
We make amulets with our own hands. Amulet against sudden death

Unforeseen situations often happen in our lives. Therefore, you should take care in advance to protect yourself, your home and loved ones. Handmade amulets will cope with their task in the best possible way.

In the article:

How to make amulets for women

Women's and men's amulets differ in their energy, so before you make the amulet you like, see if it suits you. Of course, there are amulets that are suitable for both men and women, but they will be described below.

Amulet of Lada

As you know, she is the Slavic goddess of love and marriage, the protector of women. Therefore, her amulet, accordingly, is intended only for them. This is a special amulet, because, unlike other amulets, it is much stronger. This is due to the fact that the goddess gives him strength. The amulet depicts two crossed ovals framed by a square. This symbolizes the woman’s connection with Navy, the world of the dead, namely, as the keeper of the family, who mourns the departed and brings new family members. You should start wearing this amulet from childhood, so that envious people do not cast a spell or evil eye on the growing girl. In addition, as the patroness of marriage, Lada also helps to find the right groom at the right time. In addition, it protects marriage and family well-being.

Bouquet of birch branches

This amulet is needed at a time when the leaves of the trees are just beginning to bloom. There is also a male analogue of this amulet - a “necklace of acorns”, but it will be written about below. So, you need to go into the forest alone and pick a small amount of birch branches. After that, when you come home, make bouquets of them, tie them with a ribbon and place them in your or your children’s bedroom. This amulet protects against diseases and helps maintain peace and tranquility in the family. In addition, it cures insomnia and protects against nightmares. If the relationship with your husband has noticeably cooled, then you can add bunches of rowan berries to this bouquet and surround it with a red ribbon. After six months, the amulet will need to be replaced with a new one.

Fan for home protection

First you need to collect the necessary parts of herbs or trees. First of all, you need to decide what exactly you want to protect your home from. It is worth making a talisman against the evil eye and damage - pick elm or verbena branches, against the destruction of a marriage - a twig or bark of willow or alder, if you want to cleanse the house - collect aspen or juniper bark, for worries and anxieties - pine or oak. You can add compositions if you have several goals.

After you have collected the material, you should wash and dry what you collected, and then make a small broom or fan out of it. It should be hung above the front door with the whisk downward so that it “sweeps away evil.” In addition, you can add particles such as: Bay leaf(luck in business), small coins (attracting wealth), peas (peace and harmony in the family), corn (protection from diseases), etc.

There is no need to remove it too often. This amulet lasts a long time, about several years.

DIY amulet for a child

This ritual is used when you want to protect your child from something or someone. This is a simple ritual, but very effective. For this you will need wool thread. The color of this thread may vary depending on what kind of amulet you want to make. So, red - will protect against bad people, from hooligans. Orange and yellow protect against envy. Green protects against thieves and scammers. Purple threads will protect difficult situation, will give strength. In addition to protective forces, sciences can have other functions. For example, blue and light blue threads will help you not be shy when talking and will give you confidence in communication. White - improves memory, maintains interest in learning. After you have chosen the color of the thread, you need to twist it and tie 7 knots on it, while saying:

Fly past, dashingly carry away, protect the child.

Then tie this amulet on the child’s right wrist. You can use not one, but three threads to enhance protection.

Homemade amulets for everyone

These amulets can be made by both men and women. The main thing is with what intention and desire these amulets were made.

Dough amulets

Amulets can be from different materials: from animal skins to herbs and flowers. This amulet must be made from dough. Of course, it is not very convenient to carry it with you, so it is considered protection for the home. Dough ingredients: salt (protection from evil forces, it is often used in), flour (symbol of wealth and harmony) and water (renewal, improvement). Next, you need to thoroughly knead the dough, while simultaneously thinking about something good. Imagine how the energy flows into the dough and nourishes it.

After that, fashion figures out of it. Their form depends on intentions. So, bat- a symbol of strong energy protection from evil spirits, the bag means wealth, namely, it averts poverty, the crane will protect from troubles in family life, a figurine of a swallow will help complete any task. After this, dry the products in the oven at 60 degrees for a couple of hours until completely cooked, or leave them on the windowsill for several days. Then you can paint the figurine with paints and varnish it for better storage. Then determine a suitable place for her, preferably where you will see her every day.


