclerosis is a systemic disease that attacks the entire body and develops slowly but continuously. Symptoms of atherosclerosis should be known to every person who cares about their health and wants to live a long and happy life. Only being informed, it is possible to identify the first manifestations of the disease and start treatment in time.

General information about atherosclerosis

Before you name and analyze the main symptoms of atherosclerosis, you must first understand what this disease is and how dangerous it is for humans. First of all, it should be noted that the term "atherosclerosis" comes from the merger of the Greek words athere, which translates as "porridge" and sclerosis - compaction. This very accurately characterizes the main manifestation of the disease - the appearance of deposits on the inner wall of the blood vessel, called atherosclerotic plaques. Their structure is dense connective tissue, which is filled in the center with a lipid mushy mass. They are the main reason for the narrowing of the lumen of the vessels and the deformation of some of their sections, which, in turn, leads to a violation of blood circulation in the internal organs of the human body.

Basically, atherosclerosis affects medium and large arteries, as well as the aorta. Symptoms of atherosclerosis in their nature and intensity differ significantly from each other depending on the affected organs. Therefore, only a doctor can determine the type of disease and make an accurate diagnosis. It is very important to detect atherosclerosis in a patient in a timely manner. Symptoms and treatment depend on the type of the disease. In addition, it is necessary to distinguish it from the so-called Menckeberg arteriosclerosis, which is essentially a different form of sclerotic lesions of the arteries, characterized by the fact that calcium salts are deposited in the middle membrane of various arteries, there are no plaques at all (diffuse lesions) and aneurysms develop not occlusions, but vessels.

Reasons for the development of atherosclerosis

The results of a huge number of studies allow medical specialists to say with full confidence that the development of atherosclerosis is facilitated by a number of reasons, also referred to as risk factors. The whole set of reasons for the formation of this pathology is conventionally divided into two large groups - changeable and unchangeable.

As for the unchangeable factors of the onset of the disease, they are usually considered as something inevitable, not amenable to adjustment. These include:

  1. Gender identity. Scientists have proven that in men this disease manifests itself approximately 10 years earlier than in women. In addition, under the age of 50, men suffer from atherosclerosis 4 times more often. However, when the age of both sexes exceeds the bar of 50 years, the risk of occurrence and development of this pathology for both becomes equal. This fact is quite easy to explain: the main reason is that in women who are 50 years old, the hormonal background changes (estrogen levels decrease), as a result of which their body is no longer able to defend itself.
  2. Age features. It is reliably known that over time the risk of atherosclerosis increases. Aging of the body inevitably leads to a number of changes occurring in the blood vessels.
  3. genetic predisposition. Those people whose relatives suffered from this disease in the past are more predisposed to the formation of this pathology than others.

As for the variable causes of atherosclerosis, it should be noted here that these are factors that can be treated or corrected by changing the usual rhythm of human life. Changeable factors include:

Atherosclerosis of the aorta: features and symptoms

Before considering the features of a disease such as aortic atherosclerosis, the symptoms and manifestations of this pathology, it is necessary to clearly understand what the aorta is. In simple words, we can say that this is the largest vessel of the human body, which is located in the thoracic region and abdomen. The aorta originates in the left ventricle of the heart. It has many branches that feed the organs located in the thoracic and abdominal parts of the body. As a rule, not the entire aorta is affected by the disease, but only some of its sections. Based on this, we can conclude that the symptoms of aortic atherosclerosis vary from case to case.

When the aorta is affected by atherosclerosis, connective tissue rapidly grows along the walls of large and medium-sized arteries, the vessels overflow with fats and their walls become denser and thicker. As a result, the vessels lose their flexibility and elasticity, the vascular lumens decrease and there is a predisposition to the appearance of thrombiform connections.

Speaking about the symptoms of atherosclerosis, there are 2 main periods in the development of this pathology: preclinical and clinical. During the first changes occurring in the body can only be detected through laboratory tests, and during the second, the symptoms of the disease are clearly expressed and their identification does not require a comprehensive medical examination.

If the disease attacked the chest, then the person will show the following symptoms:


Often the pain gives under the ribs, in the spine, arms or neck;

The pain continues for a long time and can last for days;

Increases blood pressure;

Patients have constant weakness, as well as dizziness;

With a sharp rotation of the neck, convulsions occur;


If atherosclerosis affects the abdominal region, other symptoms are observed. These include:

Aching pain in the stomach;


Weight loss that occurs as a result of malfunctions in the functioning of the organs that are involved in the process of digestion.

