
Quotes about loneliness are short. Sad statuses about loneliness

A person gets used to being alone, but break this loneliness for even a day and you will have to get used to it again.

We are all, to some extent, doomed to loneliness. It hits each of us at some point.

Many smart women are single only because they lack the gumption to hide their intelligence.

There is no need to be afraid of LONELINESS, those living in a crowded rapid... it allows us to gather our THOUGHTS and be alone with our CONSCIENCE...

Cold. There are blizzards in the shower. Apparently, the prophecy of fate came true... Nightingales recently sang in the heart, And now... - complete loneliness...

Bitter coffee, strong cigarettes and empty loneliness... all my plans for this night

Loneliness, physical and mental, gives rise to melancholy, and melancholy further intensifies loneliness.

I was always terribly afraid of being someone's wife, because life taught me that one person cannot love another completely, truly.

Knowing yourself comes with knowing loneliness.

Love... love is an inexplicable thing, sometimes you think I can’t live without this person, and sometimes you need to be alone... and the mood, it changes quickly and strangely...

Whoever does not like loneliness does not like freedom, because only in solitude can one be truly free.

Dummy people gather in flocks. Loneliness is like death for them. The rulers of the world look down on everyone and strive for privacy. I don’t belong to either one or the other, and I take loneliness for granted.

I don’t want a thousand nights, dark as a feral she-wolf, where again I’m alone, again I fall asleep, having drunk a cup of bitter wine...

Once you learn to enjoy being alone... you stop depending on people...

Many women get married because they are tired of spending evenings alone. and many women get divorced because they are tired of spending evenings alone %%%% There are two types of lonely evenings: When no one needs you. And when you don't need anyone...

Nobody understands how difficult it is to squeeze out a smile and seem strong when you are really in pain and want to be pitied... Single @

Love not only yourself. The biggest punishment for an egoist is loneliness!

Loneliness makes us more callous towards ourselves and more nostalgic for people: in both cases it improves character.

It's hard to hold on to your loved one when they're never around.

When I'm alone. It seems to me that I am completely alone. And, when I'm with people. I don't think so. I know that for sure

Where sincerity ends, loneliness begins.

Loneliness is not caused by the absence of people around, but by the inability to talk with people about what seems important to you, or the unacceptability of your views to others.

You can’t hide from a good life on the Internet all day long :-(

I know what loneliness is: A bitten piece of chocolate, a cup of strong coffee, music that already hurts my ears, an unbearable emptiness in the depths of my soul and tears in my eyes.

There are things that are better to do alone, and we really appreciate them, because it is in these moments that you can truly rest your soul...

Girl, do you have a boyfriend? I again involuntarily lower my eyes and shudder, as always, from this question... - No, I don’t have a boyfriend... - Then maybe? -...There is no boyfriend, but there is a loved one. With all my heart. To your fingertips. Until every breath. Can't, sorry...

There was one good idea. But she died of loneliness and melancholy

Thanks babochke for the inspiration. I want to be not alone, I want to forget about prophecies, I want to completely forget what is written, I want to start with a clean autumn slate... I don’t want to pretend... I want to be, and not seem...

He who does not like loneliness does not like freedom

Loneliness is a state that you have no one to tell about.

If you feel bad alone, then others are unlikely to feel good with you.

A wise person does not grieve about what does not exist, he rejoices in the present.

I even look for solitude sometimes, but... I can’t even imagine this state. © Alla Pugacheva

It’s not demographics that are to blame for the fact that there are so many single women. The prince does not come according to schedule. We need to show off less!)))

If you are unhappy with your role in life, Then do not be afraid to destroy the prophecy of fate... Because it is better to live in complete solitude, Than together with one-sided love...

I never experience loneliness - loneliness tests me.

The soul suddenly became empty. This is no one's fault. This is how feelings die...

Sometimes, the person who smiles during the day is torn with sadness at night.

It's fucked up when you keep other people's secrets, listen to your friends' snot, help your loved ones... and at that moment when you yourself feel bad - you sit alone, listen to music and don't even know who to talk to...

Stop for a moment and look around before it’s too late, and you will see next to you... and what you deserve, you will see...)))

Sadness is an exquisite drink with a delicate bouquet, which is best savored in complete solitude, away from prying eyes.