This amulet can be used both to protect the home and family members, especially children. For the bells to work, you need to hang them in a certain place, in particular, near front door or windows. Instead, you can use baby rattles (the ones you played with in childhood will be especially energetically strong). You need to hang objects using a thick thread made of natural material, such as wool or linen. It is desirable that it be red, white or black. To enhance the result, you can combine all three threads. It is very important that the bells do not break, otherwise the entire protection will collapse and, moreover, unpleasant consequences are possible.

Before hanging the amulet, it needs to be charged. This should be done by the eldest woman in the house. For example, if you live with your mother or mother-in-law, ask them to perform this ritual. To do this, you need to pour a little red wine into a deep plate, put a bell there and say:

Red wine, you have the strength and wisdom accumulated over the years, you give people health and longevity. Give your power to the bell, so that by ringing it will scare away evil forces, attract happiness to our home, and give us health and longevity.

After this, hang the charms near a window or on a chandelier to protect the room. It would be good to place the amulet in the nursery so that it protects the baby from illnesses and negative energy. You can hang a few bells to enhance the effect. A suitable number is 3. Periodically, they need to be cleaned of accumulated negativity, namely, placed in a bowl with salt for an hour.

Men's acorn necklace

As you know, oak is a masculine tree and symbolizes perseverance, courage, and fidelity. Therefore, it is often used in various. This ritual is aimed at protecting the house and its inhabitants, but it is important that the man is the head of the family. So, you need to go into the forest and collect acorns. They should be fresh, beautiful, not rotten, without black spots. Their number depends on how many months you want to provide protection. Remember that any amulet loses its power over time, so do not take too much, maximum 9 months. After this, you should take a needle and red thread and string the acorns onto the thread. Next, hang the necklace in the kitchen in an inconspicuous place where it should remain until the expiration date. Then burn it and bury the ashes outside.

All of you, one way or another, encounter the forces of evil in life and find ways to fight them. First you look for ways, then you get rid of the evil caused to you, and at the third stage the thought always comes about how to protect yourself from all this. We invite you to turn to ancient methods and learn how to create protection for yourself, your family and your home with your own hands.

What are amulets and how are they used?

The word “amulet” already speaks for itself. Them can be any symbolic object, which carries protective energy and allows you to protect yourself from evil. They can be individual and provide protection to the specific person who wears it. And then there are those who protect the home and the atmosphere in the family. Just like people, pets are susceptible to the evil eye and damage, so their owners often use such protection for them as well.

DIY amulets

The most popular and in demand On the Internet there are master classes on making your own amulets such as “Broom” and “Domovyata”, but we want to offer you even more options - amulets for the home - and more. The amulets you make against damage and the evil eye will absorb your love, kindness and positive energy and, thanks to this, will protect you and your family.

And having become acquainted with the runes on Slavic amulets and their meaning, you can make an amulet for yourself that will attract what you lack in life. Which master class to choose is up to you, the main thing is to remember that any item of protection must be made with kind hearted and pure thoughts.

How to make a talisman for good luck and money with your own hands

This amulet is called " Money Tree", and you already guessed that he will attract flows of monetary energy and good luck into your home. To make it you need to prepare in advance. Keep a small piggy bank in which you will collect change. From the photograph you can roughly estimate the number of coins required to form the crown of the tree.

  1. Insert the base of your future painting into a beautiful frame. It can be painted or covered with paper in advance to create the desired background. Here you fantasize based on the interior in which it will be located.
  2. First you need to form a tree trunk with branches. To do this, you can use acrylic paste or glue woolen threads and after the glue has dried, cover them with paint. Draperies made of soft fabrics such as linen and burlap, which are also coated with paint, look good.
  3. Lastly, using a silicone gun you need to glue all the coins with lei, placing them randomly overlapping, forming a lush tree crown.
  4. When all the elements have dried, it can be coated with clear varnish.

How to make a talisman for home and family with your own hands with photos

Amulets for home and family can have different shape and design, but general meaning is to unite all the symbols of wealth, fertility and well-being. To do this, they use burlap, vines, dry herbs, nuts and grains, as well as mini-copies of household utensils and household items. There are no strict rules here, so you can fully express your imagination. While working on it, you need to mentally or out loud say the words of a prayer, for example, “Our Father.”

How to make a talisman for a dog with your own hands

Not only we, but also our animals need amulets that will protect them from various misfortunes. Using red wool threads, you can make it yourself for your dog or cat. You need to weave a thin collar from these threads, pronouncing requests for protection of the pet.

Such a collar is often decorated with pom-poms with minerals woven into them, which makes it possible to repel someone else’s negative energy directed at the animal.