Atherosclerosis of the heart

One of the most common diseases today is atherosclerosis of the heart. The symptoms of this disease do not always make themselves felt at the initial stage of the development of the pathology, or they are often confused with manifestations of diseases such as angina pectoris, cardiosclerosis, coronary artery disease and myocardial infarction. Common symptoms are:

Burning or pressing pain in the chest area, which often radiates to the left shoulder and back;


Severe shortness of breath, due to which the patient often feels that he is short of breath. In the supine position, the condition worsens to the point that the person simply suffocates and cannot breathe;


If these symptoms are detected, it is necessary to consult a doctor, since statistics show that approximately 50% of patients, before they have a heart attack, experienced some of the above symptoms, but did not pay due attention to them.

Atherosclerosis of the brain: symptoms and main characteristics

Atherosclerosis of the brain is a very serious pathology characterized by stenosis of the cerebral arteries, which occurs due to the fact that atherosclerotic plaques form on their intima. Doctors tirelessly remind people that no one is immune from the occurrence of such a disease as cerebral atherosclerosis. The symptoms of the disease largely depend on how much damage was done to the cells.

The development of pathology is associated with a deterioration in the activity of the central nervous system, as well as with an increase in the risk of various mental disorders and stroke. In addition, the possibility of bleeding is quite high. At the initial stage of development, it is very difficult to detect atherosclerosis of cerebral vessels in a person. Its symptoms are practically not felt by the patient. Often, tinnitus and slight dizziness are taken by patients for a simple ailment caused by stress or fatigue. Although atherosclerotic plaques begin to be deposited already at the age of thirty, nevertheless, pronounced signs of the disease appear only after 50 years.

A huge number of people know firsthand what atherosclerosis of the brain is. The symptoms that accompany it make a person completely change his usual way of life, since he is no longer able to fully realize and be responsible for his actions. Thus, it should be noted that the disorders caused by this disease are expressed:

In very fast fatigue;

Decreased motor activity and performance;

In problems with concentration and switching from one activity to another;

In headache and dizziness;

Sensation of constriction in the skull.

In addition to the above violations, it is also necessary to note neurosis-like, or, as they are also called, depressive signs:

- bad mood and increased tearfulness;

Complete lack of desire to work, study, have fun.

Psychopathic manifestations are expressed in:

Short temper, excessive nervousness, malice, hysterical reactions;

Sloppiness, stinginess, grouchiness.

It is not at all easy for patients who have been diagnosed with atherosclerosis of cerebral vessels. The symptoms of the disease are depressive and anxiety-delusional in nature. Patients change before our eyes, becoming too suspicious, preoccupied and sometimes even angry. During the period of dementia or dementia, the patient does not remember information coming from outside, and cannot adequately assess the situation.

Atherosclerosis of the lower extremities (atherosclerosis obliterans): symptoms of the disease

Doctors are sounding the alarm and claim that, unfortunately, they now have much more work than in the old days. The number of people suffering from such chronic diseases as, for example, atherosclerosis of the vessels of the lower extremities is growing every day. The symptoms of this disease must be known in order not to miss precious time and immediately begin treatment. This pathology is also called obliterating atherosclerosis, which occurs when the walls of blood vessels thicken due to the deposition of lipids and cholesterol on them. As a result, plaques are formed, which over time cause narrowing of the lumen of the vessels up to their complete overlap. Further, ulcers appear on the walls of the vessels, blood clots form and the scar tissue grows rapidly.

Most people of the middle age group have atherosclerosis of the arteries of the lower extremities. Symptoms at the initial stage of the disease are practically not manifested. They become noticeable only after a while. This is the main problem. Symptoms of atherosclerosis of the lower extremities begin to appear when walking, when pains appear in the legs, mainly in the calf muscles. However, pain can also be felt in the muscles of the thighs and in the area of ​​the hip joint. In addition, the patient has anemia and there are complaints of chilliness of the feet. Other symptoms of atherosclerosis of the lower extremities are expressed in:

The difference in temperature of the skin of the legs (a limb affected by a disease is cooler than a healthy one);

Paleness of the skin;

Rapid fatigue when walking.

All these manifestations suggest that a person may develop atherosclerosis of the vessels of the lower extremities. The symptoms of this pathology are quite unpleasant and hardly anyone would not want to get rid of them. Therefore, as soon as discomfort in the legs begins to disturb, you should immediately make an appointment with a vascular surgeon. You should not self-diagnose and even more so self-medicate. This is fraught with consequences. Only a doctor can give complete and reliable information about what atherosclerosis of the lower extremities is. Symptoms, treatment are individual for each patient, therefore, in order not to harm your health, it is better to trust a specialist. Besides, there is no time to waste. The more the disease progresses, the more difficult it will be to cure. If obliterating atherosclerosis of the lower extremities is not treated in time, its symptoms are ignored, then later gangrene may develop and the person runs the risk of being left without legs.