Loneliness is repulsive. It is shrouded in sadness and cannot arouse either interest or sympathy in people. A person is ashamed of his loneliness. But to one degree or another, loneliness is everyone’s lot. © Charlie Chaplin

loneliness is still better than the company of people who are rotten to the core.

Loneliness is a unique phenomenon that arouses the interest of others...

A woman shouldn't be lonely. Whatever she is, it is simply vital for her to love someone...

I am a mother, and a mother is never lonely. © Catherine Deneuve

DON'T LEAVE ME WITH ME...alone with broken dreams, I'll lose this fight, now I'm like origami...withdrew into myself...there you are too...and sometimes the blood runs cold inside...but in the midst of a world of vanity...DON'T LEAVE ME WITH ME...

Lose your head with love and desire... This is much better than living your life in rational solitude...

Nothing relieves loneliness more than schizophrenia.

I believe in you. A string of past days bit by bit, Like water through your fingers: Joy, anxiety, trouble... I sadly count the losses, I closed all the doors, And I don’t want to open them. I believe in you, loneliness...

quotes about loneliness with meaning.
Loneliness is a feeling or sensation, i.e. emotion. Being one of the states of the soul, it can be both joyful and sad, desired and hated.
Each person is unique in the world, because there are no identical people in nature, even if they are twins. Consequently, the sensation or feeling of loneliness is a normal natural phenomenon; with a healthy psyche, it does not cause trouble and is not grief. A person is self-sufficient and can live alone, but for how long?
Read, loneliness has many faces, reflect and extract the most useful things from everything:

Rams gather in a herd, lions stay apart. Antoine de Rivarol.

A great man is like an eagle: the higher he flies, the less visible he is; for his greatness he is punished by spiritual loneliness. Stendhal.

All living things die alone. Erlend Lu. In the power of women.

Anyone who loves solitude, either - wild beast, or - Lord God. Cecilia Ahern.

To be together. Just be together. But this is difficult, very difficult, and not only for schizophrenics and holy fools. It’s difficult for everyone to open up, believe, give, count, endure, understand. It’s so difficult that sometimes the prospect of dying from loneliness doesn’t seem like the worst option. George Bernard Shaw.

If he doesn't call, you just need to stop thinking about him. That's all you have to do. It's that simple. Frederick Beigbeder.

There is a reason for my loneliness - I feel calmer this way. Bertrand Russell.

To have so much content within yourself that you do not need society is already great happiness because almost all of our suffering comes from society, and peace of mind, which after health constitutes the most essential element of our happiness, is endangered in every society, and therefore impossible without a certain measure of loneliness. Rabbi Elimelik.

“... He who is lonely will not be abandoned.” Ernest Hemingway.

Every society first of all requires mutual adaptation and humiliation, and therefore the greater it is, the more vulgar it is. Each person can be completely himself only while he is alone. Therefore, whoever does not like loneliness also does not like freedom, for a person is free only when he is alone. Coercion is an inseparable companion of every society; Every society requires sacrifices, which turn out to be more difficult the more significant one’s personality is. Arthur Schopenhauer.

There is so much beauty in art! He who remembers everything he saw will never be left without food for thought, will never be truly alone. Vincent Van Gogh.

When you are lonely, it does not mean that you are weak. It means you are strong enough to wait for what you deserve. Max Fry. Chimera nests.

He who does not like loneliness does not like freedom. A. Schopenhauer.

It's better to live with a psychopath who will break your heart than to sit at home and swear at the TV. Osho (Bhagwan Shri Rajneesh). About a woman.

What makes people sociable is their inability to tolerate loneliness—that is, themselves. Whitney Houston.

Most inclined and best prepared for self-awareness... is a person who feels alone, i.e. one who, either by character, under the influence of fate, or as a result of both, was left alone with himself and his problems, who managed in this devastating loneliness to meet himself, to see a person in his own “I”, and behind his own problems - a universal human problems... In the chilling atmosphere of loneliness, a person inevitably turns into a question for himself. Martin Buber.

No one can take me away from me. Anton Pavlovich Chekhov. Ward №6

Most strong people and the most lonely. G. Ibsen.

Doesn't loneliness bother you? And I have fish. Since childhood I have loved fish in the aquarium because they are silent. Mark Levy. Where are you?

There is no sound louder than the silence of the telephone. Yehuda Berg. Rules of spiritual relationships.