How to make a “Horseshoe” amulet with your own hands

Horseshoe from ancient times considered a symbol of happiness, good luck and luck in business, so we suggest doing it yourself.

  1. You will need thick cardboard, twine, glue gun, as well as beans and seeds for decoration.
  2. Draw a horseshoe of the desired size on cardboard and cut it out.
  3. Using step-by-step photos, braid the horseshoe with twine. Do not cut the threads to use them as a hanger.
  4. Decorate the horseshoe with beans and seeds as shown in the photo.

How to make a doll-amulet from fabric with your own hands

—Dolls-amulets— are not toys for children. Since ancient times, they have been used by various nationalities for rituals and protection from evil spirits. Today, these dolls are guardians of the home and are also placed in babies' cribs and strollers to protect them from evil eye. On step by step photo you can see how to make a doll with your own hands using pieces of fabric and thread.

It is better if you use natural materials: wool, linen, cotton, and the threads must be wool and red, because this color attracts and traps negativity, thus protecting you.

How to make a Brownie with your own hands

Everyone knows who Brownies are, so they are the best way to create a home amulet. In the photo you see step-by-step instructions for creating a Brownie from burlap. It won't be difficult to repeat it, so involve your children in the creation.

And this is the final version of the Domovoy design. Please note that in his hands he holds bags of oats and dried flowers, which symbolize prosperity and abundance. It is so cute that it will become a real decoration for your home.

How to make Slavic amulets from wood with your own hands

Using small wooden blanks, you can make Slavic amulets with ancient runes, each of which has its own meaning. The photo shows an example of an amulet necklace, but you can make a bracelet or keychain in this style. You just need to draw the selected rune or burn it if you are proficient in this technique.

Here are the main examples of runes that you can use when choosing the meaning that suits you.

How to make a “Broom” amulet with your own hands

The broom is perhaps the most popular of all amulets. It symbolically demonstrates the ability to “sweep out” everything bad from the house and attract what the owners themselves desire. That is why you need to decorate a decorative broom symbols of what you want in your home and in your life.

You can use both natural and artificial elements, the main thing is to clearly visualize your desires.

How to make a talisman from buttons with your own hands

how to remove damage and the evil eye, find information on how to protect yourself later. We hope that our small master classes will be useful to you, and tell us in the comments how you protect yourself from negativity and evil.

Our article will tell you how to create and use amulets for your home and family.

Every person considers his home to be a fortress that can protect from all troubles and troubles. But as practice shows, evil has greater power than good, so it always tries to penetrate a person’s home and bring him something bad.

If you do not want your family’s life to be overshadowed by adversity and misfortune, then try to protect your home with a talisman you made yourself.

What are home amulets for, how do they work, and their meaning?

The meaning of amulets and symbols in the house

A talisman made with your own hands has quite powerful energy that can neutralize all the worst things. But for this to happen, a person must have the purest thoughts while making such a protector and think exclusively about something good.

A positive atmosphere permeated with kindness, love and light will make a seemingly simple thing strong enough, and in the end it will take upon itself all the bad things that will be wished for the house and its household members.

The meaning of the amulet elements:

  • Needles and pins (will protect against damage and the evil eye)
  • Slavic symbols (will help attract good luck)
  • Icons (needed to attract heavenly patrons)
  • Various seeds (needed for the health of loved ones)
  • Herbs (help repel evil spirits)
  • Coins and banknotes (can attract good luck and wealth)
  • Linen and burlap (needed to attract happiness and good luck)
  • Round objects (are a symbol of continuous happiness)

What amulet for your home should you make with your own hands at the entrance?

Wreath of dried flowers

If you want to protect your home from everything bad, then make a wreath amulet with your own hands. Such a protective talisman can be placed either directly on the front door or somewhere near it. To make it, it is best to use a maximum of natural materials and preferably prepared with your own hands.

Remember, your wreath must include herbs, seeds, flowers and pins (the latter must be camouflaged so well that strangers cannot notice them). In addition, be sure to decorate the finished wreath with bright satin ribbons. A red ribbon will help establish harmonious relationships between household members, a yellow one will help accumulate financial wealth, and a white one will save all your relatives from anger and envy.