Atherosclerosis of the carotid arteries

Atherosclerosis of the carotid arteries also creates many problems. Symptoms of this disease, like other types of atherosclerosis, at the initial stage of development are practically not manifested in any way. This in most cases leads to various complications and affects the treatment process. However, if you are more attentive to your health, then it is quite possible to identify certain signs of the disease in time. The reason for an urgent visit to a doctor and a complete diagnosis is the appearance of the following signs:

Weakness all over the body;

Speech disorder;

A state of stupor;

Inability to control the movements of one of the limbs;

Itching and tingling in any of the limbs or in half of the body;

Partial or complete loss of vision in one eye.

Diagnosis of atherosclerosis

Millions of people suffer from such pathology as vascular atherosclerosis. Symptoms, treatment, prevention of the disease - this is all that in no case should be neglected. It is noteworthy that there are a huge number of factors that directly indicate the development of pathology. However, at the initial stage of the formation of the disease, it is very difficult to notice any changes occurring in the body. Since it is not easy to identify atherosclerosis, its diagnosis occurs in several stages. First of all, the doctor conducts a survey of the patient in order to clarify the main complaints and identify potential risk factors (overweight, the absence or presence of bad habits, hypertension, diabetes, etc.). Next, a direct examination of the patient is carried out, during which special attention is paid to determining the presence of changes in the color of the skin of the hands and feet. The vessels are palpated, and the sounds of their work are heard.

Depending on the results of the medical examination, the doctor may recommend that the patient undergo a series of diagnostic tests:

Treatment of atherosclerosis

The best "cure" in the fight against atherosclerosis is a radical change in the usual way of life. It is necessary to completely abandon bad habits, eat healthy food and play sports. However, if this does not help or the disease has already developed, then you will have to resort to drugs, and in more complex cases, even to surgical intervention.

As a rule, some drugs help slow down the development of pathological disorders caused by atherosclerosis, while the actions of others are aimed at eliminating the consequences of the disease. For example:

  1. Medications that help lower cholesterol levels. As a result of the reduction in low-density lipoprotein, the likelihood that the accumulation of fat in the arteries will slow down, stop or decrease is significantly increased.
  2. Antiplatelet drugs. Medicines of this pharmacological group, for example, Aspirin, prevent the formation of blood clots.
  3. Beta blockers. These drugs help lower blood pressure and heart rate.
  4. Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors. They do not allow the disease to progress.
  5. Calcium channel blockers. They lower blood pressure.
  6. Diuretics. These drugs also lower blood pressure.
  7. Other medicines.

Atherosclerosis of the vessels, the symptoms of which could not be eliminated by drugs, requires more aggressive treatment. In this case, you can not do without surgical intervention: angioplasty, endarterectomy, thrombolytic therapy or bypass surgery.

Prevention of atherosclerosis

According to statistics, atherosclerosis is one of the most common causes leading to death in case of heart or vascular disease. To minimize the risk of the onset and development of the disease, doctors recommend that you familiarize yourself with a set of measures to prevent atherosclerosis:

Give up all bad habits;

Maintain normal body weight;

Avoid stressful situations;

Do not eat fatty foods;

Regularly undergo a medical examination, especially for people suffering from diabetes and hypertension;


Dietary nutrition in atherosclerosis

With atherosclerosis, special attention should be paid to the quality of food eaten. During the day, you should eat four times, but the portions should be small. You will have to give up all kinds of sweets and forget about the habit of eating at night. In addition, one cannot fail to note the fact that, according to some sources, in case of atherosclerosis, it is important not only to follow a low-lipid diet, but also not to abuse it, and it is better not to eat red meat at all.

Moreover, it is recommended to exclude beef, pork and lamb from the diet, replace them with fruits, vegetables and herbs. You can safely eat various cereal cereals, eat boiled fish, chicken and turkey meat, use olive or corn oil for cooking. Nuts and various berries, for example, hawthorn, are very healthy.

Atherosclerosis is a chronic disease in which systemic damage to the arteries occurs, expressed in the deposition of lipids and calcium salts in the inner wall and the development of connective tissue, followed by thickening and narrowing of the lumen of the vessel. Due to impaired blood flow in the organs, dystrophic, necrobiotic and sclerotic processes develop.

Atherosclerosis is one of the most common diseases of our time. The prevalence of atherosclerosis varies from country to country. The incidence is very high in Europe, North America, while in Asia, Africa, Latin America, atherosclerosis is much less common. In large cities, the frequency of atherosclerosis is higher than in rural areas. Men get sick more often than women, and in the latter atherosclerosis develops on average 10 years later. These differences are the result of different lifestyles, dietary habits, occupations, genetic characteristics, etc.

