
Two abstracts of speech therapy classes for presentations on the topic "differentiation l - d". Sound automation, sound differentiation -


  • Educational:
    • clarify the articulation of the sounds L and Y, highlighting similarities and differences;
    • to achieve a clear differentiation of sounds by ear and in pronunciation;
    • consolidate knowledge about the characteristics of sounds;
    • correctly correlate sounds with the corresponding letters;
    • to teach children to guess riddles, to understand the poetic comparisons underlying the riddle.
  • Corrective:
    • develop phonemic awareness and analysis;
    • work on the development of the completeness of visual, auditory and kinesthetic sensations.
    • prevention of dysgraphic errors;
    • development of fine motor skills of the hands.
  • Educational:
    • education of the ability to understand the learning task;
    • fostering a steady interest in speech therapy classes.

Equipment: mirror, sound articulation profiles, mood pictures, computer, presentation.

Lesson plan.

I. Organizing moment
II. Articulation gymnastics.
III. Articulation of sounds.
IV. Letter Comparison
V. Differentiation in isolation, in syllables.
VI. Fizminutka.
VII. Word differentiation.
VIII. Differentiation in sentences.
IX. Summary of the lesson.
X. Homework
XI. Evaluation of students' activities.


I. Organizing moment

What do we do in speech therapy classes?

Pronouncing sounds clearly
We listen carefully.
We read the letters correctly
We write them carefully.

Goals: we must learn:

  • clearly and correctly pronounce soft consonants close in articulation [Y] and [L "];
  • hear and distinguish soft consonants close in articulation [Y] and [L"];
  • read syllables and words with the letters Y and L;
  • change words correctly.

II. Articulation gymnastics

  • "Smile (Frog)"
  • "Shovel"
  • Tongue massage:

1) “Punish a naughty tongue” - clap your tongue with your lips from the tip to the middle and back.
2) “Bite your tongue with your teeth from the tip to the middle and back”
3) "Clean the fish" - stick out the tongue, "scratching" it with the upper incisors.
4) “Punish a naughty tongue” - clap your tongue with your lips from the tip to the middle and back.

  • "Pussy Angry"
  • "Slide"

III. Articulation and characterization of sounds

Alternately pronounce sounds, trying to feel the movement of the tongue:

Y - L", Y - L"; L "- Y; L" - Y.

What is the difference between a sound and a letter?
- We hear and pronounce the sound, and we see, write, read the letter.

Read the syllables:

Ai, il, spruce, oh, el, uy, yul, yul, yy, yal.
Le - th, lu - yu, la - I, li - th, le - yo, le - e.

VI. Fizminutka

Exercise for fine motor skills of hands: "Bunny".
Ears d l Inns e for th ki. (All fingers first in a cam.)
They stick out from the bushes.
(Put up the index and middle fingers. Move them back and forth.)
He and jump e t, and jumps. (Elbow strikes on the table to the beat of the poem.)
weight l it own for th chat.

VII. Differentiation in words

1. Read and solve riddles.

Guess th those for the beast I:
I have a tree on my forehead I. (O l yen)

Jump to the grain
To l Yu th, not a robe th.
I have been th …? (Sparrow th)

We are used to l and to him
But he's a sorcerer th:
He is with me th He speaks
Druze voices th. (Cellular th those l ephon)

He's almost like an ape l esin,
With thick skin th, juicy th,
Flaw l eat one -
Kisly th very very. (L imon)

2. Name the fairy-tale characters, clearly pronouncing the sounds L, Y:

In what words did you meet the sound Y, L, both sounds?

3. The game "Tell me a word." Syllabic-sound analysis of the first guess.

The beast fell asleep, hiding its mane th.
Tail with tassel th playfully th
I would touch, osme l ev,
Yes, I'm afraid it will wake up ... l ev.

VIII. Differentiation in sentences

Change the sentences according to the model:

Wu Ko l and a parrot th.
- This is Co. l ying parrot th.
At L yoshi ko th ka.
- This is L yoshina ko th ka.
At L ides l e th ka.
- This is L go to l e th ka.
At L yuby for th ka.
- This is Lubin th ka.
At L yowy ha th ka.
- This is …
At L enes l ine th ka.
- This is …

IX. Summary of the lesson

What sounds did we learn to distinguish today?
How are these sounds different?