  • First, take a piece grapevine and tie her in a circle
  • Next, decorate the workpiece with herbs (they should cover it as tightly as possible)
  • In the next step, attach flowers, corn and bean seeds
  • When all the details are set, wrap the wreath with satin ribbons and hang it on the door or on the wall near the entrance

DIY Slavic amulet for the home

Making a Beregini doll

The most popular Slavic amulet is the Bereginya doll. It is believed that she is the one who is able to protect the family from the envy of strangers and from the actions that they try to take to harm all family members. In principle, you can make such a doll yourself. But it will be better if you make this amulet together with all family members.

If you wish, you can hide thistle, thyme and garden rose petals inside this Bereginya. Our ancestors believed that this natural material protects very well from damage and the evil eye, and at the same time attracts the positive energy of nature. You can see how to make such a Bereginya doll in the picture located a little higher.

Amulet for the bedroom, living room, children's room

Amulet bottle

If you want to make a talisman that would look like ordinary decor, then make a so-called witch bottle. To make it you will need herbs, sharp objects, salt and cereals. All these items will need to be placed in the bottle in layers, thereby creating a beautiful pattern.

If in the future you will drape the amulet with bright fabric, then you can additionally fill its neck with church candle wax. With such actions, you will forever seal the negative inside the container and thereby prevent it from influencing your family again.

Value of bottle filling materials:

  • Pins, push pins and broken glass - scare away all the bad things
  • Salt - cleanses energy from negativity
  • Herbs - take away damage and the evil eye
  • Cereals attract good luck and health

DIY kitchen amulet

Garlic pepper wreath

Tips for making garlic

The most ideal amulet for the kitchen is a wreath of garlic and pepper. If you wish, you can make it from natural materials or make an imitation of these vegetable crops, and then make a talisman from them. When making such a protective amulet, you must remember that it is not friendly with coniferous trees, reeds and plants that climb like vines.

If you combine them together, you will end up with a talisman with dual energy. Garlic and pepper will try to protect you from everything bad, and reeds and pine branches, on the contrary, will attract troubles to you. Therefore, it will be better if you attach them to a piece of ordinary rope and decorate with mint and rosemary.

You can see how to make garlic a little higher, and as for pepper, it is best made from salt dough, baked and painted in desired color. For those who don’t know, dough for making crafts is made in the following proportions: 200 g flour, 200 g salt and 50-70 ml water.

Thistle, burdock, bay leaf, herbs, as a talisman for the home

Bouquet of dried flowers

As mentioned above, herbs are a powerful amulet for the home. They absorb negativity quite well and, most importantly, under no circumstances give it back. The only thing you should consider if you use them to protect your home is that they still need to be changed periodically.

As practice shows, after about six months they begin to gradually lose their power and, as a result, some of the negativity begins to fall on the people living in the house. As for how to make amulets from such materials, everything is simple. All that will be required of you is to collect a bouquet from them, tie it with red thread and place it in the room closer to the windows or doors.

Herbs to protect home and family:

  • Ivan da Marya
  • Ararat grass
  • Fern
  • Clover
  • Henbane
  • Sagebrush
  • Thistle
  • Nettle
  • Oregano

Indoor flowers, plants, as a talisman for the home

Indoor flowers amulets

No matter how funny it may sound, ordinary indoor flowers can also cleanse the energy of the house. It’s not for nothing that our ancestors always put them on the windows, thereby blocking the flow of negative energy from the outside. If you also want to protect your home in this way, then check out the list indoor plants with strong protective energy.


  • Azalea (protects against envy)
  • Aloe (attracts health)
  • Begonia (attracts positive energy)
  • Geranium (cuts off aggression and quarrels)
  • Callas (fill the house with tranquility)
  • Cacti (block the path of negativity)
  • Violets (clear thoughts from all bad things)

Cross stitch: diagrams with descriptions

Pattern for love

Pattern for luck Pattern for health Pattern for protection from the evil eye

Money pattern

Pattern No. 1

Our great-grandmothers considered embroidery to be a fairly strong amulet, so they never threw away things decorated with such hand-made patterns, but tried to save them for future generations. If your family does not yet have such a talisman, then try making it yourself. All you have to do is embroider the correct symbols, and then simply frame them and hang them on the wall.

But remember, since you are making a protective amulet, it is not advisable to use standard flowers or figurines to create it. It will be better if you draw on the canvas with threads Slavic symbols, which will attract health, luck and wealth to you and your family. Above you can see pictures that show which symbol will help you get what you want. If you wish, you can arrange them on one canvas and then happiness will always reign in your home.

What icons protect the house?