In recent years, there has been a significant increase (up to 70%) in mortality from coronary heart disease, the main cause of which is atherosclerosis. All this indicates the importance and relevance of the problem of atherosclerosis.

The leading role in the development of atherosclerosis belongs to disorders of lipid metabolism. In the blood plasma, lipids are combined with proteins and represent complex protein-lipid complexes (lipoproteins), which penetrate the arterial wall and cause the development of lipoidosis in it, the initial stage of atherosclerosis.

Lipid metabolism disorders in atherosclerosis are expressed in hyperlipidemia and hyperlipoproteinemia. At the same time, the content of not only cholesterol and triglycerides, but also phospholipids and their main fractions increases in the plasma of patients. Lipids are transported by the blood in the form of complexes with proteins - lipoproteins, among which there are very low density lipoproteins (pre-beta fractions), low density lipoproteins (beta fraction) and high density lipoproteins (alpha fraction).

According to the WHO classification, it is customary to distinguish 5 types of hyperlipoproteinemia: I, IIa, IIb, III, IV, V, characterized by a violation of the metabolism of certain lipoproteins. In practice, it is more common to meet with types IIa, IIb, IV. Hyperlipoproteinemia can change from one type to another under the influence of diet, weight changes and medication.

Type I: hyperchylomicronemia- the result of impaired lysis of chylomicrons. It is extremely rare, manifested in childhood by sudden colic in the upper abdomen, pancreatitis, hepatosplenomegaly. It is diagnosed on the basis of a high level of triglycerides in the blood serum, a decrease or complete absence of lipoprotein lipase activity, the presence of cloudy serum (milk), up to the color of a cream with a creamy layer over a clear serum when standing. Individuals with type I hyperlipoproteinemia do not develop atherosclerosis and do not experience coronary heart disease. As a secondary, this type of hyperlipoproteinemia can be observed in hypothyroidism, pancreatitis, alcoholism, diabetic acidosis.

Type II: hyper-beta-lipoproteinemia(synonyms: familial hypercholesterolemia, multiple tuberous xanthoma) divided into two subtypes - IIa and IIb.

Hyperlipoproteinemia IIa characterized by an increased content of low-density lipoproteins (beta-lipiproteins), with a normal content of very low-density lipoproteins (pre-betta-lipoproteins), due to a slowdown in the metabolism of low-density lipoproteins with the elimination of cholesterol. Manifested by early atherosclerosis (coronary sclerosis, myocardial infarction), xanthomatosis, coagulopathy. It occurs frequently, the content of cholesterol in the blood serum is from 7 to 13 mmol / l.

Its secondary form can be caused by excess dietary fat (cholesterol), hypothyroidism, liver disease, nephrotic syndrome, hypercalcemia, porphyria; the serum is transparent, may have a yellow-orange tint.

Hyperlipoproteinemia IIb characterized by an increased content of low and very low density lipoproteins. The diagnosis is made upon detection of elevated cholesterol, triglycerides, beta and pre-beta lipoproteins, reduced glucose tolerance. May accompany as a secondary form of diabetes mellitus, liver disease. The serum is clear or slightly cloudy.

Type III: dis-beta-lipoproteinemia(synonyms: familial hypercholesterolemia with hyperlipemia, “floating B-hyperlipoproteinemia”, carbohydrate-induced hyperlipemia), is caused by a slow metabolism of very low density lipoproteins, manifested by early atherosclerosis of many arteries, including the vessels of the lower extremities, obesity, diabetes, xanthomatosis.

It is characterized by an increased content of triglycerides and cholesterol, very low density lipoproteins, reduced glucose tolerance. The blood plasma is cloudier, with its condition sometimes a layer of chylomicrons emerges. The content of cholesterol and triglycerides is high from - 7.75 to 15.5 mmol / l.

Type IV: hyper-pre-beta lipoproteinemia(familial essential hyperlipemia, carbohydrate-induced lipemia), is characterized by an increased level of very low density lipoproteins (pre-betta lipoproteins) with a normal or reduced content of low density lipoproteins and the absence of chylomicrons. It is characterized by hyperinsulinism and an excess of carbohydrates in the diet, causing intensive synthesis of triglycerides in the liver.

It occurs frequently, manifested by atherosclerosis of the coronary and peripheral vessels, decreased glucose tolerance and hyperurinemia. Eruptive xanthomas are formed when the content of triglycerides in the blood is more than 17 mmol / l, they are easily resolved when the level of triglycerides is normalized. Often, hyperlipemia is combined with diabetes. As a secondary form, it accompanies glycogenosis, gout, alcoholism, Cushing's syndrome, hypofunction of the pituitary gland, diabetes, pancreatitis, impaired lipid digestion. Blood serum - from opalescent to very turbid, without change when standing.