X. Homework(In printed form, pasted in a notebook).

XI. Evaluation of student activities.

Informational resources

1. Lopukhina I.S. speech therapy. Exercises for the development of speech. "Delta" S. - P. 1999.
2. Paramonova L.G. Speak and write correctly "Delta" "Aquarium" 1996.
3. Kozyreva L.M."Big logopedic album". Automation of sounds in speech. Yaroslavl. Development Academy. 2006.
4. Konovalenko V.V., Konovalenko S.V. Correction of the pronunciation of the sound "Y".
5. Tkachenko T.A. The use of physical minutes for the development of finger motor skills in preschoolers. // Preschool education 1989 No. 3 p. 36-40
6. Presentation "33 sisters".
7. Clipart on a transparent background

Differentiation of sounds L - Y in tongue twisters

Listen carefully to the beginning of each rhyme. Add the appropriate number of identical syllables to match the rhyme.

There is a delicious pineapple in the bag, as-as-as, as-as-as.

Barbos brought the bone, os-os-os, os-os-os.

Flock Sausiskin was not a coward, mustache, mustache, mustache.

I'm going down on a sled, is-is-is, is-is-is.

Owls flew into the forest, es-es-es, es-es-es.

I heard a loud bass, as-as-as, as-as-as.

On the plate apricot, os-os-os, os-os-os.

There, at the pier, a launch, as-as-as, as-as-as.

Fixing the pronunciation of the sound C in various reverse syllables

Following the adult, clearly, without haste, repeat different syllabic "whistles".

as-us-is is-os-as is-us-is is-os-us

os-is-us us-is-os os-es-as us-os-es



Fixing the pronunciation of the sound C at the beginning of words. Development of auditory attention and memory

Check the meaning of unfamiliar words. Clearly, highlighting the sound C with your voice, repeat every 3 words. Then name 5 words yourself from memory.

Garden - juice - catfish. Soup - bitches - myself. Owls - soda - a hundred. Pour - full - satisfying. Pike perch - dry - chest. Vessel - bag - day. Dry - sleigh - kindergarten. Boot - son - machine.

Fixing the pronunciation of the sound C in the middle of words. Development of auditory attention and memory

Check the meaning of unfamiliar words. Clearly, highlighting the sound C with your voice, repeat every 3 words. Then name 5 words yourself.

Wasp - scythe - fox. I carry - I pass - in the forest. Barefoot - oblique - forest. Piece - sock - sand. Scales - noses - mustaches. Braids - beads - mustaches. Crockery - kerchief - parcel. Carriage - mask - dance.

Consolidation of the pronunciation of sound C. Formation of sound analysis skills

Lay out 8-10 pictures from Appendix 5. Listen to the beginning of the word. Show and name the object that the adult thought of. If you manage to name an object that is not in the pictures, you will receive an additional prize!

li... o... kapu... fa...

com... ana... auto... under...

boo... ve... na... like...

* trypronounceStartthe wordsSo, asitheard ("vises", "nasok"), anotasspelled ("scales", "sock"). Remember, whatchildorientedon thesoundinglayerwa, anoton thehiswriting. Fulfillan exercisebeforethosesince, Byechildnotwillsteadfastlydetermineallthe wordsonthembeginning.

Fixing the pronunciation of the sound C at the beginning, middle and end of words. Development of phonemic perception

Lay out the pictures from Appendix 5. First, select those whose names begin with the sound C. Put them in a pile. Clearly, highlighting the sound C with your voice, name each object 3 times. If you named the picture correctly, put it aside. Put the pictures, named with errors, again in a pile and pronounce the words clearly and loudly 5 times.

Do the same with the pictures from Appendix 5, in the names of which the sound C is heard in the middle and at the end of the word.

Fixing the pronunciation of the sound C in repeated words.

Developing a sense of rhyme

Answer the adult's question with a rhyming word. Then, clearly, highlighting the sound C, repeat it the required number of times so that you get “answer-repetitions”.

Adult speaks Child speaks

Who do I give two bowls to? Pussy, pussy, pussy, pussy.

The downpour pours where from heaven? Into the forest, into the forest, into the forest, into the forest.

Who carried slippers to the sofa? Dog, dog, dog, dog.

What couldn't you drink? Juice, juice, juice, juice.

What did the neighbor bring for us? Kvass, kvass, kvass, kvass.

What do I add to the beans? Salt, salt, salt, salt.

Fixing the pronunciation of the sound C in words. Development of memory and logical thinking

Arrange the pictures from Appendix 5. Sort them into groups (animals, plants, means of transport, household items, etc.). Look at the pictures from one group and try to remember as many words as possible. Then turn your back to the picture and clearly, highlighting the sound C with your voice, name the objects from memory.