Icons amulets for home

It's probably not even worth mentioning that orthodox icon, consecrated in the church, is a powerful amulet capable of not only protecting, but also healing. In view of this, if you want your house to have an amulet that can convey your requests to the Almighty, then be sure to hang several icons in your house. If you want the protection to be as powerful as possible, then place them in every room.


  • Living room - Kazan and the Lord Pantocrator
  • Hallway - Burning Bush and Seven-Arrow Icon of the Mother of God
  • Kitchen - images of the Holy Trinity and the Mother of God or Christ the Savior
  • Bedroom - the image of a Guardian Angel, Holy Mother of God or Jesus

Paintings that protect the house

Picture of a flower amulet

Picture of a talisman made from natural materials

Picture of cereals and seeds

Home is the place where all household members most often spend time together. That is why you must do everything to ensure that it contains the cleanest energy possible. Original paintings will help you do this. Such amulets are made exclusively from natural materials and always on some major church holiday.

Therefore, it will be better if you buy all the necessary materials in advance, carry out the preparatory work, and on the appointed day you just sit down and assemble the picture. Yes, and remember that it is best to do this after visiting church, as it is during this period that your soul will be maximally filled with warmth and light.

Pictures can be made from:

  • Colors
  • Kamushkov
  • Wooden figurines
  • Red, green and yellow threads

Salt is a talisman for the home: how to use it?

Salt amulet

We all know that salt has quite a strong energy and if you know how to use it, then with its help you can get rid of many troubles. For example, if you don’t want bad energy to get into your home, then just make a strip of this product near the door (it should be parallel to the input), while reading the Lord's Prayer.

If you want to make an amulet from salt, then simply sew a bag from any natural material and pour Thursday salt into it (it is made before Easter). If you place such a talisman in the living room, it will take away all the negativity that ill-wishers will bring into your home.

Bast shoes, figurines: where to put or hang a talisman in the house?

Figurines amulets for the home

As for bast shoes, they are best placed in the kitchen, or rather, hung near a door or window. Since the negative will enter this room through them, then in this way you can at least minimize it negative impact. But it’s best to arrange figurines in the house, taking into account what you ultimately want to get from them.


  • Eastern part of the house (will help attract wealth and success)
  • Western part of the house (will help prevent your household from getting sick)
  • Southern part of the house (attracts positive energy into the home)
  • Northern part of the house (protects from damage and the evil eye)

How to make a horseshoe amulet for your home with your own hands?

Recommendations for making a horseshoe

You can see how to make a horseshoe with your own hands in the master class posted a little higher, so now we will tell you in more detail how to correctly place such a talisman.


  • Ends up (the amulet will help you save money)
  • Ends down (the amulet will take negativity and envy away from you)
  • Tips in right side(the amulet will give you health)
  • Tips to the left (the amulet will attract love)

How to make a talisman for your home from salt dough with your own hands?

Horseshoe made of salt dough

Salt dough sun Figure No. 1

If you are making a talisman from salt dough for the first time in your life, then give preference to the simplest figures that can simply be cut out of the dough and then painted. At the beginning of our article, we already told you how to prepare the dough for such a talisman, so now we will teach you how to bake it correctly.

  • Cut out the shape you want from the dough
  • Apply special runes to it (see Fig. No. 1)
  • Place everything on a silicone mat and place on a baking sheet
  • Heat the oven to 120 degrees and place a baking sheet with the preparations in it
  • When they become firm, turn off the oven and wait until it cools completely

Figures for the amulet:

  • Sun
  • Birds
  • Loaf
  • Woman
  • Man
  • Child
  • Flowers
  • Trees
  • Wreaths
  • Horseshoes
  • Coins

How to crochet a talisman?

Crochet bast shoes

Crochet brownie

If you know how to crochet, then you can try to make yourself a craft from threads. But keep in mind that if you want such a talisman to provide only positive impact on you and your family members, then use red, white, green, yellow and blue threads to create it.

It is best not to use black yarn at all, as it will slightly weaken the positive energy of the finished product. Yes, and if you want to make such talismans more powerful, then be sure to put the right objects inside them. These can be herbs, flowers, salt and various cereals or legumes.

How to draw a talisman?

Drawing an Angel

Drawing the Brownie

Draw Beregin

Drawing birds

Drawing trees

As you probably already understood, any thing can become a talisman, the main thing is that during its manufacture a person thinks only about good things. That is why, if you wish, you can make a protective talisman even from your own drawing. If you depict a brownie, a Breginya doll, or even the same bast shoes in the drawing, and say everything correctly, you can get a fairly strong amulet.