Type V: hyperchylomicronemia and hyper-pre-beta-lipoproteinemia- characterized by an increased content of chylomicrons, triglycerides and pre-betta lipoproteins. Cholesterol levels are normal or slightly elevated, and lipoprotein lipase activity is often reduced. The blood plasma is usually cloudy: when it stands, a creamy layer emerges. The content of triglycerides often exceeds 5.65 mmol/l. Clinically manifested by obesity, pancreatitis, angiopathy, enlargement of the liver and spleen, sudden attacks of abdominal colic, often combined with diabetes.

In patients with atherosclerosis, the ratio of cholesterol esters to free cholesterol decreases due to an increase in the fraction of free cholesterol. The level of cholesterol depends on the content of fatty acids: the higher the level of saturated fatty acids, the higher the concentration of cholesterol, and the higher the content of unsaturated fatty acids, the lower the cholesterol level.

An important problem in the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis is the state of the vascular wall, which in this pathological process is not a passive substrate, but takes an active part in the form of a metabolic disorder of the basic substance and proteins (elastin, collagen) in the vascular wall itself. These changes can occur even in the early stages of the atherosclerotic process, preceding the accumulation of lipids in the arterial wall. Recently, the role of autoimmune disorders in the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis has been facilitated, in particular, the detection in the blood of patients of antibodies to structural antigens of the aorta affected by atherosclerosis, the formation of lipoprotein-antibody complexes.

The most common damage to the arteries by the atherosclerotic process is facilitated by:

a) the peculiarity of the blood supply of the vascular wall, which does not have capillaries;

b) a constant flow of blood containing lipoproteins, which creates special conditions for the accumulation of lipoproteins;

c) damaging effect on the vascular wall of cholesterol, which is released during the breakdown of lipoproteins;

d) hyperdynamic conditions in the arterial system, especially in the development of arterial hypertension.

Development of atherosclerosis

The development of atherosclerosis in patients proceeds at different rates and unevenly. As the pathological process progresses, the formation of atherosclerotic plaques, their ulceration, and the formation of thrombotic masses on the ulcerated surfaces occur. The process of thrombus formation is facilitated by the processes of hypercoagulation and inhibition of the anticoagulant function of the blood. Thrombi obliterating the lumen of the arteries may subsequently undergo recanalization. When obturation of the lumen of the vessel, signs of impaired blood supply appear.

During atherosclerosis, 3 stages are distinguished: ischemic, thrombonecrotic and sclerotic.

First stage characterized by insufficient blood supply to organs and tissues with reversible dystrophic changes in them and minor functional impairments.

In the second stage due to a pronounced violation of the blood supply, and often the development of thrombus formation, foci of degeneration and necrosis are formed.

In the third stage in the affected organs, as a result of degenerative-necrotic changes, the development of scar connective tissue occurs. Each stage can be manifested by the corresponding clinical symptoms. There are different transitions between stages. The clinical picture of atherosclerosis is determined by the predominant localization of the process, the stage of the disease, the presence of factors that aggravate the course of the disease (arterial hypertension, thrombosis).

atherosclerosis of the aorta. Most often, atherosclerosis is localized in the arterial system - the aorta and large trunks extending from it. Clinical symptoms appear as large branches of the aorta are involved in a process that disrupts the function of the corresponding organs and systems. One of the characteristic signs of atherosclerosis of the ascending aorta or its arch is symptomatic hypertension. Atherosclerotic hypertension characterized by a significant increase in systolic pressure with normal or, rarely, reduced diastolic pressure.

With narrowing of the mouths of the left carotid and innominate arteries, symptoms associated with impaired blood supply to the brain and upper limbs (aortic arch syndrome) are observed. At the same time, headache, dizziness, tinnitus are noted. When moving from a horizontal to a vertical position or with sharp turns of the head, fainting may occur. Often, during physical work, weakness and pain in the upper limbs are noted.

The pulse on the radial artery of the affected side weakens. At the same time, there may be a difference in blood pressure between the affected and healthy arm. Often during auscultation, a systolic murmur of varying intensity is heard, especially when the hands are raised or laid on the back of the head.

Most often, atherosclerosis is localized in the abdominal aorta. Symptoms of atherosclerosis of the abdominal aorta are determined by the severity and localization of the atherosclerotic process, damage to the branches of the abdominal aorta, and the presence of thrombosis. With the disintegration of atherosclerotic plaques, rejecting hypermatous masses can close the lumen of the arterial branches. In the case of localization of atherosclerotic plaques in the area of ​​the aortic bifurcation or in the iliac arteries, there is a syndrome of intermittent claudication, a weakening of the pulsation of the femoral and popliteal arteries. One of the complications of atherosclerosis of the aorta is the development of an aneurysm due to the death of elastic and muscle fibers.