There is no greater temptation for chastity than loneliness. Luc de Clapier Vauvenargues.

There is no loneliness worse than loneliness in a crowd... White Oleander.

Wisdom often entails loneliness. It is good for a sage to be alone, in his own company, alone with his thoughts, but a true sage does not turn away from people, revolving in the very thick of life, even though his happiness lies in peace. Ali Absheroni.

There is no worse loneliness than being alone alone. Jeff Noon. Pollen.

There is no person more lonely than the one who has outlived his beloved.

But he was lonely. Nobody wrote him letters. Didn't come to visit. Completely alone. Happier than man I don't think I've seen it.

Solitude is the natural refuge of all thinkers: it inspires all poets, it creates artists, it inspires geniuses. J. Lacordaire.

Loneliness - normal condition person. Learn to put up with him. Its imperceptible action builds the temple of your soul.

Loneliness is a state that you have no one to tell about. Louis Wise.

People are capable of being alone provided that they know how to coexist with themselves. But if a person, for one reason or another, lacks a strong and safe sense of his own Self, then in loneliness he acutely feels both his own and the surrounding emptiness. The feeling of loneliness initially comes from a feeling of inner emptiness, which is a direct consequence of cutting off one's feelings. Alexander Lowen.

Loneliness is the lot of all outstanding minds. A. Schopenhauer.

Loneliness is not the solution to the problem. It is not your life that should be isolated, but your thoughts.

Loneliness is not caused by the absence of people around, but by the inability to talk with people about what seems important to you, or the unacceptability of your views to others. Henry David Thoreau.

Loneliness is tormenting, and company is tiring. Ernst Heine.

Eagles fly alone, rams graze in herds. Sydney.

The fallen angel betrayed God, probably because he wanted loneliness, which angels do not know. Mikhail Mikhailovich Mamchich.

Sometimes it seems to me that silence and loneliness are the only real treasures in this world. Francis Bacon.

The companion of glory is loneliness. Arthur Schopenhauer.

Anyone who can be happy alone is a real person. If your happiness depends on others, then you are a slave, you are not free, you are in bondage. Philip Sidney.

Solitude is for the soul what a starvation diet is for the body: it is sometimes necessary, but disastrous if it lasts too long. Luc de Vauvenargues.

To be able to endure solitude and enjoy it is a great gift. Erich Maria Remarque. Arc de Triomphe.

smart people do not so much seek solitude as they avoid the fuss created by fools. Faina Georgievna Ranevskaya.

A smart person surrounds himself with fools so that he can be alone. Don Aminado.

Uniqueness always goes hand in hand with loneliness.

A person with a good book in his hands can never be lonely. Carlo Goldoni.

Only the simplest things console. Water, breath, evening rain. Only those who are lonely understand this. Edgar Allan Poe.

In the morning people are completely different. They are lonelier in the morning. In this cold and damp air. In the evening, people get together, drink cognac, play chess, listen to music and say that it is wonderful. At night they make love or sleep. But in the morning... Before breakfast... You are completely alone.

A person is strong when he becomes lonely. A loner is responsible only for himself. In a crowd, an individual is doomed to live by the opinion of the crowd... the herd! But the best thoughts are still born in tragic loneliness. Carl Gustav Jung.

To a person who stands tall mentally, loneliness brings two benefits: firstly, to be with oneself and, secondly, not to be with others. You will appreciate this last benefit highly when you realize how much coercion, burden and even danger every acquaintance entails. Arthur SchopenhauAer.

The higher a person rises, the more lonely he becomes. Arthur Schopenhauer.

I zip up all the zippers inside myself. Zemfira Ramazanova.

I've finally come to terms with the fact that not having friends is not a crime. Having no friends just means you have less problems. John Fowles.

I have never met a partner as sociable as loneliness.

I'm a loner. Many great people were loners: Goethe, Marx, Schiller, Tom and Jerry were also loners, but now please go away, I feel better alone. Anna Gavalda. Just together.

I'm drowning alone, and for the first time in my life I feel like I won't be able to swim out. Donnie Darko.

I'm alone here! If there is anyone else, we will be two or two... or three three... Will Smith.

Section topic: beautiful quotes, words of wisdom, about loneliness with meaning.