The best part is that you can easily hang such a picture even in your child’s room, without fear of unnecessary questions from your child. Above we bring to your attention several sketches that you can use to create a drawn amulet.

How to make a talisman for your home against bad, evil and envious people?

Making a talisman against evil people

In our article, we have already introduced you to many different amulets that very well protect a person’s home from everything bad. The amulet, the master class for making which you can see a little higher, is also capable of coping with human problems no worse than others. Moreover, it is the eye of God that can provide protection for decades.

According to knowledgeable people, the longer you use it, the more protective energy it begins to possess. As for where to place it, there are no surprises. If you wish, you can decorate doors, windows, walls and even furniture with it.

How to make a talisman for your home against enemies?

Amulet pouch

If you want to protect your home from enemies, then make a special protective amulet that will prevent bad energy from doing its job. So, sew a small bag from white fabric and fill it with mint, lavender, Easter salt and push pins.

Be sure to tie the bag with red woolen thread and mark it on the wall above the door with outside dwellings. But keep in mind that you need to place it in such a way that your enemies cannot see it. Therefore, it will be better if you prudently hang, for example, a flower pot or some other decorative element in this place.

How to make a talisman for your home against thieves?

Prayer for a conspiracy

If you need to make a talisman against thieves, then go to church, pray to God, and then buy a church candle. Bring it home, pray again in front of the icons, and then light it and begin to walk around your home.

Do it slowly and be sure to read the plot located a little higher. After you go around the whole house, place a candle in the hallway and wait until it almost burns out. Then take all that is left of it, wrap it in red cloth and bury it at the doorstep of the house.

How to make a talisman for your home against adversity?

Pillow amulet Symbols for embroidery

The simplest craft that protects against adversity is the amulet pad. As a rule, it is made from linen and is always decorated with Slavic embroidery. It is believed that it is these ancient symbols that give the simple material the power to protect against everything bad. Such a pillow can have completely different sizes.

If you need such a talisman to be able to take with you, then make a palm-sized product and carry it with you in your bag. If you need an amulet pillow solely to protect your home, then it can have quite standard sizes.

Just so that it can protect you from all adversity, be sure to add thistle, mint, nettle and oregano to its filler. These herbs will enhance the effect of the Slavic tower, thereby making your amulet almost omnipotent.

How to make a talisman for your home against damage and the evil eye?

Amulet against death

If you want to protect your home from damage, the same Easter salt and dried nettle. The latter will need to be collected during the full moon and then dried in daylight. After the nettle is ready, it will need to be transferred to a wooden chest and be sure to sprinkle it with salt.

After the chest is filled, close it with a lock and throw the key into the river. In this way, you will help ensure that all the negativity that nettles and salt subsequently absorb never escapes.

Signs and amulets when building a house, project of a house made of logs like an amulet: reviews

Slavic amulet for home

Alexei: My parents are very superstitious, so they started building our family nest in early spring as they believed it would bring them happiness. As time has shown, our home turned out to be very happy indeed. Neither the parents nor we their children have experienced even the minimum of negativity during all this time.

Natalia: I am just planning to build my own house, but I already know for sure that when laying the first crown, I will definitely put money under it for wealth and natural wool for warmth.

How to properly place talismanic amulets in the house?

Brownie on the wall

I would like to say right away that in order for the talismans to protect you as effectively as possible, they must be placed in such a way that the person who has just entered cannot see them right from the threshold. If it is a hostile guest, he will make your talisman weaker, which means that some of the negativity will still find its way into your home.

In addition, you must remember that there are amulets that, in general, need to be hidden from the eyes of your guests. These include talismans that protect against damage, the evil eye and thieves. Also included in this category are amulets made for a child’s room. It is best to hide them under the child’s pillow or hang them on the bed, so that only you know about its presence.

What items should not be in your home?

Broken dishes bring bad luck

If you want your home to avoid all troubles and misfortunes, then do a thorough cleaning and throw out all the things that attract negativity.

Such things include:

  • climbing plants
  • Dishes covered with cracks and chips
  • Torn clothes
  • Old shoes
  • Cracked mirrors
  • Paintings depicting scary scenes

What to do with purchased or donated amulets?

Cleaning amulets with fire

As a rule, purchased and donated amulets absorb part of the energy of the person who made or donated them. Therefore, such a talisman should under no circumstances be placed in your home without first purifying the energy.