With an aneurysm of the ascending aorta, aortalgia is a common symptom - prolonged pain, aching or pressing, gradually arising and subsiding. An aneurysm of the aortic arch can be caused by narrowing of the carotid, innominate and subclavian arteries, paralysis of the left vocal cord, manifested by hoarseness, compression of the bronchus with the development of atelectasis. Aneurysm of the descending thoracic aorta is manifested by signs of compression of the esophagus, pain in the chest, back.

When the inner and middle membranes of the aorta are ruptured, the blood entering the place of the tear peels off the inner layers from the outer ones. Clinically, a dissecting aneurysm is manifested by sudden severe pain behind the sternum, in the back, in the epigastric region (depending on location), shortness of breath, a drop in blood pressure, and agitation. Subsequently, there is an increase in temperature, leukocytosis, anemia. Radiographically, with atherosclerosis of the aorta, its expansion and lengthening are usually noted. Characteristic is the presence of calcium deposits in the wall in the form of a marginal border.

Atherosclerosis of the mesenteric vessels most often manifested by pain in the upper abdomen, usually occurring in the late hours after eating. Pain duration from several minutes to 1 hour. They are often accompanied by bloating, constipation, and belching. Unlike pain in peptic ulcer disease, they are less prolonged, are not removed after taking soda, and can disappear after taking nitroglycerin. Objectively, there is bloating, weakening or absence of peristalsis, slight tension in the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall, moderate pain on palpation in the upper abdomen. This symptom complex is designated as abdominal toad and occurs due to a mismatch between the need for blood supply to the digestive organs and the amount of blood flowing to them.

One of the complications of atherosclerosis is the development of thrombosis in the mesenteric vessels. It occurs suddenly, there are constant sharp diffuse or wandering pains in the abdomen, more often in the navel, nausea, repeated vomiting of bile, retention of stool and gases. Vomit and feces may contain blood. The general condition of the patient is disturbed, the collaptoid state often develops, the temperature rises moderately. When used objectively, attention is drawn to the discrepancy between the intensity of the pain syndrome and mild symptoms from the abdomen. Thrombosis of mesenteric vessels often ends with gangrene of the intestine with the appearance of symptoms of peritonitis.

Atherosclerosis of the renal arteries . The main clinical sign is symptomatic arterial hypertension. When thrombosis of the renal arteries occurs, pain in the abdomen and lower back appears. They come on suddenly and last from a few hours to a few days. There may be dyspeptic symptoms in the form of nausea and vomiting. Protein, erythrocytes are often found in the urine. Blood pressure increases with thrombosis of the renal arteries.

Atherosclerosis of the vessels of the lower extremities. The main symptom is pain in the legs or one leg that occurs when walking. The pain is paroxysmal in nature and is localized most often in the calf muscles, foot, less often in the thigh. Patients are forced to stop, after which the pain subsides (intermittent claudication). Another symptom is chilliness of the extremities, paresthesia. On examination, the affected limb is colder, there is a change in skin color (pallor with a marble tint), dryness and thinning of it.

In later stages, trophic ulcers are detected on the toes, heels, and anterior surface of the lower leg, i.e., signs of dry and wet gangrene. When feeling the arteries of the lower extremities, a sharp weakening or absence of pulsation is determined.

Methods of treatment for atherosclerosis

In atherosclerosis, treatment should be comprehensive and include general hygienic measures: normalization of the work and rest regime, elimination of the risk factor, proper diet, normalization of the function of the neurohormonal apparatus and the appointment of drugs that normalize lipid metabolism. Of particular importance is a rational diet. The basic principle is to reduce the total calorie content of food at the expense of animal fats and foods containing cholesterol. Partial replacement of animal fats with vegetable fats (less than 300 mg), restriction of the introduction of carbohydrates, sodium chloride is recommended. Be sure to include in the diet foods containing unsaturated fatty acids. The food of patients with atherosclerosis should contain a sufficient amount of vitamins, mineral salts. With a tendency to obesity, it is advisable to prescribe fasting days 1-2 times a week using dairy and fruit dishes.

In order to lower cholesterol levels are used:

1. drugs that inhibit the absorption of exogenous cholesterol, -B-sitosterol 6-9 g per day for a long time, cholestyramine (Questran) 12-15 g each, disponin 300 mg per day in courses of 10 days for 1.5 months;

2. drugs that inhibit the synthesis of endogenous cholesterol - cetamiphene (fenexol) 1.5 g per day for 1-1.5 months, and clofibrate (miscleron, atromid C) 1.5 g for 1-3 months;

3. drugs that increase the content of phospholipids (meteonic, choline);

4. preparations of unsaturated fatty acids - linethol 1-1.5 st. l. before meals courses for 1-1.5 months, arachidene 10-20 drops 2 times a day.