Voluntary loneliness, withdrawal from other people is the most common type of protection from suffering that arises in relationships between people. It is clear what kind of happiness can be achieved in this way - the happiness of peace.
Sigmund Freud

You are not alone in your loneliness.
Ashley Brilliant

To be able to endure solitude and enjoy it is a great gift.
George Bernard Shaw

If someone is alone, this does not mean that he is thereby lonely, just as if someone is in a crowd, this does not mean that he is not alone.

When lonely people talk to each other, they feel even more lonely.
Lillian Hellman

Loneliness is most pleasant if you have someone to share it with.

Adding two loneliness results in even greater loneliness.
Pedro Luis

It is not good for a person to be alone.
Old Testament - Genesis 2:18

It is not good for a person to be alone. But, Lord, what a relief this is!
John Barrymore

The only thing worse than living alone is the desire to live alone.
Bob Steele

Solitude is for the soul what a starvation diet is for the body: it is sometimes necessary, but disastrous if it lasts too long.
Luc de Vauvenargues

It's good to be free when you're not alone.
Erich Maria Remarque

Not only is loneliness impossible, but it is also almost impossible to choose your own company.
Elizabeth Bowen

True home privacy is only possible in the heart of London.
Charl Lamb

Others try to love so as not to feel lonely, just as timid people sing in the dark so as to be less afraid.
Etienne Rey

I am a mother, and a mother is never lonely.
Catherine Deneuve

Lonely people talk to themselves, and often continue to do so in company.
Mason Cooley

The most beloved creature in the world is a lonely woman's cat.
Lydia Yasinskaya

One of the forms of loneliness is when there is no one to share your memories with.
Phyllis Rose

We come into the world alone and leave it alone.
James Froude

Why should I feel alone? Isn't our planet in the Milky Way?
Henry David Thoreau

If there are so many lonely people around, it would be unforgivably selfish to be lonely alone.
Tennessee Williams

Solitude is the natural refuge of all thinkers: it inspires all poets, it creates artists, it inspires geniuses.
J. Lacordaire

Loneliness is the main cause of both marriages and divorces.
V. Zubkov

Loneliness is sometimes the best company.
D. Milton

Loneliness is the lot of all outstanding minds.
A. Schopenhauer

Loneliness is as necessary for the mind as abstinence in food is for the body, and just as disastrous if it lasts too long.
L. Vauvenargues

Big city - big loneliness.
Ancient aphorism

Driven by loneliness to people,
I come to loneliness again -
For, besides my thoughts,
I have never met another friend.
Lope de Vega

When we are alone, we are least alone.
D. Byron

Alone, a person is either a saint or a devil.
R. Burton

The tragedy is not that you are alone, but that you cannot be alone.
Albert Camus

If you are afraid of loneliness, then don't get married.
A. Chekhov

People who cannot stand being alone are usually completely unbearable in company.
A. Guinon

How terrible life is in this shackle
We have to languish alone.
Everyone is ready to share the fun:
Nobody wants to share the sadness.
M. Lermontov

He who does not like loneliness does not like freedom.
A. Schopenhauer

To live alone, you must either be like God in many ways, or like cattle in everything.
B. Gracian

Without a certain degree of loneliness, development is impossible higher powers mind.

And the masses may feel alone.
E. Lec

In general, outstanding people live alone. Their superiority isolates them: it is both the cause and the effect of their loneliness.
K. Bovey

The man is not alone! Someone is watching him.
E. Lec

The strongest people are also the most lonely.
G. Ibsen

Dreamers are lonely.
E. Bombeck

Many girls got married so as not to spend evenings alone, and got divorced for the same reason.
Author unknown

If a person is lonely, it means he is strong. Weak people are always drawn to people like them.

Sometimes it comes - it becomes sad, I don’t suffer at all, it doesn’t hurt me, but you left and my heart became empty.

Loneliness is what it is state of mind when there are a lot of people around you, everyone is having fun, talking, laughing and having fun, but you are sad...

We are all lonely, but in different ways. Some more, some less. People are ashamed of their feelings because they evoke neither sympathy nor interest. But, one way or another, everyone is susceptible to loneliness.

Best status:
Infinitely lonely people cause the same endless sadness and melancholy. Sometimes you want to go up to such a person and just hug him, so that your soul becomes more cheerful.

“How many people in the world are lonely like me?” – Everyone thinks at least once while looking out the window. It’s a pity that the moon cannot answer us, because just like people, it is alone.