An ordinary church candle will help you do this. All you have to do is just light it and hold the gift or purchased item over it for 7 minutes. This procedure will need to be repeated 3 times and after that you can safely use the amulet for its intended purpose.

Video: Broom-amulet. Handmade/Charm

The amulet is a kind of protection of the astral body. It can attract good luck or money, protect against misfortunes. Making a magic symbol with your own hands is not difficult. Much more important is that such a product will protect your home, car, and child. Protects against the evil eye, damage, and disease. There are amulets in the form of ornaments or embroidery, made of metal or wood. They are created with love, in a good mood.

While the amulet is being prepared, the person charges the craft with his energy and positive emotions. You must believe in the protective power, then it will fully manifest itself. magical properties products.

First you need to determine the purpose of the future product. Why or for whom is it created? A talisman, unlike amulets and talismans, can protect the whole family. That’s why magical products are so often created for homes and apartments. They bring love and prosperity with them, relieve quarrels and misfortunes.

A talisman for spouses is necessary for a happy family life. It will protect against betrayal and jealousy. Will give peace and harmony. This magical symbol is often given as a gift for a wedding or anniversary. life together. It should be hidden from prying eyes and not shown to anyone.

A talisman for a child will protect against diseases and support spiritual and physical development. Will get rid of attacks from peers and bad deeds.

The love amulet will attract new fans and make the aura attractive to the opposite sex.

A man's amulet will protect him on the road, in war. Warns of danger. Will get rid of diseases, troubles, evil people.

All magical actions are performed in complete solitude. Making crafts is a certain ritual. No one should see the process of creating a talisman; no one should be forced to make it. Everything should happen on a whim, with inspiration.

It is best to make a talisman with your own hands at night, by candlelight. Or during the day, in bright sunlight. Be sure to put your whole soul into its creation. Charge with positive strength and kindness. Usually, a talisman is made for relatives, less often for oneself.

Place the finished product under your pillow at night. This way the amulet will gain full strength and be saturated with the necessary energy. Before going to bed, you should think about who the magic symbol is being made for. Imagine how it will protect its owner.

The next day, give the amulet with kind words. It should be worn closer to the body, under clothes. If the protective craft was intended for the home, it is better to hide it in a secluded place. Then an unkind eye will not do any harm and will not knock out mental information from the product.

Cleaning the product

The amulet is made from natural materials - wood, leather, metal. If fabrics and threads are used, they should be wool, linen or cotton. No baking powder or baking powder is added to dough crafts. food coloring. But the finished product can be decorated and painted.

All protective crafts accumulate negative energy over time. Natural materials can not only long time hold positive and negative waves, but also return them back. Therefore, after conflicts, quarrels, illnesses, accidents, the product should be cleaned. To do this, they use the power of the four elements - fire, water, earth, air.

Fire. Hold the amulet over a white candle. It is best if it is a consecrated church candle. It should only be used once - to clean the product.

Water. Rinse in running water or sprinkle the amulet with holy water.

Earth. Bury the amulet and leave it overnight. If this is problematic, you can bury it in coarse salt. In the morning, take out the amulet and throw away the salt.

Air. Highly understand the amulet on outstretched arms. Turn to each side of the world, exposing the product to the wind. Or light a candle and hold it over the smoke.

Herbal amulet

The simplest amulet is a sachet of herbs. You can prepare the dried herb yourself or buy it at the pharmacy. It is placed in a bag (it can be hung around your neck) or sewn into a small pillow (it is better to make it for home).

Protect from evil– clover, juniper, dill, rosemary, rowan, St. John’s wort. Basil will bring love and wealth. Carnation - luck, money and healing. Oak – longevity, childbearing. Mint – wealth, healing, love. Garlic - protection, expulsion of evil forces. Sage – healing, well-being. Laurel – strength, healing, cleansing. Cuff – maintaining pregnancy.

You can decorate the sachet with decorative ribbons. Buttons are also a magical element. If you sew them onto a bag or pillow made of herbs, you get additional protection. The photo shows different ways how to sew buttons and their meaning.

Making dolls

Products in the form of dolls are necessarily created for the waxing moon, with good mood And good thoughts. When making dolls, try to use sharp and cutting objects to a minimum. This may negatively affect the properties of the product.

Tie knots on threads and ribbons an even number of times. As a rule, amulets dolls do not have their faces drawn. This is done so that the misfortune with the doll (falls, breaks, breaks) does not affect the person.