Reduction of cholesterol in the blood, as well as a positive clinical effect on the course of atherosclerosis, have estrogens (folliculin, estradiol), thyroidin. Patients with atherosclerosis are advised to prescribe vitamins (ascorbic acid, vitamins B1, B6, B12, B15, vitamin E). Of particular importance is ascorbic acid, which helps to remove cholesterol from the body.

Allikor, allikor 150, allikor extra, alisat, alisat-super, alisat extra, alisat 150, 1 tablet contains 150-300 mg of garlic powder, reduces cholesterol and triglycerides in plasma in hyperlipidemia, slows down the development of atherosclerosis, promotes the resorption of existing plaques, lowers blood sugar and blood pressure, prevents platelet aggregation, normalizes increased blood clotting, promotes lysis of fresh blood clots. Take orally, without chewing, with plenty of water, 1 tablet (capsule) 2 times a day (the interval between doses should not exceed 12 hours).

allitera, 1 capsule contains a mixture (1:1 ratio) of garlic extract and sea buckthorn oil 500 mg, reduces platelet aggregation, normalizes blood pressure, reduces blood lipid levels (type II hyperlipidemia). Take inside. In the first week, 2 capsules are prescribed 3 times a day, then 1 capsule 3 times a day. Take for a long time.

Betinat, 1 tablet contains freeze-dried beet juice 150 mg. Has anti-atherosclerotic action. It suppresses the accumulation of cholesterol in the vascular wall and the growth of atherosclerotic plaque, has a prolonged effect due to the slow release of beetroot particles from the polymeric environment of the tablet. Take orally 1 tablet 2 times a day (the interval between doses should not exceed 12 hours). The duration of treatment is not limited.

Veteron, Veteron E, Veteron-TK, contains beta-carotene 20 mg, ascorbic acid and alpha-tocopherol acetate 8 mg each, reduces the activity of lipid peroxidation, reduces blood cholesterol, normalizes the ratio of high and low density lipoproteins. In atherosclerosis, it reduces myocardial hypoxia. Take 0.25-0.75 ml 1 time per day after meals.

Lipoic acid regulates lipid metabolism, including cholesterol. It is taken orally after meals - 0.025-0.05 g 2-3 times a day, the course is 20-30 days.

Lovakor indicated for hypercholesterolemia, taken orally with meals. The initial dose is 10-20 mg in the evening, if necessary, the dose is increased, but not earlier than after 4 weeks; the maximum daily dose is 80 mg in 1-2 doses (morning and evening). With atherosclerosis - 20-80 mg per day in 1-2 doses.

Magnerot (magnesium orotate) indicated for atherosclerosis, hyperlipidemia. Take orally, with a small amount of liquid. The first week - 2 tablets. 3 times a day, then - 1 tablet 2-3 times a day for 6 weeks (not less).

Plavix used to prevent ischemic disorders (myocardial infarction, stroke, thrombosis, peripheral arteries) in patients with atherosclerosis. Inside, 1 tablet 1 time per day, regardless of the meal.

Lipostabil reduces the elevated level of lipids in the blood, mobilizes cholesterol and promotes its removal from the walls of the arteries, reduces atherosclerotic vascular damage. Enter intravenously, slowly. For dilution, only sugar solutions (glucose, levulose) or the patient's own blood are used. At the beginning of treatment, 10-20 ml is administered daily for 2-4 weeks. Additionally, before meals, take 2 capsules of the drug 3 times a day. Maintenance therapy - 2 capsules 3 times a day for 12 weeks.

Along with hypocholesterolemic drugs, it is advisable to use anticoagulants (heparin) due to the increased activity of the coagulation and inhibition of the anticoagulant blood system in atherosclerosis. A drug that lowers cholesterol and promotes plasma clearing is an atheroid belonging to the group of genorinoids.

atheroid is applied orally at 600 mg for a long time.

Vitrum aterolithin, 1 coated tablet contains vitamins A, E, C, B1, B6, B12, oat bran, psyllium powder, soy lecithin, yeast, fish oil. Regulates lipid metabolism, reduces the risk of atherosclerosis. Applied for the purpose of prevention, 1-2 tablets 1-3 times a day.


To reduce the absorption of cholesterol and limit its penetration into the vascular endothelium, fees can be prescribed:

Collection number 1

rosehip cinnamon (fruits) - 15 g;
marsh cudweed (grass) - 10 g;
birch drooping (leaves) - 10 g;
peppermint (herb) - 10 g;
sowing carrots (fruits) - 10 g;
eleutherococcus prickly (root) - 15 g;
holly cassia (fruits and leaves) - 10 g;
kidney tea (herb) - 10 g;
burdock (roots) - 10 g.