The law of loneliness: if you are sad alone, your sadness will triple; if you are sad with a friend, your sadness will disappear without a trace.

It can be sad in spring and summer, should I drink something? The apartment is empty...

When the most beloved, dear person to you... is very far from you... and you miss him madly... for me this is... - loneliness...

Do you love freedom?! Free!

I don’t feel my heart, I don’t feel my hand... I decided so myself, silence is my friend... It would be better if I sinned... Loneliness is torment...

There are five of us... Me and four walls...

Loneliness is when you are and when you seem to be absent.

People often remain lonely because instead of building bridges, they build walls.

You are sitting on a chair with a straight back, and your soul lies next to you in a lump, tightly hugging your knees with your arms, like a wounded but faithful dog

I’m not looking for anyone, I don’t regret anyone, I don’t love anyone, I don’t suffer, I don’t believe... I don’t call anyone, I don’t forgive anyone, I don’t owe anyone - so I don’t promise...

I know what loneliness is: A bitten piece of chocolate, a cup of strong coffee, music that already hurts my ears, an unbearable emptiness in the depths of my soul and tears in my eyes...

Signs, questions...who are we with...cry of loneliness...

Loneliness is when you are going crazy, and there is no one to even tell you about it...

I am lonely, and you are lonely... But we will not take a single step towards meeting each other.

How tired I am of hearing “I want you,” I so want to hear “I want to be with you!”

I'm alone! Why do I need someone? I'll be touchy again! All efforts are fruitless, thank you all! Everyone is FREE

There's a pair of each creature. Where is my creature?!

I'm lonely... and for some reason I like...

Dummy people gather in flocks. Loneliness is like death for them. The rulers of the world look down on everyone and strive for privacy. I don’t belong to either one or the other, and I take loneliness for granted.

I love the music of rain when my heart is lonely...

I'm alone. Why do I need someone? I'll be lonely again. All efforts are fruitless. Thanks everyone. Everyone is free

Every morning she makes me hot sandwiches. I gently whisper to her, “I’m already on my way, I’m on my way... Now.” But she never understands me. Maybe because it's a microwave?

Alone and lonely are two completely different concepts. You can also be lonely at a noisy party. And this is a state of mind

It's nice to experience loneliness when you're in love with someone, even if it's not mutual. This develops imagination. Only in solitude can a person show his true nature

Loneliness consumes the soul when our dearest and dearest leaves us. close person. Then we become like animals driven into a cage. We start throwing ourselves at the walls and howling at the moon

Loneliness is a kind of absolute. The only one that exists. Everything else is a figment of our imagination, an illusion.

Sometimes you want to wrap yourself in a warm blanket, take out an old photo album and listen to the rain outside the window. Fight loneliness! Go outside, run through puddles and you will see a rainbow

I'm not lonely because I have a bad character. I'm lonely because I think outside the box

And I had no idea that parting would hurt so much...

Beautiful girls are never alone, but they are often lonely...

I have nowhere to go, I destroyed my world,

Loneliness is when there is a telephone in the house and the alarm clock is ringing :)

We parted, but every minute I cherish your image near my heart. I haven’t stopped loving, and for the life of me I can’t believe this separation...

When I find myself alone, I feel the savor of life... And there is no way to tell the annoying voice that tells me to work...

Loneliness is when you wake up from a call in the middle of the night, you are glad that suddenly someone needs you, but all your expectations are dashed by the phrase “Sorry, I just got the wrong number.”

Loneliness is when you hear the clock ticking? No! Loneliness is when it rains and there is no one to hug you..

I will marry a can of coffee and will always be cheerful and happy. my lover will be an mp3 player, the record holder for the number of music lover orgasms brought to me

Loneliness is when you hear the clock ticking? No! Loneliness is when it rains and there is no one to hug you

Don’t look at me as your Highness, save me from loneliness...

I’m alone... in the whole world... I’m so lonely among you... you are unhappy people... who don’t understand... all of life... because life is a lie...

Don't be jealous of my loneliness. I don't understand this jealousy. Sometimes a person wants to be alone, alone...

It's better to be unknown but happy in love than brilliant but lonely

Loneliness is when you respond to spam and add it to your contact list

For some, loneliness is when they are unloved, someone is lonely because they have no friends, and I am lonely when you are not around...