Fixing the pronunciation of the sound C in combinations of words with a preposition at

Take pictures of a boy and a girl from Appendix 2. Give them names with sound (Sonya and Sanya). Then take the pictures from Appendix 5 and share the pictures between the children as you see fit. Say the resulting word combinations 3-4 times.

For example: Sony bag. Sonya has beads. Sanya has a plane. Sanya has a saber.

Fixing the pronunciation of sound C in words of various

syllabic composition. Skill building

sound-syllabic analysis

Take from Appendix 2 the syllabic "trailers", and from Appendix 5 all the pictures. Lay out the pictures and say all the words, dividing them into syllables. Count the number of syllables in all words (to do this, put your hand under the lower jaw and count its movements). Then "place" each object in the appropriate syllabic "trailer".

It is better to lay out pictures next to the “carriages” not in piles, but in vertical rows. So it will be easier for both the child and the adult to check the correctness of the task.

Fixing the pronunciation of the sound C in tongue twisters

Check the meaning of unfamiliar words. Clearly, highlighting the sound C, repeat each word 5 times at a fast pace, while maintaining the volume and intelligibility of pronunciation.

Composition, descent, whistle, demand, dump truck, capable, sausages, awake, lifeguard, pump, icicles, space, pine tree, soloist.

Fixing the pronunciation of the sound C in words. Development of logical thinking

Clearly, highlighting the sound C, name all the animals (dachshund, wasp, elephant, rhinoceros, fox, nightingale). List the animals from largest to smallest, and then reverse the order and name them from smallest to largest.

Fixing the pronunciation of the sound C at the beginning, middle and end of words. Formation of sound analysis skills

Take from Appendix 3 diagrams indicating the position of the sound in the word. Lay out all the pictures from Appendix 5 and say their names, highlighting the sound C. Then put each picture under the corresponding diagram.

Imagine that the figures depicted are made of different materials. Name what they will be if they are made of ice (ice lion, ice spruce, etc.) or clay (clay dolphin, clay lily, clay seal, etc.). Clearly pro-say word combinations, follow the pronunciation of the sounds L and Y.



Differentiation of sounds L - Y in different words of the sentence

Lena has a skirt. Lyuba has berries. Leni has iodine. Leo has a T-shirt. Luda has a yacht. Yana has lemon over. Yana has a lemon. Yana has a lion. Yana has a lake. Yana has buttercups.

Differentiation of sounds L - Y in one word of a sentence

Speak sentences clearly. Follow the pronunciation of the sounds L and Y.

Yulia and Ilya are walking in the meadow. Ilya has a ruler, Yulia has glue. Ilya and Yulia are walking along the alley. Julia pours water from the watering can. Ilya pours glue into a jar. Lilya and Yulia don't put underwear behind the gate. Lily is watering a lily from a watering can. In Yulia's alley there were spruces, lindens and maples. Swans fly south in autumn. Julia and Ilya glue the wallpaper with wallpaper glue. Aunt Leah flies to Antalya.

Differentiation of sounds L - Y in rhymes

Speak the poem clearly. Follow the pronunciation of the sounds L and Y.

Hoarfrost lay on the branches of spruce, My Ilya is such a lazy person,

The branches of the spruce turned white. Just give me rest.

Gave a watering can:
We drove, we drove, - I won’t pour!

We drove up to the hole. - Well, then wash the dishes.

They drove around the pit Or glue the books with glue,

And we went home. Give the cat some water!

But the lazy one in response:

Not! Not! Not! I have a watering can

Oh, what a watering can, Moths fly high,

Have you seen my new watering can? The moth flies low

Ice water, melt water Moths fly far,

I will fill it and water the flowers. The moth flies close!

Differentiation of sounds L - Y in tongue twisters

Speak tongue twisters first at a slow pace, and then at a fast pace, while maintaining clarity and volume of pronunciation. Follow the pronunciation of the sounds L and Y.

Shade, shade-sweat, there is a wattle fence along the street.

I'm walking along the street, I'm blowing a long pipe.

Kolya stabs the stakes, Ilya washes the watering can.

There is a thin-thin linden at Antipa's gate.

We ate, ate the tench at the spruce, they barely ate at the end.

We saw lines, one longer than one.

Differentiation of sounds L - Y in stories

Clearly, highlighting all the sounds L and Y, repeat each sentence first, and then the whole story.