Take as an infusion, 1/3-1/2 cup 3 times a day after meals.

Collection number 2

seaweed - 10 g;
blood-red hawthorn (fruits) - 15 g;
lingonberry (leaves) - 10 g;
chokeberry (fruits) - 15 g;
tripartite string (grass) - 10 g;
common motherwort (grass) - 10 g;
chamomile (flowers) - 10 g;
corn columns with stigmas - 10 g;
buckthorn brittle (bark) - 10 g.

Take 1/3-1/2 cup of infusion after meals 3 times a day.

Collection number 3

hawthorn flowers - 15 g;
horsetail herb - 15 g;
white mistletoe grass - 15 g;
ground hawthorn leaves - 15 g;
yarrow grass - 30 g.

1 glass of infusion is taken in sips throughout the day. Course treatment is recommended for 1.5-2 months with breaks of 1-2 months.

Regulates the content of cholesterol collection:

arnica flowers - 5 g;
yarrow grass - 20 g;
St. John's wort - 25 g.

1 glass of infusion is drunk during the day in sips.

With hypertension and angiospasm, in order to normalize vascular permeability, it is recommended to collect:

cumin fruits - 10 g;
small periwinkle leaves - 10 g;
hawthorn root - 20 g;
white mistletoe grass - 30 g.

Take 2 cups of infusion per day.

Dyslipoproteinemia and vascular wall permeability are positively affected by the collection of:

wild strawberry - 5 g;
horsetail herb - 10 g;
St. John's wort grass - 10 g;
coltsfoot leaves - 10 g;
marsh cudweed grass - 30 g;
dill seeds - 20 g;
motherwort grass - 30 g.

Take 2/3 cup of infusion 3 times a day before meals. The course of treatment is 1.5-2 months.

Dishes made from onion, garlic, chokeberry, hawthorn, seaweed, wheat bran, yeast, apricot, bee products have an anti-sclerotic effect.

Tincture of garlic 20 drops 2-3 times a day; alcohol extract from onions - 20-30 drops 3 times a day for 3-4 weeks. Fresh garlic should be consumed 2-3 cloves daily.

Collection of herbs that lowers cholesterol in the blood:

white birch (leaf) - 2 parts;
hawthorn (berries) - 1 part;
three-leaf watch (grass) - 1 part;
oregano (herb) - 1 part;
St. John's wort (grass) - 3 parts;
flax (seed) - 1 part;
string (grass) - 2 parts;
motherwort (grass) - 1 part;
wild rose (berry) - 1 part.

Preparation: 2 tbsp. l. mixture pour 500 ml of boiling water. Insist in a thermos. Take 100 mg 2-3 times a day 15 minutes before meals. The course of treatment is 2 months, a break of 2 weeks, 3 courses per year.

red beet juice - 200 g;
carrot juice - 200 g;
horseradish juice - 200 g;
lemon juice - 1 pc.;
honey - 250 g.

Take 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day before meals or 2-3 hours after meals with water (to get juice, grated horseradish is infused with water for 36 hours). The course of treatment is 2 months.

With atherosclerosis, take collection No. 1:

rosehip - 300 g;
motherwort - 300 g;
plantain - 300 g;
sage - 100 g;
string - 200 g;
field horsetail - 300 g;
chamomile - 500 g;
buckthorn - 50 g;
nettle - 200 g.

2 tbsp. l. brew in 500 ml of boiling water. Take 100-150 g 3 times a day 15 minutes before meals.

Collection No. 1a for atherosclerosis with hypertension:

cudweed - 200 g;
hawthorn - 200 g;
rosehip - 300 g;
motherwort - 300 g;
plantain - 300 g;
sage - 100 g;
string - 200 g;
field horsetail - 300 g;
chamomile - 500 g;
buckthorn - 50 g;
nettle - 200 g.

2 tbsp. l. for 500 ml of boiling water. Take 100 ml 3 times a day 15 minutes before meals.

There are primary and secondary prevention of atherosclerosis. The primary one is aimed at preventing the development of the disease, and the secondary one is aimed at preventing various complications of atherosclerosis and its progression.

Primary prevention includes measures aimed at organizing the correct work and rest regimen, rational nutrition, eliminating the main risk factors (overweight, smoking), identifying and treating diseases that contribute to the development of atherosclerosis (hypertension, diabetes mellitus).

The information contained on the pages of the portal is provided for informational purposes only and cannot serve as a basis for making a diagnosis. Information is not responsible for any diagnosis made by the user based on the materials of this site. If you have any questions regarding your health, always consult your doctor.