In addition, you can make your own amulets in the form of dolls from wax, clay, or salt dough. After which, as you can see in the photo, they can be painted or decorated with ribbons.

Women's days for making dolls are Wednesday, Friday. For men - Monday, Tuesday, Thursday. On Saturday and Sunday it is better not to do protective crafts.

If the doll is ready, light 4 candles and place the product in the center. To activate, read the plot:

How to make a talisman doll

The “Good Health” doll is made from thick linen thread. Such a talisman brings health and healing to the home. The ancient Slavs believed that flax absorbed the negative energy of the disease and helped a person get better.

The entire doll is palm length (15 cm). While making it, read prayers and wish the person health.

Step 1. Prepare soft linen threads. For harnesses - red.

Step 2. Cut the cardboard (or other suitable material) to the length of the doll. Make 3 windings without breaking the threads. Thick winding - for the body. Thinner for hands. And the same as for the hands - for the braid.

Step 3. Cut on one side.

Step 4. For the arms – braid, tie at the end with a red thread. For the braid, tie a simple knot.

Step 5. Take a red thread (1 m) and mark the neck. Do not tear off the thread.

Step 6. Place the braid into the head. To prevent the strands from tangling, tie the crown with thread.

Tie a knot on your head.

Step 7. On the head - braid the hair. Tie the braids crosswise to mark the waist.

Step 8. Tie a headband around your head. There is a belt at the waist. The “Good Health” doll is ready!

Amulet bracelet

An amulet in the form of a bracelet can be made from thread, beads, wood, or natural stones. One of the simplest is a red woolen thread tied around the wrist. Seven knots on the bracelet will protect you from evil forces and the evil eye. The photo shows a bracelet made of intertwined leather cords. They strengthen the human biofield and eliminate negativity.

Shambhala bracelets attract good luck and protect against misfortunes. Beads for the product can be either wooden or glass. Weaving bracelets like the ones in the photo yourself is an art. Here, each knot has a specific meaning and spiritual content.

Wooden figures are another important element of protection. Animals or fish in products carry a certain meaning. They symbolize courage and courage, strength and wisdom. It is important to find a figurine that you like - then the amulet will gain special meaning. So, in the photo, a swimming dolphin symbolizes freedom and joy.

How to make a Shambhala bracelet

To make a bracelet, the beads are connected with a cord using a “flat” knot. Beads can be made of wood, stone, metal, with or without rhinestones. It is important that there are no more than 9 of them. This is connected with the legend about the mythical country of Shambhala, which was surrounded by 9 mountains.

The thickness of the cord should match the holes of the beads. So that the cord can easily pass into the hole (especially silk), its end can be lubricated with glue.


  • Beads (9 pieces, 1 cm in diameter), separator beads with rhinestones (8 pieces);
  • Bead for a clasp with a large hole, 2 beads (7 mm in diameter) for “tails”;
  • Cord (1.5 m), leather, waxed, silk or linen;
  • Glue "Moment";
  • Plastic tablet with clip;
  • Scissors.

Step 1. Measure the circumference of your arm, just above the wrist. Add the approximate length of the braided fastener. Add the length of the “tails”, with the help of which the bracelet is tightened on the hand. You will get a piece of cord about 50 cm. Attach it to the tablet with a clamp, as shown in the photo.

Step 2. Cut the cord into 3 parts. Two – 25 cm each. One – 50 cm. Weave 5 “flat” knots.” The diagram shows that one knot is knitted from left to right and from right to left.

You can replace cords 1 and 3 with one piece (25 cm), folded in half.

Step 3. After 5 “flat” knots, alternately string the main beads and separator beads with rhinestones onto the main cord. Thread one bead onto a cord. Secure it by tying one “flat” knot and one simple knot.

Fix the knot with glue, cut off the excess ends of the threads.

Step 5. Take the second piece of cord (25 cm). WITH reverse side weave the main cord into 5 “flat” knots. Secure the last bead, trim off the excess ends.

Step 6. Thread the ends of the main cord into the clasp bead.

Step 7. Take an additional piece of cord (50 cm). Fold it in half and wrap it around the ends of the bracelet. Now the “tails” are the main thread. Weave 5 “flat” knots to the clasp bead, braid the bead, weave another 5 “flat” knots. Fasten the thread, trim off the excess ends. Attach small beads to the ends of the “tails”.