I'm so alone at this hour that I want to die.

Love is when the heart beats faster, and separation is when every minute it seems that it is about to stop...

Loneliness is when there are a lot of people around, but you cannot fully appreciate any of them...

There are 100 contacts in the phone, but there is no one to call... There are 500 friends in contact, but you don’t know who to write to...

There’s emptiness in my heart, as if I’m alone in the world...

Are you lonely? Don't miss the opportunity to enjoy the company of an intelligent person

Loneliness - in 4 corners you look for the fifth.

Deep loneliness is when you walk down the street in the evening, and even mosquitoes don’t bite you...

Breaking up doesn't always mean the end. Sometimes it's just a discovery new page in life

The soul suddenly became empty. This is no one's fault. This is how feelings die...

I'm so alone at this hour that I want to die. I have nowhere to go, I have destroyed my world, Only a candle cries for me at the cold dawn..

Loneliness is happiness because then we don’t know lies, betrayal, fear of losing a loved one, we just live for ourselves(

The moon and the sun came together on my horizon. Day and night have changed places. I live, I breathe, but not with you....

I sat and looked at the sky... there was one cloud there... and I realized that it was me...

loneliness is when only shampoo spies on you in the bath

He hugged her tightly and tried to feel that wonderful aroma of perfume that had emanated from her before. But I only felt the bitter smell of cigarettes, alcohol and loneliness...

nothing screams louder than silence...

But she was happy, And didn’t know any tears at all... Through pain and screaming: “I’m strong!” She whispered: “I’m tired...”

Loneliness is when you know exactly who screwed up in the kitchen

When you're lonely, you even have sex with yourself. Every lonely person can invent his own world, just like God once did.

The night sky, sparkling stars, the moon illuminating the road, dreams, complete silence and brief loneliness - that’s all that made her happy... But loneliness is now getting in the way...

Loneliness is when you are surrounded by wonderful people, but they have someone closer than you

When you're single for ages, you become very picky about food and sex.

We are all, to some extent, doomed to loneliness. It hits each of us at some point...

What does loneliness mean? For me, this is when I go to the kitchen in the middle of the night to drink water, and there is no one to ask, “Where are you going?”

Loneliness is when they forgot to pick you up from the morgue...

When I’m seems to me that I’m completely alone...And when I’m with doesn’t seem that way to me...I know that for sure...

We are no longer links in the same chain, we are no longer parts of one whole, he will no longer wake me up in the morning with a kiss... Does anyone have a pill for love?

Real fighters for their place in the sun have neither allies nor friends. They endure loneliness because they are strong in spirit

– Why do you always wear headphones? “They are like a safety net between me and the rest of the world.”

My upstairs neighbors flooded my downstairs neighbors. Conclusion: everyone is ignoring me!

Only a candle cries for me at the cold dawn...

Life is too short - don't waste it needlessly feeling sorry for yourself, sitting alone. There is a spark inside everyone, you just need to kindle it in order to warm yourself with life-giving warmth, wake up and dare to live on.

Night. I sit, smoke and stare out the window. It’s sad, there’s no one to talk to, no one is waiting for my call. I look at the stars and think: “How many of us are still so lonely in the world?”

In search of little green men, she set up an ambush in the bathroom, armed with a kitchen knife and a screwdriver. Loneliness disrupted my mental balance. It seems it's time to try on a straitjacket...

Much depends on ourselves. Until we ourselves want to break out of our shell of loneliness, no one will help us with this.

Love is when the heart beats faster, and separation is when every minute it seems that it is about to stop...

I crawl under the blanket, and loneliness quietly creeps up on me, presses against my back and strokes, strokes, strokes my arms, chest, neck...

Proud loneliness is a cheap excuse for uselessness

Only in solitude can you see in yourself what society does not allow you to see.

Life at the very top can be quite lonely, but it's a great place to speak your mind

There are 100 contacts in the phone, but there is no one to call... There are 500 friends in contact, but you don’t know who to write to... And only real friends call and write first. They don't need a reason

Society prevents you from seeing your real self. You can only see yourself alone.

Love is shared loneliness for two. It is a reward without merit and a miracle that others cannot see.

There are millions of my favorite combinations: lime and pear, heat and rain, loneliness and soulful music, but my favorite combination is still you and me.