Yulia and Olya were walking in the garden. Olya has a chopper, Yulia has a watering can. Lime alley behind the house. There are lilies in the alley. Olya pours water into a watering can and gives Yulia: “Julia, fields of li-lies!” Julia waters all the lilies to one! Julia and Olya love their garden.


Olya has a grandmother Lyuba. Baba Lyuba has been sick for a long time. Olenka is still small, she does not go to the pharmacy. Olya's mother goes to the pharmacy. Olenka loves Baba Lyuba. Olya gives the sick woman Lyuba drops, pills, water in a glass. Once, seeing a lot of pills on the table, Olenka began to cry and said: “Granny! I can drink all the pills for you, but don’t get sick!”


Tolya and Vitalik always walked together. In winter, they rode on ice rinks, made a snowman, knocked down long icicles. Tolya and Vitalik themselves poured a skating rink near the house. Children from neighboring houses skated together on the rink. I got on skates and little Lenya. Tolya and Vitalik helped Lena. All the children had fun. Lenin's mother baked a delicious lemon cake for Tolya and Vitalik.


One summer, Galya and Lida went to the forest. They walked through the forest, weaving wreaths, looking for strawberries. Birds sang in the forest, wild flowers bloomed. Galya and Lida walked through the forest for a long time and got lost. Then the children remembered the mobile phone. They called home, Lida's dad. Dad came to the forest by car.

Listen to 3 similar-sounding action words and repeat them in the same order, clearly pronouncing the sounds L and Y.

Sawed - sawed off - filed; unstick - glue - glue; peep - peep - peep; pour - pour - pour; let's go - we arrived - we ran into; left - moved in - left.

Differentiation of sounds L - Y in independently formed word combinations

Imagine that the figures depicted are made of different materials. Name what they will be like if they are made of ice (ice lion, ice spruce, etc.) or clay (clay dolphin, clay lily, clay seal, etc.). Clearly pronounce word combinations, follow the pronunciation of the sounds L and Y.



Differentiation of sounds L - Y in different words of the sentence

Lena has a skirt. Lyuba has berries. Leni has iodine. Leo has a T-shirt. Luda has a yacht. Yana has lemonade. Yana has a lemon. Yana has a lion. Yana has a lake. Yana has buttercups.

Differentiation of sounds L - Y in one word of a sentence

Speak sentences clearly. Follow the pronunciation of the sounds L and Y.

Yulia and Ilya are walking in the meadow. Ilya has a ruler, Yulia has glue. Ilya and Yulia are walking along the alley. Julia pours water from the watering can. Ilya pours glue into a jar. Lilya and Yulya carry the linen behind the gate. Lily is watering a lily from a watering can. In Yulia's alley there were spruces, lindens and maples. Swans fly south in autumn. Julia and Ilya glue the wallpaper with wallpaper glue. Aunt Leah flies to Antalya.

Differentiation of sounds L - Y in rhymes

Speak the poem clearly. Follow the pronunciation of the sounds L and Y.

Hoarfrost lay on the branches of spruce, My Ilya is such a lazy person,

The branches of the spruce turned white. Just give me rest.

Gave a watering can:

We drove, we drove, - I won’t pour!

We drove up to the hole. - Well, then wash the dishes.

They drove around the pit Or glue the books with glue,

And we went home. Give the cat some water!

But the lazy one in response:

Not! Not! Not! I have a watering can

Oh, what a watering can, Moths fly high,

Have you seen my new watering can? The moth flies low

Ice water, melt water Moths fly far,

I will fill it and water the flowers. The moth flies close!

Differentiation of sounds L - Y in tongue twisters

Speak tongue twisters first at a slow pace, and then at a fast pace, while maintaining clarity and volume of pronunciation. Follow the pronunciation of the sounds L and Y.

Shade, shade-sweat, there is a wattle fence along the street.

I'm walking along the street, I'm blowing a long pipe.

Kolya stabs the stakes, Ilya washes the watering can.

There is a thin-thin linden at Antipa's gate.

We ate, ate the tench at the spruce, they barely ate at the end.

We saw lines, one longer than one.

Differentiation of sounds L - Y in stories

Clearly, highlighting all the sounds L and Y, repeat each sentence first, and then the whole story.


Yulia and Olya were walking in the garden. Olya has a chopper, Yulia has a watering can. Lime alley behind the house. There are lilies in the alley. Olya pours water into a watering can and gives Yulia: “Julia, fields of lilies!” Julia waters all the lilies to one! Julia and Olya love their garden.


Olya has a grandmother Lyuba. Baba Lyuba has been sick for a long time. Olenka is still small, she does not go to the pharmacy. Olya's mother goes to the pharmacy. Olenka loves Baba Lyuba. Olya gives the sick woman Lyuba drops, pills, water in a glass. Once, seeing a lot of pills on the table, Olenka began to cry and said: “Granny! I can drink all the pills for you, but don’t get sick!”


Tolya and Vitalik always walked together. In winter, they rode on ice rinks, sculpted a snowman, knocked down long icicles. Tolya and Vitalik themselves poured a skating rink near the house. Children from neighboring houses skated together on the rink. I got on skates and little Lenya. Tolya and Vitalik helped Lena. All the children had fun. Lenin's mother baked a delicious lemon cake for Tolya and Vitalik.


One summer, Galya and Lida went to the forest. They walked through the forest, weaving wreaths, looking for strawberries. Birds sang in the forest, wild flowers bloomed. Galya and Lida walked through the forest for a long time and got lost. Then the children remembered the mobile phone. They called home, Lida's dad. Dad came to the forest by car.


The sound C is distorted by children most often, is pronunciation-complex and is formed, as a rule, for a long time. It serves as a base in relation to other whistling sounds (CH, 3, 3b, C), the so-called derivatives.

The nature and number of exercises in the section correspond to the indicated features.



Perception of sound C at the beginning of words

Look at the pictures and listen carefully to how an adult pronounces their names correctly and incorrectly. If the picture is correct, raise your hand and say Yes. If the picture is wrong, shake your head and say no.

funky hyanki fafna syasna

tanks sled hahna pine

shanky tyanky pine sashna

hanky sled fasna sahna

shanky shanky shashna taena

If at the end of the exercise the child continues to confuse the correct and incorrect names of the pictures, the adult analyzes the pronunciation of other words with the first sound C in the same way (see Lotto, Appendix 5).

Sound automation [th], differentiation [th] - [l].

  1. Pronounce the sound [th] clearly and loudly several times, while the lips are in a smile, the teeth are close and visible, the tip of the tongue is behind the lower incisors.
  2. Pronounce the sound [th] in combination with vowelsa, e, o, y (i, e, e, u).
  3. Pronounce the interjection "ay!" and "oh!" and explain to the child in what cases they are used. Simultaneously perform facial movements. Ay! - to be surprised (raise eyebrows, depict surprise on the face).

Ouch! - it hurts (frown your eyebrows, depict suffering on your face).

The child, following the adult, repeats interjections and performs facial movements.

4. The game "Guess what happened to me." An adult pronounces one of the interjections "ay!" or “oh!”, and the child gives his face an appropriate expression - surprise or suffering. Then the adult depicts the same states, and the child voices them, saying “ah!” or "oh!"

5. Perform the exercise "Fingers say hello" while pronouncing:

a) syllables ah, oh, hey, th;

b) sounds: d+a=i, d+o=e, d+e=e, d+y=u.

Perform the exercise first with the right, then with the left hand, then with both hands at the same time.

6. Sing like a bird game. Ask the child to say the following pairs and chains behind him:

a - i i - la i - i - la

oh - yo yo - le le - le - yo

u - u u - lu u - lu - u

e - e e - le le - e - le

7. Speak clear words:

Ai - ai - ai - throw the ball

Oh - oh - oh - with that hand

Hey - hey - hey - hit harder

El - el - el - right on target.

I - I - I, I - I - I - this is my song.

Yu - yu - yu, yu - yu - u - I sing a song loudly.

E - e - e, e - e - e - I will give it to you.

Yo - yo - yo, yo - yo - yo - on your birthday.

8. Learn poems:

Fall, fall, fall, snow

Rejoice, rejoice, rejoice everyone.

Spruce looks like a hedgehog

Spruce in needles, hedgehog too.

We drove, we drove

We drove up to the hole

Pit traveled around

9. Repeat phrase:

Barely - barely Lena ate.

I didn't want to eat out of laziness.

10. The game "Call it affectionately."

Ask the child to repeat first,and then pronounce the words yourself.

Yana - Yanochka

Julia - Yulechka

Egor - Yegorushka

Yura - Yurochka

Yasha - Yashenka

11. The game "Add a word."

The adult first reads the sentences to the child,intonationally highlighting the last word in the line, and then, when reading again, invites the child to “add” them on their own.