Loneliness is a painful wait for someone, and a sad realization that no one will come.

Best status:
No one will ever be able to understand your condition. And all attempts to do this will only spoil the mood even more.

I decided to find little green men in the bathroom. Instead of a laser sword, she armed herself with a rolling pin and a screwdriver. All these are jokes of loneliness. Soon they will put me in a straitjacket...

Loneliness is my strategy. Wisdom is my weapon. Courage is my armor. I am the only master of my life. And no one will dare to poke their nose into it.

The smarter a person is, the sadder he is. Only loneliness makes you think and become wiser. No one wants to be sad, so no one likes to be alone.

My upstairs neighbors flooded my downstairs neighbors. Conclusion: everyone is ignoring me!

He hugged her tightly and tried to feel that wonderful aroma of perfume that had emanated from her before. But I only felt the bitter smell of cigarettes, alcohol and loneliness...

When I’m seems to me that I’m completely alone...And when I’m with doesn’t seem that way to me...I know that for sure...

Proud loneliness is a cheap excuse for uselessness

Life is too short - don't waste it needlessly feeling sorry for yourself, sitting alone. There is a spark inside everyone, you just need to kindle it in order to warm yourself with life-giving warmth, wake up and dare to live on.

Alone and lonely are two completely different concepts. You can also be lonely at a noisy party. And this is a state of mind

I know what loneliness is: A bitten piece of chocolate, a cup of strong coffee, music that already hurts my ears, an unbearable emptiness in the depths of my soul and tears in my eyes...

For some, loneliness is when they are unloved, someone is lonely because they have no friends, and I am lonely when you are not around...

There are 100 contacts in the phone, but there is no one to call... There are 500 friends in contact, but you don’t know who to write to...

Loneliness is when you respond to spam and add it to your contact list

Loneliness is when you know exactly who screwed up in the kitchen

In search of little green men, she set up an ambush in the bathroom, armed with a kitchen knife and a screwdriver. Loneliness disrupted my mental balance. It seems it's time to try on a straitjacket...

Don’t look at me as your Highness, save me from loneliness...

Loneliness - in 4 corners you look for the fifth.

I have nowhere to go, I destroyed my world,

Loneliness is when you hear the clock ticking? No! Loneliness is when it rains and there is no one to hug you

Loneliness is happiness because then we don’t know lies, betrayal, fear of losing a loved one, we just live for ourselves(

I'm not lonely because I have a bad character. I'm lonely because I think outside the box

People often remain lonely because instead of building bridges, they build walls.

There’s emptiness in my heart, as if I’m alone in the world...

There are 100 contacts in the phone, but there is no one to call... There are 500 friends in contact, but you don’t know who to write to... And only real friends call and write first. They don't need a reason

Loneliness consumes the soul when our dearest and closest person leaves us. Then we become like animals driven into a cage. We start throwing ourselves at the walls and howling at the moon

It's nice to experience loneliness when you're in love with someone, even if it's not mutual. This develops imagination. Only in solitude can a person show his true nature

Every morning she makes me hot sandwiches. I gently whisper to her, “I’m already on my way, I’m on my way... Now.” But she never understands me. Maybe because it's a microwave?

Only a candle cries for me at the cold dawn...

But she was happy, And didn’t know any tears at all... Through pain and screaming: “I’m strong!” She whispered: “I’m tired...”

Loneliness is when you wake up from a call in the middle of the night, you are glad that suddenly someone needs you, but all your expectations are dashed by the phrase “Sorry, I just got the wrong number.”

I crawl under the blanket, and loneliness quietly creeps up on me, presses against my back and strokes, strokes, strokes my arms, chest, neck...

I am lonely, and you are lonely... But we will not take a single step towards meeting each other.

Loneliness is when there are a lot of people around, but you cannot fully appreciate any of them...

Only in solitude can you see in yourself what society does not allow you to see.

Beautiful girls are never alone, but they are often lonely...

The night sky, sparkling stars, the moon illuminating the road, dreams, complete silence and brief loneliness - that’s all that made her happy... But loneliness is now getting in the way...

When you're single for ages, you become very picky about food and sex.

loneliness is when only shampoo spies on you in the bath

Loneliness is when you hear the clock ticking? No! Loneliness is when it rains and there is no one to hug you..

Loneliness is a kind of absolute. The only one that exists. Everything else is a figment of our imagination, an illusion.

It's better to be unknown but happy in love than brilliant but lonely

You are sitting on a chair with a straight back, and your soul lies next to you in a lump, tightly hugging your knees with your arms, like a wounded but faithful dog

nothing screams louder than silence...

The soul suddenly became empty. This is no one's fault. This is how feelings die...

I sat and looked at the sky... there was one cloud there... and I realized that it was me...

I’m alone... in the whole world... I’m so lonely among you... you are unhappy people... who don’t understand... all of life... because life is a lie...

There's a pair of each creature. Where is my creature?!

Night. I sit, smoke and stare out the window. It’s sad, there’s no one to talk to, no one is waiting for my call. I look at the stars and think: “How many of us are still so lonely in the world?”

I'm so alone at this hour that I want to die. I have nowhere to go, I have destroyed my world, Only a candle cries for me at the cold dawn..

Don't be jealous of my loneliness. I don't understand this jealousy. Sometimes a person wants to be alone, alone...

I’m not looking for anyone, I don’t regret anyone, I don’t love anyone, I don’t suffer, I don’t believe... I don’t call anyone, I don’t forgive anyone, I don’t owe anyone - so I don’t promise...

I'm lonely... and for some reason I like...

Loneliness is when you are surrounded by wonderful people, but they have someone closer than you

We are all, to some extent, doomed to loneliness. It hits each of us at some point...

Loneliness is when you are going crazy, and there is no one to even tell you about it...

When you're lonely, you even have sex with yourself. Every lonely person can invent his own world, just like God once did.

Sometimes you want to wrap yourself in a warm blanket, take out an old photo album and listen to the rain outside the window. Fight loneliness! Go outside, run through puddles and you will see a rainbow

We parted, but every minute I cherish your image near my heart. I haven’t stopped loving, and for the life of me I can’t believe this separation...

Are you lonely? Don't miss the opportunity to enjoy the company of an intelligent person

Loneliness is when there is a telephone in the house and the alarm clock is ringing :)

Much depends on ourselves. Until we ourselves want to break out of our shell of loneliness, no one will help us with this.

When the most beloved, dear person to you... is very far from you... and you miss him madly... for me this is... - loneliness...

Loneliness is when they forgot to pick you up from the morgue...

There are five of us... Me and four walls...

How tired I am of hearing “I want you,” I so want to hear “I want to be with you!”

And I had no idea that parting would hurt so much...

Breaking up doesn't always mean the end. Sometimes it's just opening a new page in life.

Real fighters for their place in the sun have neither allies nor friends. They endure loneliness because they are strong in spirit

When I find myself alone, I feel the savor of life... And there is no way to tell the annoying voice that tells me to work...

Do you love freedom?! Free!

I'm alone. Why do I need someone? I'll be lonely again. All efforts are fruitless. Thanks everyone. Everyone is free

I'm alone! Why do I need someone? I'll be touchy again! All efforts are fruitless, thank you all! Everyone is FREE

What does loneliness mean? For me, this is when I go to the kitchen in the middle of the night to drink water, and there is no one to ask, “Where are you going?”

– Why do you always wear headphones? “They are like a safety net between me and the rest of the world.”

I will marry a can of coffee and will always be cheerful and happy. my lover will be an mp3 player, the record holder for the number of music lover orgasms brought to me

The moon and the sun came together on my horizon. Day and night have changed places. I live, I breathe, but not with you....

I'm so alone at this hour that I want to die.

Love is when the heart beats faster, and separation is when every minute it seems that it is about to stop...

Life at the very top can be quite lonely, but it's a great place to speak your mind

I love the music of rain when my heart is lonely...

Dummy people gather in flocks. Loneliness is like death for them. The rulers of the world look down on everyone and strive for privacy. I don’t belong to either one or the other, and I take loneliness for granted.

Deep loneliness is when you walk down the street in the evening, and even mosquitoes don’t bite you...

I don’t feel my heart, I don’t feel my hand... I decided so myself, silence is my friend... It would be better if I sinned... Loneliness is torment...

Loneliness is when you are and when you seem to be absent.

Love is when the heart beats faster, and separation is when every minute it seems that it is about to stop...

We are no longer links in the same chain, we are no longer parts of one whole, he will no longer wake me up in the morning with a kiss... Does anyone have a pill for love?